' I POSSIBLE PEPOPL'HTWir OF :zr4'.ii-....CBElT.BFmi?f,r-Jl.L-- The pmMeta nf a aurpla xjnlaiwei, ha era alarm; England in (h be Mr halt ee Itiry -rite tsu likely to hare it anlVetl. , feet, kr the 1'rori.lwirr that grrreraa wi.rl J Oive set of nhiluwiphrn. hate eentemiieitJ or written elaboial wrk. In Uuw that the pcp- tilatmt of an aaiioa thoulii lea aUowrd k ex. tentl heroatl a Hmiietl point; white Booth i art of wnier bare with avtra sense, euw'ee- W ifaal Ida BToperiir of anion, a.litf thing beiitf ex nil, depend open the inereaar of it population, ro Bearer la bn fil ap riifni. The former el ha feoerallw ema" iglil of ths in.1urn- of social anil l ' iu I itisiilutioii opoe il Cm tune of men turf el. ; tine the errat hr thai, whatever mw t a liar ' protluctitenrta or (teriliiy of the toil, il a fen- w i man uevcitretj emier mc proteviiori 01 libera s,oternniente,rn enable lay uunriet in sustain any amonnl of population, and sag incut iu wea'.lli ia ruin of their uierra. London row contain apwani of t.000,000. MM pn-MMhaa it popuUtion incrrkanl 10 fast aa during tire last twen'r-tive yesr ; and I no perioti hare II pfnapenty, wealth, and resource awtt rapidly nwtitiiiialing. England itself now mntaina populatino al most a lanr aa the t'niied Biatc, on a ler riiortr romiilrmb!y (mailer than one of our thud-rate ataiea. liirenituna ana fnprore menu iu miehinery, hav shown that the fruil of agriculture- for no eorrert Scale fur Kradu'iii( the rHir.'e of people, or the population which tnjr ' territory em maiulain. Thi (mm of mart ean alone for the sterility of nature and a motiniam of Lion, a - nine of cooper, a qi.arrr of aaarMe, or a dia triet if coal, can fay tiibtite upon die earn of huiiilred nation. " Ilui glan.-oa t!i iiifluenee of Irfia'n ion, of anrtgltlei'ii inmmpulwa, ilmeliire of fl- : rintire right- and privileges, and the1 unholy aliianee off proud and eorrupt Ctmrrb fiat r in in the harlot embrace, of the Stale oll tinctures of Ct-udilism, the esietene nf a at dual of hereditary nnhU-a, to whom fen &A conqueror appointed off the rieheat pvne of die turiU'a aiM-faoe the maiaun a ce tj an iinmenM nary tlial flap it wing orer every ea ol a t tanding - army whoa Uhom ar gleamin; wiih every , beam of it e aua in hw eternal ctnrut-lhf manlenanca of . aeh iaatitatiori of nnnatunil apprewia i, de signed only for the few, had been going on Utt age In Englund, SroUaod, and IrrUnd, and at bale their people had grown lika 00 from three millimt to ire and twenty, thia ' pMbttrm of population ro when Maltha and ouW writer on Poliiiral Eeonomri rurh- . ed in the eonclniion. that til (nereaao of pop n 'on moat loft whil Jeremy Benthaa and oilier Polities! lieformrra, beginninf with . Adam Soiith, and going down to Milliard t'o' ili'ii, raiiK;il l!ia ery of I'o'iliral and So e:af Krlririn. Tlier lay the at it : fur tiuJ ia - " L11 iliiinithlegoodne nail apread out a boun tiful eartb.-and filled it womb with treaaure, and lt!e nn.nnl. m., had gone fonh after Le had in l nil theee; "increia -and multt r ' plir. and lit! tha whole rth. Maat thia eomruand now be arrested by the hand of tyranny f l:iy atron arm of the powerful, ' eillirr limit Ilia qmntlly of te"l tli nartb ahall yield, or aiy who aball tat it I And yet Enzl ind did not work her reform faatenough lo admit of haringlhie dceren of heart a earned out wilhorl lunmt ranering, and lb eonaoquenco baa Ixen, that nnlliona luring the lent quarter of a renturi'f in Ureal Urilain and Ift l inU, hae all wly died by fart inn, or by waul, ni giwt, and tlime diveaaea. ertv. it crime, itaexptieure i a temptation, and ita degradation, v , .t Iu the year 1814, tlii"? had readied auch a erii, that evert bir Kol rt Petd ill" lea der of Iho Tory prty hmllacome alarmed giiinl bmine wa aiulking thriMign the lanJ. and aiariitg him in th far on all aide and a dpperate population were ringing mil their - Ihreai into the ear of royalty. Hir Bobert rriM l .imcd l.imelf a eonrerl lo lite m reality . ami hi Ihe n iadom, of the policy of Free Trade. The nrn law frll .1 li mirl o( Great Britain were opened luperaliiin- danl granarii of lit earth poured out their wealth nil" ill" hunsry mmih of thderran d, inault'd iiii'.liiuia of (ircal Britain, , Thi war fro.it po nt giiine.l. Cohilen . beeam king of the million, lie waa the rery Kioh ard t'oeur Da I.ioaof the new aen of Free Trade llorar Oreelyiih i prote ion fl - laciet. and other humbug to Uie' eonlrar' . Boittiihetanding.rt - f England wa materially reliered In the uueringa among Ilia lower atraia or her eneml fabriet But it waa only temporary rtlh I fir ItohertPeet died and no great alaleaman waa left to go forward, and propnae nihar am penclou re firma tli t would hurt kepi pant with the prorr nf population : W fear that England ha no aui h great n an now. The next tteamer may bring 11 th new M Ilia downfall ni the Derby Miniatry and where i Ihe Briliah Btaleaman ' rung en ough to do Ut work, that ha a heart hrare enotifli lo dare it of taring hold of the gray Feudal pillar, (till reeling on the neck of th people, and dragging them lo th dual The Sumaon of England are all deeping in the hp of Delilah. The blndihmeut of the Court, th irlving power of hereditary - wealdi, the tnuvenir of ancient glory, Ihe . mid of Kityahy, and Ihe vulgar and beo ted ahmil, of the people aa the Mixing coro net Ainlie by, proclaim Hint lha lloitr lor eom' plelo political and aortal rejeneratioQ in Eng land ha not yet eoiue. But Heaven itaelf appeared, to work mil ' miration lor it lulTrriiif million in tritatn, Fnr many year a the titdnv had been (tared off; there waa a broad anil illimitable aeylum ii tvhlfh hut alarviifl ehililraa eould flee, anil 1 here they rame, and here ihpljia pattered fiom ihe Aliunde to the I'aeifie eoant, expan ding their noble AnglreSayon arm, heart, head, orer land 'they own and till, and will leara to their children. Dul thi wa not en- - ough. A 11 J then on that western eoat aud-di-nly roae the golden riion of Ophir 300e OUO of our un popiilatioa were drawn a- wiy the alluring light hlaxed orer the nation and they ram from alar. I lit give a new impulae lo rnmmene in Britain and hun dred of iliomandf nf her poor people ttarted "or our (bote. When llmelirtric impulae hud lietmn lo di awav, there biased up an oilier, and porhapa a brighter - light from lhat em it Auttraltati rontment, lying oil in the At liintie