t n Vl -,i , i ( '.'V t -.-.f" V' 'p ''' Vws ?"' Mm TB911S J.LIIll.Ultir ' 1 IiLVTf CHOHSl"ht trfW IS Ifitftlfftnl, korti 11. yMnl Waartn, Ikt in4 if iM lim iri hat If nt ifftetlrti." TEIIS-TDoJIirlildveBff. n . 1 . 'i" VOL. XLIV. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY; MORNING, "MARCH 16; 1853. ;VT ; J ,;; :.:,.;V...NOo-12 iT A S .t.'.f.WJ. -' ' - - TBI.Mit. If PW atricltr la advaaea,v aa- ik. 1 If ) sli aNtto nil at tlx a f las Tsar - - -" ' A O V KHTlBl SO. I gqnn (l Ha) laasrtU (I M4 14. avals fur nIi Mbassjaaat lasrrtioa. I V ... . .... llTlcitTVIAl ""WEIGHT OF SEASONED WOOD. " The following laid allow tho Weight of a e.irJ of sessoned wont!. ' Whit Ash 3450 Hani Maple i-i"t Maple White Oak. Pin Oak, Kl Oak, S7o B68 3821 833 32M Beach Chesnut White Elm 8. B. Ili.-k.iry 4 3333 sHfl. aitl Pig Nut do., Cheanul Oak, SltfO Pine I BOO Red Heart Ui:t (70S Iron WW 1I8 Loral.ardy Popalar U7I . .UUAFTING. ,, , The era. Ut frafiing fruit tree k now t baml. Every loet iii f .mmI ruil, w pvn t lot of land, ahould plant oat treet and grtl tlirr eon the heti (reit wllhin hia reach. The imcvttnff rafting it aim pie and the fnl. towlnf rermpe will enable any one to mailt for himwlf the cHnpoMiiun need In the npenr Hon x Take I lb Tulim i lb Ilitnen ami , li Iba Ilatiu, urw tagcthar until all be wH melied. , When thCcoinpueition bewnam too hard i be ued, drop it in ir.irm water until tl ia ii(TiricMllv aoftened. The hande ah'.uld be wed greaaed 10 prevent the eowpoettinn Cram adheariiig to ihiw. r f s . HOW TO PRE8EKVE MANURE - From repe.itr(l eipfrinKnti it iaaan-Rniiied that the etate of animala enniauil a great amount of na'nment, or Vnod tr plants; that aimihir clferui an produced by applyinr the dropping! oj p ultr; (piano.) animal manure f bl'HNl ana till .l ut aKitghtrr-yanla.j die.. &e. Jtluch of ill value of Ihcee if liable to tw low y ptttrtfaetion and eraporaiion. By chrm- litry we ascertain h:it Ihii ta, and how to retain ik It ia well known, that In elraninr hnrae Mabtea, ecially' under llir flMr, there u very pungent ainell 1 be rune ia true in opening i heap of (table manure .hat ha keen thrown up and healed. The "smell i produced by the eaeape of ammonia $ whii-h it (lie eaaence and rulue of the manure. The lou ia greater from privies, because their enntaiits arq vtilj richer, and jruiee highly cliarged with fertilising gai'. Mow to re tan thaww. sod to fix thoin in a st ue in which jliey will remain mitil used by tin growin plant ( is a q tea inn of high iropo- aa t, whirl, a tcuyliftc km loilgeul theae elcinpnts alne ean answer. An Englinh writer says : "Bu fme you begin to clean out your atalilc, dia aolye aoint! ciniim.in salt in wali-r, if a four horse s bl ,ay lour pnuntls of anil ditsal veil in two liuckeia of water, aud poured through the wise of a w-tterpot over the stable door, an hour or so bftire you begin to move the manure, and the volatile sails of ammonia will bc-oine fixed silts, from thrir hawng- unitrd with the liiuiiatie avid '( the common sails! aud the sud, thus liberated m the salt, will quirkly absurd carbonic arid forming c-ob.in-aie of and:!. Plow, atom mud -Anvil. CHEAP DRAINING ' , It is staled in he rireiin correspondence of the Michigan tanner. Hut a method of cut ling "trains list been, adopted in Scotland, re Sjotnng much less eost than lonnerly, being all ajuna with tlie tlogh. ' It is very useful in all eaaes where the grnuad ia clayey and t.Jrrbly free Irom stones, "In (Its arai place a common plough is paased back and f rt'i. turning a furrow out m each aids. Then follows the draining plough, which goes down from two to Iwo and a hlf feet, the .mould hoard being m formed st to turn the earth all out. In tins manner IWelte acres in the vl einl y of Sterling were drained with three phniglra, m one day, lli tile bring laid in the farrow just aa I lie plough left it. The earth was returned in the diicli hv means uf a soa- per, in the form of the letter, V, the legs of eoorae, proltuiltng lor ward and a team aitach ed to each hug, on each aide of thediwh." . Wa hv bean long since saltsAed that lira osl of aea.vliug , ditches might be reduned by more horse labor than is generally used. For inslaaee, let a Michigan sub-toil plough, with ample Irani he set in a font deep a thing very easily done; by throwing a fur row each way (leiving but a narrow strip in tha middle) the Brat fool of the ditch is al ones thrown out with sufficient rapidity to Sireara some miles lor the spade in each day. ly running twice each way, a greater depth nd more perfect work might be attained. A regular and thorough eystern of draining it it pntaeart quilt eiietta, eoating sonte twenty uv . or thirty , doUiirs per acaa t and if its coal could be reiluced out half by aba applica tion of horse jower, it would greatly conlri buie towards its general, introduction, and he worth milliiMis to the country, lyiiis as ii dors, in most cases at the rrrr foundalion of asjeeeaafiil fiwrnlng.'1" ' - SPANISH INQUISITION. When Oeneral La Salle entered Toledo, ne unmodiaieiy visited the plsee of Inquisition. The great number ol the instruments of tor ture, especially the instruments lo s'retc.Hllic Umbo, aha drof kalhs (already kmrwn) whirh ratkwaa luiguring death, tlciied horror even isv ! rumds of soldiers hardenad in the field - of battle. . Only , oua of diss iaalruiaetita. singular of lis kind, for refined torture, dia gracftil to reason and religion ia choice of its object seems to deserve s pnriicuUr descrip tion. ' In it iuhterr jnean vault, adjourning the aeerrt amlienew Chamber, siood. ia tha recess iu the wall,, woOtlew status mad ty the haadaaf nvNika, , rapraaeBluiswwbo would beliavc ill luf Virgin M) I A gilded glory beamed round her head, and site held a a-andard in her right hand. It immediately struck the spectator, noiwithtundini the aillk garmeriu which fell tn ample folds from Ihe shoulders on both sides, that she war a breast platt. '.