votrxLi; RALEIGH, SATURDAY MOltiVliVG, ) i:MBKR 1850. THS NORTH CAROUWA MA ia rt iumiui wuui, , ... - UTIIW J. tlMI (OSc Bearlf oopoelte the Poet CBoe.) Term if the Fir. j " ulwrnuty 4 nil uo mucu lux k - . . .'-.. a 00 I ,. .lit ami welfare of the Btatt." li itn . annas., r- - If mtowiiI l delayed three months. Yeeierday t 12 o'clock M, the Senate w trTW MtTrtW"' ... i called to ardor bv its former Clork, JI. W. Mil- f wet mura. i ij iiovp. i n - .. . .. each ssl-seoas-at inseettru, Court orders i J-t., . rf'sst MtfH tor ssrrs-rtlsesscntl by the year. . . . , , as- AH tetter and coeisaunieetrow t be poM fU. tlcmittanee. msr ne made aw.ae risx. IS ; VT.t. LL" .hi lJ,..;Jrf..r. ...I,.utv ni-e! their advantage to nurchasc good menufaotu- indicated, we do tut hesitate to aay that ! lire Sk!," is the answer Indian wraM a good looking - of aura, .ad w. prwurne ibn! red i. r midst, and imported, a!roctly"to ' ! may compete euceoasfully in miportation. with ! f X roa'.'C tVra it an wT-rajr, wJnoot.. of talent; and ai...- w-.n atitrtk at anirtt liif lwa.tr. .ruts wri mi j " ' ' I l J - a - - ... t . mounting to an entire prohibition, en luruujfii uw wrw w uuicr .-uu. ...u rr-, . T.Z Zk -T i . " , , i nud tiioia are uxttiMinda of them who pu t, ti, Ii n,, ly. fnrth.r nil ivivl thai thin woiiw turn Kir tauc an cu Dtwi wi i.. .i i i.i n ...... . .....i be harsh nnJ unkind. AVa thiak nut uuJcr all 'a may be nocry fiir her ow caiHinipiioa. Hn a,.tive hy 1J. A h.ir"i'. ratnd ninnrun be; hielrtin gra tnaip Wit Of pruciulra thanmaaateMM Would aiiaul ifuin t. ' withutVinxdsJont upon tUoaaSlte wlik ' r . .. . :rM Utrd. The cxamtiiiiiion thcrailvnT an, in l tnke tht ir ware and "notionf" b a. niu. Ji to j m.nlt nn.I ab her. aa.l ..mamuiiy ana un- ( . , - - . lioraea Mita haa bam elaetad by &0t) aiaj'j u- vr au Bit oppunaana, aaa mmm wn w -1 inee. -.-,..,-., T : The FrHMoiteni tut " nC aaa knndrrd (run, on aoatmnt o Wa alrctfca. Tbr had KKiit rejoicinf aad wuaater owr trimaph ia WEEKLY STAR. RALEIGH. TLESIMY ler; Eaq., and aftor the Scnntoni wereduly sworn ud judicial tidvrrtlarnieiita, ili far ,y fl'ra Tliciuniiofi, Esq., a juiic ofthe peace if :i -.lbrl-oot.b,ithoautyof Wake. lb. iWe -le.-ud H.m. AVeMcm X. Edwards uf Warren. Sneaker, Hun. JobaJlili, Pfincipai, and Otii. 0. E. B, Singleta- ry aaaiatnnt Clark. , Tho House of Comnioin wa (irjiiiicd by the eirtionuf HoiuJ. C. Dubbin "uf Cumberland pcaker, IVrrin BuiAee Enq, Principal, and Thoa. B. Bailey Eq.. Aesitttaut tlerk. On taking the chairo, the Sfwakera af the San ate andllonne of CoBlaton reiiactiTaly, returu- Wt 'iene tlita tuoniuig the rt anmber of our I for the honor oonfefre-t upon Ta -Wnaiv, hoping tb.it caa prtMnt to'tbe In- ,.ienJ in nnU eloquent and appropriate ad. Mat aitiaaaa at thU BtaU a cheap at wan vai- , uaM kr. W eotntaencc tbia nterpri with ao lletaji,.j (tutemeiit of the proeeedin' littla dimd.ne, twin wcH ar that H rro,ulrer it- rg(a to Nt liunn. where they are repfrt4 at .-j ltlM.Ttur Vkerttomi toutain U alth t , wdit to lBtatenvnjUM.ccu.iM,.... kaw. korer, bJltdfur a.ia tiM tb.t la tc r i-...nnt or tba nrea hi U W''. ' mMaetblng of lhi Hod a called for. and that It ( -M tba data af taa rew la faraa aU M ca.Tant aa their eantl uct hiuboeu, in nUiag ua f'rti- i justly deprive her of her ampsrty. POLICY OFI'ME BERBIEV. Msv Berrien, iu anabW ipocth Utely deliv i red in Maeon. Georgian on the subject of Xorth- bly and unjustly of our pniK!rt? Tks friendly spirit and forbearance haw been all on our aide, .....I 1.1 n.,..,....l (li.tni in utmMMMnta our '. , ,. , " .f , . i arnoul" uiaiiutai-toncs, wiiitn I urn iwenarea to former aetwa towards U.e.n. and nif.t a J, ,rms, , holesaV i, retail. willingness to restore ami nuintiiit frilndly re- j f ., tsrbo are disjiosed to eneonraire dtravt latiull, - ' ' ininortana I would1 say that a fiiir sbare of .'...., ... , i . .,.,,, ' patronage i all I k 'to irnJ.Me mf to compete But, t . thought by aome. to be uueonstltu-, iithr tionnl. We do not think it to be so; ""' "" I 1 offer a' tair cbani w to all a ho are disposed Ui iK-'islature and the Legislature of everr State, build up Kmtbrru liiili'iK'ndence. hae a rig'it to Us every specie, of pr.",p-rty . I " Basines. I will " B , ., ! continue t keep a Urge and well .selected stock tkf himdt of their own citiiiiv. Our LegwUture j llf p A K M XlJ fa (LtM EXTS, to which 1 par has done it otteu to raise revenue and protect our ! ticularly invite the attention Vf my farming , , I..... i ... i :. u . .t... r.,,.,.:.l.i friends. Iain coiitinuallt in receipt of the la- own laoor auu eapiuu, . .v . . . - . . . ... tak . ,,... , , ,; great pleasure in ahoij inn, them to' all who arc j - RKV. THOMAS MKKEIHTII. . It is our attmriiful duty toannottncetothemnl 'rraof thia'paprj the dcaOiof hiuiwlioailts Kditor I PHAl llt'E W1IAT V0U PllKAv'll F 1 1 A V E jut reeeived a Urn stock of t.'hina. A (iliwis and l(u'i War direct from thu l.iv- ' erpmd iii;inufactirie.', wb dirt in l:ukrta upmi their heads. VKX.NET t'oWUlHEU. Janteatiordon Beunct, the notoriun edih r o thu New-York Hi mUt, receive.! a cowliiililig in Broadway on Sitm.Uv mornintc, from the hauds of Jolin Uraliam, the lata Ilemocratie canditlata for the Xcw York District Attorney Generalsldp, in oouwipience of Bennett's having aasailed him in the cokimns of his paper witbgreat vindictive nes and ersunality. Unfortunately fi pir Ben uott, lliere is hardly a wan in the l uitrd States, the eowbiding of wboin would nroduca less sym-' jmthy. But by this time Bennett iramt be ac- DOSTOX XtiTlOXS. Tho f..llowUi- will pn aar reader aoawidea of the notimia now pnvailing aun(tiie fanatics who now soeiu t have tha ascendancy in Boa- ton. Tutoonat 1'iakia by telegraph: r.tttfMlTTSi rvM TtlS MAltlSM STAB. ' , AnsAoiff! Circ(---')WiicW, fe.