u TBOlii J. LEXil, Silt. I01TI C110UNwtrfil ii hlclltrtul, ami ud.ta'iital ntunn, tat Iu4 al m tim Ui boat tf W ifJcftUw.' IXMD1S I. LCI1T, liMriili Miter, VOL. XLI. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY -MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1850. NO .44, THB MOKTH CaJtOUKA BTAJI It KlUHU IIUUr IT TBOIAS J. LE1AT k SOS. (Offio naarly opposlu tbe Post Office.) Trrai f the rip r. U 0 pi unun. wbB paid is aiivavcb $3 00 If ptjatot i dlved tart mnDths. Trrtni if idwrtitlni. Oat sqaar. (10 line,) Urst insertion. SI 00 ear a subeeonent Insertion. 2a Jart orders and judicial adrtrtlMUwotn, 2i per eanl. higher. A deduction of 83 J per cent, for dvertisetitt by tk. year. nWJ.AJl letters Mil enmmanjcatiniii tnust be ti .fid. Remittance way b aiiwif at onr rik. . THE ART OF IMPROVING THE BREEDS OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. n k LaTTCi adwiisskb to th iiuht ho, tn Joseph rank, a. a, bv tia JOHN lAlSDfcltS SEIRIHT, liUtT., H. p. WITH MOTES BY THlt ItDlTOR or' "THC ri.OVOH, THE LOOM, AND THE ANVIL." Kl. i lit., I. lh. r..lL.in Li. ..i.i:.k. i' k. lanj s - . -Memoir, of the " Penn.ylv.nia Agricultural 8 '" hodj ?f "K agncuhoriMt from every eietv." ami in the "Aiueriran tenner," upoa I P1 rf the '. and two from Amenes. readiogit, a few week. .in.e. and reHec.j T1?.""" M WV ".'."T! how many y.mng farmer, have grown up tomanf jf lrt LT "? Xli '"il I. v'i estate since then w. conceived the opinion that I "vie A'theb.the. priced tup 11430, "which eaMiv nince uifn, we ronceiveu uir. opinion inat it would justify a republication, together with a few- note., which are appended Lfc'J. '. A. j i , ' r Deai Sir- I have "not tlie pretiimplion to hink that I can throw any ('ghf.t'pon. the jT) of improving the hieetla "of Joineatie aaim.l., which it now to well understood in this coun try: but, in obedience to voor command. 1 print these observation., to w hich I am tenti i . . . , i . . file you have at'.ched more talue than dwy UCServe. The attention whkh fHttlemen eT landed properly have, of Ule yesrs, paid to Ihit sub ject, hit been extremely beneficial to the eoun- trv: not to much bv the improvements which they themwlvet have made, a. by the encour agement Inch the prolrssional breeder have recened from their pa I roil age sod support, without which they could not have carried the breeds of cattle anil sheep to the perfection which manv of litem hnve now ttatned. They have, likewise, been the meant of making the beat breeds known in everv king dom, and of tranporl;ng them to district where it it not prolmMe they would hate been introduced, but through their agency. The Duke of Uedlbrd, Mr. Coke, and tome few others, have not only been the liberal pat ron of the professional breeders, but have themselves made great improvements ill. the breeds, to whieh th ir aiteutiou has been direr led. The same success hut not, in general, atten- ded frjtdemcA.t hesilireedi after having been obtained by them at greit expense, loo fmiuentlv degenerate, in their hands, from mismnnageinent. They conceive thai, if they have procured good males and fe males, they have done all dial it necessary to . eitahliah and. to continue a good breed; but tliit ;.' M ...np. nicn,ihc,catc., ;,, W'cre 1 lo define what it called die art of breeding, I should aay that it consisted in the selection of l males, inmdtd to breed to gether, in reference to each other' meriitand .defectt.t It it not alwtyt by putting the beet male to the beti female, that tlieUst produce will be "ohtaihed";' firf.'sTioiiTd' tfity "both hate a ten dency lo the same defect, altlxiugli in ever so slight, a degree, it will, in general, preponder ate so much in the produce a to render it of little mine. A breed of animals may be said to be im siBrtwed when any desired qtratity Has been h . creased by art, hetoml what that quality was in the same breed in a state of nature ; the swiftness of the riice-hnrse, the propensity to fn.ni i i,i..i! i'. Li....' imorovements' whi.h ha.. J 'n. i tirnlur varieties of the sperii to which ihese : animals belong.' V hat hss hcen produced by rt miiatl K iu,i,ii,,,.i..l u .1 - n il.; .-,. imti. .1 I n " . ! .m . .uii. ..f n . . if 1 .to a stale ol n iture. or n.rli:ms ,l..fiet mill .arise, which did not exut when the bieed was in its natitrd state, unless the grea est at tention is paid to the selection of th individ ual! who are lo breed together. We must olwerve the smallest tendcBcyr- to iuperfectiou in our sun k, Ihe moment it tp pears, so as to be able to couuteract it before It become, a defect; as a rope-dancer, to pre serve equilibiium, must collect the balance be-, fore it has guiie too far, and then not such a motion as will incline it too much to the oppo site side. The breeders'! Hud'es will depend entirely inpon the degree in which he may happen lo i possess ih is particular talent. . Regard should not only be paid )n the qoal iiliet apparent in animals, selected for breeding, ibel to those which have prevailed in the race ifrora which they descended, aa they will at- W koOW Bnttlln. in It.!, b.nn. 1 ef then these distinction, of of landed ! ipronertv.'' ,and pnitessional breeders ourj ' profssionl shtsep breeders" are all "republi 'et?","l':e,,;" 'M,t th? sre not, we trust, '.kiing ade in the art of raising and .breeding ehwp, Utitt eosw from what quarter it T T this defwition we would add, "with partita r ohjid in sw," and in regard to h reeding sf Wn, thai object thould be, for the awst part, to pn4"ar th laoat valuabl weol with th ieavttnHii and expenM. Meat iato be th4 froat stiier squpaals, bnl root w aWra ,aW7oolr fmanuis sheep. ro