V I :f:itATiri3 PKOci'.i-irtso. , - SENATK. '-1 ' , 7 , - ; Friday, Kor. ,' 1852.'- ?VT-al;incVi rcprteI fnvera'dj on the v , c .point a r-npei-iiitcnder.t cf coinnmo I Ma-lo '.!.f nntrr V? l1;o 3 ij f'.r Miind iy 'i i .lot'oa of Mr. Jjur, committee wa r, . i .., I to inou.ro wUt can rightfully be don. t.yr.e.btgrv-at fi.l.mS .merest ,,f Alh. ,rV-.iJ I ' &.H.WL. U. , , .".jm-r, '"" Yj, Murray, A, arj, Per.,!. T., F, Joo I ,-ptr.. , . . . r , - Kr. Kerr iritrvdofej a till to cmanc p i erred. , I'-Jst. r. 1'aasc I first reading mil referrei v.! v BVJfiB introduced bill to -M(9 rtUae, domestic ma.iutact.ira. and l , TW W! 16 ammid an art emcf rninj? tb4 dri . iii fli Uui!, pt4 ila tl.irJ reailinj nl ' V i lerrj to I cn'rosae-I, , .. . , J, TI, Bgr(H'i lill to amend tb Constitotioii. r U-.i iha fie n.Trsii biil, waa wailo tli imler Vf Vi Axj for TuetJiJ. Mr, JlTnnni inti-oiJuraJ a UII to tark a part ef M1 lUmeW U UutrwrfurJ eoarity. Pceifirat : - r'a'I'iij anil refrr.l. ' : : ; "j.; T'iC IjiU to iiifeirparata Wwlryan Fcmlf ' '.'ftiD-'t, Slurfrcattfors', pl M ee.uij and ' ttinl raaJinjj. uinfer "uw.!bi , cf tlit rule, . acid wa ordreil tat tngratrfl. , . - . . t Tli two bnous Ttfil fur t'nit4 Stott 8n, ITf sV. Seut' rote", Fir P.jU.in !Ki. 8qnlr ' ;7, Plirparf 7. Scatf ririR 0. Mr. Watbinjtvn V r 'iv.rWd Hit tlio juJnk ' wn Houi - falknrn -' PuUiis 7S, f irandtr 35, Slicp' : vl CO, ScstluringW' --Ko tleati'tn. , . Second tohjv'Xht Jiiiii uta un a aoottid trial, rs. I lil)liin75, Siandra3 fliaparJ 15. .'rimindt anitlering, N alectiun. " i lr, Liliiagtou introdi;eJ liill to ataand at t of lglfl-47. ta rnak real wtats ft: rl.'i h pns'l 1( fttnl rJinjt aud wn referred. tlje I-!! to ircurjr.it t!i truatfoa of 1,.,'UUjruult Ac 'jrnjr, iwJ iu Uft roadiiig Kill til orJvrrd to Ua anrnllcil Tlx tnjmnej lull tii imend lha 4ik arrliun of tuf iMi S3 (Kinifiaiiaiitinjrjururi of tlieorijf i ' nl rmniiel in (lie C"7 of Bmufurt, ped ita . I.i t rc:t'.l!ir; (irt.I iw jnloeJ to w mrullod. , . Tba Suaia auurned. . ' IIOL'SE OF C0MM0X3. Ir. I'urjaar introduced arcaolulivu directing t.ia Troaavrerof th fitata to auljiciibo, on Ix, lialf f tiio Ciato, fir aou'S liunlnd wad fifty aharea r.f tix-k in Uia Yadkin Karigntlos Com. fair ; uliicti w rad tb Grat tinia aud IniJ on - llin tiilito. . , ,? ' . Mr. ktull iiitniil;K-od a till to Incorporate llit i V"Lii U4t and 'jirUiu I'lank Road Cou-tumy, " vi'u!i a riwl iljo liMt tiuia and referred. ; 1 tU. liurvb inlrti.luf'd till Ui awaud tli . lith cJ aptrr nt ,uo ltvied Statutoa which raa ivad tlnfifnt tuna an ) rofurrad, ; ' T.lr. XliTft iutMilj Tld till to prorido fur ihr. clc-Kti"'' "t i'"ii"ra ; whirb ira rand ttia Jj--t linn: i 1 r.'f. rv. I. . : , Im jiil, a Li!i t amend an aut iuoorpor. '.nini lh Uin of I.Builirtoo 7tr. "W.iitir fcill-ti iuurKrat th Ppar. ihur nml liuilitsitvrd I'lunk lixad Com. S: tt U 'it 1) i;i!Iti a bill to pntija fr the 'V. - a L.i.i tii "Tuccr),uj'ato tho French Ilrvad 'i'lKiijjike ouaininy. Mr, liill t f Ciuhi'II, A bill to i.n orporata tb Caawcll Fir luauranue Ciinjinny. -Ttn till k'l their firat reading, ' ' . ' s Tb two nou vwl'jd twiiw, uniiefully, fir fiuV j iiit? Son.itiir. li'i Sjiijiia procoed. y.M Ibeu prt,eoeJod U the eonaidara lign ttf tb bad mtiiiulou introduced ty Mr, Jlt. ' ' Mr. P.iun Jura if TValo tnoroJ tlint the anid . roii'lul';una lj uiuesUd by uikiaj( Out all after tha word wbtireaa, aud Imort the roaolutiuua taretofur v&rd by biut aa a aulnUtuW, . t 1 Ten linjr, th ijncition on th amoadinant, tit v llou adjourned. ; ' 6j:natk. - Suturday, Sot. Vf, 15A' Mr. Steelo introdueed a till to amend tha! Constilut.n of the Slat; wklob waa and . ordered to t J 1 J im tlm tablo, ' Mr. Wishingtiuii (nti-o luced a till to emanel,. , pale Levi Williauis ; wliicli passed its ftrat raa, - ding and wa raiiirred. .r.;i -.-:.--7 f;f Mr. Wo,i!Sn iiitroduoed a till, with wamori. la, to alter the I'm of tb eoii-ty of Madison, and to (.st'vMisa the county of Warm Springs ; ' ' whioh passed its Grat rnadiag and wa referred. ' Mr, 1 hompton, frin tb committee on Com gmrional 1'istricta, ma lo a report In behalf of . the majority, with a bill to lay nfT eight Congrca - aiunal Pialricts within tlua State wbioh pasaod Brat read and waa onlorod to be printed, -Mr. Barry, from tha same committee, made a report in to!i!f of the minority, with a til'. lo raiieal an aet to amend an act oinoerniiig the mod if ebooainj RcprsijienUUve In t'nngij reLiheil -uJ January, 1 Ii, chapter r.V pasaed Crat reading and waa vrderod to Uf-J-i,' ted. aOn motion tf Mr, Kellj, the tot if yih the bill to divide the county of Iredell waa ro. jecte i, win rreattiid Itirod, Mr. Parka tunved that tli() l.ul be lol 1 en ttu tilde, N'e.'atived. i On uuuou of Mr. Person the tilt waa laded nitely postponed, "9 to 12. ' - The tiK to incorporate th4 Dank of Cumber. Ian I, was r j te 1, " ( 1 1 1. Tlio tpecial .inier, Ibj bill to rope.il an act to prevent the obstruction of th passogo offish at Ii.lcts uu the aeaooaat of the State, waa taken op, Sir. T, F.'J jtia jojvoJ that it bo referred Nngailvel' ; ' The till then panae t it last reading and waa ordered to 1 enr.dnd..' t Mr. W'uuduiiiutrolu'C.l a till eotryifsr part of tit Etofk uf th Vayetteill iii WeaUrn Plank. Rjal C'o.iipany-to th Ahevill and (IreoavilU Ila ik it ial Cooip.tny ; which p ia. ei lfs Ort 'reinjinj; and wa refatrreii.. ; Vf -'t - - Jlfr. Iv-rr' IniroducoJ a bil ,to inaraaa )t eaplKil of tii ) f.' jiootorci tl B atilt of, WihatngMai whi.li