Bock exe. criminal, aa the re, are the nat-. mni rejult of tiolatioii of tlx law et hamaii Uy. It U against all natural law and right, thai j Government should extend It dominion be. joai a, own aoil. What jastiee or rcason i - there la the English, Ootorninent holding away over millions of people in LuMt It it not flagrant violation of nature thai the Monarch! ' of .another hetnisphera should hate sway in till? The people of Canada ought to rule Canada, ad the people of Cuba oagbt to hatetbe privL . lege of making their own law, and lerring their "owa taxes. Locality and. continuity ought to hare eooe effect, and it is worse than idle to -expect the people of New Orleans to hate les sympathy with Cuba than Old Spain has, thou, anda of mi'.c dislitlv. I am not speaking in favor of any expedition to do for the Cubans what they bare nut got punk enough to do for themselves. By the Law of Nations, which is the basis of all our international treaties, no American citixens has ' any better right than the American President himself, to operate against a Government with which we are at peace, no matter what may be " the temptation to do so ; and if any of our citi. aeos see fit to violate t!i s conventional duty, dtiey must not expect to be protected by conven. 'tional oeagea. If men will adventure into such crapes, they must expect to Cght at auisadven tiig. Out what I mean to say is, that tho pre sent condition of Cubt is an unnatural one; far more unnatural than that our people shouM feci smile indignation at its oppression. 'The t.,88i of Spanish barbarity which led to the iuiuat demonstrations in ew Orleans, are undoubtedly untrue. An eye-witness of tbeex- ecution of tie SO adventurers told me that their dead bodies wore art insulted, dragged through the gutters Sit., but were immediately placed in .prmi looking hearses, and decently buried. 7 iuen, 81 women, 108 boys, -and 119 girls died In this city last week. Cholera Infantum, Consumption and Pyscntery carried off the m. jority of them. Steamship ''TVinfield Scott" and " Cherokee" '" lesve te.fl"fiv with Adams & Co's Xow Orleans .JUpreia. freijih t, TM "Chcrokea" will go -vi Ilavorma, and, it is not uulikely, may meet with Some trouble Ihere, especially if any of her pas- -jority of the people of Massachusetts, should ...acngers go ashorft.' On one occasion a Captain j l"0 'ubject coiaebeforoa national courration. -fnn American tU SJitrAVT.iSR -fwliO woulXhl pav) on a dusort beach of ( Tubs, I ,, r i r ' - , ... . . r .. '! that tup Hon. Luke Woodhurv, democratic nom- anu was uneo f.wo ior purHgim ashore with ' -out a passport ' For the Utar. Tue Mains Liqron Laws. The enactment of ' laws, on tho part of the Maine Legislature, ex' -eluding rum as a beverage, from tho State limits. can no longer Reconsidered as nn expprimont t.. ouaottut aue. a l oruanu wrrcspoi.uent ui iuo a'trwuuTj-pan iinoa sajs: To temperance law in operafin mu.-li more favortiW thni ws . ft(i,ticipiteii . Jjlwre .i lasa resistance oh th rrtof tho salioni, and a tr.itrj l. :i. . s . .i r.. ... ... imitj ihihut ut. rum who mo siACfl. mou d t . . . . . iiieiaw ne siippoma, it will no flotiht leai to its ndopuon throughout Kew Knj;l:ui.l. They h oi upon and (Tflat the msana of druukenoiw Iwre, as you do the means of gnmliling. which are onfiscatedr For twit months there have been no commitments fur -jntoawwanee-in th trty. " und 1 lenrn from the overseers of tho poor, that it is Having a visible effect .in that department. If the reform continues, an alms house miy vet .heconie the retreat . of the unfortunate and the invalid, free from all association with rice and icrime." What a great improvement, would Uiero bo ia- tha tee KrnTh fJiiroflni. 'tr rf should so ' happen that the soller of spirituous liquors would cease to deal out to his fellow .man the, fiery water that is destined to bring him (o art .early grave. We hope the timo is not far dis tant when the foundation of the last grngh),l hlr-b torrrnp temperance shall bo raised, and rillic J under by the many thousands that now reside within the borders of the Old North State. Peace, plen ty and happiness would bo our continual enjoy ment. There would then bo no need of building .. .Poor itaiwa-atd 2nar?-Arta Tri 'IVcif places would he reared up institutions of learning to educate the ri.W mnlU ;,, .1, and principles of fame and honor, and 6t them for honorable placet in society. A. G. V. For tho Star. RiriitnroKDToN-, Aug. 10th, 1851. Sin In your paper of the latb, I notice a -publication, statin you were authorised by Mr. Nat. Steed to say 1 boshol of wheat sown by him lost autumn yielded thirty-nine bushels and a half. Yoo stated thai you would be pleased to hear from any fanner who can beat thi.Iy namo ia Stood except the Nat Now, toll XaL, if be will eotue to Rutberfordton, and enquire for me three miles East of this plaoo, that I will prove to him that oat of 11 bushel sown last autum, I raised exactly the same amount that he states j and perhaps we can scrape up some relationship. It looks very much like it as we Tory respectfully, KKHEMIAII STEED Items of News, Ltaoa Kecairrs. The Receipt on the K V'T. Railroad, on the lfith inst., amounted to 12,tKo. it ia estiinato I that the entire receipts tot the m inth, will be $100,000. VvtcAnw Fakx. A farm of 41 aoroa, nf Syracuse, X. Y., was sold a few days since, for $17,500 about 4J8 per acre. A!toTiica.--A: Fugitive Slave nas boon arrest ed and delivered tobia master, at Uuffalo, N.Y. The K. I". ipresa speaki in hifrh terms of com mendation of the coadui t f tlie Commiasioncr. who when a number of negrox' passed aroand him, with a view to effect a rescue, proclaimed In an emphatic manner: "I want to lav to ru eolored people, that I bare the order to carry off l?i!i .njm..and. taore wtil be ft.reo to executrvtr telegraph or no telegraph, and if any of yoo re 1st yoo will bo shot down.' LATE AXD IXTEUE3TIX3 FRO at IIAYfl. fc. '". A letter aated July 20tU says, in onseqoenoes of the departure of the for ilia Xorth wilh hostile Intent, as was suppose d. holdera of doobloona were hy, and bold then, i eoA . I ' . JEnjiaiaaA Jsewoli- 3prfSir1)iinit'gTfcn X" pnblio notieo thai thej would blaskad vr Prt n the Wajid, in ease the Haytiea eimene- Mhmmi-inirmtiss the' arai parcel of the pew Coffee crop ka4 hBto. "reo, aud there J Bow no doubi of the inv mensitwnf lb vlnM fau. t . r--t- " - i " --. on, ia eonseqaenre, Stllea from f 100 f.pS. Haytita earreney. M. TTiIwtxr. l)4nil Webster,, gay, a cor. respondent ef th. Boston Traveller, ia on a viait to the White Mountains. He ,trtd. on the -t'th, on horse-back, with a eavalcada of about I.j;.. . 