r THE' NOR TH-GAEOLIi TUOIlIi- LE111, Ultor. HOETI eiOlM"fcwfbI ti tettllettBil, stetil ui 'fhjMl, nnrm, Hi 111. i tnr itit. ttitm f tu fltrtW fl IEilJ-Twi Delhi, la ldrurt. VOL. XLIIL RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 26. 1852. NO. 22. STAR. : : ...... : - J I'-. : ,. TERMS. if Beau .trestle te Btvemee, $t rr a. ' na, i Hit fa with els aaaathsi u4 J at tk aaelef tke rear. . ADVBBTISI.-I ar(!SiiB)ratlBrtiea (I, eaa1 19 MU for wt uhaei.B it Inscrtiea. rftoroskts rR TiMntR, .vc, . , rOB TUB HAVI. J Xavf leBTBirr, Inm ar CaMvarcvioB, ia., afaj It, ISSJ. S HALED PROPOSALS, mttnri' ropeealt lor IilbIBWr,u tl H way Be, (naming e Ji.T lu I Bail iaaalerwMok s otter is iateaaea.) will a naaiTai lj (bit Bantu anlil 1' o'clock, . ., af tke 13tk itajr of July Bast, for furnishing anS deliv er! eg enter atract aa-tk several Navjf Yard berein afler aoaseit, tk Timber, Lumber, and otter articles wnnrfe-ed fa tkltairvertiaumebt. Ylna-foartk put f tha ,uutitT required at enek a wr Vari as us be aclivered aft ar Before tha Bret of Jolt; i atkar foartb part an ar before tke tret of Septra Varf aa aiaar avufua part on ar before tha Aral af No- 1 aad ana utker fourth part 00 ar bafara tha Ikiruelk day af Peetatber, eighteea awe re an tfty tire. Fereeas wko fen ay ha aecrptej will brnnreed a aar lata aaMrail which, keaittet other eetnlitien. wW aipranl prarida that, in eaaa thay ahatl ioany re . ipafafaU ta parfarm tha eaatraoU, tha aaaia at a ha. at ta aptlaa t Ula vuuatl mala,aoair(i auu ana rma. wilhovt aavctiag tha ri(lil af tha aaii Uaitad Statea to jaearcr' for defauita which atar havaoeoarred, with tha aalpalaUoa alaa that, If darault ahall ha rnatla J( ops. tractor la aaliTpriaa all rr any of tha artielaa aoatrart- ad for, af tha quality aad at tha tiaia and plaa aaaaaa, thai thaa aad ta that aaaa taa awaliarior aad hio aariuaa will fiurfait aad pay la aha V atlad tkataa, aa Haaidalad daiaagwa, aawai of aiaaay aual ta twi-sa tha aaaoraat priao, which lia,ttitlatad daataaa may be recov er jd froat tiaia to titae aa they arena. Ail the alereaaid Timber, Lumbar and other artlclce, aaaat ha of yiTeroat.4allty, aakjaat to iaipaetion. aad eaaureneBt,aoaordtothe '7 VtafW raar aaina ftaare af (Aa VMptetitm mnU mHummmm 0 haiacr,r tAa Hm$ ala CmMHHiUa,'' eupieatlf which aiay be was ataitber Nary Van or Jfavy atreefw - AH the afareaaii articlca are required to be la all reapeeti aatiafartory to the Coesmandaul of tha Kary Yard where the aaoM ahall ha daUrered. The yalloa p aa plaak alnclil naatba of the eery beat quality af tomf hut. wai rata, aaiiihira jutlle -pine, thaaap taoetactuilad in tlic nraaurement. The Whit we Unbar anil ptank tarn be (eiiad katwaea tha 6 rat wf Buaeher aa the tat of atarea, ant rauai aare rrown within eixty Bile of the aeaoaaati Bmat he atrippcd of the bark, ar hewed wuhintwenty aayaaiver it la lellu aad plain il clew of tha uroarnl, of wbiah eatUfaetoryeT. Idcoea raaat be cireu by the contractor, by the proiluo- tiaw af eerttleatoa, aigued by two reapaculile witneaiwr, with tblr depeiiliona, aiiiler oath, kelbra aoue judge af the etmrt or mag utrate withia the townauip or eoun t where theaaid white oak timUr aad plank w felled AWaaHief eaarardta omW aftaftactor aoca jVary i'ltrd. aaMaMelaaffrf((M ataar, ta all ctw, m hrmmtmU tk nrioUa Na mod ia tmwelom fmr aiA lac bid it aataaaaa. Tha aoat a eaeh ka be dntlnctljr car ried eat. aad the aggregate amount of each cJiua eor reetly footud up, which ia aiatcrial to a fair eonpariaon alhida. Moeibnuloa af tine for making eXirerici win be gran bed, aad penal tie for non fulnlment will,xia all eaaea, be rigidly enforced Ri'ldan are, therefore, re qmitil la uSer for na mure tkan Uiay are cure they eau furaiah wilaaa the tilae epeisiiicd. Aimrarrd aaretiei ia twice the eatiauted amount of each eoarrart will b r.q iiie.1 ia the manner act fortli latkat iaatrualcnt. aad ton per centum will he withheld from the amiaat of each payment aa collateral recurit? ' fee Befklthfltl B..'rfonBBBe. A'iacry pweearaai a aari utl ' j 1 h.i.iM Am rltr riaii nrirt arMHHoawiaara aAaey YvHm, wfM aa Mud iy tat atrrjr aeaatot ait tiitlmrg itkimtkttfidtf qlar ia pr9WttivM th point Vrery afTnr matt be aeeomaaoiad by a written guar anty, (the responsibility of the guarantor "r gtraraatotv to heearwnew to hya aaryafrnt orotheroScial peraoa. ar by lowe eue knonn to the ltiireaa.) that if the offer bpral-d tU biMcrr biddcra will, within ten days - altar alieaaaaiui of the eatttraot at tha Boat office deaig aatad, exarata the oama, wlih-foa4aaol aaalaieat ari tiea, ta furuifdi the artieloe prupeeed, agreeably to the Urma aperitted In tha eeaerart, Tha law of the lUlk Aagaat, 144, Hwaida tka eeniitteratioo af ail peupoaa aaaaaiiemaartiied by aaeb gaaraaty. - Di aware are jsaaafealairy aaetMaea a . eaaTaraa nimV gem aa aaaaa rygairW, thai they may be diatiagoiaked farom aikar hoaiaaaa letten, is ardar la preraat their being evened before tke day appuiated. Of.rs aet audeia etriol aoatomlty with this adrer. thwiwant will be eoaniderad ar rejected, at th eptioa of Ik lareau. Tkae only wkeae oven may be aooepted will beaetiiod.aad osalractt farwarded witkoal delay. -. rrn nf ariag era diraalad ta- doigaam aha oftea through ahtoh they deeire tobaaddraaaeu, aad the aery agcBjt to wham the oonuaeU abaii ha aant fur exe eution. AH editors aurlioriied to pabfleh this aArertlaemeat willbaaimrilllLljllhIUui.llurcaa. Kono ethers asHI be paid fur it taeanlun. ' ' PORM Of AK OPTBlt. r.i K.l' !i " . ; . Hi. Bnt 1 t (or we) urre ta furnish aad delirer at the S r Yard at , la ooaformity with the raqniramenta f the aaeertiaewent by tueBarcuu 01 toBstntctioa, Iwiuipmen' aadKapalr.of JIarll.lj2,lheereral articles olltiir her, hi as tier , a th aaaa Buy be,) snameratcd in Chus Na. , arclaassea No. , and No. . for that yard, to wai ,r Cute J?. aacl netofyellow pine plauk etock, at ti eaots paroahiesaea..........,...... $ 1 eabsc feel of promiaruoas yellow piae timber, - ' at aesUa per eakte foot.... 1 :-)! jCtvaaeXa. t - '. 