lEOMlllS B. lEXAXJsMftUr Edilcr. VOL. XLI. RALTBIG1I,JVEI 50STII OROUXA ''fowtrfuMi! iaiHlcttnal, moral mi pfcjuifal mgnmt, Ihe land of onr tim end liomt of par aflcetioHS." THH NORTH CAROLINA 8TAH IS rl ILlKUfW wSlIlLT, B! TUflllS 1. 1EA k SOT. (Offlee nearly opposite 0 Foat OiBcs.) Irrau J the Paper. $2 M per annum, when paid i aiivvxci if paiwent IK delayed three monlh. 00 Ttrra. of lilrrtluiiif. nam aiiuart. 1 1 1, lilies. 1 fiist in"erti-n u each snm'i'ieiit in' 1 ',,n' Court orders and tir bcanl adverli-ement, lb per esnt. htjrtat-r. A doducliou of 1 r wnt- f,,r u"vrtisuieuls "J the year. arAtt )ert 4 .wrtHtwti ul Jan. jot! foul. Beaiittaa;.' nwy 1 made t uttr rink. THE LAW 11F NEWPI'Al'EUH. 1. All subscriber'. '! no' ive r ' -r.es to the coutmrv, e tonawii-rwl u wishing tu watinas their surirripli''ii. f 2. If subscriber- oritur the discontinuance T their papers, the poMIlier may eoutinue to sen 1 llieiu aiatil arrearage are ptvi'L 1 If subscribers neglect it refuse taking: flielr capers from the nffiren In whieli thev are relit, they Uwtr paper rdereil to I ilrar.iiitiiiueil. " I I. Tim Courts have iltrt;ln1 that rel'uini; tn take; uwiipiir.er or perio lien! Horn the utfice. or rfin'-, but and ieavinn It uncalled for, is " prima facie' friilence of isirNTifis yi ra.u'n. ELLASLOLS. usE of sli:i:i TO THE 1IODV. Solidifteatioii that is, the coin rsion of Wood into the soli.i palls o of die bnd goes va itmnf sleep 'f hr rliirf eiirfrmdrwrr'SiKr objecl. and iiiteiilion of sleep would aeeiu lo lis this lt;d aimda:ion if our f.ioil, tlie 4il:liejtiun ol die blood, into the scleral solid pans of the I ody. 1 hj acco.iiji.isiiui '.it ol til .si iinr.iiMiiius e'"'ige '"'ilia . .iii..lja.i.t...Xvuijjri, .1, tli.it f.y.fO. I. ..ill ' Uutei, both w i.)i :i ai.il vi.in.iil i!n f, shoitlu be lushed uiiu prolounj n-pose during Ike acci. i'pii:iiH 'iil of the m.jrlity wimder, inordi r toai nodnng ruilit d.sLtiib oriut-rlcre with .the liunsie i,inl ndraeulous pu t-ss employed 'to cnei I It. lo IMS end llie por tals ot sctisalion are rlono.1 ;lu- v e sees mil llie ear hears not -the skin lech tin! tin very breathing is scarcely audiblj the pulsa tions of ths lnj.il are sctietly p. '.'pti-ili II tlie living energies are now concentrated into the greatest possible intensify like rays iifhght into a focus; and directed with i.hnnst cimi pleu! vsclusitruv,' towards tliis simpia ob ject - - Ill the uav, Ineretore, we mitke biiHui ill tlie night lh..l hlooJ is cuutetied intu solid natter. Inih' d.ivwe garner up die build-1 ie.a muteriaU in the lik-ltt we reiMtt' tfli ll tig.- 1 tic liUUf.Wj.r.iinjrjJJit'ielori.oiu'lit, to he the time at vthicli our physical stretigtb ia die gre-atrst -und with; prv)t-r:tl)iicjdtliy persons this t the raiM;. Thij Jimn ,w liielt iiilirv" "perslMis ieel in th ) i.wraiug, arises fr.uill the priir-s of r.-p-iir fiot having been fully acrudipiisaial; lh bi(ijdill; las Itol Jiet'll repaired,' and then lore its strength has not been .twionnli.-XlULiHiA sin iigili which is l.'lt during llie day, kfittf 'tatiiTjj,Ts" oulv uilaretil il is Inertly excitement de rived Trout the stimuli i foml; in ill!' first in stance in I tie. s.om.ich ; and alter ill at food hastt tin. 'aksiuiiLl.'ilt'orfii.'tt' 1.!uiiliu llie svs.- A TUKK1M1 STOV. wl'biiklHslowludWtsrfaK bockr.r give the follow nig story: "Once a rich una, while seated at dinner with his wife during the bjessed month of Ka ttisdan,' heard a beggar knock at the dour and ask for bread. A .11-1114 in ang"r, he, with terms of harshness and seictiv drove the in in bauiime greatly redui t d in circumstances, ami unable to support hts wife divorced her, and in rxireme po erty begged his bread friep door to door, The i inoeent w ife 111 irri again ; and it so happened, that oncu w hen Seated at the evening meal with her second husband, a beggar fcn jckod at Ihe d mr and asked for bread. Her husband, handing her some bread and una'., bade Ii r cir y it to ihe poor matt, v.hi-h she has'.eiicd tj do. "Now what was ilia surprisj! if thi w 11- tt'M opening (lid ioor. to perceive uu.l r . I-I. .i.-ii... . l... 1. - I- a j.. 1 1. . - IIC II JUll IIUI'M LB Ul.TTtl j 1 j j f ,T . If I Bl 11-10 band! Overeome with em j'jon, s!i!. with mf m iking herself known hit.iin IiiiiTtil fiTni ihe f)od, then el is d the door, and returning 1 1 her husband, buist into tear. t really aar- finserj at thcsud l n eh.f.g id h.-rappeaiiinci, her hushan l urg d h r to tall him tho cause nrised at the sudtl n ehittg id h.-rappeaiiiiici, her hushan l urg d h r to ls!l him tho caunc of grief, which she IM, grejfty' to' his ur prise, Uttl ju Igo of Ii r owa astonishment, whenherlitieb.in i t il l h r that lit! himself had been tho he.'