-. t- 4-J. v l'pnti a oaer examiaatmi it appears' thai tha wlol Irani of na body svaa ewretsd with a .trrmtly aharp,. najl anil small blades ol knit as. with Uta points ar.cciing outward. One ol tha aarvania ofilm Innuiaiiiun. bU w-a prasenl, was ordered by the Oenerel in ' macnine mmauart as u expresseti if tha stalao extended its anna and grad. daHy flrtv W back, at if she wonld afleet. Moawiy proas samahinly w act heart, the Weil W a.1 knapaack of a Palish grtaaJiar aof plitd for this lime tha olaaa of thai mn Ths.suiiua pressed it closer and eloacr, and st, at ins eommatil M m tianeral, Ihf dirveior made it oin it' anna, an I rt-toro to s fi st position, Ihe knapsack wa pierced, two or mres tticSra deep, and resaaioed hang ing a pon die nails snd knife blades. It ia rs arkabta that lbs barbariana bad the wirksd nrsa lo call Ibis instrument of torture, -AJadrt Dolont i" not the. deeply sflecled, paiu- enduii ig but by s plav on words, the pain giving Mother of God: THE BTEP-MOTIIERS DREAM. Mastbs Howrtt had succeeded, after much trouble and confusion, in gelling the children started for school. There were four of them, under tha aga of ten years. Mar tha waa not their mother. She had died two years before, and Tor eighteen months these children bed been left to the ear of such persons aa their father could get lu keep his house. During this time, sll family fovern- aienthad been subverted, and ihe chUdran, naturally active, retriesa, and impatient of restraint, had acquired h-ibitt of disobedience and a contempt for all seniority, which ren dered their future training exceedingly diffi cult. Mar.ha had entered tha family aa the wife of their father, with the detemiiiiatinn lo ba a nud mother lo these WlUc orphans, 'i'hry were pretty and interesling, an J she thought she anul'J love them, and mat it would be a nloaaaul task to train their youof and docile spirits ia Uia paths of wisdom. Sid holiness. Out sha had no conception or the task on which she had entered. She was unacquaint ed with children, and kttew litllu of the "line upon .tine and precept upon preccl,TC which ia nenrary in training 1'iem ; and when she found them disonvdimt, self willed, and nn graieful, she fell like giving op in despair. - 8held succeeded. I ssid, in retting the rhiltlrcn started for school. William, the 'deal, bad refused tu go, preferiitig to join a a party of boys who wero going a fishing ; and it wail not till nftor he hml been severely punished that he ti.id suhmittcd to her author ity. Il was during ihs encounter, that the boy had loid her slie was like all steiv-moih ers tyrant, and he meant lo run away when he fh uld he a little older. This remark had wounded her most, di-ep-ly. She seated herself in a large arm chair covered her l ice Willi her hands, and went , the bitterest tears which had eer been wrung; from her heart Gradually she grew calm,) snd then sha resolved Ui examine herself eloselv. . She looked hack over the lew months during which she had the care of thnte young immortals and inquired if she had nlwayf -mmBM1irmnesar-w ttfJifl and tenderness; in all her conduct toward ihem. Had site shown a mnthot's forbearance tow ard their faults, snd ihe warm snd overflow ing lenderneaa, by which a mother conquers and controls the heart of her child ! Her heart accused her of many thing. Not of an intention to do wrong ; hut aha had neg lected, in prayerful confidence, to seek help of God in this great wo: k. She had not guarded her own spirit, but had suffered Ihe impatience the fell lo manifest itself in her actions. She fell afraid that she bad espec ially failed in regard tn the oldest. He was s warm-hearted, but impatient and high-spirited child, snd gave her more trouble thsn all the rest. She sometimes H it eomethinr liks aversion toward him in her heart and she acknowledged to hersilf, that this might have often shown itself in her manner snd tone, if not in words. With b Her eelf a'u'f -menl she knelt and prayed for strength and windom from above, she rose pp with a new pufc pose, o devote her life to Ihe work before her, but with imm migiviiurs, lest when he had done all, her labor should bo in vain. . -", Exhausted by ihe intensity of her emo tions, she threw herself an a bed, ami. soon, went to sleep. She seemed In be standing at the foot of a' high rugged mountain whose top, above Ihe rloads, was bathed hi perpet ual snn-shine, snd glorious with the heuuiies of an unfading spring. She saw, on the aide of ihe mountain, a straight and narrow path. Inch led directly to the ton, but entering it. or crossing it In a thousand directiomi,' were oth.f paths, wide and leas precipitout. Suit aeemingty more pleasant $ hut as she trace I ihsir eowrsea oa ihe mountain aide, ahe ob served ant one of them led to tha lop t some lenninsted in dark and gloomy valleys, wbrtc Hie rays of the run nmer seemed in fall ; niucraon ihr verge of precipices, which ovrr hung yawning chasms, whoso fearful' depth the ere could not measure. ' She lifted her eye toward the top of the mountain, and saw amid the groves of ever geee.i, tree loaded with nVIieate snd fragrsm nowara, baMigs of aniwlie beauty, and heard trains of aofi, enehkiiting musin. aha suaxi gasing with wonder and sJiamiiiou on die strange spectacle before her, when she fch aofi band touch her own, ami looking down, ahe saw her four children standing decide her. Again aiie rateed Iter eye tn the sum mil of lit mountain, and saw amid die tinn ing throng, orw whom alio knew to b lb mother ol lite liltla ones al her side tibe fixed on Ihem a look of melting tenderness, mingled with anxiety and, sorrow, snd then aiie heard her name, and bid her lead ihem opto her, .