1 i i , THK HEART AND TONGUE. ) Owe Mr. Toagae f saueh renew, t Wka Heed at Isrg la Taltl Towa, , Waa mischief, fall ant wkswd, ton, - t K W i At !l coulil 111, if Tonga tbey knew, " Th ttatat brought, th charge wee plaia, , . ' That Tongue aa fttlt of deadly baiaa; ' T. , , , , - ongu. the ... Wl-J, and hrongkl to Cart, . Pleading himself Dm impeading aui. . , , Th) neighbor livart pleas Mr. Tongue, , J . . Who lead as into an much wrewg . 1 ' I booh b good a neighbor art ; t i; , , . la Mr. So, or Ey, or Ear, 'J.. - - - t -If aadgbbssr Heart, ln five herowv "' Were cbsng xl by gnu, or aaad anw ;: , TI awry hard to baa the wrong , 'v j X Of neighbor Heart, sW Mr. Tonga. ., " V' :,,. t p laa aa mmni. af Mr. Tonrtw ( ; ' ' Juror ami jnrlga aaid, alt taoia, ' ( Whila aeig'ibcr Heart i ia wroosr, .-. .. I Ko (od, tlieri! enaM eoraa rrora Tonfpi ). ' Ta Court docid m tkt brat good . 7 !V -stn f oratioaato tlia Boightjarbo, ,-, . s .v. ..' Tkat Mr. !!rt na( . rrW, " -'? " Or ejr T)ju an bt toblur l. Jmnt.t.' 5M fii ".. Wait fat UM Wiicik . Will roaxoma with ma riiillia Vaor, ' To yon btaa mountain frra, ; - VUoro Ih bloaoom aarll tba Itnlntl , . s.,b i. Coaio mia lmg !tfc m. ' ' r' '.4',l k cary 'B;io.ly miming, , , i u, ( . 'When I am fry yoanl.li, ': - ' fit will jtimp nt tht gi'n, i Aat a'H U takt ride.,'' ' ' " ", '' Tail for tU aatajmia, aH fr h wagon, r. " ta' for w'U ml Uk riO. Whr tl rlifr ma tU flri ' : 1 ? 1 ' 'VAivi tb blril tbry Mug aa-tat, "j, v I ksV W, TUtll f " - s " Ab 1 aoaetblng good to cat. " ' Cvaj Ustrii o my atory, . And tt will rli yor hurt, ,, -W will Jmp Into th wagoa, vi, A ad f w"!! tak atari j fi , . w J s; -'; Wait for tb w(oa, ta. " 1) yo bellert ma TWlHa Daar? ., i ' jiSn '.OM Mik aad all bia waaltla, , . ; r, ,, - f1 Cox'd mak yo kalf a happy, "J ' Aa I with youth and health. ' ' ' ,.. 'If will bar llttl fm-rn, -' yf ! A horao, olg and Cow 1' , ''Toawitl Blndthadntry,' ;Vif;' :' :"jX:;i ' Af I "Hi J!l-li tin I'lough Walt for tl WBzon. ate. your tip arord a ptfplft j - l, , Toar hair o allek and et, f - ,., . " AbraiJ1 ? with dahlia. ;" . " ';. AM fcotty-iockn o . :-' l It avary 8lay moniiag,. ' r ' 1 ' ' . . i Whan I am hy your tilde : ' ' . ' " ff will Jnap Into til WJX" ". , ,.y,. And w'll all Uk rjda. um;'i -,- ll'ait fur lh Wajoo, ' Together on life' Jomy, wittrTTnrwo atop t . Ad, if w IroitUo,, , W wtllrwot l hippy mid. 1 ' ' to eoraa with ma, ;aiy l'lulll, . , My Ur, my luring bride ; t, v Aad we wilt Jp into ta wagoa, . ' AM we'll atl taka rlda) w rf i is jut Wait for th wagon, Ae THK -OTSTEIl ..' " ; Tlie ttiwUff ia ('ftneil witlt orfjitni nf life rd reapiraiMiti, wltii-h ar rrrjr tnluminoti. liver. Iti.ig. i hearth f .ik llin . raincln j opit ii attnlJ lu fcct-i'e iiitfag of s Af d likw I' al annual, ia alrunly l ai-haj tti Ma ahail, Hot'i aliove anil brlnw. ; The oya. rf rejiirit b nimtl of fill.. The tralrr if drawn in at lb tuoul'l. Willi it)aU open. ' ing in tli uprwr part uf'tlie bi), pntrar-il-in thence ilowrti a lunj eanal, coneiatiitj of lh 1mm of lite gUt, nd d nut agniu relaSning urb portion l r i( noceiwarjr for the ' untUmi f ,t tJy ', . " UjUor uiualty r.iH tlioir epawa in May. Thri ar roverr.l with a aliell lit Iwn nr ,lhree d:i) ; n l In llirr r.in lha aniimA ia larqo eitm)j;li tn lu braugl:t hi uj.tHirt A lb)y-warihly ft-mai. in ibn. ijsr wheru Ihey m taitt. and il lltry (rowwiilinui any ethttr .eeming I o J IImh (lie aflug tif aaa wakrr, it ia the mta.oni whera tli title aetUrw in tnartlip nn lund, to pick " frx qnanti- tit of einull fljU'r dtniij lha timre, erincn hen ft rat Rnlherrtl. r-li!u e--iJ lltp aigr vf aixpi nce. 'I h ; i ilt-pmitrtl ill bril here li.W rnmet In tl ill ln or three yef grow l to'r.tWa . !. They w ' lietler taaUtl for bpin'tllil etsalieretl front the a;ilMin of !be tteepd. mr mig iura of fit-ali water -nteriii inti lltfta repo. rioric ii aaiil lo improi-f tt-ir fltror, anJ to jitrrease ihfir growth ntl fjlneae. , ' The oylrt liowevtr, hit-It are preparer! ia Ihi atanuef re by no wraii l larjre ai thawr, fnimtj atirkiitj to rock "he buitom '( .he cii. tiMnlly, fulled rm-k ojaiera. 'l'htir ..i)H?iiii.ti Ci in tid aa broad a edata. anil ar admira l bv Mlt Meellent f mn!. Um what ie the iee of lhee cotriir ed with the nvaler of lite Bn Indie, eottte 411 wboce beii w ilm cen two f-t over f The ovu-f fiuind iil.iltg I't" eonat of Corn mandl are rnpUi.oi fiirnialiiitg lo.i:ful - oeai t iglro-tetv wuj , ltl il eeeti tMii eranlly agreed, thai the) "t no way enmrmr able lo, our for dt!i fy of ffavor. The oytirr lukea on the roanl of England have etroitg larlo of supper, which ihey tlerire fm.n the cornier b.inti. They are t firl rer iliisruntinff Ujaa Ameriwn palate, and araeren eiMutitlcn-il by anme a 101115 pmaonn ia. a tks r ciimit.' ' 1 ' At Hkun-tt inew t.itglan'1 latoiy.e rtrsiiger w cjlltd bt ejffieidte in Uie oheenee of the rt-sith pwuir. ht nt beiiig fintiliaf with iio riH't the choir. o offended thai body hi bo unal.la to get lh hymn "& Afirr two or three eltirt. the urane preat-lt ar iltU'rniiiieJ not Ub d.-oufited, (are out the Terse t J.el thoM refine to i"g . . ' Who neter knew ur tlod l Hill eran!of the Ueoreoly Kin ' May ijieak their joy abioadr , ti , ?'h "r-J:'l 'he ' ehoir end atl in the hotwe, lt.it wiahtnj trar rsflectirin. rntet wn then, beartil v joined n't with the Mwifier, nod Hi acr ii-.ca paJseu uu niuai iii:ihj a ou'ly. 'j 'I ,' t' . Wht Hi rirt dty of Adem'e li!w tlie lon'oeat ever known J lit M U Jdd af ilYtim. ciViIuii ititiiVi i r;. , She tliUiM oi" TfflS Wedieal i"Wprri, we Family PhTetcrsw. Treating f tb lit af tb Laired Sum, wiu their symptoms, cause, car- and wu of prcTention enmraon ease in Surgery, as fracture esrasuttion. Av.t th Mnneaarut end Iheeee of Women ao-l CbPdresi. A Dispeueatory for prepr. livg rmfy MiNflrin and a (ilowrjr, crooning technical term To which ra iMeal, it brief An aloery aaai Physiology sef Um Hmaa Body ebow ins. rjlkia.il principle, th ranee and car e DUeasce t en Essay on Hygiene, or tit art of Fro erviar Health without (he ai l "t Melirin: an A. tprnni oiaiensv ivfanjH-. nouum; out in rinaia U4o,a, UMn, Has.. AW, lira Sure.', laid. (W jiataa ;!!. ailinilei.a hi Waaninrtaa, ferattrlTaf' Kavanoah, I'M fntth fc.itiioa..rvitd anUfged. and ewy con.ih-rabiy improved: erabra rinic a TrratWe rn lltdropntliy, If omorpatliy, and th ChroMiothermal Hffteiu. . For 8lby - II. D. TIJRN'KB. S. C Hook Store, RaMgb, Xr. eutli, I riVIB Knloprdiiflff'lMimlMrT. Practical and Tlirorctical t inbr''i gu Apfli.