ptsv-.l ita fi. rzaJitiJ aj waa rofjr. mi, ' '' :; '.": Th till to aw -rt liil t'as a n ,int of true paid ty t'u p op! ! of th t!u bill to iucorpor ate tiio I'-biden ' flwiia joul CoiB()4iiy, 'and the res it.i i o ?eq o.'iting imr Scaotors, aud Repr. a Utiaoe ii. t'wievwr tos'u their liiHuenee ia fivtif tf ablikhiii tbe duties on raMroad iron. vers severally ml th third tin, pased and lordereil lot engToHsel '"!" Th Senate adjourned. , r TtOCSn OF COMMON'S. " -.. Saturday. Nut- 7, 18i2. . Tbe House resumed tli consideration of the i lnml 'KM.Jntf?nat1i finlUtinn thfttnv an the Af B,ra(M1, ,ff;w b. Mr, m.rn f Wake, , Mrno Bj-notn "ut.mittcil an amend. , ,uUlJe.; Instructing our Senator. Uleprrscntalive. to applf C an ...propria. ,,np rf rf MmyrW aeenmn to open th Inlet at Nagsliead, a n I tonal work ; .4 bf prnl4nK 1 rxpreaing onpasiti m to the poliey Ik nnblie Inn da lit actual elller. f .,, fa ,,, .,.;,,. f .. --. -, ,,, imI,mn,t. wil!lin plrti,uUr State ; tat effirta. t!ifn to maka appiiuation lit a f:r and 'tiit!jle potion of aaid Undi to tlx Suite of! N'ortb Carolina. 0 , Thi if ndment aa rcjeeti-il. : Mr. J)l,i,io nmreil to alrika out "300,000 acreni of land" in tha 0rt r:nlution; which wat Mr. TMddn further mne I to amrm ly atrik In out tha wiinin, "or hy a deposit of their I rwanti ;" which was nejitiTed. Mr, Avury wred t inii'Hy atrikinj; nut nil iu the gud rcnolutiin, after tha word "doimiin," and innrt "hy a depoaito with tha St.itra of their pmcseda, after tlm ptiblio debt ah.-vll bare been fully dihsr;ed." t'ending tha queation, aSor alunj nd iuter. ting debate, tb IIuui" adjourned. SENATE. . Monday, Nor. 29, S.',2. Mr. fiilmer introduwl a reaulution jin rel.itiim to f tiaiug abcep. Ileferrod, Mr, WoodfiH, frnhi tb eninmittM on tbo Ju. dicifiry, reported fitroralilyotianunibcr of l.illn, and adreracly on the bill to pruteot tho R"d ci. turn of thin State from a (;ret nuisnaee; and lo ndrereely po the UII K'V'"R tba election of Clorka k Muatora to the people. Laid on the table' Mr. fiiliner, from the enmacommhtoe, report, ed adversely on the bill eliang'ng the judiciary vrtem to aa to rerjuiro ten circuit Judgea to hold the Supreme Court. Line over. Mr. T. F, Jnnea rrpnrfod a till to make in. dietuMo" certain tropaaac ; bicb pnsacd it flnrt rcftifl rig. lr. Wton, from th eommlttoe to whom it waa referred, recomtnended the rejection of the bill to etabliah the eminty of B'ltn. I,iet over. Mr. Clark reptyted back acTcral bilU from the eouimiUeo on Corporation; which lia oter. IIU !TOOt'CKD. Cf Hp, Ilyum, tilltotli-tliol(aina ut hnnkinjr, 1'aaaed lira! roading, ordered to b printed, and referred to a aoloet committoo eon fiatingof Meiara llyuum, floke, Mitchell, hhaw and Thoma. : !y Mr, Iliehnrdaon, a bill to au!hriaa tho aer vmi Mitnty GoUf U lo "pay lbs wi; dena of the panr.":'" " 1 ' lly Mr. T1.iwer, aliill, with a moniirlil, to ra genl the -III) anctiun of l!i act of 1350-51, to a' mend an act lo Incorporate the Cal derail and Ash Turnp;k Company. By Mr. Woodfin a bill to incorporate the French Broad TurnptkeCnmpanvr-AiiO, aTiil ujtditriein'iiT"fo n act of laat aession to niter uiu into between uie ruunuee 01 iiunombe an.l Henderson- . , .i These bills passed their Antra ling. - Tb till declaring what peraons may in term ar. tj, tinder the aaapensinn of th" rule, pasaed ita aoound and third readings, and wo ordored to b engrossed, ' ' '',"';' ''' Th v-ite rejeotiiig th tilt to inenrporat'e tbe Cumberland Bauk, on m iti m of Mr. Mc liowoll, wo rcconsiderod, and the till laid oil tlx tald. , . .":.'- The till to incorporate tho B tnluof the Tobac conists, via laid on the table. Tho report of th K, C. Railroad and Inaane Huspitiil, were onlcrel to be printed, , The or Jer of (lie dar ws taken up, to wit Th engrossed bill to provide fir tho appointment of ,?uprintoiiduiit of Common Sohoola and for other purpoaes, - Tin said bill being read, Mr, Parson moved to amend the Brat aeotion ao a to give the appoint' I inentof SuperinUndunt to th Literary U.urd inttmit rf tJ. t,..lttW, mhkh waarejeclod. lr. Bower moved to auiond tho till ao aa to make lite .alary $1000 Snitoadof (11500;" which waa rejected. ; ';';' ':"..,' Mr, Brogdon proposed an amendment provid, ing that Uie Legislature, .hall hare power to a" it -ii.l, inodifr and. repeal th aet; which wa re' jonted.'' ' ; :, '"..'.,""' '. 2 The nveation waa than taken' on th paseags of the till, and it pasaed ita ooi)d reading, by a tots of 30 to 19. .; . The till to incr.is.se tb oompensation of oon atablea, wa read tlie aoeond time and rejected- , Mr. Wuod3n Introdueed a till to incorporate the Xorrli-fnaroliua -Stato A a-ricultural on!!v: 'Hi&''""P,to folding. ...yv.. t ., , jm frT'VT0 5 K COMMONS, f s saiij jr ' -. Moisdnv. Nov. 29. 