' EEf WE HEART AS LIGHT AS TOU CA- W kaVo alwsya it l War, tilttnilnwi wwitksgtseVs, ir kavs mr i nk fbr ear Whew War tbe werU to get thrwagh . Bat whet, tbemgh AJvttatty test, . Tbs cowrsgw r4 vigor f Mm '..-.. ; Wa kse th heart Ugtrt astbey saa. . Tf w eh.kt sot the toad fro- the aiwl, , Ovrr esergy" swrs ts W fo; VT wast wrestle with u c ws'tl weut " Two loads sr less easy Ibsaooe! .- T sit hs A-eousoJuW assent ' I poor tu4 proStlesa pita ; . , To trw heart at unit sabdsod, O wo keep it sf light wt esa. "' " " ' . .. '. . , , - There's Bothlng that 8arro au tiebl, Excepting krvai of pale i far hatter to lock Fortune's leld, Aad till U plow, it pi! 1 Th wHjht that Esrrlim ea aoes, ' Tbs tfeesa that Ittrimm esa spaa, ' 'Ths asajihnefl withla asbst prove ! Tkta keep the hoart light M ye Ma. Tb Sorrow af tin world. " A PLEA FOR E0G3. j arjtfa. a. eoxxa. " '. . . Be gtntl to tha HfW egg, For gg at brittle things i They eaaaot By antll they're kttehed ,,. , ' Aad have pair af wing. ": If ae jam break the' fehdar ahrl, Tka wreag yon cant redress - Tha.yo!k asd whir will all raa out ' ' ' Ami auk a drsadTal lata. T bat a litCa skirt,! best, ' That kani hart powvr to liy - , (, Te-eaorrew egg m; adjis ha, I Altkongk U frli tv day. "'Of lat h t rack k trv 'Ig'il , That Ukoa Iter frota tha ksg t Thr U a beisj shots taaxdag (kill Caa stead a brakaa (ft." - - A DOCTOR AS IS A POCTORV .A mU aiiffieienl humbug, who took up tha kntitiM of t phyaician, and pretended to deep knowkilj of the heating an, wa one called W i:t Min( man illlicutil Willi ap pteiy,' J B.lu gaied kmi"and hurd, felt hit piila and px krt, looked at hi wtogiM, and ai wife, and finally a rani to lb (ollowinj uiinn opm'otf , -I tliiuL he' a a onr fi-Pf r. '' "No, exclaimed Uia Mrrowfut wife, sl soi ay ib(t ' t: "Ya' rehirtaed Bolu, lifiinf up hi bat and eyea havenward l the agin time, "yea, I do aay ao tl.ere ain't a bop, nnt tha ! eat mii;hi he' got an aibck of nihil lit in hi nt Iroitti- " "Wherer tried th atariled wife. . "In hi hit froniia, and b can't b cured Without niu trouble and great dealt of j:u. 1 uu aea lua whule planlary aya'em i . deranged; luiuy Ma vo popud ht preaain ea bi adialorum; acrondly hi eulacarpial ra ta nrou h( awell id considerably, if not More; rliirdlf nd ln.lv, hi aolar riba ar in a eon- cued itate, and h niii i goi any tnniiej', eon aequead ha ia bound to die,1' .,, A SLIGHT MISTAKE- rr -.r Ona day an hrnirat Hibcrian atrnllnd itrui - en of auf rhurrlie on niatter wharo na , t'liiimuuiun SuJjy ami it the in iuiin auallr given for all "in regularaiimling." Vc., ha being aomewbat renlanl in rnntlera of tin kin'I.JJiuugtit h would uy too. Accor dingly ha retuitMJ in hi uboeur paw, and waited to aea how th watrra wuld tiKic. Soon a eenerable man approached him and ollrrrd liiin tha bread and eup. lie look a geuernu nip of tha taller and mil of the former, ud ilia cood man paaaed lion a. Uo- Iig baek to the lf ak. a rrqiieat wne made. If any had been omitted in the dutribuUon. that BtyjMiLVJULM llm tlriifon a m. tuiualini I to are th oreupant al th (ranger pew riac, and. with a peculiar beck of lha fin tar kaotioa him th it war. Obeying tha aign, lia walked toward Ui beckoiwf, who roa at lif appriwhed.and ahiding bia monlb with hia hand, aa lie leaned half urcr into Uia aiale, aad ia a eulxliied ton I '? "Mara yon any thaxrV . , , ! ,, . ,w Tlio horror atnken funeiioiury tottered l ark wiihnutanawering, and th airangerwa left to hi own reflection upon tha deficiency dft1inU)rlainini'0t. ofin I'ulhjlntitr. ' Tba follow notioa l taken fVnm a nowapa Tier publiahed thirty yean line: "If llie mem ber neglect tha btiiiiwua of ill nation, a i time paat, to throw mud al each oihsr likeao many carner, wa hall oceaiionally pull Iheir bonorabW eoaa wilh our editorial tonga. , ti i - 11 A Indy being aaked what baaioeee her ha band followed, taid he wangjgd in' finiah !ng." Funlirr eiplanauon wa neoaaniry, ad afier a brief neailaiion aha roniinoed, 'ftniihiiig hiiUme in (Suk? Priaon,' ''"Lvjk berer aid a young Inly, juai com meneing to Uk iaaaona in plaingv holding tip a aample of her akill to her mihrr, ;r my painlint! em ) on tell what tha (" f M kfter tooking at It fr ami ti.oe,aid "Well, ! reckon ii' a eow or I raws, but 1 don't know which." ' 1 .f ,. . . . A W copy I ho following cpitah from the Traa Flag. It ia on a iu tuba tone in Alva ion, England: - - .'. , Her lie my wife, ' - Here lie ah : 'J H-IL-l..jh. - ' ... . lfaUrlujeel "Pa in'l I growing tallf" "Why, wlm't jour ht'ehl ontivr "I'm vea fact Uekior yard!" . .. , , m An Oi AamaTtacnivT or 1581. Wan fed a atout active roan who frara lha Lord, and fan carry two hundred weight. i 1 ". " i . liiit iota in AoaicutTvlE. Tha aiaw ard on board a United Slate ateamer in llie Culf, it 1 ttted, ba produced icreral rrop of excellent potato by tha following mlr of f ulii ration:; ' r:i;'v":r:r" ' -lit pmdnced common 'crockery crato, - bundle oftraw aft))T-fcTrtya of ilia po lam, and went lo work farming h on boHrt) tiilJ Th prurea .r militating them la thia: FiH ycMtr crate wilh alltroaia layera ol atraw and the ' of llie pntatneromtnenriiif at alio Ixhwhu with a layer of about ail inch in depth of airaw, and then a layer of th eye -ill eye br, p!ued about two lochea a part ou r llie enttiwie ol the atmir 'lien an other Iaer cfatrai oi the tip. tfetp the tiraw alvaya moiai, and in about two u.oiitii" you will have I'liml 14 worlhuf aoautl, jood rioUJocj ul tli' -firBt Wiittir.' " ' II1TI I lirilTUlT. MBaBaV How aaldont do children repay all they nre to tha parent wh bara fiarerrd thnr dar of betnleaane I how arldom dothev reflect oa tha magniiud af their ebligatioa toward tbcta I I ha old dibar at mother ar ahorrdamde. whit wt fhnwar ear loWf ! temioa an a atrangcr. Wt appear to fancy 'bat, seranea we caa be kind to tlietn aoy dar, thetr claim may b indeBniiely poat poocd they may anae,".wbiU the alien caonea. i.ia our ia.rr, tney, onrcann Ir faibcra, have the Ira at nmtina of oar lime. And yet w wonlJ a'H willingly be ungrateful Ui Deitr or piient