IMPORTANT REVELATIONS.11 btl.Hou ol Iteprraeoiaiivetj wu one 01 much importance, be'mt nothing less than a rumpleM cgpoitin f the ovetlure made hy the Adiiiiiiisiratioii ' I'resident I'ulk to llir Government of Ppani for the purchase of Hie Island of t.'iiba. The offer w .it nude by President Poik Upon hi own respntistbdily ; ihonifh trie heaviness of ilia mount of money tjidforllie arquisiltcin (58,0flLKHI) mtbl well him iipj'.'Wt'ii the propriety of consul 1 ting nt (f ist the Senate, if ant both Homes of Congress, before pining st vast ,. power in the lund of r Minister to Spain. Noth ing wan needed to the success of thi overture but a williiisH' mi the p:vrl of the. (Sovem menlof Spain to prt with this richest jewel f its crow n. The prop union, it is scarcely Decenary to. nv, pmmp;ry, courteously, but absolutely dediued, "j'lii last letter on the ubject, by Mr. Buch anan to Mr. Saunders our late l miner to Hpiin says : -"the fate of this. Hand mini wver be deeply inierettinir lo the people of the United State, ft'e are content 'that it shall roufinue a colony of Spain." Then, egpatiutiiig on lite ralus of the Island, he aav : "Desirable, however, a the possession of the Inland may be lo the United btttea. we ruuld not acquire it except by the free will of Spain-. An acquisition not sanctioned by justice and honor, would be too dearly pur chased." Mr. Saunders it scrim ofl'ered 4lta Spanish (roveriimcnt. certain price (lifty millions of dollar) for it. but in his linticr in Mr. UiM', st-ite that the minister of foreign o flairs, iu Madrid, answered him most ' positively, "that it was more than any minis ter dare to entertain any such proposition i that he believed such to be the feeling .if the country that sooner than the Inland should be transferred to any power, they would proler eein it sunk into tne oecjiu How it lias happened that this interesting Document, though sunt to Congress m reply to a specific call, has mil earlier seen the light, is explained only by the indifference on the part of the House of Kcpreentatitcs, to communications made bv the Executive. though called for by iiself t in consequence of which this Message ly on the table for six or seven weeks without being 'Opened, and, when opened, it was, without any examination of its content, ordered to 1e printed for the us of the members. Such was the state of the priming question in Con gress at that lime that tho House ntiihl for any information thai it would afford, as well have condemned the Documents to the flames Sat. Int. ..MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE. In Scptemher, 1851, sometFitng more than a year ago, two men drove up in a one horse wagon to the door of Mr. Joseph Miller, then residing about half a mile below West Alex ander, on the National Koad. and asked Mr. . Miller to take charge of a trunk anifhox for a few (lavs, at the end" of which" tithe they Wouldall for them. Mr. Miller, consented, took them into his house , and deposited them iu place of security. The men never returu .cd, and no application has since been mane by any one for the articles. On last Wednes day, Mr. Miller called upon Mr. Wm. Neil, Mr. P. Eskey and Mr. J. Kroihcrton, hi neighbors, and requested them to open the trunk and box. and ascertain their contents.- Tbcy (Jid-so, anrMouiid the trnok to contain shins, p ints, a hat, and sundry other articles of wearing apparel: also a bloody shirt in which was wrapped a new hatchet of the 'arjr est size, also hearing marks of blood ! In the trunk was found a pocket book containing a paper under which was the name of John M. iSiuimermsn, and it is supposed that the trunk was the properly of a man of that name. It is in the recollection of our citizens, that about that lime a pedlar of the name of Zimmerman W4 found murdered in One of the Western counties not bow recollected where ; "but thought to have been in Green county. Ve ourselves have an indistinct recollection of an occurrence of the kind, but cannot now locate the scene of the tragedy. We publish the statement in hopes rhal it may lead to a de velopment of all the circumstances - attending this mysterious affair. This properly is un doubtedly thai f a murdered man. K'aihitigljit (Pa.) Reporter. COL. HExixtsT The speech of this veteran statesman at Cape Uiardeaii, is the mildest we have ever seen from him It is very strong, and unlike his speeches in general, very rational." Ii embraces a variety of topics and may be re garded as a sprt of chart, in which lis laye down hia fulure political counsel His- pero ration, in which he alludes to hi tliree great compeer, who have all gone down lo mingle with the clods of the valley, was very touch ing, and in excellent taste, Col HerHon expresses his determination to dtvote all his energies' to the cause of reform, and in the course of hitspeech allndu to a number of abuse, which have grown lo a gigantic site, within a very few years, : He apeaks with great emphasis of the enormous expenditure of public money, (30.0l)0.0C0 per annum.) and points out the items which hav swelled them to that size. The first of thaaa is Ilia, inlimnnaliiin, f. nnaan staMm .... -,.r. ............. . o ers, which he savs, were copied from Grea Britain. He contends thai there was no anal ogy between the condition of that country and 1he United States, for that England, having obtained the territory North of the St. John, by the Aahburton treaty, had a land communication all the way to Canada from Halifax, and ballt these ocean airamers to keep up a rapid communication thrpugh this ten i lory with Canada, , IWi;is ihe corruption at Washington, with a bold hand says thai Missouri has been cheated out of her sliare of the public lands exposes, iu very dark rol . ore, the syifWm of legislative plunder deals Jlaretjelswiiji government claims and legisla tive agciiis-isays that . Western spirit, is wanting, a spirit which shall make all Western men stand together lit Support uf Western in teres Is complains that no attention is paid to "V astern river, and no appropriations made lot improving them is in favor uf a rnad to the Pacific (a wagon road first lo be comple ted, in twelve month, al cost or 500,OOb)A opposes Tchuantepec. and is in favor of a new territory- on the Kansas ner, extending North and South lo ihe PUtta and Arkansas, nu v ret to mo Ceslern boundaries