if i f POETRY. ...... 1 . Im dKWVWi.(j6ttWiu MT8IC OF THE bOlAMM ASP THE DIMES, sftot l msie fa Ik trnkKiaf ths ,'' th dimes; Xer Um wo e-rery mi, tb migUty iolimr of wi ; eHmn, : .""" -';. " ' ' ,"-At tUBC -. I th idol of the people ; U W sands - . Th sceptre, tUt baa swayed , , AU tat wrtL, audits nicii that tat that has giv "': 7 ! i y". IV' t-' AU Ik pwr UHbr fv" . at,'.- Ay, mOtm ba km tNUmrnOf tsU , For Mother nation's foW. .. ' Brodjs spilled, awl Hve an wasted, larvs, t)oj", and jmmx. sad MMWiip;7Brt Tkrafk tk Mri of lb MtM 4 Um dlawi ' , , r , Home! , -.f Such a demon dt derifrlited " 5 tssebiwvs. so Bvy, lt nd fr. Wit thWsarlanUia sadtflansjor, Arooio'Ud. vL--'"f w their ntuto -tLt inclveo! Th botlowiliwrUd to liu dceJ of blackness Warn be wdM tlie world' MmuiI ' Aad v 11 ia the power ' f mankind, at any hour, - Taay 11 bart aff tiieir title a fnSur ttal x i . -. Ta list to the etory - Of the mslliHuows ansic of tlie dollar aal cue dime.' ' tSlV Bat oW b joye' that-faUnBlqirla " , Wits the music of their Jingle An tbe phantoms of the eweei antieipatione : - . Oftfae aiorrovai : Thai caaia loaded dowa erttfc earrowa," Aad at awallaved vttb trniict infatontlon. ' : ' . Aj)4 the gnawiaj asd tlie burning $ j !, Of tlie boeora, la the yearning - ; J px - st 5e After golil, le the timing Far ll vetaiieaa troulala tltet ehall nerr Ceaaa to tone tiiem, end their progeny, for erer! Thar la bhuU la the jiojling ef the dolbare and the -ytaaiai,.lJ..;.ll.lLl. 'J ...a!..-1 ' . .. - Mow It luVlmce .'.' ".. .ei. The Taper .1 how it gtede hie reeking eoal, Wkea from the Iparliing bow , .. , ilia beart'e delight he qoajal t, ; At tbt j1ng'. of the dollar ! Which ao Dimically followa ' AH the rest of tlie fortune "le baa lavished , '. Oa the wine. He I ravished : ! With tht Biqule of ihe dimes, v , That I flowing from the table of tha gamer. .JUw ki.htt iaJaUaf ft . And all sorrow, grjcf eailneae ' j ', He baa driroa 6tr awey. .! L i" r AUartJhly ear le baniehed,- t a, r-"And till merrliaeiK if plsnlshwl, : By tha nuhiog goak of tapheny rieneadieig thro' i" ' dia ale. ' " Fam the shuffling of the dvllari and tha dine. ,i. ,r'-' Bat hi erimee .... . g. -( jfj mtT tj, telling i Bat tka QMe-tkt an yallittg, - t i They art frantically knelling Theetory la. tha koaoroa f ki kUdra and hi ifTt.t' t 'jay 'i r Ak I his wife, hs oannot h.r, Bhe ia wearing out her life, 'Mid the (Tying ;' a, V:',v...:. . -Ohl the pain .-'j; That Is Mingling hi the tausle of ths dollar aad There Is asuaie ia Ik ehlnkiln g of tha dollar and " H ' ilow it ehlme Wn x thaehnekle of the niser ' AaiiJlt grading of hlslocksl ., . ' T.,,,,.-,.f,,V A bra he gate U bis box I For he feels that hs Is wiser , Wh b heara tit tiaUing toll -Of tha aiaei whea he's eeunting eat Ida dolbua aid .Jua.,JaaVttair Hoar It jingles!: 5, . f . - Hw It tingle ':... p 10 ordid Maslbslitl, whe ths geUt lllps fr . . """ hi fagvr ,!,...( ,: -. ;. T their laal pbte of rest I Oh but eye are fe- tBd anit, ,,';:'. . -,:.i - . Whllelie listens to tk sonnet , Thai s aanaleally Uager . i. t4-i i t . lu tha sserry tinkling chime ; Of th dollars sod tbe dime I "!H'.AlS Tbsa'aruai iweet, karoiafiiou toaofies '. -" Boeehe hear, ' sjfhea hi rosty, stssty Iron chest he olutches With tbe graas at des'h-llko fear, ' ' And the eanVered coffers eliak, 1 V' la th sordid sinner's geMea liled's sluk) And Ooa, It bt, wh knew ; " '' 1 H' been hoarding golden , ' " For ba staids apon th brink r O . Of dreaded Death's undated cllmee, ' Aod his mighty bos ti dollars In bis blerj i J And tha aawsie of thlr ringing v ., Vow hi requleai Is singing, -.. '. Itt U follows not th niesr whsr he geesi , Fora groan . . .. ,tt t. t And a awan ',. ;. ' s "" t ! " V- ' Tell hi life away Is thrown, 1 hoarding up th dollars and th Uimeij! , '";. 'J; And lb plrlt , : , ( That Inherit are:' AS th region pf 0. tomb, , , , ,,, ' Nawarw-grlnnlngi ' ' ' They r winning :"" , , Aastker kanqaet for ib worm t ' i They relieve bun, .v. -. t . . ' They receive him ' - la their hroWlaib!rb.oro -, x Aa4 be' heard the tsst ehlme . Of th masie of th tinkling of th dalbm and the , dune. . ,, i t , Walnut IUU, OU&. rttsaFisus Bain. y '' Ltaiei' OtriflBeil. THE WOMEN OrENGUNO. : 'Tim ifomen of Eugiaml, of whatever mnk, ... atudiously aeoid peculiariiiesof dre or mani' nr tml pepree idiosyncnie of rhaineterA' N where e!e that 1 have ever been cTTTo keen an observer as Pop have written t 1 ! rfothing eo trne a when yoa onee let full; . -Vraat woraea 'fcSvVfia tibsraoter tt art. J Kach esae to think, tppesr, and tpeak a I nearly according to tha orlliodox itaudard of woiuwhooil i possisle. Hardly olio w ho had any reputation to save emihl tolerate the deawf attending a woinan' rig'.iw conven tion. r appearing in a bloomer, any mora than that of atanding on her bead in the 11 iymar kel or walking a tight rope across tha pit of iha Drflry l.er. rKff t& wl TmytrtgertHf. idea which underlie the woman' right notv- itKxiucoivable ta lh greit .mast f .ngliri . women, the last Wesnniiitstcr ttevirw to the eontriry notwilhslandittg, , ', ,', ' t .'... iirMwt: jdi(.o.- stWtitwr .ibrjr- bHvt r w orse for tin. Their conversation i ct'rtatu- .,! : '' ; ".--.'' Ijr lamer ' and let piquant than tat of tht A mrriran rf the French lafc j Jh'"k Ij pvinrjriHJrufonndjwOraed culuire; ihan that of their German' iteri but none! will deny them the pwibla of terlinfr and smiahlc qtMlitif! Tbeir phvairW definp nmit niintjria-J, and fur good reasons i tlierr rliraite i mild and thny lake mnrRMer-; ewe than onr men dr. Theh- Tullneie of buat is topic of few;tt nimiratirtn among foreienpr now i plentiful in Lngi-m.l, and their cMnakjnon are marre'Ilotrtly irfir and Avlmtw. ftMupt by rerr lew in Ireland. 