7 , . The pfwlaaaatioa of the Empire, with Wis yeaelcea to Wat mm to bar not wit wary gsaereljappmval hi France. Whether the "7? erowa will ait eniy boob Ibe header H ineaai Vent, remain to be een. It U anderttood tht ' tin Emperor doe not found IU claim oponiny K kcreditary right, but upon th xpred wishes ef the Frew mKiw Kogtund end the Conll. , MB 11 powers Un arknowledg-il lb govera Nt ' It it andcretooa' that oar Minister In "TarU will io tlit mmr. We fredic that the - UMf of teie will be vt charter duration and "fcr lees brilliant than that of hi onele. So for, fca haa evidently tbruwn kit canla with great Judgment aad foreeesle. : woaniTBTixa. The oM people J. tbat u excellent method af atwaerving the eyesight, it to dip your fan in ' water every morning, and-pei jour eyee " Unfit poaiiLlt. It it laid that perionf bare been knows to veor their eye.tigbt by thie ' Batlbod at a advanced nfe." - . ."ct'BA. . v The views expressed by Mr. Tenable Irnm fl la 5UU, In hitlaee in Congre the other day, a oppaaition to tha annexation of Cuba, meet Mr Hearty approbation. Wo truat ha expresses the views of tha incoming Adininiatratinn, Thia ia sign of returning aanity on the part, of tboaej vKa hart hitherto been cleaned among tne un. fcnrtore of the peace of the nation. BATIXO'S BANK. ; We lenra there ie a proposition an foot to en. tablish 8evlng'Bnk in thia City. We with It nacoeea. Ia ather ptaeea they hare been in. galarty aeefuL CoL Cameron ha retired from the editorial lnanr.mut of the N. C. Arenas, at Wadesboro'. ' Wo regret thia, on account of the loaa the Whig party moat euetain. We wi.h him success labia future enterprise. The Argus ia well eoatained by Moaara. Shelton and Paul, ita pro, wnetore. It It laid that in the Monument of Washing . ton, In process of erection in the Federal City, 0017 State in tSie Union i( bow represented by Ita block of marble. tSf From I ho opinion expressed pro, and rco. l)T the pre of the State, o the subject of tbe pawen nf Gov. ReiJ, to supply the vacincy la tbe 17. S. &nat, we infer that, should that dignitary make the apH'-tm'nt. will n-.ct tbe. approbation of the Democraiic party gen. orally. Tbe W biga take different viewr Forrester's Boy's andGiil'. Matraxin for Jan, aasry, is an our table. It is an admirably gotten .. . .. ' ..I p aaoatlilT, rortnelnstruti'in anaetitertainmeni of tbe young oaes. Paronta will d wall to for. i.b pbHe.t;,.n of this kind to th-ir children. Illspu:.lllHd in U isiuii, UJ .or. licnrj r .migun, No. 7, Cornhill, at $t, strictly in advance. ' Tbe on dila rf the press, fail to settle down certainly iipon tin j?ontleroen who are tu com aoae the Cabiuct cf President Pierce. Those baretofore announced seeui tu be ntort probable. Congress dragso Ualngtb lastly. But little has been done so far worthy of tho attention uf tb general reader. Our last Kurnpean int dliti oe lack interest. The continent i in a ealm. It may lie the calm which ia the prelude to the usunl truptiout of tbe eeleaae. Dipping tbe crown of the bead in eol 1 water aaorninf and evening, i eaid to be a prerco tire to ear and headache. ' " Una. W. R. King, Vice President elect, baa fto to Cnba for bis health ia a goverameat ves. Oreeaoagb, the celebrated American rVulptor alied reeeatly at Somerrille, Massachuerttt. DESPOTISM RIMPANT IN AMERI- , ca.: We (tare twe despotism in this free coun try. There ia the sbsolulism of women, and bare is tbe tyrauny of fashion over woman. ine brat ta ul the nature of a intxed-despo-tiaiB. The most imperioos fair one can oc casionally be wheedled, or flattered I or be failed into letting a husband have hit own way. , But the tyranny of faahinn it thor ough, pililetn, unrelaxing. No coquette was aver half tri cruel to an adorer it fashion it to the coquette. No belle it at whimsical aa fashion. No alighted beauty ran be at re loadee ia tht hour of her fancied ascendan cy aa tashinn it her annual return la power, it It told that when a rertain Persian mon arch limped, all bia courtiers limped in har mony. So fashion ean do nothing to absurd oat mat nrr tunjecti will imilale it. Tins winter the prescribes flowing sleeves, tnd very woman ahivert from wrist to elbow. Bhe demands in open bod dice, and lace ehrm- isarlfionmt up. Just, at few yean ago the ocoerao narnt sleeves lor Una or fat arm ir respeeiuilly i or as a few venrt hence the will stenrva dresses eat high in the thri whether the throat it ugly or pretty perhaps wnetner inert it any throat at all flul, Jiutlttit. CASS AND BENTON. Lewis Pat and Thomat II. Benton, ire two of the moat robust and healthy men lobe eeen in Washington. Both are and have bee remarkably temperate from boyhood. teen, iae Hat ever been a cold water man. and lookt at if he would leal a score of years . . ... . yaw . ueuion ippeart freati and energeiio at ewer, awd anexebange relate Ihe following o4' old Bullion: He eaid recently in ronvcr ttia with a genUemaa who spoke of hit bc . iff tlie l.at of the group- Ves," mid he. -viey, xvebeter and t-allimtn arc gone; years gw ami... uuu me, a lieu tliete men err' ueet, you win be Ue.li tnd viormit it vcr. M habit of living do ii; until wai thirty, I drank nothing but water, air! Since then I have drank nuly-what rircinnslaqcee made it fit I should drink. Temperance and Miejer auoa keep me io health aud atreiurdi. IU. aidra, 1 adopt the Roman Regime bathe with wo wtirr , ana nn urv. J hat e xercire. Nona vfynur eommon flesh hru.lie, but ueh at they rub horse' legt withl' If Ovv, Reid ha appointed Judge Manly a hold Braufiin Special Court, Judge Hick tu hsild Cumlierland Kpeeial Coart and JunVe Bailee lo hold New Hanover Special Court.' The eirew .f the ichoonrr Advance, of " wneana. i.telv cctzed by tjommndnre regorjr, at Port Praia, a i Slaver, awl brotnrht to No,dlfc,' Va, bare been coinmiiled ' . SUPREME COURT. -' ' Sine nur last nolle, tht following genfle men bare been idmiltrd to County Court practice, 1 ' ' ' ' x - $ Win. P. Solomon. Franklin en., , , Juiina L. Gornrll, Oreenfburo'. John Manning Jr., Pittehoro'. 