1 .1 . . twenty taaiea and gantlemen, jkrtjnjBiiMl.i, Moan Warttrnaon; a lsunt of nine nnl. an elevation of 6,200 fact, lie ys he made tho ascent twenty years a-. with th famous Crawfurd for his guide. lie kn now gone with Oliver Fabyan, than whom a better does not live ia the mountains. The slave ease at Buffalo is not yot disposed . The counsel of the negro Daniel has spoil of. The counsel of the neero Daniel has anoll- ed for a habeas corpus from Judge Conkling. of mo ftortnern District of ?cw York, and tl Judge has issued an order to show cause why a writ should not be granted. This will, it U sup posed, bring op tho queetibn' of the legality of Mr. Commissioner Smith's decision. Tlu Bodift bfCnl. C ititndrn aiut CwL Kmr. New Orleans, Aug. 23, 1851 The bodies of . ' voi. vnitcnuen ana Captain Kerr were not brought hero by the steamer Kiapire City, but by the Schr. Urial, which arrived tho following day. Them was a considerable storm on tlie eoast below Wilmington last week, and some vessels were injured. IIikrt Clay. The distinguished Kentucky Statesman, it is stated, on authority "hardly to be questioned, docs not now deoigti to resume his seat iu the United States Senate, unless there should be a revival of the agitation on the compromise question. Tho Saranao sailed from Norfolk for Cuba, on the 2stli ultimo- Boston, Aug, 2T. Wuig .MovrscxT. The Whigs met ti-uight in convention and nominated delegates to the I IVhig Stalo Convention. Resolutions wero ' passed instructing tho delegates to insUt on LPaniel Webster for President. That he is the choico-of tho Whigs of Boston and a largo ma. j inee fur Gove-nor, iiung hiniNelf at his residence I at Antrim, this morning. lie had been unwell for weeVs. JudgsLevi' Woodbury is quite ill at Porta, mouth. J pEAT orCilr Mcl)owi.l,orVm.i,Nu.-Tl.i , ,n,tngHhed man died on the 24th instant, at , hi, residence at Lexington, Virginia. IIBA LITEST AEWSJ We pnhllsli'hcTow a distcli from New York. tiurisfii'tinif Ln iFiTt) tlm surtt-Hiice of iliftntrli ro- ! r . T , r " . , i . t't'ivt!! rpfiiit i nt -tin l;wii. tit tlie ntsniiT i'nmiiprii. ceivea from Csjitiin Lewis, of tlie ("tesnier I'ampero, annonneina the Ittinlmp: ot a S'-'cmro eSeiutoa nn ti e Iflaiot of L'ubil, under tional ,' Ai'iiJ .tlmt Ueu. L'.tjv'i not only rci:iiuej possession of the fort nenr Iluhi.i llonrl.i, hut lind actoa'ly hoiHtetj the bone Stilr of t'uba on the friille l'unrro,wbc.U had been e:tpt'ii'rtd b.v bim hs she l.iy aground on the coast. Thus the accounts contiline an conlrud:.etorav ns ev es, nothlug positive having yet bwn received as to the fate oi'Lopei and the remainder of hiKfurces ; far.. however, ae that portion of the dispatch al luded to speaks hf having landed lien, (iotizaler. near ; Kahia, Jloniw.e. iaxe.heiorua.poiutve-fve4:c of its incorreetness, in the fact that Uen. ArabroMio jM9eGontal;!t. Wfl?-9j!i theiIaUi.Aujciisii4)hpletnrr, a letter from him appearing in the MerenrT'eoTitro verting an editorial assertion that Mr. Calhoun was opposed to the annexation of Cilha. AS to the remainder of the dispatch we give it as we receive it, without heint; abts to form any opinion, amid the conflicting rumors. THE DISPATCH. Wt-Tx;aprv'!WI-adrehtiirBui aC I muintunce, fortaer'y M the South, recently a res. dicnt or Philadelphia, but at present living in the eit.v of New Vork, gives the Novark Daily Adver tiser tlie following information : He savs Captain Lewis, of the steamer Psmncrn, who' took Lopei to liihia, hos sinoo lauded in safe- ty at th MM point General Cionxalcs, fran Jack-1 suwiivJnrwra, wivw-a wvye party or mcn nij'i mn- nitions. The troops under Iipes have ponseHglon ! of the fort at St, Marie!, where there is n Rood ; ..,,1 li Wend, of th. evoedition e. ,,. In safety at any time. Thrr bad also taken the Spanish wiir steamer Pixsrro, which is uowajrrountl, and to be need as aoon as she can be got afloat. Captain Lewis is now on his way t iwards New Vnrk. and expects to take aboard any parties who ' , wilt meet him and take them to St. .Muriel; and if j . they there see the bone Star flag still lloutinjr off the fort, Lopei is safe snd they land; mid if no flag is seen, they turn shout and return home. Captain Lwis was hotly pursued by a Spanish crnsier, but had the fastest ressol and escaped. The above is said to be from a privato despatch from Captaiu Lewis. . REPORTED CAPTL'UE. Peveral Dipalohes from New Orleans stats that private letters, from authentic sources, teeeived in that City, affirm that Lopes bail but one battle, in which he killed five hundred Spaniards, and was used up himself, not one ef his band being left tn tell tlw dreadful Ule. Another account confirm, the slaafthtcr of the Spaniards, and says and The following is said to hu oonlinned 'by letters r leetTtUUa Sew York I " x o.i.. An 22 B., i,i ' hero from authentic sources, dated from Havana j ths 18th, we learn that Lopes hod fouiriit only one battle With the Spanish troops. The latter met j Jih"Pal'.'b',i;"'r,1J ZVZ,Ur'lt"!Z foreements, with eannnn, c, they returned to the eharjie, and sneoeened in utterly muting tlie " pa triots." and capturing nearly every one of theia, int lading Lopes- This battle occurred almost immediately after ths landing. Theloss on tk Spanish sh upon repulse was between fonr and five hondi eii.. . Krerv thine is onnarentlr naiet at tiresmt. and ho farther difficulty is anticipated until sore "Fil lihiisters " arrive. The Boston Advertiser ef the -oth conta.os a JSlJffl ia( of Lours, ths subsequent battle, and the anal utter ronte of the invoilars. The Mpaniards execu ted their prisoners on the spot. Not a rauaar Kiisn- ib soldier joined Lapas from iiexinning tm en4 The letter adds that the Captain inerl expects anothsr mvasioa and is prepared U meat it. ) ' COMPLAINT AliAINST LOI'EZl Nsw OnxsAXs, Auziut iSit. .Letters published here from Capt. Kerr, Major gtanforiL and others. bi were shot by the Mpanisk authorities at Havana, !wiuiw, -tn're?' much bbime Spon &enrarXopei7ToralM.n doninE Colonel Crittendun'a oompauy y, winch was siiWiinentlveaptnredand met e trrilil a fate, . . Vcrnas efforts are being made to raise rein forcements f tr Lopes, with some prospect ef sue ens,' Men are plentiful, but fands are luvked. t A..ofii,iiii;Ai:iiiiu;iui Anj. aj The steamers Fanny and Alabama, Ailed with armed men and atanitions of war, ilc't Ut night far Cuba, amidit great o thaiasia ant fn defioooce ef Ihe feetils Apposition of the Cavfineiit eSieers. The Keveuue cittter, it is said, intentiona'ly kept out of tht way. 