irtM.Mft only ismting. jMLihilifiUUk-JriwJ and that with every possible evidence of their Roilt ' Now, when Uthe community, either heathen or pajrso. that would not inflictetrinavnt ad imn punihment upon them f We would inquire what ia tb difference whether thee .hate are enmmiten oy .n.nisiursiu mc s.rre.. and Irone. art ths only two secession ist, electee; to tueSouthers Congress from South Caroline, thd they by Terr elo.e rote. V..J . -uukt iW0 M teen eecUll, to fi, the cha.rofUw ProfeMorin the Collr. of Wit. pr.liticuna, or Abolitionist, who, upon all occa-, ana Wary, irjrinia, rendered vacant by the sions. are appointing meeting, and attend them j death of Judge BxvxxLr Trrxxa- The Judge ia person, and, by the most inflammatory ad. j ha. accepted the appointment. dress, arguments arid exhortations, do excite, the passions of the multitude, to tear down fcsa, trample upon all law, hy maiming public officer in discharge of their dutict, and taking the) Urea of their follow cituens r ir uou are J anvmahle to law, and punishable fur nulliS. tto and hirlt treason, and will nut bo punish ed, for tbe' nas. or in some way for their mur dereoa and ditiou conduct, then we may bid adieu to all Vnion in these nuw happy States! ! ' Until all thin ia corrected at the North, they Cannot find fault with the Suutli fur complaining against them ; and if thijyuall lie the cause of waking the more nnfortut)s.teAiltrasof the South, j secessionists, to take a positive stand on this nudity question, the blame must and will fall ssfh.Yorli. " A CiTizr or tnt I'mo. Pxorxssos Tcosxr, of Alabama. I. ahontt visit Virginia, by invitation from the Governor of the State, for the purpose of examining into the practicability of extending the James hirer ana Kanawha Canal to the Ohio. Thi honorable testimony to Prof. T. reputation an engiuc.r. Txxx.ssxx.-The Hon. Wm. B. Campbell, the whig Governor Wt of Tennessee, was inaugu rauwon inursday 16th inst. in the presence of ui unwciie. 01 the legislature. is ia an as t WsSBINOTON. Oct. 16. Specul MinUtrr From SiV-There ia much iuterest manifested in diplomatic circles rela. tive to the expected arrival of a Special Minis ter from Spain, to demand satisfaction of the United States Government loss' to Spain for the and Cuba from the late invaaion uf Cuba. Long John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democrat, and member of the last Congress, ia decidedly opposed to the nomination of Gen. Cass. lie " goes his lengthy (six feet eight inch es) for a new man." MosTPiuta, Vt., Oct IT. Delegates to Ike Xational Wiig Contention. The Whig State Convention, which assembled here yesterday, appointed the following delegates Justin S. to the National Whig Convent! 1 Morrill and Harsy Bradley, delegates at large-; I.aac J Wright. C. Coolidge, Wm. X,h and Ilexckiah II. Reed, from the district. .Xh? ,Jnu.?L,afs.:TT.,Ihe. Diraotow-of.rtn.J-: For the Star. y. Edito : The writer, nnder the sig nature of " Subscriber," which appeared in a late number of the Star, had not the most re mote idea of getting into a controversy with any one about the Central Railroad ; but only to call upon all interested in Internal Improve- - ntenta. to do all they could fur the benefit of our own State and people : and consequently our in. tention was the very opposite from the fears of oar friend '' Common Sense" in the Register. And it is hoped that such a dire calamity as he 'ilivulgoa will not come upon our people. If he had not expressed such gravo fears, nnd made ' each great developments, in answer to the arti-1 ele in the Star, there would havo been no need for farther remark. But he breathes ao quick "and is eoTreeio uTCJr hTs "grounincii Tears,' he has disclosed more than our community could have expected on this subject. Ho sagely tells us, " That the writer would have saved his . ., wuneceafwy nUrnu. , if be., had kuuwn, others- know, that the petition from Raleigh, pro or con. would hare no effect." This is precisely what the writer in the Star felt and thought, as well a tnrlwiah and belief of nenrlv the whole State. But it is quite a question, whether this was the feeling and the wish of the first petioners by me morial. This we will leAve to " Common S'nse" to answer", for the good of tho people and the State. ' Bet h says, "One thing we do know, that if it had been understood by the last Legislature, that tnumtil would l)o so located, as to prevent. junction with the R ile'h and" G.isturi Road, the charter could not have been passed, and if p issed. the stock could never have been taken." This is more than we could have expected from " Common Sense -."but if we put this with his " pro and con.", we will then be able to arrive at his meaning. One thin, we think, was very certain, that if it bad hem known, that it would h? connected with the It.ilcib and Gaston Roa.i, fiat the bill could not have then passed. But now vcrv warm are bis attachments for the Ontrnt road, aifd Tor yilmln(ri'n in partieu. lar, when he says, "That she mav be able to ri val her neighbor Newborn, in the raec of pros- parity and popularity. '''- Of mors this rivalry is not intended to be with -any of our sister States, but with Newbern, which at this time his no means of competing with any one; and " Common Sense" shows his very great interest in tfliejaMtorwhra pated prosperity of our friends, Kast and West, if our coim.iiinUy shall fail to enjoy their pro per share, we shall bo Indebted to the corres pondent of the Star and his fellow laborers, at -.dssbtt-.W toe siiitnsji'.nriin 'VUlflfVWSlXWf thing." Now, if he intends that this ant thing means the keeping of the Central road from ! fractured, died in about ten minutes. II was The Washington Telegraph saye: - Consul ml HaiamL Judge Sharkie. of Missis, ippi. ha. been appointed by the President Con sul of the Cnited States at Havana, vice Oweo. removed, and W ompitd Me appointment! , " V ' ' : Wisvaw, Oct. SO. Bank Dealeation.yiT. Reid, the Teller of the Tsnnessee State Bank, has been fraud to be a defaulter to the extent of nearly f-8.000. owing to errors and emissions, and not. It is said, from any disposition to defraud. Tee Bank will not uffer any loss, as his securities are ample. 