12. Tb bill to Inertrporato th B ink of Ramniks, In'tho to r n of Plymoutht passe J . ,ll third, roai, ing and was ordered to b ngrossi)d, - After p;t."iog up.msever.il unttora of noapa cial interest, the House took op th unfinished bosiuesa, being tho Lm.l Resolutions, Mr. Saundtira of- Wake and Stntng moved aniMiiduionta ; which were rajsete I. Mr. Smith uf Halifax offered an tunsndinent, which Was accepted; and th question recurring on Oi or i -iiva! mulutioa of Mr. Lvach, a division uf the question waaeatled for J and tle vote on thi Ant pari, stood: yaa TO, nay S2; on the aeoond part, yeas G I, nay I 45, (which ahall 1m published lierrnftor.) So the roaolutinn af Mr, L iaah paasnd; which, ty preamble clearly ats forth tli a cl.iiio nf Niirth.Carolina to a portion uf thl public iahds.'aeording to Pre d?dof eeaslon j and in tb tea a've.ri'nsts bur S-nalnr and Rcpresen. tat! if s 'm Cotigres to m tko apollcat'ton, by bill r otbera-is for an appr 'priation to th Stato of North Citrulina, of fair anl eviilahla pen tion of lb pablio lands, or th prooead theroof, whuli, wben an approjiri tte.I, shall b applied kipurpose of Intern tl l uproi ooitnt, public edits anion, and ia relief uf the Trrasuiy and public burdens of the State. Tbo House adjourn I. ' The WjahtngtiHt Man nial AI imuui jiiI In allaiocd Itr'ylit of oho liniiaro-iii) righlrcn fort, o nd may ruu'li ono hiimlrtd and thnly before the e!oe hf the K'anon. j j mI--' LiWrlsttt nslalc tolnra. RALEiOW, OoenntMr 1. 1852. i fAr tmfiUf itkorvi A fut, tr thii M)r la tti rHt, tif Jl'MUvit, auil .w Vuril aatl ali it r nn,-iHil Aciit iq t'lit)Rtri)li!a, an'i it iay emii:rtU tf twke 'trlTliiritj,au4jiii'iM-pwiii,fin ii4 atii' ru- m rriiir rt ij mp, Hm riHM ill hm rejcar.tW , p(,uni. Ilia eer UU.'II'OV, Se.tly' Il.1il.lir5; AKW VdKK. TrihiiiitHeil.tiiiK..- l'HILADM.J'ttlA, N. W. V irtter Tuirtt ail Cin-rtniti t. C PL'UMC LAX D.1 H " " It will be aeen that an' animated ahd interest inj diacuaaion ja jrditf on in the I'fi.a-e of Com' mona on the subject ef the public htda. The question is on the rcAnhitiona of Cen. Sundera, for appl)iti to the 0oernl tloveniment fur an ppmprmti.m ol :,w,w aerca ot the r'- Uimt, to be apphea to opciiing Aagsliead lukt; proteating against Tarit;n!: tbe landa to aetufi aettlcra, and aarainat partial appmpriationaor the i:rne, for worka of improaement, to particular Statea; tat if the policy is persisted in. then de. nutnding a system that ahall do eipial justice to all' the Statea, either by' a distribution of the landa, or by a deposit with the Siatea of their proceeds, tu be returned when called for iu auvdi at'icka aa may lie eelccted. '" Theae reaolution'a, in their main features, em brae a measure fir which the Whi party have nlw-nya contended; and w ars gratified to re- ceir the aid and co-operation in ita euppurt, of " -" " - Vinixrattc partylt rbowa that the l. ndersof ! tliaUemocnteyaro bccot-n-iinviiHed of their arror in opposing it, and will open the eyes of , lb naonlo to the rwrniii f.llv f .uBl.v!n' themselves t bo "t in hostility to mcas, uro ao vitally important to their interest. Rut we do not like the "left .rcrtse" and "t'lV with which it ia webbed up and surrounded by the resolutions of Gen? Saundcra; nor do we approve the provision that llie Stale shall be hound to re turn the fund. The good old Whig way of com - iug directly to the point, ia infinitely preferable; , .a. . ... . . ami ii lie ia in earnsst, as we ti?iieva lie is, we hope he will not stickle for any particular lurm in which to present thia matter to Congress, but let it come nut iu the naked proposition, t!tat Aft'y '"ft if tiititl'd In qjih-tit ialiic jmUit )......',..,.. (;,.,. ... , , ! nlL-r ShllfH nf Hie I'uiunlint the ,!, ;i'f,.r her voik' of im irurtmtul awl dttir- tVnotvw n or",nl,ry onegea, inougn not leas ex-: P'ale ! Il. plan, ton will perceive, makes i-nrau, anu let us tie reapuij Itict.cnetiis to a.lm,t a ',Jun 'of di,l,it'li,m, a-A.V itt oA.ce j in c"ur,e uf ,tn,i.v' nur U "'" n" (unh" "PPfpriatiou from the Sine Treas. j ol it as oon as po-siblc f Iftrrt!(hilv to be iiicr.Li',, I,, ;,.., I ,!,, ., i requirement, and honors. It la apemllv ury, and does not appear lo mc to t-nnlliet; completed, at Icaal aa soon aa llie IS. C. Rail r". r."" ' ""H'J"rm.- ,"1 !..,..,.' . .!.,o.,...,.:l. with whit istindcr-UHiil lo. have becu hi. : id is d let.,! from Charlotte to (ioldsh-r,. ftmherltrmn an appropriation nf ?..0t),WW r,nV ,.ril. ' 7,,,n, in ,.K.. u, t ufthe L" S. Irtiwtry, to accomplish that truly national work, the Ojxntnij o f Ku-jtlieml'luirt. This ia no time, in North Carolina, for party Tat ill II. tit m wii ItP'ritf lit rn n.i,n I t,a v-.t- - . to govern legislative action . luountiobject with .-U ahould b to'impaove and clevati-the Slati-a4i4-tiTrrcsrThd least ijurdciisonia means of gaining that end. The njcesalty for availabsn funds, in rarrxina nut out system, presents the greatest difaculty in tbe bright career upon whtilrTdi' Stato ha entered. In the public land we bars this treas, are abundant fur all our purpoaes: and if par tisans will abandon tLe grounds which are no longer tenable, and unite in favor of didi-itnr lion, all our projected and contemplated rail road, all our river and sea.coast Improvements nil our educational aehemes, all our benevolent inilitutioua can. b complettd and supported without laying on cent additional taxation on our people. It i puerile and unstateamandike to talk of paying the national debt with the proceeds of the public landa. . That will speedily te liotii.la; ted by th abundant rerenuna from impost duties llowing into th Treasury. ( It ia wore than idle, now, to atop at a in tbe qncition of distribution. It I certain that that policy t Jtxeit, -aa to Federal legislation. It j ia too lata to raise a pretext for opposition to geuaral distribution on ennatitutional acruples; and the truth is, th claims of tb old State to a portion of these lands ia "clear and indisputa ble." "The only question of practical import ii, who are to b recipients alt th '.State or the Slates In which th public landa lie? Xortlu Carolina granted the lands, or a part of them, en trust. Ia ah nevor to receive her equitable proportion of the benefit, of