-V-: - ' -vveaaaTifoje' PUTBI. .00 A II X AD. - ua.tr. wit. Wbeia yaar plan of lit aw elaar, 3o ahead; J!utt no faster Una your brains; Ilaet ia alway In Um raarj If dwue TrndeBM bare the win, -: ; Ga swnael Do ate aak to bread Urtj - ; ..... Go ahead; lrjrinj; aere clean tbe aigfct; , Wbe jo o year doty beat, To win beat know wba St rigkt ; Oo ahead. Karat doabt a righteous eattaa: Co ahead. . ' Throw jrouraelf completely Sn ; Conaelesc abaping all your lawa, Manfully, through thick aJiS thin. . Go abend. Do not Mk who'll $ with yon ; tlo ahead. Kumber t apnrn tha sowerr" flea ! If there ba but on or two, Single-handed (bough it be, - Go ahead. Though before yoa mountain rie, Oo ahead; Scale them t certainly you can! Let thorn proodly dare the akiea . What are moan tain t a Mas 1 " , . Oo ahead, , Thoagh Sere water round yoa daeh, Oo ahead, let no hardship baffle yoa i Though the hoarse roar and Baah, Still, andaanted. Urn and true, Oo ahead. Heed not Mammon' gulden ball ; . Go ahead. Make no compromise with am: Tell the aerpeot Ee looVa weTI, : But yoa cannot let him In tT Oo alie.vL ' . Better day ara drawing nigh i uHa altasS:." - ' Making Duty aTl year pride. You must proper, lit) or die, , Tor all Ilearea'a on your aide) , r : , Oo ahead. iMIITISIIESTS. U V biii:h (;imi m. ESID1 ISDU IL'BBCI COKPAST. 19 Waaaaa Bt. Mew Tor k. 11 TASUPACTrBE and hare for le a fararaLle XI A Irraw tn larirrol Mora or 'uedyeara Patent Metallic Raatar Cod" la Amartea. Warraalad lo Maadall Cliaulrai ooal(- laf af - Letgina, l'aala, Capo, dun' Wauora, lllaukolai tint aad , , tahla I oy.ro' i:mb, C'arrlaijo, and o IlutM C'Mha, Batlora' aad Tnrttlng - Boft, Uold Dineanr' Kilmin, aad Miliuvr . j.OooU, llwtaf Ivomo, UraoM Fompo, Srnaroa aad erriolet for DragirlMa aad Barroom Kngint ad Faotorj Iloaao, Uaa Taklair. HwaaFeailora, K nopp'e rwaraCeMBHkor, MarknKflrlitac rmiti; Tora. Llla l'r,rrer. Caakioaa, l'illowi, lladi, r.t . w oipo, onuioo, waron aai. if 04 rioata, "ow vaaiooaf!, petarlattke. raia, rira iiuoaau, as. Afiiclaa Mr taa jitmUj, otadrto Vflcr. ,T fa. 1SJ1 AAAL'FACTCUINU E8TABMSHMENT. f OSEHI WOLTE R INO ar a nurahnr of year. , foreman In the ltaleirh A (lantun Kail lUwd . BlaekamiUi fthop,) raapecttully anaeutiraa to cate eituena at KalaiKh and the aairovodinf Countiea, thai ha if prepared to manufacture .. Latkt atl dtKriutuiiu (Jam and I'utelt Cmrtiaftk npnnnamm n or a urw vaafreyt. And, ta abert, any thing l Machine and Blatkanilth a Wacfc.Ue ie aia beavreii U aaae!.,,.., BKLt JIA.NUI.NU , at tha aharteat antioa. Xiao, baa ea hand aa exten otra aaaortaaant of Leeka of all kiada, at ririeea from lOeenta to 20 dullarai Kdgeteola, an aaaorU ment af Alee, Itatwiag-knim, llatrheta; Ham mora, Viloa af i variaoa dooorlptlon, and a number of -wrtiiiWa W-MaTrne titfleiTliiM t riuWi " ' AH ordra Mtlifulljr executed at the toweat price, and new work animated ta hiaeare will be warrant ail. Order from a (IliUnca will be alt Hided to and executed at the her toot notice. Ilia Katablieemeot will be round at the Italeigk Rail lined Depot. Jtepairing m kia Una performed with aeatneaa and .drapaUb. Alan, a general aaortmat of Uunaaad I'iatol eaoataatly ea band. jysErii woLTEiiixa. Raleigh, alarah, lfMO. u f. i '. Um Jialabluimml li macW la lUlelgh, Kept. l.t. IHiO I.Al FOR HAI.I,-. rniiie st-BsrniHKa, being deair- J ' 1 eua mora emits, onm rar eele bi traet-af tanil, rvUa-ar,aloa file arree ta wood Iba eleared land la el. eieered, ad adarnd 10 Tk aalliralioa at ran, Colum, wheat aad Tbea. Than can bo twola kaada work4 to adraala-. TLo --V-ll"' arTTTaTay.' Dwelling na-e l large, aad all oiker aeeeo-arjr sat waea, all la goad repair. It i. a ki-k, btslib- itua aion, ro mile from Ike aanrl nolnl oa Ike Hail Road, aad ail milee from Uaatun, Kunluunptoa Coonte. N. C. ' It. IL CLKilKNTS. fan I ilk, H5t. ' . , 4 3tpd, !M HOPKIKie PAIRCIIILU, (,yriiw Im Orrm AT.oirio.) MEI.CHAHTJVATLORS, Ho. 230, Baltimore treat, , - MAI TIMOKg. Alwajreoa kand, a' Kr- awortiaenf of ine and medl .81 CXiH H Wboleula aad lloUti. Irr . Upline; ami Mammae 1 tothlug tor lata I. . , . L ilAIu.ii'iw k i3. ifAVR re-err-d wiibiB too Ut week onward af 1JL HLVXS IMOt BANK DOLLAR worth af SCPE1101 EE19T I1DB CLOTDISC, ' f tlMfr Mnotiin, Thy kr Wttoirval prtt. Wr mr m4 aUieaUfni upos lb aMfschiriiis of thir M4 (Wl em(.ir that lh?r BrtilM to thrlr fwri UrtLAKUMTANaU I'llOlClUTtfTOCKUf . Tti 14 KrkC TboM xkU mik U iwreatVfftVMl fit. in- CiwtiL PirIi giving m arl - v BAMJGH PtWTOrFlt U. 4K4 rfMc t p. m. - ., , , . 4 U ;waWnwif Ffiw hajrw Uf, im Utat4y, W4 .jUVbiiMinU d FjuiUjc 01 - . : A etrtrm Four - Ma- WtJae1y, Pri4a) 4 rSuaHay aUla-ak, ud 0mm tnmdjt Tw4ny aaa Thw4j at t fi. al. TttrOf't-aHf'T-- i lMin tax, w alUWlKT,, WdtM. 4ay ftttti le-iAAakfr ai a, ieUivM Mudaji H mr4 attof anft &U.rdy at a. ml. .rtoi.ro.;yV--Twa twH v4ar-.drtc VoafSnrat TiiiaV 4a f at f k v, a4 atwdaf aad taaaday l 9 A.rWrv.-yJ.- af hrm Mail, aM Fridaj ai a. t4, jwjft cl-wi Kn-iAjr a( I a,:.rf.,,i.-1dfc-m-, rffU- aVraVfi MwTtra MajlgoiaTW aUaadaj a4 4axaa, Mi i ni''iMNi TburP'U-at 9 p. nie T.tiyrr-. itwtJfi. U am PiteA.iA!f1vM IL-' iol : ctt.iinj(. o'di- k a. m. mill. V . in. ftii n',a., W wi't iViiv 9f a. aa?d ami? iouc tijj-irS-t. fW eSeUa diftMirittr Wettcra ..Uil.,. ; " ..- -"7"- Svrr BatAarnarr. "" firm af frmritloaa mad (laMaf, Aaamat la, 1851. SCALED FBOPOSaL, 44 -rreels far Htaf,' end Proposals for Port," as she iwwjr a, wiU ke leeclred al this oe aotil II o'clock, M. am sardsT. tlx KHh ear af Ketaabraeil, (or furn ishing awl delivering, Iraa af all t aad risk to lit I'siwd Bute Fir. thesnana: ftssr headr1 brr. a of nary beef, aad three tbeaaeee eia hawarea aai i ia m mary pork: Kack barvet to esartaui eat trse tkaa (oo baedred aeweds aest weight of tastier aork: xes of asisbt ia eitkeeartJel will a paid iix, I b delivered at Um respertir aavy yards, aa foiiowe: Barrel Rf. It-ml- Park. . At rharbatawa, Ms, I.Kaa I ie At Brooklyn, N. . I. l.joe AlOxl, Va.', l.fee l,Jo t,4e S,6tl Bald Vecf aad pork mit ha l-llrrci Wtwrcn tbr flr( day af iuurf, Stt, and lb 311 t.M.r f Mny, IHitl, nlca aarliarUetivrrirashfHiM ritiirfj l.r (lie ehlaf of ttiit Burcax. )'mcl to b made wttiiii) thirly Amy after deiir-rr. lliddcra ata4V aparil their prif-r aw-rfIr ai.d Un-ftly in if-parata ff,ril f(r ib lfl twi M tLfffrk. and ff varh of the plaek of del.TerT, tuverin a!l fx pnnefl and aUaafcarjcea. Tbtj bewf atwt fi.Mo VftI fa'taned eattlff, vluigb tered btpta Uit In da j of Ngrrmlnvr, 1 JiJ, and tba M iny of January, Ih,2, and weiliiog If' than ats buadred pound. ru weifftii, dr-ruh. T-fa Iff; and lf( ran-la uf tUa bind )uartra, aud the tnoi aad ahfritlder el'td. and at kntt rijflit pitiii!i front lite, aecfc and of emb fWr tjuartrr, r tha parla mi rlif J Sua. I, J, and oa the drawing or delim a'lon i f ihf fura and bind nuartr of aa ox, which will ra attar-bfMl to aad fora a part of (ba eof)raett ut be aholi ex fladrd frow oacn bam I, n-rf ff rmaiudrr nf tit rtirrnmrn. immttnd Winty riff wfA ? rti'ir-, irt Cr i-af tkfovyk milk a Mar TaW i'M'e, fo ft'ra 'Ad aafof a arfff rf, firaf, o-vfA apvtnruttrr. in ttiwn ( mv4 iVw (a ."'Af swumim 9nrh. Tha pirb mint be? pacbe'd from fom-fvil. well fiiden- ad h '!