..... T 1' 1 1 .' IJUJ 1 nLJLile " " rauitJ.iiin.idii ROITI CU0US1 urtrfil it littlfetTml, nsrtl tsd ylyitctl iwimt, tit lul TiutiRt a4 tan tf tir tfft4iML" TES1S--Iwi Bollin U IdmsW, ' VOL. XLIIL RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1852. NO. 24. K T MTV Wan O gKMS.-If paiit strictly ia ulranre, H r an ,,,, 8 M n paU wtutla muotbi j Mid 13 it Uic WVBKTtBIVU, I Ifmi fl ") irrtlnaarUon H,"tl14"' ""' 'I " ' . . - FOR TltU WITT. ' "'' " Kavt 1aiiti.e!it, Bvuav r C!TKcno, Aa, May 11, 1 862. , mtI TROFOSAIA iropwpali tor J natMr er UaW," 4he Mt fee), (HMBttlg 0 - Vw Mid alaMlbrbublhiottiiiWtt4lU. rill W MMivvd by thta Burette, until 3 uVlock, p. u.., T ifce 19iJh - f J'y Melt, fff furaMhlnjt and cMW erisaf M4MtrMtf t lktMl 'v- Vonla hria ttiW uMi Tianber, Lvtabor, u4 ttW .micle OM-Httitk jmM 4fjUi qukxmity rttreii Bt nob X vy Yrd bo 4eJirreJ uu bete ike Srrtof July; mm thr uarUi yarl on or before the lint f B-jlm-Vert cue otber fourth pavrt am MrWfurt kbt tfnttjf Nu- ' UBif( jm! Qo otbxt fMwth Mtft ob or fceftve U. eirt.ei 4-jr t eBwbrt4fbteea buaiirv4 ud Hn IbrMu I rarxMU whoee afleni jpty be aroeud win tieM-quirea ta Mlir iato cmtimt-u wtfwb AiJ utbar uJui"n, will pruly pfriUe Uat, in ue they iLaU in ny re pMtUl tcfrfttroi the eontrarhi, the wiuv utujr Imi, at Mn fttttrilr i'.te4 Swcm, eelarctf H and vi4, MBMMl fMiak b figM f Ui BKid iaitrd ruti IB 4MWVBT Aw dvUuiM wbicb ma bv towmil, ah tb 4ttpUdua bIm thai, ifdHmlt jOiMllbemn'Irt.; Uiftcon Bor tadlitettBg aRor sn 0t tb artidn eontrart 4 lorr f bj fwliry aud ai th tiawi and iIal-m ambV ttart Umju aafn tbi mm tha ttmUmuu and Hritle wlk fwfeit and pay i the Unhfd Statttx, u H)idtMl AuBajf, a ram f munf y equal to twl the jjaBliil yriw, wbtah ItfBlftBtod damagrfl nay W ruur. H4d frwBi 4um to bow aa Uy A.ruv. Alltb aforesaid TiraUir, iumWr awl other article, tbm ba of the my belt fualit, nojfct to inspection jjii QUBJBHinirt, ! r iniirijtt Bht "jVttoM'rfttowrtifr. W1 like uacwt "d aaapeaeij timber, tr la Aavy elA Cmittd Stata" tni of wbich may t aaB4iiber Vaj or 5aX atutt'ti ul&aa. AH ika aBureewd rti-tri arotauied o be fo all revp4i MiBfteBiyla tlnOMBueidauiaf tbaBTy Yard ftbon lha aat Mall be oVUrored. ' ' Tka janua BijiAalJwa aLWJt BBliiy of tong leaf, nne griiin, euutburu yvtlow pmr, b BBfj B ba-Jteladed wtbcttteacurcineut. The White ak tiiabor aud plana uuit be feUcd bttwetn the first .of Oetobar and ibe M of Munb, aud miutliare grown 4lttbife xQr unci "f 'he Macoait ; miut be itrij ed of 41m bsf, brl atRil&twriiiy ttnTTRfter tt ! frlleil ad ptared rkar of the grrand, of whlh uticfartorv ev-IdBB-oa BHMt ti ffiveti ly th untmrtor, hy the produo io of wmlli imIbb, algue4 by twa rrwpevtabie witmwaea, wtok -Uvair depaiiliee nadar oata, hNtf.c wtwo judge ejf oJm a rt or taariMfBB wHbia BVe towaebif or amm erttat tlaraaid bi4oa4 tiwbwad plank weefetK'd. tW mm r rpnrnl mmi dutitu ur much .Vury l''ti rfT aBrtu;('t w mm', im ait- 6nmmdM- lb eoilt of each Jttm inau Im diHnetly t'Of lfdtfirt,Ttd,heR')?t',jit Bnimmt of cafli rhiR eur teotly footed wpwbich ie material tu fuir cotarimti fbida. MoeeltoaaktB of tlm fer making deliveries will he m peaaltte far awn Iwlnlrurat Kill, im all g. be rigidly fUlotttftl. - W.Wfp then-fjrw, ie- i W offer fur ko niwre Uian Uiey are sure lhi-v ai I frUJiiM ihntieae ei)Wd. ADWovt'd luretiei in twice the cetiuatod atnuunt of Bell eontrart wKt be trnired hi lite manner vet forth IllhU iBrtiaiiBt nni per oautaea aili t enthlMid frvea theamot of each payment a collateral KK-iiritp for itt faithful perfurtnant'. Atn-fy trctntni ,f r OiVf, aiwrorfcf itriptirtifr ffy f"riwliee ewHHfiMiinntt ajr eVnr ytM w i 'jf Bltf 'fTJ""' Bt at. , Brev 'offer me be aoeneafmaied by written fruar Bty. (the mpttiMhili(y of tho gunranUtr r gnurautni a bo oertifled to by a nary agent urotliertifi.Tnl pcreun, - owwjf eiil iai ao-ihe Buiyaa-) thai if the offw WrBcp4rd Uio bidder r bidder will, aiJiui iUi tlayV after thereiaid of the eunUraL't at the putt fflt-c ilesig til, iKT'tT the Kr wiUt good and ewflWWirt mtri ttre, to fnrwrih lb mrtieiee prpewed, agreeably to rhr mtwjo eaeriftH in tho owntraot. TU law f lle tvija. tngmt. 44eVfojibH ewneidiiBTfT)n'aFpruMeale mtA Bmmipanird by rach gwnranty . Hiddtrw nrmrticiriy rtvitMrHo trnti-trtf their rfm aewowaerr'eirr', tJmt ibey may he diftiutiU1icd lnio other bufloeM letrers, ki order t prerent their being oyeaedbeforv tbedey tipuiiiul. , Offon aot mede in etrkt coujdf ratty with this ailvrr liaeeaeBt will bo ooaeiderW or rtoruul, at trie iuUoo, f (he Marfan. Thoee only whoc offtr my be m-tejiled 1H WoHlMt atid OeBtrwet frwardrd wtthoni delay. . PewaowB otforiBf. are directed V, .ihijpjaM . pimJ ' oftoa throdgh which 'thVy aeitfre tiiWatIirveWt, an wetry Bgewt to whoa toe eootmetf abail be tout fora. All editor autnoriredo piiVVih thif Bvlti-riiatniraitJ Will WOOpntfy iiifTi wj (ins fwra. mr in Hrm WtUboBBtal far iuiaaeruau. FOHM Oir AN UKFKU. BfK ; I (or we) agree to fnratti and deliver t the Navy Yord w ila eoaftwrnUy wftb the reniremennitif tjie datliimniel by the Bureau of Cuejsiruction, ruipmeitt. ad Repalr.of May II, lrtjj.lbe rereral artidf. .!i:m Vwr, lamher eW.,aa the eaee ma ha,) eaamerated in (law No, er claaMea Nu. , and No. . fr that yard, to wrtt 4 , , ,f, Claji No. . ewble fmtoyellow pine plank rtockr, at- ' T I eeate peronhfoot.... $ awbte feet of promiaroooa yellow pine Umber, ai oeatrper eoiefoot. 