1'aiLirTXU-BiA, Oct St. ffeary Verdict in a Seduction Cat. The jury in the case of James Hoover against Edmund Wickerlv, for 4he seduction of hie daughter, rendered a verdivt of $5000 for the plain tiff. i . ... - v . Nxw OaUiNs, Oct. W. From Havana aratMiWkm of Spanish OJK errs. The Barque Abbott and Lord Baltimore have arrived here from Havana, bringing late dates. A letter from Havana aays that the Spanish oSleers who captured Lopes have been secretly assassinated. Nxw Oauass, October 21, 3. P. M. Later from GalreeUntrUd Cat against the ttmiutionutt. The steamer Mexico, from Gal veston, arrived here Wild Cat having become dissatisfied, is moving towards Mata. moras. It is supposed that bo will act against the revolutionists under Carajal. Usavii or a WasBisoros's Lirx Gi'arosku. The Kennebec Journal says that Mr. Eira Hodg. ee, suppi sed to be the last of Washington's Life Guardsmen, died at Kast Vassnlborough, Me., on the. 1st inst., at the advanced ago of PI years. Toxonto, Oct 20. Jenny Ltnd in CunaJa. The Jenny Lind ex ' - SAVIVO Til R TKfnV rl? t1,n"'n8 Pilars in the Kaleigh Standard tbe truth is the only reliable hapt fcr the sal vation and rrpti, , the I nion, Is in a strict eonstriictioa of the Const itu lion, and ia the old fashioned Jiftersouisa and Jaksoa Democratic Pr,v m ins country. , r. r M II this be the opinion of the Editor of the tta. itard h has made it op without die record. The uiso.ry oi inecuntrv will tell oe. that such then as Cinrand Wusvxe havebeew-rhietlr InnrB menu! m saving the I nion, aad the? 'are both grent leaders of the Whig parts might men. tion ii iny others but designate two of the prin cipal V bigs, who hatcfbrmost influence with the party. Ibnr will thedemncratie party save tile Tnion! By leaguing with freesoilers in Maasarhnsrtts and iew Vork and other State bv being ia close communion with the ab ditioniata. who have insulted ahd wmnge. the Soetb beyond en durance, and done all that has Imcu dune to Wj iT the '", ,hst t""' ,h' 1 ni"B ,uRl'r, and brought a peril npori the eountrr. the conse. quences ot which the wisest and tire lr,.st of our pumie men are at a loss how to avert. The Ueinm rats of Massachusetts have sent on alKdmonist to the I niied States Mna!eA nd have uuitrd with that facthwi in eroding mem bers to the Legislature, The chcif deliiHUeiit in the Syracuse aifair is a distinguished Demo, ernt and there is one Viy Ilrmx of munewhat IemnTHtie ntoriety, v ho has raised a powerful band of freesoiU-rs in the Ktatealf '?Cr Voik. AVe do not sy that n.nlierp whig are sound on the queMion nf Southern hti.tlinMiBhout all their ranksbut they are i rnrfo as their op ponents, who huve already demonstrated against them and without the securiiv of these rights the I'nion cannot ho prserved" As to the old "Jrftvrsuuian and Ju kson Dem ocratic party" it is among the things that were and are not and for the Mi;Artomi ,t. those names is but aHeetathoi it is 4 huu.buL' to catch the imagination; cliero U neither suuliJneiis nor sense ill mo pretension. But no;wty, as such, will ever tare this Uni. on. I arty has other matters to engage its atten tion besides that of the interests of the lniou. There is the distribution of the spoils, in hand and in perspective; the acquisition of monev from the public crib, and the etiinviuent of h!,.l, station ; family aggrandisement, the elevation of snuues. anu incoruoraUon of inni... twi ill have to wait till the Presidential eleuti n is The convention also passed resolutions tie- eltement here ie quite "rung, nnd crarmg tnatttiit wriis or Vermont entertain rto great rush at the ticket sale this morning. All preferences as to men that would not lie cheer, i weTe disposed of in an hour and a. half and not fully yielded for the good of the Whig cause. quarter of the applicants supplied. -Axa .Orlettne, Oct,, - North Cai-olka Central Railroad hnve nr,.,I,l 1 '' Revolution Projren of ?croio- :ne use oi oil ardent spirits from the hands la. I -'"""e .nexioo o.ites totne loth instant, boring on their great work. Messrs. Ulund A i hl,v0 ,"'n recoiv'',1 hJ " arrival from the Hra Iunn, contractors for the Stage routeto the wes-' Carava.ia'- ,l revolutionary leader, was tern portion of North Carolina, hav s determined ! " irn of Milt""'"'as, with an army to employ none but temperanee men as drivers ! "f ,en ,l,l,umn'1 men, carrying every thing be- on their whole line. This tells well for North Carolina. j troops. It was the intention of Cnravajal to r.vcry day something new '-turns up," as attack the oitv of JklaUmoras on th. nxt m.. ing, tlie 17th. ' tieians: and though there uisv ). . about "saving the I'nion." iu'tl.o. IUm party, there will be nothi nir aeeretlilf,'.! om tlit cor. till alter the nxnectsnis r,.. tl, ,.i.,i r the distribution of the spoils or the erieywlu tWft"";uctit of gtrJaeTiioiieTsr; Com , tore him. Among his forces were 4(Kt Texas rangers,-and a discharged company of D. S. acawber.would say. W e saw chronicled lately the. invention of a cold water steam engine: and we see it stated that a, gentleman in New p.rt (Ky.) is prrfuctiug an application uf L'lec t icitjf for pMiiellinp; a box containing letters, over wires, from place to place, on the telegraph ic principle. Fstal ColusIosj. We learn that a collision occurred at Acquira Creek on Tuesday morning last betweeii two bagxage agenU on the liue be tween Charleston and Washington, Mr. Cant wejl and Mr. Morrison, which, it is feared, wiU prove fatal to the latter. A misunderstanding-! had grownup betwrrrr the two individuals '"ire." specting some checks or baggage. Cantwell inflicted several severe wounds unon Morrison. f . . running into the Raleigh and Gaston Depot, tills much the writor in t' e Star did not think t'ley could dn themselves ; but they did hope that the good sense of the President and Direct ore would certainly do it. But " Common Sense" passes rather a brava. do, or threat, wheu he observes. " If the Moun- tun will not come to Mahomet.