1 bare oaL jci-n.. llieta) rqusllfd. Andrm Uit whole, I dn not know that thwre are belier flKMhera than the Eu(lili, especially of the miildle ebsss.j 1 did noTXnlttiearirtiwraejr so remarkable fr phjeicul perfrelioB and beauty, as 1 had brew Liuffht to expect. Bom of tltem are bmrv well-formed and sinrotis t hot I think tlie rasie ia not nnuhl v an. A mnng the ladies of einile blnod," hirwerer, tliere ia mure of I tlie asserted nrtsl'irratic'iiymmnlry and beauty than among (lie men. urrtly i JMItTl. . MootsTV. Hiauiy ia never so lovely and attractive a when it is hidden, beneath the the Veil of retiring modesty. The moat lieaii tilul flower ol rtio ptrdrit that moet atlraets snd rh;iims the eties, never appear soloia ly aa when it I beheld weetly-peeping from tbe midst of jls euruin ( green leave, which serve to partiality protect it fiom the sun and element", and render its clmrni doubly inter, eating and beantil'iit A Hki ipk Koit tuTiiKH. A setisihle wn 'miinjif the doctor' srfjt:nintanc, (the moth-er-of young timily) tnteretl tn far inl'i his view upon the aulijert, that she taught her children, from the earliest childhood to ron ider tll-liutnoiir a a disorder to be cured by physic. Accordingly ( ho had always small closes ready, and tlio littk'-vpaticnts, whenever U waa thought needftd. took rubbard from rroiica. N" punishment was required. PeevtshnertS, Ul-leuiper and rlitilutrd were awtoeiiited in their minds always as cause and effect.- Sutithry, Poppinoth QtiESTtoJl. Jheew York, juurnaT ojTViimriifrct roneluticii a disTunmon about the fiallefies, and ' Popping tho que. lion si i new remedy for faiiifucs V as fol lowa: The -world may lattgh as it will at timidity. inn lull i lov oero a mmmy ciowii, uui 1 am sure tlie ( Mti;bli! girl, now many years trappy wife, would not have, exchanged the purity and IVesluicss ol' the heart thus strug gling to lay itself at her feet, for all the ease of a hackneyed lover, who can discourse elo quently of p.ision, with the llueny of one who has mithin; ut s'.Au. "' Do tell me," aiid a city visitnr to her on one occasion, if the report waa true, that your husband fainted away when making his declaralioiH". " " - - Ve," she replied with a quiet amile, "I mm! confirm the story, and I have a fancy," jibe added ibotightfully that timidity in lov. er I In general a sign or tnnocenee; mid I cannot help thinking that when 4' man '1s ll n-enLlava-Wuii tLUr ha luart h ual iii it, or he hut had too much ixuerienci in tlie Tight tAcmo. There i no more real beauty in a small waist than there is in a Chi-1 neap wSfniirifToof. Tlie TiTea tiff wliTcli the practice, in either case, proceeds is the pro duct of t most perverted imagination. Let Ihe human body, which has -grown naturally to its maturity, bo considered, and il will a-rrwthrTery- oppmriw of llTotvrrnrpite'iiTktr to wlitch ail00Jl.hai reUui'til -o muuy ot tu votaries, and which la imitated by many of humble grade. It would seem, in some in stances, at If a Utile farther tightening of the cords world render the separation of the two pant of tare frame complete.. Aa ltjtlian o man would aa aoon Uiink of opnlying these enrd to the neck a to her waist. And why f J, HCfaUstniie (Ciilpinrc will) wlucli site is a miliar give to the female figure it natural beauty. Its violation lead tu nature taking il revenge, and that decisively and summarily in distortion of the rib, distortion of tlie HVBf'th of the hip bane, and distortion ol tho spine ! Ticht lacing is tha fruitful cause of diame. Oftlii there i a sufficient intimation when at nicht Ihe eruel pressure is removed, for the blood rnshing downward from the diminish ed resistance to it motion, empties llie vessel of the head, and thus occasion fainting. Hence stimulants are retorted to, and in not a few instance -habit of intemperance have been originated by this monsirou practice. Oat emu tlmne. aru .far from -eonslitu ting the latalngue ef evil that arise; it is thus given hy Mr. Coulson, who ha written with great ability anil intelligence, on Defortiiitie of tl Hpine i' Fain in the ye, ear-ache, bleeding at ihe nose, apopleiy, eaneer in the breast, adhesion of the lung to the diaphragm, asthms. spitting of blood, palpipalion of the heart, water, tin tha chest, abscesses in the lung, rupltittt, fistula, jaundice, calculi, dis ease of th 9 Kidneys, snd conuttiplion." Molhnis, h alo shows, entail incalculable evil on their offspring! and hospitals might be fillod witli patients, ihe sufferers from tiglil laciug. Instance of inanity ire also attri butable tu the same cause, m7TliE m i Til i it. . iV MtvrliEU't) Last lessu.n. "Will yoti ploe -teach me my verses, miunma, sud then kiss me, snd bid me good night?" said little) Roger , he opened liie door sud peeped cautiously into the cham ber of hi tck mother. , ul nm wery sleepy, hut no one ha hoard me say my prayers." Mrs. I, , w,very ill indeed, her at tendant believed her to be dying. ' bha sat propped op with her pillow, and struggling for breath her lip were wh'te; her eye were growing dull and glased. She was a widow ami little Roger was her only her darling child. Every night he had been in ihe habit of coming into her room, and silting in her lap, of kneeling by her side, whilst she te pe.iled passages from God's holy word, or repealed in him stories of good snd wise me. i spoken of in its pages, . : ".llatabiiuiil tb -lady- wlW-wn wirtctirtS" beside her f ouch i M Your mother is too ill to hear you to-night. A ihe said this, she came forward, and laid her hand gently on hi arm, a if she woiik'. lead him from ths room. hW'T tagwi, ta Autobus if Jus Jurt would break. "Icanaiilgo to bed witlioat saying my pravors indued Iesnnot." "The ef tif a Jdving mother caught the sound... Although she had bon nearly insen sible toeveiy thing trsaspiring around her, th sob of Iter darling aroused her stupor, and turning to friend she desired her- -to bring her liule son snd lay him