'THE SEW ORLEANS BIOTjr TSririPalhgtmi RgpttCTic: c.inira.lic is l!ie that a dlsoateh had been received at the War De partment of tlie esaasaination of the .Spanish Con sul. It is said t he Consul hoe beea bora in etTi if aad beea compelled to snrm.der tie letters, whiub he hj'. lire(. rjifntf-'l ,"! j, "Tjo bi j'j were destroying all the bpanju prop erty they coal J aud. , . ' , CCD A.N MKETISOa I Another treaaendou gathering ef the Caban tvmpatirieera wa btld La A'ew i'edk ea the night of the Sfith. At lens tea thousand pertnaa were present, Sate, was the evcMteitnt that prevailed, an nj.a nook was anticipated, end (he aiiiilary were railed out. The epanuik Count was threatened. The mob Anally dispersed, quietly, , t .,. V .ij 1 ""M" mMiiogsntew nine oerjLDXiiiai ftfttoaiitilteHsy'CTty'aua Rdtireore. Besotutioas adopted similar to rbos at New Yurie nad Phila delphia. BEAT!! WARRaNI! The Xw York Sua, a Fillrlratr ersrsn, (t'ven the following tranUtiou of lien. (ViKlu'a clefctli warrant for the cxeewtion of the Jifrjr .American prisoners at Havana. Aril 1 1 1 1 , H will be seea, tliat the eseeutiMU were iu Cfmaequence ;oi aeeiarntmnss (by ttie nny pnattners,) enUivisli Lone,-, .inn.!. It hsvins been decreed 1T the ceneral onler of I the 20th April last, and rabsrotieatiy repm(IneI. wimt-TsiW he tlie fte of !ie p rates who shonbls of tlie ileelaralioat ni i:ie tiitv indivbluals who hare h??;i Uten hy his I'xeellcni'y t!ie C'n-niftnt,Ufr tleacrul ef tliin nval t-tHtiun. nivl oltcel nt mv 1 disposal, which (lerlarationi estaMirh the in lenlitv of their persons as pertaiaing to the her le eem- msnneii t,y the traitor Lopei, 1 hnre re?olrel. in I "wJn, i! ,"r'e "'i' m. ,"f dinanees. CenernI Laws of the Kinelnm lloval r- e'hon. oii'l pai t le- nlarly in the 'Kyn! Order of the 12tU Jure of the past yeer, issued for this particular case, tl.ct the said IndiviilualB whoie uamesend desi(rmitions are set forth oi the following statement, sunVr this ih by being A H, the execution beiag committud to th. benor Tcmeute de Key, r.rigailicr of the Plata. Vr. I.t foxciu." Litttxl C if h a n It e m s -. PAMl'KliO'S Tllll TO Cl'B.V. The "Savannah 5v?a" states that the I'ampe ro, when IS miles 'from Uavaim, broke some of herrniebmery, pausing her to ll tat two hours along the current of the t.olf stream, approach ing Havana all the time. Before the acci dent was repaired, she. was carried in full view of Moro Castle, and iu si'it of the soldiers of oCthe watvr UiUerv. She finally got up steam and boro away for Bahia Honda, wtiero tiie inhaliitanta received Lopez with open arms, and every demonstration of favor, and very soon n lare part of hi force was mounted on h irs js, ihi o uiilary offerings of the njoiilo. The 1'ampera remained a', fahia ll.mda nil niht. and thenaailed for Kev West nar!v drsti tute.of Coal, whn'li accounts fir her long passage. -"SATATXOTTXriTroSr'"""'"""'""" A letter from Savannah says a company of 100 men would leave th"re on Tue-olnv t',,r ('u. ha Thcr- Magivat excitemet inconse ueA e the city was illiiniinatiHl, bamo-rii wero Hvmi, fireworks. let o?, nnd the CuVia Rag floatlng friMii the tnjis of all tho public houses. TfTB X. Y. UElH)UT"0F"Lui,E7f; riTE.VT. The XationcJ InfUig"ncor lots' un.inul'ted ev idenoc of the fact llmt the "pauish Minister lit X. Vork did receive official imfoniiaf'ou by the CIht okee. that Lopez and h's entire firce were bro ken up anil dispersed nt Tozas. - H does not say lliY wore captured. - A ilispnii'li from Xew Orleans, dated Aug. 23, save, phiee-iin reliance in the repVirted "captii re of Lnpes and Ms party. THK PAMI'KUO'aTsAIX. It is reported that this vessel has mado a e. cond trip to Cuh:v landing a second 'expedition, and brings news that Lopei had possession of the fort at St Mnrriel, and had captured the Pi. rarmr -nil-whrrh t vvrMerhtr "ntrrrrrv."' - - XT. W OR'LTl AXS, ATO.'ClV, Tiie elty is com paratively (piiet. At least 1,000 Lilierators are here wailing conveyance for Cuba. (Jon. Felix Houston nets ns commander of this force. flio . Picaynna siyi thy an doiu the thi ng in a U'znl wav. , UoarjiN, AnrtJ3 A f.'W minulcs hefor? six o'el.ick lastrveil iner..a terrilic tornado glroek in Watfrlown, and passed through the villages of West Cam bridge, part of Soinnrville nad Medfunl.Jft Maldc'ii ; where it cxpcniled itself. lis path, alwwt 6ffi wide-; -TmTnjntrilctBf'orrn jiTi nrfiil dcslrnciioii. In West Caiuliriiliti',tla Mhw- uig nro ;i iiionir ihc so Hen; is from dainagn to buildings : Messrs. Ftesscnden, Whitteinorc ik Co.'s store, entirely demolished ; Cershom's and Ilrury Whillcmore's card faciory, unroof ca ; F.dwin K. t'rcscolt's house, partly un roofed and ihe cliimnics blown down ; Shiiiii el Buckman's houao badly ilsinascd and 8ia- biuirMaii..t.luMaa. ttroi roofed, and cliiminies blown down; Lnlon (Jnssctt's do.j L. Agurs house, rmf carried nffi John Fillehfown huildinj, badly damagej ; llaies' hotel, wkh nil tho stable and oti:- buildings, complculy levelled: William Clark'a harness shop, unrc raoiKu and otherwise annoyed; the same also occurred to the houses of Datid V. Ilor- 10- J"nn 1 r,M!