that trust? Will ah quietly lit by and te heraelf deliberately deprived of many million of dollar, and not make an effort toaecur any part nf liar rightful heritage? W hop not. Poll iy, right, pru dence, aecessity forbid thia. W believe that it ia tn th power of the present Legislature to secure to North-Carolina heaYight in this mat' ter, and we can but think be done." i-, r. ine mnu raaoiuuona were further de bated, in tli Commons, on Mondav, and the rcaolution introdueed by Mr. Leach on lb ICth ef October, wu adopted. Jt .imply and verv properly assorts our claim, and requests our, Setiabiand JWerfieeoiivo .tu.; Wp!j. for a fair and equitable portion of th6 public lauds or tboir proceeds, to be applied to improvomei.1,4 ke., ta a th Stale may direct.' TIIAXKStiirlNO. Thursday last, the25ih, having been aet apart ty the (lowrnor, midera Resolution of th Hen. oral Aaseiuldy, waa observed in thia city, and we presume throughout the Stato, as a day of thanks giving to Almighty: Uod for tlx blessings so bountifully bestowed upon . -. - . ,' i Kuitlier Ilutta of th legislature was in sea, emit ; businesa waa ausp nded, and divine er vio wa pei-forniad In our ehorchea. Thia ia an institution tighly proper and tccouiiug for a Christian people. It waa an early end honored habit uf lh Nw England I'uriluna who were not remarkable for their observarre of festivals, to devot a day at the close of harvest to this beautiful service ; and although th institution wa originally designed a religiou fuatival, it baa in time trcome one of acculur a Will as tcclaioalical oxorcia' ' s , jt'Kir. of .rim si premb ccirt. , Tlx name of the tdlowing gentlemen liar teen mentioned In cohtiecUoii wltl Uie" itiHceof Judge of tljo Supreme Coiitt, vie Judge ftuffiu resigned, via. Miwsra. O'raliain, R.ittlc.Tooin A't BjJt!J-Miifii'tv Strang , and Sattadorav- : - ;iB PHILIPS' ADDRESS. - Wo r inde Mod 4h Ed rough Preaa fir a pamphlet copy of the Ad. dr delirer4 bf Ir. Jime J. Pbilipa, be. fr th Kd-reeomb Agrieultural Sueioty. at ita annual tneeiing for We data already copied from the Preaa a part of thia excellent pmduction, and will pnlliak the raiJue a noun aa we can find mom for it. It i worthy of pre. serration and repeated peru:d ty ery on wbo dcairo iuformatioii on Uie luiportatit ub jtict of Agriculture. "- ' - i ' IXTEnXALIMl'KOVEMEXTMKETIXC. , A meeting of the friend of Internal Improve' tnent wa held in the Hall ef the Hoiiw of Connn'dia on Saturday nijlit last. We ' regret tliot we were unable to attend, iu eon aeqiienue ef indiip j'iuon; but we are gratified to leam that th fineat ajiirlt rrerai'ed. and tha: tbe meutii waa ally and forcibly addressed by the Hon, Jiiijm l xrrn, and Erliorernor Mobe head. 1 a importance 01 u.rectmg uie oner. giee of thcStateJto Berufort Harlwr waa demon, atrated j lie superior aclvantc-e ot that liar, bur orer any on tlio Southern Atluntia coaat, and the faet that the trndo af North, Carolina, and of E;itorn Tenncavee will ultimately coaeen. trateatthftt point, were shown to be indi'tmta- bio and certain. W. r.yoic, that the ..tject we have .. lung and moatardently Cfacrialie I and or- i g,. j, i, w B,ur(, tn i;ljf aocomplishuj. It i 1 uw ukanhoMof by thelelinj and moat influen. itial ,0U1,f t sut0j , wjH u0 carricJwl, triumphantly. Beaufort will be the ffreat oinno. rmm of trade for North-Carolina, and, in the course of time, of the Soutliarn Atlantic Sutce. - - . I M I Hi i: T A N'T INVENTION. We publUh under our Agriciiluiral head, in to-day 'a Srar, an interesting articlo from tb H'rratJ of tho l;nion, Niw York, giving a de aeription nfsnea Threshing Machine, invented Lt William Russell Palmer, of North Carolina, U ia represented to bo vat!y superior to any "I me no 1 ever oeoiro presentc i 10 tne world, and North I'andina is covered with hon or by this important invention, which is prized for ita simplicity, and safety, the ensv with -i.;..l. 1 'a ...1 .1..' ...u :.. which it d'HoTit work. Jt plant all other Threshers. will, of course, sup- Si:i'ERIXTENt)ENToVcOMMOX SCHOOLS. The ehgrnased bill from the House of Com - morn, to appoint a miperintenaent of Common : School, with u salary of jiloOO, pasaed the second ' time, its test reading, in tho Senate on Mondav, ' t.y a vote of JO to ID, ani will no doubt become a law. NOIiMAL COLI.ECE. A bill is now before tha Logialatiire to en : iar n i nsrrer a u loan- sent 1 f iM , , -,- - -. - t. , ,- . nstitntion; f 1,000. vormal lollge is aomowhat differ. T '"' "-,"7'" " I specially commends itself to tbe consideration .- : . , , , . of all who wislMh beat acquirement for the least money. The College ia located in a moat delight ff-ui country, in the midst of a polished 'vi r"r0" lvI1 or,1''Tr-T 'IurB, I m"t, to ui"'P" Th loatitution ia verv thorough, vary moral, vary healthy, very cheap Wa bone the bill may pase, and allow this young college to accomplish much good fur the ountry. DEATH OF HON. WALTER FOR W ARB. By telegraph we lenrn that th Hon Wal. ter Forward died ou th ,21th inat., at Pits. burgh, Pennsylvania, in th 6Sth year of Ilia age, alter an illness ot three days. Mr. Forward has held various posts of distnetion. having ' A been a Representative in Congreaa, Secretary of tho Treaaury under Proeideut Tyler, aud .ubse- quent'y Minister to Denmark, He was at the timo of his death a judge of the di.trict court of Pennsylvania. DEATH OF HON. J0IIX SERCEANT. The Hon. John Sergeant died nt Philadelphia oa Tumday night, the "3d instant. He has "been for a