.'ur to whom her first lius haaJ had so rudely and irreligiously'' refusad his charity !" ' 1'UYSICAL AM) MENTAL SLT'EEK ' l.NO. Mental sufTring in Hnt sltViy '.ra'asorvd bytherxict amount of hardship, prjvalidii and mislbrtuurj. ThJ rapti'ity for en larane, nn4 Ihe pawcr of ristmc?, are not ulike ui att. ' AV' hat div m rages one, and produces a reekteastiess of tha linure. wdl anim iteart Jth , alii l:'d him on tn cmquef. ' The amount of sun"i'mtj initlu anim d does not even besr e nnpartsan iviih what exists nmtng human eeintrs. Whilst tu ime rise it u almost en .;.!., .u. i...i. . ... ., . . , .1 ...,.v ...o rea.ua ,., pnyflicti ofgmtx luon, ii j t,a cum." "I , il den, ea you akl VV h it titiist, in the other, original not alUVelher in ''mow do' w repair for hippiusss than to he th more complicated anatmaieil struc'Ofe of I able, lei the rloud bo ever so dark, to look tlie being, btu in tha relation of the bmlily fupward with tha t ve of faidi, and sav, it is runcljtmt Ui ih itior abslrusa ij.vs uf moral usceptihilily to which ill? reasoning creature is suojene.i. oieiety, as now constiluied ereatsa suffering in a ihousand vary-in forms. tiwinj to ihe several classes of which it is ipnsed refusing lo reeognii?, in ihs rela- uo ?) ear-w -each olhir, the" laws of moral right, i he civil laws of aocisty bind class tochuis, mid pmd'iC3 Ihu apparent order that extsw; hut it is no; iritlt the man Ihs wil!injoh?d.ehc of the heart, if is an inrot ntary itinjeeriiw lo which necessity yields) puil be trusted. Kuspicim innst not always oefiillowinjihem about. I'olilKal oppression, ,.,, menai degraaattoii, and hhysical wrctohednesj, will ,ver R0 hind in hand. As the -t reh. ;.. t.". .....i... the smiIj of hfa ! will .!;,:..:. u .1.. - - .'.niiinii, mo inir t of existence will ,..;?, .c . I,. . . , , uc! innmseives uismsntal elevation tJ ik i . i.:A a - . uiassss, ana a SJll'??. '.! tHifrerinf trill cusue. f her of years I have lived be multiplied by my I height in inches, the product wilt he U,625, and if the square of mv heijf lit in inches be diminished lo llie square uf the number of years I have lived, the remainder will be 30,00." What was the lady's age und height? M. N. O. Lancntlrr Tribute. Can any of our renders answer! j e very-Tuy" comToiTts ami lux-, MIES. Tho variety of distant regions by which our everyday comfort and luxuries aresup plied. is jpi)jrMjiie:il h saou familiar tu. our earliest infancy. -tThe child know thai die tea il is di inking cine lioui ihe estate of a mandarin, and nossiblv traverses hill' the I course of the Yann-lS'.-kinna in lis passage to i this country . Its colice was grow u by swar thy Arabs within llie sound ol the muezzin's voice. 'I he sticiw nv cr tal of sqrarextrncvV ed from a cane in J.imair.i, hi Clinst.an Af ricans, or on the h; nks of the Gauges by l'a- Uiud.ios. II llie Ci'eaiu is the production ol .Middlesex, tlie outtcr not uuuroiiiiPle was ,.,urned and knead d by Dutch uf Ituljjiaii fr!iui(- 'J'u. m neri ,1 o ihe urn was peril ips found a quarter a utile. deep in ('omw.ill or Aiidlesia, but that of the lc;i-pil and the sjioo.n were t xeavated by Indians Iroui the heart ol the (Cordilleras, aud separated Irom the ore In nil-alls of iluiig.iii in jj.uLe.fesji.ve.r,... 'I'be table was loniK d lioui a luouearli of the woods which h. d si en a Iboiisnnil ) ears in the m: i- -Vjifeg .'JtC J.LzaiUCraa-ji nl.,;ituiiw.4l autouut. Jw j lore (. .ii anibi.s mas born. 1 he bi.-ile d llie knife came from die pine clad lid's ol ijwtdcii but us haft as home for h dl a ei n'ory in the mouth of an eh-pli.ini w'uch prubab!;, n-'.er saw in in. -The taMe-clodi is'a c.iiuribulnm i rn(11 1, n si nd ti work id inneiiiaiis, in J.iiuiBiomrf- l.iWuw. 'Th-'--wJi I .1 -.I. I. .1. . I L ..I V...rU..-.. im ieit tmrmBu mr mmi7 n , . ,. (,n :di.ui minieei f Austrt, j juriiihcd iis lui'h. lis ror.d eaute' (roni - the ( usiralasian reel, its pearls front tho I101U1111 j ..f.i. . iVfsimi itJulf. The lessoii is rudiess. Mi. nut any comfortable bouse in this meiri)-jHile-hai levied contributions on every people and clime; Dou'idcsj tritiej, names, condi tions, inutners and religious, rise to lite niem- nrv as r walk iiitnnaii ine rooms aii.i n-i i each other in succession, Where did W ns eu'iie fiutii? London Timts Erir tftr Snr. If vhu think this a preltv Mn. Editor : exti ie -and love 'i,f:.,i'iy;i.i,' and "'7 'iwrra" von c.iti, may corner in llie "Kt.ii" lor it. ThrjMdki" l e, find .1 little itJwgVJuJtJ--i-tiujJ THE I LOWER THAT LOOK'S t'f. Vt A-Rfsv A" g'rimi of ) fiing inL liglit'hryrr 1 d girls sal logether in the tvv il'ghl, busilv ar- raiigi::,; the liovvers th") had been gathering t ill the plwiSTiiit' wotftls rinil rHie, V hrn beautifid things (lowers are!" sai'l rnse. "And what jiietisent aiiiuseiiient it would be, ii'ivv iTi'af'w oTire ' :iT! "Tl't li'i "Tl rf." sirl'IThVlT' ea'cTI' ueiar Ui tihuoM w hat liow.;i' siej-Jotdd rather be like." "Ju.-1 an if tli'ei-rf coosd be any choice," exclaimed Laura itaerfett, a little pn-uiTiv und li-'i'liiit' op v m.s-i"om; s 4oi sooke. Ainoiisj ul! the liowers that grovy, ihere is none 10 vie jn beauty with the rose. Lei me be the queen ofjlj.iwcrs or ,upnc'!- IiForw"hiy:,'ip'i,ri; olisi ' f v t-1 her" sister Helen, 1 could like 10 rcscniMn Ihe luxurious rhodo dendron, so beautifully described ill our book of llo vers. When any oe.e in parsing shakes it roughly, il scalU rs, as we are told, a show er of honey dew from its roseeale cups, and j !P r jxJ wuii transparent iuliriini, leaching 119 to shower sweetness fven uLu the hinds that i.'isturh us, an.l tu h&mifdn with pure houey drops llie chalices of our inward thoughts. Oh I who would not wish tu bo uitn k and forgiving, like the rhodojenilrou, il'lliey couldt Hut it is very ddfi -.ill," all ied II 'len. "It is, indeed," said Lucy Neville, gtndy, "if we trust out) to our own sr nt'u. A11.I whu is there lo help us? It is only wh'n inv father loolu at me in his grave, kind manner, llial 1 htve hie l elites! eotitioi over niv sc'lf. W hat a pity 11 is," said Lncv, simply, "that wecau 11 il ahv ay a remember that i!u ev of our He.iv crrry E atht-T rr upua Us!" "t wi?h i imihl, replied llelfii. "I luvc htiard my mother sa) ," unserved Lncv, "th U prvvinr is be'ler ill in wishing." .Now, ('lira," iitferriinlnd l. lu.a U . 