' IT'S il .1111 ill iiii.'.jl I.---U-.I speech far jonar a, cilmcr, On the IWt tanking general ojipmpriatUnt far trorlt f internal in Yvrtinnl, Jelie ir? J in Hie Swale, December, I85J. M. SEtki t: I bate mt desire to he te dint. or lo detain the Senate unnerrarily, for there u unihuig Mirt nnplcxaiit ibw w aildnve in impatient audience; yet auch the magnitude f ihi subject ami in important will I ihe rvuit of our present il liberation. ' I 61 bound deliver my t ic t and opin ion. In tny jtn'gmcnl, sir, there, ha been no question btl.iro ih Kena'eof more importance: nor do I Mici llierr ran lie question pre sented in which the true interest of Nortb Carolini re'm.i- ilicjily involved, than in th bill now helorr us. - ....... I m ir. in favor of Vxtendibs? ib Central J.rail rood in th hirsute T Beaufort; ami ! am lor voimp siilbcM-nl aid in ihehape of llu 4tvtlil ofilie Stale to enali enterprising inili mImu1 u tirmiijiliili ihia work, whatever iv,' llie amount required. I am tij(t more heartily in hnir f 1-xtraJittg tltia great On tral .ruad to ike Tennessee line, so $ 10 rfteei -,u."afl eontmoiucaijiio between lhi rapacious and commodious seaport M our Atlantic mam vnl , which has l.ern o well decr!bed and ih teeming valley of th Mississippi. t an also .r Completing a work Ihii it slready r. rosueasnrt-d. ia ii t ihn lmnMMM.M' ..r .1.. - navigation of Ilia Cap Fear river; a work I .who completion will assist in- the derrlun--. .Mant wf Ibe inexhaustible eoal field which border tinon il : ' ! w , I ant.iikewisw, air, in firmr uf ImpslTiib. ' the Yadkin -and Catawba river, i aiI , , honestly f the opinion thai llicaa a'.,iC , work auucu, a i proposed. Ui ho, roin- pleurd ami in program when they are all e- .-..l:.t I :i -,. . . . ruiiitiiwiinu, wm eouirmuie to in prosperity nf the Slave an tuunt compared with, which , lit propoaisl appntprialiuii will dwindle into abfil.ito iniiniiic.im'c. , '1'bia i llif npinion wiih which ct out ; . will my uuod ire o d.pM'e the gt :irrl nropo- aiiiiui I And il the inpmitinii ia nn dVoii-d, i wtwi exeuw raq be urri d for not hnuldfring t the rrvpnnaiiHliv of ilia uerretary'anprnnria- ' II u, air. If nn one wilt Jpne llie general jiropoaitimi in wordi, it ia too often diaerediied in I lie an Kin of dur pjlilic men. t he erwled alKt; with our iinprovT illume s , air. emwled alonjr, wiihmil djr injf In in ike an eiron tu aienJ or to w ilk. . And, air, when with fear and lrem!linj we hara ried oyrliea np Ut a iiiniiirnt, from ,wor ereepinj polure, w would uot Iruet our . Mlniiidlli ... .Mifil in... k..l.l ..r I ..1.:.: i-- " iiipiu ui u rvuiiiiiiue aid, and amrtfef hurriedlr from pillur to r.t. Now 1 Boiiieiid fiisl we can atatid l.ino thti we m-iJ air, and walk, did rtia too, if iteeil lin ontust t nr i--ijrli,.xr in the r iee dI i.Bprntetiieiita. My aliairhitienn tomy linnie, mid my Kt tin pri e f.ir!id ins lo think oihtr' fu V N'T. Hf"i'l ' r J n fnt e.in leration ; liirh 1 mi s'e llie anlijAei driea my j-.tdjiitent to the runrluninii au congeiiial to my li'fliin-,in.l to .ill the iuaiiuma of my henrl. , e air. North Carolina ro i etaud lionet and, air. if I ei.uld but fnfuau wiy awn apiril into ihia aWiullj'. ahe Ajk aland and walk, and trmijile Iwncath her feel ilia aeoiT ,ti mi in f i iiiijp. rr. r ..il i i Hut, n qiiMtbm, ih (real oueaiiun of our alniiiy to awml alone: ; J!mrt ltt a'if.L,bailmrijh- beat in the. woild, all ailmil :. all admit ita greut aiipi'rior iiy in ihn yttm of New Urtean and C'harlea lun, and oii n .Norfolk, in many reaneei t and nil OitlllH ulri) '.liu abiiJuUjnrr.tatilr te I tiiwlliero wamirt city, 'i'he indeeml ni-e, Ilia dew real mlitwui of tii 8ou:hdmand thi i ' and ooixt will deny that b produea of llie MiulawppJ valley if, npped at any one poini, ! woniii, li Ilia port per milieu, .autld tip the larr eiiinineri-e in III world. , Well ir, w then bv I lite eonrludon joluiitlid, to wh : ill eapartty and advanlagea r4 lliitilort hnrbor.aiHl ill amount of produce iiarn. IV, if ceHtnred there, to hud J up an i'mmeiw i-ily, . '1 he eouneetin link ia want .'ng syi nature, ao kind lo lie in many re Vuy lia Jul huraa'f made tin connecting Imk. - -i - . A iii?ilile riref flowing from th Bine Knife In UctMiiloii all ?ea would hrimr to tt llie eouimeive of Virginia, Kouili Carolina,! Miui of much of the Mmifppi valley tL-' mania tine river alt ihn improvoment of lliej m iuhl-onnif JSt.itet would finally convert; 1 - itow, ir, the, ain-larjiieaiion lo he aolvcd , will railrond annwer the pUe of liver 1 1 ' imt eonienu, Air. npear, llial li t eiimnirn iul purpurea, a rjilroiid ia eqml to a j riirr; it I not ao rhenp a me.ina of jinting to inuikct.Biid for very heavy freight itlriait 1r:,wl.;ii k. ' tin ih other aide lh ruilnud ia the mol CKpeditiout nioj and in Ihn age of ' krleariih and of iperulalion llirmitih the lehgnipli. axpeditinn and pi. i ofieu inure Important lit an theupne, -t ., .;, . ,'.,, .. , '" lltil a fat tia nmcli (if ilia CMiutry ia e rcrnt'tl. whii-h it irt lirnruiaiMl hi mukn lrilima. i v to W Jnitiigtiiu iiiiJ lo lleauforl and iuw bein, it ran hat e no outlet to market i-il I, bv rullruuil i and ir, it i an tgienaive, a rtrh. and proiniiiiig rouulry. ; 1 ' i: ! u Inia roiidiiion i wealarn Virgini.i, n' r'rtt, Monti t'uroliii.i, werlern South Carolina and, (ii'orjftq, mid murh of eneleru Tenneaieel andf llii region I ri.nu.nd that lh port em I'Mjifd in our own border will amply Minlaiu a ruifiiid, will liuilil up our uiporni 4i l.irue rilit.th ;md .nl milli. inn iinpurtanu In duinatid ..an ojiiUi tu tti)wktib;.y... i. .a..,-,.ii.-i.i:!.-..i,. i .,; Ni.w, air. 1. 