long time ill, and it will be renicm bered that hia death wna prematurely reported a few mouths since. Mr. Sergeant had (111,'d several important offices under the fionornl Government and that of the Slate of Peny!vania. Ho waa for some years a Representative ia Congress from Phila delphia, and was the Whig candidate fer Vice President on th ticket with Henry Clay in LS32. Aa a lawyer he held a very high rank. LIEUTENANT DAVENPORT. ' It I reported that our Government has strong. ly condemned theconrse of Lieut. Davenport, the acting commander of the iteamcr Crescent City on her late visit to Havana, and that he has toen removed from her command and ordered to one of the V. S. frigates. Th New York Journal of Commerce ha a confirmatory paragraph, to th following effect : Cir.mit Cilf Lieut. H, K. Davenport. t;. S. X who hia recently been In command of the (.'roscent City, while absent from tbe.Xavy on a furlough, bna been ordered to Uie Macedonia, of tho Japan squadron. 8u ha will make no fur. ther trips to Havana at preot. Jerome Bonaparto, the President of the Senote of France, has bad an interview with Louia'Na, P!'0;'"' nni PW-. Wm for the exclusion H Ills W1U1IJF ilUIU luu luim -iun, nu iki nuivu Jotome deems nil insult to himself and his son. The President employed .nothing language, tut could nut induoe th cx.Riog to abate bis com plaint. Jerome ha accordingly reaigood tbe Presidency of llie Senate and the office, of Gov ernor of the Invalids,, and declares that he will hold no station but that of Marshal of France. S10HT.SEF.IX0 .... , A late Pari letter sv v TliA Duks nf Wollinlnn'a funnrt will ,a lh grnde.t...d)oftic.t pagwat of th, M, oHr" '"j'10 -""f,V;. .. teen employed, aid mod-n times. He waa th Heeler of each of th power allied against Napoleon; each moat assist in joying direct honor to his remains, Thirty shilling is now stated to be the average price of place at a window or the route of! th procession i upper stories are let for the oe. easion at five hundred alerting. On tbe re-cutry of Louis Napoleon, in Paris, th a vera g coat of a window ent was K) francs. FranVlin Pierce i tl.o.youngeat man who baa ever been elected President of tha I'ni'ed States. He I 43 vra oFgo WaBhiiigtun, John Ad. am, Jetforson, Madison Monroe, John ('niocy ,li:n, nml Vwh Itiinn wan .', Aft .I,.lr. iU-nrMaiTa.a'ayW,'Kfi J THE RKI"OIlTED EXPEDITIOS TO ILVYTt. iderablc'ooinontion had teen created by tb r. portnf art earieditioo from the United State to llayti. Tbo President of th ilepublie l a iaaued a manifeatn decraring that nu foreigner ahall on. ter th territory of lite Kepablio without diaem barking at tha porta opened bf lw tof'ireign: Importatinn, an i directing tlie immediate arreat of all oScndera. In opening a bale of cotton recently at Cm. cinnatl, the Jjody of negro waa fund pressed into it, and ao gret waa the prea-iire that tbe iKidy of the man waa not more thin tureo iuchea thick. - BAILilOADTo BKAl'FOItT PUBLIC I.AXIS-IXTEUESTrNti PtSCL'SSlOX. The cnrrcspondetit of tlio Fayctteville Oh- Mrarr pivts the follnwinj mierpstin; sketch - of a deliato wbicli look plaro in the (louse 0l Cointuuiis on the SStid iV, on 1'ie.hill to incorporate the Atlantic and North faro I .;r().,, ('mn:inv. which nnn-iile t.,1 l ... .10.1 1 r 1 , eontinutny tha Cen'ral road from GolJsbu - .rough to Ura.iCirt Uarlmr. I We have Indocile an interesting day in ; lt,M 'I'i... 1.. i.n.....n .1 t. j alu'NHr,, Var,K3 .,,) Ooru - p;iny wna taken up, it liavm; been in.nlc (!ic t run near i ronton and via .New Hern;;. special order for I'kIjv. Mr. Saunders of ' Tlia hill also providrs fur a transler of the Wake mad a pmverli.l aiieoi-li in support nf Slate' sun k (4(H).0')(I) ip the Kaleigh am) the bill; and wh le hi- acniiiii! nis idieiied 1 Ujston I?. U., of Sfi.'i.OOO from the I'aveite f eipieiit and waii'i appiausi; I'roin the friend 'illjand Western L'lank It.iad.and ol"5.0K of the nieamre, and the Whigs generally, ! frVi'ri the Wilminiftis'i U iilniad, in alj .'5(l?).OiK) some of the Uemocratii! party seemed In lie I" the Atlantic Kwtil. It also authorizes the struck w ith antaetne-it and eonstrrualion. cotmliea and towua thriMigli wliicli 1 lie ll.tod In regard 1 1 tie.' merits of the bili, he saiil it , runs to otiscrilie M its Stock, a majority of w Mild not require mote than 69 ;0.(l((0 to the people in stieh rountifs mid lotvn having huiltl tho Ifiiad fnni tloltlstnironjji to Beau- first d 'clarcd by a vote ti)ihi so. The bonds Inrt, and $.-il)li.0(i!l ni!i;!il he suliieitut. To i-sued hy the town anil i-oiintii to beemlors proeute this, the hill provides that iudividu- et' ''y !i"1e ! the balance to be aabacribcil hIs may lake :lt)tl,0(K of atoek the roun-by individnala." lies on tli line s:nn),(ino ; anil tho Stale the Wc llinrk there was a proposition similar to reinaiud'T, to lie paid fur bv IraiHlerriiij the I tbis ai-itatciliicarthecloaeol thesessiouof I85II Hock in llie lileih and (iaston Road. 51. Tliefaellliat this planobvtatestheobjiclions j rms plan hi! 1 1 iti iratcil n ull ere it ahilitv. 1 As to the atibsi-ription hv the rountie he said 1 1 !e plan had uoikd well 111 Virginia. Tin : '-""nties isnio hmuls payable i.i twenly years. : to he eiuloised hv the Stile. When ih Road gels into operation, the profits on the slock will pav the interest on the hoods, but if-it should not. of course the inonry imi be 1 r,jiw'1 b-v , , fX 1''"1' Mr I those persons would be made to pay for the ' Road whooiiilit. 