-tr . liatatmatrl ah resolve) to common lo aanenl. Uatling Uis children, pointed out lo them dio aarmw way in which they wen In walk , but they could not see it. She directed flieir eye to the top of the mouiitaiii, and hild ihem of all ha glories ( btrt they saw nothing -Then aha entered lh path and bade thorn follow , ' Sbo pro ciwded short disunro,nd looking back she saw that instead d obaying f, 4bey war wauduring on liia aide of the mountain, cbat ing the bullerflie ever ihe slippery sleeua, ami gathering flower on the brink of fright ful precipices. ' ." A feeling of disoniragement cam over her and she was about tit ait down in uVrnair, when aha raised a -glanco to ilia lop of the mountain, and beheld tha , tuotlier leaning forward with outstretched trms. and all die Itnai ' of.' al ininr ones regarding Jier wiih lh deepest anxiety. ' She h it a new impulse. and bringing oaehj tha WUa wanuaver iroin their dangerous paths with gsnilo csie, she plaesd their feet in the narrow way. Weare onsly and eaadouSly she proceeded Upward, sometime leading diem by the hand, soma- timea carry itig theiu in her arms up die steep- eel ascent. If for a moment she relaxed her vigilnncs, they were ears to term aaido ioa tbo forbidden pa the. Soroftintef a m -menl'a indifferenc coat her boura of sorrow t Ihr lh waoderar wao not always easily rs- fry, aud easy lo tha traveller, because they led downward, and I hose who had become accustomed to them Ibund lira narrow way disagreeable, and fell no strength for tha loll some upward progress. Sometimes wben she was weary, and ready In faint, she look ed upward anil caught a glimpse of in sweat and ginrioua fares turned so lovingly toward her ; ami when a lie hail overcome some ob stacles or eecaped some danger, she heard strains of triumphant music floating down thf mnuntsin side. Thus site was encouMgrd and atrengthened. . As she proceeded onward, tha discovered with joy that the children grew stronger and stronger, that they began to discern tha nht path, and lo patch glimpses of the lop of the mountain. Then they walked firmly by her side, or preeeedi'd her in ihu path. The path also seemed lo grow leas and less Steep and difficult, and tha teinpiati.int m turn aside from si lass frequent and dangerous. Al last she stood on ihe mountain lop, and heard the song of joyous welcome; and as she stretch ed out her hand to ru-ie a glittering crown, she awoke. The children had returned from school. Slie heard their thnuts in the yard, and rising up lib, a smile aha went forth to meet them. It wss hnl a dream, ye she felt its influ ence for years. When trials eme she re membered the mother's outstretched rmt, hiiiI the loving anil anxious rooks of those angle-faref which she s:-w in her vision, and die irs putient and, thai patienne in duo lime brought its own reward. The children began to catch her spirit, and sn imitate her example, as step by step she led. thetu op ward. When the looks on thrra now, Ihe hleasmv snd ornaments of Ihe aocioty in which they move, ahe feel! that the heat years of her life, were nobly and profitably spent. Aud when they sbaU meet mi tha top of tUe mount, how will she rejoice thai sircmili snd wiad.im wss riven her to train them for the sktt't. fer, IMPROVEMENT. re ia a plan agilaied and sough I la be carried into rflect, u far as Ihe Virginia l.rg islHStira ean aid therein, tn extend a branch of the Richmond and Danville Railroad lo Mil ttn, N. having in view the ultimate object of f.xtndinif this branch to connect wrtfe tha Central or N. C. rajiroad at Greensboro' or uraliam. -1 bu tl is thought will secure tn thai route tha great balk of travel Jrom 8outh to Notths it avoids the low, sickly southern and eastern thoroughfare On tho Vne hand and Ihe cold, rugged, dit.igreeabl) northern route on the other. We suggest that, when our legislature shall bo applied to for a charter for ihe above connection,' thai they either reject it at once or make a bargain-and ale affair oi it. Let them ssk the Company hnW much ol North l.arolina it will run them to purehaae st prefent, snd b sure to ssk price enough for it to enable the Stat to reim burse those poor, infatuated individual living on Ihe (fasiern end of the Central road, who have invested funds in the rnterprita under Ilia impression dial it was to do their own ahaie aid section some good. And stall events; not to sell the improvements of the State, rhai has cost it so much money, as cheap as the Legislature of Virginia has a portion of her improvement to Ihe city ol Baltimore for a mere song without aven learning the lunn to it, n art enlan Jrw$, NJRTH CAROLINA CANNOT 8TAND . . STILL. There is one view of the question, Wheth er the Old Vonh Plat shall carry forward a judicious system of Internal Improvements or not, which eannot be kept loo prominenuy before her people,' It icq u ire very little reflection and nhscr- vali.Hi to sea Hut our ata oaooot possibly stand still iu the raea for prosperity, tven if this were desirable ynd her choice. The movement lor developing lh reaoorc es of eery portion of ihe country, North, South and W eat of us, has received a eurprie-J :l . i ... r 1 . t 'I lug iiirei ua wiinin toe lum lew yvaia, alio la going lorwtrd with ednsiandy increasing pow er. Every State, Ihtt Sees an' whance of nt traeting lo Itself any aonsitlerabl portion ,! tlie oraaiaercial advantage thai muat enme to suoiohody front this fresh developatent of timl rusoanuia of. lira country, taun the loukout lo . ... ........ i.i.. ... :,...ir ,'l'r look no furliior at present titan to the WinlaiiC'S in poinl that must sffvet Uis trade snd nrosprriu of our 0 11 Ktaie mora direct ly and materially tinlesa we eounli-ract tlteir rflccts by s timely retort to the only mem i n our pea er. Take the eaaiern portions of Vir ginia and South Carolina, Snd especially the eiiies of Petersmirg, Norfolk, and Charleaton. Is ii not obvious thai on important lira lure iu ibe policy- of llmee cities is lo eonslruut sock fasililies (m drawing tli pndueui of our soil to their own markets, and to shapo f far as itile, won the same view, our own in ternal iinorovemenis, as lo attract to thorn selves as large a portion of these products as they ean I Toes t itle loo ar seconded hotrtily-by the fjegislaloret of rheir raipoctive Sbitrti If this be not to what meaar the pro joeled, and rapidly advancing etmem of con necting Uotumbta and vruirleaUMi with ihe great thomugUlurea of the Stale by meat i f a eonneeuou wnh Hi Maneheaier Radruad I What meana again lb mnvemeot from Vir gtni. (secHiiled wear mirprisrd to know, ny a coiMuueraniv portion ot tne people ol our State) to build ill Danville Railroad J Tins scheme we see it not even yet abandoned, with certainly too til View that the North Carolina Riilmad will soon be eomplrted. 1 be dullew mental Vision can eertamly ace, lhatth orjactof Ihea movement is ta draw off lh advantages of tli' irado of nV Hula from thif Irgiiunat and proper awtiaatiua within nor osxa horde ra, and ihrvw tbsm ml tlies Stsuav ikes are only some of lb nor sirdiiiig iustaqce of tho objeria of Ilia policy that laoverywhar at work. . v.. , . The effect upoa any single Sum, ihrougli ignorance of iu own Interests, or a timid stand slit' policy thai hesilste lo do anything for itself, is equally obvioos. "'J I works lo our detriment in a eonstaurly increasing ratio. ' It not only deprive a of the advantage of our own internal trade, ' but it preclude the pos- tibility of our ever having th advantage of Boorianing lo reign - iraoo. It lake away lh etirauuis lo industry, activity and energy. among or psopla in all the purauna of liioi W beeonva grailoally tho dipeadann of oof strV uites. " W eoon eetae I bav a pnl. y of our own.- Our trade and commerce ia m tha baud of other.' Thjf ahapt il of :;ikrj,ord,j of human tci ioa. n.M to benefit our own ciuV I xsns, but lo enrich.: ihemaWvea. ! W have produrlif land enough thai need developing. But where is the population to Cocoa from as do il. if w allow eyery aeeiioa of the Coon try lo go anil keep ahaaa) qf us in all lh cla mant ef prosperity that lend to susuia our own sons and attract others ta our own foil t The result musl be, run only that a aball not draw to ourselve the people, of othor Stotes, but thsl we shall increase in number but slowly, and 'hat all the mora active and enterprising portions of thai increase will leave uk, and go wher the usual incentive tn indud.y snd activity draw j oople. In ri w then of these palpable fact, we repeat that the Old Nrtrrh Srste hasrir choice htil In engage at once in carrying forward I Jutlloioua, and, if yon will, an rspensive )kietn of Internal im provements, or Hiretrograue nnwn, uwn, wiin a ronaianll w MttrcssTn j V riocUy W here she will evenltially land, unlaaa she becomes wise 1 1 lima. Heaven oniy kuows. , i . v " the'conVection From a communication in die last Green bonmgh Paltiol, il (esrs thai Nathaniel J. Palmer, Esq. has been, making an effort in Guilford count to excite interest in, behalf of the scheme which hat been put on foot for mnveeting the Richmond snd Danville Road with the iMorth Carolina Kontl, - nir. raimer aavs that all the citizens of Guilford, with hum ho mterohnuged views on Ihe suhjrcl during the section of .the County Court, were tn fuvor ol Uis project-r-tlie only uallorenre tmoiw ihem being aa lo ihe proper lima lo romineac th work. After making this tate- menl jn his communicatioii, Mr. Palmer pro- cocdt wtlh u srgument lo show Ihe advan tages of theeonneetion to GuHforri, Alamance, and the western part nf the Slate generally. We have not lime at present lo review thin communication, but will remark, in passing, thai it musl strike evrry Ninth Carolinian ou persuing il, who 'judgment lias not been swayed by local eausea. that Mr.' Palmer en tirely overlooks the luture indepeniience and greainess of our State, and eeews perfectly willing that we shall remain, for all future lime, tributary to Virginia in building up her seaport and other towns. Indeed ono would conclude that he ia disposed to sneer at Wi' rirmgtmt) sndgt Th Wei Bf bUlldlhff'Hf ba lnt- portani msrfcM town) ia our Stato I' In his and tor the branehof the Riehatondaad DaaH villa Road to Milu.o, Mr. Palmer appear to hare lost sll slate prida. v,, , ,.: , , Siffltlllaiieou with this. eimmunicaliorv a notice appears in the Patriot for a meeting ill viranniii wi a arvoaT wi in voisuiii vuutj Court, lo appoint delegates to ihe proposed Convention at Yancytilte on Ibe Bih of April, whieh,hy request, we copy in to-day paper. What responseour friends in Alamance will make to this call, wo are But prepared to say t bin if we may ink tha remark of -ooo intelli gent gentleman aa indicating llwseutiinnqira 1 vailing there, Mr. Palmer's prvjact wdl meow with a decided rohult (roaa m nalrmue em Zens. Our friend ihouuhl. ss w do, thai lh prospirt held out of a connection al Graham, is altogether chimerical. If made al