1 X : -r- auWc (hat af whit eak plank stork, at eentapereabie foot , I Welded laches af white eak boat knees, el v aoaui per aidad iaeb , If my kid be aaeeattil, I deelr ta he addremsd tkraagk tka peat arlleaat and the eeatraot sa kaaaatlotk nary ageat at , for eaeeatioa. - . aWpectfully, your abedicat aarrl. ' A. B. IvlVomm. W. U. 8uBlc(, Ckeif or Boreea of Conatractloa, A rM ,!, Wasklnttaa. a. C. , , ' .-- . Wetkt laacriianed. resideaUof la Ihe State M ' , hereby guarantee, In eaae th forgoing bid of 1 " na aeoepted, taatfueortaeyiwiit, witaia mnaaya anar tharaeeipt of Uieoon tract at las puat omca designa ted la said kid, xeeut th earn, with good aad suf. i steal aarasiaa. to furaisb th ew4e nraiioood.- ia eea- formity with th esrau af the adrertiacaaeBt uader which It was made. V. O. .. I hereby eertlfy thai, mtkekeatof my kaowledfeand aWHef, Ik above -aaeeed gaaraators are goad aad sufll leatt. 0. 11. Nairn AaeaL ' iwRM V ITDORIVSTT ea ta oovwlope Wam- mtinag taa emet i- t,,r n. , , . ; j.- JrmmmliMTimlw,,-r r - )4Xmt tt.i h Kf, Tent, ( rte pwrtt) It r KAVT VAD,KITTBV,,kJAINB. CLaas Ha L-lylaewVere.) -M kWrerTeaosWiBHare. 10 tleeHt.ll rack aa at katt eadatUMtoa neV-- - . 4t i. : - 1 1 Cues K. 2. j ri - . 1: p- .i t teei llraumrltm.on ton fru at 4 to I, twe tone freea lei iacaaa.J yet ton otsjeo peaa.ia. !-. u Cue Ko. Ae tavwm , rins eaea,-Voard miaauia, 1 lav eypraea heat koartle i": l -.. . ) . plaak. ("m iraenuaami wesaaairameajare. . , rlpiyt TAR0, CIi7ii,WT0W!l, MASS, ' ..-iWm"1 CuuXa. trails Oak. infirm ahU feet wbiu eah pUak Maris, per eubie foot aawia feet wbiw oai ball pieces, from 2 to Si feet g and froaa 14 to 4 Ictoaa t4aar ta th md--I i die of tkaeticks equal pneTortieaa af law eariows v.i .leagtksaad atsi,er mbia foot 1,000 eabic feel white aak rare limber, of evt-eqnere - aaan. wa taagiam aa nam aaaa aa mesa be mded - a-"aight one my ft em lilt" IS iaboa, aad vt bare natural wire rcTT th ' Obee warfiomiato rp ' ' SO hrekea ia the lewgtk af Use etiek. Th width ar J. iv Us tha euned way to be tbe full aiaa nf the ten, ad 1 " ,h a,nt onrrinf P"r' of the stick ar angle ' ' v must k at teast ouc-llilrd of rbewboleleitftb Ta rartoa aaagtha, eHaa, aad aoue ar wortioAa- wee eohie jjuiS- B pieee wkila aak timber, mm H ta l fee nag. Mt U a. MM aomigkt mm way, frwm in ta 14 rn.be. eiksak, aad aa fcaea afatr aa tares eeirew th tkr (, wayfrmtlsa2lachesialhelengihflhBie. 1 a arvw awa amy be rrom IS ta II racket wide. -r awcwrwrnrmtaetTowiaatUMtrea, ToUtrmrh, eSr a. aia4gkt4Bad, aad tree wwm ell defect, fetl- 1 aaalcA at Salt ankle hat, par eabic loot. white aak eheek knees, th who) length of cacti ' body t he from t ta lt feet, tk lewgtk f ah arm reus. Iwaaentre af the keetyl fc form t reet. aad w farmaB aals wuk tks body Item IIUlo 130 degree, aet sidiae ta he Paub I ta I loebea. Tka kodiaaaak aided I tke diametcrof tkeanaal the ftJing way. Thcmooldiog siai of the bodies I a tne mm. us .! ihetr lenrtu m be from 1 to . incbea.- Ertimateitat IU iuckea aet siding, per . .lacn vet sluing 10 wlits oak knee for cat beads, th body to Ve troa to IU feet long. Th length af th arm from tk stair af the Body ta be trees t aa a feat wag, aad ta form aa gl with la body freca to le leudegrmu. Jiet tiding of tha arms to be rom iz to iiarba. Tk rough siding or tot body must b two iackc larger Uiaa tke diame terof tbe arm tlie siding war, aad the moulding. aiaa of tke body its entire lengtk meat aet be leas uaa mroaghaidingsraa.Kstimatcdal I to loch e aet aiding, per iach aet aiding. 1,0M cubic feel best quality pasture white oak hull pieces, roaad logcj from la to feet long, aud none less Uiaa Z t mk-uci diameter at th top vtMli elear of Uia bark, per cubic foot 0 pieces wblteoak timber, from 13 to 16 feet long, to be sided straight one way, from 8 to lu incbea thick. Tha mouid.ng way to be from It to I inches, and to b straight tar twa thirds of th scagth, Tbe other third part of ita length maat kare a fair aud natural curreoS from tbe alraigbt partfremtzt J laches at tbe end. TebeteagB. uralgbt-grauM'l and rre rramau aefeoaa. Kelt seated at ktio cabie foes, tier eubie foot fa) white oak beat kaees, anus aet less tbaa 4 inch- ea diameter clear of the bark. Tlie anas aad boilirs to be from SO to 3 inches long. To be enuare, la-equare and oulirfiBar in equal propttr- Horn, per a nee , CtAM Xo. 2 While lSne. . 