nn tttt TTTi rvT-ii-Tr, rm tri nri"A""0" IpETB CllOLMl"Nwrrful ii hUtHfrtni!, pml nd ph yjlrat tMourtri, the hsi tf tor rim iAd a6ffit tf Ar trtrttbti. ' ' fEEXSf'TlrtDtfiltri il Jdvsore. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY MORNINGi'SlAIlCIi: ' , 1853.;; r r rx' 1 W .'v hi NO 11. IS KB TKUSl.-t If p-ild strt-ll i" advance, ! rr es if, ti se.ti (Mill wiUiw fix swstn tJ ' di eafiaT lti'Vvr.- ' ,- AUVHailolVl, T (M ( HaawisVatiaaerliau u4 Xa, scuts fur jaaeii ot.vjwl,iiiiti. , Al'.lreugdt r bar. soother department lr- ..ni.,l i.. t!.. l.nliva. we an sure lliev ia.li li.ul Ihi also lngl.lv enl. r-ai:iing. j - f v " M '.: . TI18 UHOKU.N 1'ANU. ' A pieti nu icef:iliy atked i i- - ,r iweieij w l'r , "Hu m ca iUr lirokrn window?" ,, . Tina rrlvia l an iuculnit of a (err nnli - nary nature, (ollied. uowrver, by an iuiin- ltl uaproeuMu rnuU, wiui li ixx'urrad a ti w a:are iu. tiie Uuc dr la Houm .. i. ,Muu - lii-'r. a hmitnukrr. ill Nn. iu tfctl slrrrl. lia liari fiiriqni; "i!irul Hpun Iiiin bv a can noi'kni. alih8( In winP rii'il.i. KatliPr Iti'.e bt fii'rtit X rri)e linras bnrkrd a rirt k-i lift which she hodTichrjr- emHroidsred with giinsl the iron abutter f ihe ahorif ram wnli ' lif-r own Uiidtd aa ftaawan) fiir Jaaper'a mielj fi;rcB iHkI pane tit pfute jfaw hnfin'JI i particuUr merit, (toernf Hullee preaenied 4.fa4y Liwl poet airuct an craAed iiiUi"trfm wilh eery handwnte awnnl. Daring 'b th"ttaU nf eplintent, 'M. M'wdierc'afiijr ae va in -aernre tbeaildiw of the nwiter! JimHim bnrae aud .-an, and in ilia mornint; be .waealiont 14 aend ftr a elazier, wIiom UU lie wuulij have-cl(jred lo the peron reapoim - e for tbi' lresp.is upon bia prupeily: put In. - windiiw was rrm-lt'.d ill audi .1 iiu'Iiht aa 110 window etttr was before, and l. Moliiru obserK-il UI il everv p'iaanr-uv in U,e alr.'el stopped to look a! il, and exclaimed, "II cm eurioiIj'' . "Mow txtrauriliii'irv!" . ' ' During the whnluitjr'i crowd vn collect rd in 1 lit- froj"! ul die ii.Mise, Il iIiom neciKir red u M. Moiierc that since lii linki.'ii llin- "d'iw apiiearcd to possesa auclj altraclioiii lor , 'theplioliP.il ini fhi iiuucr his purpo.e to n'. 'ke r , the ptdilie pav for (be irtiiitifytio of their ett-' rioaily. Acc irdinal v be put up his miHi (e'l shuller and eliaru" d one franct per head iqr admission into liis ab.ip. Visitors docked tni the exliihilinu, and in a tew hours the fame of! 4t preid far snd iib'. Nii si single panicle .1 1 ... 11 1.... I I: all Bill an lisa latieii inn, mil inta rnieKM nulla- ted fro... the ori.tro w.d. wo.nlrflr e-uUf.tv are so numerous dial die pane prccny die appearance of a gigantic cobweb. Seen ffroi tlte interior of the simp by galilit, il reflects the pcini:dic colors with extriordi - narv Imllianey and may he coirtti ired to th" peacock a tail. - ..-A ajiiiculaluthas oili'.rcii. ike caarmoiovaum of li'()'M lor die purcli ise of die Iragda pro jw i iy and the olTer has been refn"d. M. Msliere calculates that heshall rrceiie diusiim iu francs Irliu die Paiiiiatts ivl 'iie, hnd aficru ardii the pane may be remured in its imn frant'i and carrted round llie pnn inrW s, The eveiil bat mado more sensation bail ..-any iilber thai It. is occurred in I'arris sincu New Y ij ar e ly 'I'lat! exciioineat in on ilia inertias", t rowd" ton pour lo pay ibo ad Orissi.im aioney, rtatid titnmt the liotisc tolatk over the Story and nta:heinelieal tlndenis in ihe Qnariier f.ann tire working prostems, in die eoniidcul hope ol' linJiin; wai liow to clack an other wiitKow in ibe siune w.tv. KKKUIi.VNT JA.si'KIt, r.i.r. ov Tut tKvni.i'rtnN. i, ,!'Attf eommentt ment of ihn revblu'iionarv .rHerar.nl Jasper eidi.t.,1 in the ?d Sood, r , v. , 1,"""'r.v'r",n"""''u . i:.... ij.. ...... ... ..t ir..... . si ....... ,,v,...-ii.,.... o.a.H.m.,.,, Illmsell ,M iwrnr... w- r a, me ll WrtWnl..:, f.l,er. -Hear air. I ata aoiim lo h mar. .W4. made "it run .Uotdtne.-.mi yuilivaii'n ' 1 .1 ' .. I .... .to. I. . I- ..... . I .... I .1 ,,a.a,.n,.,M-I1 ,unr. i..o, in me warm- 4.0jrlofll.e.H.:es., the V'tf ..tm - creu nj a rainion u to, anu ;;ic najf eii to ihe bottom of inc. di.ch on i!i o.ti-iide of ibe works. The aceidi-nl was considered by the inhabitants of Chailetoh as putting a i end to . lbs eoultsi, by striking lite A nerinan color lo llieeueinvr Tito muiueHi that Jasper made ibe discovery l!i .1 tlm - d,.g had lalb n, he jumpeii ti'oni into of Mm embrasures, snd , nKm ii w. nir -" - , - m ii ne ouii uiaspongo , siatT, au I reiila.iiid ilieui on tl.e parapet, , where li supfioitt'i ibeui alaff iraa iiroi nred. I lie Siibscuucnl activuv : . Mti.u anw.ner -nae snd enterprise of this ' palrim indiice.l Col 'Moullrii to give him a sort of roving rmnmis sion, to go and come at pleasure, etsnfident lh..l he was always nselulty em plovrd. He wat privileged to select sn'ch uieii from die rgtmenf . he 1 tbotild cbortse lo accompa- r:iw "' nn emerpnsM ins pan.i. e..n-d ". "v "." -I" .'o..""Py ,,f Ann fast, uiviu for their rduVel to MiU ' .,r f :.et. ....!. t... ..... ..... :.V 'i rl ".:; ' 7 aisled ieueralU l'fi,r an-.n.l't. of.. n place a eat under llie g ass receiver of an a r ,1.. ,';, i. , u ueu tuner 111 nnin.rr ior iwo 01 inn inwur ranlt, apprised of his absence.. Jas .er a .ti.ii.. ; V""V eertam tact llial lile cauiiol be supported i .. .: ,.t .. . . ... . r 5 I - "'. """'" "l' roi iin,u- ngua uas a.reauy ueen uirecwd. on I g !,K for hi, . tCnrTn 1 ''- e rector ... J ! iTu T. tt. JT' Vf 4i..emy fill into hi. powei. Hi. amhiiim, a- i '"" ".""" "roke. opot, the piston. dil -v. . :,- " 7 - .n. .,.i chiic any mat tlte. pean lo be limited to the cl.araelerisiics id" n l" the reemvor of air, when . ,. r . .. . f """ n bulemmiy 111 money to M"'l lurg8 . ouairwa lu Oautemala has tiMVeevllilii.aiiiltl ami n..ri.tn..h i.. ik . ' th annn:iL who biri Ifl fcef Uiirfjinfortal.li. I . In m?t,l,"r? o pmnosihons lo the Suic I q'liia fur rHnqui)!Hiiir her cLitiu it Sj Ju. i revoked. , . . . . .