"I i amm 1 80m nBpil'TOfffniTia'intfllrftBal, mural ami phydraf trv-BTtnTTlif liti tfotar lirrt mdlonii of m affrrtioas.", Fiiblft Priatft. VOL. XLII. WEDNESDAY 3l()llNLG, MAY 14, 185 L ,M impm,i MIII1IM 1 - .. IIISIIB III INI III II j IB III ! I ! ISII IIIMIS'I . lltflisSIIIS IJSSSSiaSSSIJ H 1 1 ISII ' . ' :: 3t 1 1; m ll.! 0!T "tr ff- al I ft. sill fu.pl iterrak .l.KIl I I Tl HAL. Uil.l-t.uol FARMING I'AY. -jr."n 1 ' mut wild coolly Ull r. r.jh. with, risnl-4a-4rliat 1 1 !', .ii:J ! .utv I arming. 1 linl.inn or i- i-ii iii:iUV Indicated i "'..re'i i nn-ieeus, or at least Uag advised under such eircnmt'-ances more ; thirty years ago. Tin great mijnrity of.our fthan one hundred farmers.in NeW-Jersey. j bread-stuffs are brought ifr:m iluNVyslj flnd some members, could not believe that wo , even the wncat-grotvers oi tiie lar lameti fliw hsd discovered so much that was new a4o 'hawk and Caw'w Yallcvs. arc driven from enable us to produce such results, and ihcv jihe field bv western, competitors- One w i' may ,..,nnderiu in ill Trib : uiisinicil m turn in this mil Labor .ti jnr.l lc in.ins ili. this w: farinii" tiou "! nun In, .ill ll: 111 iti'in of Agrieul- Ir I. !l :r i ' il !,!. 1 - r In- I . T 1 1 1 1 I, II,- -. IT uot'iin: iii ; I III !!: T'l Hill' I T- I I.I i,h who talk in '.I'M ,if what superior pressed for a tlefn'ii- li! :i: i ii t 'ic unproductive ex washing trees, planing boards M'lneiliinp of the sort, whieli o wuli l-armin at nil. A i r bail, may expend so much i- I i:n- -work as to render his . 1 1 i ami even a expense to iVm not iivnliJale lhe sound t Inv thing e.in profiiably be ,:eh can profitably be done-,.! rule ivr know no exceptions. J ml ta-iv he uiisui'.ed to Corn, or I heat, or llailcv . so that he ought not (o at i nipt tin: grow iiij of lliat particular grain; 1 ni if ii will pay for growing any crop of it ,: all. ii tv ill 1. 1 for "rowing a good one. n will iml piv lor Mirh a crop, it will-not t - r in ; and should In? turned over to i " 1 1 1 m tr ' f " bieli it trill yield a generous .ni. ia di IjTi: of that, given up topas I in in v., hi, I us soon as lossiide. i mum -bushel crop pI liiiii.-.ii Corn be i : : i i i t .i t U- as a perversion and lb.- ' aunties of Providence, -ii,. r " ho plows (mice J live or six ,n, !,,. hi.; iiiimino leelilv and get ill bis riup l.i'i.. ::ikI abuut-half -cultivate-it dtroirch SiKiiiii. r. and pels a meager half-crop in Tin- I "m 1 1 . .mil . eattie happen lo breakover I...; oitir ill" is Iiiitisel4'4i fnico, and watch, ni i"i :,vs to-twice or thrice the extent he eiiinniitliiig a flagrant crime vi Vim rr bv- exhaiistinir the Soil nl Ha nrvAvuf oitr. K'ayonal ulmr, were right. Ve do not claim any such prcd- i pctent lecturer on Ajrrii-ulinre, visiting thu dif- sunply that we have put in practice ; icreiu counties tn miner ji tue noriticrn Air what i-wek Known to tho lew among llie j i.imiq otaies, ami ut iitcnng ire? leeiurea on many. olten near ol large crops raised Agriculture, wuitf uouute me .crops in ne 1,- ;,.-i;vi-lii vfiiic notfTiitmr rrniliipn i.n vear-4. J-et tnosa wlm floiibt it sneno a ?m- Land is n ffMtP-j,nch results. In such rases wo visit the igle hour with us,' and if wc cannot piodue liiev. Hfat we rni 1 nnil .nut. if nrartirahte. their 'the evidenre foviuul a cavil to anv unoreiu- I.nglmh and Hel-1 m(,1i...,i, m,nltres. ic. and ihen bv an anal-! diced miud, we will break our pen and cease ysis of the soil, compared with that of the to urge our readers to increased exertion. crop, are enabled to advise others so as toen-i able them to prndHcc similar results. U'e claim no oriirinalitv, but merely, with'tTie as-1 of raid enmnnnv. so as to make tlip mnitr.1 1 of the non-oUvchoUiiic' Stales, bv Toting to : autlmrijej to idedje die receipts of said K"d liuif determination nrver to cease vmi eser- stork of said ciiiiipanrtwf) millions of t'l 'liars, i iinpose hih taxes upou imptiiutinns from ' for the payment .f snid debt; and the said lions, till this end lie secured. ; I-el n act as Sec. woeklioh 3. le it lurtber enacted. That if ihe foreign coimtrii which ri 'idcr slia'l assent to the increase of (petition widt the prodncli ild stuck of ,i iii co;n;viiu-. llie 4?w---indiwtrv of the afitrrsr murht come'iB com, iicuoi.s ol the lalMir and company, llie viqm nuluatrv ot ttie atiiirsani iinn'navenoHimc dent and Directors of said company shall, in States : and whereas these acts of ncmsity one thoBth after the newptauiv of the amend- '. and self sacrifice have been unappreciated at srlchaner. open books of aubjcriplinn, under jthp Morih, a:n! the people of thai sectinn show the direction of two or more conimissioners i a disrwisition to "make, umcasini; attacks upon to be by ihent uesiguated. at the city ol K.I-1 our instnu;i"n and property : there lore, -ii;h hihI in the towns of Wilmington, Favette-I Kesohed, That the State of North Carolina lor tn nitmn or lia sal FRIT!. From tbe Anioricun llirnolii(!icnl Joernnl. , 1 . ...:u ,.:..i-i -....I , ., i i- . 1 .1 lhuu HUM lite will iviu nunc n ji m.n- sisiauce of chemistry, lo be able to duplicate j. . -,, -i, ,.. ..- - . . c , nui auu iiuiiiit.u .aiiiu .null am iiihvi ...... on any .o.l containing a fair average of fon-j lw f , s.;l0 s,)iL s smuenis, the same results which may h.vt cf lhe' f.lrm(.r, aml se , ,,c ,oil Ik prouueed on .inv i other son-all of winch , g ajUni..n,u. t!la wlien . may be done by. adding tl m..tig const, u-; f (f . u a ,rc. of0,liw. enis oiue.oii, wu.i ut,.Cu.u...i,o, a, ..I fruhriVetjnomofP i, peculiarities OI ilM croji, metTiiann-ai coiiui- tion ol tUOoil, &c may require. In anoihcr article in the same paper, Prof. Mapes gives the ilillowing gh'ncc at what isj doii.g for Agriculture in Europe by (lovern- menls which we are acctistoincil to consau r ; as far behind our own 'in knpwledgc of, ami ' devotion to, popular well-being : vitle. New hern, Kdcntnn. llillsboro, Salem, Salisbury. l'4jrluttc, Eiiz bi di City. Halifax, Tarboni', l.ir.colnton, Morganton. Washing too, Wadcsboro. Wilkesboro', tireenslitw)', Uutherfordton, Oxford and As'ieville: and the same to keep open for sii'iscripiion ten tl ays ; and if it shall happen, when the books shall be open as aforesaid, that more ihan fu e thous and shares of stock shall he u!.scribe4 lor, it sludl b? competent for the lrt siilcnt ami lb vectors lo reduce lhe shares mi suhsc. ihrd, hv I: ..