Vnm ttia eu.. """- REMEMBRANCES, i ithriHgtt'i thingbtful kow, . Witt many a silent tear, . t. i 0I,B think of dUtaat keri,- ' That "pot I "" dear. '., I ho l aee Ih arw ring stream - tm 'tkk I lord to taie, 4, ( " WUr Wiikk I flea spurted a . JucfcuuLuvd' Uioaght ess dsya. , ', think f pleasant, shady groves, '"! ' Anal lofty old smk-tr, v ...Ttat ascd m petwlveiy to ssoea 't tena'd bjr svoiniog larsts, , , " ' -, v t tfaiuk isatil Is I rambled o er i , - .la days of Joyowa youth; . TtAM days Bay aims tta UW BMgkt . M 4 V- Hlwt aid Initt. IZ'l 1 f wlntsr's areaine bright, ,,, , Aid cheerful wM i aif, ' . Wr bv M wbwper'd ia tatt word And bead ia vsry y. T Tta beawiug . the radiant smils, ; : ijU,. J sawn In aaa tUem yet: 4 . Th ewrieas laagh sad awrrjr song - : 1 acrar caa forget. W' . .Vt eofleg wal's I lew youjaol, , t , I loaf t hast away; - . Tke seen have not a chars for BW, ' Awl caaswl eks aw guy. , ,j T aativ Uiila. I long for yo ' streams with Unbind Toass , Tor yo. Jr we'd mi ef my hcail : , . , . . . far the a chtld-boed'e home. , t A CAROLINIAN. , atM. College. Rapt Silb, 1V0. IUE CUILD AXO THK l)EW-DROr. ar aaa, . a, aaaa A a irrirrt cUI'd. eoa awming at play Tot good for tbia world uf oara Wan griered tuat lUa dew-dropa did net tay Ad)rka apoa tbttowara; ; For it arorcMnr. g'aams of lh bright rauheaaia HtoM all tka fair geau away i Ttat (Httared bright, la tha awrninf light, . Oa tto abraba awl lower guy. Pot a rainbow abaea, tba "typ of Ood' lore.' ' Appeared, and tba lather entiled: - 'Tbeparkilng abawara of dew oa tha Boweea, W boa low y wept a'er, lay eki d, . " Again may h area, la the emerald ebeen, la the roby and aappbire ilyeat ' . They ar dual lug above, where aa footatepa rove, tta It eoft aad eataiaer ikia. " "And a akafl H he, lay darling, wilt thee, If early doat Tanlat from earths tike tiil-Hlrupi. lore, thoa ahall (bin a Sore, A gem of tha pureer'wori&T" LADIES' DEPARTMEMT. . , . NAMES. . "Wbat'a in tuimnV'Slialipearr. ' ' Nntwtthatandiiif the implied aniwer In the query of the loving Juliet, there ia muth in a name. If a "row by any other name would MteU a nwcet" in apoken irgn mijflil fall leta inuairally upon the ear and fail entirely to cull up the plrmiint aaaoeiatioaa which nuw iln trr around the bntuliful word Roae. We arc not diapoacd here and now, to diaruaa the - - - ,---Jiea yteatwiw of dta origiwai and 4ultarcnt ,f eorreaponiirnre between the aymbol and the -. thing ai.inified. We would make the queation " , , a mora practical on and apeak of name ai w find them, wjlhall tjieir aaaochliona, hia lorieal and poetical, pnniiocted .with llirm. - IxMdtetlat in. Jhia light, nmiii' are every lliing N .'a alino"!.' .ive you a fair young friend who , imoieM ia the euphonuiua ajui . poetical same m Maryl yotl imngine her Iranatbrined into an Abarul or a lrrborahf Whnl lo in a name! Ak Napoleon U prtit what raia- d him to the i chair of tlio I'rraidency, (Hin . pjy tlie pTBali(8of a mtme lite Bam oflhe idol of France, and lite chnqiieror of Europe, i r A Name ha rniaed Inimlrcila in place of hun- . and power a niUM Jiaaxtud hundred to the dut. There it much in a name. j 5-TItt! practice which prerailtal among ihej -rfrw a, ana among outer onenUal nation, of perpeiiwiiug in die name of children the memory of eireumataneea connected with i Tbe dying Itacheal gav to her lut ehild, the name of Mcnotil on tf Borrow, but Jacob, who could not bear (lie aad memorie whkdt - Ihal name waaealeulalcd continually to aw- lieu, called him Benjamin, ton of the right hand. Again when the new of the rapture of . the Ark, by the IMiilialjne. and the death of her 'liuahand and hi father, reached the) ear of ilie jilatighier-iii-ltiw f Kli, the named the chilif . - . 1,lr" born. Ichahod, aigiiifving ilia, ttie oy ' had drparlrd from Inrael, Could that child , or hi companion in life, ever forget the hie. , HirieaJ in eut hu aaaociated wilh Ilia name? lie waa a living monument of diaaalrr and de- fi-at, and aince thai day Icrmbnd ha been a fitting inmripiion for the crumbling wall and monument of riiir and nation wlioee "glo. ' ry Tim departed." , . The euatotu oif giving lo children namea , aignificant of aome erent in national or family i hiatory, ofaonio peculiarity of the child, or -of lh cireumatatice of Hahirlh, waa nut enn- fined to the Jew, bui prcrailcd among all the ancient naiiiint. Thu we have C'raar, Aoiry, 'from lh fact, it i aaid, that the head nl llic firrt child who bora Uiat name waa covered, with an extiordiiiary growth of hair, at ita birth. Thua loocaiiHi Aiigulu, pivea a a , , aiipplcruciinry name to Ihe Aral of the Imperi al t'raara, becauae ii radically aigituca in trrafing growing in honour. The nanu a both of perann and place, in all the Aboriginal language of thia continent, it i well known, era aignilicant, aa Uceola, Ihe fining Suit, Termra, trrrililr, Onaoida, ... tmtitltpot of rind tuhjnt It inlmdafion. I , How i it with u in Una nineteen. Ii eentu. ry of ehrialiaiiiU', rivilixotion and prngrceaf - .imca nipn ixHliing. - . We nee tboae ' which had a ignitiraiicc, bui we nee llicro without Ihe !ijlitest regard to their meaning. i X Iscigli Hunt baa tenly said; "a man by U ' name of George of Thomas, inigln aa well. W all Htid:rlood purpusea, he called Hpoon or , jiatoanu; yel these names have really beau. , liful igntfieatiiHi, The only atleinpt, wilh w hich wa are ac quainted, made in, modern limes, tu give sig. nifieanre lo namea, wa made by the l'uritaus of Knjlanil and America, over whooe absurd and strangely enmriounJ ognnmona, llteir de eendania baa so rllcn made themselves mer ry. ' Iu the eorly history of the llritiah Colo nics of New England, we find such name aa Ki-'lilcousnrss Uradsliaw. Praise-Uod Bare. bone, rtiifrkililte.wx-byifaith Martin andtHh- er equally ridiculoua. . : The be.vutil'ul custom of Uie Jews, lo which ar bav alluded, could he easily revived wilh- asut thefoinaje of new and arrange names.4-. . rt)osii( ihee-.rnluo name now in use among U, hava well'amcu meanmga, and puo can r-ajily b found apptopriaU! tu alinnwl any" circtimsiaisB are may wish lo commemorate, joy becillfj Peliv, happy t Hilary, merry. A strong, fcarles youngster, iauiaded for the army or for any Cruj af strife, migltf be called Ijo.h-I, a tittle Ihii, or Murtin. martial. If il is desired in perpetuate, ia