all Greensbormtgh would be favureJ point. ' iff. Rtc." THE ATLANTIC RAILROAD GOING; BUT NOT COMING, AT LAST. We tup pose many of our readers will have learned before this reaehee thctn, thai there la now a vary strong probaoililv, II nut aaaib wduM certainty, , that . Uis . much ..talked ui acheme of opening a auaam uaicaiiaisi with the inusi jor of the Stale, ao4 perhaps .ultimately, wiih. th extreme Weal, by meana of a con nexion by Railroad, with Beaufort Harbour. is about to be eomiumiaaled. Such from ill heal mformarion Wo' are "able Id obtain,' ap pear to be lh fuel. W ''may at wdl say at ., bribes giving say ' of lira particular, that alia eon lam plated enterprise oertainly ruit Aeabera on paruajly, aad perhaps may entirely, from any advautaguasbawighl has derived from, an exieumoti .of , the N. V. Rail Rued to Oeaufurt before hy way of our ruwii. If this slisll be lite 1 result, wt thall ft sorry for those 'who have laboured with mig'il and Bialu lo have The ' road txtend-.-d. ami lor those who have enterprise snd a ills position to batstr ttvair CswsImmm t at Ihe howl of those who hat tho snsans to ceia plish something lo treble in value than. Town property, nd yet from -o f!r.iad of an increas ed tax of a pieayanc, fcvo thrown aoid water a pon every enterprise oaleulaied ui effect such sn objset, and have' Vim let thf Gut- den opportunity slip, will bo, music to oar SarS. ' ' '"-;" tVt-. .,.;(;. -,,11 Hal to ilia .acliecaoi bal io- thalt W (cam, that an agent for tli 4nn of Colby V 8iiHth oi WaU aueew - N. York, . arjuch oHtpany w recently noiicc4 a having pk- nearly the whole slock in ths Fayettevill and Western Railroad designed lo conned that Iowa whhthecoil mines In Chatham Coun ty ft . Ur returned lo Newborn on his way to Nw York, M i i naradaw ovtusng la Si, ttod diai ili object of hia visit lo rUtaulwriwa hi s:ua prupur f oiul for , tha Urmiuits uf a Railroad, from Fayeueville,' uj run in nearly a direct line from thai I'own, lo. Beaufun Harbour. We learnfunher, dial the exaniin atioa of the harbour Ac, 'wet' Very sal lafae ory, snd that Utf "agent, acting oniWr full antliaritt) front (h t'omp.trry, e loewd the poiui lb westward 4af . Beaufort and abov the,, Shepaid's . point , .knots a at White Hall, .owned f"C . som tim f at by Gsn'l Henry Cuthrr, Proprietor of the Wash ington Hotel in Njwbern,'?Geni'ral Cuiler'l place we anuwrvSand, emisistod of xtVtat tt.Of) acre nf land rMh some iMprovofarsyito. We waraj mrHtor that-ika Agsnl has ren tr a lad Willi General CuUar ,, firt thf pawhsao of sia tonthf of Ibis plane, deoigniiif , it vs lb Eaa iern, terminus cf th Railroad la question. The pltc tu purchased ' soms tin since, by General Coder it a mro nominal price, i what its valu wift , be, should mtS enter- prSM be carried into ee, and he ha ms auiaV I ha sn-tenths of rauarvtng' tjpon that,!' vary iuiporunl , advanutg,,, al a great advance, , ut - the , priguul su - I he contract is co.aplstsd, writings drawn! Id short there I row liltt reason to rJouW, that H ia th rmenii.-Mt of th Company in question in' avail ' itself of the ry hxiswand tndolinit powwr . oonienwd by our Lgil lure at ua Usi ssiovt apoa th Fayouevill and tV astern Hiilroad , Cpmpany, to ttttld a Railnwd, comotancing almost any wher, and wutwgtttmiit foioi, and Mbseribs to largely tn lh Jurk a to aecura ihe eon- (tmciiiHt or thf road. At. rayeitevill islu ho cmtneclrd hy a ' Railroad"" with- Ihe Coal I Mill lo tho North and WreV of that Town. th main object of the ' Company, (who or largely hrterested, in then Coal Fields; r to furnish a direct and certain ' mean of putting their Coal into th beat harhowt in th 8taui, What an opportunity will this offer not only lor getting lh North Carolina Coal to Ihe best distant market, but of supplying the m vessels with that necessary article on theft mates, North and South, to New-York. Charleston. New Orleans, Act It oannat be denied, that although il is a bold enterpriao. and one of immens magnitude, it is yet a promising one. W moat leav ths snbjeci for th preaent but we shall k iv occasion to revert In ri again aa tha acheme developet it self. We would merely ask here: is h too late yet to make a move,' to secure to our selves th advantage that might aecrue from a ensmexion with o important an enterprise. a a connexion of the interior of lh Stat ith Beaufort harbour " A' K) Ihe Impor tance or immediate action, see a eomraumea don tn another eolntnn. Newhrr Ntmt. , A .VIRGINIA ') CONNECTION. TWhen the legislature nf 18-'9 g ranted a-eltarler forth North Carolina Rail Road Compr.ny and authuriied Iwo thirds of it Capital Stock to ho subscribed hy th Sum, n was believed th project to run a road di rect from Dativilhf In Charlotte, dividing the wtnte into two parts, wourd b abandoned for ever,'' It appear; however, Hiat some of our' Western brethren, a very amall portion, w h-vpe, ar siiri favorat le ' w thia ronte, and seek to e!c ct a connection at convenient point between the Central and Richainnd ind Dan ville Railroad, ' The most active agent in nr iisiinr-theaiiWeatof tha mtinriction. aecmt to he Mr. D. J. Palmer, of Milton, 1 restless gentleman", possessed with art itching desire tor notoriety, if we m to lndga from the riety of ennnoctlniM la which h s hsm hat appeared m lh aewsfmner whhfti th pal hall doxen years. Mr. Palmer' constituted himself a committee of on to vNt Richmond daring th pat winter, nd lo Inhlty Ihe Leg' istatiirrof Vhrglnia -Into ' an'endorsemmii of hia view, wbieh wero;"ro charter cothrm ny to conStrwel Riflmsrl to extend from the ITahviUe Road tolho Slate line in fh town rf wilion. We presnra that' hit Sffortt at Richmond wert Sot frowned with success.