ocean. Now aometime em lo be ' in the way of aeeompliahment in th ahapeofj a acdutxxi ol this problem ol a (urple popula tion. The Ixnilon I ime aay, that there are eir-ty-mne (hips in anVIand loail for A ira'ij., The monthly emigration from Lire. pi il 10 Ihe United S ate bad UUa off (is llinuiand: while the entire emigration from llie llritith laland had nearly doubled. Who d ies not e lhat England now, ia pressing the reiir of damp far more rormidaule - thai on a fa surple population I let her ewnrfl lent the honest Anglo-Safna bone and smew 1 nut too futhlenly Kirn trom nernooi.! hmlv oolme. or 'he owl and thi bittern may em iheir rco.uie'11 over her follen palnee i:i.."lam( iaercaf airnt gtnrioua br reasoa of many noble thing, and while history has - Jwtr paiotipg rtb hrr noble from ' tlie' lT uti f rVuliaai tba CerMraeror, w hare had bo Hogarth of history to pietuiw to the scene of heroic effort, m eentury-iaatingepiraoi woii down at the bssa of eneietr, where the tmn datioa baa beu laid so deep and the ntnirlure maintained an securely by tlie "hard-S-teil D moerar)"of ihe Anglo-Saxlon race Carlvte is rghr Ubnr ie worship, awl work i the only mirarb'. W base always felt lhat Democracy wmiW man day or other exist by s acknowl edged dirine right. Ood must be oa Ihe side of th masses, bees lbs masse in Ihe long run ere those who ran aufler most, endure moat, lore most, worship mist, ami send nh be inn or! and the bmgest snthem to his eternal praise. Il is not. and it esn air be possible in hi onireree, that the few ar al wav to reiifn and enjnv. and die many Jnrerer to aerreand sutler. The arrangemente of Proridenee seem at (Iim period mors elearly than rrer to he prrparine a rlorioua destins- UM for lb great, torgolien, orerlooked.ertrh ed, btseding, degraded maase of men. Knglasd mitt think ol these tilings, sno think of them in time. If she does not re am e and alic most do il soon those hesry hardene lhat are weiyhinc down nobis pes- ante, half-atarred and pale operatives bleached out by thia oxalie acid of Dcspotiam if she doe not proclaim that the day -oftheir re demption has come, then llioa outraged mil lions will turn their bsck on her wealth, and their native shores forever, end wiih God fisr faiher, make Australia thrir home. The liondon Time aay. lhat whole district in Ireland are depopulated: that , even in Lan- eaaliire, labourers eould not be found for the last barresli lhat the Welah are Laving by tho? lands, and even the Highlander with tattered plaid, are stepping for ths lam lime rrom lha green shore or Old nioton, lor mat wild country, all gleaming with gold, beyond the purple sea of the Foulk. It t nugniOcenl to cunt nip air, on a Dram of Empire, where (tod is the only seene hifk f. British intnir'era, 'mrn, political eeonnmiata. and dreamers, ami experimenfera of a'l sort, hire hitherto looked upon Austra lia only a the back-side of ermtion a desert ed epot, abandoned to wild beast, and trans ported criminals a specie of ProriJential aute prison, wisely provided hy sn overruling power, to sare England the troutne 01 nang- g every poor devil lhat shot a hare in ru ral district, or stole a loaf of bread lo atop the month, and dry the tear of hi children. But now a the Ureat Manager M opened a new scene, suddenly i revealed Ihe fact that What Enrland called and intended ahoulil be to the Botany Bay of lha poor, Ood in Hea ven ha turned into their Paradise paved with (old under their feet, and studded with diamond orer their beads, glittering in those distant flelda of Ether, where hitherto nothing but solitude held empire. Tliui 11 1 lliat. Heaven in it mercy atones for the folly Dad die crime of man. Tliut it is, llii.1 in thi great drama w re eontem- o at nr sweat ward ihe Star offcmpire wtes it way." t ha travelled rrom the plain oil Aa, ana me nana 01 ine nue, "X' " flaihed from ihe pyramid beamed over the hnre ol the Mediterranean, and like tome mviteriou oilerim with hi staff and scallop (hell, found its wsy to the North, and from lh British Islands it ploughed its advenlun a eoura to lha western world 1 and cow in an electrie age, whea God seem to bar launch ed, humanity upon trecn ct progress, as slartling h (ourse of hi own lightning which he baa riven to hi riiaeion to drive. chaininc ihe flashir.r leed to the ear of in !- lcetiivd and social light, well nigh befer half ronunenli ren known, and uelura any ,.f ii i. ft,il. oluliml. Ilia oll inion Trteanwl from the boaora of the Pacific 1 and ihe rye " .- ? of the- world ia fixed on Atistral'a, which seem likely to prove lha real Eldota 0 i f the ancient. Eneiand.f real, lorioos. noble old England I let not all thy disheartened, yet dill brave million, leave ihy hnre. Il is a proud snd noble work tliesa new Argonaut going for th Gulden Fleece tcross the sea ; and Uiey carry with them all Ihe element to make lhal continent what England aeter ean become 'It resu now with yon to aay, whether yon will depopulate your green Islanda, drive away your children to a fairer heritage, and wind Hp year history by (earing you nothing but hereditary feudal estates, wtin noneioeuif vale them; a harlot ehurch, hoary with age and black with erimf, with no worshippers lo how before her al ars t an army of noble with no erf lo till their anil and a Zenobian Qu'en with none to do her service. rJ iht Unton. 1ITIITII1EKT1. . C fAIIIII03IAni.B JKWELBV THIS. V RAMIAT, , BxaLta i .'',.- 0010 AS'D S1LVKK WATCHES. All alnas a( Jewelry, of the Latest stylea, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, WTLERV, . 7-ttMMy, Funrg Ootdi and Chrti. TUB Subssrlbsrs srs sow yseslrlag their rail psntiaa, wklca Isenssf lbs aiaatss Maalvs vsr effevsd far sal ia lb But. CsnviKtinx of ini Oolil aa silver wateava, Lara elmOoa af OaM Cbalas, Heata aa4 Kay. A an ks T Duum4 Hinri aad riaa, K.l,lunkl, Kcrfinga, BraalplM sad Riaaa. Brf.Ulu,Cu Piaa and ArmWIU, Vtry lar(S aMurraiant ef UoM, Sllrsr sad Btasl ; ctaclaa, ftuldaadmWThlaiMM, ' OoU ud Dllvar Peaella sad rtu aad UltS, 8mI Pua a4 Ksya, Ksvara, Straps sad Pea Kairn, BiIvm T,U,. DoMrti aad Ta Bowma. tautlM, Poraaaad K"r Kalvaa,aad Mekl Kalrss aas rwrSv, tMt RaadlsatMia, aaaCSrs aad Trays, ' Buliu. slur Cvffa tint, U,rya4ola, Carat aad Csrd Cassa, . rwfaaMrysad Paaey ad, AH alRita W Watoksa, J try aad C1cki npairtd Rll(tiUfUtMr, 4, l5t. 4S tf. ngNTLEMKM h aas d.bva r essd bulla '....M a. nil Im ll lit 1 I ARTIN nib. nl; thrawlvstvidi assirsf tlais Ms nr W.u-j.prT uuo l , aklck tbejr tmn avrenaM 1 r a an 1 auai Kunrv not anHMdini rHir ditllara aad Ifty Ma. ui!l u . au aula - - j All . auiiB, owp. J " TPT OPENED, a esod aaswHaaat at On las sj Calfhiirlwd iloaas sad Nkaaa. AIh, patn bMta. A.i.PARTlN. aUld-U. iL la, ISS ss ita. WOOD'! ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK 8 RIDOS HOsID, ' PHILADELPHIA- IftOH Btataary, Ltmia, anykvnda, Nswfnandlaed tlaga, Poanlslna of Bnatlnd stasias, and rartaav aiwa, Ir Dtaira fptral moA ilrsijUt, v lsro.l p'.ann slis Im Railiaa aad Vnaadaa, SMartalag uaWM-da af 2ta) daaiana. ' Ivtaaaa4 sM.iniiia oih m aaai w-eay saaasr Iks I'atoa, ky adaeanta PALMBR NEWOOODSt NEwaooms: TITS ffatornW tv se sw aarad t rbear ts vastus, rs alt Tall aad V. katcr Hi- C OmsS, akieb a. kaajoat reevirvd fraaa tfceXorUMra eitiaa. li flora Ml rati, awkraatn alaaeaS every variety at rdl kraV s s lrf timttt um, la fc.llia- aa yart aT kit Ktwk auy k baud at kkfcura. Xa. ft, FayaUaviab (treat: Blaat amd Paaey Bifka, - ' ' ' PraiMfc XrrOMa aad lvLeaa, RImsi aad Aawi4-aa Primad Pvlaaaa, . . AH d Piuk aad Waa FUmn.U, Plata, Black, CkaaMlaa aadPigand Alpaou, Cauooaa trxm S to XS note, s BiaakaCa aad Kanrya, . KaatarkyJaaaa, all araalitks, Twaad. DaUxlaand Cxiaaaraa, Vaatiaaf "d sad e.isi is. lUd aad Wkila fls.sta. Brmaanu aad aWaaet Rikksaa. Ilssiarr, IHsraa. Uttm, AL. , Alxs goad lot wt Kar aad Cse. 1-1 and Saaav, (wt Martat Cktas, tluua aadiRankaa Wart. Waalyaaks asil lha thasa aiakiaf to aavchaas Xswla, aa al all liataa a akall ia fiesta to afcmr tkna. Call aod aaa tor yotfravlvaa arv 4ertsfnad la aall SAatCkl, H. YonNt. RaJaica, OtUAtt lit. U42. 42 im. mm -tI- I J A, U ItA'V, Ilia ?i Graii 4 Lor mt BEerth f arollaa. rptTK On-a-ra, M.-mWri n. lUi,iAtrf .f 14. li 1 MAriOM-; BODV ttr rttiWfWtl u M tbeir listil ia rtai (,ilr, or. M-tnti Lratninr. li. mt UMatbr awstv t 1 v'elork, ft th trBma tii f tmck btuincM u May aM Mattaiiiutl tut thrir Mnwi-lravtiii. In purmnmnrn ub a rrftoluttoa of lha Ul 'Httni. ratios, th MaMvrt at Lnige will eaavt? tub eat wit It C barters, ibbI they my pUceJ mpm tfa rvevrUi af Traaiaiaat Iirelbrea are iimur to (tend. WILLIAM T. BAIN. Grand Sectvtarj, Kalelgh. Oct, Mlb, Hiil. AlU. BOOTS, SHOES, A a nr.HHX P)pRTI;K.KM -aM ith t of ib CajHtoI, would rpwlfHM inform bitfriendi and li wMtc jrvntrally. tbat bau tn neaiptof hit fall tup. ply af Ood ia bi line, enbrsfnf avery ibiBf aaitally found la a tiooi and Bbte Htm lur Ladiea, Gentlcaeo, Miarwi, JUy and Arrant. He fftiiinri at ery thing aa aeiia, man aauKfi Rnuvi, rre tr eoat, all npa aad ta parfatiuaa ia laaau far tare, (iirataa a rail viie avudaii aad I have no far abMit makma; a trade. F4CTI RI.VG. Boot an trthoa Makluir, of a-try draeriutloa doaa ai liatnry Porter'i t.i4ihmeat, Tba ban uf work nana, fnt-rata tril, and low prlaei. H dont intend Co be anderaold. yin4Mifs fur tb trade, in great abandanea, and of rery Uearfiption, frrrfale cbtap. ftaWizb, tt lt tHo. a-4w THE OLD SYSTEM I Our mmal AdverllKcmcaicn aawsaaaawas Wa hare oaoUted Ktcly t apeak tbrovab oar aai". jBsOt to twr friwoila u adriaeand talk witb then, to apeak aa il wo wieprtaally anjoyiug acoiirraitoo. Now ea ftaftBtV M are. la prorauQratiaie; tbe Lottery Hyateia auatdUuiag it a4voetim( it eipupliryiiie; it pushing it- argiaK it and diitributing aa MANY PIUZKrt poawibt;, wa WoM any to oar frieut, la wrilina; to or, to be explicit in tba Lattery they with their fund inveatedf 40 d wa would cuggest they dirret ua to irndCttrti&calaa and www if tby utjtuirf a Fr.it tn tliw unit uoit fetor, able Ifeham, informing aa to wkat exc ut we art to oatlayi aad iBiibarinuK. if tky dtairo it t i a tract at to forward the drawing per letter, by which eaarae they will f time ( and we, fur tlw more, explain what ur tune, tney are eniitien to. eanaiuiy and without re aenre, in thia matter. Tbia twlrioe it ooaaiderted aa moat eoadaclr to their iatareaU. Ticketa aroalwaya forwarded whea we are inetracted. la tbe mtnth of MOV KM 6 ER there ia a tar amoaat of CAPITALS. Oar moat brilliant riyrfea arc related ia that month Boat of the large tama will fall lo ear trirtter Who tain for eoiae of the jraiae t Write early, aute year wiaaea aaa auixaa careuuiy - - - X. M0HK130X A Co. Si William itf X. T. $M,00Ol 4VP.0AU, dotlara ! 2,i5( dollar 1 Grand eonaolidatttd Lottery of Maryland, for the bene- at sf ta oa'iitatd Iittcrica vf aid.. -1 n.nn L. Tafc Ta ba drawkTn TTartiamfff, "MaTytanaV-oa- BalanUjTi taoT. -zf, tosa, uauar ia aup.nai.aa.noa ar Hum- aalavloner. 7 Kanbcr LotUry 40 drawa ballota. MOST 8P1.KSDID SCHSJiK. I Pri.aaT (MMi, I to.Ota), 1 ,aii, $ l.i.soo, .). I ofisaa, Aa. Tii-kats, 3 Half.., tltQaartora Is Elfhtba, Caniaeala ef Paaliaa-. Wal.a, ts dallan HsIvm. .) dallara Quartan. I li dullara Eigbtha, 1 72 M. , dallaral 15 .f flil.USS! IV! priiaa ol uu acHtara i Oraad Coaa.lidaud Lauary of Maryland. CLAMS Y. fur 1.1 J J. Ta k drawa ta Balllisor., Maryland, aa Sstarday,' anr, in, inaa, OKANOhJIIKMK. I Prlsa orsn.MO dollars, li lo.nos dollar,, ltd 4C0, vwian, mv.i ' ! sr. Tlakata 115 Shares ta propttrtlfra. 1 Drasa Nuaibr H drawa tt.lloO. A Csrtilaala ol a Parkaga ef Tu.-k.ia .IU ks vast rw SVIS bbar4 la prportlua. llll,Nii ISO Prim tff a dutlaiat flnad Cunwlldata.1 Lolirj, Maryland UlaM is, f..r mil. Ts k. drawa la Balltiavrs, Marylaad, aa Saiardaj now. aoss. BRILLIANT SCIIFMR. I ariia f Ittl.tluti, I l,tt.. s.seu, dullars I 4,M, dvllara 1 d,, dollars, Aa., a dr. Tiekata la dollars- Sharaa la arnportloa. TJ M amber Li.ltery 1J drawn ballota. A Cartlaonl. uf a Packs, of SJ Wbola TtckaU will aa aunt for lis nharaa ia r wwriloa. MARY LAM" CONSOUltdTkD LOTTERT. for tb. ban. It of Wasblagtoa Coaaly. Claaa M, tor lt. Ta b drawa ia ,tb. City of EalUawira, Hi., o. aioaaay, nor. a, iso.-. , a BTI1EMK. I of t.n doll.ra, 1 ll.ul t i- liars, 1 ,0O dallan. 1 sts.tHKi, I or 1,911. aa. as c. Tiekata I dollsrs sbsraa la preporUoa. 7 Mankars-li Ilrawa Ballota. Crrtlflsata at a Patkaga af It Ikkala aaal for U dwltara sbaroa ia avoportioa. - Marilaad RoasolidaKd Lauary for lha kaaadt af th. Tuwa r IM Air, da. Claaa , for 184. to ba drawa la tba Cily at BaMaiors, (Md.,) sa lassday, nor. a, aos. RICH eTHEMK. I of te.OOD, dollars, I of T.iStl dollars 1 of J,40o, dol lars, I or i,iw auiiara. c. ao. o. Tkkata t didtara aharaa ta proportion. 