-aiion to th lT-tR7alairH IM l HrSnrr in ma I nftrd rilt Mint, Prufor or! Api.lir.l I'brmiatrr Ia the Franklin IiwtiMtr, Ac ; aml.ted by rhem.h!l Moiat. anthor 4 ".V Trea- 1 tiae on Ttinhtntf." Ae. t ompietcin on tolnme. r.r al ortaro, U7 n.rr. with numeron woo'U-uta and itliar illaatr'xnaTfl'i nlitian. 'wr bale by : - - II D. TURNKB. S. C. Hook flora, Rub-lgk Nor IHItb, IftiSJ. FOS THK TOTAL Etto-min!itlon of U-ita, Mire, t.-orkroaclif... Ante, (Irtnat Jli-t, .M l-, ttoetlee, f'H k rt., fee. WinTfitited not hijorloiiii to "ttrfr-imhinn) fiwily. Will not die in their hole A!o an rxtcrmlontir IN fr tte toby) pnaihilati. uf 1M;1 Hkb .KX('ir.. H,.hi.al.. and' anlrr Mukrle.: Mt. ll-tl-A Carlloa iUoi l. I). JIuwarti, Jrin llaaiti IVlin t'looara, lii.o liUl; CLelUr'a da - i f :v.-.. - l u- . ...a i,.ik... h, tli..! Talk..!!. X. Ii W !.JI,.u .1 , I. Ii.l.u.w 25 HroadwAV I r.. . U"W.tr.r, r..litor ol lu. r un.iar TiMMI Mfnchr-la'r Uouia, Bowrry and troouie W. Kulbrrton, t.1 lirooti. (., and 1 Jlaidrn lamp. Kmpirt fily Hon : P. V. Kinjf, 41 Boaib ., ' flriwia. at. t ttotra Uay, T t'niwn Ptai-i!; P.janiin Wand, 4t MciMaal at. I I- B. Bin.rc, 4-1 J .lin ln t, and Marh'a Plato Tbaaiaa l.iumaa, Jr., Arrbiu.t, ji4 Broadway. Fat ail. byOltutt KlcKoaaou A lUbbioa, 127 Maidrx r,.iuu; Lwda A llaiard, 121 Midn Jdni A. It. A I). Kaoda. 1 o Palwu. C. V. Cliakvner A Co.. f Vaary irt't i J. Milbao, 13 Itruoilwayt i.lian. II. Rin eaf. John and Bwadway i IMluc t o , SM Ilroada'ar. and 2MI lib Ar.nne. and all the W!ioc.il ) Ufuriri. ia the i;ity aiol Ilia prui.opul ilmuti. in ttia (Jaili tftaiaa. Cauadaa, Waal llidlaa, eat. Warranted In anraie., Kono genuine nnleaa itgned l.y I1K.VBY U. COSi AB. 4)8 Broadway, New York. 43 ia. i . itate f lta tu th 4ota u oi laoauiurt and l.aiida ,i in the County of Carterrct. In lh aialtcr of BotiJ. Laacraft, Wm. ) Loeraft, J nab F. B ll and Kumn l.ii in Equity, wife and tliera. f ' ' ) JLOHKIiIKSCE jt ad.or of ll Cotirt of Kquily Jlor t,'art"rel rounty, at the Full Tarro, I mill alpnae lopabll. aali, at the Cuurt lliiuaa in llannl'orl, on Woo lay I fib d of Jauuary (, lha follow -In ; lo.a in tba 'f own of Ueatifort, an 1 Lul l" in tba Coun ty iiftVMrH, to wit Porta of I'd No. . l- "oa-1 - ' i I . I t, 43. t;.tfi3(, jotWrt, itnt.WT, K to?, t.2, r, 74, 4, Ubtbimprirreia--ntaaV'reon. Al.o.atrai't uf bud, iioated th Wwt aid uFMorih rlTar, adjoint lha tada, of Joaae Pnlabar and Ralph llowlaad, aoutain iV fi.'iy aereai ataolbirly Bv atrva of back hind, ad-joining- Jetac Kiibbar and otb.rat afao a tract on the' !tiMaldf Taf ior'a Cr"b, knaai aaCanott iaiand, oouloliiiiia iw bnn.'rol and Bdy arnwi aaolbar trart nntbJ(orlhAiua-OlLVV.!llrt,l'. Crorki .adjoining Ilia laadi of Biijab Willi and olbrre, rontaining tnrnty !foar noma ; otoerlrat. lyiag on tb9 Nawnarn road, adjoiniOK th. laada of Tboowia. AUraball, data. I Lim fmrt and nibaH. cotirainlhit lilty atfrcai anoihcr trnc-t, lying on th Kaat aid of t'.r t-'rvrii. Wing tba land whrruon t) rn r'taniaei dn.'d lir.d : aholhar trart on the Kait aid of N'awporl l4v.r,eontainiag two hundred and thirty Hire and two third arnat anolbar trat. eontlafiag Of tbfae rerpraf pnlrntw, nn lb Kmt aide of. ,t)ora I rek, eontulnhig two buadrad aorrl alao anoth er tract near Hoaofo't, adj.dnlng lb land of I he bail a of Jra.a Cbadwii k and other, rontniulng: twelve and a balf aerea I one otbon treat on we norm etne ar tiogue aaund, enntaiaiug two handraw aaraa, being the land eoorayed hy Janw Breea and wife t eeuthrr traei in Nuirporl, t'edar twaaip, ailjoinlng tba lamia of Hani I aanaer and otbare. aotiingoiia. buadwd and Kl'iy aurca; abo anolbvr traot on flio Aanb able of bogn Mound, nooning tl. UnitBOf l-liil-p Cnlley and dnaiea l)nui, being the n!lb lot of a tract of two hundred aerea, containing tliiny lline and. tliird ai-r( alo two NrernltrMttn Ii irkirVl.laud.oni af b c-ov-talut onabutidrad end.aibly ntea, nnd tba other futty aeren afreet another trv-t an Harkar'e lland fnrinarlr ibe propury or lleurg A. Ilarln-r. ronlalniiig ailty aerea I anoll-.or truer on lt.ijroe Poond, adjoining tlie land" formerly owned by ! W. Morgan and dueei.b Hardeat another tmet on the unr:b aide of Newport river and on ibe roiltb tide of deep nrwok, adloining ibe landa of Newell 11. Ii and ..there, containing one hundred aareat another wart nn the north aide of Kaw nort rleerand Ibe aouih aide of the P.w.xin, and on the Wait aide if Newport irowl, enntalning one hundred and llfiy a r.' i another trat on h'i.w.nrt, adjoining the landaf Fram-hi Unr. lierl Oitlaahy nndothorn ontiining one bundred end eighty eerea ,' another traet on the Waal eid of iW itwani).. rroitKlning ana hundred aereai one traet mi the north ride of Jfew. IHirt river) eonlainlng Kfty aenet one Irnet on the north atda of ep..rt river, eotualniog elhly Bve eereat et two othoeaeveral trwet. of b.nd, via i one trnet on the north elde of N'ewpnrt riran d)uining the land of Klijeb flirner, Pr. eeatnlnlng iftjr aerea i on njirt the h'nrlh ei'le of Newport river and weat aid. of Aho Bmi h.nJ. inlng the former traet. and eootaln'tit ana hno'lredand nyaere alio on etber traet on the a,tb aide of Newport river, adjoining the Innda of Kiebard Robert awl whera, eonlainlng ona hundred en 1 twenty aerea j one other tract en the caft aide etftV-at'rrek en Keep rt river. 111 alaa be a Id. at the .aula time and plaao, tba Vai iia llotl l tb l atuM'bwl tiiwetn. ,A . ... , a "Terntt raaite ani wn "n in. uay m .mo. , . , UK 'J l. L, PKhVUY, V. M. K. Bvwfort, Dw. Tth, If.. M 3i.d. LWllMniiHU LB-SBHIIJIRL riTIlK Spring getslon of IfJ-l, tl.e ?lrt Icr the J. present Prlniipnls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, will -. uiellctfon MonoV toe r.l an januaiy, aai si lb last I'riday l My- ' enrneiey hoped tbat Ps rents and iluaeiiao will nSHka every re.scmslde eguet la kaia tueir dan ir tilers and arards in Hehrnd from the arst la the laet dy ef tbe aaasbm. Tb Prrnclpnl will uk pluasiir. in sandinn a erpy vr the Circular to uj aha may dit full pariicuUirs, He would also slotetliat IU eervwre oi soi OS juh Auira . J hlli nualineatioiie as I'esrhers either of the solid otnn.-h of Enell.h, or tu Musle, Freni-k, ((rawing he. MOV BV SaewreO Ihir LO einre u, me ,o-v. ' JOHJt P. tIAWKI.Nfl, rrs'l Board Trnsteee. ' Dee. Itlih tteSS. 