Tl I -CAROLINA. STAR. '-, a-- SOKB mVuSI'Nrfl iitalHtM. " pkjsicml maim,' the ...d if nrSitilsnomnrinf Mtmiolfl." RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 29, 1852. NO. 53. 1 llrtt&TAll. . J W. fT"- ' '"" " ' " " .11, DEC, 3, 183. for mining nd manufacturing purtoew. Pro vides thai any five or wire person desirou ot forming company for muiiujr or sttaDtifseluruig. rosy file their aiUotr uf jrecinent with Clerk of the County Court: and auoa tl; Clerk' twrtio aste of the urn a hlttg Med iu lit office of Secre tary ef Stole, the Governor shall Ism letter pa tent, declaring said company corporation, with Ik powers and privileges incident to bodies eurpo rmtt. ; ... 2" To confirm ih establishment of the county of Y'sdkin. 9. T apportion die represeniwion in the House of Commons anion-; the several eoun tie in ibis State. Gitcs Cumberland, Gran ville, Guilford, Chatham and Wake Uirer mcmhera each; Davidson, Edgecombe, Hali fax, Iredell. New Ilannter.Oran-re. Randolph, Alamance, Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Caswell, Cleveland, Croren, Dunlin, Forsyth, John s'.on, Mecklenburg. Northampton. Till, Kobe son, Roikiiigh-m, Rowan, Rutherlortl, Samp son, Warren, Wayne and liken, two each; Kiiiicorabc. Madison, Surry, Yadkin, Aslie, llladen, 11 tirke, Cabarrus, Catawba, Cherokee. Davie, Gaston, Gules, Henderson, Hertford, i,. ih.t aurnumlierufreraoDS nut 1 than er. Hyde. Lincoln, ainriin, JYIoore, Ian, sjiis- VlJ"1""'' ...!.! r ,:i... ll.. ,.L !,. Dl.kmnntt . ilnlllv. tl,e purposes indicated, shall acknowledge their ar-1 Stokes, Onion, Yancv, Alexander, Uruna CIM f aarre""01 tl.e Clwit of the I OnldwcH. Camdcii, faneret, ColiimbiM. Curriturk, Orcein?, Jno. Lenoir, MrDowell, je Acta and Resolution of tin General '. leoibly of North Carolina,' paeaed atita ' iaton-in I85J, '1 PUBLIC ACTS. '- " let- BOncertiiiiir llie 8dalward and l iilroad Company, provide fur . - - IttlNtumK hr the Htatea of North Ciirfl- -ireiuit iu lew! to the roan ; allowi r'.,.i,.,iv to eunrtrnct branch road and urk tm .v"t--v - .. .. ... net t'rwwi ttu mu rs m ic ng in, o. , j. To iaeutponl Literary lne itutionaanil rt.involcnt nJ Choritalilt! Poeietie. l'riv urt wlio anall iranamu ine brriv io um orcre urT gtate ; on rccrlpt of arhkb, the Covernor abali ia 'ieVSoeitty hrtteni pateut, declaring lit nine aud tlieir aucceaaora a corporation. I. To amend an act for eatabliahing public landing, and place! of inap. ctmn, i:. Pro ntt that th aTtnfl degr e of Sour sliall here aftaf h'e. family, euparnue, fine, and cross tuiij lia ' aad iaiectora in this Statu to coufurm to the aagra in a.ljacent Btatca. 4. Allowing lurtliur time lo Sheriffs to make their returns in Presidential cltictious. Al lown twelve instead of eight day. 6, ('onterittiijr -tUe emhnnkment of low (round. I'roviilct that when embaiikmi nl nrepoied to be made mmt necearily paaa Uiroufrli tie landaof another peraon, a prtitiou akall be feruented to County ( ourt, by whom a jury dull tL .mxiiuinJ to enter npon and condemn the land 4nd tba damage, &c. 6. Authorizing tli" probate of all deeds and l.iil. nl aale remiirin rejiatralion, betare tlie l.,k of iht Ciunt Court at anytime. 7. To provide fr the appniiitnient of a Superintendent of Common Seh'Wiia and for '"heriWrSfc.- Tbe appointed by the Le ri.l.ture, with an afmriiiw''f I.WU: lovimt .i ..Tlaa.iiidirmMlin. Afl. every pruiw ui ,u wim.iw . i r i Makes aoue raruier provisiot in regani w w-Mny Monieoniery, Perqiiiniaiia, Tvrrcll, Waahing- ton, Walauga, Haywood, .Maeon, Jaekeon, Chowan, and. Franklin, one each. 30. To prevent the stealing, taking or con vey ine away elavea. Providra that the ofl'enc shall be DuninhaWa with death whether the alaes were in noeneselc-n of the onen.ier or nor. SI. To fieilitnle the recovery of debti due from non-resident debtora. I'rovidra lor reach eourt U Mom liuspilal, in or Jut l the Stale, at tfle expense Hie eitunty. 7. To amrnd llie cct of 1848-fi). Mi pro vide for tlie eatabliahment of State Hoapital for the Inaane in North Carolina, and in'aci. fup;lemcntat to tlie aaine. Providea for the appointment of a Medicnl Puperiiilendeiit, by tii, who fcU forthwith take charge uf and aiiperiulend the eonstructii a of the buildinit. To hold bis office two jcara, with aaalarrnf 1200. 68 'To divide the State into eight Con gresinnal Diiriel. Oivide aa followa: flat Dintrtct, Curriuirk, Camden, Pasquotank, tjL-ru.uiinniia, Oatea. Chowan, Jlertfi rd, North' ampton. Halifax, Martin, Bertie, Washington and Tyrrell. Sad. Hyde, Beaufi.rt, Titf. Craven, Jwea, I.e. noir, Wayne, Greene,; KtlgfCombiOoelow and Carteret. 3rd. New Hitnover, Brunswick, Colainbus, IlWden, Sampson, t'uintierland, Kobeiwn, lu. nl in aud K'nhmniid. 4tn. n aKe, l miiKiin, i arren, untnvine, vr aliga, Naali and Johnston. 5th, IVraun, t'aawell, Alamance, Chatham, Uandolph, tinilf ird, Moore ami Montgomery. tiih. 8tkna, Korsyth, Rockingham, Diividson. Davio, Yadkin, Surry, Iredell, Alexander and Ashe. 7th. Catawba, Gaalon. Lincoln, Mecklen burg, Rowsin, Cabairua, Union, Anson, Stan ly, and Cleveland. ' 8th. Wilkes, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, Rulhcrfo'il, McDowell, Henderson, Hun combe, Yaney, Haywood, Macon, Cherokee, Jacksiin and Madiaon. Shcrilfs, to compare polls, shall meet at. I., H indanr t 2nd, .cwbern ! 