stBetaaiata.eewed with euew distiae twa WKwun it taest And iU covering. How j great the oiffcren tf rJie between the eoars ,est aad thenest wool I id ia as mwch a th sweat aatgnaa ef eapital ia taeewltitwiasaef the aasssanimkL willnrcidao awsol worth iftvani. . id fvr the finest, insteadof teg for Ihecoara , wwere, yi eiren ni stances or the country are tfarssrable, as in mm, rhe rovmoMat (boa Id , give tbt tatjst proaubk) direcuon to the ua ef tht .capital tsiployed, by enaUing the farmers to ,-r,1' cMlve of the proni. ef rearing the Iner ivMilei-,,,-!,.. eaSflKiB ear exxa7ca..auk There, are time, we wefl kanw, who will object ,t Jhjs. wss tsMekWoiu WrtMT.ee rf'aotbtT trprW,. Tbey doa'teurk th dit. ,UP1U bowreendetail. and general rriuciplee :!L 5' ' ,.U!' with Burke, & -kit .oa f tta aet pmoleaw la li.)Uo. wlut a gbf tuU.p. iartfTIiZet bTtb. IT iii,r,f!5 ",t "' " oah with .ChrfMn!? " P IndividosJ etB. rHill the rsp.a,Ulrjy of th genw Jl JloprDt of the great rwwroet .U ' . Jf".,r. he tatnmed. kmg a govent " d "en and men's intitutiorit re- waysehow themselves sooner or liter in th progeny. It it for this reason that we should not Breed from an animal, however excellent, unless we ean ascertain it to be what it called trrff bred: 4hat it, desreadrd from a race of ancestor, who hate, through several genera tion, possessed, in a high degree, the proper net which it ia our object to obtain. The offsprir of tome animilt ii very un like ihemaeliea ; it if, therefore, a good pre caution to try the young males with a few fe male, the quality of hoae produce hat been already ascertained: by thit meant we well know the sort of stork they get, and the de scription of femalt t to which they are die beat adapted! Tbi rule, which ia to wall understood, and generally to carefully acted upon, in regard to hrf kwtet, it shamefully neglected In the care of .beep. Could our flock, ha urotrated from doe, and steady encuarageaiant given to the cultivation of the n nest wool, men surneat-oi. ware, sir. B yboM. Col. Randall. Mr. Taintor and other., might he rewarded fir breeding nun., expressly to be annually told or let on particular day, aa by Mr. Joua. Wehb and other, in England. Iatst month. Mr. Webb had hi. 2"th Annual 'Irttma' of Southdown ram, attended by . . . . .r . ' L" in"'r rHtwihn year nr. the ew tr 1 1 '-" f""" 'l? 'V'"' j..t20, to Lord Berwick. "Mr. Meven. 1 Ik' m.' Lv- J . .k, rarmr from V w V nrh himtnna tin ,1 IS niiir,. .Hit thin gentleman, w nndemtand, alto nurchaaed ewe of Mi. WUt ntwii-aa to the a-de. t Thit result i not likely to happen where the breeding i. kept viIMh Ike if in ; then "like liegett like" riV great uniformity and preei- suia ; pronnen the goon point or the animal I , ii . i i 1 r i i ' nitTw own well eaianii.nea ot carwiui nmnin. tht0Ufh ,u(wr, g,Mr,Uon.. But there it itHnffAr l,&l ttA ImI animili. tli rm.nt piwWe lee ieeteel toek. may Lreea' ".Jbsak and bring out again the qualities of their inferi or aaeeatrr. Th English farmer. Kllman, wbo won enviable distinction, a well by bi high nil lilieral character a. a farmer, generally, a by bi. wonderfiil success in the imprtivtmert of ptmthdmm aeep, went so far perhaps a little too far ) a to any, oa the nevesstty si having sheep "well bred:" "Where attention haa nut been paid to thi. stiom, I have seen the offspring everv wav Inferior to both aire and dam: and I would rather, therefore, breed from an Indiffer ent ewe and ram, thai I know to bs well bred. than fn-m a ewe and ram possessing a good ex ternal hape derived from an Indifferent stock, where little or no attention had been paid to the oreeaing. Ibht OtMehuUd mtt mk. ANCIENT AGRICULTt'HE. From a very interesting article in the Lon don Quarterly Review on this tubject, we make ihe following extract. The w hole arti cle w iil repav perasal. Our modern farmers no. doubt look upon the ancients a Itttle better- Utah Ibarbaitant in agriculture, but it would appear that more respect was paid to agricul tural hooks, and at reliable retultt were derived from agricultural labors thin tt new. But to the extract:. "The Roman agricultural course, w ith the partial exceptions to whieh we shall, hav oc- caido to advert, was sf the siiniileet possihle (Icacription a crop of grain Hid a fallow . t. very year one liall ol the arable land was in grain, one half in fallow. One-third of the fallow was sown with tome sort of green crop to he mowed for lh eatde, and this portion of the fallow, and this alone, was manured nrevin mr"TTV'Hd 'th mat period bore three grain crop tnd one green crop. This we should bear in mind when we come to consider what effect a long perseverance in thit course had on production. The naked failow received three or four ploughing dur tng tlw awwBHir, heaidt di scsd furrpa. ,. , The w heat wat of many vtrietiet ; white. red. Slack, bearited, and tmooth are expressly ueutktueili and these do not exhsusi tit cair tigue m name.. Some are taid lo be suited ) f nd dr.v- 0,her to wl moi land, iligo, 1 ritirum, and lar Uuoreun ap pear to have been the lavorile sort ; and the two first varieties rwiMiot have been very far removed, if Kltt.sr statement, that tiligosown on ern I""'1' 'ft years turns into tnl- . J li uin he correct, -The mode of towing grain affords, perhaps the most marked distinction between Roman anV modern practice Then yt s i war tw -Ibid, The Itnd wat well reduced by ihs ine x, ' which wae our harrow, and was used both for pulverizing and for drawing weeds to the turfucc, and by the eratet which was ah imple ment for crushing rlodt. Both these were worked by oxen. If the land wss naturally dry; it vas next drawn iwtn ridges (similar, probably, to our turnip ridges) by s double mould-board plough. Too seed was then sow n by band broadcast on Uieae ridgea, and die major part, of course setdrd into the fur rows. It wat then covered by band with rwrfr r. rales, tnd lightly, for the ridges rertiinly were not obliterated. They are al ways epoken of at a benefteial defence igaiait thought to the torn growmg on drr lad AIW this eovariag of die ed the land reaaan- ,d 1U"" lU " hd Put mi ""urlh. aiul mirlfy 114 Kith Wide. U Uien received its nral bwemg. (ssrrito.) winch in dry land m eluded what we should call earthing up s in moitt land, where die corn wat already ou a ridge, the operation wat simple hoeing. -Many passages occur ia ihe writers, wbich taken ingty4 appear lo indicate a ttrong opin ion oa their part, that w hereat tome erupt ex haust -d, other unproved the land. The o pinion that sonte crops, even when gathend, improved th rand, did prevail lor Columel la, who strongly advocate the ploughing in System, thinks it necessary In coronal it. "dome ted ua that a crop of betas stand in the place of ru. airing lo th is tad. .wane It opiev ion I would interpret this ; mm oee ean make the land richer by sowing (hem, hut that this eiwpVill exlurust it less liian tome others. For of this I sm aeuiit. that land which has had nothing on it will produce more corn than that which has horn these pvlie ia th preceedimr vtar .' Roman harvesting presents te eral ria- bobs Jrom- UnUtb raecv. la eoto eases 4 fhe- ewti- of rhe ttanding eww -were" gaihertd or s sort or coralj, cut ufT, awal earned U) le thrashing floorttlie straw being cut by a tuV tequent opcralioo. The mode i which liii wee done i accurately described by the Byte tecs, sad is flvtuty poUMjed iu Uie drawMf from th Egy ptssa tombs. n other esse the com was rut low, and baring been gathered together, was passed ihrvmgh combs or hackles hieh dcuiucd the ears. Pliny, In ji very ob- aewre passuge, and rtlladiut ia one which t more minute, describes a ttoiiing maehine which was used in the ltr?e farm, in Caul. We do not think that Meters Rantme and Mr. Ilornsby would take the wordt of either luthor or both , combined, as working si-1 Iter hutband looked astonished, but an rertioat for the ronatnieuoti of tha im weredhcr, while the searched about for It plement. Thit much it evident, thtt the body "Yon will toon find it, Agnes, in the folds of of the machine was fiiei oa an axle which roor drcs." eomweted two wheels. To the sxle were' Bnt the search proeed unavailing, and. it fixed a pair of shafts, into whieh a very ! night, Mn. Motd.nt fiirlr wept heratlfb) steady working ox was harneised, not in ' sleep. It wa. not merely th value ofthsor the usual manner, but a a ttable-bov "anient, although it was of almost princely 1 would, with hit head where his tail thoul'd j worth, but the gift had been bestowed upoa be. Contequendy when he walked on, in-! her by Mr, Mordant on the day of their mam stead of pulling by the thafta, he pushed br j K. nd he required that it ahould lot be them, and drove the implement into the ttand- j orn for show, but nexther hearU and, in ctse ing com. Bv' some toachihery which wejo'"i' death, he taid il would remind her oT cannot undertake to describe, it collected ears him. A thousand thouihtt earns into her of corn, cut thrm off. and dronoed them iato a receptacle in rarpeutum: l'lmy aa) a 'vallum.' Palladiua tayt that this iiuplrmenl answered well in open and even land, and thai tome farmers in Oatil cut their whole har- vest with it without employing any reapi rt. "The direahiiur was by flail, by treading j out (lor which hornet are taid to have been I better than oxen.) and Utterly by a machine drawn b ealUe, descrilitd aomeiimet at hav- ing teeth, aomciLtuet toller, called tribula ,1 trahu, and fotUmn. and which, whatevet it J Blight, be, was adopted from Cartilage. -Tlie nodo( using alraw were various,! ,i ,,... rinlinsriU upper half was used aa cattle food, the lower .. . i . - at litter; but avheu the former tailed, the latter was bruised n ttoue a rude anticipation, of our chaff-cutting and tpringtcd with salt to indue tlw cattle to eat it. Ctlumella seta very Jinle Tjlue Jyeij pn . tjie jtsf aM ,.. J.S that In many placet c.ulie are led on it Ixuw nccetsitv, but minus cummode, ' " IOIITH'i lirilTIEXT. " THE DIAMOND CROSS. Wriitenftlhi '''! " ivrcaa4iiBowAo. - , I ing. before Simon Barton .humble door, j .n theshtpe of . gorgeous eqnlpage and , .piiroftpinhoree. .trtktng the grount , wtth Ihetr tmpatjent feet. ., a very un.al j sight it wis, in that dun and nuserabh itreet, I , . a . i to behold to grand a coachman flourish to ,t . g , formidable a whip over the headt ol tuch , glossy steeds. Why, the steeds themselves lotted their finely -shaped hctdt in the air, eager to go forward on their way; but the elegant-looking lady, w ho wat within the coach and had pulled thecheck-tiritig for the coach man to stop wrien ana wjiere tie aid. teemed dctermit.ed'.h.. they should tw.it he, plea ure. I he party were eviucnuv strangers in Ihe city, and consisted of the lady, a gentle man, and a bright ai.d beautiful boy, -Why do you stop Agnes," said the gentle man, languidly, "at this ouWif-ihe-war,forlon-Wik ing place, eafnfn honk-stnref You know that we have not miniite lo spire; for the can tain tnM us he would certaiidy uil at ten and. if the vessel goes without us, I shall miss die last chance 1 have for lecovery," -Dwnoi (ear, AJIxwt," replied - the lady, a she biok from her bosom a jewelled watch ; "it is but just nine o'clock, and they tell me that die warf is very near.' My motive .ir topping here it