tha of ihe . rfw-bors, Ihe memiiry of p-aca reslorud to'a country, ocigliborhood or fjitlilv, we lui tin, d.itna of Oliver, (or if the child is a 1 : f-'raale Ulnia or Olive.) winch eomeaJVona the i svliva the symbol of iraff, jn9 on almost fi4 irtfi'tiimH -' ; vH frojiiMic, ifleUaro arrcfj ilia ajeco-., .iry r'y w d'jfoal iii 'ciiy tliotn,wfjr, in lu- wrBrtMef.the.iwi o ia aee. wiili their derivation and BigniS-" ration, aa fcr i aacertaiwrJ, together, - with aome of Ihe historical and poetical asooeialion connected with each. Any assistant which our literary fiiends can give n in ttur re searches will be thankfully accepted. Southrrn Literary Caxtttt, to anuMTixi ttB. THK 14JVKKSOF VIRB. J he aub waaaliiinnr at lair ao me un nwldhin,wnelyMayoiorain(r--briglil vel umn wann. hut freh (miiiwav be - wee. the Watering pot of A pril and the w.rm- inf-pan of Jui-V-ur-Hl lb. but.ful .alley of Vire. Ktretrhed al the fool ofa Ion? aleep hill, crowned by pretty 'ry b"iC wnr w 9 j i :i wh $f building in, ne part gailicrrd on t ie rery pinnacle, in other running far down the lope, aa if coquetting with the rich allri thai woo them Irom below, lay urn imrnem of talley dial Nature' hand ever gifted with beaulvi the clear atream of the Vire Winding wrcilv along between the green "loping hilla. and ru n woo.!, anil ncwa, ano cnawaux. anu hamlet and Ihe hint nnging their aongol love. a it ealm watcra, ailvered by the wnahine. roll lautifully by ihem. t'ould you but I.M.k opnn It, you would not find il difficult to imagine, how the oul even of an obacnie art.an4ta-a miHltLJ. Wi0l poctrj- and muaie. in lh boKMn ol that valley, and by Hie aide ol that atream. It wa there in Uie beautiful Vale of ire, anme twenty year ago, lhat Kraticoia lr mie went out to take hi lat May walk with Ma'rictte Duval, ere tl'e rrlrmlce conaitriptiiin called him from hi happy home, hi aweet val ley and hi early lore, ft wa a aad walk.aa may well lie iMMgiucd; Isf iboiigh the morn ing wa bright, and Nature,, to her ahame be it (puken, had put on her gay eat inile, a if to mock their sorrow, yel me aunanine ol the scene could not iind ita way to ihcir hearta, and alt eermed darkened and rlotided around th r in. They .talked a great deal, and they talked a long lime; but far be il from me to betray their private regret, at ihi their ten- .tlMJiattatel4ittglllid pecilly a I know not one word almut il except, indeed, that Franroi vowed that the image orMarielte hould r main wilh him for ever aliould inapire him in battle, and cheer hint in Ihe bivouac; and thai Marictle prowled aha wonld never marry any body .?SKI$J3!J .Monsieur Ulouaaelorl, ihe gtcal roioanjfc,,,,, rlMJ who ne,jceta, when he haa the were to lay hunaelf and hi fortune at her (eel; ,im(! an(J opu0riiinil v, to prepare himaclf" for in TiihflH,- Ihllt whenaerrn Irmg -year wrercj , f ,nporliin( . journey." out," Francoia hould find her atill a pintcr. I iov an() m.d , ,,, , !lavp pi,,. and very much at his service. Hut, if I lose a limb?" said Francois. "Believe mc;i I rhall not love you lea," re plied Marictle. 'TVy parted and, first lo follow Ihe lady. Marietta wept a great deal, lint oon after wards she appeared culm again, went about her usual work, sang her song, danced at ihe villuge fete, talked with the talkers, laugh ed.wUh the gay, jirid won ihe heart ol all Ihe youths, iu the place, by her unadorned brauiy, and her native grace, llul aw i all. Fran cois wa not forgotten; and wlien several came at different times, to ak her in marriage, the good dame, her mother, referred Ihem to Ma- riolKv who had alwaya her anawcr ready., aud. with a kind word, and a gentle look, aent lliem aw?y refused, but hot' nlfcndcd. A I length, good old Moiniur Itouaacfort presented him aelf, with all hi money bags, derlnring lhat hi only wish Wa In enrich hi gentle M .iri dic; but she wots steady, and so touching did tut laik lo him about her pourFrancois. thai the old man went away With the tearsin hi eyes. Su month nfu-rwrds, he died, when, lo the womb of lb wbul placo h left hi large-for tune to Mariette Duval. Meanwhile. Francois, from a light hand' cotiscripl, becjnw a brave steady soUJier. Attar lied lo the grain mottnern army, ne un derwent all ihe hardahipaof the .campaigns in 1oUhI and-Muiahui,JUilL..Jie... never bill his iflirertuliiess, for the thought of Marirlte kepi his heart warm, and even a Russian win ter could not freeae him. All through that miserable retreat, he made the best of every thing. Aa long aa ho had a good lander piece of saddle, Ar did not want a dinner; and when he met with a comfortable dead horse to creenitilo. he found board and lodging com bined. Hi courage snd his power of endu. raiieec of one, whose best nihility waa.tha impartial ity of hi recompense. Francois waa reward ed as Well a he could be rewarded; but al length, in onu of those unfortunate battle, by which Napoleon strove in rain to retrieve bin fortune, the young aoldier, in the midst of his gallant daring, wa dcaperaJcly wounded in Ihe arm. IVa we over the real. Mutilated, sick, weary and ragged, Francois approached bis native valley, and, doubtful of his reception for misery ..makes - bad misanthropes he sought Ihe nollnge of M ailame Duval. The roltnra was gone) and on inquiring for Madame Duval, he wa directed lo a fine farm house, by the banks of the stream. He thought there niusl he some mistake) hut yet he dragged his weary limbs thither, and knocked timidly a- gainst the door. "l;nlrei cried ihe gnoa-numorau voice 01 the old dame. Francois entered, anil, unhid den, tottered to a chair. Madame Duval gated on him for a moment, and then rushing lo Ihe stairs, called hntilly, Come down, Mari ette! conic down, here i Francoia relumed!" I.ik lightning, Mariette darted down the stairs, saw ihe soldier' old great coat, and flew lowanl il stopped gaicd on hie hag gard face, and empty sleeve; and gasping, fixed her eves upon hia cotmlenanr. I waa I for a moment she gazed on him thus in silence; bul tlWWHs no forgetfulnes, nor coldness, nor pride about her heart there was sorrow, and joy, and love, and memory in her very glance. "Oh, Francoia! Francois!" cried alio, al length, catting her arm round bis neck, "how thou haa suifered!" Aa the did ao. the old great coat fell baek, and on hia brejl appear ed the golden Legion of Honour. "N'im