3p1, Touuty scut of Bladen: 4 til. Lonisburg : 5th, t.ra inn perxonal entute of nun resident deMora byajhain; 6th, Yailkimilli' ; 7th, Charlotte i 8th HUn mu. . ... .... . , . . ... r- - c ... the qualiflcatiou of teacUer. Col Calvin II. Wi-1 eoMffff in 'alt'" ley, 01 tiutliora, la eivcieu cuperuucouciH ucuier tlM Act. I 8. To repeal an act of 1850-31, to pro vent the ob traction of the paeeage of Mull at lulrju on llie aeocoat. 0. To sntend the 9rh eertfirit of tire net of 1844, eoneemirig Common Schools. Makes a provision for securing sites for school houses io cases of difficulty. 10. To repeal in part the 23th section of the 5'ind ehap'.nr of llie Revised Siaiutes. Rep als ao sue i of the Statute as requires the -fisl tur to n ee', on the 3rd Monday of N'ovewber, 1 1. To incorporate the Bank of Y'aney Tille. Capital $200,000. 13 To amend an act lor the re-a'ment of land. Amends o lar as respects llie town of VPilinington only. 13. In relation to thi eolliction of pait nership and other debt. In trials for debts ef arm, no admission or acknowledgement by eith er partner, alter dissolution, or by maker uf not fur statute of limitatious shall have beoome a bar. ahall lie received as evidence to rope! statute of limitations, but as ac-aioat tlie partner or nisiior ol ae note doiea; or looking the eiune. The time par ties shall not have beta resident o' this Bute, shej: st U given in evidence, in support ot the plea of latut of Umitatioi a. 14. To amend the 53d sevtion of the 34th rhapter of the Keviaed Statutes. Provides that accessories to felony may be indicted in the ceuntr where incited or commuted. 15. To establish the Farmers Bank of North Carolina. Locales it in Elisabeth City, with a branch in Utveusborough, and a tap Ital oryfiOO.OOO. Ifl To ament! an act to incorporate Union Institute, in Randolph county, a Normal Col-le-re Makes the Governor ex icio Presi dent of the Hoard of Trustees, who aludl make a detailed report to each Legislature. Loans flu, -000 to the Trnetee from the Literary Fund. - 17 To amend an act (and the supplement thereto) entitled an act iq improve Cape Fear 'and Deep" Rivers aboK Fayettevtlle. Pro vides for lb iuxresM of the capital to H 'H.OtiO or dia additional stock, the State srmll take JW-OOCaad individuals $40,000: when f2l),uU0 of which is subscribed by indmilunis, tlie rui'ic Treasrrae shall pay ever 1 40,000; when indifhlnab pay the further sum of tea thnuMnd, the Male shall pay tweaty, and ao on until tit last instal ment hi naid. Persons who liavo advanced money ror macompany, wiaj nusrnB ihs ," ".lalms; end if ' jlMI.UOO should e.-'t coropleU tbe J Work, fceO.OU more may be raised by subscriptions fstouk, arby bonds on the faith of the receipts ot UieecDanv. Whea the C80.IIH0 are paid, Uov. shall appoint threw Directors and individual Stock holders thrr. Money not l be paid ontil ail the work is under contract and contractors have given Wend: and lochs aud dama aa the mouth eft'ape fear irat be f niahed, then at Jones' Fall, Silver Hive. Red Rock. Jt. . i8. Ts .wreae III capital slock of ihe fisnk of Wadrsbnriigli, tour thousand share. 19.. Making llie bonds of llie Stale issued an account of the) Kavrlbivillf and Western IMsnk Road Conpany, trmsfi ... 20. Concerning tbe 'Report of ih Su preme Court. Provides for famishing Judg- witk n copy Mch. - ' ' SI. I'o ascertain the whole amount of taxes Mid by the people of North Carolina. Pro- - viaVljthat Clerks ahall return to the Comptroller a i utemmt of ti the taxes of tb county for svory 42. To txtent the time for rrgistcring grants, men conveyances, powers nf atlor ey, bill of sale and deed of gift. ; Ei'fmls k lim two year. ' . . . : ', " 1 23. Tu do away with collateral warranliev ' 24. To amend tlie 1st eectim of the 04th chapter nf Ui Revised Statute. Provide that whea a ay peraoa aha'l dia Intestate possess i of persons) talate, leaving a widow but so child . nor iaea ef the same, eas half of said estate shall hill in eouitr. but no decree U be made uutil two years aludl have eipirrd I'ropi the time of qualifica tion of administrator, c. 32. To protect the rights of persons owning personal property in common. Where, one of the partners is birred hy the act of limi tations, another partner tiol o barred may maintain suit. ' :J3. To regulate the form of bonds issued hvthe Slate. Aulhmizes mvpon bonds, said .. , .. tu. ,,.,..,1,1,. . u." . . r1- ft, nl the Public Treasury ill Raleigh, if preferred j '' oy llie purrndsi-i. 31. To amend the act incorporaling the Bank of Warhinelon. 35. To eonfirin the esubiishment of the nnraie the Greenville and Raleigh Plank Road C mpany. .. 92 To repeal in part the 8th eclion rn art ol 1830-Al, in establish Superior Court for the county of Wataue. - 83 To establish public road in the eoun ty of Madison. ! . 94 To inciirpnrnte the Wilminglot and TarbornttgU Plank Road Company. 95 Concerning Rutherford county, ' 80 To incorporate Ihe Salisbnry and Trent River Plank Road Company. ... 97 To - incorporate the Neuse River and Snow Hill Plank Road Company. : DS Incorporating the Tarburough and En field Plank. Road Company. 99 Incorporating the French Broad River Turnpike Company. - IOOj To provide for a rvase?rn.nt nf Ihe real estate within the corporate limit of the town of R.wkford. . .v 101. To ineorponite the Roleon and Rich mond Plitiik Road Company. 102. To amend (lis loth acction of the Slat chapter Itcv. as to autboris the Su. perior Court to be held two week In tit county of New Hanover. ' 103. tu amend the act incorporating: the BaW iaboryend Taylorsville l'lank Itnad Company. 104. To amend an act concerning llutherlurd. 