t 1i'igW'WTrf af in CluA . Courier 7 k-rd. bt d W Tmchfortl"t,titlto.d-eT.t r"18 b. yr. Calhoun, and which dl, b teentltte two KiT rTT.,. bT tb. Southern electors, end the .v. ci, imrtant snow to Iho depth of throe fWw VW " JWtlay i.oa tlx ground in the wctern part of the Sum ef New ,a.trfCKfomi goM. have ntodaihcu a pMtucg in Bidtimon. ROBBERY.-Th.fwl.bnrj Watchman state, flat, m Buuday rniDg th. Srd in.tnnt, be tween Lexington end lUrgr.1. plantation, th. of Mr. J. B. Brown, of New " .tolen frora th .tag. . A negro "", tho Watchman, th prop erty of Laird Alexander, WM killed in a wel an the 2Hh lt. the tone taring aUen in and Imriei hiWin the bottom of the well. GREAT FALL OF FLESU AND BLOOD. The Fayetteville Carolinian publishc a letter from Mr.Clarkson, which ray.: "On the 15th rtb; 18.W, there full within 100 yard of the residence of Tho. M. Clarkaon in Sampson coon ty,a.bowcrofFlo.h and Blood, about 30 feet -i'.l. and aa far as it traced, about 250 or 300 Tarde in length. The piece appeared to be Besh, liter, light., brain, and lood. Some of the Wood ran on the leave, apparently very freeh . Wonderful to tell !t Thomas A. Haylcn. Em., Editor of the Moun tain Banner, ha. been appointed Port Master at SaTakxaH, Oa., March 4. -Tht-Abtomliito C'athkr. ier of the Central Bank, ha. departed for fcu "rope, taking with him about $100,000 of bond. belonging to in. inanuiuuii. DREADFUL STEAMBOAT ACCIDENT. The .teamboat Si. John, was burnt to the wa teri edge near Bridgeport. Dalla. county, Ala., oa Toeaday evening, theoth inet. about 5 o'clock wk. ... snwsnt- trin-to Monttrrnjnvrr."'" It is iuppesed that abiiut tlrirty persons were;' hnmMI tn Oeatn or uirm lieu, inrjuio Mwr a.ntal. Wins oauzht from the heat of tho boiler, All the ladie. on board, about .even in minilwr, were lest. Lieut. Rice, V. S. A., loet $250,000, ml urml neraona from California lost their nil. Th boat wa insured for $0,000. Sho ia raid to hare been worth double that .urn. The following i. a list of the casualties, a. far aBMriaiiMd. Lo.T. Mrs. Hull, and daughter, (supposed) of Augusta, (la.; Mm .V auglian, Miss augnan, Jin. Mefcain, Mn. Halv. Mrs. Wright, and one or two other.; Messrs. McKnm ot South Carolina " T" B ftii-aoa and son. .of Pnlla. an.. Judge I.ind ay, of Mobile; Thomas Stephen. (printer,of Camden Ala. four other, name, unkuown; Hugh Huge., 2d Mate; Peter, (steward;) Raster (Cham bermaid:) 2d cook; and et negroes SAVED All the crew with the exception of the 2d mate. FROM CALIFORNIA. The .teamer Alabama bring. Co passenger., ml Hole from San Franciso to the 24th of Jun- .tarj. The Alabama brings four hundred and a ixty " thoownd dollara worth of. gold dust on freight ami belonging w puwngera. A iwrttilegnd tti..ntrous-trHM4atkm rml-ta- ken place at S;cramento City, caused by the over flowing of the river a thing that ha. not hap pened befurt, to o great an extent, fur many yean. Nearly the entire city was covered with water. Large number, of cattle and other prop erty have been .wept away, ine ww rerj hearr. estimated in all at over one million of dol lar r,. . - v Akboaeh this ealamitT ha proved xemiing- encial in athar respect.. Tho overflowing of tho water ha waxhed ont immense quantities of gold from the earth, where it had before remained undiscovered. At the mines near Stockton, the Chilian, mule quit leroe attack upon the American, working there. Several of the assailant, were killed and a number wounded on both sides, and many of the Chilians taken prisoners. It Is believed thai tail outrage will ao incense the American. .ha-ey; wtlt not rest until the offender are driven entirely out of the country. Tho excite ment had become intense. Mrs. Fremont ha. recovered her health, and herself and husband are about departing from Panama for the United State. They will doubt less leave by the next steamer. The ahis Prince de Joiiiville and birque Her man hiv. arrived at San Francisuo from New York, . Eamhart, nmJRowiin.affirminy lhjm!jrmeiU Alan, in U'ww'aH w. BrtMOnY frora Beaufort, alGrminf the jtnlfmertt. " Alaor-in riahft . Carroll, om i& equity, from Simpaori, directing umuc In ba tried in tha bupenurUtMirU Also, in Waiaon t, Mteer ia equity frum Kuckiog ham, direcunra oVre for plaintiff. By Nash, J. In Fwterman T. Parker, tmm Anson, afHrniinj the jmlmeriL Also, in Barber. Arrnstend, from Wain. dirling a venire de novo. Also, tn lloinei t. Uunne fan, from Orange, in equity, ilismiaeing the bill with cfwts. Also, in Dunn T. Pattertoa, in equity, from Franklin, directing the rrport of Uie cierK to be opened lor farther mtimony ARRIVAL Or THK CANADA By the arrival of tha Canada at Halifax Nova ScoUa on Friday night last, we have fourteen day later intelligence from Europe. We present below men item, aa may De ol in terest our reader readers. Cotton, it will be era hag declined. AUSTRIA. The Austrian fleet was preparing to sail for Greece, for the purpose of opposing Sir William l'srker. The Vienna journals teem with attacks on Lord Palmers ton. The Austrian minister at Alliens had order to act in concert with the Russian, charge. The people of Hungary are beginning to exp'aes the strongest feeling, of hatred toward. the government. -.ouni reiKiena. Dccn re released from eustedy . The sentence of death had been passed on twenty three Hungarian officer; but on the 18th of January, their sen tence was commuted by Baron llayman to term, of imprisonment, varying from five to fifteen years. .. . . II.' ' i. J. I 1 I a A serious collision nauntae npiave in-iwrrn he regiment of infantry stationed at Inspreck, in which tmrty men were muruereu. i ue fleet is to be increased. Two frigates of sixty nd a corvette of thirty guns have been order ed there. The Hungarian relugee. have been sent to the Asi.stic province, of Turkey. he recent attempt to assassinate tvossutu ia nndargning ttrirt in,CTliglliB,te.JT? 