-i-ii it : ...r : To r,n; n . - i' i The -M. hat tuniites trie clctcrioratioii ol tlie . i. '! tins cniutrv since ,i(s seillemenl by w hue men s; detracting at lcasl.Fii'e Hun M llo.is ef Dollars from its value 1 - All ,. , in ia. u are familiar with facts which ,i-:. hi 'ii:,- I'snmate. There arc whole Conn w .fntit-n4iir't-whi'dei' tstatcslclliwinu 1,'ici' Iriri i. hied an average of twenty bush els .id .Win at or forty of Indian Corn to the ;,,. ,mi uuiilil now (iininanured) average not i.iiiie. iii. in iwen.iv of ('mil and not live of !u '. Tie iriue has gone out of them." T! v !i'.i fern gradually robbed of their I - 1 1 1 1 1 ' l.v I'.iHe, miscrablfi, wasteful culture I li - i 1- u "ins tsseiilial . Ui die prodi-cUOlud i'.. i" fa.f.i.iuis have been gradually abstracl ..I. in; reiiirneil nor replaced. They fan liiren, sent off to the cities; i 'Klfropei and have Iniij since served to fertilize British lii'l'ls. or len e been thrown from the docks, or rn ,t tiirniiiih the sewers (T Tuff pir'cFbonfd ei- tiiini : P'or one. i. is of the iirst unportinee to uial. the b-st se lection?, and reiider lhe mus; I ulhuii atten tion to its fall dinclopuic'lt. Man does not use one lulf i!u! i,'. '.!' ,.f frail thar he should do as an article of food. Thousands of farinr.-s live mainly en salt beaf pork .md fish, wtio might I'.ave.tlia luscious luxury of Iruil at every meal, every month in the year. ADVANCEMENT ?F AGRICULTURE. Jjcsjae nian i ad.ipted'in his irnure to'sub Our readers will be surprised to learn how ! r,riii-ir:li v on a vegetable and fruit diet. much is being done by European Govern- j anj .ulil,i )13 far more healthy, happy am! mcnts for the advancement of Agriculture, i un.l1Vrd for so doinir. As an "article of gen- whtlc our own Jl.cncral. anu otaie v.ovcrn-iora) (n,,,), fruit in it ailupleil. so ailit iirikc tin' llto'.;s.aiiii: prov i.led. tle.t i! its vast varieiii's is vvitlmtttl a -cale f tht in lo I liiiiiib'.T'i! i-h it i s ii the vt lii'.i not lifsu! that purp, a;.ils!i,.!ii pen hooks, at such ti" such ciiinnii.s.sioners ; r'A'riye. ajdiiioird sal the whole amount is subscribed. Sec. 4. lie il furihf r enacted. That it shall be incumbent on the said Bank to establish a branch in the town of Creensboro' within six months,. .-. . Sec. .V "Bp it further enacted. That the iciiulu r i I tue ",ii.-..uiil shares shall s'T'Tierr- in lhe ten ilis aihn t il lor ii', lhe i'ri'siiknl and Directors may i pov. i r, tl'olil t nle to lime to rc-o- " and places, and under they shall appointed nptions of stock, until ; feels herself under no further obligutionvby. ; the votes of lierrepr.-sentatives in Cougrr ! otherwise, to, protect the "Home luuHistry" of the non-'laveholding States. 2. Resolved, that if our own industry needs protection it can be belter effected by Slate than by Congressional legislation. ; 3. Resnivi d.'Thiil the present tariir is high enough to alien! sufficient revenue toc.irrv on an economical! y ii:hinnistercd goveruiiient, and ought not to be increased. 4. Ucsailved, Tied the loregoing resottitinns ll"- transmitted to our liH-'inbers in both houses l of l.'ongres, with a request that I'lev lay them : before then respective houses, ulid with the fiirlher reqm-si, Uut thev vole agamst uyr iroa, when iim eiuru r siml! I e accepted py iiiosb iu know tlnir rights, and who tbeuj Hie smckholiiers undVJr itm charter grivnteil livi duties know, and kuowinjj dare Vna prrsi'til t.fllfTii. -AsscmtMv, stiail uc sow ! . -. - lor tlie Iwnelil of the Stale. a .n.vr, ii.vuut tut- t-.t. - ,: rovid'ed. Titat the Smie- sha'l not in nnv I 1 "e 'odttwrng description of a visit to Bo-- ... .- ...O....I. f s !'. .- r.,. , , - . - mier or in suy event, ha held respousiliie "o opprrv.mne. in t-r.giano, is I mm n able for the purchase money, which may , recently pints.ietl, entitled -KamMe be due for said two hundred and lil'lv tons "'voiin Kni.roaus. Ill complete tinning of in;i. ' " fltatiiied 2t!tJani; ,I8jJ.' beyond Railroads, equipment, with candle stuck by lampa of clay to their felt hats, the InvellersTiave pain fully desiMuled, by t'Crtendicular ladders and KF80I L TIO.NS i ,,riri''n--ne' roctv pussarw, f ilhems Wreef.a lb. Treasurer t suh.er.l r.,r twe l,'tr'3r t "h. finer who tli..ui,n.I .bar f tlit ViImiiii;i,Jn and .Man- EUI !es them calls a haft, and their exact posi- elast T n iilr. a.1 nt. k. ll,, Wlltl "'ferenee to the rnrlira of tin 'tof Hesi.U ed hv the General Asseinhlv of North I raqneous globe is thus described Carolina, That , the I'uhl e TriMSttrer of the Slate of North Caroiin i be and lie is hereby anihoii.'.oil and directed to subscribe in tlie lianie oX.liic Statu Cir tan lholiand sbari'S of llir capital stoel; ol tlie w ummgt-jn unit l.in che ter Railroad oinpnuy : I'm said W ihniiu ton and Maiieliestyr Company will ajre.' in di XOlttllig to Ibeir charter li Vt'c are now four hundred vards out. Under l!n batjnm of (hi tea! and twenty fiihoms, or a hundred and twenty feet Mow the oa lev.j!.- Ciust-lrado vessels are sailin over ow heads. Two hundred and fortr feet Be- ,,!..