1 ClamXs. . -ehelbeir white eok piaak atacka, at eeate per oubie foot ... $ aided iaehea of white oak boat fcneet, at . Beam per aided inchi.. t , ... ,;:... IfwbidbeaorfBte TdfNdreaobe addretwd throngh aba meaomma at aid m enract to beeoutteriie Bjy ageai aw , for ejteewtioa: - Iteeaeuefufry, year eoodiewt ewrr'i. A. B jTeComme. Wii.Kai.aaKav , Cheif of If urea of CoaaUvctiwa, eVe., Waebingtoa, IK v. We the and? reigned, reiidonUo '-- , in the Stale af hereby gaaraqtee, In com the forgoing bid of be accepted, that (he or ibey ) will, within lea deye mfWr Ike reoefpt of the coo tract at the rntet offlee deaigna Bad eamud bmVairregi eh e aa, wilb gwoa awdwa iciewi retiea, ee furnieh the artictee prppoaedf in ooa. formliy with the term of the advertliemcntaudr whirh Umw maew.. in& ti-uK h . ; ,, C.li. i j - K.IT. ! 4 I hereby ewrtify fhaf, lo the beet of aryknowledgnand 1 bmHaf, aba abaew aamed paaraatoro are good aed eadU eiewL U. II. Nary AarenL FORM tJT US frORSBMKXT m taw eWnjw tren mHtiag the offer : ' . Biawiirw ?imf -J .. vmmi JTo.hS at tie JTaew. Tmt4, (aam me ware!.) KATt TARD, eUTTr:RT(iCAlX. Clabi Kb 1 fl'A"tW) hiefcryrtptnhr115 feet long, J laehei at htttt, fkiM VA a I Van Braamiltm, owe ton from 4 to 1 two-tone from at 1 incne, j per tern of pewla. CUAB4 Iia, S. Cgprmm d-w W4, bobW meaenre, 1 U. cyprem boat boarda r - nwu UMMHIf, -ify,t'rAB1 CflABLESTOWN, JJAM, A,00 BiWe (m o.k plrS rtnrkfc pw fuM fool mwnu prtiprntuHU of lb. viriu.ir LMD Mku Im. vhlM ok nrr. liwhwy w nUmn liw, in length! af ffrni l5 m 1J tt . I-, rt.j 40 iaefce, in tlu Irnrth af iLc .link. To. wid w atnetn. nrr- way tolMlh rn rim of the tree. , al k aaawtaaniina; prt mt tk atiek si angle uV 41 wo a - man oM-tutra 01 tu. whole lenfilli aa tb. IWd. Tk u4a. hmifkl. ha. and il 1 " aaaJ pf imwtiwm, (mf .abtefaeob ,; ntanaa wait. tA km am, foom 14 to 14 feel long. ! dl unkt wt, rrwm WtaM Inrte. , navd la kara t fair wnuind tmrr. th. other ' inotm, bathe leagihot th. inV. ,4, 3riwaynyb.froltuSinch.wide, 1.!LT!rrdl'',1,lT"w"flB,"- Tohabwirh, ' 'wrntd. 4 frMlrMlewrMti. Brtl " . ft en bit fWt-. , - Myu WfromltolrW,ti.l..gtljrfn),an. I VOTae rvrmaa angle with Ui kly frowj Hotel The bmUoa ea bo oidod W ibe 4mimv of 'lb udiug way. Tbe moulding aiaoa of the bodieo lu the ntiddlt uf Hieir lengthe lit bo front IS an Ml luchea. Ketimatod ai aiu mokea aot aiding, per men net elding ! a bite oak koooe f. at haada, the body to be front S to Itt nrt long. The length of the ana fee the centre of the body to be fruei to fcot long, and to form an angle with the body fro at 130 to 1 4U degreei. Net riding of the arau to bo from 1 to to iaefcec. The roogh aiding of (he body moat bo two Inrtee larger than the diame ter of the arm the riding way, and aha Wioofdtag - eieeof ta body iea entire length aid ao be lea than iu routfheiduHceiae. batimatodal 140 iack aa net aiding, per knob not tiding. 1,000 euUc fuet beet' quality pajtvre white oak batt piecei, (aol log,j h-um U to j fet long, and none ! than 21 iucbee cliametcr at the top end, clear of the bark, pr cubic foot SO piece white oak timber, from IS to 16 feet long, to be dod elmight one way, from ate Hi toehee thick. The moulding way to be fmm 10 to 12 -ttiehea, and to he straight for two third of tbV lagth The 4bwr third part of tie length mut haru a fair and natural eurvd off from the straight mn fronttSte ! inhnat theend. Tobetoogh, etraiht-gratued and free from all delevle. Kati mated at jU cubic ftet. uer cu'dc foot 100 wbito oak boat kueea, anne not leea thaa 4 inch m djamr ter clear uf the hark. The arme and bodk-i to be from SO to 3ft Incline long. To be equore, in-Muara and euteqoare ia etuai propor tion, per knee Vuxss Smfo Pit. ' 5,000 IVet board meiunre, No. I, white pine, I Inch board, per M feet. Inward niesxare 10,000 foct Ward measure. No. 2 white pine, I inch boardM, pti; JH tvvl. board tm-mure 30,000 luet, hoard mraetire, No. S white prne, I ineh riiard, Kmt feet, board eaeneure lo,oo ft-et, buard measure, Ni. "i white pine, U; inch . pmnr, per ji reel Doara muarare Class No. 3 IfW Pint. 2o,ooocuriie fret fin? grained totitbern yellow pine plank atouki, er eubte foot 3,ooo culnu fvet one grain ed eotithern jclluw pine, -y" rfvnifcuttuii timber iroiu 2i to 4o feotlong, aod imm Jn to si inch square, per came foot Clam No. 4 Lntt, Ah, Kim. Ckerrv, Ctda. 3oo cubic feet . hite.itli butt piece, frria l4loU feet long, atul ?i'H iuKr tb.n IS iittbt- diiuiipter at the t'U enil,l-r f tlio tnrk, per otbie foM luo,oiafeM tiMiru HNiMirv white pimnk. from 12 tu Jo ti'Ct Lag tuitl IV (i Zu iane Wte Alld . IDl'D ei ihirlt.per M ft't'l. biNu d menrure 3,om fret, boMl ncFtir.. & Ineb wblte avb plank, from 14 to 10 fuot luau auii trom l a iiK'hw vide. mr M feet, btNinl meenure t.ouo feet.lfMirrl meanure. 