on bar bosom. HeTTefsm"at fraf' cheek nd goltleu liair nrtl cncPKOi tnetiymg uioiner, "Uogertny son. my darling child." htH the dying mother, M repeal thin e-se after me, and never, never, forget Ul "When my iMtli- HHIti tTaVatvlaVaeysSv iuc upC The cf.ild repealed it two or tbroe times distincdf and said Li little prayers Then he kipd Ihe jeold and rigid ieatnrebe: fore him. snd wentqiiieUy iotaeotrch. The next mornin he rmjht, at nsual, his moth er, hut fonnrl her stiff and cold. "Thi waa her last leasoa. Itohasnew forgfillorl it he probaWy Tlever will. He ha grown to be a. tnnn and no orrnpiu a post of honor in Maws-trttttfetu. I never eotihl look Hjnm htm riihm;l thinking about tbe faith aa henclifully errhtlited by his dyiny r.other. A ;0R0TV1TH'J H K tOLSC Youiur gentlemen and ladies, listen io truth. Yoa are not In general is careful as yon ought to be in your rhoire of sssociates. 11 yoa would improve your manners and your heart, aeek the society of tlie more pure and refined. If ynn would acquire and maintain self-respect and public esteem, shun the eom-pimmn-hip of the .loose and corrupt. He in fluence! rather "by -the opinion of the wise and poofl, than by (he. ridicule of the deprav ed. Depend upon itt when once yon have mingled with the vicious, yoa wil find it no easy matter to gain admission among tho vir tuous. Never in a single instance lo.e eight of this fart. Am. Union. WIT 1 TTvTi. Some one mentioned to us the other d.iv. (remarks the KnirkerboeVcr,) the circunistaii-'. ceot a tat, querulous liilow, who Was drives from avtage eo;ieh by pissctigei-s wlinm he hid annoyed with his growling and complaints. A cigar was lighted, when, at a preconcerted moment, one of the passengers exclaimed. "Kor heaven's sake, sir, put out that fire! I have fonr,nounds of gunpowder in mv overcoat pocket!" ! "Driver ! drive ! slop op !" exclaimed the victim of this" gunpowder plot," "Let roc outlet me out ! There is a man here with gunpowder in his pockets, and he'll Mow us nil to the !" Tliecnmplaina!it'"got out" in no small hurry, and the passengers thenceforward pursued the even tenor of their way, undisturbed by his X'l'li'SS'J'.OiB.nyaocc. , - Thin anecdote reminds ns of an occurrence which once took place at the long and pictur esque bridge over tlie Cayuga Like that mid dle western harrier of which success or defeat in time of political excitement is now pn dic- hetf". A -sratf ftom-'ftvrrrosr,- whri -vri :fi Knnre hali'ilnzi'ii I'rirndj bid hen iK.-sp.jrliftjf at the pleasant and flourishing village fSeiieM Fnlla, determined, on i!p;iroaching the toll-gale in a sleigh, one stormy winter uilit, lo "run the bridge." "Lie, down, boys," said he, In the s!:-igh, and when we get tinder the gale gro in a little ; and tremble, hut don't over-do it. Here, get under these horse-blankets." They did so, and when the sleigh c-imc un der the picket 'rtraw'of the bridge, lhcy began lo moan ami shake so that "11 was pjfeniis to seennil even lohear. ... "1 have Bulbing lets than this -tntlollnr bill, ' .iid oar wag, handing the gate-keepera bank nolo, but fur heaven's ake cliaiufi) it jusl tis quick as over you cnnl 1 have three friends in the aleiifh, who am almost dead with the imallpnx, aiid I'm in a " "Drive on! drive on! said the terrified gate keeper handing back the bill: "drive. on I nay tiAttl lima ta iry.ei?. a. Above (he whistling of tho snow laden-wind which swept over the Irozen lake, and lite trampling of horse' (eel on the bridgo thiit night, the gate-keeper heard the loud Intiirh of these wags, proclaimings that , he hat htseu -uiKen in anu uone lor: A wag ha been taking liberties with ilio reputation of tlie Ponluic iLulroad. He was asked whether he knew of an accident on that road, replied: "Never: but once a middle agtid ooupltt left PostiarHur leiriilt, and died 01 umrgeal turinuiginmi null way. '"nnSil.Tle otuer 4ay,' hatl lor sale a basket of puppies. A gentleman proposing to buy, inquired whether they were Whig or Demo cratic slock. "They are Democrats," said the lad. But 1 don't went Democratic pup- sislll?t.jMywha.?.. Jltta ,lhft,taljr,. "but they will be Whig you know, at toon M thty get their tytt optn." Mrs. Partington's resiling the newspapers praise of Jenny Lind's benevolen' disposition Mrs. Partington cam to the cnmptiincntory ex pression in regard to the "frllow freting in her bosom," which the Swedish nightingale cherished towards the unfortunate snd needy involuntarily raising her spectacles, and look ing I he personification of anwietnent, the good old lady repeated, "A teller feeling in her ho nm ! la me, if that ain't just the vay the fel lers used to do when I was A girl !" And then she re-idjnsted her spectacles snd kept on reading. "Ma," said n inquisitive little girl, "will the rich and poor people live together wheu ihey all go up lo henvenT" "Yes my dear, they will be all alike there." ' "Then, ma, why don't rich and poor Christiana associate together V "HaHy had belter put you to bed, my love yon are getting sleepy. Why 4s the letter II like a man sitting at the extremity of s branch of tree T ' Because it makes the end ftrnof. Wbv need not s man starve in a desert? Give itupt Because tie ran eat the sand which is un der his feel, (tanilwitehft tinder his feet.) When Queen Christiana ofSweeden heard that the English had beheaded Charles I., her answer was to th effect that il' served him right, for not knowing how to make use of il." - The woman ol Poland have a watchful eye over then-daughter, arid make them wer.r til de belt on their persons, to denote where ihey are, and what ihey are about. "Shakspeare haunt me m'eht and day," said stage-strutting' hero. "That he is so e ternally haunted," remark byalander, "is nol to be wondered at at all, for lie haa mom emeHy murdered him ia everything Jus has tmrtfriaKfii. Daniel