'I'boa. M. (iarrelt, llerlie. , V W. II. Jenkitia. Oxford. And the follun'mg hire been admitted ot Superior Court practice, rii: l. M. Cnrjer.AVUiiininn. N. C, J no. C. BaUhain, EUenun, F.. (I. JorJ iu. I'ecton ru. Wm. II. Jilinaun. Tarlioro, Wm. I!. Builey. IlillalHim', A. 8. Mi'rriition. AahevilU', Iw M. Kroil, (IieenilniM', K. F. AimliiVd. (ircfusbnro, Jaa C. )ii;llolii oii ro., Win, T. Marali, Orei-n!!, Geo. V. blrong, GoMaboro', Alfred M. Erwin. McDowell, 8. Devi-ne, New Hanover co., W. J, Ilnualnn, Kriunaville, rl.. W. Wilson, Alamance, Willitun S. Maaon H-leinli, JoeeplrUaker, Ftyetieville. 2CII OK THE AMERICAN MlN- r ISTER AT THE GU1LD1IAI.I, BANQUET, At lliB grand antiiiil banquet given by llie Iiril Major of lmJ.m, on ilio 8ili iiii'itui In lordsliip, after the usual loyal loaul lud been diepoaetl ol aaid he waa delighted in have among Ilia (Hint" the reproaenlative a country biriween whom anil ttu rutin try 1 interchange of a IriunJIy Itf liui to much uj bedcaircd, and gae "Hi. Excellency ihr Amencaa Minuter, ami the Iii:.ivaruiaiivek ol Foreign Power." (Cheer,) .Mr. liajertoll returm J thank. He regret led that iie'wa not atconip.inied by more ol In fellow Miniater, on ibis occasion, th.it thev might have ctn the assemlilfd loyally and" iniyht add the aearmhlrtl Iw auty, prr enl in llie hall. If ao, they would liaie lien satisfied of the truth of the old adage that -The atisetit nre in lb" wrong." The country he had the lo1"' reprrarnt excelled by none olhrr iu love and aifmiralion for the peoplo of. thia country. They de rived their knowledge fnun the win instruc tor, itiiil their hahin from the ame example. The charter i.f the middle age, the Bill oi U.vlits: the mien cormis, were Iheira as j WF R mira, Jj addressed them in the j t ime coimtie4.ingtrgr wliicil thev spoke, ami , bi fellow eouirfryn.e n slmlted the same books and arrived at the annie eoiiciui-ions oi peienj and luppiiiejil. To illustrate ihe feelings' .Vriie to iSp'iieojiJe of ibis eouniry he might, remii.ll i'ucii lbit a eentlemitit f tatmloiT I (Mr. T. Bayilra'withoul nv parlieular rank or anv other tiilu but that ol being a Loudon I . . . .1 . ll..:,...IU,-.,n. ..JI...H i iiierrnant, eame io me nm ! received l.c b i cl.e where paij to a . "r- "r? r." "" .. . . ttw t.it .i.. n..i -.((l(e mute his fellow countryuieii were not baik- ward iu rend?riug thetr asitanee, and Lilely when the cxpediliiin were filled tint lo as certain the fale ot Sir. John Franklin, the Americans endeavored alia lit come unto his rescue. (Clieere.) Since he ( tlr. Ingersoll) had ciiinc to England he had received llijsr marks of honpitality and kindly iiilrnwtieMi which di noled the ,fe?ling eqtertinetl tow ard hit country. He had seen to-da)t,the loyality with whirl) lite throne was regarded Slid he, too was willing, to say with them all, "God save the queen." (Cheers.) Af ter an allusion lo the gratifying spectacle which was presented on the occasion of the funeral of the Duke of Wellington, Mr. In licraoll lesumed hit teat, amid the hearty plaudits of the company. DF.C I.IX E IN THE V A LU F, OF MON E V, A lale number of the North American Re ' view contains an artiele on the increase of the precious met.. Is, and the consequent reduc tion in ihe value of money. The writer shows that from the vesr 1SU0 In IS4S fae- eonling to HtimboL't table. Ihe supply of, the precious metals obtained from America . ., . waa about 3,OUU,000 a yecr. l min laiS, to IS00 ihe aunn v averaced HI 1.00(1.000 a '. . .... . 1 year. 1 ne tuppiv wai lareeiv iBcrea.ea , from 1750 to 1803. Ihe highest rale estimated at 38.SOtl.O('0. About e year 1800, the annnal Minnlv waa eatiinaled it 47;D37.00u. ' of which H-J.41R.O00 wit gold, and 936, 380,000 silver. For ihe ten tucceedittg year there wat but little increase in the supply, and down lo, the watt in lite Hpanisli Ameri can colonies, according in Jacob, the supply, Irotn the American mines did not exeeed tii, 000,000 a year. In 1834 M'Caflech ttate the ttipplv from all the world at t30,000,OO0. In 1847 thia supply v. si increased hv ihe product of the itus.ian mines tit 0,",00i), OO'', The pmdiicti of the California and other mine have twnllen the tmotnil in 1851 to I7H,2H4.000. in gold 1.1S.8.I3.0(MI, and in tilvrr about 39.000,0O0 frooi all the world. The supply in l832itatout six limes at large at it wat 20 yean since. No reduction in the tupply it anticipated lor a number ofyesra. Should there be I teduc tion in ihe products of the California mines, those of Auttralia will Ml least make good any deficiency. An important difference appears in the pre sent increase tnd that of former years. It i this the present Increase in gold, over thai of former yVnri h really produted aj great cftnnge in the relative value of gold and tilver, i ttill greater "change "it looked lor. The Review, in consideration of the matter, think it bet ihe exercise rif ordinary caution lo ss.iime llmt Mlhe annnal eupply of lite precious metals will not lull helow a hund red million of dollar for many yean, and that in t qurer of i century thit supplv will dcpreciaie nloney to one half or one third iu present value. I he general or inton u that Ihe vilue of money i reduced in iher-rtcite ratio of the in crease of the quantity. There can be little ib'iibt that ihe large increase in Ihe quantity of die prrrinos metal will occasion important chances in the Value of nienrv but no causa Tkf altrm it seen in thai. The operation will be very gradual: and most continue for many year. A decline In Ihe value ot money will Hicrenas wtjree. an J Ihe price of ' acnruUur.il and manufacturing product, as well it real estate. In this general and gradual change (here aviil be no revulsion to produce geberai uilre. ; htrung JnlrUigtueer, TaiVATIEglt Ue.nmu. AtBSTSONO. ril tratUm Catr.T-itva Napoleon, who wtt ecrctJ by the United Stall rtmj Porltigal, the arbitrator in ihe claim fir iiiileninifiYati.m hy the United Stsle., fof he hail of tlie Pri vateer Urneral Armstrong, during the war oi I8U, h:it decided igainst ihe- United Stair tnd in favor of Fortnpal. "' .' Judge Douglas ha beea re-elected United Statee. Scpatat fiom.llliiuiui. ftf 'X.Te,rx.roiii Influence of a wewspaper. A aehool teacher Ua baa been tngiuretl t lone timo in bit profeaaioa. and witneaied the infliiencrd a itewonaprt apon tlio mini's ol family nl children, wri'e to tha editor ef the Ogdentihurf, (N. Y.) Sentinel aa follow: 1 have found h to be a aniveraal f icl with out exception, lliat - Ihosa arlnlara of both aexea and all ajre, who have had arws to newspapers n home, when compamf with Ihoae who have not, -are in.. i ii- " wwiiuai, turn or. i instant, ir u.m. 1. Better rcadera, exeellinjr in Pia.PI.:i,e!(cJ, Caa.aoala . tbe Ttfth yoaV U hi. aa! lion and emphasie and consequently read , j, nal eor puxr to wore iinilerstaiidiuelr. ' A 2. Tt ev are Letter (pellet, anil define the lailin events lb lilauf luueaiiuant man. I word with (rreater eiseaml areiirarr.. i Uieareer and bi. hutury duinand. and will' 3. They o'.um a .Wfafl knowledjo f, indue tut rntvive. fuller . cai.tcratiun than ' .n..- i .1.. i. ii -JMh "'l-reed within the liuu uf an obit. I " , V- , , qnirea ofliara. a. the new.par liae mnle. Ihcm. familiar with the location of llie iinpor- unt pUrea, iiationa, their Govrmirirnts and doings on the glohf . 4. They are heller Grammarian, for hav- in Income ao familiar with ever variety of atvle in the newananer. from lb. eom.no'a place advrrtiseineiil lo the finished and class J . 'i ' . ical oration of 0 e sla'esman, they more read ily comprehend the meaning of ih text, and consrqueiiliy analvta lis coiulrne lions with accuracy, 6. They wri'.e better composition, Mains belter I nieuj'e, coniaininir more tlinilijhls, more clearly ami connectedly expressed. 0,. l-lo yiHina; men who have for j been readers of newspapers, arc always tak- ing the lead in the 'debating society, exhibiting i a more rciiMiL-'e ,n,nnwledie upon a ureati-r. variety ot" aiiftieelaniiM exprcxiiiir their views : with greaipi llnpffey.vlrariieai ind correctness in their use ol language. DISRUPTION IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. It is stated by the London Wrr kl T)i pilc It, thai in civnseqtienee of th'j di'lermina II. in of llie Crown not to allow Convocation to ait liir the despateli oi business, the leader ol llie High Church parlv, nts n-eent mcetinj;. k.. - ... I... i i.. ...a r.,., i.'.,., 1,11. . . , . i i r. ' men-, ami eounn ui-ii.iei.ei. vino mr ,.,,is- copal CliUfch of Scotland, which, while: in all main points it agrees with the Church of K.igl.ind, adds to it service art ai-knowled-menl of something very I'ke the Koinan Cath olic doctriic of Truiisubsi.tnli.itinii, and regu lates it own iiflaif: by svnoiU of distiop nod clergy. The Right llui'i. W. H. Clailst.-ne. one of the leaders of the movement, has taken ihe lirM step. NIAGARA FALLS AS A WATER POWER. The cilizm of the Fall and Eastern apit:.lisis are about lo put to practical uc the immense water power now nearly uh-Ic. I bn I)i kport Courier say, "we are inform ed that an EatcraCoinpany has been urgtni- i"d fur the purjos.-if const rueli if a cunal it Niigara Fal's. t The'canal is to commence shout half a nrtftf above the Fall, an I iiass dirceily throii;li the village at the Ff(. and t-tnrMri Tif rmrw. jam Jie Trvcr be" low ihe cataract. The Porters tave made liberal donations to the enterprise, and then is no doiit'l in the opinion of our informant hut that the project will be tiiecetsfiillv carri ed out. ECMPSES FOR 1853." " There will be two eclipse of Ihe aim and one of the moon during the year 1883.' The first eclipse ol the sun will lake place on the 61I1 of June, and will be visible iu California. the southern portion of the United Statu!, and in nearly the whole of South Anierici. The .. -..,,.1 'm,M i, .,i :n i... .. the 30lh November. It will he . ..Ida in ,., . .... . , . , v aoiornia, mcxiro, eemnii Am. rtca. and near-1 iv ion wniiie oi ooiiin Ameuca, ijotfi ot these eclipses will be invisible here. A partial eclipse of the moon will take plaeo on the 2l.il of Jlinn. ho-intiin mt fib A,n m tm ,i -n,!j oi, Bl. Diffiis lio..,l 1 a i . the northern limb. ANOTHER INDIVN WAR THREAT EINfcU.. Plie Washinglon rorresponilcnt of. 'be IN. k ork Herald sayt that private letter I - I : I ' I' .1 r T -1 "l"nJ " oiuion imm r n.r- iaon inai uuiy nowicea a no merest ..r .L. c. ..;..l -i.:.r. k.,i r. i . ..r. m tmo. ,ciUrU i.ui) wu" "enerai uiaae, ami inai "')' n" ' ""were, ilier gathering all the " ihey coulil. bad fled. , General Ulake had proceeded lo die Florida Legislature, and asked for the immediate raising of a largo num ber of volunteers to quell die war. NEW YORK. There nre R.ROO holele, drinking tMonri tnd drain shops in New York, end the i niount expended in them is amazing, almoet exceedinn belief. IP- ihe daily tale aver??e 10 eacli, which it i very low estimate, the amount will he HO,000 a day, 2,1(0,000 a mouth, and V9,OOI,000 a year. Te Moaaoe DocTaixr. Gen. Cuat intro duced into the Senile on Tuesday, latt. a joint resolution reaflirming the Monroe doctrine and declaring that the United Slalra would ! consider i en unfriendly act, and lo In re sisted by ntanv attempt by foreirn power to get possession of Cuba either peaceably or tommy, it wai reau and ordered to be printed. ; . The New York Journal of Cemm'rrt, a conservative Democrat Journal tayt : Although we are not particularly enamor ed with Wliiggrry, yet we sincerely rejoice it me success in inai party in iMatsachuaettt over the unholy alliance of Democrat! and Freetotler. Such t eonlilion deserve lo be defeated, and il hat got it deserts. Hort'-e Mann cmnol misrepresrnl the old Bay S'.ale. io die United Sitt8i:nale, nor in lbs (iuher nalorial cheir.1 Tha U big party in Maaaacii usrits is lha conservative psrty, . A woman quarrelling with hei hnihand. (old him she believed, tint if ehe shodld die he would marry I'ledTvil'e dauthler The tendor huthaml rejlif, "ihe law does noi allow a man to marry two sistera. .'