(! the i neath us nxn are at work, and there are galle li inioail , 1 ii s iieepcr tci, rvpn ucitni' nun I lie BT- birni of law uc ; tiaordin.irv Misiiion down t: a Use of ll.e rliff. ept n (ia-vioeut i of 'he engines and other works on the surface, Governor of the acceptance by the stoklnild ders, of die amended charter, within Uiiity days ol tin- decision of lhe.C0JUuatiy..v Ratified '.'Sib January, 1851. J AN. ACT Caneerninp' lhe duties of sheriffs. "KeeVT. "Te."it ehac'ied hy ibe (iener.d A(sem rnentsarc eopinely inert-on -this all-impor-ra nar.ille!.. Our frieittlst at a distance from ianf subjects " '' ' t -. cities, will find it a-source of prohl, as rafl- Every political economist Knows mat an ; r,alls nmv hrrrrj-tlieui so near the jnarkct ns increase of production adds permanently to ; t(lV.nall them to compete with farmers, in national, wealth, and hence lbs Eiurlish Gov-',,;, gUburD o-l'itivs.-- U have Mi keen re-cFmnew-we -ever-ready to lend Judicious aid rel m travelling in different portions of the to their farming interest. As an rxainade : I ,.om,iry t 6ce so little attention paid lo the sub hv long experience it has Itcen ascertained Ij,,,,, Of gf,od fruit. HtUwi..tWtyitn .WW! mi-raiwiiiirrsaw'-iicTr'W'r TIis ; station- la have a innn. I hat a man i land i!l produce one-third more nott results; j, ungrateful t0 the past generation that ' bly of the Stale of Norih-Carolina, and it is to llie owner, and therefore the Government- 1, ,,e trr(, from w hich he eats; and berebymcted by the uiithnrity ol lhe same, liavc enacted laws and appropriated lands to i',j0as unjpily with the next grneratiort. un- 'Fbal hereafter it shall be the duty of llie sher be used for this 'purpose. Several appVoprin- MS ,n pn,)U" ,,e SP(.,l ff thai irtiit, thai it i ill' f each county to lay before the Grand Ju lions have been made durinz the last session i ,., f,..,,;-).. fo-wl fur llmsc who come after ! rv of his enuniy, at each court, -as soon as the of Parliament, one of which i ?.Ot)0,noo i j )', Thus when a son of Spain teats :, j said .Grand Jury shall be assembled. list of sterling, eqtlaUo- 10,000,000. I his sum is i ,), ,(r p,.3r ,y ,le r,md side, wherei er he , -H persons who may lujve obtained license to plaeerlat the disposal of commissioners, who; js ,p ,ji(,s wj,i, his foot in the ground, anil ! 'tail spiritous liquors by lhe, small measure loan ilNn applicants on the following terms : ,.,ver( ,1C pit ,,r ilc core. Coiise.jnentlv, all j during the lime he may have been shcrifi". not . .'I'Krt iakm .f llin nnnlipant is first valupil. I t. . .. . I... -I.- --..a I -.1 I. i- vcpeiliiii. Inn vears lirevioilS to Said Court. .in iuiiii w. - ' over opaiu. 111 llie limn sine .11111 .asi-M line, fo - I - i . V ., . tr--r ti. and then a loan i raade to him on .mortgage,! t ,:, ; i-eWmlanee 4emW il tesls. ,,,,(. Auiy-iihnrifRhrthttg :t8-iHjrluf Iff. .llie fluty . llUUUtd iJlB. Jauat.T.l,J stJHFmiwWtW-Otltttmiten is an easily wrought cliar-1 aloresaid, shall lorlett and pay to the Mate me tne uiMvecilon Oi uio oumiiHssiinicis. , ma ; ... ,,.i - -.Vi(i.iiiv. nl a no i p sou . in mini m ii ii iiiiimi-ii in ni- -luoi ii "m i, "-s. mortgage, is onlyactive, on the meieased value j 'ctlcc ,c hnitatnl in our own country, and ed lor the Stale by the prosecuting oihVcr of of lhe farm Uyxiider-drauimg, lj.i.1 liorrow-: j,,, VVC3ty wanderer will be blest, and bless , nl court. er is.required lo pay 5 per cent, interest, pay- j liinj ;ln,' t,e hbera! eliarily tlt minis-' ' Ranried ?Stlt Juntttiry. iSal.-J -l.l.. n..i,nlK- ii-l fi npr cpnt. nf lhe tirincinal . i.. r... 1 'u'.. l...n. I ! - -uiiTi -iiiuii'Mi., , .. , , ,- u'reil II) Ilia coin ii n 'iii. I I " 15 .!: I'winni i . ...,( , - 1..- rt l.nlli nrinpinal nnil inter, i . -i il .'l .. I...... - K r.rsWl-tJ I IV'.sC UUU IIIUs III .t.i. i v.-... . ( laws which may lor saul suhscriptkiii, tvvo ihoiisaud shares ol at uotlallaefc, w now explained. J he n.ino protect or encourage the the stock belonging In the Stale in the capital is not excavated Ilka other tuiiM'S under tln- uininff inirrMK at the free utock of tlie -WilmiiiirtiHt and Raleigh Railroad ; land, but under the eea f chani't' in lhe. preseol land have the effect lo mamilaeturiiig or mining Suites or which mav have lhe effect lo in crease the cost to the Southern consumer of any of tl produc-ii of foreign countries.,4.-- Ratified 22ud January, 1831 .f V - 11:s6i,utuns rX' In relation tu th block of uiarbti prisciiteilby U'tl:Snlcnt'al i4 ak skliffl.e-ol.c'to iiiii'ii .'airituuiv in. U Resolved. That Ilia Excellency the Governor cause to bo Iransihitted the block of i mivrtile presented t.yi1sn'nthmieTihifm-ttf .Lincoln comity, for the Washington Monu ment, and that he cause to be made on it the Il o I ! n w in ij i nseri ntjOTJgsjliet.jit ith,,'llio rnat. mT-TbT aniis liT the State, to wit: " , NORTH CAROLINA Ii:Cl.AI!ATIOX OK rNDEPttNUK.NCe, . . .Mecklenburg, . Mml, 1773. ' 2. Resolveil, That the Governor draw Ins warrant on the Trcttsurer of the State, for such sum ns may cover the expenses for the freight, and for carrying into eflecl!he fore going resolution, anil that the TreasUrFr be authorized to pay the same. Company, and the Public Treasurer is fur-1 Having coinmunieated these nateculara, lh- thcrauthurij!ed nnd direcled to assign and ! miner next leil us to keep sirict silence and iBinjdcr la ihe said Wilmingiiifi and Mauehrs- liatr-H, Wolifv hiifi, ititiing speechless nnd ter Railroad Cbmp'iny or to their imsigns, the j nio'iHiile'ss. lftH render ciiuhf only havf 'paid 'two thoiisanil .share of slock, part of beheld ns now. drrssed in our copper-colored that held and ownrd by this Stale in tlie Wil- garnipnts, huddled cLwe !og"thet in a mere miiigUin 'and RahTgli Railroad, Company ; j cleft of si!byrrucaii rock with a (lime huriH .whewvcr-JiiiA'Viliuiiiijton -atj -,MHdwefi'fi on. our heswUiuMi ditrknessienvrlopHflf-mrr Railrnad Compotiy w ill issue to the Slate and ; limbs he intist certainly have imagined. deliver t the Public-Treasurer a certificate j without anv violent stretch of fancy, lh.it he for the 2'".'l?.'j!Et,--'lf .itlCTn 'n 111 louking duvvu.upou a conclave ofgnomea mingloli and Manchester RaiUoad ?ortbpsny. i After listening for a few atomenls, ii distant. Resolved lurther, That unless lb Wil- unearthly noise becomes faintly audible a in i nglon and M a nehesje jR,idjrigJ,Cji us com Ill PHVC ItlK VVl) 111 a L'lHHI. Ul IICIW'I 111,111 WC . ,. , est w,U be paid off; and the lirst instance ha. ,;,,,, a,, hc a ,,eri,n ,huri vho hasilj : I'rovulii.g.oru p,..,,,eau.m,,non,ai ueeorus, nA ySi?.'