(, IaO((hrod Iwtwren tlur flrt dy of ,ortra- lar ItiH. aad tba ftrt 44 r 1 Jmiuary, inyj, aut we-ijii- inj not tea tuui iwu litftidrrd pmiit emit, rxfluiJinjc Uit beafis jfilva, nocks, nhouldrra, bams lv. britt, rwinpa, lard( and alt refu--e pier ; and mnr ! cut ' aaaf lotife fk ptan'M Wkfiabiuic ut icm thaB ail pounda each. Both tin bf aad park moat ba aatted with at .at ono atatata bifbeJ of Turk .Ian 4, Into of Ma, ar f-t. ( hea aalt; and the href tnnul har f.rt imormf fine pulrartxed aalijHrlra Iffafh harral, txtslut'tvr vf U-Mf, to b aia-lclruia frh watar.aa airoAjfaa alt wiJl Biake It. Tbw barrpif aMift 1 entiffiy nf w, and b inad- of tb Waiaoaa-iOvd heart of white oak atavea and leadiii)f, tti ba not faa than liirw-foufilip of an tnvh tM k ; and to ba hooped at leant thra-f'-urth rer with th b?it trhita ak orhickory boopa. Kao barrel woat ht urandfd by burninf on ila In-8'1 NaieV Mef " Vavf Prfk. " aji ih f jw ma V hfv ant wt(ntV Tha Huroaa will aiaa al tha aataa lima rocetva pro Boaata for ttiiriy ban-fda of bc-f and ibirly barrel of pork, to b delirernd wUhtu tba tiinr apairilUd a'Mr, al ihr Jtrooklyn yard ( to ba utjutt in nli rewi -( . to tha rmiditt'Hia of tliia-dvcr:iiM( ttb--a:Ulav a-- Kw Utat 'Oimnaniii i'Jfir 9lt tm !. Kul.ntitotfd for either of tha foreljra salra, and that lb word "Onondaga aolar aaJt" ahatl, in additioa, be brandtd on the Itadj of th barrala. Tha bff and porb will, Hiilraa ollterwita diifded by tha ehief of ilita Hnn-ito, be irtt l by. the in ftcvttn aalcara al abe re)rartj-e nary yard aforcitaid. and by aonte aTTorn innHrt.tr of fU I nt i)iiuh, " wha will oa wlwrted by (he r"ptiro cfiuuiiindinir: aiafl.eaitia bwt 4boir f bargewi ioc aiiavb tuipt-t:Uoa muet b Eid by Ifee roifwrctite contra' toi-a, who mir-t likrwiif are the bttrrl put in good riliiiprnf odrr, to the aatiffaction f th eotmnaiiilmit of the rffjHTtive navy yarda afaaid. after iiipecthit, and at tlitfir own ex peaae. Twaer wore apprtTel tmrtv-a tn a mm equal to oiiVltWlf tha eatimat?r a-taount of Itta eHtntr will be reinired, and We per aabtm tn addition will hf itb-, bald fmm the anions, m tnh pay moot tn bo Made, ai aoi lateral aerurtty U the iW and faithful performance uf tha nupHi tiva tvn)itr -bi'-h-Ht m aVfamt-be -paid antil tha eontraeta aro complied wild in all re apet'ta i and ta to be forfeit! to tha I' n I ted Htalei in the eret f f (lords an i.iitpletw the di-lireri-a within the piVNOnned period. In etuM ofrullur on the part of the , contractor, to deliver all or any of tha beef or pork a bova nentionad. of the quality and at the time aud plaeea aitove prrtded, U.a eontracUir will rotiatt and pay to the L'uiird Htataa aa liottiduted dainaifa, a vnm ; of i'ney eijotil to i.Jtwi? the amount of tiie etttrart l priee to lie paid in eaaa of the actual doJtrery tbercof; blen lHiirtraifM Ja-ioairee nay n raeorered froni tune to time a they aecnte. f'ayment will be ramie hy the I i miefi riaic ai ne prrionp nnoT erpr-!f.., irirrniHie tha aen per eaatum to be withheld until the completion af Utaomtraot aa bafcira atate-A, ) after tbe aaid beef at. d tMtrk 'hall bare been itii-ieetrd and received, and hill' For tba aania aliall b ve been preaeittail to thenivy aaaata aaapaawvaty 4Aty afpeored by tri-fwnmndrrrr of the reapeeura aary yard, aecordinc; to the tenu of tbe e un trai t. The parte of beef to be excluded will be particular ly deainiiated tn rba eairravinff ta ba aitae-hed to the awtmet reraona intereated aaa ontatu toeta aa appli cation at tbia offioe. Bidilvra wboae proposal araaeeepted (and none Alb- era) will be forthwltb notified, and aa early aa practica ble a eoatraet will be tranamltted to them fir ateeuttnn. wbieh eoutract mnat ba returned to tba liiireaa within la'4airaaaetaia iaifjafc'aa4aaiaa- iwaal tW lHa Mrfwbfr 1 ajraaatniaaioa of ttia mail A record, ar daplleata of tbe letter in form In a; a bid der of the aeeeptanee of bti propoaal. will ba deemed not I (Ira Hon thereof wttbin the mean in a; af tbe art of I Hid, and his bid will be made and accepted tn conform itr with tbii aniirrtrindii)ir. . -,. liiHIWftade i3nuat be awoaapaiiied (aa directed In the Cth eeetion of the act of C'otijrea mnkinic appriK priatluMJi for iba narnl aurrlee for IMI.-'47, approred IPih Angwti, l(ta, a eopy of which ta anbjoined) by a written guaranty, alxned' by ono or more re-piinnihle Ceraona, to tbe etloet that he or they undertake that the idder or hiddera will, If hta or their bid be aoepted, enter Into an oMi nation within ten daya, with nntniand apffletent aarotiea, to ftimib tbe article prMpHutetl. Thii irnnrantT miiat i areumpanikefl hy live eeilifirHte of the toiled States it.trit judi;e. Ignited Hta let dis trict attonrry, nary apent. or etmie oflleer of the tlene ral (iorertiMnt, or Individual knoWn to the Itureuii. that the guarantor are able U make ood Ihuir nai' o prononl will ba eoaildered ante accoinpnulud br ani'b aarintr. Th bldiler'i name and eciddenre, and lb name f each wiemlier of a flnn, where a eoinpany oftur., with the olirtttian naniet wrltoa In full, boald be i1ilinttlv Uted. l ottUffo, Aparr4 Any. W, liHo. " tea. a. Am aa it orfaer eowW, That, from and after the aaanna af Uit aet, eeery, pmpoiol for aanU anpplio invited hy laeHeeretary of tlie ,NaT, no doe tha nreeiae to the general appropriation bill for the aaey, approeed March tbiri,eiJIbl!y.a huudred and forty.threa, hallhaaeeoffioinied;by awrittie goNr enly, alined