-. . i Which he wss enem-ed. When iiwalin'"' ,n" nT'e,t "no"Phere. wa. fortunate e-! his power lo kill but not lo ,. :,. his practice 10 penn.t a siu-lo pnsoner lo es- jeaprv. By hi spgacity and enterprise he of- ,. soeceedrd in tlie cspiure of thine who1 were lying in nmbiish lor him. . , . . i ... ' ' f,, . . m In one ef these exenr.i.tiiia. nn m.on.. .r instance or bravery snd hnmsmiy is revn-drd by the hi - i igrapherof Gea Marion, which wrn'ih! itair. i jgee efedtiUl. if u was not well aliened. ..While ho. w., cxauiiiiine tba..Uiilisli Cainn st Ebenen. xer, all tl.e smipaihv of his gre.ir nsari was a waKenf u ,.iy n(e .distresses of a , MTS,Joiic,:wln(iu husband, an Anmricsm by K birlli, hi( bikeit ihe king's, prnltciinn, ami been coniiiod, in irons for dcierling ihu royal cms. alter he had talSen Ihe oaih of atlrgi " awe. 11, vell f.unded b.lief' was lhat nolh- ing short of the life of her husband could a- lone for the ofTcncrf-Wfrh which he wasdiarg k eff.p.Amir'lp;rt;rlrf ifie .eerie of a l.elo'.ed hus 'batid expiring nrnn a pirtM, hurl excited In s exwreuiMocnimiiHis of grief aad diwnmion. M Jasper eetredy oonsnhcl with hit compsn- ion. Sergeant Newton, wriiie la-elmga (at tl.e, distreased female aud her child were equally j!..filed wiihbssilwa..poaibe prariieabtliiy iif releasing Jones f.onit bis .impending filler- ti . i. .1 ... , i.wtiM incj w i re -ii mm 10 suggest, a pb.n of operation, lliet .vvertt deirrmined to waicb . e - . . . - -. ..-iiCTHaiif,ii. 111 ,,ie reiwiraut ninroaeai IW lliaur ir ihn auui ri-...iliif, j.i.i ........ 1 ..I.. Ti....r . , " a-in. lliecllor'. . 1 he denarnire ol J..n. ..i ral nlbers fall 114 u-mia I in Vn m. .1, r..- .:..t 7 x a V' " . " ' V j -0 r'r iiiii uiliIergMa.d consisting i.r a .erg.-ant, a cor- pbWlnd eight men, wa, ordered on fhe succeeding morning. Within two miles f,0(rl Sayanuaji, and Ihirly, yard, from ihe main Toan, is a spring1 of fine waler, .'irninnded hy " deep and Itifet tihdi-rwnrelwheni tr.ivcllcts a- wfioi, hali iovfewh nhemsteli-e1 with a cmd "'iSP f'-"" tlBlear foemtam.' Jasr'sod . Vi"Pnmn,oouidetrd Uns the uum fusur abh hi 1 their emerpria-y TJ.ey ice.irdingly ss.ed the gruuriJ..j)ild j;onrealcd themselves -. V'Vf.f PrP-.,-wl'eii the en-mr came HSU. sii'i, I?1?. t;'9 f's j,oad tf$ mainrd with (tie prisoner, while (he plhereJ leaned their guns sgttinst the trees in care less manner, aiid wenl to th spring." Jasper and NfWlonrixed two musket and diaableu ilie.two sentinels,. ,Th possession of nil die arin placed th.i enemy in tlieir power, anil compelled iliein lo surrender,' The irons wore laUeu off, "'anil the arms put Into ihe han'ls Ol W"S Who Bvl lien priaO'l.f s, Md ' '"' f"r PrysrHire morning, and joined the American cramp. . Tlx- are few intiaaaea upoav record wbrre 1 pernmal eierlioiu, eren f.ir -H'-preFrialiiu ) T mn eriuin prmpcri jjf. dnath. would hvr imlured rinrt kn act M drenereie of n ! inion.. How oiu-li innre UmljbU era this. u Uci Jie ipring to acnou wia roused by die laqienialiqus n( a trniHlc unkouwn lo the ai . fenturrra. ' SiiWonenl! to ihe frllant Jefenre at Sut limn'a fannrt, Citl. Vloiitirie'a fegimrnt Wim ' preirHrJ whIi a aland rtf eolora br Mi. r.t- ibo iinN ag.uni 5avannaH, I wo nffiren bnd lie n kitlfil, and one wcandcd, iu endrar- nrin; 1,1 plain dirv rulnra upon the enemy's ' parwt nixm die fprimrfield redoubt' Juat . hefore the retreat was ordered, Jasper endea ' voied li replace them while be was in lint art wound snd fell into the treat was ordereJ, he reri lil.' condition uponnii tlic colors lo hia regiment, and among ihe laat . aela of bis tile siicceededjin bringing tliem off. M.ipir llorrv called 10 see him soon after the retreat, to whom, il is said, tie miJe the fol- iowtug erinimtiniealion: "1 hvegtitrny furlnugTi, That sword was prVented to me by One. Ritlleilwe, for my aerviee in ihe defence of Fort Moultrie. Give il lo m huher, and lell him I have worn it in boiiur. If lbs old aian abould weep, tell him I his r-on dusl in ihe hope a ol be-ler 1 1 1 c . ' i Tell Mrs. Klliatt I lost my lile supporting .1 . I I, l... .'..I . : t me eoiura wniro Bin: uri-feiiM-vi iu our rial- ! ment. ' SbonM yo.l ever see Jones. -bis wife sud son, tell lh ;m that Jasper is gone, hill thai the remeinbraiu-e of the battle he foitghi ! tlir tlienv broughrt secret joy to his heail when ! death was about lo slop its motion lorever." He expired shortly-after closing this sen lenee I ..J... - I'l , 1 ' ""': . , U" V'T'nZ ,hc'r.-,?:1J"'""ll,"U! ?I1ST, ontl ITIT-J III'IAv; ijr littles (i tt, J tJll VB 11 ml almuM 1W. it when .n thrtr pftacnce. .... x - a. r- - -: . - -i'i -----f,, V - " --r'" uiai uoi;i na4onH(riiu Hiauparabiu uh, i u'd Sisics hi lie trromoted hy'the rBiaalfttctiuil . . BB .COMPHJCIIBSSIVCr p.fcZ , ,,.ele TT " HI 1 1" entiott. i ?eS America of a cawl, U. importmce.: .Td T dk to ihe poinl. and slop when voa have ;'' " !,qJ'T f 1, ' l'l r'.""1'' '' b,lw'- N-gt,a, Co.ta Rira, and llondu-1 compllcaiion ,.r the tetrhorial and ptdiical re- reaehej iu Tim faculty thai some possess ol.! j ,mrm wil, X. which Is Tircnns Herable "' "b"nC f l,u,,",ri, with which ! lali.ms above referred to, with tile overium miking one idea envcr a qiiro of paper is uot Thia i.nrtan '- -.l.i.l. t .h. " fK'r"",l,eB '"" eo.dd be made, end j for utir friendly concurrence made by the o4 f' T mneh.. Be short .d comnrehen- fm ul P"( .J'n " , B ' "1Z ,. 1.1. V"T ' TV' U" UMmli' WmuA11tMty. "'at much btneili might Itensire it. all you say or write, to fill a 7', , " n t e?,, !,,.ie ? ! aetdrmeiH of ihui vexatioua qoestimu i al.en.l Ihe appoinlment of a full mii.islet to vobim, upon nothing I no credil to any bo- ItTS i''". The l,rili' ""''"" rejard. the com-. Cetttrd Ame'icn. lo he Incredi-.J to each !, dvithmieh UI Chesterfield wrote a mv .....'