-Mahomet will go to the Mountain." This is strong and clear. No one can misunderstand it But to make his ease still wore clear, he tolls ua that " If the North Carolina Road cannot approach the Ra. leigh and Gaston Road, except at an elevation of 15 feet above the level, the Raleigh and Gaston road will approach the more dignified rival (by leave of the Legislature, upon trpial terms, and tomt miks west of JlaUigh) when this corres pondent may find that when be and others per. iled the interest of the City to secure the patron age of Hotels, or the employment of drajs, the nouiDle tact will be developed, that if they have ot committed nfanxpas, they tnny have been used as cat's fair.." All this the reading com. muoity will perfectly understaad. But "Com. mo Sense" may rest assured, that the writer In the Star has nwerlent bis aid foranv one Hotel. bat for the good of the tciofe State, But it is not ror nun to say whether " Common Sense" can ure tbe public this much. All that we want in this thing is, the greatest amount of good from these public works to the sriUfe State, and we hope that the Central Railroad will render all the assistance possible,, for a suitable and proper connection with the Raleigh and Gaston Road, for the good f the East and West- therefore, lot not "Common 8W and his friends to locate the Raleigh and Gaston Road. i to enable them to get the praise of the eattr ". tor their pure and disinterested feelings. - . .its, tnai - may be located tome miles WMt of Jtaletak f ' Slutmrnrn universally respected and his melancholy death ia deeply regretted. Nxw Yoxx, Oct. 19. Storm aikf Damage TVo Uorrid Murders. There was a heavy northeast atorm last night, which has been continued nearly all to aaXJJ so. But little damage was done to the ship ping, but trees and signs were blown down in all parts of the city. Thomas Davis a rigger, living in Charter street just returned from California, murdered his sis ter to day, aged 23, because she had married contrary to his wishes. Ho cut her throat, and tore ou her windpipe, in a fit of delirium tre mens. .She a beautiful cirl end the deed has caused great excitement. The murderer was arrested. A man named Oweo Sullivan, living in At kinson street, beat his wife to death last night, and has since fled. - Ntw Oai.tvjvs; Oct.-22.'-Later From Maria -The insurrection under General Corajaval, in the northern part of Mex co, is making considerable progress. Jorge fori of Texas Rangers bave joined his stand ard, and Wild Cat, the Indian chief, "has. also gone to his assistance. The-IndiawB- in western Texas are coiniriTttiiig greatdepredationi. Hoifx Pismorri. by a MtTiox. The En-gli.-h papers received by the steamer America, statcthata house In Westminister street, Lon don, belonging a carrerand guilder, was set on fire and nearly destroyed by a meteor,, which from which medical gjntlajuin present 4eelar,'Bna' 'ur,0 the roof j the- thapo bf I tuU ed he could not recover. We know nothing nA of fire. i the'merits of too case, or of the circutnsUucee attending the collision, DisTRissiN'o LriNT. About 3 P. M.. yestcr. inst, we are pained to announce, John Enders Esq., one of'our oldest and most venerable citi ens, fell to the ground from the breaking of a ladder raised against one of his new warehousj. uu un uuti, ue ten some twentr feet, his head striking the ground, and, his skull being -tersibo. There hat own recentlv a very pretty i,unce ofsocia. oility and kinJne hiu,- .i. II -fc,, UirTOl.lllJia. in-! inurcn at WeldonwasiiLiailiet.. tiooa, as their lown was small .l rather limited., tad ss it was deemed that the rc, miereourse with Petersburg was ,T ,MJ''ined expecution, of aid from her liWal emxtn. ,.0f couma Petersburg, a TarjrUBi pUre as iteoulJ not rewj, pt.-1tBo1lTririiitea-T,beraHy, and the r the ladiet went bwk to weldon w unnK.iBit.eosurate with the object, f fhetrUiankxtoih. peopWof Peieribunrin . t auk, Iu, Bi-rraLo, Oct, 17. Pardon Peek ham, aged 92, a aoilder of the Revolution, was killed oq tbe ailr-d track 15 miles from this city, yesterday. He could not get off the track quick enough, and was knock ed down by the engine, and immediately kilK ed. Jenny Lind takes farewell this evening, and start to-morrow tor Toronto. , CAnrnrxi. Some damage was done in this town a few days ago. and a house had nearly been set on fire, by a eainphcne lamp being up. set. Fay. Otis. Ai-sca, X. Y., Oct. 20. Tlte Syracuse Treason. Judge Cooklin this morning required all the parties arrested fur participating in the late outrage in Syracuse to give bail for their appearance at the next term day in November. The offence with which the ptrties stand charged is misdemeanor, out trea son. n.on. w .isi, Pe:; a i Zh ij? ; f s z prT r tioos. u the r lnw .! - .n . 