porte!" fried aha aa abe aaw it, "Voila la re compense." Ha preascd herfotidly to his bo som. My recoinpense ia here!" cried he, "My recompense i horn!" , ., MARKING liK. -- One draehm-of Uiiwr uulicrhaifan ottncel. of gum Arabic, half an nunc of aalt of tartar; dissolve ihe gum in a teaetipful of warm water, then take a drjsocrtspofiuful of the gum-water aud mix with tha cauaticin a phial, bang it in ihe sun Wlwri boor without a cork Ihe remain der of-ilif gum-water lobe mined with the aalt of tartar.' First wet the "linen lo be marked with thulsolution, and, when quite dry, write Bpnlh1:'plmiiJi h caotio,7j A KEMEDY FOR TOOTHACHE. One drachm of alum reduced W) an impal pable powder, three drachma of uitrou spirit of either, mis', anil apply Ihem to the tooth on cotton, llul the enly eiiociuai r ore ia eiintc- tiuti, whji'h operation can now be performed wijh verj-lilUa pain. WASTiTnG WOOLF.JJ C!e0flIE.Cr" tjnbTt aawjrryirhTltrttf - Ixjigry hot sihU, but never rinsed, causes ihem to shrink. NOW IS THE TIME, Thii would b a good aiotlo for all bort and f irla. mntto ia amieiKW whirh shows how the pf raona who raea it aliould act. Moal aationa have moliomj a f real many per- aiinthave motion: Mich al llirae: Aim at aur em!;' 'To do my dtitv;' -Speak what v.m a .v . . to j.i " i I uaiAS lul.i.J i . ... 1 . 1 . -. . . .r. . a... . - uciitiiii, vii , arid iu iiiriui iwuiVt ,i,. .. i.... .v., rf,-.;, j, a and girta often put olT Iml llicv l .1.,.,,1.1 .1 :i .,.., ,;.. u;i -.i.... j U)Mtim. em. w h; l0 : , -jj," , froin ,. ,ir . ,,. I ,!,. aa Ihev wiU dn m hvind-bv. ami a.. iir'lorj 'whal woiitd do them good, and make irriuu final m whii ww tit I'm pi''! lhm ,j moke tirm' ,, PI'' !. ia n.H i. for hal N worth do.g at all ia worth doing now. Do vou wi"h forknowleilgr and wiadomT Keek ihrm al oom. "for now ia the lime." Do you winh tu romliict j,mir arlte tibeii grown iif in aurh a way thatollv- era may reaper! and Imr yoii lli-iiiii tudoao t u , flir ..,low in ihe ,;,." , V()U ,p. lf, , become a follower of Jeatia; to li.e in ,he ,me ,nJ fwr of to ,e (:irl,iiana f,,r ..our hrnhr gni ,lfni ,j heen for Mr hom,T Se u , one (lir Ui lime Kumbera of old people tell tta, imttl,ey wiah had done many ibinga wh(.n hrv wrre vo,inf. for ,.v camiot ,j ,hc,n now. Tirv are mrv for lllt,ir ll4vreCij .i.,v j..:.. u, lh;ir jv, ,.. :.. but, thia rannot he; an all w ho let tune paa away without doing what ihey ihen aliould. will never find ihe opportunity cim.e again, and will alwaya hare rauae liir aormw. There waa a gentleman whoae ipan-aervant happened lo olTcnd him in mime way; h't nyt-icr rat ed htm, and givmg him rttek,, aatd "When you find a greater fool limn youraelf, give it to him." Some time afier this Uie inaater was taken ill, and jiial before hi. .1 ik .1. . . ... I... ' tin ociM, hit am wrin Hi lio, llinnit n - side In bid him farewell, whrn the matrr said to the servant, ! am going to leave you be hind; I am going a great journev into the oili er world.'' X. (he atwvuiit aaui ho- I'opixl-Jib ; had made provisions for the journey and hail j prepared for hi departure. The mamer raid i i i he had not prepared al all. Then the er- vant Mill to hi inaater, "Mir, when. you gave me this stick, you told Die When I found a greater fool than mvaelf, 1 waa to give it lo n you, yours; never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day, and you will he hap py during your life, happy at the time of death, and hap (Her atill in the vaoihl to come. Sun day School Mvocatt. TUNNING POINTS. Do you know w hat is meant by the turning point! Perhaps you do no1. I will ull yu- - ,' V hen you have been by the sea-aide, you have seen ihut the brink of the water o'ter re muins long in the same place. At one part of the day it is high tip on the beach; at an other it is low down, o ihut yuu can seethe auiida ami walk npnn "them." " This chanire. you know, is what is called the tide. When the water is high up on the bench, w? say the tide is liir,h; and when ilis down on the sands, or near the sands, w e say the tide is low, I ahull not Ull you hen what makes the water to he always changing its place, be cause it would Inite hn much lime irom wh 41 else l.iiave lo sny. It is enough that you know there ia such a change. If you know a much as'fhis. yoii klioW also that -ttris change-does not take place all at once. No; if you w ere lo aland by lite sea-wide for an honr or two, anil watch ihe wate wilh greal care you would see hat they get nearer and nearer you by alow degrees, which is called the (lowing of iwli"tiilil of eiW lhHitoy--aiw 'rfwwiii lajtiltlMi's. t'j'illaelliliiiai Mrsi -iiv.thtfi'' viwl-Alra. farlher and rarlherfrom you; this is called the rhbitig of ihe tide. Il lakes sonic hours for the tide either lo ebb or to (low. llul there arc cer tain times every day al which il ia at llievrry highest or al the very lowest; there is a' cer tain hue along the beach at which the water cease: to rice; and there ia also a certain line lower down on the beach, or on the sands, at which ihe water ceases lo fall or lo sink. These pari of the beach or an rills" "tire wha t may be railed the turning points or the tide; thai is, lliey are the points at w hic h it ceases lo ebb or to flow, and begins to turn. If you have never seen the sen, perhaps you have seen a river. Some rivers have tides like ihe aea; indeed all rivers have when near the sea. The Thames, al London, has a tia.', and there ia a turning point to that, the same aa to the tide of llic sea. If there were not, ihe river would soon be quite emptied of water, and be no river at all. These turning points ai'c always at the aamo spot: at one limn they are higher, and at another they are lower; bui there alwaya are turning points to- Uie tide nf the ana and rivers. llul perhaps you do not live near either aea or a river, wen, men i ran ten you an other way iti which you will easily know what i meant by a turning point. 11 you were lo take a walk for a mile or two away from home, the spot Which you turned back again would be the) turning point of your Walk. Hut why should a lwwk lie wrillen almul turning points? 