44 Wh whit. ah ptattk. IVow 14 to 14 tei lunK aad from I. Le 12 iacbei wiiie, per M feet, buard m.nettr. (All the hlere ah tu bHrftjghtajHitruM'ht grain ed, 9uh nod tree f rom all dettjeu.) 2.00U IVeLlmiird nieHarn4 hicb blaik .walitul bear le, IVoui 12 to 2o letlotift, aud tu averag. 10 im-ltea wiAe, (tee M IMt, board neoeure l.ooo feet, buanl rau. St black walnat plank 13 to 2. feet lueuj aud I j 1 ik he. ariiia. per M feet aoard ateapur. 4,00. feet, board tueajeare; I lack black witlnat plaak, W to 1W feet loug.nd loiaebes wideper M fc.t, ootirit lacaeuro ,00 f'ct, hoard ucasnre 1 inch rh.rrj boaMe. IS to i lettt bio.' uud lb iucbee vid.. per M Icel board locseiire 500 feet, bon4 neaenr.. f inch cherrr plank, 19 o feet Ion and 14 ittche. idet per Jl feet, board UleaMl. a,OHT let, bmrd ataomi, 14 iiiek red lai plaak, tiu'Uea wuie, par m wet oo.ru taeaeur. meaenre. -ft 'neft iwWid. fMr M feel wwl aleaew. 4,000 fe.t. boardni.aenra,ieiiji hred4lia plaak, lltkek cm wile, per M feet, ttniivl moa'tre fi,5K feet irunr-i rpe-tetire, 2i vaeb retl e M ,laklO baca- waMo iKt-A it;t WMtil auaatku.. 1.S00 feet boenl meaiinr,1 Ineb red elm plauk. Itt rfw'tiee, wirte, fer re. hu.ro meaewr. " f AU lire abor. elm to Ime .tear of ceo ire aitb. rot ej1''1 ...hk'i ytUW- ktr eiin aad at- , ree eH.ro m i.ii mm ..m ion-R. $00 eubie foetttnl elm timber, round butt piece.,) from 12 to !i foot Itror and froio lzt v luche. diame ter,lo arc-.e lo In, bee diatneUrr clear of the bitrk in the itil'HIe of the atlcke, pereitWIe foot StKJcnbfefeetyellewloouirt limber, reawid butt mm. (torn If U U ftrt lajs, and fnm lit 10 lit iuok .ediaiaelr. t. avtrajr. II incket duHoeler ia to. middle f tkeboke..loar of the bark pereabie feet I.Otlt) feet, buard me.xore. iBeh erdar board., II to Hi feet long and S to loiuch.iwide.perM feet, board --meaeare ...wd" .-: -".-lOplecen hot quality rei cellar, fVoni lOtoll feet long, and t b. ront,'b Muared, from 9 to to iaehe uti m.ted al 6u cubic 1Mb per .aide fow. Saflrrt. i cordu bwt inatit'r hickorr butt, fVom 6 to 8 feat long, and froui to to 15 iu.uee diameter, poroord ItIO while ib oar raftcra, IS feat loog S'l do do 14 do 2M do da IS d. dti d. I d. 1 1 do d. 17 do U do do 13 do Ealiuiatrd at li.nsoiineal feci per lineal foot Tli blade, tv be full one third the length or tlra oara, and from b) 10 7 inefa;-. wide, by three fonrlhfl rf an inch thick at the end; to be i inchee thick at the handle and HI iaahae aquar. at tbethroau To k. touch, Mraiiht- grained,elcr.f koota, aptits tthina, rot. and all other defect.; to be rircn, and tleuruf eeaUe pitii, Cutaa ?io. . 3 Ligmtnvita. t too. of 3,Vi0 Iba. but ejualitjr lignuarttm, 4 in. diame ter, dcr lou t tone of W40 Ilia, bart ,'iallty ligonUTltai, I in. diame ter, er toa. 1 tone ot rf,t" Hi., beet quality lignuiavitaa, 7 in. diame ter, per ton Stonioft..'i4tilbi beet quiilitrlignueiviu., finch dlam- cter, per 4- n. . S lona of .i Willi, belt quality liguumTiua. S ii. diame ter, per ton I ton or S, iW tlx. beet quality lignamrltm, It in. ttiama-u-r. per ton. 1 tonofJ.a'lo Ibi. best quality lignamritm, I4in. diaaae tr, per ton Thealior.lig;nuniV ta to 1. roan 4 and free from ail ihakoa, craetu, aud atbor delt,-u, aud iu laagllil of 4 Ibat and ur. KAVY TARD BROOKLYN. KY. Ctua No. I. mitt Oak. "20,000 eubie feet while oak pltink tock per cubic foo i . WkiU Oak DnnsnrioH SluffIhard Metmn. 12 pieces, 10 fu long, 21 in. wide, 101 in. illicit. 24 do 14 rln 10 do rlo 0 dn 14 do IS da 13 do 4 do In do 10 do 10 do To be of fiiduir Quit, jquara edged, end traifrht, free fnim Inrge know, aud nil other defects; there Mutt be it least three inrliea twed from the centre of the slick to sroiil the centre of the hewl; say 10,810 feci, per M feet . , , . . WkiU Oak Boat KmoB) At Inck, 100 knees, from 4 to 6 inches to swrage 5 - .i inches, sijr 2,500 iuclies. princh, ,WV;. WUf'Mk ffmraStnl f emt. , . . 0,000 feet 1 inch clear board from 18 to 2ft feet long. per M fettt,- . 8.000 feel I and 1 inch clear boards, from 18 ,t , to 25 feet long, per M. feet ., J , 17,000 ft I in. clear while pine boards per M 6 S,Wi0 do I do do do : do do 8.1)00 do I do do . do . do do lS,M03dat da da t'i Wrds, do S.tiOO do 1 do niereh ble do do do 3,(K)0 do I do do do do do ' lo 1 1 .000 do 3 do whit) wood plank ' do C CwsS'o,2 Tdhw 7iW JT- j ' Ttlfo Piiu fimherBf tkt ("ubk Tooi.' 8 piece,'8t leel long. J2J inches square. . 16 feet from butt and 111 inches square si ' ' tfi trrp end, any 1,800 eubie feel per en j bie foot. f ; .tv .-' iu a- 'j. t , i if i - ! lid fiCt.67-lu6Lon,.lviaclutriiwtr,-j - 14 feet from biitl, and 17 uvoiie aqasrt 2 ; ' at the lop end, r MnO eabte feet par S . cubic fool j 10,005 cubic feet yellow pio ptnuk Block per CUbte tuoC rainm Pirn, Ftmnk-Br JVaavnr. 