not altogether selfish; fori want tome books for both ofutto read on the voyage, and though I have unwisely put it off until the last minute, I possibly may find something here." . The. invalid's eye grew bright, l-. tint, at the lady spoke, and he aa usual, let her have her own wty, gazing proudly on the rich beauty md noble lirof hit lovely wife, tnd then linking hack into ihe carriage with a sigh of regiet mil a troubled look at the pros pect of hi early death. . At the -dot of )h humble book-store stood a : girl about ten yean old. who had a weak-look ing child in her arms, ind the lady paused as the encountered her. The girl's countenance wit one of peculiar loveliness, and tha clear hazel of her eye wit uplifted to Ihe Hunger's face. -You are very beautiful," taid the lady. hastily. "No I should not sav An, for it will make you vain I nieau, I tike lo 'ook at you; there it somethiug enchanting about you as you turn! with that doll of a child in your arm, flow old it tne, and where M tht mo-1 tberf -ltte it only two, the, answered, "and ticUy most of the time. r Eyrr Since my "mo ther died I hive taken care of her, and the told me not la part wiih her uutil we meet in the blue iky up yonder." "1) not tear, returned the itnngcr; "1 (hall not rob you of your treasure. And, the father where it hef" -In the book-store, answer the child; and the lady remembering her errand, entered. Himon Barton showed no sensation of ssion tsh mentat the bright being stood before him, tod, advancing from among his dusty books, saked her pleasure. "Hare you aay tbing new, inquired the lady, -wherewith to while away a ledums sea voyage something light aqdentt running?" The store-keeper displayed some books, which were by no means new, and the lady. turning them over, contemptuously, said. War, these must have been printed before Ihe flood. Hive yoa nothing more modern!" "It takes money to lay in a new stock," grumbled the man, and money is mil the lot of every oae, The stranger looked inquiringly at him, I and taid lo hftotell, -l see that you are poor, but ou srr proud;" then the added, aloud, -I : will take a dozeo of these books. v hat is lh price?" i lie named the price and she paid ft. He tarried the package toohe carriage, and then reeamed hw oceuptuow tnT lusting hookt. 4t the lady crossed again the threshold, the girl whose strange beauty had so struck her met her gaze. .1..:.L:. . . Here child," said tha, "lake thai trill and hay aw dress for Lous end yourself, sod if you an trer hi want, rtujomner mat tne re a oertoa ia the world ready ft help you, whose' name j$ Agnes Mordant,'' lae eumpage rolled pjrrodir a way, wnnr tit git) stood looking her nmie ttfankt, sr t patient child. - H haw yoa btveexhaptted alt toba aarr the in valid : found : MtonWimgjjwpvWm saTuiyaatioii, aid tt iin a dial "fii upoa t eofa on lb deck of an outward-boaad r cere I, wnten was notdiy phmgnttig in waves, wtdi hi wife rneenng him wjitb worse of hope aad extort, while his child pristid bkttbin bvdt to hi h)tle red lips, . A. deep sleep aomewhat refreshed him, amLopeiiiegbii eyes, he mechanically inquired the hour. Mrs. Mordant again referred to ber time-pe ire, but tn air of consternation overspread her features wliea the discovered mat an ornament. Which wti a.'wayt ituclied tn the watch-chain, indl which she wort nexi her heart, wa mworiiig. I -Oood heaven!" she exclaimed, "my dia-1 'mond eroat it not here!" 'nd s Ki where the could have lost it, hut the could not account satisfactorily for it ab sence. No one could hare stolen it, for she never look it front the chaint and aha at last arrived at the rondueioa that tlm ring which was attached to the Chtin mutt hare snapped. "'W h 'he mud have "Jroped It m tne etty " n1 ' u ' "If1 ' "W; u-eletn, for their voyage would, in tU probability, occupy two or three month, and ' H uld be advertised, tbt nnder would h," sppropi micd it to hiratclf aa having no w"r' , .. ... , . W c U-ft Lucy ttan.hng at die door of her father hook-store, looking the thankf she , nl u "P""- ' " '""V 1inU.llim.nt fnn m 1.1 tin With ffclinr Al gratitude; for, never before in her life hid the - I . n, , I been the Juppy possessor of what seemed to her such a large turn of money. In her limplie itv, ah thought that it would last Lotto sad heiseiri lifetuiieand 'ilw frrT'dmotKJolcfa''' at tbe gut, lor now she could avoid tlie cold, haish louk whurji her father invariably gave her whenever site atked hua for nwmey to supy eves tlie daily rtecetaKie of life. -Lei fite aue," said the, wusiugly, "Lone shall have two new ISunday dreaaet, and our bonnets shall lie freshly. Iruuiniai widipink ribr l .. ' t .. i. n i c. . . OUII. IlillH. .I1MJI WU, HViri . Iir. kimlieM4m, Pare of ,nd mehaU hlin(lker(.lil.f ,,, ftn. Then, I ,h.U p0r- fc ..Jwl , for the old one it. misenlbl(..f00.ing hin(r, wh bo,h ban- , , . . ... . . . dies broken on. and but, should I not inow , . . .,, 4 j .;. . a,,. the tqonev to father first! And, tcttng on tins .. . . . ... ., ,h." . ... counting over his lite gain, "Well child atked he, -whattloyou want!" -Oh!" answered Lucy, delighted, "that lady, who must have been a queen, hss given me to much money!" ' .i. ... ...i i 1 ."" ",.a -"' Lucy thipliyed her treasure, and be, clutch- j ing at it, took it from her tender hand, as if It had been hit own. "Ten dollars!" taid he triumphantly; "why, 'i a rich ..neuL.urely;iid will purchase many goodly 4hitigs.,..JIere are the window' panes to he mended and the bill 1 owe for bread to be paid; then, there't that old Hand ing bet to Ned Bums about the election. It will do that and more too." "But," lather, said the