1 fancy 1 hear some little boy or girl ask the question. I will Icll you whv. There are often little efi-nts in the lives of . , , , i men anq women yes, ano .ooys anu gins loo, which may be called turning points in their history. At one time one ol these liltic events may turn a person from poverty to riches, or from riche, lo poverty. At anoth er lime, a small thing may turn person from d dug what ia right, aud from beinc; honest and true, lo ain and ruin; or k thing qtiiic us small, may turn another person from ain and folly to holiness and true wisdom, All these events are turning pointe in life. Such eveota happen when we do not notice or ihiukof them; and many thins would be turning point to us all, if we did bill regard ihem as such. Sunday School Advocate, R0AP FOR CHAPPED HANDS. ; Klli-e a fiUartcf of rtfiund of Windsor arwn in a niokin. press it down and enter il with soft waters pound a quarter rifan ounce of camphor with a little ruin, one ounce of sperm aceti, Wnd half iablcitoriil of h oney, Add it to tha aonp in the pipkin, and plar it in the chimney corner until melted, when it will mould into balls with the assistance of al mond powder. . FARMERS MAKE "YOUR CANDLES. 'Take IS poUiidsofaluiBhjrcvciy iUpounds of tallow, diawolve-it in waler, beAwe tba tallow is put in, and then 'melt tha tallow in the alum water, with frequent stirring, and h will clari fy and harden the tallow, an aa lo make .a most bcaulii'ul article, for either winter or summer use, almost a gfvod aa epenn. If the wick ''''Xmiekriii i irptfla-lurpcntjite, lh candle will refiect a much more brilliant Tepid iwlfcirHslisAk llrniaJhlliiQaJfj. nicr ami appears to oa a jt ivwp. ,. lciit.efvru Uanad hj tha 8aliriUTt,- wb myuMij aulirit the eont'aaad (aToera of tta Soatbrrn mlt, ana of tl citiuaa f Charlratuo in particular. Tin amt numWr of tbe pnieot emr, ft-nnrn Uo ha iriiinuiir of a w rri't. in rapitlljr thrnaiib Ilia orna. ami will b 4licnd to tutin- b tka l 'rtb of April, ilrrmner, tha syk i"a'J '"nUr r"?"- rj- dt-I Tailor, anu in a iimr tvl, itk a war, eicar 1 " ..... . . . wilbout dctiv iur aill . ...,... ,1.. r.nii-i..t rnniln.', of W (iltaoBK Stnaa. fj...t wkoa hand U.aM.erwt rrig'tk part year. Tki. f tla. we ar l ir-l'-nn our rciJi-rf n cuctti'!-1 .. . ... Mlail, in r..iig ,. w. ": ' ' Tfl . r "7 Lritr ...f'l it. r.r, s, i.iifir w IV,iii..i B.otrri.l. j Tha wnun f..r il.e KKVII.W mrin.le the (.rr.t.r ,r TL.. ..1 tl, l,ivlmt l.itrrarr tnta-l.l ir-,l( j,,,,,-,, llt r ,, ,rolv. , . .lir, ,r. h-tne-. fnrce and 6-iflity, the ral fAry and the pvrultar iimt) tut inn f ur nrt tu. The rhit!h- rf, etattiiwl by the enmitwi.ft htjl. thvy hae rrreiwd, fmni cvrry qunitir of the Smitli, and m jieclaHy ntaiinH ood utrt'itixed hv the moct in HurUtial namrii in ardinn, )tff h ave to twoirit the continued ml int-rpirif pairnape uf wor citisen, Hnlavri:ti"iif will m weited at thtir t5. corner of Kt Bay ami 1 rad vtreetn, c cnd atry, oral 101 fra"t V.ny. i'ontrihiitorv will e )ileaed to ldreiMi ihe Kdttir, t" thir t are, in CWlealou. WALKKIt & Kl('ltRIS I'tihlhliera and I'rorietora. l iirivutlrti -VorA or Simlh ! TIIK TllUtU AN.M'AL Vdl.DIK Ol' THE SutTIIKUN I.ITKKAKY HAETTK. Wa cimuiciH-ei! on 'aturd)y. lite 4lti of Mty, 1H.iO under iu nrijimnl uuln ibulead of Kttk- rU' U'rrHn fjairllr a more nigniticsnt of it pe. ill ar ehnracter, it being tbe only c, kly or;m kX I i'er- lure iu.tlic entirt .".mil! It i gteally rniargtd and Improved, CMitaiiiinK weekly Thirty in t.'eil tnana of natter. It i, Bmrertr. i'i H. . i i ... r; t......ii..l rt in ), i.,,, tt , ,UM nt bc.orpawieilby any puptr wliMteri-r in. the j fnind ttuie: It will 'rontinue umUt the name i Kdilorinl lirti.n an In nfitore. and no .ain or ! i;Ktit!He will lie unared to make it i . ...mi . iLiiunirty .1 , inn, r, r.i.,iii.i .r.oi . i i.. "aacheu.pai the chrapent, anilan goodaa the be,i:" l.'tterty oicHplint; tin' notio llmt a Soutlirrn ji.nrn nl ennui t compete with the Northern arm kliea. iu ittuic,itltlid.ilUiai.Ut...teuU telle nh tll rival tlir hrnt or them m all me iluir aeterirtii sora truly valnshle nreaide Journal. Itn aim will lie tbe dirhfion of cultivated mid rellned tate throughout the community mid it will braee in il. atni,le fold, every .fecie of intelli genc-e that i-hu tend to thi- re.u!l. Ui iirinHLCi;iitrili utions. from many of theahlei.1 ariti r in therioulh, will rhieliv oeenDV its columns, lull not to the es- oluoiuii. olhuiU!.itiatsiiioj iMeit)tl:teLl!Lit?.fel' Amerlovu unit huropeun sources. Tlio tone ot toe "liiwlto" will he independent in erltirtsm and i theidieeowHoo of every legitiwaie Uipic, hut it will be strictly neutral in Politics and Religion! Iu columns will be occasionally embellished with .Southern Torlmita and landscapes, engraved ex presaiy for tiiework, and HCcoinpaniedliy biograph icaX and topographical sketches. A portrait of th Hon. Judgr bumpkin, of llrorgin, nppeared in the first niiiDlier,. and others will follow ut monthly in tervajs its general ieforiuation will he copious, hut carefully condensed from the leuding Jourrals of all ports of the world. .Notwithslanding Uie great increase in tJie siie and attractions of tiio paper, it will still b. pub lished at 7 aw, OUluxt .l.'rr ntimL ill Atiranetl All orders must he accompanied witli the uiony and addressed, p'tit-iiuitl. to WALKER ft Kit II nis. (.'hsriesion, S. C. 87 IN THU C SITED STATES. On the loth of January, was puhlhdied at rhorteston, -ft. ih. thebrsl mimlier of Hie mod Annual Volume of THE sCllOOT.FFJ.UnV, which .has been pronounced by aomo of the -ablest presses and best judg-'S, 4,Thc ticst and cheap..t JuvcuUe Magatiua.Ui. tlie X'.uttvdL S.l.ates' The success of this hcaiilii ill little work during its nrtt year has lieen so ttatu-rihg tout the I'uliiisheis have resolved to continue it and make it permanent, and they therefore t' ltl npon parents, leathers, and all interested in the rising generation lo aid them in tneir elloTtsto moke tlie .V-AWy-oW alt that its most flattering judge, have pronounced it. It w.P tie nulilislieci iu the same form aa here tofore an. I under the aauia editorial care; and will contain ehi tlv original articles linir, ll- peua ol : nienani, .un. v. nu-w, i....n. t arnline Itowant, .vn.