'jT.urr.i ki.h governnienu Austria lias not yet resum ed relations w iih the Porte. The latet date from Constantinople are to the 13th of January, at which time it was ap prehended that the Engljsh demonstration in Greece would change their efforts and those ofFrance in the Franco Russian affair. The duiturbance in Pan. ha. been pull . manwM. hav bB yJvrrpool cotton market, re iruary o. ,1'he cotton market ha heen depressed, and decline of fully R txf Hi. has lakeirplacc during the fortnight The committee quota B - , .i:i m i j . ra tions are lor linr uptanu ana .imoue, oju., uu Orleans, Ojd- Sale during the last week 20.000 in all were taken by opccitiaiow. Tobacco ha been very firm ana price au- anced with an upward tendency. Manifctto ef the California Iteprttenta flees.' The V. 8. Senator and Rcpreesen tatives elect fr na California have addressed long document to Congress, communicating copies oi tne maie tonstuuiion, ineir creuen tikis, ami a formal -request fof admission into the Union. They di.tine.tly and emphatically declare that t' r wa no Executive or improper in terference whsuwer. This 1 in direct eon nrmatina of the statement of Mr. T. Butler King, and coming from four Democratic gentlemen, we presume it will silence future Locofoeo cavilling. . They express the astnnhment and regret with which they have "learned the existence of an organised, respectable, and talented onp.ition lo the admission of the new Suite,' and enter at length in tea history, of the lerri lory, th organiiaU Mi of a State, the popula tion, it, other mailers pertaining to the subject. The address cone.udea thus: Tbi. peopl. requert admiaiioa lata the Amerioaa TJoloa a. a 8tate. They understand and eatimate ta advastage. wb'iea will aeern to then from mcl a eonaeetlon, while they treat they do aot to highly eeatpau thoM watch will be cenferrad upon their brethren. They de Dot present- themselves ss .up pliaata, anrdsthey bear thenMelve. with arnganc r presaiapuaa.- Taey eaeu a. fre American eitl sea eltiiena by tnaty, by aJoptioa aad by birth sad ask that they stay be permitted to reap the eemaiea beaenta, uar the soaimoa Ills, and pro- ato tae eocaaoa weuare, as sae or us I aitsl Sutss of AaMrical .".. WIttlAM M. 0WIX, w" ' ' JOHX C. FHEMONT, ' OKOROR W. WRk.HT. Edward Gilbert. Washington. D. C, March 1, 1800. peraaee paper harteett resomed ty Mr. Porrsa, a FayetteTille. His penereriag seal to the I tlijnkjbejwort it- nearly COnfummated, they goodcaaae deserves, aad we hope, will command soeeeM, TktMotim't Xagmvte ami FamUt Jbwraof. N ew York. Edited by tin. Elisabeth SeweU. Kt. Dariu. Mead, end Myron FlnertPob' lished by Myron Finch, at $1 eTysan h advance. We hare reoeived the March aumber at this periodical, aad, after aa examination of it pa ge, hesitate aot ta reonaunend it as aa excellent publication, filled with aseful and practical mas ter, and worthy of public patronage. ' - ...... foatheBtar... At a mreiitiiisia la'tUIeigh, oa Satanlay, Mar. 18th, for tae-pttrpeee vt erganiiing a Medical so ciety for the. county of Wake, the fellewing geatle awn wee. elected officers: Dr. William a. Hill, President; Dr.. l)rnt!y and D. Haywood, Ties Presidents; Dr. E. Bark Hayweod, Cur. aad Rec. Secretary; Dr. McKee, Treasarer; Drs. Brantly and E. Burke liny wood, Delegate, to the State Medical Convention. The next regular meeting will be held oa the Srd Saturday ia ApriL which the Physicians of th. eoonty are Mrnextlv reqnested to attend. fly order or th President. E. Bl'RKE HATWOOD, Sec. rerof the Company: and as tery many aow For the Star. PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS. Presented by lr. Jno. Arrington, Dr. Jame. W. Alston and W.' P. White. Committee, and were unanimously adopted by Johnston Caswell Lodge, ID. Whereas It hath nloased Almiirbtv God tn re move, by death, our highly valued Brother Peter K. Davis, sen r, whose qualitie. of head and heart commended him to the confidence and es teem of all, both s a man and a mason; and whereas wa duties to testify our unfeigned re spect for liis memory: therefore, Jlaofcfd, we will attend his funeral in procession and perform over his remaina the rites and ceremonies of our Order. HrtiAml, That as a further testimony of res pect, we will wear tho usual bwlge ot mourning for tliirtv Uavs. . &iThaUip oresentedto lrr. Stephen liavis as an awmrance of our profound symjMthy and condolence with hiiu'aiid the other " relatives of the deceased, in the aniictiug bereavement they have .ustainod. By ..Ordtav. ... L. C. GRAVES, Scc'y. Standard and Register please copy. For the Star. Me.sr.. EoiToas : I. not the action of our Whig friends in the different counties entirely too hasty and premature upon the auhject of PUBLIC MEETINGS. WHIG MEETING IN ASHE. A Whig meeting was held at Jefferson, on the 20th Feb lham f. Railway, tsq.. was Chairman, and Ihoma A. taw, t,sq. Secretary. . The following. .resolutions were unanimously adopted: , . ltemlced. Thut we recommend that the .aid Convention be held at Greensboro'. Ketulefd That we mho with pleaxure upon this opportunity to express our confidence in the .. ineiimlient of the Gubernatorial Chair, nnd our anm-uval of the manner in which he-be discharged the high ana respousioiouuuOT ui iu. aWThs-hoTdiirgTtToTe right lor the people in primarv assemblies to eonsioer ana express their political views, we therefore declare that we are In Juror of electing Judicial officers (including the Justices of the Peace) by the pen pie, for limited terms; .and that we are also in ivor of abolishing the test m property as appli ed in this Stato to the rostricUon ot elective, iran ohise and of the right to b4d office. The Chairman appointed the following wrrtrroeil -wheu that- pitopliaeil-Siate s ii e i . Convention: U. ;anoway, ram iiarwog. B. F. McMillan, Darid Worth, Abram Bryan, M. Careon. Geo. P; Faw, N. H. Waugh, Hamilton Ray, and Johnson Perkins, Esrirs. WHIG MEETING IS NORTHAMP TON. A meetini of the Whigs of Northampton GonntTf wan heWaWhe Court House - in the towu ot Jarntsott, on r nuay, uitj nui ui ,ii.i,. Hmnel Calvert Estl., was lhairman, and Jno. Odom, Secretary. Hie following res olutions were unanimously adopted: o ul That w have undiminifhed eon Idenee in the ability, integrity and patriotism of our present Uovernor, ano wnnsi we uo ni nnn particular candidate for that high office, the nom ination of the present incuinbont will meet our heartv approval. 