6.00O feet heard measure, K. 1, white bine, I Incb beards, per M fcoL board measure 10.000 feet beard measure. No. 2 whit piae, I Ineh hoards. Bar M feet, board measure 3o.ooo feet, board measttrc, No. S white pine, I inch hoards, aer feet, board measure 1 0,000 feet, buard measure, Xo li white piae, 1 hack plank, pur at rcet board measure Cim No. 3 IeWo? Pine. 2o,oooeubic feet fine grained southern yellow piae plank 'stocks, per eabie foot I.ooo cubic last 60 grained sooth era yellow pine. , iiseuoua UmU -trow 2 to-W feet ioag and from 1" tottt incbea equare, percuoio teen Class No. i honut, Aih, K!m, Cherry, Cedar, Hlack nofnaf, if f. aaw enliie feet wkiteasb buu pieces, from U to U feet " tnrrg, lallil Ins Ikaal U.lbli-haji MiM&tM. Hag top end, clear of tbe bark, per cubia loot loa,ooo feet board measure whim ash plank, tram II U 2o feet long and 14 to io inches wide audZiuch es thick, per M feet, ko trd measure 3,000 feet, board measure, 4 ineh white Bsb plank, from 14 to lo feet long and from to to 15 inches wide, per M feet, board measure 2.000 fact-boM-d measure. 41 inch white ash ptaok. from lii to U feet long and from lo ta 13 inches wide, per M fuet, atwiril measure (All the ebevaash t be traigntuJstraijht grain ed, tough aud free from all defecta.) 2,ooo feet, board measure, I inch black walnut kearda, from 12 to 2o feellubg, and ta average In inches wide, per M feet, board measure l.ooofeet, bird measure, a rneh Mark walnut plank il to 1" feet long and li inches wide, pur M fee knard niaaaura I niwi fWt- hoard measure. S lack black walrMt plank W tol feet Iwgand loiuehet wide, per M feet, board measure So feet, board nteamirt I Inch cherry boards, 12 to fW foot long and liaokeawide,pera teci, ooaro 08 feet, board meaanr. t inch cherry plank, 13 tottU ' fet long aad 14 iuobea wide, per M feet, board "SOW feci," keaT mmBi. ttrnch red elm plaaa, lacBCI wtde, per M bet board meaanr nuu faat. beard measure, li inch red elm plauk, 10 tuohea wide, per M feel hoard measure 4,001) feet, board measure, V ineh red elm plauk, 18 inch . es wide, par M feeMioard measure g,500 feet board measure,) ineh rede mplanklAtach - wide, nor M lot board meaauri 1,500 feet board measure, S in.-b red elm plank, U twebaew arid. uarM feai-kuard maaavre. . . (All tue above elm toliexlar of cenLrc pith, wane rot, vptire, eaaaca jiuuw, , w - be sawed to fall and ve lklclm;m. sOOaabk feet red elm timber, (round btt piece,) from I i to 5 fact long and from 12 lo .liurhet diame ter, to aremge llt inches diameter clear of the bark ia the middle of til slices, peroaaie loot JHOeabie feci yellow locust timber, (rouml butt pieces rrom llltott loot lima, and from 18 to IS inek- eadiameter, to average IS laches dismetcr ia Ihe middle of tke sticks, clear of tke bark per cubic feet 1,000 feel, board measure, Ineh cedar boarde, IS leJ feel long aud lo lu inches wide, per St feet, board measure , , ,a-,- .-., , WffKit birtkjaafttjr nnl aealluf.iV'lolf IMu. aad t ) betvugri aquarad, rrom o 10 ioibcbos, aaw' matrd at 60 aubic feet, per cubic foot. Clam No. f.llKk.,n Datlt mi Wkil Aik Oar S oorde best quality hickory butt, fromTreeiTougr' aad from to.m laiacnea aiameMcperoera I'tO white ssh oar ratlera, 13 feet long -) do do II do S I do da IS do t sj - do do 14 do IIW do do 17 do SO to do IS do Estimated at li.OSOlineal foot per lineal foot Tke kuuleate be full one third the length of th tart, and from 4 J to J iuulica wide, by three fourths of an inch thick at bke end j lo be SI incbee thick at Ihe handle and 4llwehaeeouarellhetbroaL T ka touch, straight- grained, clear of kaota, splits, stains, rot, aau au eauer defecte to be rrss, an elear ot eaaare pttn. " Clas No. V .ijrswmeMoj. tost af J,40Ilie. but quality ligaamTlua, t la. diame tcr, dertna 1 tons ofi.JIti lbs. best quality Ugnnmeltm, I in. diaaia- ter,nrton. ' 1 -1 toat f ,W lbs. heat uualily llguumvltm, 1 ia. diame ter, per ton S tons ofS.'tolbl bsit quality llgnameller, (lack diam eter, per k a. I tens af ,140 lbs. beat quality Ugoamritat, in diauvt- ter, per ton I tern af . tt lha. host quality Ugnamvlua, 12 la. diame ter, per ton. I toaef Ml" lha. beat quality Iignamvllat, Mia. diame ter, per ton Theabaraliraume tm to he reun l sad free from all tbakaa, traeka, and other defeeta, aad la length, oft loot aad r. - ' .-' NAVY YARD BROOKLYN, N. Y, , Ctaso, s tVlutt Oatv , .0,000 eibie feat wliiuj oak (lUuk stock par eubia foot ,.. ' White Oak Dimetion fUnf Board Vatturt. 13 pieces, 19 lu long, 1 1 in. wide, I0J in- lliick 31 . do 14 ill IS do 8 do 0 dn U do 15 tjr 18 in -4 i 10 do 10 . do, 10 da ' . To h of pasture) oak, square edfred, ind straight. Ires fnm large knots, and ill other defects; there must beat least three inches tawed from the eenlra of tha stick to troiil ihe centre f the heart; aay 10,819 sVt,pr M feet. " itkiU Oak Boat JTaees fly At Inek. 100 knee, from 4 to 6' inches, to ttrerajre 8 ' ' inches, esjr 8,500 inches, pep Inch. ' riH Oe; BoMrdt Betrd ftef. 8,000 feet t inch elear board from 18 to IS feet loni. per M feet. .' -i 3,000 feet atttl inch elear boards, from 18 , , to C tetn limg, per M. feet t ' Ciaas Na. I White Pitt Bovi Vttnrn . 17X00 A I lit clriai while pin board per Jrf ft aOliOdai do do do , . da . do -AM00 dal da da da dn do 12vUO0 do I da do do , b'l bo fds, do SJiOO do I dn mercb'ble do Co do 8.00 do I do do do d do do 1.0O0 do ! do while wood plir do - ; Cla. WrriliM, J-a, 'V TMhrn Prne Ttaserr Jly Os CM ft 4 r 0 pieces, v4 Icellorvk', 52 iii,vjies squsre. 