1 u eiili iiliiie for a moment 11 it he buriic in m nd that in th l!rl plai-.i the IjnJ ir, the inidiila and wralcrn Nirth . ('arottna i Unipenally good. 1 " ,! '-Tberiv'i no mieii rnnli a- d rxuharaiil oH - a va fiohjlo the easient cosmiiei wher lir Mi tie! eorn l.imln lit the world equal to the uti-ieeii Inmla on rhe Koanoke' or the eotton InniU'on the Mii?ippi or Ued river. But nn iheoihev h ind there am no b.irrea wastes r ft) deaert and tmt even any unprndm lit r plantation. The ni i imiur.illy goud ei en where the etimiite ia euil'-d In the growth ol all the proihietimi of the temperate 7one, and a.erj aere ol jih! in tiecpiibli; of the very liii;lu-rt ate of improiement, .. And all tlii. air ul nddilioil to the WMh-r power the elieet an luiiMt uhiimUnl in lliswnrid I in 'addition lo llie gold, lb load, eopper and iron will, whiitli hII ourltin are eurlefied-in ml litmu In lit iiirih:iuiilii'!nri of liiiilwr, and Ihv Viii.iny until r.il lejrt ihle priHliiruoin, iiiiK)rriut fr iiiodie.il and hnuachuld purpote, with whiell the eou'itryalhrnMil. , . , . In the at'roiul pl.ice, thi fine eounlry in el-. tli'd hv 3 jnipj,iiion t.jiully good and iui pror:' i'..lf. , . a - ' '1 h-y arrt tiic must li irJ-wodbtg and eeon, o;n ral ro;,l;' ill the world , bmg arenrtomed In h ir Is'itji, fur lh waul tit a niaikel, lliei C;uc I aiiicd In -ti : li in all un of aay, lo er ,r,.m,zr', and to luro firry thing to I he lel iii'i' iiiiit. 'I 'bey are proverbial lor nlrii'l) mid ruoroliiy -ilieir iu ljatrv, perneverance, eni ft". , are u t enrpasaeit. . In die third pi if', all llie production eek int; a in ari el Iruru lin t'niiutik wuuldltC Com i ll'-d i'ike titr Ititlioiill tliert' wuuld br) no riv.i! ruutci. " i r.TV i.'jrtft"! Jst-wt.". t 'tint a -b'JtWyif I'iiid iMiuri-v tu awuf jdoeta eiirv man i, hi own aliipper, and produce of llie eoun try aeeM trie orean on a thotiaanj rk, rir. era. aoamU and inlet. A . W hen iron rrad peuetratet onr nplund regiona, it a ill he ottroeann s titer will be no oilier o:lei lo ditida the trade and lrel. llilhvrward will he dirreted all the oilirr im- prwcmcii! lo ll iajreat ariery will flow all the nil.fr vrina. Ktery rill and branrh anil rreek and rirer will pour in its iri'xiie to awrll the mijrhij; ruirrut ; and by tia liuie it reai-hr R.ilrifh il will he nirlrril a nrpi:! ! .Think of il lor r miim'nt ! IrfHih l the e'lunlir ol Orsnjr AUuianrr, lUnilnlph, Guilford. 8tiikee, Fof ) tin), J)arnl t. Suit)-, Vatlliin, IHrir, C:i ''Brnn. Kox an, Irmlrll. Ah-Mmler, C'aUwha. f.inrotn, fiaalnn, Kiiilicrliird, t'lrawlaml. Hiirkr. Mi ..wrll, CdiUrll. Wilke. Ahe and Wilaiijra on Ihia aide of the m iuulaina : every aere of ejrh one can lie ti'led lo adian tae, anil eiery anii lf of prodiira jiaitls in fjurll tut market, will liae lo gn (nfejf Uur I'entriil rai'roAd, From teh will tunr'rura, wheal, lobareo, hay, mil, rye, fmila, poia tort, wool, htitter, rheeoe. ic iie.x and lo ewhln relnro will paai oer llie Ceiilr.il road all the a.ill. aujar, innlanra, dry good, ii'., whirh they uae. It ia no ri igJiTittim lo uppe that the export' of lln-ae eMiiiiiit, liv the time the ro.id i rouipb ted, wilt amount lo aome eight or ten million of dollar, thuir iioporla lo aix or eight million ; and we know that the eompletioh of a road thrnuih their miilal will very aowa uouti.a ami trelilt- Iheir produeliona. t'la-n air, will the val w.iter-puwcr of the t Country be turned to account ; and there Will the buaiiica of lhi-e their number would be a greil urecasion of buine on lh road,! be multiplied and hauling ahorter distance fabrir going from . the faclnric to the mar-j with more lo do and a in- certain -humieaa krUof ihe world, and the raw material com their profi'S would be enhanred. Sir, when ing in. ' the producer i making all those who carry ,Tliiial!ghl view ofthe cii-montaiic trade : ; and trade in hi arlicha can make; when he and tiler) let u liuik acrow the Blue Kidge t can make nothing the carrier cannot make, to that inagnifiHrnl and lairy land whirh. ilea ' Now, they share the lose and labors between beyond I ' Where i a more beautiful, a inocei them; with a better atai of thing thi-y would grand or iuviiiug ri'ginn t . W ho ran deveribat alure lh profit it em-hutting nwntry, it ihjtriou cliuate,i And, Mr. Speaker, let mr Hi you ecret it iMiglilful attraction. To Ihe pleasure- a crrri worth knowing, and one whHi himlcr, lh invalid, the mineralogist mi I Ih- if generdly kuown, would 'change the emu, lanisl, it is th't in s: i'tleresliug country in ihe mrnts of many ernilemrn on this rlior in re world; and all. air, thai it iieede lo ining lo ', gard to lb proposed lull. Th it e'-crei, sir, it, annually, awannt of uch peopbt, ia the i llii't that the more tou lax a State, up to mean of gelling there. a certain point, for works of internal improve- Now,' air, look e.iaiward from lure. We ment, the lighter you make Ihe luxe in pro hrlml J a vast level, once covered by the aea, ' por ion to the mean of the people. Thi. an I left rich by iia receding waii rs. . air, is not paradox; end II I nie prorrcd M Tbi-re i no ot to compore with il iTu't mice, ami with a ery few farts, to demon sir, the ouly rau?c uhicli bare ruuditretl il ; trate its truth. si valuable aa an sgiicultnrai enuiury have ' I hold in my hands a memorandum, which also at certain eeaou rendered it unhealthy. I will read: It I no disparagement In say the eounlry ia! The report on ih last census shows that unhealthy at particular llhi, and if it were "The farm lamlt of Iho United Kiaira are not, air. it would have ton many advantage. ; ad down ainntintiiig in I IA.4.Y7.622 acres Now the iiibil'i'Htiii ol til ia rich country ; ol improved and I H l.tti 1 .3 It) of uniiiiproi ed; ate in ill 't habit of leaving in the summur lor 'total 3t)3,07H,0?' acr s, wnrth in the avi fi;'e health and pleasure; anil at llie watering aIO per nere. Theavemge vi'lue oftho Farm pj aces of. .Vi''i'tiii-l iiaMrali!ga, ud all lb t bnul of .Maaehirnem li df Wand, lsentr cities and hailuug place of ihe urth, ihey licul, New York. Nrw Jersey, ami 1'eniin, I re found in drove Ihn acatteriug in other j ani i aloul .)tl per acre. (New Jersey Hlatcs much of the uiotiry w hich tbey teal-' hijihesl, I'euriav