O'Connell addressed a new Lord Lieutenant of Ireland thus: "If I should hap nan in ahitso von in mv soeeches. I bee? vou persorral.''Vryi-w,-'-Hr irate, "and if I should, hn ppen to flO'ig- you in the tourse of my duty,- 1 leg you will take no offence, I shall mean nothing personal."' " A physician passing by a grave-stone ma ker's shop, called out, -(iootl morning, neigh bor; hnrd at work 1 see. Yoa finish your grave-stone as far a 'In memory or, and then wait. I suppose, lo see who wants a nion- irwti """rT Why, ve, replied the old joker, 'unless U on.' ' -j - Th City Council of New Orleans are m kiugprepartioiis to rt-eeive Kosiuth, the UlaUgMiMi patriot, il l. Veli l ting sutuiort. ' 1 "Tn way or tun Ttii8oioa." Mr. J, K, rierriclt, tha w01 kBw Stitiooer New York, whose frauds upon the rerenae bar just been detected, swears, in an affidavit made since his detection, th.t h is worth six hundred snd fifty thousand dollars? enough one would aappose, to satisfy his desires, without sweating lo false invoice to increase hit wealth. Ilia proiiable, however, that it ba been by menus of such frauds that his great wealth ha been accumulated, and fl at once begun, he found no convenient stopping placn for his dishonesty. He has hcretfilorc normr good cH'sftTt'eler, "wa in the first social standing, a member of a Church, ic. What a melancholy fall! He has now assin?ed his affair lo hi Chief Clerk. Il is said ,that the good embraced in all fraudulent invoicee are confiscated, and that 50,0011 wortlchave been delei-tel sml seiled. Hi practice ras to copy invoices reducing the qiiautity, and in one in voice he passes BCO ll'dilf, upon which con sequendv, he evade 1 ihe djt . Fay. Obi. A SlMOtilo ilol'HKi -few family were disturbed Uv the: niirlrs finee. a !:ii!;in?. as thev thoujliti of a canary bird at ihr win low. No hint, however, could be found. Lwt night the nightingale coriiuieiiced its notes again, mid af ter a cooidf rablu search, the Itui8ii:ijn was found snugly suiwed away in the corner of the bed room, Al!efa creal deal of trouble it was caught and pijpvedf lo be a moue. The little creature is novSiliing in ils cage, con.iniiallv singini or whistling. Its note Mumcwbut resemble those of tin canary bird, but nol so loud- Here is a fact for nati:riliis. . Unit- Patriot. The I.ithotowv ('ak. In the case of Lithotomy e publlalod that it wjs perform ed by Ors. V illi'imsnn and Jordan, which re mark would nuike it appear to' medical gen demen that Dr. Williamson was principal in the case and Dr. Jordan assistant. This view of the case.u ould ta: unjiixt if not unfair lo Ur. Jon! in, who was principal and Jtssift- .IUIIU VV ill. A . If ""''"-'""""""".up. i.piti reltt inee to our iiilortnat s note (who at our! request enmmittrd the particulars lo w riliiitfA . mJuxdpeee pal, but we inadvertantly nude, it appear as , assistant..; i By the way, we understand the boy is al- most well. ! Pnpr-scfipving the article of lis? week will nlrase insert H:is. Mj.'f,M ChrJLL. -. 1 We Lara tlint Mr. Jonathan Heaho, of )avidon County, (near .Midway,) was found i!csd i.n the riiJ-.e:il:.-,on ilie ltithiiist. Mr. Heard had been ill a deliealc slate of health for some lime, sri ;ised lo ham beeu an a!-., hicli of dropsy. t)n file day his lifeless Iwxiy was found, lie had been lo mill, and stated lo the miller iliat he li lt too unwell io wait for liis griiidia::', and started I one, when death overtook him on tho road nbont one mile from Ihe mill, lie leaves a wife and lour children, Aged a!iout 40 ears. Aotit. Press. ty In " alltiiliilg M tlie recent iinfnriuriatc persoi.nl conllict li"tween ,'haneellor Clark, of Alabama, a Suuthern rights man, and Hon. II. J. 1 ii'insTON-, a I'nioii man, the Monl gouiefy, Aa., Journal alicnipis to be -witty We don't ailmi.-J tha tuJtu tlint attempts to make a joke out of such an affiir, especially as the joke is on the other side. Mr TonN-rNtmek-Mn Clark wounded himself in ihe hand, which after wards inflamed, and hail lo be amputated. The Jimrnat regards this as evidence thai the teolh of a fire-eater are poisonous. We think ttaJiUgiMU.CBuaUcg.iLiiltnil thm'w w.nfliot-rih. Nouthcrn righis men, the submifisionits are ea "y tiiortiitJ. '''"Xatiintr)i,'PfejiiLlg The influence which woman exerts is silent land still, felt raiher than seen, not chaining Hie hands, but restraining oar actions by gliding into lliu heart. 8tMtty-trliHWW'inatten and more uniform in practice, and your peace will be hioro unbroken" Delight in and frequent the company of good men. IfTYITIIfintiV" wmm Sly. '-' f. Crand Lodge or .orlIi Carolina. TUB A a Altai CuinuiTinTMtt.in of thin Maosic BrtnT ill bn hnhtrn iu thin i'ily, o HullisiX eT6Bf( Ui Irt ul pBOutflK'- ucit, nt 7 u'cjisuk. au1 will oon ttnoe iUi'ittins until nil tfir tinj'inci h:h hiaj be hrotiuht bePvr It ihs.ll Ix) tii-iKHwd of. Offiwn of the rttoptx-Urf Ltie ftt-n rtMtiesu-d io RUrml in p4in, r cftuj proper i.elo.itc to In MppuinU'l, ia parnunnce with tiifi Constitution anil gencrni- rrgulatiuDi of th 11 run d Lodge. WILLIAM T. BAIN, Ummd 8 Rmleljfb, Oct 1 7th. I H i I. 43-r. Jtirt Hrrlrvrfl by Kxpran. VTAJ.AJUNK KnA Vy Wno Merino!., 1 H.tMr Whit And M"U 9tA'iL, A, iumt, lwk Urtvk, ?k Urtujtt, itniiUlterrycurX. Uoutv Un, An u ltilMomi tntpply of hiiniMme IUbboni, White an! onltU, Parii Kid tiioroi, Vuiret Kihbon BmWoitJfiiig UrnitU, le. t W.U. R.S.TUCKRR. White KM. Jenny Llnd, aod ilmriie Slippw, 8i.rtli Stijilu Snl J?ifuTjHuiaii bhi Mlw ami Chil'ireai Blk ami Fancy Bovtees, Men'. lioy' Srrnf Hhora, WhicU m ar fftjring lw - W. IL A B.8. TUCKER, 4.3 0 t,D KN'QUaiJ, Pine Apple and Oo.h Chime.. rur Bole at TUCKER'S. 43 Tnliiablo Land for (ial. (H 8atantsy, th 1.11 day oT De 3f ni v oeraber aeit, oa Ike tmtiaiavs, I iW"? VvJI "ll f..r sale, the well known deelraWe eoontry reaidiMwe cai VT'X tad llarnsua's er