1 15 feet from byu and U ItteltaAsauarw at v; tha top end, aujr I 100 aahta haal par tm- We foot -'.' - ' ' S pieces, 5? Iret lonr, tl inches aqua). ;;, .14 feet from butt, and I? inches sittart at lha tstp eruaj ay 1,K) cu'ne feet par cubic loot 10,000 eubie Owl yellow pine plauk slock per cubic foot Ytllfm Pine PUmtBeri Jfewtear. 9,000 feet 1J inch yellow pine plank per M fi x.uuu 00 it uo do do do do L-lQ'Mtt TtmbtrimBy tkt Cubit Ihofr 400 cubic foi l I-oni Islaud locust, w lenctha from 8 to 18 feet, lo average IS jnches in diameter, and none - leas than 10 up dies, per cubic foot. BcacA, ( 'yprtft and Bhrk Walnut Hoard ' .Venture. 900 feet 1 4 -inch besch plank, per 100 fret ,UU0 I eel I do rlear cypress boarti, frum 30 to 30 lm long, per M feet. 500 U rl inch black waluul boards, per M TceU Class N. 4. Black Spruet Span, 4-e. 8,000 inches black spruce spars, from 7 to 8 inches, to average 8 inches; to be 9 reel lone 10 every inert in fltametei, per inch 75 spurn, from 47 to 67 feet long to average 83 fret 15 inches in diameter, one-ihirtl from bull, and 10 inches at the top end of the slick, per piece. 150 poles, assorted, of good length and sixe per piece The above spars to bestiaight, and with .L- I t. : tun oara-ajn. per piccB UrrkTy Hen. , ton rough bars, li feet lone, to square 5J inches at one end, and Si at the other, per bar 300 rough bare, 8 feet lone, to square Si "inches at one end, and 2i at the other per bar ' The above bars to .be of split hickory, ' slraight, rlear of knots, and .all other defects While Jtth Oar$By the foot in lAngth. 800 white ash oara, 18 feet long 300 800 300 800 200 100 do do 15 do dn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 14 IS li 11 10 Say 32,000 feet, per foot NWY YARD, PHILADELPHIA. Class No. l. IVIntt Oak Timber. 10,000 cubic feet nf best white oak plauk slock, per cubic foot 1,000 cubic let of best white oak pmmiscuoas timber, per cubic foot Class No. 2 Yellow Pint Timber. 10,000 cubic feet of yellow pine plank stocks, per cubio foot . Cls .No. 3 WAi . JtiHttrHupi 80 pieces 18 feet long, 4 tnches square, 8 men Biatle, seo lineal leat 60 do 17 feel long, 8i iocliea square, inch blade, 8.-50 lineal feet 75 do' 16 feet longl inches square, 51 , intn .v.ldea.Janiiif.i rc.r-t '100 do IS feel long, 3J inches square, 5 . ineh blade. 1JO0 lineal feet 100 do 14 feel long, 8i inches snosre. - Jl inch blade, 1,404 lineal teet 6,310 feet, per foot I.ocutl Timber, tot cubic feet of drat quality yellow laenrt. pef rubic foot. Class No. 4;--u6r,r. 5;WI0 TeH 1 fnch'fiile pine' panel hoards' 20,000 do 1 a do do do do do do SO.cOO do IJ do do do do do plank do 13,1)00 do li 10,000 do 2 do do Wilo'Wtite'iliWr-a."" 5,000 do l do plauk 6,000 do I i do do 6,000 do 3 do do j black H'alnmt. 600 feet inch bUck walnut board 8,000 do 1 do do do 1,000 do 3 do do plank ; 500 do 3 do do del 500 do 4 do do do Cherry, Poplar, end Mepte. 3,000 feet I inch cherry board 1,000 do 3 do do plank 1,000 do S do do do 3,000 do I do pojlar board 1,000 do 4 do mapla plank. Per M feet, board measure. NAVY YARD. WASIIINGTON. D. C. CUM V I. While Oat Kant Boner aaa bt- ejnere. 56 knee to side, 8 inches when finished, 400 f inches per inch 90 knee to side, 7i inches when finished, . 678 inches do 180 knees to side, 7 inches when finished. 1,120 inches do 60 kners to side, 6 inches ' when finished, 620 inches) do 70 knees lo side, 6 inches when finished. 8 '10 inchr do Arm to be in Urtjrth from 4 feet 0 inchr to 3 feet 8 inches t bodies in length from 8 to 7 feet t in all other respect in accordance with the "bou of measurement. u. Class So. 3. rit 0k Plank Sloeke. 12,5u0 eubie feet while oak plank ttnvks,, per eubie foot SO of Ihe longesi pieces lo be straight, 15 by 17 inch es; the remainder ia accordance with the book of measurement. " 160,000 feet, board meatrare, wkila oak plank, per 1,0' J foetf or Utia plank 3,000 feat will b 4 - inches, 25,000 feet 3 , inches, and 70,000 foet fl inches thick t th thickest plank roust ba of Hi longest lengths I in other respects lo conform to ihe "book of measur msnf" abovs Bsmed. - 1 -Class So. aVTatba Phu Pltmi Acs J,000 eubie feet yellow pirn plank stoclts. ' - - per cubic root, ' In in sbov arknsni 12 piece most IV 89 feet long, aided rt traighk, 16 ' inches in trrickBeea, ihe lherwy 131 inches, with a regular ' . curr of 6 incites ; also, 80 piece la length 59 ftwl sided lralght 13 inches 1 in thickness, II inches tlie other way. with t rcfrular rurvafi inche f also, I J th lottgtt piewe af the plank stork tmrst be straight and sqnare, 16 Inche at iheJop and ; A '. in other re peet to - conform to lbs THIttaT rf-'lSjMIllf1ICt '-t ".V" ' f- ClamX. LArhPtnk. n'-.f. v .. 8,001) an ft. I ia. to ba 0 to 10 ia. wide 8.008) do M do do 10 to IS la 1 2,004 tla -3r do 13 to 1 1 do do do do do 3i do S do 9 do 4 da do 14 do 18 do IT da SO to 15 to If to 30 to 3 do do do do U,000 feet Th whole lo be well seaaoned, in 13or 14 feet length, and clear of. wind-aliakes, split, knot or other defects, per M feet, board meas ure, Ciaa No. i.frhiti Piue Lumber. 40,000 Hparfieial feet 1-ineh ennmoa eal- ' linn, IS (aet length. 8,000 suparfieiat froi 3-iocu aelcot cul'ing, 10 feet lenrlh 10,000 superficial feet 1-inch prime cuttings, 10 Icet lengths 10,000 superficial feel 1 Inch prim cuttings 10 leet lerrgms 08,000 feet pef M leet, board m eaaare Cums No. . Black Wulnttt and Mahogany lAmbtr, 3,000 superficial feat I -Inch black walnut, in 12 or 16 feel length ' 8,000 superficial feet U-inch black walnut. ' in 18 or IB feet length 500 superficial feet 3 inch black waluul, in 13 or 18 leet lengths 500 superficial feel 8-ineh mahogany, i0 16 feet lengths 500 superficial feet -inch mahogany, in 13 reel lengths. 