'I'lie poor, as he h id found, ! trencrallv favorable to works nf improve- J nrn, mid aid ll.eui to the t i '"'"' 1 eapit alisis I'Ik i :im tbo .,,ir.u ,..,o lw.1.1 ),,,.! extent ol their a- monev-leiidi rs ire llir ones ivlio hol.l hack. In roh n nee lo the In nsii'r of the stock iu the R ali ioh imd of those rrsulia that must inevitably follow ('aton Road, he i-aul it had been ohjecicd to ol" 'l'e existence of adequate cfcuaes, we ask, because it was now about lo yield ouiethii'i' 'hy not provide for il now, aa well aa at any In to the Stat-', hai of ili 't. lie replied; should '!' l')' ' " 'ho cost of ita eouslmelioii is to it ;,!.!. .1.1 .1. . II I ... , .,-j-. -niitrrr t'tmimaiitiTO a .,,,,,. , : ,j if (, how much h"9 should a p real I I pledge t his coiistiiueuls on litis aul i.'ct. 1 L ?i. i.:. i - ... ! inn-si leavo mis, nowever, lor nun to seine ; ! ml , ;, 0lli.n ,,, . .... :f , , ,v j,,,,,, from bis past dtiatnrv. 44h samaa-so wk -up -tho- ubjcet f '''I l'",,l,c1 ':1",ls : was the ' Parl disturbed hia Democratic frici.tU. ta!d',e wa P'Pl,reJ '" b'J distribu- iiifii in hut tirHrtjrt ifi iiirn luiiufl amCTtTg die Miies tliat llie lands ihrmaclvra would not be of benefit to us. He said that the leadiiif Deniociat at the North aud North-west make a iln'.inctiiui between the. proceeds and the lands declare it is unconstitutional to dis iribtite the proceeds, while thov are lakinte. .1.- l.. l. . '.l.! I,-. . . 51 mr iiuius io ineir own use a. last aa tney can. Iflho Democratic platform wa .tuck lo in good Faith on all hands, he wa wlllimr to ' 'tnA b-' iL ,!l,t he wa ""l wl'in''-" "II 'I' i.,.o' .-I.....1 .1 l, .... ...: !.. it. benc'tt should be on one side. Ho said he would not vole for any man to go lo Contrreas who would not go against giving the lands to ai'lual Kotilers, and who would not claim our poriiun ihnl he himself was prepared lo vote for this. When be was spenliing-ajii thia part of the subject, Mr McNeill of Robeson un dertook to catechise him, after, this lashion. Mr. Mi N'kili. Did 1 understand the gen tleman lo say lhat he would vote, if now in Conrress. for a distribution of the proceeds of tlie Public lands among the Stale, Ut bi re ceived aa a (jeposiie and invested in Internal ItnproveitK tits? Mr. Sailiidt r.. I would. And here there was great applause, which the Speaker tcm ly rebuked j . Mr. .McNeill .oon siicrward. interrupted him again with llie 'interrogatory; Would you auviso uen, j ieree to vein a loll appro priating Ihc Public Lands for purposes of fn lertial Improvement, il one should be passed while hi- i. in the President, a (.'hair? Sir. Sautitlura. If (,'eu. Pierce should make me member of his Cabmc, of which I have no expectation, I would give htm tlio henrlit of my counsel- Cen. Pierce on litis .object, atood juat where he would hate dim, uniilcg. ed, except bv hi. known principles. The Rejrister gives the following, in ad dilion lo the above. Mr. Saunders naked Mr. McNeill, if he should answer hi queslon satisfactoilry, wotid :ie vote lor litiii lor henalorf Mr. McNeill said he would answer, by as kin? another qtlrnion Wa the gentleman making hi. speech to secure his election to th "senate: Mr, Saimilerat Doc. ihe gentleman impute audi a motivr? Mr, McNf ills' .Vol at all. Mr. Sounder said hu would give die gen ilcman no answer, l' heu he had formed opinions upon important questions, ho wa not ts be driven from them, by the terries that mni) It apjiliiit thtrt or rhtwhirtl tj .The American Law lleglster, , W hav received ihe first number of thi new legal periodical, published in Philadelphia, ty Meiers. D. B. Canficld t Co., the prospootue of wbich, lhewicg the character, design and prie of th wort, will be found, in our advertia. ing eolitmna. Much legal talent, embmcing ma ol th moat .distinguished judge, and law. very snort ia promised, tu niak the work ae ceptabie; ami from tlie ability and learning dia played In the number before us, w doubt not it will be very interesting and -of great vslua tu the Profeakinn, ' It has another commendable quality, entitling It to publto favor tlie neatness of it typographical exectitiunj and w doubt not it will rocuivc. as it deserves, a very extensive patronage. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. Ciniliam'a Mitgaiin for Beeemter is a superb nuintwsplendid rnti1ttiBiCfila and very In itinj "reading matter. Term a year,, cr Coder's Lady Bk arid tho Magaxiu ouoytar. . : , ENGLISH KEVIEW. ' numbera of th London, Edinburg, North British and Vestmiuiats.rieviewa have been reecircd. Terina f r one Keview $3 a year; for two, $i ; for ttrce, $7; t-r the, four, $!. Blaukwood' Marline, &t IilackwooJ and, the four lleviewe, $11). " ' ' " ' A WK FOll THE PEOPLE. , Every b.dy almuld poascaa Wiley'a "Xew and Practical Form -lScuk," a deacription of which will be found under our advertising bead. , Exttntlpn of the Sort!i-('arnlina Sail 9nnl nml .Vmse Wiser .Vot'iVirijii. Mr, Ward, member of llie Ilomso of Commune from Jones, we notieod in mir last. -,ad intro- duced a hill into the House for llie extension of the N. (-'.'Railroad. I'ho bill ia entith'il ahill to charter "The Atlantic and iNorthj Caroliiu Railroad (,'ompanv." The road to extend from fiohUhuro' In Beaufort Harbour. The tniinrailtee lo whom it waa referred have ! re(,rted (avor.ti.lv upon it. We have aeen I u copy of lite hill, nnr ant statement of its proiuunaecnl what tho Kepu'iliean and j Patriot of Nov. ljtb contain.' That paper 1 ia g . 