--HatoHs appears agni ' In '"North t?aMlina. and under the imlcfiniu) embltuce nf Mamt Vttrtm" hat called Conventibni' of dele gate from ihe Counties of Hnckmgham, Goilfofd, Alamancs, Orange and Person, hfl inwmste.or llajtlag Vo.inty, vs., Snd of theeilie of Pfietiburg and Richmond, to meet st Ysneeyville Onf lh Sih day ril April mnrv' m mrm joint stocx rjoinpaiiv, winch shall build a railroad ertrrnecrion between Ihe North " Csrolin: and ' Virrinla RsdroaiU, tliratiffliiheinw.il of Milton. The Sclivity nf .sir, raimer does not stop " hers, hitr dnder hi advir, inswtmg sin Altmanesand Guilford hsro been enHed, and a long enmmnnleaiion in the Greensboro' Patriot gives s hi view nt length. Probably Mr. Palmer h fired with a patriotic srrrhttinn, M figure no longer in Hi rapacity of Secretary or. some public irreothrg, httt asrdres In lit Presidency of his joint Block" Ksimtad fjimtiisny, Tha lm practicability of building t Railroad without a Charter, is so obvious That " we ihotild not wonder if Mr. Palmer' were' the only sub- rrtnor to tit uaptiai tinrk of hi Company when he writ experience no dimentty in havmg kiruaulf aleeiaj Prasidcat,' -i en Uirectort and.; I reasurrf too. if he wish. a. . . . , Without pretu riling in notice Wri Palmer's now at length's given asm the Ureeninoro Patriot, w wntdd onlv remark that ft would bevuicidal pidiey lor the Star of North Oar olirt i, to permit ' Road to ' be biiill which wvmM have fbt its nhjctHlfl tall' sWay busi ness, first', from' lh " Wilmington ' Railnisd, si'.md, from th Rstergh ' and Gaston R'rail. snd third frvrttr ihe' Central ' Road,1 In all of which ihe flats hits 'a' lurg mlerosi as Hrockhohlcr.' It camiof ho nossrbt that the Sum of North Carolina will ever be so blind I its true inlrrest a tn permit' a era icellon aelween the L-autral Road and fit Trrglnia Koatts want of , Kateigh We do oat daav that ihe pro poaad aoatterlirM would bo of sin- MedsaM silertnge in a portion of tho oiiiaenr ifllM K'aa,bol wo beiisvt ilisy are Willing Iu awilk With alt orhtr atriotw eitiaen iu the faudabla eiTuai to build up aiarkau vtiihia our swo tHH-dersv , U Hisao allows thall fail,') Nor lis a'arouna its sieithar -lh prodaaaiaas as asasslti toe aaftieasrnV lo- aatabl ah a market at Jlaaaifon or Wdmington, wo will than so reader to smr awigbbora, and saw 4o mans, we acknowledge ourselves mr hswsrsafwand and lrswas.l sratsri do anto aw aa four U- aeros may dsriato-. fat i,.Mt nf . Wear glad lo ton ahat this pniawaiiHiii of .vtr. Pxlsner'a if resoivwd wills tiMjoar0 ap prohisstna hy tit Western prv, -. Tho Mato- ilaru, Keeuuer and etas," K.deurh. ommos- 1yxnrMd. Uieir ,.o.niiWti ithoretm-asid thallilltboro' KaOvinlova -'and Jjslom Press. rquily aectiicd m 'tstot ) tfw.wmMoU. nqs, , ' wti'it lo J- ,if )! .ii 1 4 INDU-RirBBER CASE,"' " We ar informed that the C;HninUiiuier ol Pafen's yetterdsy decided against the exten sion ,"' ,'hs l.ootlyeSr palents, Jt It Sa)il that ihif 'pate'il wa aery valuable,,, Ono o the grvuiult for not extending II was, lll il die patenter liJ elready reaped ampls remimjr- sttorj. , I b paleol, we learn, espirts to mor row, ana me proees will men DC open to tnr biiMx. lhe orufits on th India rubber man- ufactiirs) are thoughl lo b about four millio:i of jjollars oer annum, ' ii.,,? ! ; w DREADFUL FAi ALI l' Y. ! .. . , Oa, Sunday fortoiglis Mr. j Ataailla I'Owell, an aged and raspectahle lidy of Ihi coaajtr. 1 io oa iha road a little ' asora than 'Tilf way briweea liua and Uastoo. was lka arcs, and duw aat the foUowusg , amrmugi , la dis mm honsr. aad ra th day of M ra, I'ow- lf desthrber aon-in-lw, iJr. Walker wss faked ik anddusd ilia nexl diy,( l'uelNy.) A grnaWmaa who boaruVd with Mr Walker, by Jut nam of Adams, waa takeastek about th ssm una, aad died on the I harsday al ter Mr. Walker iiicse making three doathsta the asm bouse in four days, oal i f fcmily (ontistiug oi Ova adult and One Hifsttt. Tha dieai wbiah they , died we amler. at and was Pnauiaotitsv Tho hous ia wiiiek they lived w vary open, aad otuarwiftua-. inwrmsw,'r',vsjtaaf; .mSiaiiteH BISHOP IVES A PER Vert TO ROME. 7l4j!Jil0toflS4 AisiSfli) - j. , Da Sia--The followiinr vxtracia front I letarr'reeeived two" day ainew from a pistol a no MMMligewt Layman of th ' Uioeeof of North Carotin fully confirms me tears hr soom lime entertained with regard lo the tato Disnopoilhillfiocrt. -fr. Tislay's mail (Jan. 8tM ' brings m in- telltgenea frtmi liaiy that Hithnp hn Aa ftnnnltg mitrt4 fntrttmnthm. Thin ha wn xpeieii for some timet and lh raaott pro that th Bishilp ha either been play- mg th Jesuit and the, ' or thai ho - ia a deranged man. I have charity enough to be lieve mat hia mind ha beea affected for om yaarav If it war not t, fit would nul, with 1n th last aiaty day, hav drawn from hi Uwmeaa wx ' njonth aalory in ' advanc to defray the expense of his tiip to Borops." W hen n individual see fit, from sny eaoao, to withdraw-from on porsion of th Church of Christ, and oall himself to inother, h is too often the pas that hia late r friend and ' as soeiaras turn apoh hint ami rend him without mercy. ' With so an kind arid anrMaaid praetie I will have nothing to dri.- If' rny brother or yteighbof oretor ihe rxtremo wf R.