!."" re inie-i-- H,,'n.Jer'lho shadow, ami rata llie irmt ol trees Sw ( isoh eil, I'hat the Governor,. ol Ilia lailU have not oeen sumrienuy ureai in , w tiit-fi other hands have planted, il lie will not enable the oeuupant to meet these payments, j as0l .,, tr,.,.s w(., S11all yield fruit tocniii- Slimild the borrower fail to meet ttte lequirc ; ; .reneraiions. No voung'man should vote mcnts of the mortgage, then the farm may he I nr ,n;irrv t,jl he has planted at least one 1 1 -i r Secretary of State. Treasurer and Comptroller he instructed lo contract lor the printing of one hundred and fifty copies of lhe following r. rils liiivt ill tlm lImim of die Jsi'eerfltarv of sold, but lielorc tno ijoicrnmeni can appnip.i- lrer3S a evidence ol gooil citizenship. ho c...... MJourn:ds ol lhe Assembly of ate any part ol the amount toward the hqui- .lllU., ,,c elms of Boston Common, .atKLoXl-Hninee of North '-arnima,-lieill iirthr (Hiitto oi uini mm.Vin... u. ; AfUT Haven, wmm :ire so jusi.v ccirurnirn ; r ,7,r, . .o Jliur;1:ils f ,WmlIv oi -Snrrf-nnf hr-prr-tnt-jwra4H. Ii-lrau fonf, rw4tni. frmtt-tht-vw I7.U to 176;, l.rr,.'s.,,)l.,..!.!l ! I( ' r h 1 ' ' 1 u ( ! 1 h ,M 1 ' t!i;il li;lSf?) nl" iii ..i I'mii. tlir vV:ir lTi-a M I7H; burn gciionilKMis m;iv oe uratriin lo tlirs', III! Hit' IH'Cilll, I CI HUH, II Ol lllf III- : , . I ' 1. 1 1 f ' .... ,r. mine ..I" ,!,P Soil',, so mu, h robbed ' tAUJ.U i : , . ' 1 1 . of f.a.ire en -,-ii,i,, ,.' ' experience Tta,. established, that flndeT- , j ilraoieu tarilis will. ..uwavs aeii mi iiwi jiii.iii .," ' : the cost of under-draining added to (,'o'ntins- lnai; . r- land tin I" i in ' 1 1 1 1 itivatinn s !,.L., It 111 so. that Is '.U-. To a lin lertiliznti Il ia!, he in enn-i arner AiHtVumoliwf wi" ! is. mi lor c f t i tiiTi ult iii it a I n irier 1 am! i allure ie ed-! ami 'II 1 1 1 1 v ri to ven:v I husliel-i nl p l'.. Ie "Is, troin an a.-i p. nil ami iv 'axes :n:a.n:,' aosur- i V.ll:':i'in.s. vy. In.it; :it the p end i f iv.-i'iuy ml h iv :'.' aid s-,.,1 pr of the J ail tile partie Tiie uwie r n moi-!e:ere fre:; li.ie's, is ns much rieiier as I In iuUK'ovcuu n! ; while the Go- -ition o! ', ears, i ll' the an r ..lei in his Woi-1-.-n :t;s tr-.iiiciv lull ni.: ti j- Witlii U r ' in r a-! el tiiieale-- i.f I :!, t nu 1 1 1 - s ' l.f I i',! .' M ";Tr,ir " fu' April, th.is Is III sen nee 111 11'; that St ile : til" last ifiree VI- - firms in N ew -Je: i- of liiese failn. si 'I'll II! in. ( ;., rep: ice he had rulih :! stiiiu els tn Ins sa'l. at all c.VT 1 -i per acre, with proper l.ilaje. ami produ i i'il, in eonsinpii uc, the following crops: Corn l'-iH bushels of ears per acre, where 1'iriikrlv with uiuch larger ependiture for inauiii been prndiicrd. Potittoes 310 bushels per a eie. Mangle Wurtzel lfi Ions per acre, and oilier crops in proportion. Another (a member of lhe House of Assembly repre sented thai on a piece of ground ill Passaic County which had been considered of very inferior quality and unworthy cultivation for corn, he l.ad raised, bv - adding the missing or,.,,,,. ni have heen Jrenaul. anil the wealth nl the nation has been increased equal to the in ereaed amount of products. Add tn tli.s lhe .tWffrtWi-l-tlW'"P0il vt.snlHinlllfl'B----; I'l in '!. s iiitl.cia: I'-llliv.il.,'- u ti:k .mi-: i.o.N ci i.i'i 1:1:. .... iku Citii tut. :rA. kv jmiktlii. Cu;i.iitor ivas uia:iiiv :;mii'ti iiji. as 1 enncyivp';'' l',r the ,.i.rpii- oi a.lviine.ng the Souiiici'ii f 1 1 r ! i i i nir a-el farming mti ii -'.s, iVc, A-c, I will give your iiiimeious readers my mode of rultiva liug the Water ''Melon; provided you think I it vvyiriu v ol some nook in your paper. A RESOLUTION' To provide ft salo (lepiwitory for map and doeu. ments relating to public, surveys and Internal Improvements of tlie Stato, ..and Tor jtlffirpur.-. JlOSCS. . Resolved, That in order to preserve the maps, charis, documents and other material relating to surveys which have been or may hereafter be made with refertmce to any yyork of public " improvement in this Slate ; the room in the west wing of the Capitol, known as committee roonu No 3, be appropriated and set apart as a jiermanent bureau of engi neering ; and the same is hereby directed to be filled up, -uudcr llunsuperinlenilenee of the clerks of the two houses, with ill" requisite tallica, fie: -Is and other fixtures; mill thil!., Iicrealter all companies incorporated for said -nwrpew of pnbtre improv efnenls. be required to furnish lo tiiis bureau, lor tlie use of the (H'lieral AsseiAbly and the public officers of tlie State, a correct ni3p and profile of tlie ,i ..linn , ..,,.., ,i.uu. i,, ,,,,,. i A .n.i i, i .- L i . ; lorm horizontal scale ol lour hundred feet to ii iito iroui i i o i nil me hi-v i in nun . i , .linn ,i- : .. , , . , an men ; anil inai an sih-.-i enaria mill uiocr doeiinieiils of a like character as may be fur nished to the State shall be deposited for sale "i ', do. or ditto fffffinthe- err ITtin lo 17TI"; (S) do. of dililn frmii the- year 177H to 177.); v0) ( 'otiucil bonk or Keeords of the p:ocei'iltni.rs ul tlie t.ovcriior ami I oum il id .North 1 aro- i e this increased latin, anil tlie wnoie rcsuu Ir fire us. In the f.ec of tin- experience I , . . .. . -:.l:. ...t ,l,. whole naii in. is n noi nuiinimi' ii:i:e to h"ir in"iiea'i f.inneis raili.i!.' against ill- praeii.