, Vans tary glad that Mr. Many b a eo appro, I man. and if kii" party tactics Ma destroy "kIliiUty aatloala NarwYora wr" '"; . , , ' i-fapmmi'Wlrilrmlii'Wt ae it stated ed rat a aaif.aeTing bruk . waptne on sot. MlulrtiiWWliinTmiteitjW. P. Williams, ' V VUUiiHw TaM bnk b inteanW twtard tag Um Mi-wiry . f a wagoa whit "ru ' fclT and M ae arranged that lb actio of the , ' k OCX la drawing, when arrived at Ik bottom, . rawtue Ik brake to i former pciaiti.m. r where ft will remain while tha wagon la a ml ground. Tfct arrangement nit of two Wua elampt a noircling tha front axle, and rack aect'd til t front hoaud by a link an I tarn MM pins. Tha htanda ar senrd I" tha sides i af th. reach, ! P"". "4 rt" ' latter by rods Is consented to a aimilar piece, aijakb aaariaa tha Ur 6ir actuatinf tha brk! blacks. Aa aililitioaal adrantaga aftliU brake, ' Aaa to iu capability of awuifring on a centre M that it ran b throwa firward whea It in de. irasj ta damp the load, and then replaced in u btaaar pnai-.Wa. Hi;firr. ,. Hkif awefiay wt Anht A meeting of tha VUfS at Aihe county ru heMat Jofferaonton. tkalOtk alt, and organ iaed by the appointment at A. B.JIeMillaa. aa Chairman, and of Meoera. K. H. Waagb and J. A. Faw aa Secretarial U ana reneaaaended that a ContantiiHi, to nun haala a Caadt Jate r Corgreaa In tha Dint rut f which Aha amtitatea a part, be held a " TadkinaTille, in tha Ctianty of Yadkin, at aomr early day, hereafter tn be designated. Ten did. , agalea aad Ira alternates wera apiwinted t, aid Cwnrention. . ... -i " WrfHixoTiiM, March, 2T. It is reported nn reliable authority that Cap. tain F.aly will he retained ia the office of Cum. i'liuaerof Puhlia Building, ia omivquene f kis axpoanrenf the C.ipitol Gxtanni'iu Franda. I alas laera that ElUha Whittles? i similarly fcrtaaate in being Inritcl tn retain hn place of CoKptndiership of the Treasury, at a teatinmny af tba appreciation of his service in protect ing the Treasury against anjutt olaims. ' Aemiatasirrs roa Orricr. Among the p. puintiaents in the Uat official list, approved by : tha Senate, are the following ; Osorgs T. Wright, Collector for ths; Di-triet Tappahannnck, Va, vice Joff-mon Minor, re. aaored., 0afbn.SarKW t . Teocomicn, V;,., j 'ra appoihUd. William B Flanner, Surveyor at Wilinington j Oieae, of StLui. Mr. Gieae and lady were. both . Mrurh 89. IRM. T, wotting, averaging K. C. tica John Cowaa, removed. j severely injured, sad with thrte other af ths chil The Semite, ilel atrd the resolution author-i ' imiirea per week. Was. N. Paden, Naval Oflcer for the Pistrijt j dren are now here. isinf th Soerrtarv uf the Senate to appoint a " "" ' - -' af WilmiagUm, N. C, vice James O. Green, re. I The names of the wounded snd farther partb u- ""''"'a " " postpol the further ; M A It H I K n mvvrei.' ' ' - larso' this dcplorahls disaalss aaaaat Uasrer ;ei.nsic!.tali..n it Ulllll ihc first Mw.lsy .J" .;: ,t Tba W ilmmgton Herald of the 30th March aa. "Tb" Hon. John 3. Crittenden, Into At , tarney (ieaersl of the United States, and Lady, ' Hop. C. M. C wired, late Secretary nf War. and twoladlrauf Mr. Criucndon's family, arrived la Wiimiugton .n Friday night last, aa their Journey South, dir. Crittenden and Mr. Con. : rad having been invited in company with Ex ' President Fillmore tn ti.it Wilmington, and partaVs of tha ho.Htalitiet uf our eititene as . gucataof the town, wera received at the Rail Road Depot hy a Commiltea appointed f. ir the ' purpose, and conducted to ludinga prepared for them at the Carolina Hotel. On Saturday