- " 1 ow1'. "u,s"1 tT'-ler, F.dwin R. I'rcsroit. Mrs Frost, Daniel liiir- hecl;, and others ; the livery stable of William Whillcmorc was unnMifed, and sheds and out buildings belonging to Thomas Cushitnv wero velletl. As tho i ornado approached Aleu- ford, it narrowed in dimensions, hut inrrencil in fury- The elegant mansion of die I'ov. John i'ierpiuit was nearly dcTnoltslittL . Twu men were blown entirely across the Mystic river. Al the Metlford gate, 8 large and clrg.tnt dwellings were blown down. They bidoiigol to Messrs. llslicr, Edwards sad llacon, Mr. Sonfmd, 4m Uttion-iHasteT,- wrse : srrimmiy -in - jured. ins son, a noy in teen years ol age, had both his legs broken. A freight car on the track near the station was lifted up and borne uter one twrk, clearing fence nnd landing some leu rods off in an adjoining field SevvrA nhopj til Me.lford wore blown down """' "f 'ho- !,.,j0. MlHf.J in -Mulr illi'sex County piosl ated. 1 ho following pcrjiiiij were injured nnd conveyed trrlhe Hospital :- Luke Costello, arm broker) and olllurwiso bruised, James S. Sjiiford. both his ,, ,rkcn, (ihev were nmputalcd last even- '"Z-) t;corKc Maxwell, fcea.l fractured i Mr. i' " 1 1 v liumnasior, mUTiiai iniuries. Jvo persons, fortunately were killed. 'The total damage cannot be less Uiattiuo,UUU. iV. i. Sun Tub YHo 1'artv 'The ft hit Party, as we have always maintained," aaya the I'os- liin Adas, "is the true National party, and this fact grows out ol its very construction. It is, iu plain words, the tonservnlivt partv. The ITninn. anl tht rnelmiit nf rn,.l f-ia a.. elennn,, of ,.. eoStan. andre niirniMiiii. which fiipurmiuo an iiii-.;r lORSlloua 111 tlie Whig creed. The n hig do not seek 10 rurl individual opinion, or lo repress indi vidual fetiiinicnt In improper Ways, and in this, thinking men will perceive a wise rnn- servalisiii." While it is not a part of the Whig system of principle to seek to curb finliviililal opiu- lon, or to repress tndiviiliial senlimcnl nn mr- . , 1 aan5nier w tne raw v. m. lianoocK. sysietn 01 (inncipicf o rpae, ouciiaive nse 111 1 tlie freedrisn of speech and of opinion lor the gratification offin itical viriilenM, tit for the aiuiiimcnt of telnsh and aim. ,I( -ettt eul fmni iniiir.-tt srvmttl tre a foolish bra V i- do ami a most ridn-iilom aasiimplinn fur metolaiin my right of opinion and ol speech in dcmiutice liitn for not following iny fis.'inm. rurli a'lsurJ armgiiico would not be ui-igli- hnrliko nuC a gentlemanlike. It migh prove the v sin egotist til be 1 fo-il loll WliaUMtllkixja nnmhae. nind apsfineinod alieat 4U,xi tVtiyntl fiiiH vi. tildes his folly beeomeel Iroublcsome aud iiilrusive and then let Juni be nnswered according lo Ins lolly. U e in Una seeumi oi Ihe couniy and inr llier rkiulli have our own system of ilntnostir mnfttdtitlff.; Irtrf'fOffSjj- ofi orgTmiafnirt'of fjbor which is the bin we can command just uasr, Oilier ftectiona may have a better system at all events a system which may suit them bet ter thin ore would. If they would be satis fied with thetrbewr arsrem, as tliry consider it to be we should cot aeck to force hurt upon thrm. Hut for rliem to mume tosii in jtuV- mem upon us and rur, to put on the air of superoriiy, lo immune m pi:y or condemna tion ( and to muke it a point to aaaert abstract ly or by praclicnl exercise ihdr right to di tofb mtt dttmoetw1 ayatcm by ajplationr or- by lo-jijtatiyn.icrhy ant otUermodeofdisnirhanre this is to in rrinjrs the first principles of gixi behaviour, of neighlHtrlitHid ftdlowship, ui I'r-t-teins! harir.efly,of f Hrislun duty ' II is must iiiuBst' otis and ridiculous to seek In exrnsr I Ui' se nutr.igr-s unrt.'r tiie plea ol a rtgnt tit Iree- i '"'n "f speech and of opinion. Take) vour i f't'l'l, but remem.wr tlwt you aire responsible I lor the exercise of It, Yon mav W'Ciir pisttrls t a poinari!, bat lht irivcs vnu no riiflit to i '"' " Jl Httrlcait. This Halt Uotn. -Wesirinttsly spprehtTMl ilie ritttre f.iilure v( the cfTor'a to rchui!d the Kaieigh an. I (laoton Hailroad ami that, to.), from a want of proper effort on the part of those who nro as much or more inlerrsied in iis rifoiisimciion than anv oilier people oij earth. We the people of Warren coun '.y. 1 was rcason il.le to rxpert the peopln of lilts coun'.v, ill view of tho stake llicv hnvr j , ,,,, m3,icr, t0 ,!(1R.rib, , ,i , . r i ""'" ,a" ,h0rl "f . U he oU,000 Dollars, but in 10,000 dollars. We can account for liia in no nlher way than hy sui)iisin that our riiii-.'n are not really aware of Ilie necessity of action, speitlv) dc cu!cd i, on their part, but are ramly look- ins; for othrr spetions to ila fot tliein what llicv cannot dii for tlieinnelves. It cannot bo for a want of conviction of the utility of ilie road to (liein, that is Ion plain In admit id I'o ihl. They know, foe they have experi enced iis bcmlius. fl'ar. Aetr$. litosr ron Kail Roaos. 'f he brie Sophia, cniit. Dickson, from Cardiff, brinss iron fur the Wilmington nnd Manchester Kail Koid. Wc nniica liiis as it i tho first cargo of iron :i .I... .t.-..l .r.i.l .i i ur mH'n " i"ia ciin oi uia uoau. The bri tii rinnle nlsolirmig'ittron, for the ilming'.on and Kah igh Klul KoaiL THK IIKlNfi INTO THK FALCON. 'The following- leiti r stales officially ih'ecir- ciim-lanccs ri'jirciii:i; the hung lino and boar din'' of ills I', 8. mail strainer Falcon bv a !i war slramcf : U.S. Mail SruAMKH Falcon, Havana, August 17, 1851. ' J Sin: 1 arrived hero wiih the Fulcn yrk trnl.iy nfirmonn at thrco o'clock, from ('ha- grca, which place 1 left at 7 1', M. of the iltli, You will iro doubt have heard hv tlie Brolli- r JotV!iih(iri,-f the Ohin'r KCcrtdciii; She left Clisgrv-a on the lOih, at 3 l. M and, ,i long as rho CJinld be scrn, appeared to get along almost as wilh one wheel as she line done Willi two. In consequence of tlie crippled slslaijf llif" Ohio, we judged it host for this ship lo receiv'r Um motle - tieTev I wob in hopes that lite pnssciigrra of tho Sarah Sands would reach Chagres in limn lo tike, passage with us i but Hp to tho time wc h it, there was no news ufJIfiCJtrriial Si I ana nia. The gpveniment here is mucli tronblei! and alarmed by ihrr landing of a 13iiity br Thviiilers Irmn thn l.nitcil niairs, and the exported ar rival nf mum . - - - Yosirrdsy, when running for this place, I waa. cliaaeu by a-etvnm tngafc; Bui kept my course, and she failed to ealcli vs : but snotli'. I cr steamei-, under the command of the U bp- era! of Mirin", fanie Tiiil Trlim uniler the land and intercepted ns. Khe fired four ahota a trriftind ahead of us, nnd at Icngih ranging a loiifsidelliailrd us to slop, which, after many repetition of his hail, I did. He sent sn officer on hoanl lo inrjuire the character of tho ship, and wi'hi'd me lo 50011 hoard of hiirt, wiiich I refused 10 do, telling him alma that I should. protest concerniiir llio affair. The lawa of naiiiuia,.8iid exiaiing ireiitnalnnces, may jus tify his course, 1 thought it bellcr, at ilie time, not to jeopardize the lives of the pas ecngcM, and interests of the owner, by using of personal fueling that I refrained. 