lsurh's eld ft , . lilsx-e, lyiaff Vi vallos firmta frwm , . J.ouiilitirj. la i'raiilUia.uiu,.a i3LwsB foplar rspntie; ChnrtiS, Ih. aaid land ts situated In a Iwrtile aeetian of Cnnntry snd baa an it a large and eiimlorubl ilwelllaK S'mM, with all Deoeavary imtMilluiaa; apaulawdaiilleatiawsUeoa strwctml eotmrry aliwe honse; new gin house; s black-smith's-shdn a watt ef sated water at the store, and nevorfaitrnir aririnirs'bi abomtaiice on the land. The . ' inOO Acres, " Wlni on the wsltrs ef Orxikeil Creek, hu-re nartina ef wbivk is fr-aab and productive, sad well a.Uiied Su tha niluvatiuii or cultun. earn, whaai, . The a is wall riiaatad for a nubile hoose and the Sture Is garded at tb heat eowutry stand within the hnsnda of tlie eonnty, beveral fortune have Bees veaUaM ay the sale of suods at that ntsoe. Al Ihe aamt time, 1 tball veil thres other treats ef Lead, all e a eredik The above deearibed Irwet will bo a Id hv virtae of a laere of the Cowrt t KijaliT. aaw.ewaedaa-of'iiwe, laaw irid-rhreS yt'S'tSiTWh. iuwrrat rrava ihe davuf aale. Bond, wllh ieeiirHjr will be re quired in ail euee. ' , ; . 'an-aawawwawsa uetscev uin, jsjj,, . -w. Dli. MI M.I AM R. MH.LKR. ; srnrB Asavarnji , T.lftlXb(1k'AXfiWWS. lUI.leb, Julrl.'nd. 11 'ISO BEWABU I X AS A WAT from, the surjsenwr, recenuj, J three Nejrro men, to wlt- BOB, DICK and iT)ti raswd t Fsinon's Depot, in Ssmpson county, N. f.. end ii some years M- tom" piciiirti sad down look, I pay V he is de- livereJ u. me st Yabcyvillc and Ji exjxiiuiti ; or f VI If confined in il so I ?ct hiin. DK'K is some '1 VMntflld. strsipht swl hhcY was raised in iiert ci ,i.C.Klouu(!iiiiii Uickmond. Vs., r,: Mr. Ki i i tr. I will t.nv f 0 li takcu :a this Htnte and fnr.f!-el I cot hiin. -JIZA1UAH i ta f'-twHr A'ihwmkk I will give 'H) ami ,ay all r ipenset. if he is dtliVtred to aie, or in ray ahsent-e to Cpt. Abisha Slsdk GEO. KOIIKIITHONV Kear VncTvi:ie, N. C. Oct. 6, led 414. fil Xli'll IMMIKSTICMIIUH INE, Or Poor Han't Frit nil- ii the nfflk-lion, paia snd iickttist, i in ft anil rtllable Mklt. THIS lli p-.im. out. id piaia lnirujro. free from doctori' U-niiil. Ih of Men. Women, and Ciiil'tr.-o, auJ ihd latt-io amt ui.nt uuiiruvtNt meant uetl In their enre, .-wi'l i inu-n-U'l ei.rely for Ihe Wiwrllof fniiUcs. V. nlM contain leeritii,nf the Slr.lH. X.L ll' ITS A'-H llKRBH .or THK i KiTl'll t-TATKa, wr.-t how they are I" Le ns.'.l in !ti eur,' of .li-.iec. :il i nrniiit-vt on n urw ard plsn. hy waieb the prw.ie!-of Aijui.-inv ie rcluceu io ,rfa4-L.ia of conj eum i n?.: Ihir invalushle hook h paiwil Uiroaeh many edi tion. ; ii In.- now Imm.-ti rrvifctt im'l iu;oroved in every r. .-j.-il. hi; I rr.hir-' t In ii-jrly iloulilt? il. f.nuer ?iie ; and i'.-nt'iin. nil," hiiudriil i-!v. pujri". It t'S?i not r-ropn.e to ,tii)neo with jyyr'.enu4 in severe ciiien; it diei .r.tM..u to "live ihoa.iir l.. mi'l t'n of thou-snd iinnimtly, hy nailing the mcivnf of enre intw (yvery m.m's linnd... and ut earin j many ;iiu:iile livi (vvhili ill of t'tr mora linp.iruince) by in'fr'.ielin r i,.Jivi.lu;,! how chei k disease in Ils l.o- rilinini;ii, b'.lore it ban oc.Uire(l V Ulueb strength to rciial Mil IMcWouie. F.ir Sale l v lll:XRY 1. TI RNKIt. . - Js. L'. Hook Store. IUlei-li OvtlSjI. : . iz 4 ir. II. J- R. S. TUCKER, PARTNERS ANO ICCCK 8 8 O R 8 TO H. Tl'CavKR A HltN', No 0 & ft, Fayettevilla Street, Rnleigb, .iaoiible Hat I :niHrlum. At this E;u,Mi!u n n ill lie found at all times one f 'he heat a..mncnt f Yi-ir. lieom in the I ity. or , M,nnfMrnr, f w. p. rl,urtnn and W. c, 11 il.,. ,t ( o.; Ihe Kri.r, Hroansn, Itatsa, Kvaaaaa, Aiooua. ud Scai. Iima IUv! Army, Xacy, Ariel, l!u!ui;i, TrmxtimJ, Drtss, - ai.U Ojxra O.j. .Jllttnia.iro-iU-w...aiaad- eaadatiiia-tiie- ' the Mrcl.a.i- f hid r:lah:ialitii.-nt the rnnk of jieriority nrnl r eoiuiji. ii!...l it (, tliiu. a of In.-It. ilire clu'ill'iiea which hiia hilh-rto lac lijioi-oval au.l lirelei't-u. of licu- reel NO TICK. riII IC Suliit-ril'iir ia aiitlmrijed toat-II 'layM! X valuable taaW of land lylnir in f .v.'V tl"" aep'-r en-l ol ii-tlltal county, Snrtb ti5rvii ' t':r"linl4,'n tl'v ncigbborliood of llrink Xss lerrille, a-ljuininn lbs lanila of th. late H in. 11. Thome. Joatph J. Wiljiaiua -na a aaVM other. coutiiiiilnjf Ptirt acrca by a of tho latefol.R. lt.ti'I. There ia K'xm1oiiI eonvcniunt Uwolliti llouacuulle tract, aiitltfotuulittie rcj aira, with olh.jr ettt'Ooarom-wti'l a nareTfatlirif aairing ofgood wa ter aa smraacoold be dcaired. I dccio it noupceaaary to aaj anything with rcjfard w, tho qitalitj of the laiui, i-rly I ttiiiik ii "jual to to tho in-'isiiborhnod lamia, aa no pcraon uitiil purchaao without vii-wtng. A great liar-iin van W la-l Ht-whtr. omnypnrt.- - ' Any pr.-un wiahnif? to purchaav, cud find me in Ihe' r.eighuurljouu of the littid. W JI. liltlMkLUV. Jear Brlnklffyvilla. HulifaT eo.( N. C, 1 Auiruat -Jih, 1KS1. J - s.t -tut. itAI.F.ir.H POMT Ol'HCC MAIL ARBAXiJEMEXTS. f&irihrrn Jni7-flr Ki.ii Koad, Due daily at 1-J n. m. and cl'wca 9 p. m. jtoiisii'. ' fwwovrstarst-aawwriy-Trs: ati'Mossi' 12 w. tirtatsbflrmutk-rY trurborae :tatze. due iIon-Jay,..TVeiU a .lay a.l iintuaday. at. 11 a,. $1. ,4- tioaw liawdia4' IVeitua lay uiol l-rKiny li w. .N'.o-'.-rf.--l-Hir-horae !!ll, -lit IV.jaca.lnv. Fritlnt an. I Suii'lnv at .'I a. til., an. I cloaca Suiilta, Tueaday anu Tiiiira.liiy ul II l. m. y'.r'M-.oi jh Two- h'-irec at-is;, tin-- Morday, To'adnc dy auil a'ri.l. al 1U p. m-, Mondays VYcdoeeday aii'l nur ,:i c ;ir i j.. m. day ut 7 p. m., and cloaui r'jilurday and Tuoaday at H p. in. fosooroNit One-horao mail. Due Friday at 9 a. ta.. and ctoaea Friday at 1 p. m. Jfitti .Vyt-iHTe Horse Mall,dae Monday at 4 p. m., and etoaea Tbumday at 9 p. m. Lettera ahnuld be in the Offlce flltcen minutes hefor. :lh.-taetrfetirBr.