3 31. Ion nf lb subscriber' ti. Sih Januarv WexL sehuol will eomnteaca u Clrti1 eontaininp the plan of the Bchovl ud terras will I forwrua to suou e oenire uiem. Address He. Alessndrr Wilsoa, D. IV, llsiville P. 0,Ab.m.u..4-fc..C. ;AUEX.WIL-oX. . Xpf. fth, 1SS. -t. rirrAi."joirM n of th Boeat deliihtful and desirabl real dence In -or near Ihia City. It ia sitaatad about half a mile east from th Stat Hens, in tin MighboHiood, and b wt-U Improved, with laraw and ban J situ, dwelling ku, ft, ft. Apply to lb Kditor of tb Btar. l!allghJ.u'll,llhi : Mtialol Muaioll Mnsiolll . Tog-f raeetved b th Sonh tlarnlbia Musi Stor a sew and tseaBtlM lof HoMWonat Pianos with fl, da) lii A 1 OoiavM, aeieeted .y myself and wbieh, ar war-rauteilftn- tv yer t they ar of swpertat tone bavlri'g Hi Irisa Frame wbieh will last nngar that these made wilk wool. promos and stand bcler 1b tv.ae, wuhb 1 will sell at lwpriees. ... - jj, f, PETERKLTA. aUlelih. Oet ltht IKiJ. ' ' r tf - Atsrjrelotofmu.leal lostrumente by the retail ir wholesale. a',ur ffon Hires to forty do'lars, Vi.dins Irma tweutylve e-ns !.o Jlty ,doilsri , BanJ. of all slaee and prices. Fiatee ehh irotaonets 1 Keys, Oeur. Bute. Fifes Araordesm FrMicb and Herman. A very Ins sot of new and taji iooaols nvusie, hlasie Ibwdla b-tnndwlb tb tausie svlevlcl oy mysen wsuu airainii it Perfururirs. . '". ' ! Painu furt)il aad Wales euiors af ere-y dHcrintiou. put an U bu Iv.uis or ly the single tab. t'nvar a Stretcbera of all else r by tbe-gle yard, ia short evervthing tbsd bal.-sigsto liiegneArts. i Perfumeries! aad Faw.y article all kind too auawr- -viS-stiiaW041:"sias; Two sevuu-1 nana i .aniees- s-. . K. W.l-kirURr'II.IA' AH.. Mrttlhw, Ml..ral.. (i,,.. Wviioi,,.. , ' Tc" w. P. tAVLOu'c. r. r. -and I'lurtnaey. By imwiO. Hooth, lleltwr and j . . , Raitigb, Oct, 18, i -l-osA. , - ttjtte mf XQrth CmtUumr- ." 'Cht' Corxtr. . . f" Court f n!at M Quarto- Ration, Xotmber , - Term, 152. ' Wed! BwbMut. , . - " " E!ilm A- Moor. itrW, hrti u4 xKr r--' J. V Mu-f BnctituM auj Tkt. RiglitAl Uanii- TT HrbMrtwf to tfa tlrrir of th ('rt, lU.I lb Drfrn'taiit ta tbii -, Eiuba A. Mw,ti nA an mkfibiteot a Una Hale : It w, (brfor. anlrT4 Vr tfcie'citirt that priWifaliuB K aiarffl to th Half fitaf, a apQ?yr puMtotird in ihr'.tjf 3 KaUixU, lit iuccw,vie.7. fur iht UcffotHn t-iar at tba mt Trm of or tuiitl aurt 1 L btli) f'-r tb C wan IT of I hatbnat, at tht rffirt U"i"f in PiafcorpMtb. ofc iheond AlumU af tVtWuary i,rxt, tb a'l trier tv a? r-plvr r tt prt-fteifr leritc! o witi b ewdiBitd ta tati.t'j tilt ilabt af nvMUJ. ' WiisejM, Vtliisw r. TTlur,nfrk of cr aat'i rrt, at 4 6V tt. iicott'1 M-rr.laT hi VftTrimbflr, A. I. 162, . - ; w . . j ... (Prira a.l. wi.M.) . ItTATli )!' KOP.TIt t'AKOl.lSI 1. t'HATUAH (Vl-aTY. Wm. Brrt u.an. Aflmini-lr-it of J-la Thwiiui, d. caatcoU, tu tL vt ittlM.. t KkUttti, t. iitor,c V. Kitf. IT ArPKAMNtl t tbe nnti-farttim otMxn 'flurt, that iJ p Pft'iKtarit in dim , Ueyrga W. Hit, in U"t f n Inhn'.'iUpt of tM Ktaie: It K tlifriV-r ..(.If-f i I-y ibe 0ort( that pnMtra-li-.D be n:a.lat :! Ha- it'll t.i-r, tieibnr f.tillitrwi ii thu I'U ut iliih, i-aT i-: .!:-. M.--t tvtt;;, i-r j Maid -U-MhUhi t.;i.-r at i!.b U' l. ! held fr the' fonnir f ' In tii l it rtrt 'ii fun. Sttlltltl. At tht I'UMt lloi.fe In Pllll.(.rr-.-l.. .n Iht wc-ona ator.Oi.v in I . - ' ni.ry Bt, HtMi and tlr lo il.nw rami-, if any br 'ttl'i, why ih. I.an.lr IrrW h..uUI nil bo avid U) ! atiflrfv Ih. t.-.irerv ,f i'lanktfl. and alt en-le. Wmcw. Williaia P. Tavtir. ( (rVkofo-ir .a'd A irt. loaoio' - a, aa. ,n-v.v.-., A. U land . ab year of Amtru an Indrp- ilif e. W. P TAYL'Mt, ' ' 6i.) SI -f.' (Prcadv t htnte f .Xortli t'urolinn. ChaTUAX ClIlXTT. f V,rf if l'leat and (Jwnler Srmunu, j . Ttrm, A. J). 1h,j2. Xupcmbrr Win. Me!io snd wife rtnaanni-h and others Iliirria ' l)ark and wife Rarhacl, audolb-ia. Pelitttm J'ttr Vnrtitiim. IX APi'EAlUN'H lo Ihakotisf u tion of the Court, thai Harris liark and wire dta. !i'4rl, J.nci.h Koorhee and wire Klivalieth, II. 1.. Hackney and aire JaJie. Jam. s Adauis, Jno. P..A.l:luii., mid Klizabetll l'vcbler, ara non residenta of this Stole : It ia. therefore, ordered l.y the f?ourt. that Publication be made in the Kaleigb Mar, a newvpntirr puldishad j in the City of Raleigh, for sis week., entrer.ively, f r j tba iwrtie to appear at tl.e nexl 1 vri.i ol our said t'uurt, to e bajd fur Ibe rnanty of t'l.-ilhno'. at tlie f'ourt i House in Pittaboroiisjb, in the svruud Mundsy of 1'eb mi.. nl Ihn a,.il lliera lo oike ihemael V.'S nnrtieii to th. petition, and either plea.l, auewer or r-....i . t.r the eaiae will be taken pru cotilvssuand llnald rxpurlv as to them. Witness. Willlatn P. Taylor, Herb of our said Court, et oflire, tbo second Monday of November A. U. Slid 77th year of Amcrlenn Independence. W. P. TAVLOIt, c. ('. 41 w. rPrToesav. .$.' (!!.) BANK OF THR TATK OK NdP.TII I'APiOLINA. A Dividend of Five era crsv, has thi .i.iy been derlared entbe Capital 8loek of this Bank f.nr tbs last sis uionlhs payable at th Prilicipol It.ilik on the first Huudny iq January next, aud at the llrnuclie fifteen diivs tbereanvr, C. IIPWFY Raleigh, Dee. Id, I1J?. 41 -4w. MP IS EfBR! f flllE Subscriber, would respectfully call the st J tention of hi town and ewiimtry friends to his well xileeled -stock of gniceries, l onfectionaries, fanny arUdet, Sc., ami I pledge myself not to be undersold by any one m Hie place; you will una tlie following, In part I OROCKlilKS. S-t Rsrrels Brnwtv Pulverised, rrttshed and Clarifi ed Kucsrs' from HI to 1'Ji cn.ts. 12 U:igs Rio and Lagunra Coffee, best quality. B liuls Koe-Herrtligs, pnm at lure J allow, Ada iimntin Cauill. A in hit of lllaok and Oiecn Tea in papers of, i, 1 Beam! papers. I) Ohewts, Mitn Pow ler and Imperial Tea. 'il'aakaof Kow-llrleaue Molassea, Ac., te. 100 ponnds baitimor llaoua. Bides and Hhouldere. FANCY ARTICI.K.t. A finer lot 1 am confident, never was. offered iu tliia market, to be aold very cheap. CUSS ASDCITLEUY. 12 Oiinan-nm fiifl to thirty dollar. Pistol af varloao Unda. A hoe I d of table and pucket cutlery. CONFECTIOXAftlKS. A flu lot ef Candiea nf my own make tit the OaU' al low price of fS 1 i per l.undi-ed pounds. 'I casks of preserved Ginger, tiuin liiops uf differ- ut kinda. I ease of Prune in glass Jir. J dnj. fancy bos- s, o.JO lbs Currant) t tb low price uf 1-! 