11 J '..ye underrtanil that the hill protidea for ' tin tnoorporttion of a Cumpany with a Capi- 1 i-.l rl iG.HIin 111)11 In ntitr,,i u r,t.,l r.-nm H.ia ! ll'-- HeailfarlW point near It, aud lirt aiinuig inijnhers ol the Legislature, aifoiiisl nn-reasinn the present liaiiilincs of the 'lale. for the construction of any improvements not already authorised hy charter, and as we can see no lalid nifclions to it, it offers we lliitik a In tier propped for the execution of ibis Crest cute rpiise, than has opeuet! M'orc heretofore. That there must itievit i- I v ,CU".m,X)i"n 7V l"k"'7"n ; " iNorih t. aroliua Railroad and iNewhern a"d Beaufort, Is now very generally regarded. "V all iiitelligfnt men as "a hxed l.icl. It is - "ot worm tvniie to repeat nogr llie reasons . " which this very ironerul ronviction rests. , "i asaniiiiuj it to ne,as it uiiiiountntiv is one In: a lax .upon tliostat, pun lew years ol rti! lav lessen it, or render it I. as a burden Whv not tako bold of the matter at once, lei 1 Then we should enter the .field of competition I i..,c; t , i.i.. 1 i.i j ,au unu i.i.ouiiioitr viii-diiinoiiiri-Ti. i oi-n ,,tre wou( ,e a fair and favourable nnnortuni- tv, lot it to he derided at once, whether, Uto jiaiifral tenor t publie opiniiin now holds, Beaufort Harbour has been designed by na ture, aa the great outlet for the commerce- of llie tuate, and ihc point on which to build tip our great commercial emporium. We are be ginning to be siingiiiiierrriat tlie--pieet-L!jI. islature will have the hajior uf lakiue the ureal ! an'l important atep of providing for the com- piction oi ine great enterprise, winch must, in the course of eveuta, a inevitably he carried into effect aa that the aeaioiia will continue llieir due course namrly, the connexion nl' Bcanlbrt Harbour, with llie great West. We fur loo apathrtio here in view of ihe treat- j I',!'"1"1 ''"Port-n, f hi splendid enterprise. rn.ii.. .I.....I.I t. . I i . A.i The matter should be agiiatcd and pressed homo upon the mind, of (he people in all its important bearings. A'wbtrnian. it k .mx ok Ni-:vr, MAGNETISM CITRIOL'S EXPERIMENT. TheN"ew York Tribune give the following account of th very singular vtfect uf Magn tism on inanimate matter; the truth of which, it would apppenr from th statement, can very easily be tested : Singular results are obtained in this City fmm a very simple application of the nervous fluid, animal magnetism, or whatever be the a. gency, to brute matter. Let a party of six or eight persons sit arouud common pine tablo for twelltv minutes to hnlf an , hnni will, tl,. j palm, of the hands hebi flat on the .top of the ! talile ; it is not necessary that their minds ahould pay any attention to tho procese, or th nrdin 1 nry conservation be suspended; hut presently , tho tabic lcotuo so charged with the myste, rums nuiu mat it oegma to move ; then rise from it, push away your chairs, still holding your bands near, though it ia not neoesatry to touch it and it will turn around from end to end, and even proceed tepidly about tha room, without any visible agent, on which oxenrsione the persona must bear it company, or tb cur. rent is broken and the movement tr,pa. This simple experiment may easily be tried : it rc quires no faith and-no outlay of physical or moral strength ; and the result, with a table that is not too heavy, is pretty sum to follow; at. least, we have known of several inatnnccs in which it has been most Sritonishingly produced. The fart, when acientifieally established, must throw light on the ohecuntie of .Mesmerism. Spiritntl Manifestations, and all that unexplored class of phenomena, , Th Secretary of the Treasury, in hia annual report, it i said, will recommend that tha ur. plna revenue be appropriated to pur-has and extinguish the public debt, without any rstrio tion. tif-Th jury ia the oaso of Dr. Hinci, charg ed with robbery in the poat oSce at Savannah. nave reuuerea a verdict or guilty. II wa therefore sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and be Imprisoned six months. J Ret. John J. Brnneley, Paator of th Baptist Church at Nowbury, S- baa been loted President of Wake Foroe College. ' tJjTEx.Gnrernor Slmltx, of Pennsylvania, died at hia roaidence in Lancaster on the 19th. 5ry.Tamea Augostin Hall waa tried at Charleai ton a few days since for the murder of Robert L.J-eckie. Th Jury returned a tordiot of not s-'-'tf.,;;'';,;"'-;.,.,.,-',, ., . N. II. LrorLiTi.-Ra. The Legislature of Xew Hampshire met at Concord on Wednesday last. Governor Martial hi opening addreaa, roferr ed to tbo late election, and deprceatod tb lit. terneee oi party atrifeaa exhibited in tlie Course of thi campaign, It, also noticed tn appropri. ate term, the great men recently ' deceased Calhoun, Clay, Woeilbnry and Webster. " uXrusnnMm Bisax?Thc Bust w paper ore makine a trreat hue- 'and aunj Mia., rfYoni Kvr YortT wto tad j aiiiro anu procure a aiu, ti..n atelerkin' the city of nu'.Ina.-B.wtn. Ian are trtrangcly inconaiatent if ttey Win of thia littl piece 0f humor eat tta nf the Tutn2 Indv. when tl.nw ... meo'a Kigbt Conttntien a ad procawiutta af nondeacripta in Blnoraer Coatume. .M ... .'. ; ' EsK'utli, lii a roceut Inttor t th Satioa, al Kef.rm Levruein Emrand,arbe ia dune ia o.-atory, aud aa to the present State of Curese, IViuocrrwy, iti teat not to talk about It ; Xoii. irji ihiirt iif any eitraordinarr entereeim i mS "" fractlcul rcault. ahill ever indue j hiia, lit says, to deviate from the choWB : uaver to apeak any tuor in England publicly. J I Uottox.ov.I" Foxia-j amon; the Holloa C'lrgimeH.