- " " i X aaartkU, Ta, Kav. Tiinnrsao, Alnbanan, Misaiasippt, Oeotia, j S-atk CaniliiHV ad rWrkla repreaeatad SI ilcirwaa U attendanoe. ' , ' . 1 Tba ConvBtiuai ana abackaavT Aa aU ptaara- Ida aad reauHtiriaa. Xe raaalatsuna nara ' durtad declaring Coaratitioai'i afiaakaistit to Mia CaWn, aad rafcrrisoj U diBauItitt kw Canaraa' v f.f Baal mQuMnwnU m : A.joumt eww Vy , ''yvK r.:-i 'i!l' rBAXSMITTlD 'tVM rtlK ttUKGg rAg Stt TokKt So. 18. .. an eniatent writer and preacher, thin etpnanda kia iewa tatlie good neonle of Bierton. . Hear hirn koM forth: It is nlain tone that it la tba natural duty ..' ?V " of citiieut urum nrrji ftgilirt afore (roni the To-Jay'a salcaof Cotton amoofll to !S0Q bales, Haads ..I tbe .MarsKat. Wio eava to return mm . 1U1U(U Mn- K, Oriuna M. to bondage, to do h peacaldy ir they can, fore , , " j j.-.-J Ruonlv bv ifther must, bat Wr aHmeanaf .it. J? -UT - lint this I ki solemnlr, that I will do i light. Jtoam, No. I $2,iSa$3,2. Bpirha Tuf aH'waliy power to rescue any fugitive Uve i penrtine 50 cents. under the nm1iltttiit, U do it again. 'EXTII.1L ltOAD. j ' Tlirre ir tilt in the ajl'aii r of men, v.ici, j (iitennf tht fivtL, lnnt to.n tute : n'jki tnl, all it lt." ' We look occasion in our last paper, to make j ks ia regard to the turnpike west. ALEX. McIUEL la tha eheanest .ad wet ipailinsa aiannar eru ai .--" r - . ,. Ai-i-. -news ia ine cacspcv r ,1, , ., r..n-i.r..-. r... .,V,J1,- m il.e Grn a line : iu which it I alsi) stated to be the opinion of the engineer ueasiUe. a know that tfcla an nnnien erncn- inem, niuuc ...c ii;i; .... ( - i i..Hr,iforethe neweneper! mi. ... . .i...:.. v.,ti.AAnni.,.ilitm nbonld i as . maw in ana vuua, . . : . I " o"1" "-" """" ' . ! um ;4, .k.--,- -Am ... . .. . . . I... i 1.1 . -ii i i . 1 1 1 1 1 ii nuTri Tf nTT-rm iinim rni irr Fuauwwi e i.n " ; presaksa aaWUitea sn nnTrDTe.'T"i rpipimr no-.n-n.irr, - .cMMani Hast wa eaa furnish aa ckeii, Bc 'J i cmstitutional act, nor an import tax on .wis l ,Vr! j Ilut i, ruu,i n,ore favorable ronte aabK,.. scat found ... j N-n ...f th,ntrv, If wear, patronised with Cat liber ''ntr U.e invention could adnp-. 1 line.' We cannot r0fra,u from cM,rcs.nur sail.ty shick a are dtU rmliied to merit. . i would iw I" r lauicn.l, li.r tlie raiittvati... .t , etrncat desire that our LeRislature, now in aes- i.rnn.vrseai.iifuchewa Intend it .hall ,' ' people, a law by which .N.uihoin psjda. af-, gli Pi,ul, take this enterprise in baud, und h,.,Xnr,.1 -a-'tod - dally eapectatlon of new fonts of type,-ad when ))e ,,,. od with a high iliscriuiiuatixe ta. Ti ,. arff alanv ri-asuus which orn tbe buil The Jun.'0 tn.n na.. .? u, . --"1. f. JlUj.Un l.ftfcrcncjito ItlW WCtntll ItfTiTHlH ""1 .-.tuivr. wonld be en-; Ti wmtd be but coutinualiiai and pru lucers would vtMi linH t'lrough one of tbe h"ltbint ilesirou of etaiaiai; them. Nor. .-l!t. outiiiAiii. ' . " ; KoSsClU. Jtis said that Kossuth haa obtained permis sion to lewre tbe Ottoman empire, and will, with MIT Diner 01 ine ncuui) a " "IT u- - Jjy UU- thc L'nittu.yleweth the t ien nf making ifTtfeTr"? future home. IIucfcioi -Near. from the hands of any ufSoef whn attenipts to return bun to homlngc.,, , ' "(War army swore ti'rribfr In Flanders,, aald my ancle ToVy " Imt nothing t this,, i a : o ...... H'.' . . t ...J I. I . S. V.imM o a'. Tlie Washington j haaao hiug lalxred for their instruction and beu- i nit, 1 Of lisi. loos s .'lEKbuou ui-pr.,-u imp ; ... . . . .. . . i life . Wadtierdav Xot. Dili, in- tlie itith year Republic in ann.tmcinxtlie tact mat rait. au I of bis ago. lie had been fir manv years an in- ' his wife, the Fuaitire slam, have sailed fir valid, bis disease Wrininainz iu dropsy of the j Uni t,a f(1nwia- remarks: chest. He was born in Bucks county Pentisvl- . . . ..... .... vania not far fn.m the city - of, Phila-lelphn. on i Tlrwainntiwtu lis mat tnere na. neca : Public nvutinirs of citums. in lare nuniliera. eiprtss the determination and aiility i enforce Wa ansa oedirtd and are la i new fonts of typer slid when th arrive wa intend U set our auven seineuis in i .mailer type U-ui any wa aow use. and lbs bud)- of iniiwrtation f Northern.Hh ir paper In tha smaller, yet clear type now wed abridSed liaotg. A'cuj HuJt. Col. Bliss, tho ai I of tjen. Tavi.os iu the Mniican war, and afterwards his son-in-law, is suid to be preparinu, a history