?"..'! - P"."."n P"f? M. L" rnillee of govert.ineiil of Sail Juan di I None. ! tin goveriimeiiia iiieluiled io that nam., m . . , .Mtcaeson. prouueen. in n .s worn u mainlv , tff tlis lhil Uh, ., U.(oa.cl,atv. i hey remind tn. of a .. 4 April 19, 18'O.wa. ueialed lw lw.,.ty f.r poun,ler.ii.harK,.d.t 'h VnM mie.nd Or,. Britain. bird., joilbeira Irvmeiidous noise; aeea'u.. ,. . i r a . i l ,") treaty the high cniitractinir names a volume of name; hut you look in vain for K.......I !,.. .1., . . . .. n i .a .ir.. -ni . l- i .. "j . , ; noinii il etnaelvrs lo use (heir influence wil l Ihe eRi'cts, rl.e bud is acittered lo slotns. I .,, o, ... . M, , Just sr. wkl. It.e idea: il fa envelooed io n ii ii. i . ti r i i .,, -nrk,MW. Khnrl ,... ' . mnM. nono an. lost si.i.o me rtimntiiv oi wnros i . . i ,es snd paragraph., are favor.-, with c.,,..,,..! u. to Um vhiiik mai. who wruw IS, Ilis I neaV ana i u.e gouu o.u ifenucnan wno re - I . . .L. 1 I I l . pj. ..(,,. ,.,. ,l,ead,"i Ltw. - i'b.y do m, Such 110 , , moral ll.su they Isav. I lie ball is uul mid iu these cases. 'i-i.. t . ' 'I.i iir. ! incv aru worm ineir weigni ill goiu lur every uiiruuseni life. K aler, lie short, and we r .,, , . i i .. i . will stop shod with the advice. . r . l'itiable"siKbts not .infrequently sngsest the ridiculous. Thus il is lb. deo.h. if sadness lo Iw.lw.l.t . r.ll..-.M.l.. .I,,..,!, .n.l ...l,.u,,L""!,',"",,:,,mm"r --rnmenis oi t.entral :jjm tar. iStit iiow rulu-uiuus. wheu. on irnina ' up io liini and a-kinu Inn. how he gi". iliere. . I., r... l .mol. an TilC CAT AM) TtlE AJR rujtir. Ii. following anecdote uflb. eat is relautJ bvUela Croix, a. ha.nur Cdleo wiibin liiL uwn observation: Uuce I ni: .ats he. " . - - 1 " i nmrgl. to discover tlol soaree from whence Ul'e'nfl proceeded. She plaoed her j I" "I""' ,a- ,hrogb which the air es- 1 ' " ,u 1 ' , P"," nM U '"7 m"" "om pswi.g out of the receiver. All die exer- lions of ihe philosopher were now unanilinff; ' . .1 . . 1 r,i k. ,1r. it,. :., ,i,. . j effect' uallv psevenled Its nierst.o.k Hoping 10 efli ei hiaHiriMie hoagaia lela.r iiimihe re. ceiver. which as soon as thecal perceived, she withdrew her paw. from, the aperture; but whenever he attempted la exhaust th. te cetvrr, atie applied her paw as before, , All ihe specialties clapped their hands al the won derful sagacity of ihe animal; and the . lectu rer, found binisekT under tlte neccesily of lib erating her, aed .ubsiituling in her place an-H n her that possessed lea. neaeiration. and' enabled him lo repeat the crdel experiment," ISIA.MKvjK TIVKM8' "We learn from h'ttcr just received from Mte Airv that th. Ki.mew-Twirss. Chan; Si r.og.Ai'rsl aram awn una btwy worlil sgam JJiey haie hi' innidoyeil by aume.Ntiriiiern men (some say y Baruum.) al a salary of ft.DUU a year, n e feel au interest III Ibeir happiness, we hat e eai sail at their hospitable hoard, and becrt pleirsed snd iostmeied by their . . .1 1.. .1 . 1 1 . -.1 Uilwrbtmliw.M.y their sl.suowerwivwgruw . .. ' sr n 1 -T . " MINING PROSPECT. u Ve were shown a day or two .ine'e y or two .nice sifme of the fiiii si sample, of gold ore lhat we have ever see m tin eoauiry, j ney metu tuxeit ot of a new xem at iu :p mine in Ibis eou.iiy, .t a point hitherto not opened, by Mr. Pennman sn experienced miner who lias recefllly 'reopened 0if rations .1 that eekiraied mine, W e liearn that M I. Penaman tnttntda seeding the .ampfa North, tir .xhibition ill inleiM lMjoceapUhstto.lit with hiuu ilia enlerurire of xtraciini the precious metal. U. I..,,. ..1 -t.:l i.1 """""-ri 10 om momii 1 inai 010 city ami win ol an Jinn (lei .orie. ; ici. hevonil llie .mini. h .k . . MESSAGE. : T From lie Pmihnt f the United Stattf tramittim m rrpnrt ii fftrmtt f Ihi " Flbritnry I. lS3.-Rrf,rrtt le the Cemmitlet on Commrrrr. ' To the &Kitrr4 lmn nf Rrjtre$'ntt1irfi! 1 irahamil a report from the Swreuiry of Stale, tablniii the aubaiHin-a of reeent, eoiniuunicaiiona made by ihe aninuler ol" her, Until nine Majeaiy to the De.partineul ol Stuteon ihp atilijifKif the jatrr-meaeut eaal by the Nicaragua roulc, wbii-h Ainned die chief object of the (reaty between ihe I7ni leJ Stalea and Great Drilian, of 10 b April, 1850 ; and the relatione ol (.real ttritisn b the pniliitoraio of tfo.Kjuiin, vrbinh aba ex prewm heraell" dririou pf rcliiiltiiahing nn terms omiairtcnl with hee bouor ible engage -menu to the Indians of 'dial name. In ciumrniieiu' vf ,.ti' jcaunarunieaHons, and Oihcr CiiosiJeraiinna suhd in ihe report, it i deemed adi isiblu by the department thai our diphwratie re!atbn with (tie Minle 11T Central Aineriea ahotild be pbeed.on a Mjh iBf and more efficient footing! and thin men lire meeta my apnromttinn. I he wtKile subf saeiwomnr so mneh delu sev and linpor- pprotin; ureas, 1 have tlintighl t my duly to submit the report nf die department lo Ihe two houses. The iinpnrlanec of ibo mcasurr seemed to require an rxno'iiinu somewbat in tb'iail of Liiu giounds on whiih it is recoiu. meiinea. MIF.f.ARI) HMiMORE VVshinqton, f'tbntitrtf 18, 1843. Ukpirtbknt or Statu, jyuihingluit, February 19,1853. 8m Ki'cent comiiiunicaiions have been i i . i i i ,, . . , "".'' !-f by the llriti-l; minis ler relative lo the affair, of ('eir-l Ah.eri.. . r -i.;, ii.-. " " of wh ch I deem tt my duty ... report to ) ol. inn auMidiis!- i. ... . , ..... n..j .1,., imt pi.,pcr nr wiaiirvo mat our relations of tins United Stales with some nreaeiiia.if.iwi ill rnywlt -n lit.. mmu....i .1.... I " I iw. 