i 1 4 -, rPOSTBt I H sstsls tb etamaT friara moroWT wlrtf TT Tit task, thew, trnule, , - , II rise t dawa hia pipe to UbW .- 0w w(Bb Md tkcwtef h U klf alftrt, TiU the tear of .. TU hit esiigkt, Te sok, chew, smoke. . Tb quid Xs la whea tkt pip fee sat,-! , ..H shew, thew. ebsw, i. I. 'ow, a eked sf aanoke fan aa frees hi Uroajt, Thee, hi asosth tond I eonttant strait altost. . ...TU, ehw, ehsw. ? H ait at, day la a tstoks r tog. f- . 1 ,.Tipy, pnir. . . , . . , v . a grl at kit srifa, tas eat and eVar, ' He mm with tha th sarpet aid rag,' '.e A4 hi snly Bsuarer whea I gin kia jsf, . ' fcpff. atuf, past- ko it! VT from n4 t eaJ, " 'fa Piofci MMOhj' SSofcff "t. fa whxta-vtr room my wov I wesd, ' ( ' If I tak hit tlothsa to pate tad ubJ " . .rfrt,fl 9ttM wiH ttar McawV - - v 1 1 UU 'Of wukt, ttacke. ': ' t ' ' 1 - .- -. j'j" t i f"f-' tt At It, sr abroad, afar r asar, " J ' ; '- .,. , Tie mots, ebsw, amoke ; : ' Ilii saoot it stated rVoaa as I ear, sltotomp f piptaodtar, - kiadaya rino4I twil taw, . Is attafca, rataka, amok. ' ' (. - " ' . ' -; '-; Toon j kuliai bwra, lira ainfl InJaaJ, . .KryamarrjMau kM 'lhavaaj.' V J ktubanlt yr ikaald aar lack, 0, kaa to awry aaiaa that aaaa takaaaa. 7;'-;: fir lit 101M. " Rnooli want to know why ihere U lwiya a mvnb giJJ in "ih Aart of paftetiwrf" htr(;tifomi;iWamerrriveif AVhy frey don't put it in their pocktU or ilxir truajL$, or pttrnt infety bcltt" ! ill King of Japan 1 eotoored giilleman! Ilial I rlfll aa rlA aB.a a ... L! 1 . . a -.-..... WMV WH. nvi im ok me neon fl.raJ t.... Ill '.I . II . - "Who Um firct man to earry walkinf 1 twtr ;" '- ; ; r ; Kdm. (it hi had Cainl" ""T h..-, .U'wnbt moatlnduftiloul "tnafif''"" '' Job." ' Wbo Wm'.iU jioai" unfQrluuM paeuU- WrT . T.1,,.1,11 Vr Jonah, for ho got 'iu ked in. " Wh waa the firat .iiujarr ' .!s t 'Solomon." - . . '-'J -Why wa haae; In f.tlier'a hand like A piece of auction gooda?" . -Booanas U wm offered ra aaerifiea." Wlio Mi th Rrat pimeftfrf" Nmmk, (Par ) 't "Wh0 lhe fif o Wearalockinra!-. . w'1 ' 's ' ; n -t ' . Ttnr, Mid a man to phy avian. my d.Hiuhlor had a fit Uiia morning, and eontino lim an Aour, 'without knowledge "f underaiandiog.'V Oh," li tl doctor. "nev rmiut) that, many poopta eontinu to alt their liver . . , , . .! r . Voq fcae ato!en myieoul, dlvina 'onef - exHstmed MrrSiplttr lo'hlr ordered. ' ' " t'ardon me, my dear air," nupmrfledTtie hilyj am not in the habtt of picking up IhOa thing." ' ,: , Wnfar 'aeeJa when aown lit pwpoatTt Tliey are pltulwd in ihn eartlt to prP4Me . What ia a nniif man In mU - , -n vim ll Hi, l roorae. ' ? , , , , ,,, , ' " jUIlAKD CA8K CUTE.ES8 OP A , TOPER. : A t!Iow in an adjoining- county, adilicied to ikaiikeiiKa, wxa a-nt to (own a few day a a gojr lua wila c.uivtxr w-lh th of "a baaket of ehickena." th proreed of whieh he win inatrueled 10 tnreat in the pnrchaae of a calico droaa for hie rbetMr half." He 4J the ehirkena and pent the money; tor jt- WntrTTJuTTi ciTIiejet-'ciori" it ha avaat (Mima without lite dree 40 he eoneoc led the folhiwinx plan to gel ft f Ho went In fo 1 Dry Good Store and commenced woep tug -r-lj. lean aireaned and he fairly bellowed ihe merelmitt eniHireil the eenae ofit: The lojier U!d him that he had juet loat hi wife, and dial her dying requeat wee that he ((tie merchant) ahoold give hr a da'k calico ihroud eho objected to white, , The mer chant' heart niiited away m ympatliv, and he eiheerfully gae the toper eight yanl of J calico. . ji neam ooiiiing more rrom the top. er or liie iainily until the elapa of eeral daye, when the wife of thebruie nnawsre of the tranaelu)n. euildenly preaenied tteraelf t the metchant'e riaion, i hi eonnier, wear ing a drcu made of liie "aliroud." v. Ferreet waa oot more aiartled wlien Joiin Van Burob preaenied liii-lillie bill" of 90,000,M than (he merchant when, upon eeing her, with up-lified hand and trembling body, he ahrunk aghaot ami exclaimed, "(Jowl (r-d! madam! -! pve that dre to ynu fur ehrniid!" J', ll al ould like to hav Hi opinion of the Preeat a to what liiepoailion ih wife ahnnld mekoofthi fellow. Let the Blue Devila' ekaat him ihe Inlanao of hie da) a, wiib pilcli ivk of fire, and let anake-head and eorptie. Wild Call ami Jlyena hutiiit him in hi tluaui. J, flie biukl lo treat hi wife time. .1 . mi bltton Citron. "- ''TL.U will do fur kim, friuud Enna-.Sar. W Jiubi'uti the fnl!ow!n ai ahowing a lil- kle M the murky tide of human nature. : It it no tiriierag3mnl to the gloriou temperance ease. There are ihnae who deceire the aeteee and attempt to deceive otliera connected wuii all hu man iiwlilelione. , I ;"A'UQU0B JOKE.' lo Ilarri wa wholev tooled merry ftd W.'tod vary tmd of t gift. After living ii New Orieanafnr innnyyeera, he came to the CinPluaion of laiting in old uncle, wy up in Ma-"-li"-ett, whom he had nm aeea (01 year. 'Now, Mr. I'ict, you too tlie'dif terenee between New Orleanaand MuaaachU etu, in reganl to the ue of anient epiritat, anc' whcif Joe arrived there and fmifd all the jeo pie run mad ilxmt ' temperance, ' he fi ll had .limiting. ttXlli.tiia ulil aw, tta-iwepmr epinu up ttf pouring epinit flown watjjir oi thabearway to m -it Hnie paaaTand ibeirar to fear, indeed, that lie waa in njiitklr. Uu on the morning after hie arrival, the old m:n tnd hi ti Ix-iiig out at work hia lum cimi to him, end aid-- T 1 JmV vmi hiveheen living 111 Ilie'Suull-, and, no l:thi, are i the hahit of Inking a li tie aoiii Killing u dnnk, !wiit eleven oVI'iek , u nr. ketg mwM here Air medical purpitt : 'hit 1e n -me ktmw It; f -myhnirhiind waitr la t the bir giol exump.c. ,.; ' Ioi;;irfuinixi.' tui ditnkn-f l:e ro"!i! . . 