Ksnia lowest;) u hile Maine, iie from their exuberant crops, their fisheries New Hampshire and Vermnnt avenge ahout and forsala of Cypreas and Juniper. ', SIS per artr. Vi'care rather surprised to -e ,, riujiisu our railroad lo lha Tennessee bur j the Farm land of North Carolina, South waa completed; why the siiuinier limrisM a-i Carolina, (ieori.i, Alabama, Mississippi, and lone fnli our eastern countira would almost Tennessee, valued ia the arrrJen belovv-55 auitaui Hie ro4iVwlide11iey" would aara at ' per acre. Should the average Ire made in luast bdf die sums they annually spend, in North Carolina ahuie, I fear it wuuld fall on gilding bealtli, ami pluas are nearer home, their ' uiotiry in ah ititrnst, rciuruitil-lo l hem inerv spring in uider for lislt and oysters. I know. air. that our eastern' naileries are very extensive- and important among ihei"? "f '! prtipt rty nf lluiiSia.u,aW, per mosninportaiii "of llie world bit air. giveomil and mixed i and thai to make this a- u Ui means of getting at them from the up eouniry, and I'll agio to engag every ahad, herring ami rack caught in ihe easlem water rry year al cash price. Ti railroad will bring the Blue Kidge down In ihe Atlantic euaca will ba annihilated, and the mnunuin will dip thir baaea and reflect their tall shsd uws in the broad water of the Pamlico, Fish till flulterins. ovsiers s ill hrealhine. would ba tttrowa mi the Hip id the mountains and wlnU all your fish and oialer would ihn be purchased by your own money, your young iolli and your old pople, your invalids, your plrasura-huiittrr, your ai-himl-boya and ymir i.uhe would swarm through our mountains, and every hill and valley, every rugged ateep ad fairy delb be peopled in the aumuier tiionlh with gay patucsand musing loungers. And, air, this mountain region ia not itn I i . r I it-t portant merely a. a pi ice lo go for haalth and eomforl toto' J" I mountain iiiaoi n aiuiia in inv mtuu. uouiiiiuiiik i i. i. ! rat and agricultural reaonirea, wi It wa- . ii ,i . . r .i in mine ter power to turn all the machinery of the wmld, and limner enmign t liuihl t; with rich pastures, natural meadows and insgnif icam fruit. ' But, sir, there ia nujiher point In which as view litis matter. 1 apeak of our dtiliee to tatiwni'n lo Ihe people of thi fair upland and mountain region. They are cut off from Ihe market of lh world ; and while their production are generally of a bulky rhane ler. they have lo be hauled a distance nf at least a hundred miles. The ililTereiiee in freight by wsgriu and rail road transportation Is Iwd (lious iud per cent,, or m arly that: lhal I while it costs one dol lar or on dulUr lilty cent pee ton nf freight for every 100 mile on tle railroad, il costs twenty dollar by Wagon, ; Ami, ir, iwo t-in ere a very heavy wagon lead and for every Ion an hauled, there must be a good wagon and five or six spirited lows ei" This i a slow n weH a cxpeniv way of going to market ; but a very few of the kinds of produce made can beo Irani-ported, and the price of these may change live or six limes before they get thrir destination. Thu our people have nn inducement lo im prove! iheir land fand ii i a Lnuliat fact with us, astonishing n il maybe In) nu, sir, and In .our eaatern friends, lhal il is harder lo ell than to make. We do not cultivate half the kin.! of pro duce that we Kan raise, in abundance and of th aniHc t'wl wa Mi', we do not prinluee th'n Irnth ptirt of the amount thai we would if we eouhl get il off our hands. This is our grc.it trouble t It take one half of ihe jcar lo get nfTwhal we make during the other. ' We will suppose Hint the priee for hauling by wsifott is lb rents per hundred weight lor one 100 miles j anij aitppoM" ih'al it will gen eratty equal in value aeeortlitig lo weight the ari'u le (if Hour. ; When (lour sells al (3 per hundred lha cos; il getting lo market is rxaetly one-fourth of he value nf llu articl i hauled 1 and putting i his a the average of aU the exports, then the crmutrv exporting lea million worth i l"XJ two.mtliion nve tiunureu itiuueana untiar au- nn itlv! On twentieth uf two millions Ge! . y . . . - ,, i -. .1 hundred thousand is one hundred and Iwi nlv live thoussntl I and this would bo the r ilroad cost of getting In market, saving two millions three hundred and seteuiy-lii'e thousand an nually nf lax paid for the export. The lax fur five or six millions of import would be at least half ii nttllinn ; and one-lweuiielh of litis would br Iweutv-five thousand dollar. Mow, sir, the routine named ran easily expnr; ten millions worth suimallj t and this would nut be an average of inure Iban ftUO.- IH A an.nnuuint lu tUssiv, lhl. !liie4.ibjt,i fl.uittj ol ucniciioiat axpuiia, toeit iki m; ia very thitdy aeitlad, aad -not a atnib of the productive Jand in eultiVation, Then air,, we may tafi ly eeiioui that miildl and wettern North Carolina h annual! v Iwo miliion nl dollar for waul f internal improvi-menu; iand in ore yrara tbia would arauuat to a aun wire at kiiv a llial which, by the help of mditiduala it at ealrulaled would eover lh lh Slut with improremenu. Thi ia a larding eaiirubujoa, but it i Iwrally true ; every weirrn eouniy, if it had the induce ment. cohIiI eweily export aa much aa the rich ami delightful county of llitrtie export and what the aggregate would l any gvaileman eaa cypher ihiU Tke,fmimrtanee,Orange, Ahmnnce, fJuil ford. Ktokea, For llie, K.utdulph, Dui hIooi. rtorry. Yadkin, Ahe. Watauga, l)avir. Ro wan ('.iharro, Ireilell, Alex iiukr. Cleve land. Caldwell. ilkea, Durke, McDowell, Kiitherford, Buncamhe, Yaurrv, Haywood, Macon, lltutlcraon, Chcrtiker, Mad mill and Jackson, and uitxe liiey eouhl export an average of t3''X).0() , (and lite little eouniy of fatquuiank uoc tin,) it would make over 9,000,000. If eiich ia the prcannl amount of iheir exporta, they pay fur it i,25(l,tl()0; of whirh, by railroad, they would aav at Ircl2.l0l.i00; and if they