hy one or mora repnnible pinnin., lo the effect that he or they aadertli that tha bidder or bid dora wilt if hi or llmir hid he aex-epled. enter lino an otilia-alioa ia nu ll tima mr y ha preeerilwd by the aereury of th Nary, with a;ood and anmrirnt ure. Ilea, to forni.h tha aappliea pronoaed. No proHi hall ho eooaiderod anleao acrompauiwl hy each guar anty. If, after the aoeepuaee of a propoMal aad a ao uaeatioa thoraof ta tha Wilder at hiddare, ha ar they aball fail ta aatar lata aa abligatim within the lima pra- aeribed hy tha HeereUry of the Kary, with gowi aadj aalioiont aaeuritiea foe faralahlng the aupplle. then tbe floarctary of tha Nary aball arooeed ta eonteaot with aoma other perron or percona for furniebing the aid applie aad ahalt forthwith oaoe Oio diter onoa betweoa tbe amount eontaiaed In th propnnl to guarantied and the amount for which ha' may have eoa traeled for fumithing tha aaid aappliea for In whole period af th propoaal ta be rharged up again! aaid bidder ar bidden, and hia ar thoir guarantor or guar tor i aad tha aam may ha immediately reoovered hy the tailed etete. fur lha aa of th Mary Urpartmeat, la aa atuoa of debt agalnat eitner er ail of boiu per Aagort IS. 51 I w rroppaal fr Tlmlior, fcc, for the , 2V4VV. Krr, DranTKT, Braaao oCnrrarcriox, He., 18th Aug, SEALED PROlflS 4LS, eadoraed "Propoaala for Timber or Lumber," as the care may be, (nam ing Iba Navy Yard anil claaa for which he offer ia intended.) will be receWed by Ihie Bureaa until Ve'eWek rn-nvr-f the leth of aptembar neat, for- furnlahing and delirering umlei eoatraet at the eereral Nvy Yaiila hereinafter named, the Tim ber, liaaher, and other article embraced In thl advertisement,.. . Uue-rourth pH of Die noatiUljf .wijuinMl aeafiir Navy Yard mud tie daiieerad ba or before th trot of July I ono other fourth wart aa or before the Brat of Beptemheri one other forth part aa at before tbe Sr-l of SoTwmher j aad oae other fourth part oa or before the thirtieth day of December, eighl tan hundred ami nty-twu. Tareon wltaaa off era may be aeeepted will be re quired to eater Into eontraoU wbieh, boaidea other euexiitlona, will expreealy provide that, la eaae liiey anau n any repeea inn aa pwien mo : mma Ik nutim a the .ud itiuffi:' aid tailed Htet at rmmr feaeta, teemme aaaj ted KUtee, declared ine the rithl of the .tut aeJeutf, ,bitk .may JUara. .jptfam '.tT I'.h .t" atipnlatioaalao that. If default ah ail D made oy the eiuitrmctor In delirering all ewafly of tbe arti- flf contracted for, at tbf nuality and at tha time and pi.ee BiWe'-WSTJrVhe rn-Wu eaum-Uiw. watraOor aad h aaretie will fortcM ekd pay to , tita UsiH ftUtaa, aa liquidated aVaaire-m, a mai of aoa7 ftnU tar tartea tba cuwliacl origa Mmiidateit daaaairaa m5 ba raofitffd fn ! tinaa aa thej aaewr. . Alt tha afebraauuej Tiaaber, Laaibr, b4 othar ar ticle annf. be of tba very beat raalUj, nlijcd ta tni-pertioa aad awaaiireweiit. msA h in all othar raapecta to conformity, with tba atrfmUtmui eoa tainted in tba ''rwUtW ruin aafaWtaeW or t k in- nyjeeff. tni mmrtm&M y fimhtr for th Afry ofk Uu I mini iff, cpea of which ma J ba aaen at either Navy Tard or Xary A$tut' oftra. AH tba aforaaaid articlea ar required to be in all respeta aati a factory to Ihf Cofnmandaot of th Nary Yard a bare tba aama aball be ialirerod. ' . . J Tha yellow pioe plaak etocka moat be of tbe very beat quality of lone; leaf, fine praia, aonlhem yet low pine, tlie aaa ta be eicloded in tbe meaure mcat. Tha a bite oak timber and plank moat be felled between tba lat of October and the lat of March, and nttiat bare grot 1 within aixty miles ol tbaaeaeoaat: u u-t be atrippel of tbe bark, or hewed within twenty (Jnya atur it ia felled and placed dear of tbe irrtmnd, of "vliich autifnt tnry oeMe-aee itmat hr. ftiven by tbe eon tract or, by the proailyt-'tion 6i 'fit-ate a, aitiel by two ree-ta-ble witneawrta witliTi'ir b'poitioiir-( uuder fiath,' before eorne faImrof the court or majH-tr.-tte with In tbe townabip or county wlaw'e tbe ft. U w.nc tiniber and plank wua felled. Jtittt mutt ht 9-ji'irute and tilitirt ftr tnch .Vary Yard, end for trrh rfnn$- of artirfrt, at d mmt, oll ?rtje, tmrarc uil the art it!? umnfd in the riii j-tt j which th hid m mtrttdttl. The c it f-f iu-b item j mil tbe ditiiirtly carried Mit, uw the nr i;ite j amount of each cla correctly f-e-itvl up, which ' Diiiterial to a fmr coinptii imn of hi. Is. j To cxt-HDNtun of lime f'-r nmking deliverua will; be granted, and jiemiltiea for nwi-fulfilinerit will, ' in nil caeeit, be rifri'Hy s-nforwd. ItitMer itre, 1 therefore. re'Ue-ted to rfler lur n' nidrc ,tlijiii thcv l are aure the chii furni-h wiAl-ljin tlte time fpc- i fitt. ' Approved suielica in twice the tiiiiitci ;iii,oiitii , of each contraf t will be reijuire I in tin ihhiuici- net ; fm tb In that in-itriiineitt, am) leu jier cntuui will be withheld from the amount of each payment, bk eolliitcral necurity f-jr it- futhful prtorm:ime 1 XtHiif frr centum enrh hill, itf fmred in trtphriite ' htf the rexpeetire ei.mmitvd-ttilf tf And Xnrtf )'itrdt, i tri7 he paid Utf the .Xurtj .IjI'lC "t the pinnt "f d. Inert tcitfan thirty duyt after ifr f rrantntn.n tn him. Kvery oiler munt be acrouipnnied by a written guaranty. ( the reiiMintibiiity tif the guarut tr or . gunrantura to be certified to by a Nuvy Ag-nt or other (iflicial peraoii, or by aome one known to the Hurenn,) tlmt, if the oiler be accepted, tbe bidder ' or bidder will, within ten day after the receipt of j the contract at the jt-t office tewic.rnit'!, cteciitc the an i tie with u-nl nti't ttuffiolent urctirm tn fnrnih : the nrticlea pi'ojHUicd, agrviMtbly to tlie term ijrt'cified in the contract. The law of the Huh , ti -guft, IHltf, forbids tbe coniderntion of n I r .pus la n"t ncconii.jiiiicl lv fuch cu;t.anty. ; rrs fiz-f iiiir'iruliii ) rmilmntd tit ettdnmt their offrrf at tUrm'e required, they muy be dir-tin-giiiahd from other buaincaa IcttcrM, in onirr ttt pre vent their Iwiuir opened before the dny Hpptiiuli-d. Olfera nt tnftde in 'trict confnmiity with thin ad-rtiH''ht--' wM""ijt'"be 'conatdeTr'!." rbi'mr only wboaeoffL-ra may be ncccptcd wiifbe ii'itificil, and contract forwarded without dHay. J'eraona offering are directed to deigiintir the post office tbroiigh which they desire to bv nd-Ij' ed, and the navy aeut to