5,000 feet Ij titch yellow pine plaak per M A 9,000 do I i do do do do do LomU TimbtrBtf th Cmbh Foot- 400 r.ubie foi l tang Island locust, in lengths from 8 to 16 feet, to aecrsge 18 inches in diameter, and none hraa than 10 in ches, per eubie root. BeaeA, Vyprttt md Bior ffelnut Boarrf Mtuturt. 200 fce4 1 1 -inch beach plank, per 106 feet 2,000 feel i do clear cyprena boards, from tO to 80 tret long, per M feet. 600 feel inch black watant boards, per M foct. Class N. 4. Daci rf Span, 4-c. 4,000 inches black spruce spars, (mm 7 to 81 inches, to average 8 inrhea; to be 6 feet loug to every inch in diametrt, per inch. 75 spars, from 47 to 57 (ret long to average 51 feel 15 inches in diameter, oue-lhird from butt, and 1 0 inches at lha top end of the stick, per piece. ' ' 150 poles, assorted, of good length and size per piece The above apars to be sti sight, and with the bark on. per piece ifcry lim. 200 rough bars, li feet long, lo Sqmie Sj tncdes at one end, and Si at the other, per bar 200 roogh bars, 8 feel long, to sqoare SI inches at one end, snd Sf 'til the other per bnr The above bars to be of split hickory arraigni, clear 01 knots, and all other detect n'hilt .M OartBy the fool in Length. 200 white ash oars, IS feel long 300 do do do do do do do do do do do do lo 800 300 300 200 100 do do do do do Say 22,600 feet, per foot NWY YARD. PHILADELPHIA. Class No. I. White Oak Timber. 10,000 eubie feet of best white oak plank stock, per eubie foot 1,000 cubic feet of best while oak promiscuous uiuoer, per cnutc loot Clas No. 8. Yellow Pint Timber. 10,000 cubic feet of yellow piae plank slocks. . per cubic loot . Clas No. 8. White 4A Oirr Rafttrt, icces 18 feet long, 4 inches square, B loch blade, 500 lineal (net 60 do 17 feet long, 3 iochr square, 6 inch blade, 8.10 lineal feet - ti do 16 feet loiigSl inches square, 6 inch blade, 1,2'H1 lineal feel :.: 11)0 do 15 feel long, 8 incttes square 5 J Inch Wmro. I.J00 lineal feet 100 do 14 feet long, 81 inches square, 5 1 inch Made, 1,400 lineal feet 5,310 feel, per foot I-ocutt Timber. 400 cubic feet or first quality yellow locust, per cubic foot. Class No. 4. Lumber. 5;WM fctf OT.OOT 00 1 'o do do do 20.IKK) do l do 150 d Tt do 10JKI0 do 8 do d do do do do do plnk do do 3,01)0 do 3,000 do 6,000 do 6,000 do 1 while ash boards U do plauk U do do 2 do do Black H ulnut. 600 fret 1 inch black walnut board 3,000 do 1 do do do 1,000 do do do plank 500 do 3 do do do 500 do 4 do do do Cherry, Poplar, ami IfapU. 2,000 feel 1 inch cherry board I 1,000 do 2 do do plalok 1,000 do 3 do do do 4,000 do 1 do poj la r board J.OOfl do 4 do maple 'plank. Per M feet, board measure. navy Yard, Washington, d. c. Class Ss 1 HArle Omt Ktum Sonne mi In. etuan. 66 knees to side, 8 inches when finished, 400 inches per inrh 90 knee to side, Ti inch when finished, 676 inehes do 160 knee to tide, T inche when Gaislied, 1,120 inche do 89 knee to aide, 61 inche when finished, 520 inches do 50 knee to side, 8 Inche when finished, S00 inche do Arm to be in length from 4 feet 9 mehes to 5 feet S inches i ibodie ia length, from 6 to 7 feet in (II other respect in sccordaiice wuh th "book of measurement. Class N. 1 ll'Aife Oak VUnk Staek. ' I J,5j0 cubic feet while oak plank slocks, per eubie foot; SO of the longest piece to be airsighl, 15 by IT inch- esj the remainder in accordance with the books of inesnretannt. 164,000 feet, board measure, while oak plank, per 1,013 feet j of this plank 65,000 - feet will be 4 . inches, 25,000 feet 5 inches, and 70,000 feet 6 inche . , thick 1 the thickest plank must be of tlia longed leagih ;, in other respects to eonform to tlie "book of msur ' ment" abor mad. ' 1 . ' Class Ko. tTtll Pin Plant Suelni : SS.OOO cubic feet relTow' pin plank locks, per eubie foot. In th above amount &4He!e4jte. W9 14 atraighl, 15 inehe itt tbiekaesa, the ', " wlwt way lt ineheei wilh at regalar eurre of 6 inche f also, 30 pieces ' in length 39 feet sided strsighl 13 luetics; in tnickne, II inches die . othes wsy, with a regular curve C inchest also, II of ihclongeet pieces of the plank stock moat be (traighl ' 'and sqnare, 16 inche at the top emit ' ' fu oilier respect to eonfona to Ihe vrr bovW of, measuremenl. :iayMiW.--4ltovll."tt 8,008 snp ft II In. to b 9 to 10 in.' wde ifiOO do -1 dm do 18 to 12 . do fr.OfO do t do do 13 to 4 d do do do do tl S do 14 do 15 do 17 do 20 to 15 to 17 to 20 to 2 do do do do SI do 4 do 18,000 feet The whole to be srrfl seasoned, In 1 3 or 14 feel lengths, anil clear of wind-shake, split, knota or other defeela, per M feel, board mas re. , ClAa No. 8. rTif finrfiUmiorr. 40,000 superficial feel 1-inch onwmon eul lings, 1 6 feet IcngUts. 8,0T)Q superficial feet 2-inch select cul'ings, 1 6 feet lengths 16,000 superficial feet 1-inch prime curlings, 16 Icet length 10,000 superficial feet li inch prime culling 16 feet length 00,000 feet per M feet, board tncasnre. Clam No. 6. Iltar ToitnY avtrf Mahogany Lumber. 