w tea our vai debt aaeb, but in word' only -w make mo aliampt to f-fny H ttiiiugh ihry a: a not harwh rredi ktra. and though iltey would nMaaiirr them. Why i it t , I it be4Ut ua ha di'ail eoed grati Hide S' are m aceuatoaied to ai cepl parenul aaerifieea. that they baeHne mailer of nmnr Weinke tliCia habituallv aa r daily hreaj, and they exeila aa little rmnliva and thauklulne i yet if eiilier were denied na, w thould make lite air rvwnd with our rhimoron complain'a. Mtnp die aupplie, and we diaroter liow ncreatary they have been to our well-being, and comfnrt. IVhca deprived of a parent' eheriahing pre enca and aupport, w find our irreparable loa; en. wlien uaahla to njr the beang of re ligiotia cmnniuniiHi anil ihankaeiting, we firai Utily eppn-cidte their tuciliinable value. Nil more than we nerd alavav be in anra- flary iif prutrr, ia it uei-eary tbat we (ImiuU on verUUiutlr rliajitina Ilia parental praia; but w ahould at leaal fuaicr, even when we do not expre 'gratitude and then w ehnuld and a fhoueaml clannela for giving rent lo Hi fee linfr. Dure cxeiled, it will rawly ebnw itaclf. The great danger i ourliabilny to forget, or rather. nevrr'Ho ihink on ill ub- jeet. Waul of reflection lallMjockoa which waeplit. ... There are mil few among n who ha nolaven axiggarated idea of filial love on paper how far do w carry them out f W would glad ly, like Madeinniaelle de Stmtbreinl, the French heroine, awallow lb cup of hu.aan blond, drain the diagualing potion to the krega, lo ear a father' lif but ar we auflicienlly careful of bia avarytlay eouifurt I 1-...1V may aeaaf -.ba .callrd . on u to rUk our live for a parent a to place ear honor in lb c tgainrt llieira their exiitence to purcTiaae ilieir coiaTiiria by lha aacrifii-e o a bn km hearu-to do on of the thnueand and nne thing that ar o beautifully inlereating in hUatory and romance. Iu the enihuiiaain nf lha tnortw-irl w' would cheerfully die fur Ihem. Frida earne u on pride and axuilav ment; w (careety (eel the aarrifiet; but could wa daily offar ouraaUa up, iu piety, ignoble eflWi ofiea unnoticed and unmward ad t Throe are thedilSeultiea which try ifTee tion t and yet, a mora heroics! action are reldoni or never required from ue, i i idea a lona aan our affction ba fairly tea toil on them do our parent' comfort chiefly depend;- Th tavory mew for the old mnn afferiion endeared it to laaae. It wa not mere glut tony that drew down that warm bleating on th im potior' bead n lha patriarch fell grateful for many tmall attention when had lightened 111 weight ul year. . Hw wiahe had been contulted, bi latie remembered t Blet m, oh my father Ala 1 any it aaver ba our fata to utter that cry in rain t may it urretari tuo Iate1 , I am not now (peaking of ilia omnmnnly rMpaolful deraeaiQtV.gf the oroviaion which very child of commonly cohI feelm would allow the dependent parem-M wih til iviiid ill approaclltilj la. ao lrm- cirre, md Ui KMifiiie myaelf lo tli commonest routine of daily nuUe. . It may be our fat to be placed in eiiruiiiaianee hirh oblig a to lake a different view of di .'lea from our parenta ihcy may require what wa cannot cranl; but every -day attention ara alwaya in our power, anu wui awcuicu an anavouiauie op pavilion. W e can remember the Civoril dih- a, and procure them, our infant lane were ennaulted I or giva up our- employment, to jhtn-in th nhrty rwbbwr f H may be-nretmnei bat how oflen did they throw aile ihoirpur- auil iur cuniply avuhouf chU4ih Y'4 may dllar in opinion with lhm, but we need not' pared our differene before the world ten lo on we may be riitlit i for each yar tmpvrceplildy biinga new idea d manner, which lltty ar alow to preiv; but w need not painfully force the change on them.. Old aza fondly look back lo the caiee of youth let thrm not ce lliat their children toorn feelm, institution, hoiie that were ao dear to them. Thar ha been aueh a mighty advance within th latt few yaara we have enjoyed web. namherlea advaalagea that thero i but email vanity in auppoaing that w may be wiavt than our forafathere but mod w, therefore, eonatatit- ly contradict their mot ehsriahed prejudice f Let lit, at leaal, Utaaenl in ailenc. Vt hen we yield, lot h ba cheerfully t let Ihem hoi feel that th attention on which their eomlort ao depend art unwillingly blowd. A noihiiit voice, modulated lo th dtad encd sir of age a willing compliance wilh Uttl whim a eoneiantly reapectful manner, the ar proof of fratitudo daily within our power, and but two aaldom rendered Th common pnlitnneti inatanlly granted lo a ilranjar ia arldom aceoMl & to th parent, even when wtlov them moat dearly. Khnuld we like thi manner adopted toward our- elt4 f It ha been wll obaarvad that the Christian' golden rule, do unto other at y would ba dona by," ia lha moat perfect cod ot good manner. The Impatient ton when called on to re peal com trivial remark, the earalea war in which w attiai In their amuti menta, ara alike wrong and wounding to Ihem. A atranireroall n a for tome baeknered air w iniianUy imila, and comply with hi demand whil papa iaanubhad, if hi favorite tun b not our aim. It tometime besom necnry to chock th garrulity of age t thia, to a welI-ditpoeil mind, i a mot painful leak thca lat it b don kindly and rapotfully. How often, loo, do w doaghtar lolling 'in inwr aoia wmi tnair mottier i toiling in lha houtihold. Can w beliova in affoeiinn which quiete ittelf hy th rem -tk, "that poor mamiaa at ao very acuv vv ny I in young lady I Uooauot you. in ur thoitirhi. leeaiMMW, allow Iu Ii hut continue J from year mi year from when yon' were loo young lo rrmemoor I ami inereKtre n never atrike von tliet your duty -ahould hid it era.' ' Yonr tnnthrr i well filled for luiauro. clcganior otharwiaa, a rourlf : voor arlllth indolenr alone denie it her, and rat row calmly in yourarlf her "aflrctionaie daughter." It it right, ailao, that the ahould be meanly dreaed while you ten owl arrayed lika print in a faaliion-book f , How calmly yu appmpriaie bar ornament, plum roureelf ia her feith- , t jia tore Vf bile mliBre her of om portion of bir j tliu only via w nop tbat rour Wi-cklv-- prayer baa beet heard, that yon it hoi"V your feliierami jour moth.