1 ..!. no more tht'diyrtonk,' i. Tie xpMJ t -a butter. . Alter that he Walked oat to th alatI. and Who thmitd he meet t-ai hieenrfe. "Wetl, Joe." y htyH esrpeot ymt arete eoetomed to drink eomething to New Orieant, bet yot) find ex all temperance here, end for the ease ef my eon. 1 dWt let theea know that I har any braady aheot bwl 1 Jwat keep a little her for at) rheiuDatiam. Will you aerrpl lituer , , ... , Je eignified hi readioea. tnd took another big toe. Thaw eoo tinning hie eralk. be eane to where the bore were mauling failt. : ArW eon verting awhile, one ef hoi eouain nid "Joe, I expeet ou would like to have a drink tnd te the old CIk are down ot liQaor. we keep tome out here to kelp uee. wiU ear ork." . .. Out came (hi boitlei and dowa they tat, tnd be eay that by the lime be went boot to diiMief. he waa aa light te h aoakl well I tnd tU from vttitinf t ttmptranct family. , .f flfl't 8EMITII.T. LITTLE MARY'S FIRST SUM. One day little Mary read t Iea-h to her rattier my well, tnd (he tried to epeU every word thai wtt pconouaeed to her. When alt bad Uooe. heaaid la her, "Now I will teach you to cipher, if you wiali to learn." She win ghd to hear ihatf though the did not know what h wa. But it gave her great pleaturv4o leant alt Iter father taught her. . He eaw befiooh up eed eotike. Tbea ewe aid. "What do foe mean by a turn f" -Yit.y, replied the father. "U te what your hrailier did yeaterdjy. He eay two ind one are three, tud etie from five leave four, and o on." ' - O, do teach !" eaid Mary. Then her father took down a email elate. and made t figure one, an, then t figure ?; then 1 $ t end to on, lo .Then he pointed at th figure one, and teked, "Whatia that I" 1 - It it ooe," tattl Mary. , In thia way ha aaktd her all of the fieures, one by one, and Mary aooo learned them. I hen her father held up two of hi finger and mkeu. "How many are there up T" "Two," ahe anawered. Well, then," eaid he, "write two on your late." - She did o, making t figure, like thia J. Then he held up one figure, and-told her to write 1 under the 2, and alia did o. And he added. "Now draw t line under it." When ahe had drawn it, he raid. "Two tnd onelre how'miny f,rT - I hree, tne replied. - - --L , "Welt, now write 8 under th lije,H eaid lie talheetiTr11FnrtT--r-T--' r;;i t . V una alt bad Joo Uiia, he- told her thai waa a mm ia addition, all had been adding number together. Tliit waa Mary 'a Aral aum. The neat day alia loarned more, and in a few week arfte knew how to do a great many um. Then the begnn to teach her little brother how 10 make figure, and tld aum. ' She waa a good litlte girl, tnd clway kind to her brother and eiater.- T:..' . . ' For th fe ciRLsr. '!; How many girl have' ruined tliemaelvea by marrying young men who had nothing lo re commend them hutrieheat ' "' ' " ' 1 It he rich t" hat been the inouirr, when 1 tuitor had preaenied himeeiCFaotMh girla I Kallier i , ho HaMligeal f It be faf doalrifmef ; r ..ftj-.. )-V4ruie4ta4 14 tlieae que anawered in the affirmative j and if he' not a aeennd ahirt to hia bark, we will anawiir fiir hi edMl-ee."" "Wenith my be toil, hut the good qiidlitie of the heart will remeht like tt(t JU041Unf JLKMiiLd--UMa Remember LKTI KR FROM MR. WE1ISTKR. --Tli -tbuC-Ctniell 1 abater, haviug been to. tiled te viait the town of flvmnuth. Maaaa- ehuaaetta, on the occaaioa - of Ih vial t of M. Koaauih to that town, ha wiutnid die follow ing toawer lo the eoinniillee of invitation' '' at L' .n 1 n ojAHanriai.0. hViay iv, 1004. i nilenitn; I had the honor to receive thia morning your very reapeclful , and kind invilrdiim, in 'behalf of the cilizen of Ply. mnii 1 It, lo meet them on Wedneaday, on the oceatiow of ihe ' ylait of fverflOxpau.this our ancieul and uiaiingmahed tnwa. I re gret to (ay thai the accident W which' you re fer, though not likely lo b attended by permanent evU conaeqilcncei, wa yet aurh a will neceaarily oblige me to rinaln tt home for tome da) to come. ; ' v Your gueai i en exile who ha fled from hit native land in eonacquenreaof the reaull of political atmgglc. A uch he hat bees received In thia country hy the eoratitnted u- theritie of the General Government, tnd many of lliO Stale Oovermnonla, a well a by large maeaeenfih people, in those parte of the country which he ha viaiied. It t an doubt true, aa you lugger), ilial he mutt feel atrong emotion while (tending on the apot where our piigram father linded. Tliey. too were eiitua, having left their home, and all llmt waa dear lo them ia their native land, that tlity might enjoy, on tn unknown thort, and in the mldat of a Mvage wildenieaa, the bleaaing of religion liberty, and mildaad free inatitutioHt ofninil government. The landing ilaeii, cniinectrd with Itt object tnd th or ciimiuincea accompanying it, will not fail to excite hit tympathie and tcnaihtllties; the rtaulta which have Unwed from It ' in the eourae of the two hundred tnd thirty year which have nnee goneTiy, win be tnre to ee gtge hi ref ird and flmirallonj and bit miud. truvnt d eniliuainaiic it u t, may yet well atiiggnr under hi view , of the . future, if he hall allow hi though It lo wing their .flight Into the rqHDt ol age tnd age yet come. ' Nothing human can be iheolutely certain oflnng eoiiilnuancej but if we, tnd fhoeewho (hall come lter tie, from generation, thall malnttin the leading prine'rptee upon . which our Inailtiittinna ire founded, end according to whieh tlit (lovemmeot ha b"n tdminidered from iteeartteit day, we may hope for aa much perpetuity of our political blouingt t mty lull lo the lot of man. The firatof theee mam princinlea umlouhledly it the mainten ance of public liberty and equal riglita, and entire liberty of .rcligiout njiiniona. under a well defined ennatilutinn of civil government. And, at ctaentiiil to th maintenance of oeh (owrnment, uitdet Iheelreuiiiatancetln which die Conalitutioa ef the United State era for md. a till which (till Xtat, there luimt he an hiding and unwavering aichment to the U 'lion of the Statea, acronipnnied alwayt by ;autioti tnd Concieqiiou regard for all lh rightr lutei ed antl eeuiTft to rtfe Ststei hv JitniitH!ijJLilidL-Jvidene ha phi- iieU thi country s wr a political condition in hieh both libeny and aaiew ar abeotutelt leeeaanry for tit hppiaea, and ia whieh hi' lidieuit to imagine how either ' eould eubtiei done. Adietingviahed portmiaga wf intiqul y eaid that ill world emiid hot bear two canr iui in oar political ht-fniaphert il appear ti nc ill 'it dond and d irkneaa would Kfttla up n'u the moment we ehoitld roue to