105. To amend an act lo aroeud the act con. eerning the McDowell and Yanoy Turnpike Cum. 29 Toatlach portion of Wilkc to the! county of Alexander. i 30 To authorise the county court of Per quimans to soil a ponion of its puhlie square. 81 Appo'ntmi commissioner to wy on s road from Salisbury to Virginia. 32. Incorporaling the L'liane and laUKin l'lank Road Company. CapiUl not to e- ceed fttll.OOf), in share of $50 each, fr eon alructinp a plank road from til Fayelteville and Western Piank Road, to ieave aid load siuiio six or eight mite otilh ol Asheborough, running lo Salisbury over Ihe Y'dkin at tr near Hick' ferry. 33 Tu incorporate the Charlotte, North Car olina, and Cheraw.S. C. Plauk Road Com pany. . ' ' '-.. . -1 i..n-i ..... 31, J o emjnu an act o ioav-ji, 'vg late the pay ofjiiror and witnesses in Craven. 35. To incorporate a company lo eoslruct a Railroad from some point on the Cape Fear River i or near Fayelteville to ouie f oiul in the coal region hereafter lo be determined. Capital 300,000, 3tj. To uthorix lh onion of ihe Green ville aud Kuanake Railroad Company with the Petrrsbtirg Railroad Company. 87. Authoriiing an extra Term of the 8u- nar'mr C!mirt of ake. 1 " . . .i o i:i as l .;iu 18 incorporallilg me oaiiMiury, ,,1 Wilesborouirh Plank Road Company. cu i' nrnviile for Davinr talea iurora for i sanv. the counlie of Wake. site. To amend A, .charter f the Yadkt. N.vt,raUmi 40. To incorpirate ihe I.nmberton nd yjJjncor)I)rmt, th, Colly Kavigatiwi Company (..l,,,.,!,,,. Plunk Road ConinailV. I it, ih. nu.i, f 111. dm. now xitw aw aiw ruraiiwra. I ?Si for'fwi Asheville 59 To repeal the 85th chapter of llie Stat- j uie of I250-S1.. 00. To amend an act of 1848-47 lojnake real estate assets. til To amend an at't of lft-, enlitled aa act to -mead an set Bvsrel HI the session of !K4ft7. roncevn- ing the Dttul of arms at S twliern. fsys the heepw : $li annually. - j 62. To extend the fim of the payment of the bonds of Seaboard and Roanoke Railioad hie nl meelin - e aUetted to said widow, and the residue distribu. ted as asw provided by law: but leaving a will, and widow dissents, she ahall only be sutitled to one au-o ef tu personal estate . - 25, Incnrnoralina? the Rank of Charlotte. The capital not to exceed )300,000, in shares of 150 each, and hook of subscription to be "Ptned on llie full Januaiv. 1853. at Char. "Hey Slalesville, Linct Inti.n, and inch other place the commissioners al "Charlotte may deignawv,.:. r - - -- 80. Toweorporate Charleston, Blue Ridge 0d Chattanori R:iilrnwd (!iintlnv. Pro. for capiul ot .(KKj,OU0 dollar in share of --dinars sacn, by iniHviduals, for buililing a road some point at or near LittI Tennesac River, Uses iCoantv. la the T.nn..u liu lm (he rati.. 7 wf Cherokee, in the direction f fhaluno.,fs; y be organised when wOOtOOO dollars shall be . .-.torti. . . . . V. To encourrj ih invtmenl of capital 345. Fixing llielfrrlUI of the General Assembly, November.) 37. Supplement to the act cJiaWislmie tlie count)' ofjackson. Fororganizin saideoupty. "Sft'.' To amend llie act 'incorjioratiiiji tlie Raleigh and Gastnn Railruad Loui.any. 39. I n lav off the Slate into ally rena- atorial Districts. Provides that the diuricts hall be laid eff as follows: 1st District, Pasquo tank ami I'crquiniar.a; 2nd t'amilen and CuiTituck: 3rd, Dates and t'howan: 4ih. Tyrrell and Hyde; 5th Northampton: tills, lkrtfurd; 7th. llertle; 8th. .Uortiu aud ashmgum; U'li llalitsi; io buicecomu; 11 I'itt; 12 Beaufort; 13 I'rsvcn, Carteret and J.tues: lotiren aud Lenoir; lti New llunover; li Dunlin: It Onslow; l'.i Itladcs. Brunswick and Co' lumbue; Un CumUrlaud; 21 fiauipnon; 22 Wayne: iii Jubuston; 'U Wake, 2 Nash; - trauklin; 'Ji Warren; Oranvillej 29 I'erson: 20 Orange; 81 Alamsne ami Kandolph; 82 t hatliam; dd Moore mid Montgotuery; 84 llichmond mid llobeaoii; 3fi iisun and li ion; 3(1 tiui!firu; 87 Caswell; ,"8 Kochinsbam; 30 Mecklenburg; 40 Ftuniy mid Ca harms; 41 R-wit and iMvtev 42 lVHlKnr8 Stckesand Forsyth: 44 Ash, Suny and Yadkin; If, VViiken, IrediUand Aleiunuer,- 4ti Uuike, Mc Dnwell CaMwcl) aud n'asn;a; 47 Lincoln, Usaton and OaUwba; 48 ltullierrrd and Cleveland; iV Huurombo, llelJdeon, Yaucy and .Msdisou; 60 Hayw.wd, Mneun, Cherokee and Jickeon. 40. To amend iho sevrral acis of the Geu sral Assembly in relation to the Deaf am! Dumb and ll, Blind. Cxtenils the provisions of tbe Act of lblH-49 to the blind, and tlia time f..r which the tas of 75 is to be levied to 7 years itistead of 4: and makes the surma! appropriation for the institution eight tlioniiand dollars. 41 I n incorporate the Atlantic and INorth Carolina Railroad Company and the North (Jaroliitu iiud-AVestern R-iilroaJ Company. i'lvvides for a sUrvoy of th route from Golds boruiigb to Ilenufurt, and the route-from some point at or ncur Salisbury to tlm Teuness line, to be pairl bv the State. (4,'l00 f.w the Easlern and $i-' ,000 fur tbo '.V astern end; nd gives a cnarier to a company in lire -r.asi, vim eapi tai uf J,)fl,U'K.I, and to a enrupanr iu tba West, wiih it cat ita! of $;I.OOr).tHa) to cou-ti-uot aaid roads, initivi tnt!s to subscribe one third, with a nzht reserved to tlie .Slate, (without any pledre except such aa la implied ih tbe sppruprintii.n fur thi su.-reys and llie reservation,) to take the remaining two thirds. 42 Tin provide for the election of Presi dent antT Vice-Presidents of the Uuited States, and to lav off the Stale inb electoral tlistric's, ic. Provides thai the Congressional District shall be the electoral districts, and two elector At larire. 