. . MARRIlCD -In Ihia Citv, on tb 4th inst.. It the fnallln. lion for tb Deaf and Iumb and Ihe Blind, hr Bee. Dr. Lacy. Mr. Joiira O." Baoari.i- to Mist Joi.lt A. DatKiKt. In Halifax county, on tht 22nd ult by IUv. J. B Chcahirv, M r. frTta Siith, to Uiaa llaatc. c n. itrLu. " . In Ihe lame ennntv. on the 1.1rd, bv Iter. Ira i. njcne, mt. iia ii. nass, loiiat Jilair V. FlEICB. ' V ; In ftyttevllle. on the iSth olio hr Bev J. f. Huke, tr.' T. I. Il.ion, tn Mi.. Itreerck S.' JlijKaa, eldeat daughter vf Djnean 0, McRie, Esq.. . . , , ' , la Wil.ninptow, the 4Jk inst, by Hrr. lr Pvaoe, Mr. J. O.Bauaaa, of Kdenbm, to Mi.. Mw.i.ttMM,waij3keT,of lion.iriiSi; Waddll of Ilillsborgugh. t DIED. . -j-.-r...., w ni (.. air. vaun .i oi.l . , '. oiranjja, ia jwr oi mi ag. in uenieia, Latit ,rnii, oa the I3th 0;-t. last, Wm. O. Hill, jr., eldest ton of lr. Wm. 0. Hill of thia City. . ; " tA r OSITTJAHT. Vwti at hi fwiden. t in ehf mi 5 u'clnd. ianvtliina more than a brief outlina of a ,j rr titi'. U WM born l Mecklenbnr Virei.Uon th.1 D,c,,uber. 17m, and received hi acli-mi. 1 cal edue.iii.in at il Higb tiohl in I'etemtmr.i jf whk-b i father, the Kov. Juha V'ameron, ,ar, the Protestant Kpiseopal Church, was lor mm; i 'jeitra the able and eoeeeuful t'rineipal. II. I 1 r.""1! U" ,i"der ."" of tha bo. Paul UdrriinrtiiM. Jr.. wliiiM m.ntiorv La kih...j tb cloae of hi. lite, with an ardor uf aSoctina wnith illustrated one of tha aiuat atriking and . int(uting trails of his eliamoter. In IVJ'J, b removed to this State, and oom. oienrej the practice uf tlu law ut MariiuaviUe, then the county aeat of Uuilford. To one, wboaa uieoiorr, like mat of tb) writer, recall the ,. pearanue exhibited by Jude Cameron, upon the ImllMlliOlt KMAf in A tll. f lifA Mtl.l Ih4Ii nu.l. e,My yean ago, the brief space in whieh'ha rose toeiuiiieiico to lu prolescioii, aud united furtun to fame, seems uut to bo a Matter tt' aarpriar, but a natural oonsequfenee. tnioh an one, if ig "ur" ' ''is history, would aaturally inftr thut tie sucesudvd at uuo'o in atuaetittg tha favorable iiuiive ul d ihiistoii and Iredell, tlieu in thesenlih of their judieial fame, ul lavie, and Moore, and Uaja'O'iu, tue great luunuariea ot tha bar, and outuieeted uiaiaatt, by tha warmest ties ut Irieud1 .lop, who hu youthiul coiiteiiiporarios, Unstun, seas- Uendersou. ueh is well knowo to have been the fact, and a narrative uf his intercoure hh tliese great and pud men, which bis reten tive rueuiofy and reuisikabla colluquial talsut .'iiabied him to present so yioveluUy at hi. bus. iiaie bres de; wuui.t eunsiituia una uf the must attraetive ul vuluuias. In m), he was appointed elork uf tbo Court, eomposej d -nll the Judges in tho &tute, and j cumvu j ln t.lty, Iv intoaiij(.ate the euur. j luUj dauUs which had been purpeiraud in vh. ; uuung lilm. to .Western lanus. Ibia oibeo lie rudij;ted at' tho cloe ol tbu year, j:oiuovcd tu lldi.Uoiuuh, und in cnnuoetiuu with hi. estima ble tricuU, ma tuUi dade .Nurwuod, prepared iur puuliLHiivoi a vulume ut the repurts ut cue Uuurts ul CuliliMOlicO. M.,y' lu llfiU, he was marrio' to MJ Reiieeea ilcnnehaii, llie dauiiblcr ultl Kaliard lli'iiuetlaii, Kq , ol Urunge, a jjai jt and plou. i.iuy, to uom ne wus urn aiost uotuiea ana nl lecuuu&ie uf husbands. His .uusequnt Iristury is so closely connected with all the grea. enterprise winch have beea ttUeiupteil lor me luiprovuuioutoi toe tiito, Iba', lu ne.elT( mum iu uulail, wuilia be w write liu .tuall poiuoii ul uur history. V. Ha was tlio aid f liov. ILiivttius, at tbe do elarnti.oi uf war. Willi Onmt iiritaiu : subae- quuhtiy, a Major Ueiiotul uf Militia, aud earrwd with liuu, into tins department, order, ability, energy, and ctbeiouey, rarely exhibited amee rev. ulutiouary tiiuoa. Abuut tlio close uf ldU, he was without bis knowledge, appointed, by tb. tjuvcriior and Council, lu a taut upon ttis Hu' Lrciuo Cuiirt liomh. liu accepted the ataSion .with relucunce, for b reliinjuinbod a mors taJ erallie praeuv than bid pruuably fallen io tbe lot of any uther pemli'inan iu tho btate. Ue ra siX'iud Die onioe at tbe oloae vf twa year, and 4evied himself maltilr ttitreufler td rrrvaT pursuits, lie closed A 'brilliant and useful leg. Islsuve enreer iu 18 as Senator from Orange, with ljjjnch .UcKaf , tieawell, Vancy au j uib e'rs, a. iivsociatesand ouuipetitors. ; i it woe piubably, however, as a financier, that be rebd.rod tbe moat, ituporuiut aerviue to iba eommnnitr. He was present and autive ia the organisation of the old Stale Bank of North j Carolina, in lttlll ; was subsequently, at a porjad "f K"' Hnanoiol ditliculty, the aucucur of I JodxQ Kutliii, as 1're.idoiit; particioated iu the Tn i"lL".' of '!' Pe-ont Ekof the Stat.of ; -urm Carolina, In iJ4, and we f rewdeut el the ourooralion until the do, of 1.48. when be fjnallv retired from all nublio eiicageineiita. Judge Cuincrou's dovution to tb public ter. rice was not merelr manifested by the aocan, tnnce of bigh ofbcial ttittion. II never sought orlee, and, it alwuid b remeinliered, that b. never declined a pwaitiun tliat proaii.ed useliil. neas, huWever it might be .neglected by other. Tbe puootuality and fidelity With Which b