1 v.. '" THE f.KlTSALOF CHAKOX. -i , iw m mhwii w. i. nwi. - - hy loo the distmt mm at lis . . ' -'a. . , So gloomy and ae drear T l .i Arr-ed T'aK 'r flam, - Ort th temp, neart j , : 1 S shadow f lb tempett Ii Hut, nor wiad ar ria- , 3-1 Ti Charoa that if peeing hj, ' With ell hia gloomy train. Tha yoaog men march Won him, , Ia all their tr,nujth and pride; u. . T tendr littl infant. The totter hy hia aide; ; ' ' Tat eld men walk thiad aim, Aad saraeatly they pray Bath old aid yovtng imploring bin, i T grant brief delay. ?0 Chare! halt, w pray thee, t By yonder littl town, ' Or anar taatipartliax ruuctaiB . . Where tha water winipl dawn I r r Tha eld will drink and be refresh.!, -.!- Tbe young U dic will ():r.g, ' And tbe teade tittle children . "1.' , - Plaok fewer bceide th spring. . ! ,- I will Bet stay my journey, Mor halt hy any town, Soar any parklin fountain. , Whet tha watert wiaiplt down I Th aether coming to the well ' ; Would know tii iwbe they bore Tha wlvea would clasp their bnibsad, . , r Nor could I part ta a mora." t - Aeeording t the superstition ef the modern . Oreelu, Charon perform tin function which tblr - eetort'easignd ta Hcnaea, of conducting th ' a-sam of la deed to the other world. 4 $ Wailing rnitn of a railway nation. t Person;?-. Smut gemlcman omiikin, and ' railway olBrtal. Fueled tule, Smoking Strict ly Prohibit J." ( Railway, Offical "You'd better ot aranls ' "" TraelIer-Tli.l' what my friend say." . R-ilwar OliiiCial--"Uut yu mustn't amour, plrr . . : Traveller "Sn my dnrtw irllt ma Trtteller "Ah! juat what my wife )." , SLfamo ih Chi axil. it i a m:ittrr o( ; racufd, thai about one hundred yesra ga, an , Indian wu conducted by a pioua dme m to wiuieaa me aerncra ot the an,tua'ry on the Ltrd'a ilaf, When iheas aoriec were'end y itdUie citizen. n . hia way Immeward, in order to iiii)rc upnn ln lawny fiicud ilin uperionly of Chrialianily oier 'lieallienitm, niared inut a detail ol lite niiiney appropri ! ated by die eongreg iajon of whirh he wa a ' member, (or the aujrport pf puldie wnraliip, :, Hie erection of tha hnuc, the aalary of the aiiniairr. oVe. To all litis the o of the f,.r ! who had olered the droway difpoaition ;hH-h pereedwl tha aaaembly. replied: . Uinph! Indian leep j'lata aound under i.iree, anu not anjtniiijr, ,. i O IsVKK A Brmc Cnactr.KCE.-Go tp a i pnmer wluun yon owe nib an eagle in his rund till it (lick. The efleolon )onrflf will ; fc moat cheering, and on hin iislnniahing." p.' , ' Hutloa i'oti. r A yoiing man at fttugnra, havin;beeaero aJ lure, walkrd uiil t "(lla tireciilii-a Kiok - off hi clotiic, gave one lingering look at (he fun woneoiirr;riTnT,-na men went home lie body waa found uvst morning in fitd. A 6nrk,; while being menu red for i pair of visaw, iiiissrrvpu Make them enver the ealf." ' "Heavena!" exclaimed the aalounded aooh, (Urvej ing hi etntoitier from head to Im.i, "l kata not U1JmWV'm"J' Some of our young tenilemen are WMriii? adJl aWyU-ietjiuth riilliira ,. kiiiiwaa.tha..4'finvi- , ther killeta," to sailed from the fact (hat a ' Csarmaa itudrnt, having, one, eiubracing hi iatiicr. cut in is tier a liiroat. ."Hardest case yet, A few aighlg ainee, any the Boston" Bee, a journeyman printer in (hat eily bad made pre . paraiiiiii to be married ( but atrange to aay. ma poor u uuw waa on a morning paper, and eoiild BX gi a'siib.' Buaineaa waa erovding . at lha) office, and ha tnuat attend (o work 1 o , tha paraott waa tent lor, j Ih Tilee performed. , and (ha poor jntir. had lo Icav hi wife, go Ui t oiiica, anu worn -an uiglit, Uli Onnja day. . light, aod go boot to . hia wife in the mor - King.". 9 J;;- ,,., I 0 1 n I 8 E f II t i i i rT. e AMOS AND TIIE IsTaTlsT" TTiere waa ery bad boy by the name of mo. wiio nau a trery good father. J hi faUier waa gne.vtd and troubled at lha wirk . dtieM of hi anq, and triad in tain to con ttroej him of hi ain, and inuuet iiim lo re form. " ' - On day the father aaiil u Amos: "Here U good hammer and a keg of aail.- 1 wiah yoti rry tiip you do a wrong action, to drum onej nf threw mil into this wall. " A mo aaid, "Well, fathtjx. I will." ; . Ufliire lung Ami rum to hi father aod aa'id, The keg i empty. I have uaed all .lb ,;. Com and et." i ; . i Tliefaiher went to Ilia apot and found (he wall black with nails. ' II aaid lo hi on, HAinn hat yoo com . tuitted a wrong action for every on ol then Milef" . - Vea frOiM,'' aid Amn. Tit father said aornm fully, "What a bad boy yoo mnat be, Amow, 'Why will yoo not turn about and try to be a gixid hoy " A mi remained ihoiightlul for a few mo ments, end then aaid, "Faiher, I will try- 1 . hae been aluigetltcr too bad and I will try to b t better boy t" j ; ft.inl h. lailier, "Take the hammer, and for vry gntrd act Jon tlo, dnw nut a nail and put it into (lie keg." , i In a feiv week the boy cam and eiid, .Coma fither, and ace th nail in th keg again. ' Every good act I "Itavi dohif r iiiive' pulled ott( Bail. . See, (lie keg I full again. I am glwl of it, my aon, but, Ann, the .bole reftr " ? What aid h mean, my little reader I from th Vilraiogton JournaJ. YOUXG MEN. TAKE WARNLNG. Tli hilllowing inwription i on th back ef a f 10 bill of thir s-Uank of th Bute of North Candina," . ' by uberiber 'iding in Wayne county. S. C, to pay his aubcrijilion tnt th' Journal I - . -MaTo. N. C. SpU 10, 1918. '-.1 warning to my younf frUndt aaaasWia,- , h.w ! vV nWiMraW sewing aorne of bit ftii'ndn. with near 800 ri, .v - -- . a . i r -. . - . i ... aaiul I in h fnod 1iora and ulkey. I met with a gendetnan who InviM me tn taVtf a email game of Poker. I did, and loot. I then tried to vet baric, at Faro. I continued to 1oe. and now my laalbili, hone, and aalkey, rone. -;" M. C.M ; a, ,, ,. ,, iBTeTIE fifil-T watt uvpfiaiiMs. Mart DtrTMirr, Atfrxi r.f Prorinunt nd Chtkiaf. Nrci 1.1, 18'2 Sf PAItATr; riiOPOS4LN, aeoied and cuJorwt "iropuejia lor Navy tfuplie," will ee iMeired at tU Ilurcnu until 3 ociork P. M. tn Momiay, the lllh dnr of Aprtl next, eteept for Bis-ait. for which fit dsrs' notice shill he air en forerwry twenty thmissnd ponnd requlredj at the Initeil stste wary 1 nrUi t lurlf stuarD, Marea chosetta, iiroohlyn. New Vnrli, and flcsport. Vir ginia, auch quaittitie tity of the following articles a may be required or ordered from the contractor by tlve Chief of thin ISurean, or by the respective eimmar;ditig otaorf the suid Navy Varis, dur iufr the fiscal year ending Jtiue Gt:. 