eniot h-tjntird trgtrt nf rlie two mild, ' heneiftRienr, inlluut and gloriou orb ot J.uvcjey rvi t , pojhjrrt BiriipU.pfoii T.wfcich", imrt tyitea le brnnded, and which ba caaraeter Bed th adminiytfati.nl of the Government from the bejining, it ttS abtoljiie equati(y of nation, tv hold tn U11 a a elemeotry aottnne; end wbilt we eiercite our. ewe id- dependent choice in re(rt to form of gov- emment, we eoacede the tame right of choice toother organized poliiieal anmmanitiec. Whether nation b larger or mailer, if ir laet they be atttojus if they be ef the eeviliied po litical comroaniiie of lb earth, ihea art their right equaL Each govern ilarlf tjd bit juet authority to do to, Oo tar exceed aother iter in glory, but they ar till ill atara moving eeeh m it propper arbtfc tnd all held together by the great auraetiv power of the aniveme. But ail thia by 00 mean irapliea that w fori no intereet or concera in quea tioat whieh teepeel tht form of govern menl in other Statea. We are attached 10 free pop ular representative govern rneo la, from the full eat conviction thai turh government. etab liahed over intelligent conimnnitiea, are moat productive of human happme i and the great duty we owt the world ia.to (how that these ooovicltooa are well-founded, tnd te prove by ourexample. In an age of progreaa an rapijly-increattnr liirht tod knowlrdx-e, thai the matte of Ihe people, if religiou, moral. tnd well-educated, may be ult-Jy truated with elf-government. You are pleaaed, gentlemen, to peak hf me of one wbo ha rendered some aervice to the country. It is true that, in that aervire, a great portioa uf my life ha been (pent, and ellortaliav been made by me, from time to lime, never, I truat, without palrinlic purpoae, never Wilhoot labor and care, and sometimes not without ihe meat overwhelinning anxiety. If I have aceomplUhed any thing Tor main taining the institution of Ihe country, civil and religiou, I rejoice tt it; tnd you may he as sured, gentlemen, that to lar a any man may rsiy for coewideney, on hi own settled opin ion and meet determined purpose, what I have been, and what I am, 1 ahall continue lo be le the eed. Again 1 thank you (or your invitation and prty you lo astura ray neighbor, the eiiiam of Plymouth,, that their pleasure in seeing me could not etirpaaa lhat which I should feel in being among them, on any occasion whieh ia lo call them together, and likely toafTord them , grstificaitbn. - - Tewr obliged fellow cilizen tnd humble1 enrvant. DANIEL WEBSTER. ! To John Raael!, A. L. Ruesell, E. C. Bher-; "man, 'Muse Balea, jr., ' esqa., CooiinUtee, Mc, Plymouth, Maaeachiiaett. .t JUDICIAL DISCREtToN. The following incident (say 1 the Fayetl- ville Obiervri i related in a very well rillen and interesting hiograpliiful skelch ol our diatinguiahed lownaman Judge strange, prepared Tor and publiahrd in March num ber nf Livingston' Law Magazine: On one occasion, a young man waa indict ed and tried before him f -r an aggravated auault. Bill he waa young; hail acted vi olently lo a venge the real or upposd wrong of a lather; and there wa lhat m hi ounien aoea and demeanor thai marked 1 spirit thai impriioomenl might render di-spemie, buicould never quell. J he Judge lelt Ihe responsi bility of hi poaition; lhat he might now, by 1 lingular tct, fig the future destiny of 110 or dinary man. He wa nxiout to maintain the taactity of the law, and yet save, if pontine, itsvkMlmfmin mid, After" imne hesiiation, he declined lo imprison, but unnoted a eon- (iderabla pecuniary fine, gave the youth aoiiie good advice, and diamisacd him. Ilul man ha aiiice been a prominent memiiera of United otatra Nenat from one uf the other Suueu", W are remained by the above of an tnec- ilote of Judira Htrans-L'. while on the Bench in a neighboring .eoujtty,AjnJJM weallli and.i jlegtee of influence in tho coin munitv wa convicted on trial before hi in o outrageous abuse of hi wife, among other enormitie having compelled her to ride as tride ol a horse some fifteen mtli-s one night. In pronouremg the scntenre of the court, the Judge evidently hi bored under 1 powerful effort to keep down an expression of manly indignation againtt Ihe brute. lis roinmenc ed eiiaraeraune? a trine of Densltiea fine. loci a, imprisonment and wlut not to jh leretTexlenl allowed ui Uie uicrrtiou ot the Court. "Judgi," . cried the- rimiml. you had. better hing.uie atlonce !.' The Judge spring straight to hia feel, exclaiming. ''I wish lo beiven it were in my power! I would rather hang you than any man I ever taw I And the sentiment wa responded lo by every heart in Ihe house that had e aparit of chivalry ia it. Orrtnt. Put. ExTtAoapiNAar OrttATioNi Commercia circle were highly excited hy an ocouireuce whieh took place on' Tuetday la(, in which the lair dealing of one of our largest dealer ia Western Produce hue beea teiioualy im pugned Wa lorbear giving the names ol par- tie, prMiirring lhat the affair will in due time be made public in an authentic form. A far as We cart gather them from responsible aource the fact are tt followt t The largn tVestern merchanl referred to tome nioniht ago mudo 1 wnuen eontrret with a firm in the city, to famish then with 6000 barrele of pork at 914 per barrel. . Since the contract wa matt pork bat gone up lo 1700, and the contract")" louud himself in a bad terape. . On the day that the contract wit to be performed he ap peared, howeier, belore a member of the firm of the other party and made a tender uf die pork, demanding iht price Immediately, to wtt th pretty um ot 87,0U0 in cash. II wtt Ihea pad th bank hour and th firm re quested Uie contractor wait unlit they could atepeuttud draw the money.. He agreed, and the member of the firm tet actively to work lo raiae the fund. II wa not long be fore ihey had raised more than enough, and had tendered the contractor a eertiheite of depoait of 987.000 in' one af our haukr Thi would not satisfy tht contractor, wbo denianded the money the apeci I ' Again member of the firm had to ruah around the bank to hunt up the oiiicer. After om trouble tnd tax of Ume, they