3. lttioloe. That we cherish an unwavering attaeluneat to the Union of these State. a anion endeared to u. by the'proud roclleotion. of the naat. and the hnffht hones ot Hie tumre. 4. HeWned, That4a Hie iite.wntstateofagtta tina ana .Tnitement a .nirit of moderation and cuncessioa should govern the action of the repre sentative, of everr section of the Union, as this alone can load to a happy issue out of our pres ent difficulties. - 6. Rfolctd, That in the sound judgment, broad patriotism and inflexible integrity of Gon. Tay lor, wa hare a sure guaranty that the responsi ble duties entrusted to him will be faithfully and fearlessly discharged. ' - The Chairmen then appointed the following Delegates to the State Convention, in pursuance of the sixth Resolution, to wiu Roderick B. Gary, Herod Faison, David A. Birne, Samu el J. Calvert, Henry K. Btirgwyn. Thomas I' Jarratt, John W. Squire, T. Pollock Bur gwvn, James T, L-ambertson and Etheldrod J- Peebles broucht forward thuaeaf ly, if flit contended for, will greatly weaken the party, and cause our opponent to think that we are split up into factions; and no doubt, thut they in'end to catch us tints napping, eotne in, and will have only lo pick up the dissevered fragments of our once united and glorious Whig party of the State. Now that each section have spoken for their friends, let them pause for a season, and dispassionately look at the merits of the present incumbent. Did he not, at their bidding, come out and nobly and man lullv answer all the ends of the party! Did he not, at their request, sacrifice his ease, property, time and feelings for the Whig cause? We would not be invidious; but (till we think that no other man, under all the circumstan ces, could have done more for Die party at that time. For the party drill of the Dem ocracy, and that under the dictation ol a lor eiim lender and demagogue of their party, brought forth the mighty question of free suf frage fur their candidate to-rem upon; end sltho' -this question cbnld Only be decided bv a conventional assembly, (iJ they (tjiouglrt :r- -. r i .... i i tnai it wouiti answer ineir present enus; ana were they not nobly- met upon tlti and every other question, in the must gallant man ner by our candidate; I he apathy ot very many of the friends of the Whig party, from their too' (anguine expectation, of hi being elected by the usual large majority, together with (he political Juggling of the democracy, upon the free, suffrage question, took -sery ote fm oursid( - N-M thaV ihey loved htm any less than our former candidates, but that they loved power more. But this was only a gain intended to deceive them. Had that portion ol the VV hig party, who neg lected to go lo the polls, with those of hi. friends, both rich and poor, who suffered them- selves to be lured off by the ignis fatuus of fice uffntge, given him their united vole, our Chief MiMrmrate wd-hsweMered-'imc of fice with the largest vote given for many years, But our local position is brought to bear against us, and that by our mends or the par ty. Our central location, caused the Whig , WHIG MEETING IN FRANKLIN. A Whig ;mling was held in Franklin last weeki at which resolution, were adopted in favor of Got. Manlv; complimentary to Gen. Taylor; and in opposition to the Nash ville Convention. 1 he Meeting was addressed briefly by Mr.Ch. C. Raboteati; after which II. W. Miller, E. delivered a Spsocli of great eloquence, ability and strength. I ITHIAKY K OTIC Kb. v. -. SUPREME COURT. The following additional derision have been delivered: . . .. r. -' By Ktirrra, C. J.In Trice v. Turrentine from Oraages judgment reversed, repleader ordered, and a remre de novo awarded. Also, tn Jackson , Hamoton. from Surrr. dirrctintr judgment to he rendered on the verdict. Also, in State It, Dove, frnrn Rowan, affirming judgment " Also.in Whicker . Roberts, from Htokeeijudgmenr below reversed, .nd judg ment kera for DlaintifT. Alan, ia TiaiMI . Bailey, ia equity, from Johnston; decree for plataiisT. A 1m, in Henderson . Womack, in eqniiy. fromCaswelL Also, in Mills . Adams eonity- from Ruthrrford, dismiesiag the bill with foeta. Also, iw Inimns . K lrknlvutr. in liy, from Richmond, decl.trjuT the btatn liffl - m, mn acconni. - B"! PFiaro. J la Doc r d. to, BecU r. TUS HERALD. We regret that th North Carolina Herald, aa of both of the extreme portion of the' State to carve out work for us; and even it is en deavored by some of the ambitious disappoint ed partisans to stigmatize it. as the "Raleigh Clique," when the Whig in the centre were appointed to carry out the wishes of the en tire party; and it must be known to all the delegate who attended the convention, that the candidate who would have receiTed the sole of this) same R4eigh Clione" would have be in our noble, indefatigable champion Mr. Staxli; but the party of both ends of the extreme East and West had set tneir hearts upon Mr. Maxiit. All who were there kn iw thi to be true; and when this wa seen to be their wishes, every member from the centre was proud of the choice. Altho' some may have had their fear that he would not be as strong a the heroic Stanly, yet wc who know the amiable qualitie of our noble, high-minded Manly, thought that the very name would cause everv section of the State to rally and cluster round our intrepid, gallant and long tried Whig friend. Thi was cer tainly the iction of the committee of our lat convention; and we think that all have reason to be proud of their decision; for hi disinter estedness of motive, and his elf.acrificing ac tion for the benefit of the whole State, and hi prompt attention to all business, with hi. high minded and noble bearing, must win lor mm self lasting and durable laurels, which will tell u mm the history f the Whig party for all time to come. And we think that the co tire Whig part, must look at the vast amount i .1 .1 i . f - .1 .L. ol latiour mat lie na done lor innm, m mo entire lati.faction of the whole Slate, and will weigh well our present position. Then, we think that the whole nartv will rive him the weight of their