43 To amend an act incoiporating llie North Carolina Railroad Company. Pro- rilne tbe manner of navinff the StAte'esubscrin. don. and that the afctir of th oompitnv shall b manaeed br a board nf 12 directors, 8 of whom shall be appointed by the Uovernor and Council. 44 To amend the 9lh section of S9th ch. of Rev. Sut. enlidrd an act concerning di vorre and alimony, - - - 45 To increase the revenue of the Stale in Ihe sale of ill bond. Provides for issuing coupon bonds. 4ft To rufund lo ihe Treasury certain monev aud for other purposes' 47. To authorise the jounty Court to pay ihe Wardens of lite I oor, 48 To define the dtitici and power of nlunk rosd eomiiames. ... ... - ,. i .:. 4if To encourage agTieuiuire, .uurumm manufactures and thu mechanic art. Provides for th locomomtion of ennnly agrtcul mrel aticieties. and anrtronriates fifty dollars to each county, annually, wbeo alike sum shall be raised by tlie eounty society, to b distributed i premiums lor crops, iinproverneuis in iauuo, lnruleuisuts, o.c. 50 To extend the lime of perfecting tide lo land heretofore enlcred -.: 51 To declare what person may inter marry. .- i ' 52 To tmend an act concerning the drain- insT of low lanils, 53. To smciid n ct lo jncorjorale the U iliuinirt..n and Manchester Ritlinad Com' risri). . Provides for the appuintuient of Sute director, and an agent of the tat in genera; meetirir.a ,, "84 Ameniliiig Ih fiSth chapter Revised Statutes lor III better security oi person liherlr. 55 . Prescribing how persons slialt be prow edited for keeping insufficient It-nces. 66 To amend the aelof 1848-49, to con fer on county court certain powera over im prisoned lunatics. Provide llial insolvent lunatics confined u ail, may b senl by Ui amend an act of 1818 9, concerning the militia and I'uiiti manials 64 To appoint an agent of internal improve-mcnl-on behalf of the Slate. Alio we hiin ten eenta mileage and three dollars a day while a a i -I T passcj l 'C21 th Cup tt Cape Fcai River, above the muu Creek ant; lor other purpose. ,6(L 'Lo auK'ntl ihe charier ul Ncitae. Rivexl ? - if' 1 rsavrgiiion company. 67 J u direct the dividends oa the rtock ef the State iu the Vl'iltsington and Manchester llailroad Company to be paid into the Treaiury as part of tbe Literary nd. . i OS To amend ao act U amend ths act incorporating the WilmiKt"i and Kulcieh Uailroad I ompany. Pro vide, that the Hoard of luterusl lisjiroveinsut shall appoint three directors, and no more, in taid company. 69 To continue the commission t revise and digest lh public Statute laws. ;tl In relation to wills and testaments, Attested colics of wills tilud in the oflice uf Secrcury ol tilate, hail he taheu as evidence. .... 71 Tu amend tbe Kcvised Statutes for the better se curity of personal liberty. Tl To onug mio asaraet ioo ismis piaugeu ror me Western Turnpike. 73 ixptsnntory ot an act concerning lusulreut debt. ors. 41. Tocharieelhenameof the eouniy seal of Yadkin, from Wilson lo Yadkiosville. 42. To prevent the felling and putting of limber in Hogan's creek, in Ihe county of torkingham. ' 43 To incorporate the Norlh Carolina Steam Carriage and Plank Road Company Incorporates a company with power to eonstruot and ruu steams earriagea o plank roads, and on oommon roads; and with power t beild a plsnk road from Fayettetille to the cool mines. Capital ' 500, with ths privilege of increasing it to f 20U,- IHUI 44 To prevent the olietroftion of ihe Bass age of fish in .Ihe. water of Blunm'e Creek and its tributary stream. 45 To lay oil public road from Enoch Vannoy' Mills, in W like county, io tne t ir- gini line. 40 Providing lor the improvement of Ihe publio road from Reddle river to th Tenucs-s.-eline. .. " ' " . . , County Court of Kanuoipn ction over mo aie oi joint tenants PARTICULAR ACTS OF A PUBLIC NATURE. 1. An scl lo amend the 4th section of an act of 18CJ-3, compensiting jurors of original pancll in llie county ot lleuulorL Justices liiar'lay additional tax to raise the amount neces sary to pay the eompousatii.ii now allowed by law. 2. lo Bptioiul commissioners tu sell a por tion of the streets in the town of Shelby, and for other purpose. 3. Altering the name ol llie county seat Of Stokes. I banges it to lanoury. 4. To authorise any fifteen justices of ihe peace of Craven county to appoint Superin tendents of Comrrioii School lor aaid county. 5. Concerning llie distribution of the sellout lunu in tne eouniy oi uasion. lite rary Hoard to pay fund to Chairman of that eounty. c. Authorising in county Court ol Du plin to sell part of the public htv'.a of said eounty. 7. To amend the Rev. Stat. e. 69, for es tablishing public landing and places of in spetiion, Ac (so far as concerns Wilmington.) 6. Authorising tne wardens oi uie poor ol Lincoln lo sell ill land iu said county on which the poor house is situated. 9. To pay juror in Columbus and Onslow the same as person of the original panel. 10. To provide lor paying talcs jurors in Halifax, Nash, Granville and Sampson. II. lo repeal an act for the better or ganization of tho County Court of Pasquo tank, passed ISjO-01. 12. Concerning the superior Courts of Randolph, Alamance and Currituck Muk it anlawful for Clerk to give certinoal to Judge holding Court in either county until 12 o'aloctSat urjsj of each court week, provided the business is not finished arlir. ..... . 13. To perfect lilies ta land entered in the eounty of Macon previous 10.15th March, 1852. , 14. To establish ih di viding line between die counties ol lieaulort and Craven. 15. Giving exclusive jurisdiction 10 the Su' perior Court for the county of Stanly. 