a largo number of persnnt celled to pay their re apvetttoour distinguished, visitors, and in ths a'. tsattoan aftkatday they partook ofa dinner (hur. ' ttsdly.but most creditably gut up by the propria tor of lbs eatalili.limeaU) in company with soms -taf tba Town Authorities, and a lew private eitt 'aeoa. .' ": . The' laft aa Sunday morning for Charles AugntUat W. Steal, Esq. has been appoint ed President of the Branch nf the Bank of the State set " Fsyatreville In plnce of Chnrlet P, Mallctt, Esq. resigned. The Hon. William S. Ashe announces him. self as a candidate for reelection to Congyett (ram tha Wilmington District. ' . PsjasnCLraiA, March SR. Sraot Pxivn Peter Miller,' a merchant fro n Winchester, Virginia, died suddenly this morning in the yard of a store on Market street" having bean engaged a few moments previous va purchasing goods. " . j,.- ... WssBiMOToij. March S7. It w now said that Mr. Schell has lieen ap feinted Collector of tha port of Xew Tork. It la reported that tba "Hard sLeUe" of Xew York held a caucus in Washington on Friday and pretested tha alternative to the President of Sckell or war. Ctt.rreasii. Tha accounts from the mining districts ara .very farorslde; notwithstanding this, however, it -la elated that many Ctilifor. nlant ara leaving for Australia. ' . ' AccinnU from tha Sandwich Ilandt,tttta that measures ara in . prograsa tliete to annex these Islands to the United States. ' The tsgialature of California wera diaeomirg ' the oaestiast of ealllng a eowvenlsun ta revive b ftKtt rnnsvltntion. ' -- ' , Itohleries aad murders continued to be com. mam sateurrotieee ia California. . . - Bsi.naoix, March 28. n JhtcUtntu lit Bultimon attd Ohi SmUron4. Aa accident on this road happened 78 milet West af Cumlierland, yestcrdsy afternoon, hy which eight persoaa were killed and man bad. ly fnjureil. ' . ' - - The paaseager core fell down aa embankment jer ana Hundred feat high, taming bar corner. . ate.' ' ''' .. . i ,.- , . , . Amnng fkoea whs tret killed, waa Mr. Holt, ' 4 weaXhy. cititea of Baltimore ; and among tha Injured U Mr. Richard Clayton of Wellsville. Yi-av L " '. ' . "'. Thia ia tba arst secident, resulting la the loss af life, wbioh baa happsacd ttnoa the road was rneted- ' , . l.t s i wi-ai i Ciaasataais, March 28. --tHHTtttirf Xailrvl .leesaVsf. The iateltigenee realted ibis ti'y this morning af a aad aad tstat aeckitatt whttbi befat tha pssseagsr 'traia from Vteelta veaUrday sboat S F. M. at a point oa tlie naJiissovs ssva Ukss aUilrsad, 7 railea wast af I ambertsnd, aaaaed hy tha running off of a but ef lbs train tt svearre aa a high amkaakataat,aad - tkw sssatlpastMaa aVwa vbastspa af tba two Mad. most ears' sf Iks traia, containing a majoritw af the amtili; WmifWmrmmt' (vapa, Mr. DaaJd Hurt, af the fm' d tfall t Melthy, the ef tk taest wlwri and eatsrprlidag eititM of Nllsm, ted (ear pmm were illy klllrt, aj fesevaTotker Injertdwo or mors fatally aad others seriously. TV paaaea get drtdornrolsbly atare hie. Holt. Mr. Laue Mr. Unllie. Mr. Hist sad rl.il, I, tad a yseag lady ant Mated all bat Mr. Halt sppareatly etrsnrars. A Mr. Taraer aad family, f -BtaebeavMe, Ob!, tligblly bal at atria sly tojand, an tbs oaly per son' atmed as Injured. , After tba bsst ear having baea takea of tkt dead aad Injured, tha traia cams lata Cumberland aad aaar was deeaatehtd to tha seeat tf eKatees. a phytieUa aa! accessary comfort, by which a'l aid b bruajrkt lata Cumberland marly rkia v a'ng. wbeu we shall have fuller details. Tka accident etemt, at far as aaa anw ba ascer tained, ta bare been caused by a aaddra checking af tha tralk (though at going at high speed) at a strong curve, tod the distoeatiob. rrf af the front WB,i, nt .b, frohl tha ralta. when tn, i, beeBia aeraaged, and tha eara were ihrurn down the embanliineat pieinolr auted. There atrs IwaengiBeaattaebed, to ths traia ia consequence of the heavy rrade.,but thafonaereo- giat did aot get of iht track. 