lurceedcd in get- ling, the tpecie out of the bank, and putting the boxe on t dray, trotted around to the con tractor." Il wa then hear 7 o'clock tnd they met the piny eoming ' out ef hi olnce alter having (lotto up. . "Here it your money for the 0000 barrelt of pork, ia aptcie, txuluug ly exclaimed lha fortunate purehaier ef the pork.' The reply wit a model of diplomatic ooolneaa "Sorry, geinlemrn, but it i loo late. It it passed biiitnea hour tht day 11 over th cO'ttract void. . liiKiil cienuMr, Wltn an air wnrtny 01 ivieiiernicn, m nwj;sy s n vsduiwa. . - 1 K - d,L W..in- ulu, prinnir nrrUtmin went home tejoieiog over an optration which ha rather etarded the moral sense of oar commsroiHl public .V. 0, Delta. ! HORSE RAOINO IN CALIFORNIA. ' A horse race came off it Lot Augelna, . on tht S let nit, for two thootand head of eattl md tWd Uhoaaand dollar! m -money .The iittanea was rrln mile, which wtt made in nineteen rnlnairr and ' iweniy "eTvijor. tht. r.iee f f.iu fctiiititsd yaru wa run for imr buudred bead nl catue. v 1 as.r' hTHS FOOE JeiBlAil. I A--COnrranontU.nl of fineinnslli kf.ann Review, retllfl aB roteremng kuiane of ihe benefolent tendency of r reenieaoary, which occurred ia eu of the Wetteta Pute. . One bright, but bitter winter evening in it o ember, trier the ordinary buisness of - tdg aad been dispatched in peace and harmony, a Brother rose, end eresenard the ease ef t etranger in distreaa an Indian tnd a Maton. who, with hi femily, had ts cendy arrived in the city JU4ud received t letter from hint, detailing hi destitute condi tion nd informing him that "be had aaiea hia last morsel ot bread," with hi wife ad children, and knew pot where , to took for a further (apply, .The letter dosed with an appeal, whieh would have reached tny henevolentheart, bat. in an especial manner, wae ea leu la ted to thrill ihe heart of every Brother .of the "rayi Ue tie. An appropriation wae promptly made, arid true and Irualy Brother telected. 10 naaien to trie renei 01 Ihe poor ladisa. He waa found in a rud quarter, emaciated by eickaes. surrounded by hi tattered chil dren, and in utter destitutiition. Hi wife, the lalthlul partner of hia boanm, wa abaent, aeek- mg, if poasible, from the cold hand of pub lie charity, a pittance, lo eupplv their iinme diate pressing wants. A sprightly looking little girl, about ten yeara of age. wa atan ding by a younger brother, who clung to her aa ihsftr.nger entered, and communicated 10 ni altln-ied lirolher the auNect ot hi mit- aion. The arene wa one of intense feeling, ami the worthy Brother who had been ihe ageqt of the Lodge, in diapeuaing its aid 10 ihe dvalitnt alringer, exprraaed iu effect upon hiinaelf,;By saying, aliorily after the visit, "Had I never before known anything of th Masonic fraternity, or its benefolent action, thia on aet weiild have hern sufficient to convince me of il value, and wed my heart m ireatrougly to au institiitioii o benevolent in iu nature.'' - EPISCOPAL GONVEXTIOX. The Annual convention of the Protestant Epiacopaf church in this. Diocese, assembled in St. John's c'nurch in Fayetteville oq Wedneiday, liie 10th, and closed on last Monday morning at 7o'clock. The Bithop and 80 clergymen and 30 Ley De!egatc were present. The proceedings of th con vention were remarkably harmonious aiuf gratifyingrill r the" ahaehci of all subject cal culated to produce diaseusion. Tht next convention will meet in Raleigh, on the Ias Thursday, in May, 1853. IDTEITISEIEJTS. I- MORKI40N CO. Ilav. Ileuiovea froDi 47 Wall it to 61 Willi.ro it. attV-l'iirMcular stteatlon Is sail Is th. verj bril Iianl di.plsj of Svhemca for th Bwntb of Juds. Bv tar ai4 aJdreM yoar ariteri aarly to , g. MORRISOS Co. il WUam at, K. T. IO.OOO ! 100 priut of tliUOQ. ttrand fnanoliilifctcit liotury of Maryland, for tho beae III uf tboeoniolldittt Lotkrlm of alit., CM 88 O. T drawn la BaUiBors, Marrlaa. a lUtamtaT, Juna So, Itfx, uoaor lU auionauni4Boa sf Uom. aaliwiouan. 7i Kutnticr tiotterv It ilrswn Wllola. gnat St'LKNIllll . I PrllB of $ail,tOt, I IS,:iW, 1 lO.UOK.Z i.HOO.to. t Ti"k.W, $JS Hlr.. tl Qnartori t Eicbtha. tl it, t'rti(l.t. of Piuaa UolM.Ha JU llalvai, WO Jollaw Uuarlon, til dollar Kihtoi, H. aullura, apoQ. dulln' hi i.rn.i f tywe Uruitl CoMoli.lntd l.olt.rv of Maryland. rl.tHS S, f ji liiSJ. To bo drawn, ia Baltiiilurc, M.irrianit, on Salnrday, Juno U, tsii. (tHA.VII 8J1IHMK. 1 1'riu of u,IU)o 4olln, M i,ltuH,, M Iflto - - e. o. tr. Tickets $l bliania in proprtlua. 7& Draws Nutntn-rj I'l 'trawn Bullotf, - "H fert210 Mliare in projwrtloB. : . t-I,TU ! .. Raeh anl srery Tie. 'I ia this LoUery will he a prist, fur all tboee tickets without a drawa aawbar, are eat-'li eutith'd to three dollars Kror I (rand Cousulidali-l I,olu-ry,of Maryland Clans to, lur ltil. To be ilrawn iMldtlmoire llarylauil. 8atocdsy June I i. lail. RBILUAST SCHEME. I priieof tXt,7i. I IV", 1 I i.MU. .. TtoktM.it dIUre-rliares in pruportion. Jli Number Lottery 11 drawn ballots. A Certificale i.f a PmkK or Hholo TkkeUi "111 ia,oiH)i Orand Cooaolidatsd Lottery of Maryland, for the heue- Jll or the nu.qurhaniia ittnal, ana other purpoM;., Class SI, for 1 I'll. To be drawn In tbe City of Baltimore, M.I. on YVtdneausy, Jena lad, ICM. 7t Numbers 13 drawn ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. ' .1t,e0 dollars! iO.tO'H d.illan ! 10,000 ! 4 of 6,000, 1 of o.o... 2.1 prises or 1, ooii. aw. c. to. Tit-kets IS tliillaxs. rlbarrs In proportion. A Certificate of a Parkaire of it Tiikets will bt aent fur file rthares In prviportlon. tto.oool Oratid Consulidaled Lottory, of UaryUml, for the bonefit ol the Cousolidnted Lotbrrlvs of Maryland, Class II, tor ISM, to be drawa In tha City sf Haiti more, (aid.) on Wednesday, June I. Isati. 75 Kumbors 12 Urawa Itaikl. liltAND rSCUEME tt.tfl d-illtr"! d tllarsl 5 of ft.OOO, t of 4,000, IwV Prises sf itu dullara eaoh ! t te. As. Ae. 1 1 TiokU only $12. A eertitnit of a Package of 25 Tickets will be seal ror site Shares in proportion. 