5,400 feet, per M feet, board meaMtre. NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, VIRGINIA - Ota rWlr V5.000 eubie feet while aak plank stock, par cubic root. 00 pieces of white oak, ta aide 18 to 18 ' i terries, 18 lo 34 feel long, straight au .yJs.la.eBr?a fr?"l,J8 88 inch, rough-ucwa the mouldiog wsy y 3,700 eubie feel, per cubic fuol, . JiuJJe, Slek$, White oak butt pieces fur first class frigate. pieces, lonirth S3 feet, net diameter head 34 inches, net siding al heel 10 inch V73 eubie feet, per eubie foot. tor nrst-elaaa sloop 6 piece, length 3 4i feat, aet diameter. kead 18 incline, aet siatnf at it! tncbi 7 400 cubic feel, per cubio foot. A diagram will b furnished at this Navy Yard. . , ff'kitt Oak But Cuts 6 pieecit, each S3 feel lung, 18 inches wide, 13 inchr thick. A pieces, eaeh pieee 80 feet kmg, 18 inche wtUo, 13 tnens thick. lOpiecea, each pieea 18 feet loaf, 16 inches wide, 11 incbea thick. 10 pieces, each piece 13 feat loag, 16 inche w nJe, 1 0 ittcrje lhlc. 13 piece, each piece 85 feel tong, 13 fnehe vide, 10 inchr thick. May 13,880 feet, board sneawir. Tha above 44 pieee of bau ea are ta be of lha sery beat whit Oak. They ar now of th full roufh dimensions. Th centre, or ptrh, must "be taken 0UteTrTtff tlTW shsrp eonera.X clears of wane, so llist when reduced to the net six there will b no sup-wood on them. tfhilt Oak hoot Kntf 0 knees, th body and arm to ba fiom 8 to 5 leat in length) to be sided 9,4. and in che: sn equal proportion nf each aiding to he got: none of th above 60 kneeear to be M aqastw, that ta, beyortd aa angW af tw tr degrees; on -ban of thatn to . be seal, or wtihia a fcaare. Ta be fanuaheU by the kue. , . .; . lAKUtt. , . ,, 0macau4iBtuulw ameter nl I than 13 inche at ih smal lest end sy 185 eubie feet, per eubie foot. Clam No 1. Witt Jiirkary Built and " MiMtipike. i ' 10 bona, each It feet ia length. 60 do 10 do To b 6 nu kes in diameter at the srasll end tbe bark' not lo be removed. 800 white hickory hindepikee, earn to be 6 feel long ami 4 inche aqoare; they are tr be quartered, eo aa to be elear of th en tr or mth. By the pieee. li'hilt Ak Oar Kafttro. 60 osr rafter, lg feet long, pef oar rafter. 60 do .If.';- a do - -...- 4m, i ;(. 100 do 16 do ' f do -100 U do 15 , da , ... do All to b 81 inches square at the loom ; the Made 0 inche wide by J inches thick, sod or Ihe lentil or the miters. To he free from knot, pith, fhskes, and other defects." ! " Clss No. 8 IVoa Pino Plank Stock: SCrOOO euhtc feet of lmig loaf, fin grain snuihern yellow ptna plank stocks, - By 'the euhic fait. . t , .,' Frizalt't Yellow Ptn Span, 8 maintnpmasta sixty-it feet in length, par allel dumeier lBj inches, continued to 7 feet of upper end; diametefof upper end 14 IllrfluT. ' , - .ft '; 6 fore topmnst fifty-eight (Vet in length, frtrv atlcf diameter , IV mrlira, ennlinusa 7 foot of upper eudj aismeter of pper end I A ln.K 8 half mainlops.-iil yard forty-nine feet In length, centre snrt but diameter I inches ' diameter' of Itnhnr end 10 Inchea.''""' 5 6 half foretopsail yards forty) feet In length, eentre and buttdnrMtt-ra 16 inehe diameter of upper end 6 inches. -, , , - 4 half cross jack yards fuitf-fiv feet io ler.g-th, eentre and butt diameter! J inches; dismeter nf upper end 8 inche. ' 6 jib boom fiTly-ffve feet in ' length, Ventre diameter 17 inchrs end 18 wu:he. Sy 8.9 )0 tibie feet, by the eubie fbab- ' Velio Pine Span fir "loop of ff'ar. i" 8 half main yard lUiy-four leet 1a length. eentre diameter and at butt 19 Inches I end II inch." : 8 aalf for ward fiftv last in leflzth, reatr I dismelj sadat, irulU i8 isafhauii entl It) inches,,.,,..,;, ,., , ,i ,,,r. i . (i ,: , .', 6 whole maintnpsail yard aixly fcejia.ltnglh 19 loclie it centre,, and B tnches t sacli 6 whole fnretoptiil yard fifty-six foet' in length, 14 incite si centre, and 8 inch at " each tm4'"-''''','-.--''m 6 anaia tupmaste t(tytw ftsot it lengih. pr atlai dtaaiotar 17 tor he. tswtiiiud to 6 feet e apjKrid.Ldtajneter -of apper sd IJ luetic a. r , fore topmaat firrlyia tcel lit length, pN , alltl diuetty 10 )echa,tsontinued 10 6 feet tf upper end j dtemeter of upper fjud 13 itlchlS. ' " 1.500 leSOO 1.600 1,5041 length, eentre Ma 3,780 cubic feet, by tha euhl fret. Cuts No. 4. iVm Plank and Boards. ! 1.50U fret, 18 to 38 feet long, 7 to 10 inche i :. wide, inch thick." " IMOUmU 18lo88 feejt long, 7 to 18 inches wide, j inch thick. 8,000 feel, 18 to 88 femi long, 7 lo 10 bches wide, inch thick. 8,000 feet, 18 to 38 feet long, T lo 10 incbea wide, inch thick.5' 7 1 B.OOtl feet, per M feet, board jie(ar. Cyprtie Plunk and Btmtdi. 1,000 feel, lOJbeUpng, 8 to 10 inch wide, U inehee thirk. - v -leOOO feet, 36 feet long, 7 to 10 ktcoea wide, I inch thick. i 500 fl, 33 feet long, 7 to 10 incbea wide. . . I inch thick. 600 feet, 16 feel long, 7 to 10 inch wide, 1 inch Uiick. ' 600 feel, 34 feet long, 7 to 10 inch wide, I men thick. 1,000 feet, 34 feet long, 7 to 10 Inche Wide, I inch thtrk. 1,000 feet, 80 feat long, f ta 10 Inche wide, i inch thick. -600 feet, 18 feat loag, 7 to 10 iiteJiea wide, i inch thick. 