-Mnsunmroa the on hsml, or Ultm-Prolasian- im oa the other, to the sifer midiB.rroud of Primltlv Cdspel Trulh, insteartfH backhi ting or mttiguing him, I wilt only pray -that tha erroneous emed which ha ha chosen may not prevenlhhn from making his "calling and election tore" afiinal the last day Aficr thtnt d.tclsimiftf sll Unkind reeling towards- my late Bnrthsr huhe Kpiscopaft, qnd praying that in th rriidsf til thr piriful dshger which now surround htm 'hid anal may he in th kcriitigiof lh Good Shepherd I I Miast re poeifuily wcgahttt flirtticrspiceat your hand, whilst 1 hrielly alludu tn th canto of Bishop Ives' defection, and it pmhuhle effeci tipon hi Diocese.' And 'that your 'rmlr ' tnsy know how ntf I am tjualified to ss-ik on 'this sunjeef, 1 win simply mention mat twenty nine years of hi ministo wer Spent m North Carolina, my naliva Sunet and that far th far greater part ol that run I was frequent ly and iutimnlcly assoelatef whh' hint who form the tnbieai of this palnfureommtlHle- tion. 'Wheu, therefor in aeconnHiig Pw th sposttey of Bishop Ives, jaajr Xhy : f Arrer itnt.fafilu "hittjlai-mr ijysrr, regstcrfref Aim at tttffttnVilt moil, I (peak from fter sonsl nherswtiiio; snd I usa language, hove ver serious, l list will be well anilersiootLanil wrll create nil surprise m tha Diocese nf North Carolina, nor in any nthef pl ies where the llrshlip' has been familiarff knows for some time past. - Nay, fn asking tit tas I hut tepen' Iho admission Virtual y miie, by him lh ay hia aonltduntial Phyttoiia, and by on of hi toool ifttirala fiietida, to 4ho r Coovcniioa. of Ilia l mease in-iH&U,j Boforaa C-einnttttea of IwelvaauiMkititod by - that ConvmlimK to iiv vaaiigass lbs fllegad ad'eaoa of tho Dineaaan, Ittoil JMiop oppearettahd' aaid dial s-llnw-evor humiHstiug i il mighi bo oorisidarad in htm to taslTut to we siimilltw tUaataJo. jsmi h wa about to maku, yek a Seoea bf diMy -to himself aad th Church eomamiled: him to-do s"! Aftas mentioning a avortto idea wtt o't ho, hal ansa eaacttoiTtaW amuaig tha aWnsast U : Greek, tho. Anfl.aaw ' and Awnrteaa Churches, he laid that - This Irndcaey of hia mind toward anion Ki lhsr ChUrohus . had baa girstly orr4 by a Aig A lt vnHt ixrUemutt, arising either from bosuly diaraso dt.a tnmUilillitui'J inlrmilui and lhat ihe change jn hi view, (which had just then taken iilacci had lwa brought altoul in part by a .mare hrulihy .condition .of, mind sad boily, ho mainly by, h having perrwivrd the . T ... ..r ,i,... .i..... ... i i. ..i Rtline,,., a, .,;i'",' , i,, a , The QqiDmitto, if) their Kcpor) In Uis.Con vrnlton, slttr llisi ia addition Ui Uiilar from acienlilie Phrsinisn, an intimaia fri, nd of die Bishop, thf V hf.l hernre ihem "stalements lending tn llinw that Ihe Pithop has, fir cv. oral years. bca in' t "Wata of mental rxril-! rmrnl whirh has Impaired hi memory, ami rendered qnit uncertain the ileieruiitntion of bis Jiulmen'." Ail orul siatemeni was list st ' wise ms.le to ihsCommiiled by a disiingurshed brymannf the: 1'ioCeae whouc house Md been a' aernnd hmuariialiop 1vt, ".Showing thai the Bishop' mind had been for several years past, firoih) n Wtrt of feer,"irlg?rortf nffettt I. so kf to jmpaif his jtidgmaut SihI enfeeble his meronry, while oilier pow-r had hen Oi ,r. sd: A slat of mind well eslmtlated to mU- lad lit suhjeel, tnd at theksmtim' Vt ra- pow una so groav nimionoepiiun on ma pari of other." , t , These quotation ar from lh printed Jintr net of tha 'nveniin htt North' Carolina for IS I. snd may MlSeato stiow, i lbs tvnolmi nf that h dy, Uirrra6i eondtlim :af thir Bishop,, And to tuaaroisnlusion sny ow mind isdr.veti hy thai Charity lU, yhnpsnh all Ihiugs," For could I bo in Itiee I to look upon my'errmg Brother ta any other llglii; I Would he foreril upon rttnrts) gtoemUaf oeri. Htitul knnmU Irt -to. think of him a I wish k not to think of any otlio w ho rvanseath aaime of Vhrisl. .It would b Iruly. reiiiru! to m Ui hf eompeljed fitter joht. pariiotdar this ahjec', ( will qaly add that tha iinet;le le. ditj m.nf Bihn;i ly,,.' I itellccl.or rataer of hi morul juilm -ulp hasboeoa .grovriB aoarca of patu "o iis llionese. fur several year, so much so as ui incline nj.nyjMit'i of hi Clergy and laaity loselhiio aaiile, oral lwt to artomm ad Assistant", to hjm in th laispcpair. Ami oolbin? bui bis etrnoal entrflatiay tnd M-ul racantations,. Joined to, lAeif own.too-kind regard (or hi Ming,, proveritfd. ihow front doiug to on tnorq than one oceasiojiii. Aa to ihe prohitllle gUec of iha sposUrv of His OOP Ives uoon the. Jlioeeae wluah lu, h. so iiisulli d and , desortej, trio followmg ,. iraa-to fraut letters received within ' frw day tnajr atjmca. . M g tr asT'fn! - vi'i ! I., Front Freshvler ofhirll ttastdin id th Eat'orn past of tho Dioeeaet . . (Uaasd J 23d.l Nn body MrlH to ha layinod (at tli rumored aWfarlirm of (iiahna I , .1.:. L - . . i-"V or ss.uiiu wavwrtng tor a arngle mo meol.,iNs do I hliavt shrwld - th rnrnor prova troo, lHat tho Di.SJeSe of Convemi-o will have Iht meat Iroohto wtsatovvta TIitm ia not. aw for es 1 sa leara, tha first vmrat-m of any such anptahooamna of trouble af exit d two or three vaaia- asa.w, . i. , t eoffl t elergymaa in aaothar part ol Iha (Jaa, 18th.) "A Istlvr lut been sreel.,) front Riahno Irew, U Mill aulUtsfrom Neura'g, in tha bead and , To mv mind thee hi ae doubt but that tit hand of. hseeditnry in. aaoity.i rsttflg. nam pm.i!t- .'! 1 hi.o thiiitf ymt inay . Mt .ttosaa. JtoA. vnv wftmmj vr uttotip V ftraefo fr hVil way, will not affect the religious sentiments nf a wngl individual in the llioeete." ,4. F.-vsi an mfiu'euiial Layman in tha Urg eat Parish of aha Dioeean- , . (JsatSth.) "Sstrn of lb Romish piper art fiatleting ihemaelb. liaal ' Bishop Ives' apoMacy will carry oai of hi clergy with him; but in llxs they-ara much mistaken, ft will have ao more effect in North CarultnA X wn tha intelligeflce ihxt ihe Pops' -Already Are our friend her aad elsewhere look ing arooej to sea who may haal fill lira Uoihopne fro wfcih h ha fall Sav'V . -. ' .. .'fl,-,; . .... y ' , front 4 eUrgyman residing In the cam . city with Bishop I vet, hot not addressed to W;kiH' k',;;tf, I',.." 