11 Naain.ni, It draws Dsllots. A Ortineata at a Pakaa f ii Tlakau will tf last tor aa awiars aosrrs in prnponioa. i Maryland Coasslilssd Lottery, for th. baflt of Car roll Coaarr. Claaa i. fa ISii. Ta k drawa ia th.CUy s( BalliauH., Md, aa Tharsday, Kar. II, laaz, SPLEXOIDSCnSMR. 1 ja.n dollart I ," dollars, ( f ,M0 dollars! 10 or 7,s, souarsi a., aa. as. Tisksta I doliara Pharva ta prnportloa. 71 Namban 11 Drawn llsllota. A CartlOrata of a Psrkars of IS Tlckrta will bs wot fr ass Kbares la prormrtion.i. Marylaad, CoBaolidatsd Uattory, Clasi i, for tail, to ba drawa la lbs Cily-wf BaJthor,,oa Friday, Bar. II, l i j - SPLKKDItTRCRKMRU ' I of 1 1 3,000! 4 i,M l.eou, I id, dollar I Aa.de.-d. . Tiokata i doliara. Cbaraa la prapattloa. f Navbm 14 drawa ballota. A Cavtiscata of Tickats wUI a aaet (or 4. Rkana la proportion. Marylaad Coaaolidatad Uttnyfertha Baaadtof Wash Inihaa C Cbua il, Ibv tsad. Ta b. draww I Ika City af BaJlliaora, Marylaad, aa Monday, Mar. Is, las- , 8PLEXDID frriEMX. 1 afSO.One, doliara I I of T,S0 dollars I I af S.0M, 1 f ,I4 lar Lotai, o.ar. So. ; Tiaksts doliara, Sbarrs la proporlio. Maaihwa li brawn Rallota. A aertieoat of a Paokags af IS. Tiekata will ba asat for rifcaros la proportion. Marylaad Coaaolidatsd Usttrry for Ika baastt af lha T"wn of Btl Air, Sc. Claaa ad, f..r IS1. Ta ba drawa la lha City af Ball I ., Md. aa Tataday, Hsv. is, tajz. ORAXD rt'MKJir I af t.n dollars I 4 t.MV dollars, f,0M dallan! IS af SU. dollars. . da. Tiekata aaiy Dollars haras ia proajatlaa. IS Draw. Na,brs. II Ballota. A CartiaWta af M Tiaaata nill.b. aaal h t'- Hharaa ta aronarlaua. Coaoolidatod LoUaryaf Marylaad. tor the kaaadt at th Coaaolidatad LoUari.. af Marylaad, Ciaas , for 1K6J. Ta ba drawa in ths City af BalUaiara, Md., af Raaarday Nsv. , IMi. . . Ja Niimb'r.f Drawn Rallota, , MAUKIVICRXT RCUaiMa ,:3 ! t S ts.smi! Hvof J,iki, dollars I 0 Prlsss f l,IaO IHUsra!! da. ' Tlikcu attAkam la propyrtloa. A CartUral of a Parbaew of ti Tkk jia will as ar I " "".Vr UViWatO,MtJiaWli "rTaasa,- asw riBH Ana hew esoona. ' aavalfalKaaa 0 Dor abtit P. FxPi$tmi' i . IS. rayettsrUte Mrwa. " tttK aww vaaaiviaic aad opln( their Fafl aad WiatarrMoecafcaws Ooada. vhiah ia larra aa wad aetaetcd.; awtckt aatiiwly tWCak,aad wiu oa anna aa aneaa whica win not nut ts salt law paarhaarr. Tb. Suck eoaruta la part af ika M- lo"ia: Hajpar Draek Or da Rbias Silks, CoTd ds., rrsawa PviMcd DrLaiaca aad CaaliBaraa. Frwaek awd Oervaaa Urrinoa. Black Baaibaiaas, do Alapeaaaa, Praaek Wsrkad C altars, Cawta aad Lad i as Kid Glove., Bonnets aad Tafeia Ribkoas, Silk. Lsgkwva aad other kinds af Bonnets, 160 Piaewa English aad American Prints, JaenaMt, Kwiat, Mali aad Crnae Barred Maaliaa, Bilk aad Cotton lloaisry. A crwat variety af.tbawla. Cloths aad Caaaiatsrs aad Vesting.; aad a (aneral aaaortBtaat of Uooda for slea'a wenr. 8ptaabr, 18-2. 40 nLAXKKTX, kERSEY, das. 10 -4. 11-4, aad 12-4 Bath Bl.nk.u, Maeeaaaa Wbtta aad Uran. IMnill and Twilled Blankets fur Barvaata, plaid, Saddle do. A lanra sad well aaaortsd aad cheap Huckaf Wool aad t'otloa Ksr aaya frvat tba Lowest to the Highest price. neaiuray Jeans, cheap : .tatinetta and T weeds. eo teething nice for Boys. Wool and Cotloa Car peting, vary low, caa be had at BELUV fe MURRAYS, September, 18,12. 40 H ATH A0 CAP. TT8 T reeiere.l, lleebee't Huper Pall Style Mole-, skin Hat. Brosd and !larrow Brint Beaver do. A Urge stuck of Meiiaan and other lata style Hata. wool Hare, very low price. A great variety of Cloth and other kind af Caps for Men nnd Boys. DLLoY at Ml BltAY. September, 18-2. 40 ;KC:HIt, 4ke TtROWM.ClariSedCrnsheil and Loaf Sugar; Java, 1 f Laguira, Manctibo anil hio Coffee, Super Im perial and Gunpowder Tea; Sperm, Adamantine and Huira A ton's Tallow Candle; Hardware. Crockery, Black graitb'a Toole. Cotton Bagging. Gunny aad Dundee and Rope, 8weu aad English, Iron, Caat Htoel, Blister and oerroaa do. Ulaauug Powder, Horse Shoes and Hunt Shoe Nalle, Ac., are always kept ty 8ELBT A MURRAY. September, tft"2. 40 B(Mfd ANU HIIOIvM. C tORK Poled Boota with Doulils Uppers at the low VvPnc t,50. UouWa Sole Nailed Bottom Boots for vtaggoaera and Kail Road Hands. A large Block of trouble and Single Bole ' Brogans will be sold cheap Ladiea shoes and Booteea, Msjniuacta, red by Robinson A Co.' Call aad e lamina our Block before bnying elae- wbere. efiLBi ft MURRAY. Beptamber, IH'i. 40 j. j. ciccr NORT II U Alt OLI NA tiiiivAP iiiaSii 3t'uix. Ut THE Members of the Legislature snd others T visiting th City, are invited to call and ex- 1 amine a very fin aaiortmeul of I LOTUS, CASIMERErt, aad VdTIt)S, which will be made toontt-r. Alan, all klnita or ItKAUY MADF.CL0TH INll. and FLMMKHINU l.HIIDMfor eenllaman. listing in pjrt of tno llraas and uodar Hlnrta. of near ly all qualities ami atrial, Drawers, Half lima, Pocket HendkTe, f reveta, Tial and Blocks, tn great varletf, Uteres and ttaependera, adatl kinda, lrrosaing taowaa, which ar. ao necessary to oae's cowlort. Also, a very superior lot of llrctl lata. t all at No. 10. FaretLrllle gt. N. B. Whea the Measure la taken a good it ia war., rented ia ceery instance. - -J.J. JMGUH'. Ralcigb, SepL 21, l4I. 414., THE ADVERTISEMENT. FIVE HUWORKUATBirM WAHTEIJ. ltMM a Year. rAXTEl. IS KVKRY COUNTY OP THE USI V TKt STATES, aalire and enterprialng atan, to engage ia the sale of some ef Ihe bait Books pabllah-ad-ia- tha cwnatry. To-maaof-aood addeesa, paaaaaalng a aiaall capital of from $23 to ill!, sueh iaiiucmeata will be offered aa lo enable them to make from loj flu a Say pro t. ftTht Buoka pnbliahed by na are all aseful la th.fr character, aatramrlar popular amt command large aalee woerever tney are onero. Eor further parliauisn, address, (postage paid,) DANIELS A UEYZ, Bacacason I W. A. Laary A Co No. ISS Nenh haoond Buaet, Philadalphiaa aa im. MEW BOOKS! Merhantca for llie Millwright, Faglneor sad Machinist, Civil Engineer, aad Architect! casTAiaiss TWA" PBINCWLES OF MECHANICS AHPLIEtf TO MACniSM nr Of American models, Steam-Engioaa, Watar-Worka Navigation, Bridge-building. As., A., By rmiici if imi, aattrW mTm MmnaHnrt Inm" mmd mtkr ttUm IUuctrtiUd by 150 Eogrr,r.gt. Im oot larg ISmovoL WILLIAM'S TRAVELER'S & TOURIST'S GCID3 ThroDgll the U. Statri, tttaada, 41 Thia book will fee tovtmi replete with infbrmaUoa. mot al lo tb traveller, but likewiao to tae aaa a of boai fteaa. 