1,000 feet, 84 feet long, 7 to 10 ioehe wid, I inch thick. 1,000 feel, 33 feet long, 7 to 10 inches wide, I inch thick. 1,000 feet, 18 feet long, 7 le 10 inch wide, I inch thick. I.S08 feet, Iff to 34 febt long, 7 to lOlMrke. wide, I inch tlticiu 8,000 feat, 18 to 34 feel long, 7 to 10 inebae wide, i inch. thick. 10,000 feet of 1 inch, to average 16 feet long and 10 inches wide. 33.800 feet. - ;. -' -- The elm snd erprass Voavds sre to be aaar, terad, th edge to be clear of wane no knot will ha allowed t also to be elear of. (pliUaad shake, aud other defect. By th M teal, board measure. 2 lam No. 6-frif J$k plank and ' - . Board: -J t. 1 500 feet, IS to 18 feel loag, 8 to 10 inches wide, 8 inche thick. , 600 feet, 13 to 18 feet long, 8 to 10 inchr wide, 1) inche thick, ' -1,000 feet, 13 M 18 feet king, 8 lo lOrttrhe wide, li inche thick. , t 1,000 feel, 13 to 18 feet long, 10 to 30 neba . wid, 1 iaeh thick. - - .j 8,000 feat, par U feet, board meur. Th above plank to be free from sap, had knots, and other defect, and all amler If iochee wide to be quar ' icredl plaak. lt,nKt feet,' briird measure, 3 inche thick. 13,000 feet, brisrd meaaure. li ineh thick, 18, 18, and 30 incite wide, .... J : CS.OitO feet Pef M feet. Thi to be quehaoaa pa. I. . -Class No. t.Atahuganv 1,000 feet, bay wntid, 4 Inche thick I, two do do i tta MaM do da 1 do 3,000 do do 1 lack mirk, 16. 18. , , aad 88 mt be wide. 6.000 fret, hoard meaaure. : AU of ihe mahogany to be of the very beet qaality, per M reet. t, Sutquthannm Black Walnut, 4,000 do 1 hieh thick, 16, 18, snd 39 iheke wide. ' " 1,000 do ; do 6,000 feet, per M feet, bosrd meaaur, , :-'.-. , - i Cherry Boards. 8,000 feet, board measure, J lack thick, 16, 18, snd 30 niche wide, . All of ihe above Susquehanna black wal nut and cherry to b of the very beat quality per M feet, ..-.. ' Clam No. Is White Pino Plank wtd ;,:.'', " Boards. ' , 1 r-: 'i t . . , t. , - .... ...... t Known m No, I, or firt quality. 6,000 feet, board measure, 4 iuelies thick. 10,000 50,000 do do do 8 do do t - dm do l du do 13tol4ft.longl6 to 33 inche wide, li ineh thick. , do 1 inch thick. ' do 13 to 30 fl. lone, 16 to 33 inrhet wide, I Inch thick, do I ineh thick. do do 00,000 do do 1 8,(00 4,000 do 190,000 feet, .-.-, .a-.. .it. . To be free from knots, sltaks, aap, and other defeeta, pr M fret. : ,( White Pins Plank and Boards. -Known No. 3, or aecond quality. 10,000 feel, 3 int'he thiok, wusrd tneaettra, 1 ' per M feet, ' ' ' " 10,009 feet, I incb thick, bjrd meuura, per ' M feeU . v.: 'v -", v -HV- ;:-lv -V. - To be free frora shskes, 4e.-' , , , - . -. ,- Class Na. tU fVarmrfa A'neei. 100 haemetste kneeja, 3 to 4 teat arm, 6 feet t body, to (id from 4 t f iacbea, per r,u kne. ; r , u ' ; ( : t - t-' latent Sprue. .Ve;. :. 90 spr,8 inches diameter, 40 feet ia length. 80. .do, 8 :.. ..r 86 ' do ; do.', 7 ':..'d.i ; n -', 60- do 0 . do,.,,,!..'- f.j,:t.4ae)..v'; 60 , da 3 do , , : U :., 4m -J,: -flay 1,030 inches? to b farniahtd by the inch. '- :--J- "l v i 1 6 piece (ticks, eaeh 65 feet ia length, diaav .... ett i trora butt. IS inches. I ,-L. WJ 0 piece sticks, each 65 feel in length, disru-;- - ater i front bntt, IS inches, 13' piece stick, each 60 foet ia lnglh,dlin f" eier. f from butt, 1 1 inche. T be furnished by the piece. 300 eprafrejfiles from 3 J to 4 inches In ill- Vor,4 Irota I a to an leel la length. ' fyrtm proportion of each lemgth nd ie by ilia piece. , '" " '" NAVY'YARI). PENSACOLA. " Clam No. -,WAife Oak Knees (P or a . Inch.) Pout lO-inCa tooi knees, from 80 to 85 40 inche , ' 8 jib booms forty-two feet ia . 15 inche. sod 13 inche. I Four ' : i. 8 do do do do ' doekJ inchr. - - - - T8 "kit Oak for Kuddir Stock Ptr Cubic - Foot. " - " 3 redder dock ft frigate s,ksy 830 eubie ft. 3 , , da , . do sloop, ay 185 , . , do Clam No. 3-fiV Jek Plank -and .-, . -i.-.--' .r Board, a' u , i w 10,000, fret bosrrl mearar, Inch thick, 14 to 16 feet long , 8 .000 feel, board meaaure, 8 inches thick. '' U to 10 feat long . - .,,,....,-,,,..-. ... 6.000 feet, board meaenra. Si inehee thick, 14 to 18 feet lonr - .-, . 88,000 feet, per M feet j ' To he free from knot. haka. anlila. aan. aad all other. defect, to b 13. to lb inche da, . and aawed to '' an area liiKkiiea, and aqoare edgee. --- - CiAe Na.'3. relto :piht Boarrfl artrf Plank.. . , . ' , 10,000 feet, board aieaeara, 1 inch tbick, 80 to few lonjr. w 14 tacheowide. 8,000 feel, board ineaatire, 1 Inch thick, ' T: h '0 " ttiBg, II to 18 Ioehe 15,000 feel, oer M leat ' To a free from asp, kaota, hah, and all other defeat, and sawed to qear edge, tad a evwa inmnea. May II 21 It, iSllCClTBIll. trJ tkoejra.lf Agrfcadtix;,v SAtT ANDXTMBMvrrXTmtE DEVOK POSITION OF MUCK, ETC. .' 1 ;.;?;'!;." 'it rao.a.i,'iiArE.";. In nor neper on MA Divisor for Mannres. 