child, reproachfully.' "Well!" teplied he. roughly. (. . -Th iady trd that It would buy something for Ixille sou met and we want new dresses to look neatly in at sundiy school, and many other little thing! fur house-keeping tkit you do not know of." "Yoa hive plenty of dresses," returned Dirton; -and y oq ar, tht most indulged, apod child in di city, your wante are endless." Then seeing the lean gather to her eves at this un just charge, he bade her begone from his sight. and, while she led IjOtle irom bat presence, he pocketed, with a miserly gleam on his hard face, his unjustly-acquired gains Lucy did not ;erpt for the scarltt llu oa hreheek burnt up die few tears that flowed but the turned her eyes upward towards thai heaven where the believed her mother was walrhing her, at if she had said these wordt: 1 ' "Mother, thou Brest it alt; thou knowest ill my sufferings; thou sent bow hard is my task; thai the fkihcr, who should cherish and love me, is harsh and unkind; that there is dial in his aauire which die angels mutt despite, and which dioti, mother, mutt coudemn fog tuch conduct helped to send thee early In llut grave, W bat must I dnf W hat mutt b done! Hhall I ttand idly, and let il ail go on, or shall Un little frame and weak heart try to reform and mtkeiny father beTterf r Weak though I tat" will try, even if my reward come not oa earth, but in heaven." , . , In a mute aspiration, somediing like Ihit, Lucy made her resolve. Mie had a more dif ficult task before her thin the at present divhv ed, for her father, from hit youth. Hern tnd and unyielding, had lived an irreligious and careless life. Hit wife, who Was lovely in every gift ef mind sad person, wanted that rear olulioa of character which eould wake such ma happy, and h wat nut possessed of that spirit of drterminilion, Ihe germ of which showed itself hut just now in Lucy's resolution. Thviks to the little book store tod her modi er't example, Lucy had .acquired a taste fur study and reading, im) child though she waa, thit application In books had given her a refine, njenl of manner and conversation which child ren do not often possess. All her Spare hoars were spent in pouring ever thoe volumes which her father, atrangely enough and at nanus with his uttud indifference selected for her. Every one, in a Ideiiine has had tome aura ruomeni ss the aow endured bjr Luv, Nlie felt depressed in mind ind body, loasiv and miserable, without one friend on earth lo whom h eould appeal for tfmpaibv. Brie wat called away from utdulgUtg long in such forlorn Uioughie, by Loue, to some and irau her, and aldtough any thing like anwttemeet was forriga to ber present mood, she tried hrr best to entertain aud quiet tlie wiywird efiild, They tat together upon the stone step Mom the door it which the greal earrispe had lnp ped, and Idicy told the oft acDeate4. stor.iis taf Cinderella and blue Beard, or drew froat di eomert of ber tried brain nunr a ' Wonderful tale of her own invention, There are not viae thinn m lh world mora tiresome than ahe tt.k of lale-lslling to a tttk&iwb tiwiWlbtmK Uim hef humble bed, bat done iimii thing brillitai ia the wsy of eabeard-of advealurea of sou gianl or ogre, aad look down at the child, expecting to at h wrapped ia thought, or expressing lhanki tad wonder, th only polio thtt is taken of ill your exertion t expressed iq the words; "It that all; do tell me mother." " ' Aad it was llint with poor Iiey and Lotto, "ding to m nhw," taid Lotto, "mamiwt't ong- Ind wKh a heavy, latile heart, ley warbled dt nursery long that Lotto loved so welt, railed ill -Idle Carl," While lott jtmwd in the timple c ho rut eunlained in tlx last tins of each vertw. Ok, tua, bright swa, toaMawt ef tht sky, pot yaar hard serfc for a miaul by Give as for a whllt your esdlest rwmd. A ad east aad play with at an th grosad. But lb ass said m! Wia l, eokl wind, with year wkistlt aad roar, Pray so aot toy with the wave ear bmwi, roan froHe with that'i a gnwi M ttma, la tbt rhar gra 'aesth la appls trs. Bat tka hrtttt said as.' Ob, watar, clear as yo low aloap, . I'm due to a iettaad aias a asaag, Dimt rorever that cadi way. But paaa fur aaaSBent and with ttay. . Bat the strata, said a.' Llttla bin Mrd, oa the high tne-tep. Vou have nothing ta do and will stop, lH .bow yea a way t baild a ntat, Aa stay way, Ik nicest and best Bat tbt bird said ftua, iraten and wind, and itrmat tty to! I los, t task wiH quirkly pa; I siust not b idle clone all lb dsy. But vbea ay work's doat, tbea eta I tow. and play' And tay aH taid At Lucy tat on the atone step there , tinging" and talking to ihe child, with her heart any here but in the wordt the was saying, her fin- ger idly traced llnguem in e . the, sand, for she M-n. tliiiiL in rijfcnnr nnn. was thinking deeply upoa her newly made plansV: lit the turned over the loose mil she saw some thing glittering in It like sunbeam. prie too L' t . L 1, it though hibit her treasure to the passers by. Her na ture wat aot one tn conceal any eireumttance of die kind, but the had an undefined dread that if the thowed il lo her fuller ha would insist upon keeping il for hit own, and ah too well remembered her experience in the iffair of die lad) 't gift; '"The owner must b found al once," said sb lu herself, "But how? Hhall we put it in the papers? Yea, thit would be .the most .straight forwird plan, ind then, may he for our honesty, we will get a handsome reward." Thit plan seemed to b in correct, thai hot doubting for ia instant that her father would a creed to it, th ruthed into his presence with the glad tidings oa her lip. -Oh father, I have found such beautiful erns. Lei us hsvs a good look