1&8, vis: Clour, Biscuit, Wiiiskcv, uiar, Tea, Coffee. Kice. I Butter, Mageee, Henna, Vinegar, Vickie Raisins, j dried" Appiee, and Poap. I The rionr ehall he i.f tiie liir.onV,vtnre i.f wheat ' p.'owti In the year lH'il ,,r 1 "J, perfectly awt et, j and in all respect if the bet quality ; and fully eqinl to tue host di'acriptinu uT Ktchnoni flour, m ad thequaiiues caeentlal tii its preservation in tro- ptcal climates; and shall he delivered in good round, bright barrels, with lining hoops at each bel, and in good shipping older, tree of all charge to th L'ailed Wtea. Tlio Bicttit th'ji! Is mcf' iAf fnys tvttt n- pfni Jtour cf Me M'iniiUi'iri nf litr iMr 1HM or lH.rJ; and shall he fully equal in quality, and con form ia sis, .to th sainpie which at deposited in tb said Navy Yards; fhall be properly baked, thoroughly kiln dried, wed packed, and delivered free of charg to th United States, in good, sound, weil dried, bright flour barrels, with the heads. well cnred,- or in air an 1 water-tight whiskey or spirit casks, or harreie, at 111 option of the 13u reau. Til Whiskey slial b mad wholly from grain, of which at leit't two-third parts shall be rye shall b copper distilled, aud foil tirst proof accord ing to the I'uited r?tn.to custoni-house standard. It shaM b delirered in good, new, sound, bright, well hooped, whit oak barrels, with white oak heads, and each barrel ah-tll, when reqnired, be ro'jrod witn four good and suhicient iron hoops, ; and the whole shall be put in gr.od shipping order, ! . t , . .... . ,. . . 1 hefcugnr shad he to best Havana brown, nd . . , ... , be delivered m eouod barrels o-ifA litwg hoop tt . . . 11 f !l V. . e I .. T... V Us. IT TUeCutit-e fciiull bt equal to th bBt i'uhn Cof. tar. i uti i.icf uniiii iMt oi ui vtrj di quniiit, anj .- i m .1 - . a a ... sironirl rreis. w-if to., as .1 r.v ,., at the ontiou of th Hurenu. , .Tlic gutter (hall h (if first qil'ality tahlt butter, worked clear of U fluids and be delivered iu sea soned whit oak firkins, of bout eighty pounds each, air and pickle tight. Tho M jbisee shall L equal to th best quality New Orleans ilolnasea, and be delivered in good strong barrets, with white pins beads; which shall be thuroughly ooo)H.rd and placed in th best hipping eondition. 'I lie Iteans shall b sound en'tgood; and shall be delivered iu strong bnrrols, with the heads well se cured. The Vinegar, shall be ofk the first quality Cider Vinegar, and be delivered In good new, strong, well Masoned white oak barrets ; which shall be tho roughly coopered wul.i.luced Jnjbo best shipping oonditlcn. Lf T""" The Pickle ahall Ji put in new kegs not ex eding tifteea gallon each ; the kegs to be of sea soned whit oak, or whit ash ; and hall b de livered in strong alt brine, or first quality eider vinegar, at Ike option of .the llnrcau; tha vegetn bUonly to b paid for; the pric to be the ssme whether in brine or vinegar. The lUleuis shall tietToirqnaliiy tirrnch Raisins ; and shall b delivered In good, strong, substantial boie, and hooped at acli end. ' The lli-ied Aot lea shall he of approved quality ; and shall, he delivered in tight whiskey barrel or b.dt-barreis, at the option of tue llureau. The Jsoap shall be manufactured from eoooanut oil, and Lw of thubeslqualilv lieiiomlnatAul 'Uhile Saltwatjr Moup." and bo delivered in good strong hoi.. of about ovnty-flve pound ftch, fo lr kooptH at nckmli the price "14 Be artlrornT wt-sdt tb stAtiena, - . -- All Ih forcgorrig-descrlhed article, embracing casks, ira pre., half barrels, firkins, kegs, and Ihix es, shall be suhject to sucb inspection as the Chief of this Unreau niay direct, and be In all respects perfectly aavUsfactory to the inspecting officer, aaid ofheer to be appointed by th Navy iiepartment All inspections to be at the place of delivory. liiscuit may, however b inspected at th plac nf manufacture, but will in all eases be subject to s trnnt lnpeiw-w b. ptaee weliwry;- tsefere bills ar tigned thoreror. The pr;ce of all the foregoing Rrticlca to be the sni thri ui'liont the year, aod 'bidder moy offer. lor or.e"br ntor art;ctca. All th cask, barrels, and htitf-hnrrels, Arkina, kegs, bote, er packages, shall b marked with tbir euntent and th contnetor's nam. All th barrel or keg of Dour, bread, butter, end pickles shall have, in addition to Ih above tb year whan manufactured or putsp aiarad upon them . Th sample referred to iu tliia Bdvertisoinent are tlios selected for the eusulng fiscal year, att'l Meeii rWcrence ro rocA a kavt (ei previously sx KlLuett. The quantity. of the article which will be re quired cannot he preaiissly slated. They will prob ably b about To b offered for : Plonr. . l,6m bbls. per bhl. UlscuiL l.nnO.LNN) lbs perl'Hbs. Wbiikey, Do.OOO gal. . piir gnl. Sugar. 200,000 Ihs. per lb, Ta. - 211,000 lh. per lb. Coffee 20,Ot)0 lbs. per lb. Hie. Setl.OOO lha. per Hi. Ilutter. 2O,IK)0 lbs. per lb. Molssae. 20,0(10 gals. per gal. Be (UK 6,tHK) bus. per bus. Viuegar. Sfl.OoO gal. per gal. Raleina, AO 0II0 lb. per Ih. Uried Apple. 60,0ml lh. 'per Ih. Piclfi, livH.IHHI lh. per lh. ,-oap. 11)0,000 lbs. per lb. The quantities of any or all may he Increased or diminished, as lb nrvtew may nereaner require Th contract will therefor b made, not for spec iSn quantitl'S but for sueh quantities a tb ter rier may require to b delivered at thos, navy yrd respectively. Contractor not maiding l th plate where de liveries ar required must tal lish agencies at such .laces, that ao delay may sriss la furnishing what may be required l aad when a contractor fails nronuitlv tooiuply with a requisition, tb Chief of th llureau of l'rovlsislons and Clothing ahall be authorised to direct pnrchaae to b mad lo sup ply th' deficiency under the penalty te be pressed in the contract t tb record of a requisition, or duplicate eopy thereof at the Ilnreso of Provisions and Clothing, ar at either of th nary yards afore said, aha!! b evidence that auch requisition ha been mad and received. (teparal offer must be mad for each article (except Soap) at each of the aforesaid navy yards ; aad in ease inor than on arliel