3J,.H7I (Iran-t Cimaotidaied lottery, of Marylaad, for tht keneltt of Uie liusiiuehitnnah IJanal, Ac Class 14, f..r mi, to be drawn in Hie City of BalUmore, Md.,aa Wednesday, Jans tth, iSot. . I Numbers it Urawa Ballots. MAU.NIFICEM SC11HMK. IW.IWO! IJin! I of 7,500, uf 10 Prises of . 1,000 dnllarnl tt. te. te. Ttokate It dollars. A Certiti-ats of a Package sf 20 Tscktt sill b tent fur tluO "harts is prupurtlon. . .-. (tit, I ' " MARYI.AND C0N80LIATKB LOTTERY, for th Ww.it ef Basqaewaaaah Canal, As. Class II, for I HM. To br dmwn in the City sf UaUipors, aid., os Wedattdsy, June It. 18iJ. ft Novo hers, It Drawn Batlota. - ' ." SPLBNIMD 8CIIKME. I tl.SOt dollars I W,t dolbtrt, lt,MK dollars, I of l,0 d ill.rs, I of t.lKKI l Jl.re, I of 1,870 dolbtft! M Mies of I. Oil dollars! 1 1 At. As. As. . Tiektu IS dotlara ' rJharea In proporttoa. A Certitoau of at Tioketa will be aaat far tilt, Shares la proportion. , Maryl.ai. CoBMlldated Lutiary for tbe ksasnt tf auav Suehaanah anal, . uaas n, i n isos, ho at raws BalUmora, (ML,) oa Wtdnawtay, J ant 21, . MM. . ! J Kstlrr--l J Ballet ' SPLENDID SCHEMB.- - V I of ftnn;M0!! at" T,ni, I aft, t Ta,f of l.9, I af ' l,av,. af l,lat dollars. 100 rsiavswr l,ou aaaa I ! to. Ac. Ae, 1. ... . ,. .- ,-..( - 1 Tlnktta tt Dollars Mkaree la propotloa. A Certitoate of tt Ticket will b, tent foe 12l. Shssasla asiirHa.t 1 - ';- ' it r ALL STOCK, I KM. TUB attsBtisa sf mr tiease aad leaaltsa. generally, ia tavited to try assorlBieBI ef . yere,aa aaer iMweerte iresieiaes, eiaSe, tJ.it, .rmers, pf , . ' . . irb. u rteatd onurTly ana ' vsriety.'ls anjnrnaatti it r rJtook baring beea selected with great ran aad parekaaed oa the mast favorabls terms from I sapor urtiH wiaaBmeiarera, raause me ta reuuer sat itfaatisa ta all wbo a est artieles is my Has. I tak thia 'eoceeiua ta sawia tester my thaakt for Ui very liberal support ailherlo eiunded to me, and hy suniinatd attiitnlty, and aaremitted attntiaa to he traala of my trlsailt, I bone ta sowatawe la merit tiis mrnrakla opiaieai so gereuy tasvaalaes Sit say KutablubmeBl. - . , , . - .. - , I eonlinwtta keep supply sf tba Parv'et Wirjea, asm Loado Dook Brandy, boarhtesrre.!.? tarMsdl aiaal parpaae aad a larsa BaaortmaBtrsf alts atnilami a e'ijfxaitaiirtt''wow bt-wiM, T-iwora.-" V. t. PErlCLD. .v, , Wkslanl end. Raw, lrgsit, ' , BswItk.Ott.Jiwh, lM. 1 ': n ;.t4-A TOaaaOX I Caaalsd iea. eta - 1 aaptjaa as seaat v ; I Wik7Ma M IVtX. lateeastlaa; aad Valaatat aVaraav ITV OP THI XOKD cnAWCELLOM K BKPaaat OP T B B AKtUT eeULt traaa Cm i Hast rtama iW itaiaw ft ftla) Usam IV, r lout Canr Joanna Caxraau. aasssal Aa . traaa tha Thtrt Laavdwi Edliioa. la tW , kiaJima ferwa tss. yalaana, satra taoitv as half '- TMs titlos saik aW srtasnlTs aaoauaaalioaa ad adaittMN Inw4an4 ky xas snaw la Ma . I LMtaa sMiOvav - ' ' . lilTuOF THK CHMV JlSTICaW OEiiOUaUP Ivwa th Saravoa Coan t is iWth tt Lard staait.ld. By Loss Cauw Jeamw i'Arrjiu ia Two aaadwia msi Kttn surnaiaa, W ulrt ' "Um of th. Ckamrtlon. LIVis Or THK urKE.Nd or BNGLAXDi IV am tha MaraMA Cenqaaai U shs Aaooasiwa sf tt Haass of tlaawer. Wilt AaoedatM of uutr (Joans, sow Ins Mfclulwd ftwa Oateial Kossrda. Privata as wall aa Pwatis. Now BdiUwa.wKh AadiUwasad Cometioaa. By assaa Snoi'Ki.Aa. Cotaplou. Twstrs 1 aa ats, esswa anavs, vatioas otviaa ar atwavae. MKatuuta or Tits urn vr William wikt. By Joa r. Kaaaasv. Baaoad Kdiuaa, iwriaod. Ia I wo kaaiaaan oknaaa,soysi Ubm. alo4h,rtui Pnr taati aad s'asaaiails ialwa. AIM, Library aVlilioa ia Two bwauufally firutUd oetovo Tolumei. ' - - XARItATtVCorTUB K S. tXPETrTI05 TO TUB lRAt HIA Atl) KIVEa JOKDAN. By W. W. Lraca. U. Comaiaador of tlio apodilioa. Ia OaS very kasdsosao roraaio, Urf oetere, wilk W ' ptasaa, aitd two amps, Alao. Condcaasd Koitiow, ia Oas aoai vol ia, royal Ituo., taua olota. KLaJaKM ur CHEMISTRY. By Tanoua Oaaaaa, r. It. tt., Ac Booood AnMrieaa, frota aa ontarcod aadcsviaodGoalukBdiUua. WiltooTanlkaadnd II Instraiwiia. tiliisd silk N'otaa by Etisssv bat mum, m. n. WILLIAM PEXX. is IIirrosH'AL Bioosarar, raoa Itsw Horaras. W110 a Estra Chapter oa tat "ala eaia Cbaritei." By v. tlaewoara Dixoa. la Obo ' v.jaai. rorot Itiwo., ostra doth. THK KNCVCLOP.tOIA AMEKIITAXA; a Pitmmr flieliuaary of Arts, oUaeai, Liiorataro, History, raiilMo, and Bioaptiy. Ia ronrtoos largo setavo rolantoe. varioiu uric, af oindins. TH CMCVCLOPiEUIA OK UhlHiRAPll V ; eoaaprl- aiii a eampiels tleoeripUiMe af ihe SArta, PayMcal, 1 8uil.tioal, Civil, aad Pouucai. By UuoH sIubjut, f. it. 8., Iti, In Three very large octavo volumes, with elerea hundred Illaftratione, and eigiity.Uiree naapi. UU.N gL'UOTTE PB LA atAXCHA. Traaalaied ty l aAKLss Jajivuv E. lUiulraiod Ediuoa, ia Two Very handeome .rown Svo. volumes, various atylua pi bindings, wiUl auuierous angravinirs on wood. Pure.!, by H. 0. TURNER, K, C. Bookstore. R.l.iuh May lilt), !"5 20-If. t'EtVBV la Oeseral Ain and I'mnrUtor for tk Stats of N. C. for tha aale of tha OKACCENBEKO C4M VS V 'B, Htanrlard Mediclnea. They are a aovejreijra and a poetlive Remedy for all deeeaees to which Ihey are ednpteil, and may be relied npon. aa they are guaranteed hy tin Company aad by th Pro prietor. Tk Medullas Coaaitt of VejieUWs Pills, Vm. T.y, Lotion, 21Se. fever and ague Pills, $1 Libby'el'lle Ointment, fl Sarsoparillt Compound t, Pyaeutnry Syrrup. 60c. Oreen SlonnUIti Olnt- tMajahall I'terine Catho- ment. 'ioe. I tii-on, 1 8. Health Bittere, 25e. (ConnumDtive'i Balm. S3 Childreua' Panacea, 60e. I . Th tub atrants al all other Persona eiakiiuv aay or taa avovs aamaa Aiadteuisa, wtti ptsaae audreai the Proprietor, Wm. II. ftiewb, I'att paid, Ralsigk N.C. 40 tf. PIANOS. Vyw-feeervlng at tEtNorth Carolina Sf naie Rtort 11 a sjiieadia assortment ur Ptanos from the celebra ted t antury of Kbaba lilaai a, Baltimore, whors- reivi-d th trst p-einiums thrte yeais la sueeaeioa, in lata, 1 iv and 1810, at tbe aunual . KahibiUoa sf lbs tttato or Marylaad. UaAsa PiAao. in a rnsdera sir It. head some wood. " " with carved ornaments, from $7IMJ lo 1000 iMrvaas Pttso, snndirr earring, ornamented style, No. H, . 