-a i;. ouruer, i.iaro iioru tou. Muria lto,i n, the Editor, aud many oilier well known writers.' ITS ril'TOHIAL EMI1EMSIIMENTS will he more numerwn "and beautiful than before; it will be printed up in liner paper, and no paint will be a;ured to unuo it a moat charming com panion for all good g'.rla and boys. It will lie pub liahed on the lift nth or each mouth, and will make a volume or all nit 40llpiige and luO engi ay iuirn, ' "' "" '' " " Five roiplra will he aent to one nddrcaa for $4; Eleven copies for SC; Twenty-three copies for f lo, and Thirty-two enpiew for f'20!! TIIK KIKHT VOLUME, in gilt mualin, will be furninlied in conueotiou with the aecoud Year for Two Dol us. To club, it will lio ailpplied at On' Dollar for each copy. Mr Cluli should lie made up as early as prac ticable and thoae wishing volume tint, aliould ap ply immediately to WALKJJK ItlfflAltDS. '.May 4, lbolt. Charleston, H. 0. 87- JiU 'rrsnnay Aote tmt Femul! -Willi, WHETHER LEADING. AN INACTIVE or Indoleut life, or whose occupations oblige them to follow a sedentary life, are subject to costivenesa Indigestion, Had Appetite, I'nin uf the Stoinacli, Sides and llresst; their limbs become benumbed, and from slight exposures contract colds, snd be come It henmaiic; their complexions become sallow and unhealthy lookiug; their lmdily vigor snd sUengt's fuils, are irregular in their Bowels, and otherwise, spirits become depressed, are metsn- eholy, and gradually the whole aysteia. begins to d-1 cline, i ALL Bl'l'll ARE ADVISEtl to take two to fear of llr. LEIDY S KAKSAPAIEILLA III.(HlI) lMI.Ui dally, for a short time until regularity of th Bowels &e.; is uatubllshcd. Suffer them not to become dis ordered or Irregular, snd th consequences above pictured will be svrrled. rsf JVs. from fAsir eosiAiiwriaa. eVtf'rr frnsi ef Ihrrt, sad the only I'ills containing Sarsaparilla: art erfirocioas in most disesaes common to mankind, and if I'ills be necessary, either for Pnrgatioo or I'urh filiation, titer are none safer or better, requiring no restraint in riving or oecupstlon or fear of ex-giti-e in sll weather, forty lUU ia tW, or 2o (sals. Ua-Prlncal Depot. tr. LEIDY'8 DISPENSA RY. No. 114 N-rtli Fourth Street, above Kace- I'liiladelphia. Bold also by Williams, llsywood k Co., Kaloigh, N. C. Si NKW (i()0U8 FOll FALL OK 'lHOt). flUIK Siiliscrihors are how receiving their Fall -- and Winter supplies consisting in part of th following : lllack tiro Do Lyon, nd Silver Grey Silks, Fancy snd Black, Brocade Silks, Mack, Faau?4-bi Waiarad bilk. Chameleon Silks, Leva nil mis, l'lain and Watered Toplins, Brocade Srmldoca, f.yonese Clothe, .. Varamettas, . " If. H. & Wool Chen Mus'in De Uins snd Cksb- weres, ' . Chameleon Turksi El,"llsh. Fi-ench siiiKiermnSrrinos, 'fr!pI.Wtc.Wr'W and t,.sLiserew, . i Chawielcoa Alpoeaa, Kibtmn, Velvet snd Hare 1111 Trimmings, French Work Capes, t 'ollsrs snd Cuffs, Jickonet, Check, Swiss. India Book, Sotted, Tarlton and Kattsoek Inslins. Bomtet. Cap, jisck, Cuff aud Bell Ribbons, I'aris Kidtllovca, " Bhawls snd Visiles, l adies nnd Misses Pari Embroidered Lines . rsmhrls Kdkfs, . Real rlcnc! Thread Edpinps, Tspes, BobtilBs, Edging and Inaertinjrs, Ac. ivaieig i, repx, iipil i-s. i tooa: laoaasBortt, Howtt, Kaet, or Weat and a area of general pro parity la apparent. The whole land teem with the abwndanee of Na ture prolificacy, ana we have th faU vlfeeta die played of the iwlaatrv, enprny and peraeverpnee whick eharaeteritei, I lie Cmitiuent. We aee, a'.ao, rmr rfort meetingtlieir full teward. Tb Ktraor- Idlnary St. IIK.Mtx tor M.n tn ilt.r. ar aaeeuag S"": w"" ' aa. ' . '. tne toil apiroNiuoa oi owr evrrfxpoooeooi, Ireaity applieitioiia are pnurine iw tron all eCCOOna H in V UIOO. IIINUM-lir-l wi, ,aia l- "ewee-oe two ewppori'.no "" .7-." 1 1 '! Tn S V .1 tT-TS ' - ... . .... . . - ......iiuacaa ta. I.a vh ait tit i iia.ala.laiauvUP rndaat fuWaaV. - lilt with it pmlefei'ftor. the niwlc ot thtwugo mrtit amle iii'licnUon nf the litiemUtT of the .MuMMirrm, anl of tommeni'uriite rrtnrttn lvf-tititrtT; wc tbervtuiw iv-et the tR'TOHtB !( ' H K 1 K8. tnoimemlin thtm nith (nnti truce. , ctir hn alwnvii Itetiuth tot fortunate month .1.. iu ,i:...:k.-j i.-- In-en Atwirr nuirior in jrirftitn tu the nunltcr of tickt ti mil'i UctUr of K'tt, uilt txhtUt m xiar sucreMpful ittpnti ! oriT-ponileiita nre re tiic8trJ Ut forward! their orders arly, ami be carf ful tu ttidrCM W E. MORRI.MflN A Co. 47 Wall xtreet, S. Y. $75,000, JtVl.Ofl)! jCj.OCO! 10 IW of $3,000 (iptNI ( IDATr.l) UTTERTOP M aHVLAND. For the bvhvfit ol the ( ini..iitJnttl lotti rir of Ma rvlttud. clan l t- Im ilraitn in Hultiiuure, Md. on Snturtlar. (Vt. 'i, lfm. v.ndcr the Ptiiierintcn-p e nre f roinntirioiiira. 7B numler Lottery, 16 MUST ft'Li:.M.rt7 WIIKME: 1 Prie of ?7S.IHV. I ofMLIkKI! I of 25.OT0; 1 of I Viaai: 1 of 10.11 of7.. 2 or Aiaai. o I oi -eiiai: in o! .oisi; mi nl iu or ..toil; 10 ofl.oOO; id.o'iC pri7es, ami.uming to ?I.H2.'i,8J4. Tickets, $.MI Halves, flf OOKuartcrs, j7 W) Eighths. S:i 7-i. A Certilicnte of Package Wholes, $.180 Halves. $1i,oyuiters, f.n Eighths, HI -i- ..j(l,0IJU: a j Orrttiif 1nMhiluUtl l.itfnj of Mtirylumi, Clau T, for IHitt, to he drawn in ilaitimore, Mil., on Hat- uiXiv, Oi-t. 77. 1 1-VI. . Illtll.LlANT SCHEME. ' I prise of .K.iO.HSI! I of 4l.()oo: 1 of J'.O.dOO. I of oI.OIH 1 of III.IXlO: I of II. Hal; 20 of l.OOO; 20 of 7"iO: 20 of .'ash 20 of ;:(ai:,Ac. c. Tickets $l."i shares in proportion. '7R ItraWn num. hers 14 Itrawn ballots.. A Certificate of a Pack age of 2ti Tickets will be sent for 91 Ml .Sharee in proportion. - $r,tmr-- - - Grand Ooio(iW l.nttriy MnrijlanJ, Coas 27, for 1R.VI. to he drawn in Ilaitimore, Mil. on Hat nrdav, (h t. 6, I Kill. (iRANII SCHEME. 1 prire of JIU.IHio: 1 nf20,li: 1 of 12.IK); 1 of; 1 of r,.lil,li: I of 4. Mill tie. fcc. Tickets ?l.ri Shares iu proportion. 7o Number .Lottery IN Draaii ballots. A t'crtificate of TirTtwwill-Tie'irt-for-lfa2fmiw lion. .. .. . . JoTllMi.' . f.'oiisolidated Lottery of Maryland for Ihe benefit of the Susipiohanna Canal, ,1c. C,t. Xo., 44f i0 he drswn in Ealtimore. .Mil., on Urdnesdsv, tlct. 2, IHiill. 7-ri Numbers. 1 ' drawn hallo!. MA0N1I K ENT SCHEME. i..;..iiu: 20 priies of J.1.-,on: 2.', ofl.f.OO; 25 o' 750; 2,ri of ItOi ;i(h 124 of 20": li.1 of 100; ii,.. Tickets only 10 Hollars. A Certificate of a I'ack g' of 2i Tickets will be sent for flilli hures in pri'pottion. f.T'l.OOO.' (irnnil Consolidati il Lottery, of Maryland, fnr the benefit of the Susiptchaniiah Canal. Ac Class No. 4A; for i00. - To m, drawn in lbe'il nf ltalti-moi-e. on Wednesday Oct. the !!,' lS.j(t. 7ii Number I.otlerv. Milrnwii liallots. M AliNll'ICEXT SCHEME. $d.i.oiai: 22.000: 11.000: 1 of ." 