1 shall "e the Consul to-ilay, nnd make protest.- The captain of the Albany anil the Consul have already told mo that the course pursued hy llieso people waa legal and proppr, but I think it a qtipsiion. Respectfully, etc (Signed) IIKiNRY KODGF.KS, Lieut. If. S, N., Com. steamship Falcon. To M. O. Roberta, Esq. t from 1'Uironc. 1 Tl Live The Steamor Aiin has arrived at New York with erpeol dates to tlie 6th Ang. Cotton for the most part is unchanged. Tlie de mand has been without animation, and freely met hy holders. Goad Orleans aud the lower qualities of American have advanced a shade. breadritufle bad declined. Itaiv. A conspiracy had been discovered at Venice and Vienna to murder the Emperor and all the AuHriaooIiicers... Sevsral uf th parties impll ented were arrested. ' The news 'rom France and Kngland la wilholit interest. - MARRIED. In Fayetterlllc. on Ihe 19th alt., Mr. Jesse Parks to Miss Klisa Phillips. In Sampson eauaty, na the 23rd July, by David A. Iliiiell, Ks , Ur. Joseph J, Ellis, of Onslow county, to Mios Hunan It., youngest daughter of Moses Coa. ; '' In irninihcroash. 8. C, en the 10th alt. by ths iiev. Alien rinjuuaie. Air. r, Bbemwell, of the llrm of Arey, Shemwell H. Co., Kayetuville, S. C. ,w ni r.iiKniH'iii niuirnnsn. On the Klh inst. in Oxfonl, N. C, at the resi dence ef Mr. R. Kingsbnry, hji the Eev. Joseph J. Itidley, Mr. Thomas Kingstiary, of Little ttoek, Ark., to Miss Mary Anu, eldest daughter ef Mr. ttni. T. Hi y ao I, late ef Elisabeth city, N. O, In Cmnberlanl county, on tin 21st ult., by Arthnr Horno, F.q., Mr. Dompssy Averitt to Miss Sal ah Ann liurdennx. In Cumlierland eouuty, at tho rosidorioe of Mr. wm. n. Bolton, on tlie Zith alt., by the Rev. C. F. Harris, Mr. Xloaander J. Waldea to Mits Catharine Limeberry, -' In Carthaze, on the 17th ult.. by Ram'l Bruce. Km. lr. A. W. Brewer to Miss Marv F. Ilan- II t ........ rw --r . V 7 t' , ""Tl"uu " isa Sa rah U. Tucker, of Iredell. Also. Mr. Joha K. Lipe to Miss Las tor Ptaton. ... .viwi-l'l:Sw''!K'fi, Tn loajr fsyrtuville, ea the ltih alt, Mr James .Mitchell, aged 78 years. . . . In the vicinity of Hateigh, on the IKth nit. Mrs. Xancy IfiirTitoe, at the adraaoed age ef loa rtara. In Edgeonmbe eounty, oa the 22d alt., Mr. Benjamin lHckea, age(f about 64 tears. We understand hy his will he liberated his slates. of hi estate to their removal and future eomfort and subsistence. Tarbom' Vna. Id WavnoslKiro. STrT Willie K1 in rorsytb, Joseph Spacli aad Tho. Koth. rook. ... In Pv.irkY.rd. Mrs. Mart W. Vi'aurh. wife of n. M. liitugli. .V- 1 -RALEIGH MARKET.?' -Baeoa 11 12. Butter li t$ 0. Cotton Yarn 19. Com 80 V5. Coffee 13 (b) 15. Eggs 8 10. Floar 6. Foddor 90 $1, Feathers ZZ (s) 30. Iron, tjwedea 6J (i 6. Iron. extra site j Q Jlnn, English 4 -Q 8. Leather;' aule CO Q 25. Leather, calf 00 (00. Lard 12J Cc 13. Meal 90 Q 05. " Molawes- gaL 85 fj 40, Nails SJ 6. Sugar 10 ( 12J. Titeswn t)0 a 00;- Salt, p. Ahiw 2 20 a 2 85, Sals, Liverpool $2 Oft. lotstoe, aweet 00 a 00, . WILMIXOTOX MAtlKAT. Bacon, hams 12 a 13 cts. Butter, per pound 18 a 22. Corn pe' bnshet, 68 a 75 ets. Coffee, Rio 10 a 12, St Domingo 11 a 00, Laguyra 111 a 12 J, Java 14 a U. Flour a U. Hay, OS aTOota per ewb Lumber, River, per M. flooring boards Ml a$12), wide $7, Scantling $5. Timber-Shipping $10 a $12. prime Mill $t a JDJ, ordinary ! J7. inforiof S2.00 Molse;r gal. Cuba 20tts, Porta Rioo Oct. Turpentine, per hid. iSO IbTellow Dip $2,22, a 2Ji Virgin Dip $.50 aCflO Hard $10TarSl, a$l,45Sirios! per gal, 29. otv Salt Liv'l sack 80 eta Sugar,; l.per lb., X. OrlcansOa 71,r.toKico ia3St, v.roix i a Hi ioni io ait. FAVETTKVILbB MAfiKJST. Bacen 1 1 a 1 tj diss i a 7. CaroOD a i. Flsar t a t 4j, Mohuse. II a Si. swk, IM a l,Mi AIiib haih. .-.a. Wool IS (oj IttJ. Whost lee f$ Hi. AVhUkfy W fit, 4. rKTEHSllVna M.tRKKT. Cellov 01 0 . i'bjor H. ull. Cora t:). rriiae White Wheat 80 a H4f Prlnit Itril tla S. CvsiMua to MlilJlinj MS fee, Tobatvs Maa6rartKrln( lit 14) Fronted 11 a 31 dollars; Uuud Ui Fiu Legs 4) a i .11; rililppiug Leaf 7) a Kloll; Maanfaeturini Ui a ir.J .h'lu. s XEWBEli.V MARKET. Corn, barrel, S.ii Corn meal SO 90. Coltoa HQ ). Ftwr(,y, alolasMS M 54. Tr pentlne, new dip, l !,10 ; old dip t.ti 0i tot SSOIh; srraps 1,50 a US. Kutla $tl,N Pitch $l,ll. (titirltntaL !jl3ll. iBTEtTlSIJEHTS. 4" W. IT. ,f Jl. S. TUCKER, ' riRTMRS AND II'CCKIIOII TO K. TUCKI1H A Faiblonable Hat l.siporlunu Al tlii Ul'.lihiBout will b friend at all times oat of the bent mot! menu of Ftvs Ooaiu in ths City, ' The Hltiek Is enlirwly new and Is eoiiipriae4 of t'AelllO.VUBhli MOLESKIN A Ut-VVtlt IIAT.", I f the M.n a lure of W.-P. Warhartea anit W, C, Otuno a flw e.-rieirnonmi eaq I' . V , 1,1 . a . .. . l- . - w.. ij ...H mm 11... . ..u.uv. A auiji.aua At-itiTrr Army, A'rfcy, Arii f, tS'ulig, Trailing, Dreu, uixt Opera 6'ji. "X3fhe elfoilii writ He sterleq ,S maintain for the'Mnri-hseillee of this KtalilUliment the rank of sa perlnrilf Mlt relative rhespnsss wbleh baa hllhrrto eviaaienaed it to the approval aal preference at riea-thuiaa-ef' taste. 1 . " ' . . , ; -- M Kibtwnat ltlbbolisl 150 Pieoes Huh Buunet, bmli, Xrclt, Ctp and Dsll Ribhuna. . - W. U. All. 6. TUCK SR. M . KF,W T.tlC ASOWIHTt'lH CltslWlS. ji-T anaivsn, a.vs haii.v aaaivuto. T M.