1111 aura U;nneit, turiiinj iminedutelv toward fan- gentle l-oking girl bv her sid "we are waiiiiur fur v, in." I llm.' .mtl...l A i,i,m... o " .., diately ehosu tha pale romul'-ulus, or bind weed, winlini si carelessly ft and njjt a inoiig the bushes, and Hinging pver th.tiil a gractfu! cj-eriiig, an ciu'ihiii of in ii'k beauty an I loi i;y toa I '.-iii'sj, Ta j only pily is," said tdiu, "thai il sh ouhl sj s ion close u; and fiide-.-' J'llui w hst suvs our d :ar Luc '." ex claimed llojeii, "I lhi.,k th it I ca i g r s.' siidtlar.1 Sjyiu:i:ir, "et.li ira vj ilntor heirt's e.s Jill i rig'.it!' "Noq ji a," repli 'dl. i cy. wil i a il -cp blush, -iltli-wjH both th (lowers tii it you ' h ive ineii uui ul ar" grca f ivoriies of in .no. Hat 1 all iuTJIike resem ble the d lisy mast, leatti ine U is ulwsys hok ii,i upwurdi ";o leli nej, said IlidJii, as ttriiy'walked ham a togedior, carrying tha llowera which th.-y gaiiiered to adjrn ilulr several dwellings; d t?ll inn why yot wish 1 1... ..1 1 . 1.:. . I in... V ''7 . ' . . "c - -;- lbs Lord's will, and, llierBlorn, il is lies!?','' "Da you always think tha?" asked Iloleii. "Alas, bo!" replied poor Lucy, while tha Wars fell 'fasti "but I'm trying Bud'prayiiijr irj Uosl to ttacu me. S.vevbiso Aso Lviko Toe follow'mi mirth provokfiig alory , may be an old Jo rtJiaiaui, but we do not recollect of hisiny seeing it before. At any rale the reudin; ol il proved adatierous expcriiuenl to our waist band, r--- .-- ,'- r A tica-ker had 4 p"(fcr nt no' pnuirvl, which wai ery full of r wis, an!) set Ins hir ed nun, John, 10 holj the plough whila ho drove the oxen, A rout would catch lhenor ot dhe plougli handles would hit John a wallop in die fide; and John would commit a breach of ihe eommandmaiil "swear not at all." So it wenl coutinally catch, jerk, thump, swsir whoa! buck! gaei hawl jerk, Ibuiup, swear, Allenoth the placid spirit of friend Jsdodnh became disuirbed by so much profanity, thai W 'iUippsiT iff JloriT Jstlftatitir' rhfilTlmt ' driaoxiM...anJ1'jiJ, e if h could Dot hold the plough without sweafiajf. Johu Wok " , ;. ..r(;:,v(';,;- . , ,.',. .,'' ' ;" '.e y.' ."'t i' -- '-1''-. -';-'-'-:, w-m,mswz- " j - ' - ; - ' -v-' --'"""'"''"''' - '" - ' : '; s '. "' " ""';:"' r ' , ' r '-' " ' -' ' '-. ,. - , . '''-"''. '"-.' '' , 1 '' "..."'.; . f' die ox goad and Jedetfiah ieized tlie pluugh handle. 11c placed his two legs in a br ie - in? position, and John drove shod. The plough caught a root, made a bound, und one of tiie handles hit Jedediah under the chin and he exclaimed: "Well, raly, I never saw ihe like." Again it caught, hit Jed again, and he sgain declared he had never seen the like. It eiiueht again, knocked Jed duwn, and he ruie wlli the exclamation: V ell, raly, 1 never did see the like." S.) matters weul, till Jed had returned to the starting point, and had positively alfinued that he had never seen the like, eumu -fifty tunes. There, John." said he, "take hold of the plough and see if llmu canst no get uloua; w iiiiuui swearing. Thou bast seen that 1 bate , not swum an oath l!ie rouu.l.'' 1 'No, ' replied John, "uiou hast tint, (riciid j Jed, nut liieu lu.H told lully fifty lies." Jed thought a iiiiuiue and iL-pbcd: Well, John, I don't know but my lying' may ''Mfti''"!'''1 u' IHJ vieej una as msv ,ia Ujt els:iiy 1 hope the. pesky loo.s Mill i A" a i i. . t- .. i ' tlt-t-Tlheu nils etuis. iieraiiiin in uie nii.ii aeclhlut ol (jet up, lliiti and Dai..!' 10. r.--. ; VULTU'S DEI' A UTA1E.NT. KM LL SWl'.ET i'OUKTESlES 11' , LU'E. I want lo tell a secret. The way In make :urself ple.asini tu others, is lo sii aw lliai ;Yu"cjre TTir" 1 1 f!.' Tvv ' ' " T"n i" wli-iTo w o.-Id is Itk ' the miller at Mamh.-ld, who cared fir n,,:)(Kl. no, ll it he bee .U-ie ll obod . c ired for him." And the whole world will sen c on so, il von L'iie liielii the. s one e ms -. l.elevn i one. then lore, see thai ou do care fir lli-in. ihvshewini' tin'. il. what St-'.-iu so h.inieU r-,fli -t!ie siiiail sweei cou'ri'-sies id" Ylv? thoi - - 1 ,.iiro.su-s 111 u hie ll lien- is mMKtrau '. w lose i voice is too still t Itvise, and which niaiiifesis themselves hy tend t and .ilfecttnnalc l inks, and little kind ;.cu of attention giving others tho preference in every litt.e e.'ijovinent at tlie t.mie, m the field, walking, sitting, orstandin . This is the spirit that gives to your tinicof life, and to') our sex their sweetest charms. It constitutes the sum total of all the witchcraft of woman. Let the w orld see that .your first care is for yourself, and you will spread the solitude of the I pas tree around you in tlie same way. bv the emanation ol poison w hich kills all the jajees of a(f 'ciiju in its. neighbor hood. S ie!i a girl may be admired for her m derstandin and accomplishments, bill she will nerer he beloved. The see ls of love can never crow hut under j the warm and geni-1 influence of kind feelings and "affeTTirnn-rr-iTnTrrTi 'VTracTTy Torres'" a"!" . ' , j,, ., w ay tu vomit m-suus.--.lt. calls atun-s i 1 c 1 ... 1 iiti.i,,.. 1 1 ler wiio uis 1 a s it ; and 1 it ilieu be . u , x 1 r ' j f--." ssDciaied w ith a gen -rous scnsiiiilitv, its i a great lion to h found associated with a gen-'rous sensibilitv execution is irresistible. (In tlie iie.nirary. if it be found in illitiner vvilli a cold, hriiighty, se'fis'li lieari, it produces no further efl'ect, ex-ept an advert one, At- Jjia.tWjuv.Jauiriurjr,.,.j."3iB:a frutKa heart lhat feels far von all the anxiety a pirent can feel, and not vvitho'ii th hope wlt'h eon siiii;te i!n. nareiit's hiehes: haiuiiuesH. M-iv Ood-pruU'.c! auiLhlesJ au.