influence to support and to re tain hira in office, by the largest rote that wa ever recorded: and this will be nothing more ought to look. t our present pouition, and they will see that this I tits very time tor otutea action, to make a speedy completion of the whole hoe. While the five per eeuk ia being paid in, and the survey ia going on,-herr is mnen SwirmrrHttaeticTitrU P eowiBaiif for this snMsf be done ' aMnav fativTt rail romt engines, patttngtr mnd Umtht tart tf every eiiut mid yeseritftm- Ana as this Is the centre ol the state, an or der could be filled and eent lo the North, South, East and West, at the ehorteat notice. , This ahould engage our first attention and due eotnioVration; for it would do more good for our City and its people than every thing else. Thit is the Tery place to get no work of every kind, cheap aadexritkeaslyt and we have got the very men in ourmul.t whoeaado it -who have the enterprise, the capital, the .kill, the industry, the public spirit, to execute it in a style unsurpassed in any part of the world. Nor should it for a moment be thought of hav ing this work done in any other quarter; for this city will be of more easy access to the whole country than any other point to the State, even to Uicar South-west. Next lo this ia importance is, to decide ju diciously as to the proper terminus of each road, at some point m the auburn of the City. Nothing short of this should be looked for or expected. For then lite West will have the advantage of five roads, instead of one, at would be th case if tltry were to send their produco to any one market direct from their Depot; and it i known to all thatnearly all the cities have the termini of their road in their very midst or in the suburb, i A Judicious termination, with suitable Depots, of each road, will be every tiling to Raleigh; for on this will depend the great increase of buildings of every description; ware ho sea, stores and private dwelling., and all kinds of manufac tures, as well a ail tor; of labor and employ- niaii 5 bailly located, or, by being "penny wise and pound foolish," by making each road continuous round or past the City, to the pres ent Raleigh and Gaston Depot, it will inil 1 1 rirra firuuuce ia a illicit market. Ill that event, the road would be of no more val ue lo the Capitol of the Stah? in which every citizen, from Currituck lo Cherokee, has and feels a lively interest from just sentiment of Mate pride than any olhcr small village which the same road may have to go round or pass by.' ' .r----- v-"": - ;v his whole matter should lie "well weighed before the work is entered upon; for one false step will forever blast all our high wrought anticipations, and make and keep us forever a lean people, w e should take lesson from every city, from New York lo thi place. If II ihmr roads had been earned around each City, instead of stopping at or in them, in a continuous line to this place, wliathenclit would each city derive Iroin such internal improve ments: vt e siiouKi take retershurg, which i near us, for examplcV Iler course will place usright Tlpm this momentous ques tion. What benefit would Petersburg do rive from the amount of merchandise and all other kinds of West India produce which comes up the James River, were it placed upon the City Point Rail Road, and that road made a continuous one round the outside of the City, and the whole freight were laid down at the Raleigh and Gaston road? What would become of her commission, whole-site. and rotail-nierehantsf raymcn.ndevery Species oTuihnrer.? The whole place and its peofrtvrootifverf Irirtfi be complefcly pafafyz- eu. wut tins is not their way or doing busi ness. For each country merchant and fanner. ho ship by that way, must have their com mission merchant, to receive all at the rail road, and convey the whole by their drays across tho' City to die Raleighl awk Gaston Road; and the passengers are fcikitn in, coach. e to the different Itoicls, or lo theame rail- road; and all tlifl merchants-and farmers, who ship Uiat - way. hmr aewrrms -mw-n " With their agents, are induced to purchase much of goous, w arn anu inercnanuise, ana ntner arti cle, which are manufactured in the place.- And this is the great benefit that our little City mu.t look fur from a right terminus of eacn roau coming into me vttv, anu thus place us upon a footing with our sister Cities. For if we go into thi great work aa we should, -WalnreHrahweTO all branches of industry; and our town and 111- ., . . . . . people win increase now in riches and in population; for the va.t amount of produce hich will come from the West must theB be laid down in Raleigh, and consigned to ome oi our citizens, to give it the proper direction, lo what may be considered the beat market for it at he time, whether for Wilmington, Petersburg, Newbern, Washing. um or ueauiurq anu it would be the same with all kind of West India produce, goods, wares and merchandise, which will be sent from our Eastern seaports to this place for dialrihiilmn, that the whole may be sent by uie most expeuitmu line to the entire West, Attention to all thi, at the proper time, will be every thing lo us as a people, and to the great welfare and increase of our City and County; and its neglect, at thi time will result in our greatest injury for all time, to come. A BUUSUKIUEK : mar Rad "A vuit to the Ugly Man,' oar "MiWUuteou.'' bead. We Bed as wall lu?k a. err. ia the midivt mt oar troabls. Be is mure than eaastcU fortbe ngly Editor thar has beset atach talk a! KAiUuEoV Ia Caswell eottnrv, oa laewtay the 2Cth Feb, hvthi. Hi lWt. Kb.w. Htenhea E. Williasa. aa,..of Sampson, to Miss Easily 1 McNeil, of th turmer county, a On 17 January, ia Weekly 00., T., Mr. Dae M Smith to Mrs! Lacy Johnson, late of Caswell county, and aged 70 year. In 'ash Uoaatv, on Sunday the 24th altiaM, B, X. X oatot, JCaolattainaiinto Una. Mary T. lUwls. . Ia H.Twml. Chatham, oa tU. 9th leal. Mr. Milt P. Pitch.t, to Mix Laura Jaae, daofkter of Mile. Steven. Enr. Ia JuhnsWa eeanty, aa the S7tb, C. W. Cos, ef Banfteoa, tn Nias 8waa M. sktaM aaagMer f B. w. sneao. Eso, . ,. . In Uranville coantT, oa