1 ittareparatioa, a evtirrlv ae plaa haa bees evdoBteri, wliicb, wo, ara eoaTincei, aeedi only a Iriavl to be fail y prreciateJ. Aiaoctg iu Joj valaable feats re, ara tablet akow. in I at glavae the dimtmff farm, mud fcate oeeuaietj a irmf ellioK Irua the priacipal cllie to tba moat iaipor lanl plaooa ta tbe Vuion ; ao tbat tba cjooatioa freqeat. if aak4p wiibout obtaining m aa,tiifaetAr reply, ia here aoawered in fall. Otber taUea ahow tb dlattaoae froai New York le to doateitio aad tonigm porta by tea; aad alao, bj way of aompaiieoa, from w York aad LirrnMHtl to tb principal port beyond and aroaad Cap Horn, Ac, aa well aa via tb Iatbnn of Panama. AcwompanUd by a large and accurate Map of tb Uni ted Hutea, inerlndiiif aMpaimlMapof Califotala Oto jron. New Mexico and L'uh. Alao, a Map of the lataad f Cuba aad Flan of tbet ty and Harbor 1 Uaraaa; and a Map of Niagara Hirer aad Fall. JBE lESIIllTITK 6CIBE: Containing direations for eendaetiag baalncm Ia the Boaae of Representatives; tbe Senate of the L'aited Blatea 1 the Joint Kales af koth Hoaaes l a tijraopaia ef d.ereaa'a Maaaal, aad epiona Iadloea: as. . stheV'With aooaeiae syalamefHaleaofOrder, baaed oa the ngalatioas of the V. 8. Coa greaa. Dealgned to eeoaomiae time, eeewre aaiformlty aad despatch ia conducting business ia all aacalar meetinga, aad . alao In all religious, political, aad Lagiilativa Aaseubliea. . BV JOSEPH BARTLKTT BCRLKIGU, LL. D ta aae volams, lama, Thia la asaaldered by aardadgea aad CoagraaaaMa at daaiaiedly the bMt worker thokiadeaaaat Breryyoaag aua la tas ssaairy animie aav. a aony at tan eeoe. far aaU by U. T. TTJBXER. H.C. Beokatera. Balalgh Sept. IUX, ' - PLAGSI BAIXEKtl PLAGtl , Atteatloa Polltllclaaa I A PCLL aapply of FLAGS and BANNERS of Slavery description, mads or oILK, ULNT1NU, tliVTON. Ac. o with or without mottoes, sad Staffs, satiable for all Parlies for ths (Yproaching Campaign. MASS MF.F.TlNTiS, CLl'BH, SOCIETIES, and DEALERS caa a supplied witk an; quantity, at tswprieoa. Ala. BCN'TINO, and BILK for aale by lha plso ar yam, at WU. 0. WINTZER'S. . frinf a, Card and resale Sltrt, 5. U North td St., rhilad.lphi. ' ...... So tf. IITIirillTll IITIl, BEOAS WAT, NEW YORK. The Metrepolltaa win be aotnpletad, aaal for ths ravpti.a of Compaay, hapten b First. Price ef Board Iwo iwllara per day., q . .., SIM E05 LELANDACO J " : PAPll W ABB BODIB, CtllMIIlI IIICI11TI, . JTeVl.t Vli .., Itir YOBaV. Ar wta Ageata U tk Uaitad ataaaa roa , ataspat'. Bepertw Bteaehisg Powder. Victoria Mill. CahrbrstW Wriliag Papata. BaaseU baparM. - Meaaeee - Priatiag RawHaa A Saae Eaaliah Tiaane " Cirwaa A C's English aad Scotch Wrhiagd. Th. ar. alee Areata for tbe wrinetnal Paeer afana- metarrra ia Ikia coaaly, aad .far tor Bala by fa. the awl aaleasive aad desirahl. Mark af Paraa aad Paper aUaefau-iarer'a Materialt lhal caa be toaad ia thia ar aay ether eoaatry J Thar oeennv the larve awd oenaodbesiWareaaewe. No. II Cllf Rueet, No. t t'lif BtMt. No. 4 hWkmaa Street, aad the Lofta aver lbs huge Iraa Btorea, t aad a t-ua aawet.- Their bnslaaaa is atrictly wholesale, aad Writlac Pa- peea areaosa ay tea i.aaeoniy. Their estranrdiaary Caeilitiea enable them lo offer all Oaasi, both Foreign and llomeatie, at the l.wcat poeaaaic aneea. Papa. esad. la order , aay sits or wcirbt. Liberal a ranee, maoe ua eonaignmenta of raper, rapcr Jta kar' a stack aad other merehandiie. Tbe highest market price paid la cask for all kiads ly. SEW BOOKS! IREDELL ON EXECUTORS) BBia 1 Trntisc oi the Law f Eitrnlon nd Intiiaislraton: IN NORTH CAROLINA, Dy Jaiati Ireelell. rTVHK object of this work hue Mrs to exhibit tbe law. X. aa It now aUnda ia North Carolina, ia relation to tb. matlen it SUlt b il treats. Il embraces, therefore, the Kagliah doctriaca, aa far asjthey are recogaiaed ia oorewa state, as wall as ia acta of Aeaembly and tbe ileclaion of our own Courts, on tjbe subject of WiU, Ex ecuTa m4 Arfmimitmt"r It ia thought it may prore naeful, antoaly to mrmbera of the legal profesaioa, but alao to others, who are so frequently called upon to un dertake the indiaprosable, important and reapoaaible truets of Eiecutora and Adminiatratun. For Sale by W. L. POMKKOT. Raleigh, lath April, I 5t 1 7 tf. fli BEWIKU. RAN at from lha Sahecribar, in May leal, at the fool f the CambarlsadMountsioa, near HparU, Ten Bt, my Negro man 11' LI Lit. Uc ia i:i, or 40ycara eld, 4 feetior inches high, of a copper completion, aad he has lost eomo of his frtat teeth. 1 tliiuk ka ia aiming lo m-tke kia way back to Nortb.Car liaa. Chatham County, wher. h. has a wife. I will pay the above reward to any peraon who will take him up and eonkite kirn in any Jail, ao tkat I get him agnin. Any pereoa who oaf take hiia up caa giro me inform ation by writing to aa at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, or to Allaa A Baaa, Uaatoa, N. C. WILLIAM tr. CLEMKNTS. July (?, I5t 31 2m. FOR 8AI.B OR HI'.XT, On of the rao-t delightful and drairable rti Jeace in or near thia City. It ia situate) about half a mil east from tbe Stat House, in a fine netjfliborhotxl, and ia well im pro veil, with a large and ban-lnoini JwelliiigTnjTjierA e. Apply to tb Editor ot the ttar. RaleigaJuly 14,1852. Carrlatje Multlnr Cnf-ft tSabecriber would npctfnlly Inform i&-jZth Public, that ha alt II eontiuuea to earty oa tb abor honinesj in all ita brunehvs, and ta eonataot ly awnafaetariDg and ha on hud and for fale.all d- awripuoaa o Cirrinmtm, Bmgyit. Rorkmenv. Iadeed Tery variety of work to hia liae of baaiaeaa. wbieh h offer for aal low. and warranted t b of th t worknantkip aad maieriala. Thankful for paat neoarajreinent( h aolieit a n- tinuaacoof the same. liia eiUbliftuneat ia about UK) yard vaatof the Baptifl Ci-ar-h. WILUS 0. WILLIAMS. Kalclfb. Sept. tS, 1851. tf. I NORTH CAROLINA Mataat Lift Inarnce Company FFICE IALEIGD, I. C rriBIS Company continoe to Insure the Uvea of I all healthy White persona and Biavea. the greateat rlak taken on a tingle life ia 1 5000 Slavaa are insured for a term af one ta Ive years tor go meir raise. orrscsas. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wa. D. Haywood, Vic President, James F. Jordan, fleoretary, W H. Jonea, Treasurer, Perrin Bnsbee, Attorney, Dr. Wn. II. McKee, Examining Phyaloian. J. Heraman, General Agent. All loaees arc paid witliin 90 days after satisfac tory proof ti preacntsd. Blanks aad Pamphlate, showing the plan nf ope ratian af the Company, may ba had oa application at the OSes, or any of the Agenciea. All letters oa baaineas should ba addr aed to JAMES P. JORDAN, Ihctg April 28, 1851. 