1 t,f :i,lKI: 1 of 2.00(1 dollar.- 2t priies irf-,2"i"; 20 of roO th -20of 40t' 20 of Hull: 2 io of 20(1: 2 of Kill; Ac, ftc. Tickets $111 Shares iu iirop.irtion. A Certlfi- rateof a farkigo or 2i Tickets will be sent for $120 Shares i;i jiroportiiin. Soti.t'i'lO. Consolidated Lottery of Maryland, for the henf flt (f t ic Susiuehanna Canal and other purposes. (Mass 41''. for WoO. To le drawn in the City of Baltimore, on "fVf.tneVilay, Oct. lllth ISoO. it 'Numbers. If) Ilriiwn lliillols. , SI'LENHlll SCHEME. t-trmm 7,on,i; i f oio: 1 r 2.oisi: i ofl.sno 2 j of 700; 21 of dlo '.10; 41X1 of 1 Vl, CO of 7j; 1 lijkels only hid shares in pmportion. A i.eri ncate ol a rncKsge of 2i Tickets will he sent 51IIO Shnres in proportion I'rixes of SUll.lsslnre 0.(iO0. Orand Coiisoiidated Lottery, of Mainland, foe tha JiWMtBt of ihaCnnsuliilslail Ultasiss, ntMmyimUi ''lass No. 2S, for lHi'ill, to be drnwn in the City of iiiiiiiiiiore, ,,i,i.t on nuiutiiity uct. y( itioo, Numbers 1(1 drawn ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME, 2 I'ruesof y;lll,(HXI. Hoffi.OOO; 12 of 2,.r.0fl; 100 of lio ofSUO; Ii;, or 200 each: c. 4c. Tickets only 510 Shares in proportion. A Cer tificate of a Package of 2.', Wli le Tickets will be sent nir .MllJo Shares in proportion. Sail.lKMI! Maryland Consolidated Lottery, for the benefit of .-oisquciinnnnn I anal, c. v:iass , 18.o, to lie draw:! at Baltimore, (Md.) on Wednesday, Oct. 2.1, lKot). 7 Numbers III Drawn Ballota. SI'LENDIH SCHEME. $;10,0O0! 20,fKS)l 10,000; I of 6,000. 1 of 8 000- I of 2,870; 50 of l.OOO; 50 of 600; ISO, of 200- Tickets only 10 Dollarv. A Certificate of a Pack age or J.i JickeU will lie sent for Jll 'IO Sharee in proportion. To MmkttHt. W'miitirliirrri I'mfutfnnal Mm. MERCANTILE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, run tub status or DELAWARE, MARYLAND, VIKOI.VIA, NORTH CAROLINA, snd the DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, Containing the name, style of business, snd near est poat-otttce, of every Merchant, Manufacturer A Professional auu ia tha abosa-waoaed Slates . the whole making upwards of oO.Ooo NAMES. The undel signed would respectfully announce that the above work is now in course of publication, and will bo ready, for delivery by shout the first of No vember. It will contain the names of all Merchants, Manofucttm i s. Bankers, Attorneys, Physicians, Hotel Keepeis, kc, of any importance, in every county and town of the Statca mentioned above, classed in Counties and under separate aad diatiact aeaos, arrsngen ror easy reference. Th Publisher offers this work to business men as a correct and raUr.ble liat of all persons doing business with th Atlantic Cities. lie has, at con siderable expense snd labor, obtained the informa tion from official sources, and feels confident thst h wilt attain the utmost possible degree of accu racy. The price of the Dictionary will be f 2 per copy. As the edition will be limited, al) who wish to secure copies of the work would do well to leave their names with tbe publisher. WM. THOMPSON, Publisher. 8 No. 6. Carroll Hall. COPPER WORK, TURPENTINE STILLS,. c. fpHK Subscriber informs tho public that he is still carrying on his business in all ita brnnch es, st his Shop near ths Raleigh Depot. Turpen tine Stills made to order, in the best manner, and warranted to work well; snd sll kinds of work promptly done in copper, brass, steel, iron, fto. Constantly on hand and for sal lock of all sorts and sixes, guns, pistols, Ac. Ttii Subscriber aoly aak of the public to give him a full and fair trial, as he is determined not to be surpassed in his lias. The Subsorlbera's establishment being tb only on of tbe sort in all that rccion of couatrv. ha confi dently appeals to North Csrolinioos -ast to ths menu or home industry, to sustain Mm. Mow ii the lime to Saoe W. BUCK'H Patent Improved Cooking Stoves, also. SLinly's Air-tight, siiitabl for Parlor or private roo-ns. I am the only Agent hi North Carolina for nock s fstent Improved CookingStovea. Any per son wishing lo purchase I would resportfully refer them to th following gentlemen, whs have them ia us : Messrs. t.hsne liywey, vupres. it, Cameron, WIL ,t ,m tiao. W. Mordeeai, JtlSBI il WOLTEKIMJ. 11', KttiblMmrni hot ires restores' lo fttrrUlt fltrt. iYasi'aA, .V. C. Raieigh, Sept. 1st. lfwo. 88 tf. NOTICE. 4 PPLIC TI0V will b made lo Ihe next Gen cral Aasen.bly (if ihe Ktat of North Caroli na, fnr a Charter for th eonstnietina of a I'lank Rood from Charlott Uirongh Lineolntoa to Newton. iu Catawba. gn tka-UOOKiJOBPIU-VTIXa. of everv Ho- acripiion, r.eitlr and rAeony etecut-wl at this Mlaaing tracB oTIaad or a jaaeh of oaet tract aa aiil ha aalBcieflt to pay tba oe aaa oa ma aaaic and tbe ctt uf tliin, to wit: , An.. Va'aat'B. Tsjee. i;.'4 f iTHonlirtad l SO I-Ji 62 " il lli " 10 60 li l'a linted I IH I7 471 " 1 7 i-ti 7". " 11 "in " 1 ytft - m w H3 K'i ' '!' 7.1 1 02 .mi Sir.' S lo 5 A " I'M TH 14 1 24 moo mj 4 mm mm s no i CO !HI Wi L';t." 4Mi 1 83! Mirriekt Heira I Nancy Fitivraiil I'ulrb Kirfuaa W f Caa phell C'Larln II ltowden. Jumeii Mvera .Mi'n, Krn.h.w 1 1 TbarM " L"",,rt,iy y fHfitrU . ... .. a I it nrroffn Wtloo jclrtn HtTin Hitrtjravo ymt ptT Wmrnnf-r n:,i i,,,..;- Ln,c' J. A. KOSKKftO. Shritf of Irrd'll Comntjf, StiiteMillc. N. C. September hth, 1H60 Price adv. J,JfJiJ 3H w m BOOE STOCE KALLItll! rilllE ulncriler ha iut openiMl a llik Slorr, two tl,Mra itlnivo Mr.'TJii-hard Smith' atore. '"' ','' ''o ,M,o I , , , M IIINII, IK.MIhM Of almo.t every deicnption, togt tlier with arge collection uf RELKIKH H Wol'.KS. From the pens ol eminent authors of the different Denominations; also, STATIONARY Of excellent quality: all of which be proposes to sell on rrrrt rrtmiitallr Irrmi. Any Hook not on hand at present, can he ordered und received by the Subaevtbt r, in a few days, and he will he prumpt to fulfil aU-fde 4eom tows or counliy. JOHN W. O'NEAL. Raleigh. Nept. 18th, 18,'iA. ;IS INIVF.KMTY OF PENNSYLVANIA".' Iftirbirnl, EICHTY-riFTH SESSION ,1850-51.1 Tiie lectures will co'in'mence'oii .Uohdayl, VictoTier" 7th, and terminate about the end of jMarob ejisu ing. For further information, seo the July number of the Medical Journal. W. E. HORNER, M. I), Itrtin of tbe Mitlienl io-uly. l'hiladelphla, July 1, lti,i0. , :l(l