460 . " " . . SileAili4 tavsing ! o, 4t)0 C nmpnnng 6J flrforee, eiaer os HimieoitU or .VoAiioway, taift fa os A'wriW Iron frame. Obans Piabo, la a moderd style, kandaome oarrad ssaamaBta, fremi t;ou taitot 8-JCABr. PtASO, splendid carving, ornamented style, lb-swap Ao. 1,J 450 splendid carving liotblo atyle, . fl " -SftsTai.let. au a large lash, stand. t.J 76 round aor. ease, sraam'd with modern tnouldingt, f0,j 370 rouml nor, case, plain tnub. of superior wtxid, 10. US nuiiuw romerea ease, ges Tablaw, oa a scroll stand. boiiow eornerea eats, an aatd- " ar" Uga It. t. 1st f'iii eor. case, Uotbic pat- tern Tablet, and octagoa 1'gS, Ml kolfaw eor. east, plain Tablet. aud octnge legs, 7 t MS tnuars eor. oaae, plain Isga, 100 6"ssnrMtMf t Ocsaees, A'wrirs Jrua ArwMe.l S4CAU Puss, faakionabre style eate. oreaaaB. ed slut mouldings. 300 ' bullow cor. case, and 8 getters, te " " aquars aur. aaas, Tsbltta, lags to match, 29 rostinsiM h Oclartt Iran flair a4 Bar " " kolluw tar. oaae, aa a scroll stand, Ihramiof Ae. , $7 " " auUow curnarod aaas, oa tarn- d legs, 250 aqnara cornered cast, tancjr T.Mel, lege la match, ' tit - h aquars cur. aaaa, plain Tablet, Has Drawings of tne abuve numbers oaa bs Been at aba lluale Htoro, or wmra deairwd an aatansr taut ba asm! to persona wishing to sjtamlns J'KAWl.lu Aal FAntTTnO. Rriatnl Bowrdi snnerlur nnsltw. llhssu. Ylnted Board, Pabsrs PeBclls, Tinted drawinr paper. Caavast wi lbs aiaas and aa ttrstewsra rarioat sites, Paints, Oils, V arsis'. Brass s, ratettt, rKltlt Kalrsa, Palett capa, alaal stb kt, Btaok aat whits Craysaa. Ac Ae. la thort every thing aasassary for tbeev taalsrttl and bssa. tifsi BSSomplishmSBta. Piano Clivers, tlaua rsraaa, Irsarrsl Bad nlala lined silk cloth. Is order to sseart tha Piano asaine tbe tampnsm of the alatosphera, a as and splendid article A cfeotaa eerswuoa ar new aad sons lar Musis this das reenived aad for tale y a. W. PETERPIL1A. BaMgk, Jea. tth, HOC 4 it SEW BOOKS! iiiepelioIexbcutoiii 1 TtTitlKtithtUwtfExefttariiil " ; Inmlnklratfln 'ir . .iVsiif NORxti' ci6'iiVAv'' By Jamei Iredell. ; " Ttf K ebjoct of th ia work haa-bee t etblWt the Isw, Bsltawlr staeldt la North Carolina, ia relation It lha mattee of wbash st We ami it smbraaas. therefore, 0sol.k dorwuirt, aa far aa they art tawogalead ta oar wwa State, as well as ia sen sf Aaaemblv aad aha dtctsion af aar owe Courts, aa tht ewbjewt af H'itta, Bx emlere anal 4lanaUlrmUn It it thsaght it may arovt atafnt, not only to mtmhtn sf tht legal profess! oa, bat tins ts orbers, who are so fregut nily called upas t -itsrtaks the iadiimtatsbla, Imporuint sad respwaaiblt erasW af bascaassa and AdmlnntaUsra. 1 -! ai v. 0! ferdiala by,, '-'i.fl tt.- i -f. ,,,, ... . .. t!4lWLPOmIB0t. , ,eiitbj-k,4rfViirt1.,4fo 8W1X iTrttVi, x , f-t -L BBITTO.f TODD, ii0ciis t xomuiei liiciiiri '. ' ' QrpmH fyixtfitliM, iyoamcrt Strati, y,' i A LOT ef Vartkera Maeta IStwfeet Jorl receletd sad for aals by las bwebe! er barssl . j 1 .. i u iiPr f.JL . , TtTCKKK, 1 t"TLx-t--i- - r . Vsf nn. wm. t. t"Mxa A an bum me outum- I " . - ay.w ' - Wr atBXTKIIli 1 1 a eulaeww aad w.tl setealed auak al . BMssde aad fancy Uewda, at vhtaw yvar asasatloa W'twapwetfully tavlted, swaaist iatV haaasvat taa tVilloomi; ; . , : Bsweado Poalt de 8.H auka, rVwutarMl aa Whits do. Whiw Brasads ailha. a . Rira Plaid Chamrliaa Silks, ' .welt and Blark Watsrsd do. " ' " ' , r kWasr Btaok Ura.4. Mt ... U , riirarod and ratia striped Chaltya, olid aad PWad Barrfoa, asey Silt Tim.iaa, Orgaadi Lswaa, rreaok Jaoeaota, Prialrd Mnsliss, StUlx - Plaid aad solid Oingbams. Bncllsh sad Ameriraa Cbinit. , Dm tod. Cheeked, gwtet, JaewotI Nalaaook, aad Tarllaa muslins. ; Black bilk Lacs Mantillas, Plain aad Us, broad wed Caatsa Crape Shawls, isUok Bilk Laos, I'laaeh Worked Collars, Caffs, Caemitetu, and t'a adrtlsaTrs, Swiss and Jactmat Itaalia Bands, Bcolloped Ia Cambric and Rcvtere stitched lldkfs. Hwiaa asHl Jaeoaet Bdgiags aad Inaertinga, Real sad imitation Valoneuaaea Edging, Ladiet and Ucnt't Kid Ulores, best t)uality, , wo ta Aleaatvwvr's beat anality, Rich Botuiat, Neck, and rioarf Ribbons, Silk rriugee. Buttons, aa.d Trimmings, Freacw Work me Otten, Liaavt and Cwttoa Floss, As., Ac, Ac. 13 tf. Just Ketvflvcti. A;"'"' 'r ?"", 1 Teas from the Sew orh Pckln Tea Company. ! 1 .Wim mH ..tl .1 thi, Ketail orices. And the ! Teat I can raeoattnoud at geuoine prima. Those wbu buy from me will nut nuly, therefore, gt-l a good article hal wilt sav from tfweu to twaaty per cent, iu tba parchase. L. B. WALkl'.K. j Haleigh, Harcl 1VIB. 12. 1J II. HARIIWArtF, AW I) CAHKIACK. MATKRIAI.). LEWIS M ABUT eVya af Tht fey BaUmytrook Strttt, rXTKRSBFRQ, VA. Has for sale, and iuteods to keep, a full tnpply Uf tha following articles : ruR CARRIAflR MAKERS. Elibtie tnrinsa. 14 in. 2 idaw taUi in. I nlata. Sulkey Aales, 11 and II iu., Buggy Aales It and H Incnes. Carry alt. Bnrtracka and Carriags A aloa, Carryau, lluggey and Barouche Buws, Mobs, rentes, hpotes and NKaTta, BaroLche and Carria.s Ktvbs, filth Wheel Plates and Riiigs, Coach Weft, TakmiIs, Tafu, Fringes and Rinding, Drab and Blue Cloths; Damasks, all colors, Brass and Silver Hub and Hand Bands', Brass, Plated and Japauucd Knobs, Brats, Plated and Japanned Nails ; Dash irons, Lamps of riltver and Brass Plate, all sites. Tog Hides auclSidgs.i.iinamellBd lAthor all Wort, - - atent licatn.ur thick, dleutuni aim turn. Dash Hook e and Ringer Japanned Rockies - - Malleable Castings aad Washer P lairs, all kiada. Tacks, Screws, Glass, Paper, (Due, Black Mnm: Tngether with a gno.ml as.oru.iit of FunEfOTV AND DOMESTIC HAKDWARK. TOOLS taitable for Farmers, Mechanics and House Keepers, All or wbieb will he sold, wnnieeale erKrtall, -vt at mach lower prieen than heretofore. A PROCLAMATIUN. By Hit ExttlUnty Davut 8. Kit, Gaaemar af lot Statt of Xarth Carotin. tn'tiutKASi thrae-afUte of tha st'hols lumber af members of sack Uosaa of Iks General Aaaeatbly did at the Last session pooa the following Ant; AN ACT to kmeiiil the t'ouatitution of MurUi-Caro-lins. WaKSEAai TbefreeboldqualtftcaUon nowrequir etl for th lector for amwiuers tat the Benate con flicts arith tba faodameital principles sf liberty; Therafora, - . Bsc 1. f'r it tnacttd of Ikt Otatra) Aurmtly a' US matt of . trorolma, ajut tt u hrrtly ruacltii t$ tkt Authority of tkt tamt, three filtlit of tlis wholo ousnber of memlicrt uf each HottM.cn.ur.