7srwir'M1trSaliTi lore, and many inauine have sine beaa mad by thuaa who tta not rear the Work ins; Parmer, a to lha mod of preparing this miilure, it uses, oust die. ' , , , Common salt is composed of chlorine and soda, and when mixed with eaustie lima changed to chloride of Urns and carbonate ef MM. -! ' ! ,''' Tha lima haWrig atrrmeer aflinitr for chlorine than ror sou a, combine with it, form ing chloride of lim i th soda being eel free take aarbonia acid from th atmosphere end beenme earbanataf Soda. 11ihl rational mar be ohjeeied to hr chemists, a not strict ly in accordance wilt) th fact as lo th orig inal compoMUoa ol tfta tail, 4te but they will all egrae aa to th result, which ts whsi th farmer requirre to know, and w hav therefore adopted thi imile ratteaale. The mode anally adopted for making the salt and lim a i a lure, j to riisanlr nn liiiei-j el of Mil ia water, and w;ih this tn afake three buahslstrf eaustie limd tim at (aid tnbe eausikt freshly hunied, snd befora receiving carDonto acto anu motsutre irora tne atmos phere, and unless ta Ihe eaustie stale will not eneara th desired reaiilt when altkcd with salt wsler. The niiiiure should be made tinder shed, or in a building, s the retniltam chloride of lim tnd carbonate of soda- arso. lubla ia water, and mdat thsraiore not be - poaed lo rain or dew. - . ; -' . . t L'nles the lim i really hot t purely eatis- tic; when tne sit water te added, the whole qusntity ia solution wilt not b received but by turning over the heap the neit dsy. It win he found lo hat absorbed the former dose and will receive tti reatainiler. Somelime Ihrer or four applifniian ar necessary . before tk whole of the aissolvto sail will tiorweeived by th lima. Thmixuir ahesutd he threawIM ovrr every othir day foi fortnight, and it wit dy fer-ue.,. , Ttsa4aldevMlvTia4 vtieo A lore may b however, Ihe more perfectly will the ehemical chaagM hiv laka pine, - . . 8hcll lime is prrferresj tit etone lim when ill latter ennutlnw manel,-i', 'a it often does, sspeciilly si Ihe shell rnuLiiu ', small pro portion of phosphata of lime, whiuh i mors valuable than it oilier constituent. . , , , Th refuse aall proeurabl from tke pork, beef, and f ah tttapeeiion ' Warrhouae, tukon fronf the barrel when re-packing, l better for our purpuae than eleaa salt, as th grease and other waller allached to it are valuahla as manure. - l uinen Uvtog aear tha silt ws ler should sink their lirfie for sgrirniliunil pu poe with it Instead of fresh water.' , ; t tu Tha chlurida of litu and rnrhnnaia ot soda, prepared at ahov reaommeadrd, i of it eiro admirable manure fer all amlsdefi- inl of rhlorlne, lira ir nd and also foi pesty and other anile eetilsinirrg ta sees of erganie matter. Hreen crop, when lop-drea-d wi h Ui mixture befora being plowed un der, are less Itkuly to render th soil clover sick that when tha m it-lure is not lised. Many insects sre removed by the tte of the mixture. In preparing a general divisor for manure for fsrra ute, ih mixture is slmosi indispeatable I for white fl renders fetid Sub stances Inodorous, and prevent! the fin ma lion and liberation sulphuretted hydrrteea and liter aoxious gases, Uantirefy weutralizitj all acidity of, muck, .swimp-mud, river deposit, 4tC, etc .., , , ,, , i,, . ,, ,v , Faor bos he) of Ui mixUli, when properly snd tlioroughty 'prepared and mixed through a cord of any of Ihe above named substances. fir even with saw dust, spent Un, orsny oth er substance requiring to b rendered pulveru lent, will cause it disintegration, and will render the component parte toeewibi to plsnts. " - -. t . .,...... 1 & qusnuty or in mixture uscu ror d- aom noting cheap organiq mailer msy b ia ereaied to eight bushel per cord, or more, whea lha soil to which il will eventually be applied requires addition of any of it int grentsv-'':,;;,:';':, ; ; ; Composts to which the mixture ms been sdded, should slway be kept in a moist (not well state to ensure etity and criretlve sc- iton. " . " ... A firmer a h ha k fiill. upnty' of orginic matter dcentnpoaed a above, can render his (table manure many time more valuable by eompoaiing ini'in wttn it for an me lrnuioiiia given offby (In) fifces during fennenttilinfi and-' deu-oinpositioti, will be readily absnrhrd by dceomposed muck, tnd thus leu loads of 'table manure, com potted ae faal a made with ten times its bulk of muck, nr uiher oriranie mst- tm which has previously bred treated with th salt an t lime mixture, wilt mk a ma nure of hul tittle, If any, lew v!a than tale in ita pure form from the stJiMee, 'nr mil deficient of organic matter, mill mrttt (oil are eo theeeeempoeta errj ivnltiaMe, r. The decomposed organic matter baa. many othef 9wa Ufteeompiating with stable man- ores; lot us deoUoriiirtg fwwefi are Henri)' e- 3 ef qal to-thoaa of charcoal tjat, gnj th t6-' orbing power for fluid are much great. Mixed with night-soil, it forms pouJrttts, n idmirabl and effective manure fer all cror in ill soil, for th food of man contain nil lit requirement of plsnl. ' Whea thoroughly BMoV. tha daenen luarl 1 organio matter may b used a a divisor ft " gaatut, and with great profit, a aU th ammo, aia af th guano will be retained until tnd -I by pUrrka, inetesd Of twins wasted in part bf . evaporation ia the etmotpl.arev , Saitdy aoiU, by ita use, ait rendered retentive of roaAurra, whil ilayey oil tr mad to yield their to nacity, and to become more easily work-1 bl. .e..' W hav above itl ih direction reattirea.1" in Conner-lion with our article oa Ui Alum, i aremenl of Compost Heaps aarj Jmportotwe, V m tsivuaeior Manures, ths nnrder can not but understand the cm and importance of our present retjommeadationt but ao part of , the dirieiions must b neglected, for the mere ' mixing together of lime and salt will ta rte chloride or lim and earbonai of aodr,' will the tutting of lime and tail into mnok or other inorganic matter produce aim- "' ilar