llii. N.VYT.41tiOTS.AXllSiajKSt g:UVKU L. KL'ltCII, Paytttreillr Vor Woir the I W (tw,JULauiH, A',Un) would inform the public that he liss just leceived a large assortment of Boni s i Snobs, comprising in part the following articles : Ltdies' lioat Welt Huskins, Frem-h do. do. . Kid Walt Tie. Fine Kid Huskins, Fine lirtcm La I iconW, (New Fashion,) (lost do. do. do. French Kid do. (o. Children's Black Morocco, do. Do. Colored do. do. Ilo. Ilronze do. do. Do. Laced Itootl, do. Boy ' Calf llootiv - . . . . Do. Kip do. Do. Iioe.t Monroe's, Children's do. 100 1'ntrt I'hUitilJphta matir (! ntleman' 9 Uooti, " Stichcd and l'eggnl. ditTt-rrnt iiiuilitivs1, 'Wnmrv'n lirnn i foo(,: (New Ktyle-,) - - Do. Flesh out , . N!gw'ComeJShocs&c&e. He reiii"ts nil wanting Roots or Shoes to give him s call, ns he knows his assortment to he the largest in li.,- City, mid ho flutters himself that he Can furnish ne eood bargains, if not better, than can lw got sny wiiere else iu the City. i O.'L. BIRCH. Koviua.2T. 47 . . AL . . . . 5 NOTICE. fi TAKENup midcoinmitted to Uie Jail ofltladen touutv, N.C., on Thursday, the Hlh day of .Vt Aogn-t, a neemimin (slaver who- savs 1 bis name is JOHN, und tit he helongsato Ai.i- ,.i. isi'vkks. living iieur Society Mill ulSoutli, ar I'olina. Said negro is dark comolccted. about twen- I ty years of age and aboifrfive feet biith fT4 WW PWfUtl Wii!a.yg k hewhy mitiftedliwomc, I forward, prove property, pay charges and tike bun away or he will tie dealt with as tho lawdireets. JAMES MELV1N, .. EIriabethtowo, N. C, August Sth, 18o0. 34 tf. POTTER'S PATENT OIL CLOTHS. l'A TEXT Oil, CLOTHS Foil r.MIIUACKS TAIILKS. FLOURS, STAIKS, CAPS, Ac. rpilE MMISCKIUKIi has in store and (a-cam. innniif:ieturiig a eoiuiilete assijrtinent of These goiids "the qiialily of wliich is isstiKpsssKti', and which he is enabled to ell to dealers at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. MERCHANTS AT A DISTANCE' wishing In formation concerning price, &c, can address TIIO.IAS I "OTTER. .lanufacturer of Oil Cloths, IDS North Tiiiru Street, PHILADELPHIA. 2fi 17t. M A N UFA CTIJ ft I IJ E ST A B L I S H .M EXT. TONE 11 1 WOl1' Kill X ( lor a number of yours r'orein:in in tho Knleigb 4 (jaston Rail Komi Blacksmith Shop,) resiiecifullr announces to the citilena of Raleigh ami the surrounding Counties, that ne Is prepared to manufacture ifitkt of all itnKriitHn Vf 94 l'utot Carriage Sjlrtnys JfI H'ori HrM Vatiingt. And, in short, any thing in Machine and Blacksmith Work. Hu is also prepared to execute -. BELL H.iNUINO i at the shortest notice. Also, has on hand an exten sive assortment of Locks of all kinds, st prices from 10 cents to 20 dollars; Edgetools, an assort ment of Axes, Drawing-knives, Hatchets: Ham-1 mers. Files of various descriptions, and a number of mutes in nis nne loo teiiioua lo mention. All orders faithfully executed at the'tnwest nrtres. snd sew work entrusted to his csre will be warrant ed. Orders from a distance will he attended to and executed at the shortest notice. Ilis Establiaement will be found st the Raleigh Hail Road Depot. Repairing in bis line performed with neatness snd despatch. Also, a general assortment of funs snd Pistols constantly oa hand. JOSEPH WOi.Tl.lH.Mi. Raleigh, March, 1849. 14 tf. P. S. It i EttoKH'kmnit A even restores' l fay etlerilUStrt't, Salrigh, if. C. FHESH Alillll'.IU NEW AND CHEAP FALL GOODS FOR l&V). elASONABt.g DRY OOODS. BONNET, SHOK8, OAITRBS, rilnKELLA, 6iC jHtt at Adstf. Th Subscriber has just received and opened a fresh supply of Seasonable Dry lioda, &c. via; Fin Black and Colored Alpacca, Caaai meres anq Delanes, Striped and Plaid Brilliantinea Raw Silks, Block and Colored Borages, Plaid sad Changeable Silks, Swiss, ('becked and Jaconet Muslins, Neat snd Spleudid American and British Prints, Linen Lustres and French Ginghams, Velvet and Silk Braids for Trimmiug, Lines and all Colored Woosted Braids Superior British Shirting and Calicos, Irish Linens and Long Lawns, TUI Tjeli-ng and 8heeting, . Jeans and -4 7-8 4-4 Cotton Cloth. Diaper Table Cloths and Table Diaper. Foundation Muslin and Broa a Holland, BEAUTIFUL CLOTHS AND CA SI ME RES. .BONN LIS Boater amAxs Rich Fig" red I AO Bonnets, new style, do do Straw do do do do Leghorn do do Mens Shor i, Ladies Walking Slippers aad Gal tore, Misses sod Children's of every description. Silk and Gingham Umbrella and Parasols. T. A. UtTCIIELU Raleigh. Aug. 21, 18M. : tf. BLA( KSTONB 3 COMMENTARIES WASTED. Anv rjrarm rleaieowa disooain -of a second hand copy of lUackaton' Commentaries, caa find Durrnaser nv aiinviREav m ....... - .; T.K OITtCB.' - IfP CHEHRY PECTORAL for tha our of Couch. Cold. Ho Bronchi tia. Croup, Aatbma, WhoopUia. vouga ana wonaumption. In offering to the community thisjustly celebrated remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs. It (, notour wish to trifle with (he line or health ofta affiictril, but frankly to lav before them the eplniaaa selves. We sincerely pledge onrselves to ateke aa wild assertions or false statements or ita efacoey, nor will we hold out any hope to eafl'cring hoauaiiy whicbifacts will not Warrant, Many yro-y fm are here given, and we solicit aa in quiry from the public into ail we publish, fat. iug assured they will find them perfectly rvliabU, and the medicine worthy their beat rontdrae a4 Jllitriiliage. fit : K CI. F.. 177. . I l. of Mis CWeo Writes 1 hare witnessed the effects of yaar CIIFItRY PECTORAL' in my own family and that of my friends, and it gives me satisfactioa to stat in its favor that no medicine I have ever khowa aa. proved so eminently successful in curing diseases of the throat and lungs." UKV. dr. osoonn Writes "Thnt nsidcrs CHERRY PPPTrt- II A I the best medicine for Pulmonary Affectlna... ever given to the public," and states that " Bls aauginer alter oeing oiiiigeft to keep her room nmr months with a severe settled cough, accompanied by raising of blood, night sweats, and the a tt ro dent symptoms of Consumption, commenced tW use of the "Cllt'.KRY PECTORAL,' and bod aaa. nletelv.recovesed."! EXA.HANCEI.LOR KINO, of New York says: I have been great sufferer with llrmrkxlir. and hut for the use of the ' Clltg. RY PECTORAL,' might have continued to bts for mnny years to come, hut that, has cured m aa4 I. aw hap pyioticar iesiimo'uy to its clbcacy." From such testiioony we ask the nublie lo iudra for themselves. , HEAR THE PATIENT. Dr. Ayer Dear Sir: For two veurs I was a (flirt. ed with a very severe cough, aocorvpauicd by spit, ting of blood and profuse night sweols. II v the ad. vice of my attending physician 1 waa induced to sat your i iif.iuti i i.