-" that yon bar been "enabhd lo k.cep thia law." .. BITES IMPROVEMENT MEET1K0. Th evdaoa af thia Town and Cawwty.ae oCh or mor mfrctfd laT flf mntntr tha Yadkin than tboto M any Oiriow U be boaefitrd by that work, ar at fetl by th profoaad ncaiect wilk which lbT bsow treat ed th lata mortwent on tha nubjeet la lubar oowntavw. Tba only rapaev wbirt ha bera paid them ber. wa a notie throogb theeol- antJi mi abi ptprr, a4 aa appeal, ia wr homble way, to th citizen to now a meaning and appoint drirjale to th aacetinr advartiacd lo be held at Dowdtown on thf Sd inatanU Thia appeal, aa w apprehemlcd at lha time. jodgin from lb apparent indifference of eve ry body around a a, want la at one ear ami am at tha other, learmf bo mora imprcioioo than would a bargain and fttle involving lha euor RK7UB aum of (J eta. Poooilily iher wa a few who frit oihrrwiae ami attached to Hie pro nneed movrmcm omthine like the im por ta nee they ueavrved ; hut bring rather weak of faith, and troubled with other tlnngt,gave way to Ui eurrent of popul ir indiflVrenne : and tliut lha citixent of the adjacent countire were left lo deliberate on Ida aubject wilhoul the couuienmre or aupport of Rowan. Even : CJuilWJ eoumy, with hardly a lithe of the in Ilereat involved, cuinparaiivrl), called a mrei jing and, at will be ai-ru below, appointed del egate Ui attend at Dowehuwo, and aid in the proaeeatlon of lint great work gieal, oven when viewed at an iaolaled improvement. .but iimuentrly important when taken in con nection with the lull K'.iad. W e regret, that our honorable old county ia found ii.ttiia caac J aad if there were nothing in her pott hiatorv flurding encouragement to hope that aha wilt yet Come up to the mark of reatonable expec tation in llii mailer, aha would hardly have claim to the reepect of her ru-iglibora. or the love of her owu e'lterpriainc tone. Roiran it good grit ah ha looney, talent and opirit, anu may be rdied on when the pinch coinea. She hat proved htreclf time and again ; and although a little alow to lake hold, it alwayt vigor jua in the prosecution of whatever the undertaken W commend to her citizen the following proceedings had iu Guilford county. Suliibury Wulfhman. From tb OrecneborouKb Patriot. IMPROVEMENT OF THE YADKIN. Al a public meeting held in the Court llouac in tlia Iowa nf tiircnaboro', on the Zlel day oTmfmStr JV H. Liiidaay,'q .; called lo the chair, and W in. H. Walker waa 'appointed St-eiuirV. ThfTnJcct of The" nienting wore bristly explained by John A. Uilwer, Esq., after which l'ie following res olutions wer offered and. unanimouily adnpird : ..' Beidtxd, That th paopl of Uuilfurd have witnaaaed wilh ileura tba tffjrts that are now being made to render tba Yadkin Uiver urng bl ; an-1 that they rcjrurd the enbtrpria aa on that ia well oaleiiluted to develop llie roaourooa of on of tb moat tortile and productive region a of itortb Carolina, and in the connection wilh the Central lUilruad, to which it will be an im purtaot feeder, tit open a cheap and epeedy out let ao Ui market of the world tor tha pruduntiooa of that intorestltiK country. Uuuhtd, That they highly apniuv of the meeting proposed to be held at Uowettnwn on th first day of June next, for tb purpose of tak. ing th naeeaaary steps to oomtnenc and to car ry oa lo completion tbia (Treat and important en terprise, and that tbey detir to b repreaeoUrd in iid meeting. r ' IlcfJcttl, further. That the chairman of this meeting appoint five delegate to tb ateetina; to La WU in l)ooltown ua th Ut 4y of June next ; and thai tb prucoeliua:a of ilua meetinc other paper favorable lo the entorprias. The chair then appointed llie following deicjfiite I lion. Julm .M.. Alorchcd, John A. tiilniM, Jm Kr M"Ihmiiv, and W ilaon XtoVK ge-qc.,"nd CMi 'MV 8, flberwtwtr On motion, the name of the chairman wa added to the number. On motion, die meeting adjourned. JEO. II. L1MD3AV, Chairman. Wat. R. Walk, Secretary. Swallowino a CHiMqi'triN. We find the following Inter in the Milledgeville Re corder, dated Lowndes Co., Ga.,the litli iuau Ucntlemen I wiah to giva you the par ticular of a itrange eireuinatanc which ha taken plicr frf thia beighbUrtirtbd "! KW'Aiyi since. In the year 1 8H 5, a little hnv, the ton m1Wtf-ATif yXiwawfrff oTlfrShgled "Iny ing to awallow a ehiuqueiiin, and from that lima ha ba been troubled with a cough aira ilar to croup every winter. This spring hit parent thought be would die, (being worse off than umial) but he coughed up the chiuquepin. Ou examination it had a bony covering about one-tixleenlli of an inch thick on it. On removing the oaaa out eubitance, llie chinquepin wa found to be perfrcily sound, the mrk were on it wher he had temped it with hit kuife before Irving to awallow it. 'lie i now in good heilth and free from the Cough with which h haa been troubled so long. In conclusion, I would any, mat there ar many respectable person who will vouch for th truth of th abova (Uieinent. Respectfully yours. v J AS. R. FOLSO.U. f.AaiwTABLC DsLCtinM. A melancholy evidence of hallucination, caused by llie spir itual rapping absurdities, ia exhibited in a long statement prepared for the pros by Judge Ed monds of N, Y who has long occupied a prominent position in th poUUoal aaffiir of that State, having been Stata Senator, juda;e of nearly all or qui alt th emirt of the State from the lowest to th highest and who is now a Judge of the Court of Appeal the highest court of judicature in th Stale. It awins that th judge' mind ba ha been ex ercised of lte upon spirittmliam, and hy dwl. ing npon Mi tihject he found himaclf become impressible medium. In this condition ha has had interview with III ghost of Franklin, , Penn, Sir laaae MaWbm and Swc denborg. What it very rurioti. Sir Iao w tilt engaged in considering tha law of gravW ta Inn, and Dr. Franklin wa explaining spir itual mauifestations by lb OJie Fore."