reauliaj a or eaa the lim aad salt miltura" be mad with slaked Urns, mot will tall rivor water alone without furtbey addition of tail aak the mixed properly for th purpose w hav named, although when lira is to b ueed oa tatntf. it will prore more valuable ' whea alakadwith ea water thaa wila apring water. Hmt will lime added to muck pro due th Mm result t th mixture pro. posed, for when lime atone Is added to muck J A will tlecumpose it, but by .a large (oa U ila more vaiaabl portioa, rendred tsulatila i by torn lime, wkd ether pottiowa of rhsmook ' are M prwpared la rauia t, Nor will the -mitring together of minare, muck, and lha j mixtore, nwerso well a$Jrl to daegmpoaa '. ih muck or oUier arganui malttr by th nil , and link muttura, sitd tkan, and not antil ihsn, to compost it wiih the tabl tad othar ' manure for fullter decora positloa. Th far. mer who hai on hand ia the fall five hundred . load of prepared muck; and dia pruapect at . fifty or on bundrad load af manure durifif -1 wiator, to compost with it, wlii be better off "l ia two year, thin una who mty hsr In tha ; spring three hundred load of manure ia an ; open bara-yard compoead ofdaug aad alitor i aloo. :ti..:L ,i i,;. a -. - . HOW TO MA.RRT OFF AN OI.DMAtfl. A young lady in Ih Mighborbood of Lilla, found hralf om seven or eight years siue - -arrive) at t proper tg to mrry, and aa she . wa both rich tnd beauuful, h did not wast lor suitor. But Ilearaii waa a little like the t marriageable girl irld of hy tlie good Elfonluin. ' She wm somewhat difficulty ia hcrtaate and ; found one tewtatt.aitothntno short, tats on lour- ir thin, and that one too fat, r with innumrabi - -other deficiencM Just s objoclionsbl as tiiss. ThoM sh had tejeeted, mortified at Ihetr s want of moccm delerred othsrs who might hav wished to try thktr look with the youn . ttrJrrwrjitisfrtt hut thrtriHtitf herself ;mot v deicrt4 Slid lutvtaj le Ui cxlramily of eat.- uug bar cap," aa it i called, for a hustaahd. " ' Several year wees lha passed, when on ; dsy an uncle, who wm well aequalnled with die subject tad to whom tbe troubles tafj Henrieiie had bsea told, andcrtook to gel liar tasrried. Ueing supplied with mouey ' tnd full power In the premise, h look hi neieeto tha south of Frjnc. and while oa " frte wy held witfc her thi iUd diaema. -- "My dear nitre, tha great pctnl of tuoevM , ia thi world ia to wit opportunitie wheal they aiiee Now yon hata permitted all yourt to lip hy. This I uuturlunai b 1 Jon, age nnus a uusaantt wun anucuiiy. u maoi ao with a young .widow.- llatwefurth yaw are no longer Mwiemott lie tienrtetle A, butMa(lnm O , t aidow,,, Your husband, ! who lived only three tunothc after your union. . wm tn officer who did ef t) fall from lit : hoiM whil naming. - Ha hM left ao ehil - dren"wBut, my dear uncle," Leave at til to me, tnd let u now perebaw lli nece- , saff dresae tnd the marrisgc gifi which , your baabtnd would hav given yoa. tie! ( Madam O i 'i-,. hare it your marriaga nn ..' ReonllevK now you ar In put on a avrarimu ' (Igor and t sertoM tir." Arrtvea at Marseille, trie young widow produced a great srnsaiion in the social cir riea in which sh was proeuiuV . Th great quesiion among the young men bow, w who ahmitd obtain tht hand of Madame U t Many proposed, trtong whom on was alList ' accepted. . " ". .' Th veinng belor kit mamas th urrcie , aok hi fiiiHf t .,'hew, aside and Midi "My dear ir, w hv nW-veived yotiH Hem P' claimed th yftiing h.an. "Am I ant the ' tctovedr "Oh fer flora it. Havj tort de. ' reived me then in reaped to- her fiar'un "On the contrary, she le richer ttian 1 toll yott.7, ' ".Vhat ia U llitt." , "Ala! . JL, l.ltlc pleaavantry w aiade asia toeliah day y ae w aot a widow' Whal! I! Mon. O. wtilt V.r'ntV"l know not hoar that mty be, but my nice 1 still t maiden." 9 At these work t'i future nephew hattensel " lo prolan that far' from being in obslsolav, th a new ertedaoiily to increaM hi dewreftg the lullllinenl ol tne marrmg-t, i ne anion wm not dedaved. A trip ilironurh luly ' taken aa their woddtng tour before tlie htippf"t coup e relumed spin to Ih palaraalroaL ., Tne Watrieiaa or Wasuinot6i. Jarel Sparks, Eaq., having been accused of takiuf; ' nnwarranlable liberue wiih th Writings ut'i Washington, in bra mrnle of editing and pJO- liahittg them, hat repelled the accusation i and from t pamphlet copy of his reply, we think thai be hit saliafacUirily aliovra ilial ha hat , acted wilH fidtlity ia th pretniae. it ap- peere to to hs ridicolous to charge a edr.or with a pervefsion of the text, by his enrnet-' ing palpable itiaccufacifa which will nccu' in li familiar teller of the mo euruf il m -u and as err sal oalioUi, Til a)orriietksiis uud hy Mr. ttnarks, were du to tjcneral Wsh- inirtoit, and were such as would have bee ma le by nny m m of good eiioand Ji.vcrc-' lion -and. iiKlead of Iseiug reoanred, he du eertoa praiae for th course which he pur sued in referee, to then writing rVr e sre at all time corTeci in their f'hi!" phj', psrlicui irly lien not antieipati: ' lint1 frhot they wri! will be publmhed, and i would lik to hat iheir lutiers placed U'.ire the public, wiilnitii tiral andnnroiNg lb re)Ot eiteeorreeiiim. The lnk prrfortnn I b Mr. Simrk was Itoofioiis, arid hit been pi form ad by liiin lo the s.ilifictiini nf u fl who ate not dipot:dl Uc hyjicrcfiiieal.'f, Clp.