of all the ol.l (ieneralis bottles. Cid Bi.ish was a participator in nearly all that he is about to do: scribe, and his work wiii ie botUiutorostiugand-autlieutic. THE XAU'S 1IEADC0XVEXT10X. jjTiirnniVej 'aaywwswnoiawjatl'.l Ji Palmar, Uinir gruit ImprBTefflWvrtrnTnttilireit; J eiteosion uf i "t "Jntto'nr'liaa been appointed by (v. people of tlie whole district, (Curriti i j ! Troosilale, nf Tenimsrn, t'nminissiener of that I hnstiln to the wrheme aa was suppose This body met in this place on Thursday the the law. 1 here seems to nave Been no reason 7th ins., and continued it. session until the af- '? tlie law snou.u ism nave ien eseeu.eu, ... tcrmK,n of Friday. in-at regn-t was felt for the 1 J the warrants in the marshal . office were But abscnoe of the President who was prevented from j wved. and a hear of no attemj. hwng been attending by the press of engagement, eonse- made to serve tbein, and tho fiiKiUye liavts ea nuent upon his journey to Kahfigh whither ho eaned to hngland. jioeawi a mjiiW of Um ,Leiidatura.,. .Wra It may well be tmfmtU.pMi, tlad to perceivo that the enthusiasm ami aoal j escape .roii. i; ' - I - ,- i.i,.i. i, .. i,.,.., i.,......ri....i ii-sr..i. f unarrested tlirongh. Ui intervening (lava till J IB " "" " " tsi wilUog U present ta the rending public .a pe ciBMn at a efcaap and fra.uet issue. This is the plsa adnnteil the press ia ether .States, as we sea in tha BalHraire Sun, Richmond Diepatch, Cb.rlcs ton flan, ftc. These papers sra generally of medium site, set in nsl', "lesr tvpe, and present tbe uew Qf the dsj In anort cuuie. "nnunary paraprspb. It will kaseemthat or sise is by no means eantemp tibla, and we can assare our readers and tbe public generany,ffl!iahw1''n mr arramranwnts c .mpletidiw. wul present them with a speclnir n of neat ..yWapby "ha will not yie'd to ai j in the . wk-de onntry. 1 - Our days of publication for the Tri-Waekly will be n Tuesdays, We.lm-sdays and Satnr daya. and heraaftcr for our Weokiy'on,,iturday. This urraoiemcut U s4 to enable us to send uf paper to onr anlMcribera- in tha eaittern pof-lUnion Should It. then tion of the SUte: and It any w'"'g ias should transpire Lcforii bu pap" "'';B to our Western subscribe, w"wm woe a aewmd e litiori or keep our paper rn to insert post srii.teoiyfingail newa uf importance. 1 e trust this arranSemoat will suit all oar .ubscn hcrs, . we believe It M he the beet which ean ba mad v. - -. We-aonAout tokWwWj M ll9f mtfA'? S ,ub;. aoriber., and to -those who are convenient to the daily and tri-weekly routes. We trust that thi. ... .a I . . t will puna anraal.la all nnncerneut as. b a ford th m more newa, a iUrger amount of mat ter, and more freauent issue, at a very small : -r uv at our subscribers, we will the take nleasnre in aaoommodaUng them is wluitr ever way they may desire, aa soon as tliey give ua information f their wkdioa. su.mU i.. .,r,,ict Uiinr own interests. We have never be. it i" favorof enrcme meas ures, when th.'y could by any possibility be a voided; but we have a!wa believed, and still be lieve it to 1 tho duty of the .th to maintain her right foarlosa'y and bolul;, ' fi,ly t- n pel unlawful aggression from whatever quar ter it my evuM. Stilt we think thirt all peawa bje and legal step. .Wld ) taken to aeenre to the South the eniovnient of hot coaaiU utional i c... il.,iMMinil lioleut olin. of rigois, is'i"!" disunion or ser.-ssion are resorted to. The South aenjuieaee. In au'l diTchd. til adjurtment nreaev ures of the last $e wion of Congresa, and belierea and declare, the eecotion of the Fugitive Slave Bill W WVb)lutely necessary to her Welfare, and thoeonditinn upon whicltalieoaureniajn in the appear npon a little lunger trial that tha Xortherp, pei.ple are deter mined' eitherbr repeal, nuitnr'ially ..modify,, r pmc'ticaTly tonumry the Fuglflte flare Law, by preventing its execution by violent and un lawful resistance, then we think th remedy proosod by Judge Berrien in tbe foregr.ing el tract, should be tried by all the Southern States, a. at onee the mildest, mnt peaceable, aa wedl ai'tlie Wolt ea"MStHl edy ' which Wtlrltr bt a- dnpted. Wa wonld advise no hasty and incon siderate action on a matter of so mucn impor tance. There af mariy honest, faithful, upright and Cmon-lovInK eitiren. at the North who will use all their exertion and all their influence to preyen riti-and aaja atMna'--ihiB. law. AVe should give tnem a full opportunity to teat tha devotion of the whole people of the North to tlie I'nioni jadithey Snally deny na tit.... C. ili, khilrt .if Xrttl. I'.mlin. Oi lke the power of lu0Bt aira.ble aud n.'t productive portions of the I'rol. ue of Heeds, i'owers of Attorney, and . ., n, ii, Si-ij l.uUiiiiiiiura- Hiier tustruiueuia oi wining to ua useu in umi ion r-w.i,-. - -""- - - tircly little more than tlu Turnpike, when we tike int.) consideration thu in: r,ed advantage, which s railroad has over allothurwo.'l"oftlukiii'. And in addition to that the Southern Sta tes uro no commencing to estuhllidi a home policy, I'.V means of wliicli each State i. atteiaiting to uller jiiuuce- "t- .