'Ii piriil on. of equal interest with a d reel, expeditious. nd economical line ,4 intereoarsr between jour ,tlaiilic coasts and I Union on the I'arilic. the members of the ' : : r"' "r claiming to po-sess, any jurisdiction ".,er ' "-rritory which the pr..t,'. si.iu-caiiMt mav traverse i j . or which shall ha ' niuF ill. iters applicable thereto, III order to iJlu, ,.,..' ..:- - '-in., o go.ci niiiiiriiis io ran..- tate the eonMi notion thereirf hy every mrana 1 : l . nnwer: ml lllev a so sirreo iu use ,.:, I ..rr. ,i..... ..7 r. i w.. ,'inva., nuurcvrr'.iir nowever II I most exoedieol. io nrd,., (lie esiaoiiiiiinei.i ol two free pons, uuc at I .. ,i ,,r i, .i. . , r . ii . . . It was also stipulated by ibe trealy of Vnril i , ,. , . . .. ,' , , 19. 1850, that, it any .differences should arise, " w . "r 'l" mnty lt,m"Sh. W ,.H-h "" i. ... .u . u .. : .. w aorii uiui.renars snouHJ in anv way impede or obstruct die execution of ihe a.iiil e.ii'.l iliw mi.a,nm.i. ..c 1 1 . : . .1 1 - ... i 1. .1 tr . i ... . . ..... - ateail ol eeieismg alisolulu soveigmv over! regarded as a ratialavtnrv indication nf a de . 1 lilf lIiM ill at 1 s sail iti 111 I ail r I lain not in nijLa 1 f 1 .as, I.1 ... (. .L . I . II I 1 I iiten tite works, and ? . . . " "V ' , i entrai America, and prohibiting nil com-1 sire m the pnrt or Great Britain, by tesign- ro.ired a mortal 1 '. " J ' " frn""re r"mmun"-"""- inerro on the coasts umler her sway, has en- ing the nnileciorate of MmNiuil... to remove dil-h. When a re- " ' "m"c" 1 ,c measure pmH.seii c.,n- llrey h tmilu nvvr , pans of this ! one of Ihe ,rt serions embarrassments of lh uljected the bottom-. " urT ' "P"0' ? m-v ' Tl - continent. The M,i, InJ.ans, i.tel caw. Tber seem W tl.i department l, to icb tL donor DrweniedT'' r. .r " l of .vnMmr their Own irib- areordimr M the mint the eincdirnc of . tie eff.r, i In. I in- die ' Slates of (.'einril America have L.r i.. i. . ... : appoiiiliiienl to meetii . In Vi ,, . " . " States anil (Jreai Briiain would use their good Offices m settle such thtferences in-the ni;tli4 ner be suited i promote the Interest, of ! . , t. j . e'.i .- . ' ' - .pUW , ceriii... pro-, rosii.ons were airreeo iinon hw ihia ii.m,,i. i ' . . ' . . ii- .1 . . nego.1a.10ns earne.1 , . sro,err.menr. tne only otijecl ha. been to senre, as far as possible, the passage of ihe canal Uirn.igh one and the same eivi lixed Slate, iu order to preclude ihe evil, loo likely to arise from its passing through more man one jurisdiction, anfl to exercise the in flu enee and meditation of ihe Untied Slain, which had been invokrd by the parties in controversy, in the manner best calculated lo promote llieir respecure iatoresl.. The conflicting claims of Great Drilian and Nicaragua, wiih reference to Mosquito, are among the diflicullies wliiidt embarrass diis subject. These difficulties arise principally from the fact that l)m mm of Han Juan del Norte, the eastern outlet of lha eanal, i. claimed to belong to the Msoquito territory. By ihe first srliele of the treaty of Iff'th Aprils I8S. the two panic aeree that neitlt- d er the one no. the oilier will ever -erector maintain any fortineslion rommauding the eanal, or in the vieioiiy thereof, or m-cupy, o foriify, or colonize, or assume or exercise any dnoinion ovei N'iearagua, Costa Rie. the Mosipiito roast, or any part pf Central America. Hut the relations of Great Briiain to Mosquito and the Mrwjnfto liifliar.e.'over horn she chime to havessercised ( prolee-" mrafa ht a hing omirso of years, remained enuW this trealy .omewhat inilirterrainaie. I he port of Kaja Juarf del Norle, to wbirb 1I14 name, of Greymwn hs.' beon. given by" Great Briiian, though c Intined .. . within ibe tlmii of ibis pioterlbraie, has, for aboul a year, been really governed tr) ihe name 01 ibe iHnlar King of 4 Mosquito hy a committee of v ir"ricun CMiteiis.-choseii by the people. Nieara.ae rfainte the risrhilnl soeerrisniv (eribfa port (from which her ...horiiiua were,afu 1 a bn.1 , po session, ejected r a Uil.lalt lorre in January, I81IJ.) and over llie whole Mosquito region, nf which however, if Is maintained by Great Briiian lhat Nic r-' a.ua sciii at anv urn. had onanssion -'." Ii.formaiioti has lately been received a. ihi. me MTijesir. ttat (he eompaity ' wttlrtrtisfl cuiiiracieu (n tauiisj a ampH-snat, aero the hihmusor'.liearagiiv, hating ftiurtd ii impoa - aibte tn earry out die plan as originally rim ti'inpiaicu, has reewlveil ta propow to tbegiw i nimen' nf iViriragua a uuHliriexiion of that' pliu. wilb the liew of mnfrrBt'tieg aeuRat t( amallerdinienainns' tuan ilioee tpert Ard in then eonlraeij arid the nriih mitiiaier has Geen in iirwired to hiiimate luthia uepartanenl tl.at if tin tn'ornralion ahmdd uroii eoftect.heriii 'jeaty'. goveminehl would led iheB)elvrt al itheriv, undei UieBrtenth.artiele ofth treaty f lOib of April, 185(1, Ui wilb J raw their prrrt.-Uo. from dial eoinpanv, and K trttinfei it r anv other company wdicb should undertake a eanal on the originrd plant il "heinr; deemed of the utmrnt iuiportanre by die Uriiiab gov ernment that the greal eottceplion ol an inicr ureaiiic raual, adapted Ui lint ocemniuduliim ol UM irsarla of the w'i.,1 rid, mMrtmitSimi m an 'tn)eTr Mih Apeir, I95." diart thai titer should ary transit toule for coasting vessids. wliii-li, tidisianl nations, would be roinnar ilielv ' destitute of ralue. 1 be British imnis'.pr has aluo been instruct ed to siart.lfy lo this dtparlni. nl liial, since (real itrilian first aaaumed ihe protection aliil di'fiMien nf llin Moanitii., Inili-oia ilt m... ,iiion ol ill nartiea hud rhamrod. S,.m i. customs of ilicir rare, funiidi ouly it uaiue . iluce all parties to enter intl an amicable eef and a lille ' by which forcigut:ra Iraditi ' at ; ilemenl of their eonflirting claims and Inter San Juan del .orU-, anj alone: ihe Mo.