1 0. S. aothontie lb oeing engaged in the ate ease1 being engaged in the late Lope expedition, has been postponed as we lea in from St Augustine, Florida till Decern ber, to enable the Government to obtain evidence from New Orleans andelsewhere. -- i m ii i SThjaw MoeiLt, Oct. 18. . SHU Later From California The steamship pot into this port for eoaL She bringe 128 pas. angers, and dates from Son Francisco to the 14tb alt, aad from fjgrea of the 4th In st 3'l!SHwlt kvw rescinded la in'Uvor of tht authorities. EVIL'S I'PON EVILS. Big fleas have little fleas. And they lesser (less to bite 'em. And these have other fles.,,,.., And'so "ad infinitum." Poax. The papers of the Western Ststes inform us that the price of hogs ranges from $4 80 to $4 50 per ICO lbs., considerably higher than usual. Xks Wily-a4 tssrtrvy--r( aaicl to "be iTso'Ve 'ss average. It is reported that Jerry, th fugitive Slave who escaped from rJyracuse, we srrested ia the city of T 1 - .lew I era mursuay. Strong Anti Slavery resolutions were intnuluceJ in th Vermont House of ReuresBiitativus an Thum. day. They wer laid on the table. Considerable anxiety prevailed in New Orleans ni th 224 inst in relatisn to ths nomarriral at Ha- rHiiADSLrma, Oct. J4. P. M. Fuptire Stare Remanded, fe. fugitive slav, named Pierce, was arrested here to day, and re manded to the custody of his sisster. Th district Court to-day retimed thirty-seven true bills against tbe Christiana prisoners. Each indictment contains seven counts. The returns from all the comities In the ltate, give Mr. Cobb a majority of J8,b00 of er his opno nwt. " - Tnx Maishi LiQoa Law The Msvor of Port land has issaed sn address to th neon), ef lh.,i city, upon the subject of tb nsw Hqnar law. He says i .r ma uriaiic oi vnree monins, lis regards the law as Ittceesral, aad thinks that it sill amir.. ly suppress th sale of spirituous liqnors, except as permitted by law for medicinal purposes. THECELEUBATIOH. Thursday next, tbe girth Inst., is th dny set vu imperanc lemtiratiou In this City, Th following is th order of rcises for th occasion. 'lbs Subordinate Division will meet st Temper ance Hall at half past e'clock, A. W. sad form procession. Division taking nrecerfenea,ll., to No. of Charter, with music in front. At in clock th Procession will be joined by th member hv uraim viviiom, eno xnca niev up rsyrtte vills street to tn Cspiu) square, entering st lb Southern gate. Addresses will her be delivered by Professor niwirrr, ur. nm. a, bhsw, and others. Aftr the Kpeakina, th Proeessiisi will arain I rorinea, an i passing round th Northers side of vapiiai sinr, will proeaed up' street to the Mssonie Hall, where the -member ef the Ora-id WYi.loi will retire from th pmresaion TUm RhImm!.,. ri!.;.l Ml . . . . -" wi.ii"iui wiiivnnuntietLeirmarch toTmprane Hall, where they will be dismissed. Professor Hewlett will speak in ths forenoon, and ru a i. a . . i . i.i ' vt. on. "u uuivrs ia in artenwifB, Ma. FlLLMOltE AMU ma Vm;,.mm .JT1. Washington llepuolic puUishes th following arti cle, giving sn svidently well considirod and Jut, if not authorited, eiplsnotion of theobjects which Mr. Fillaiore has pre.cribed to bimseir since he en tered the Presidency : Tiir. Pat:ur. We (rbserv that ths Demo cratic papers seek lo erata divisions and jealous ies in the VUig ranks in relation to the I'miikn., and in tlii couneciiunjiMBreureseii ilia povrTiou of Mr. Fillmore. It is pruprr, in view of this fact, that those who have had the opportunity f knowing ll,e ,etj. WMnts ef Ur. Kttlnrirm- on 'rM' subject, from the tune of his acretsion to the oflice which he now holds, shoa i, render him nn set of simple justice hy a statemint Iticli is sustuind by th whole tenor ol his public conduct. On sssuiuiiig Hie Presidency, Mr. Fillmore adopt ed as a rule r policy that hie .AdmiuistrtiB should he canted on with a ainKle relerenr to I he uuolic mml tin - . - ,,..j : i. ...... . r .. .nut,i-ij. iu vmin nr an iival mm,. mI r.t -ii . . 'V- .f-. ... . .n.i iinriii-in perronnl to lilinai. .... . uiiiniuuiiniu anu je(tai rights of every portion of the I niou al,onld h maintained ; that the laws should he -executed without partialitvto sectlniis or Imllviduals : that the honor and good v. i .viiiiirv sufiuiil m nisitttn neil il.V n. migui uring upon uia AUmliiistrslioe, aad without to mo laauence which such a eours miirht exercise on the questum of the snecessorship He wa. r. solved. In fine, that his AdaitiUtmliOB idtotil-7 be e-iTitf nctcd SH the elevsteil Brincu4e-f hiiTiTIn ilit 4 - el. -4 si.. . en si is. . . . , , unices tnouiu he rilled with me men orsi quanne.! to dischsrgetheir functions j and that llie patronage and facilities vt the tiov ernment employed onlj for tlie honor and advantage of the country, irrcsoectlca nf H,. .r.. al and political interest of any Individual, either win.... or wii our roe ihihi..m.. jt.. .!,..-..! i tr- L. -u .trf.....r.....;:..' .--....,.- , on..., poli cy, adopted si the outset of hiscsreer. Mr. Fillmor ha inllexihiy nlheretl, and w dsnht not will eon tiuu to adhere j nor has he st any time authorised suggestions, or eiooursged expeetstions, contem plating a diff.r nt course. He deem that th ae-.yl-lto'irt . wndidats ieel' 1st liiftW th Unbiassed action of the Whigpsrty mConven tion, that their nstural and nnforeed expression may indicate the individual most acceptable to th srent body of toe Whigs, and most likely to com mand the suffrare ofiho msjerity Mr. Fillmore's purpose has been, by a disinter ested, national, and consrvtive course, to com mend a Whig Adrainlstratieni to th favor of ths American peple.-lleyond this h ha entered In to no covenants, enibsrrassed himstlf by no eom Biittals. and seeks no rtrwsrfl but th support of his policy by th country be his endesrorcd faith fully to serve. Fr tkt Olwsrrsr.' I LANK KOAD MlKTINO AT JoKCl'a DlSTIL- UIV. JdllNrTO.N CotTTi-. OM I'tln.v. fVl 117".,,.arui",, to noli. large number of me ruizrna of Johnston and Cumberland cnontie met, and tirjanixed by the appoint jent of J..ha Mi Lean. Esq Chaintian. and Ztrhary Jooc aiiJ B. II. Tornliusott, Seert laries. Th itMsgtinr wa addrowed h the man, ami Meeaer. A. J. Leech, David Mo Nrill, A. A.'McKethsiiraii.Folher' and than atljourned lo rjrsJerj,blcttlchillt! lo-inor- rnw. Mtetingmt Lnukvtllt, Oct. Wh. Pursuant to adioiirniiirriL the llai.L ti nmti mceung aswmlilctl at this b ae. and wsa organiien by the jipoimment of Dr. J T, lacli Chairmau, and Zai-hnry Jones and Mosee Kenan Sccretariei. The meeiing was