of Utah and New Mexico. Ha reproduce hi old scheme for graduating the prices of Ihe nublie lands is opposed lo devoting the proceeds of tei to ine payment ol public debts and enters his protest ag linst all log-rolling in Con- .v, .,u wmicai conventions out ol it. Z j" Ilkh. JH. On of tlw greatest curiosities in a rncrhai leal way in FrMc, is the Almospherie Rail y al Germain, about 13 milra from Paris. Atmospheric pressure has here beeu adopted o projiel irain of car for a dwtanee of fiv mil and nearly a half, the last half of which la aa ascent of 31 percent. Tha obiect m .adoblinj this syalsiw was m bring lli tBi,i,j-4 V- u?wu 'beily ofSt. Germain, h-i Mjonted ou hill forming the south "" oftlia Seine. YANKEE ENTERPRISE IN SOUTH. By lhe schooner Lamartine, which cleared at ihrs port yesterday ftir Cura-nu, Vrargudt, a party of adventurers go out, furnished wuli a romrdmieot of machinery, lor the purpose uf raising treasure' from the wreck of the Span ish vessel "San Pedro," a hirhwaa lost off Vene xtn!a more than a century ago. It is upposed lliat the vessel had about u,fH)n;t,')0 on 'board which was sent by the Home government to pay off troop in Iter dominion's iu the New World.". :.'.'-.. ' ' ' A. Some two years since a portion of the present psny discovered the wreck, and with the aid of liule nonralas for tha purpose, succeeded in raising about, 125,000, and clear ed the wreck, so that ihec now anlieimte inn. cratkms will he co.npratvelv easy, A engine will ba carried - out, and alau a'dividiiqr machine of ingenious construction, newly invented bv Mr. James A. Whipple, together with sub marine armor tfid ail other apparatus deemed nceessnry for) he most scientific ijMionii"? til the "boundless deep, Should this enterprising company secure the wholff nt their supposed vastly rich prirp, they will not only suddenly become' million aires in wealth, but millioiiiircs litlerallv "ofi the first water." Button Tratwrlpt, SA THE S MAKE. AND THE CRIHIODHX. The following; tlirillin" account of an en gjjrffiitenl between a boa constructor and i dockudile in Java, is given by an eye wil. ness : I It was one morning that I stood beside a m ill lake, fed by of the rills from the moun tains. The waier were clear as crystal, and livery ihriij-coiild be seen lo the veiy bottom. Slretchiii'j its limbs close over this pond,- at a gij.intic ie!ik tree, and iu ils thick, shining evergreen leaves, lay a hupe boa, in an easy coil, taking hi mnrnin nap. Above him was a powerful ape of the baboon species, a leering race of scamps, always bent on mis chief. Now lite spe from his position, saw a crock odile in ihe water, raising lo the top exactly beneath the coil of the serpent. Quick as thought he jumped plump upon the snake, which fell with a splash into the jaws of the crockodilo. The spe saved hinnelf by din ing to a limb of the tree, bin a battle royal im mediately commenced in the water. The serpent grasped ju the middle by the croco dile, made the water boil by his furious con tortions. Winding his fuld round the hotly of his.antagonist, he disabled his two hinder legs, and, by his contractions, made the scales and bones of the monster craek. The water was spee 'ily, tinged with the blood of b ull combatants, ypl neither were dis posed to yield They rolled over, neither be ing able to obtain a decided advantiage. All this time the cause cf the mischief was in the highest ecslaey. He leaped up and down branches of the tree, came several limes close to. the aceue-of nsht, shook thtf Ihhbf of the tree, uttered a veil, and again frisked about. At the end of ten mi mites a silence began to come over the scene. The folds of the ser pent began to be relaxed, and though they were trembling along the back, the head hung lifeless in the water. The crocodile alio was still, and though only the spine was was evident that he too was dead. The monkey now perch ed himself on the lower limbs of the tree close to the Head bodies and amurcl himself fer ten minutes in making all aorls of faces at them. This seemed lo he sdding instill to injury. One of my companions was standing at a short distance, and taking a storre from the edge of the lake, hurled it at the Ape. He was totally unprepared, and as it tnfk him on "he head, he was instantly tipped over, and fell upon the crocodile. A few bounds, however, brought him ashore, a id taking to the tree he speedily disappeared among the thick branches. - ' OPENING OP ELECTRIC COMMUNI CATION DIRECT WITH PARIS AND THE CONTINENT OE EUROPE. ' A crowd of scientific and distinguished per sons congregated on the first iiis'l., at the of fice of the Submarine Telegraph Company, in Cornhill, to witness the opening of the e lectric ejminunicatinn direct between Ureal Britain and the continent of Europe, via France and Belgium. By a line of wires (just completed) hi ill down along the old coach road between London and Dover, via Rochester and Canterbury, in connection with the submarine cable across the straits o, Dover, instantaneous communication is ob tsinedfuetween lmdon, Paris, Sweden, Tri este, Cracow, Odessa, and Leghorn. We were informed the wires were being carried onward to St. Petersburg, also lo India, and into the interior of Africa. Several splendid machines were exhibited lo the gratification of the gt, and message se n lo Paris, and answers received within one minute. Early in the day; Uin following message wss sen I to Paris. It will be seen the direc tor of the company have been tha first body in this country lo arknuwledge Die h,in prc: The Directors of ihe submarine Te'e- ;raph Company beg leave In approach his J. .....I ftl ,I.m lr.ina ltmi ln.,1 Mrilli t . MtireMion nl llieir best thanka for Ihe assis lance which he ha uniformily given toward the establishment of tins iniuuitaneoua means of commuiiica'.iou between France and Great Britain. Mav . this wonderful invention serve, under the Empire, to promote the peace and Vrosperity of Ihe world. Dated 30, Cornhill, London, . half-past I, P. M., Nov, I. 1532. Us to lu'iilniglu the President had not senfi any reply." - - - " i THE LARGKST IIDO IN THE WORLD. .The is now on exhibition in this city, at Ma. Jat. S. Voles s livery stable, a ling rais ed by Mr. Nathaniel Lamb, of MilLown. which stands icvcn feet six inches high, and girls six feet eight incnes, and weigh twelve hundred pounds. It