- -"---"" Tb. OfHoe will be open every day, exeept Pwaday from I o'olook a. m. until 9 p. in. On Sunday, It will be open fnn M to 91 s. m.. and one hour directly after the departure of the Western Mall. MANUFACTCKIXO ESTABLISHMENT. JOSEPH WOLTERIXQ (for a numMr of years Foreman in the ll&lcirb A Gimtou Kail "Koud Ulacksnilui 8hop,) respeotfully snnovnees to the citizens of Raleigh anil the surrounding Counties, thut he is prepared to manufacture Loekt ofalltleserijitwiM Ountand I'ialoU Carriage Sprvi;i MM Hor ifaisa C'ealia. And, in short, any thing in Machine snd Blacksmith Work. He is also prepared to exooute 1IKLL UANGIMt at the shortest notice. Also, haa on band aa exten sive aaHortmcnt of Looks of all kinds, at prices from 10 cents to 20 dollars; Kdretools, an aaaort ment of Axes, lrawini;-knivea. Hatchets; Ham mers, Files of various descriptions, and a number of articles in hie line too tedious to mention. All orders faithfully executed at the lowest prices, asd new work entrusted to liis nre-wtV.e warrant ed, th-ders from a diatanoe will he attended to sad executed at tlie shortest notice. His Establissment will lie found at the Knhiifth Kail Korid Depot. Repairing in his line performed with neatness and despatch. Also, a general assortment of Guns and Pistols constantly on hand. JOSEPH WOLTERINQ. Rslelrii, March, 1819. 14 tf. I'. S. Hit T.itahlwhmnt u iienrmoved tt Fay- tlltvtm J7rrr, Adlaiys, -v. t-'. Raleigh, Kept. 1st 1850. UKU RDIA EtBBCB rOMPiST. 19 Nassau at. New York. "It rANCFACTURE sad hare for sale on favorable XI S-terma rite larirest stock of "iriiodj ear's Palcut Metallic Rubber Goods" in America, Warranted to stand all Cliinaleai eouaiat- mg of Coats, Cloaks, Ponchos, Legato, Vantsi Caw, Bon' - Weaters, BlankeU, Piano and Table (lovers' Crumb, Carriafre, and Il raa Cloths, Sailora' and Trsvaillin; Mage, Oold UiuKenr" Kiplorinf, and illlitary Wood a, Diving Dreaaea, Ureaut Vmapt, Syrlnires1 and articles fur Drueeiat and Burreona. Kn.in. and Factory Houae, (ia Tubing, Horse Fenditrs. Kuapp's a mth, i rei'ioiu, vow-miiaer, jiiacuilie netting, folia, Toy a. Life Preaervera. Cushion), Pillowa, Beds, Wliipa, bridles, Wsjron and Boat Floats, Boo. b'j"P."lis, Canteens,. Wter tanka.. Pails, Fire llucketa, ate. Articles for - the Trade, nude to Order. Jaa. tail. .VOKTII CAHOLIM i ML8IC KTOKIi. w IIKRF. may always be found Mueic and JCaateal ercanaias or almost every variety, and at 1Mlv tfet'iSjinnc HH-.tli ituuuuC' rianos, Bera'aiBa, UutUrs, riutes, Violins, Banjos, Aeeordeona, Muaie lloi-a. Flulinae, Violin bowa add bridires,-halr for bows, Italian snd Jrman lauitar and Violia StrinsA Piae and lHlcUaae wtrea, InatnietloB Boohs, Blank Hooks, Portfutios, music-paper, drawins peuoiia. and patterns. A aplendid aaaortment ef cacravUig) and patatinga iw lawniHU. ... . Aecordeonf repaired. -Oilt Prames ef anv sisecnt tn erilrr. . - - u, ... -. . . . 1 ii mm wiaTBTaraiTiTal!,""-T i 1 : ' - " ' VMV: BDll'XI.a....i...... at ST received a few setts ef asadaeseo Oma. else, also Bllver aad Plated gpoowe asd Forka eau m ta Aorta uareina faahiaaaabl. J.m. ellery Sieve. . , , ' Dec th ISM. ' PAI.J1K7! A RAMS1EV . On hand a brje ovlrieiit; , jsf. flo Raiora. -foeket fia2l'Po Ksiivcs aaat cKisswr.' '' J : ' "ALJIEB at XAUBET, HARUtVARR AXO CARklAGF. HATEH1AUI. ii:Miii-MABy - rirmsMiuif, va. , lias for le, sud iuwtdj to ke)i, a full supply of the folWwiu artielv : : FUK CARRIAGE MATEKS. ' ' Ellylie Snrinr. 11 ia. 3 i'ste u Xr in. phite, Selkey Axkf, I J and Ii ia., lioggy Alias IJ and U ttrchef. Oarryalt, Itrf.aehe sd farria.o A.rle, Cnrrye.ll, lluey sri-l Haruutlc lio. Uulu. I viiit . rir-dres 4 Shafu, Ii ifoueSe .-.!:-! I'arr ae S'. Hfth'hnl Platee m Kini, Coach Lnreii, Xn.da, Tulu, jl'rinjres and, Binding, Drab and Uluo Cloths; lutaake, all eoloia, Ktwt and Silver Unhand Hand Handv, hrass, l latcd aiid Japanued knoha, Brax, PUlcd and Jrimnoed Nulla; Juih Irons, Laiaf.. of Rilver and Kiwi Pbte, ail sttcp. . ii iioii. m. , ..uoiiv. tAmiuvi ail vwora, V....I t.n.,,.r lli.li M,.,lii,m ..l il... Daib llnok. ami Itinire : Juanried Buckles, Malleatde Cnfttnit'und U'aaher )Mr.e. all kinds. lacks, Screws, Uhua, I'ar, tilae. 11 lack Moas : Tojfelber wiih a general ateiiHnt of FoWt9K AM) lioMKSTff HARIlU'ARK. TOOho aniubwtur i'annera, Mechanics and Home Ke.'jter., All of which wil! he sold, Wlvlea!e or Retail, at much lower prices than heretofrro. Kvory Man Ills Awn Tuner. TIMl!? rinhkitribcr baa been appointed sola agent for X Uie &toe of North CaroHiin, for lircavee' l'att nt chromaUc Tiininj; Fork-. Tills 'Inonnnrnt triveatbe ctmiraati acaiw m e'tuat teui;jcramcnt, auataiuint eaeb tone much longer and more di.tinctiy lluiu cominon inning fiirka. Hy ite aid, any peraon whoe car ia cor rect eiiou'li to draw rlrina lo unimn, can runo planoe nri.t similar inatrvorlcota with perfect correetneaa. Thia iiiatruintiiil wiii prcave of great value to all wliori ai'le where the ecmcce of Jirtitcaaionnl tunera enr.noi be pro cured. Price $' H. iljch act ia contiiinct ii a-fuiall morocco eilae, niol can he caaih and safely sent to any Jiftrt of the country. To leaders of Choirs, these inetru aients will be found of jovat utility aa the " Key -note " can heitivon at once with certainty nnd precisifii. Orders by mail will receive prompt alt.-ntion. K. W. HiTKHfrlMA. lUleifih -V C, Jne Sd, 1st I. 25 mm mi sic. 1) EOEIVI'IJ i'lliS DAY n splendid assortment of X ow n ' !iooHble Mw-ie, atflon- wliirn -msrr -he i'ounirtlie World's air lTifrk"a. coin)oad ty A'inc-nt Wal lace, with one of the b"st lithor.-ipha of tlie tyaul Palace. 1 be Infant rintmmer. le fii- In l.Hvit.l. r.-. The Natiouiii I'nion (pplcn.litl enijmviiig.) Il.n H..II, Wneii Tivilifiht la cloain?, Ac., Ac. .vi:.