( loii.M,, and contiuned tost ?.',-ti.lL.l..(-;!;I,IVf !.d;tl., and ascribe ths ellect to your pit palatini!. . . JAMES RANDALU flauipd.n ..., Nov. ISIS. This day appeared the above named James Ran dall, and pToiioiiiiceil t'nc aboe sUitrment true ia cvei-v res;iei.t. LoItENZil NORTON. Justice. THE REMEDY THAT CI'LES. I'ohti.imi, Me., Jan. 10. 1847. Dr. Ayer : I have been long afflicted with IsAm Inch grew yearly worse until last autumn, it twootrht onw cmrch wrlrii-rmi1lned mehrinTthaia- ber, and oesan to assume the alarming symptoms of coiouiii,i'.ii. I had tried the best ndvice sad the best iiif-licioe. to no piirfaise. until I naed year I'llEltltY l.'Et TcltAL, which hns cored me, sad yo;i uiay sell l,uiicc :ae. (irutcfullv vi.urs. J. I'. I'll E LPS. - If there is any value in thrjudgineut of the wise, who speak t'roiii cvpet ience, liere is a niedieia worthy of the public confidence. rBKr isni rv j.c. avi;h, ciikuist, Miwru., mass. Sold by Williams. Haywood x Co. I'.aleiph, Dr. A. C. Evans. Yi iiiniutou. and hv Dniggists generally. l P.m. 4'AKKlAUfc MAl'ElilAIA m rpHE siibscrllier has lately returned from ths North, where Ii" hits visited ninny manu facturing establishments for t lie purpose of obtaia ing articles in his line at tlio very lowest prices, ao as to enable him lo compete with houses in Balti more or elsewhere,' for the sale of Sivcfl 'article "1"" those iieur iVter-hiirg who have to purchase them, and w snpnty them on the oevt trrma. Ho now has on hand the best Assortment of such -goods that he ever In,. ,;, ,1, Imt would rsiieelally call the attention of hj. customers to his supply af Patent and Ktisnii'lli'd Leather, of which he bass great variety a!-o to his supply of Oil Carpeting, Patent and Rubber Cluth. Hub. and Saipl llssdi Rims, Spokes and Slial't-, f N- w und ksad- some pvttr-rtis. Clot Its leml llomiesksXugy 1,80101, Dash Frames and Cnrriiic i t, Its. . llcsidcshis reiiwcl t',ck oCCurringe materials, he loo, a legotiniility ot: general Haidwore, whiell--he is selling off at much reduced prices, so est induce purchasers, as he wishes lo declimV. that . part of his business. Any person wanting! Toaie or Building Materials will do well to tuy or kisjr . as he will sell such goods much lower than ih sr-rtlfrSry-'p'rlfiW""'""" --....--.,-IT. Pleas call at the sign of the Key, Uollingbrook ' Street, Petersburg, Virginia. LEWIS MABRY. Petersburg. July 1.1, 18.'i(l: SO Kcstoratinn nml Preservation of the Hair by M. iVise ft Stn of Virginia. A t Atill. WISE 4 SOX, finding it altogether lav iwissilde In attend lairsouallv to the creal 31. numlo;r at' daily rpuiioaUvua. liow all acvtious sf , the I'nicrt, for thci." remedy for Baldness, snd for their celebrated II us Tomc, hare fonnd it necessa ry to appoint s (i'turrat Vxtrrllmg Agent, Is visit , . different cities and towns throughout the linifrdi States, vesting him with artho-itv to appoint sa-- agents, use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to apply the Ri;sToB iTivr.. and to put them into the hand sf those he may appoint to operate wherever a suft cient number of patients in sny town or neighbor hood shall he obtained. P , Cnpt. (Ikohiik Cvi.vkbt, of Fartqniercownty, Va is alone authorised to act ss flenernl Travelling Agent, with the powers above indicated. ('apt. C. limy be expected to visit, as speedily as practicable, the principal cities snd towns sf th Union. X. R. Canl. fialvert will slwrvs have aw kaad a supply of the iiais tosic (which cleanses the a4 of dandruff, strengthens and invigorates th hsir, snd prevents it also from falling off, for the region of country most contiguous to his operations, or It msy always be obtained at wholesale, snd forwsroV ed to any part of the Union, by sddressing the pro prietors, M. Wiss & Knv, Richmond, Va. JriT" Price mil per unxen cash, bix Domes iar Ji or one dollar single buttle, 61 ly. BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE. The X. C. Rail Moid Will I- Mil t OU Bmn Arts Revived. a BRING ON YOUR ORDERS. 11 AVE at length succeeded in securing tb services of Mr. HENRY O. BRI CK, who I so well and favorably known as a practical Knglaer and Machinist, ami would respectfully inform th citiiecs of torth Carolina, tint I am now prepard to build ' ' ST3 JOC E1TGI1T23 J ot all sites snd for ny pnrpose, which I will war rant to perform As well, and will sell stas low srieew ss sny Kngin of the same calibre esn be bought ia the United States. ' 1 sin also prepared to execute with neatness, every description of lion anu itras turning, ncrew n lingof any d. sired siie sod length. Mill Gesring snd II Machinery. Iron railing, and every deseriftioa sf y Iron snd Brass Casting, tie. The Machine Shop will be under tb immefViat direction of Mr. Bruce, who as a Machiaist and Ea ginacr has no rival in the Soothern Slate. Voav wild do well to give us a call before sending Tr onlcrs out of the State. It is my isteatioo tt av up into Town anil erect a vary eitensivs "'" raent, during the Summer ; and I kv no r money nut to pitfehnse Machinery e lnHsf- tla condition of the Old North State. Csme sodsee and get all the information yoa waat 4bout youraaW and Grist Mills, ic, k.,ireUii. -v Raleigh," Aprai5,lK50; ' GENERAL AGENCY ' IK HTSBATl lH, AST ASB SOBSC T TT O'H" "f IhrSmtthera IMenrf UairlU. tiita.j4iiia.'4a v.oroci oi ...-.. -.. ..-j, v-r - -' ----- hareaawa, . t. . Tss rnilersigned. Editor af Ik -Sowtbera Lite rary Gssett," btf lesv to inform th pabli that h ha opened a General Ageacy for th transaetwa any bwainess eovrireted with Litaratur, :. and Art II will correspond with aalbora Mrrr ing th publicatioB ol books and pamphlets p ( their own acconnt, or otlierwisc: execute any " missioa for gentlemen forming libraries; tornre subsoriptions for any perodical work, Amertcai or Kuropean; receive and Meat promptly !f mission tor any work of Art! supply aceorata w tiatates of th coat of Pbilosopiiieal Instr order them at bis awn risk and r''"""'''" ' jircTrriiy. " wr-rrwrcH-.s'"

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