2,000 superficial feet 1-inch black walnut, in 12 or 16 feel lcngilia 2,000 superficial' fret li-inch black waluut, . -fn 13 or 18 feet lengths 500 superficial feet 3 inch blsck wslnul, iu 12 or 10 feet lengths 500 superficial feet 8-iilch mahngiiny, in 10 led length 500 superficial feet i-inch mahogany, in IS feet lengths. 5,300 feet, per M feet, board measure. NAVY YARD. C.OSPORT, VfRGINIA. . . CLa No. I. . 25,000 cubic feet white oak ptauk slocks, per cubic foot of hitef oaky to MreHl' "W "l V niche, 16 lo 24 feet long, straight one way, lo curve from 18 lo 36 inches, Mugh-hown the moulding way say 2,760 cubic feet, per cubic fool, JiudJei Stock: While oak bull piece for first class frigate 6 pieces, lciifth 33 feet, net diameter head 24 inches, net liding al heel 10 inche ay V72 culxc reel, per cubic loot. For first-class sloop 0 piece, length 24 feet, net diameter, head 18 inches, net siding at heel 8 Inches lay 400 eubie feet, per cubic font. A diagram wdi be funnelled at this IMavy Yard, Whin Oak Bf Cuf 6 pieces, each niece 2t feet long-, 18 inche ' wide, 12 inche thick. 8 pieces, each piece 80 feel long, 16 inchee wide, 12 indies Illicit 10 piece, each piece 18 feet long, 15 incite wide, 11 Hichea thick. 10 piece, each piece 13 feet long, 16 inches wide) 10 inche Illicit, 18 ptccee. eaeh piece 25 feel long, lS inches wide, 10 inche thick. 8:T 12,860 feet, board measure. The above 44 piece of butt cut are to be of the very beat white onk. They are now of live full rouiiK tjiuiejist.ins, Tlt cetitee, nr pilli, nuut be taken OuU They are to be got sharp comers, i. e. clear of wane, so that when reduced to the net sixs liters will be no sup-wood on heiu. It'hitt Ouk Hoot Aneri 60 knees, the body aad arm to be fioru 8 to 6 lost m length; to be sided 3,4, and 6 in rues; an equal proportion of eaoh titling to lie got; none ol th above SO knee are to be . out squsre, thai is, beyond.an angle of mite iy decrees; one-hair of tlicin lo be scute, or witliin a square. To be furnished by Lotmit. 30 piece if northern locust, 13 feet long, di ameter not le man 12 inch al the saial lest end ay 185 cubic feel, per eubie foot. r Clam No 2. White Hickory Butlt and JIuniupiKet. 10 bulls, each 14 fuel in length. 60 do 10 do . To be 6 inche in diameter at lli small end the bark not lobe removed, 300 while hickory handspikes, rh to be 8 leet long and 4 inches square; they ar to be quartered, so ss lo be clear of th cen tre or pith. By the pieee. White Ah Oar It often. 60 osr rafters,' 18 feet long, per oar rafler. 60 do 17 do do 100 do 16 do do 100 do 1 6 do do Alt to be 31 inche squire at the loom th blade 6 inche wide by 1 inches thick, and i of ill length of the rafters. - To be free fmm knovn, -pith, shake, and elher defecle. Clam No. 3. JeW Pine 'lank Stoelct. 30.000 eubie feet of long leaf, fin grain southern yellow pine plauk stock. - By the culuc fouu - Frigate' I'etlow Pine Smrt. 6 msintopmasl sixty-sii feel in length, par allel diameter 191 inche, continued to 7 feet of upper end; diameter of upper end 14 inche. - i for topmast fifly-eight feet in length, par allul diameter 18 uiclies, eonttniMiil to 7 feel of upper end t diameter of pper end 14 inche. 6 half mainlopsail yards forty-nine feet in length, centre and but diameter 16 inche; diameter of tipper end 10 inche. half foretepMil yard forty-two leet in length, centre aad buttdiametrr 16 inehe: diameter of upper end 6 incite. half croM jack yard fortf-8v feet ia length, centra and butt diameter 1 5 istebee ; diameter uf upper end 8 inche. ' , 8 jib boom fifty-five feet in length, centre diameter 17 inches; ends IB inches, ftsy 3,8(10 eubie feet, by the cubic foot. Yellow Pint Span for "loop of War. 8 aalf main yards fifty-four' feel in lenrih. centre diameter and. aj bult J9 .jnche , ind ll Inche. 8 half fore yard fifty feet In length, fceutre inchee. 8 whol msuilopuaysrds silly feeti!ngUi. to uwaa ai centre, anu incne at eaoa 8 whole, foretopsail yards C fly-si (feet in length, 14 inche at eentre, and 8 inch at earB nlL.L..i:...!-.X....:i.-w..i.i 8 main topnis! fifty-two feet in length, par- allot Cut meter 17 inches, continued to 6 feat f JPPr " diameter of upper od 12 6 for topmast forty-niae feet in length, par. anei oiarueter ie incnes, conunuru. to tees of upper end t tfiemeter of upper end 13 rnchi . ' ' 1 vt;; MOO 1.600 ' 1.500 1,500 8 jhS boom forty-two feet ia length, centre llR..kM J.I.I L ' ... w .. It fuches, ends 13 Inehe. Ra) 3,700 eabio feet, by th cabic feL Clam No, 4 Elm Plonk and Board. IJbW fret, 18 to 38 feet long, 7 to 10 turbo wid, 1 ioch thick. 1,500 feat, 18 to 88 feet long. 7 to 10 inehe wid. inch thick. 3,000 feet, 18 to 28 feel long, 7 to 10 inches wide, inch thick. 3,000 feet. 18 In 28 feet long, 7 In 10 inche wide, inch thick. 8,000 feet, per M feel, board measure. Oyprti Plank and Btmrit. 1,000 feet, 26 feet long, 8 to 10 inche wide, H incite thick. ' 1,000 feet, 26 feet long, T to 10 inch wide, 1 inch thick. . 500 feet, 33 fct long, 7 to 10 inche wide, w- 1 inch thick. 600 feet, 18 feet long, 7 to 10 inche wide, 1 inch thick. 600 feet, 24 feet long, 7 to 10 iocbea wide, 1 inch thick. 