-A H. -r;-THKlt rsppeefrutly annonneefi' t V a the puiilie, that many of ths most aasirams ar- tii lea .aiabrariol la thett large and extenaivs osaortment of Palt and Winter tlliuU, selrutcd with care, hy one of Ilie Finn, in the beatlNorihern markif I, have beea al-1 rvsly reivdanefeWMherrmiilrlyarrtvtiii anil Ihev flatler themselvM they will he prepared te nest the dcmsndi for goods nf every deirrliiUun, n.s cant lerniV oa diey can be sold fn thieniNrliet, Thaukrul for. mud souout4 kf ilnerery libtrst jmtvonare bertaWrtl open Ibeia sines tholr eenneetioa ta bMainess, they bars ventured to lay in a vary heavy stock, Stt' waive they ruvits ihe attcutiua of pun-liuers, honing their eiforta to sceoiutnedalo will not fail ta p!ee. Tht attention of ths Iiariiet is mpeetfuUy Invited te the foltiwlng daiHvablt dreesfoeitat Hiipsr orocale A t;bameleon Silk, 1 lllau Hlaik A White '.Vaieent ila Ill'k Gen De'Bhine A Italian (I Plaid 80IU A r anry Lalntriii j rte Ca.h FiftHrl LOpi EiikIIi foliil Rieh Paris s LateH, Plain A Kehey line, ' L . lMiHi I.SeM, '.1 ...wwc.trm i Jeep Kilk rrfns0 . Paris Kid (llovea, llattimt A TriMmtnes Heallxpei! Biakruiiier Ksnken hlrfs Jaikonett 4 Tailun Uaahaa, Cheinieette. Cidlara, I'mlereleevea, nffs, Muilin Vtmit, Edgings A Inattxiego, Aom ' A" Ae. W. 1L K. a. TUCKER. (s dllHT PUBMllt:i. 1 XKW Digoattd Mannat of Ifn Acts ef the Oeaa. VnHlsWTirHiirai Carolina, from the year ta;i to tht year IsJI, Inclusive, (omitting all prtvau, (ami and lainporarv acta.) with refonaeM te Jntlleiol ditloat. llj JAMKU 1KKUELU Prle .1,S, PijraouB at a diatanus, deeiring tht work, eon kavt it transmitted to them b.v math t ajHhy, apoa their ontloaing tht prtot to tht sunum ner. - 1. it. PB1tItTr AeC it for ths Pruprittor, S I si. NORMAL COLLEGE. Rsv. II. Csavrt, A. M. PntMni Pmfnmr r.f Amitmt l.qwtrf, nH f,eforfv la Armm rmtNiag, W. Me. HnsslMa, Profrmnt nf Mulkmutttnt. -. Hat. A. . Asnnawt, "Biiaw 0 A'geA tnest Xatwml IMHMk- - - :f-T A. !. rsan, Ttler. . t HUE Pall Amaien will eammenee ea tht 17lk ef ep- X remher, at whleh time alt who Intend ta enter dn ribg tht Hesslon, ami all whs with to obtain Normal orriifleato-a nest Bummer, should he nveetet. - Th Col lege bnlldiega will be complete, and tvery aeeommo datlon neceeea-y for the eomfort and raeeaee of atodents. ThlaLnttltntiua now afford every aoeelbl advoabige for every grade of stadenU, frotn Iht nert beginner to tho Anithtd gradnat. Jl arrangtmtnte fiat training teaehers sra not snrpafatd hy any In die South. Tb eatiif inent per sestfon varies from $3& to $t5 per session. It. ft. EI.MOTT, fWl tl. Trm,. Adibees the PnMidtnt, -- format Cotlegt, taadolpk Coanfv, X. C, r.egialtr sopy en moutli and tend aosonnt te tht Ptetident. ... 1 CIIAItROX. Fl I.I.I), AS OCOH 17 EOrTfl tSABLU ST, BALTIMORE, Md. Importers and IfkoleaaJe Tiealre in Portion and lh mentlc lry t;ooda . ARE BOW reerlrtng thtir atf-k of PALL ANB WIKTKROOOnS, emhrncinga great' variety of 'reiM-t, -Jtetiiti, AVtVet, lof'aia nnA Itldim ilwtd, fagether wilk a complet as onueat f Domeatlr Uood. parjiclariydauid-a. iho iimisn-iranVr'hwriifll Healers art rtrKMtrully oliiai w taenia Uicir Rtaek 1 whidglng onraelvtt to offer them mduetments al tenet jimI to any Ihef may And in Martbern Market. S. B. Hating SMurod th tevrleee nf Air. B. JL Btammirt, of lUthtrford C Mr. I. will be pleauttd lo aet nie irienne irnds and. ifttit,tb it, giro bint M rt or tmainaaa, or t tho I mud Kute JlotrL July I.L, 151. f-Zm. F 'WW nil,, M ... III. l.ltllllliai 1 KORTII C.tllOU.MA ML'HIC sjrOltK. WHERrtaity always htfonnd Mailt and Mneleal Murahandia of slnoM vtry variety, and si prices that eonnot fail to pleas, Pianos, Btnplunos. Uuiur, Fiatts, Violin". Danjo. A"oien, Moeie Ho in.. Plolinea. Violin tvina and h:W,-sirfiir1s-, ImltoS ate dwinaa Saiiwaodt Vlniwvrttringa, 1'iano and iuioimtr wins, Jswlratteoa B odis UUnk Booh. Portf.ilin.. aai oe. dwut iiMiint ow.i itnntrne.( ' v A-tpW 'twl ataorunei lot tit Migravingt aad Baiauags for frMBtlflg. AeoMidooaxstnaiistiJ Ai',ifr-( .'c,-iiiiivt(-i d iwn 01 any tloe eni fo ori-r. si. W. I'HTHUUILIA. , ' .... '. .... :-SJ re ir adosee, I tirillioHtus, e rivnuii i annua, h A Ne man do 1 rarainouos, FiL-nred Kid HOHTH CAKOI-tSA 1 Stalaal I.Hc lnnranre CniPiijr ' trrltl liLLItU, S. C. TfllS Cehipany eontinnee le insure thtlivoeof all htalthr Whits pevsons and Klsves. The ereaterl Ktk taken en a aiuirle life is g WX1, gava are tear4 tor a- trm wf ana r SVe yoarv ui fus uaur vaiae. . . , . . ornraka. IV. Chaa. E. Jabasoti, Presideat, ; - I. IlaywoeJ, Vice President) Jatnes P. Jordan-, Hecretery, . Wm II. Jones, Treasurer, ' Perrin llMhe, Attorney, Ir. Wat. II. MoKec, Examining Physician. - J, llersman, Oeneral Affent. All losses are paid within bo day after sstitfac- iiloMk and Pamphlet. ahew!ns the pka of ope ration of the Company, may be bad on applicalioa at the Office, er any of the Arenoits. ' AH letters oa business shaald be anire sen to . , JtME3 P. JOTtD.tX, '' '';' . . .. . . HttTtlarjf, April 2, 18T.1. 1 tL D8BI k C.'! r' UXPIlliia ' For CllAitI.tT.X. AVAJw AH, ana the ISTKiUOn of. CAUOIJJt A a tilCOKtilA. PrciAh Packsjvws Per. via. ptelt Jewelry, amt mlaaldv of every J iwilpiMMt, ft tTiartetUm, ea vanaak anil the Interior of Penth Carotina and Uewgie, rorwarMitti (vex ditpakt) and Hpoa the Boost 1 mtislist terms, : Particular attention piid te "the eolteetloa of Draft t-j Xotet. IlilU, etc, aa Caarlvaton, Colnwliis, Aagula, to, aA rotarns nail wtlk Hillly aaA pnuajitatee, ta Nrw Ytrk city roads, HOEV A CO, IU Walt tt, W. XT. WUITE, Areat, Ckartestoa, B. C. ' -. . fa gov AMiuucAX bepi;btob or IT TliTlOXS. .' - Ta Bttlianlfit, InvtBtun mJ Enauriclnrtn. aivixTn roLt-xi or ths sonmric Asnicl. MKSSKS. MU'SN C0, ... Ammcm east ibmga I'tlml Armu, est rtUinm the Scinttjfie A steraMa. ltespectfnlty snhooiiecto the labile that the tret number of Volams VIE. ef this widely circulated and valna le journal will Issue oa the Huth nrpl Ths new volume will commence with .new kype;' printed" Vipou piipdif of a bavir texture than tilat uaod la ui preeeutug volume a, tt ta too in tention of the publishers lo illustrate it mora fully , bv I itrodu-l it reprsMiitatlona of promlneut tvei.ta eoiinectcd with the advancement of aeienee 1 beeidos furnlsliin th asunl smnnnt of eniravlnirt of new inventions. It Is imblithed weekly iu form fir -WodiosrirntI hWs-at the end of the- yeara-sprcwH-: did volume of over lour hundred page, with a o nlona Index, and from Ave to sit hundred engra vings, together with a vast amount of practical In. formation eoneernlng the progress of ineeiition