16. Incorporating ihe Lumberton and Cape Fear Plank Koarl Company, . . 17. Incorporating the Fayelteville and Ral eitrh Plank Raod Company. 18. Incorporating Ihe Chapel itiiiantl Llur- hailisville Hank Koad Company. ' - Itf. Incorporating ihe Haywood and Chapel Hill Putuk Koad Company. 20. Incorporating lite Gulf aud Graham l'lank Road Company. . 21. incorporating th Haywood and Pitts- borotirh Plnk Koad Company. , 22, Incorporating the Concord and Anson Plank Road Company. - 113, To amend the act of 1850-51, to incor porate th Western Plank Road Company Authorise toll ft ' 24. To amend ihe ct of 1650-51, lo incor- porate the Fayelteville and Centre Plaiik Road Chmpanvt , Authorise the stockholders to shams th terminus of the roe at Centre, snd i saak ths same t each other plao 1 Stanly as they may deem necessary. 25. To establish a road in Catawba comity 26 To rt gulai the pay of witnesses in Uie county H ttiunswick. 27 Concerning elections in Beaufort coun ty. . -, ... V ,28 lo pay uie nroru in itockingnom i ton. and Guilford counlie, . 91 and li mini III I m Jtrville 49 mennmg ' cTrsa. and Greetiviile Plank Roa 49 lnrornoraling the Kinslon and Sno Hill Plank Kosd Company. 60 Incorporating the Tarborrtugh nd Rocky Mount PUnk Road Company. ' t , Iucoporating the Winston nd Wilkes bornugh PUnk Road Company. 52. Incorporation; tlie Spurtausburg and Rutherford Plank Road Company. 63. For clearing out Cyprus Creek, in Du plin. 51. Incorporating the Robeoii infTnicli mond Plank Road Company. 55. rosmendthe 4lh section of the act 1850-51, amending Ihe ct incorporaling the Caldwell and Ashe Turnpike Company.. SuV-lucorpuraling the Kingsbury and lAx ka ville Plank Road Company. 67, To Lay off and establish a public road from Lincolnton to Greenville, 8. C. 58 Incorporating the Swift Creek Plank Road Company. 59 concerning Uie county court ol tuge- eomb. ' CO Regulating ihe pay of witnesses in Uie county ol Brunswick. 61 Incorporating the upper Kiver naviga tion Company, in Cumberland. ; 62 Incorporaling the Kiiinerionllon and Cleveland Plank Road Company. 63. Incorporating the New River Canal Ctunrtunv. Onslow. 61 To provide lor noiuing an extra term ot the Superior eotirl ol WaRe. C5 Incorporating Uie ureensoorotign and Deep River Plank Road Compsny. - lifl To appoint commissoners to locale Ihe town of Marshall. - , 07 Tu provide for holding the eounty and superior courts in Uie 7ib Judicial circuit. 68 Incorporating ine itoanoice ferry ami Turnpike Company. 6a Repeuliug the act of 1811, lo alter the mode of holding the election in Fdgeeoroh 7tl Amending an act entitled an act to In corporate lli Rich Mountain turnpike cora oanv. ' '''' v 71 concerning jury trial in coiumuus countv. ' 72 To prevent Ijiiing timber in llogaii Ureek,:; 73 To provide fur praying Uie juror in the countie of Northampton, Wake, Slakes, Forsyth, Catawba, Davidson, Orange, urecne, Rutherford. Hrunswiclt, Washington, Cho wan, and KichmoDd. 74 ... Incorporating the Lumberton and Ca- lunibus l'lank Road Company, 75 To prevent obstructing ill . passage of fish in the waters ol liltml crsr. 76 To lay off a Public road from Enock Vonnay's mill in Wilkrl county, In Uie Vir ginia line-. ; 77 - Incorporating in iKWksvill ana II lilt uo roueh l'lank lluad Com pan v. - 7s Jo amend th chartor of th Asbsvillo and (Jreenvill l'lank Koad Company, 79 To amend an sot to moor pnrate the Rosouk Vallev IUilroad Comyanv. 80 To imnrove tbe publio and Isivlin from li neman's Ford, in Wilkes by th lMe (ao id" tha Blue Bidg and the Rich Mountain near Welch' Btcrs to Ui lennessse lin. 8 1 In relation lo common schools in Mad ison eounty. 82 Concerning UK iBUali of Hutherlord county, 83 To incorporate th Caswell Plank Road Company. - 8t To repeal an act lo alter the lime of holding elections tof the eounty of c.dge comb. , ..... " . . 85. ; To ineorpnraie Ihe Peed Plank Road Company. ' 86 Incorporaling the Hay wood and Ral eign riang Koad company, 87 Supplemental to the act u alter the line between th Counties of Buneomb nd Ilendersqni ' 1 " ; ' 89 Tosmend Uie wet to incorpnnta the Roanoke led Valey Railroad, Compsny. 90 To extend Ui power of the eommMv toner of navigation for the port of W ashing- lus To Incorporate the Wllmlngt, rlne Insurance Comvajiy. HW. To iaeorporaU Hawnew voiwnmer nfireem. IIS. Auth.o-i.iiic a majority of the etlag Jsettce ef Maco lo abolish jory uislsla tb asmaty evarts. . ' PRIVATE ACTS. 1. Ini'orporaling the Greensborongli Mu- tiMl Lifei Insuranceand Trail Compnr.y. 5 3. Incorporaling ihe Trustee of llillsboro' Acailemr. 3. Incorporaling Ih town of oneville, Y'atlkin county 4. Tn amend an act incorponlina? the Can Fear and Deep River Steam Boat Company. Changes tbe nam to that ot "in oroiner s Btemas ILtsL I'jnsnSfiV " 5. Incorporating the Hillsborough-Coal Mining and rrausportation company. 6. J o incorporate the trusteea ol lha vve. leyan Female College, Murfreeaboro. j:.,Tb amend ail act incorporating the Ral eio-h Savins- Institution. - ' 8. Incorporating ihe Frankliiiille Mann- facturtng Company, in uie county oi nan- dolnh. : 9. Incorporating the Latlie Benevolent So ciety in the town df Wilmington. noorporaung tno norm Carolina mtn- II To to B. II. Slanmire 12 Amending the nson Plank Riad Comnnny 13 To incorporate Catawba college 14 To amend Ih charter of the to Salisbury. 15. To incorporate the Guilford county mining; company. ; 2 18. Authorizing tne commissioners nl th To emend an act of 1 6.50-6 J lo incor i grant heretofore issued loraling th C. Fanlshinc tb two House with furaii Appropristet Jltssj ts ch llsus. . 