1,000 feel. 84 fei long, 7 to 10 inches wide, i inch (hick. . 1,000 feel, 20 feet long, 7 to 10 inche wide, I inch thick. , . - SOU feet, 18 feel long, 7 to 10 inche wide, ' i inch thick. 1,600 feet, 24 feel long, 7 to 10 ioehe wide, I inch thick. 1,000 feel, 22 feet long, 7 to 10 inche wide, 1 inch thick. 1,000 feet, 18 feet long, 7 to 10 inche wide, J inch thick. 1,500 feet, 10 lo 34 feel long, 7 to 10 inches wide, I inch thick. MWO feet, 18 to 3 1 feet long, 7 to 10 inches wiue, inert inica, 10,000 feet of 1 inch, to average 16 feet long and 10 inehe wide. 83,500 feet.- - - The,cltu and cypress boards are lobe quar tered, iheedgea to ba clear of wan ; no knots will he allowed also to be clear of splits and shakes, snd other .defects. By th M feet, board measure. Class No. 6. White AiK Plank and hoard 600 feci, 12 to 18 feet long, 8 to 10 inche wide, 2 inche thick. 500 feet, 13 to 18 feet long, to 10 inche wide, 1 inrhe thick. ' 1,000 feet, 13 to 18 feel long, 8 to 10 mrhe wide, II inches thick 1,000 feet, 13 to 18 bet long, 18 to 30 inches wide. 1 inch thick. 3,000 feel, per M leet, board aieasur. Th above plank to be free from (op. k.J l,l. ... .tl, ,Ur..i. ...I .111 r r , wiimn lJ!ry.. krf'M'r antler 18 inche wide- 4 beqaatv tered plank. , , . , 12,000 feel, board measure, 2 inchee thick. 13.000 feel, board measure. 11 inch thick, 16, 18, tad SO inche wide. . 1.000 feet, board measure, 1 inch thick. 25.000 feet, perAi feeL Thia lo be Siusquebtnaa No. 1. ClmI No. .MuhogMW 1,000 feet, bay wood, 4 inche thick. ,(NK) do do 3 d U00 do . d 3 do 3,000 do do 1 toek tkarfc, 18, 18, aud 30 luihet wid. 5,000 U board uitiiura. All of ihe mahogany to be of the rry "betl quality, per m leeu Stuauehanna Black Walnut. 1 ,000 feet, 4 inche thick. 4.000 do 1 inch thick, 10, 18, aad 30 inch wide. 1,000 do J do 8,000 feet, per M feet, board measure, Cherry Boards. 2.000 feet, board measure, I Inch thick, 16, 18, nd 20 Inehe wide. All of the sbov Muaquehanna black Wal nut and cherry to be of the very beat quality, per M feet. Clam No. l-Whit Pin Piant ani . Hoard. . 'v Known u No, 1, or first quality. - ' T 6,000 feet, board meisure, 4 inchee thick. 10,000 do do 3 . do 60,000 60,000 do do do do 8 do do W do do 12 lo 14 ft. long 16 to 31 inche wide, ' 11 inch ihick.i ddl Inch thick, do 13 to 80 ft. lonr. 16 to 32 inches wide, I ' iueh thick. do I inch thick. ' COO 80,000 do do 10.(00 4,000 196.000 feet, .. . , To be free from knot, ahakf, Mp, and other defecba, per Al leeu . White pin Plank and , hoard. , Know a No. 8, or second quality. . . 10,000 feet, 3 inche thick, board measure, per-M fent, " 10,000 feet, I Inch thick, board meuure, per H feel. w Te be free from ahake, ate. 'i Clas No. 9. llatmtla Knee. ' ': 100 kacmeue knee, 9 to 4 leet anna, 6 feet body, to aide from 4 13 7 inches, per knee. . . .. . ,. .. .... " lath Sprmee4 !.'' '- "r : 90 spars, 9 inche diameter, 40 Teat In length. 80 do 8 . do 38 .. . do y 80 do 7 ; da , S3 da 60 do 6 do 30 ' do 60 do 9 5 do S3 1 do Ray 1,036 Inehe to be furnished by the inch. ". 6 pice sticks, ach 66 feet In length, diam- rater tlrombtni, 18 inches. ., 9 piece sticks, eneit 66 feel in length, dism- - eter tmrn bait, 19 inehe.rt' f - 13 piece aticka, each 60 feet in length, diam Js'eler, from bull, 11 inche. ' To be furnished by tb piece. ' 200 eoraee polM from 81 to 4 kebe ia di- amstst, a4 lrnt 46 to V tosl in iengtb. Equal proportion of each Iengtb and sue by .tb aieee.:; ' . T;i:.t , 4i,n.ta i 'j NAVY-YAr? D.- rt'NMACOLA Clam No. leWAws Oak X nut (Par . , . Inch.) Four 10-inch root knees, from SO4 to 85 40 inche , I Foer e de do ' " do do do I :. .1 .... , - . -: inehra. 1 ' ' '78 Wiit Ottk for Kuditrr SlockPer Cubic root. ' " 3 rudder stocks for frigates, say 330 eubie IV 3 ' do ' do sloops. My 155 do Ciaa No. . WkU Jei flank and Board'. , V, , . 10,000, fret aeerd measure, inch thick, 14 to 16 feel bmg -a- ? HM9 feel, board mensmre, fnchM thick, 14 to 18 feet long 5,00 feel, board nieMure, 3j inche thick. 1 14 to 16 feet lone' , . 33.000 feet, per M feel . Job Tree from knot, slukrs. anlits. sen. sod all other defects, to bs I'i to lt inehes wide, and nwed to even - ihickneas. tad aquar edge. ' ulam le. 3. Irf7(rt Pin Board rnnd Plank. 18,000 feet, board measure, 1 inch thick, 80 to i feel long, 10 to 14 inchee wide. 8,000 feet, board measure, j inehe thick, 85 to 80 feet loug, 12 to 1) inche " wid - - ' - 1 5,000 feet, per M feet ' . ' " ' To be free from sao. knots, ahakna. anil .11 other defect, and sawed to square edges, and an even, thickness. v. ri- ti 6.