-oui- ests. Much an effort miirhl adtantaennislv lo coast, according lo Ihe usages ol civilized I thceonnlrv. ciiaies, exercise tup cilertirc eovernmem ol In eoiisenuenre of ihose elianif - i'S, Ureal Britain, instead of having, as for-1 iiicn.i.aii uiicreai 111 me ueie,nceot i e ,vios- i)uiio iiiuuiia, lor tne sake ol exempting a part of the territory of Ceipral America Irouj Spanish control, and lliwvby ob amiilfc ad mission for her commerce, has now no other interests iu Mnsnnitn but such as she derives I i- e i . . . from an honorable regard to her old erinnex- ! " . V" "-"etn.,... "PI"'"" " ntm, wtui, nir wl"i "ie "loaquno uaiion oi Indians. h ,u, heeH lurll(jr to lhumMme. s - - . UJ l,,B """." m.iiimer that her Al.uvsiv' governmeiil has for several years eudwivoitd lo suit her eiuravcntenls lo (be allcrt ii ctrcuin- stances nf ihe rase ; bin thai every proposal' above referred to, real power . c I which exercises" authority in thai pari nfCed- ithi America. 11 would be a mailer of in dilference io Great Drilian whether llnil mu ihority was exercised in ihn name nf ibe King of Mosquito, or in (he name of tli. oily of S ii Juan del Norle ilstlf; but it is dtsir ed by Ihe British governineui thai- ibe appn- rent stale of (hings sbotdd be made lo con-' as in fart tl form M the roality, which is mil now the ease, reason lo hope lliut ho would be able to coif the government being nominally carried nikvince the goierninems concerned lliat iiotliiiig in the name of the King i:f Mosquito, while, j iwn be gained among- equals, by adhering lo .1 really ixiirc.aed by the coimniiire organ- extreme rights and pielenaion., however fining iaed al San Juan del Norle, or O'reyiown, ihei'niiviciion on wliiclitlicy are founded, when under a popular i.lcciion. in opmsi'e coiiiii-llou ia.iiiertained by llieotb- What the British govrrninenl would con- j er party) llittt llieir true interest lies incompro sider a good and fin d arrangement, would , ntise of tbeirronftirtiiig rlninis; that llie me- !, tljalion or th. United Slate, and Great ijriv- H'tt. That San Juan tlel Norte, or Grcv- i am may ho honorably niut safelv accented lowii, abnuld be a free ami huh-(mud ml port, i.M.Mtwl.'tl utill. Xl..... 1... .1. l . - "- won 4.iiiiiiou nv suco rtitaiioiis : siicc.csaion in uoruer wars aim uomeslic coq- of f irudsliip and Uiaiice as may bo agreed nildoits, which can have no other effect than ""'Ji' . . , that nf defeating llie great' work of imer f- Srtimily. Thai indemnification or ad- c.canie communication, und olher respi el. in vantages rqnivalmit to ilnxe l od down in thn j flieiing (he roost deplorubl. c.iainiues upon project of convemi ui nf ibe flOdi April, IH52. 1 rminiric. which in ibe pursuit iiflhearirqf should be atsnrvtt to 'Mosquito iu return for j peace. 'might attain high degree of prosicr iis withdrawal from its present nosiiioii in ' il'. ' Iu addition ' to theao oon.i,t,.r,.o.'... !., rttlcrenre to iu Juan (bl INotlr., Thirdly. That ihu United Slucs mill Ctrejl Rriiain, wiihunt funiMliv o. H .i-t v..-..- .... . i . ' w . i:" .!' " nc reauy u. aci -"i"-cri io ici.Jiui mo iiiuepciijtnce of the ,r" ."'." lmn "alevcr quartet it may o0a.,acxco I'be Iliilitih government deem it essemh.l an del. None, it is suf scaled by ihe Briuah goverumem that a greater security i,r a oer lain fixed lerrilory should be the considers lion for that object. For lliesn purpose, ihey piopose lo de spalch some peratm qualified lo treat wilh ihe authorities of tins city; aad in case TlieTJrwleil State, concur in these view., the British government would memmend lhal a new Convention, in the place i.r Ihe 'unac cepted agreement of ihe 30ihof A pril. 185-2, annum he proposed and concluded, and lhat a person Well qualified lor lb. purpose should lie will by tin. government to .el conjointly wilh Ihe Commissioner of ner Brilaiiuig M-ij. estvr" '" The Briiish government it not nuawsre of llie a'lineiiltic arising from tin) fae llial cor. lain neighliormg Slalca deny abogellior Ihe independence ol Mosquito, aud thai ibe Miss quilo tribe of Jndi.int are liable every d.v In new incursions 11,10.1 their lerrilory. They do not expect to make a complete provision against ihi. danger. They consider it, how ever, their duty to do wb.t is required by honor tiij humanity in behalf of the Mint. quila aaiuwr; ; declaring, at ill. .am. time; that ihey -intend to aJ litre etricdv to the treaty of Washington of the l;h of April, 1833, ami not lo assume any sovereignly, Ul terior indirect, in Ce111r.1l America. , Such is Ihe substance of Ih enmmunica tmn which, wiibio . few rtai., have been mail la tlus department by the Briiish mm-, isier, atiidsr 'Uis diterliop of bis goverumem; from which il Will be perceived J-lrtt. Tlmi, fa constderaiiim of the altered state of thhigs under which it grew up, that government is disposed lo relieve iiseif from th prmcctnmi of lb Mosquito Inilian. provided lhat a aceurity eau b obtained fiw them sgainst hostile incursion fiont theneigat. noting Hlste. .if , : - 4svt iinondlu. 1 bat the Briiish anvernramii regards the erminm nf Saa Juan del None mm a Ire awl tudi)eiHlau( ny, whose po litiral cqodiliva . would, remM-.tU.l ot- tfa I fr re ritiea 'nf Oerminyr as Uie best eoerwt in j he pirrauei! tor settling the rontmreraiee rela 1 live to die aniereiuly of dial nUee, andui the inosl ronirment rnnde f iiiaurinir lint- ... .1.. t 1 : .. t . iri-iM'ti hi lire wtrwiuuri louian", 7Vii y. That though a formal gaaraiity of the free eity is not proposed t he ememl into by. the two powers, ( Jreal Briiain deaires the riHienrfeneti of lha (Juilrd Stalea in el lecii:ig these objeets, , -;J-t.- An opinion from tliia deparimenl nn (he merit of ibeae angirestiims mode of set ding the questions ,it i-ane in lliia pari ol Central A merit's. Would, nndrr xililij vif er.makineing, he of 1 i 1 lie weight.' 