do not nowei p'rt h. I of I'lia amount il t a I for the want of mean of getting ui marke'. f or will it do to ny that a railroad would destroy the voeation and the profit of wagon era. Ill aingular fart lh it, ihnugit the producer pay nne-rouith of the. value of hi article lo yet il lo market the carrier make nolhinir. A railroad would etually inerraae the a erage as low as $1 per acre - Jn conueciuui. who Ihi statctuenl .1 nny remark that three hundred millions of dollars would be a liberal eMimatn of the present val i mount the land will have to ba valued at au average of at luast two dnllars ir acre. Now I will not contend 1 might contend, bull will not. that a libera' sinein of inter nal iinprovemetii would bring rp our lands, 10 an avera-re cqtlil In that of I'enmvlvaiiia and Sen Jeraey ; but I will insist and chal lenge a denial of the proposiiinn lhal il would al least treble llie present valuation, bringing ' P l,e 'nJ' " average uf aix dollara per ",fe- 1 ,J"IJIy jl,,;rl ,h;" ,lie "llM of peraonal property would be trebled I ought to araert ami maintain that it would be increased ten fold ill ten year. Take a (in gle fact) lha coal nn Deep River may be ra nmaled al one hundred and fifty millions of Ions a vx-ry low eeiimaie. This may be val ued at one hundred and fifty millions of dol lar and la develop thi will require an iu Jvaoiirm in im.hiw, wnaivcw, inniBca i,,i,a, , j , of hnt)rp ,n(i fi ly million, more. Thu. the improvement ol vestment in boats, wharves, house shops. i ,.., the navigation of Ihe Cap rear ' , , , . .. i r ,i . and a much lo the value of the would alone Klale ae aire ia now worth i and It would le much below the mark to assert that an appropriation of fire millions of dollars would bring up Ihe valuation of the NLte from three hundred millions lo one thousand millions of dollara That is, five million would yield seven huii dreJ millions, being lated al the ratra which our preaent three hundred millions ' worth is taxed would pay for til th improvements. Thus, though the aggregate amount of taxes would be enormously increased, the rate of taxation would remain i and these taxes would he collected from a people more happy and contented snd a population rapidly increasing with the pleasure' of existence multiplied teu fold. But this is not nil. In audi a stale of things the taxes wuuld he more equally dif fused urcr the Ntate; and our rich eastern friends would no longer have llie sad luxury of complaining that they paid all the luxe Nor i this all yet ; for if our -300 millions should be increased In 1000 millions, our im provements would become capital investments, and more than pay fur themtojves. They would li overcrowded with bksnesa; audi their income would pay back the cost of con struction while they would be adding an pro digiously to the taxable property of th coun try. Uur treasury Ibereiore, wuuld overflow; and then, air, wa eou'd add new and large sams to our Literary FiiniTTarid make arrauge iiiems for th education of every child in ihe iStale. j ' AM judicious iiriptovemcnt are ancillary in each other ; stud all enuihiue to develop thai chief growth of earth, man, to stimulate hi powers, lo enunhle bis faculties, and to minister lo hi happiness. All these impnn emeu's tend lo multiply employment s an I litis ia f.icswhica unif tr ial experience oppose theory, ll wa (nice thiMialii, and iue reasoning a priori Will contend, that llie invention of labor lawng machines throws people mil of rnipl.n ment; but tuch has ne.cr ycl proved to be th fact. Take a State without iiniiioveinenis ; tlier- are but sjne or two callings, and these are a la. borimis and p:r)r badly while a vasl portion of .--'.-.l.... .l: ,f i.i fc. : i i mi niiuiati,ni arc iiinrn on or icu m iiue poverty. Take any 'ale on earth with many improvement, and we find an ojieiiing for every body. We all know that mankind arc ctcatcd with an infinite variety of state, ap titude ami necei!i(, meuUI, mural and phy eieial t and aalcasitnprovrmem open a wide neiu tur uitersitieit tulenta the major pari ol in people are leu to pinewllli tutolcraliie lassi . lul. f dnen off or rust away in ignorance '"' iiissipatioii. Jubilates w wImkoV HnpwvrairiW. HRieimtil j languor e us in enissrulale th pubttc mind there ia no excitemeht bat in politics, at la vie and life is robbed of more than '.half, tut charms. lit a well governed State with in proiement all i life ami bus le. energy anal hoji : ev.ery step is quick awl elastic, every facs is ruddy with lh glow ui health, produced by virtue-improving lab The mechanic, the erictrlmrist, Ihe inven tive geaiu. Ihe malhcraetrcal genius, Ihe engi neer, lha gardener, the pmmologial, the man of cab-el a lion a. the tradesman, the mariner, the chdar, poet, historian. Schoolmaster and philosopher, the adve'lur ius and ihe timid, the stroof sml the weak, the coarse and the refined all find emplo; mrnts auittd to their several lastea ami caoicitiis, all finJ their right level, and all fall into and carry oui Uie law of their nature, and thus are happy. Thus. ir. our fueling of pnJe for the hon- j or and indejiciuUtiiee of our cba'.e ale appeal-1 d t our ene of duty legislators I ap-, pealed to bv the absolute necessities of the people; while roostileratioiis ol a Ingti moral and philosophical character should press home upon our miller judgments, snd lifting us above the amoks and dust ol party, above Ihe mire and filth of demagogues, above the paltry considerations of place of office, place us on that statesman like elevation whence we can view a magnificent panorama, needing . but our voice Ui become a gloiiou reality. Th mean are easily raiseil ihey w ill fall liehdy on those lookup to the general good, j and seeking lo reatore new tile lo llie ener gira id our invalid commonwealth the depri vation small snd momentary, and the end cer tain, near ' at hand, and worth a ihou-aud timer mote of exertion, risk snd expenditure, than those that aie uskid at our haul's. Then, no, let us rie to lite dignity uf stales men lea us for a moment forget our petty cares and amies, and march up lo llu responsibility maktiiir this the brighlett dav in uur calender, and litis assembly Ihe memor able one in the annals t iftir Staut. 