addressed by the Cliairman, David McNeill, A. A. McKellian. D. J. ,MrAliter. and utli- ers, alter winch, on inntuu:. tho riii.a in llie neighborhood of Lrachviile, in the upper part of Johnston enunly, pledged llirmsehes ui wiiutrui l, nt the estimate of the Engineer. portion ofllie Road from the rotimy line to Iachville. being wilhia fif. u-n miles of the City nf Raleigh. The inmost jrootl fueling was manifested, and a delrrininalion to rnske arrsngciiiculs to carry into rffect the reeoiiition adopted imme diately, entered into. Wmits Slavkit ix Ngw York Wosuf or snorsTHi:tA. II rhere has been a meeting of tint Sliiri Sewer of the eily nf New York, at -which a report was tnade, respeciing llie inadequate wages paid to the. Seamstresses, and diarloainir a ftail'ul amount iof misery in- llieir condi tion. It appears ti nt the price for making an or dinary cheap shirt, is from eight to ten rent; and, for the lined shins, only from thiriv to fifty cent. The pi ice for making shirt "col lars varies rrora one to three cent. .This is the price paid by the shops, Them are be- . '"V0..1?1 Coon'r. O" tbe set instant, Mr. Jacob Mekhor to Mia Mary Stmigh. ' Also, on th 4th Br. Jamea Winaforw, to Mrs. llixa Black. Als. on thebth imtsnl, Mr. R. t. Coehfaa to Mi Catharine Krwis. ...A,'lSl,,!7,,, Dr 8. J-Onmerto Mias Alexander. . AU"." AS,m 'natant, Mr. Joremlih K. Boa- Uan to Mis Eliia Weeks, . . "a-'l Ph"'"- 8ot.Mr. St. It. Stitt and Mis A, Howard. On Tuesday. rVrrtewiW i k Ma .M.t ft : Culhlrst..'of McDowell county, to Matilda Mi,.itTr, m n amugscousty. Os tbe SndOetober. Mr. Atfrnl Dealt.. Mary, daughter of David Cuthberston, Esq., all of Mo Uowell county. in jmv. eottaty on 25th ultimo, Pr. T, J. Bryan, to Mis T.LUik. ' tn Iredell county, em the th Inshnt, Mr. Ed. wsrei wuiimrd, to Mis Nancv T., ' Os the- Oth uwtast. ft;ina. I'.nKL. Miaa Mary Ann, second dahghter of Mr. James loncvetiu. ootn or tabomia e. nnty. .. At Dsvidson College, on the 11 instant Mr, K. L. Burner, of (Ireetnbnr..', to Aiisa Martha ll. Henderson, daughter of James P. Ilender vin - t. "V In Stanly eonnty. em' trie Urn oh . Mr. E. 8. Mo to Mum Al.nira F., Parker, daughter of K. U Parker, Esq. i, m ine utn inst, Mr. 11 ugh .tlcl'liail to Miss Sarah tiiliis, . . In Moore county, oa the 23 Sept., Jfr. John rinnina. ot t natnam, to Alia Isabella Mc Ivor. At Mt. Moriah. on We.lne.dav the 15th inat by Rev. 3. Cheshire. Mr John Parker, of Mo. bile, to Mis Eliae J. Philips all of Edctoouib In Salisbury, on th 21st Inst, of aoonlvstv. Dr. Pleasant Hemlerson, aged 6l years and 1H days, on of the brijhest ornament of the profession. At ber residence In Itowan county, on the 9th instant, Mrs. 8o(hia Walton, onnsnrt of th late .lease W, t alton, aged 00 years, 9 month and 9 day. : - . - .. . ,' . ..j. In Knlishurv, Rth Inat, Mr. Rudolph Mo. Clolland. sgvd 27 year. In Salisbury, Miss Mvy Kestor, njed IS year. . I njKowrjiB. Mm Jost, Sir,. John Monroeagwd the vicinity of Salem. I3lh Inat,, Mr. J. ielgor. i r... ni a. i. . tr n n get the great mass of publie pair.mage. These I,,, " ""'" r . . .. are gcneran V kept hy ,en. and very Kr ngWBHWiTiUfUta. flw JOth,' 3M If, ' ' - - V. . I . ,, . m, , t u , m , ,. iwmy oniiuuis nicy r.. iiocit,ou oi rctcr Jioca, ageu o yoara, sod I I.-union uie price paiu oy ine shops, 1 hero are be-1 In 1 Ait.OmlatlUJau i or poll. pri,.C9i, but this does not aeach Hie evil. The .unTnuic 1"'P J iIwh. end the slop-shop. J,,0. ,.n it., ft the great mass of Dtiblie Dalronaee. Theaal .. .wdIxli)lhed,.iaVi are, I'hoy grow rich Uoti the labor of wo men, and refuse to giie them a just comport, eitiou Tor their lulmr. Tim: ronsr.VlfilfrV to ihe pour sau.sires sea are awful. They ran not live upon tlie price paid them at the shoi. Thev must rontenf tlieniscli na wiih f.uul . .1 l.ulgliijrs wTiicli'many ne'gnie of llio Souih nmntli In Faystteville, Mrs. Margaret ?ykes, ajed 84 yeara. In Cleaveland county, Stb iust , (leorge ,W. thampinn, aged ri In liobesoa county, Oth Inst., Mrs. Flora Caddell. - In klisahath Titv I lib inat . Me Sumuel would (lesr.ise, anil at last premnturely perish Chapman, aged shout SS jwst ' from ill T rad arising from conlinenicnl' anil ! In llallifax county, 3rd inat, Mrs.' Hannah want. Ur. t iev are imn i ...... ..i ' Uirxen, aired B3 rear. - . vice, and sell il.eir a,... I. C. fcM..i ' . Ala, Hey..t 11 Jennet', aired 57 Tear. ' Here is, Slav. nf il, w..... t . wu.. ln . Mn- '. Williamson, aged 10 a iu:.: t "" ""J years. noil pas. u oy, anu expend lis 1 aotskb sxtom f teaasy -v.i.ois oosa.-I cmcodile tears npon objecls whion do not i thi v4entvi on Ritnday tast," alter a short fltaaas, need it. compassion! ,i Ma. BAMl'GI. PATTOJi, aged .about 94 year. J - - " Jnceei that "tried men Sauls." Thus, Ilk th - s" I leave of autumn, are fslllnt, ensafter another, th rsitocit.Nu , Too- Kev, R.diert gallant mes who achieved the liberties saw u McN'ahb, of Csrtliaire. Mmire couniv. . fi. U". i Soon th last aus will hav left the walks ef wn. cruelly nitinlercd on Friday night la.i. in r,en,-"lon. relic, of s glerlos period will U.m i iv. i . .. . hav erased to advls and admonish their country, hi own yard. W a loam verba I v. that a I , , ..... u ilj 'jsyl'lr'wrt-wilh him litt'VoVlncli Tit ihe e- Informing. May th American peode never erase cuing, siier w iii. ii air. ivicnaiio look hi I lo graieiui to tuse naroea, er to lux tn in- pipe and wrnl inui llie garden lo smote hefor I luti. they their blood to er. Mr. '- - w a4 IntevTatlag TVefki IS riasss ajs win Mtiian.r s vr, ..aL a ... tli'Mr HOIII itr h.MMi tr, fas tWaVnrreif frrnk t-nrhti mnd Mh,ri'". Taewodsssisj. bos st ta ts waust w prlnshm s "'"'l sbava. lteaslahiss fell aoroaat of th bn. f this distimlhl siairnl h.t tnal, e., sssssritst M wttomZ i saw his vvfehrafe scmhas ad aw varms areashs, wilk briikv fairrtnina imti 4mHnaeed with bis lift. eter kefin- iwhiiahed. Hals mtain a btoersfAiesI H,s ef timii Aav w EaiN(vvyisee1et.t4 Irak ah.4, Akrltst Bsrria- fS wart Uf 0 a jiobM Appsalfii. rt,Urins; tbe WlwtM raeieht,. a aimU lih f .Z ai. tosx; Th Irt Fufshia sf -yS( The Revvare. a story of Un , sad a skar "eB af th trial of Hatrt. Tans. If bacs sM et saawlett of la, M uVnt Mtsarks us Altorvtlwe it IsMtaaf the tiM thttfesfina beats V. w paUltboS. It ,n t rtk.ed a. r4 vsiret, fms. iant ttr. and wtH ulo ahtet m are, tl,MM fully koaitd is eoliard anulin. ,i,J ia a. H IU W -Sold St tW efc of I JMU sfl corV. i 8absrrlptiaa Hits may tw noted at ths bank star ol CW.av t Wieaaa. t-karteaMi 1 1 has. A Pftrvyoh. r Wss. .V Whit A Brotastt. Atlwaa, eJa-t parti. 