is one year and six months old. ' If any one has got a greater hog than llis w should like lo know it, If this hog was fat, he wonld weigh I -1000 lb. CalaU (3It.) .1Jvtrli$rr. The first printing pre in Ihe province wss set tip al New-Berne. iilT79, by James Da vis, from Virginia.' Hitherto any document or paper was in mannseript, 'I'l.e legistativa enactment transcribed were primarily pub lished lo ihe people at the next county courts after the manner of the Anglo Saxons in Eng land. Those which had never been printed were on loose written sheet hi Ilia bands of the inhabitants, la 179 J, no tnnre was done than in puss an act for Ihe' erection of al schonlhonm si New-Berne, and the historian tell us that this waa the first effectual act for the encouragement of literature. ; , 4 ; Immediately after Ihe establishment of etir Independence Literature wa at a low ebb. I here wire-no more than two schools, the one at New-Berne and the other at Ellen Ion, established wllh board of trustees. At there wss niMtie hnue the school hnuM of rh former was snmetiines ocrupied by Ihe low er house of the Assembly. " - v, 1'aicNcH Women, W extract the follow ing from Pansim. Lift iudFrenelsTnrieiple, a very readable work recently published by die Harpers: ' .- ' " "A female-rights orator, has asserted, that if women had more of the ocenpatinns of men they would be more strumas. By thai rule the woiiibu or France ought lo far txt in thai respect, ihcir sisters of America. I will say nothing of their laboring in tlte field, their Driving tuifeeart thmturhihe lr-ss of Pat is, and other rude labors, which soon ml cut of them all female softness, hut confine my self to the mors agreeable duties which llicy ha usurped from man. - Indeed, a man is hut a se.-ondary being in the scale of French rivilization. The 'dames a compioir' are as essential lo the success uf a Parision cafe as the cook himself. More hats are doffed at llieir shrines than before the gavesl hells of , olis. My boot maker.' for the head! dishment. is a woman; mv halter S amllord is a dignified specimen of j Ihe metrop. of the tal als.i; my la 'fair, fat and forty;' my porter is of the same sex, older in years and worse in look; my butcher, milk-tnan, an the old cloths woman, news boy and rsg gatherer beneath my win dow ditto. They are waiters at the halls, dnnr-ktvpers at the theatres, ticket sellers, dJillers, chair letters of ihe churches. They figure iu every revolution and have a tongue and anus in every fight tin short thry are at the lop and bottom of everything in France. They h ive so pushed isido the lords of cre ation, that fur some time my s) ntpaihic were leally alive lo know what men had left lo do until I lin.iily discovered that thev had ihe re unrcc of becoming chambermaids, Bui there is one discovery the reformist of me sex can maxe iu rans, to w'ncn i org particularly lo call their attention, and lhal is ! how lo preserve Ihe freedom of their 'limbs'! I ,i. - ... i , i and heir also. Bloo.nemm b no chance ol success. A French lady, by , lij;ht of hand in lifting her dress, can cross j the dirtiest s:reets)prnmenade through mud and f imre, and bring home unsullied. the wbilest '. stocking aud purest skirt. SI.e does it loo. a natural grace aud modesty, which is perfectly charming. COWS WORTH HAVING, Mr. 1). E. Billings, al La Grange; has two ! cows which have given a sufficient quantity of milk lo furnish his family will and , ; besides which hn has sold in six mouths and six days 209 pounds of butter, amounting lo $89. '1 he row have had no otherfood than naiture. I'oukkttniit Ka te Final SK'rrLBWvsT of tiix Iibos Ques tion. The Washington papers aniinutice that a has been- made beiwesn ihe Department of Slate and the Peruvian Minis ter. if ihe I Ab i is difficulty. The settlement appears to have been based on information received, al limes, from Mr. Clay, our Chargs al Lune, and through hint from the govern iiieul of lhal country. After duly weighing atl thi) facts and arguments ui his possession, the President came to the conclusion, which waa unanimously concurred in hy the Cabi net that it wa just and proper bi withdraw Ihe objections taken by the late Secretary of Stale lo the rights of rem, and to ark now I edge, unreservedly, her sovereignly over the liiiauo Islands on I r coast and lit her pos session. The National Intelligencer states that the Peruvian Minister at W ashingloti, makes the following engagements on the pari of Ins gov eminent : liith. 'it. 1 hat -the Peruvian Government will, on its own account, Irieght at tin her ton all the vessels w Inch lei I Ihe United Male lor the Lobns Is'anda between the 5th of June and the 25itf August X that Hie Peru v iau government will buy, at a fair price, the im plcments aud utensils carried out hy vessels ta be used in pincurtug guano ; and that ves nils in the Pacific, chartered under orders sent before the 26th of August, and which could not be contenanced, shall be included in the arrangement on condition of reporting to the Agenta of the Peruvian Government in the United Slates before Ihe first of January, 1833. SUCH, A GITTING UP STAIRS!" Said an old preacher once .Fellow-sinners. if you were told that by going to thc'.np of of those stars yonder, (pointing iu tl8 rickety pair at one enJ uf the church,) you could secure your eternal salvation, I really believe hardly any of you would try. But lei any man proclaim thai there was five hundred dollars up there for you, and I'll be bound there would he such a gelling up stairs aa you never did ee." I'orelsjn New. Niw Yoax, Nov. 23, P. M. Th stoainship Hermann, ha arrived with Liverpool date to ths 9tk Inst. Ths news by this arrival is highly important. Cottok hia declined in the Liverpool msrkst, bat ths sales were heavy, amounting to 11,000 bales for ths lb res days prsesdrng ths 9th inst On ths 8th, however, the market clussd heavily BitADsTurrs war firm and prices advancing Baltimore and Philadelphia brand foiling al 24 shilling per barrel. . 'rum Kudus politically apaaking Ihore Is nothing of importance. Ths Prine de Lisachtenburg diel at St. Pe. terabnrg, Russia, 'on (lis ?4th of October. FsAitcs Th French Senate have advised the adoption of tha Kmpira by a vote of oC Id I. Louis, Kapoleoawitl assume th title of Napol. on HI. Xmparor of France the title to l hereditary in his legitimate issue if itsu b wanting, then he may adopt his successor in ths Boasjwrte family, eon of whom ean marry without his consent. On ths Cist and 22nd inst. the people are to vote yea or aay on ths xuesUon of th Empire, and oa the 2uth th IiCgisluture will meet to count th vole. Louis N'npoleoa accepted the labors.