at ;l before the owner eallfo il. Here art twelve targe while stone encircled by twice many red ones, nev er tw such a perfectly beautiful omamaat," "Let me tee," returned the father, -what you have found, some bauble, I suppose." "No, rather, no bauble, only look at it. At Lucy held It up a sunbeam coming through the window lit up iu ihining turfice nd a thousand butterflies of imprisoned light. taking their exquitite colour from the rare diamonds,' danced over the Willi of th room. Bartoaaaw the sudden light and looked np surprised it hit daughter, Hhe stood there be fore him like a flower thai had - sprang from an old and decayed trunk, so ditfereat were the child and tlie man the, with bar Hushed face ind graceful fingur holding op th Croat in the sunbeam, with htr dark eyes turned ad miringly towardi it hi, with his fae full of wonder and eoveleoufneas look in literal telv at her and it. He sprang lorwardwith greedy ryes la take her prize awsy, but the closed her little hand tightly over It, ind said: "Tell me first, father, what you ire jgoing tftaojwjih,jU,,.;., .. ' "I will tell yoa ifierwirds," replied lie. "No," taid the, eoaiingly, "I think thil the cross it mine until the owner comet for it, for I found it by Ihe itone step in the itreet. Now I want yew to premise me totrivertite it. Hiire il lo nv," said ha coldly. ' -I make no rasli promise child," answered ilarton, -hind II to m mstintly. "Oh, my dear father," aaitl the IrouMea girl eirneilly,"! ant hope that you would let hive my own way iboul thit. I sfit! hope Ihit when you saw Din rich jewel you would hive said lo me, "Lucy, go and find lh own- . - - . i . i, nut I im itraHl that you ire not going lo do thuft Yes, you ire," lonlinurd tlie, tender ly, -I w misukrn. I Hunk that you are looking more kindly now, something it yoa did it mother those time when you loved her best. Your little Lney ean go ind find Um 00 r." ' ' Her hither deigned lo lake no notire or thit gende and politic tpeech, btit sorning nearer lo ber said sternly, "if you do not give ate thst cross I shall fore it with my iirnng hind from your tender grasp, ind snili them both per hap, you bold, uiigratcful child." Waa I Airy angry at these wards? Nd, aot angry, buljlitirt Her cheek glowed with deeper cnrnson, and her eye fell beneath her father i flrrce gaxe as she taid, - will give it lo yoa. iatlirr, without your uting loree, because yoa art my parent, nut if yoa do not act about it a I ask oa to, I think thai, some dsy you wdl be anrrr for it, lor year eanstieae will tell yoa that you are wrongi ind oh, remeo ber, sir, remember, that there ii (Sod who see in secret." Ilersmsll and trembling hand unclosed ind placed the eross withia her lar Uiertbrowa tnd eotrse palm. -Lucy," mm) he, after examining il well, "these ire real diimond and tru rubieie Tbey will make us rich, girl. We pin bpy house and ground with them, tnd rou ind txitte shall be ladies of die land, f lurrah!" added he, in a tuddt-a burst of exultation, "I have withia rov hand, without one iffort of minoi what I have for so miny yean been wishing for, and in v in riches, nchss, riche. K.y aothing about lh erosa, Lucr a yoa value my Uvor. ! thill alwty kVp it about dm, uptil all fear of detneiioa is over, and lh proper time cornea, sad) ibM auea more, hue rah!" . , IMcy eould not gympajfuie with tin wretched spirit and she said u him, for the last lime; "Thetl ) mi itt ng profait DM tberl . . ...... i -Do you tliinfc tne njaoy replied be, ,,hl oromise von nodiiiur.' I he poor gin ruswui w net owa inn room, a , t i i.. t. j . .. if j i . . . . . . somuvM win, iiiwrc.w,. worn mw tmuwf ok H Bp t fmyWmM Mid ..ComeinTehiULwMl read bulbar oghl, .hehid it id her bosm,ifri.d toex- 'Bh, , j ,ijndow py hi, mr imum In lh. n.s.rr. hw. 11m. Mn. .... . k n i, ..o ..mn .i..;menni n trtirrC- thin fct-her heart, and oa light about ber? . - - on inoug; r am.., . The next "dsy rxr feuSer'i manrrrr wa sterner ihan ever " ho ftvideudy w allied to. makf her afraid of kin. Her good, sheening wit received rokllv, tad eve 14le,'the pel, was urmoticed. i Barton epeal hopre making ealeolsiions on piper, and when he knew that he was unobserved counted the diimond nd rubies over and over again, Il an a difficult thing for on of, Lucy' disposition to take weekly the harsh rvbukt'i that were tlwwctvd apoa her every day. !q the extremity ef her anguish, th formed plan of escaping with Lou lo I not her city, there to heg or work for her bread for the tell persuaded that her fa ther, by hi. actions, would rather hiva herib sent than there ever before him, eonsciou of hittecret. Bh dared not reveal it lo any one, for her habit of obedience wat ao ttrong thai she considered herself bound lo her ptrenl by the holiest lies, and moreover, ah feared that, were he detected, some dreadful panwhnwvl would await him. !She eould not oftea yield to thought of flying away from aerfatber'a root, log her better angel came tnd told her that she was wrong, and ber wool soul became filled with lite idea of accomplishing br fa ther' reform. And to her mind there Wat baton wiy to achieve any goodind that Wat tnrongh the Bibla alone, aided by the guidance of heaven. Lucy waa an early riser, for her latki were many her Cither rose late. One morning, aa he til doe a to retd her ususl portion of the Holy Word, th thought (truck her thai per htpther father might not object to hearing it alto. So ihe took the volume and knocked timidly at hit door. "Are you awake, fatherr" inquired the. " Yea," replied he, "hut what oa earth ao yoa want with ma? If I am iwak yoa wok -lmeoiMtoreadmaBible,Ond l Ward. to yoa." ran wti a