-.s of iiii.lcr-draiiiing i" In addition ! to this l,,iu of SlO.Ot'O.Olll). liie Government : have aepri'ini ited $ 1 .000.000 lor .similar pur poses ni il iil.OOO, visahle. Many other ads have been passed for in closures, general puidie drainage, Ac Ac., all requiring appropriations from the Public Treasury, in addition to loose appropri Select a 'ccfj'fhndijre ieTT:iurthe mTirmiig'Mi.ii, srn.TTrits ol shade, secretary of State, be, anil he is hen ition : fs. ,loilj-;i- nis iiftliP Provincial Cinigri'- of N. Carolina troin 170 lo 17'J; uini that lliev hav e them i l ' ...i -i :....! :.. .1 ic. ..." ..i .1... s; . ooiimi ami in e-siu n in oil- inn e in on i . . ... . ,i " l r .1 ,-,.Mr,- nf.s,,.,,. v,,l,.ei i.. il. ,,,. ni.ler ill I lv"'puig pi said room, uihW Hie charge of Iho- the Assembly State f-ihrarian or fitate Engineer, should If it is rich, m.inuru will henelit j hut il not iliucit.tl ( (TrijV to the correctness rich, maUr. U so by inauiii nig. I low deep., ..rjniP,! mnv lo the orii'inal in Ins i Ireland, and a lurther. sum ol tsi,- if lhe Coiniiussainers shall think :ul- tnat lor the cost ot priiilnig t.iul Inuili ! said books, the sum of one ihoiisand ( il is lierehy allowed from any monies Treasury net otherwise appiopi iatcd. Katnieil 2thli January, lr.)l." the and hreaK well, iso s.n"i as on inuih i:e frost is done, you can plan'.; lay. (iff vvilh r scooter or. shovel plow, IK or 20 feel square seiner a little inor" nciiiire where die fur rows encjs, and mix well, and form a flat lull. ' riii 'iiig it a little above the sui'iape, in order to drain. If von have seed plenty drop 13 ' RESOLUTION or 20 ui a -hill. sliekuiL' tiiem in v, nil voir lin- At nrupiiulia' one tlnuisan,! dullars fir furnish ger up to the first joint, tilling up lhe hole. and il dry press lhe earth on t Ii tin lightly ! When tin v come up and stand a lew day j ,1,. l()t(a thur-e- he.ri.-aflet.'ae ,ono-pnte4f''nH'ttte'ex' pellse 111 SO IUIIII up niiU ivmui iu nil niuuuuv not exceeding twenty-live dollars, be defrayed from the Ihihlie Treasury. Ratilird 1st January, 1 88 1. hy in- of each llie''; itiid will1 r'JueTTiirin iiTlaw agree to and accent the foregoing proposition wiih.'i)' fjvulto months from the date of the passage ol thi'B rilii tions, llie siimc shalf be hull slid void, - Resolved fitrthcrjI'luit ii'oilihfg tit rhe fore going resoluliotis shall lieC hikeu or conslrucJ as an engagement upon lhe part of the Stale of North Carolina to become responsible for or on accouitl of nny othw ilenlings, .acts or contracts of the said Wilmingtoii and Man chester Railroad Company, or Ibr niiv loss or iliscminLli.ilM-ra rt!mbL4tf..ityun'n, gfe ol. the slocK nen'iiy ilireeteit to be as ugnefl. And provided further, I'hat th said mock shall not be sold below? par cither diicvdy of indirectly. -s . ' iTUtiliuvl .aSit Ja'tMiarvvlSuh '. 7Vr changes that is frit ot tlie car 113 well as hutri hy-l--:i soiled that aiiglit proceed from some incalculable diotauee from some far in visible hei.'dit a sound unlike nnvihinrf that ivltesrd mi (tie uppcrgrcund7m the free air of Ireiven tisound.so sidihmely mournful ami still, so ghostly ami impressive, when listehtd to in the subterranean recesses of the earth, that we continue instinctively to hold ourpeaee, as if enchained by il, iind 'think not of com- niilnii sting to eaeh oilier ,thv "Strniige fc'effngf M'illiMlijEUiL vs: liiels'.H luf, inMiipl--- . M E N T-AL.JU-ULT 1 .' 15 E. W Of all tho works of creation, tilth human mind may be considered the noblest. Like both from the lir:-U "At last the miner speaks again, nnd tells us tlwt what wr ihTnT i die sound of the surf lasitiug the rocks n licndred. niid .twenty. fect ... a.lirfi e iHTand "iiriliu waves that are breakhx 'on the beach hevohik The title is now at thi flow, and the sea ia in no extraordinary stale of epilation j so tho sound is love and ilis'ant just nt -litis period, ltut, wlien sloruts aH at nil mi nay vv consiuiTcy me nonicsr, i-iKei-. , - , , , . . Re Iveil, the I iiiM' That the - Ihmisc nf -one RF-SOLLI'IONS llir. i.t'nig In : AdjiiUnt Uloneml to piihlisli copies uf tlm .Muster i'mlls uf the sv-ldirrs uf tlm war of 1.S12. Resolved, that the Ailjulant (Scneral be and is herby directed, to have published a hun dred copies duly' certified of llie muster rolls of die soldiers of the war of IS 12, which are lie sum nl jine thousand -;i , i,: ,i ,, ,! ihat one eoov lollars he, and is hereby atViiroprialird to the , .,' ,, ,.,,.,. , .i. P-.',lv Pn,,r. j but 30 bushels of shelled com had f iimis bv the Government," we find Haifa col until of advertisements in tlie Mark Lane Ex press of chartered companies, with capitals: varying from S.'iOO.OOO to 8.i;000.000. o.i', r- j ing to make loans for under drainage ol land in terms. nearly aa liberal as those offered hv j the Government. We li!iil,.sjiiuyie reports ' of County Agriculturists paid by Couniv So cieties, whose business is lo visit the dilierein constituents nf his soil; under Oiif r.iUisement, 1 localities, deliver lectures, and give gratuitous Ills i-ii slit!:: of ears of com per acre, and 'advice to farmers. Schools lor instructions: that Ins crop of long orange carrots average in Scientific Agriculture arc being established (iO l Imslieis per acre, and that the expenses for in almost every township, and ;ho wisi ss ami fertilization were less than for the ordinary I licit men in the laud are lending their aid to method by barnyard manuring. lhe general advancci.ient of Agriculture. Ano'hcr farmer from Monmouth County i Necessity may truly bp said to be the motli rrprcselttei) that by llie use of lhe -subsoil fer of invention ; but in our country it would plow, under a recommendation contained in . seem as if oid M"S. Ni ecssity was aw tv Irani ui.r of our lectures, oir a field of twenty a-1 home, and her offspring had gone to sleep. w n!l; voi. will make a good crop ; I eres. and by the .tpplicalion rf decomposed , Why is it, that while our mechanics are husi-. ,jf,,n cover llie u hole ground. Til hog on another held of similar size, lie had i v mnployed in the application ol llie sciences ; the roots em draw up tho -siciu,- piauas, the old lull or crust with Iresli pulvensnil soil, aiulnlioiit this lime, plow your ground again. Prepare v oiiisi If with an iron Innth (square lei'ili,1 hand rake in a few days the ground will become hard woik the hills by loosen ing th'' grounilall about the little plants : plow, to keep the middles up II. nv and clem. The next dressing will be with the r iko ; cuiilnm" to thin out (leaving lhe most t igem plants) from time tn time, iluvv n to two pious; two are sullieienf. About now diey will begin to inn, and how he sure to keep the ground raked moliow and clear of weed a to grass.. Von mav train your lines tlm course, you '.vaitllieiii to run, but nit I ill.' turn and twist them while workuiL'. All you have now to do is to Keep the ground ( le in ami mellow by raking before the v mi's, it um have tre.iled them y will idea is lhe surface in the mel- ml. caver J!ul-, P.,.Vl? .( furniture.lor the Governor's .re?i-;MHrrnmvl nf Sr;(I(. deuce, the piirclnise of said birniliire In be made under the direction ol the Governor Ratified 27di January, IN51. HESOLI I'lON. r orieiiin a eniiiiiiiinieatiiili betw lieaufort 1 larbiiur ami the waters ul I'auilico Siitiml. V In rivis in the year IH , it w as success- the sum of one hundred dollars. Resolved further, I hat when It shall he made lo appear lo tlie Treasurer thai the re quirements of the aUive resolution, have been 1 complied vyiili, he tihill pay lo the Adjutant 1 General, as a compensation for his services i out of anv money not otherwise appropriated. fully demonstrated that the elmnnal of Cure Sound could I e so di eprned by dredging, as j 10 o)i:n a cninmuiiication In tweeu Beauloil ! 1 1 arbour and the waters of Pamlico Souiii, . f ir the pasi.ageof Merchant vewels ; and lhe. iOM R llilkd 2P!li January, 1S3I. REStll-UTIONH In Relation t'r Natr's He I both moral and ritional. Its infliienee will lie fell in fumra generaUttns, i- What theit is htir i duty in reference to l.hat"Hifluoce.' ' U ls ve ry evident it is W us' all the means In our power without stint, grudge, or prejudice, to acquire that mental culture whieli will make us instruments of the greatest good j that which will enable us lo unlock lhe door of science, and leave an example worthy of imi tation. May the li'oe speedily come whun all classes or persons shall ho educated io a I greater extent than now i when there shall be more equably, and rrimes in nil their forms , mav Ic checked; when religion, justice and and pel haps to s, .greater degree ihiiii any other of the work of nature,. Just in the degree that tlio muiil is cultivated nnd, render ed pure, is mull filled lor great . .notion, and b ig lic.iiisy nmiiU auiijgccaL:cunmiv-iHi4 earth la to educate and strengthen Ihe.iiimil, and throuirh it the heart... A erent truth which Hi&MartiSWVUCiiS 1a?n.-;i'ti wbErorTuTr that mortals rmlowed w ilh suidi iiohlu.quali tiei and rapatde Of lhe highest iiitcllectual at tainments, should si umber on lb rough a world like ours, which coin ins every tiring beautiful,' lovely and sublime, to nwakeu uik call forth fthepfeu'r of, the richest, variety in Hibj eye, Iho minu, the hciirt, s) diversiiied (hat w e tnay never grow weary jn euiiieinplsting it, , If you wish to live in the. .true seiue (if tliu ttnm, utilliate the mind, enlarge itst capauilici, and give vent , Uoxa.,BuUaittliile. ikslnM!.sVsbflpti resf scntiuienH 01 virtue arise and ernluw us with tho noblest Worth,,' Each iff eur minds is but a portion as it were of one vas'. machine', in which each niece, has s pari lo perforin, capa ble of the highest, noblest action, e.ipabto of being expaniled.Buu elevated lit. a digrce .ib most illimitable. Every cultivated mind turn ed out into lhe world cxeils a powerful inrtu eneo either for good or evil. ; ' 3 .('' Here we see (ho need of right education; such as will fcmler the mind rapttbla of ex- ,.Pi:.. n Ixinntf ilft,lMrtA nil" K-l P.Hllffllin !l, ,f. l 1 and raise it to it lust nereetUion of its duties! wUkU U.!'h!'. 'J ""'X I'"""'i'l Plo.l lhe nfler inouuiarti of water on ilw cliffs, ihen the noise is terrific; the loamng heard down hern in the mine is so iiir x'prcssibrv ficice and lnV". fil, llmt the boldest uien ut work are rdrah! i continue their labor all ascend Jojyhe .guxfiu'.. fo brealhe llie upirf afr aiiif stand on tlie ftitn ciiith; dreading, though no eata tfphejiiis ever happened yen thalTIifi"Ti6a vvullirviik-in on them if they remaia in the eavcrn below. ."Hearing this, we get up lo hmk nfth roefc above lis. We are able to stand iiiuichl in lhe position we now occupy ; and fturivgonr candles hitlier and ihitlier in lhe darkness, san ne b Jit ihVlr f pee 'pfearftf th'ijfiits' lory In every dlrpelion. Lumps of ooie, of the mosl lustrous green eolnr. traversed by pt ' natural nciwork of thin red veins of iron, ap pear heie nnd therein litrge, irregular patci.e. over which water is dripping slowly ami m- ccu4jiJy.. inif ikUi 4thsiassviu2!vSf4 thw tnfr " water peicof iiing Ihroieah invisible crannies in the rock. On stormy days it rpirts m:t liiri ou"ly in thin, continuous streams. Just over our heads we observe t wooden plug of tho thickness of a man's leg t there isn hole hore, atid the ping is all that we hove hrtecp out the e.t ! "7 Immense wealth of melal Is contained in the rool'of tills gallery, throughout its whole length ; but it rem-iins, ml always will re- main, untouched ; the miners dare not lake it, for it is purl, sn I great pnit of -tlit rock.' Resolved by lhe General Asseinbly of lhe i humanity, shall govern tho people, end igniv lete success of said undert iking was on-1 Slate of