-.I,.. -i,i.i Justice to ourselves, from the tiraiieu no-yMiTjericnt oi wis irf, our .vuo.. tlce fe hare been able to pre f f the enterpriM". j bold, prompt and decisive. and the Tery kricf time ghen our friend, to a I . j.i,,., the adjournment of our Los- . .. . .. x ... L. il,'i. n. I- 1 . : . .. , I in It, rennet, rt pruocui j alst na rangonicnt, and if any .hooU ha displeased therewith tbcjr can .imply return the paper mwkel " weekly," and wo will cU rfully comply with their wishes. Mr Be aura and put the add res. on all papers jaturaadj-alaa we .hall be anable to attend to it. ff-' We present our r.t Telegraphia Dis yami fo our Iri-weekr in another column, and wa hope that it will ha in ear newer to present theaa aa frequently to ear readers aa there may be any newa worthy of tran.miasiiai over the wires. VVe are psfuai that we will be abb-to ), resent all die rarrens newa of the country in sulraaoe of the Xortbera papers, if we meet with auoh aevaragement aa wit! aecare na from all loeaee ia tbaa attempting W aatiafy the pub Ke mind in ita destra for early aa4 authentic In formation. ' The time; haa come when we must wake aa effort to uphold our Southern institn- - time; and wa are aertaia, that amongst thim alt the Southern pres. deserve, encouragement and l aapporU' I four people extend thee to it, U can be made all aad area more than the Northern nreea! which has been to extensively patrnBiied fcy our people, haa Uea, w eaa lie. Wa now giro the -janb f North Carolina thenpportu 'stsW'aV'iaatinK 'thl. and Wd Tion?. 'ril1 BOt eMUeWeisftodttirtaiiiV Ms benevolent 'Our .aauaSVy uiet aareet hare presentel jjuite a BaMBlai and bus appearance sieoe last Saturday, Qa Legitlatoea have axen puvring i -la, Jo erowda. aa( areryfaiaig la aaasioa aad ac. i tivlty. Wa aae aVaae wka are earnest anitrin- caw la their itsoras to d aomeihiag for lis fioa- - or, we eradit ana the welfare af tba went, aad tboaa wka aw ba'ailff looking out for the losaas aal iasMasaf-Bublia patronage, and tba crumbe hat drop frunj (jja publi f rib. Ilearwe tee a ""knot of wan aagerl. diaeuasing aeme nathr q) " ntercat to the Bute aad the eountry, and tber. a,arf ace aeme eager offw Uiuter eatching hold of the button bole f eowe " wenbar,?, aad with 11 "' tnuch aarneatnesa, an no aouht with elaouenoe. .'urging It tbia.' Our buainea. men, our mer--'.ekaata.'aau-awarfsog buuasaa aad ear kotela are !1 sna'sef aj Aenrsereee Sir the drena ef oasniurt t jkad ii ,tAlit wbici may fall to their aiara, aad )frt, 4apM, wa axwstaat nope tbaa tber --wffltwtndtreeVd ecdlerrMr maA benae -Stste: and also to take DeposiAuns uud Albdavtts to be read iu the Courts of that tate. Aotdi: 1'Acr.a is AVaiiim.tox. We find in the Washington pupers (any. tho Baltimore Sun) tbe prospectus of "Tkr (hrtiMum," a new ditHv paper, shortly to be published at the seat o, wiiioi e...tv r (iiLfof tlie Xatioiialtii.vimlint.f.t.bTltrdiCrtFiimhftm ment. for the trade of her neighbors, and jNo.'Uif. ,...,, , Coniliua should not be behindhand in this con- i & Co., as the organ of the groat Cuion Party ol . . . . tf- .1. t ' i: test. iruiuia on one .inc. anu ooum v aruuuu on. the otner, are mnsiag gipm". i. l'e I'nited States. Tho publishers declare that ; the ifloru ofthe Union party can uloueavert the . . .l ... i-r. ,.f 'Vre.vtcet cuiainity wincn ooma iioMiniy oeim cculrate into their ports the trade of many or the gre.iii j i j ' -.i:; ."J. ... .V " Th. n.iie. will e..Mirii,i. OA mart States of the valley or tho Mississippi, ana to ; " t -e - .i .i k .u..:. !. Ii1j or s a democrat, but every one as a aniw the travel iroin umsc euui ..o.upu u. , - . . . Xowia lie lime fr Xortli Catoliua to -j friend or a b w " " " liorJc..- take tbe " noml tide " which may " lead her on to fortune " and to prosperity. If she permits her neighbor to take advanUgo of the favorable posture of affairs, and neglect, to improve this, the best opportoiity he bMff had of eom meneing and u.-ci.rullcarryi3 out a plan of improvement w wiK. doch to advance the Interests of all clas.es la er bonier., many generation, may pass before h "'ill be able to reenter from the unfortunate poaition into which her apathy and earelesmes. w'JJJ10. We look upoa it a. of the utmost importance to the interests of the State that the work wh!ch van so. nobly commenced by our mat Legislature .1 1,1 1, carried out liv tlie present one. 1.01 and the Laws. Thr Xrvr Oui-eins I'lf.vTtxa. -Vrtr Huihtiog. The printing oatitblUtmcnt of this jonnial was destroyed by tire iu F.ibrn.iry but, since which iiuu tlio proprietors have pti'cnrsd graiiito fiom Quinoy, Mass , and erected a fljur atnry buibl- ing, running from Camp at met to Bank place, and arc now occupying the same. It U de,'rib- lliar tlie tuck i. not apposed) intends to redouble their diligence and energy in the iinisccutinii of tlie work. Col. Outlaw will brine it to the notice of Congress at an curly period j P1 of the next session, and we hope that that body ) in fixing an appropriutiuu lor .Sags ueal will reniemlwr that uf all the