-A.im rehearsal was given by Son tag to. day at which all the clergymen of Boston and th vicinity were intited, and nearly 400, of alldenontl. nttions, with their families, were in atten dance. ' " ' Tbo scene was one of groat interest, and sli ung almost divinely, and gov eeveral aaerad pieces among the resL .. t ( At tbo closo of the rehoaraal tb Rev. M v Barnard moned a vote of thanks, and Ir. Sharp, who was called to tho ehalr, a l lre. S.mtn:r in appropriate and touching tcrmi. Sontag replied hy sins, and kneeled to the van, crnhle I'r. Sharp with tear streaming down her oheeka, mi I planing hit bands on her bead gar her his blessing, the whole audience eiprnsaing tlio ilcepest anp ire at interest in th ecene being eoactoil before them. On rising to liar feet a little girl presented her with a garland of fiuw. re, which ah.) received and withdrew. . The Protectant clergymen present preaentrd her with a handsome Bible, and th Catholic clergymen with another th blank page both eunuiiiiiiir autoirranh of tho eUrm. " .... nj present. . " . Nxw Vok, Nor. 20, . Tie Ism -non Iiutrmnil fund, dV. cf-c. Tb Joui oal of Commerce, of this evening, annonn es lhat the sum of $ 1.2.10 has teen subscribed to indemnify Mr. Jonathan Lemmon fottheloaa of his slaves. Mr. Lemmon has a card in tl same paper, in which he declaims any intention to impute fraud to Mr. Ashimad, clerk of th -City of Richmond." The caaeof the Lominon slaves haa been ap pealed to tbe Supreme Court of Now Fork ; bat the Journal of Commerce doubt if the elavea will be within rear.h, even if th decision of lude Paine should be rerersed. - Pxtirsbi to, Nor. CO . Escape of J.J,n H'r Kami from tfoTartsmimtk -Mil. Information bus juat been received bar that John W. Rand, who was convicted of robs biug the Virginia Bank, made hia esc spa from tho jail in Portsmouth last flight. We bat a further particular. - l. Auaasr, Nov. IT. Canmlii'.n Reciprocity, A .conference on' tb subject of Canadian reciprocity was held her yesterday. - E .Oov- Hunt OovT-Se J moUTth " ' chairman uf tho Committee on Commerce of tt4 Iliiose of Representatives, and eereral mem. bera of the Canadian Parliament war praaoni Korlh Carnlim Coal t'ieUi.X letter from a gentleman in the county of Thatham, laUlyra. ceived, announce the aale of oae half of tb Taylor Coal Mine ty Maaara. Gn.ua, Wsdo.i.1, i Co. to a Northern Compaiit for the ma of $i0,000.-tr. LociaviLt,., Not. 10. Settlement of a PertoHcd Diffinilly. Osorga C. Dunn and the Hon. A. Gorman of Indiana, cayie to thia city on Friday tu fight a duel, but tha matter wa atiafaotorily settled through the interference of friend, i . Col- JeAVrson Davis, of Misaiaslppi, ia recover, ing hia haalth, whirk haa baa ba. Gov. Foota, of .Mississippi.. is out in a letter eonearuiiig th ef : See of Senator front that State. ' ' fttiA A'tu-a frfint ivo-. 11. lMrn, it, n t a iMvflna of the Look at Jon' Falls, about 13 miles above Fayctterilla, waa awept away very recently, aad v:. at ins Keeper, .sir. 1. n. ciegg, wa urownad. It ia also atated that tha pro lac flora above can' net paas through until tb completion of lb raa pairs, which wilt not b uatil acme tita nexteoat iner. Wit. Iltr. , : - ' Collition.On Weiloesday afternoon laat (ear the Wilmiugtoc Hcrakt of the !i7thN'ov.)acolUaiea took place, near the Horse Shoe ia tha Cap Fear Itiver, a few miles from SmUhvilie, between tb W. & R. R. R. Compony'a steamer Vandcrbilt, , Capt. Bi'rss, and the steamer Fayeltevill. . Th former waa .lightly and tb. latter considerably In-1 jured. . , .; .- . '- , The Milwauke New I retpontibl for th. following. It ha the air of truth and ia funo , enough to last a fortnight - j' - " A friend of ui, wbo possee qnit voinof humor); wa recently ou a viait to.M'a rylaud, and relate an amusing aoeount ef a 'colored choro, witnessed ty the 'relator' al j on of the Hfrioan t-harehe. Tb ssasoulin . darkies were armng1 'lik four and twenty , black. birds, all in a row,' on one tide, and th ' the cboros with Oh I for a man Oh I for " man rohT for a mansion in theakies;' In which . the former responded ; 'Sand down aol mai i. down al sand down aalvation to my ouL , . r.II.LY B3WLEG3 IN FLORID.i. The. Newa.k Mercu'ry tate, that a gen- ' tleroan in lial eiiywbo-ha a on in Floridai I... M,A.ti.a,l . i..tlm Irnm tlltn. AtA fall 1 llfip , ,w ,,v... a,..., -- Meade, from which we make the tollowini; extract. It would seem that Billy hu tery '- Pillle disposition lo leave Florida , n:ti.. i i f'.,,l c,i.. .r ,k fijtm- winy o'iwiki;,oiiiiimsoi.'m - inolea in Florida, haa rt turned to Tampa, and taken paasage for Fort Myers. Hi jojr W iwbarking for Fort Myers knew bo bound. ..t US leaped and yelled, cursed and woro, like a eraay man, and during hi capering he tore anew iuitof cttiz-n'a clothe into a ihomand ribbons , About tin time a -mldier at Taoipi, a.i,l. Hill irwa ua llie war homo. Billy" atood a if riveted to the epoi, hit eye t aeemed t end (orlh .park of lire, ad draw- intr himrelf no to Wo -fall heig'rt. el"- , d in a low. yet paasionale toice, Uy bomu when yon do hear titer war hoo your blooo . will curdle in votir terns' in repiy w , question put to him by art officer, at Tamps. t -Ho you are g"i"? " '" Florid,, n. 1". he anwered with a very knowing langli, "U.n v yo, I told them W in ffa.hingoo, but tie- ,; I if 1 do il thongh," II I. don't go. and ih very oon. UK,. Uncle Sam will fii d3way make litem leave either by tmboal or . t latt wSMiw'w-ri3. -t