'r:,s , hfra frVnJ reasnrt Id knn lh hniniona and knprtiaioM of the Clergy of tha Diocese. I. apeak Wiih. enure awofidance, a for aa ono ean be voafldrot in sneh a ease, thst a Iroer body of asan to a Inter faith axial ah where; tbiUaliWiaBHtlbsrijdow of probability thai a ingle an fcin be found who - is likely to tposoiute. Nay, I so farilter-'I sny. what 1 Star lh UwhopstaiiiieHca srsy onee hiva . ba.jt ism catlrely ana. tUl hit such a -awpna that 1 oVr aot ka4rt I do not helivva lltaraia a iiagla wan, .woman or rhild now living ta tha Duw that ia at all likely to follow bi gnipla.w - -..-' - I thus extracts I wdl orily add. oa my owa part, thai in paasiilg iliaough North Caro , baa tanovambeillast. waagnor.! at heart to a th geosral disaffection of iha Diocese UA ward lhsr Utslton, sm a.-eounl of hi many - I leoo iitoaoL of uosidiirt. A3 confidlitveo wat gaa and on ovary aid lh Wish waa openly . eaparascu that aa would reaignvand Ulut upett a way (ut tha alM of dist soundness ia iha faith, aad thai iauia.il love and bast which hat beea bequeathed ihem by tli honest aad i noble.hetrtodR-iveiisrr.ffl. i In , niaking this eotrimtmfoaiiony Mesrs. Eititort, t Imvt ( ltd no violence to the law of , charhy'etiher in the intentun rhich prompt it, or in tn language la Which I exmets my self. I mske no attack on Bishop Ives' char art r, wit do 1 .b Ibo lo 1.1 a any impure or unworthy niotiv in thus renouncing his high snd holy commission In Ihe Church o Christ, II Is not for me to il in judgment on Ui mo tives, hnwetrr much I may ami do condemn , aj:u.. 1m m .a.. . .k..ut. s. a. hi ahandoumeilt Ol thy 1 rue Uatholio Fsith.- ., ' t1' - "Thanking jho sincerely, Messrs. Editor,' for the space whirh yoq have allowed ma, and nraylng for th spread of Divin truth, and . love every hre, 1 subscrib myself, very Wily iai Wsiieetnill yourt - '.; ' W. M.'GREE?V:?t . i. fjjj 0i, (,fthDi )cesol Mississjipl. ';! ,t ov town ,. ":J::7?. ; 'There it, al tho prsteal lima, ntor signs nf , improvement In Salisbury thsn hat btn P'l ; many yesi. du in wh u direction wa may, IhosKiasd ofv.th, Csrpsnwr'' hmmr : is liaarda,. Rooms sr hoing- filled up tor ' tlore,, tu ha occupied by Messrs. Ricewlnev , liarriaoiWi dt Co,, Jame Xylo, Snd R, Jkv A. Murphy hosidu a number of diheri -buildings for residences, " A. But forentoat i ' among thtnt sll. ws may moniioo thd : miil- ding mml being arse led by Wm. Murphy, Esqi f rota) tha p eparali ma tnaking; and franHaluM r MM learn, st will be na of r lh haadaomstst atraeture in ' tha Swie -This is what we like to see; a there ia ne-1 thing at a town of aa well aa good, laaly , bututea huiidiilg. Such hoosc art mnah needed here. Many person who Wonld b ' sa hiinos id -oatl ToWa ara . pruvvntrd from tasaing fiat th taht of hue. , May iha enterprising prrtprieitr not b dtsappoititodi iq hiatf pectation in tint only reaping a kandVi t into prosii friM ml . rani, but aoaingi III trad of bit nalir town grf.lly enhanced1 lliorvby, , ,. . . .,,. i ;.;-,(.. si i;' ts j i , Wa would while an, Ihi fuhjaet, say to nor atounlMa friends, snd ihoseoflll luf1 roandirrg aounlry, that - w ara sure greater i faaiiilis lot hargam will b offcrad hy oos i morehanl llils fpring than vs- sad largdr . stock rf. good will b bMiaks on much larger than eaa ba found ia any town in Wets em North' tlsrortnaV ' H very thing iaihe Pro vieimt tin bring I g-vod ' pried aud go ' off ' roprtllyH ' ' ''' u ' " - ; , -! tSVHma 1st mlaA to djMISili skM. ' In, via. 1 isnkin A Kiaru. w art infofmad, withe ' at buy tnr f lOvsrW fate. In faeti no pain'' wiH rspsred to sukalt wlto Kay visit Sstisljory Arr Iha vmr;Soe of bdyinj ' of soil irg.as.oUr'sosf'y H ig. '' ,: n, tm jn, , ..iS il, i, .,r ,. '' .-t ..iiv'f. ! TflfS Bridal Cjl of the Ettnprcas of tho Ffi rich wa ' madj in lmdott. ' It wsighed a-id'ormndt"' xe!iiiv of ' th decorations. The following sre lh uigredienl ,f the aaki t Dorset huller 34 pou ml: loaf eugar . enrntnt 90j ftoitr W; Jor j..n almond Hi 93i ej;'ti 40 lemons; id" orange, lemon anil citron rings II pound) three btUtl of bran dy tnd Iw nf noyau, " ' , " DISCOVERY Oi' VALUABLB SILVER ,r MINKS. ; It UdtaWil tliaA great- ci,emrt ha bcaa rroalad in iha towos oa llw Rio Graaala nns piahlalal I'asrt, hy tb discovert ofsmos very valuable silver amtvs on Uik awstorn slope of ' th aviuot kina alasul srxty mil nonhoaat of Duruta Aaa, The or ia fouiul in intiarasa qnat tUiea tlirvctly wt iha aorforossf die ground, and t vral ton of u hav already been gather ; Maetr. Stuart antl Johnson, M. C.'s. sr f g'.d deal laoghed at forlli following dulogus. Ms. SitMrtakl) '-., ? In th Ungnag of l .'littler A dd. "A well brad maa aever wlil insult me, and aw oilier - ia.''. .' , '.. .T ,'. . Tothia Mn, Johnson replied! "No gentleman should state aa a fact whit hedi.l not know, andaa tliegenilumsn wanted -14 throw out Iard ChSstCrlieM, b would ro peat hut l.irtgnajre: "Am I to set my life np im a throw, hssijnaa a bear ia ru.lo and eurlyt No. A mtmibUjt tlntr, wtti-hrtd man will aot inmifl m,;, and no oilier can.' , . , Uot d Chesl.sjfield i ef aaid anything lik , ihi, though Cowper wrot something has it, . in tli follawing liiutt from hi "Cou versa . A 4 '.!,:.-v, r -.. ..- "Am I to set my life upori a Uiraw( lecaase a bear is rvds and sorljf No- , ' A SotI, ii,ik'anil wall bred man ' ., Will ail arTr.ml aie, and aa vtbsr ean," Trim eamigll it la, that "qixnliif from memos. ; JyrAJ WsfW;e!tJ.''k-''S-l'i-- -' -I1 '-' ' "

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