1.2 cent. Plokles, Preeerees, ratstips, Walnnts, Alnionds, Palm Nut and rli'KTto .Matchrs lower than evarsol lin this market; and many other articies In this line not necessary to mention. I CIGARS. Ml.OTfl of assorted brand and cheaper than can be found else here ia the city. Members ul the Legislature and other wbo indulg in a sau ko, ar i-enuested to call ut my store. I bava on bund a jood lot of bnufl and Chewing Tolmcco. IH RNtNO FLUID. S Cnslis Burning F:uid at rvHiuoed pries nnd warran ted -to be a irooit as any l.roui,iit to the ct'y. Hy town and eoiintry friends may rest ensured that the above good can b botig'it a cheap as th lowest eoller dale offer them. .NURKOLK 0YSTKU3. -1 have made amtiigemeiit. with dealer. In Nor folk wberiby I eha'l I eiaabled tn furnlah tlie e,ty and country with Oysters. Ordur front a distance will meet with prompt attention. L. B. Vf AL.hr K. Raleigh, Nov. . 4. DvrlllnK llAnao lo Kent. The Subscriber wishes to rent fur the en Jl'JuJa. ' year thti .eunifurtabU dwelling liiiuao latoly uftctipied by iMr. Jauios W i. Warn., for farther infurnmli.in nnpl tn DILWOKTU bLtDOK. Ruitiigh, th-e. ScS IboS?. 1 tf. V. U. HATCH A. CO.. iivrii-ntsiiti ssb inroirrrBs er GenCemen" Furnlnliln; Uuotla 10. il Villiim Stretl. ainwar sktwik aainv. Las as. Jens stbbbt, A f IP YORK. . eSTABLJi'HLD I!? I44,s, a 07j Merrbant will ftnd st this eaUh'shmeat a fhll at- Jertlnsmt of th latest styles, (eminraeiBg the 'appmrsd bond as and'Pans larhiuns,J of 9' htrt. MtsH-k. . t- . i ' RUSPESUKgg. Cravata, aVMSKH COLtAUS, ' liit-EHFlNil ROBES, "'lIlfSlKRY. TIAKIiKKjlCIIIKFr), I'MiKltOARMSSTtl, AttJNliY BliLTB, JJ OLOVEH. BIHJULDKR BRACKS, I - Ac., Ac. And every ileseriplioa ef Hoods appertaining t the 17 Famishing Business, which Will be sold at the low- jest "market price. Ill 3m, , - T ih Deb'ora q( lh Br lloapKal. A IA Wl.n.NU af the Tmateae f the Kax Uw I V. puUo ih-9lb Dee. 162, the fullaiTic der wade i. Oaaaaaiv Thai the J4jia la tli la Fund He paired to Par the intereai due m t bouta, on or before the I'at ef Fifbrnu-y Btaxt, nrt idcttiU tbcra -f, mav aeee will he forthwith taken. fa0fir wliatU B--BTio-etp1 and iBterfitr jBl; -iidrf.th lifuaUtJ.'Af m e$M.Wxm; i-iffijiifc iv, KeglHef bA trlaadard ana InMrtio. AS A PPKA L T pi:tPi,r. OK CK)I) rJns.tii ffl'B tlrafrnberg f,nnny'ii Standard Mwiifines. ar. the moat rdiab! Le.tiriiK that hjreerar baaa butur. tba iaMiii It ia aarMTfltioiiato frnb r iotoaladtuuf dalatioftbvirrirtnca, aa the Mrdiriaaareall warraot d to tsar wbaitbty at. pr.parid t.r, and bar baaa. Iboroubly ttratvd. tlrat'irufcerg Ve;. Mir.eoneidffred th. F tahdard Pi'.J of tba day fof Puvcia iu cntra). Liver l-V.loplainl, ly ;apia. ijtam.'0 and tfk Vai x.j. Putt '.'i e.-ol,. itraafifnlwrr Va r ard .-n'c !';!!, i..--! ar..I pyt itire rt-re for tLia d:l!.-'in cjirf-iaiiii, tltau'lj pal up in Kancr Bam. I'ri. o tl f:r l-'..i. Uraclrlil.rg iioai;!i i;u.rra, nkillully aid rlraanll; prr(are.rt"rnoi nu;;NT f J5.jr: in . io"i((l,rt)i.( aoH hnaiinz HK.l. , Xjarkr. li.-r:. atd .'ii-ea, i'rira 12i cvatt per Packard. fraitirT, Hrrrwn. a r.-riin art.l intmf I'ata mre for liyMDtcrr. !triii, C'lr-l.-ra nj-.r! o, Afialiv I boi.ra, lnr a ernil fr Itollli'. Tiia tfrafih..(( Sar-jpsr-ila. a Povarfn! Kxtrart. on. Bottle rqiiul lu i..a ur.imr) tiiapanla, Prir I pwr It'llr. TImj (Jrcra Mutins:n Oinhoai t, inmluablr in tilt fl b'Winr dlrrai-w, rir. (.ihti-iiilur :'k . l!ir,f Arup in tin Pare, ".d Hrtn(. I'. I..n, Hii..irm. H-al.i llraj, liumii, Mrwirn. Al-. i'ri. i-i ci uta jt Una. 1 hf t.r.M IVi.'itTB Ctf Lotion, for liuo-aa.'- '.f I t Thu r.oli.m l.ri. no a'jiiil, 1 n.i 'i.t t'l-n-i r.i ll..tt... The I'tiil'liru'tf i-ciia.'i a fir r'uu.u.t'r (-'u ih-'i. .Ill i.i.'! idom i I.i niti.-h '' tTiu arc r.iljrL .N" intbi r kI.....'! a it1...'!' It. A' .,nt . r t.i.tr'.'. I'l' ! Htm 1.1, arrii:li.l a rt rtiiin c;frt. Prir ! i.r li.ttl... t'liiiMitnt.'S.-.' lial.rt. Xorerrtpn tn all T'r .fi'binl and Pulmonary il.v ;i l I;rct ciol.l ai-vomiiaa? afh H.ile. P. he ! V' B-tiir. Maul-iii I ii. i n. an ii. r.i '.!i;. reaie.i' dy fo. ali direr i f W via: pr laf..,n 1 l, r. O'Itt r e. Warrant. .1. IVO.-te'l flit lirki'i'tierir .V'ai.t i Uo' It, w!,..L .to ..i ! to; III ll. b" any ro-a-.l f-.r t!. :.l:l.. l'.'r.'.i.i. in .; li.i-.iti : tli. lw .vl oat.ioe f.-r I'.e oil. ioiitjliotis I.'v -I.e n aim, -alio -lo ii-o ..il the S.- i:n'., ar. i 1 ; ina:y 'rxnr A ' -. i-jir.-.-.d Mili-e. r ''..Itle. i.f llt-e'il.. a ruo.t v!oal." hirri '. ol every e.r.on abo Piivc 2.' cent-. nS..i .-ili. ine.j, rhould of ill.- eo'Uftjny, s slmri l.-i. opiiv no .in ln'ipl.d per I fO j lo the I .w of ei.Hii- lorffitiiiir. Ail apitlii N..Mh I'urol.ini. .!.,... ut ion for rlie nJ..ove Medicine, in !.....!. I I..' . Mr to llt. U M. il. XKWItY, I1..I yti, ... I.., r.iflt I ui'l. as he is pronne lorund n. riil a. ui.for tin-.St iu. of North t'ainlins. an tf. I'l lnls! S'l InfS! Prlnln! IRENC'll, Kimli.-h, n l Amrirtm, pen -rut naw i ikrnn. nitlii.lii'f .M-pr;tnT k. H-..r-ijn.-- rnfbet ecu. i IUyUb, M) si d'nU uii'l ',Hi W.il.-rt I. ir.Uy (irffB i I ktiei Uratiijew, frtstt t-iiStiur.a fur I'.tkli V "rk. Oil CluHttaad i : Turkr- Kfl!lh-'it .'.ii t j Ian.. Ar.. - I ... ii. i:.f.Ti:cKEK, 'i ! FTt4.iMr 7. is.;-.. 38 -Il I' Clotf'Sl 4. lotos 1 (.love! ! f? FA I , f frIMlZI'.V i.e. li.o'.i and Iji.iles Paris Kid ti.o-t. sno l,a. tuY A. .--sunder s eol d hitk flloT'e, l.lo. k bii.r ;ii.-l l'v.i...e.l Si.". .Mine, Lndi.-illsw Silk, l,-asliiiivi, I'm.; lino and lioaid Mitt", llrnt. ll.-.n-i r, C!..tli li. rlm. t'.i.!iin..re, Ni.rivat Militnrv. Iluek nn.i .Mirino tilnvv.., 0. nt-i and I.ti.lies gaittitlets, Uovf. Miftia i.ti.1 i.'iiildr.-nii tJ'iove. Ac, Ac. ;v. II. A K. . TICKKR. ao.if TI HNFUV N. r: AI.MAXAC, V O il 1 8 .I 3. I Tliil !..'. And sold Wholasale Publish Retail II and hi;m:Y 1. Tl'KNKi;. L. lt-mk Si..re. 42 IL Roljti-t. a 4 , I (-5.'. V Jmt is josey: I11IE aiwuli'ju ui Itii; uliliii ia wont rpf?rtraUr X dlitfit i'i ii--ar tifi m h;f t-i -r tTfiit iitn--it t ve- r pfftiou iii tlniui'-jUi. lue. i;ta a lamny ol orauB- ar tit fun. hy sjirii-iimj genu- fn iiuiian, aTf filinud)il Irmu 9- U t, U a erTHig.j llmt tliej nil fuml alfof 0 nn j u.ittt r so tio-jJ truniit't tv-ii wiih tln-ir nvu irrrrt-e-v-, To tltMt wjo wjrtlii'i ntj t)?onamy,nni k'-a up irn tnu tiinra ; aavo Ie.inir.ni'iiH'V, niiil iht-iirtr ffna ten nttU, nignat r I' ive'lJ'A.'Iur-'. s. (.'rain-'-t Patrnt Waah Mix ture ii wwm-iit'ij in .u a-1 thai on K - tU.uo in wa-ibinp i.'lfith"? Without iii'tliii, d" :!' r'l'if.utg iticrr than iffi i ie'jt to rinsA ; hii-! i.ttnn-!) L-ns irjitiloua tn h fafirie ibau alien w.i'lit .1 K- t !. .u-f . F"r fjrttT pnr tirnlaret.r.efpiuiil .nils ami -i';;':i'.'it -lnuriH. Thiink fill fur pant pa.'rwu;' , an I ty piud ia ttiitlrn tu ali ardtire), a cujitiuu iiit u ul' l!u nimi ie olicitt-J, J, J. Kin LS. ICjtleifihg Ajiril n. 1R?. Ii tf. Ii t!uv ai;,; ami C Ani.i.vcr. m ti:iii vi.; Lenin iHAiini Siy of Tht J?y UoVMghrook Strtft, Una fo snip, an-! Hitafiuta tjokL'tj.. a full atipply ef thi F'iT'CH UllTAtSK MAKERS. Kiipfidc'i-Hmt. 1 flu. t pl-ite xtt lu. C plot a, ituikt-y Axin.