'Iliry are given only as the views of the British gov. ernmeui. It may lie proper, however k slnte llial, in the opinion of die departnenl, it would be.raura.aiUisahle IIhh tin tw fveea ments should lite their iiilloenr with Kbsara. a-a'arii' "Beeant iho' nr.,m..ill . resort to terms of settlement less advantage, mis' to (hat government, a in the ease with ihoae now snggoated by ureal Britain. ' Re rent events ere believed tir eneouraffe die ex peetallnn than an elfort of Jliis kind would be eiireesrul. lliiwever thbt mar bei the enrd ' ,irk .if,.iijL,. nr Il.;:l. .;..:... .1- .mlee of hi ...ni.n. -ill '.I.-.M 1.- begin by pulling the diplomatic retaiioiis of Ihe Miiteit Ntatre With Central America on a : better fooiitie, Of the five States birhliled under that oniric Costa Rica and Nicaragua nave sppoiniea ministers plenipotentiary to this go veri mem t and the (?osta Kiean min ister is also minister 1 plenipotentrsry" of itustemaia. t ne iimtenr txtatef have at present a charge d' affaires at the capital of Nicaragua ) and a charge-d' affaires to fJua- j causfta lieyopil ttie control of the department, W . ' e,l.d to hi. ,r0. Tr.?l,.3 ;.Hiis of Central America hare nn rnroi i - .senialive. Thn M.-cratarv fa of npinitin. fat ! W into iew these cireanisbincM with ih. great magnitude of the inieresia of the l!nl- j side successfully at sucli nf their capiluls as II..; .!.....!! .1 !-. Ii ..... -' -.1. .' lie shoijl,! deem expedient, I Willi full powurs to treat with un oi all of them, and wilh in slructb its to uh the inlluence which his rant would give to Jinunote the great work nf cofl eiliaiioii. Ii' some dislingiiished cilixnu" of flic Unjlei! States, piwseasiiig ibo high quali; ficaliniJs required for the trust, should In del snaielicd .limn ibis frieiidlv miaaion i il.u.. i. and dial its only alternative is a loo probable r .. !..'Lf l. . . , r. favor of ihe proposed mea.ure, it may be mcnlioncil that tlieja are imoorlanl private in terests of American eiiixeu. at and near Ran Jnan del Norte, which ' merit tl.. protection of sri influential representative of the gov ertimeni. Xnlhlinr wrnilt! be ailded 1., iha ..... r 'our diplomatic rolation. wih Central Anier- full may leer- ronlio' return ppomuneni been - '.- 'l bs SCli.lU of Congres. being required lor the appropriation nen.ary m earry the proposed measure into effect it fa respectfully reeommeiiiled lhat lli is report shonlj be com muuicaird 10 the two bouses . . w ,. . ., , Respeti folly submit led I . - . . , To the PaMiMtt-f or tk Vnnum Stai'.J SIX m Bar I B BW VL'tllF l-aTS t ; LIQUOR LAW IN SWEUEV. In Swwleu, wl.ocver is foiinddri.uk is &nu. for the first ofTenae, iIhvo dollars; for die ' second, six; for the third or. forlh iraorison uicni is added In the fine, and deprived of the right nfvoiing ai the election, or holding ' of (ice. and. exposure in lha chur. h 011 Himda; , If th mine indivlilual la found Comminiiig liie wine offence fifth lime, he fa imprisoned six month and condemned to hard labor, - If. professor of religion, it U .till morj fcri;. and he ie cut off fnml (Ira Vhuteh. Whiierer fa fonvicied of intoxication fa flni d three dollars, which torn fa doubled fir every ofTence. An eerli-siastic who fall nndrr the nffene. lose, bis benefice. It is strictly for. bidden to give or sell spiriluotis liquors lo stu dent, servant or 'apprentice. Whoever is (buml drunk in til sireeur or making a dis turbance 111 a public bouse, i imprisoned and tiRed one half the flu. goes 10 the informer, and Ibe nihef to ihe' poor. Twice in a year three ordii.aimes are read aloud in the elinrhes iry ihe clergv, ' and every1 la vern keeper M lmundto litre a copy hung up in Ihe principal f.itn hi liis hotrse. Under heavy fine; 'Under ' these regulation scarcely . drunkard is lo be found.' Shrrbrrlt Trivet: . ; f :wsrm. t! tmii VoL..TI.e ful- lowing is supposad to be die number of news paper tu tlte world : Ten tn Austria, four teen ia Africa, thirty in Asia, sitiy-bve In Belgium, tphiy-five, in Denmark, ainely io RnaiaMMtd pitfaoda ibfre htindred in Prussia, three kuniim.1 and UiiriV in other Oermrii.ie Mlatra, tii.hundti'd to Great Bribtia, tad Ire.' land, aud.e tebtet-n humlred iu the Uii;tjd , IHrKstXlL, IslplUtVKMKJir., ..; ,, ,.JUIU 10.1D C'ON V K N T10.X a ..- i.' ' 4 - OwvMlisa will ti. kM lo-ths t.nra of Taa" J.yiUs, H. 0., sa, Tussslsy tk ta t Aprs), tt imimg th. waak tt April Oeaaty VwsrV fs taa (ittrp-Mi f fnwuM ajviiH Muck Hixspaaiy so, alruut. aad builj a Hail Uwil rrma snuM eanvenisw point 6s ths Kichmamt sdJ lianviila Kail Kunii tt.M lawaa f MUtoa sua Vaucvvill. fa th, 3i. CseoliM Ovatral Halt iUmhI, ss a 'l rsrra ths wsirs4watsitMwalaHIBo .,- , TUs aoai.lics of Kfcnsiiaai. UuiulfarJ, Akv aiauee, Uianu, rersuu, Iu .N. Carulina, arid (be 0n.t of Halifax, Virginia, alio il,t I'itlss of Kick saend and CeieralHirK. with such sthvr eountlrs or ""s may bet wlsrsassil la Ski. smisrpriu.J aa oaiaaaw aarovs s asan mietaw. la taia aoav vsntiun. . flXSX (JITiitklMJ. h iith,,,,;, ; ... .,.,,,,,7.; i W. paUlish-lb. abrvvB nrifsfB a Wallet f Courtesy to Uiom who bar. msd the rei quwli but Wo ar. very fa frirm oelievbig ibaJ.goui policy will permit m nueraiion ia the prii l by th. people of North Carolina. W go tor lha ai tk InndiHH Rarl Road) Md w bold lhal auy prinoit which would db sort fr.im it iiber travel oi freight Would he Utal til Us sucmwi, tjutid faith to the stocks h.ddon, we think. Would fcirbid our Legislature iruaa aaaaing auy omieouou that would prej. rnlwo Ihe road and w. l not think that in dividuals nra if Ihey had the pOWrr, should attempt to do w bit the Wslsinr. soukl noi with pmpriely .sncuoo. h wa. one of Ihe great, objects of the niod to connect the east em and wesu m wectiont nf Hit JJuiie, and make lis one peopl.i guii that Obiect would b in a