members of this broth er hood of States, North Carolina has Yeceived iierhan.1 the least assistance from the u neral ijoveriiinent. The Convention will meet again iu Plymouth on tho first Thursday after the third Mouduy in May lKol. XihmnHe fiaViavtt) flaw,'- they reached the free States, were able to elude the rigilanc of the marshal, and to effect their escape in his despite. But the pubfio have a right to expect .onio more satisfactory account than has vet uppeared of the reason, which have irerented rheexrentinaof the process, and which isvo caused tho seeming neglect of hi. duty by the marsal ef the district, If we can place any reliance an the most reli able journals of Boston, there ia a determination on the part of her oititeiia to uphold tho execu tion orthe law.. Iu our ju.lgmeot, the marshal owes it tn the city to which he belong rn explain the cause., which will doubtless be satisfactory, that have prevented him from tba dimdiarito uf hi. duty before tlie snai escape oi the fugitives. ('en. CtxuHir impHratitt"rttmW uf Gen. Xii liroHOr, Cat. Com m. Gth. Millinm. tien. Cass said 'Yoor own Senator Dickin son,' wlen deserves every thing, and Mr, Fobte, and the noble man Henry Clay, that great man Dan'! Webster, and others whose name are written in the hearts of tlie American people, and who will go down to posterity written in the brightest page, of American history H theee aided in settling it, Follow eitlxona all these men North, South, East and' West fought the great flght, but it waa not t boy who triumphed. The t nmlrji triumphed triumphed over nobody, achieved a victory without injuring any one; but a ro-fco y that ruiyirU thr fitiuciyttt vf J'rmdvm Fltri-sale. f 20,000 Uia.i ita advance. "!y. The JKwxVa, .1 , ..' ' w'"i ; - :-" ',K'3V.;''Bji,iJtinoat,. Xoi. IX ... ffcsar, -galea af Hewwrd MMtstHMi .. ( - 'drain um-hangeV t f1 jt! f-J'i ;' :y Tobaeca rary avtiya, -. . '"sn"-"'-.- ' i ' ' Boatox, Xur. J. ' A great Union Meeting will be .held ia Fan- ' euil Hall on 2fUkJ!ofc id WeMw itta..:. rsxlej to speak , -'.... . "- sijaw'fasif ,iwaa Mnrieo. ' . XxwOat.)is, Xor, Id. Preaidentlal election In Moako, bat Ukea place, but tbe reeuK ia aadeetded. . Arista haa ; not a majority, but the Trait d'b'uloa any. he will certainly beeUcted. ' ,;ti, t.-il-r' .ti . - Mealew e robbera, ' i- ' '..'v -. ARRIVAL or TUB CAMBRIA. Thrtt rftrye loltr ram Eunpt, , I atrusii im carro.. i ...':. . ttaliwx, Not, U. The Cambria anrired yeeterday, briagieg (Jrerpool date, to tlie Id instant. ' : v Cotton hae declined oae-eigbUi of a penny. s. Roaia iu demand at full prioea. ' - ' ; Toliaeeo active and adraaoing. ' Sugar firm Oolfoe e,ulet Brepdstuffs dull. The political advivM are aomewkat more Inter esting than aaaal, though not tery ImportanJ. Emjunb-. The Church of England through by th BENEFITS OF ADVEKTlSINCJ. 11. I .,U .1.., 1 friend K Mvsri. th. ..iternrl.ino iner. h.ot iu i V Miniatere aad Bi.nope,- aeoanoed talUhuf) 'ho BdvertiMJa in the tttpnUican. jjtreurwaJav tailing for penal enactment, te aw. old, a 6-w tlaveaince.to a worthy citiien of i tinguish tba new title, awamed hjr the Roman "old I.ineidn.' a bill iif good, amnuntinf Hlbrrobwr '. , J ; ip- ed a. one of the most eonimodions and among 1 evitrtitutun ojf ftv country, J lopt.Juf tlie liaiiune.t. lotilifiBe. ill the Molitliern sitHte. ' T-hTO'Mervtitms'Jcii'i CuTa'vc aildeJ a mou- ument to their adopted city, and made a com plete establishment Sir their own extensive busi-ue. test:. Tui Exoi.isu (say. tho Ualumoro fuujarobo- vho THE CASK FAIRLY STATED. The Xcvburgh O'autle make, the following clear statement of the issue presented to tlie pet.- : pie of New York: "Hcrtuinalirin uud AnioWiYy. Such is tlie v.V- W.HeVinflirt. and ' wea'tito the Teiitieii- see line, ai4 will baye a fcfetinueu. f ne of oommunicalon through tho whotJeagtbSarour State to one of the bst harlior. oa the Atlantis coast, which we fully believe will be extended by our sister State or Tennessee, o aa w to aver 700. The, purchaser ie highly pleaaej with hie hagain anil when he neeifs unotlier aupply, he will be very apt to rail aguiu at ilia "ttiun nt tlui Rod JiTag." . f , -... Thnt it is- The nieriihaiil who ailirriing extensirel v, nut ooly" secure, a great custom, which enable him hi eell at .hurt nroiilai but lie beere : the i character of "u"onrptt.ritr liberal benrteU man, and people Ilka' to deal with himi while lha cloee fisted keep their gooua un hand until tliey grow unfs.bioruible, and liecorne miilli-e,ltninl.C(JnetUCJilly ua-"salcaWe'.-'r. RtpubHen. 11EV. RUFL'8 T.1IEFUN. On Sabbath bat, thia gmtlraiaa whu haa ncciiiiitil the atatiim ai a Paator of Uia Mniho- diatEpiacnpal Church in thia City for the lual two yrara, ttiok eave of hi. (Jongirgation.--The vast concourse of people, from lha v.rlini. tCnr'gt1oni;Wrro;W FaiNci. The Turkish Gayernment baa da-' mended tbe good ofloee of Franca and Englaaj against the menace, of Austria. ' ' ' Gt it XS; TluaIIVpropoel klvf te' fti" emptorily refuaed, and Denmark I. unwilling ta mediation lit the, settlement of the Danish dlBb "A ' ' 'A as"4 ' y. . . I .ion',... i,. tlili.V ilxub m.aa fiiari'..