'A'h-. ! not make a declaration id mdejiendence. am! U'ollowing in the footstep of those who have made this way glorious pledge our lues, uur l.irlanes and our sacred honor to redeem our ' declarations!' A g dlon s stood before lh. in i the norm that we haie lo fear is banishment lor a nine from this ball, wlncii many now a.f ct to regard i s a prison. I Seven vers ol haul bat.lc, of toil, and loan. antl suTerina, H l""k gum ol '7ti lo aeenut ! tiluli rtinr! .k of ind peiidi nrc j ol that lime. ' am! a nirrrjroidi part ol tin ir hardships will j i consummate our independence, and coier : j Nnr.h Carolina with the lllande of gladne uiillaidd up oar seaport., drain nil ,er i j swamps and her miasmas together, ditch ort i and hedge in her wuio eastern champaigns, I com eit the sedge on her upland hdh.lo blimli ! tug orchard ami "olden harvests, people her , J blue mountains with youth and beauty, tote : I anil pleasure will uae ihe silent echoes of; ihe romantic Catawba wilh the clatter of ma l shini-ry,iid etttex llie.xolifcry., Yadkjn will) I fleets ol ' wt'll-iieilited boats, cause ullages factories, and cities to spring up on the shores ol 'the old Cape Feir. multiply the weaiih and productions ill the grenl Uonuoke, ami , bind in bonds ol indissoh.tile mtercsr, pride, anu jliVru.ui. the Al''eriiit.rl.e, llie I'. mili eu, the Cape Fear and the moiiniatiM, marry-'j ' ing the east lo the west, with a lieh dim ry mt; each side, with a good pri spcel of a perprtu al union of hive ajid interest, and a glnnuus j nlispriitg of bounty, uiaiilinrns and puwi r. t B'i, -, tins is not all nor half -ibe pian ! Tirooosed look lo the rcdeuiiiiioii aiidic.de- ( peiidence of North 'arolina, audit will c( rlain- 17 Rcenmplish ilu ae ilesiratila titua. li ill i bring a market lo all our counties ; il wall de liver ns from our vasal.'ge U Vrtgjnia and South Carolina, vastly multiply the wvalih of our people, lessen their toils -and increase the pleasures uf living. And as I said, this is not all nor half; when we hate got this lor we! will have doubled our population, trebled our! products and tilled the State wilh faelories j : And. sir, our works will psy and sustain hem ; selves, and they will haie buill up our eea , ports, and turned all nur produce and all our : j fabrics in that direction. When lhi happen : wh. n our agricul'.mal, mineral and. minti-1 ' luring resources are hut half developed by a ! I wise system ol iiupmtrmenis, they will make our Slate a great Klale, make all our improve j mtilts profi table, and enrich and i.icrease in j population our Atlantic cities. Then, air, when all ttiia happens, and it is feasible and i easily accompanied ; when all this happens. wh ill have but begun pur great caieer. Wa will not only'bave acheived our independence, have broken loose from bondage, but we will be ourselves on the broad highway to empire Ws will have the heat port on the Southern Atlantic it will be the nearest lo Liverpool, Ihe half way port the dinner place bet wren Europe and the mighty country of the Ann ul,! ; and long arms of tbia port will be thrown out to the exuberinl valley of the Mississippi. On our coast will be Ihe (treat Southern City hilherward will come the wide ond far southwest, and hither will be driven evin proud South Carolina and Vir ginia. But, sir, I forbear ; I will not draw the pic ture which gleama visibly before me in lhal not distant future.1 1 deal in laetl and nol in fnneiei j and, sic I am a matter of fact man, ...it. . , ... ,...J : v. I anu nave miv lime imagiuauon, x ei so glow ing is the picture which 1 sec ao bright and grand and enchanting,, that 1 fear lo sketch it, less some ardent (riend of the Stale loight iusiiiua'e that much xeal had made me mad, " It remains only lo ask what deter us from realising the hope which we might justly en tertain f Mistrust of the people fear party spirit and sectional prejudice! these are Ibe curse of the North Carolina, We underrate the intelligence of the people; we gratify our own narrow views in ruling down liberal measure and then saddle the blame on th people. Sir, th people of North Carolina are nmr in telligent than they are represented t b in our Icgislativ halls; and air, th popular heart and instincts, educated vr not, are uflencr just and liberal than otherwise. For one, I will trust the people i and if w would all do it ii ws would paas this bill by eouiiuun consent and go bom and throw ourselves lin th generosity tuid dis crimination of the public fighting fur ou up holding each other, w would overwhelm all up. position, x Fur nn sir, I would try It; I boast not of ceurscf, but when oonseiuu that 1 am rijcftt, 1 know not what it is lu fear. Iam willing to nxtke this experiment, to sink ur swim, live or ill politically, in on great struggle to reiiesin North Carolina. And. sir. in Ihi I woold know ao party. I would b willing w Uy aside all party feeling t strong partisan a I us, to forget tb nam at big and democrat ; dereted whig as I am, to roaleaeii fraternise with brethren on tb other sKle uf thu chamber, and fenn a new parly anj. devote uvself to it a party Aortb Carotin, ians i party devoted to tb inierrU of our poo pie tu lh honor and wlfar of our childrea a party o,poed lo ait partie a party M re. eu North Carolina from dishonor aud puvertv, and rags, to cloth bar in purple end (oft rwii ment, and place her high before tb world aa worthy id it respect, and worthy of th affec tion and vstisratiun and devotion nf all th peo. And. Mr. Snkev. I cah f iriretetion in thi rlso aeetinnal prejudice, that must lianeful.of tB trmjs-tit ttre wtiman treart, nem wnn aticisss. Aud Ilk fauaticuna itsiriirgs frous a good eaus it i a perrrrted virtue, a aobl mw- uaient rua aasa. , - - Ik ravines hare ever durlurbed ear legislative balks it antra im wild and farce earaee aa all oar enterpn-. ,.j ,f 8ir. I lot soy borne, tb n'aca Where m) fath er lived and wbere they he buried, tadas red s thT an by a thoaaawd tiiiv recollections) and I ra prua-i s asy baase, and of iu pp!, and I will speak far them earns and creTTWlMr aad f gbl fur tbesa wbea they ar asaaaled. Bui. sir, f"T th very reason that I loss asy borne, I love Nortb Carolina in which thst bum is situated N'urtb Candina, lb sovereiiw who guards and protect my home, and whos honor d ahame are tisrl of my own. 