and diaaovenr threnghout. the world, v 1 Itore ia no suhleet of tmoarUuee to the mechanic, Invea tor, manofsetaier and general render which Is liol ' , . . . itrcstea in 1 no rnvji.tiwa. jnauew-"-" ronirmauirp ui i-,i .iwnn. . ... .... hlithest attainments. It is In fact the leading sclent Me journal nf the country. The Inventor will nnd la It a weekly list of A, mevican Patent Claims, reported fcm the Patrut Olkoe, aa original leaAire Mot found in any elliei weekly publioatloa. .i v TERM. two noi.t.A A ti.ia.osa aof.ta tea tx aoTrna r ttAHlMttrr'm wwr irf rif tftrtttui u ".Vt'A'.V Cv hiUi,Kfn nt tt ,Wehlc jlstrriiwe, VM tWnll-Strrrt, Ae-Ii.v INDUCEMENTS POIl (TLCDDL'TO. Any peraoa who aid tend aa foar aulieorlbers for olxteonths, at ear regular rates, aha1 be entitled lo one oopy for the same leiigib of time, or we will runiiiii - - Ten eop!e"sTo ' Wi Wonfhs, 5 Tin copies for Twelve" Months', 4 IA Pilteen copies for Twelve Months, fiS Twenty cot vies for Twelve Months, 'il SoujUiora and - WasteraJaohey ; kea -a per fot snhsoriptious or Past Office tStamf-s takea at thelr full value. t'NIVI lt!ITV OV Pa-INKMTI.VANIA. Medical Dtpar(ui(it l;lirlitvltk Useatoa ( leWtl-Jt).) riTltB iMartunt will Mmnwar oa Mosnar, Oi-Toata X vas Sth, and terminals at Uie ehwe ef Monk ewtt- 1UK. Thewy aad Practise ef Medl- vine, by - ' flronoa II. Wooii.'M. D. Aaalonv. W'a. K. lIult.'itll.iL !. y, Jutnea rxnaas-, M D. rhemlatrr. daaaa 11. Uusaao, M. I. fnrtery, ' ' WrLMAa Oiaaoa, M. D. (HioutitM and the niraatH of Wteaea aad Children, . Urea t.'llwi, W. TK (Mittttoe ef Medicine, , - ttaatiat, J acajou, Al. IX (niriU f nlreti.iii a) ,)h Peni.ytyna;n.ii4:ita',.liy UK,. Tl. WmiS, x. U., and ay una n . itoaats, at. 11 Demonstrative Inrtraetiiai In Medicine snd In Sargery, hy lb Peuermoaa or fi Msnirxt. Pacvi.vv, satis. u-4 iij w . w. Usanxan, at, 11., and tiassr Jl. naira. M.D. , . Proetital Asotoeay hy Joss Saiu, II. D, Dsmeastn t. -., Aiaoant of Teas tit Leelnret In th rnlreralty, J M ilrlonlating rt (potg once only,; - Iloapitol Pet, ' 1 J'ravtival Anatomy, Is Uraduaung Pet, . He ..,H...m "... W.IL'l!I,M.1,r',-"" Avon t (A Aftthewf t'ornkg. 3S rlerfaiat fr I, ere nl, I ' oihoielYe (At (. X Hint, Pkiladrtuk!. J ' M-Ilt Swrndl rrfega, Aff l(llk,vtstl, Pis i VoaVltt ptsst faifettah tlialtiwall party of tplt earn to tkia plot ia July last. In stare), 1 eappnee, of neanu ana pwstara, ana atuonunauiy 1 wot aot txortiy preptrta at lut tint to moat viiiian eomlurtalilr, nod tiwtstd my deep regret that snob was th Mat tf things, Jiat this was not tlie.retnll uf any delay or want ut taergy on my part) hut rather a want of judgment la or oversight ui th tarntuttrt nggd In tb work lte aotn ditapMdnltaenlt I hod I Inour in rtgord la othtr bond. Jiat, aovwthidrt, I hod a aort. nt th . building aot Ja gaotl oar at Mm two-teat poaaild notiet lo render them at eomfortabl at wn la mv power to ate an alter maaiaiai ota an dayt ia ptrloet ptao and o-iiadshln, no 1 timugbt, Uil family aoaaeetiwa ail al ae ooaudadod to Itav nd tswal about th ewintry a Uttl and trn kam. Their bill w paid and a dtdnetioa taad oa astoant of th mgb aUte as thing ea tkotr arrival) aad I thought gonotoi latiarattion wot tspeotatd, aa 1 knew every tatrtioa n my part wn mud to eUt oat th work, tmprar Ifat far aad rdr alt visitor matort- abl. . .. . . But tine they left, X am informed thiy msdt crest eomplaints and did not txptaln th. reoroa why thit thing wo to. not tinrt taey K it, vr aav wiatnd np th work and rentwrd wit eatrtlvnt ia laying In the necMsary previaioni, anil wt aart tout lb different reemt wilt its ftmnd entirely eomfortabl to tht vlaltorr; and wt feel toattdrno Ui fait will b good ts at any othtr plot a tbt tame pnoe. w tberefort a. licit Umt til pormira in setreh ef health or a pleasant eaminer retriiat, will Ventura lo girt ue call, wkh liiis eonltlua that If tkey eh mild Bad Ihomielire in any way ditappnlnted er dietatiaked at that plot, that we feel that wo hvt an Bower, atiili jr hav n auy de air te dtbeifl ihcm ont hour longer than tl.ty ot theh owa oeeord feel perfodly fre to stay. W art anart that flight rumort, rtariuitt of in motiv ut pvrtott may bt actuated from, is ealMtlaled to ti jur Ilie rip. tailon of plat likt Ibis, t, tbtrcfurot twunily ta li ill that th Mde ahoult eoine and to tor IhtuiittVtts. hoping that ntither laditridnaie or eompaniet, may fuel no groat n Inkirvet In nielng tht nam of any almtlet ptaet, that they would, without ji.od c-fOns, altiunptit by-pnlrhigaown-rfiH. . loan ratpeetraiiy. - 1 ; i.. JL FRASnURIIi i.-'n i i ,n i i I...,, i -i. ,-i ii ii. aji '.' ejw'aivw.uaa rraniiWritieT , autboriitd lesttl .V1 w -a. A valaabla Iroot of hand iiu I , Uia apW VI Caioiino,! leyeille, o.lj Uie npW vnd of Halifax tounty. North n th neigtinernaoii ui llrink- tB'wj Ijoiuinx lb lands of tht lata a. II, i hurue, Joetph J. tVUluou and eibOra, ontolniiig sua arret ly roeent eurveyt it being th roatdeuet of th loteCot. JL Read. There Ira good and convenient dwelling Hmiato the tntrt, itheea Uttl repairs, with other oat howeat, and a aevtr failing print of a-uud to. V OJ tar V fouht b deelree), 1 fb)eB (t, JwneieaHry 10 say imyiuing wiia rtgara ve ia otiaiity of tlit hmd, only I ihiak it uai w I th neighborhood. Inaua, mm noparaon won Id pwiehtv wllhuot vieniug. A (rem b had in who. arsny part. Any person wiabing lo porvkaet, eaa lad m ta th neighliorUotd at th land. k vft r f -1 .. W.M.BI1!.KLRV. oe:ir iirnmn-vvnie. finiilnv t-n.. it. t... '''I Augant its. a:l. ' IJ-UL f Tmanai Tlit Farmer'! ajid PJanitT'i Ilrw-yelopi. Tkt. Tarwur't iui Planter nryrJojKrim tf Rural Affair ADAPTKU TO THE IMT1I) STATr.c Uurwti tonev "--), jf W bnt, Utrlv, 0i. . UnUtHM. tlttt V i?nh f AuriculUirc. tf-i bide arua tejrnivlnita ui ww4l tbt mwj4 . 