great uiuasnre frusiraiej by construct. nig a unuicn, a. propuaco, to aarry "ih. trade audrommeittdof ibo west the Bui. m Virginin." Slaw irifa. ahonlr) leach ws to loon tiiorw al home. lur triad wa. pr.ijceled with Ihe expcctaiion thai it would open way toniitiket fiirrtiu prKdiii-e of the weal, and that, in turn, It wa. expected, would give prose perous activity Ui die Irada sod commerce of i.ie east ami both of them united ar. neeea .try to f iv profiub.e-.mpbiyment in th. Road. If (wo-ihinls of the Road It to be In degree paraliaed, by drswlnif bff the travel and tiajiisleriug llie ' prmluce nf die west M, Ibe Virginia Rail Koad, is there any goo,l res son tofctppnsjfthrtt a itifficiemly increased aClKity would be given to Ilia business on the remaining oiie-lhiid to, (oinpensHte lha, loss and tiheveilt a llepreclaiion of the slock J ' do not Ihiuk h would. , The travel might be iHi iiirMfliiil not the fttiglrti But ewri if tl shiMild, What witl' become ufijial other feature of ilia' enterprise which gave existeiice tri our Riistr-i.ui Wild up our , ea ports, Wbilid togeiher the, Easiaud.llie WeM hy identity of inlen.i, and to inaka ilium feel more wmsibly their relaiion a. ciiixens of k. Q.....S VL.. ... . , I .. . ... ...His kmni i ma is ma true pmicr wl.icq niwht govern mir aetion.. tl will be time enough, alter our Road ha. passed iia infancy, and ieorfca for Itself a brofi lablo business, io talk Tirlew exireriinertia. ' TKe ennatroetioa. oft corinettiifg tint beiweeit ih. NorlliCar- onna ami me v irgmia itoad would unuucstioti. ehfhetierlt the lrm mrwa which it passed f but Tt would lie at loo great a aacrirle. of ihe general food i would great. iy impair trie trttire (.four own lowpa,nd dc-j urlin Hml Mincnradebl of preciatc (he value of the most important of oiii",rtt" ioani 10 guard against the probable fa Slat Improfement.' The people of Caswell We hope, will be accommodated with soma commodious way of geitin ibeir pr.iduc. fa the North C'arolin Road; "but it must b without sacrificing the i merest of own Slate for the benefit of Virginia." ' , " ( rThe Raieigh Bumdard Com'-liKle. iri article upon this siilject trlrtt tlm following sentl menie, whb-h we heartily endorse,"" . " I he true policy of North t-'aroli rhaltee wh it effect it may hay Upon particu lar loT-a!ifirs-.i to build Hoadt for htrtrll and not Tor her .later Htales--io aid her own market towns, and not those of tooth,. Caro lina and Virginia. " If extension of her pre., oof ro.ds must lie made, let ihem be to jleaii. rirt in the East, and 10 the Teiiiirssee line. Wt l at ah rale, l.q Otir.eoide prefer what we hatre. and long Irl.t nf hat wt havt, to any cdnuecii. which shall add to the ex- iaiing drain upon our rcacuroc for th benefit of odier Slate.' Our Millon friends must then-fore excuse us for expressing ibe wish that, if their eon vmiiion is well aiismh-d, enough true hearted North Carniiiiians miy be present in defeat the pcj.-el ol cdi.'ieciiug lbs two Roads in the manner propiwd. .. lite. "" ' 1 ,.t ... 1 , 1 a i"i - , r A RAILROAD TALK i The resource, of Western North Carolina reait nes ee be .nvelopwl until ft fa pferecd hy a 1 ruil.i.l , ainil llw.' BM.ItM.1 I-Ul ..I.. . jfaung heawssm die Eastern portion, of the Wtate can never lie obliterated wnbl the pen. pw os ihv iwn aeeiiofss are imugnt Ints inter eourse ; ami mud this jealously can be remov. ed we may look in vam for wis. arid whole- wine legislation. , " .'tRmlmrforrl emtHryi.n.l .m. eonnlie. liocdoriuc ott' Mouth Carolina. will naturally eerk market hi Iheirsaienhia prodtu' thruugb Ihisl .iicr rUale.. If Ih. ten- wad faextt aded Weel iiMny pass through tins mumy. 1ml w do not believe il willow W Uuuk tt will run nearer the centre of the Stale, bnt even then il moat he brriugU wiih m SS or aQ mile of us. . With th railroad to Spartanburg, w. of this county would then be plaa-ed aliwi4 eqiii-disbiut betweftt Ufa iwo roads, ami even if we em not permitted lo have a line uniting the two maifa, w shsll, st lata!, bav eluNO of market, with about equal facilitie fo. Iransportaiimi, ,. Il Fnymtnville. Wilmington. Vc held smt ow imiueement tor irtif tisifa lba Cidiimbia.Charlesion, sVe d.ea die farmer eiiiee would eoinmand il l ami vice vtrta. , Therefore- we are In favor of lira exieiwiim of - the (Jenimlrii.il, bmh E-ei aud West, let it take what route it may. Il rerlaiuly will be of some- adrantoge lo e, am esnnol posaible be a itisa.faniaga. - , Some people talk about being aiaieittn death," to build the rsuroSil. Now w Ihiuk w van cWarlv prove lhal we of the Wes are in A mora danger of bring tesed to death" 6r seoef of B railroad. , Tube, r ioslance, the article, of .all, smdaseee. sugar aud eoffee. These .re arfa le lhal'hterJ inhi ronsump. iwn of every family they are hett y er.iclea, and r.inpriiioa by wagon any considembte diatam-e greatly enham-ee their tal.m In Wdmingnm and Clurleslmi salt fa larel) Worth more than l per .ark. and some imes less t ami yet w her in the mountains ibink call remaikably cheap if. a ia rarely ihe ras. we ran gm 11 as WW aa :i per- aack. ,. Mulaa ss wltH'b w tin? In Cb.rb-.lon from Sii 1.0 i rep pt.gIAmwM -.H'trwm 144 iu fril ,'arnt . pef aslie by, ihe time v. ret it Irtev r Three tor Unlr cent, per pounj win -no Btniea sa mv nngmai ooet m stirjir ann ootfee by the lime we reeeivst ft ; arid so of many aahet artrCfe. in corsmion wssn - Il must be plain tn sveVy one rh.l It fa th. traisspociaiiiMt by aragua Whfcn produce, the OHMt of Ihi. Ineteas f prlc. Witt) a rail road to !