-Jia'Bd 11 in., Busg Ailta lt U Ca.rynli, Haromho aai Carriage Asl", OarrviH. and Harfnhr Moaa, Haba, Fatlic. Hpokca acd balV, Itfireut h and Cirr'aa; tpr( Filth Wheel Flat ei-d K-rx, (wt:i har, Taael,Tiflit. Fnirfftb at:, binding. 1 Art and Jlua i.lotlia; iMin.tik. all moicri, Hiaavznd Silver Unhand band Hiindfc, llraiwi, V'ettfd dJ Japauntfd Knoha, llraf, Platt-i. aud Jat-nnn-d Ntili; pAt-h Trnni, (.3iilwof KiWor nnd llraaa PItP, Ml aiiea. Top Hidwa and itlef t Knamclled Ie?atbr all e.lnr. Patent tustt'lK-r uuck, anetiiun ami mm. Dakh Hooka and KinK ; Japanned lJuckiM, M- !eaHU Cai-tinva and naidier flatr. all luiidn. I'ar'ia, ScrwHf, tJiapa, Fitpr, tJut !I.ck M'Mtui Tofit'-lH-r with a f.ncrnl tifnifnatuit ol JFUHKIOS AND UiVMF.flTIO IIAHDWAKK. TOOb.S auiubla for 'finu.r, Matdiapiri and Hon Kt iit A 1 f nb ifh will).. Id, Wl.fileiala or Uf tail, -tt at miKh luitfcr prirei than ueretoiore. f1HK HuhftTi.Kr-v itri ir reiviti from the North J rrn Ciiiea thrir K.i laxd H iu'ikh Snwi or Up l iiiir t-H'k ia wrf'c an t ram sb haa retn purefiaaa! byoue of the rirm in pcrwm, on imb trin aa will a a'ulc them to givn Un-ir ciiftomtfra and lha public gene rally the iHoat adrtutayi oub tarpam. A.I Uicyaab ta, an examination in vnr tu, irrnas; aura in a idiiirprietHi will rommend thema!vva ai lair aadjqa both ta thohoy-r aibt iwdlf'Tr TbaaahiicriWni trn ter to llicir eu tomrn their moat haarly thanka for tli larce and tihrral uatronnea here- toiure ltowol upon tht-m ; and they eas only proin huthrt fox the future, a in the pat they vriil aieTote all their rtrslft a rvuandaecuiaodate their cuatoa- ar and fHttada. Therr tfk, in prt, I aa followe i - Itlch Hilt CutHH ittps.e, rine hoavy bftwad .-iilk. Franrh cm De A Vukca, Plain white and watered de. illa -k fcfo DuHhina do, Bl'k f ig and wated do Folid Col'd ro le Nap Do, silvar grey 8itk, Thibeit Printed hbh col'd I.'I-ain, Omhe pairtnl-aiid lih ol'd .VouAlina, ( Haadpre PriB'cd, batin CBahinierca, Paria lriiiteil Kwh t'e Uius (iw 8tyle, liiKlin DcHeMd taderat, Kobe )(!! na. ' EnirM'd. -Mid ei neriran Printed I(.al New atria, Small fix'd aad hitch d'd liBiiia. tut ChiUnau, (II t P. Vk torla TaHtb and Uma Clotni, Pnrta irala Plaida, Hl'k and 4d'd Tidreta. foakaand Manttllaa. Nrw it tI-, ' fmach and L'mrlinh MarintA Bwada Alnw, tbnrff ad Thibrt tVlutbe, in aria and (atabrie Tri. ValaBciifa, h-llnff, and inwtinjja. (Vahrte Fiouiy iuga end aiulin (UtAnda, , Infmnta Kmb d French Cnpa4 iSodia and Robea. Fl anted IViivdoa tkirta. . . Kraneh Kmb'd (Aillftra eailaet tV atwi aeveBy ll hit. It Itch Ijctp.I VaUa. Retyrrp Hand, FvattMmed A Kiah Llnta Cl IlWf. J.(conie Mulinaf and (am brio, ' r Potted nd Plain Swiet Maalinay . V , . i HTiil and fUorrd Taritfvneg Striped and Plaid 8wlw Mnalina, 4 ' StiHpad and fVnra Pared Muehne J Freueh Lace Oimp aad tlaiooa, TriwaiiiBga, Ae. ac. IF..U, A B. ft-TlirltKIC JUTROrOUTlS BlIBlr ;;-- : ';8hoabwat, t . KEW YORK. The Metropolitan wiH h conipleled, aad opened far Ui reception f Cempaay, rleptembcr Fit at. Pric of Hoard Two Dollars par day., TMASCrACTClUXa ESTABLISHMEKT. JOSEPH WOLTERIXO (for a Bomber of Tear Foreman la the Raleigh A Gaatoa Bail Road Blaektuaith el boo,) reNvUally ennoanroe to th eitizene of Rnleia and th earronoding Coaatiaa, that he 1 prepared to aiannfaetur Lodtt tf til ivcriptmu tVwe aHal IHttoU Cmrrimft SprimfJfiH Work Jirnit t'e.y. ' And, la abort, any thing in daebine ad Blaekeitiith Work, hi is atao prepared to execute lifll.i. HANG1'1 " at th ehorteat notice. Alao, ha . t hand an exten sive aaaortment of Lock of all kuvls, at price from 10 cents to 2t dollar: Edg oola. an aemrt raent of Anea, Itrnwing-knivea, atclieta; Haro vjere, rile of vnrioua description! ad a number of article in hie line too tedioua to mention. All ordera foitiifuiiy executed at the Ir.weet prices, and new work entrusted to his er.re will be warrant ed. Orders from adtttance will lie attended to and xeeojted at the eboHeet notice. His Katnbliaenient will be found at t'.e Kalt-igb Rail Koad bepot. Repairing in hi line performed with nentne ftnd j .f' p'itch. Amo, a general assortment of Onus and ristol constantly on buttd. JD.-iF.rH- WOLTKRIXa. Raleigh. Mar-b. 14 tf. ?'. S. Ilia KufAitkftnt A Aran r- worecf t oy IIUrM. .rec(, .'..ey. ,V. C. Raleigh, Sept. let. !!'. PAPER WAKE HOtraS. C'yrutt v. rie-ld ti o., C 0 .1 M I S J 1 0 N MERCHANT!) .V.,. I I Cli Slrttt, Arc Hole AeutaMii the l ulled state; nn SIoertTt'e fioi.i Yi.-t..ril .Mill fU.'eeil -y.u.iri P.awlin. . ti. r ni.o.l.iiig Powder. Ii- ri'.'.d tVrilin l''.j.rrs. C. I, till." 'Printing -I, T. io an.l iili 'i Tt j i n A ... Ki Kli.han,l?ilt ti Wiii t d i. -n . . . fi.ev era i.l-o Agents f..r (he ni.ni.nl I'tip-r Manu- ! tarnrera ia this in niu rn 1 ..K.-r r le h ,ar Ibe I most 'Hn.in and .1. -ira'-lc l--k of Pate emit Paper l .i,. .frrtje-r'. .Materials thai cio be found in I . i ? or .iov lti Ttiv .a eitpv Ibe iai N... H CIifl -ti're'i. No .'"treel. nn-1 the Lull? . ?l l ligtjfreal. :. t e. n.tniMilmis Warehouses, .il i iiif -'irrri. No. Dt llvkman nr the liirjjo Iron Stores, 7 al.d Th-.'ir bM!inpi i in rictlv linlc)ale, mrl Wfit"nr Pa pers urwwil'i by tliu t iisr1 on'y. Tlurir exiraor-linary fcilitici ennhlc them t offer all Ud'mI?, rjftU I urt-iyn Hint Dtfincistlc, at thtjlu.vi.at I'-.j siblc rtri"-'". Vap'-r imiilt? ta ortler, .tnr $Hc r wepit. I.iWml iuIvbiico" tnvli" cniiiimfntis i! Fait-r, faprr .Ma ker' stunk ami utlu r niTi-haij-lizt.1. The. Ill, f Hag-. host luitrki L.ric poij in ca.h for all kinds So ly. L- .VZ.'' HOOKS! I k I'. i i: 1. 1, t i; x kc i: vt)Ht SktNll 1 Trraiitf oallif l.awuf L'ifciLliiiiin-l tin- mailt rr- uf wtii. li it trm. I emiira-.t'-, thttrfton-, I thu hnniolt Itic'triiicx, aa fur aa ttuy me r'co,unntMi in iiur uirn ."Uit. aa :H as in art of Anafinhl ami tlitj rciiifin uf our uwn Cuurta, nn tlif ulijer't of Will, . j Mf4i and At"tiMii "ttr it is thuniflit it ittflT prove o -efut, nl tily in mcmhora of thn lt';:il profcsBioti, but I fti'i to uth?ra, rhi ure ii fru-iu-pntl v alrl upon to mi- 'Is'i-'akf t!i iti iiHp.