whom the contrai l IihI! be aent for exeeution. All editor authorized to piibli.li tbi. ndverti.e inent will fee eperinlly hotitied hv tbi liurenu. None otliera a HI he paid lor it iiiertiuii. FORM OP AN OPFKK. , jaii. Sih: Iforwc) agree to furliii.li ond di-livi-r nt the Navy Yard at , in eif irmiiy with the re quirement of Ilia K'lrertiaenient by the Hnreoiiol Conatruction, Kiuipiuent, and Hepair, of tbe l:tth Aujtuat, 18.l, tlta aereral article of (timlier, luin ber, Ac., aa the cae may be,) eniimt-riited in.claii , or claea No. and No. for tlmt yard. ti wtt t-- ,,--- ' Cti.A No. . - eiibicfect of yellow pine plank tncka, at -it- ct. per cubic f jot J ubkt fit of promiacuii yellow pine timber, at cl. per cubic font. X. . . s Cum No. . cubic feet of white onk plank stocks, lit ct. per cubic foot. $ aldttd liiche of white oak boat Llier. at eta. jjer aidtnl inch If my bid be accepted. I deaire to be ail'lre.ncd through th pool office at , and the contract to be aent tn the Navy Agent at , for eiecu- tion. llepeetfnlly, ynurob't aerv'i, A. 11. To Comino. (,'jtA. W. Kaiasra, t'hief of llureau of Cimatruetion, &c, WarhinKton, II. t'. we, Ihe undenigned, resident of , in the guiiiK um oi ue accepteu, unit (lie or llieyj will, within ten doy after the receipt of the con tract at the poet office designated Ip said bid, exe cute tlie same, with good and sufficient sureties, to funiieh the articles proposed, in conformity with Abaiarut ot' eke adeertioemevrt wmer Whlt-h'it Was mode. C. 11. I hereby certify tliat, tn tlie best of my knowl edge and belief, tlie abuve-nnmed guarantors arc good and euRiclent. tl. II , Navy Agent. KllRM 11F KXDOilNKMKNT On the envelope transmitting the offer : " Vo;ioa,rj for Timhfr" (Inn S'o. , of He Vary Vuril namr I he ymd.) NAVY YATID KITTKKY, MA1NK ('Lima No. 1. iri link. 10,000 ciiliic feet eastern white oak plonk stock, lo average lorty-thrce teet in length, and none half to squar not less tlion fourteen inches, aad oueUiof to square not lesa than twelve Indies at the top end of the stick, per cubic fuot. Cuss No. 2. VrlloK Tmr. 2', 0(H) cubic IW'!t long. leaf., flue. grain, AuutUern yel low pine plunk stocks, from tbirtv-tire to sixty feet in length, and to nvenijie forty five feet ill length ; one-half to square not - less than fourteen inches, and one-tislf to siptiire not less than twelve inches at the (op end of the stick, per cubic fk,t. t'uas No. tt. H7u l'mr. 80,001) feet, board measure, three-inch white pine plank for staging from twenty-five to thir ty foct in length, and from fourteen to six tnefl iuclitTi whip, (or wider.) Tif regnlat thickness, square edged, and parallel widths per M feet board measure. NAVY TARD, CHARLESTON, MASS. ( Ll No. 1 Whin Oak Hull: 2,000 eubie feet best quality pasture white oak butt pieces (round logs) from 12 to 25 feet long, aad none lea than 24 inches diameter af the top end, 'clear of the bark, per cubic foot. " ClAe No. 2,-m- Whitt Tinr. 30,000 ftet, board measure, No. 2 white pine 1 inch ' beards, per M feet, board measure. 30,000 feet, hoard measure. No. 8 white pine 1 inch boards, per M feet, boaid meaaure. Ti.iss Ne. 8. IVihc Va. 80,000 cubic fret line grained southern yellow pine plank stocks, to average 45 feet in length, and none lea thaa oo feet long. Tlie anmll end mut not be lesa than four-fifths of the bntt nor lea than twelve inches square, clear of the wane; no more sap wood than one-eighth of the breadth of the face frum eaeh corner will be allowed oa the stock, per eubie foot. 3.000 eubie feet Ine grained southern yellow I line promiscuous timlier, from 25 tn 40 feet ong, and from 18 to 24 incite square, per .---,. eubie toot. CUa No. 4, ,Lneatt, Ath, Kim, Ctrpren, hJ tV iar Lumbtr mad Jimktr. " " 40 piece yellow locust, lYota 13 to 25 feet lone and from 10 to ID inches diameter, to tei'rriutil4 b4Mmeaa-r-etaav-ttrt' bark in the middle of the slicks, estimated al oAOetibb) feet, per ieubla foot &30 enble feet whit aah butt pieces, from 14 to 26 feet long, aad not lesa than IM incbea di a meter at tlie lop end, cleat af bark, per ea bie foot.- 1,1 teet, board measure, best quality U iai-h red Im plank, T inches wide 4,10 feet, board measure, best nuality Ii inch red Im atank. inches wid i',J jn.sro, ,be quality U hirh red xtis: xzrz ,im ptaiik. If ln.h wide am plana, la iBehea wine l.DOw fat, raard ateeenre. bai oalltjr I iacb red e!w plank, It iaebea wide. n, W fe fiee M fra bawilawaaiir ml centre pita, wane rot. aputi. ahftHM. fallow . aBdeHberataaa,aaad to be aawed to Wl M "area tbiefcaeaaea " lfrM fee arareae boarda. 1 back tbiek, to W trvm U to aw feet loase aad from ta 12 iarbea wide. yar M feet; board meaaare; 1fwH feet cedjtr ana, HtoIifedMloeaB talllaebet wide, and of aa ineh thick, par M feet, board t'l.aea No i. ttlmr-t Sprw Jmm. M black arraee piece aparg. ti feetloaa; aad It teebea dtaaBetdTin the middle, clear of bark aab black apraea nieee "para, 42 feet lone; aad inrbea diam eter ia the middle, el ear af bark, eaek Tbe whole to kvaara tbe bark on, and to be freak and sound. KAVYYABI1. BROOKLYN X. Y. Clam No. ittt'lnu h,k Timr, ate. cubic feet white plank atoeka.tn averaire i feet inj lenjrtb. Miid none tube batban i.j fevt it leuaitb Hie-half t square not les titan I 4 inches ad ooc-balf tfiiuar! But lea than 12 inches at tUe Wi end of the iiirk. p-jr eubie I'jot ( i am 2. , R(h white oak knefc, the neti i-linir d one l:a!f t be 7 lnehfe, and lh Bf-lt siding t" the other half !' le K in--hri; the artnn to l-a in If-ntfth S feet, lii lies lo W iu length frum It U 7 le -t to aeragf ffer : th'- bdie are ta fi sided to- (lie diauie-tcr f Ihf Ann. thf sidinjr sir- tukf-n a d- middb' ol .thf t-iisr(li thf arm. (-enr of haik :) thrve-fmirtW oiwV,,,',',!nir hn:' u """'t"? " ,J"( one-halt ui tl,e ntl lUuu of the knev; out; liail ol the uhot c tntfci lu !m- are, c.te for(h t . bmn sn aiirle from fijfbly t- n:n-ty deerefat- tht renin in jder tu fi i m an jj jf le from itinetv l "lie Imtidrc ) : the length of tht- arm I-. K- niiircd ft out tin l.jn-k of in- ImmIv i ip.f.iiht'-d t'.V Ihf tyrt-U: mated at 6,(1 tat nw-bf p'-rii.ch. f. A'.i in I"b I(J0 piece white nak. a i-le, ti incltt'c 5fl pircfs a hit1 oak, t ilf, T infhf" ,',(1 r.iff-'S white oak, Ion-. 1 trii- k, 1 i feet long, r f.ct long. wide, 7 inch" ji V. 7.D ipi. in - widtttr I'flk. H ). 