dia, ehariKd tkuse frequentlv neirlocted dutie. are worthy of universal Imitation. ' The reeorda of the Luivuf.ity, Tor ahuuat half a century, alfnr ample evidcuo ot the seal and ah.lity which be carried into her service, and it may be safely aaid, there it ao man living, to whom tbe Inula, tutiun is inure indebted for the character and tuceessit baa attained. Indeed, the crowning virtue of Judge Cameron's character waa the! wilinjfnehe to bt foremott in every good word:!, .... pn'wi varisusu, ana a an 7,i t "i i-rawimi r;piaopai Cliurcb, tbe member of hianwneommnninn arc aluue competent to tp?ak. We confine ourselves, in this briel ktch, tu facte of general notoriety, and within tlii sanirn, whether w turn no. t. tention to tbe leadiug eff t which have boen made to advance tbe physieal, intellectual or moral improvement of the community, within the psriod of our rechllFetinp, be has always been prominent, and ordiuaa-ilr foremosL A. member uf the first Board uf Internal improve' events, as llie orfran of ommunieati- between the lienoral Assembly and the first Internal Im. prureiiMint Convention, -a. a leading atorkholder in Kavijration and Hailmnd companies, his eoorse i known to all familiar with public pm, eeedineii. lie waa the founder of tha Hilda si, eiety of North Carolina during mny years, and ' bt .,.in,e ef death, its I'resident. lie tiu been 1 ice President uf tb Amerioan Bible Ho oiety, w believe, since iu foundation. lUlfl and it is quite eertitin, that, during the Ling pe riod ef forty years, no uther layman in North Carolina has stood .forth to prominently as iu advocate, or contributed to muniuueiitiy to ita funds, f . Tiis closing scenes were In happy aeeonbtnee with his general eoorse uf life. The eldst born, wim a ainsie eacepiion, oi a numerous luiniiy. he survived all his brother, and si.tets, and did not die till lis bad reached what is justly consid. n4 a protraeted term -of- homaa emtenos. Slrnekwilba disease abi.-h ordinarily impairs the intellectual faculties, he retained hi memo, ry and judgment, in an extraordinary tkgroa, tu the last. For a great portion of hi life, profe..ing and prlUing iha-diiuea'f. religiun, bt was per. inlttr d full time to eonuilete his nrenaration death, daring two years of gradu tl f but man. fettly appmaehing dissolution, Tht rel'giouf exercises in wbn h h engagsd, thrnughaut his sieaeeajj gave satisfactory evidence that this og warnsHg waa got uubeeded. lie died eur. r-tuo iy tboae wooia he levdl, and the aad ne of ij i ir, ineident to the bed id diaeaac. wa aTievniied and soothed, by unceasing a-si. duities, and the deepest affection. Jlrfu'er. w, ,. noTicci ;;;,; .:; :, T I1HE 1st narteerjelilp of Mcilwalne. Tirownley A I Co.. ksving aipirnl by limitation, we will son tlnae th Oroerrv and Cummissioa Itunnen. tb 1 irm and atyle oi McII TTAISn, SO Jk. CO., and hope by enwtnnt and Mtbfnl attention to lb. interest, of our friends, tn merit a continuance of m.ir pinmiK ana support. Our iwk of Oriwerkt will be targe and com aadin, erabracing a general sa-ortraent cf coed ia our line, tiutoxieatiog Liquor tcpted.) W sh.U civr strict attention tn il. ut. ,.f 1...-. on iomniusion, ami, wil b n re o. roil to b.Ii. liletral idrauee. - . A. 0. MelLWArXE, ' ' , '- - - ROBIT 0 Mell.WAlXB, -ui-.iw ..--..ROU'I-A .MARTIS,--5'" J'MtEPH B.1HSS. ", Petersburg, Jaau.ry I, IMil, S w. J RALEIGH MARKET. - to a iam IS. t'urn ( M CoBeo 12 ( 1 htflOWl FlrnirH a 5.00. Fodder 00 a TO Feather 35 0i V. Iron, Swedea 6 1 (4 Iron F.xtr aisea fij f . Iron, Knglish 4t (4 S Uather, tola 20 ( 25. tendHir, ealf 00 (a) 00. Lard 13 (A 12. Meal tO MuIkihhw.. Zi (4 ), Kail. S) ( 6. 8uer8 12,. lotweeo ii a 2i. gr. Alum $i iO a 3 f'O Suit, Litorpool 3 W. Futaloea, aweet 10 a 40. WUMIXGTOX MABklFX Bacon. U a 13 ctn., hams 13 a 14, Urd It -Sutler JM a&.l'ora nerbaah..CT aoet. Ciff'to, KiulO a 11, tH !Huiuiiku). Latuyr 11 a 11, J.tr U Li. Floor, Cnnil " a BiltinxireS ' LainW, r M. enl '""'.'l wide 8eanlrnS 0 Tiieber-!hip- ping (.ID a $11. pome .Mill a tV, onltnary 'f0,it. tnferiwr fi.60 MotitMos, cnLCnlai p 1 I a 20;l. Porto Uhw lVl. Turpcnune, per bU, .'""IU New Virgin Dip. 4.20 a 3.25 Yellow l'ip rJ.l. a $J.L) II rd i.7ll. T.ir !.; ). a l.Via 1.30 SMiuperf l. 4H, aH) eta, !Slt Liv'l suck f I.b0. Sur, par !!., N. Orlo.m 0 a T ). P.bi Kico 5 Cro.x 7 a J Loal 10J a 1UJ. FAvmr.vn.LK siarkct. Puo It la.Cuttoa! tCmrx M a ToFloartM li.nl It a II. Mulane. 11 a tit. Ml, .r, l a I at Alum bund. . Wool n (4 t. Vlli,-IKJ Whi.k.r w. Biaad 47 a Ml. r'aathtrs It a i. PETER8BUHU MARKET.. Cettoa, i. Fl.ur 41 a . Cora Hi a 7. Prlsx Watt. 'Wheat to . So i Prim. Re.l Ti a a., rmai.a a Mi.lillinc 1 J Tlo. T.d.Mo M.nufn. laroi ta. t a 1.J r router! Lax ?,ao a 4ollr. Cowuuta Lsaf a f UuodSblwlug iiaf T atl doits XEtrDEItS MARKET. Rsea It Oy. lUmi II & II, Cora, bu.li.l. W O.au t lil I . rbior to Ml u Ma- lMt tt M H. InHilln, new illp, 1, (0) .tt old Jlp . ( .i KriI.M. t.io. Hvla ll (9) l.tal. Fileb tl.ee. Bulrit. al. M 41. . IBTEKTIcElERTF.. IHH riKE, will Laetare and girs a asrle of interesting Illustrations of R. a W. U. I'lks s ey.tum of MIIEM0I7ICS,. . In the Odd Fellows Hall, io Raleieb, na,844ril.y Kveninc, Jmi.rj 10, euinmancing at 7 loek. Aitiaismon free ' a it- KV flKJI. T 1MB Hub.eribcrtak this method af Informing Ills friend, and customer, that ae kas assaol led with blta In th Cbitbinc basinets Mr. Joua L K mo and Mr. J. H. Biooa, who k.vs beea for torn tiuio connect. a with tk establish, ni eat sad sre !' aeiin ilnted with th buiiiiem. In future th business Will he Conducted in the atne of i. i MUGS A Co, - Rr this nsw arrsnment on of the Aria It expect ed lo spend about one half of hi time at lb north makini purchase, and superintending th noma fnctnr of Huil' MjiIi CloiktAO, Th int.ntion of tli. new Arm, will bs to otfer areater