-. . " - May II 81 4u . - i V- iJjnimmit. CUTTING W11EAT EARLY, Wheat raiser have now nlmou nu..'n.ii. adopted the practice ef culling their wknat early wnemer ine grain n tor nourorndTher.i. notliiug Tot in weight by thia practice, a the berry fill rapidly and Uioroiurhlv .n .i.. straw is cut, and is plump and Iwavy. Whoa seeu nan peen sutiareo to become dead rin. t the phnum is, it will prrhap keep better man iu. i which uas seen cut sooner ; yet praeUcal men hav remarked that seed lim ply ripe germinate more readily, and wiib greater sigor than lha former, v v 80 far aa the mere prracrvatioa of t,t.. ily ia concerned, the thorough maiuretion of tna toeu oeiore eutucg ta probably of advan tage, but his perfection of lh nrooeM arhla nothing to the nuireiousnew of Ute erop. It is the perfemelahiiraliou 01 carbon ia the grain, uini ensure me long prescrriuoa of th vital principle hi grain, and where this M itn perfect, there i a wsukitns and want af nrty in gsrminating soowwny which eiert barmful and atulttfyuig iafluenee upon the progeny; 7"l way o cm wnen II 111 past th milk, and dried in th hull, without any det riment to its producinj-power. Oil ut ia UI milk. nr. nral.ro!, la i .l and. efLaiuah greater value, when to cm for ie0vi.tr Branch, ' ;; r -n' CULTURE OF THE TOMATO. - Thi most eirelteirt ' egeibl T fat e." eomtng an moisptSMWe-eriicfe of diet wilh lha itoh and Ih poor, and it Is fortunst Uiat it w (or with ti peculiar Bator raw, aad the innumerable ways m which fl can be eooked, it tanks high in the catalogue of dain ties, ind is, wiihal, on of tb very best r m jfuges that can be lakea into the stomseb Negroe and children should have free aeceaa to iIm Tomst vines. 1 W ho would not p.e fer taking Tomatoes, nicely rliced, wiib a b ttop-fisiri auH mimt'ii'!&u,'ii'M met f or even who would nol prefer them tomt grawu tuead, to a blue ptUI l omatooe ar saottedingly osty of culture growing ia almost ny audi but like almost every other plant, are immensely improved when cultiva ted in rich soil. Tom. tors, to be grown in their greatest Derfectloa, should not be allowed to rtpea their fruit on the ground. The fruit is iuelinixl to rot, aud vea the sound oms hav an eartliy tssi. When the plant i ait inches high, il should be trained to bnsbe i or whit I better still, msks a frame work, of utna; placing ins frame each Md of th vine, ahsde the k round around the tioM with itavei and straw, aud they will grow five feet high, loading each tide lath wiib their betuti ful fruit, aflordmg every facility to the picker. Vines cultivated to this way, will continue bearing until frost. Young- Tomato plant are eeaily iranaplantcd -They may be awl out any It in when the rrouud I modrratrlt tnoist, by shading th pUnl from ih sua a lW days. , ,.: ., . , 9 , , , , , .f POULTRY AND EGGS. I do (mall, buainesi lo raising and pulling up garden seeds, aud, last fall a yr ago, a 1 was ol earing eut tome red pepper teedt ia easy Back yard, 1 threw toe shuck and chaff promiscuously ibwit. 1 spoa obMrved my hen picking them up and (wallowing ihem wiifi greal avidity. 1 , J ney soon com menced Isvitif es-irs, tho' they bsd laid nun for a mouth oefor. 1 1 feed regularly two or three times a week, since then, with red pep. per, and they bsve never stopped laying sum msr or winter, spring or fall, except while they were hatching their ehichena ; and I am confident, thai by thit method hen may bt made lo lay tho year round. DMar Kew. ; CUKE FOR GAPES. ,. The Northern Farmer says thai on drop uf Spirits aif Turpentine, to half a teaspoon. ful of sweetened water, will curs Ui gape in young chickens, turkeys, er.. '', '-' SIGNS OF A PROSPEROUS FARMER. Who lishl sr seen buruinr ia th houM before the break of day, in winter especially, it show thai the day wilt Mm break oa the breaking in of the winter of aifvoetiiy. - ' When ymt see bis barn lanrrr than bi houte, it eliow thai h will base Urge profit, and smsll afflictions. , ,, ,,,,,'.: When you Me him drivini bis work instead oTbia work drivinf him. it eliow thai he will never bw driven from good yesnlniious, and thathe wHl eertaiuly work tiie way to pro ' When you see in hi house fur hurnmi i.rd or grease, tliaa esodle-tlick for ntprc expensive purpeeei it shows that economy is lighting- aw way to hapirirvMS and plentj with thai liirht which mould enjiifhieti rrerv farmer bi the world.'! " -J. " ; When yon always see in InswoouMiotise, 'tuKkieWf'fSf ftrire'mohllii'' or more it show. , tiist aa will be mere thao a nine day s won der ia farming optrkikin. end that he a nu rlMping in tri how.' kAfr''-a drunks froll. "' mj hou,, P1"" from the' main building, purposely fur ashecand an iron or ha vessel to traosport them, it show tb ha nrvr built hi dwelUag w be a funeral pile for bie femiy and pjrhapa bimaelf. W h hi hog pea it boarded "imid and out. It show that he Is "going ih whol beg." keepint; pleniy imidc the house and poverty out," ' ' , -; W he hi (led hishouMd in summer tad I farming impleaienu eovered both wi.rier and ttimtser, it it plain be will k.e a good hoaw orwr ms acso m ine summer W early uTu an! the wiabtr of old age. When hi cattle are properly' sheltered and fed In winter, it evideneva ihst b ia ac ting according to tcriptur wl.iuh my that "a ' merciful man ia merciful to his beast." ; ' When be is rwa subseribing for a newspa. per and paying in advance, it show that be t speaking like a .book rcatxsrriur