4-1 long, ide, 7 inflii- t!u. k, r.-'O 12 pirc wliitf fittk, 14 te.-L J..IV', 17 im In-, iu liefl ,,, !u . wi'le. n iiif-bex tlu. k, 12 (iei-fn-whittf oak, 17 fret loti;. lo wide, 8 in li thivk. 2,17 i" rhi'e oi.k. 1 1 f....t ion, , H iitr he- rhiek. ide. 1 2 piecfit whit frttk. I t fe-t bI)g wide. It iich.. ihi.-k, I? pipcea nhitt- ..nk, 17 ft-.-t long, wide, y iii' lie- tliick. 12 pieffB wliiu- oak, 1 1 feet long, wi.Ip, tr inehf llitck, 12 jiict f" HhitJ oak. 14 feet hng, wide, HI imhei. llurk, 12 p it, e white tmk, '21 feel lon. Hi If H' IIO l-d thiek, 12 pi-ea whilr o..k. U tevt l.,rig. Hide. 1'i iit hec l hick , 17 I.I I: 2.148 18 K In UH'Im' IT Tlie l.ot'e to I..' ol pM.turr o.l, .oun c.K-il mi l Iraiyhl. Iipo frum lrj, kloiii mid all itli-r .l.l.ils: llivit- ll.iit l.e H I l. ii.t llirtM- iio hi.- i''l In. m lb- r. n of llif ,ti.-k lo a, ui.i tlir tnitm of tlie In urt, yer M leet, uoartl mi aMiri'. 'fi a X,; 'i ' Tri'.J," .,). ? ...'.r." " .'1.I 0II nil.ic f. l lir-l iimlit v nim bii ntiiljv o liili' pin tirnbiT noni. bi. tbnn .'ii ft el loiii:. lo murnjVi' 1 liM-t. to I.,- rn in. l.fii ,-tl tin t'ff wliitf pin. :.'li .ifiuiri-.l. noil not !' .. roil ol ihe lOi.-k . pi r IiiiiIht 711 b-i'l loiijr. -lo 11' li-ol Irow boll ami "i7 limn 1 I -,I,:,1'."I. j I 8 l'i' ineh ilia in i'Ii r. inchiK nt f-i eii 3 picetsai nhitf pi dp timber 71 feel lon'. .'( iueht-K di.iiinler, I. IVi-t lit. 10 hnlt, '2u inch es nt tojt end A piet-t" white pine timber B9 fei-t long, 24 iiM'hc. diantHler, 12 ('t trumbutt, 21 inch es nt top end I picpKit while pine timlr C$ feet b.njj, IW inehes l'iimiter. in Ihf eentn of .atit-k 4 pipcfo. white pine timber 4 fe-t Ions, 2H ii.chei' siiiimi e, ) 1 Teet from Knit, and 2 1 inch es sipcire. nt top end uf stick. The whelp to hu atrniuht. - my f-tm in. pr in. c ta 5 n Ci, Xfh - YvtUm-..' Tmlr. 4. M'itt find Spar 77wtW lA' r-aifV- y'.sf, 5 ptce vcllow pine timber, fifl fvet n, 2 iiictip -iuare, 5 pieces tllow pine timber, Li9 feet long, 2J) inches sioare, 2 pieceti yllow pine timber, ftl feet lonjp, 10 tnctipp fffiuiire, Mil :::n . m ai 310 JyO 209 iy UK 373 331 319 . Htm 22 2H 191! j pie fellow pine timhe fctt lone, 10 tr.ehef fiiunre, T'pirr-fat jt'lU pin timlo-r in'he tinnre, S-pities 'vf'iloW pine limoer, iiifhes SLjiuiri' 3 pierces rellaw pine timlier, " ' tiii'hcn' Bq'iinrp; " ' .'I pieces yelhiw pine limber, - - fncbfls'loiliirV', ftj feet loiift, i2 fret long, 4ft fet long, IK IS . 18 . 1 7. leet long .3, pit;-'tdU.w...f4n M inches jujuare. . 3 piei-4-s yellitw pine tiinl.er. ."il fef t" long-, IS inches Kfiuiirc. 1 pieces yellow pine timber, fettling, H inches siiiare, 3 peiev ytdlow pine timlier, 22 feet long, IK inehes tfjuare, .1 pieeea yellow pine timber. 62 feet bmg, 17 inches (Hinarr, 3 pieeea yellow pine tiuiht-r, 5fl feet Umg, 17 a pieces yellow ime timber, 53 feet b long, 17 inches aiiunre, 3 pieoea yellow pine limber, feet long, 17 Inches Sfpiare, 3 pieces yellow pine timber,' M feet long, 17 -..wim'.befHae ' 3 pieeea yellow pine tiinl-er. 38 fret long, 17 inches stjuare, .1 pieces yellow pine timber, M foct long, 17 inches Rtpiare, 3 pieces yellow pint timber, '.12 T&t long, 17 inrheri miuare, 3 pieces yellow 'pine tiniber, 29 feet long, 17 inebts square, 5 pieefa yellow pine timber, 49 feet hng, Ifl Incbei s-piare. i pieces yellow pine timber, 4.f feet bng. Id indie B'UH'. i piecaa.-4acllow ptna timber, GO feel long, 1 i$ Inches rquare, i pieeea yellow pine timber, 40 feet lon;j, 1 -i iacbe f-Ofiiaxe, 3 pieeea ytllow pine timber, feet Ion.;, 14 inches admire. 3 pieces yellow pine timber, 52 feel long, 14 Inehaa an,itnre, 3 nieces yellow piue timber, 61 feet long, 14 M fect long. incbea square, ft piee y-How pine timber, incbea square, 3 piece yellow pine timber. Inches Sfjltitte, 6 pii-ei-t yellow pine limber, inches square. 49 feH kwt;. 1 4S feethini;. I I 411 feel loop. I t' t.1 fei t Ioiir. I ( .1 picrc yll'iw pine illrhi.li sqllarr. 3 pieces yellow piue inrhea sqiisre, .1 piei-rs vcllow pine Ini'he .inari'. timber, timber, 40 fect long, 14 limber, 34 fect long, 14 i:i 1.15 .1 hieri-a Velio' .n timber, l'l levt long, 14 Inches iqnsrc, 3 pirci. .vclliiw pine timlier, 31 feet long, 14 iocbe Miuarc, 3 piei'i's Ti'Huw pine timber, 30 fret loogll ini'he. ripiarr, 3 ptiH-eR yellow pins tiuibor, 28 feet long, 14 itirhes siptare, piece yellow pine timber, 25 feet lung, 14 inebe square, 3 pieces yellow pin timber, 52 fect long, 14 inches square, G piei-e yellow pine tilnVr, 5S feet long 13, inrlio square, 3 piece yviiow pine timber, 63 feet long, 12, IncUe square, 3 piece yellow pin timber, 63 f?et long, 121 inche square. 2 pieces yellow pin timber, 49 fcet long, 12 inrhe square, 3 pieer yellow pin timber, 31 feet long, 121 incbea sqnara, .1 piece yellow pin timber, 31 feel long, 121 incbea square, . : 3 pieces yellow pin timber, 3" feet long, I2 inches square, , i pines yellow pin Umber, 04 feet long, 12 Inches square, I p'eee yellow pin tiniber, SO feet long, 12 inch squar. piere yellow jiine timber, S8 feet long, 1 3 inches square. 3 pieces yellow pine, timber, 39 feet long, 13 II , 204 90 418 179 169 li 111 101, 30 390 I1T 3.i2 i pieces yellow pine limber, , 0 feet long, II lacaes fuarr, August l. 34 4w, 6 pieces yellow pine limber, 4" to 50 feel long, irWiejA heahea aaaiaiiwiiiw.'aisJMaviM 6 pieeea yellow pine timber! RJ-feet long-, 1CJ inche square, 1 2 feet from butt, not more than t inchea leas al top end, 5 pieeea yelkiw pine limber, 4 feet long, 17J Inches square, 1 1 feet treat but, net more than t incite leas at top ead. 10 piece yellow pine timber, 67 feet long. 18 618 610 lnebea square, XX net rreaa nuu, aoi tea than 17 I rehu at top end, 6 pieeee yellow pine timber, 64 feet long, 221 1,507 a lirfhea anaare, 16 feel from butt, 18 "--inchea tl tV.(l tid; -"--r I pieeee pellew piae timber, ST reef long, -21 inchea jnare, J4 JeetfrlvW-.. "hetiea'ailGip'eudT . 878 t pieeea yallow pin timber. M feet long, 141 - inche eqnare ia centre aad batt, 12 1 1... ... 