ia contained iu tb offer, th Chief of th liuresu will have tk right to secept on or more of the article contained la auch offer, and reject th remainder I aud bid der who propoman ar acocpted (and bob other) will b forthwith notified, niut a early a practica ble a contract will be transmitted te them fur exe cution; which contract must be returned to th llureau within See day. xeluslv of in time re quired for th regular transmission of tba mail. Twu or more approved surliisa, ia a sum equal to tb alimated amount of th respective eoutnutt, will be required,, aud len per centum Tb eddilioa will b withheld f'mm th amount of all payment on aoeount thereof a eollaleral teeurity. la ad dition, vo list performance, aod not in ny rent to be paid antil it 1 in all respects complied with; ninety per centum of th amount of all deliv rie mad wiil be paid by th Navy Agent wllhia thirty daya after bill duly atboiieatd bll have Men preseoteu to aim. s Ltlank form of ftrenoaal marb obtained ea p- plioatinn to IhtiS'avy Agents at Porrmoth, M H trapshir.; Jtoatoa, iiew Vork, l'lnladelphia, Bal- I taort, VYaaluugtoa, oi lo4, renaaooia, aaa at mis Uarmul. , -. A neord. or daolUmta of tli letter Inforvnlng a bidder of th aewipta of his propoaal will be deemed a aotinoatroa thereof, wiltiio tb aenaiag of th net of IMS,, and hi bid iU b mad aad aaeeptod ia tjgJJU4vHmat' , . aaada snsl b aceomixnlad fa il- j - - ----- , , . r . - - ' ' -- irsnssiBMssnn v v"q j( ,v-.. - - (or the nor.1 eenioe (ur apprond lOtk Aagnt. IMA) bya written guaray, signed by one or more mpnnaibt peraeas, to th tfret that be or tbey nnderuk Uu.t th bi.lderor bidden will, if hi r their bid be areepted, ente into aa obliaa tioa within tie daya, with good and nfficleM sitre tl, to furniah the ripplie propoaed. The Da ren will not bo oMlrated to consider any propoaal aaleaemapaaied by the ewaranity reqoirrd by law; theeoapetoaeyofthegiiamjiity Ubeoertied by the Naey A sent. ltetrict Attorney, or mm offi. eer of the General Uorernment known to the Rnrcaa. ExtrHrm tkt met ttf ContTM, mpprctnl Audutt 10, "Fee. K. And It it furtkrr twtti. Tint fmm and after the paeaac of Ifaiaaet, etery prnponal for na tal snip.ies niTiieu ny the fecretary of (be - 1 nnder the proriso to the icmera! aprrojr!iitiou bill tor the baiy, approved JlaT-ti il.ir.i, eipbtee . bun dredsnd forty-three, flail l-e aco.hif anted IpT a written gr.aranity, trpned hy one or mure rerpen sible peraonr, to Hit effect that he or they untirr take that tb bidder or bidders will if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation in rnch time as may he prescribe 1 by the Keeretryf the Navy, with good and sufiirieut euretiee. Ui' furnish tue stippjes propoMi. .No proposul shsil hi eon i sidered nnlevs arcompatiied by mu h (inninnitr. If, after the accepunrv of a pnouanl aa-fS iioliflr j tion thereof to lb biiJdt-r or bij'iei". It r tuey ' niiA'l fail to emer intoau ih!ipHlii;n aidiin the time : prew ribed hy ths ikcrcUry i t the .Navy, withp-o-f anil Rafiii ieht sureties f r fitrni-lin ? Hie mpti then the Secretary of tn Navy hhall i.roretd it, j contract with some other pyteou or r-eraom fr fur- niahing tlieanid sufpiies ; io t.,rtl,wit!i cr,ue th diHerenoe between the amount contained in the I proposal so gnaranlml atut tiie iwaiM for who h h mny have contracted for lunii.-hiug tiie said applies for the whole period of tiie pi,.p.M.il to be charied np against raid hi. Her or niddera, and his or their gimmitoror guarontoia ; hl.I tiiesimenioj he iuimcuintelv recuvrrrd hy ll- I niiri Slates, for the ue of the Navy Department, In an action of lent against snicr or ail 01 en:fi peraons .-!.. .,) March, I -il -II i w 4w. M A X f F A C T LT H I X 0 KTAU!.ISHMK.T. j JOSEPH WOLTEUIXC 'fur a nuuikr ..f vf-ar F.'rimtn in ihe U ij;h latin lUii IttMi-f j IU:t-krtiitli HhopJ TMywtl'u'Ay nuimuitc t ttirj ritiiPDri of Kaleigli nitiJ ti;t? Hurrtturniijig ( ouiitifp, ihut lie ii prefirl tn iiiiiiiuficlur Locki cf nil if.er iptunt fiihi -fMfi' J'tf'tjf ('drrwyt I fi- rintjs Vt Work lir-tf i xttc'nqt. An-I, in t-hrt. any thlnit; in Mucnhie ?.rt Ii,okmif ti liM-L l1.AaMi.Mi at the. shortest notice. A Wi . . . , , , aire niiaortuienl of L'fks . e ... . , . ,. i from l'l rents to l:(l tlol ara liiii) mi hftn I an pi ten- j t' il kiiitirt. bt tii-it'fH E-iifft.M.N, ui, wort- I AallTH, i ' TH W I II K - ft 1 1 1 V C 1 , If a i iM'tP; lliim- All oficru taitliluliy vxceutt-tl at i li litueibl prifep, and nfw work ntrutrJ to ruri tto vnrrnt- .1 B n'j nrw WUTK tFiiiru lT tl i , ... t. , . ., , , i .... , . , . ,, I It '.Ml b-l'-t. I Kepainng in his line performed with iicitm-Kg ami despatch. Also, a general assortment ur Uunf and Pistols constantly on hand. JHHEPIl ntll.TIllIINf!. Buleigh, March, lfl. I I tf. '. ,S. liu lltt'itiluhnittit has LtrH rvnurid to 'u'y lUmtlli Strut, llnlnijh, S. C. Kitleigh, Sept. 1st. IMU. T. II. SELKV, 12, FAVETTEVILLK tftl'.l Jlnlrigli, 3(1. (C. IS now reoiinf stid o;ttnintc !rjrt? find Moot ed to.k of SIMil.NU ANI. Sl'M.WfcK hUV tititil, MMitixtat entirely f-r laid, aud will h ild at jiiicti to cfjit tiie tiuira TUt ituck cimiitt.-i, in art, ul ilie J)d- -XuMiMltwmn-PiMi. np R'k de ltbif d. P!idSilk Tiuuc. It'k Silk do, Utr"t lr Uitnc, f rcix li sri'l Hue- Ihh I'riiitvd LaKnii, and Mticliui' , luri Kifplyf; Kitt Tft Jwk'rttt, t'euahrirr -iwf klwaliiia, vry rlienpi (heck l'u. ; Thiiii au FiM Swikn .Mu-lin, j Hook snd Mull Io, I Tlm-ad, Hwif .fn (ttictt nd Li-le j Itincrtinje; and Kdint. ; Linen t ain rm Idlk f, Fr. j worked Collars ; Ludtrs' Kid nnd LUik hilk vjluvf and ' Mitts; li'inusts and KiLbuii.; A (frft vsru-l .fi .riuj(li.im snd Ktik111i sod Aii.t-rii-sn I'miUi Midi 1 Tii.-sk and SIiIm ririnhn. L'tubrelliis siil riirnftli. l'nr- i tiBtarattBti-(.ns tTitd n m?tmk rt Milk nd tVt- j Inn finiar. It ia Ftrt) ni Kill Lv found to In clinan. : T. ii. Hti.ny. ;t nu for iiik(;i;mm:ii:n. -i run IFni iirnier's ltruwn Linen, Inii, liUy Liin-n, Mipn-r I snd ehnap Irrsh Linen, lllsrk riik ., Poufri e Hmidklii, Ula- k and W hileHilk tllovcK, Hlai kitnd Col d L ..I Ii- . 1 . ...;iw,.l'.,ih.e il.vrt.la nitnl.Iv fair lha ' oes.