'Whim, there.; fre, a bill like th pre seel is Wfura aa; wheal the true and paramount int- rent, of that State ars al stake, I knew no section, nn east B.r went, but only V .ltu't'i.,i,ui, on and indiviaib'., niv sovereiBii ami Ui t.pe of lav childrea. Ta unite the Stt snd break down all prejw. 1 dice of section to bring lha east and weal to. Katner. is turn object or tins hill ; and Mr. 8peak. r. if onlj thi eould be accomplished, it wbuld le aortli all our pains, and b th greatest a chicveinent yet witnessed ia these balls. Keen fur thi for this alone, I would be wil ling tu b eacritieed ; ye, sir, if I could but see seeli .nal prejudiea, that hateful tyrant, die, I ..u,.i in wining to iau also tu rue no mora as a politician. But if we eouhl kill it and aim redeem N'ortb Carolina if we coald paaa such a bill as this, ami start N.u-th I'aneina im a bright career of pruspen-.v, glory an I liappiness, tlien. indeed wi.uld I ni.ist cheerfullj surrender all inv hopes of preferment, if that surrender would purebaa i the result, and pruudly die in triumph ! SABBAITl TKAVELMXO. The (lid School I'reabvlerian colony lo Oregon, which was formed by Rev. J. A. Manna, of families fnim Illinois and Keuinc- ay. ami sianeo ui.ring I he past Mnmer ior neir uesiiuaiion, nas neen rreentlr heanl r ii i i ........ .... .,, ,uvniru in in, I'lguKi 111 laiium- Tiom. I he eolonv experienced (Treat rever-,, . . , .,. . ... . The company disbanded an t separated 1 Tbn ,r mMT L,", ,n l"'l" P" S. fore they reached the territory, nd Mr. ! fefB. issued hy Wa-hingtonCity Banks which Manna anil his wife enierfd Oregon alone. v existence. The captain nf the company, wilh twenty-j ' """ ' one persons, refused lo teat on the Sabbath; The speech of Mr. Gilmer of Guilford deliver- and proceeded on their jonrner ir j.inrner, but Mr. H. ' a. fterward. severely j as and dcai h, and reach- sai s this division w scnurged with si, kness ed ihe itillry eight days after tfme woo rest--it'. The resting party vVd good health, am! no deaths among them. HIES'IDKN T ITlI.MORE. i The New York Commercial saw: A let- A let- ter from Wasliingloii iiif .rins us llial it is t!i determination of some frieeils of the coloni- za.ion cause, to make Fresidenl I i more a llie director nl Hie American L iilonizalinn i Nociity, by the pot m)Kiif one thousand dol lars. The menibaV of iht Cabinet, oliieer of the army and ny v, iiielujtug (Jen. ftrott, j and many other have ahead, contributed. There can be no thiulit of the sum of tbliiOO ' being easily raised for such a pnrpoae, but , damp, wet weather, "nor winter ha been mild ' IT. S. SF.VATOR. wa-BUpjmsw-it tatMwraM to -diHrble oe hltBui11 Feceiittr. Ph the nihttd' the- 4ib, w. 4 Arter le fmrth of March n.extvU.is known, the sum. a whatever il may aatount lo mil l?frBW1 . 'conid.rM ' enow storm, but the ' North Carolina will be represenl.d in tb. r 'T'Tde, ' r ""' " , """"Inppearanc. of die warm ray. of the sun next ; f 8. Senat. by but on. Senator. Mr. Badger, grants lo Liberia. Contribution may lie re-! , . ... , . e . . . , loi.ted lotl.e Uev. J. II. Daulur.h. Alex-n- . J-T' soun dipersed it. At our present writing, j I"" equally well koua, that th duty Infill tb uria, a. we hov Jeltgl.tful spring weather. i pl iee of Mr. Mangum, duv.bed apoa tit bt 1 , . . , , , j Legislature, knd that that body niiled to sleet COCNTKBI'T'IT. I fOKK, lone. I'nder uur eenati'ution the Gurern r. We were ves-crday ho., a e mntere-ii ' The demand for rt.is ne.5e-.sarr article i. muebj'sos no power lo fill the post This is to b -J!l hill on llie Commercial Bank of this town j beyond the supply: Engagements have been regretted, oo soma accounts, especially in view (says the South Carolinian. J The note has : made, we undeisiand, from JO 50 to $7 50 per!o tb important matUrs which way Im broaght a vill nnoiis bmk, had pr per and ba lly tel. I he bean ol tlie vignette runs mm the : cuiveu line ai uie mp oi me mil 'ioiumi'ia, SimiiIi Carolina." The eivnsture of the Cshier and President, J. A. Crawford and A. Bl-anding. are evithenilv written with the ame ink. The word "Twenty,' on the left haul lower corner of the bill, is -cry much Idurrid. WHAT SAVANNAH IS DOING FOR RAILROA OS. The City of Savannah Ins subscribed half ! a million to the Savannah and Penaarola : political subjects introduced, it is difficult to eon Railroad, and now, Meaars. Screven and ! .eive how thev coulj have moved on more rapid Roberts, who are canvassing the citixens for , , 5 , rotiew of , j , u wi u private eubserimum.. report .lock uken toi. , ... . . . ... the amount of fSttO.i'OO, making in all, the sum of 4800,11011 secured, by Savannah, lo the I'ensaeola Road, NECKOns 1 CANADA. Some of the Canadian papers are taking ground against the influx of negroea into th Province, viewing it aa a preaent injury to their property, a drawback lo their social progress, and a aource of much future trou ble. Al old farmer, about the time that lite tem perance roforin waa beginning to exert a faithful influence in the country, .aid lo bia newly hired man: Jonathan, I did not think lo mention, when I hired you, that I think of trying to du my work tbia year without mm!" How much must I give you