1 oei l i juunrn m ,..0.01,, .o.. iocbea mm, U bebee at to nd. 1,166 10 pieeee yeliow pi timber, 4a faarl long - 6 iaebea aqaare, 1 4 iackee at top d. J piacee yellow pine timber, 44 feet loo, 28( iocbea eqaare, 15 feet from butt tbe top aide to line traigbt, the top end 20 iocbea and lined t feicbea, re-mi ding from th bait. sr8 21,826 Tha whole to be made of tha very beat long leaf, fine grain, yellow pine, and train hi. 2U0 cubic feet firat quality, Una; Islaod Locoat, in lena;t4u from eiht to twerre feet to erage 14 mcbea in diameter, none leu than VI inch ea, per eabic foot. 1 piece African oak, 5 ft. long, 22 in. aq. pr. p. 1 do do 7 do 24 do do Ti.Aaa Vo. 4,. Black Spruce Spare, kc. 13 "para r7 feet Ions, V inches diameter, K feet from butt, 11 incbea at top end, per piece l rj upani .2feet long. 15 incbea diameter at cen tre. I0J inches thick at top end per piece, 10parB'r2 fet U ng, II incbea diameter, 1H! feet from butt, 8 incbea at top end, per piece. 1I f p.ir "V; feet long, 10 inrhea in diameter 1 ' feet from butt, 7 inches at top end, per i piece. I ratl piece;-. l.ftOo incbea, from C to ?J inclies, average 7 iueb '. j.er inch. Tlie whole to be straight with the bark on. 'It ; Ct A. No. 7. Wliite A.li Oar. 1 Km nhite ash oar. ICft long 1. '' ft. i i'Hl lo .! 10 do ::.tHI ln "' ::ii do do Jl do f.'.tei do :IHI ln e 13 do 3.WP0 do ' i Lf da do do S.IIMI do ,r! KM) do do II d.. I.ltm do Kl do do 10 do I.IIIMI do I :;.'. -too roiiirli liirkor.t Iwrp, 1 J fret long, lT.jlK) per foot injengtb riliiMrc, mt I'ien 100 rouijh hii-kory harn, 7 feet long, ;lj inches I eu;ire. per. piece 'W,1I4(K) roiiirh hiikf.rr bar 0 feet n$, 2 inehi-H ; ioyureper piere HO'l piei-e ' iilC, 1" 'e "plit liickorv, stiailit,"clear of knot1 and toll other delt-ct. ,1 rr. N.. 8. l.ipiumrilae. i bent liniinivitAP, 7 in. diameter do do Hi do do do IS do do do 14 do do do l'i do do ,! J2 do do do '.i do do do 7 do do ! A do do -iu -4. - -- -d. -. do a., do ilii do 8 do per ton of 2.2 in poumla I 27 toiia. 4 t'tAJli. Xo.. -Lumber, -Ao., -M fe-t,. -buaj'd men Mi re. J, fc-t ne inch clear while onk boards 10 to ll-'f feet long, per foot JJtfH) fWt seven righthx of an inch elenr white oitk board to L'feet long, per loot 1 .(("Ml feet three fourtli- i f nn irwh cleor white oak boards l'i to "J", feet long per foot 0,1 toil feet one ntid fine fourth ifM'ii clenr white pine plarik 111 to '2' feet long per foot 1 o,'HHt feet one inch clear white pine boards, per; foot l!,fMM) feet fire eighth, of an inch clear white pine I hoards, per foot. j ",8tK feet one Mid 1. half inch merchantable wliite , pinc'plAfr'f per foot 5,000 feet 1 inch merchant jble white pine boartln, 1 per foot 1 2,500 merclmntable Albany piece plnnk, each ' U.'rOO do do do boiiPl- la 1 ,,00ri feet two inch white wood plank not leas than , L'O inches wide per foot j 4,000 feet one and one fonrth inch clear cyprets plnnk, !0 to 110 feet long per foot 5,(XM) (iyet ojip inch clear cyprvMH boarls, 20 to o0 feet I'Mig jer foot 4tM feet two inch cherry plank per foot H00 "do 1 do do " boards do 1,0 do tt inch hlnek walnut "plank tto 4H do 1 iiuh do do bnarl do 500 do 2 inch St burning!) maliogany plunk do 5ft! feet 1 inch do do (to board do 51,400 foet . .. , C. t'tAss No. I. Yellow Tine. 40 yellow pine logs, from 45 U 50 feet in length and to be sqnared not lev tlnm 10 inches each say 2,000 cubic feet, per cubic foot. White Pine Kumbef. 20,000 Jiip'l feet 1 inch common cullings o.llIK! do 2 inch do do K.O'S) fl.tllK) ",iKifr.'' ir do 1 inch select do do 2 inch do do rtit -" 1 inch merellniitfibte wt:i(e 4 1,1100 tup'l feet, per thousnnd feet; board meas ure. To be well seasoned, and in l'i feet ........... l.utb,,.....,......-.. . ..... Class X.i. 2. lllsck Walniit I. umber. 1,000 suo'l feet 2 inch jirime pTank, seasoned 1,1)110 do I j inch do - do 1.(100 do 1 inch do do WSI do half inch do do 11,500 sup'l feet por thousand feet board measure, tube iu 12 to 10 feet lengths NAVY YARD GOSPOKT, VA. I'i.ass No 1. 15,010 cubic feet w ite oak plank stocks, one half of the ((Uantily required must be forty three feet in length, none of the remaining half to he under thirty-five feet in length. The small end must not be under twelve inches square, clear of wane; to bo measured by the cubic foot 1,000 cufiic feet of white oak promiscuous tim ber to be rough squared; to be from thirty to fifty fect in length, to average forty feet in length, and none to le less at tbe small end than fourteen inches square; to be measured by the cubic foot White iMk Butt Cut. 10 pieces each 22 feet long, 18 in. wide 12 in. thick 10 do 20 do 10 do 12 do 15 do 18 do J5 do 11 do ' 15 do lo" do 10 do 10 do 0 plccM, sny 1,12.1 cubic feet, jier cubic Tint Tlie above fifty pieces are to be of the very best.,white oak, fchrrventreor pith must be taken out, they are to belfton to sharp corners, so that there will he no sap wood o'i them. White Oak Bot-Knees (by the knee,) for Bibb he.ks, 0, length of body six feet six Inches, length of arm four feet; to he three feet from the angle to the throat; to wide ten inches fi, length of body six. feet six inches, length of arm three feet six inches, to be two feet nine inches from the angle to the throat; to side nine Inches. 12, length of body five feet, length of arm three feet: to be two feat litres inches from the angle to the throat; to side inches. The above te twenty four knees are to be got to an angle of ninety degrees. , The throats to be clear of sap wood. White fkk Butts (hy the piece); 6 butt cuts, each 14 feet iu length 6 do do 10 do 8 do do fi do The above twenty butt cuts to be six inches di ameter at the small end, the bark not to he remov ed. To be delivered by the contractor before the dry worm gets in them. 200 handspikes, each te be six feet long and 4 nchea square. They are to be quartered Tin a" to tor clear ot Ihe cent re or pi th Handspikes and bntt ents by the piece. A ash logs (in the round,) each te be fifteen feet long and eighteen inches oiameter; by the log. l,WI ottnr feet or tong leaf fine gram southern yellow pine plank' stocks of the very best quality. They must averag45 feet in length none to be un der 86 feet in length. The small end not leas than 12 inches square, and not tea than four-lift ha of the butt clear of wane. 13 beams, 88 feet long, tided 151 inches, moulded Mi inches. IS beams 84 feet long, sided 15 inches, moulded 14) inches. It inches! 