- -Thay were all "bright and shining apirila." After all thit lit medium bad a glane among the wicked spirits, where ha aw them under going punishment, by fruidra florta to grat ify the passion thay had been maal swayed by on earth, V can imagine no mora met aueholttny (peetaelc than a one powerful muid d riven to the verge of insanity by mich a mikcratili imposture. Are not thin who follow, as a profitable calling, this buine of deluging individual, with apiriiual rappinga knockiiHra, visions from ill other world, and similar fraudulent- rxhtrniimr;' "WtNrTaMcr'fAr obtaining njney under false prtanet At. MuKPta. A man killed by a wotajan: Wilson Scott wa murdered no 'Monday night laat, al th House of Mr. Ilydcr, a few mile from thi place, by a Mr, (larltnd. W learn that h ent for him In come into the hotian. whua tha Uffwk tiim llinu lifta Mrilk Ro'Krr fin, t" " Th hand and th lined th raachJu aroiin l a chair which It had raia d, a id ttnic him on the neck, which killed hint inata ttlr. ' Mr. (I. ia now in jail lo a- ail her trial at eiuriWai0jrirA fTtn. i J utnvt, . , '..i Emraicut , Amai ra W "- 1 Tbe New Bedford Mercery give eat aeeesmi rfaaaaa BWaiuwaiMiisiMa awriWatesI ia that irity oa Saturday, under tba stireetio nf Mr. iicinckrn. a rarrchni froni (lie men. ler many, aiusiraring the effect of electricity in aiding tha captare of whale. Tba electrici ty is conveyed to ibe body ol tbe whale from an elcciric-f alvanie batterrr coouioed ia tlic boat, by mean af a aaeiallie wita attached la the harpoon, and aa arranged a in reconduct the etectra current from the whale though the era to th machine. Tb machine itarlf i im pie and rompaet in eonatrectioa. enclose in a strong cheat weighing about !50,soanHt, and occupying a space in the boat of about three and a half feel in length, two feet in widih, and the same in height. Ilisrapab'eoftlirow ing into the body of the whale eight irrmrn ihiu strokes of electricity in a second, or 480 in a minute, paralyzing in an inrwm the mus cles ol the vt hale, sod depriving H of ull po el of motion, if not actually of life. Tax CAarAicx. Mr. Kerr arrived here oo Ni'nrd'.iy afternoon latt, at 7 o'clock, h.ir ing left Raleigh early lhal mnrniog, after . diecussion of six hours' duration on the pre ceding day. 1 Gov. Ki-id arrived on Sunday al 3 P. M. . There Wa great enthusiasm among the Whigs in reception nf their glorious standard bearer. Di-lwecn 200 and SO!), on horscsaek and in carriage, accompanied by a baud of music, went out on ihe K;ileigh road. 4 or 9 mHt's, lo mrei him. Arrived at that point, the eai-Ofiing party were severally introduced In Mr. Kerr, wlio wa more than gratified al ihis nianifi station of ardor in the great cause. Thit sc.-ne over, Mr. K-rr, with arommittcr, ara placed in an elegant open carriage from Mr. Whitfirld' establishment, drawnhy Mr. McKiunon's four splendid grays, and in thai order the whole cavalradt proceeded lo lown. Here a large concourse was collected, al the Town House and at the Fayeitei ille Hole'. Wh?n arrived in ftont of ih Hotel, Wm. II. Haigh Esq., in Ihe name of the commitieeand of the Whigs cf the town, addr; sed him in a brief speech of cordial welcome, lowhich Mr. Kerr respnniled in language flowing from a full heart deli ven d with the eloquence and fer vor f r which he is so much distinguished. Both addresse were received with cheers. Mr. Kerr then entered ihe Hotel; where Col. Blown h4 proyj 'ed a Uberal .supply , of re freshments, of whirh the crowd who vali d on Mr, Ktir. wcjcuiuled to narukc -, . Great credit is due lo Maj. Charles' Luttrt loh, the marshil. and to his A mutants. Col. A. 8. Brown, and Messrs. E. L. Pemberton, Ja. M. Williams, anil J. A.. Penihcrton, for the admirable manner in which the whole alfjir was conducted, and every thin; like con fusion or accident prf vented, in such a crowd of carriages and horses. At we goto press, the candidates are spea king, according, to arrangement, under the Town Hall (iov. Rcid leading off fit beinz liia turn to do so.) in a two hours' speech. and Ml. Kerr following. We willendcavour lo furnish tome account of the discusaion in our nexf. Fay. Obi. IITIKTISBIINTI. IrWIOMIIO Mated Yearly. Read I Head I Kcad I Mark tkta fact I suns-! nunc iiieiil paist WilUtaodaay eliuisua without eraeking sr blliuring ! ! ! the Heading il.il lliiad (.'oiniwnr, Omesor ts Pbii a. ano Ksinien B.itL Ro.n Co., AVI & P'eaeKaW.swr. lti.o'e AM.f l'kt,i.Mj M. 1812. ' Bwr-eHrr-We- rm wttee! rmrr -rtfiff faf'.m " for more than syeitranaVoe rWMouiia Jul'.la-eii, (It-jiot,, As , Ac., we have found it equal lo any paint we have uk(1 ; in fact, we now give it a prefer -ones over nil oth ers we bare tried for .uch purooh-,. Your re.jwtftilly, Jllii.1 TUCKER, frxmi.Uxl. The ahof la hut one of the nauy oertilteale. wo have recsieed from tbe aontfcuica of our t-ity, a ho hare u.ed tfilrer. Mineral Painla. CelonnMWshavsaeea dilTsront robrrs. vis: three browns twst-h KMlates, black and yellow, aad by com bination, make cr.ry eurlety aud shnde of color. lrwaTo iron, ihey fumiih a pi-rh-et proteetltm a gainst ruet, tor Ihey oontaiu no tnetoi, which liko white load, Mts jbalrliiiUycly a ih. iron, lu Xuv hut paint saaae. IroB aoulily vnniamel'ir bunaing purtHes. Hrlck VVurk-MtTbey gies to boues walls a wuuh 4aanSwawatna'tsavwaarywth Is repaired, asluing bolds ao nrraly or fiulshsa so well nub it, ' - Old floulhtlivs as aroof aoveraa old and laaky, Silver's Mineral Painta will aiiks it cheaply asw, and awe sadailng than it erer wa.. Mlllpa Bring thi.sxmordinary niBsrai aa wa prepare It forlhea.wiil us prout agauirt tba aoUoa of hoi enas warms snd salt water. lIKlaTIOV.l',e Llo.erd Oil, nix aa thick as v.m aan. and use as other paittU. TbeM p data need but liltls dryer, sad for prlmiBg aad second eoaVng In all houfehold work, they will be found far i beeper and more durable than lead. Dealer, and consumer, can procure Ihis psltit of FltKNCU A K1CHARIM, Wbolessla Agettle, A'erf.oW eor. Tenth mmd Mmrkel (rerfe, 'Irnnt. Also, importer, of Plate snd Colored Wiud-iw tllass, dealers ia Prttga, Paints, As. 2 It. Just Received, at tbe JKortlt Caro lina Music More, A .