North Carolina, That tlip re-openieg -ranee be forever blotted from Iho fiice of the !v prevented by the accidental destruclion of i f ih,. et at or near Nag i Head, between earth. An overruling desiro for Wcallh nar- the inslniuicnts then etnployiu lor san I b-n lore. lie s, il 1 ed, 'lliat our' .SenatnM nni Rpure sentativis m tloii.sriss be, and lliev are hens. increased his corn crop on ci.eh from 20 lo 25 ; to their vocations, that fanners alone will sul- tw moist earth per cent. I'er theirs to remain without improvement ? I'viiie, above tlm Another f.irmer'.i.f Freehold represented 1'J'be exceptions to this rule are r, ally rare.lwr,h wiUi toots. that he had raised between 4.000 and 8,000 : nor do we r-l.nrii fmrn our I gistators any a eahhaaes on-half an acre, and at lhe prices at I mendment. w Inch he had made sales, lhe returns were at I We find our Government ordering new steam li e rate of from $400 lo ?500 per ar re. This vessels almost monthly, for the mere purpose land was thrown into garden heart at one op- of testing new inventions in steam machinery, j ration, and tip- land h-l't in so improved a eon-: and die w hole mechanical interests ol thei dinon alter the cabbage crop, as lo be henelit- j ouiilry using iheir interest and influence to I ed for future crops more than the whole ost ' press forward the appropriation. More than , of fertilizers used for cabbages. Many iithrr'M10;000 ffave been spent for improvement in f farmers reported large crops resulting from lhe l lescope, and not one cent has yet ever4" giou fir or farther lb in the ml, literal!-, tilling the : 1 purpose; ' the ( )ccm and Albemarle Sound,- a work ol rowf the mental vuioii, deprives tho. ninul of deep importance to a very large and wealthy its caxtci(y lor expansion : deadens the finer iiorlion of lliis Niait. .ainl of vast advantage to 1 sensibilities, and chains the w hole immortal lhe general commerce and navigation ol the I to a few petty attorns of this .dust." In 8 by requested lo use their best exertions lo pro- vvlmli' country. I I country like ours, where merit gives the pro cure an aiiiiroiirta'.ioti of money bv the Gen-; 2- Resolved, That ihis work is peculiarly ! ferencc where talent rises superior lo riches, duty ol the General sea, and which has been so Ut worked way hero, Iriit its thickness li limited lo an average of three leelonly between the water md the gallery in whjelt. yoM.W.liutd.. not -lt nows""wfiaf might be the eonseguence of an other day's labor with the pickaxe on any pl , w, ti .. .. erd Government for Opening said water com-1 within the power inn iiiiiiiicalion, and the completion of the work j Government, and thai Congress will lull in undertaken as aforesaid in the year IH . jotie of its great dunes to tlio State ol iorlh Resolved 2nd, That a copy of iho Ion going Carolina, and to the commerce and navigation From tlie abov e treatment I Jiavc grown p( amble ami resolution 'be transmitted by the , ,,f tie country, if .the necessary lpropns- ater melons to weigh from 10 to 30 and 00 Governor of this Slate to . our Senators and ( linn of money for-ll eonslruclion of this pounds. Ili prcsi ntitives in Congress, ' ' ' great work is not promptly made, and the JOHN HAHI.IN'. Raulied 28th J anuai j, 1 H. I work prosecuted lo completion with all rea- Coila, Carroll Co., Mis., Feb. 1830. . i sonabit dispatch. r - -., ---r i RESOLUTION' 1-3. Resolved , fiinher, That it is s mailer of Ol' VOHTll I jtltOI.IM. in ai i:ioi;i.iv. in the iipronriaieu lor lin iiroveiueiiis Within the last twelve months France i Colleges and our .'llll'ICf nml fi..,m siting ,i.-inlil,,r in.s-l 1...... I lari?e nuillberssiirnp.l stalpinenls thai llna whole i,b.u- crop of the township had been materially in- Inis endowed ISO Agncultiira creased by our efforts. It was also sho v n to : Aeademi'-s, while the pnliticians of lhe li- ittetiBYt have" loHI the farmers tR.if Tli'ey tfer'e premipm Tor our market ganlen form tlm A-, dee bone and sinew of the eounlry. nnd ptitd nterican Institute, and that we had raised I.-' nine-tenths of the taxes, in consideration of S00 bushels of parsnips. 1100 do. of carrots, 1 w hich they had be.iter attend to their business AN AC P i the old way, and vote for them again at the! jg-jg, ., nn(j Hme Tn increa:w tlie capita! nfthe Rank of t'lipe-lcar. Sec 1. lie it enacted by tho 4ic.icr.il As sembly of lhe State of North Carolina, and it .liJfSJKbi -t.iitfTdJx.Uic a I Hat the act enuue i "an act to recnarier inc ' Bank"'oT CapeTear," passed by llie. General Assembly at the session of 1H.T3 and 1834, md wmclt was amended ov me aci oi io.ij ano io aiiiemleil as lo just complaint, on the part nf the people of North Carolina, lliat tins Worn lias Desn so eOO do. ol- rata haga turnips , per acre, and other crops m proportion, hut all these facts next election. j increase the capital stock of said Bank live could not avail in causing the Senate to appro-, pru5ia, 3nd indeed all the continental pow-; thousand shares. pnaleasum only equal lo the necessary ex-rs are organizing inttitutimfs for lhe ad-1 Sec. 2. He it further enacted. That the Pres penses of a State Agriculturist during the dc- j an'eemMll f lhe .grwuitaral interest, imd ;ident and Direeu.rs nf thelTsnk of Cape Fear nccry o. fire lectures in eaph county J the wi,:i0 a me' world beside are busy in' the : may convene the stockholders at any tune be- - -mm I wurk. both our General and Sia'e (Jov- lore llie first day of July next, lor the purpose We asserted, without the fear-nf roniradio emmcpis fesr toowt-wiih promptness and de-l-of aocerUming whether thry-dcette tb'wmt- uon, mai m no case where we had been furn ished with an analysis of the soil, had we failed in increasing the income of the owner more than one-third, and this, too, after hav- K. questiiig our Senators and Representatives in Congress lo endeavor to procure a llvilrngrs- tttog-wtrvsy uf -the waters 4yitit'betwMn Pttie lieo Smn'l and Beaufort Harbor. Resulted. That our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress be, and are hereby re quested to procure a llydrographie survey of,. , toei. ', Lue wi,i Jiefeii those waters Ivmg between Pamlico ujind , ....v, .,, r,l i.. n,,l- urai vH .frtor, 'knn-ivsr with iew oM.avmg itte- rtrsnncis or saw , 4 ilrmU(,dt TM ,our Senatortuutd Rep- .... I .l-....H-..t k., .!..