-.! .1....... w tt'. -. .-.i - .. i .-. . (na, i-'nji:Tt.-rra tti t nnrai wtnira nirrn aa'vyitTir T7uiiiaw7 .1 -1 "av'i a-,- I.,. . n BBMn .hi. , 1 wUo .UutAUWr.Bwatxv m auwor, au.,,, .niinn; pVe evMcncw of the itmfif hold tion Kfr lire West inetea. : They ptwpnae that these , lum w, Us tearful but neewmry coBeuailtauts, ' . . , . island. .liouMfiiraianasylumforallourfugitiye i. of more importance than the tnion. and of " J!" npon , ,f ? k", j greater moment man tun onservanoa oi wriiwa p . ., 1 : .-. t 1 .l. 1 1.1. l 1 c ,i. .. . tlarea. We regret to learn from the Wilmington Com mercial, that th dwelling house ef Henry Nutt, tbe connection e-nnplcte between the Miraissippl j ww accidentally coutumed. ly fire on the enlley and tbe At.'a.atie coasi, wmnu me nu.... Utufe, which ia now in session, it may be ascer tained with audit ient certainty what course the North will pursue, for some decisir i action by (bat body. If ao, we would advise tbia expedient aa a iust retaliatory measure. It will protect Southern latenate most effectually. It win 1,4 tytXm patriotic meiulior. the last Legi.la- . xoe gamta will fioasi.t of itt Whig and 22 work well for tha f ', wellaahir the South. Hnt .raware that marry of. them, come j Oppoaitfcuv or Coalitioniata. In five preointa If the North does not new beliere the Sooth ie pgcj to yote for no new w ork of the lund but we submit to them iius of our Sute. WiU net our legislator, give mm .ubject that serious consideration which the sub ject demands W ill the not carry out the lil eral and enlightened policy """'j oomraenc- 01b inst j MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION'. BofTex, Xiw. U. No choice for tiovernur by the people earnrat in the position which she takes, ska would be forced then to acknowledge it. It will aeon touch the consciences of our Northern bre thren through that most delicate of all nerves, (A jwriW acres. , They' will relent, repent, re form and pause in their mad career, atop the mouth, of fanatic, in their midst, and fieten id the yoiee of reason and of justice. Madness will na longer rule the boor, but a chance will be left of Kahu-ing aad forever establishing those eherished relation! of amity between tbe two sections which have heretofore excited the admi retina of tba world. -.! " tn the meantime,. the South will hare an op portunity fgr briniuigontand developing to tlieir tnweV capacity bet own raaoaroaa, and tor testisghu. ability do what all eonaiderate men bclieire Ae ean do. Her commerce, now eomparetieeiy .ujail, wiU be extended and made pwSblf. firect lnWrr"" " Pr'"i" i .,eial .tadTEuroDo ottrer tot- e "T v ." . tlifciL ....inM srill he establisneu. . '"" . , m dUmntMin will be suoceuStu. ' annnteaieed aad pnMSieaatad with profit.- Me chanic, and the meckanie arw arkU ba aaooar- ed aad auetalned, ' Worke uf tateraaf im proremeat will be projao4 tbreagk att part, of oor aerritor.... Capital aatorpriaa and papula .i- . In steadily opoa aa. Va sxrillne tbe aarona. tba xauloua, the opulent and tbe powwa.1-s.the North, tba weak, tba daeadaot -mmi "t-warlnaa. ffltr -wilt be - bamWad whew there ia no chuicc, and two doubtful. Iliet with one's individual notions, wilt of eyurae, rniige themselves on tbe aide of .ifeotiotsalisai; while those who think with the Administration, and with Clay, Webster, tui,, that tlie L'uion ought to he prenervod, and the laws and Coosti t.tioa faithfully obeyed, whether their require ments jump with iwe' indiv ideal notions or not, will range ihemmivea.ua the side ia Nationality. Can we be miatakeu in sapposingtbat uioo-U-ntlis of tha Whig party, whatever bo their present feelings upon tbe auljjnct, will ultimately place themselves on the, latter platform. In no oDi er wwy enn they preserve their existence as a party, or recommenil tliemsiilvea to tbe coua- nresent acv Kwi-i ; u enJy A comilttion nontatrtady commtnml. The faith and credit af 'be State are pledged to the eompletion of the Central j Road ; it can only be improved and made more profitable by the eomplofiou of tbe arWe plan. The House, a. fur a heard from, stands j anu respect., tn. people- 153 whig. MR opposition aad 'no choice in 01 towns. A Union Vicioxr. Tlie Macon Journal and NASHVILLE CO.VVENT'ON. Thia body re-assembled in Nashville on the 11th insan!, pursuant to adjourruoat, and was 1 ... . , , j the cltv of Columbus, tjoartria. occurred on bat- audonr neceeaitiee imperatrvely demand lauu . ... ..,., ... ..tnhi. ion. Shall w, hare the p.casur, "'"' ..' " ZZTLr ',C.. .... and decisive action, of chronicling the succes. of this great portant workt ' The whole Sauth, it It agreed, must take ad yantage of tbe prewnt a eununoone and carry on .ucceaafully, aot only manumcturea of all kind., but apeedy and direct importation, from Meiengr anye "An election for Marshal of j organised by the appointmi occurred on Ntt- ol U., a. Chairman. 