4. 1 favor of Seatoa lisles Allows money sdvaaeed for portage oa Supreme CmiH He, oorts. . 6. In favor of James H. Podge, Allows H2 71 amount nf Clerka, Sheriffs, tc, fees in t iufi mations to vscats grants. ' ! 6. llcqalring th Secretary ot lst l procnr th names of acting Justice of the I'rac. 7 Ts print ta Keport or 1'nirtem.r ammons, thirty evpies for esc b member. 8. To par t hanes TwIlT wneeier tweniy wiuars for prepailng ten skeleton vnapa. . Cneernins; North Carotin Re! mad, I'r vides for ths payment of the State's dm bislalmcnt of floo.OOO . , .. 10 Far furnishing sut-line assps nir memoers oi Assembly. - " ' 11. In favor of Charle Lsthsro. ihenff of Weshinglon county. Refund tlOl) by him over paid. 12. To rumisli tne Library ot .nngrr iUi certain volume of the Acts of the Gn- erul Assembly of tin Stale. , . : ' , 13. Coneeruing the Public Trfatiry. ' Au thorising the Treaurer to hormw not evrd ing 6200.000 to meet liabiliiies l Iho Suit until Ui meeting of the next Lepulniure. ' - 14. In favor of the door-ft-p-r. Gives them twenty-five dollars, the usual extra al lowance. 15. To furnish the Governor' residence. Appropriates one thousand dollars. . 16. To employ additional aid for the er- grossed clerks. - 17. In lavor nf Thomas Ijni'iam. 18. Calling en the .General Government for an appropriation, to deepen th channel st the monlh of Ute Cape Fear river. 19. In ravor or Win. K. I.fivell, , 0 In favor of nbulishiiig tU dmy oh P,.iil troad Iron. i ' ' " 21 In favor of Goorg W- rV.irlimgh. 2 In relation tn soiling Hailnuvd lrun. 23 Ih favor uf Walsh and 24 In favor of James Fisber. 23 In favor uf P. kV, Peaeud. -. 20 In favor of Joseph R, Anderson, of Ytr. einia. ' - . -'' - 27 In favorof Oeorc Little. Paying him $700 for a slavs killed on th 1U1 -igb and Us ton Railroad. . - , 2S In favor ef Sanaa! If. Tsung and other. ; 2t la favor ef Joseph H. Bouditck, 30 AuthoriiinsT th Oovernor tufurri-b I'nlon county with tb standard ot weights and mess, ures, 31 To rumish a set ef stands! wyllits aud measures to th eounty of Alexander. .. . - ii tloaocrning a road lliruugn i nugn Bwmp. 33 For sitr allowances to clerks, -, 84 In favor of Hynum V. IkIL 85 Comwruiiig l'ublie Arms, So Allowing Samuel IWca snd others Ih use of ths publl library. ,.-. 7 In favorof II. . Mmrssml K.lward Stanly. ', SS Concerning th Public Library. : 38 In favor of Kufu II. Pn?a. To say him ?M for mslThgHabularttstsmeat of the popolatlon or the SUt - - 39 In favor ofRufu II Page ptiyngteii dollars for preparing a map of Cherokee lauds. 40, In favor of John Smiih. v - 41. In favor of William Thompson and other. , ' ' In favorof J.-A. Pool. llneV t distribntto of tli R KvesiKU stcsetos 81 o'clock. feveeal ssirrofsed bills from tk Scoate . passed ieir first rsaUng . ,ur ra Ih -sereet oMmittve, mmar a report ur t Ihe Lxnatick Asylam atcsipenied by ., i bill to avntetid tliw act t prttvid for builuiug tk , Aeyuw, .... .... , Vi bill t make Sppmpriktlons from th litensry litud Is educate young tncu for eeechers ef eoMmosi n.bools was iiidi-nniti ly postponed-- tl, ay 2to lllghl tessin was Vehl. ' . ? . .. - SENATE. . Tuesday, tie. SI. 1W2. Mr. Wasliingtcn, from th select commute on the snbiect mi le report n tlss .ndiuon f Ih nsiitution for th Deaf and lumb4 lllind. with-e' bill J tmcrid th a-ts iu rrlatlou t th Same, l'assed firt reading snd laid iva tin labl. Th rnto of lbs Senatw t Cnited SutS See" a! r sto d: Clingman, 19. Wmxlfin 1 Mr. McDowell voted for !g. Me. Ilvnum votad for v . A. II, Shepperd, Mr, llargrav for Bdrton tb Spia'ter votes! for Ju le 8trc. Mse-. Berry, lloyd. Ferson, and Wtsos) yols4 f r Ju Ijes HuIRu. Ni lectioi. A Shi t her ijr : r. tuil o wa taken for IJ. 8 Senttof. TM Seume's .tn stoods f r Clingman 2t, V Mdan IS. 9cattsriiij5. . , . ' " , Mr. iiihncr, fremj the elet eommltU ("ongressionnl IHstricts, reported sundry sd. mtitstitb ssvsrul bill rfrrd te therm U 4 o i f . ' . - . ThsKvliBcsof ihsntomlrt jsessuw wt spent diseusaii en the till tn regulate tbo niPertes la Pi raster j part uf the State, without A decisive f its. - . ' ' ' , ' ... At t'i afternoon session, IWaaid bill was s g tin taken tin. amenuVd and passed, 18 to 19. Th bill to mem! tne ao t ineorporai tuw. Ril'iirb and Huston IUilrwdaoapny, wa read the third time, -r Me. Withers moved to nmemL fi at tejrlv the Kiat (imr instead .4 ibre. director ! ; hy the easting vol nf th Speeker. "Mr. Bwi'lm moral 'tn siuad. s Mr. . ipiir that th IHreclor shall bs ciiltenl uf ttl St tl. : 0 to 13., y ; . , ' Mr. Areudell moved l amend, Ly 'Miri th hill to incorporate the Atlantic and Sorth I Af- linn Rallrotih whioh was ruled uot nf ordm 4. Tho bill then passs l iw third read! if. Wlti Mr. Caldwnl lnrmduo4 a rewnloti-m PmI . Ing lhs.t Ih two ILmse-s rearine) th joint ijd tM adjourn m di fn th U2 1 it. - Mr. Per. i.n m,.e,l to aintnd ao to it th d r Of d . jnurament on tha 21th, which wta l oted: ant the r-jtl!on, iu:id, wis then passes 32, to 10, A urge pumW of lulls and rssoluu.o.l wtre acted npnn al th night sesaiun. The senat gourned. town of Sinithville to convey to the congre gation of St, Philips certain lot within the mil of said town upon which church edi fice now stands. 1 7T-Conecrning theCorrrad Hill Gold Min ing Company, 18, l or the better regulation ol Uie town of Clinton, Sampson county. 19. To amend an act of 1830-61, to incor porate Lewis' Gold Mining Company. 20. To -enlarge the powrrs ol Ihe com missioner of the town of Newborn. 