long pause, and Lucy might havo counted one tixty lime, but her heart leaped with joy unspeakable when her Hither bedfidn, read In a dear sweet voice thos wordt, that hive often proved i comfort to th inner ai well a a delight to. the christian the faetritade. When she had finished ah isosa withoulsaying word retained ta bar toom, where ahe bad left Lott islsep, lad kneeling by lh bd-dc preyed earnestly for her father ind the sleeping thild, W hit could have been th old mtn'i rafleetloni ii thai an gel of marry ranithed from hit sigh? Was the spirit of peace left with him, ' or did hi hard heart know no peace? Hit manner ion. tfnued unaltered toward ber) no (find words pissed hi lip, ind y st the drepaired not, Tlie next morning foond I mtj against the dreaded door. The mm iwfU pent succeeded her question, tnd again he gave her (ear to enter. 8om tun th would read a hymn, with har BMuneal reins, and one her father asked her to repeal a chapter it) fc Bible, - The war golden mom ante to mi ghibful daughter, aad the bud of hop bloomed m per breuti but It seemed only in the dim light . of morning, be fore the broad day shone through lh closed shutteri thai the influence laied eunahio aad lh earea of busines disparted il ill. One day Barton went out lo purchase a few new book, ind left the store in Lucy' charger- W h il Lotto look aver - aum prel ty pictures, Lucy, reeling that thit was a real holiday , tamed over the leave of her favorite author, and felt happy and free. . (to coNctratiB KtxrwtKk.j BRIDCK BETWEEN ENGLAND AND , FKA.NCE. Th British Academy of Bcienses ; has al present ander eowskle ration a . phut of ja extraordinary character, being aeithef j nor le Ihan a iurcnto bride between Franc and England, M. Ferdintnd Imai- We proposes lo wtthlish rort lie bridge bei twern Ciiiw and Dover, ror Uin purpose he Would construct ttrong ibutmenl, to which the plitform would be attached. At a dis tance of 100 yard from th eaesV aad al di tane of every one hundred yards afro Mn Channel, be would link four barges hear it y laden, to which wnnld be Nggd doubt Iron chain of peculiar cjorittruetiou, A fnrmidtbie pparatu of balloon of aa elliptical form, and firmly secured, would support in th air the exUemitiet of the fhains, which would be ttrongly fastened to the abutmentsoa lh shore by oilier chains, baen seeuoo olon huaurro yard would eost iboul I00,000f which would matte iboul eighty-four million for lh whole duHsnc Tlie chains wifHNtrtod in lbs sir at staled distances, would become tbe point of support of this fairy bridge, on wl.ipb lh inventor purposes to establish aa atmos pheric riilwiy. The project hn beeq deve)p fd at jrest length by the iuvsntor, -- . Pbikccm A. Tbe peooU of thi eoiin. ty have long looked forward with bright hope to a canal Connection betwaep (be Eatiern Branch of Elizabeth river and Nnrih river tributgry of Currituck Wound, in North tleroiiun out the eheme found no rul voeate tUew hsre, because it wa too piuah advane of Ihg lime. A few ardent nlerprising aiUzeni of lit little village of Kmpvdle might look into futurity and lactunain with BuihrmatMal peruiuly, tlw imporuwo of tuch eonnextioa Hf . purpose of commercial intoreommuniealion between two crest tttiiest but they, being trljudged by til moneyed wiseacre or those br-fon usyt to be only "fishing forth promotion of their own internet, were only laughed it ind derided a vitinniriet ind ignorimqtee. Jet they weta neter disronrsgedl and Ifpvr recoftectioii doe not fall as, an trt wa pissed by tjie legislature (we think it wit while thil lealou friend ef improvement and free sthools, Mr. Will tin Kohsrt. repreeeBtrd Frtoeesi Anna.) to ineorporanr a corn petty to est th mid eanal, And, by the way, in turning over lh leave of a file of tlie Herald of th yaar 1SII, w rami across th following eommunicition, which th writer of thit truel Immediately recognized at die production of in iniclligeiil pd estimable eiu'zen of Kempsvill, th Key, Aathony.Walfce, now no more; 4 From lie Herald of June It, 18JI). ITtOUfhltnt e Ae Conaf emtemfllti jrw fem Brtnthof JUiiubetk neere tlit Ktutem AeA'tWAA'WrvieAirtwwo,u CurrUurJc Souml. ; . ... , , Thi fanal ebould be al lent thirty fest trifle al Ih Ion, and seven or eight feet neap Hrjih a fork elrJhetid;Bnd wejrrm it ought Id run M level, with vgry few impftu distant lets tbift eight o.ile. V" J- J o"rMt wou produce .mMluull I mcHl benefit to th-s town of bjorfolb, as well ts to tbe inhsbiteat of th fmptty lying cow ugeua, arid all the peoplg'.whe rreida along! th0ttof North Ctrolipi. Aaadvantogeaw aad safo mwreoeras wevijd be uSosepssisd be tween PbibaViphta, )allifBr. Ktehtpoml. Wrfiifigtonand Aleiandi aad lb Houthern State, at ripens of about tixty thousand dollar. . No objection founded on the general good caa be tdduced, . , l'I18. . . Thit w Written during period of war and wbsa ur eoaat wa il lb mercy ef a bos- um Beq and at aoara no body look nooos mf it, ind a step waa taken lo bring il to Ihe Be lie eflh Leg itlaiura for many subsequent yearn. But ia process of tint aa set was ob tained, a w hav be fori staled) and Bow the matter it liken up. it would teem, in teniesl, aad the hops of the Princess Ann people ir in a fair Inia of fruit ion, which nothing can . lh wart except the tact, niifortrity ascer tained, thai the connexion betwen the iwo rivsrv, ' Eliiabeth tad North, can be more sdrantags ously soosumm.ted fromr tlw .Boathera thaa lh Eitlera braach of Eliftbeth riven ta tba -same point oa North river, designated) aa ".North Landing. Th "Town of Not folk," which "I Ilvh)" deems will be aa nutorialiy beaefiftod by the essal from lb Eastern