-LOT of new and fasuionabls Muaic, via Vfrihud.hip Pilka. ttait p.r tlia Wagon. Low - barked Car. Nelly Bly Ac Cauloguss of Muaie oan be aea at tba Rlars. April llth, IBu2. , . 16 if MANUFACTl'RINQ ESTABLISHMENT. TOSKril WOn KUI.VU (for a number of years Foreman in the ltuloirh A Gaston Kail Hoad Blacksmith rthop,) respectfully annourjcas to the cttisens of Raleigh and tb surrounding Couniiss, that bs Is prepared to manofactura Lock a sU aVecrw(HM Cans aaaf folt Carrass Bpwip Jim nor ifraat L mtt ngt. And, la short, sny thing iii Msebinoand Blackssslth Wark. Hs is tie prepared la elexmt ItKl.t. II ANUINO at tha shortest notie. - Alas, kaa aa hand aa extea- stv assortment sf Iaeks of all kinds, at prices rrota iu osnts to zuooiiarsj r.ugoioia, aaaassrt toent of Axes, Drawing-knivos, Uatcheta: llaai- tners, Filss sf various deacriptloos, and a nnruber of articles ia his lino too ssaioos to aisatioa. All orders fakhl'ullv saasmtod at the Inwast m-lsso. aad dye work antrustod to hia sars will bo warraat- sd. Orders frost a distaaea will bo attosulea to aad sxecitsd st th shortest nolico. His Establiaement will be found at tb Saleleh Rail Road Dopot. Repairing ia bia line psrfonned witk a earn ess and lea patch. Also, a general ssaortracat of Ounsanet Pistols wnitaally oa kaail. : joistru wolteri.no. . Raleigh, March, 1849. 14 tf. P. S. Urn tMukmft las fwsa r-westsf f Fnf UtriUSlnM, Kutrifl, A". C. ' .. liaisigh, ttspt, tag. It). - ' FALi.artfcia., ls-ii. TUE aitsatlea of sap frisads aad Dsalsrs, geusrally, Is iarited Is my sssortasasl aft. -. iarsiaa awat faiwsui . aVeatieeass) VNsisss; 0,1a, rJrWsrp, ae ' which, as regards oaalltv an hv any keass ta Norih Carolina. My Btaek earing aSea sateetsA wilk great sars aad swrrbaaed on ths most favorabts ssrass from laapssv tsrra sad Msnufaetnrvrs. saahles xss is reader sai ratBatioa as all who boos) articles hs say Hire. - I asks this avssshva to agate tsadsr y tksaks far th vsry liberal sapper! hitherto sitended as sso, aad hy sOBliaaod asslduily, aad aarsssllted aUsatisa the wasta af Bty friends, I bops as oonataws to msrit lbs rararahls spiuloa s ESsrallyntar1iaa tar xtx b-tabli.lim.st. . I willae to keep a .uerJv of ths r-arest Wins, sad Lead a, bosk Bnady, hwurht expreMy rbr Msdl sisal puraoeea, aad a lara asaortsneat id too choices ansae of Cigars faxoaisg aad Chewing Tihsceo, , P. f. PbritTD. Wtetesalt ard Keuil liranlss. tslsigfM.r!iltJlIL..- UmU lBTetaaa- a4 TslaaM Wark. UTK8 0f TH1 LOUP rtACBI4jOM'AKD IMl ft SMS I IM mfm ava - - Leu Csnaur Jssnes Caavsna. aVsss AiMnaaa, tnm the Thud Usm iUilM. ia aW.ta vers haaaastM svowa . vasaaass, sasmststh, w smU This s4ldsa saiWas tka sxtntlvs saoditesdea aad aaWitUx tawatortd hp im sathsv la his last LMVn Edirtoa. - . UVtsOr IHIi tHIKF JC8T1CEA OFESGLASPi rraa lb Kstaa OaqaMt w tka Uih M Urd klaatd. bf Uu Caiar Jiirws Caarasu. Ia Th kaadaaaM mil artars vgtaaui, W atalek lh "livaa of tba Vhaarrllw. ' LIVKji or TUB ul'KK.va OF tSQLASKi rVoai ih. Karaiaa CaaM la tha Arerwiaa of tlx llmua of Hum. to its AaarSotas of tbttr I'wra, aow arsl .iklWbt4 Sn oau-ul Kwafi, PriisM aa well aa Ial.ii9. New liltv.wiih AJihti-.n auj VimrUont. B; .isaas HnH.mt.um. I'oaaplsU. iwalrs vvlaam la rita. Mar. vartaaa 1vU of hiaams'- MKMKlK.S OF THil LIFK OF WIU.IAM WIRT II, Joas P. Kasauv. rV-oiwI Klui, nriwt. la Iwa haulmM laaM,rural 12mo. iith,ith l'r trail aa4 Favainil Lcitvr. Alas. LiWary Ki'tlou im To bnutlnilly prinlra etovo vatnowa. XAItRAl I VhOF TUB V. . KXPtDITIO.V TO TIIK DK.AOCKA ANl BtVKR JOKUAS. By W. F. I.raca. V. M. N.. UomriMiaar r tha KkpliUoa- in Was vrjr hMijAOOis vulaaKj, lrge ovtavui wilh US plates, aal two mafMi. Also, ('oaJruoii GJilioe, iu On neat ...luinc, mjsl Mm'., aiira el.Kb. ELaialEMsOF t'UKMl(iTBV. Cy TH..i tiniaaa, F. K. c. Bacons Auwric itu. from aa elrjl aad nrtaaa En rllah lUitigo. W . Ji nraral haailt-cd II lutraliona. KJilaJ wilh XvU. Iy Uuacur uiivi, Ml). WILLIAM PKS.f. as IhrroairiL Bwoatrar, rmom Jiisw eWaaixa. . Willi an'Katra t'Ita.(rr uu Uit "Hi sailar t'hara." Bj W. HervoBTH DlIuK. In On, velaaM, myal I2w.. extra el-tli. TUB E.CVCL)PUi.V A.Mfeia. ASA; a Popular llietiooarjr of ArU, Sticuij. l.irture. Illattwy, Poliiies, mni Biuxravhy. fn Ksunaoij large sitavo rulua, ,HriHi. ,lvif. vt nftinliiig. t TIIH KNCYt LOP.HiHA (IF HKvUAPIfY ; cnuipri rinv a eomplrlr llearrititiun f the E.rlh. Phyntcul, Hwlislial. Civil, aa-l Pulilinal. B.v lli oa Xir, F. K. 8., Ik. in Three wry largo veUvo tuIuihhi. otlh slaran baaire4 Illu.tratioD., ami eiifhly-throa aiapa. DON (iUIXOTTE DR LA MAXTIIA. Tr.nil.leJ hy B.aLM Jaavn, V.m. Illiialrated KJiuua, In Two very h.ndMMHe croaa Bvo. ritlumes, rariou, stjle. ol hneitoae, wiUt numeroui tugravlna on wumI. Pur bala by II. 1. TLHNER, N. C. Bjokntore. Raleigh afay 11th. 151 20-tf- l)H. WM. II. sirtvitY Is General Agent and Proprietor for the Statcof C."r.r tha fslo of (he IjKAEFEMHEKU.CII.M PAST'S, StoJilard Metticines. They are a sovereign and a poeilivs Itemedy for all dt-Heasea lo which tbey are adapted, and nisy be rehc-t upon, as iiey nre guaranteed by the Companj anJ by the J'm- prtstor. lbs Ueihoiuee Lousitt of Vegetable Pills, Kye Lotion, 2,'c. Fever and ague I'iils, ! I.ibbj'e Pile Ointment, $1 Sarsiiparilla Compound 1, Uvwntarv Svrrup, otic. Ureen Mountain Oint- 'MsrHiiall I'teriue Catlto- ment, 'ihe. boon, f H. Health Hitter., 25e. Consuiuptire'a llnlm. f B Cliildteas' Panacea, 50c. I Theaub aseuta and all other Persons wisldoo: any of the above named Medicines, wilt plea.e uddrestt the Proprietor, VYm. ii. Newby, Putt pavl, Kaleiirh, N. O. 4l tl. PI A NO. NOW receiving at the North. Carolina Mu.ie Store a splendid asortnier,t of Pianos from the celebra ted Factory of Ilsabb a UaaaLa. Baluuiore. wbors- oaise-1 the fir.t premium. Ihreeeara in eucctmeiiin, in l4S, IH4S and IrtiO, at tbe auuuiil fih.bition ot tbe SuttofJUtaryisndj ' i1haai l'i.4 ia a mo-hrn style, hand.oms wood, tOiO " with carred ornsmenl., froia 0 t ilNi to loan B Pl!.o; sprrndWejcrrlrK. nTdSnUiXjlVls. ..,.., , ,... " eii.uuitid carving tlotlnc style. S. i, 400 f ('.Mtrnmy. ilj. (Vroee. ri.'irr M ft'oMOr.'Mf Of .l(tA"0W-ty, S.lVl i,iH finttrr Iron VoMr.j (laaNB Plato, in a moderd style, handsome wood. Si5t " with carved ornaments, from t;iKI lo 1000 Bocaaa Ptaso, splendid earring, ornamented style, trowing Ao. 2,1 4-0 u 44 splendid carving tiolhic etyle, 1-1.1 40t 1 squsrs cor. es.e, ogee Tablet. on s Isrge tush. ,uijid, t. 37e rono'i eor. ca.e, oruuut u with modern HnHildinK., 10,1 3"v " " jil.l.. fl, .l.i, -if " itim-rior wo.d, 1 10. 