lnducments tli.n bsretoture, btu .. regard. variety aud prl owi. . The rlubseriber tenders his sincere thanks to kla .insert mr frraods and easterner for their patraa. an and tnppoel, aad earnestly eolicits a eontlna auo to tbe new Irio,. J.J. ItlUUS, J NORTH CAROLINA CLOTHING STOItB. TIIK Hubscribsrs, niont raspactfullv esll tin) at- t.ntioa uf tli eitiieu. of tb. elate to thoir Steak of Malhiug and faraUblua; G4 I ali. a fine stock af Clotlis, Caa.imerts aad Vast iajIS wbich will be uuide to unlor lo tli most ap pro r.d manner. The halaaoeuif tlisir stock of Il'cavy Winter Coata, " j will be sold at a vary .swail advance oa the tr.t cost for oafcTB8tr- furnishing giasiarwtllwlat' lis sol.t at rJuoM priess. ' . A fine lot of lint always en band. Cattlaf at in suortest none, i Call at No. 10, Fayettevllle Street. . j. j. nioag k Co. Raleigh, Jan. , 183. ' it. "Ti:tv ctk.ptirN:iiMHip brittok a XI 101)1), karlaethifil.yaiiaoriataeailk thwalr. UHcU. IUKKIKON, will la futurs, eondost a (in- mil trtemf. Vommimm mil aweVay Jfo.ia.as, ua.ler th rM ami ,tT, BltlTlON, IHI)l A HAKKISON aad hope, by a etriet atlcatlaa ia ba.iwsa, and a Uithtut dl-hsrg. of car defy t our patrons, to CMliaaa t merit aad reosiva tk.ir patronage aad aupport. tti bav. removed tesur New St ire on Syeamor street, on door above Mr. K. P. Hrriin Crriaa;a Ropoaitory, and opposite Weat Hill Wareboas. a a shall keep ee ksod, at all times, a larg-saad well ae lee led suxk of ORO- KI(1KS, aad pay strict atteatioa tc tk t ef rroituc. oomigued to as. . Bl HARD O: RRIHOS, ItKKSARO TODD, " ( V MiSJ, HARUWOX '1'ttsr.barg; Jaaejiry 1st, I8J. , gsir-Tbba4ast keretofore ceaductcd bv tlie uuMsrinera, aimer tne trie or BK.IJ IDS a TODD, this day di.M.ml by mutual eon.eat. and the loraiause or the new eo psrtacrabip ef UIIITfuN, ODD A HARRISON. All peraoas Indebted totka elottoncera will oblige a. by making uuaidittt payment. Ws most nwpeotl'ully solicit tks pstroa af! of our friends, aad th pub io g.usrslly, t ear n eoncera. ' RICHARD O. BMTT0S, Jnryl, 1S5. : KKIIN AKO T0DI). V. 8 Tb. nam of th aid Cone.ra will still be used by titli'sr tf as in winding op th. old ha.ln.ss. RICH. ARO i). R1IITTON, lieRNAKD TOUO. ' -. " - 1-41. I1ROOH,'; v . Srtit Eiklklllii ffln Jfkrtii. filHIs Hit Cord Thread, made cxelulr.lv rn J 8s Ukam Corret, Is now Uking thslcadof for Bala by , Tw.sdy, Moaltoe k Plyaitol, Hauler, Kucklry 4 Co, . , . I .1 boon, Vsndai burg A C tiamael IS. Prink, le, Pwton A Pbelpa, ,. Avery, ililhard A t?., Hvnryt, fmiik t Towncenit, ,. s W. A J. Morrison t l'a., '1 Jobn Martin, Jr., ft Co,; " '"'" B. f. Browning A Co.. Itrooks, Urotbers A Co , ., Hmlttil'ary k Mosoly, 1 ''"'' ' Vnr land, Htewart A Co., ' 4" -"-.'t'mBIn; Metles A tt-.---yrl lrl, Wan-fo, falter ft Co.; tlreenway, Hrsthers A Co., ' . Iljrstt, Holturnoy ft Co, " North, Rrcthm, v .---OeWtpdykAe,; : a - Job Hteasrd, Jr., A Co , , And by all tks leading Jobbers, Ac., la S. fork rkiladvlpkia cud lS.la,, , Js v s . BlioOK'd Crcii likikitioi Prise fkni.. 'IIHE SuJktrfber arc Conslaiitly reerivini enp. I pile ef title m peri or (Six lord Tkcea.1, Imm- k I Ti '" " Ccrioa, .... w.n.rmn io v.coi any in market KrilOMU ft Smith; 23 William Rtrmt, . Aetta la rhilitdslnhle. . .; , WATERSTOfRAT A CO , ti P.drcllM. Agents l-i Rn.tua i . - . , 2m. ." " I'ubllc t'rinHia.' ' : 8TAT8 P NORTH ( AHOI.IM A. SKPARATK ted prnpftsalt for Printing Hit Act aad Jonrnslt af the Ueneral Ammblr. and Iba printing lo bsd'.ue forth nest U.n.ral An,m bly, all to b don as dirscted by tbe seversl laws oa that tub) -ei, will be Teeelred at the offlet of Hecntsry of Hlale until the link J.nimry next. tjultstjj Indexes t be altacbsd to th Laws and Journals. Tii. Oiulraitt.r. tn give bond, Willi .p. aroved accci ity. f. r the tailliful discbara of LL.U- du'T. . -"3pSt,-!, ,,,,.,,,... ,-, .... . naicign wrc. ol, ICjS. t. -I't. i I)RrCJ, BEDICIStES, OI I S, ate. BT recMt arrivals, t be sabacribar ass raeeived tbt Urgesl and avoat dealraMr staoatC., MeaUrteea, Palata, Otis, rVrtameryl ' Itnubea. (llasiware t Varahhea, k Cigar, WsawkTaaaceo 4 f ASC AHTICLIMl Wales he kaa ever saVred to the pablto, rmaetit a the bhw ravoraM term, of laapwtera aas) Ma ataetaraa, .ml whirk wul be owroowa af at arte, and apaa term te p:aae any friaasl end tb pab. iu. . ... ttcio la a tlst f a law article lately rewiveiM mi At 10 fallom tanCreg Oil. UpHI M ailer taJJ Wntlec. lot T.nacrs thl -6m Mosia IHL ' ' 1 6mH tin. DLkes I'ir Praaf Psini. . ; gtM Kirs ablia Uad, K. I. aa4 rare. .-. 1 Cae. rnaHlsh Htvwa. ,.,,,''-.: (tilrvra mineral rJu. tsliha. Varaudi. Aiwwtad Uad. Ill tilrlts Tarmmtlae. )U Raraiaf, f.aM. , .'. Par Casts tnl. ftOe Iba Sap t'.rh, Krnla. (EriglUk.) 4 Hint Tet rawdrra. 60.(100 C gars ry Saperler and Medima. 1 Rid. Rltte Utone. I Boa B.bbitt Ort.br.trd Snap Powder. 5 gross l'rirle, ctarteiL ' , 'f eaaeee Qalalne. . 10 lb, dslontsl. 13 dm. Hampton's Tlneterte. 40 " 0am Arable. 1W lbs, Vrteia Tartar. 8tM) wbit and brown Ulue. " 12 dot. Aysrs Cherry, reetoral. 8 Wist.r's tUlum of Wild CkerrV. . -i llogaad's Uaraian Dlltars. 4 : H.rsaparlibi Halls, Rand and Pellethnrt, Low' ohj broea winilanr (toap. v Uraskati Hair, Tooth, Cloth and Paint. HaattHjt Ryrap of Jsaptha. Boies window clans from txlO te lRxlf. AO " U loo WIO ft, very superior Potty. ? ? 80 eases Apotbeearlea Olsnware. A ry Urn. awortment of I'errvmery, Ryrtaeta, C.tli.ters ltouaH, Hurgieal and iwatal la.tro menta. FUhing T.ra, l'ateat Medicine, Fralt sad iiam lnia, w in. Franca Brandy, Laadaa Porter. Freak Olive, Rploes. Ceokiac Ettraet. Galatiae, Tnuaea, Rrae and Rappenara, Venal- me", roaner i-nn. alatekee aa4 Tbomaaoalaa Me.licikea, 'Lampa and many ether article see adieu to mention. ' I'. FRANTLSCO PKSfTo Wriolr.nl. and Retail UrugaM- .. Raloigh, Sot. lit, IMi , 47 Sf.C. t-A8IUO!nLlil JEWT.LUV STORE, 'AXiMSR RAMIAT, "'if DBalkri it GOLD A.VD 811.'EIl WATCHES, All klnaa et ieerelry, ef the Late Dtylea, mt-ven AXD rtATKU WARS, Cl'TLKRV, Till! SfiioMribsn..rc new raeslvine their KaH pmrobtM, wlritmeof tbt mnetax. laa.it. cvar ofornl Cnr ul. . In th. s... vumisuna; oi ' loo twa sail gllvw Wiblnc - 'i. aollMtb of UolJ Ckalas. float, aad alcrs. 