-rLiltcftXl ll'ii- Un:n If!, Ho US l:MtT. THE AFFECTION' ATE DAEOHTEll. ' " Ten! ' tsnnthmg riYortf man character than filial gratitude. To be kind and loving towards a pareii', is to return in same small measure, what has been receive I 111 a very large measure. Few children can ever have opportunity to repay half the leti der care and watchful anxiety which a kind moth-. Wftjt'WIInllfitf true that they were uneonsfioiH of it all, and it t 1 cry difficult to persuad; them that sueh constant altention to their little, wauls and dang ers neeessiry, But when they sec what oth er infants require, tlu-y can readily uiidi rstanil what h id to be Hone for them when they were themselves th same little hclpksj crear lures. Il There is perhaps 11 way in which filial pure is show n more pleasingly, than in ear ing ftir a sick mother. It geenn to be re luming the same sort of care w hich has been receiv ed ia infa.icv ; ihe feeble patient is tery much hka the hulolcss infaul. Wit an 3 Ilomor. EVCKL'C'lATl.NU. "AVhat do yon ask lor this article !" said Ohadiah to a modest young Miss 111 one ol our hops. Fit men shilling!, sir; it is a superb ani cl." 'Yon are a "littla dear,' are you not!" sad Obadiih. " ' -Whv all the vounp men tell ttis so," she replietl, dropping her d es and biusluug. Oba- dinheatat straight; w-r. A HAD ME.VlOltY. A rain in the country a lew days ago led a hi i .111,1, widow lothe altar. Tue clergyman looked at ihe bridegroom and ml, "I ttiink yon have a wife tivintjf" Have (, do you think!" replied the man. "1 am sure you hai c," rejoined Ihe par son.. I rfally, sir," said the fellow, "halt ve ry bad memory, und 1 thanE you for jogging il. ' I. now recollect something of it. Jmljj'B- of Wisconsin, thougk as iu- eoftiriule old bachelor, is a great sdmirrr of the ladies, and lew men are more polite or at tentive to them, but "baby talk Is his abhor amice. It is f aid of linn thnl travelling one day lit Ida wagon he overtook a woman and baby.' - '" j f -. -x.UadBlll," said hft- thtif Wid trmst -fce-'a burden to you. ll'yoti -will roniite not to talk nonsense toil you may ride iu my wag on." This thslady readily promised; but soou forgetting the. n-rupli s of her criuipajijan, she coiiiinrnced nllL-"lleaai ImJittlt; hrtirt! to il ilionUl go ridy puly in 4e- tuchee poacher!'1 fWiUfll' ihudwhi-liMSiiiefasail-Judgi', "jfet out ol my ttagou! i ,. . e, , 1. A celebrated gambler, alter attending! great revival ineelnig, iiperienced, us he supposed, a c baiuro ol tevhug and w as hiiolli luduvd to lo lake his neat upon iho "auxtous beach." Tha luinislcr commcnceil examining them ou their experieace aud the stale uf their fei htuja, ;-and finally, sppnMchiiig til gniahler asked,. . Well, mv Irion d. what do vou sav?" --. -. - . r, - . - , . , what do you do, old f-'! Inrad nhloiV!-,.: -. tTfltK-1liV'BW(RCyrT laaq.V( SW& ' v oiauss uuea ooi exceed t dp you ia, old L!lsw?" tentiaf 1 his left j Uti per ton; wtereas tie cotumua tritfe tW ; "Sonny, I don't ve any tiling growing about 1 here what iloei your Jiafher raise tin this lalldi" 'Wall, ho r;'iea hackmatack, grasshoppers, hoptoads, straddlebugs, and siune other wcge taldes. Yesli'td iy he raised a doucleiireasted pig pen right under the window, and mother rais;d old Cauu." WELL A.NSWI'.KEI). A Quaker wiio wat eiiiiiuied before a court, not using anv other laneuage thau -tiiee," "thou," and -luend," wasasktdby tlie residing Jjdge ' -rray, sir, uo you a.uu woai we itere I fjf!"' - not one third theprotit of the importer could I fVes, verily do 1," said tho Quaker, "three he made; even, attended with the mast favor of ye lor two dollars each a day, and ihe lal : able circuinstanci e. Hut suppose, what is one in the middle lor one thousand dollars a j by means improbable, that his wheal ! year.'' : should have die rust, or that unfavorable sea- , ' sous should in anv wax occur, he looses near- Th- snn of a m m worm 'two hundred y ,,r jnfe of his otidav. 1 would not dis I th.nis.ind.' was iTjnd dea 1 . drunk in llu-suvc j ! couraA the iie of thearliele, hut 1 would in- ol 1'itism.rg. alrw Hifjw nrna n:m lay tue -ri Ofil liiau woroi hwimiii, m Mp-?aaiM VMit- ditiou. hiskey is a gre.u leieler. il vo Ilivt. "1 il! I that vol! shall ilcsc. :.d i; el you a bottle of wine i in that elutr before 1 ak ) uu twice." bone!" said the genua .leieriuiii. d tint lo obey llli nan, whoi seenie.d suiniuutis so speed- ily. -Come d.iw ill" "1 will ii. u!" Vv as the replv a .fhi.n . wnt-iHHit 4'!Hkvwi ir-wrmtd-ftrrrr.' The g. utleman, l;a;. nig no desire to retain b.s position till tb t period, cau.e duwn from tlie eh or, an. I paid the bet. UKArni tl.LV l'ATIIKTIO. ' A euuntey edit-.r tints ;:iv e vuiilt.i ii.s sorrows ill ''bre.ltbill numbers." V3, "Ca'ear tliUS IViim 'FlTriaiFWTs Tinur, '' VVveh"Wi ltrtel-7t- U-fies decay, Ve eever rais.-J aealt'or euvv, or If ii that lai'l an e j'i a day, ltut it vas "inarked'' and took avav! A'e never fed a sucking pi;;, i'olul us with ns sunny eye, -But veil it Ml groiVH fit and bi, Ami lit to roast, or b.iil or fry A'e eoul hi't tiiul it in the tv. AdIUCL'lll'KAL. l'u lite Edlttirt vf tilt Kuqiunr. (if A. NO, Allow ihe space to say a word nu this sub jecl. ITuiidia is iiiie liTtlie 'iiiosft idiiable fertili terseirr oll'eretl lo the Agriculturists of Amer ca. Hut there is 11 undue excitement perva ding the public mind upon the subject. The idea is-held out by speculating parties, . that .a H.