8a far as wa are in. formed, we can aes as reaaon to believe that this accident, deplorable aa it is, slight swt have hap pened on say of oar great mountain routes, er that It taa be considered as peculiar to any ens of thsm. 8rcosn Dttrart'N Further rurticutort. Ci'asun, March 38, A. M. . The following are the particulars of Ihsdutreaa ing secident which occurred os the Baltimore aad Ohio Railroad, yesterday afternoon. Ths train consisted of a btggage ear sod three passenger ears, sad was ia charge of the moat eautioaa snd aklltful eondnrtor oa the Rond, to whom no blame caa possibly bs sttache'l. Tlia ears vers drawn by one Inrgr a id oat small entrias. When pasting ths 80 foot lining on 8eotion7, and d-ncending s carve grade of 1 10 feet ti t.U rivjr. the large engine started the mils binding the rails to the chetant eroaa-t'et' All the cars g it ovor ssfelv exaepl the tw i last paaenflr cars, which hy tiie parting ot the track, were thrown -lown the river side, falling a dia'Aies nf lt0 feet, and making four aomeraeta In tlieir frarrul descent Tha heavy trucks "f ths ears sanard ths loss of life hy cruahingthe pavaenpera. . Of soms forty perrons in the two ears, the fol lowing were tilled : ftiniel noH o. the grm of Holt It Malrhy. Tti'timnre : Atreliiit Rallin. sup posed to ha from S iiith Curdina; I.ouis Dcline a French emigrant, returning home from Caillfornia: ltichard riayton. of WcUarille, Va ; s yonng 1.W and mWldle avel gentleman, sanr-oied to be from Kentuekv :-Sma! stcpaoa rf BaWt Murray, a Spervii of ths IUilroa-1, and s child of Mr. uimi ,ntn .he train reacho. her. . a . .1.1. (Tening. This ia the rat in whieh paaseBL-ir avss ever k ille l on the Road since lit construction. ! and great efforts will he made by 4hsdmjaBy to , prevent tht recurrence of a similar disaster. I Ttibk Dssrivda. ' ... Cambsand. MaisVillnY t'f taat . . . a . . ..".,. . . ne rinrNi iria -rrrTtvi rx.m i, oYtMk. hr n - ItitT ths ilMii artvi Wttti mliSxl of f tin 1 is Lda-.-t.. me ronowiag nat er mt wountei f. fnnu.hed hy In. Tboa. A. llealev. who. st tho reouct of the Raiiresd eomjumy. prompt r repaired to the tceae of the accident this morning; .1. p. C1ide.se. vi rely irtinre-l In the hackj Adam Zoll. of Rook Ingham CnT Va slightly injured: Ueorge Cslvart of I'prsrvilla, Ptnair Co.. Va . aot very seriima ly : Aimer floreare. of 8 lem, Faauiert'o , Vs.. alightly: 11. A. Turner with hit wife and fonreliil dtca,of naltimare. hrniesd and burnt by the fall ing of the slovs upon them they will get well; 0. A. Tavevnor, nf Alexandria. Va.. injure.! ia the hack, will probably recover : Robert Morris, brakesman, slightly injured ; Gardner, of Balti. more, a hreakt.eaaa, severely injured: C. Maadere, of SKtlby Cm.. Kentucky, severely burnt sad cut ; lr. Cadwsllader. s saercheat, probably of Louia. ville, had hit thigh broken ia thrrt plaees. sad it injured ia the l-raasl. Ilaia very dangerously hurt. All of ths shove, with the ticeptios of Oirdaer aad rsitwa Isder, have been brought tn Cumfccrlaad where every atteatloa la being paid theti by our phyaiciana and citiiena. The bodies of ths