1 neuoyernor maita a rery cUxiuent opening address, which smacked and lm- Ideapateh, lliatit wa. ma a teat question, and Uiat Koblnaon, tue Lnmncanamaro was civiseo by on. hundml and Jig twjorf. , Muigee county, it'ia well known, haa been the hoMetl o' disi-n'on; and judging from tlie tone ef the Time and Scutinel; wo Lad .opposed that eeyen-tenthe ofthe people tiwresuUUted entirely aponyirr. that disunion has no foothold even in .Mowogee." Si s ot ia. The Bostor? TralHifrlpr mcyjttnaa strongly of wieessiun. After organising, the convention adjourned until 12 o'clock tbe next day. -. .'' , ;. , j No roll was called, and there were only about" 50 delegate, present, but many more were hourly expected. Th llxirnrui.sAVe lake tba. lolUiwiii-r - '--'- hv Uriah II Juduh, from the N. Y. Journal of toininercc: ' . ' '' ' , ' , r,rt;'r au"rTrsrf1 w-tlt Irll hal te beaulj- ful , A good man alrtigifling wiihmi.furtune, ind prranrrng nntainu-d hie reputatioa. ' f A tlatilul child obeying lha mandate. af pa renta,and walking in the pa,u f righwoua- neM.'i i .i-im v'-t ! nt ..ii- .'. ' ,,-Minful nwrutiiiy m IwihM kneea,, eraving ,(rlaVni!i "Forgive ti. our irespainwe . we t'otgive thoao whu treapuei ngalnat oa. ' 1 Men, like Clay and Wabeter, trjlng to re mrnt aiill .ironjjcr end more indisaohihly tha' bond, uf nnity, bo aa to tran.mil to prosperity, in ita pristine '.talr, Heaven and Wiahingtoa'a boon of liberty,. ' ' i - Mortoliiy relieving tha wants of morality bt ill seeing tha cauea ofthe tlrelitutei - ... . For 'lie moat beaiillful ta tosm 'mid ihejor- Tsaken haunt, of dranair.o wt ill tha irnan of with the member. f Ilia flock, 1. 1 orrow K pnre)d nfPwj on ,he fml(y tHtlr-a iih the world, ha ha. fw equal.-- oflne f.mi.hing. Ay! and rrwn the frUrn ml make glnd thr overcharged heart oC llio 1 opprtwaedi - '"v'r"7,,""''l"l."."V "'"'f ""' "Pluek from tha memory rented sorrow, i Rase eat the written tnmbk. ef Ike kralat And, wltk some sweat obllvWea aatidote, -Cleaase the foul bosom of that perilow stnff That weigba upe. Ike heart," -. . ' And brauliful Ie wcm.n around ihe fe.ca hrd of .ickneaa, ' pillowing the pala ehevk, hatliHig and binding ap the minting brow, ami like a form of bright .. whinnering "bona" wafrJ rise tlwre had been noue; bert of In own Church; hurt ample Ic.limnny of tlie sorrrow tliey felt at parting wilh one whom tliey ao dearly loved. Mr, 1 led in. ihoiigh but a ynung man, and young in the Christian ministry, lis. few aupcriore a. a faithful pulpit laborer; while ia hie aneial ia trroouiaa with the member. if Ilia flock, t. well a. w lie i industrious slmost to t fault, liberal and affable entirely nVatiluia of aectarian bigntry . and persecution, and humble and exemplar)' in ill his deportment, Inng may he live to exert the happy faculty which he poeaesie. in an eminent ibirree, ofsilenctng controversy anil I Milling the turldenl spirit of di.ciird, and of ton- vuiring by hi atrotux rraaoning and winning pursuasivenesa, yet many .inner from Ihe n hereev er In. Il may uiiHUetu aaaiu waaai i - a . . i rmr .it I rif i r vav wK VIUOT. MCaltHawVIU ; , .! r... ' J.I. taJl. i... in ran ur uin iinuitr wo unuui wntuwii no foreign pert directly la their ewn harbors. S he , rejuU ,jf gon, howerer, proves ne?eeritl and position of tlw fouin toree aer in HjcH a jourse j and every State should take aj i :n .1.:. -.um,rl.e Tlw. nnllev of North Carolina, heretofore, haa kept her far behind her well authen Heated fact that a youg lad. ... j . k.. .v.. k.. . et,.ne. t re- in that city had a ."rightful dream U.t 8at irday deem her,elf from th. dependence under which j iSht two weeU, that her absent brother luvl ah.kwba.tl ao longing, the opportm.it, been killed, and .he awoke by her e. a lad, a bo slept next her to whom site related nerarean, Th. lady .ndoarored to aootli. her liar, au J fiually perauaded hot W retire once more to bed, and try to forgot the drea m. The next Monday morning the young lady received a telegraphic ldtwnakh, nri"ii"t"gHt- tm. bwtber. a tasaae- I .. I, l. . .1 r.n.n fwm tir.V.v. 'rM nleaaotJ i Iwwrtwg th !-- "7 .. . 1 . , M-k w. the car on one oi tne rrmgn. uw jjued 1.:iwiww The anient ba,.- fad. w Wilrugla tommerc...,-r . , .vl,ri KunJa.rtnvoniiH, ore, id anna the eye ei , v -- . . r ' . ' cuely alout tlie time of tbe dream. she has been ee long laboring, the opportunity .honld not be bvat. We hay a tae harbor el rua'W. w:wWo dtf?1 Importatiooi have twtn-neb-'eil. ' V eoeouragea, they must eucceed. aad tha only ree""". whT cnu"t- t,t Ul klthern people vrill U rtMfWtl their AN EFFECTUAL REMEDY, ... We have made a discovery which ir a dis covery. A few week past wa deipuxl aooio finiiJ Iirwr1riti!r dmming letter to nor patron, one of whidi we accidentally arnled wilh a block wafer, having bug of Colored water before ua see Ui. luawei tn that Irlirr. A we hall take out a patent for the discovery we hope onr cotemporane. will not infringe upon mir right, ere we do it:-swJu. drgut. Ma. EotTOBi . , Dear .Vir Your of the- d imt., only crme lo hand by last night' mail, and on teo- tnar that th k-tlrr wa scaled wilh a black wa can have inure devntrd friend and admirer than he ha left behind him in Ralrigh HpirU of the Jig. " TIIASKHtllVlNO. ! It was truly gratifying f observe th unanimity and slacritr with which Thursday, the. day set a- ! Ijpert Car tbsuduclvlng 0irakout 4a tate, wa. otiserext in tins cityi uar r, lores were an emseu, eculsr business tn .nsptnded, and th. churches opened fur Divla aerrtc. , '. wion ia aa 6 yiew of land did m thaejw Waoief,arl.Wifiaaea.H ered this. great e tiaant.