-.'ie.l uJ.-l l.ill, auilicautgujj. are sold ill advance ot arrival at high prices. .. . ,. -,.,- 1 1 bee my nends 10 keep cool 1. e. as near so . - , , , 1 ,, , . . and waves, prove un isiiallv unkind a eoutin gcucy thiit 11:1 human foresight can guard a g.ut -iherr Ttrdl arrrre enTgmjs enough now illoat to supply all demands lor fall use, with an ample surplus tor next spring. iranyThVu' other fatality to ihe price or -sppU , l w ill en deavor tjo advise) our readers. There is no cause, other .than nn uiidue ixcitenieul aariuiig ej-LaUiuers lU-Q.-faliiiiid,i e..-aUv euiaaiiei; llli JT1 sent Jirtce,., .1 11 .i.clit. the,. eiihailCfid price cosumers should refuse to use it --A ftot Tow T took irpotr tf -iis est manure lhal can be used. That many how ever,-w ill use it and curse it I have no doubt. In some instincts whole fields of corn hav e been killed and garden vegetables and shrubbery have been destroyed, and so disgusted the ow ncrs thai the) have determined tmvrwnMti guaiio astrwr Vittrer'''rt8.'' Others have usid il uiihoiil the least henefiu This has hi en owing lo iis being an interior kind 0TI0 injudicious application, in one in stance it was sown oVcrlhe wheat field with grass seed upon ihdj snow;. It might as well have been thrown itllo.; trie river at once, Others have pat it 011 ihe surface around the corn lulls like ashes or plaster, dn ibis ei se it may do a little good, but not hall as ITiiich as it would il buried six inches below the seed, l b. II !'in, others havo opphed il lo soils al- ready rich iu the constituents of guaus with out seeing any marked edi cts from a cosllv application. . Oiiicif h iv ing met w ith wonderful success have ee -llie wrnnVsrigfitrornond '"Bgrrre; trlt iliere is danger of a morus mutticaittis or Cttli- fornia freer aud some farmers teem asthounh they itioitghl the possesainn of guano ' would be to them a p.lidosopiu r's stone, f uch will fiil lo obtain the full hr r.efil ofthis truly valua ble laruierViiiinc. To reap the greatest ben efiit ol'guaiio, it must be applied ui poor san dy loam, at the rate of about 00 lbs, to tha acre, sown broad east and nloughf'1 in pr.KP, that ts-fatn six to ten iuehe. The deeper it is buried, more particularly in light soils and warm dry seasons, the more it will benefit the crop and the more permanent will be its ef fects. It should be covered the fntrie day it is s ivvii. Upon this sow wheal, and har row or plow ii in without disturbing Ihe gu ano, and the later in the fall the heitei; an ear ly sown wheat upon gu mo grows mo much in autumn and exhausts a ponton of its strength without benefit to the crops An-rr fuil to sow clover tr'on I lit whiut, and thru you will gel as much benefit Ihe second and third years ns the first. In buying, buy the best, and only from those whnsa honesty you can depend upon as ins ; asity adulterated and no doubt will be. lbs e asked yon 'to pn'dtds this article, be cause ilia pages of Ihe American Agriculturist are full lor July, and I desire to call public at tention to the subject now, hope other papers friendly to the farming interests of V irjjinia will copy, ' -- i am, re'peeilullv, &e., " " ' ' SOLON UOUINSON. New Yoe, June 10, 1850. iCrom tk rntntnapHltlhtjtnetr, ... i.LAAa Di:ar fria: 1 pentive, Iroui a late putu'ica lioov iliat Mr. Kolon Kohinson has gneu some Hrf:ittM(Stil!iMl to me fsmiersrttautr lo ihe riui'eiiasa as well as to the use i f Ou ano. 1 agree , ilh hui) lhal, although it is a very AaiiK.Us feililizer.Uio farmers should not permit themi v;s la jjf lop dear, for llie whistle.", Under- favorable c'ircuinsuiuces, where uo diaasier befalls his crop, (which 1 all in ths uuceftaiuiy of ilia future he lutgiil perhaps, ad'ord lopay the price al wlncii ituovv sills, llut ihe presiiit jrice is" quite lop high.. Ii I am not uusii.ioi Hicd, the whole cost - ... , T.-,Y.-- , ,. rr-acMd iatSD.., Oc kc$a$ fit et&ii ptoii is unreasonable and exorbitant, and has only been kept up by s combination of the-impor ters to extort trom the consumer. Hut this is not all. Thru purchase by the long Ion, and import by the long ton, 22-10. lbs.; but. when it is sold, they sell by the short ton, 20tM lbs.; making an additional 13 per rent. pi out, which many farmers submit to, no d u!u, iihout being aware of it. The profits of the importer are, it will be seen, certain and enormous, but the profits ol the farmer are altogether problematical. The best friends ! l fiiiano know that its etfeet. are not very perniaiient. If an investment is made by the i tarinef, Tliitler the present extrsvseant nrice. ; ijsrt , nrice as would afiord fair irohrihlt tn3unerothm ntiiVear with another. I am pleased to see that Mr. Kohinson dis suades lioui a hasty purchase, and savs the? will be an ample quantity for use this fall. He is an iigen! or the sale of it, and therfore, is a good w itness in ibis case. Koine of the inoKl inieligent associations of farmers in Mary land have entered into an obligation not lo purchase at present, prices. It is high time that the fanners hould mako a fair portion of u.i tlltt pallia,, -ltd. uul ieaivaj uJ to tW- wnpof tefe DlNW'lDDlt: NEW - CHOLERA CUKE. Dr. Macrae, in the hospital at llowrah, has, according lo thp Indinti news, discovered a new and most successful mode of treating chol- era pltmia. LL; raimra ihrut.