dead, those names have al ready beta forwarded, were also brought down, snd wlil he deposited iu the vault here fur remov al by their frienda. Kocava DitTsinv. CeaataLAxe, March ISth. The gentleman and lady tnntioned in the first despatch wera IH-. Csdwllsder, mentioned in the secmd dospstch. and Mia. Isaacs, of In. diann, on her way tn Philadelphia, to viit her frienda. She waa killod iuatantly. Dr. C ad. wallsdcr may possibly recover. ICsptain liiwlins, the re n due tor of the train, arrived in Baltimore laa evening with ten of the passengers who went down the embankment. Captain R iwliua has bis hand rather badly cut. and it otherwise, bruised, hut no bones injnrned. The paaaent.rs who earns through were all mora er less bruised or scratched, but all seem, ad in excellent spirits, notwithstanding tha mis. hsp. Mrs. Ogle, ..f Philadelphia; atales that she waidjyingon Ibe sofa, in Ihe ladies' sah-on, al the time tSf the nvertnrn, snd the stfa being furtu. n ttelv faaiene.1 lo the car. she managed, with the aid si the sofa pillow, to preserve herself from any harm, although she followed the. ear in ita four revolutions down tha embankment, aliemat- ly aa Ibe ceiling, side and floor. We are iadohved f'r the above details p the kindness of Mr. A.rliilmlil Carey, editor of the Cumberland Civilian and Minert' Journal. MELANCHOLY EVENT - The body of Capt. Jamrt Nicholson was found, in the n. ig!ib..rlio.M( of Ilcliro. Mcai. ing nouse tn mis county, a lew days atner. in a horribly mangled condition the head serored from the body and the limbs seailcrr-il in various direeiinna, torn by hogs and pirk- .l hy huxzarda In a manner loo revolting to eon u-mplaie. It seems Mr. Nieholmm had been employed lo leach a School in the neilihlx.r hood, for which he uttby ediicamm, well qualified, and on Monday, perliapa, two weeks ago, he repaired to hit school house some what intoxicated, hut jtrsmt left thn house for a 1..: i i L. .. , i r. . i . p'.ug nsru oy.ai lesai 11 is suppovea ar, Iri'm the met that Ilia erne was found in the a hmd hiwse hy tame of his pupili who trrttrd dur ing the morning. I'he seholara wailed aims lima, and tha teacher not snaking hi appear ance, tliey Ml fur hovne. Nothing was aeca or heard of Mr. Nicholson uniil a few da va s;o he was fount! not far from ihe Spring al Ittdrjl to. !n the condition aWe deae,ijhd. T!ie act that ha frrquenlly got into drinking aprres and wsttiloring al wilt through Ihe iieighhorhmHl is, perhaps, the reason he waa not sought tor during tha tiotr uf the almeocr until ha was MHtnU; ' The ahova i l the partH-ul;-r of this sad f. fair I they have been rcl itedlo us and we have reason to belteva they are exifrect. Jft? it t ; t. a H'mrrtnlon A "csrt. ANE W SUCIE TV. THE AGE OF PBO , UKESS. - . - The 8snaisky (Ohio) Vf gi.fr state lhat the exisleaee of a aoeiety ta the Klste of Ohio hxa just btn dutdosed, in Ihe pledge of which the member hands htmasUf to asx-rwy under n pledga of hit goods and chattels, i I sw da aad trmevwent. and bit lilt ami oWy." Tha pmamhle recites that Whereas all o.1 arnm'enlli tDr4m- sv pvrpeu to xtd the tosrned against the n. learned, loe'stmnf agaiost llie" weak," tie , ax. rletlge il a second ennUint the foIrowHi flauaeT "J pleBgeTIufnieniril Illlsre, all Slate nr. Ni-timuil Law tlml hue a tavtUenry tr will eta enuit the designing kntre to rl the hntiral nr iinau'pec, ami aa my in fluenrv shall he agxinst the watlth i.f llie aria tnrrat, so it shall be ill fopf of lbs lbtrirr poor," ' , ... . ... - - k pameldet ropy of the rnaatiiutioaj of this diao.jteal ronfrde-ration was takea front ihc pork et of one of a art of hurgtira, rarriitlv irsrd ia the enurl of enoimna pleaa of ltrain eoanty. C'eniHratea of aiemhership were it auml, and hranrhea nf llie Sicir!y wrra lo be established in every Stale ax' the Union, An es. rcpresmiatira in llir I.'