- of th Senate in spescb which created an unfavorable im presa'.oB, , ' V" ' Nw Yoat, Nov. 24. I The . steamship America, from Liverpool reached her wharf this morning. Th latest advices from Paris state that the Judges and Perfects of ths different Depart meat of Franca art actively tngaved lo arrest ing and throwing' into prison oa ths slighest prctexV all persons supppssd to lit inimical to ths establishment of ths Empire of Francs itj. supposed, may remain tranquil ; but tits peace at Earops, it is feared, will he seriously jeep arded by Ihe movement of Louis Napoleon. In th British Parliament Lord Jobs Russell ba assailed tb svssive policy of fb Ministry. Lord Palraerstoa said that ha believed the coun try demanded of the House cf . Common a de. claret on favorable to th present commercial policy of England. .'. . ' 1 Tha Spanish Custetwm to tfteet th IsV Dseember Mr. Bsrringtr, tha American Minis,! ter, bad returned to Madrid after a month' ab- MYSTERIOUS,- A likely young girL not beyond the tender sge of 14, arrived ta litis city on Friday tarst,. in the ears from the South, and got a hack man ta lake her In a very respectable boarding bouse, where the proprietor was induced lo re ive Iter incuncirnee ( her rrpieseDtatiouS. She staled that her name Was Wilson, and that she was from Clwraw.S. C, on her way to Philadelphia lo go lo school -that hn brother had arcutnpaAied her as far aa Pctfrshnrg, where he waa obliged tp stop m transact some1 important business, and where he placed her' under the care and protcciiuu of a gondvinan styled Professor'. Hale, who had also aban- douded her, but promised to join her again if she would Hop a day or two in Kirhmond. His tailing to do so. aroused suspicion and ,,! ' ihai ''(hi. A trunk n,r ' " opened and found to eon-!" ,!"" tev M articles of no value, ra .rkcdj," l'r"fl'""r 'haricton. S. C. Being somewhat destitute of clothes, some rbarila bte ladies gave the child some dresses, and a m pl.tcetl her yesterday on the cars for the South, and paid her passage homewards. Amongst the arivals at the Exchange, un Fri day last,, was a person who registered himself "Professor, New Orleans;" bill he failed to visit the girl, as she staled he prom ised lo do, and the inference is that ihe poor unsuspecting girl has been the dupe of an areh villiau. If so, wo hope the guilty wretch may soon sliare the terrible doom lo which he is entitled fitch, Dhpntch. Ill H Is. Departed this lifo, on Ih 1st ult.. In tha 18iS J'er ,lf his g, at the residence i.f his father, V"""'" 0!ml AorJ"- "". ''nrc v runup, son ut tne iter, dosm i anil .llarv K C, udup. George embraced religion .LfSgt ,. ,..,,. r..i.-,i .1- i.?... ti(ln,t the his fa4tgr, and joined th liaptist Church, of wbioh ha rrtnuined m's the st worthy member, until bo was culled to join ths 1 cnurcn aoore. i.iu diseaso winch termmateil his eurtbly prilriuiago, was typhoid fever. The next day after bis attack, ha returned home, frnm wane roresi idi.ege, ot winch he had been for Sumo tmie.i student, under a strong prssentiinent that he tboiibl din ; his fond parents, however. not consider hint daiiRerous nt time, Imt ""'-""'" cunnuuma; rapidly tu inoreaw. '., , V" " , ? . nut say (tint all that kind ptiy-tieiuns and still kinder parents could do to prolong his slay amongst us, was done; but alas ! tho decrta had guno forth, lleoro must die. His aDliclions, though Severn as well us pro. Iractsd, were borno without murmur. Never was a word of complain! heard tofjll f mm his hps. Ho conversed freely with reference to his dnpnrture, anil ncvor expressed oreven ilitinm. ted a doubt with r.'nard to his fuluro hiippit.Ms. A short tiuio before his de uh, hs offered up a mosturdent and fervent prayer for every mom. bar uf his family, aud than sweetly ,sun.. "Father I strttch my hands to Iboe1, No other help I know," ami toon after, in the most peaceful and happy manner, brenthgd his lust. I.. .1 l. i .. ... . in mo uoin , oi tins amiable and promising young christian, the church of which be was a member bas lust one of it. brightest ornaments, his fond parcut a most dutiful and affectionate so", and the communitv a most worth an,) ...I uabla citiun. Mav kind Heaven dipenation of his proviileaoe to tits presentam. c.Uu, jiwui ma i.eari sincKon pnrnnta, broth er and sisters and all his surviving friends, is the sincere prayer of the writer 1 jytf-tVill the Keg. isier please copy f J;, c. MA O AUD. 0a Fl;idayh dOth 29 oiinuUsnosi 10 e clock A. M., Mrs. Litaie Turner, wlf.. f Thomas Turner. She hod been for a number of years anexcnip.ary mninberafthe UaptlstChureh. In all ths relations of wife, mother, friend and neighbor, she bad almost approximated to that piiinliBlmman mitijrfifr;e,.oH. Wh has left behind nor .a devoted husband, four children, -with numerous friends and relations, to mourn ineir irreparable loss, out they havs th bless ed assurance that tltsir lots is hsr eternal ruin Slit has gone from this (use, to another arid a far WlllllT-l V U IU, " Lutine die the death of the richteous. and let my last and be like her," llfcssed art tho dead, who die in tha Lord, vea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow tliem." The feeling heart, the hand that loves to give, A thousand blessings shall tlte one rective. 0o. Prists Ctrrant. RALEIGH MARKET Bacon 13 a 14 Hams 14. Butter 11 (4 20. Cot ton Xsrn 1H. 0oru4dr 60 Coffee 124 P'i hgs 100 I2- Plour4,OOa4,oO. Fodder 60 aiiO reathcrs vo 40. Iron, Swedos S (4i. J.xtra tise 0 (ij 7. Iron, English 44 Iron Irflh.r, aole2ll (A 2,r. I.,ik,m. -ir an'.j 00. Lard 12 o 121. Md ( m..i.." 3J . Sui(ar8(i,12t lobttccu 13 a 25. Salter. AumU )i"2 SO oai,, Aaverpooi 91 w. t'ol tatoes, aweot JO a -10. WILMINQT0N-MARKET Bacon, 12 a la elm hams I I a 14, Lard 113 l,-'",' l? f25, C'on' P' bmb., 7 aliU ete. IJottee, Kio 10 a ll, St Domingo UJ, Lauyrn II . U, Ja. li t Kluu Utt"' ' ' It Baltimore a St Lumber, per M. flooring hoards tlli $3,40. a $1,45 Hard $1.70. Tar $1,55, a l,f,5a 1,3(1 SpiriUpergil. 