91, To emsncipste James Latigfnnl, a iave. - S? To mend the act incorporaling Ihe Washington Mining Company. 23, To incorporate Robeson Institute. 24 To amend an act of 1850-51, to amrnn an act for th incorporation of the town of Washington. ' 25. I 6 incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company in the town of Fayelteville. ' 29. l o Incorporate ill liladen Stcainuost Company, 27 For lha better government of Ih town rsf Lincolnton snd tn mnd tha (listing cor porate law of said town. 28 l o incorporate tne mutual insurance eomnany in the town of Fayelteville. ' - 29 Incorporating Uie liladen teainboat com- isny. 30 For Ihe government of Elixsbeth City. SI Incorpbraltng ihe Phenix gold mining company. 32 Amending the several eel lor the gov ernment of'J'arborougli. 33 Incorporating Ihe Wilmington r ire In surance Company. ' 34. J r. authorize Dr. A. M. Fowell and oth ers to erect a bridge al or near Buffalo Shoal. 95 To amend an act to emancipate Lucy, a slave, and her children. 30 Incorporating Uie Mauteo Mining Com pany- .--' 37 I e revive and continue in lore in act of 1850, incorporating " 'the ' North Carolina manufacturing, mining antl land company. 38 Incorporating J'erseverance Mining Company. " ' 39 To eonaolitlale and emend Ihe several aeu for the government of the town of Ox ford. 40 To amend the charter of Davidson Col lege, 41 Incorporating ihe proprietor ol th Wilmington Cemelaryt 42. Jo amend an act incorporating the Washington Mining Company, 43 Amending " Ui eat incorporating the town of Chsrlott. ' : "? 44 Providing (ot tha ement of Ih real estate within the corporate limit of the town of Rock ford. ' 46 Incorporating the Fayelteville Ice eom nany.. - . - ' ' - 47 incorporating tne town ol Rew Haleot of Randolph County. - 48 For the belter regulation of the town of Louisburg. -, j 49 J o amend the act incorporation th lowji of Lumberton. 50 Incorporating the Id wo of Troy. 61 Incorporating- the Stale Agricultural Society, . , - n. Ts emend asset amedingssctf lll toelrtl a asAgnrtrsle ror w luaingUMW. ! RESOLUTIOVS. ' 1. t'poa th resitfuirion ef Chief Justie Ituffia. Expresses regret at th resirsstioei, cud sdisins- aioa and rnititad of ih Legtstatar ant esop' for tb distinguished publi serrires sf tk Chief J as tie, le st. T par ferri Cuib six dollsri, for tstvjcs s llcrk II. C. for ...nt lit.. . -.,-tJ.. o Tmrfr0feeitu.TtJ?. "1 anj -i .... -fc. . . . . i , . pur, m srui,. we lopwy wni ti- y, , , ,. 4o In hvor or atstthew n , usniois. 40 For Issuing a grant of land to Jess Col, , 47 Foruishllir weight and meaeoies fur Jack' son eounty, - 4K In favor or II. P. King. 4 la favor sf Samuel Maeoa, fur storing Ihe puhhr W. K 'solutions relauoa I UarlM ' llospiial near Smiihrille, ; . MCt.lxr, ATI V PKOtEKIH Xtl : .. BENATR . Mosuar. Ilee. in, 1r?.'.2.' Mr. Ttoyd. front the eoiaraltt, so Wait on the Oovernor, reported, that kts Kioellettev would ap pear bef.e-e th two Houses sf th (leoersl Assem. bly, on Wednesday Beit, ai li eieca, to ua uir oaths sf sine- Mr. Thompson moved to seal a neags to the House, nroposing to vote on to-morrow for I'. 8 Senator ; snJ, if ue eleetiun is mad on that dsy said lectisa b noatponed iudedaitcly for ths present ausssiom " Mr, ilok movsd to strike oat alt after 12 o elock Not agreed to. u , . - , The .tuition then prevailed, L'nnulshed business of Saturday, being tb bill to abolish present forsa th Supreme loan, eVc as takua up and rejected. AVenid JkmJinf e HiUt, J-e. . Dill Is repeal tk 6th aastlsa of th 42.1 chapter of Hevised Statutes, I'aaeed. Bill to amend the Constitution of North Caroline. Mr. Lilliaxtoa offered as aa amamuaeml. "a bill. to aaesrtaia ths will of ths peopl Id relation to the all of Convention to srasad the Couelituliuu of the Stats." . Mr. Csldwsll Moved Is mond. by Inserting sfler th words " Convention r no tJonvsiulon," tin words "Fre Sunrssr or no tiunrege," . . Mr. Lllllngton accepted ths amendment, and Mr. Joyner movU I lay oa Ui table; which motion prevailed. . ? ,, , ' ' , tilti to meorpisrat tn Aorta varonna and nea tsrn railroad company. ' 1 . -; , rslponed till K4 e'elock. " -s t ' ',"e ' Sensia iben took a reoess, ; --. ' '. . ' - . ' ' , v Evssis Slstios, 8) s'elirfk. Th nnutlo being on tb metis ef Mr. Brogdeb to strike out th 20 Ih section hi th North Carolina and Wester. Railroad, it was decided in the sf Inaative. and tb bill we than laid oa the isl.le. " Resolntio In favor f Joe. ft, Andersen; pasaed ita third reading. Dill lo establish tb Dank sf Cumberland, was rejected it second reading. ' rreer rramaf a u,iu, to faclllate th recovery of debt front nen-resid nt deMors. j '-'a-.'-' '- - fill to transfer part of th Stock sf the Fsy- ette.ille sod Wmtern Plankread to tb Ys.lkia eu.i tireenvllls Ro4, wa Indefinitely postpone.1, . ;t Ths esnste iusb jouinM, r . ,lt . ' IIOIBE OF COMMON?. .K Mospav. p. so, mx ' Ths imnnishsd T.asiness, being Uie bill for tbe f .r matlon of eompsnies for ths satrnioB the rentes : railroad Fast and Writ, wa takst sp, th r)ue-linti being upon tb pssir of the bill its eeoond rssding . Mr. Will onored amendment prondinc rur th formstioa (f tb Rutherford and Mvlmwell railroad eompwiy, which was rejected. TJis bit) then passed ysas 4U, nay 40. ; 0a motion of Mr. Avery Ih rule wers ewsiiend ed and ths biU passed its third renting, whivh wss fellow! by ouatirii ppiaas. Oa motion of Mr, mil, or t aswail, a message ss sent to th Senate proposing to rele a Vim aonnnitte ta eismiue th unBtilshed business and report when tb tw Uouees csn itdjaum, .