lo do without ill" "Ob," avid Jonathan, "1 don't care much about it, you may give me what you please. -' "Well," said the farmer, you a abrep in the fall, if you "I will give rill do with- out. Agreed" said Jonathan. The eldest son then eaid; Father, will you give me a sheep if I will do-without rum!' Yes. Marshal, you ahall hare a shep if you will do without.'' The youngest son, a .tripling then said: Father, wdi you give ate a sheep also, if I do without rum." "Ye Cbandlrr, J on shall have a sheep also, if you do without runt." Presently t Imiuter apeaxa again: - "Father hadn't you belter take a loot" Iheep Swollen month i a malady which some time attack ahole flock of ahecp and be come quite fatal. Mr. Mortal Male that be haa had Ihe disease in hi flock, and cured it immediately by mearvng (he diseased tin with ur. The Rev. Bdhop Ante, of ihe Methodist Episcopsl Church, eailed from New York on 2Uh itist., ia.' the Illinois, for California. W. iV. Axpihwall, IUq-. President of the Pacific Mail fcieain Ship Company, ent the Bishop, . unsolicited, free tiekeis for the through paaatgc, accompanied by a kind let ter, f - ' ' . t ...I i - f"P' it i estimated that at Ictut a million and a half of persona w th Wellington pro cession. . The tilling accommodations at trie window. and roof nf the various house oo the I me served for about 300,000 or 800,001). The Queen ami her children looked from St. Jam.' Palace. The Ainericau M ini.ler joined par ty of hi countrymen, invited by Mr. Peahody, loihe London Voflew Hmiae, which i ilna ted within few hundred yanU of the Cathe dral. ' ... - dCialaal eaaMt!AoeaiaiUtwrer4 albe, State rilUne'a. TJ1E STAR.1 1 mA VUJP .;. sr. Ar7T --i.'v- Librrtittl istalt xoIbb. ALBXOH, Janaaxy 12, 151 V. Ik, PAI.MRR, lbs Amsrivsa Xeavpaper Afenl, is Mc i.nv aurSoctauf' A'tnrt, tnr tfatfl iwiwr ta U bIUm of ll..t ,ii. asd New Vmk sdJ alsu u uas rioeial arvst to PhilsdelMs. sad ia tal, empoamd Is take flveniaeairnn ami aahieripiiinis lbs rstrs aa roir d by os. Uis neeipu sill ks revaraVd a, psvwieeia. His nltrea ars BOSTON, eVdlav'a HujUbar I KEW TliRK, TobaavllatMiag,: HH I LADtLelllA, S. W. Corasr Third ilJ rhcataal Pu. fcsf" The electiun of Municipal officers fur this City will inks place on Mm Jay tb 17th instant " vte are indebted to th "Standard" for tb debat ia the Senate nn nor first pan , We haw omitted hcretnn.re to .hi. tb., President White if -Wake Forest College, has been unai.imo,!y re-elected to that offic. by tb Trustees sod that b. has consented to rsmvn g We mart miiTi our ,., n0, to uk. ',.. w..l. i ,u. re . c 1 in Ibe Senat on th Internal Improvement Bill, will be read with interest. . . . prR CITV. ' It is gratifying to us Pi witneas th evident sijms uf iinprorement in our beautiful City. i Mechanics and tradeame- to be busily en. : gtigsJ ' remunerating price. YTb first of ihe ' CEsd ' remnneratinjf priees. '.;Tb first of ihi year, exhibits not onljf the uaualj but increasing demand for hooes. nnil-csnts se bth. Wehave. ..,m l ,.. ... ,i. ,i,:, ant prices. Men servants command readily i 125, and cnoks and house maids from 40 to $T5. -"" THE WKATIIE". Xotwithstanding the unusual prevalence of: execu-(hunJrci. Onr roads are in such bad condition, , that but few bogs bava arrived. THE LATK LKGISLA TCRE. y There appear to be a general disposition to charge upon the Inst Legislature, a fearful dore lie'.ion. on account nf the length nf time consom cd in th session. We have no apology to mik. for the w isle uf time and the forcing into tli few list davs of the sosiuo so much important Iiasiiiess; but wbea we consider th close party complexion of Ibe body aud the many exciting . - T About the usual aumberof Act hav been pass, d, and but fur tb failure of a few important bill, it might bar boon considered a profitable Session. Cnfirtunatsly for th Assembly, tb numerous private bill which might bar. bean eaaily and properly disposed of at first, war de ferred until the last Many of eouriw were bur. ried through in a erode slate, which doubtless will require future legislatioa to parfeet The sould not wall b overlooked, a they involved so many local interests, snd consequently thsy interfered wi h the success of measure of mors general importance. In future ws hup tb body will do bettei in this respect Let thsm first consider and perfect th privat and local legi. latioa necessary, and then basing lan decks aad a wid berth, tbey aaay pat la ship to sea and bid tb storm. TAB WITIGS OF TUB LEGISLATCRE. It Is a suujsct of frequent remark among our Democratic friends, thai the wbiga ar poor manager. There i too much truth ia th r. mark, a th history of lb past in this State will .bow. Tbey ar Mldon guilty of party trick. Mnnrevuriog an d Iricksry form no part of their creed; and a a general thing, they ar mere novice at such a game, when compared with the Democrats. But there ar time when tby out-lterod He rod. When driven ta ds peratioa by th relentless and domineering spir itoftba Democrats, they display considerable generalship. Such wa tb ease during tb late Legislature. Though ia the minority by odds, incapable of moving a peg under th application of strict party screws ; yet roused a they wr I by tbe atyust and illiberal demand of their opponent, they rueceeded ia carrying every elsetioa ia wbieh Ihey took an mterswt, and ac tually accomplished more in tbe defeat of the Democrats, than thy eould have doa perhaps, with s bar mvjqrity. We have el)om aeeit tb Democrat so .ore under tbe infliction of any punishment so well merited. Let them eaaae thuir ravings. Th Whig ajar Ihsot " g ws, " but they dwrrawit all of It, ME.SSUS. SAUNDEftS AND S1IEPABD. These gentlemen it appear, who hare hitherto been regarded a leader ia th Democratiu ranks, ar about to be read out of tbe party far th unpardonable offinee of having boon voted fur as U. 8. Senator. Tbey ar charged with the capittd arias of having defeated the Demo