19 tf. BRITTO.fdk TODD, HCEtS k CSI1ISS1M 1EKCI1RTS OppotiU FrinuTt Hold, Sycamm Strut, PETERSBURG, TA. NEW AND CLASSICAL MEMENTO OF IIEXRY CLAY, li Irlfinl Iiiiii Iciil, Xodded from life, and matted fry C. C. Wright, Eq., grarer o f the Xew Turk Gold Medal to Clay, and of the Virginia and ContjrtitioHal Globe Utedahto Scott, Taylor, ttt. Tba praeent aew medal af Hixar Cur. aa a work of art, ia at Mast squat ta any work of the kind that aanld have bean produced in aay country and probably la my age. Tb llkeneee of Mr. Clav, oa the obverse aide, la from a recent model from life, and executed by aa artiat of nnequaled emiaeaoe whoae qualifications for this partieulartask hare baaa matured by rapeatedly p. forming il ia other medals of the earn illustrioas person, de signed for personal presentation; and the likeness is accordingly pronounced by all competent judges, to be the moat accurate in every lineament, and the characteristically eipreaslvs of any that haa en made of Nr. Ctar, in any form. On the reverse aide Is aa appropriate design, la bold relief, illus trative of the patriotic beats of his political ahar aeter. The medal la of unusually large site, be ing three inches la diameter, ia the aneat bronze, aad inclosed la a aaadaoas morooecase; forming, at aae. a chaste and elegant ornament for the drawing-room, mantel, ar eenter.table, aad a dura ble and impressive memorial cf th honored dead, that auy a transmitted, aa a parental treaaura, from eae generations te another. . L'poa tbe diea af thi medal, the diatingniahad artiat expended several months ef anramitted la bor, antil ka wrought them up to their p recent ai quiaite degree of finish. No similar work of art haa ever been submitted to th general patronage and patriotism of the American people, aad none eeema better calculated te gratify aaa reward It A oopy of the above may be seen at the H. C. BOOKSTOftK. Raleigh Sept 2ltb, 1862. Q e CINTS. ROD RR'8 RAZORS selling IWtS eta. ZtJm piece. Them Raaora are imported by ma, di rect fraaa Ihe auaafaeaarer'a, which eaablea me to asil a tae article fcwticeate- Haadrads af parauaa have supplied tbemeelreawiia them, and all pronoanee tb.m m b the beat aad ehaapaat ftaaor they aaa bay. They only aeed a trial at pree. therr rood qaaltuea, aad only sat yea a faarter todonv Cad aad see diem at . B P. NAMH'8, earner Syeamere aad Bank etreete, ...-'.. , Peteeab.re.Va. P. R. We are receiving large cappiiea af PIANO mm t-i, waica we will warraat aa good at laaat aa any tn ba foand in nny country, aad aa low aa in New Voek. Philadelphia as aWlnm.rs. . Wa havr aold aaar aaa Taoaaaad Ptaaea, '. withewl ever selling a bedea. , ; M,KXKll. MAVLTACTtTUNO ZSTABLISHMKXT. OSEPH WOLTERIXO (for a aomlefrof vrjars lrrrman in tlw tUleirti' Uaatim Hail Road Blacksmith Shop.) napecttully aaaoaacaa ta the citirens of Baieiga apd ths aurroonding Couatias, that be is prepared to manufacture . Lockt ef tit dftmptiQM I, mas ana r'wfla. t arrwcf .Vriaya ifiii H'orA Araa Car.ys. Aad. ia abort, aay thing ia V eel. ine end S.sckamUh War. Ha ts sla prepared to aaecat BELL HANGINU a the aborteat ntire. A lea. ha , a hand (a eiUa- anw aaaartatrat of Locke of all kiada, at priess frwm 10 eenta t 10 dollar ; Kdg ooU, aa aseort- ef Ait. Drawing-kajvaa, atchets; Ham mers, Files af various dcacriptioDa . ad a anas bar of articles ia kia line toa tedious ta meatiaa. All orders faithfully exscated at th lowcat prices, and new work catraaied to his ears will be warrant ed. Orders from a distance will be attmdrd to aad aaeevted at the ahortent notice. His Establiacmsnt will ba found at the Raleigh Kail Koad Depot. Bepalriag ta hia liae performed with neatness and despatch. Also, a general assortment af Cans aad Pistols conttantly on hanil. J08EPH WOUCBINa. Ralcieb. March. 1M9. 14 tf. 7. S. Hit EMihtukmml tas sens rvnewed fa ay- tttmllt Xlrttl, XaetyA, A. C. Raleigh, Sept. let. 1860. AN APPEAL TO PKOP1.K OP f.OOD (tliNSIi. ritllE Uraefeaberg Company'a Standard Nedirraeo, X are the moat reliable medlcince that hare.v.r beaa before tba public. It iaanpertlnouatoentertntoatedioaa detail of their rirtuea, aa tba Medicines are all warrant ed lo cure what they ara prepared. .fyr, aad hare beea thoroughly teatcd. Uracfiubcrg Vcg. Pillr, conaiderrd the Sundard Pill of tbe day for Pcvcra in general, Liver Complaiat, Dys pepaia, common aad aick baad-acbe, Price Ha cent.. ttraefeuberg Pcrer and Ague Pil)a,a speedy and poe. itire enre for Ibia diatreesing eomplalab elcgabtly pat- up in tency uoxca, I'ncc wi per oos. Uraefoabrrg Uealtb Bitten, akilfully and elegantly prepared from a number of purifring, inTigoratiogaad .healing Hoota, Barka, ilerba and Viuea, Price tta ecata per Package. Dysentery, symlp, a certaia and Immediate euro for DyavnU.Tr, Diarrba. Cbolcrn morlua, Aaiatio Cholera, Prlre it) emu per Bottle. , The tirarfeoberg Hartaparilla, a Powerful Extract, oae Bottle equal lo Tea of ordinary Sarraparitla, Price I per lloltla. The Ureen Mountain Ointment, invalaable la the fol i.wing diaeaara, ril. fllandular Hwelltnga, Ague in tba Paoe, riwallad Breasts, Pelim, hiagworm, dvald liaad, Burna, Bruiea, Ac, Price 2 centa pir Box. Tba tlraafeuberg Eye Lotion, for lliaeaaea of the Eyes. Thia Lotion haa no equal, Price 26 cents per Bottle. Tba t'hildren a Peaarea for Summer Complaint nnd moat diseases to which children are eubject. No mother should lie without it. Price n centa per bottle. Libbr'a Tile Ointment, warranted a certaia cure, l'ri.e t per BoUle. Conaump'trea' Balm, Sovereiga in all Bronchial and Polmon.iry Ji?.'c. Full lliractiona accompany each BoMte. P-ice 9:1 per Bottle. alitrahnH'a t'tcriiic t allioliecn, sn infallible reme dy for all diseases of tba Woiiib, and Urinary Orirana, r,ii: I'eiiUpiiui I'teri, Floor Albua, uppreuad Manaca, Ac. Waerunti-1. Price ;t per Bottle. The (Iraefenberg Manual nf lieallb, a moat valuable Book, which ahould t in the handa of erery peraun who hna any ragaed tor llitltK. Prias 2 cant., Pcraoua iq purtlisfting tho above Mdieinrs, abould alwnya examine for the Seal, of the company, aa apurl oua iinltationa bare ba?n gotten upby unprincipled per aona, who do oot put the Heal to evade tba Law of coun terfeiting. All application for tbe above Medicines in Norlb I'srollns, ahcnld be sddreaaed to DR. Wat. II. KKWHV, Italeisb, M. C, Poat Paid, as he ia proprie tor ana general agent