-a." T IK ri-; LI IV. Ualeiffb, Mftreh 21th, l--tt "d pleeesBro.and lllfaph'dHheetingtnndFhirtinriv. VA Ui Mre. snd Hh-a.'h'd Hhertrn, UMirburif-, Penitentiary rlahl. Whib and 'o.'d Struw Mining, ba ilT-C-rTl-ttTlltsr Bslpigh, Mareh 24th, W2 il ATX TTOfffUTH II ATS of various ftnalUiea an priees, IV Punama. Isir Horn, Tuskm, Palre L-sl, -, II. ni.Y. I.I W. Raleigh, Manh 24thj .iJ. 4;koci.kii:m. BHOWJT, CrashM, ChriBed, and Ioaf Snifars, Old J-, Marsftayba Lniruira and Rio Coffre. cAtper lmterial and Hyson Tea, Pperm Adamaniine, si.d ilall rton's Tsllow Candlri, Vw crop H'dassrfbv the 4 all on or Panel, IreshU., 4.. 4. - T, If. FKLrtY. Raleigh, March I4th, m 13 u A General mc ut Hr4 Ware and C uUery. C1HOCKEUY and Ulasp ware, Cantitigs, lllaeksmitk Tools, Cut nsils. Horse Phot Nails, and llnrsa Shoes, Weeding llttee, Traee Chains Sythe Biades, Pat, Palaneesg Table Catief, 1 pities in a sett, Ae., Ae. T. H. U1Y. Raleigh, Mareh 34. 1853. ( II i. IK HIT ANO fslltll.14. OniSSON'S glippers, (.aUiee' Walking Fhoe., lee anl 8oas' lienlien 'alloou.l'airskto Shoes, Chtiilren ant 5li"es lo. Kal.igh, Mareh Hi, ltii. I. (1. bllLIIV. lit Ut. 1IARIWAKK AND CAItHIAbK. M VTI1HI AI.H. LCHII MIBRT ,atn of The h'tji Bollinghrotk Strut, PCTEItaiiVRil, VA. Uas for sale, and Intends te keep, full supply ef th following arlieles t (OR CARIUAOE MAKER. Ullntle ftprines, U in. If plate to '.'l in. plate, -sulkrv Avlee, llsndli in., Bit gg Axles It and 11 inehea. Carryall, Barowehe and Tarriage A alee. Carryall. Hairgey and Baroaehe Bowe, Hull., gelllea, Kpokes ami tsnan. . Baroaeh and Carrlaae He)., filth Whirl dales and kines, t'oaeh I. sees, TbsmIs, Tads, Vringee and Binding, flrah aad til us Cloths j Llsua.lt.. nil eolurs, Braes ami Hitver Hub aad Hand Bands', Ureas, Hated aad Japaaaed hnlal. Brass, Cla'e.t and JapanaaJ Nails i Dash I real, l.amnF Mirer and rlraas dale, ell sises, Top Hides and fide. I Rnamelled Leather all eolora, relent Lasalner tnica. s.ilinni awn .nin, Uaak H.ieksaad Kings I Japanned llneklea, MallaahL, Cestinis and Washer l'latee, all kinds. Teehs, Kerewa, Ulasa. Paper, lllne, lllaek Mnssj T-wetnoy with a general aaaorment ot ruitfitun ANU UUMKHTIC 11AU1IWAHE . TO0UJ snitehl for -taralrrs, Heehanles and ilea Keepers, Allef whUh sr4llhs.4d. Wholesale oy.tUil,- at jrA Jowwf priees thaa heertolora. TUB NORTH CABOL1NA dtSflt'E. oararKma. A Somnary tatetat of th tutate and Comsua Law tf mis Bute, togetner win tn veeisioa of th Supreme,1 Coart, as all the aioet ps nroetd focuu sad prteedeaM relating t th eale and th duty of a Justice of th Peer,, and other poblie esV . cra, aeeordlng to aiodera prartloe, Ae. BT BKNJA-IM BWAIM. aamef, fyaii A eoaaactaa. gor al sy HEkT 1. It' RID IB. K. f. atektar. Ksleigk, March. 1WL , lf Crop VJ ; - Jatnkaa4 W. H. A . . T,UCKKH. Inetrnrttoa la Veeal Mule. TOTOl'RO HEX. rpiIK snbarrtbre prepoeel la eVrou frees tke ltik of to the if hettumr next to the work of preparing Tonurntett te teaeh Voeai Mneie, on bis ewa peculiar pUa, aad he pleticea hiassell ao only to pre parc tbeia for eoiaaiimraiiiiK the iheorr, Uit aln to lraelie it, provided thy have suSeient, eoice. His lernsf are f ny (toilers ia ai aiife for hoard and tuitioa durntg the ahure spevittd tiia, aud if eeery ple.lice of hi i aot redeemeit, he irill rarn the fun'l. Tbrtee wwhieefMstrai-rtom. rrat Ml-lriM. p-'t paid, eariv, as he wJI nut take mure thin .irrn tiu.lerHe IU, JKIII HANK, f.'. . ll,.nr c.ff. la.,.. 13, 'i2. P. B. My residence is wiilna Nr loilrs of It.e rilt Sulphur hiriore. Marfh I Jul. w Ti m' O-fiaJ-t-aiV-.a; a. aa'-2- fcT -t-A. atUOaaCK roa 1 11 k cuhk or Incipcnt ConsumptloD, CaoKULA, G K X F. it A L OEHILirT, Wllir sweLUS';, RMann'tnin, oiskvsc , Or THU I.IVER 111) AW IN, AND ALL mi a st iri.iko ritoai mrt rj- TlkS or THK DLOOO, KSD TU aiMci-is us ukrcl kv j ' I W 1 r.. na neen lor tour than ; ' ' thirtj-IWo year c.ebratea in this eoantry and i I ,u r.urope for its eiiranruinsry cures for the cer- j I " "" raerenc .a aiaur tue uireciion , ' """" . ":eii may w iiw paiiij accompany-1 j ,l" '' " y""'e of which give the partim- . of ruses too fi ii-t.nul l..r general publication, i j "''ere the patients hud hern aimoat eaten up w.th ; ' beri.lul.1 mid were deemed incurnhl hv 1'hvaleiiins. ! It hat bwi used iu hoapiuta and prirate practice. ii-rtntit ot hviriir rccoui- ! men' e-l hy tin most n.!'lir;itti( phvi cuius unJ utlicr W (i bt-.m, M. .) . Ir..f. of Sur . Pa. I7iiiviT:ty, ValPriiiti M'-lc, M. l , I'ml". t.l Surg., N, V. do. W. I. iew;ycri M. R, 1'iuf. u( Mid., Ta, Ju. ' S. I hfliiti)i, M. It. i'l of, m I'u.. sic, l' do. t T. I'arke. V . 1'rt's t rii.t vicitiij Mr. IK1! ViiliV. rr.jiir.,r ff Medii'inc. liman. i Jie Kuuryuc-j di: Lit, I'nl" ff Sui jErv, Lisbon. ' J riiijHiikin, Me-iit't Kyu! i', ill. Sin e-jus, L'IUiJjii ii Vi". Krrin Lite M.nihti-r to J .tin. ir Thomas rc:irioitt itij liruvrnl lfriiih Aroiv. Gilbert Uubt-rtin, Kritiiii C.uimi!, c., X:. Au't aIo, the w .fit" h i t'ul fuivst ftTi'rtctj hy Swnitii'H I'lihftvcH, tiiiw f't-r immv i't!s in. nit' it :i iii itivfi!uu- bie 'J If riiu'i'ii JiM's not cofituin in-r curr in tuy fttriu, mi't ht iiij; n 11 innocent prpuri tiitn. it in ly h .gLvcti to tlic iiMt tt rili r inluiit. T'!ic iVt.iil 'yrYcv bc'ii rt'duce t J-l o) pvr hot t tt (cuitininiug tli i te liulf yiuin) or tltrev lut tlts i-r $i. i Swhiiu s ttJt (-, n in r'Mind b-sttl fluted hm - ; pitiidiii.tily, with the I'ollowi, g It-tier.