(. -O.. rt nlhurwiui ' , . ... . "", "--'I-!" " ui....k...8 ... " , rPMniallvM , Congress be requested louse 2. Resolved, lint a copy of these 'resolutions cxorllon9 ,,, fffct the object conlem I transmitted to our Senators and RepresenUr , ble(l b , f,ir,.goi.,g.rolotion. lives m Congress. num;.,! ir.ili Nnmrv. 1st!. I 1 be considered a o-dnable wrmif and in. I justice to tlie Slate, as one of the members of the Conlederaey, possessing equal rights, and jief nsler Mates, i great discontent MfJt'-WS'lis-.-y.s-. the cultivated minds elevato themselves over their ignorant cotemporaries, and perhaps mi eonscious.. sway the minds nml control the actions of all around them. This should far ms!) j now incentive to renewed exertions. It should stir up ths inmost toiil, awaken feelings of self respect, nnd throw a rav of light ovec them that slmuld cunllime to glow brighte.' and brighter till ilia millions for our departure comes. ; : The cause of mental culture bncomes tlie cause of humanity. Mind swat s the deslinifl. uhreaSoiiatitiriletayed, ilfd" itr furued(d.ay toT'liirirons. lis "cirftivaiioti enfatge llie pows er of reason and judgment, and raises men o honor and distinction. I hough its onward progress be silent and impereeptMe, it is nev ertheless rapid and powerful, iwd when gui FmoiiTFix Dkatii or Invsiciv'. The following shocking details of lhe d.-ajh ef Dr. E. Morey, o Westvi'.te. N, V., wt copy from tiie Malnne ' Palladium t - The Doctor suirted Wclnesday sftemonh, April 11), to visit a patient at the jSwrlion of .lhe Constable and Mulone ronds, hi Burke. He was overtaken by night at Constable, and remained there until 3. o'clock, A. Jl Of Thnrsdny. With spirrltd horse nd frail gig he ihen left, and when within a short (lis . I ince of lh Burke line, llie fight hffel of tho f g ran into a deep hole, causing him tn hrcuk the scat of his gig, and fall on the wheel, which cm rind him forward of i, and . then ran over bis shoulder, thus bringing lum immediately under the gig, with hifcu;e turn ed upwards. The injury, might have endcil hero, but in falling his right font slipped in side ol tho shaft under the floor of lite car riage, end was held there hy an .iron bolt which held tho seat to the floor, and which I'riking in Lis instep, tore through his boot, rendering' itSanpossiblo for hire to ertricato his fool. Alter dragging about a rod, tlio horse anparantjy running at full speed, ho reaehsd iip'an 1 cauglit the hind part, of th..,.. shafts; anJ held himself from llie ground) for thirty or forty rods, whet he again dragged, : his hold being loosed, probably fur Want of strength to hold himself Hp. . 'm I liB'aiWse mn ner.rly three miles, and the. . . ' -!.'.' I I. l" J.. ;' ded hv ni'ir .l priuciplo and skill, (Vetnnlislpts I Doctor, as appears bv tlie trial of his body. ttleSiloTii Jtrtliftif igttWm o much snare ..' . . i ' I ll 1-1 - -L.ll L Our whole ses-boar.1, ana inneeo our miouie mere .man u . '"- r"" " V7 J-'- r" ... I r . '.i I h. ..I-,. wi,l, r4,I.H ..v .XriZiA. Smes,donot produce half the grain crop f one hundred doUars each, to Hie capital itocs wninj tnefliantiiaciunnj anu rn..i...8 iHierv. , pose r-,....,..s .u ..... - r-,. ... r added five thousand shares, nf Ratified 28th January, 1851. HESOf-l'TlONS ' ' " n reiatinn to the eneeurngementof Iloine Indus try, and requesting our members in both hruiKhes of LVinfirws to vote agniost any io- i.f ...H ,1 cision. The hackneyed excuse that we have , the capital stock of .said bank; nnd in ei The Soun.ern; or. this be sul horiz I to anticipate ine usual reeetpts, common roou.ry, m ,r,mCai,uon i tney have, since the formation of the Fede- of said Road, hv the purchase on lime oi i ougni to occupy, il you tiavo any reeam somocn spare lanu win no lunger ... ........ ...v .. .,....... ,r , ' - , . j j u.l,l r,r, f .r f.rr ih. ,r. fn, ih, .H h.in. of misle.riti-. f,nnl vmir. rai fivi-rnmrni, ll iurini(; aiiu wnii- ; iwi, imiifiw ' y r'"- r I " " r' ' "V "IIV '..T j - v Ri:st)r.rTio "': Authorizing repairs nf Iho Kuloigh smd flakton Kail Road. Resolved, Tint the President and Commis sioners of the Rateigh and iaston Railroad, Consult tli -j pages of his'ory ; ira w oiit its truth, and you cannot find a name cherished for its noble worth, that belonged sol lo a cul tivated iniiiH. A pei son having no heart benM ing in common with Ihoso ol Ins fe.low man, no feeling on which 'self is not the liegiiiniuj imd the endt-ipMy troly I mi Std HH V Kv,f pids,aitd was Willi mg slowly hornCnards, M:iV right' merttal enltnie never eeasn till it shall fill lhe earth with its .wonderful fruits, and show to man his capacity for mental iin- piovemenl, and finalli' raise the people of imp the distance iff 125 rods; being still alive,. and holding punsrlf up when passing Goodspeed s, in Iliirke, some 3 or 4 miles from &e place- - of his (all, ' ' , ' , When Crawl, hid horse had travelled It miles in less than art hour, over the roughest ' while the lifeless corpse dragged in the mud. ' divested of nearly all the- upper clodi'tng, his gold watch also .trailing ry the string, won, hi arms and lo;a gsiraiouis -btbiad-.. ill. flesh was horribly mangled, but no bone wen broken. Thus ends the story nf his death. . than sjrhtefi' wt'hure never herd rcaile(-' oat more, revoliing end painful, - -i . f wes-T, 1 ri

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