fur tuseiawol aorlh Carolina. . it If. FALL STOCK, 1851. THR attention of myfrieadrvad Dealers, generally, is invited to my assortment of , 'oreiy. .ad A.meafic JediWca, ieiMfe, fjie, ftrjumtry, Ug ave, which, aa regards quality and . variety, is uniiurpaueJ- by any HB"aain.J-ottltiaroiHia. My Htork having bran selected with great rare and parchasad on the tuoat favorable tenna from Impor tara aad Manat'aeturera, enable, ma to reader ant- I take thia occasion to again tender my tbanlis for the very liocral support bituorto extended tome.and by continued aaaiduity, and unremitted atlentioa to the wnate of mv friends, I hope to oontinn to merit tbe favorable opinion aa generally entertained for my Katablianment. I eontlnne to keep a aapply of the Pureat Wines, and London Bock Hraady, bought expressly for Medi einal purposes, and a large aaaortmeat ef the choicest branda of Cigars Smoking aad Chawiag Tobacco. , P. P. PE8CUW.1 Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Raleigh, Oct 20th, IsM. 44 T1IK IS IBHST! THE attention of the public la moat reapMtfully called to bear on a subject of great intereat to ere ry peraon in domeatic life. When a family of ordin ary alae can, by spending tome Five Doliara, save annually from $24 to $i it ia etmnge tbat tbey .ill etaad aloof from a matter so ctoMly coaaectod with their owa interest. To tboae who wlah to aae economy, aad keep ap with tbe times ; aaea labor, money, aad tbe hire of extra servants, a fia. opportanlty of doing ao ia offered by th. aader aigaed for k'ire Doliara. 8. Crane's Pateat Waah Mix tare ia warranted to do all that aaa be done in waahlag clothes without boiling, or nny rubbing mora than sum dent to rinse ; nnd la much leas injurious to ths fabrie ; tbaa whea washed by tba old ptoeees. . Far farther par ticulars, see email billaand certificates annexed. Thank ful for past patronage, and by prompt attention te all enters a continuance nf lha same is solicited. J. J. RVALS. ! Raleigh, April J, 18J2. 14 tf. , . , , HAKDvVARR AM) CARKlAOEa SIATEKIAJJ.; LEWIS MABRT Siya of Tkt Kef Bolltnbrook Strut, PETERSB VkO, VA.' Haa for sale, aad intends te keep, a full supply af Ika fulluwmg artiolee t FOR CARRIAGE MAKERS. Rlintie springs, 14 la. 1 plate to 21 ia. plate. Sulkey Axle., 14 aad 14 ia., Buggy Axles 14 and li inches. Carryall, Barouche and Carriage A area, Carryall, Bnggcy aifd Barouche Bows, ' Hubs, rallies, riposvs aaa eaans, Baro-che and Carriage tttepa, Pifth Whtel Plates and Rings, Coach Lares, Tasaels, Tufts, Fringes aad Binding, Irrak an lllue limbs uamasaa, all colors, Braaa and Hilver Hub aad Bead Baada Braaa. Plated aad Japanned Knobs. Braaa, Plated aad Japaaned Nails; Dash Irons, . Leiopa ef Hilver and Braaa Plate, all sitee. Top Hides and Hides Enamelled iMther all salon, Pnteut Leather tnirk, Medium and tnm. Dash Hooks and Rinra i Japanned Buckles. Malkmbla Caatingsaad Waabcr Plates, all kinda, Tacka, Sorewsi Glass, Paper, Glue, Black Moos ; Together wita n general assorm.nl or sUKElua AND lOMBTIC HARDWARK. TOOLS suitable lor Sana ara, Mechanics and Boas Keepers AU of which wtitne sold, w bnieeale oriuuil. va af macb lower prices than keretafbra. . teaauhlp Una aetwaea Nw Yatk, Reefalk Petcraburgb and Rirhmena. . inu aptenoja new nteam shipa, huilt cxpraaaly for thia Jv' r -route, are aow ruaaing i'HaVrw-rciTY OF RICHMOND, ia.wawweT- 7. Mitfhall. e.immaadn and n i agios' aaa atMtjtesmahin CITY-OP NOR FOLK, Jas. Pol, commandrr; one ef wMrh leaves Sew York, every Tburaday from Pier (, East River, at 4 P.M. Returning lanra Richmond aed City Poial on Friday, aad Norfolk aa Batarday of every weekv Thea veeacb ara thorough sea rteaeaera, vary fast, aad have splendid accommodations for pasacagcrs. uoinaaiaagaana roaaa Between aew l vr ana Nor folk, ; t abtapaaaagaand foaa setweea Aew lark aed City Point ar Hickawad. t V Bteeraae nam. re aad mwad berweea Sew York aad City Point aad barfolk a Rirksaoad, w ittaeraee aaaaaga aaa taut, a tolweea Aew I era aad Norfolk, It Freight fraaa Haw Terk le Riekaaoad 4 eU per met. da . ta Petertbarg and barfolk T eta par foot. . Tan la ya expeditious, the ekeapeat and most pleas ant roam p. see a sera can take goaag to New York. 1 liwar.ua. hi theae teatela ia mack lower tbaa by sail ing vessels. jiiftiAti w ii.i,, Ag"t rtorrota. . ' . : THllilAS BRANCH, Ag't Petersburg. . . - A. B. I. EH, Ag't Richmoad, .-aA4tt:-r)RD.'t; WsB t:; HiT- Acs twk, April r. ista. aCfiaVk la ak Man. iBrnrai. a . wav akvaavaVk. no. 40 LIllltTC S.TatlT, BALTIMORE. TniSIrtllatl.lMWea ia awceWnl .per., tioa foe fea rears, daring which time iThM ' lumbered an it Calalegee aaaaaUy net om kaa! uVed popib) from variowa vrttiaa ef Ihe C. Ctala. w aaaex ta following repeH ea a c mmirtw. u gentlemen invites) ta attend aa UanlaalW fording lha moat aatiafaclory iafermstiea aa tea gard the character ef theoUoat.--; .. , . .... Mfrl a fA rTcma-Asaawi Xzamaaaraaa of Mr amaf Yra. rraar't grades.,. . , , s COMMITTEE. ' , iter. i. 0. Haaasn, D. D., ilea. Wa. W. Ortaa, aal Rev. Tae. ATCtaaox, D. D., Col P. R. Mttaa, 8. Army. Thi aiore lar eng ocrs toftM as aa Pzrmnumf Ca.' ' Buffo, faaffrnd fAe iSrmi-aaaiMl Aawmnvafsaa a las Wattes in Ihe A ce my of Mt.mnd Mr: Ankmr, front tkt fUotnng Meforf, ew or eaev 'an Acrray Sera mrnlrwm 10 a'caecA na (At aiaiaiaj mtU 3 P. M., awrway fAres dcya. j Tas number ef pupils connected with tbe I net It. tin daring th acaaioa la a bent ane hundred frwei the Sonihera Mtatea. from Baltimereand ita vicinity, aad a few from th North. Th location ef the A ' eadrmy ia plea at aid perfect healthy, aad all Ihe domestic arrangemeata are those ef a Well tea. elated family. Tb.digailedaodrerct.bl.beka vior of the young ladiea, aad the arbaaity and failh. fulness of the teachers, srs deserving af the kigheet commendation. Wa found the eoaraa of Inatrwction la this e, ccllent institution most thorough sad template; tbe discipline mild snd parental, tbowgh arm; and th various branches taught by ths aaoataecompliek. -ed ttachcrs, and thai erery facility bad beta af. forded for the acquisition of knowledge, which Ik experience of the present may have otTcred, ar tb knowledge nnd acquirements of the Principals may bav pointed out. The recitations in Grammar aad Arithmetic war perfectly satisfactory. Ths claaaea ia Geography, History and (jeonietry. recited with creat aeewme.. and showed tbat they had maatcred theae branches, and