1 Derail,, Jnaepk A. C.rrir A tX. As. trains. i 1. B. Cubbvdire. a.r.nn.1,; J, JjrPhrr aaa. Allaeta. All ovssm addrsased I. tlie aad.r.liaW Sill prassrllv Kl'rd. , ,, , j""" r, aarlssttss. K C. - -" " - 44. XUTICB. Ornca r va X. c. KAit KotSi I Ti. th. se.l llireator. the Korth Carnra Rail k..i r..v. .v.. . Mkhl4ers pay lata SO. Trrmiavry said CSaar u-a dolUrsassw rack share f ,u,.i h.lsl by thaas tar am innnany, ay o.rur th.ih da of JaasJarv 1H4, J tha, larierest be .h.rd ...l'... i,' rvsM fraw. Md altsv lb. I., day Frairy. Isit. rw th. f rua hhotder., navaWt, w u liana uf thiMul. .1 .is .'.J.TZJ rf Cai ,' oalish-ry. t, tb, credit of lb. f waajl iw at ssid l.aamaar.wari ti.. . th. Tcaauiar, will h. d.. ntM,C " w - C r tNl't.SUAbL.Tre.saerr. , Tm Rail Rexmd Comtrmefnu 0iia er taa .Naavl Cjhjuu Haii sUua C, w-btna a-".a . aaas.a-, Oct. it, IsM. J H o. . ""'B work an the llus at ssM Road M T. 1 titaaot. nis bum aatll tb U.k Ilsnsaibar asst. whea ia. I..u.. Z.n l. St said lUkas, rial - w " '-" fur, th. Atradii.e aaj -1 u.. , t Uuns of the cVc.nd Ivum, of uia u r ., atined .oa hy the En.-WWt.JL. 'nJ 'T'' ewoe'sinirlsr. of lb Mlew. lax Isrvlaea. vis i spfwa l... . . Ba.k trees., aad llaw Kivrr, a I ha nmi IMvisiao, or Ik. Msaonry sad i.orlrtielur a Brtdaa a. eroas t,p Kiw, Mak. tklrd Uivtatow. W . n 'T"" "J"p the Mowing Bridges no Uis rirth Division, visi aemsstb lad- Hirst, Caodht reiinng for the night, lie did not return. . nd his body wa. not fount! ill the follow In. . ..' what teAiioxsl-ssposMlarity H I n18f Stne-lrtJ6lts.. M hprt, hy fi40iw),, op uie mars oi nioou noin me gnniin. It wss duroverrd in Ihe wood., soma S50 yard, di. lnU,horildy gaahed, tin lmadt rlw seswird Irotil Ihr hoilv. witkdeen-sisuiid. in' llie eirlar Three of hi. own negror. were arrested, ol wtmin two mes are now lnjail, without any positive testimony against them ( but some .us-1 piciou. circumstances, such as that along knife and ome rlolliinf known to beleiur to: - - -r.t ..........."'.'-'i" . w mm., rnniiiii ue lounu, ii is supposed ihHt the object of the murder was robbery, as Mr. McNahb wa. known to have had about 100 in In. pocket, which has not been found. tbltesYoBn OsirbSajrw1 'ilYS'l'rir' 'eeea sedj ws a respeclabls Mmlslstnf the Baptist Church. lie was a. kind hearted and benev olent m.n, and in the eve of those who knew him heat, his walk was blumi les before the world. - Jiy Movements ok cossuth. rarest, orjlmtna trgmntttht Liberation of ".""""e-nryuHu oj ,ifHteon lo nltcw Kottulh h enter France Expulton of Hunfritrhmt ly the French. I fie Auslrniii Court are in Pattos loft a wide elrol of children, eraad chll dren, relatives, and friends, to mourn his depart ure. Peace to th ashes ef thvetraa soldier and parrotrs-.-TsartfWAWl TXmVtttilT'T'''"'--"" . ( MAKhtT. J-iW.y aCTrTTSXgS '147 Butter 15 (, 20. Cotton a fl I m. irrriiiisi nsw s. with Turkv, Iwcauseof tl.o liberaliou of KAa-PS1 M. Ami' sum and Hie oihe.r Hungarian drttnus angry prolrat has litvn presented, to which tbe Sullan, secure in the favor of Eng land and the United Slate., ha. turned s deaf S:ir. - On the arrive! of llie Missisaippi at Mar a-iiirs, rvossiiin anu his irirnds being much kf. Amothes TaitufH. The I.ndon Morning i.iiropK-ie praise some u russet carpet, ex liibitrd .1 the Fair, and which were woven upon powrrlnoms, at the manufactory of Mr, lllgelow, llie inventor, in Massjchuwils, Th. 'k...ii- ...... ...u..., .c pi a. , "Although various attempt have been made to adopt the power loom to carpet wrjvina- in England, there i. not, we believe, at llii. mo ment, any m.rlunery perfected for that object Our American lireilieren have, therefore, gain ed another slrp ahead of us, and have won in ner laurel nn llus well-contested Held of llie dustrml art.. iCosjiioji School.. -The Countv of Edge comb, which for scvenl year, reluscd to re ceive II. quot. of the Common School Fund, rejecting- tne.i.trio silogelher, appear, now, we are rejoiced to say, disposed lo nuk. op Tarn 20. Corn 80 fa 85. Coffee 13 (A 15. Eggs 10 $ 12. Flour 5 I J. rodder 90 II, Peather 2-!f( 30. Iron, Swedes 5 ($ 0. Iron, extra sise. 0 4 7. Irnn, English 4J " (rj S, Urd 12 ra 13. Meal 90 95. Molasses, gaL S3 ( 40," Xailso) (6. Sugar 10(d) 12 : Tobnooo 20 a 31 Rait, gr. Alum f 2 20 a 2 ,25', Salt, Liverpool $2 75. Potatoes, sweet 35 s 40. Baeon, 11 It 12 ct hams 13 a It, lord 14 Butter 18 a 22. Corn per bash, 70 eta. Coffee, Rio 9 a OK Bt Domingo 11, Lagnyra 11 a 12, Ja va 13 a 15. Flour, Canal 7 a . Ualumnro 8 a -44L. Liin.ber, niver, Mr If. flooring board I 1U i121, wide $7, ScanjfingfS. Timber-Ship ping $10 a $12. priore Mill f.SJ 9, ordinary $fi $7, inferior f-,,(S) Mulassct, 20ct, Porto ftlco OOeta. Turpintine, per bbt. 2,50 Ibs-fKew Virgin Wp 2,5. s 2,40 Yellow Dip 12,25, s f2, 10 nard H.33. Tar I,W. " Spirit. pergal. Z. et, SaltUvl sack 80 eto Sugar, per lb.a N. Orleans 6 a 7J, P.u-to Uleo 7 a 9 8t Croix 78 LtasfVOiall. FAYETTKVItbB MARKET, Baaaa 1 1 a 1 4. Cattotr s 71. torn l. Floar I a ti, bard 1Z a II. Molasses H IT. Ball, aaek, l 1,40, Atsm bssktl. Wsol m 9 Wksetst (si tt Whlsksy 41 (u) . Braady M ii) Pthsn s,ti. i.v PKTEHRBUlttl MABKET. 