-in-a-ljIf, itiiTi'irtniit ami refj-ouaibJe truaU uf Eiecutur itl Admint-itratura. F.-r .Sill ly V. L. ro.VKROY. r-ileigh, 15th April, 1862 17 tf. I'Hrrliige Mt.ltlnp. Q,-JCSjaV TUK Sul-ai-riber would ncapoctfutlj Inform tba Pul'lie, that he ftill aoBttniKs tu vurty o tho above bnwmima in ni iu bnn.cl.ea. nnrl ia (-ott"tjjiit-ly manulihvturiD anti hu uq hand ;.nd tw. tola, all do BcriptttifHi sf t,ar-"tit, tlU'fftie, It -' Rittrnyw, nde'l fvt-ry vurivlv of work iu his liii of hiiain-, which b ofiVra lor alt low, and narranlad to ha of the heat workiiiaui-kip and matcrinla. Tnnrfkhil tir pat i-iiriiurftpcin"nt. ne aoncua a en- titinnnce of tho bonir. If in e-nMtrhuient ia ahwit UK' jarda aat of the Ibtpii; t ( bun h. WltlAjia 1. lidl-IAtelf. IUleiSh, Sipt. l, H51. 39-tf. MIR III CAROLINA Mulnal Uie Insurance Company OFFICE KALEIGII, S. C. MMIlrl Company continues tb insure th lives of all healthy W'bitt persons and Slaves. I he ereateet risk taken on a tingle life is JjOOO Slaves arc ineared fur a terra of out to Uv years fur jjds their value. Omt'KKS. Dr. Ch.. E. Jobn?on, Presi.tent, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. -Ionian, Secretary, Wm II. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Umbo. Attonwy, Dr. Win. II. MrKee, Fioinining l'hjsicion. J. Il-rainan, (ieneral Agent. " All losses are pnid within 90 dsjs after fatlsfae torv proof ia prenenteil, Blanka and Pamphlets, shewing the plan of ope ration of the Company, may b had on application aA th fVlhce, or auy of the Agencies. All letters on business should be adder sed to J tMtS F. JORDAN', fa's Anril 28, 1651. . 19 tf. NEW AND CLASSICAL MEMENTO OF II KM It Y CLAY An Originnl Brome Htsal, JtodrJtd Life, ami enrvit.l by C. C. Wriyht, h'aq., A;jrar.T( (.ie Ac. Ynk Cold Mnfal la Clay, and nf tht nrjrmio aad Cun,ji tn.md Glut Meilah lo Secll, Taylor, 'c- Th present new medal of Hr Clat, ss a work of art, I t leaat eriual to any work of th kind that could have txelj produced many country and probably iu my age. Tb l.kenese of Mr. Ciai. n the obverse side.ls from recent model from life, and ekecnted by n artist of iie.;n.)ed eminencwhoseqnalilicationi, for this particular task bav beu matured hy -repe,u'lJ p-foiming it in other medals of th aina ilinatrloua person, d igued fir personal presentation aud th likeness fa accordingly pronounced by all competent judges, to b th most accurate In very lineament, and the trhsraetev4aHlly sprsi of ny tht ha been mail of Mr. CiaT. in ny fonrs On th rwveree side I an appropriate design, in bold relif, lllu. trativeof Ih polriotio basis ef hie political char acter. Tb mecbU i f unusiinlly larg ii, be ing threo Incbe in diameter. In th fiuest brftft. and iucloacd in handsom mnroco ess; forming, at once, a ehast and elegant ornsment for the drawing-room, mantel, or ct.oter.Ubl, and dura hie and ImrressiTa mea.r)l of th honored dead, tbat may be transmitted, as a parental treasure, from ona generation to another. I'pnn th die of thi modal, th distinguished artist el'pendrd several month of unremitted la bor, until b. wrought them up te their preeent el quiitdogrf6nisb. S imilar work of art haa ever been ubmittcd to th general patronage and patriotism of th Amerlcn popl. ndnou Mm better calculated to gratify d reward it, Raleigh Sept 24th. Ih52. a tCENTSs-RODOER-S RAZORS selling fbr5 ets. ZDm piece. Thes. Rators are imported by me, d - a .k. .....(..m,'.. .bleb aoables m te sell a la artieh. fsw Hbeeats. Hwdrede af psrsea bav. supplied lhessselvewith Ibem, aB piw.oansthem l be the best aad ebeapeat Baser they ess buy. They only seed a Ir al to prove ineir So M" - --- ' coal ,uu a ,.atH todeiL .CsU and re. them rar Byssore sad Rank streets, "" . Petersbarg, ,- P. S. W sr. reeeiring tare eepplbi saf PI ASO KtiltTFJ. wMh w will wrrat good t least at any to h foaad In ny eonnfry. and as low aata Kiw York. Failatfelphiear e dbBiore. Ae hare aetd ca '.B.UsajaWJWsMsaMka ft IS" bad ohe. r, ..-. fjjrjjj)jsra.,rs! i f 10RK Soled Bftdt-t with DouWa rppftrsnt tht low TV v n u -r it f i if A r iv i jL.ypriceul-l,oU. loiii-;o Sole N.iiM Uottum Kou J.X iNOKril t A H U L I IN A , mor ajr.iiera anJ Hail JUft.1 Unn-is. A lurgc llV JuniCI Iredell. 8t(M.k ol Double nnd H'uig.t. ulo Itrutr-ins will be rplIKt.'.tni t or thi- work hat? l.-tn t iliHit thr la-w, ' olJ cheap. Udie Shoes anJ Ho-.teoaf Mauuftu rirr-''7r-T."T ood' i OBNAMENTAL IRON TV'OBKS , . B1PCE ROAD. . 5 PniLADELPHIA. IRO-g "gtataary, Idoeis, tlreybonnds, Kswfoaadlaad Ooaa, Panntana af Baaetifid lleaieae and vanoa sUm, Iron glair epieat sad etreifht, aa iasproved plane; also Iron Bailinga an., Yeraadaa, eoaspnslng apwardsof yn desiara. -I ' - Hi ri-Bs ai.d rpeeitratlmie will be sent to Sivy part ef the I'nion. by addteaaiar EOLKKT WOOD, Mtmtblplia. 4-t-Usn. !.l:W I IHJI AXD KEW C.04JDB. 8ELBY tffHHAT, ' One Poor above J'. F. PeieuJ' No ia. p-ujcttevlllo Mreet. . A RC now receiving and opening their Tall and ; X voniterMocg or choice Unods, winch i large anil we!I aeleeted'; bought atirely for Cash, and will Im- sold at price wlikh will nut foil to ait tb purcl.aeer The Stuck coneinH in part of the fol lowii. t . Mapcr Black Cro de Rhine Silks, ri!'il dd., Ficnch Printed D. l.i.ints and Coebniercs. FrcBch an.l Oerman Morinoee Rlack Bonibaxiii. do Alapneens, Pn-neh Worked Colbir, Gents and Lilies Kid Cloven, ib.nntti and Tafttn itibbone, 8i;k. I.egho -n and otliar kind of Bonnets,, lAtl Piece. Kniish and Aircrican Prints. Jaconet. Kwin, Mull and Trosa BarreU Muslins, Silk ar.tl f.Vttnn lloiicry. A grant variety of t-hnwle. Cloths ami Cnaoilner.- and Vfl.ii; tm.la gcuernl aesoi tmcnt of Cio..U fur Men's wear. September, I8SS. 40 Ul.AlkH. Knit-wCY!.. Ar. 1 ll-liend:!l Bath lllinkets, M-icrnnnn I I f Whit aciftiroeii. HalStl l.id Twillid Hbinkctt f.r SurriiHn, I'loiu. .Sadd'e ilo A 'atve and well aaaorie I -il cl eap Sto. I- i f W ool nr.d Cotton Ker seys froTu the Lowest to the Il g!ust prl.-e. ai-nioeay -cans, cueap : ."aunetta and Tireeds. e.wTiiii..K Hira lor lima 1-OOI BliU .ollr'n 1 ir- e . -- v- vw.i. u i.r r ' u ?. - . fcLIPt ft J!-.UK.m. Septctaber, ltf.J. 40 MATS (Ml CAP. Jr!T recieved, lieebce's l-uper Full gty! Mole sain l.'at. Lroud and N:ht..w J'.r'm UciiTer do. A Wirge a'aick of Mexican and other lute style Hats Wuol Hiita, very low price. A great variety of t.iotn and oilier kitfd or lope ror Men and Hoys. riKl.ltV Jit Ml lilt .a Y. September, 1802. 