1 A o i lot of Dismoail Itiae. anil Pm, r.anioMioi. Karnnii, ISra.lpln. aadltlnra, llraorlu,Osf Paan4 itrnlMl, 1 ary larx aawrrai.ul af Ool.i, 8llv.r aad Risel Spectacli, (llolil aad Bllvor Tbliablct, Uola al BHnr pencil, and Poas had Lonkets, ...flTTS-TsM,. l),,rli anJ Tim f mon.. Irf'IlM, Fiirk.aaii lhltur Kniv.. ul Pkikl. Knlru ana nwras.' i:.lou, CaadlMti.li., nnert and Trays, lla.kt, WattarCiaTet Urn, UmaiiolM, Coral ac Cant Caees, ' Perfnawrjt ami tunrr Uoaila. AU kind, of Wat.hu, Jewelry aad Clcks rsaairsd ear wmmI sHnaer. Kalelfk (Mobsr, 41 1SSJ. 4-tt KEW&00DS! NEWQ00DS rpiIE SillmrrlUr hi Sow brefiar.il In aos I. i.l.. X. rs kit Fall and Winter ttivok af Oomkk wklek k. hujuit r.olvl from tk. Konb.ra tlUu, Rk CiMk i. full, .kBoriwina ts.il .wry variety si goods k.M in a Dry anal, ttiare. Tl'. follonlnc as irt ut ki. L. . k. . l.,.l LJ..- . . I. oi. muj uo iwanu m wuiaivrr, ao. si, jrajsttsvill. Bum. , Hlck stnl Fancy Silk., " ar.rk afiu-fnve. and Ik'L.ne., ; . Kngllab .ndAaKrioca Printed IMameLA All wool Pink and Bias Pbui.! . Plsia, lllaek, Cksaulna aadPlgai Alpaaaa, - C.licons froat I lo It rents. Rlankal. and Rarnrys, . Keioy Jsaas, all onalltUa, . . , Twrnla, ttatla.t.and Caawrss, , VMtior., ciial and sowmoai, Red aa4 till. H.nn.K ' Boanela and ktoaast Hibkaka,-' ItbvbirT. tllov.t.Lao.. Aa 1... Alu, mm lot of gaise and Ooff... Bouts anil tk S""" wwiiiir"! .uioa. uwiw ana r aruifn war. Ws enly a.k a sail tvnai thosa wlakin Is aamk. fombt, . at all ilia. . .kali b el.aiwt tc show tk.n. van ana nt lor yourssivss w. sr. cowrmlnrC to M eAJtuai, ti. tui.xii, rwi.ifn, uiuoocr im, ix, FEH1ALC CLASSIC At, INSTITUTE. . n jllsborouq u strkkt, ri.HK rat iwloa for W, will begin oath l.t . I atond.y in J.naary, and continn Ive mentk. Th patrang.exia4ed te tk InMltntt ba indac sd the I'Haviiml tc admit measarea ftir il. b,. mcnt and psrtnsneal establisbmevt on Iks hs.1. af vnorongn sea cxtcuivc cears if female Educa uon. The aeverat debartasanta era .lrao ;!J l. I ..,"7 -.f-.t-n. wu,wi, At th anmbcr kmrdine la tha Inolllul. u li I Itcd, early applloatloa may be aeeery te Marv The paymeat af on. Inndred dntl.r. In .1....- will secure to a young dy alt tha advtntagri cf ... ,u,, m any poriioa er ta rnll.alng branebts that can be proatably proHcuted at th m. imn in. anymnt ef sixty -lee dollar will amtira oonre aim instruction In tlio ordinary Rag li.k branch for a aesaUm efiva uwihu . .. Tnitioa fe wilt b expected la advance; and all sor uoaru, Doa:is, He, It tbe close ef tlie 0k. sine.' y " Tuition la lnwloal Ci-anw, per S.Mioii, . .Preparatory Course, Mnsic oa Piano er Cutr, Ancient and Madera Uiignsges, eack, Painting and Drawing, Painting ie Oil Colors, Ornamental Keeitte Work. tin no LI IK) gt) 00 1 1) HO 10 00 IS 00 Tkes prices alii W hrtit -kt..K.l.l. ..i on tb aunt bar ef etsullaa mui .i',. a.. dollar. ; . - BKNtET T. BtiA KB, - i rmfifml. 61 tf. Kaleigh, Dee. Id, 1851. MEII'TIFU, DIPT nOOHl, PAHLKY'tJ CAIIIataT LIRtSARV. TIT IIOX, R 0. 00()DRICH. totam-s 16 mo. I 1 aniformly bound. UH) caaiaa Ula.mil. ' PekUshad by , -, . ., . ; CKO.C BAND, Cewbill For ealc by r tk Honkssllcre, i Boston, Ue. HI, 1H02. Marine Packet Chnawmeton.lhiiilet lad . , Repeating Watches- ; (? Ap!0mlmrnl w Ikt Arfmiralilp. Tit i rii uinr raioxMiwa x Wttra Maslscraa, ii A'ag 8qtn, Ctunll food, iwV C rpIH .wtlnes tbst th. a.-ooiMinylng Wsteh Wc A 17 J, U w.rrsnud by in to be of my Mannfnitar., uiC an WMeb Willi lev asm. anon H. 1. .....u. mhm caHmnpaaicd ky L'.rtilvste, k aring my .igoa. msrantrsUie W.i.k iitis i v... o.- . tfi iniif.i-li f the j nrrftaier. W. lUXii.N vtVkatarlfMeBM'l axT An..rlr s. inerim'tlaHi U'f".; Imnorml snd ! .P.tl.wKR 1-It.tllKt. . ""PBOSPKCTfS "i tun " ! IECORD VOLCKIC -s ',;-'; et aa . . K Oxth-O arollna TJnlTeralty Jaf.agaaioav TITP rWxwl Totawma of tbis eerioillcnt will be pTia with tae'FsbriwTraaTatNer. It l rl.'iliel monthly fwfta tbeeseetifionsefauafiry sad Jsly.) by Ihe madeattal list 1'ntv.rMtv, aad b tet.nd. ad te be asad a reai.t.r ef t n:ir.. tnts. it wl I be enpporlrd priaiiually by sonii ibations af the 8tadeair bt eummkaicatioaa from all oaartert arc Wiliclled. ,e. . , An amount nfveMmbfy hiterieal mctfer.la ca nretia wilk the netllenient ef tk rtsie. fureisbed by th, Prsaideal, wUl be, iublibed iu tL sacoad volwme -t'- Ooea.iana srt!e!e rrn wemte-rs of the faculty will ae keralnforr. enricfa our pare. L All crrAiMjri nad mkmlaiien. most k addresaeal totka Kdilara. CbapeJ Hill,, ..C, ... - Riimtm tmmmumffivmt and N&ryricar t Itm, t reat, Raleiab, . C. , .. Torma4!l2 percaaeat. - . , Tkc laivemty Magsxin and Ponthrra Weekly PnM alll h. tor dslHt) iwieyenr far W. . tXifK-l'ior. througlutut tbeMat a ire friend. ly to lit Magssine, are reqoested to c" y e few times. f -, :H.'.'..i'; .,' Italekga, jttnsare l.SRtl r,U .J-rt We ere friendly te the klaga'tin," aad ekaer falty eemply with the rcnaeet to copy, tbowft we have not beea favored with a right ef tbe pariodi I la aa Kb. Rrat. ,.t ;y ;.; THE fc l " 8 8TLM t I pur naoai jkdvcrUicnieiiliS : ' Wl bsv nnlttnl lately lo .peak tbrosgk avr l. am bun Irlen4.nitrweaii4 talk witb lli,, m rpak a. It we aere pernonnlly enjoy ina aconvrrwillon. 