- Tbe roslsnstlon of u. A. wury, on ot tne mem bers from Uuiltnrd, to tske effect from nd slur Wednesday mat wss read and seeepten. Mr. Saund,rsr. frem the Jndievarjr enfitmlttee. repn-ted back lb kit to ssubliak freehol I home stead with amettment, which was s.lni ted; se. vsral other a mend setts were also adopted, aad the kill wa anally rojeoteal ys 40, nay 60. Also proposing to vote ror V. S. Senator la mor row st 12 o'eloek, and if no elscUoa is made sluruta th day it shall be indefinitely peetponsd The proposition to vote for Senator ws cnucu. r la ysas 74, nay 18 t nd that for indefinite po'.t ponsmeiit wa not eom-orrf d iu yta t nya D Ths Rous took a rcesss. . :'': iiorpfio? cOrtMrtxs. . ' ' V Titesday, llrtot ?1, W.2. ' ftoventl risoliillnnt wer presented t-olatir t vo n f'r a Ju'lgVuf Vl Siipsritr V urt, . 'I'll Huns resumed the ntlnished l.u-oiicss . beinc the bill lo hy on" tba Sut into Bf.y 8 m. stor'ml Pistrl its tjs-i d'Histion pendini being on tb s-iiendnHHit of Mr, Mclntyre, to strik out and Insert a substitute. , v M .Stundorsof Wake d ti tnd l a division of lh rj leatioa t and th m ui in on striking out, wjdecidad iu lh )t ir, fast 4'9, ways 5 f Mr rarvear tiinved An ar'nsi.lment, by striking oat Ya lkitt in the 4 lih C-WeTYrivV) Wdkee and a hkma-out ll(ej. sst inserteii" 't. io.r V dkio. Adop' T in th 4Hn, aud (7. iiAJt-'vCiesf'U, hi si su. -.las WleH eiuli.iu n t ro4v-l 4Vm- th S-m. its, stating tint In pursu uio of the piini ' N-drr, that House won! I crip! m vote for United States Senttof- 1 1 II ius nts-i voUmI : ts fflll wst f if WiiHlrln 4H. Cliiigiit ini' l, Lsk 4. Dubbin 4 Mr. R. M. Nnnder v4 1 fur Mr. C niije, scattering th" Tim Joint yd e wss, fof 'Wl o lliu (), Ciinintn, of, s.ittoriu 13. io sls.'ti. " i Th tw Iluose vstoil n second I m fir U. 8, 8-nator, lion Mr vote; WeUliu fid, Clingniaa 4'J : soattering 7. X i elwliidl.1 Th Unas nssumel the nl leratt.'n of th hill tu biy off tb Hine..rinl li?rl, t. Mr. Ibirmn nvve l tu strik Union from An. s m, and put I'liiud Stanlv, and Cabarrus as one s.-nalorial district, pan hug the jasstisnj a which iwndutant, tha ll iuse took roeuss. ' At th venin Sossion. Mr. Turner of Or, ant ii.twdueed a bill tu roiwal Ihe IHtb ssctioa of Ui aetof lass tsssiiMi to rui I- 'urthetiicreas if tlie publio revsnns. .Mr isutlou a bill to reir. . nhito the f.s nf 'iiwttlle in tf-rtaiticsss. Mr. l'urver. bill hi lir soil amend an Act 1 1 in. ooiiH rtt Ihe Sll-bury and F,tyst;ieille l'lank. ; lloiid t.'..iiiMUV. fllf. Hit. tun. II I to lenlis the rljfhts uf the Cape 1'os.r Xnvig ition Com is nv tn llie Can re nlwiv tit monih of 0 i . Owk, d f'd-i thr pnrpe-uis, ; : thM bills eevs sr.tlly pil Ibeir hr rvalinjei All HUM', oiicreu ny .vi m trtin. pr ipos. ibr to reind the rdey n lj .rn n Ihe 22H-I and to Ijourn t'nt tlie on Uio -Veil, Was laid ua th tal.l'.- - At the titht .al.m, Mr CLrr iutro.luced a resoluliuytv which ws , sited, r )u taring our Seiiat.w and Keprcsnnutivos in f inrflssto ws . Ihoir exertii'M t . pr tmin, an apprupri itiun by Congress fir the ereition ,f a m trine h'i'pit-U ss or Pear ftuj.tnviile or noun;' on in tins Suits. A Urge number nf bills tnl solutions wer ' passed und urdeie l to be engrossed an. I snrull. d... ' ';; ' 'J'h lbnis a Ijotifn'. . '..' KX ATK. "," '" ' -i Wlalr, Dee. 22, IW2. The lull to regulate) ths fisheries In th east srn pari of lb Mtits, p.-ssd its third rsadina; snd was ordered to be ongrussod, The. etigrsssed bill fixing the Metiplat meet' ino of tho Legist tture (Jrd M.ind l'y in Decern- Iht) parsed iis third reading Arid Was order 1 t l IllVidled, - - -V .. - Tu Sen He prucsejed to e Haider the bill to In v off li s State into einhl Congressional lbs tra'U--ilie question being on th bill reported by Mr. (liliner. " , .... ' Mr. Caldwell trrov-d an amendincnt: which ' was carried. "-. Mr. I.illiiiliui Binved an nt; which was rjeoted, ' Air, mnvs.l an stnoiiilmenti pend" tig the n,nsten on whiuh, the hour hitting r riv. d, the Senate rep deed to tbe H ill of th llousn '4'Cnmiiifine to eritni'ss the Inauguration f the lii'V-rnor. ' That, ceremoi'V having besn pu-l'orut'd, th SenaMrs returned to their uhatn ,r and r Sniiie4 tb eoitsidsriti.-n of the bill to 'ay vi tkS:at into eij;ht l.'.inTcssioni.l Hi, tri.-ts, lr. CsunA t-V's nuiou'lmejit was reject !: snd Iwfors arriving st a decision, on ths bill ll. S-iiHte trsik a recess. . Ai tho afternoon acesioa, th prnpoeitioTt of It lluuse b. vutn for Judge was Uid on th table, . " , . . Th two lb tisrs. voted furCitunsslt.irs of Slats, ' whew lbs f'.llowiit p.sieiitis were elect-,1: VV. Siallins, N.' K. Ijsi.s, P., Wilson S .41 ail, II. S. Krencli, 1 llemters., and s'oluiiil u Mill. At tbe eveni-g aesshm,. rsuluthin nffered by Mr. Ihi"r tore, i id the joint order for adjourn' tieut lha 2'Ju1, and sdjuurn on the tilth, wa filoptml. " . 'lit Set a e uiued tlieeolis''l' gr Ki-tricc I. J , th uestu.n le:ngj t is uud i of JPr, Thiintf.n to insert ll print. e.l lull tierstofore suljutirietl by lion, wlueh ws e jected. 'I In. bill then passed its second rvsit ing. JJ to 14. Tim bill was put ure n its thinl r ling, Af-u-r tiiiious irtb-r iP-.iti.-iis, Mr. .M.-Civs moved t. ninemt by stiikina; out Wa..iiint'.u frout tiio 4 und adding it to the Sth diitri -t, Xeutiet sd. 'fho bill then pssse.l its t.iirj reading .uid aSAorJctcd to br engrossed. . Aas. ia....',ii.;.j.s.frr.ii...V. it"4" -fcW.-e..Cj..v 't:.-. MmaH,iuKawso W!ijwwMiaiaiisuw - r

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