crat iu aa attempt In misrepresent thenod Old North 8ute in the V. 8. Senate. Of th Dem. ocratio nuauuee Mr. Dobbin, we bar nothing to Say. If our Stata were Democratio, be would ae doubt represent bar will in lb national coun cil! but in tbe absence of euUcient proof tu oaurinca a of that xact.it tnke as a being fortunate the Slate that there were found ia tbe Deioocralio rank men of wdloient coumg. in Msnmt hi . elrjctinn. A. lo Mr. Shepard, who U swppoecd to u'eommilW ihirougtiiy lb b. eatira policy ,? th iJemocratie party, th charge ai, U, .lth furet . bal wb Gfc 8a.ad.ra aboald be clawed in th. , ,, ry. wh. o pablW, .a, .pfc.tic.li, ijwrf lb. .cb.... uf tu Deawxrau j. UaJ parucalar U not e)mtr. 8och . - totoOHntUi pj;,, rftbatp Pn, ai...j.,.p.rl,WB palaubleor k.t Privat. view. .., U,tnt turn, of public affairs, aaa4 saccawb la thTia. thiH-iutiv. diem of tb Osmocratl CkasVI,. A eieo on becoming a DemocrsJ most bold ao doe. trine which ar not snJuriMd by th awvirmd saust blindlj tilluw ia tb. had f th. mUon. atitutad Ssnbcirim of the parly and work Well in tb tracM, bowvr gaHiog Ihey may U, r b disfraacbiaed. But Gen. gaoaier. and iir Shepard dared to bs wilting to b iuhSt', when the party bad designated aaetber 1 la there any baraa in tbat I . 33 THE TEMPERANCE lEMORUIsvu. Whatever mj b th view rhlMUiaad by the public mind, a to tb ezf imrg of Mesial a law prohibiting tbe traBc in spirituous liquors. It U evident, that th aneeremoniaa manner ia whih tbs subject was kicked out uf tha I . Legwlature, can have sootlisr ssTost than ft, as. boldea tb friends uf retona to press th at 'Iter "Imo" 1 "P"n pnuving of ,h v""'i" Memorial hy tb Seaate. will 10 k!o1,e ,he Wh,rt th re,uU W,itt 0,,,J c" u doeate oi -reiorra win auuer us . to .uaiouisa sueas against all tatSMfxrsfeappea'a to tb. passions aad pr.ju lice of th p-opls. Th conduct of eome of our legislators, whatever may bar been th sincerity of their motives, is certainly Indefea sible ; but any undue attempts to pr judie their Constituent again! them, can only tend t in crease their boelUiiv. aad um them to rallr all ith furoeaof tbe opposition agtu-sttbmse. ! Opposed from priocipls, a we bar always bean I "TV . . i .. .... to tms netanuos trams, we eannni o uaoiinaiai of theabsulute impojseaace of securing the warm advueacy of tb gftat ljudy of th people in It support, in order W-iect any panaaoent re. f- Tiii ae understand to be the ebjeet of t friends and advocates. Irtt theoa ths on, in th a ran tenor or thair way, enlightening and purifying puhlie sentiuieat, and sweMse ill attend the eff .rt; but let them avoid all bitter and intemperate expressions, all tareastie and : abusive epithet. Let lhe,n tnke but ivis giouad ; ever bearing in ai'ind that they are not 'to return blow for blow, nor railing Cur railing. before Congress duringjh erienirig two year. We doubt not, Mr. Badger will faithfully rtfieet the view and sentiments of the State, but in a contest involving southern rights, we shall need all our strength. NuiriericaHy, th Democrats of the State Legislature possessed 'be power to elect a Senator, but their diSarai s pr ten led it. At tb aext snasi.m, if th Whigs are true to themselee, tbey will supply th lack of taw Deaaoerau. I PLANK ROADS. W ar pleated at tbs growing popularity of these roads- At it late session, tbs Legislature passed bills authorising the erection of soaea twenty new read. Ws wish tb ntrpris all posaibl success. Just about nuw w feel th aeed of them in almost every direction. Iodd tbey bava been found tu furnish tb publie with tucb facilities for travel and th transportation uf produce, and withal, pruaiiee each a hand" sums return to tb stockholders, that w should nut b surprised to see them at no distant day, dotting our entire State. It ha occurred to ae, tbat a Plank Uuad from this City to Faycttaville, and one to the Deep Rirer Coal Mine, would not b bad ideas. UOX. GEQRGJS . BADGER. 'T J Tbe popera suu tbat oar distinguished Sana, tor ba bean nominated by tb Prssidsat for lb vacant judgeship ea th C. 8. Supreai Court Bench. We ar not adviead tbat any on ba re ceived a eoafirmatiua of tbia rumor ia ear City, While th numinatiua is an indication af tb good judgment of tb President, fur a appoint, ent in our opinion woold be a bttt one, we should regret to lose him from hi pwitioa ia the Sanate at thi. junctor. ', W1L1INGT0N. f It is gratifying to observe Ibe rapid improve, ment of onr sisUr town. If the opponent of internal improvmnent wish evidence trungr than the history of Wilmington furuishe ot their utility, we despair of their conversion. From a tabl ncontly published by tin Ilsrald of tbat place, we Uara tbat th export of tba plica, bulb coastwise and foreign, far the yea j ending tb (rst of December, 18ja, amM nasal ta ll, 14,009 67. - , N. C. MEDICAL toCIETI..' a We publish on tb Srst pag by rqul, an excellent address frum a eoumiitw f this Ae eiation, to th Physician uf our State. Wat heartily wish th Socioty success in it lwuxUbbt attempt affect any wholesome reformation In tb praclioe of th member uf tb medical pr)-, fossion. , Wonder, if sametbtng of th somcoort may not be odd among member of the V profession. . -,i lei it- TERRIBLE BAIL. ItOAD.ACClfiEST. We are pained t record, m on the Cth iaat v tb pasnge train en lb B.an and Mia' Kail Road wa thrown froa the tract near Aav a .1 . ,,hankmaal lwnty fuel itt m '-- , - . l ire depth. Among lb passengers, wr lb Prcis, . J dent eleqt, Gen. Pierce, hi tarty ana son. V-.. Pierce' son was lusWntly killed. Mia, I urea wa badly injured. Ca. P. pd with lijfb. , injury. : " " '. 9 Fanny Wright Daresuwnt died in Cioeinnaitl laat nsnvith.' 8b waa botr known a Fan Wright, the eo.Jjntor of Robert Dale Ower the free thinker. ' What must have been ihe re, saors of bar last momeala, if ah did avb lived I. Only think of it reader, an i M del ha raitticuaflfhiTrMvii mte tUapjaaaociV j;U,i"DiUjP , 1 0