- blown on thu ijlass ; j SWAIM S VAN ACKA -PlliLAI.. ' 1 and having the imme t,f Jnr.n Hw,iv tnnip'! nit the selling Whx, and WnltMi ..ti the lubel covfiin tho (.'trtk, und a dinti cnprrrivina for the sile ot tbv bottle, couiitoed il j;.)mi'tric uthe work, cum priiii uiu" did'trent Jiis, which have been turtiPd lor tip- eiduive u-c of the propriftnr, hy Draper k t'o,. bank n le fTiriiven,, of 1'hilutlelphin. In the centre 1m a 'rtrait of tba late Win. Hwuitu. copyrijiht secured. Also HwaiiaM Vernilfiifje. A Tnlunble Fumily Mcdicin, being a highly ap proved remeily for all disennis aiising fioin dubid y ol the digestive yrgntis snob as Wortu, Cholera M -rbu-, iHtsentory, Fevtt unl -Ague, nicediuft ('i!es. Nirk llfndnrhe, fce., r. See the pamphlet which niny be bad grat ( accompanying the Verm- Prepared t SWAIM'S L BOR 4T0RV, THE OlA d.TA.NU, ijeventh sLrect, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, and sold hy all the respectable Urug giats in the I nit'ed sState-t. CArnwTt-THfi-rrisMc. Personj wisiun; to obtain the jfenuine SWAIM'S PAN Vt'iU Hnd SW AIM S VFKMIKL'GE, should be careful ttiob'jerve that the name . i! "P0'' W A I M porrrrt!y on tho bolttei and lnbel", or ttt maytbo liupuficd on t'V( m tutltlfl Oi lietll liTaiHTrOlL I diriuea made in imi iiiinfr a sonic wlml simiiur natne. well eulculuted to deceive. , -USKRaVUt!tTK Oli.tUK K.Mk.. Hrhlef t elln llrothers A Co.. 10. & 100 JOHN ST., NEW VORK. teanif!iltt direct between Hlchmond I'oint, Nurtolkaud Men York. City A LINE of eplendid new Hi'mruships is now running t v regularly on the ft b o T e 1 4rF?aHWy httt; trinrmsetf at present tf he Sfmu.hip CITY U F nU'll.MON , It. VV.F-H ler, Onuimander: and Steamship CITY OF XollFuLK 'iifii ie.td innkine three ti :in , n l.r month, kiivine A ditys and B;ttnrlu Kifhmi.nd and ( ily Point on IMondnyr. and ThuretUya aud Mori oik on Tuesday and Fridays. Pdanagn in Cabin State Room and found, between Norfolk nnd New Yttrk $7; Do. do, lUhmond or Citt Point and New York tS. .terrae PaaMtfreawd foand, Norfolk $j. City Point sad Kn hmoud $n. FrHln from New Y.trk to Norfolk or Rirhni'ind eent per eubic foot, ami t P"irrturir 7 eeais prr fowl. Ti from Norfolk to New York about -it hilars. Tbe Vessels are tboruUgrh bee Vitamers I'i has eleciiBt arpoinmodaiioui. For freight t I tti ap- nlv to the anciitc .fo..nh Will. Norft.llt, Tbt.mas Branch, IVvrsborg. A tired S. I.-, -, Hithid'-nd. Mad er and Lunl, 10 Wall ft. Nw York. Mareh J.V lf.2. "13 Im. Jut lo Hand- t RATtliELS AmU and Rutter Crtekera. 10 n.ses Raisins, 20 1 do. do 4tKI th). soft hell Almonds, SO lbs. freih Pecan nuts. L. B. WALKER. 1.1 tf. Raleigh, Mareh Oth, leS2. mow nook. THK NORTH t A HOI IV. FtlKM BOOK. C.lVrAIMSO All the nsnst naefiil fnrras whirh oeeur In bn.inest trausactiuus Ketween man snd nisn, as well a. in official station. ; Tooernea wira Tbt CBilitutiB f North Carolina, and tf thr I'llitrd Main; THE ACT FIXIVH THK FUKfl OF CLERKS, SliERil.FS.Ae. Cleulntrd for the see A'o-lt Corwiso, wi4 mads eoo fvrmaUe to lam. Compilsd hy a memSor of the North Carolina Bar. lor Sale by IIKNKY I). TI'U.VER, N. C. Uouk t-t .re. Raleigh, March. 1953. 13 tf. e.ale nf fkortta t arollu. Cowman Cet'svr. Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Ftb'y Term, 1852. William It. Roseoa, Administrator of Thomas Vestal es. .fohn Riley, Abrawi, Thomas and Caroline Vestal aad Elvira Vestal, wife of Benjamin Branann, and Kiaelinc Vesul, wile ol Braxton ludrrwood, and William Ves tal. Petition for th sale of Keal Estate. IT appearing to th eslisfaetioB of Ih Conrt, thai llraio.n I'mlerwoost aod wise Kinalin ar not resi. l.nts or this Stale: It Is therefore entered hy the Court, that rmhlieatioa as saasle, foe ix eeesslye weeks ia lbs North Carolina Htar, for the aaid nen res identeto eppearat the net Term ef our aaid Court of Pleas and Quarter cessions, to Be a.iu lor an tosusi of Chatliaia. a th Uonrt Uouss in Piusboroagk, o he eeeoad X.mdsy of -Mag aert. plead, answer or dair la Hid petition, r th uai will he tehee are VV itne.. William f. Taylor. Clerk of oar eaid Court, at offlc.the Meond Monday of Fehrwarv, A. V. iit. W. P.TAVLOB, C. C. C. Ii L (Trie adrertlsiag 5.2) JmI Received, at the Nrlk Caro lina Music More, A LOT of new and (ashlonabl Muio, via I -Friendehln Polka. tail for tba Wagon. . Jf.nahckl gars xn...n ' 1 VUj Bly 40. CaUlsgu ef Moal eai ( at th 8 tor. Aaril llth, IMS. 1 tf. OOO Faaallj Moli . CUte of Berth CnrvJlna. raaniAa OOCPTT. Court e rittu astat Qurttr Somas, ftlrvmrf Term, 1842. A. T. rounds, Adrar. of Thomaa Poaada, dee d. tt. Eliiabeth Barber, William and Lewi Ponnda and barab round. PttitWa to il Land. IT r.pearinT to (be satisfaction of the Court that Ik lettvant, Hillisiaand Lewis ronnda,-are : nun-re idirls. of this Mute : ll is therefore ordcr- ed thai publication he made in the North Csroltna Mar, for six scct?aiv weeks, notifying said non - H-pri,i a. in ncii j erni ui imr luun ((f l'tea and Quarter (c'ni.ns tn he ht!d for the t-ounty of Chaloaiu, st the Court Il..iu3 in Tilts- b.-roi'jrh, on the eor..nd Monday of May Beit, and n!ti..iitepr ur ilftniir In ani. I IVtirlrni a.r Ik. 1 wiil he Ufcenr .-onessw and heard eipurte as to theiu. Vtilneas. William P, Taylor, Clerk of our said l.ourt, at ofuce, tiic second Monday of rebruary, I A. D, IH.". W. f. T IVLOH. Cf. C. lli'.th Feb. l-'.'J. 1 1 Ct. e Adrli.inr- f". i'.IM.) I'itlahorouh, ; I'ri. I AcriniitDral lmi.lemras and Kiirhlnrry Suied !') dt ih? &u1htra States, FAliXEIi PLASTERS & MEUVIIAXTS WILL FIND AT THE 1.. Si, jJJj3! i sSsS.a lHt and Itll al r btrcct. New Turk, I !p. mnrh min-'i i- n'.u'h'.-rn ttjitur'1. Mofl f iJir- I iiupt.-iuf fiiat till -y Hi,-in. ar- uittLiitucliirf J in tlitr '. ni.v'lniif ritM, Mul, i id,' ilirtft ?iif efrviHiMii of tine ! (' thr frin, wlnTf ttl- tii-t . f . Hi4.utd liArwr oiilj ir Hii, with uwu -it tle fimi quiihtv. j I'lUWV j Of Pluwa, the? noil tL--p- thnii lilt) .litftrent )ftH.'ni I inn. m In. j, uit liniii.lc iiiiirtl-IStunl, t,r HuLc jiow, rlfll tstlSIflfltil., ll!.r-l!, Ill.'l -ildf hill jihmj. n.fV C'A!TIC. J nf rurious piUitrii., iuihh whi-ii ur lf.ll (ou-ut?, I f-ioiiT, htmht(i liiiu rsljuki-lj., hy ili" itu ur retail. Corn Pl.mt i Vrip77J,or aHA TwlxT rari'tu. juiitri-i'fi, at tn tfuantitij. sniW CI TTI.i: "JTli fOli.N SIILI.I.KKS. HinaLii-tured ei;.r.-!i f -r S-.-nht-rii us-, ttltm Uruiig. Sitjf.tr Mill., R.f II (l'crs Cotioi dins Thr.uhinK Mn. liiu. s t..r wht-.u mid lint, and rt t-: F.iiitiiita -Mi lie iord. Wheat mid twin Mills, Hh I'.urr Mt.uc vr Inn i lau. HOIiK POWERS Of irariou., pntteni-, huii.thlo f r one to eiht hor. Swiiijc. Mowing, and Ht-npini Mitf-hinf. (Iniin Cra tilcij, end Sf Ulirt iid Ktk-. and ever kind of Jlortieultaral Tu. 1; sl.t4jrdvn and flLI.Ii IS E BUS, Fruit n iu rrUr: iilstt I bnainjriLr.t Trpfi.'sou improve, cfttUf, nhcwp 1U1" wln"- I - I rial CATALofiCK of over I'" A dei"riplive. pit t' pic cp, will l-e en, t nppiK'niion iroiu cunti-nii'r-, "r . . t t to them I'V m.til on ili-ir entl..iin( L.ur h-iirr h-mps. to pre-pay pta-tap-, a, retired by the present , p st oQiee law. THE P Xj O iV i A MOfTTf I V PI rtVtPftinwnriiirHViT i yTIf LY PLANTKRS-4-FARMER.JOl RXAL j rtiTFD r j KOLON KOItl N MO , i ntjw publii-hcd in piafc .f the Arner. Arirulmrlpl. FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. F l;tnr'" offi.