-tuinhjile a certain quantity of nxvgeij gas M'hirh contrib utes a strong stimulating effect and finally throws die patient into a refreshing sleep. j till awa king, he finds buns, If restored to j health, with the rxietuion of a general weak ness, wfjc.'i ;ilw a) s succeeds any physical prostration. Dr. .Macrae has tested his mode ofpn.ctiee iipmi 15 European seamen who had been 'Carried to llovvrah Hospital in the last stage ol the disease, and the patient has in every instance recovered. t lilillli For the Star. Messnr.-K fitorBr - If too etra -wake" room ' in ' your etaollvjnt "i'uty Atraisc" for the en closed lines r'-iiriiii llieiu aud ohhge some of your friends 111K i.aihes. Some fiftoeii or twenty yi'arsago, Uev. Hooper Cuianiiis, IL -ii.,-ea,'bcd-si---eermoii- in -New Y.vsrk.W.(J ..iiLhcUaU'juf. suflercrsbj flood, or lire (1 forg-'t which.) The awTu'l calamity occurred in Nliuiie, 1 believe. AVheu depicting the. forlorn col ditiou of the itule& and faminhiuy lie re cit ;.l Jhe Jollovyiiix (as Cuiuiiijfqji mdj. .liulild.) The vast congregation vvero ''uijttulved ii teart.' Gentlemen threw gold watches and full purses. boic llaieigh, Juuc C'J, LSj().- ,. . . , nix oaeuaxs. My chaise the Tillage inn cid tmfn, duataSlhu.ai.vtUUZ aiui'al Jaat.my . - Tipped with retoieiit gold the vane Vi Wtlm old chufeh across the way. " " Across the wav I silent sp1'!, Tliis lime tifl supper to beguile, In u1nre.li7.ing o'er t lie dead That mouldered rouud the ancient pilu. Thre hiaiiy au humble green grave showed "ttoWWWslTl1Mxffi dW 'rCBt;' """ Aud many a ilntteriiijj; stone 1 viewed, O'er tlcjsrj whu etiee bad wealth possessed. A faded booeh its shadow brown Threw o'er the crave where sorrow slept. Ou which, though scarce withgrass o'ergruwn, lwo ragged children sat and wept, A piece of bread bctweea tlieni lay, Which neiiber seemed iueliued Ui take; And yet they looked so much a prSMr Te-.want, it made my heart to ache. 'Ml' little ehiluren, let mo know A hy you in such distress appear, And why you wasteful throw Thai Lrvad w Lieb many aheart wouljehcur?' The little Ikjv, in accents sweet, lleplied, wl.ilo tears each other cliased, "Lady, we've not enough to eat, And if we bad, we woul. not. waste. "Hut sister Mary's naughty grown, And will not eat whaie'er isay, 4 Though sure 1 am the bread's her own, And she has tasted none to day." "IndeeiV'-the wan, starred Mary said, "Till Henry eats I'll eat no uiorc; For yesterday 1 had aouu1 bread: Ill's had none siuce the day before." Mv heart did swell, my bosom heave, 1 felt as though deprived of speech; I silent sat upon tho grave And pressed a clay -cold hand of each. '' AVilh looks that told a tale of wo, Willi tears thai sjaiiio a gram! ul heart, . , .' , The shi ruling boy did nearer draw. And llius tueli tale ul wo impart; "refore my father went away, Enticed by bad men o'er the sea. Sister and I dtd nought hut paly; AVe lived beside you groat asho troe. "And when por mother did so cry, And looked so thanked, 1 cannot lull; , r t the told us that she soon thcuM din, Au J Lade us lure each other well. "She said that wheu the war was e'er, - -IVrhapa we unlit otir l.uhcr see; But if we never miw huii mare, Thai (aod Our Cilher then would be. ' '" ' "She kutaed Us both and thaa slie died, Aud iumiu laore a niouicr have; Here uuuy a d iy we 3 c iT an.l cnei tnjnther mi jor u-'itucn' grite. r!r" s :..'-' . " If '-...I . . :', ., - "But when our L.rher cuaaa But haxa.. .a'.MT.-a uu- . a -..,a .r -s x iiioiioi 11 WW viruia 11 nu lie- a a, . AVc should be sure to meet hna there, -' A ad one aguu tnt-ht Lnppy be. - - -. " e kaad in luud, went many a utile - And asked our way of ad we inety And solus did sigh, anil some did siaib; ' " ' And wsof soma did i iDtuals gt. i -" "lint when we reaehnd the tea, and found .. , 'X was oue great water round 11 spread. We UidUgt.t Utat lalUov tuuat Le dr.. lied, . And turd, and u i.du d Km ijuUi wiin AmX ' ' ' - . . -. . v ; - h I ; - . "So ws returned to SKithar's carer ; ' 1 a 1 I re.. ' e . . . Xsi valy iocg with, kit to ivt; Fur Gedy, when this breast sbe irave, r-aid father died beyond the sea. 'Then; since no parents we have here, t We'll go and seek lor Liod aniuad - Lady, pray vauyoii tell us whers Thiftt .lJovr, our father, may be fouud? "He lives in Heaven, mother said, Anrl Upody says tha! lumber's, thore; ISo if she thinks wo waul his aid, I think, perhaps she'll send him hero." ' I clasped the prattlers to my breast.. 4ud cried, "i'oine Iwih and live witil me. -J-UXcluthe vou, feed you, gi-vyou rest, And will it seeoin! mother be. "Arid Owl w ill be your father still; 'T w as he in meivy Kent me here, To teach you to obey his will, Youreteps to guide, vour hearts locheer." TMK SMUKKR. Bt T. S. IMJ.CI10. I saw him alter eiion-r. An I his flee was like the sun, . . AVneu.iiu afly 1,; pit s tu rrt, His long day's journey d 'lie. The beef hjpi iiisdo it hot. And the wine had made it red. And a cloud ways ail aivund it, Luke a curtain round a -bed. ' w His chair was tilted hack. AujLl.id b et were on the wall, And the. troubles if the world iVil yi.t trouble him at all! For though he toiled and puffed, ,..,., trkeijtrrorsi7ie7 Yel smiled amid his labors This "cloud couiielling Jove." Again 1 issed his dwelling, In ihe da:'klite.s of the niht And still I knew the Smok'T, Like a low-worm by Id's liht, -HilhrtiVd W'f-islilfthri'ivnT.ac'k, ' Aud io li-et were still -im-high, -And he had u most jieeuliar lock Tioui out bis half-r-l.ut eyo. Twas in iiiiieg; and I :.w hliu, This great Vesus man, . And o'er the news-full paper His misty visisn ran; For still the tire was there, Andslill th" smoke was thick . And 1 rehlenibored me the tales, . AV hose hero was Old Niekl I wonder if h" slept! - Or even went about? Or was he onlv s-uno machine. - - For -what-? Ah-tlivr--is.ha-douULl Though putting, alwaysputting,. die nev er seemed logo; AVhat goml he did by staying there is more than yet Jiktiyw. begaar hoy -c ra vcd.'cti 1 rilarr- 1 tie. Smoker "t'lessed Ins stars . And said Iwtiad no elniiige to share' Then seut for more eiurs! 