- ringr, tbat the seoond clause of third aection of tbe trst Article of tha amended Constitution mti-1 )-Bo4y he--rropte or irtrrTIi Tjarolina on tlie sacond Monday or aovsniuer. A. U., lbVI-i, bs amended by striking out the wnrda'aod poiieeaacd of a free hold within tha eanie district uf fifty acre? of land for tit months ttett before ah! at tlie dtr of clcc tlnn," ao thus the said clauns of aald section nlmll read a follows : All free abite tucn of the ageof twauty-BB years (ssospt as ia hereinafter declar ed) who have been inhabitnnta of any one district within the Htate twain moutbe iimtre-iratsly praeert ing the day at any election and alia II have paid pub lie taxes, shall bs entittedto vot (bra member uf. the Hewate."" ' - . -,- Je. E. St il further tnarta Hint the Oorentor of the Rtaia be, and be ia hereby directed, to ieaa his PrBclsmatiou to tba people of North Carolina, at least ait montha kefura the tuat altotiim for mam bees of th tlenersl Assembly,' setting forth the parnort of this Aet said ths tmeudmeat to the Constitution herein proposed, which Proclamation , , i, . ahall be aocompaiiied bv a true and perfsct copy of ins aci, aunii-iiiwAw-u vj ,yw vci iiimsi, ui tno i o . . . . . . M i . i. . i . n .... i .: i Seerstary of state, and both tbe Proclamation andj lha a- yr rf '. mr w me rnun ,h,i cauM to be published In all ahall causa to be pablithed tn all the newspapers of this State and posted trt the Court llonaet of tlm rospoctlve Counties In this State, st least alz month, before the election of neinbera to the next' General Assembly. Head three time and agreed to by three-fifths of tits whole number at msntnajra aw eaea rieuse re spectively, ad ratified in General Assembly, this tbal'tthday of January, 1861. - , J. C. DOBBIN, S. H. C. W.N-EDWARDS, S. 8. SrT or Nontn Caoli, faVce of Strrrtarp of Stale. I I Wiluam flat, screury of State, ia and for ths SUU of North Carolina, do hereby eertify that tht foregoing is s trtta and perfect copy of an Aet of Ih Otneral Assembly of thia Stats, draws off from tha origiual on Alo in thia ettioa. Oivsa under my hand, I hia Slat duy of December. 1 Hoi. , WM. HILL, Hec'f of Statt 4 Alt WusaiAB, tlie said Aot provide for amend ing th Constitution of the State of DortltCarolina so as to eonfer on every qualifim! voter for rite Honas of Commons tha right .to vot alas for tho Senate; ' How. ttjerefere. to the ens that n may as nail kaewit that if th sftrresnid amendment to Ihe Con stitution shall ba agreed to hy two thirds of the whet renrsaentation in - each houaa ef th neat Owasral Aasombly, rt will than b aahmitted to tits people for rattaeatioa, I has las aad thia sty Prs elamatisa ia conformity with the provisions of tba pavoiw renie, . - Ia leatAsaoay vrlteswsf, D.avib H. Rain, Governor of tbe flaw of North Carolina, ha lb bereanto set kia hand aad aawasd th Uraat Seal af aaid Stat to beaaUed. Dona at the City of Raltigh, si tha thlrty-trstilay of IWcrober. in tha yeatot'l 3 -Z. "4 "JMZ onr Lord, one thonaand eight hundred and 3V -C'fts tr,y the 76tb year of aur lu- fe'-iJty dependence. iitP .... . .. DAVID 8. IBID. By lbs Governors .i-.-'it- , i. : f TaoKAa BarrLB, Jr. Private Beeretsrv. Persons iaUt wuoee haaoW thia Proalamatioa taay fait, writ please saa that atopy of it ia aaatad if ia Ihe Coati ttowa af tbe it reapaeuvs sonBtias. - . .: .. . .- :."t , Hteamslilp Una betweea Kew Yrk, Norfolk, . . , Peterabsurgk aad Klciutuad. : ' 1 . .; .' JWt) aaleadid Bow , aQQkm ahine, built saaraealy tat tbia F WK -i- .veata. .are Bow roamm- CITY Of RICUatOND, Z. tfitchelli eommaitner: and Swaaishlp CITY Or NOR- imsai rOLRi Jaa' Poet, 'eommandrr; avis ef tthlch leave, Hear Yerls, seeey Tkaesa) rVsm Pier t, East filter, ar Sr. at. Retaralng Ieaa Hiebatswt as) City Paint o Friday, ant Sorlalk am Saturday f svevy wseh.-e- Tbsss TteaeM bis tbaraugk sea ataamsra, very; fast, sad have anleadld aoesmmodatiuns for pesecaaets. . Cabiu stjaags aad found betweea Itsw Vork and !for- Mk, . L ,'. r7-e Oablnvataaageswt fbond between !f ew fori and Ctly resat araiaBmeaiii.,-- ' ii,.i ',..-i..-.. f. , a us . Blssraga pasware aad a sad bskamm Htw Tsrk aaat City PaUt aad Norfolk ar RiabaMsut,- - - - t to -. Steerage pa stags aad Ivout bstwssa Xaw Jark aad Xorfalk, - . . 00 Preiht from New Tsrk la Richmond 0 eti Mr foot, !, s . ' ak,-; Petarabttrg lad Norfolk t, ets par foot. M-if-s r' : Thia la aa etpeditisaa, the ebaauetl and moat pleas ant roatt naaeangera can use gotag aa Aaw Xors. , ) iarareae kytaeee vasstla ts aaaca kawsr thai by sail- ista. -WJii! Xnatt.'.ti;;,.' ;, , , TBUJ4AS bUaJcU, g't Patersbarg, A. 8. LEE. Ar'l Rickmafwl. , 1 Jd'AtLLER A LORD, lot. WtQ tL, tf. T, sis rwr, sprti T. iiv, ' WJm ml lestiilss t rt BByptrrcg yg as Tt tnar '! - . 8UI7,0RTER..';';;;" UiatrKalBfit Ittttal TitTaift la lacTiiu. TH a neeeas sf tkta IntsrvtBtloa kaa otita uasj fli It Ot easidtd prefemie aver aU atbsn W ' ar moatdmtiagubmsw Pkyaiaiaaa, ta aji part. IV to Lnitod.Huta and ales ike Brriaim afl lliM 1. lk.i- 1. II . T , .' - .iw. maay taoaeaa kavs been cured by its ass, after all ether 1 bars been tried wlthoa nioeeea. It ia saw agam Versd after 18 yvsrt svtanslvt tx perinea, aadaa mcretalng aals for Uas Wbass sf that bnw atrM lasngamlea.-- AOEXJ8 r.r. rtscuDte. . C ATTIOX At impeatsr ar atteasnHaw 1. 1 Ps a sonterfeit article sa tk ptiblis, tbaaiu bar Copy-Right laitsd SUtss Ubsl en sack bos, act ktr sigu.tur on each fluppoHtr. JAMES BETTtL t'holssBl Agent. Pbrmtmlpum. ', ltb.Mt. t-. - " ' " ' .i NtsHTH CAmlaiUliA,;,.?;,; .. M Hiatal Mfm IstaitrtiBsc t'anaiieiaij OFFICE I1LEIGI, H, C ? ., fpHIS Com pony eontioaoa lo insara lbs lives f X healthy VYhlts penioni and Hltvce. am grassem nsa taaea en aattirleltfs It k.tsj BUvss sae tosttrsd for term of sa to BY , , ... . " " W Twt 1 Ir. t"haa. E. Juliniwn, Prctident, .Wm. D. Haywood, Vie !raafctat,1 . Janes P. Jurtiaa, 8ecrctery, Wat M. Jones, Traasui at, . Parrin Pushes, Attumey, . Dr. Wm. H. McEes, Examining Phyaieiaa, J. Heitman, General Agent. Wmasa are paid within tudart after astltra. tory proof U preaeatrd, . Ulattks and Pampbieta, skowktg the pitm af aaan, ration of the Company, maw bs had aa r-yflrttiia at tha Office, or any of tha Ageucita. jlii Istiaai on Mildness sbvulH bs adilr sett te , James r. jorda.i, srt April 28, 1851. 