4, a4K) ete, Salt Liv'l sack $I,bi. Sugar, pr lb N. Orleans 6 a 7J. Porto llieo 54 a 7, St. Croia 7 a 8j Loaf 10 a Kif .. t FATETTIiVIIiLR MAKKKT. Bh Its is. CMtun 8 II Cora a T4 f hn it i Lsrtl 10 11. JiulKtf,,,, 34 s :. Halt, rlt, l 1 IIU Alnia bub. so. Wool m f,s 2. Wlits w Wkuke 4. ilrandy J a U. eatluirs it a ii. !KTEItaTIUllU MABKKT. Gotton, ti. t'h.ur Jjii. Corn si a 1 4. Prim Wlills Whi-.1t M s 85 Prita, Hctl ii a e. CumnuD to MMilllnc hi a 7o. T.ihswa MasufactwlNirllas a l.ii Frurte-I l,nr J,u a ,W di.llarej Cdnmoa beaf H a 7 Hood ii!luj Iwtf 7 t V dulls. . HRVPERTM.tKRrr. ' Bmm It (! o. Hoi II () llj. Cern, barrel, 8 40 J Bi. CotliM 7 4ii 6 J 4 lur IMi)l o. , I,lmi 24 (i TuriMmUutf. Dvtv diu. .1. tt X 'iu M ilf S. (it S,ti Mmps ., s ,"o, IU,ja 1 fa lw. I'itoS f 1,110. Biurlls Ssl. 8 (4 40. ADrfcRTISCMCXT. a book roa THE TZOVLJ3 JCSt PUBLISHED. HEWA PRACTICAL tOIITI bOOK. GtOMAlNTXd Forms or all Utost legal latniauu uitporiost to us ftaown By the People ofMorlh Carolina. sad designed, alst for tits bh sf Juttieet of Ut Pmci, kheriJT: Ckikt, Cumtv but, CoiVNcrs, !., d c. eoaipiled tail arranged from lbs lust autltsritles. . BV CALVIN H. WII.F.V, Ksq., -to lek l stde4 tU Cmufitniwrn lit f'.M Urate aad af Hurti, Varvlin. Tas asuWr of Fornt la this wort It aueh larirar tbao eat futtad lo tar fura, BA brt.or wb lished in 5ortb-('artfiaa; Slid wbile itii hoped tbey MM Hie BU awl eilgiMuiM nt Ih wl,l e, It la alia kvlierad that lliir Occuracj nay bo rslied mi, kav lnr Uo esautiuttit a nroyiA by tmmt at lbs owl siaioeal lawyers t the fjutte. - Vrvm tlte altiliabaibial itdet. It Kill be tasr tu lol tor Hasina ullu euulaia- sd ia (as baa. - Tut arte at Oi. beok ailt bt One dollar. Tot wklca tttat tt will ba MM la tav tart of tha Klalt kv Mil A- if ytt-y. l'ba tral il) b tttnylieo tioa (lis tewal lerats, ilrden sbeitld he add reee, d w It riHik'U Il.l.ik il . V.' i . f 1 canning eo. I itnnsr-ohip-pujg $10 a ll. prims Mill SHf a U, ordinary $faja $7,' inferior W,00, g, Cuba 19 u 20ets, Porto ltico OOcte. Turpentine, pttr bbl. 2o0llts New Viririn liio 2.1K). m. M Vlf,, ltin VORRIS'8 Htad Beak for Lseovaolv Casta, li ttrt and MacbiDists,'coraprisiii ltt attula Hons for tanstructiaaT LoeoaKttivat, Uaaar tf Setting Vaivaa, Ac. By Septiotas Harris, C. . linntratail by ili-iwiags of Locomotive. t rather witb annrnntsUter tngravings ta wiiad, Ustt. - - - Far Salt bv .', n. a ti'rskr. .-; S. C. Book 8ton, Kaltirjh Ka. 30th, WW. i finiTE Arilletl f paioa. v"sily fhrslciaa, j Trstin of the Di-eates aT Iks Cniled States, j with their svatptuit, eiwn, cyv tud Meant tt livesvBiieej ; commit! esses r Srirery, aa tVteturea i itistocatinn, ,e.t vbt Maitsusitt and IHsrasrvef Wimteii ami Clti kea. A Dispensatory Iter rcpsr-; Ujr family Meilicinet. ami a Glossarv, txplajnins i tecbuicsl nrms. Ta which art a.Meii, a Mrf An' slesjr and PbTsioloey f the IVitmna Bwlv ; show-1 iif oa ratiunal prtnehle", be etwst tnd curt of j litseasea i an Rsssv on Irvtriee. sr th art ef Pre-' servms llsltb trtihxiut Iht eld ts Mlieitie: ta A nteriean -Materia Maiea, p,)iulins; ut tbt virtue . and ebiaas 4' Ulcdicinal rUtttls Also, tbt Nnrse uio. liv J lines r.aoll. ubvsician in Wash in a too. . rmtrlvaf tiavannsb. The Tenth Eblion, rteuird vnlarpe,!. tail'very ci.dersily imiwvoil: nabra. eiuir Trrntist oa H.vorapatlty, ilomoepatby, and Iht throtttotltemiNl rysted. . " For tiahi by II. D. Tl RNKfl. N. C.'ISook otort, BaMb, Nov. Buih, li2. - Cniir GncvcliipedltorC'brialaliy. fmctl ca! wi 1 Tlieoreiical t emljineh g its Applioatien h Aits, Metsllurpy, Mineralogy, llabipy, MavHcinw, and I'bsruisc. Hy Janet C. Ikiotb, Heller and I'.elnar in tut United States Mint, Prolessor of ApplivJ Cheoiistry in the Krxn'.iln Ia-titntr, let assiited by t'Hempbell Moral, amlior of M.V Trea tise ou Tounitig," &o. Complete la tint volume, roy si octsvo, tTH pngts, with numerous woodeut tnd other Ulustrions, til tifition, ' full bound or Sj'aliv II. II. TCRSKIL S. C. Book Stort, Raleigh Sue. lluth, Jt.ii 1 1 Kj)POjiIlll.K MKN A UP. !WANTKt TO CAN J.VvskS thi Stite llos Fstt slid Whiter, waking a tgrateniauc aul tuwouh vflol't, ta Si'IHllg iMi,i;v ,.kim:t libharv. (2n rolnmes ISmo. Jot Illasteatl 1,oo pages,) bv Hon. B. (i. tl,H,drleh; whom every American will recollect I KTKK fAKLKV. Titan ahaare willtas 1-. vork hard and i;et a gmid e.inimtwlii, will bear of a good vhaore bv ai.irtDt the r pidlsber. l'lease address POST PAID. UKtl. I'. RAMI, Publiiher of Parley's Oshlwt Lilirary, 3 Curuhlll, VoUvti. Xv. 19, l4i. 4 tf. "I AXK OP THK STATU rip XOBldl CAROI.tX A. 1 f Tbe aitttual uieelinir afHttM-kbiddertiof Ibis lUlib ill be h.'l.t at lU. lr Hanking llinne, la this eity, on tba rt MoiiJmv ia Jaauarv m il. filAUUK.-l PEWKV. Caehler. Bslvlftk, Kr.4, ISSl. 4;d. PROSPKCTUB T or ma airinniCA! law pi-.4;i,oti-.r. Tbe elevation of tbt principal Editor of tbt Amer ican Law Journal ta tbt otiprtrat IVmrt -of Penn sylvania, suspended for some time tbt publication of tbst Wark, asul with tbt Sith volume tbt series as closed. T meetlhe wsnis tf tbt Profession throughout Ihe I'uited Ststee, It is proposed lo publish at Philadelphia, anew Legal Periodical, ta bo called Tne AarHicA Law Kcotsraa, the char, set or aud design of which will bt briefly titled. Tbt increase iu Rnglaud and iu tbta country, tf the number of Hit Reports, of which. over one ban. dred volume tvfnow- printed mtmaRyi -ht bt eonit so great that bo Judge or Lawyer ean com mand ths time to road, or Ult means ta buy all, which appear, nor can bt supply tht necessity which bt Is tnder. of familiarising hlmst'f with tht current of decision, through tht medium of tht Digests, eseept In a very iniperfeot wanner. It it indistienstblt therefore, tbst some plan should bt adopted by which tbt most Important tarns, that is those which iuvolva tithtr trie prinriph or a nertl ufiptimlhn of tho.t tlrtndy tstalHisbed, should bt collected In a coavtnitnt form. With a view to this want, tt will bt out of tht principal objects of tht liw Hogistcr. to isy betort tbt rconBseion reg alarlr, a selection of Coats from ths American and Kngltsh reports, as they Usut from Iht prtst, of tht cbaracter ointeu; which, according to Uielr im port uuce, will be either printed ia full, or ttrtfully condensed. Aud arrangoinentt bsvs been ' also resde with Judges ami t'rnftssloiun gentremeii in various' parts of ths Union, by mesns of which attaoeer, saintane