1 S50 " bottow cornered esaj, oges ' Tablets, on a scroll stand, lo. 350 " hollow cornered case, on mo-l- arn lege (!. Jit - square cor. cue, uotntc pat tern Tablet, and ocUiuon legs, J. 'in - nouow cor. rase, plala le'.kt. aud ocugon leg, J Hj J26 w H sqosrs cor. ease, ptuin le-;a. xciO Comprteu''; Odarrrj, bntiti Irttm Frame. 0QraaB Ptaao.' fashionable etyle case, ornament ed with mouldings 300 " ' holmw cor. cu.e, aud 8 cor. ogee legs, wo . " auuarc eor. ease, Tablola, legs lo matrh, 2t'0 OimriVof, A IJcrwree, res t'Uilt d Her. " u hollow cor. eaee, on a scroll suud, Urwi3 Ao. !,) $17 i hullow cornered case, on turn ed legs am ' square cornered cs.e, fancy Tablet, le, to nistch, UU " ' ' square eor. cae, plain T.l;lt, Itrawings of ths shove numbers oan bs sicn at ths Music Biers, or whea desired sny number ccn be sent to persons wishing to exsuiine DllAWI.Nl) AND PAINTIXO. Brlitol Board; snperior quality, Alhumr, Tinted Bsnrd, Fabsrs Pencils, Tinted drawing paper, Canrsns in UiS piece and on stretcher, various sues, Paints, Oils, Varni.h, Brushes, Psletu, I'alelt knives, l'.lstl eups, Maul sti k. hlaek aad white Crayon., Ac., Ae., ia ,hort every thing nscsuary for these tasteful snd beau tiful'aoeomplilmenta. Piano Covers, llutta Pcrcha nruered and plain lined with elot. ia order lo seears the Piano agsicst the dsmpnessof lbs BtsBo.phere,a aew aad splendid arlii-le A e sales aeleetio of aew and popular Bleak thia day received aad for sals hy K. W. PETERBILIA. Raleigh, imm. ttb, to. 4 f. AEir BOOKS l UEDELL ON iTxEC UTOBB; aaisa 1 Trrillu i the U f tf EicenUn ud Idmiiitlnlon Iff KOBTB CAROLINA, By jfame Iredell. Tng shjoet of thia work has beea to exhibit lbs law, at it sow staads ia Korth Carclina, la ralaiioa to lbs matters of which it treats. It smbraess, therefore, Iks Eaglisk doctrine., as tar as tbey -are recugaieed in oar own 8late, as well as la acts of Assembly sad ths deeisioa of ear ows Coarts, on the snhjosl of Willi, Re. ttmtort mtl Admimmtrmtart Ills til ought U m.T provs asefat, sot only to ssemhers of ths legal pmreastoa, hat also to ethers, who ar so freqwently called upon s na leftaks the Indiaasahte, isspuviasl aad rsspoasiels truU) af Kjtacatass and idwisiiissSoes. . - -JTsrBahjbf . ,. W. L. FOMKROT. DBITTOiV TODD, CIICEIS k C9.HS.ltl lEICIllTl . - OffotH Assasf t Hottt, Stemmort Strtet, f . PETERSBURG, VA. I LOT of Northera Mercer PoUioe.jn.trseeiv.il .snd for sals ty fh be'hsl or birrs! t :, r, W. H. A R. 8. TCCKB. : T0BN8ON a Celebrated Ic Crsata Fretura. A Tidy jut ts kaae) ,. w. H A a a vrcvrr' rBlMO aktt aTHMEat BOOM ... I MhaW maaaatO I f H. IX. B.. T0CE EH ara rawtrlsf SasltlXtirkllia Sif paJIfP fa I tea S&leeotes Baa wso sciiskb bki ttiapM . raaey ximfi t hirh yew ailradoa is nssifally lavited. ssasist- las ia pan, or taa latiasirBa;: araeails rieil aw. rot suss, v. . Mia relarad aael Wait da. ; Whits Bwafta Filks. 5 Rich Flat Ofeaaartiao Klfct,' ' While sad Dlack Watered do. Btaak Or d Ebuts it. Firnrea aad Satia striped Challyt, eolid and Fistirsd Banters, Fancy Pita Tiiuies, Oreandi Lavas, French JaeoaoU, Prtoied Miulina, Brilltaiilva, Piatt and lid nin;hain, F.ngha sail Am-n .n Chintr. lill. Cheeked, boim. Jaoet, Saiak, and Tarlina Mu.lin.. Plark Milk Laer M.nlillsa, Pta-aaad Emkraid tnd Canton Crapehaala, lllsek SUk Lace. Frenrh Worked Conars, Colli, Chewljstta, sb Cb sdretecTee, e'aiwi and Jsennet MttJtlia B.ndfl, 8el..pd 1,. Oambria and Berlera stitched HJTif. ' Swim Jaconet K iting, and In.irtin-I, Reil nd imiuti'ra Valennenss KJri.jt. Ladies and Ural's Kid Uhrvst, bval quality, do do Alexander's bel quality, v Rich Bonnet, Sock, and tlearf Kinbon., Pilk Frinrr., Burton., and Tnajioiiies French Workins lotlvu. LiavB and CotUa Flosr, As., Ac, Ac. 1J tf. . . . . I ... Jtit Received. VI.AHOE LOT ofierv Superior Blsck and Crorn Tea. from Ihe Xew Vork I'ekin Tea Company. J i.lcdire invfcll Well al their llelail prifi'if, and the Tea. I t-an rei-ommetid an jrenuina fcrtioe. Thnw tp hur fnini us will not only, therefore, eel a goon article but will .are from llfuoa lo twenty per cent, in llie piir-haM. L. B. WALKKll. Kaieirn, siaren tvtn, i?z. llAltUWAKIi AXI t'AKKIAGF-. M ATt.ltlAlJ. LEWI? Jll 4IR T Siya of Tht Kt) ItaUmf troth Strut, PLTKBSliVIlO, I'.t. Ilss far sale, and inlands la keep, a full snpplj sf th, follow iug arlicits : r'OR ( ARRIAOK MAKERS. Elintk Soriniri. 1 1 in. t Plata to li ia. plate, rjulkcy Axles, 11 and H in., Buggy Axles ii and U Incbes. Carrrall, Barouche and Carriage Axlea, Carryall, Huggey slid barouche Bow., Ilutts, rellur, -r-uoX'-s anu snail, Bansuchs sn-l t;srri4g rleos, Fiflh Whiel Plate, sud lliugr. Cch LtRe, T:i..i'U, Turti, Fringe, snd Binding, Drab sad I'-lne Ct"the ; rtsniaek,, all colors, Brans and t-tlter liob and Saad Ilund.', limen, Plaicd aud Jupsrined Knone, 'Brass,'' PtaWtaaT a"eparrnd ICair, : 'lan'Trms,' Lnrnne of ttitv-r snd Bnus i'tale, ail ,ise, Top Hide, end fiide. j Ktnouelied L-Htlicr aJWojpr riucrnLeaTTier Tn u-k, Mcatum ana linn. Dseh Hook, and Hing. ; Japanned llurkles, Mulleuble Cn-lingf aud. Wabltcr I'lau-s, ul) kinds, Tack.. Hcrew.. (lines. Pniwr. (iloe, lllsek Mo..: Together wHb a gcnorrtl senoriaent of F0RF.10K AND IiOMETlC 1IAKUWAKK. TooLct'suiuhls Wi PatwwBlf Msebaah-t snd Hoo.i Keeoere, All uf wh'uh willhs sold, Wbolessls or Rtt.il, "SVT al much t' ser I'liif, than bereV-ft re. A PROCLAMATION f?y Hit Ercrll'miy lisviu S. KaiD, (jortrmor tf the Stall of .Vurlh Carolina. WntaxAs, three-Slths of Hie Whole nnmber of members of each oue of the General Assembly did at the last