13 beams, M feet long side 14 Inches moulded , wrchee: ' 60 beams djay 2.V91 eubie feet; per cable foot. The above beams to have a sweep or eurve ef 6 inches ia 84 feet, Th whole to be the best long leaf pine, line gram son th era pine 1 not mere than one inch of asp wood wlil ba allowed on the i corners. CLASS t S Nametof each jet. in. by in. Gti 20 j 20 J! '201 MSA !20ji2l'i! Top maetr, Top mate, Top roasts. Tup taaote, Half Van!, Half Yard. Half Yard. Half Yanl. Half Yard, Jib BooniA, Jib Hoom.., Whole Yfirds, Wbole anlf;- 17: . i' in 20i 2H l'.l' 111 K. Hi! 17i 17j en da. ItV If. 10 h 8 M 4 0 4 6 Cl! - 4ft! 4:1 41! 18, 13 jd. arm I 10! 10j 5 '.hi piece? aay 0,OJn cubic feet per cubic, foot. The top innsts and others spar are to be got to tbe aiofTe nize). t hn thejr nre to be reduced to their tjiett iljmeinionH, ii: 1 foot in length and I) inche fijianu ter, they are to be entirely clear of ap wood. No more ap wood than one eighth of the breadth face from each corner will be allowed on tlie pieces, To be furmhed by the cubic foot. It will be neeii from the above tlit the top Masts are of a parallel Hue, except the bead which tap ers, Class No 4. S bite Ash Plank boards, and Kim Hoards. rUH) feet board measure. 15 feet lengths, 22 laches wide, H inches thick 250 feet, board measure,, 15 feet lengths, 22 inrltes'Wide, 21 inches thick , j 200 feet board measure, 15 feet length, 22 inch I es wide, 2 inches tbi T; j 150 feet, boord measure, 1 5 feet lengths. 2 inch es wide. M inches thick H00 teet boat d measure, 15 feet lengtlw, 7 inch I ea witle, 5 inches thick , 5(i0 feet board measure, 12 to 18 fect 'vngth H j inches wide, lj inches thick ...iiUO tec-t Jjuord. ri 1 e n u r, 4 d feet-byngthg f inchrs wide 1 j inches thick I 20,000 feet, broad measure, usual lengths and j breadths, 1 inch thick j 10,000 feet board me 11 mu re, uual lengths Mid I breadth, 1 A inch thick iWrfe'C't tfiffrrrr Trri!nre; usTmi1 teirffttm and breadths, '1 inches thick. 10,000 feet, board measure, J'. to 20 inches wide, 1 inch thik "(K feet, board measure. 1 2 to Isfect length, 10 to 2t inches wide, U im-h thick. 5(H) feet, board lueM.ure, 12 to 18 feet leagtbs 10 to 18 inches wide, 1 inch thick. 112,700 feet lo be 1 the thousand feet, board measure The ash plant to have clges sunarc. Ail under 12 inches wide to be quartered rim Hoards. 500 feet, hoard measure, 24 to 30 feet long, 8 to 10 inches wide, 1 inch thick 1,000 feet board measure. 20 to 28 feet long, 8 to 10 inches wide, 7-8 thick 2,000 feet hoard measure, 14 to 28 feet long, ii to 10 inches wide, S t Inches thick 500 feet, board measure, 14 to -'j feet long C to . 8 Inches wide. thick filMI feet, board measure, 14 Ifl 24 fuet long, fi to H inches wide, 4 inches thick 4;VHO feet, per M feet, hoard measure. - The elm boards are to be quartered tfie edges to be clear of wane , Class No 5. Cypress Plank and Boards. 500 feet, hoard meiipure, 20 ftset bng, 8 to 10 in ches wide, 1 and one fourth inch thick l.lMMl feet board measure, 1 to 20 feet long, 10 inches wide, V yieh thick 2,0(10 feet, board measure IK to 20 feet long 8 to , to hi tnenes wide, 4 inch thick ft.e'O-frr'tfiwrtt mM-amn ti '20 feet long, T to 10 inch wide, J thick 1,000 fvet board m ensure 10 to 24 feet long fi to 10 inches wide thick 1,000 IVet board measure, 10 to 22 feet loiuj, 0 to 8 inch wide, one half inch thick 3,01X1 feet, board measure 12 to 20 feet long, 8 to 10 inches wide, 1 im-h thick 3,000 feet boartl measure, 12 to 20 feet long, 8 to 10 14,500 feet, per M feet board measure. The cypress are to be quartered. Th cdgoi. to be clear of wane. Class No. fi. M'hite Pine 5,000 cubic feet white pine plank stocks, to be from tliiYtrirYlff) (rtttTfeet -OTeti0fi,6fnWfhT stocks to be less than fourteen inches at the small end. to begot straight, to be measured by the cubic foot White Pine Plank Boards, (known as No. lt or first quality. 000 feet, board measure, 12 tn 20 ftjet long. 10 to 22 inches wide, one and one fourth inches thick 009 feet hoard measure, 12 to ?0 feet long, 14 to 22 inches wide, 1 and one eighth in che; thick. 1,000 feet hoard measure, 12 to 20 feet long, 10 to 22 inches wide. 1 inch thiek 4,000 feet board measure. u?uul . lengths ,ud hreaflthft, 4 inches thick 4,000 fect board measure, usual lengths and breadths 3 inches thick 4,000 feel btnwd measure, usual lengths and breadths. 2 and a half inches thick 75,000 feet board measure, ttptial lengths nnd breadths, 2 inches thick 35,000 fect heard measure, usual lenghts and breadths. 1 und a half Inches thick 75,003 fect board measure, usual lenjths and breadth!-, 1 inch thick 2o,000 feet board measure, usual lengths and breadths lire eighths inch thick 224.2011 eet, per M feel, board .measure. Wljite Pine Plunk Boards (known as No. 2 tof Se corn! quality. 20,000 feet board measure of usual lengths and breadths. 1 inch thick r0(000 feet board measure of usual lengths and breadths, 2 inches thick. 30,00 feet, per M feet board measure. ; CLASS No 7. Black Spruce (hy the inoh.) 20 spars, ft inuhea diameter, I ii.l jin 1 I'o Have 4 ft, 0 in. JO do 8 do do 30 do 7 do do 40 do 0 do do 50 do 5 do do Way 1,400 inches in all. 1 length, to 1 in. 1 diameter. To hare ft feet in Igtb, to 1 iu diam Biack Spruce by the piece. 6 piece sticks, 05 feet long. 13 inches diamet r. 8 do do 55 do do 13 do do 15 do do 50 do uo 11 do do By the piece. 100 spmce poles, from 2 and a half inches to 4 inches diameter, and from lti to 20 feet long, equal proportions of each length ami si; to be got straight and natural taper, The diameter of ail tbe sprues spars to he taken one third of their length from the butt enis. CLASS No. 8 Mahogany, (Board measure) 1 log Ht. Domingo Jrom 8 to 12 feet in length to be 18 inches square say 250 feet 500 feet board measure, 8t, lbiuingo 12 to 20 inches wide .half. inch thifk. 500 feet board measure, Ht. Doraineo. 13 to 20 incnea wine, tnree tourtha of ,tn inch thick 600 feet board measnre, Ht Uotningti, 12 to 20 inches wide, 1 inch thick 00 feet hoard measure, bav w to u on Si'-tellMLwiu'e:; oott foet board measure, bay wood. 1 2 to 20 inch-1 ea wide, three four'hs of an irch thick ouo teet board measure, bay wood, 12 to ' inches wide, 1 inch thick 1,000 feet board measure, bay wood 12 to incbea wide, 4 inch thick -V 20 .10 600 feet board measure, bay wood, 12 te 20 inch ea wioe, s inches thick. 4,700 feet, per M fet. 1 ner WW!)""! V$A WmU - i,w I eel noaru measure. I z In L'tl inrhe. mlAm 1,300 Teet, board measurea 12 to i'O inchea wide 1 inch thick - I.M0 feet, board measnre. 