--" A ne-v rupp'y of (iuitara, iolina. Accordiuna, and Flute. K. W. PKTKKS1L1A. June :r.l. 1 -."it. 4j if "a" Narth Csndlna Faahtmiabla Joweh-y fitorww Jt: II HI, H Y, II A IVllhH do. 3D0ZKN (lold Lever Watches from 4(1 to I5. d.Xua. Sliver " Jll to S50. A large Aaaortai.nt of Faahionahle Brcaat Pioa, t-tnaTraiid Bar Kina, tlrwil i'ciiuila, M'auh Chair, Fcala and Keys, Hold taicketa, (.'tlll'.Ttitia an-1 I'cna, 6 !om Silver fipuctiiuia, .j-rni? Slarl fti., .--ilvurtiird ( nacj, lei.i-l and lortoL-c Slii-Fl Do. Vlnlri f- Clatle Laaaa aud-apkin itiuas, 2l i-a. Mlvur Spoons, Latdlet, P uirar Tonpra and Cnpa, A Large Aaaortment of U. 8. l'lated Fpoons, 1-orka and Kuived liT.iltldc.iu S Inrie- Anortini-al of Knireasod ttssors Fine Quulily. l'lated Caatera, Canuleati ka, Waiters and Baak.u. Aaaorttaent of Cloeka from to ;ill VI aaranted. Perfamery, Kxtructs anil Colo-ne and Soar. Shaving, Hair and Mail Ururllt a, Money Puraca and l'oekct liock lea e!ta, Vaitori snd.TaLlc.Kui.vea la. Settay Revolving 1'iatola, beat Uuality, Cbineae Kana, llouet Huldera, Waikiaw (laaea, aje.r-e.- Itw shv hatriiist r fr towTcwiT sr the -"Thnh and we think e.veell. iu bctinty nnd laahion anv Dro- vlous stock of Jewelry nlfcrrd in tliis place. We are better pn.utrcd to r pair all kinda of Watchea. hav ing put' lni.-fiin i.trrr aaattmcut ol Xoola andMaUrials. Jewelry raire.u In otdcr. I'AL.MliR i HAMSAT, ilaJL, Mprlng and Hummer Clothlue; for ItsSl. & CO. HAVE roaircd within the lnat week npwards of SKVKN TI101 fiA.NU UObLARrl worth of alTERlflR HEADY MM CLOTHING. of Hielr'sMBataetare. they have bestowed pettier lar care and attention nnou tbe manufaeturins of their fnoda and feel confident that thev raneihihit to their cuatomera the LAKUKST AKD CU01C1MT STOCK IN THIS market. Ihoae that wiah to pnrehaaeeood fllHnp; twita. Pants nd Veata, made upin a superior atyle, will hewellpaidby girini; ua a call. April 7th, I Set. 1S IIOPKINM ti FAI1K IIII.I), (Srrrmra lo Orrm rf- Jtf.pl. int.) I -TV n 10. No. 230, Baltimore street, HALTIMOKt:. Alwsyaon hand, a largo naaortment of line snd medi- amCLUTHlMi, Wholeaole and Retail. mr-One Print Oulj.-& 8 lyr NOHTIt CAKOMKA Mutual Life luauranre Companr OFFICE RALLltB, N, C. riIIIS Company continue to insure thelWeaof I ail healUiv nhita pmuns aadelaTes. 1 be irreatest rik taken on a sinclc lilSe is J5000. PlftTffl ar innurti for ft term of one to fir years ior aa tneir value. OFTTCEHH. Dr. Chaa. E. Johnson, PresWent, H'm, 1. HarwiXHt, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wni H. Jones, Treaaurer,. -Perrin Butsbee, Attorney. ir. Wm. H. McKee, Examining Phyaician, J. Bontman, General Agent. AH Tome are paid within 90 day after eatiafae- torr proof it presented. iUanks and Pamphlets, showing tht plan nf ope ration or the Company, may be bad on application at tlie Office, or any of the Agencies. All letters on business should be ad dm aed to James f. Jordan, " tStcretary, April 28, 1851. 19 tf. BTIITTOX & TODD, tKOCEES k C011ISS101 HE1CH15TS Oppotiti Friautt Uuld, Sycamm Strut, PETERSBUKO, VA LANaJPOH HALE. SMALL farm, eowtaiain about 10 seres of good land, well-watered, near the Newbern ataee road. Mm 'MtAH ,,ftiW., at.. tjr .ft.' i -m i 1 .-"u.u ixun t.aiirinn, ii ouuren. tor sale. A little more than halt of it ia cleared, some fresh, sad with proper management the whole mar he made very productive. Piraotudeslrins; In uveheas, may lean .mCr imcaiara oy apppijtng at the BlarUmee dune , ISil. jt A large supply ju received and for sale cheap hv W. II. a R. g. TUCKER. Owevii ''mt"i Cora 8ttrefc fur Psdduijra, Jnatreoeivedst TUCKERS'. R4bhanel Rlhhon.l i II TSi-t. 11 . W..I. KL n bii ttitibons. w. a.atn.B.'nrcKEii. it ais tbitordaue to susupntre. ' riur,lomplcu(Vnewrdanets8hsJiapesre: Belnfa iT."5-lU x to " " PI" ta the Drwmatie weak, of ih. Piaat,- Of Mrs. Cowd.cn Clarte. .t ;''. 2 :- of iralc by u. l). turner, ... . ' ... - M. ft Bookstor. oeH. 1041. !t 31'. iV.i '.tfii.M -'IT' - . ST-aTC Of KORT1I CABOUJA., Cottrtvf Pilot and quurttr Stttiont, Jlututt . Ttrni. 1651. , ' Jsr Tfolaon, Fr.' of fnan.h Kemp, dec's pv-a. Fus. .'oabua Kaiu, Ji ai l Ken.p, Jae h UoUuHi wife Ruth. Job A'len sr.iwileWilmct, llHhsdHrt,.!!; sedwirV Kurh.l Miwaa-l'ox amdwire Am, Jeaa Kews. John K. mp, JKfh Jol aroa radwifr ,CilsaiK(gI: Jihua ktmp. Irlsen Kttup. Iru.ancL to.bioia Kcw! Jonb Kemp, srt of J.ah Kcwip,' who low hi this t half by Ibeir tiua.-dian giiuun liixnn, re. ,-. - Jeaae. Kemp, Fen ef J-hn Krwp deed, and Helra A Bvrry Kemp. deed, .'nl a Caabub and wile Milsaet.i J'rutivH j'vt vecoitut and firttlmtnt. Ordered t y the Court that Pwhlicaitoh he' ndaV the North I arulina fi.r (a Kewvieper pahluhed ia IW Paly of Rleith) for six auceraaive weraa.farao Meah denta to appear al the next Terns ef this Ceant t. held for tSe Omnia of Ciiathasn, st ihe Cowrt Baajaasb, PiltalHironh, on the 2nd Kuadny nf Kovmber Kaxl ' plead, anawer nr demor ta aM Periffajli, erthesmei" will be taken rae res nusu, urd heard caparte ss s them. tViia.-aa. tTIMiam P. Tayler. Clerk ef Mr said Pearl, at office the seeosd Monday of Auewst, A. Ja ISSL W. P. TAYLOB. C. f! o (Price sdv. ,!,) ' tr-sw PHIVU!.G INKS, - Hutcliinaon A Co., So l3 n StreH, SSW YORf . , i KS'ii I. fsH pi 1 A TI Xi Fr Steel and Uthfjrniphi Printing, and IV fina U.k and Jtb Work, wliit b they twrj-(7 to be comw sd if Ihf piin-t niattriii:-, ai.d t work eavUy&VaS ur-linary prtuft. This xiimfitpisitinnri in ihofp Ttiks . . . , . ; !t nrr g rtciint;M and pmiatK'Bey U work di eriitv . .i. or I nk d now in ur-e. S at prices Ht-viaff fVt-im fa ol?. to $4.(Mperlb pot up in tuft,, (,,, furwattiij tt ordT. II A- Cn. hIki) murmffii'titTt" roJoi-a-i' fa.L-.j ... . aaaarui rrwvy f IMS and -unlity mrTiiig lrooi $1,0) to .'