Wednenlay the 6th but. bv Uev. Thoma. Lynch, Mr, Hamnel D. Fwrlll to Mis Martlia A. raacaall, all or uraavtli eoantr. ia Warrea eoantr, ea. Tharsday ta 14tk mt Fe- brnary last, by Boloa Boatlienaaa, esq., sir. ia A. Tbompma, of Alamane. (eaaty, to Mia. Mary Q. Wortham, of Waivea. In Alninnnce county, Mr. Levi Isoley to alia liltalietli.Isolny. In Alamance county, Mr.'Melton Iseley to Miss Louisa Paisley daughter of tieorge Paisley deceased. " RK MIT DECKIVRDI Rememtier. SETH W. FOWLE, Doatoa, Mas... rs the sole proprietor of th. original receipt far the mannfaetnr of the original and only main WlSTAR'8 BALSAM Or WII.U IIIKKKV. This article wa. originally prepared by William. A Co.. of Philadelphia. Now that this prvparatina ia well knswn, tbsre will as, eM aew ae,- taJ thoae ao lillaasaidy nieked a te eeaeoct a spartoa. and perhaps piueonoas mixture, and try to palm it off u the IIENl INK BALAAM. We raise a fait, alarms. .We advise the pnhlle of the schemes, that their health may not be trifled with, a or Mraerre;' plondertd of oar Just rights. . . ---"t ; over sine mi. "iwu- A very important dii sam" eierta a verv powerful influence, i. that of a Dlttf:WHH L'lT I' ft -li1rnln "" f""-."j.T'fw-- In tiiircoinolalnt it has nndnnbtedlr proved more enicacioas than any remMly hitherto employed, aad in numerous Instance when patient, had eadursd long and sevens suffering from the disease, without and alien MKIU'l'KY has oeea retorted to ia vain, the nae of this Balsam ha. restored the LIVER to a heilthr action, and in many inatoaoee effected FEKUANRNT CUBES! after every knows remedy had failed to produce thi. desired effoot Ue careful, and aee tnat waal you ouy na. we signature of 1. Bl'TTS. For sale, by WILLIAMS, hatwimhi a v., Raleigh; bv M. J. IlinaiUle. ravetterille; by Dr. A. ft Kvans,' t B4 Wilmrngton; and Agents every- war. P1ICII CtllllT, coaasctsa wsea.iv sea yaa rra. :, sUUCIOH. BaeealTaaM. ( a T dan, O. A Siaae A aiers till a BWwa Cettoa rioar Featam UMHi Wisi -- Itry 0.1 Feeder Batter "'. tir. La a i-Ui .10 a it Cafe, Kia, 17 a ew - , aan , M Java ' ae8agar ttett)Malss,gat - baa,wae -- 8 a 10 as. astra ah U a KiKagiU . 4. 76aH"kMker, gL a Uraan, gaL - - 1 ' fa 10 60 '' e T i MaU 7100 Braady, p ch 7 a e-VLara , !) apple'' t a b Leather, Sale Bum . - a ) wetaaaa fleaaiac ... , ta a M Sails, ewt Cottoa IlJalltKat Cera . ao a Tu Uu, Uaseadl . Cafe 1 a 171 sugar, Brawn - Copperas Jai De, Leaf Caadlea, F. t. . lfilH.lt, flack Floar i a VeAlasa, aa. Feathara .. i-i- M a W.-thiagte. . Flassaed 1,10 a I.tJraHow , Hides, Orasa - , t a 44 Wheat ' Do. Dry a lojwaUkey Iron, Bweee aaMWeel D. stngusa - aawanMaa Jaw l,7eel,tW , - r 4-4 Brown Sheeting a asata. Cettoa Vara, t a Itt, , It " . , ,. , WIUIIN0TOS. f. i Baeea, Baas t a SlUm 70 Da, Bide - 7 a 7i Potato, Disk l,7e ;z Do. gkMldara ) a tiMolaMee 1 Batter ' 1H 2t tVrjpir. ' Ceffea, Bt Doaa. M a loaVeTiew Dip, kbi. Kia Hem V) lb. :. l,m Da. Java 104 a la Hara 1,031,10 II a 1 5aMi . 40 6ft a 70 44 a 40 7580 44 a M II a 12, tat, Do. tagalr Cera Floar, F'tyfll Da. Caaal y Lard , , 12 Sp'U l arpenUa a SO M a M Tar 41 a 44 teaaW Mitm, III 1,14 1 7t:8eaatUag W a 70iWia Beards . 7a8j NEWBERN. 20 a 24 Turmmtmi, 4.00 7 a 10,00 4mm,m 4 of 12,4001 1( of t.WMi! ' "to t'" . I grew' riniili.nl i L)mfiHlmrwhmt. ttm I) a 11 Old Dip for SMnM.t,oe ira a ao Scrap. l,4 a 1,10 Butter, Goshen Floar, Ume tlnlianaa Northern Bay 70 a l.OOi Cottoa at Charleston III a 11 At Chra.U 121 Total ireeeipU of Cotton (.286,680, against I,4b0,7b4 NORFOLK. ?ra TelVew 40 a 60s White, 48 a 49; Whit and mixed 48 a 49. ' Stmvem. a Hps t4.V W. 0. Bad ISO; Bead ing tsSi Bid. (18 20; H.O. Had. f 20 a 21., Shingle ti a 8, ,. , ; riour. family a a I. Bseoa, haau, a 10, hog ron4 II a ... M08R1SOMAN RECORDS M --V TULmwf mod aW Ziitoit - V lurv alway. aad a rreualeetuas fc-v the eU aSaBieaed favorit Mrylad Lotterie, which w aew readily aeesairt for by ear prtmt nmmrkabi MM to these Scaesn , brvirg aSataf f urm kwft mtwm aaasa lea dry th 4rt to a Lawyer. the Bond I a Doctor, aad the taira, w hep. a4 isiakvcs a gealleaiaa ia the traest arase af the . vmsL The fortanat holder era yet mpmfctee vita tk eaak for Iks 7BMnl mt 0it 1'mra, In w bee to are them altogetLjr at ear Aio, ehen we treat to make thee aeqsaintaSj partner to sects., aeraeva ia intimacy aad aerdiality a4 wa hop. it will lead to farther sweets-, hence the Doetor BUT throw Phjait to the Des, aad th hrwyiy amy as enabled, with hi erearalatee' iwaaarcaa, to pruaeeeto hi. Madias, thai as any til aad adera with advaatasa to UaMerf aad km -Mtow-ettiswna aay ettot h may a sailed to, si that ea the Beach or the Sesat Chamber, ana, ia feet, it may be ant th Ibrmmter to each, ereauag 4e Ught to toeamiT, arlva, and aU f W have ato. aM aa amsaaJ emmet at? Prima of smauW 4amhitla this awata, aUmtto kUry lead Lot tori am, erawa at Baitimer. - - Eaesarged by ear t'rieasl aa4 Cirrapia4ata, w arc enabled to sebmit to them a Gaia.y mt Let toriee, to be erawa ia April, aad ewraeetly tdvia ear frtoad to airart their parttcniar attoatiea the Oeaa Cmmwmndtd eas AHSwe4miae Oraaf Xenwem, which are regalariy erawa an Ws.nmday aaa ' Setardav, th risk ea which I dimlaished to abase) ea half th original eattef Tickets, by reauitiag farPaskage. Addrae f - ' S. MORRMOH C. ' ! - rfi t .x f - -' 47 Wall attest, B. I 'I m GRAND CAPITAU. i . - $7i,000! t af I25.00OI IU0 Priaea mt HSOOt Oajixa Cos soli Danes Ljmiv s Maanaaa, For the beaetl of th CwaoUdatod Le4tries mt Ma rylaad, class B, to b draws ia Balthaon, ka, aa Saturday, April 87,' I860, wader th mperintoaeV eacc mt enmmlminrisr.. 78 a ember Lettory, It drawaealloto. - .em!-.... 