tit latest improvements ia agriculture, and that he aev. ergots hi walking papers to th laud of povef, 2 ; .f SAVINO MANURE.. -,:; The Michigan Parmer give the practice of' a Scotch farmer, in the taring and manage.' Brew of his manure, white waennnoi km gard ts eminently economical of lis fertilli-r img qualtlie, and worthy of ganeral adoptba ekeeplin ihe depth ef winter, when ll may ba delayed. To prevent dissipation by tva " portlioaand WMhing, h draw it tway at fut ulti thrown Imm th tahle, pdesil "P. w. ome convenient pkca on the fertn, firt plaeing fayer of the fresh manure, to a depth o! 8 or 18 inches, (lien a layer of eommoa sou apoui juur . uii hra thick, wr.iah or the eourse down lo about Ih sme thickness, thso tnother layer of manure, which in lik msnaer is followed by another Isyer of earth,'! nd too till rho pile it eomplcietL, Ia Out .. , wty th volatile portion ar preserved, aad he assert th manure is of double value to what it would have been lying in the ytrd. ' ; W bare tried the above, and find it a most xoslleni, plan. ; Let ihe dirt be the richett yea ess get from the swamp, from fence eorv! er or itch deposits, end add it many ' weeds and at much trash as you can get 1 and it Will hs gready improved by a liberal sprin-', kla of salt sad writer and strong ashes en trt' ' tj layer of the mnur. 0. S(ar.(:., i i e?, i AN UCLT OATH. ' . ; Mi th Msicnt pert of Delaware, there re-' tides k man named B-, now a justice of ; ine pesee,tM a vry sensible man, but, by 1. . ,c l- . j .... , I i .hhihhi wwinreui, ins acnrsi louailir llrutvio. teltif U'i. nutitJ snllow.and awry. Wilh t tall like a kancaroo. One day be was ont huminr, ind on oue of , the mountain Mads' . h met a man. oa foot land tlone, whi was lmiger, giiner.glier,.. by all mius, Utan btmsell. tie could give Ih .... tquirt"t8fty, and besriiiii.WT Without T Mying a word, B rtiasd bis gun and doe1 liperaielyleeiilied il al the stranger. "For tiod' sake don't hooiln shottietl the mania' great alarm, ; Sirangsr,H replied B.,"l ewora ten ysart igo that if 1 ever net a man uglier thaa I was, I'd shoot him, and ysuj ar tha fust on: I'v sera." Th stranger, after la kin e earsful aurvsy of his "rival,' replied. ; HWal, eapuln, if 1 look any worse thaa yoa do, shut 1 dnon.t ...wr! to liv bu ioa , THE IRISH IN A R LAZE. The arrival of th Irish patriot, Meagher, from Van Lie- nun's Land, hi set th whole Irian' portion ' of our community in i perfect blaas. They have aol bees; ia such a Mat of excitement sine th ouactnt Was made ia Vaaxhtll, ' a few year ago, of th great battle sf Hliev- gataou, out ol wbwh the Uirecior.t amnagetl to get thiny-five Ihotiaandt doiiar' from th pocket of th bard working Irish in thi eoun . try. Mr. Mngher will be received by th Irish snd by many other elusM, with as! great an ekcileneal a that which haraun ised Emm! la hi day. li will b more las- ting Ulan that of Koesuih, beeaus Ihe Irish 1 patriot want ao material aid --.-yean no hunt' ' bug but mtenda to Mtiledowa plain repvb. lican, in tltut land of freedom aud equality. . V, V. Herald. W see It staled iu the vSott them panert ' that at ha late sewion, th legislator nfLou ',. isisns pa.s4 h atringetll law regulating the ' manciitiooof lave,and iadirtly itreiigrn- :, suing th plea of Africa eolonixation. No t slave esa be emAnripaied In the But except upon eondilioa that he shall be eent out of th United Hute within year. The owner ' must deposit 9180 foresrh slave tmantipsteit, ' th money to b spplied In payment 'of the voyage to Liberia, knd support after trrj. ml. i Th Democratio National Coavrntion now V ia session, wa called Utgrther by en B. Jr', Hallett, oho deelareo that -he i ojipoted to . tlamery in any form and color, end in aeor -of freedom and Fret Soil wherever man live throughout Got krritmfe." Slick a pin '. there good people of the Soma, snd think of " the Soulh, and ill ink of thia when you are called uihhi to vol for Mr. Halleu's candidate. Mr. Hallell it one of th unnatural tlliet of -ih8outb. ' ' : QMt.Tel, , ' WINDFALL. :", ; "' . ' ' ' " -,. ; Mr. flcninniao ; O'Donhell, of Jamaica, Iinng lsliind. a respecuilde eilixon of Ural place, and who hud been employe for the best aihl ytars as a blacksmith, by the Long Intsad Railroad Company, received the rr-n. rfyirrg Iniellifmrw trrnt property to the smoiutt : rl(W,ltl had been br jucatliej to hun by t deceased reblir in Ireland. Mr. O'Doniull . has takrii bis tlcpsmife for Die Creeu la! ia lake possumon of hit wealth. The Columbia State Kigkti icqmUkan Hss bee informed that common M le batk, voiled lo a alrong (Licoclinn, andai!ied frs qeenlly, will ellcclually cure ihsuioat arar. ed caws of sore eyes. It is equally good or man and beast. , . ...',... If we rnuil laah one another, let It be 't'h. , ilie mtnly strokes Of tV'it and MiiitiflSir T im if ih old philosopher's opinion thjl if 1 uiul ulTerfrom, one or tlis-othsr, I we-Jd rnihrr -I should be from the paw of a lion than from -he hiKjfof s ats. i . X 4 XtstritV