4 ' ' Cottoa. I ts 71. riour (is thdirll. Cora 15. Pri.. Whll w heat a S7oi Prim lt.4 ( 2e. (,'oniaaa to Mid'timg as Toe, tiriiaera Mansrauiritii Inn 10 M ..J I . . . .1 u . . . . . , ' . his Htvw. ,Irih llulrsloc, t'rsek , a ud Sugaf Craak , eoat. lurue ,radin aud Jl.sonrv a th ee. U,nja,ad rllth,Briup,.M-,n, Vadkl Bridgv, will baexmatrdtn.laka K..... ... .k. . . . " ' half of lhlr bid, sad bidders will .lata what Hat they bid apoa, or whether iher .. ..... t stwk as aisy ba Sfitn.d llieoi I., is, lt.ta. BW.I. forth, k-edki. rtdf."wlllseiBHi, ,fc,le bids with th. aauaiat of rtiaeb they u. hke, and Mat. what .to. k they bid ma. ir .h..i .J.? rprsts bids sill be reerlved ftsr tb JitfaarTaad far tb BSperstraelar of Ilia 6ridefc FramMdaftar Ulk Ji.i-h-miII U.. Uttln.; .1 .L? a . "r""" ml amnio, h road , aad wlhaata. of ih. Maaoary aud Kap-rstm. larsaf tb IWd(rss.aiid . fh,, aad drsaiaas fur . ssvs st ths time of lbs Hail Rjad. ' Bids BiaV Im ftuMaaMla liv .., , . ieatlksX-CKait JtuUra-a..l...rayi4:aJ!T,T- . a , u ; , . . .. ""HKIIBAO. rrvsiaasit m a. ; Kail I " ,'- ... Vr-". .vT, ,....... ( and petiiioiied for a permit so to do, but in perfect kt-eping with his oilier set., tlie Pre. idem refused, a compliance with their prayers and they were obliged agajj to embark nn board the Miasissippiand lenvt for England, where it i. undrriood the wifo trrd children ol'Kossuth are to remain while he vtsils Amur, ica. On the J7lh. while watirur .ior a reply' lo his polilion lo cms Fraili Kosetiih'i nrt raie ecretary, Lieut. Colollel Jliaski, sent the following letter to the .Mayor of Southamp ton, England: "Not bring able lo give yon exact in forma tion aluiut the time of his Excellency', arri val at Southampton, dill feej graiified to be Ihe oriran of coinmiiniealion of hi. firm inten tion to go, fn evert- ease, for some fow tlav., to Engl.nd: which, should he be not rero'.ii. ud to excciiie directly frjm Marfc-illes, be nas tieciueu lo proofed Imn.ediek- tn .. r . L er o C ., . 1 A II aaamhara tit tha 1 W-.l... . ,. . i i I . , 1 . . -. 1 . . ..Luu.- , . . . . ..-"r: "r.:.S?;M.!i...0!L!SS LiiRiano, and .In. V,..l... TU. a-.a :.. -I..L. .. . :. .7 '," syi ana ill l.i le'1 with sea wcknea. desired to recreate I for lost time The county is divided into 42 ...raias.-ivc oy travemigacros. f ranite hy land .Wchool Di.incl., jit 38 ... .cicg.-apii meir wi.iies to laouis Tsapolwin Publie gansrally te sttend the Pablie Hneakina !..!.. Capit-d 8iar, Th high rputatisa'thHpvak. r far their eloquence and ahilily. Justify as Is promising all who may fasror us with presencr ... . .. .v. V IH,.' fcaargl.ould th wenther be nnCivsaabIa,iaJ - iaas uie t'resDytcrlB hurch can b procured for tb occasion. Spirttx 'tli I'Aji."' r i i , " . , ,,, wu n nn ii, w a it-aril Ir. .l. 'r . l i . ... . oia s aruurvngii j rrss, acnoois nave been Itcpl during ihe year ending 1st Oct 1851. in 84 of the Districts, from which re turn uv been received, 1 31)4 children have received instruction, tig : males '840, females 494. The .mount expended for tuition du ring ihe yeari. 83,244 98. , . ; . . Ftitf. Obi. . nk for an a In;n for hi children there; while he proceed, in the United riiatev t" ihank, peraonallv, tor ihe most cenernn. ai.l and awisMnce which the neoolr. Con-rr.... 4 wtmrr-rrf -iftrtTiiiWa Sia tes htmnreil Nftms Nsvinanosj C-iJirAXV. W ua.ler- stand that Ihe Corps of Engineer, engaged to eurvey Neuse River, beffan ooerstirm at Newflerne on Thursday morning last. The tfnj-rhr party will proceed np the.riier . far as the Falls in Wake county. We W lieve lltat Col, Thoinnsorn. ihe Chief nsrslelirtetlirtatllrr mtnrf fould be com pleted in two or three ruonihs, to se may anticipate a full report upon the river by the Thb Ferrrnrc Hurl! Liw-Ehe is persuaded that President Fillmore ein nev er be trusted with the exi-nuinii of the Fitgi live Slave law, notwilhsunding he joined in making it i..w, hul the Union i. equally "rll pcrsiipije ecute that taw to the letter, though they were member, of the Senate at llie time U passed, ....I ttt.J 4 . - r - . . r v ill uis 4yMinjeplaiBt iT't lo (1iieral C a, and judge Iougls, we presume that M r, mTrkablffitT aT' f 1 I. -'W lit. people of Mii..ippi, when he MVS marable ni .mirdea ihe party unusual ad- lhat the Fugitive Slave bill paased Uia Se'n ysjDtagr. in making the cx.nimsiion. requi- ate by the "absenteeism of the North." Ho tiota. Ken. i iiijAi ...J.. . r...., Jetffiron Davi. arludc In hi recent '-RmV Ro'therftiH, th'lnitMr. Jos. C, Cslhihas rorelgn AeWa. Arrival of the Hermann. Tb. Hermann brings English date, ti th. 8th October. , . , , , Cotton la Liverpool, was firmer. Kossuth wsa exported at rlootl.ampten os th 12th Instant II had puWisbed an addrss. os tb rafa le! of tli French (roverument to .Hew him to pas throogb France, which dlspleaed many of hi Eng lish frtssds oa account of its ullrn .ton- A tJot hrlech JiTuTgtd to sssasainste Kossuth n bis srrl- val at Southampton. Two Anstrisnrstac had left Viaana for that porpose, and th authorities had rs Ivsd b tax1 every preen utiua to protect bho feUite-Tmniif. I ... ' I.,,- -t' r rawed lata 41 t dullsrst Kkort leaf 1 a 1 Ua sjkippiax Isaaf 4J aft sl.41.1 MsrsUiriiir f dulls. t uUua and flour asvliaad shads Iubson. d. llinrd. KRWIIEB MARKET. . Baeoa II (i 111. Hams It 6 t. Cm. harsM. 1 M (a) t Ti. Cottaa S 4. f 0. riour to, m. JUo. laaats 19 f(. It. Tnrpi ntlns, B.W din, I.KK lis t.lh. id dip . (i 2,U for ts.rh) seraHi tM I.OI. Itu. sia $1 (0 l,U. I'iUk l.tMS. Mpirils (ah SU (a, 1. JlfllTllBlEm. 