40 t.KOt littll.K, ve.. " T )RO'VN, Clariiiid Crushed and Loaf Sugar; Java, l X t l'guna, Mur.caiho end Ilo CoCee, Super lui- peri.il and tlunpowdcr Ten: Sierm, Adamantine and , Hull's A Son's Tallow Can.di; Hardware, Crockery, ; Black Bmith' Tools. Cotton Bogging, Ounny and ! Dundee and Rope. Swi-in ai d Kiielisti Iron, t'aat nt?el, Itltetcr and Oermau da. lilasting Powder, Horse Mlioca and llorac Mhoe Nails, &c.t are alwuys kept hi, SF.I.BY A MURRAY. Peptemlier, lRjJ. 40 lHIOI'.S A !) MIIOUsl. Crtii tui exauuna our tnck tef)re buriiijT elt-a- Wilms. bhl li. H MUKKA I September, 1852. 4tt: THE ADVEIM ISEMENT. FIVE III IRKI At.i:.1ilW WAXTKIK HH! a a'ear. "itrAMEn rs kvkuy covnty of thk rxi, 11 Tfcl STATK.S, active and nt4-rprt.Dg men. to enae In tho al of aomo uf 'the h?at I'k puhliaS ed in tha o-uttry, T of ttmrd nddrtwi. futtuwinK a mall rnpi(al f frum $L'j tn 0, nui h in'!ornmnt will be (ftcrf(l aa to enable ihem t make troaa $3 to $1 a 'lav pi-nfit. JBTfTbu H'l-tka pt.b!i!li''! by ur an- nil tt.rful In their t?lm rafter, siremcly poulur autl roiiimttod large aalra wbrrerer tby are otltf-'d. Fur fuilhvr ptuticulara, adiira, (H!iiT paid.) - - DiVNlF A i-mJ Hiinrf aaor to W, A. LfHry A Co., No. 1.18 Xorib iSccond MTtct, Philaiclhia. -i- ML V BOOKS! Mechanic fur the Millwright, LCngineer aad Machinist, Civil I .nplneer, and Architect: cosTAtstsn TlIK fltlSCIPLLK OF SIEVH.SICS AH V LIED TO UA I'll IX H KY Of Americn models, Kteam-Knines, Wster-Works Nsvigation, Irridge-building, &c, Ac, By FEEDER CI Of ElJm, Author qfHYL Mauyfiicturm of ioaM ami other tcira ttjic trtitfim, tlluBtrated by 1 GO Engr(.Tiiii. In one large t l2mo toI. WIIeUAM'-S TRIVULKIVS TOtTUlST'S GUIDE Tliroi'sii tie I. Mat en, Cajtiilu, lu Tble hook will be f w3 rfUta withinforffiutlnt, not unly to the trayelU'r. hit JikcwHa fo flie tnan of buai nvia. In ia fffprratioB, an euilroly new plan haa baon bdopttMi, wbtt! , r io t,ouvin ed, need only a trial to h tally approiatcd. JinTg ita many valuable fearaiea, af taklf ahor. tna; at tfUnei- ih- tHnnt fnn, aad tint ueevpied ia trareilinx rt,n tDr piin1! itite to thu Nt ttupAt tan placo in tbs l-'uion; eo that the quditioc tirfquetJt iy aalti.vllbtnt obtuininf a tati-sfa-'t'iry ivply, ie hn HOtwercd iflfutl. 0twr tai-be ah'jwtheditancfrna New York, tv., to domtfie and foroiga porte, by eta; and aIao.br war of eotn oarie-nu. from ew York aud bivt-riKiol to t!te pitnclpal porta bejond and aror.iid vnpa Horn, at , at wu aa ria lae xainmaa oi nuiima elrusntriu.i.ii-d bv a larjr and aft urate Wnpof the I'ai- tod fStata. tmluding a efpeiiftti- Miipof CalUorum, Ore- ifn, Nw Mo if aud I tan. Aeo, a .M.ip of tlia I Maud of Cubii. and Ptan of tbMty and llnrbor of Havana: and a Ai ip of Kia.gar Kiver and iai. a. THE LKCISt ATI IT. GUIDE: Conteloi'ig direction for coedtielli.g bus'ni-"s in th ll"ti.e of P-preseetativcs; tne eenaie oi tne t.nue-1 Bttetes i the Join' KL:-uf b-rtb Houses: edynepei of Jeffsrson's Manual, and eopi-atl lndice-il to gether w'tb a eoiKieo sjsli a: ofllulesol Order, based on the rign'siions ol the I'. Con gress, uesigoeu lo eeonom se ume, secure UF-iformily and dvspatuh in eoudoctiug boaines in ail ssc-Jbir msalins, aud also -in all relicicus, pdifteul, snd Legislative Asscmbli. BY JOcEPll BARTLKTT Bl'BLlillill, LU. D fa on. volume, Pfaio, Thls Is considered by our Judirel and Congressmen as decide ily Ibe best work of tbo kind eitaut. Every young man in Oie soon try should hare s copy of tbts book. jror sale oy H. . TURNER. S. C. Bookstore. Raleigh Sept 183", 40 FLAGS! DAXKERBI FLAC8I Attention Pollttklans I A FILL supply of FLAGS and BANNERS of every description, mad or ell fv, BbMlJiu, CtWToN. Ac, ., with or without niottoe, and Staffs, miitabl for all Parties for th approaching Campaign. MASS MEETINGS, CLUBS, SOCIETIES, and DEALER8 can b upplied with ay quantity, at low price. Alto BUNTING, and SILK for sale by th piec or yard, at ' WM. 0. MINTZF.R'8. Frmgt, Umr4 $4 Tamil Start, Ka. i North 8d St.. Philadelphia. . astf. -' BOOTS, 8EOE8, . nK.NRY FtlRTEH.ltKI yards sonth esst f the Capitol, would raspeetnslly talovm bis friend aad tb pabU generally, that he is ia receipt of bu tail sap. aly of Goods ia bis line, embracing voiy thing wemilly found ia a Boot and Sbs Store-stfor Ladies, lltnllewi.a, aliases. Boys aad Servants, lie wissasrs everylhmg k. aslls, aad sa-h.s sed, Jeea ew. all rips aad Im Mrfeetioua In masmfaetur. Olve me acall on aadall aad I has a tear ahoat making a trade, MASt'aVACTl'BISG i sa,i siusl Kbo Makluar. ef ertry eWeerlptlo a ii.. .eiao.'a HriaoliabmeiiL Tb heat of workmea, grat ret osasteri ala, aad low prices. 11 a . ii. -A ... k. .n,l..enld. Findings, for the Hade. In great abundaace, Bad f vary destrtTitioti, fwa-ewapvi KaWigk, Xb W, J- f " ' aras'iMlsaaiWswasiiiuWiMi t TEESCm 1I0TEL.7 CoratwofFraxtltf6rt at. and City Hall qoare. ' tnpasrfae nVt Oty ATawt W PWA - n r J If. w miionra,, . io,M 'i'" f tt- wnoeeriber, MM 1. I84U. and refilled and fr.nai-bd, Aagwat, Ibugs bi troats tbat fer courenience, e'egenee, oenfert and eonossy it eanai.t be striaarr.l in the world. ' It i-oataias snore rooans thaw any other ILlal aavakkt Coatiaaet, ear um calr. all of which arwa4 gratia. Tbey are all (ttid ap with marble Una wash stands, which ar nppHed with ( rotow Wtr tbroghtdlver plated eeka. Te.re i bat w bed in a rvoai i th hail aad water eloaela on every (leer will be lit with gaa dtring the night. Thi Hotel ie emvii eted e tb Caropeaa pla ofldgtag R.MC . and meal a Ihey may be ordered ia Iha epa. eions and splendid U rectory, and is in Hi , lmkieJiate Vicinity of iicre4ntil Ilnafne',' And th principal Plaeea af aiawnaiswa' o. . FRENCH. 61 am- RSSPOXfslUl.E JME.f ARK WASTrD to CA. rax thi htata Ibu Fait aad Winur, asaatw a sj .i'laal.e and tboroagh cllort, la Miliag PAULUfS 4J.tm.CT MBit A It Y, (JO vohtaes Uwo. X IlUsltaU'. 7,00 peg,) hy Hon. il. floc-hicb i whom every Aicrioan wil reiohecl a, I trF.lt PaRLEY. Tb.,; .kc.rl;imei k nurk hard and i I guod eosamisaioo. will hear of a y iek chanve bjr j.I Hm.Iiij th. publiaber. Please s-durcss, POnT PA 1 1: (JEO. C. ItAiilt Pobli.liar of Parley'; Cabinet Library," ' CorabiU, BostMv .. i hov, J8, lbif. 4V tf, PROSPECTUS " '" r TMB AMCHICAS LAW BEfilSTEH.' ' The elerntii n of tbo nrin.