1.. sic, efttK Av, fAjTaTMiitjli MP- all vNhfeciafj fiTyartsjrirl with Urmlng, a4 pptjiia4aiii t ik tountry; trt ttng of tb aTesV at ir.lT "rr ai4 maiest uf etu, mnh nwiif ptatticaUra ivtatmf to and bsr--iir, af fowl, iB3lBiittf( a 5caKriptioft tif liMn-mkmji will. , drawingf f tba iav(rakMa iMnpttjfr; nf bet t a"1' ta Kiftiia n4 kHbar tywttm f a'i-iin? bars a4 trArttiif ktvaa. , Couk ariisrlct tifa an 4 prfftankliaa nl' bonc lime, yuitaa, a4 lu orri of aaimal, aiiaml aiMl Vntmb.e abtajit iijpUrJ a Maaniva. ,s?Krijjfu aftba MsvtapkjruTtf! p.utatv barruwa, threrlirris a) vwry athr agriha,iml -ebiai ani Injvttnavnb; of frmt an4 hal trra. lornt tngen aui hrotut, of weeclis kb all fciH'l. of fltea, a4 tittravliv auriaadi and int'U, Ue Wit mean f ettlaf rti f tatm; to)tvthr wit If a tliuaniitt other Mttar nrlaiinj te rvral lif, absaak a-blcb ifafttrumt: iaimf ataalljr dari b aU r')eW Iha wioir. Maw1 iVarrkr iui4 mduok--Keir IldUWk. the aacTrac iv rorttat rmaiaa: UfA AnitAul i TIIE IIOngE) r IVttX .to r ifanagtmeni in U t?ava, 4 " Tiafment i Dietiih . BT tlCIltd IlSOel, I. Da, : 11 4 PursaertyofBnvy scanty, Virginia. To whlrk It a l,le.t. A PF.IZC BP?AT OS 11 t'I.F-1; aad A.N AI'I'KMUX, eontaiaing Jtcriptfut JHatm of line, Oattt, Cowa ('olvet, v-heen, ling a, . . (Stint, Aa, A. With Aamie !'' TnVl, AoKneonHtnil llouk. Rulea for train- ' ing, Jtnoing, Ac, Ac, Ao. , , WITH A SlPPLteMENT, Cemnrlalng aa Kenny on Dometlle Aolmala, enpeclally Ibt ilorttt with Raotarka oa Trvalmentnnd It reed. ... Ingi together with 1 rutting and Racing Tahlrdj thowiug tb best tint on rtoerd at out, twa,tltrto, four mile ht Ptdirree . . of Winning lturiea, inc ISSIf, and of lb tanet toljbraltd Klallioaav A. ManS W4tlr - .,V ttstfnl Calving sad , ;- Lambing Table. Uy J. It. ftlJtWeH. Witi. bow of (hv rvrer Tihart, Jitw York, Ae., A. Pur Safe bv ... , JiBXRY I. Tl'KKER... A', a aW Mora. , Rtlelgk, Angntt, lit. - t ffiSf TE3'3 ; -KUIRT KiTAHI.lSlinET. Market "U IlalUatarw. TUB I-trgeetsnd only Manafee. raring Wbolntl Eetablltheatat ta tht I ilyl Tht rarltal and fore en. gagd enaldts , al all llmr., to onYr tn CUt'NTHV AliRtJilAhTt) end JjKALKK to HlllHWCOU LARS. LINKS and CimO.N I1RAWKHS great la. dnrmtntt-niort thin a.unl ellurla tihring beta aud te render tlit a"orunent ef thet attic Ibt fhll and totnplrte. ' ' ' - , The Black en hand UJargt gad wtH astnrita to Mli.S' and uOYH. - i ' rr All Orilira fiOtn the Coujljy attended I wiia) nnnctnaHiy and dWtstik. " lletw labor Iht'.VdoK, and A". I", JfarJW .ref. i ,J , - T. W. DKTTOX, . w -fl or' - x.nTICu. T1IPR8 wilt b a nwetlng ef Ik Board f TratteM of ft. Jidint College at Orfotd, n Wedo.dy Ihe Ard of FeptttaVer Bsxt. . , A full nuindaa of th men here It tameef'y rett td, naaiattoM of ntsrk tnttvoat t Ik InetiiaHMt will vntt'-hefov-the ftonrd;"'"' -' 1 " ' -i ..v:- ' Ily order of -flit Paavifc - - . - JAtkt. LITTLKJOUT, retary. . OvforiT, July la, tail. ... At ah Poptrt frhnvlly to the Inetitntloa an rtqaeated la iiHi rro .n'oto.. CiOCERS .k CDJJ1SS10S heichiti ! ' Vj'jKHltt Fmitf t lt t'l, ifyeowiar Sirerf, . '" PISTKR8IIURO, f A . DM. tl Jill AM U. MILL tit. -y errl a asov vnn " T.tFK INtH RANCEUFFICB. Bsltlgk, July Jiud. )51. I'srutlna Female Cullcg. Oy.alisi hadkt). t8tt of Prptt nlher hl, (SeTat'11'' b ee wilt niKtl la lh eulleg building, to eii-il V Poroliv lorisr.l. , , A Prttldvnt sod TVftfcater of Mesial and Voral Sclent. . . . A Prafetoar tf ItalJieinalle aad Katnrtl Selenett A Prnwtv otLsngungta. " A Ptmal Anlatont and TVnoher of Prearh. , '. .'.r.r . Apt'li.aUoii.miukl-.ltttMcJathtetfaiociUV, ii ' siiif wilk priipoaiiien as lo salary, and difei u-d, pott paid, to Wat. U. hiailh, Carolina Female Collego. . . . J. AlKliLEY, VrVt . JliW Pennv tih July, ns S3 tlAaerd. i i la'ICW AHHIVAIj. ' ' f JCTtT rtetlved a few settt of baml'ontt 'OeraBi ftJ doiat. ait ailvtr nnd Plated spoons snd lorkl lUuiiS eall at ths -Vorth Carolina ..lirinablt Jew', tilery fltor. - i. 4 . . , , lot, ink last. .- PAI.HKf. A nAUitT Oa hand a targ. atwirtsataL M fin JLaeora, Pteket and Pt'U Knit et aud dt-iatiMTs. , PALMER A ItAMSKT. JiARbW aiii; ASii CARiUAuk MATI2KIAIJ. . . LEWIS MAIIHt :---;v": Siijn He 'Krf HtlimiriHik Sirttti Itts fur salt, snd intends to keep, a full 'supply f lie lOiiowiug aniniet i POR CABMAfiK At A K ERA. i Cllnlle Atirlnee. II In. 1 nlata tnl'l in. A nUto. eulaey Axles, It and U ia.. Boggy Axlts U and i inehes. Carryall, iiaroofh and Carriage Axles, , ' . ... Carryall, lluggty and Jlaroneb liows) Hubs, f tUloa, fpoktt and fhaftat , Hari.i4i a4 Carriage Hlepe; - - ' , , . . PiAh H'ktat rialeeand Hiogtl ., , . , , Cooeh Laces, Toathls, Tulu, A rtngt and Binding. Drab and Hint Clotbtj Jltwtikt, nil eolors. Hroa and CUvw Hub sad fsnd Bands'. lira at. Plated and Japanned Knobs, ' Rrttt, PUted and Japanatd Naila Daak Iront, Lamp ef eilrer and tlrati PialtL all aleo. Top flldet and Hld-e Jtnonitlltd Ioiher oil itlttat t,. , t .1 .LI C 4! " www, imiiiiai- ,uHja, mtoioiw nnt .01,0. liaak Itouka and Ringt t Japanned lltieklet; . Malleable Cuttings and Waoker Plate., all kinds. Taeke, ttonwa, Ulatt, Panes, Whiei ll!tk )U,.aal . . . ..1 . .I . . t . 7 . , AXI IHIMFSTIC HAItuWARK TOOLS sulubii for t'srtttrs, Metbaaies aad Hoatt Keeptre, .. .. All of whbk willhttd, ITkoteaateitrBtbut. -OAs At amah hrtrtt prles than htrttofort. mX Xertli CeroIIna Kashlnnable Jewelry Utorw,- , JA IiAi, H drc fAJId-t. 3 DOZES Cold Urn W.tehes Ir'nw I Ilia; 4 Hot. Hilver r' ., ... l - Itj. A larg Aaaortnleht of Faebioaabt Brta Pint, Kinder ami Kar IIihmI liolii Pencllt, tt'oleh Chain., fenlt ahd keys; li'dd lea kete, Cug-plnt end Pene, '" I lo. shiver flpertaeles, Kpfing tel Dir.; "liver Card Cotes. Peart and TortMs fhell He." . , , Z ' '-'-' Ptat kpHitm-iriajand Sapkln Riiie.J ta ttm, Kilrtr Hpeottsr Tiiltea, ugtv Toegs anil Cnp. A Irve Aiwortin-nt of M. . Plated ppooe, soraa aua nnivet ror tani no, A Ler Aesortmrnl ef Kaivrtand Raton fine ijniiiiy: I'll. led Coelera. Canrtleatli-ka, Walter and Jta.krlt, Anaortnwnl ef Clocks front to '. Ksiramrd. Perfuratry. Kstrocta and Coli-ent snd foann.'; Hoary J'araet and Ptvkel liin.Lis Tea Setlt, Wail.rt tad TaW Knire la (!. -Iket'diliiftHttots; ktel eualiiv,-' """""" PWw Kant. It.ourl Holderal ...... Wntktng Canes, Ae, Ae.,. A A. V . h Th nlinrt hav iliet been nurhad at ilia S and Wt thiuk eieella in Unulv and fa.ln .n ae p tinw ssMdi ef Jewelry oflared tn this r . belter prpparvd tn rrpair oil kin4e nf B a' ' . h-i---. -r-! '.y' hur poiehoeeiia lnr?eaittinrnl of Xpuia an i luliiim; Irwrliy rrpairrd 1.1 onler. PAT.VKR A t.tJ",r'. . Raleigh; TS. C'. a

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