seioiiin piss the following Act : AN ACT to amend the Constitution of borth-Caro- lina. Wiikrras, The freehold qtialificntinu now requir ed for the elector for members of the Senate con flicts with ths fundamental principles of liberty; Therefore. Sue. 1. Itf it enar.ttd by the t!mral AtttmMy of tie Std'e nf Xitrth Varutina, and il it ticrfl.y enarrtt tv (Ar Aulkurity if tht mimt, three fifths of h abole.numbei of members of each House concur ring, that the second clause of thiid section of ths first Article of tbe. amended (!onstittrtroTi TnttT fled by the people of North Carolina on the second Monday -of.iovaiuUer.A. It., .ltio, -ho amended by striking out the word "aud powscseed of a frca holi within the ssmo dit'.ict ol fifty ucrcs of Und for six months next beftaas juid. ot-therfay uf elec rtnh," S9 tint the said clause of said section shell read ssT'illows -. -MrfreerwfciTOTneTroT ttnrsj ot tiit,f wte'yem '(excrt,r m is bentltttW'ltcxtirF' ed) who have been inhabitnnts of sny one district witiiia the Itute twelve months immedistcly preced iiipr the rtrryrrh-nTTr e'eclion and.rrrsH-hnre paid pub lie tnxes, shall ho entitled to vote for a mclubef ol the etenate. 8ec. 2. Itr it ftirlhtr enarttd. Thai the Governor of the State bn, and he is hereby directed, to it-sue his Proclamation to the (loople of North Caroiuia, at least six months before the next election foi mcrabers of the icncr;il Assembly, setting forth the purport of this Act snd the smendlneut to the Conniitutlon herein proposed, which Proclamation akaU be accouipauiwl by true anJ'pejrfeut aopy of the Aot, antlu'iiticated by the ccrtincate ot the Secretary of state, and both the Proclamation Slid Hhe.espf sAailwil. Ih lteiw?-'r'W-eT shall caatto to be puhlisbed in all tns newspapers of Ibis State and posted in the Court Houses of ilie respective Counties in this Htule. at least six months before the election of members to the next Geuersl Assembly. Read three times and agreed to by tliree-flfths of the whole number ot utrmhersof each Mouse re spectively, nd ratified in General Assembly, this tht 24 tb day of January, IMM. J. C. DOBMN. 8. H. C. W.N. EDWARDS, 8. 8. Stat or Noam Caoi.ika, VJtiet of Secrtlary of Slat, f I Wiiiiam lint., ecretnry of State, In and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify thai the foregoing is a true snd perfect copy of an Act cf the General Assembly of this Stale, drawn off fioni the original ou ti'c iu this office. Given under n.y band, Ihis 81st day of December, 1851. WM. HILL, r of 8ttt Ann WneitCAS. the said Act provides for amend ing the Constitution of the State of North Carolina so as to eoufer on every qualified voter for the Mouse of Commona the right to vote also for the Senate: Now, therefore, to the end Uiat it may be made known that if the aforesaid amendment to the con stiUition shall b agreed to by' two Hauls of the whole representntion in each house of the next General Assembly, it will then be submitted ta tb people Tor ratification, I have issued this my Pro clamation in conformity with the provisions otAhs bofore recited Act. . -c hi testimony whereof, Pavid 8. Run, Oovernor of theHtnte of North Carolina, bath hereunto sati his baad and caused tbe Great Seal of said blags to bs affixed. ,,,,, Dose at tb City of Raleigh, sa tbe (lefV c, thtrty-nratday of December, in ths rear of our Lord, onetuountnd eight bunired snd fifty awe, snd ia the Otk year of our ia- VBflV DAVID S: RE ID. By tbe Governor: , Tnoaaa Sktti.s, Jr. Prirate 8ccvetarv. Persons Into whose hands this ProcUmsilon msy fall, will pleaas sea that a copy of It Is posted sp ta the Court House pi luctr rsrpseuve couuues. . ' ' lit Mteamahip I.ln between New York, Norfolk. Pcteraburgh and Richmond. TWO tidendkl sew Ptsara CJsts. , ,liij, built axprsssly for Ibis , i'sv .route,' are now running CITY Or RICHMOflD, "T . Atitcbeil, eoramanaer; ass Bteatnsfa in 6JTY UF AOH. FOLK, Jss. Port, eommauder; on of which leavrs New Vork, every Tharsdsy fresa Pier , East River, at I P. M. . Ilctoming leave Riebtsond and City i'oiot os Friday, aed Norltdk on Hatardsy of every...vecan Tss Vessels ara Iborougk sew steaeaera, very fast, aad save splmsdts sceoesmoilatfmss for pe.tcneis. ; - JSUIB aaaaga.d Somwl hmtwm Hew 1 ..rS nnit ns. ilk, . . , , i .lIH Cabinpasesreaad fosad act vera 2fsw Vork aad City Point or Richmond, . - - '"!) Blseragwptsiaige snd feemd betweea New Tat k sad City Point uad Norfolk or ftiehmond, j Bseetage passrf e sad toaud betssss New Terk asd Norfelk, " - "... , :-- g la) Fieighl (rem New York lo Richmond t per foot. . , v a ; at Petersharg asd Norfolk T ets per foot. ..... , ... j . - This bt sa wrf rtous; tht ScapesT inil mostpUas-" sat row la passengers esa tike going IsNsw York. lasaranes by these ves,euj Is aaack losar tbaa hy aail. uu veaerls. - JftetAtT W1LM, Ae'lKorWk. ' . 1 TMOhIA8 BBAN0IL A, t Petenharg. A. 8. LFrTrA'gs Kiehiaead, - . M All.LcR A I.WIIV1M. W.!l 8t JT, T asataTll mmwhAJ ft O, t- rrWBaVv-rjay aWwaiaCnWiaasiai MI. BETTeT !i(D Tp. ni-T '. ' 8UPPOKTER J' "-- ' - ! -.t Cl.fr Emimt Itditil ritmit. ii lkttih4 f V gM uftlua ialarTsatina kat obtsiaea tse X tl decided preienac aver all sikavs, mt onr aaoat di.tinrni.hed Physicians, ia all parte sf tb t ailed Klstaa tea else tb prefertac tf la, dies la their ewa rireta. Many thaassa saesa have been eared bv ite as, artar all sthsr antawaa kavs been tried witboa sncceaa. It la aaw sgaia afftred attar 18 ysaja siteasiva experieac. sad aa iawreaains; sals fot tb Whols f tbat toaf tttrtaa. . AUKNTS r. r. FESCTD a r. - ' lUiawe,'" -. .c: CACTI05 Aslmpestsrt are alteaiptiagtslaW posea cnnnlrrfeil aniels on the public, ekesrrskcr Copy-Eight United Ht.tes Ubel ea sack hex. aa ber aignatur sn sack Supporter. JAMK8 BETT8. . Wboleaal Ageat. I'bilaoslphl.' ' i it tit' XORTII CAROI.IXA , ,' Slntaal lulfe laaarance) C n OFFICE I1LEICH, I. C. rltlllS Company eonlinuea t iasars tha lives sf I all liealtny White peraoua aad Mlavea. , I hs greatest risk taken on a siaglslife I. tntrir. Slsvea are insured fur a term of an ta iva ....i for ds tlisir value. ornciat. . Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, ; , Wm. V. Haywood, Vie President, f Jumea F. Jordan, KeorelurT, -i , ; , Wm H. Jones, Treasurer, , " I'errin Buslre,, Attorney. " ' lir. Wm. II JI. Kee, Examining rhrsieiaai ' J. HsrsmsrB, Heberal Agent. All losses are paid within W dare altar il.r.. tory proof is prasualed. lllajikn and Pamphlets, showing lbs plaa at ope ration of tb Company, may bs bad sa application at tbe Otfca, or any of the Agencies. All Istlsr on business should be arldre aed to ' JAMES t. JORDAN, Arfr April 28, 1851. li-r. Carrlawt) ivfaklugr. " ii? TB S; rlhwour r..pe.,f.y .fn. iff- tht Public, thai hs still sonitnuasU earvtaa tha abovs ha.incse in all lb) hrSnrhrs, snd is soaiiaas ly manwaetanng and has oa hand and fur asle, all da. seriptioos of (Wioyee, tlugyia, Hnrimttmif, Indeed every variety of work ia hia Ibis sf aseblsas,. waiebbe sstereforssts tow,. and' warraatrd bs bs st fchs " bext workmsnskip and materials. ThnnklnlTor past snroaragrment, hs solicit, essi, Uaasnee eSrste satns. 1ll eslaliHitmeai "is sbsBl IS yards eaalol ths B.ptiet Cburch. WILLI8 D. WILLIAM. , . Kalcigh, 8cpl.3, lUt. f. Korth Carolina Kasbbmable Jewelry Btsr. JEELtr, WAHHL8 sfe. 3DO.EX C.J.I User Watches frees 4 to fWt. 4 Dor.. Silver 0 . fy tv A Isrirc A.'..riuioiit of Faehiooahle Brsa.t Piss, Fiiijrer ami Ear King,, ' Gold Pencil., Watch Chains, Reels aud Keys, Wold Lockets, Cuif-pins snd Pens, 6 Dos. Silver Spocts. les, Spring Steel Da., Silver Card Case, Pearl and Tortoise Shell Da. Plated Spectacle Cnes sud Nspkin Rings,; 20 Dox. r-llier Spoons, La.llee, sugar i oogs BBd cups. A Lsrgo Asfotttnent of G. S. Plated Spoons, F'.rke and Knives for laldo as, , A Large Aaeortiueot of knii c snd Raxurs Fins Qaslily. Ftsted Casters. Candlcitiek., M ailers and tls.k.u, Assortment of Clocks (roes a h 30 W airs Bled. LrIuflMr-r, ,;jkiw. rt t feit.vYirsud 1 Pbaviug, llalr and Nail Urasbcs. Money Purses aad Pocket Books, . Tea. mP(-Waiters snd Table Knives is ietas, Revolving l'l.l.,l, BeH Unslity, Chiite.fl r'uns, Boouet ll'dder.. "WaTTtTngXsues,' ir ' Ai'., Ac. me anove uare jun oeen pnrrbaeed at tbs nsrsa snd we think excelln in heauty and feeaiwa Bay pra- -viour stock of Jewelry offered in Ibis place. We sr hell l oiisud to rrpirrr art binds af Wsteaes, kav. ing purchaseda large assortment af Took, asstMetsriaks. Jewelry repsired to order. PALMER A RAM8AT. Raleigh, Nr C. It Instruct his In Vocal Music TO Y0UNO MEN. rfPHE subscriber proposes to devots from tbs Itlk sf X July to ths 16th of September next lo the work sf breuuriBg.youus; mea tax aseob Vocal Utule ea his ewa peculiar plan, aud hs pledges himself aot only la pre pnfte Ihcui for communicating ths theory, bat also I ijuji4.,it., psMiiisd-sbev bass BslBssJl sales.--vhr- b-rln. are ttlty dollnrn in sdraiirs lor bears and value during tha above epet-ieod lime, and If every pledge af ' his is nut redeemed, he will return tha hinds. Thass wishing in.tructione, mast address, post paid, early, as bs will not lake mors thsn liiteea rtudenls. Kcv. JEHU HANK, , j f 'mi'-.s, Jros tvHHlt, l'a 'et. 13, 'sg. P. 8. My re.idencs is within four miles of Iks tall Sulphur Spriags. March s 1st. T1IU NOVELTY IROJV TTQRail. PTJ TO my old friends d th publie generally, o5- I afn"ploased to any, that I am Bow pre pared at my New Establishment, TJK K0rSI.Tr W OSk'S, la Tlia Citt or RALtian, NoWTa Caboiixa, To execute ia th very beat laauner, LoceBieiir and Stationary . STEAM ENUIXES. Haw and GrUt Mills. Mill Ueartna;, MaekJasry, of avery description. utox AsrrmtA.ss cahtisos, la every variety, SCKEYV Cl'TTlRG, of any desired length and calibre i baring ths tasst improved machineiy for the purpose ts b has A'ortA or South. 1 1 employ Hon but tlis) vary bsst worksssa, lad expect to put out nous but tbs very bsst work. : :, The Novelty Works ars under the sxelnsivs sua agement of a practical Mackiuist, Mr. H. ft. lllll i'K, whs hat us tapsrior ss aa Engineer aaa Machinist in any country. This establishment wa lereeted exclnslvely for th benefit af thst'iiliena or North Carolina, aad I eaa assort them that they -seed not gn est sf ths Stste for snytbitwg la the. above tins of business, at I challenge lbs World at produce a tner 8TEAM ENGINE or a better MILL tbaa a b BMrrcbaseel at sty estsbliakareat. - " I am now manufacturing several large aad sassM STEAX ESOIKKS for Saw Mills, lo shirk, a to ny facilities for Jlannfncturing theas, 1 weald respostfutly ssll ths attention of tb publie. All Cominunioutioiit must bs post-paid aad di rected ts cULAM ItCRNs, : '. Ilaleigk. .. .to.''' Kovessbsr 14, 1851. -. 47 f. H r ''' COCOA, Warranted rars sad sf flswsvtor epaakV ; ty for Sslt st ... TBCXIRe. ,., ., BALCICH POST OFFICE. " XATL AKKAXaHJtEKrX T? , iforflei-s .tfrtif Dae on Tuesday, Tburs&sy tad 8at ardayss 14 V. M. via. Rail Road. - , Doe oa Sunday, Wednesday aad Friday, at t F. M. rla. Rocky Moont. ' Close svery day (except Saturday) si t 1. M. " " Xmrtera Two boras stags, dot daily at Its. as. alssst at Us.. ... . tVrsaiiaSiimayl Feaeksi'Si sSage.Awe Twseebrv. Trisrse--1- day area Saturday st 111 p. sa., aad tlsses Mowdsyi -. We-luclay and Friday $ am. . . . Ms'Siiu. -Fosp.liurit slags, itue Tfe.lnesiisv, FrTAsy aadSnndiy alJa.Bk,aa4eUMs Mosday, i ederday " aao 1'riday at t p. as. .. . .-- , i -t rreeniea Two-horse stag, due Sasdsr. Vedsea. Any asd Friday st I a. ak, shares Mea day, Wedateaay . aad Friday st s. as. . . - ' '.rh'n.t-.Two-hreeass.dae Montlayssd Tkars. ' day at 7 f. ui, and sloeet Tueedsy aad Sauuiiay st I , p.av ... i .. VirTl Oxte-borst sran. Dot Friday at lla.au ' aad cImm Friday al II. . - , k, ,-. f llillf Sprimf Horse Mail, da Xesdsy at rnr -and closes Thursdsy at p. at. Letkm sl.eald ia Iks. Ostet (llees sslseust afe ths time of cloning. . ThsOtlce will he oneasrery slay, txoeptSasday trest t o'eJock a. as. smtli f mu . Os Sunday, Ii will be pea rrasj a. mu, sasj soak on. din.lly Bfwriht'iinirt",sC'sW .Mad. ......... i'

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