're jialteTrr-vrirr-' rtt 'fanTOuiplaimii; He griillly bid.-her cease: .' 1 "My home's a Icll: it's very hard - i cannot smot! in" Sitea;"' "" Tllffll. She stoops 111 victor's crown to wear, "Her' miff is upwarXfciwards tbe'iky" - DmitiKb't sttils Ihe wpnerwrr; " jree!,,, t;:inf,.,s fr,,lit fn-r eye. Her brow with fadeless Ix;aii!y shines, AnrfTiriiTtfi-i.Dv jtonti,erJfe.it, AVbilu love vriiii const insiauey combines ttrform tt hato rwiiid fcirtii'arl; CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, June 2!), 1. M. In tho Senate today, after the. expiration of the morning hour, .tir. Davis, of Massachu setts, resumed his remarks iu opposition to ihe passage of the ,eH Jge0i!JUyW,--JIJvj. 'OOTtopHHf Uirifioofacouple oftioiirs, amf was followed by Mr. Cooiier, who eomnienceJ a speech ill support of tlie bill. He gave way, without concluding, to amotion to hold an Exeetive session. The House devoted another day lo the set tlement of the contested r-leeyon from low.1. It will be recollected lhal the House, yesterday, hy llie easting vote of the Speaker decided lhal Mr. Miller, the contestant, was not enti ded 10 the seat. To-day the House decided bf 102 to 01, .thai MrThompson, the sitting atember was not eniiiled lo his sear. 'I he flec tion has been rem atidsd in die people. On motion, the House ihttu jtljniiniril. Washington July 1. P. M. j ibof try- after the- jsViHie inet -ihis montinsf, j llie consideratiou of the Compmniisc Dill was resumed. Mr. (.'neper concluded his speech ; in lavor ol the II ill, and was lollowcdby Mr. Upham in opposition to the measure. NBW HI.XICO AN' TKXSS. A message wasreeoived fiom ihe President of the United States, in reply to Mr I''oolo' resolution asking iiilnrnittlian relative to taecut proceedings of Col. .Monro's in New Mexico. The Presidenl mcrr Iv states thai all orders giv en the civil and . Military. . Upveruoz of, iNew Mexico, liad br-en nlieady laid befure the Sen- ale. After reading the mass ig?, the M.'iitte, on motion adjourned. ' - In the Hoitsf, tlm report of theSi-lct Com mittee 011 the O.ilphitl Claim being theepeeial order of the day motions were made to post pone n till to-morrow, ana 10 Uv tlie subject on ihe table.' All ttiesn efforis, however, pro- red fjiih, tiia House detnniiiuii) to proceed with die su'ijircl. The conduct of the Secre fciry of AA'ar in rela?ion to the elaiin w aa cou d;iuned hy Messrs. Q.ut, Hrooks and Conger, and sustained by Messrs. Toombs and Hreck. The latter reititlemati had not concluded his remarks whsn hts give way for the adjotirit-m-ul. - a The addreas deliver id by Oovernor Manly before the lute Whig Convention, i palri 011c, and fall upon llie tympanum of Locolo coisin, with in ire startling effect la Ih.'ir senses, than thai slo.en thunder of '4 1. Governor klauiv shows, thai the inaeolas- lured 1 humbug, -"free-sutrrae;," was got- i up to rxeite Uie peniile, and hopes were enierlaind that the Dtttuncfaue , carulidsle wfdiM.k-usitUei :.Uiui he back of Ifut f "eiuier . Ihe ..Vhnss wis lat out ul l.-ill speedf-at xti. tuiH''"nm -and tan wrtt an Sort b he-jre',rrv(t tW'mraal'ViMttirB' wiuJ-luoksii, aad fon 11 iered 1:1 the fire legs. and or course lost the race. The knowing ones were of , the ojntd ui, that hy apply inir phvsic, an 1 olher re nt lif, t is (14 ns "hose" 1 nd 1 tiler, would run a little lieiter, they bavs aeenrditigly niouniod him Willi a red feather in Ins cap. - We imagtas, botn : ilu "lioss and rider, are pretty well known by ihii lime nd ta Augui uuxiyiho '-i-rHter" ra,'-i"t be sated bjdy aic. 1 J'lgaanU'i Aru . ' Sixty tlriukar-d La ruisra-'-u have arrived ti lis fortyew Ji.i ai;( tit Z& cf ; i .-'- COMMTj-KICATIOlia. For tlie Star. No. a. Sc&oM liijti-aJ oj rMr-hottsci, htgra'Jatimt and Crime. - Messis. EDrmns: in our first number, which you have been so kind as to copy from the "Sun." we gave some reasons why a large nuin'ier of tiie children of our State can not secure 1111 education iu our High Kchools, and promised to present others in this uuut ber. 1 1 llie reader will go with lis but fur a. short tirite, he ttjjl have ample evideties lhal : our position is cornet. We w ill first slop into one of our Ac'e.d 'uiiei. , There sits the tiisb'iictor. vv ith qtitte an intellectual cpun icnancp, and very neatly dressed. All ardund are bright fjces, upon winch care has never written a line, w ant lelt an impress, or sorrow throw n a lasting shade. How comfortably, even neatly the) are clad, Co see loo, their daily fare; do iSey 11.1t feast boutifullj- upon the good things of earth? Tlioy have all'ec tldili'.re plielils, of kiiid Friends lo care for ll.ein, who are able and williii to supiily all tlieirratiniiti! vvatits. Thisis Wed!; may lieaveii ki 1 p their. way smc'olh. Now turn ) our eyes from this agreeable picture, mid we will pass far down the dreary vale nl poverty. Do not shrink back gentle reader, multitudes of sentient beings like your self dwell in this disconsolate valley,. ...Here, vou may find a iwul which, nntuiy hae jniiet JeTfc'au'ly turned" to the, notes of sympathy, llore. yuu may find an Inlclloct, thj'' nuw in chaos, w hieli sli id be, at some future period if proper incaais'ifc ajiplicd, nn enlightened people's iiiluiiraiioii nrid a world's wonder. Kutsuq, we a re. at tho habitation of a care v. priy ai.d ' (oil upfresaud uidow over whom the pull ofpoVeaiy has bam thiefcly epmd. We u alt sli p in. Does ihy soul siekenT " Ah! it is ciioueh, fur tliiue eyes behold but loo readily, that from ihlshabliioii every earth- Uejconifort has tied. Dear helpless children! 