-it..l P.lt.n. aCi!.. lean Lsw Journal to the 8u) rein Court cf I'ena- ;;ivnfr,. si.-peiiucd ror m a.s time th ' eakhealtBB of that ork, sou with tb tiitb volume the series wsh)si d. To u.tct th wawa uf th Profetsio. througucut the I'nited States, it is proposed ta puotish at Philadelphia, a new Legal Ptrksfical, to ne cuiieu tu Aauatct taw Bcsttiaa, th har. ao-..:r anu us.n tit frillcli win i Dreny stateu, The in rem iu Fr.glnrd and In tbia country, ef the number of the Reports, of which vr one haa. dred volumes are now printed annualW. haa be come ao great tbat n Judge er Lawyrr oa com- ciano uie time to rend, or lb means to buy all, which appear, nor can he supply the necessity which be is under, of familiarising bimse'f with the current of detdsjion, through th medium ef tti Digests, eicepi in a very imperfect manner. . lt I indispcnsible therefore. Hint some plan should b adopted by which tlie most important caan, -that is lliose which involve sither new -nscye not e apitieatio of tho already established, ikauld be collected iu a convenient form. Witha Tiw t waut, it will be cue of the principal ol jects f the Ut Register, to lay before the Profession reg nlarly, a sclertiou of Caeca from tb America) aad Kngiish reports, as tbey issue from the petes, ef tl.e character eti ted; which, according to their im portance, will oe either printed in full, or eareully conde nacd. And arrliugeineiite have been ''ale inadc with Judges and Professional gtntleaiea- tn ' vsrions pcrts of. the L'niun. by means of wjiih manvtrrijit ttpinwm will be er-iistiinlly lornislied t the Law llenister soon after they r resd, sad long before tbey can b elsewhere reported. . ,- Kauh uuiiibcr of the Law Register will contaia in general, one or more short Fussy on Legal top' ice, or dirrect nnd immediate interest, nnder which tlie subject of Medic. il Jurisprudence will besom. prebendeil ; a Collection of roeont American Case! in the Federal and State Courts : reeant s-n.n.k CasVsT with referenoes tetbe American Authoritie, Cases from the American Report, in full f otc r Abstracts of cases contaiaiug new pointe ; Mis cellnaeoua legal information ; and Critical aotic of Kw Books. , Th Englitb Continental Law Journals and R views wHI be regularly reeaivtd, whence Inform-. lion on Professional subjects will be eiwaeted, atnl .'. where they ar of nature to justify it. Essays aud Articles o general Jurisdiction wdl be reprinted or translated fi'om them. A srlicted list of th Legal Publications in Europe and in th United States., will be furnished to so two libers quarter No pains or expense wi'l be apnred by th pre- . prietor in eudeuvouring to render th Law Regis ter of veins to the Profession. - lie Auiei-i-.-an Law Kcgistsr wilLbeiditeilhy Wee-ins. Ana I. Thih and Honey Wharton, uf the Pbi adclphia Iter, who wi l be aided iw their laboar br assistant Editoasin New York and Boston. Jjwiit " b printed ia royal octovu form. Ka'ea&aasber will contain sisty.four page, making a velana f over seven linridred and gll'tv paea, annually, aud will he published punctually, the first ef every TEUM3 OF Tire AMERICAS LAW REGISTER The Subscription pric of thi Journal, will b four Dollar per Annum, or T lira Dollar, If paid in advance. Professional Cards inserted st I w Dollars a year. Contributors placed on th free list. Contributors el Decisions, ft., frm Judge aud others, are reiecttuiiy solicited. All busiues communication, and ill aioncy retnlfted en tba Law Register are to be addressed to D. B. Casrista A Co., No. 101 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Works fur Review. Contributions, and all other Com uiuniontions relative to the Editorial depart meat may be addressed to the "Editor of the America. Law Register," No. 101 Booth Fourth Street, or No. ti Mercantile Library Building, l'b.ln.leipbia. i ftyTlie first Number of th American Law Reg ister is sent to persons for perusual, and those whe do not dssire to be considered a SUBeiCVlRiUas will pleas return th same bv mail to th Puuiaia ere, 1. H. CANFIELD A C., ' ( Atok, 1oo2- Ra. 101 South Fourth Street. ' . , a i, .. . j, I'SJgfUOlCPy. -v'.t .)..;) Jl'8T RKCBtVKD th. real bmpoateil aruVW ofOas. ki(B Waiafs, kxiraeu Boap; als llsir, Ivt aad oliaVing Brushsi, for ni l-e ' Calmer a ramsat." IUI.lf.li, Oat 8. lit, ISA2. 44 tf.- T0R111S S Hand Book f,r Locemotlv Engln. e-r and Machinists, cininrisingthe ealcala tiuiia for eonttrurting Lceanir.iivoa, Manner af Setting Valve, fto. By Septimu Konie, 0. B. Illustrated hy Dr ieing of Locomotives, togwthaWT with uuuieroivsotler engravings on wood, l-. Fur 8 lie by id,. II. D. Tl'ENBR. N. C. Book Store, Raleigh No. Jtlti, lboi"J'', A BOCK rOH THE PXOPUB " JL'SrPUBLISIIiiD.. , . fc,V A I'ltACTlt ALIOBMI B04PK. CONTAIN'INQ Fwrn of til the legal tssliusaiate iinpoctab' to be known , By the People of North Carallam. and designed, alee for th at of ' i. Jurtictt of the Ptact, Shtrift, Cterit, CoiM Ilea, Coroner; dc, ftc eoropilod and arranged from the best authorities, BY CAI.Vl H. Wlti:V. E To which is add.nl T. Coasrifsdie (A taiW Cfitre and ef AVto Camtimn. The nninbe- of Forms In this work ! much krget than esa lie fouad la any Form Book learetafsw fasIM iished ia Kurth-Clsrolin.; and while it la hoped they ail) meet the want and sxif encles of tbasjjubl e, it ie lso believed that their accuracy ma b railed n, bar ins baen examined and SpprevesJ by a.s.4 af ths awsf emiasat lawym f th Btete. rem th lphts Ind., It will b asy to find any atdmseasaUsvt; ad in the book. V i . . . The Kiea el lb booa win o una smi, .w i. Lu ,. u.i ia, snrl f tbs Bkat by snail poafogs. Th trsds wdl U W"ed apoa tbel usual terms, woer. """ "--'" "... ..a. ' W , 17, VVVRBi Rl r,l, Mr. and Mra. nurwell' Fsl scbtils L.--'.. iw av. c.....iv y) 1" WIE Winter Beesioa will c""" "j'JTi th ISth of January nert. The School IS lurelsbeci witha ..- sad wmplM aMreraj,Mt r In dies bavs aoM t. aa staiv llbraiy , Perseaa riring te plae. tb.ir dae, hter. M ' "" ill address RBV. R. Bl RWELU , will aaores t ;! , BltatssleV, iee'l,lSl.7 -.;'' -'-' -;i sl. IiXlTfRCIT TREES!- TOKHUA USniiRT l8iaRlelghawwWr I be sbm tesaai birt a few days, wilhw htrg tlet new so- the tneat R.uit Trce-sasi.ting ad apphwy peaehes. eherries, plows, spricot, sects ruv, ag straw Harries. Th aw wis want trees IB Lhis rtehvity wl dowel. blll.'?nrva WT0RB..r.. l'tKbrtfiV5' Deressbev I "T iSiniaUa.Mrisv ii-

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