'vw-s!l,rS ,.' rixTi, mi. .. ' a rtJEiStl THE sttntlok af a. fri.u.l. sad besl.n, J f .uaraUy, U tarllad lo ssy tf ATI piU, Vawr,, Jy. .. e, whwh, as regards qnallljr and variety, is sasarpasssd by any boas i Hurth. t'amliaS. ' My loh hsriax bea ssl.eatd with s-reat ear and" purchswd a th. west avaralils tarus I as oar ler an) Manufacturers, enables mt u nuileraat bfaottoa ta all h twad arthdaa lu Mr llaa. I lak. this sloa to mplm Irmlrr say ibatilt fur lb v.ry liberal imjipttrt hitherto nirnd.d U ue, and hy ouniinord aaeWuliv, and anrraiur,! aiirnllaa to lb wants af my trWads, I hap to ..rntinua ta th fararahl. apiuias ta geaerally sotaru.ud for mt Esialiliabau-at, . . ... f "Teilliiua'ta keep a sapply nf th. Pans! !.. and laasaVm bark Urstidy, ushl aipmaly Ha- Jlii' . sal purpoasr. and s Ura u.arltSM.1 t,f iha ebaiasst , I.... r.. tj .'. .... U....L.... ... . , n. , . .g., tnsui I iitiacea, ' ... . "a J'- PEHt'l'Js. HsIrUrb. 0. t,Z:h. mu . - TATE OV NttltTH CktWUHA " " ..... , Eat. t'orsvv. , , . ' i-a- ,,MiyFan Term, iihiT , , tlusltaa Biadsv aad oil. .; 'V j,r j Talarvar Ttva, Aaw ItevtrRtf tnl wTSTsad arkaf. . apry-aruis BO ma nilMellaa oj Ik 4Mritft. WSS Biaas- -tSFvasier si.U wit. are ait sasiil-aia J tkia r tiutts I It Is anlsrad that tha t'lrh aad atstlar Bsak.r puhllcaUua ia th Kale Ixh 8tajr lor six aks, . Biaodineth. laid Asm) llevenev and win. k ha .l ' spsaaw at tb ! trrta ef said Coart la h. Iwld tor tb Msntsiorsaaid, rh Caan ll.aist I Uwiabars. as.? -,-i i,,r ,u,a auu H..ajaa,M hcntiJlid,a,i,t lau'd eaas will k takes -minm as ta tavsj. ..,. - . Wlm., TW K. Thoktta, CWrk and Master sfsahl Court, tadM.Ui Dad Mnadsy altar th 4tb Maady Is 8pb tut, v - , Msr. fraoi M Wall at. ta 01 Wllllaat si to Forsyth. County, on tha 2ii.l scptemUr, by P. Barrow, tvt., Mr. Wm. If. LawraoeeKi Miss Elixobath A. Man Icy. ' . . s Is Chntara eosnty. on tb 7th lnt, L Rsw, Wm. Tavlor, Mr. Oruheu M. llaaaar. of tiuil ford tn Miaa Mi,n t' r.t..U.. I vs-rge w, uuutaon, r,q. uf Lhslliam, On th 12th inst. M. Isaac Colmon, f.a-wterly of Rockinghaio eoiinly, to .Miss Charity C. .I,hr. W.,a..rf geswad Jstrl f ir. If,D BKIIHIS iilt. K f " f1UBsndraixnd, barln. rasMnd frat th ntt i ," nmtrsry tn ih, of lu ritiMaa u drllxbtnil villa, Wav.rir, thro mill. wrrtaard'aa lbs t'hatssl llill raad, ke(s kwr ts isfona lh. PirVllc that ks wiskas la pan-ha-. ftw mnr"f ib. HtHv hhis aad la(hUM f tihlujiis," tut whkk b will say the SHiHKr va.b pricaa, . . a tb .ant rv.. M short, kacai bleb, and stkttrs phis dtgtjtor la llutherfiiriL flth inst.. Mr. Josenh B. Prince ..jtc. u: r ss ... raary jj.L.vte. -ssw,MTf.tiajrBaiai-- snd Mis Rachel Keetor. In Runcomho, t.t lost.. Mr. J. 8. Tbonmaon and, Miaa Adaliu Pa Moo. - la Haneomoe, 9th insl, Jfr. Riley Seartrr sod id Mim Matilda Wibb. . . ' ' SIW:H ""H.dils.alt. W !!(. . OWBiuia, to .l.-fwaa Ot tawa aou.. I.. ,L. iauvi.iii; , ,uj win arprariate ts viu shostiy is. lo II.. "itfrtuming amrciV." af that aaaful .aa ss aril, art rr. a.lifi.oa u w. V. ..i. aiae with m. la ll. l.. j luaawinn I ay.ll.vlll. Bllact, Kslrirh. dily, ttaas. pataons Wsrartr. Ori, tJr.1, 1811, HOW BBADV. Oil BALK, Wbelessis sad Baiail, ... ..f :J .,. . H. . TCRSER, " .Wllb0vt!wij B-O.ItorW sdr-ParUealsr attanUoB is sailed kt tb van aril. (t, for . ssoaik of KmnLx' Us sars and address yratv erdrrs early t . . MORKftiOIII A Vm, SI Will.. - w. T fUWo I :l,mtj IJo.BUO ! in prkws af ti oei tiraad eonsolidaM Utirty af Maryland, for lb kaaa. tf wsssasolidat.d Lattcrintf-Md, . . . 1 t'IMrJS , i . v. Tab-draws la Hs'Uaiors, Marylahd. as gatarda Nov. W, I Ml, a.d.1. tb Bap.nat.Bdtm aafsWtltDwTa . - -- . , , . r -. .,,r . T WlOtibir tattsry It'rlrawiTullats. MtMT BPI.ENitln ('HiCMK. '' ' I Prlssof tTMa, I .., I lsak. ajn . ,.M. . , Jl.ooe. lues.iss), ivaijiaa. ... . '" Tlrkrt..2S llslrrt, Its. Quarter! tim. tJ.btka. Halves. I4 Q as Mars, (ro Kisktks, U, to.nsu I I. of 4.00 I Prises mt tot ,iw Urand CnusilldsteA lottery of Maryisatj, , : vunro mt, im inat, j v-- 1 Tk draws .1 lis Ii low., Mary bud, a eaBseday nov, s, isst, - Bnn.l.U.N'T -Iibm. . i IPriwaf Ifi.toB., 10 4.HWI, 4 l.lhiS de. is, i si2 faarrs la paafmrtioa, -IS lrsa NuaihrrB 13 drsaa bailuov 1 -Tlfkst. II dbsrla smss. A Certilcau of a l'a kn. of 4 TiokM. tu ba a 1 ; ' fMli-i1rr. j proportlus, f ' ' i.O.I , --ir Crssal CsSanlidatrd Uttary of MstsW t'LASo V. f.rr mil. T ba draw, la Vslitnnt, Marylaad. a P.iaii, ' Nets la, ia.',t, : ; DRAM! riL'U KMP. I pri f l ,ww, n2,i)ii, i tjw, i kvrss, ' Tirket lls.-SharMht pntBaetlnS, ft Naiabsr ladlerv IS Dr.aa li.ll.j. , A Crtl8ct't.f s r-kx .a" J4 Th kn. s.ii U bss" , " ..w rtmtr. ttt prODOTUOS. ' : tti.aeoi . Brand Cemslidstad Wary, of Msryikad, Mi ka dian 1 1 I " " ramnrsy, Hat. I, W.KMII UllTEwk ' I,M! :,eJ! fe.el I of 9f,3, 1 kf IkMO. .' ' Ac. tr. te. . . , . - Tickets olv lBafs l pvapattioa A rertiicat of s Packs af Who. Tsfkrt. sill ba Marytaad Consolidate; 1iIotv4 .baaa at bull . i M .1 1 U . J . . I . .... ". SPt.EXIIIll Hi IH b. ' 33,W, IJ,0l! I of r.KX, I f a,. M prt,M rf :,.. ,,,f - fflkX-S. Tirkrts f 10 (iharrs I pr.partiM Csnlfh-sl. of s Parka of :t TU'kou a ill b. ' t I tHttsts -i,,-, Cons.didaled Latl-rv of Msrrland, lo ba drawa st BaL : tlatar, Md.. oa W.dn.s.1.,. tv , a k.. MAOMf'K'tNT l'UlME. ' lef tMrlf prtof l.2u! ',i prln f troo ;,.-,.:... aarb) . , , . Tirkrts aaly I. Dollars. ' A Ccnilcsie af ty-kaes of iti TkcUt wUI nt , br In prvtwuneu, Oraad Cfnaaiidsfd IUrvy af Manhnd, I ba drawa a L??UTn'- .dejw. Be. I. ORASI) PCHEJtR, 130.: I..,w. i.,u.r,. tM- ,wHt, ' ' TVketi o d..rr.. ' ' A rt!lle4 of tW.a.f ts tickets wUIVswat ,..!,, fr lS"-fh.r-. ia ,rm,tm. a Prists .a i'in elm! l aioa iiu. .. n.r.'jffHhld.t.d l..;,ry of k sals nd. lo b. dr.. . lo th. . ftty ot Ballirnor., Jld.. of Hslanlsv, Hot. 11 toil. riPI.RNI.ltiaiui.uu ' rnt of ?(l.(fHI ' I Fri.t.jd ijuM. k a -t Si. Tick eta t.hara I, A Crt!cat af JJ Tickets seat f. I j.-r Shara la 1 nrttrwrtii-. WM-rJJ "wsolidatad. Lo-Srrr, ta Ai.ri ' "T at oaiuusra, sjj. b .a.ln.lav. Sor. i 1841. MAO.vrrirEXT'rHFMK. $30,00 1 1 af T,Ss), I of I.PiKI, I of H,5.ii, I of J.s J. t Prhws of$70o:! . s.. s.. Tick.U 1 10 hbarri lo pmncrtioa. A f rrtiS-nta of Pscksj. of 4 T frvr 1 li t4bfi'es ia frvv)r'"-r. sua, '