1 vw aa gaging, a we sea, ia bromnl.iini tk. Lotl.ry Syatrnt Mislaining tl elro?.Ung it-eVMnlirving iien-king la mmI.. ILa .li.tpO.ltn. .. Ill .V kviutj soaaiPlmo. mM y tomnr friendk, hkrilln um.i k eapti.lt in ike Lottery tky iriak tlttr fiiiiita invert) f sn4 W. ttoobl raxireM tbev alreet a. t .rui! Ortikcate and rnk If tbey obtain a Pris ks Ik arxi atovt lavsr. ants Kch.ia. iaformiag as la wkst Ulent w. are ta ntlsy kd HniU.rno.rr, tf tliry Cir. Il, to UMtrart to for ard ifn -rawi.icpr l.tur, ky wtil'ek mm Ib.y will an tlm ard w.,nirtb-raMf,esia.inwbat fartnaai tbry are rollll.d to, esndidly sad nilkaet i. nrve, la tlda batter. Tbi. a civic I. vvjmi-.it1 aa atnM soaduelva tn tktU interMta. Tli t.lt an always fnrwsnh-ifnk.a w.ar inMraetrA, In it-, montk nf J I. KU ART ikm Ua huire asMantnf (.'Al'ITAU. One mvtt brilliant vietori.. arc related iu Itmt monlb oom of tk. large Mln. will fall to oar ttipn-rWke bin for wm. ftbo.g.-t.f Writ, tarry, .oik yewr wbtkM, and addrm MMetultf . . . .- .f . . H0RRIS0S A Co. ii Willi.ai '.'t., it. T. ' ' tM.tunt IS.IMio, dollars! H.tii, -nlhnVl : tlraad WMoHd.l.d Lottery f Marylmtd.ror I'.io b.M. tl of tb. eoa.oliil.uiit UrtierlM af Aid., ,' " '. - CLAS." ! . ' To.H grew la taltimnrv, Maryland, otf Falkrilay, J.a. 117, andtr tb. .np.rini.advlio. ( Com. mlMloiivrs. - , j i TJ Natnher I-oMery H nV.wn ti.l.oti, ' HURT epLRNUIlt RCUkilR. , -' tPrtseof liiJjHHi, I sj.ooe, i ii.ei.v, ) ti.oeo, 4 l.oot, 10 ol 'toe, ft, te. , , . Tkk.M, titt-Ualvos, lt Quarters (J'-Kigkllw, ut. ... . - . . ; Cemteat. cf Pseksgs WVdet, ,2ft itnllitr-IIslves, 10 il.llare Quarters, . (a dollar. tigluks,, ti ta. I0,ki doUuvl l,0C prii. of tbVsk baadnd . sMlaral uraau vonnni. tinea i,otterT or Alar) lane. .' t'l.ASk rf, .r IMX. Ink drewa la Italtimor., t.rjl.nd, a S.tcirdy, " ORAKBo.ill-kta- , t I PrlM of tn,t0 dollar., 1 ii,D dolUrs, 1 liy Ot eellnttr A-., A.., ft. v . . Ttakw. tli eknres ia Bronortioa. -u fiVta-swa Raakcrr -1. drawn ballot A Uertltests of a Package cf Tnk.t. will k Mat ' for tdltb Mkar la proportion. - I to.eoii : ion Fri.es of iota) dollar. I tlrandCaa.olidal.d Lollery.vf Maryland vntr t,Tor us. T be drnwa la Ustthnatc, alarylsad, o Batarda Jan. tu 135J. RRILTJAKT grrlKMR. 1 ! I pritscf td,mo, 1 to, lot. I t.vou, dollsra. 1 ,, -ilsr.k(,iuUwe,,Ai ,.w.,.t . Xtekct la dothirrbksre. in proportion, ; ' t Jinmtar Lotiu'y-a drawn hsllom, A C.rtloi.l. of a Parkte of Ki H kol. Ti.keU will k esat for gin aJhtw. la proportlua. MARVLAKD COrfnOl.mATkO LfiTTERT, for tb kMMtt ear wartlagton foamy. Clam r, for ItH. T be draws la lh l,il klond... Jan. IT. Iki!t. - "' et'iiKMS. i cf ll.oot dollar., i 1.01 1 4 liar.; Ii 1,0 dollata. i m Ltei, i m im, as. as ao. i Tltdiwts S aollarn .k.n s ia yvonorilaa. ' . .11 ttnoibar ia Jlntar. Iialla i f)ertiralc nl a Paekg of St Tiii.M seat for let dollar. .bsre. ia nrenortioa. Maryland Cinaoli.bited Lotli-ry for fkr bneftt of tkc Towa or not Air, ae. titoa , rr l.ii.t, t ks drawn lata l liy af Daltlawra, (Ml,l miTamda, datr ld. . ' ,-.,.;,,, - ami cr-iti.--uir i " of rft.onn, d.,llr., oi 7, .-,11.1 doll.'r t of l,to. Jot. Ian, l r i.rso dollars, ae. e. tr. " - Tkk.u i doluvrs .barac ia fronorttoa. ,-,.i ti aaiiier.-12 di-ern luibrfa. T ) A C.rtiliNit. of a Pack... ef li Tlvk.i. ail) ks tent rof collars .hsre. la propertloa. ' " Marrl.nd Con.iilldstud Lottery, foe tk.kew.nl of Car. . roll County. ('Inn C, fur IKi.t. J. kedrana 11 tbe rtty cf Balllmote, ltd, ca Tkarsdsy, ita. M. It..: ajtf. " . , RPLEXMObCHEMK. I tl.fXte dollar.! t.liiia doll.r., I t,SC0 ' dollars! ft ofi.ie, ftHlaieTftK fte. ;.- , . r;, Ttiiktt.i.d.dlara-r-f'bk! In froponlon. ; Ik b'uiub.r-13 irsa tialloia. A C.rlldeatt of l'. kir. of 2 J 1'kkcts will U m.'t for gti ajksrvs ia nronorlirHi. . . .;.,. Maryland, Codiolld.t.d tottery, Clam , mr W5S, 1. k draw ia tb. Cuy l Ualumwo, on Pridaa, Jan. XI, isoa. . . . . .. gptife.Vtttl) RcifSAtS. '' I af M i,ll Ijita I l.tiai, g in doll.rt ! , if lain e. - s , ,.i.tlkr d:l.nk-ftuie. i (waMtion. 7i Nnnili.rr-.U dr.no k,.ll,.i. " ft f.rt!tVt. nf- Tiikets till M i,r,l for S -L fthr tn sConortibah -.i r . ., Maryland l.'.a.ohOM L.dlery foe Ike bear! .f W.h. in;o ia , m.i ir is.i.l. To be drnna ia tb City nritallimore, W.nl.nd. on Monday. J.a ti. IMS, . ' . , . .? fPLKXDll)S(I!KIE. - I nf ta,Snl, dntLr. J I f '.Me doll.r. ! t rf xcet. I tf l,U I of f,tl. tc. ft',, fte, . li" "iirs..-Mu.ri ta IwwportjMit ii . TN'awih.r-.l ll.ura Kallota. . . . A ertlni-.l. of a Paekag of il Xliktts will ks ssnt for f ao "bsrr. tn nronortlek. ' Maryland Ooa-nlidnted l.otterv for tk 1i.g of tk T 'wacf H.I Air, Ac, fk II, fur lais T b drawn Ie lb City of Caltimor., Md. iia Teniiax. Jan. it, li. "' ' - flRatCA Mr-rrruff). . . mf JO,Ob dollars! 4 4,ie dotLra, i ,eoe dollar! 2i or una, dollars, fto. ft v. do. ,, Tloket. snly i Dollar. Slum.. In pnipnilna." h W Pntwa Mmbsrs, U ndlow. . A (VtifawuiiifW Jiekma wiu bn selii twliiu. 8barw la proportion, Con.nlid.ini Lottery of Si ry Wo, t fr tb. ki a'At nt to. vonranaatm iMilerie. of Mrv!n4 tl... , for Ilia. To k. drswa In lb. t ny ol lialiiwrn, Mill of f.tnrn.v Jan. R, I) it. r , Ti .VnmWrs, Ii Itrnow ttbds, ' MAIlMPIrKkt Ht'llf IK '' U'Saeo! If i.ilk) I nf g.neil, ,i!J., 0 PrlwC nf l.lin iMrliars!! ftc . ft,. Tirkrls ft 10- t-tiori i In prorertbrtv Ccrtiaeni of Pnekag. nf a Tlrketa will k tnt . . for fWQawgk.rt.. la pi-r'prtlea rOOA. Wjfrantcd Thrii and cf guperW naall. s -7 - - o iii.ar.as. 1 AKK OP THE BTAT3 OF S0R1 H CAH0LTHA. Tk. annnal nw.ting of biorkk.d.l.mof tin. Hank 11 h k.ld at the'r Konklnr Hon... In .hi. o. mm ... '-, aownn. m ...utrv neai. lUAHLkJI DKWKV. Kalrigk, Kev. ft, I " " dttA . i ""' BniTTon Ac Voni), tIPCEM kci lihsiti iiiecbisti V ' Oyewf1 i'rienifi UH3t tytvmen Slral, K y v ri'TEfiSHrriO, TA. ' :' tL.. a, u i . .. , . ' J ' ) EtlOP0tlTIS IT Q TE I. ' 5 ; '' BROADWAY, .. ;" ":i i .: : SS1T yt'RK. Metropolitan k ill b comrleU-il. and opened for th reeepiiou t I Wpany, rt' pti .dur i iit. . . . 61MK0S l.l'.b tN CO , " ' i v J) i-fitlsr. Jf. -tf. H:.igk, Xof. I Jib, HiJ. aj

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