'jZJrL- - - iW&r BIIESDIB SCBlMBi . ' t Prls of $74,01)0! I of 2O.0001 af 15,00; 108 mt 64 of ffSM; M 0f 8(Kk 64 or 200) 128 mt 100; 128ef75; 81IM of 40; KSCl af SO; J,'i,4l prlM, emoantlag to $1,064,84. - Tickets, 20 Halve, 810 00)martorf, ft t -iishtha.tS 60. ,-. ; i A Certi6cat f Parksg Wholes, f 270 Balvav FOR SALE 1 AS Executor c.f Stephen Sneed, IVc'd., I hail offer for aIb to the highest bidder, before the Curt limine Door, in Raleigh, on Maaday the 2(th May noit, the following Real Katoto, belonging to the Estate or the Mid Stephen aneea, tme a, ly ing and beiag in (Iranvill. County, N. C. and ad joining tho town of Williantflboro', via; The louse nuf JjOI M waira ut oecemmru uvea at ViiM. The house is large and eommodina., with all the necessary out-houses, garden As. This establishment With a .mall .am expended ia repaira, igUt b marie one of th. mint dasirabl reaideaee i or about the town. Attached to th above, t a ract of land containing 1!K acres, near on half which is good wood land. There ta, also a goea farm, well-enclosed, on the premise, fas Orave- ianlaa this land u acentod la th Ml AUo the Tattr Lot md wutroeememtt w hlob ooa- aiat of a large House built for, and fur many year, used aa a Tavern and the necessary eat-house.. Alit, the lltre Iiol, Immediately opposite we 1 av ern Lot, in good repair, together with th Btor iinae. Carriaee House, and Stable, tnsreoa, Atutr -aswtf rer hot. netneea taw vttore Lot I leather Hnnse on which Is a Sadtof Shop 1 Una natr only or toe naxiieca wwptoin. - LomIIu, iiu Town Ijof mmmtroood. The tmpre- v.d lota are all situated la the moat bash the Town. The town of Williamsbore I .i tun ted . healthy a section of the eoantry, and is r- rounded by as respectable aad Intelligent a eoi itr. as any town r villaae In thi. sun, The title to the above property la eonsiaerea ln- contestibie. '" Traa. or Sals For one fifth of the pun has. money, cash will be required. For Uie paiaoee, a errdit of sue oriwo years will ba. giran. noon the pnreeaser. eiernting Hietr oonas, wiip,.,,nieren nra'I'dat,' wilh oil iecuniy 'a. may be approved of by th anderugaeil. , ii. s.itav, ex r. oi STsraxs Sd Dee'd. March 12, 1860. (Trice adv. 9.) .12 td. Leryea Land. Randolph county, has been diseaatiaaed for .want af saffieleat patronage. Ia toking leave of the wor thy aroprietors, mm anesrly aad heartily aim them "a long life "of health, nrospsrity aahappl. ..'' '.. . V have received reprint, of Blackwood's Maiaiin, the London Quarterly and thWest- niroiitw Rertew.- By Leonard Saott A Co, S. York. ' There u a decided improvement in the ty pographical appearance of these valuable works. r HuTttrlv Keri te erts Methodist F.pioen pal Chunk, Savti. Edited by Pa, B vscos. Thi but number of thi able, and Interesting period i- eal i on ear table. H e commend It to the pub- Uoa worthy -rfnniyewa faWrn .T1IE COMMCXICATOIL W are, jrrwtlled to state, tbnt the publication of this spintct I um sxoaathlg.iia.rjuMrt PI vm nifD m ionr pun. m inww pu6t anu - aUiojrelher; and rvriorr will perch upon the . f w r y-.-v sr s- Whig standard. A w iiiujuitu. Forth Star. Messrs., Editor: It ha become a "fixed fact" that the stork of the Central Railroad is all taken. For this, we cannot be too thank ful, and rreal praise is due to a few feithful. energetic, noble eiiixen.oT the Btatn, lor tneir indefaticabte tiertions in this aatghty scheme of Internal Improvement; and some of these name have told well en Uie subscription list, and will he fixed opon the tablet of the histo ry of etir Htaie for lSlO-'BO, never lo be for gotten; and (feneration vet unborn will bice their memories. . uu. were m a area wwn vet tn he done. Everr uheeriber ahould active in getting additional name lo that list, and Drain Dt to alaee tlie five percent, of his pwn snbeonpiion in Oi hatnU of the Treami,- STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, Johnston Cocstt. Court Plate & Qmnrtur Smiimh faa. Term, I860. onph Hare and ilrran 1'uuea, vst Hnnsoa 0. Bally. IX these eases. It appearing lo ut. tatisraenon or th Court that th defendant mid beyond the limit, of the State; it i. therefor ordered that pub lication be mad. in the Raleigh N. C. Btor for .is weeks, notifying said Defendant to appear next Court, to be held for th County of Johnston, at the Court Hons, in Bmlthneld, ea the 4th Maa day of May next, then and there to shew saane, aay be haui, way uie tonus levied oa snouiu aot be sold to satisfy the above claim., Witness, Thoma. uagl.y, tlerk of ear said Court, at Office the 1 1 to. March, IHoO. TH(I. BAuLET, CI k. (Pric adv. 6 2.) . 12 4w. S ARISE JOrjllllL. AUniVALS. At PiTiasnt ad. March 4. fchr. Knight, Bal timore; American, A Elvira, Philadelphia; Kaiad, London. Mnn-hll. tV-hr. C. Kent, from Balti more; Sea Flower, HiiUdelphin; Ancestry, Mur- garet, Ilijicrior. --At t'ltr 1'oist March. Banju Palestine, from Wales, with railroad iron, An. At Newbes. leb. 27, Bchr. J. W. Hughes, Aurora, N. V.SH. Sarah Iouisa, West Indie. March 1. Schr. Cihiver, ilmington; J. Hyaai Rainliow. Piatt. N. X.; Moore, Charleston: Panline. Koble. N. T., Steamer Johnston, with Flats. March 3. Jane, New York. 4. Mary, V; Willow, N. Y.; 6. South Carolina, N. Y.t On tario, Baltimore; Oregon, S. 9. WiveT, Balti more; 10. Hendricks, N. Y; 8. H. MrKae, Bean fort, N. Y. Steamer IV ew Wayne and Flat, John ston aad t lata. Sthr. Ianbella. Capt. Perry, from Aewbern, lionnd fur Now York, with corn, eapsiaed within Sandy Hook on the 1st instant All on board nerished. and vessel and cargo a total loss At FiTETTETti.Li March 14. Steamer Oor. Oraham. 15. Ilonriotta. . At Wii.aisoTox. March 2. Hchr. Adelaid "BoatohT3 MuncttnLTvichinohd". Loctwood'. f ol ly; J. P. Brown; Charleston; Mary Jane, Maine: Vanda Her. Antigua. A. l. lMllosart, fcloain, Haw, ti. Yh Octoher, U Thowasi J. A'-honv Eaat Thomasfrwn; Alexandria, nostiin. March 10, Schr-J. Smith, New Yorki Slary AaguMa, Savannalu Ire. Brewster. New York; Telegraph, New York: bWn. Elitabr th. Soandera, Philadel phia; Minerva Wright, Prmiilonce; .Parks, Sor- loix; Volant. Kinross. Onslow, uA " Koantut I'wud . iuuiairj-ce March Schr.Tvew York, neofMtrO'ilgriin Tbig, tTe- n..n,..h H hitli-r Hvlveeter. n m. Morrta-.-lwls Polly and Nancy. Lady Thorn iikioa, David Car- lee era, ii iiiaira. -,'m"i,f rwirr, lhwhii, . Ann. 4th Charity, How land, Mary W'inefred, Khrinzhau, ilaW, Joaeidune, W yati. 6th, hluop W. Ihavla, 0. Kl'aa Ann. Thomas, Guard Kimaae. North rjtate, Walkeraun. 7. Cena.r, fiuerior, Uhh March SoiMiai. Anna, Paloetine, Adt-Uiidr, Zimwerrnah, Ku'pcy. 1 1. Adciiiie, B, HtAn.lv. Ilalsey, March 13, Amelia, Wm. Jorii-s, Aerial and faille. 