1 tf,'ir neads, niso iiieir icot urc bare, uietr garinnts arc licaut and Uttered loo. Upon Jwhat do they eubsi.-u? Poor little innocciils. Ihetr portion is a seatily allowance of this world's' refuse. AVe .Hi now extend our walk and visit that h iuse sail further down tlie valley, with half built chimney, open walls and parted roof. Ves.it 19 'iuhahiied. lliTc arc a number of Children, wiih dishev eled hair, sallow countenances, partially clad, with mm- and fihfir --garment, Bm they have (led. We will enterlhe dwelling. Alas! Alas! AV-lio can describe the scene!. Certainly, want and wretchedness in their most horrid forms, hold a diurnal jubilee with in these wills. Near the door stands a much bowed and mol emaciated female, very pilot-; 7 Ir habtinl, in -whose stinkrn tind ttlmoSl glas sy eve ou piaitily read, lottvj, tmcftuJlcacU broki u.' Y"our,'riu one c.iitiei', us if thrown thereby a luiir.c.iiie, Ilea die monarch of this seennfwith' s'trot face mid (laming- ev 5iL.feii.l breath and heavy breathing: from vsh .se very heart, the kuferOs Hi ysmii3JfjisiA-i' ''1C lat drop . of humanity 's 1 j4opi. .ililiTJd full lt deadly jnso:i," nnd "is ten fire-ef I hell." Could Ihe 111.1st evlil lales of earth -(the liqu'ir vi ndsy-ntc."p'.. il.) iiniird in their u luost-eiirly" l iooils, or vyiluesT frOaliS. Tmnv forTh'WTrrjji-cr sH Tevo wdiiliTfifiT. " If fti ruling spirit of liaitnese were conimissioiicd to produce the must un- sightly; unseemly tiling for earth, w ould he not, alter quaffing long and drinking deeply of the foulest cunpottti !s of perdition, and racking much', his cpiei-nis " nnd boiling Br;k jru),rehy slaasn: niamV present that man! Evidently. Hat where am the children now? fiee, ther are skulking around lhal old liil.ipiil.itod and for- ken titiiluui.r, Ijo you dot 100 easily per ceive, in the t.lv glare cf Ihetr eyes, that they are scared a.ud liariienod into relentless de mons of full gi'ov.tli, iho' s'.iil in (lie tuidal of child-hood's tender . y cnr? Ah! The ere driven a w ith 'the d irk wand of a criiel fate, like shivering a ((TV a rv in" Trolve to deeds of drspi ration. .MVfey, hast tboe tears of blood? for these lei them liowt. v ..' . t .i We will' twin fiertrr till anli-rlnruHer of purgatory ami p-uss In tlul house, just rover tUfUrtiy.... Huieyo i fin4 lsitjt'yUrg- Bum ber n!'childieii,inid wiih ihi'iri, squalid nor eily .ja...j.P-aiualler evil, iW..iUtaitta-tiath-. strelehed over them lief leaden w iligs, and over their future i-Vy spread wide her Mack maulie,- They hate boeti enciri'M by ihe arms of ice, loekr il in the cradle of ig norance, imd h ad by '', U"r" whose "feet go down to death," u hose ."steps take held on hell." Hood, lliey htiyc liliely never Sen, or nf St, priihahly net'er hfiard; hut iheir eyes areaccustomij In vice in its lowest forms, end their ears ,10. il.e baeehannlian song Hapless ones ! jnst before you, there aliens wide the voraeipusjawsofadecp and ray less degradation, Cpninassioa, where is thy tea dcrnes.s. . .. Hi-id, t. Is It not eiid'nt Jd your mind, ihnf tliese uitdtiiudes of children,' are almost entirely cut otT from the iHipe of securing an mtucatiun iu our l.iieli sclroois and Collgesf In our next, we intend show iogtlut our Cora moil fscliool 4o uot liicvct the wauuof thsa eliiidren of niisfortduj,., ,, ' ,. ... . DISCIPLE., ...PutajlWi Juna 12ih, 1850. . ', . " "mrriE.''. ,;: -': ?'::":"'i;?-. - . ... ' i a N'hidsor, July 2d, 1 805 ' Editors tf the fituryr 4 ' Oknti.kmkn : Our eaadidate in the Ren aie li. II. lJ11r.lv, Eq,who yop will recdl leel was noiiiUtniixI in Mav, 111 roaseutience of e;vere iadispoiitirm, found himself entirely unable tocauvasi, rit.i'jjatfd the party ton. leaje liiiu aitd .su,jd:u!ejx!,,f Jt'.'hr.f'J'Cfepn to carry lliu Irauiicr. It was dontj at Ms urgent request, and oifis respected fellow ein, i-n L"wi llond, Esr).' Was Called fi-otB-that-rnftrentent tvhieii hii se tii.dloui public ser- Vree fsr his L'.i'llttty diffetent eaeacitie de mj'itled. und uiHiitaitat by aeclam.iUon iu a l'ei n'estinis-of trr-Ti'iple;-''lhjir ha eame eoiirsatiVii hs nest, - ehaslfiaijd forcihle sperH:h : fir which he ie r Mmatkd'k". 11 ; i l etijn is', certain - bv a large 'majority. AVe have ni tcguht b,,po sitioa m th? Comuiofu the ftem ter.nie uum- iireee dachniuglitil we expel, as usual, to have opp leiiiop, but lisy will be beaten bv a " large toie.' Governor Maul v. Ihe fa orie of . our county, will receive a "very Tint vpta, b tuach, if aoV, sltnrfrcf 169 tujorily. ' ' '. Jn- bjsfe. - .ir-v " -J.n,.,Tirn.n.s.r'Hil'HiiLeii - 1 . - liahe-g g-i,ah-Lfcb is lo b a repies'nl C'H of Ue. 'j.l.h A ir j.aoa-i 'i p;,-; ta U-t) fm . ""SeS! .-'r ".UtfTfo "1

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