-e at the JVew Vork AricuUiirnl Ware h"ir. S;.-iiuen iiinnhfr will bv i-rwardct!, uli appli fnlntn, to our (.rri'spttntlrinp. A. U ALL V, S i. Co.,1 1U and Ittl W iter ?t., N. V. Saddlery and llarueaa I'tablUhmeiiu TLa L.)iriL.,a. '..i,, it.rtj r-,,! ip I Ine Saddlery and Harness Ilusin-js. and are prepar- i to erve the p-il lic promptly and m the tt)t manner. .s.iff'.r, timid; tinria, toiret.'ier wiiB evry othn j arti'd-'uMially kept 111 m h t-.in ii?l mftitt" : ami all wrk left with ihr-ui a.ll hetwutd with deHitfh and lo lh- j natiifaction f niPl.tnorf. ; Due f the firm ht inir th pat -niee of V.ArV. eee. t hmi.'t pitnt tuijvtnhu Sf,n.j Stni,tr,t tin. rtl:lle will ht; made to order, and wurrautea to be pleaaut auU a ' $hnt: - tffurjf richer returns n sincere thank forth pl romiire beretofuru liher .dy ettr.nded to him ; ard 11 A .1. Fifbtr hope, hymro't attenttun to bu&ineof, tr.roer nir. and ul givt barmiis to ouch as may wish U pertdianc. our ataMiphwent if on the corner ,f the I'd froutinX Cnywtteviile Sir-et of-iipi-d by J. T. Msrrioit, Ettq., j ad ot.Dosite Wiltiama. Jlarwood A Co. t;KOH(iK FISHER. JKFFKHSON FLSIIKR. Kalciah, Jn. 27, 161 -i'm. A t in ami tt tn !. mr .dd buiinep. all pertorts indbted afa earnestly rt4Uted to e.m forward aud ,itlf on. 'GEmKGE FLIIFR. January 27. I Hat for the Aeaeon. tIT tl. k R. 0. Tt I'KHR have joil r.-eeired their IT ,aopply uf llava fur Ibeir Shriii- aad Hummer Trade, wbn-h tliey nan eitiliili.ntl.rotiutni;tid as Iteing unsurfataae't hilb In regard t sl.le and qnslity. Tl.ctr M-ilesSiu llir. are stiuielhing new aod entirely iliflerent from any others offered in tliia t'it.v. We resiitttiUully solieit a eall as wv are ileleriuined lo-siill, vil : 12 esses e'lrmr estra Mol. akin, Men's snd Hoy's doiihte Kisiitb, " " l.i.la Montea, " Tuxes siul Spanish Campeachy, " " Napier sod Alliooi 8tiaiv, " " llraided Pedal " " China IVari " " IJI'k and Vi'liite fashionahle Leghorn, Canada Btraw sad Palm Hot., Ladies .Hiding lists, Mtes and Intents' Fnney tatraw Hats, Gent's Leather Hat Boies, Ac., Ae. 11 tf. 8PUISU AMI Ut MM lilt .(HOM Kilt let.,. T IL A R. 8. TUCK till are now receiving their t f , extensive and well selected slock ot Mtaple and Fancy Goods, ot which your attention is respectfully invited, sonsist ing, in part, of the fnllowiog: Broeade Poult de Koi silks, fsnlid colored and While do. White Brocade bilks." Hieh Plaid Charaelioa Bilks, White and Uiark Watered do. 8nper Black llro de Rhine do. Figured end 8alin striied Chaltys, Solid and Kieured Bareges, Fancy rlilk Tissues, Urgamll laswas, French Jaconeta, Printed Moslias, Brillianles, Plaid and solid Ginghams, Enirlish snd American Chtnts. Iloltol. Checked, Kwi.s, Jaeoast, NaiaMok, aad Tarltnn MusUos. lllaek 8ilk Lac Mantillas, Plain and Eahreidired Canton Crape vale, lllaek aiilk Lace, French Worked Collars, Cuffs, Chemisette, and L'a- edrsleeves, Kwisk and Jaaet Muslin Bands, 9oolloped L. Cambrie and Hevier stitched lldkfs. - Swiss aud Jaconet K tglngs nnd Inserting!, Real and imilMkm Valeucianoe Edging, Ladies and Uent's Kid Uleve, keel quality. do sin Aleaaader hest quality, Rlrb Bonnet, Keck, and rtcarf Ribbons, - - ftrrk Fiinges, Baltuna. aad Irimmrng. French Workig Cto, Linn aad luttoa Floss, A., dot, Ac. )J tf. Juat Received. LARQK LOT ef very Superior Biaek and Green Xomm ftom tk, Haw lork J'ckia Is Company. I I pledge myself t sell at their Hetail priees, sitd the r,aa I eaa recommend as ireauin prims. The who buy from aie will aot only, thorefore, get a good artiele vat will sar Iront aft ta twenty P" nn' ourehsse. L. B. WALKER. ALOTo aad for LOT of Korthera Msroer PoialsaM Jasl reeelved Ml by tk kasa! er krrt W. H. A E. I. TCCriK. TUB OTEI.TT BO' WORE. rJJ TO my ld friend ani tb pnbll gnrally, I ani pieaaed to any, that i as aow prepared at Buy Saw KsTsBLiaawixT, TIIH OVKLi r WORKS, In th Citt or KAirloa, Noara Caoliiia, Te exacnt ia lb eery bt mannr, Loeoootiv snd 6iationry STEAM ENGINES, Saw an brht Mill. Mill (bearing, Machlteery, of every deacription, lltt)S AM HltA.SS V iSTISOU, in every variety, Ht'RUvV CL'TTISG, of any destrel length and calibre : having th most . im)ro"ved machiuory lor th parpoae to b found ; Jvrti ar JSoittk. j j ,ra,,ij non, hut the rery beet workmen, and j expect to put out none hat the very host work, , J telty Viorks arc ilwier the exclnsiv saan- i . . .1 n - 1. ; ..: ... vi 11 ,1 , BKI't'K, wlm has no suinrior as 1111 Engineer and i Machiniat in any countrv. This eatnhliahnicnt was j vreted :liieelv for 'the benefit of the Cititens of North Carolina, tod I can ur thrm that thty neesl not po out of the Stufe fat invthin in th oboTO titie u f bui.incs', a X chatlfBge the World to procure a finrr STK. M ENGlN'K or h bi-ttcr MILL tb; enn h pim-liARed fit my estnolislnne-ut. I am now' utHiiurrtfturini? M-vtrnl lrp aud mnll STEAM EXf.'SES f..r Saw Mi 'Is, to which, and tn in v tiw'iiitifd for ilntrnttnriDaT thrtn, I would respectfully c.ilt t lie attention ul' tlif public. AH Couiwuuu-itiufi4"a'Ut be pttrt-r-tid and di rected to 15 1 LAS ItLRNS, lUltftrl, x. c. Votemher II, tf. DII. M M. Ii. M..VRY Is Oenral Afii.t snti Propiietnr for the Ftateof N. t1. for the mile of the URAKt ENHEKG COM- j . N V'S, Standtii d Medicine. They are a o. ereifen I ami a positive Keiii-ly for all de-eases fo which i they nee sdnptpl. mid wmy be relied upon, as they j are jrnarantevd by the otnpariy nnd by the Pro- ; prietor. The .Medicines t'ousitt of Vegetable I'iil-, -'ic. Eye la- lii.n, 'JV. j Fe-rer anl njiue Pills,?! Libby's Pile Ointment, $1 hars.'ipariHa Compound 1. Iventnry Hyrrup, o'te. Hireen MoMiitoiu Uint-. ..Mayahall L'tet ine i'Htlio- meiit, li'jc. lif.iM, Health (Jitter, -i"c. 'ouKumptive's Hal in. S.'l : Childiens' Panacen, iVJe. I : of the above i.tttnfd Medicine!, will please aiidress : the Pi-opiiett'r, Win. II. Newby, J'cmI futJ, Kuleih, s.r. 4'i if. A i'UOt'LAM ATlO.N", Hy ta Lirl'.nt-', Imvio St'if'.' A'.'.