14. ttuaaelL t'ullin., Itoad, lluntiT, Mlane,Veol, Cleopatra, Scott, i-T rKTKRSBt'EO. IZ obaeee, Lags, 44 a f T; Leaf, 4 a 110. Cottoa, II lx asked. . ' rioar, so par no, ; ramity, a if. Wheat, R4, M 1,08; Whtto, 1,00 el.O. Cora. ia sned demaatL at &A sent. Peas aad Beans, Black Eya, 60 . 0 8; peaas, oU.au. Baeea, hog rvead 7 a 74. Lard, 7 a 7J. BALTIMORE. March ( Cotton 181. Coffo vary stall ia saamaeae ef aew. by last atoamer. nayer aae ner. at any. S ehaap ia other respect. HI Ma l - NEW ItlKK. March 1 , Ciim ToiUv the aurkat i lower ens thow- tsad bale having beel seta at Ulgai aecua. at IX. . , k - - Corn M a 81 cents ao mprevment, . , .ct-: Nihwm aad (jrocmee steady. . Coif 104 Tressary Mote lSJth.,. . i; ,r,, gfW rnillli.nl i Looefof-1twytnd, ffsaf gT" foe lSMI, to draws la Baltimara, M4-, eaSa . . arday, AprU 18, 1840. - - -. ' . BRILLIANT 8CHEMR. , . e -t prh rw,OTjor -1 ofooor 1 o at lo.onor t- I er n.rssr. mi or iisse, no or ouu; ov ef vi tL tuvefxaOt 84 ef lOOt A. 4. ' T Ticket. l 4. saaraa m pmpeitlaa. T8 Dnnrtsa bar la Draws balloto. , A Caruaeato af a r4- g of 24 Ticket will be seat for f ltjft-cVrt be. "'fm.owii ltw or l.ntsit Oesaaf CtmHdufd Lottery of Mmrytmmd, ftew 14, . . twie.JBbesawem intmTO xte,' ns-r .aweVyrAarH f6V Wt. - .. - (1HASD SCHEME. , .. - . - 1 prtu cf (10.000 1 ef I14U71 . 1 sf 4.00O) 1 af 4000; 100 ef 1000, te. Ticket Flo rjbare. la prepernoej. tb riamovr Uttory U Drawn eeltott. A Ceqtlfkm ef M Tickeu will be seat fee !0 -Wiare la wepa "on-.. -,. w; . ",r ' r & a'- vw 135,0001, - , s Oraad Coaaeltitated Lottery, ef Maryland, far tha beaett of the Consolidated Lotterie of Maryland, Clans Na. la, foe 18&0, to be erawa la tbe city Baiumor, MA, aa Batsraay, April 8, 140, e) Numben U drawn kalloto. JUu-4 8PLENDID SCHEME, ... -4 toS.Oom j.i.ooo! ln.ooni if7,6oot lofiprt . 1 of 4000) 1(10 eflOOO 40 f lij (4 af lOOj 44 ef 76, Ac.. ' i:.-':. Ticket wily 10 DoUar. A vsmaeate era rasa- ilTIlTItllllTI. aM IPAU.1D V UOfkUV A. UUJI WHOLESALE bKUtJflIHT9o5otrt Ijaaaar"... Hraaa,- Bauiina. Have la age af 2n Tkksto wiU hesaaltor 14At--4lhriai . Maryland Consolidated Lottery, for th Vmnflt ef the BwanMkaana Oaaal, aad ether parpoeaa. Class la, far 18&0. To aa drawn ta the City af BaltW ! mars, M L mm Weetaeeday, April 4th, 1840, 7 aaans4tts-iaawB.iMiiou -t . t - , MAUSIFICICST BCIIK.VJa, - .tor,aadMaTe.l,aneatoasiasaek-afaTnit MT,orawWarn,.na1rjXB ,;wu' , " "". Vui A vasoraisTKiATan Dane, . Manicis, 24 of 80Jt 40; 4S4 mtiOOl A. e, ' ' '. Caaaicata, e. e. 4a which they pWrturaUurly Tleketoealy 10 Dollar. , A Crtl8aa ef a raehe .all the atteatloa of Ue trade. age ef X0 ThntoW wUl assent tor iU-4lh.re lay All article eseel as asMw, that are reealrad proportiea, , . . .:. ,f w, v mi Into ear eatabliahmeat, ate gaaranued to be gBw-l vw. . . I'O.OIKJ: . . - la aad of the proper atreagtk and parity. I Censoli.lated Lottery of Maryland, for th. bene- It Is th object of tb ioprltors to make ineir 7' r - r-y estohlishmeatena that can be fully relied apoa by Claa. Ke,JSV fcr 1800. jm be erawa n we hit the Drnytist, rniysieUa, and Manufaetarsr, a a of llaltuaar. ea Weibtosasy, Apnl 10, Io0. - 18 pbM whm gaaaiae aad par artieto. aaa at all Naambsrr. 14 Drawn BaUota. - --r-, ,fv limn mm ,rww -- I , . - . . j, a j a am TliAlr&de in natwt aasaaratloae new kotos at very lmportaat nae t4wBltot tU. aaMia tl w W prop'rktorinkioton "80, 180 40, 14erf 40, as. A. le .L. .,.-A.l .lHo.. 0 !,. d., UJ -ill Tick, only 1 10 Share ka awepertlea. ( A la all wemat them ta be geaaiae and wiU Certlhceto of a Fkckata mt gu ei Tisaeta , ell at aaSfersaly low priaea, a aa la make it aa I wm o. .eni 100 m F'r-"" , l4 4 bjeet foe daalers to order their eappUa mm - . . .. , , J Marrload Cm KlldAtwl Loltory, for tha hrft ot rartienlar attention will be paJ4 to the .elcetloe I SmaknnAh Cai, a. Claae iV - 1B60, to be ' efEMMtal Oils, aad all OU sarehasedsf a willUrawa at Jtoltlmors, (Ma.) an o4ooAf. April . b warrantod pare. . ?'.Zvmr , K W.skaU at all nan keep a itoe or genuine m-,'-'?1."""- . , dlefael that th. rhysiciMeaaaopead uJU, each ae of 2O,80 I ef 8,000? I . ef 1 7W 50 mt 1,000 select powder, of HUubarb, Ipse, Valap, saa waiwf ww ei ( ,., many, A. Ao. Oeaalae Medieiaal Oed Uw Oil 48 ef 77) 64ef 40) 41 mt 40 - -1 ..M.ll mmmitm Tarkav Onlna OhImIbA I . , . 1 ate.- . ' AC. ' ""71. r r" ' -. 1 ..j . . M..k. CutorOik ao. ate. wll a area, yanetysi an I - immniai" - - - .kMaitwtoefEaglUa,rreaehaad AaMrieaa. . I ef ift Ticket will be scat for f 1:2V Bur la are- Aatbeartiele ia ear Has ofbasin are eaaily pertiea. 2 : ; j, ; . - J-1..U -. .ii 11-1. k- Lo,. IS I 1 fSO.OOOt when th. parehaser cannot amk It ceaweaieat to I Coaeelldated Lottery ef Mary1a4 f-r U beaefft . . T ..... al.m . . an 1 . . lu A Ol W Wak vi.itarity, promising tbal tasgreatosl ear. ass 1 01 to enaqwoao". mo. 2, '" . ' "717 attoatloa shaU be etna to uieas, lurawn wniiaw -, -v r- In ililitina to onratoaa er lirnr. no Meeieiaasi isoo. im sammrs. 1, nni we offer for eel at low prices United Oil, Paint, 1 Dyeituffa, Window Olaaa, Dragglat Ulaaa Ware, gad a large variety ov ruwy rerrumery. Amrres UMI, r.DnunflS DAU., Wholeaale Drafgists, BAinaoaa, Ma. mm m mm tmm vat mi R TUCKER A BON, wh eoaataatly keep ea hand aa extxmaiv. aaaortaent mt th. bout and moat desirab'e, as well a. faaliioaabl VANCV AMD STAPLE DRV OOOUn, an aow receiving their spring and rammer supply for 1860. One ef the Firm ha. just returned from New York, when he purchased a rich variety af (Joods, of thi spring'. lmportauoos, oeion uier mmu momm picavu mwwr, mmm befon tli advance ia pricet aad having ton had th choice of tli large and splendid fresh arrival., and th. advantage of low prieas, they latter them selves they will be better prepared than ever to meet tbe demands mt this market, and please th.lv unmerous friends and customers. In town aad eoan try. Tb4ntetfully invito tin public ta call aad examine their stock. Thajr have ju.t received a .apply of th. following, and are daily receiving such other articles a. an usually kept in a Dry floods and Family tlrccery Store, raited to the waal