-gisniare nf (hii, i is stsiied, waa at the head ol the bind in that iSlalel CO.NOBESSlONAl.. Waahinfton,'Marrh SS, 153. Reflate. Mr. Adams offered the tallowing resolution, tthi.-h lies over R,.;vl.Th.t I he Secretary of the T, M - nm snu ne is nereny suinorisru ami uirrrtrfi in appoint a reading Secretary, whose duly it ahull he iu attend in the Senate and assist the Si-rrctarv, ami In do such duties, whrn hi Senate is mil in session. as the ScefiHarv ma ff n-qiiire. ' And he shall rereire per annum. out if the citui ng(-ni fund of the Senate, the same sa'arv ss the ohirT clerk of Ilia Menntr. ii woe ii.rri iniiiru nn ijiioniin won jirveriii, and sii the Senate then adjourned. Waihingtnn, M:ir.-h !ri, 133. Th Senate, alter a short tli-hair, I. ml upon the tslde the resolution antli.irixnig the l.'oni-1 iliillre on Indi ni Affairs to ilcli g.lt' one oi l 'heir mt-inhen in prin-ieil to take testimony , I'Hjrhitio alleged fruiida by Alesantier Kamsey I nid fttiirrs. in the navmetit of r.-rt:iio rnonexs . . , .' i r ii to tn-rtnm biimla ul Sdiiix h ihans. ,-Ami the c...i.n..t.eo a cre d,-!,.,,! I.u. tha further ron.itlerali.Mjof lltnaiilijrel. , Sevt-tiil r'snltuiont of inquiry were paa d.j 'i'hc rnnaidrratuin id the resoluiliMi siiUio- riaing the Se-ert-tury of ilie Senate to appoint! :m assi.tsiHli. to 1't as rnruiti rleta, was f liter an explanation ) "r. Auama, Miaiioiini The Semie. after an egceuUv. aoaaioo . .! - joiiriinl. Mi-rch 5. JSSS. In the Senate Mr. Ilunu-r iiilrotlurvd a r anliiliiia. uliM-il aaa soreed tit. slier a hrit-ii iichate. .-ailing upon the Secretary of the' 'rrraanry Jo furnish efrtam infurm ,tmn in re-, Inliou lo in n; ami this lie am! was Willi a view ; li a cirmproiniae nf the iiiiirtsii nf ihr man- i """""f"" UUWcJtV ar I 'crr,mn,r near.-. There was an Execttlive sess'inn. U'sahingttm. April lf5:. Senile. Mr. Mason, hy leavo, wilhil rrw ihe niemoml and arcommnving f ap er of Kranrir W. Riee. late I!- S. Consul al Ara- I i . ... i J P,rn' aiio eertam ooiragea eommttieti T , . n.a.. Amn... K.. 1 1. ... i ,MI1' f',u M,iri iirdu esatlKnr'ititvti l1it stlii tin I war a lii rvrs annl I tin I papers In the executive with a virw to redreaa, w lii. lt was llue Imiiii lo Utoav upon n nnm tin' (Trim otitriipos had been .-ninmitlrd ami tlio '" wlilngtiin. to Miss rnulitiii p. Muca iir, government itself. ' ) daughter uf Edward D. l icnnir de'd. . Mr. B o.ll.end oflere.l a resolution, whirl, ' ,n, 'r e"un'v Triur-a-tT 17h nit., at t . ,, j 10 o rlia-k A. M bv J. Button Wi unit Kin . l,r.o,erfo, CHtder.:,on. r.ll.ng ,..n ihtsj Mr. Lewis Pike to Mis. lMly P.rrish, alUf Scrrtarv lite treasury lo Inrnish the 8c- j Warren. nan-, al the commencement of ihe next aaa- ,, ,, , , , sion, with s statement showing lite aggregnlr! " YiiR riT sniniint of (rdersl, 8tate city, eonntv, rail j -.. .. .,... road ranal. and other enrporatior. bond,. ; In this Citv, nn the J7th ult. of pneumonia, atnrkt. ,r other videlicet of debt, held in ' Joseph McKnlht, infant ann ofj. W. t F.lisa Knrope ami other foreign eoanlries, on tj,r I J. Cba lwick, aged 2 TMrti a m,mlht ami -I 3t)ih June 185.1. specifying separately, as fuf'dsvs. ss Ihe same ran be aseertained. (he amount ,,f! ,n