1 tf. CtHrrlag itlaklng. 5i?T?-r 11,8 sb"ior would rerpectfullr IniUw. Sfelha Pablm, that b. m.M aaJL KrlrrTZ tbe above bneincat ia all iu btaaoaaa, aad mcajawAmsbi ly manufacturing aad hat os hand anil r.jA.1. -n scrfpUoBt of --- - -- e we . 6'arriics, Bagain, XneWwas. ' '.J Indeed every variety of work ia bit lias af baeiaese. which be otors fur sale tow. and oar mated bWaflW best workraanskip and maleriala. Thankful ror past eneuaragement, kt solicits at .i - me enauusamsBI si t yarus eastot tne UHpust LhUrch. WILLI8 D. WILLIAMS, RaMga, Befit at, list. :t tf. Kertb Carolina Kaahtoaable afewelry mara, JKMltr, WATVUKStr. " O TI07.EX fJol.1 Lever wltchtt from 40 u list.' ' ' J 4 Hut. Silver I " t (0 to fj. " A large Assortment of FuktonaUs Btaast I'tsav' Finger and Kur Rinj;s, Hold Pencils, Wattb Cbains, Reals and Keys, '"' Hold Lvi kets, Cut-pins and Peat, . 0 Dot. Cllrer BpecUcles, Spring ft led Do,'" ' SUvsr Cart Canoe, Pearl and TerMat Bbetl Da. ' Platvd HjiccUcla Casts andli'aidua ItiaiHsA i a ... ti 2 Dot. Silver Cpouns, ' .. Ttj , Ladles, Bugar Tongs and Caps, A Largs Aseortmeat af . B. Pitied Spooas, Forks and KnicaatWtablo wa.. i . A Large Assortment of Knivcsand Raton Fine Qaalily. PUted Casters, CaBdlestjekav Walters aad Bart cm, Assortment of Clocks from la (at WarsaaMsaV - '1 Petfumery, Extracts and Cologne aad Soap,, fihariug, Heir and Nail Brnshes, - Money Purses aad Pocket Books, - - . . Tea Setts, Waiters and Tnbl. Knives la gsttt, " Rarolving Piatols, Best Quality, i j Chinese Fans. Bequrt iloldtra, , i ia -WaHingawetr ere.r'A s--4,"'"--"t-a-'' Tbe aboee have Jest been porrbssed at the HarH and we think tactile iu keaaly aad mshiaa BBS swst vioutkf JeoMtry .drered tirtbis plase. Wt ars " Imtserprepared to repair all kimlt of Ws tehee, bar. ing .,..r. l,....i.i..r ... ..., 1"---!!! Juwelrj repaired to order. PALMER a RAMHAT. Ralaigb, X. C. - . , . , 14 , , luatrartloti hi Vocal Mnote. ' i fpilE tubarribtr proMMaa to devots (rows was lath wf A July to tht 19th ur September pelt to tbe work af ' t - f ' us i.-u'i, m.-ii i., ir in u i in'.i mosic, aw nrs wwa i peculiar plan, sad ke pledgee himself sat saly ta psaa pure irieiu tor communicating Ilia theory, mat , , . . . . . . . . . .. . practice It, provided. ihey. Intr. sufficient, twsoe. Hi perms are buy dullars in advenes tar board aad tattiear luring ths above snccitcd lima, and if ererv aledrs sf his Is not redeemed, he will return the rands. These wishing iu.truotions, must address, poet paid, early, at be will its take soars tbea tfleea ttadente. Bar. JEUC HANK, fra, Jfoaeoe atanta. t'ni, t'rk. It, "ia. P. 8. My rarideass kt witaia foBrmUas af Iks Salt Sulphur Springs. alarck sV-tat. . MAAUFACrflUNO KSTAIii.lSHMtNT,1 OSEIII W0LTERLNG (Wa nttnibertarysasr Foreman Irt tha Ualeig;b A tiaatua ttailltoaal Vlackamith Shopi respectfully anaouaew ta ta oitiaena of Raleigh and th snrronttding Cwwatias, that hs is prepared to manufutturs - ) Itoekt of all dtcriprio-0'uHt sad' ole Csrriass - Spriao-tMill WorkBrats CatrMga. ' And, tn abort, any thing ia Maebia aad Blactssaflk Work, lis is alo preMtrsm to exseat BELL HANUINO at the shortest notice. Also, has en hand aa sxtea aive ssaortpient of Locks of all kinds, at na-leet front 10 cents to SO dollars; Edgetoola, aa aassrte meat nf Axes, Drawing-knives, llatrbets; Ham mem, Piles of various descriptions, and a number af articles In hia line too tedioas to mention. . . All seders blthfrtily executed at the lowest nrieee. aad aew work autmstctl ts bis oars wilt bs warrant ed. Orders from a distans will He attenHed to anal eaeented at tk shortest nntios. Hi EstabHmaaat wiU b fonnd nl ths Raleigh HaR Rsad Dspat- .-.' Repairing ia kts tin parformed with aaatftess aatl dsapaaeb. Alas, a senoral atest Imatil af Owas aad Piatola stutaatiy ua hsaL " ? - w-'-M .. JOSEPH WOLTElIIO.-- Raleigh, March, 1849. . ,. It tf, a P, S. llii EttaUukmamt 1st sera ratteeas1 at Jaare ttttvtiU Street, Xaltifk, A. C. ,;,n,l ' Baleigb, Sept. 1st. 18u. .. , . e; Lm. ,a . , , ! fUlu NOVELTY IJIO.1 WORalle ' T.-i .V .i . iji.,,f A, -nr win Sinn'f"' ' PTJ TO my eld friends atsd th pwbBs ttwrallr,' a i aat plaaaed to saw, Lhat am new prepares at my Siw KaTAiusuaut, i : ... . -. I TUB SOVELTT WQWn,-:l? l I rwa Crrv or RAiiiflH, Nosti Caiousa," y" -. To exeeut te the very best manner, Locomotlrt ,.v vi -aal mMesMiy ":, - J.4 8TKAM BMI1SIM. laW nGrtot MUls, MIM aJtmriaa;, atachtawtt! n-.-v't at evaajy description; - ...a . JMO.V AND UBAHS CASTIKtlS, - I . .. .. , . ia vry varisty, .. t . - v J rl .(-' . CItEr CDtTIItl, r..:TJI ' of any deelrsd lengtk Snd canbre r havfng th matt improved machinery tor tk parpos to b fotusa) . yank er aVwf. fc '"' I I ssnptof asa bat the rry best vmrkmea, ssrf cx sect to patient ami bat the eery beet trorit."" - ' Tk Novslty Works era aachw tk eaelasiv aaatW age stent ef a prsetleal Machinist, Mr. H. . UtttCE, wbs kaa ae (uptrioe as aa Enriaawr aam Uaohiaiat ia any aouatrr. t This astarjiiahaaewt wove erected excl naivety far Ik beat fit of tk QtiaeaW " tof Sarth Carolina, tad I aan aaaurs Qsarn that tkar need not go out of th Stat for aaytklsg ia ahef above lias of bnsinsss, as t ebslreag ih eVwrhl ba ; produce Sner STEAM E.V0SE or a bsttor UUtl tbaa a be parchoeed st my establishment. I ar now manufacturing ssveral htrgs aad small STB AX K.fOf.VUS for Saw Mills, to wbieb, aad tony facilities for Uaaaeturiaf ths,' I aeaakt rwspsstfully sail th suentioti of Ikt publts. . .. d " All Commaaioationa must bs poet-paid and di .. vm.1'. ti D'-lf mSTi 'M. ft J-KarentWae- 44ewt ;. i? - def.4dt . . - ' V i . IOCOA', Warranto Paw asd af eeiar ejmtU ty Fur Sal at Il'v'Rall I ITi c