and taste of this community. Ill k Uro D Hhrine Milks, Plain A (gured Chameleon Bilks, Kroehe end plain Urenaolnee, Plain and embroidered black ditto, " Fancy and Mack .ilk Tiaenea, . . Bilk Alborine. and lleraaai, -r Cora colored Ursaadiacs, ; -i Evening Dreues, ,.s Embroidered and dotted Fancy gwlse Muslin, Chambery, Frnch and Americas Olsgh.ms, " Camldet LaHres and Linen (iingham, " ' ' Melreyesaad fancy Diamond Jackotwls, , Plain aad printed Lawns aad Muslins, , Tarlelon, Swiss. India, Vhttoria, Bishop, Book and Potted Jacknnet Muslin, Rich Bonnet, Cap, Neck, Caff and Belt Ribbons, " French needle work eapea, sntlan and caffs. Ladies' sad tl.ntlcawa'. Pari. Kid Uhrrca, . S I naand JacluuunV Edgiaga aaA Inserting., , Lisle aad Line Edgings aud Kibbona, . , , . ,; ..... Linen and Fancy Hilk Dross notions KOTICK OP REMOVAL IN returning my thank for the very libera! eneoararement received from the trade dur ing th. year '40, 1 weald inform them and th pan lie that I here awrvsanently located myself at Z47 BALTIMORE STREET, nearly appoeit Haaovor,! whtok plaee I kava bad eroetes with specisl refer-1 eaeetotli witt'LKnALE bAMrAnutiibinAvn.1 My .tock ef ETHER1AL, CAMI'lllNE aaa OIL THEONLI Fil.LMCOMTAlMMl KAHCAI'AKILLA LAMPS h been largely iaereaMd. . I Wv al neroST LAWKS AND GENTLEMEN ARH added yral Men rStyh, eatirely arlg laal la th ill PARTICULAR W ITU TIIE1K fKlJ(ANl menl for the maanfaetan of ary Justly aeieoraua Etherial Oil, warrasi as 11 Inducement dual te ear thmutry. JMalcrs can aow aaa rrom m "-1 '' tnl(m rf th( Min. keadvisrd to takedail MAOMFICEST SCHEME. eftSO.OOrh 816,1-00; lefT.inOi I ef I.eOS; 20 rrine ef 11.000 eehl 10 Prise ef SMiO each! lOafl' TOrflSO) 4TS Prise ef fltach:!l . mt (BOt i mt 70) 6 a!' 42 of 40 Ticket. 110 rlkares in properthia. A Certlt. eatoofaPaekaga of S0 Ticket will be Mat fsf 120 Shares la pnpcrtloa. ... ; . . , COMPLEXION If yoa have Dry aad Wtory ISst. lorary inniy emerwaum fp Rk Bony. Blotoher ef ta ItLnTr-ilSahm Tetter, aUsh, or Priekl. Heat. Itchiag. Cmp- est Taper to tha costly Chandelier, Oiraadnl, C.a dle Brackets for Darning Etherial, Pin Oil, Oas, or Lard, with a full assortment ef Gumas, liusars. Paras A Tie BnAuas, Mats, aad evarytbing per lainlnc to th above baslnes. All ordera pramptly tiled mmi packed with car. i. SI. llHrUtt, 47 Baltimore itreet. . t-4. CITY TAX LIHT. NOTICE I hereby given that I will attend at I oineahav. barn aied, should for a tha (mrt Uimsa oa Tharsday the 2Kth day aftor. take at toast tw nf Dr. of March, laet, freaa 10 e'eloek, A M. to 4. e'alock, 8AFAR1LLA BLOOD PILLS early; for if Ik ryo. r. M, to take the eily Tax Ms far ta enrrmu yew I lam be not entirely rid ef teem, l oaaxuauoaai at- aeeordlae to law. - . s . 1 n . MftA. ... i I . W. UALLAS nai SW1I, MieiFMn. . Rnsain Braids and Faacy Bilk Trimmings, ' Luli.' and MiaM! t- ti, tana stitCb sad top bf deradUdk-to, e , - - . , Maslin, mohair, graM aad Hough' Patent Skirts, VUUuood Voeeimerei, of th vsrioa color sad nulltlea. Linen and tottoa gebda. In great varieties, many ef which ara touched- ltk "' jBaagarian aae Cafc Koraia finish. t " Black and maey aatla aad silk VESTiSOSV Plain and embroidered Marseilles ditto, 4e. . ' MATS, A.. Determined alway. to fornUh wk.trv er t. latest, rarest aad best, they effer aa eitra. ivetork ef men's, yawthe' aad .hildrsa' vaahlea- Ma aad tat brim Mot Mrin, Panama, Maneei. bo. Leghorn, Bewed Pedes, Haagariaa and Paha . Jlato. Aiplenaia iotoi iu'n. ,: , irlv. Infants' Fawv Uooils. " Alas. L'mSreilti.. Paraanls, rWnetf. Shoes, Tlard- nare, Caileif. OrocWio. ae. AU ef wbtoh I Key aon are f eriug ea tbe moi-t Hnwai isrma. . It. TlfhKtt A BOX, Rle!jh, -March 7, 185 . ..-,, "J. tor a few weeks, twe ortowraf Dr. LEIDV'S SAsV. SAPARILLA BLIHID P11.L they will remove and can all, parity the blood, and improve th -mpla-loa. To 'fort a, active pargatloa Is aot BscesMry: Regularity af th Bowels should be ehserved, to e a hich each an should regulate the a amber f PUI t be taken themselves. ALL PERSONS, YOt'NO ASD OLD, MALI ANT FEM ALU, recovering from a bed of aickans, aader asatcal tosataaast. pamramriy wnen memry. Bark. Quiaiae, Mineral, er ethttr powerful medi. akort uatt ikera-. LEIDY 8 8AR- taleigh Msxeb 6th, 1840. , 10-44, CIcOTHINO ATWH0LESAI.I5. AV TorK an now funy prepared for M5?iu: ftdd "rrin, trade with tb rM o of CLOTIHN0 L"Bln.T .T feeilea an prodaeed. awl mark misery aad tutor- lag fat tow at fcatorvals dariag lire. These Pills, bmdde befasg .flictcioaw, a ahev. wul h foand goad at all times aad e pel-tor te all Uara, fort Pille ta , for Zu frnie. Irtrrrincm Depot, Dr. Lr.uii n iirrr..r. alae by WlUiame, lUywaed A Kpnng into wiin tna umrmom imcm n iiaiiiiuii . u r that can be fnaad U any bona la the I'aitod Ktoles, Beleign, n. v. amlamaekgroator varioty than nyhayanarhad thel - ainUTlI C t Itt il l A it All. liOAIl. ptoasan to oll to mar patrons, sae .tries to nit T pfthe act rncor).orntingtho North rarelissen from aay aartefth I ailed State, or I ti4iM HM Kd fompanr. awl ef th. re- LalUeral. . .Mlln aflka ual imaliaiaaaw. Inks . OU1 r"0000".;. of 8ulorltio to told Red sr. aow apin, ad Are of eas own o of talis and oar Domestic direct . .,,!, .. .j n.v frma the BMvaftaetanra, which eaahtoam ta anlli m , J, reeora tkrir w nt s Hiiw r IM. MB M twsa t anw 1 : j m ,1,. . j.,u , mn ta. A.i Aa . UkOuI ImJ. K.- .t.l-. intMtw. 1 ' . . ..' . 'r' i iZi.iw rinocUyiagtolaWmimn- "'P-i,, Books mar be fownd .1 the mt JtaL " moomm ww 1 ui" as these nwsmwnsstaa. parahasen will fhyear mearan In sho win toom tlareagh ear emleutm loet which will .Bcw.r for (ran. ,Nw lark, Fan., z, loAO. mm win see a tears, if J7 jiwIaii n n. withain wenllltok. 1 ouh V ibam threngh aW..snwN .1. ..;., tiI'NiAn 1 a n DOX. HILVER BPOONS JUST RECEIY aa per Eipresnj Ahm, lot ef Osnasal Plated Bnaoam, Ae.fcatoa -r a --..7TT;. - PALMER, A RAMSAY 8. Manh, 1.1850. ' i . 'March. 8th. l8-"(0 AT!OS, IUM. PC NCAN Ii. il.8.tK. TIlDMia A r:M tV. nlUOA-n . lluli f X, b , .,. ComsMrf. "''i'.T "' I'-' 4o,apif llr, Wb.w pe'h- " let iiirm, rt erlered, at ft as a f. 1 - I

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