12 to 20 incbea wide 1 and a half ineh thick '"'. 1.000 feet, board me..nr. 10 t..v. -ij. a I inches iwt V"T" - No, 3. ii u Ul n it h ?2 -i 'i M if I .? .5 .5 s o n on"' oo ' S j; by In Jin, by in. in. by in. in. by In. ia. by in. ia. by i 1 . - 20' 201 2t 2o I t MIU mi I i u.i i i mm 31 I riann"1 15 15 U 13 13 IS 1J I'd! arm, 111 11 13 12 11 n 1( 16 enila HI) 16 . 13) ia J'ljarta' 3 10 Sol. 17 17 No 2. 17 17 . 17 1 1 19 2Ji 18!' 17 18 H I' Theae piece ar to ba lined with a fair ewell, or earr from the butt end te tW l(f 16 I'J yarairm. . id l curve from the centra toeda 1 W t These ar.Ho he lined with , 15 I full swell or eurre fr'at en'tel I of the yard to each yard a'n' 1,000 feet, board measnre, 12 to 20 inches ;.!. e ami a half inchea thick li ' 1,000 fect board meaaure, 12 to 2Q Inctn w: i, i inch? thick 1,000 feet hoard measure, 12 to 20 Inche, 1 inches thick ", i00 feet por M fect, hoard measure t l-berry Board. 1,000 fet board measure, 12 to 20 ft ; , inch thick t ' CLASH .No. B LirnaaiTite, 8 tons. 17 inches diameter. per tea of R 210 pouada. . : ' " liAVV YARD, I'KNSAfOLsUi i ' CLASS NO 2Luiaber. , 10,000 fect Juniper, three fourths of an iach tilck, 12 to IB fect lonn, 12 inche wifc,. rongh edged, per M feet beard measure.) CLASS No. 2 White Oak.i' 1,000 stares 4 fect lotg 1 and one jhurtit incli thick per M starts. 86 4w - - - & tiiiaiij,:.. Wbitlesale and Retail DraKglaf, HAIKIGII, M. C. J . HE lis in store and I now streWine nl Rmnt stock of ENMI.I81I. W!1)1TKKBA KKAS snd AMKKICAN DKIK8, , - . . MMiuhsm. nd nmetmnT. -.1. Also, Faints, On., Wisnow Qtjs.aa. Aa. Which were selected by himself of the Inaortars and Manufitt-tursrs, in Hie Xorthern Cities, saa pnrehased alinort exrlusii-cly l,.r ca.h. From his iaessasea sm4U- : lie. unit large purchases, ha is sure he caa sell all arti. i-les in his line at a low rates as they saa h hea una siile (A' tile 1'iitoiiine. nller aitiliny cost of frrlf hi. IMiriician. anil rimstry Juer-hant would eeoroltUiele intercft hy giving hi .Iih Ic aud prices sn examination, IV'clinif ciiiiU'iit that he can pies sll who patron in -his pftnliliiihinent. TkttMM Six munilis c.reilit or six per eent. aedaeted Cur rnli. un urtli-r-i auiountinic to t!(l and upwards. AS Accounts muit tie paid, or closed hy note th Istw1 everv vrar. P. t. PE8C10, s Tlnlrih, April 111, 18JI. 17 U ' rvcry Nan llln Own Tuner. rrfHK rnhn rihrr has been appointed sols agent rof ' X the Stnie of North Carolina, for tirearesk Patsat -chrnrafltic Tuning Forks. This Inatraateat-gives the throrastic tiatj in equal temprrameat, sostainiag eaeh tone siocb lunger aud more distinctly than eoataws liming forks. By iis aid any person whose ear is ear reel cnuj;h lo draw strintri to unison, ean tans piano j and similar Inetrumeiits with perfect eurreclness. This j inifrmmenl will prur of, great value to sll who reside 1 wttere ine si'meos oi proiessionai toners eannot te pro ewred . Price Kaeh srt hi ewtnltiwt In ft smalt '"j tnurirvt-o ca.e, and ean be easily and safely sent to any part of the i. an try. To leaders of Choirs, these InstnK ini'ntu will he found of great utility as the H Key-note can be (jivt-u at once with certainly and precision. Orders by mail will rocetre prompt attention. PETKBHILIA. Bateigli) X. t, , Juno Sd, lil. IV E W M I NIC. I KCEIVEU THIS II A V a si.;- n-t . . s,-..riment of '- ' new an4 hioasUie-'MwV'tiMiit. h,.,, fiunid the World's air Polks, Mii."i-ti ( it Wsl- lace, wilh one of the best I" Palace. Tbe I n t'nn t JrTumnier. .le f ui bi I iv' - r r- . i rr-Ul The V.t ..!.-,! I ..- t n ! A new .-up; . i Flutes. June 3rd, ,.ta;is, and 4 pnii.M'i i.i in v mioi i is ai.i; ci.onti t. u vni.iiotsiE, C. lURKKes k Son, X . UM Mahiv. M::i.ftT. S. K. Corner fjf fuurth, fkilutleijihia. The lanre!"! and best aborted Shi. k t.f Kat-bionabls riothin),- to be found iu buy Etahlinhiuent in the Unite State. I lie Rirlurivs Msnul- tufe of Cinlliiiiii: iiirlhe Piiulherii ail'i Western Msrkel, warriitils llu- asrumiK-e that desler will Und lirsn i, Sun's Clothing s iapted to llio want, oftnelrrl N. U I1ARKXKSS A SON'S price art luwsr lhs ill,.... nlin, iitlior Ifriil.n in the Trnile. 7V.v .Vnii'cc Harknes Son' t li'lhini Btor " " are;e Kive litorr Hrirk lluililiuif. situsted on the Boata- i..t rum- r of Fourth snd Market Streets. PhilsdelM N. B. Look out fur ihe laraest Oilt BUck Uttat Siens iu the I nited States, and read IURK'K SO.V. !8 lav HOOKS! HOOKS!! HOOKS 1!! -, Al Ihe XorOi Carolina Booklre. iimbv ii thim:k. l'uhlMtr, UookntUr, und Stationer, Ae.'l,'s, ritlt Slrttt, RaUiih, S. C. nas always on hand a large and geaeral eolles tion of Law, Medical, Theological, Class Historical, Voyages, Travel, Norela aad Miscella neous Itooks. rmnftf. ALSO, a rery extenslre aaanrrment of SCHOOli BOOKS, (c., Illank Books, Ledgera, Journals, Bay Hooka, Check Books,, and any other kind that mtt be wanted, manufactured to order. Together ti a general aaaortment of STATIOA'ESX. J l'artlcular attention giren to filling all erde" complete from Booksellers, Merchants, and.privnta individually. And arery article a" line sold at the lout prices for cash er af prr ed credit, either at wholesale or retaiL ,., All new works received al soon as published. Kaleigh, Not. 8. 1860. FHOITIItU IJIttS. Hutohlnaon A Co., No 13 Sprua Slrttt, KBIT V.tK. WrilOLKSALlS msnufaclnrers of the 1 ,.ki Y KSULISH I'HI.STISO .. . . For Steel and Lithotrapbie Printing auJ llok and Job Work, whieb they s-orra te rVj ed nt the purest materials, and to work easily a roinary presses. t-ia-ta richness aud permanency te work superior te er ina now in use. ooiu at pner. j, eta. to I4.WI nsr lb., nut un ia eaae, and forwar" "rder. '.. . '. AiAt I 11. vCn.alo.ssaniifaeturaeolosadXt i and qiislily ssrying from 109 to ISiJ'ih.'" March t,-St.: Wll.lJt sk X.V.K n AVISO thl. day .isocisted Ma. with them ia business, the style hereafter b WIU.K ISA S PACL. a Th. return sineers thanks to th.ir nssjrrews rf aad easterners, and respectfully solicit a cat'"' their patronage. l.tS aO ltf - . ,(- 2Vland, welf watered; neat tm1 & lur mil. 8outk-K.l from Raleirh, IS e" l M1 717 '' with proper muasment the "JJSJjJmaf aw P"daettev Pwa.de.lnng t rehasav farmer parHculars hy app''J p.

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