will bt constantly furnished lo tbt Law Register anna after they are read, and long-befoi-t they can ba tlstnhert reporltd. Each number of tbt Law Register will contain In gtntra), ont or mora short Ksstya oa Legal top' ios, of dlrrectind immediate interest, under whiek the tabjeot of Mtdiool Jurispetulcnet will btcott prohended t a Collection of recent American Cases ia tbt Federal and Stale Courts t recent Kngliah roses, with references to ths American Authorities. Cases from tht American Reports, In full Kotet or Abstracita of cases containing new n.,ftits : Mia. Utllsntous legal inforuteUoa and Critical aotkts Of IsOW HOOKS, Tbs English Continental Law Journals sad Re views will lit regularly received, whence informa tion in Professional subjects will he extracted, tad where thty art of s nature to justify It, Kssays snd Articles oa general Jurisdiction will bt reprinted or translated front them. A selected bit of the Legal Publications lit Kurnpt, and In th lulled Stales, will bt funilshtd to subscribers quarter ly. Ko pains or tfcprnst will bt spnrsd by tht pro prietor In tndetvouring to render Uit Law Regis ter of valut to tht Profession. flit American Law Register will b flittil by Messrs. As I. Fieband Henry Wharton, of ths Phi sdelphio Use, who wld bt elded ia their lobtnrs hy asslataat Kditota In Ntw York and Boston. It will bt printed ia royal tctova foi m, Kaob. number will tonlaiu tlxly.foi pskos. maklrm a roliina tjt over seven linndredand fifty pages, annually, and trill bt pjbtiilied puncluslly, tbt first tf tvtry month. - TERMS OP TUB AMERICAS t.H BKOISTCIl The Subscription prlct of Ibis Jonrnal, will bt Fur lolltrspr Annum, or Tbret Ijollsjs, If paid in advance, professional Cardi lostrted at Two Hollars year. Contributors placed on' tbt free list, lonttibntors of Decisions, &i from Judires and ethers, art respectfully solicited. All business eommanlcatioss, snd all moneys remitted on tht law Register see to he addretaod lo I. B. CssertLn i Co., No 101 Anuth Foartb Street, Philadelphia. Works for Review, Contributions, and all other Com. munieatioAt relativt to tbt Editorial department maybe addressed to tht "I'.ditors of tht Amtriean U Register," No, 101 Bouth Fourth Street, or No. n Msrotntilo Library Building, Philadelphia, lujr The first Nsmbtr of tht Anteriota Law Kee- (iter is tent to person for peratnal, and thost who ilo notdssirt to be eoairterel as HUPSChllll'Rfl. will pltastrttum tbt tamt by moil in tht PublUb- srs, V, II. UAMt,LII a La.. ' Ot-Toaan, 1652' -So. 101 South Fourth Street. . rxii:itsiiTY. rilllE Annual Masting of Iht Trniteet tflhe t'nl. J. verni'y wiH bt beld at Ihe Kieculivt Olhet em ilundsy,ubb Ivtvcioijvr tcr. at 7 uVloek. n, m. Kov. 19. 1, 4. A lloro for Kalo. , XV en doted by sp XV tne wishing to im reliant young horse, miiru ut muHw or imrneH, win ih aoeaiiiaio- iirolylhg Immediatilrat orlaa. IU:igh, ov. 21, IHoi. Marin tV I'ocket Cbrtiiota titro, Ihiptea t aa Hspstl(r Wstelttf (lit) ApjioMliHtni tu tht Aiimirnhty.) - VIllllX 9IIIS, Cnaowssrt as Wavea tCisiracmn, 45 Kitij 5.;r, Coewof Rati), ttj. t pill tertifles tbst tbt at' ompooying Wotek Xt, I 1 471 it, Is warrooled by at l be of Mr ManfVlor. u.l no Watcb vile ay name anon It. it ' gemoae. an Irmcutoipauied by I'triuliaie, bearing my signa. 1 a-aofsMet Ih WUb So. U:UU keen time ta the satiefseUim t the mrekaHr. . - W. MXH.V. Tbtat woWbee have a bigb repatalioa ia- Karope sad America 04 suprrlor urn pieees. leip.irlc.i and for solt by PALM I. It a 11AJ4HY. Kolaigb, Ktv. latk, - . ta " J" Btce Ived. ,.: 4 LAROB LOT tf very rluparlor Itlsck and (Iran 2 Tos from ib'e Xtw York .'kin Tea Cempauy. i pliulga myasu U m4 at Ibehr fienrll ItrlHI, and lb Teas I com roe'rtomead M geuaias artW. Thtwe ,sba 1 my Inn mt will out only, Uiereforc, get t good article hut will tort fro sliecu la twenty per rni. la tbt 7.i";'-jtaVkiCi'3.",& . KSirrAlk dXB msTzn GOODS. T-11 FEATRESS, r , MERC II ANT T A 1I.OR, 1 ' lko.1, rAVRTTKriri'-KSU, f tut Man, sc. " flvlre vtiWrrbta wdtbt rwsyie-rtfnUy mfiwva lb J pwhlie (bat keawtremovvd bis plact of rsssl Mrst'to Vs Old st Nod, Iwtely K-bnift, sm Fsvitleville H treat, wber he bt mi peenarwd for tb FH and . M fete trwl wlib a , larjrely ioeveaml stock of, eiK His .3nobr am of tbt latest import aliens, and were pai-v-based by bimjelf in psrsoa In Sew Vork. IIU stc-k cettslstw hi port of 1 'LOT IIS, wapev Maek Fvestck of sunt approved tntktand flnieb, of all iwicen. - Fancy brawn, alive, grvea, biae, ssolberry nJ olher c"lrvl cloths. , . blsek C ASlMi:i;KS tf tht ntosl eclebyntrd msaa faefnr 4d at various prtcta. r'snoy Frrwck, Leglib, tit-vtvh, and American Ctslvociw. . - . , - Fancy VBSTIX'-8, a lrg aasortrntBt of silk Cosbiuorea- - Fau7 silk velvet, plash and satia vevlltajv. Rlaek tatin vntlngs, a tvvar artMt ' ' Wltttt ngurwd awl fancy tin-etled oallo vtstbsrv, selected taprttsly fur bridal ttmoartM, titdalw for partita. :.'-.' J-, The abort will bt made up lo ihe best and most fiUlouablc style, and all gsritients made by tbt subscriber art warranted Iu every respect to fit. i .. . , , Also, s gratral s,orlnrtiti,flfai.yarllslss. sack as Cravata, ttoelm, gliTea.'liii.?l.en blct'r, silk ami merino anJershtrta and slrawert, and patent half boss, dress shirts and collar, avid Varhaw MHier articles usually fvond ih niniiinr tah!ibVieVta, . Also, a hand a splendid amtortuitnt of KaaKT' Man ChOTniso, cuiWnving every variety of coat, pants, and teats, made in 4hl mnet Lisbiouablt tt, It and warranted in tvtry respect' Tho aitbacribtr it determined lo offer a gnod bargins s any similar estakliahmtut Howlh of Hit Potomac. Call npon him, eiaml is kit slock, and tltea bt your own judge -. . , Tit tubaeril er retinue tils tlnccr IbeliVt ta kit fririidt snd customers for their lihenl pstruuoge during tht ii years be list been lit business. Tbt subscriber Would inform bis customers tlttt hs has in his employment .Mr. ttornaoa Cami, whnat qttalincotlousss acuttcr'ooaaotWsurpsssod. Tbe Psria attd Amtricoa foshiooo tf IbU-'oii, fur Fsll and Winter, wi,t ttctivtd. Tht tubacribtr wishca lo employ two goodjour neyinen and ha also wishes an apintlct boy. Tht boy ni oat corns wtll recent too ruled. f. tt FKKTRE8S. Oclobtr 14), lft'.i , 44 4V ' liHi gs, mi:dicim:m, ii h,Vc. BV rtatnl arrivals, the subscriber hs reocrred tho largest and roesl dtirirnVlt stock of. Sltttlclnct, faints, oils. Perfumery, v Urashes, (.lattware I arnlshew, Clyoro, Huaps. Tobaecs tud FANCY ARTICLP.8, Which he hat tver olfeitd to the pnhlie, bought on tbt most favosnblt terms of Importers and Man ufacturea, and which will bt diapooed of at prise and upon (emit to picas my friends and tht public- Below allot f a few article lately rteelvad, vis i --V- : ' -.'