all the pnpila gave cvldcee that what tbey bad learned, they bad mad tbeir awn. But we wars particularly struck with the esamittatiea ef tbe irat or graduating lacs, consisting of absat tea young Indies, In Logic, Mental Philosophy, tad French. We have never seen theae vsane ladiea aurpaaaed, seldom equalled ; and their examination was searching, and continued for some time ia aaeb branch. la French they conversed witb free case and fluency ; and we were Informed that tbeir teacher, an accomplished French lady, never apoke to them in any other language. Their reading ef Corinne waa beautiful and spirited, auch aa weald have gratified ue gtael herseir. Their aaelysie af the 1'aradiat Lost waa, too, moat intercatiug ; aad we can truly aay, that thia class will ho, wherever they may go, testimonial of the persevering ln dttatry and faithful instruction of Mr. Archer and hia associatea. We caa gtr ao higher evideaee af our confidence In this Institution than th fact tbat each ana of uahas, or has bad either a daughter, or near relative with Mr. Archer, and we do, in eaa. eluaion, with great confidence recommend tba Acad emy as oae that will afford to our young ladle a complete aad perfect coarse of Instruction, aad sill prtpar them for whatever atatioa they may aubaeqeutly til in their high mission in life. ' Tho following f cntltn.aa have or have bad daegb leri in the Institutions, and may be referred ta.- Rev. Dr. At.inaoo, Rev. Dr. Hanner, Tbomat 8. Alexander, rq., Sam'l J. Donaldaon. Eaq., Haiti more: lion. W. L. Sharkey, Miasiaaipai; Dr. H. W. Tabb, Va. Gen. George Hust, V.j John W. Sonthail, Eaq., N. C; Dr. Jamea Harper. M. W. Htott, Ksq., Col. Tho. J. Rowte, Marylandi Ho. Tboa. 0. Pratt U. S. Senate. m Kept. 24, I .tug. da ti , SEW UOOOSI AlW UOODII . rpilE f-nbaeribrrs arc aow receiving from the North X crn Cillea tbeir Km asa Wia-rtaftvara or Gaae Their atock ia large and varied, nnd baa beea purcbeeea by oae of th. Firm la prraoa, a each esrma aa will ea. at.1. them to give their customers aad tbe pablie gene rally the moat adranugeout bargains. AU the nek ia, an examination of tbeir alack, feeling sura tb their rjicca will commend tawmavltea--BS--nrir-aad jar both to thobuycread idler. Tbe subscribers tender to their oaatomees their meat hearty thanks for the large and liberal patronage here. tofore bertowed npon i janj t .andlhey-eeae ntj pranii iaeThsrfonhe future, as ia the past, "they will derate all their energies to a. rva aad accomodate their aaataav era and friends. Tbeir atock, In part, la aa follows t Rick aiik Curelli Robe, Fine keary brocade 3 tike, Frcnok gro De A Fakea, Plain while aad watered da, Black gro DeRhine do, Bl'k Fig and wate-ed da. Solid Col'd gro De Nape Do, Filter grey Silks, Tkibet Printed high col'd Le'Laia., Ombe Painted and bigb col'd Minutiae, Bagadere Printed. Batia Caahimerea, Paris Printed Rob D, Lai.,, (Hew Style,) Merlin DeBege, gndaralea Bobe DrLaine, ' Engltab and An.ari.an Printed DeLaiaa, Hew eayl. Buall tg'd aad high col'd DeLaina, for Children. Glace Pupliaa, Victoria Tarlaa aad Lima Hatha, Parts gala Plaids, Bl'k and ftd'd Velvata, . doaka aad Mantillas, New Btylea, French aad Engliah Merinos, Brocade Alpaca, fVmnrg aad Thibet tlotba, Bwiaa aad (bmhrie Trim. Valeaciaa, Edgings, aad Interlines. Cambric Floancings and Maalia Baada, Infants Emb'd French Caps, Badiea aad Sebea, . Flounced Madona Bkirta, French Emb'd fWlara, fheraliettea, aad Slearee, ' " bit. and Black Laced Veil., Revere Hand, Featooned A Kmb Linen tarn ant Jaeonie Merlins, and tbnbries, - Dotted and Plain Bates Nueliwe, H hit. aad Colored Tarltoae, Striped aad Plaid gwiaa Muallaa, Striped aad Ooet Bared Maaliaa, French Lace, Gimp aad Ualooa Trimmings, Ae. at, H-. U, A B.,8. TUCK IE. . tf.. PrlBfa! FrlatlRt Prlatttt. IRENCH, English, aad Amrleaa, aereral new da. . aiaaa, includiug Merrimack, 8pnBra Coebeea.. Haylea, Madackiau aad Otaila Watered, Ruby Ureen aad Orange, fast eetoara for Paerk Work. Oil Ckiata aad Tarkay Redfig'd aad plain, Ac Ae. .ll.SIUI.TlXIISa S.ptamaer 7. lXi. a .! t (.lave ! Gloves I 65S DOZEN per. Grata aad Ladle Parle Kid Gloves, Genu and Ladiea Alexander's eai'd Silk Gloves, black Lace aad Twitted Silk Mitts, LadiasRaw Silk. Cashmere, Praganaa and ' Beard Mitts, fiaata Dearer, Cloth Berlin, Caahmare, Norway Military, Buck and Mcriae (lloraa, Genu aad Ladiea gaaatlett. Boys, Mtasra and Childreaa tilorea, Ae, Ac. ,W. H. A K. 8. TICKER. . tf SEW rALIa'AID Wl.NTLR dtODI rat A. CREECH haa received th ra Ml portion of hia STOCK OF FANC STAPLE DRY GOODS, ta which be invite the lion ef ell who wlah to bay haadeame aad sheaf Gooda. Hia atock eoasiats ia part of the fcilewiag: French Marline deLaiat aad Meriaoes, - ! American dcLaias and TbibitCletba, -Alboai Ptaula, aew style aad Pruaiaa Caab miter . Alpaeae, a large aaaortmrnt, -Kngliab aad American Prints, great variety, Ginghams, Flannels and Irish Llnena, -. 1 ' Jackonerte, Swina, Cbeck'd and Talton Muslins, . French Emb'd. aad Wordaa Shawls, A good aaaortawat of Gloves aad Moeary. : , Werk'd. Collsjra, Edgings aad Jjiaertians, ... , , Lyle aad Thread Edgings, " Liaea cambria Haadh's, DlatamBouet-Rilreaew Ac, J' Bl'k. Preach Ctotba aad C aaai aa eras. Sella Silk aad Caahmare Veetiaga,' a Silk Hand'k. aad Ilaliaa Cravats, Tweeda, Batlaaaattaa and Okie Jeana, - ' " ' Keraeya, Liaeeys aad Blaakata, . ,, v laeb'd. aad Brewa Domeatitt, Uaary Ingraia Carpetlag aad Mediam. Also aa aaaortmeat ef Ready Made CVathlng. ' ttala. Cnpa, Koiineta, Hoota, and Mhaee, ' And many other a rile lei aot named : all of which be it determined to anil al hit Basal tew arieee, aad earn estly request all those ia want of saw Bad cheap Goads to gire him a oall at bta ataad, tare soars iam R. Smith's, where h win ba fouad ready aadwilliag a nerve hia eaatomem. Ha ra tarns kia sincere tbenkata the citUeae of Raleigh aad aarreanding eeantry a merit theeoatinuaaea tbe seme. Raleigh, Bcpl. 17, ISi. : - , TCRNER'S N. C. ALMANAC, ' . ' for ia. PuMiahed This Day. ad sold WTioleaals BetaU By HbNBY It. TI As. n. ai. ana aw Raleigh Oct. It, US. . . ajtvrirc APPLICATI05 will be mads to tbs seat tare of N orta Carctiaa for aa act af AasaaaWy la I e ,d aatkorlalngU. G.HAMPTON, late SherttT Surry had Yadkla ooantles. to eoUeel all arreara a Taaeeda biat la said eoaaiiaa. - . ... H.G. HAMriVH, mw" Bee. tVlh,lt

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