Branali baa token lb ubjct into rstsidsration, and . measure hav bee adopted by il Louasil to have a survey by the most com pete at aa giar thai can be found. Hi will determine the great question, whether either route ia practicable to a degree which will reader it a thouroughfarefor trade and eonuaere between th Iwo States, worth lh axpens of the pro. posed eaaak aad if to, lb on toil preferred, . Aratt HtrM. ' " j.i.n 1 . BI ,'- -' MR. WEBSTER AND HIS POSITION, Hon. Isaac Hill, of Kew Hampwhire, baa writtou a letter to Mr. Wtbtts-, xprainf hi beany osneurrtac in the sen u meal ai hut speeches, and bi warm approbalioa of hi court in regard to th que km growing out of ' livery. H my Ihit "all that ie of va'ue in th sound diacrimlustion and good sens of th peopl wiUdccl.rt.in f4vprofdt gresl priaew v, " pie of Mr. WtbiktV i$&'h'MBiM.n "" t . 1 "i1 1 1 '.V. To thit letter Mr., Webater repliedalfollowai , - WaiHinoTON, Araa tOth, IIM, . ' ' Hon. laaae Hiu. .!."---' r-' i Ihtr Sir-A regard such a kruer from yea ' ilhilof tb ITth of mis bhmw B iwwsr, , -diaary aad gratify ing incident mmy bpfc Fer a kwgwrerseof year wa bar bslongad -en- opposing partiea, espoused eppoite- meat- and supported for high offio men of tar dw fsrrrii poiitic! opinions. W bava not bow-' , - ver lakeii diflrrrol view of duty in respaet to the maintenance of the Conitiuition of th . ... ' ' . , United State, From your voice or your pea, . any more ihan from mine, there never bis pro . eeeded a tentimenl hostile to "that txmr of - t ' GoverttmCnt which constitute u Qn Pen ' . pie." ' ; : v " ' " a no now, wuen wa are no longer young, staat of tlunp baa aritea seriously intarras- qng th htrmonv and mutpal good will wbart) ' bivi hitherto rxisted between different part . . . of th country, excuiag violent local ami new. impeding th regular, and ordinary pro, greet at lb (ruvgrnment, and. fraught will) ' mischief d vry dcepripiion. m . And ill thi hat ,it or iginin arrtaia braacbt of lh slavery quettion, al l appears to OK,.'" are tilher bulla onimportartl to tL em selves, e cteiriy setuco anq oeterminea tf v" . . ..r , . i : . i l . . a ... . Hiuim. - , - Ad thin I have wen vitb that keen regret ' which yoa bava experienced yourself, and wbiebaMBotbnibavn commea fssbag with all reneeung m)ii wbo are, (overepf theig -." f.wtr. . l '.-....,.,- . I a tnw untiappy itat at ipa puoii zjih t bava foil limy duty to iddrest myself, nut in ktngtwg of irritauoa, eriminaiioa or nteaaor, but in word of peace, patriotic sympaihy, and fraternal regard, My effort ha been, aud will -be, to lh full xlenl of my power, to cause ' , the, billow of use let and dangerous doine muenir'toaHtooalMl WtT""' " I am as hilly iwars n otir men or wnat i to be periled from gucb attempta. In .' highly rait() time it i frr eatier to fen M ed lha fiirne of patwioq and discord, (bin to subdue them, and ia uch time bs who counsel- fljodenitton filndfl"'''' a"1?! arded a feiling in hi duty to P;ty. , Thee cenaequenceg 1 willingly rneett fbese danger I neounter ajthout hesitation, hsing r resolved to thrbw my iclf, wjlh whiprertigli miy bekxig to me uqreseryedly blla th opal of lh tgioN. Whr Washington d I am willing to follow, al a VutttUqu idoJ. R4 With uusqual, but (W falefjig tepi, , Th (peech. which you commend so much abovt ig meriu, I iqbmil lo lh Political Parr ry to which I belong, iqd to the wiig and par triotie men of all Pirtiet. In' t J gsnertllui) Iq wttfen I liv. ind eheeluljy ey It, with in pnnciplej nd sentimerne whjch b) , to - the judgment of prosisrity if mf fliUer my, self thai aay ihitur, apokea or written by to will b remembered o)g fnqugl) loeoin boi ' for that impartial and mguil u-(hunl. . . I itu, wiih greal regjtrd, your ob' terv't. UAMKt WEB8TEK, A WTIIV BPEKCH, 'J,". . . Hon, Daniel Webner being lavitedfoittent the launching, a Bnton, of it splendid new packet thip earned after him arrived about five minute loo late, it teems, lp see ihe cr el ilid from tha r)'- ht Mcended the platform el the tlnp lioutpjhe prif grecwq with round of fig hearty cjiesfA ind, pfter ia iniredueiioa by Cp). Train, pot aWf M follows ' . V v -Uf al am vsrr much obliged to jroo, and gbtfl to im you, fellow eitiaeii. I earn lier l. ' aaomy aamenk take Iter departure for I" r proper lemeaU I am in older friend of in eiltien of Bastoa than h il, ind I hop to leave thrm quite suddenly. . 1 give you joy of Ji fine mar g, fellow einzen. I bop you and your lauulir are u weu, mo i rejoice to tee to many bvldeacrpi l4 gener bappiaewaud protpetty l) gfquij jFHWg". 8L4VJ(Y,N CALlfQUNtA. : THtVKI TB. TtSTCOrl0.". F orrespoadtap offbe .New York Tribune, fUu Fcito, hhiiidsy, Bfpt, , lp?". 1 have a few wards to sav lo Von. rust iffeet, , n reil but only avootrd qaestjoa, Pan? ,,-t iVebttrr sisu-d in hi e real speech on divine Uw'' twrolntar amitila r unaM,itip thie. mwi offl.ejttoeky Mil"!'!"- W '"'Ml he n' nature of the eot))(try. ttc. Ac., il would, nv No greater mitrtakft Pfiuhl be niatlc; ,vef have alwat existed in inch circmlncei a w mtvf jfiifOr-loatow. ihe. Bsrbary ' ,:, Arabia, P-rsis, Ih Etl, Mr. Webster ! gretrly'irred n ttating thai those who famo hithrf aevpt ftill ihe i)esirbU-nes pf fheif stava( mi ffial tne meompaubiiitf of tf caes with res pert to the exit'iriice of slave ekmo prf fvnt)M tfietr bringing them along. Tins ie ij wmply not the fact. The men of tht Mouth here only regret that ihey had pot known before whai they now know, to win ihat thry aught hayp brought il'ing (heir lives, and been unmolested in the pusw i"fj of tht in mi) the proiits of lliiirlal or, t 4- .' i

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