- fwutr i i..-m pleasure and prt: and weald fceWgbb delight- id if it were U, our power w enninic. "" - uf iastanrn of tba aiadV, Bawuia ,vnn vms an adopt tbe policy waieh w btwa uoprtciy abe wil plead agaw far eo trade, and will ling to the Union of the State, as eanvguard and proteotioa fruta formga foe. ,'Th Stk will' deal kiadty, juerly aad afteoxiaaataly with bar, a. he ha enrdnaa, badear rWUaae wiB be waiswduwa wwierir- ';. at, it any tv abject to akia, try asjae, that ear aaerehaau aal teentexj woald) etill aea Kwtharawade Mat',. JlfartWlriparte and Uftor "' .aHMIyawt? Maawa'sslwtVaht ttglsbt t prodstce bj tma Ut'e tli,'; Wwply,' flu. tntai : t , 1 1H Wawwtt4 ia ('iritr: fowlna- The arhaw length f this mad wa misstated .tk.lMt auwberaw-aarlnatww. wnasn -w Paici ; or 'laxoaw . 8irjyiA.--V letter lVois Taria, 8ariii,i to Jim,k Advertiwr, ay the aerngo price of land there u alnut Jjb per acre; an4 tbut it I generally owned by noble. Te Utter add , "A ncld-laliorer, whe anuaretand hi buaiaew thoroughly, receire the ww of 100 franea, (10) TV XT kXftl,'? Ten. master. A (arm woman get far on. rear's .la twtobjar. by '.. m lea, rery. W franc. (80) and a rw drew or two. A .'Toe1- -Tte we Ud it n man who leoardi hrmself, tok-.mw.me fora year matead of 26 anM, aa by m-takc we had K in t w M Yoa ark how thry 'oatlaat kml ''' " .-. .... . , ., .. ; j ... .(iiatwtxtaalina dfMflAa nln rmfii lw0 mni mJ tropne oao oearii isi snra m hi. row, i UDOn ivpetimg ""u " m" conmiucu a ' lu.n .k. 1 r I.. i.. .nry pctim uun. " ), '" - sr. - .- fr mooe v being la mourning, waa a new on. b. .ml ha bed aenou. . elloel n no my frvelinir ail much ao that 1 have hastened lo D . . ait axwAaa)Ja.awxe a, tlutt 1 beUaya- -yoM. ara -tna- tirt,,ivilUflr thai I by av paid wiihoui being .tied at- tauhed or dunned tweut. time, ''POUTieAt. PARTIES I Si BOSTON. -W learn from our Exchange, that the Whigs and Democrat of Boeton have held meeting, aad reaolved that while tbe Fugitive .lave law remained tha law of the land it should be main tained, Th WhigVLj however, resolved that it should be modified. "Whotlior thi. is ilia notion of th. IWujocrat or ant doe. not, appear from the record. We (hall tee. But these meetings may have been held by JohaWm- IIill wa eonySctcd In IWlmlelphia. on XI.arady, ef carrying eonwaicd . weapons, md sentenced to a Uno of $20 aad 2 year, iw priaonmeat. ,, . ., , . . . ' , " Xxw Yos. No.. 1. i Entire Stat heard from officially . ..Jluttl'f miwily, 57'. . ' ,,' " '' not express the opinion ofthe great body uf eith er of them. - POOR OLD HARTFORD. At a fiuldie teet:iig Ie Ilarlfonl, Cun. It was resolved that strenuous efforts should be made iii::pa1i.'biit to obttruet it execution, and give all tho id and eomfbrt In their power lo tlie ruiuiwaja. Wlsaeould etpect any good from ITrtfrd? "OH, TAKE YOUR TI MB MISS H'CY." Oa Friday but, Willaini and Elloa Crr the Oeorgia fugitive slarra, were married ia Boeton and left fur Eabiad l Halifax, In ooa tempt ofllie oBocra and law of th United State, after swiiawfiiHy defving them fair alnmt w Whea man ie waxing frail, , And bia haud ia tliin and weak, ; v -Aiel hi. lip. are parched and pale, ' And wan and whit hi chock . OlrVlhea dotb woman prora . ;llor constancy and hive, , ."J'i beautiful lo cart over Ihe (uiblcfof brother worm the broad and divine nianlle of mercy and to forgive th. ernng (later, aa thou wmildat thai Heaven may be merrtlul to Uiee a inner! ' " '' ' ' . . - - . -.-; . e - God ta. given u. a a benuliliil world a. a Iranaiuiry altudet and tha rivera, Ui. atreama, the field., the flowers, the birds, the tree, aud all .round .re beautiful. The un ia beautiful a. he ascend the spark, ling ky and tha moun, aa .he reflect her bnl liant ray o trtrve head ol ail. Add tnott. U hi iturtt and uoiy line, art the .uinniit of all boauty I , r llontttiful I thi realm', , Aiidthythnmel ' And thy prnmiw to man, ' . " Aad thy jiroteuting oartd Tlie angel of Paradisjare bpautiful; lha spirit' ..sent i. btttiful;TIicaoul in iu puiH tlrd tmmliikrti in brauliful. j t ..... ' And, bwutiftl-tal!rbylv beautiful , and mnat niclndimi will ba the' sound of ihe 'feYwhMigoi'e trnmpr"toihfe who on rlihis.t vcnilul and nnal ninni, u.ill liv. awarucu litem lilb averlaslingt , ' If God hath wade hU wtM so fah Where .In ami donth Abound .,, llow bennlifu) b-y'Hid eompara Will Paradise ba faind! W learn from tho Pt-.:.i that T. FcntreM, . F,atrr nf lluilKsnl, latnly seat a hit of copper on . from hie hvnda to Baltimore fiirVxaaiinatioa and assay, It turned out U'l per ecnl. ol pure unp- , pijy, baridea auasidewbln aitiL I

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