-pxnaiibrirg or one wliMn 85 xvr M mile of us in the opposite direc)h, we rould ve at least l per s irk on every eacb of salt tieneutrred, of Is) cer or) evsry gaHon of aioiasMS, and at leasi I ttnvs on vrt ery povind of sugar ot Coffee. Then lhet fa tuisrrely famdy that wosld ant aaee from '20 to 39 . yea If we had a rsilrosd, and lo mlny the saving would amount sa hu-nhrrds of dollara. And who suppose, that the .IrtcreMS) Of taxa Ua, in rtrner lo huHd theeesaS wrmld amount ta SMie-teolh the .urn thee saved f , And by having an oudet hy which we Caa get our produce to nisrket, ws aha it be In a belief rsMadiiioo to fmy our p reeent tale. And at a market wa. afforded for oor produce, it qaaaiily would he increased eapilal would he more abendanti factories would betroth po- iittr streams! and in a few yeare we simuld. psesent an sspeet of thrift, ewrgy aud prosperity ia sranf rorrtrast with eat preaent faactivev Van Winklaish posairrrvt Capital and enterprise won Id be iltraeted ihiiher, and ottr Iniaefal trrd sgrrreltend ret soumre would Make eur one id the tfChee ami moat delightfiA seeitrmsot the Union. - 'Tbt.ee fa. anmher view which w. of the Wmt .hnnld take, and to hielt nor Essiera bretbrea eanaol objecfc W .have been MXed aur proponiousbl. sham for Eastern im ptoses monls, which have bt'en of no benefli lo est and bow it fa but right and jut lhat weshnwi have eoate Improvements for Which (he aet shall pay Hs proportionable (hare of taxes. -a. We have paid axes wiihsm benefit, and wouli it not nnw be th part of wfadom to ptyl little More tuxsa in order to obtain torn, belt .riov.! v'-:. --: - i - - ' a We believe that tie faith or the State will bat pledged, el ibe next session of aur Ibegiea Uiure. (or tho.xtensinn of the mad both East ami West, and when thil fa done' we .hall ball me dawn of a brighter day for North Care UH-a.Ja'onii tttiintri" t. .s-v, THE DANVILLE t'ONNECTioM I We ate rejoiced 10 notice that our Raleigh ewtrmriorari., wiihoiM exception or dist.nc ikm of party,' have announced ihemselvee ni-iiiilv. unailu mmA aimt.l w nnnn. 1 V, ik. 1 a 1 , 17 ,!"--.. - effort now being made in certain quarters le connect the North Carolina Central Road with " die Richmond and Danville Road, and thue practically to nullillv the Inientloii of the fra niersolthncharlerofthe read, nnder which Ihe 8lau aubsoription of two million 1 of dollar. Ws. obtained. The object iti projecting the Canlral Railroad al all, wa. to defeat the Danville and Charlotie eoniteetion, which Would have cut the Stuie In two, and in order lo carry this object into effect, the present mate wn proposed, and tubscrintion of two ' millions of dollars made br the Btaw. I'll Danville project emild hsv. -been carried out wMfvmil asking a dollar front Ihe HIale I and st would certainly be . .irsnfe manreuvre. ml resell' of that1 project, and then, after wanfa, eittnally lo allow the works ennairucV ed by her to be ) fur (Ira furlheranee of th very sclrcms they were planned to defeat, 0 render unnecessary. . . ( o W. shnubl Simrier perhsr, have alluded M thfa (tend taken by our Raleigh coleinpota ' riea. i''J'he0taHdard promptly responded Ht nr short tiamgrsph eallinf atlcaiion to Mr. Palmer' letter from Uicl.mood, -and we are deased to eee that the "tarnnd Register hare followed toil. : ii will he some time, we think, hefore the Central Road wilt be tapped by' Rfahmund-acithrr .1 Greens bonmgh or Gra ham. v Of eourse, we regard the p'ess f Hl. ' Uigh s spesking the view of Ihe Raleigh In- mreeii wnmn, eombiiietl Willi Ihe other flea mittiMof appoaition m the anvil'e euttneea lion, render it defeat eenam for Ion; year, to come.lfy.Jvurniit, '.... L , Tim idea of raniiected the Danville Rail, mad wilh the North Carolina Railroad ia by no mean, abandoned, and fa spoken of to he tcctiinpli.hed al no very distant day I aad lha Ciuxeusol Uliarlottoa, a Ware moving aad agitating the iifa. of la,. ping war Coal end Co, tun regions, 'i'be Raleigh sd Uape Fear t terast. are ol' Bourse opposed to thfamova meul, and aor we, fo ihs promt. Norut Oarolma haa been tribylirry lo other 4uietj ' long enough and now when she ha work of inlmal iinprpvemeiil progressing which will tend lo build up her own towns, ami raise her in a commercial point of view, it will be well enough W be a Ultl. .elfish, for a time at least' . j ; t i i ,- - ( .1 - - Sliould market facilitic mil be afforded within eursedea, in sufficient degree, whan we gel ill our inleirtal nnpmvenieiit machine, ry fairly at work, it, will h time emmgh to look abroad. "I'ho exieusion of the Railroad in 10 ibis Slat, ha been .pokes of aa (At CM at ii Uin section ofeooi.lry, but rircumstanec alter eases. Banish th thought, , "fo r- PtofW Prtn. " THE DANVILLE CONNECTION ' W have made aom. allusion to ihe arm. mmiion of die Centrsl RailrtHl with Danville, Virghli, but have not treated II a an event to be xprcied. i will b found lhat auch a connection will be advene in the wfahea, it will certainly be 10 th. iuierests of tht people ol North Csroltnt, both ui East and Wee). A lew near tl.e line, and a w imlividuals elsewhere, whose Sympathies sw sliogethsr Virginian, will advocate ihi. euicidal course s but there i. not sufficient poWci among ihcm lo accomplish the ruin. . , Bui Nor ill Carolina will' never consent to ihe omnteihio. CemmerttW. -i-. , t ' - ,1 "" -' Vl.bti(xs. Valentine fall .0 thick snd fa.t in th post office at St, Louis on Monday last, that ihe postmaster wa. compelled to rfo. dourt for sn hour or two to give lime todt. Ir bale. It fa supposed ibal irstin twenty-live to thirty liiousaud were circulated In tluieity. We witnessed ih. sale of a bright molaito female al.ve el Sl.teevilU thfa week fin the sum of one thousand mid iwrniy-Bv dollar. h was sold at publie Auction, i bis hiok as if lb limes were not piercingly hard. ,!-'''! ''.' SaHtbury U'hig. The Mormons, according ti last accounts, ire splil iuln two religious ai.i, " There fa fiir,w-prOrMibiil wnvr out it tlirtf f-nnily jar Ml at lh tnitb of thewmode ufltfr, .