--. (fhnt Ktitt, Cjctrwor n the iinBf, -. three-til'th" of the Whole number of members of esvh lli)ue of the lieneral Assembly did at the l.tMt wL--ii.n p i?s the fidlowin At ; .N ACT to amend the Constitution of Noi ih-Caro- linu. Wmkrkas, The f weh old quuHticatinn now requir ed fur the tleftiiir. for inembeis of the Senate eon lliet4 with the fundurieiitul prlnciplcM of liberty; Therefore, S.c. 1. fir it trtfirffil 1,1 tht (ir.ntrtil Amrmtily o te tut- . .-rt Ctirfltna, ." i m tiffhtf enacffi - t, ,k. i UJL,.rita u( th .!.,. ihei.e.Ani nf el. 1U hl ,'f ,m,I (lf eilcil i(l(lfl(. eoncuP. I hit sr. t had he second cUuiw of third section of ',e "rst Artic c of the s mended Constitution rati- h t'lt" I'1"!'-' "1 N.yi-th Carolina ou the second SXoniitiy of xovenihef. A. !., K be amended by strikin out the words "aud possessed of i.rrt- hold wdhiu the sniue district of fifty acres of bind for Mi months neit be IV. re mid at the iTHTDt'etwrf" j turn,' s th I the fiiid cbiiise of aaid section shall fnlhis : Ail trte white men of the age of twenty-one jetrs (t-seept n ia herein ifter declsr ei who h:ivi Iteen iiihabit:iuts of any one flistrh't within ilie Stnie twelve nnutli iinrnelitely preceti inpr the di y ot nny election and shiil! hare paid pub lic taxes, sMll bo entitled to ?ote for a member of the Senate. Sec. 2. tr tt fnrthtr mactfd, Thnt the OoTernor nf the State be. sjid !i5ijUJil!y...diri 'flT Pr'cri"ii"oii folTie pVo, e 01 North Carolina, nt lenst six tuiuiths befi the next eectioa for ! 'liembers of the Oenerul A" eiubly, settine forth the purport 01 tins c an-.i 1 lie ameiiiimeiit to the 01t ilut i n h-Teil. proposed, which Proclamation ,jtaii nceompnnied by a true and perfect copy of il.- t,i auih. tilic.ated bv the rertirh-ata of Hie Atlltrf.tttrv rtf nnA ho'.i, tfl !VaclUin.ti..n i..l ) the copy of An Act, the (i'Ownnr of the Mate isilju).! cam to be published in all the newspapers To? this State' and jpofltid rh 'th fwt lWrew-B-iw i reKpfetrve Counties iu this Mate, at least six months before the election of members to the next Uenernl Assembly. the whole number ot members of eitrh House re- peetirely, nd riititi'd in General Assembly, this tlje 04 d' yf jauuary, lfff',1, J J C U DOKMX, S. H. C. W N. EDW AKUS.8. S. Statc or NuttTa Caboliha, tljpre of y-rref.irv of State. I Wfl liam lltl.l., -ecretury of Stale, in and for the State of Norlh Carolina, do hereby eertify that , the foregoing is a true md perfect copy of au Act of the Itenernl Asseml-ly of this Mtstc, drawn off from Ihe original on file in this oliire. Given under my hand, this hlt dtiyof December, lh-il'. ' WM. HILL, Set! State Ann Wbkbba, the said Aft provide for amend ing the Constitution of tfte State of North Carolina so as to confer on every quulitied voter for th House of Commons lh right to vote also for tho Alenate; .Now, therefore, to the end that it may he made known thnt if the nloresuid amendment tothe Con stitution slinll be agreed to hy two thirds of the whole reprcsennumn in eacn -..use o. hi. nes. ; General Assomhly, it will then be submitted to thai people for ratification, 1 has issued this aay Pro- i clamation in eontormiiy wira tsitx provisions oi uio before recited Act. In testtiiiony whereof, David H. Run, fjovernor of the State of North Carolina, hath hereunto set hia haod and caused the Great Seal of said State to be affixed. ' . ,,. Bone at the City offtaleieh, on the hrkf'f thirly-tirstday of December, in ihe year of 7,V,L d otir bora, one tb..ussnil eiglit nunareu and Jljejri 5V flti, one, and ia the 7flth year of our In tESr dl-peiidence. inf" DAVID S. REID. . By the Oovr mor: Tbohas SsryLS, Jr. Privste Secretary. Persons into whore bands this Proclamation may fall, will pleas see thnt a eopy of it is posted np in th Court House of their respective eountirs. ltd F i LI. STOCK, 1H51. TIIE attention of my 'friends and Dealers, generally, is invited to my assortment of '"eetya nant Vvmestie MrAirimSf ta4s, VIS, rtrjmmers, Itye .Vtntfs Sre, which, as regards quality and , variety, 1 uaerpasJ by any boos. In North Carolina. My Bteek keying been selected with great ease aad purchased on the most favorable term from Impor ter aad Manufacturer, enables me lo reader sat ieiaotioa to all who need arlieles I my tin. I tk this occasion to again sender my thank for th very liberal support hitherto extended tome, and by eonliaued assiduity, and unremitted attantiea to the wants of my friends, I hope to continue to merit ihe favorable opinio so generally entertained for my Establishment. I continue lo keep a (apply of th Purest Wines, aad London Bock llrnndy, bought eipresaly for Medi cinal purposes, and large aaaortnient of th choicer bread of, Hilar Smoking and l.nswing Toheee. J . ' P. F. PKSCID. WkeleeeJ and Retail Druggist. RaIeTgT.,TJct70Hi, IWT." 7 W riprlng; and Bummer Clothing; for ISA la LL iiAiUjiiHu k CO. TT AVE received within th last wsek upward ot 11 SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS worth ef Tmroi innr i ids ttimiijs, of their owa msnafscture. They kars bestowed partle lr ear and Mteaiion upon the manufacturing of their gooda and feel eoofident that they eeneihibit to their enslovn-rs the LARGEST AVI) rirnirKNTBTiM'K IV I T tt (9 Bit HtttT '''"' '' ' V---.t -SiriV.e.y.e,c... Thos that wish t purckaa, good tiling Cents. Peats aad Tut, made ay-ia a superior tjl, il) ewUpidby (iviafUaeelL Aril rtk, Ul. - I. nttITT!! TODD, ICIKI k CSIIIIIHI IlttillTI Opposite FrimaTs Hotel, $y armors ftrtsll FETER8BCR0, TA , NOHTH CAMOLINA IMntaal E.ll'e Inauraace CcnaBaay WiCE IlLtiliU, I. C rpillfl Company continue insur thlirMf , all healtliy Whit persons and glsve. I he greatest risk taken oa a single life I t.'iOOtt. 01ve are insured for a tana of oa to Iv jar for il their vain. orrtraa. I'r. Chas. E. Johuaon, President, Wm. U. Haywood, Vic President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm II. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Ur. Wm. H. McKee, Ei&mininglHiysiciajL, J. llersnian, General Agent. All loaaea are paid withiu tiUtlay after latiafh tory prostf i preaented, Itlunks ami Pamphlets, showing the plan nf op- ration of the Company, may he had oa apnlieatioa at the flffice, or any of the Agencie. All Utwrs on Lusiues shdul-l he addre aed to J.tMEft r. JORDA, Steff April 2H, l!.r.l. 19 tf. C'nrrlage Maklnar. r.T"Jt THE Mi! -wilier would resiiectfully Inform tviT lb. Public, thnt he alill eoatinnee te earry th. above busincM in all its branches, aud ia eosscauv ly nianufucturiiig and.has on hand and for sM, ail 4 .nriptiuus of I fTirriiyrs, Iniyiire, Aecl'AWWgs. Indeed every variety of work in his lii.e of business', wbu-li he offers fur sale luw, snd warranted t be sat tk best workmanship and materials. Tliauktul fur paal encouragement, he solicits a eea tiiiiiancfi of the same. Hia establishment ia aboat lv yards east of the baptist Cliureh. WfLLIs D. WILLIAM, Raleigh, Sept. 411, 1851. ilt. PI A NUM. 'V'OW reeeieii Xl a ttpteadid i receiving at Ilie Nurth Carolina Musie fltor irtmeLt of Pianos fruin tue celebra ted Kartry uf Ks.isk A Uakhl. Baltimore, who re ceived toe tirst premium, three years in suceeseiua, la IS4, ISI'J snd Ifia, at tli. annual Kihibitio f Ik, HlaU of Msryland. liaaau 1'la.vm. ia a mudera style, bandsom wood. ! " with carved ornaments, from :outoioo Sot ask Piasio, splendid carving, ornamented slyle, No. i. M " splendid carving Gothic style. No. 3, i:,prsimo: lt Ofovee, eilifr its Hinri'l or .VuAoynny, bwM la aa Entire Irtm 'raaa.l liaasn Piano, in a modcrd style, hands, wuo.1, Hit with .carved ornaments, from ;) tu MM ,,. - Sileiiilid carving, ornamented Kuiiauk Piaso, style, (Aoiri.y .Ve. J, J, splendid curving ttothie st) le, . SHN acinars cor. ease, ore, Tblet ou a large fa.li. stand, 4. 1ft round cor. case, oruam'd with Ulmlrrn muuldiiigs, . fig.) 171 .. rouud cor, case, plain flni.h. of snp4riir wad, la. at hollow cenicred rase, oge 1 al.ieu, on a scroll stand, Is J hulluw cornered ease, oa mod em legs (7. a. Ut square cor. case, Gotbie pat tern Tablet, aud eoiegoa hollow eor. eass, plain Tablet, and octagon legs, (7 J II, S'Uars cor. Caa, plain legs. 111 ICVoan isiwy d Oi-taees, A'nfire noi roiiie. fashionable style case, ornament ed a ilti uioulditiga. go hollow cor. case, and 8 eor. ' uijec leKa, gga , suure eor. case. Table, Ug to match, lag 'OMjo-itaA. l t)rtmeos, Iromj 'fill, oud (nr. hullow i-t-r. esae, on arroll stand, 4iutag .Vo. .) (It hullow cornered ease, on asra- Sql AR PlASO. sil legs, ft " " Siiunre curncred ease, faney Tablet, legs lo match, J " " sitiaru rur. .ase, plain Tablet, Baa llrswin of the sbuve number, can be seea at th Mnsio , Store, or wlu ti ilesired sny number osn be seat to pijr.ona wishing to e'latniue DllAWl.Mi AND PAINTING. Bristol " Huard: superior qlislffyr 'Atbuwnv Tint Hoard, Fubcrs Pi neiis, Tinted drawing paper. Canvas in the piece nnd on st r-hers varjoliii j tft, Painls, tjihy -VariilshrBrrirTesTl'aietts, Palelt knives, Palett eupe. Maul .licks, blai-k nnd wbite Crsyons, Ae., Ae., la abort every thinit ucee.sary for the.e tasteful aad heas til'ul aeeomplisbmi-nts. I'isno (' ivers, Itutta Pereha (gerred and plala lined with cloth, in order to secure Ike Piano again! a dampness of the atmosphere, a new and splsadid artiel A .'boiee selei-rion of new aad popular Muste this day received and for eale by " K. W. PITEKSILIA. Raleick, Jan. 5lh, Mi4. 4 if. North Carolina fashionable Jewelry frtera. yA'H Aiitr, W ATOMS ie. Q DOZEN Gold Lever Watches from 4 to IfM. O 4 Uos. Silver to tit. A large Assortment of Fashionable Breeet Pina. Fiuer ami Ear Kings, llulil Pencils, VI alt h Chains, Seal aad Key, mini tjocaets, Lou-pins nu rns, 4 Dos. Silver Spectacles, Spring Steel Bo., Silier I'aril Csacs. Pearl and Tortuise Shell De. Plsted Spectacle Cases andNapkia Kiags 2ft Dos. Silver Spoons, Ladles, Sugar T.mgs and Cus, A Lurire Assortment of tt. S. Plated Spoon, Forks and Knives for table ust-, A Larue As.ortioeut of Knivesand Rasors Fins Quality. Plated Casters. Candlesticks, Waiters and Baskets, Assortment of Clocks from to .i0 Warranted. Perfumery, r'auraels and Colojtne and Soap., Sbaving, Hair and Nail Brushes, Money Purses and Pucket Books, Tea Sella, Waiters and Table Keives I Setts, B,vovin Pi, , qvMlJ rnieM tnmi hMiMt uM,, Walking Canes. Ae., Ac., Ae. Tbe ahove bare just been liurehased at th North and we think escells in beauty and faebioa any ,re vions stoek of Jewelry ogered in thla nlaea. Wear better prepared to repair ell kind of Watch Ms Be, ina; purchased a large assortmeet f Tool and Materiel. Jewelry repaired to ordtr. PALMES A BAM8AT. Raleigh, N. C. JOIIJI c out or TOW Ml nomiK; IR TUE BRIDGE DONEr TH E undersigned, having removed from tbe M City of Oaks," contrary to Ike wishe of its oitieees, l bis delightful villa, Waverly, three mile westward a the ( k .pel Hill road, begs icav to inform th Pent!, that he wishe purchase a "few moc," ef lh e liksly oWns aad daughters of Ethiopia," for wkkk h wiU pay th aieriBsr rasa prices. As th torn crop is short, bacon high, aad aaeav vnr ctc,h would adyls aU tho having a ear plus ef Weeks on hand, to dispose of nea. eew, for the probability Is, they will depreciate ia velue shortly, ewr log to the "iaenu'ag aearrilg" ef that aeefal amme. diiy, Cnsk. Persons wishing te esll, are reque, led t give m a call, or make applieatioa to W. F. Askew, wbo la associated with m ia beeieea. Its saw kcCpuad l hi residence ea FayellevUI street, luieigk. JOHN C. MOORI. Waveriy, Out. Vd, Mil. At af. ilAI.Klf.il IHIMT OWICK. ' mm. AsnAsesMKsrs. .Vorllerw llml Dn on Tueeday, Thursday aad Sat nrday at II P. M. via. Rail Road. . " Due on Sunday, Wednesday aad Friday, t j f.L ria. Rocky Mount. Close every day (except Saturday) at v P. M. , Mes. Two horse stage, due daily at 1. m. lee at II m. f: . (.Mcaakorougi-r-Fgur hors stag, due Tuesday, Thar. day and Saturday at II, p. as, end closes Msaday, " Wednesday and Friday a. m. ' ' - itWhra. Fowr-hocs tae. da Wcdsnrafnv, Frio tad Sunday a. mH and lis. M.eday, Wsdawd.y , a rruUy at an. m. rueW.au A fweThorae stag, da Sunday. Wedae. , day and Friday at 7 p. m., eloee Mewday, vTedeeeday aad Friday l t e. as. .. . -e L -. a W J.-.-JSTkMa. day at T p. bl, and sluee. l uesday aad Saturday at h i?i.l..n'iit One.horw aail. De triday at a a and close Friday at 11. m. Hil$ Sprigs Uorst Mall, do.Meedayat .4e.BL, aed eleee Tkersday at a. m. '"- - Letters should be la tn uac gneegi nun w Ihe time of closing. Ttt Offiba will b ojie 'uwryiay,iUIrtwaaar I 'leek a. m. aatil I p. sa. 0 Sunday, It will b mfr,m free ( fj a. Baa one hour directly sft-t ths departur ef a, wmeise MsU. ' - ' ' "v.'i ' ' '