. Ron gallons Unseed tML- KIM " Lamp 4ll uitmoc and Wlnte. ' -2iitr-----Tiivs'Ottr"'"7'7 .----r- bin! Uosln llil. : -i': ' ,i:-..v, -''"';?'. V. tXHKi Hit. Illakes Fir Proof Paint. 2'.H) Kegt Wbiit Utd, So. 1, and rr. s' ' 1 Cask 8pauish Brow 1 : 1 Silver mineral Ptlut. , : , 61111m. Vtmlali, Assorted Kind. ',' i . - 10 - SpiriU J urpentiat),;;. . .. ' , . Id ' Hurtling Fluid. .. . J : . 2 " rare Castor Oil. . - , -, 600 lbs Sap trtrb, Hnda, (English.) - :; x (I lloses Veast Powders. y m M.lHHI Cigar vary Superior tad Utdliua. r -. t Bid. Ulu 8ton. - - . : f , 1 Boa llabbittt Celebrated loop Powder. . .. 1 grot Capsnlrti assorted. . i ' T6 ounces Qainlnt. 10 lbs. Calomel. IS dot. Hampton's Tinettrts. 40" (lum Arable. ,16 lbs. Crtam Tartar, ' JOO-te-whltt-tard brown lllat.- '.' . . Vi dot. A.vtm Cherry Pectoral. - Wistar's llnlsara tf vVild Cherry. " 8" Holland's Utrman Bitters. . fig " Faraaparllla: Bulls, Sands and f tlletltn. 11 Low's old browa Windsor Hoop. -100 Brushes: Hair, Tooth, t'lutb and Paint. g " Hastings Syrup of Nsptha. 100 Holes window gluts from 8il0 ts 18x2t. 4lK) lbs. very suptrior Pally. ;: '. -v 1 r, '; 10 case Apothecaries disss wort. . ' .' s A vtry largt aasortmtnt of Perfumtry, dyrlaget, Calbtttrs, rloagiet, elarglcal and tsental lnstru mens. Falling TsiVel, Patent Meilicinet, Fruit and Uum Liropo, Whits, Preueh Bl-andy, London Porter. Fresh Olivet, ripioes. Cooking Ettrscls, Gelatin, Trusstt, Brartt and Supporters, Verml. fnges, Powder I'ufls, Matches and Thoinriaonioa Medicines, Lamps snd many other articles too tedious lo mention. . '; P. FRASCI.1C41 1'Kftl'l'D. Whnletslt and llttail Drugglsp' Roltlgh, Nov. Ill, jujt. . , 47 tHUcs K, C. It all roa d Ctsupany, N Sovemlwr IWili, 1 862. ITIKHKA8. Iba RtncVlioblciw of lbs" North 11 Carolina Kailrnad Comparv. at their but general meeting, pasted ties following order, viii f'sofeed, Tliat It Jot I let to tuck ot the 8 lack. " holder of tl Is Company ts hav paid Uiolr auto ' sciiptlons cither In money or by work, the satount " due by sch ttsckbohler a sbsll be In default M thirty, day front Ibis limt, shall b forthwith ' eolltcttd if prootlcahle, and that la oil tuck eoS- ss, Interest bt rigidly sisettdt " thmfort mulrmt, Tbst whenever tb Instalment, which have been heretofore rtquirtd br Ibis board upon any stock, shell rsmsla unpaid ou tlel rt day of li'cmbee nest, (list tbe IHreetors fnrlhwith will advertise the stock of said dollnaaent bUOek. boldtr fur sale, oi.d proceed It tail tuld stock for cosh, -1 . - i - . :'... ' On motion, ntnttrf, fbo an lustalmtnt of 10 per tent on tha capital stack tf the Coot none bo called iu and road payabl on or btfort tht 20tk of lieotmlitr Heat, and if not paid by thai time, tliea to draw interest, , : , , .. - Copied from tbs proiteeijlngs ef tb Board of Dl. rtetort Worth-Carolina Railroad Company. , VtUUBP, UEMIF.MtAl.T ; Stockboblen wiQ boar la ninJ iht above call makat tht ttvtntk intUUmtnt, They eta bsvt an opportunity of paying Iktir Inatalnwntt ta tbt 8tb and VUi day t of Vtotmbtr Beat la Ualelsk . ' :. C. P. M. ' 1 ' ' 4 lit SUnd.inl snd R'g'slor, ka'tijb: nil'.horo' Recorder, tlreensboro Patriot, Watchman. 8s) ry; relcgeapb. Republican and Ntw Kro, tiddsb. rough! Intelligeuctr. and lieuorot. Petersbun. publish. 9 tints. . t j . .. . , . ,-. Mnaio I Jktualo 1 1 Mualc 1 1 ( , T t'ST reeelvtd at tbt Xwk Carol I us Maiui Start w tr mm snd keaolituj I'd ul U,ewoo, Pianos with t, tl At A 1 Oct uve, setiuted by myst lf and wbiclt ore war rantee) lor art years I thry aes of etiirior lust having Hie Irut Fronts which will last brttgev ttma those made with wooden Frames and stand ballet in tone, which 1 will tidi at low prb-es, K. W, PETKHKIMAi Raleigh, Oct 18lh, If 12. 4--u A Lsrg lot of mtsleol Insttu'ncnU by llic rrlnllar whulesale. Ihtitors from thret to font dollar Violins from twenty vt eeote t thf dollors, Uanjos of all less and prirae, HuUis with from oris in I Keys, Ovists ulea, Fifot Aeaordeeat Freaeb sod UerMaa. A v.rv ana lot of new and tnusle. Mtiste Mi boaad wllh tbt eiusle eels, ted br rnvselftotuit sit kiad ot Performers. , . , :, . Paints tor Oil and wslcr sobst of ever drei-riuMoa. put up ia tin bnv.s Of bv Hot siaale tube. I'set... or rSiretcrure of all slies or by the singM yard, la short everything lhat belongs lo tbe gut Ana. rerfumeriee and FoueyarUclet at all kinds Uw a rotter. oas to meatlon. -. Tee second hud Piaaot t sell r tent. ' . . K. W.FKTEllKlLtA, Rsleigll, Oct, 18, Itii. 4ftte, I'rrraniPrt. , Ti nitWr.lW.fl th, r.t imported 'trtlrles of Pol at Waters, Kvtraeta Ou,,, , .1,, Halr.Tiwlk ltd 8kvisg llrtthss, fj.rn.t try - . . . , , PAL1IEII a RAVSAT. Raleigh, 0L 2Jth, ISit - 4ltf, CU'AU'ajrtssaa.Vatatdl wfaoferlei' rtntl. tf Fortsdt at 1LCHKIIS. fiituti irttitii isii FOR TRI TOTAL aUtermloatloa of Rota, Mice, CoekrooeLea, Aats, lironnd Mist, Moles, Beetles, Crick sts, cte. Wsrronled not injartens to tbs humna family, - ill sot dit la) their hob Alar, on ttkrrwiiuati V for tbt total oaaikibiiU a L tl . bVtiit. Prir.einal Fleriot, 41 Trftwr. It r t aitbJ4cr.rV, askiogtn and -2m- y,a,k4s Ma, dludjea. CsrKim llrwse; tl. I). Iluatis. Ir lag n ri... t-..ia.. li..,Ai. so, ti... -. u Koik lT"prlitw. llrwadrsT and Aetlttir,fr. C baa. Ihibsolt, Nvs M Uasb wHo, n.t ! It, ,o.4e.a, 4Mroday K. A. M award. Iiditor al the f'oaday Times t W'ealcbcsler Ibatee, Bowery Sod I r.wn r si., Tp, IloIhertMi. 