-.,utjpor Jb. Mt nu li, JJwfs HOOKS! HOOKS!! UOOKSH! At tbe Mortli lurollftn Mokitor.r UtMl D.TtUAEH, ruiliahtr. JJookttilrr, vnti Stationer, So. 1, Faytttf tilte $trtt, Jitttttfht A'. C. T as alwavs ou kwnd a Uig sad general eollee I tion ot Law, Mviivcul. Theulegical Classical, ' ilistoriral. Voyages, TraTcls, Novels and Jlitcslla neons Hooks. ALSO, a very extenaiTe assortment ef SCHOOL noORH, kc, Dlank llot'ki, Ledgors, Joornais, 1 j iiookc, Check lion Ice, miiT any other kind that Kay he wmi'l, nuuiufncturod to order. Together vita a. tiiitiJAi iAsHui timeiit ol i TA TW&KR Y ' PartiptrtTrr rMtirtinrr ffiren -to-nHnjf1 a?V erttrt compleje from 11"'ikseiler. Merchants, Teaeaett " and private individuals. And every article ia Ua line sol 'I at the (oicest prices for cash or approve cd credit, either at wlio.le.-ule or retail. All new wnrVsreofsivftd as soon aa published. Kalt-igh, Nov. 8. .. 47 i:v i-Ai l. a n i fs TVf R Kuumiir" J I BT A II K 1 V. I, ijsl) ItAlLT AURIVIHQ. li. & H. IS. TCl'KEK rvi.ctlutly annovnette Tf tlu puf.iif. that iiMny ut the mu des iraW af " tit It- toibritt!!-i ii Llit-ir inrf tiiid t j ite Mtirteak ill tall st. 1 Unitr (iVfiiie, ntlc-t'tid with tare . by oae of the Firm, iu Uiebeft North em raarketi, bare been al ready rerivilaado,H;Dvd;uthriiare Uilyamving:aa4 they flutter ilif mch?ii t h vx . Fill L tnjuUdMl tu aset tho iloiiiaridi' for pontic tit every den-ription, ou as fooii term u the) eau Ir- kvlt iu tltp tuurket. 1 haakiai luiv -itixl fiit'.turiifjfi! hy the vi-ry liherai ptttrotiiKf beito4 uin thfin firif-c ttirir connertion in bufiness, tbsy have rtnturtni to hjy iu a very bavy utock, to bic( thry invitv the attcntiu.i nf parthanars, hoping Xttii effort j to BcronimidHte will nit fkil to pleant. ' Tbe attention ot the- Ladiea U rtpecUUj inTiteAld . tbe fidfdwin rleflraldt1 (lref;indK Hupir It wale A t'bamfleon Hilka, lUue lilaek A White Watered do Ll'k (irti ie Khine 4 Ifcilim. do Plaid fjolid A Faney Lutetitring iH Onbuiere 1a Econnu, Figured ltrilli.ii. reit - ' Ijiajtiim Frcm-h Mnrinof, Knlis-h 1 (ro'tunu do - tolid Pat-HiaettHK. liirb Figure .PwteM'PaThi D- tainesv Plain A JrHnt-y l'o;,liutj, P.lnt.k Silk l.nc-f, 1'tji p iilk Fringes, Ftirii" Kid (iluveii, Bnttini A Trim mi np1, LHcalhiped Kmhruidered Han kerchieft ....jPwittkJ-atkuw.. - - rhemicett, Colin rv, CndowleT, CntHaW Miutiu Uaudu, Kdgiuga A Iiuertings, t . T- Ae., ... W.-IL- AJUaVSCCKfcfe. - HI II MAUD' $ inrKOVMIIT IS T A N N U b ! thip intitiLr lMi'avA.f iMetv&vauast m tub 4lV Or TASJtlKG . on tha ujorft a'ti'miiiotitiiig terms, to the Tuaaera uud othern di.")'ped t endive in iht) btiriineas, ia North Caroline. It ia a truly r,.t dtoovery, ani baa beea thoriiiiixhly tr'teHl and proved to poeceai all tbe sastita nttrihutrd to It. It advantages are, eatefly, ia ebeap tning tb. preceM of tnnning, reducing tbe eoet at kas per cent.; iu (juioktining the operation, s aaaeb s. '-fbt-tvMVWTT a -k, kid in itr.'t-r rfoys, and .) leather iu forty le turty J'ty; and in makiiig itrocger, more pliant, better and handcomer lend er thaa by the old method aiak ing even tkrtp-ilrimt nearly m trong as light ealf, aaA not only better for trimmiugi, bat eacellent for sue'S fine in turner hoof nnd tkittt ! These are all fbets Veil robfftautiateri by abundant testimonials In aeseSssiea of tlie subcriher, a veil aa by oeeular deiavastra4iss at tbv? 7'" y'" hoHvibnrtj iH Wftrrtnle. lUghtii are nffpred for sale, by the Astigaee aa4 Pw tenteo, W W, Heid, to niiiDufMiUire, vend and net said Imprnvement In the States of New York, Maine. Wear H&inpp.hire. Vermont, ,PennylvAalaMajyUJ wore, litriit of Columbia, Virginia, North Careliaa,, Florida, Georpa, Alahsma, Tennesse, Arkansas, Mhv sonri, Ao. i. ' ; AFplicatitiim for rights within the above name State, and especially in Virginia and North Carolina .... or for Information on the mhinst, add rented t tbe wu deiigncd, Agent for the Aesigneeand Patentee, poet paid, Louiahurg, N. C, will receive prompt attentive., ABRAM FPSNCKH. AfL Lovitbur, X. C, &pt. 2:j, 1H6I. CnrrluKP iTlaklnsr. C-VJta THE Knliaerlher would reawctfully lnforsl vtf the 1'ublie. that he still eentinnes to esrrreS the snore bualucaa in all its branches, and ia 1 ly manufacturing and has on hand and for sale, sil aeriptiona of Cnrriwjtt, Bugfic, ifod-aetwaye. " tmieerl erery variety rf work in his lice at swslseaa, which he oflcra for sale low, snd warranted Is h sf tb beat wnrkmanakip and materials. A- tn Thnnkfid for paat encouragement, solleits ee linnasce of the aeme. Hi. eatahUsfanaeBt is beat It9 yarda east of the liaptiat I'hurrh. I WILLIS D. WIIAIaM. Ilalelgh, Sept S3, 185t. ..!-'' r.Iv.urd's Works. j Jossaths I-ltiwiB'.iS' Coan.wra Wowas, Ksw 1st tiox 4 Vols., 8 V., Lisuihv Sml" C , ' I)nMMied from the orijriniU Worrester Edition, wil-. out alteration or mutilation ; snd this Editie . tajm, in addition to the general index. cowa4earsa' of acriprnre text,, preparci at anal expense aad evf, before puhliahcd. ' ' -For Sale by f: '" U. D. Tt'RSER, N. 0. Beoltatefe. Raleigh rJepL 1851. - " Work on Cooking, aVc T mi!E UNITED STATES Practical Beesipt Boa. .1. tioiuplete C3Kik slid (.'onfectioaer, -M iaa Brorher'a Domestic Receipt Hook, . -if: Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery, Modem Cookery, by Elite Aeten, Virginia Houaewife, hy Mrs. Rudolph, a ' Mies Leslie's Lady's New Receipt Book, far eeoklag, . UI.SMrt.B ork , Vor Sale h H. D. irRKER, Raleigh, 8eptl85Ti Qr We i ar wth'oTiied to a'n" Cb . W- .; .dklet,. for.tJi on.y.C''. Clerkship of Johnston County th okoic J mad, by th Magistrates at Sovessber Tsars s said Court, !- Ititislc and PIiM. UwM TCST RECEIVED, at th Kovtk tWlns Store, S.Otiu piows of Sew and ele."' mon which may be found the eons f Mm rioellayea, with eorreet lllhortph .7",, Erin - Alan, ths liloomer V, antes aaea fliialTjt rifMttes of the 111' uiua. , ""Sirfdeiuber Mi' USt". WILLS LHA ATOO tbUday atsocUleii Ma- P''? wirA ihem hi baiiaca tbe style aT , ? .r. II hereafter be Ths return sincere thanks to their naarM- Jl m-.. aJ tnMliallv laUil S uUaM aad customers, aod reeneetiallj tutu palMBSge.