4. RroCme St., ml Ii Molitea lane. rjldr llty tlosartt P. v. King, tl fesa su Itswoase si. t siciajre lay , siT 1'i,h Pbiev I lUajamiie W-l. 4U Jl lMoiital st. : L, It. 4Wm. 4.1 John nrcat, and it. Mark's 4'tace; Tbaaso Ttnowos, Jt ArtkHvet, gist tlrosrtwsy. . Fot sale hylllcl AK-esjaen "biws. I?7 .Usid.v loc:' letls 4 Hitaard, 1V1 Maid l.aeet A. II a IV Hands. I HI Fallow. C. V. trilcketiee k IV. tl Vesey IWeetl J. illi. 0 lln-or,V ( lias.. H. Plug ear. t'SIO shs ermnsi) n ku, aj , ant Hr aJ.aV and 2M 4rh Xrtnne. ar-l all the Wh.drsale Ursosls ia the City sad (he pthteipal rbHwl hi lbs -t;ii.d Slate. Canada. West ladles, s.l. VlirnaHet la all esse, Kesit gowouit mrW-.sttd ly liL.NIlV II. CUSIAU. . - , I Is VrtssOksy, Mew rwk. . ' -.i " , . er tin. iIami roit nki.i: (xtAitai laXiif. THR Buhttritier nffeva for unit a trod of rTjLsnd. lying in right of Boyian's Mill near rtkthe City of Raleigh. It crnuiaa Intt acres. klt o, which tsetcsrvd, tberemniniiig)ilenrlswcrl tvta- beevd woodland. TH load la nrwUcnve, weU watcrwd. end baaaesaolldwtUiagaadtmt bouse. ferr-idis n.d to piuvhiwe, Will oytpry (jot. W. It- t4. Iiak.r, RsrWlSgb, r tt tht sabstrribi. " .' . . - i atti-waa, Vane Creek, Chailuvm Oct. 5 9th, 4 . . Hi SI. " Rerlttersad Standard I times, bat at ad see'u rt smbseriker. ' -. RiL!ons t Rilbiig Tt'ST oisened, RVh lluioieS.Niek, Souk, fay. Slilt) 1 aud TatletraKilit-itus. o a. II. R.g. Tirk KR. . KOT1CI. , : " TS llRRRBT gitco that tppllcallotiriTl he ms,(e et .1... . u j i-umki. -J l'a , olino for Wi, for omendmrut of tbt Cbsrvot id tbt Johnettn LUttt lltver alauulaetarmg C'rtiHi.vny, . t . . IllCUABD U. .likAPVk. . ..v.,.s -: ..... psesident. OelAbee,4gjS. - - r .4.111. - CIIE1P U EVFifTT f pit P. ftibserlbo, would rtspeflty )i Hit st. I I..,!... r kj. .... S.I ...fc. kl well tetetted stack of 'groetrtte, Confeettimariaa, laney arucles, etc., sunt t plodgt tnystsr ut to at andtraold by any ttt ta tut nlocei yon wtlUsd lb folluWMkg, lu part i t . . . .. - i -i ,' - ; OROCFRIKS. ... . ii Rarvola Browa, PnlvMitad, Cratbtd attd CUrift . d Htigart' from b ta 2 ttalt. ; M, .' 13 Hugs Itiooiiil Lnguara Cofloo, best tuauty, Bbli'Roa-llerrliigt, ptttut articl Tsltew, Ad J Halla. SAujIlaB . . A tine lot of lllsek and Qrtta To ta pr.f rvt of J, j, I pound popart. . i Cheats, (iua PowJtr and Imperial Tea, !! Casks of Ntw-Orliona Molasses, At., ke. ' too pouii Is Btlliiaor Baton, 81dtt attd ''uul.lcra. . - i FASCt ARTICLKS. ; "''A llntVlotI am eonfldent, never wot offcvtil Im this market, ts bo sold very tkeap. ! " H ; Ot.s'8 A.xDCt'tLKRr; 12 fjuns from Irs to thirty dollars. " ' Pistol, of v,arWnt kinds, A fin lot of libit and . potktt cutlery. . : txiNFECTiDSAiuKa. - A fine lot of Csudiea of my own aiakt at tb w 1 casks of proserVed (linger, (Jam Drop of differ . sat kinibj. . . .. 4 eases of PranesTiTglas Jsrt. 2 dosT faneybna. et, 2'HI lbs Cuvrtnts at tbt ltw petet of 13 l.'J tenia. ' f- -. f i -'.-" . Pickles, Preserves1 t'otsapt, Walntlt, Alnnnxls,' Pslm Nut and Filbtrtt : Matches lower ths avtrsold la tills market: and uionv other a. tin oa Ja this Hut wit necessary to jamitiuu. CIO AIM, vO.OoO of assorted brsudt and ehesper tlisn est b found elotwbert Iu th city. Metnbor ol lln Legislature tod oilier who indutgt ia a smoke, at rtiicste I to cull o aiy aturt. I host ou hau l a food lot of Soulf and Chewing Tobaces. , , t '. Bt'RXINtl FLll'll. '.v: .. . & Casks Burning F nid oi rodnCed prlct and warran ted to be ts gurnt ks any tmnlght to tht ti'y My town and oountry friends may vest assured that tht tbovt guoilt can bt bought at cheap aa sua utwess aviivr uaro ohvv invm. .. .;; - K0RP0LK 0YSTER8. : I htvs mads srrsugunienls with dealers la Nor. , folk whereby I ehitl boenatjied tu furnish tbt cily and bountry with Oysttrt. Urdor from a dlstnois will moot with prompt attention. r . t n wrir ven Kolelgb, NoV. 6. , . tii, 10 MKWAIIO. I OKT (111 tITDl.KN Oh lost Ralurway algliv, i tht Itith (b t. a Silver Lever Watcb Sndatiuld 4 nam, attached together by a Ribbon, Tb wat k bod I a holts Jeweled, anchor tteapemtnt, tb pivot of tbt steond hand Waa broken off tad at sti tod hand em tht watcb; tha boar hand half tMoet tht' Hy wbctl out of wdort soint if lbs edge or iht fact Hvt.vis wu sim iwu vesKioa ssrvss ill, 1BVW tloev vt gather ( ' tbt book hat a representation ef part of a bridge and some btber engravings, Tne chaiu bed some si a or seven llnkt to it, Ihe Hobs hollow In th otutr and linked togtlher by hollow rollers) a nugaltnca todwith a otol tttacktd to ana, of largt sise, with a clear glass or stunt set. Tht abort to ward will bt giveu for their ileliverv tt this otK. e. or for any lufonaalita, so tliat tbs tvter ess gi t ttar The rmbtitwlll pleas keen a look oat. Jew. tlcit particularly, tbvottgluitit tb IJtal. ttamgli, tMt, go, !!(,, . . , . 4,8t . Drwcaow, nrogana! rpilk" Subscriber bet ate) ta hand tnd lotfods la X keep ol all limes during tbt Fall and Wlubif sea. sonsalorge shd good ssrortiacot of Negro Shoes lor melt . and ftmsle, ewhroeltg all kluils ased fur ' TLANTATIOS AND OTI1KR PURPOSE. ' ' Amonast mr assortment of Br iraas mav ba fM,nd Uia llongsrian shim sudeltiWibdowlis, towbieb i would call theatteatiim of Fnrraers olid others la want of a lupertor trliele ft their atrvanta, M v oriees sksll be wuntd nispeeUuiiy Inritt Uit mean, a of ell lo on sa. antiuallour f mystiH'k, as I shall evil low Uw I bare also oh bund end intend etnisUallv sotaaii. large aad well te meted assortweut of LADIK'S AMI (IKNTI.rlMK.N-i B0OT9 AUD , . SUUKd, lwtladloc all tf the latest strict and paiisraa, Alst ijovs ssn t iievus iigors ssu buor.s. JJIflFES k t'HII.WlKSS fin0E3 ALL" KIJlDeL JrsVelllng sod lialr Trunks, Volicts, Rosnst Rosea, s-oxpai, lists, pitiettuis, iiiacmug, rtmsues, ge. . . All of ohb-h will be sold at tba Iowesltirist f.. ..u by A. J. PAHTlii, . ' rtaselgli, eept. la. jto. ISIgn or tbe lllg Bool. A 41ood aavuasotof Ltslies,' Misma aad Children's l dressed oad audrassed ll)IUK.'tU VUUlbLd, Also a great esriely of Laities, Misses, and Chtldrens Rlaekaud otdored Pranetla oad btatiue CIA ITrilm t'osno aud supply yoassetvM at .. . . , . A. J. PARTIN S Raleigh, Sept It, ' . Biga of Iks Big RoeL ' ' ..... to FEME CLASSICAL I.STI1 f TE. flHB AnrtUltt llaTaimtNsll..a. .4 11,. i,JI. s.ffki. r iit rveniti. it(nrt w.m Tor m.l, trill KgiB m tb ri 3vit. im -iMtinsry, m 4tmiiid'jita.i!ti to iht I ft-. I. (tdJiM-rtl tho preavnt ti..)iit'lr ti a-iirt .H'dbtirvi ft it Hrm noltt vblifbiaicilt on th h T & tktifuiltt Ha4 ti ' tfTfttilvff ttAtfV ,4:IWli( g,UC4lttvvl, ' TImj Mvi.ii 4jf(wrtjjteBti un titled fey feigtt cob.. tciU limtrntifw. At lw ttuwWr sMtBftltftjt la thp InstUntf It limitftl, pfiy ait(Ittttgii may b nvttMj to rnjMrw afiont laiiica. -. -KK.N'NET T. ULAkK, Prim iiml auti rr-nif t.r. Otl 2i 12,. - . . -T-H,,.,; ftiTi-itt ,rt luigMWx Mini fcUtt lurd will luct-r Ii tt.ltl Ucoviuiier,

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