W ilmington, Mrs. Ruth Morse. each nf the above deserintlon of hond. auatka. A reaoliitinn waa adopted dtrreling the See rotary of the Senate to pay the rlarka of com mittees such com pineal ion aa ia due to them. I he Senate went into an executive sefsinn. and afterward adjourned till Monday, Foreign Krarg. Arrival ef tba Asia Three Days later from I'.urape. HiLirix, March 25. Tha atea Bier Asia arrived here to-day, left Liverpool on U.e 1 2th inst. She brings 57 pas. songers. A number of political arrests were taking place in Germany, The people of Switzerland ara muah excited respecting Austrian insolence towards Teaaino. miatray emigrants nave sought protect u n from the Ptedmontese gnrernment, which has protested to tha ewart af Vienna, Four executions have tnkea place at Posth, nf distinguinlied political prisiuBers, bachnling Charles Jubbal, Kusautli'a tutor. Twenty eight had been orders d to be executed al M ntua. Ii it deSnhely stRtndthat flie Pope will crown Lcuit Nnpoleon on the 1st of May. An attempt has been made on the life of King 'd',"",'1 uf "P1- TU baU etilcredhit leg. Il ia thought that smputattoa will ba nseeaaary. Two mora uf the membora of the British Par liament have keen arrested fur bribery. Ciaaimaeder Lynch, of the American navy' had arrived on the coast of Africa, joined the alup Julia Adams, and proceeded down the coast. A French sqnadroa of tit steamers waa about priweeding to pun.'ali the Dijorga tribe, who bad plundered a Ftetwh voaael, and then butchered j'" mWl The British Admiral Bene bad destroyed sev oral slave tettlementt. In Germany, great military precautions were taken at Nureetburj and Munich. The Emperor of Auttris htd. racoVarcd and baetywed a pension on the assassin' mother. A sabscribtlon toboiM a church en the spot of the attempted assassination, had reached on ham dred and ifty thousand florins. u At Milan ths peoyls ara btyowetted if they dart to approach the sentinels. Big haa dred political arrests had taken place in twsety 'lays.- Tha trvoy of Loostitrdy bad been largely reinforced. Count Montanara, and Grntiol ' mitred abbot of Kovere, ever teventr . year of! sge. were txseu tad at Mantaa the 31 ! ; Ait boatflitiet have been snspsnded with Mon, J tsoegru., iottuceu reiugses nave removsa low interior. Tb Port agrees ta protect Beaniaa Christians, Turkey refers the question oft lie holy tbrinos to Praaaia. Kutsia makas a (uvni. al demand r tbe publieaUo ef tha trmaa la vWvsy-wwtWkxi tiace, bat noeotly regarded t a dead letter. 1 Csaatm-iai, Don r eoatiaoed dull at Lirer reL Cpra had declined one shilling and sjapsaee a tnarter. Connie had advanced ta par. Tha pi wiry market waa tighter. ;' cbaajr in h rata of interest,. American erearitiea wt re in deauad aad acUre, bat.M ahsnge la prtocSw f i- ,tr- i 9 -'.'. . Lata aad Importsat from Hsvtas. - . v CnitLiatov, March 8. Tba atetmer Ieabcl, with dalea from lUvana to tka S2ad. has amvad. Mr. King's health was not improved. . Serious disturbances existed anmog the troop st Santiago.' Snms snldiers wi re ordered tn be punished, but the enrf-aalt were arretted hut the soldiers roscusd them. Fifteen stddiart wera ... ... .5".. . rre-r.. ismaiei ueaiH. t or rrmnin - der threatened to rsvolt. It is rumored that the clipper ship L.ly Puf .Ik. had landed a Cargo .laves. The rumor however was not believed. The British Itrnin- j er tlevaslstion ,W( f had arrived at Havana on the 1 bs p..iural pnaonert had aot lieen exaeu. tpfa ri. r Li- i ii ,i i fha (rnnklin brings Liverpool datoa to the ,5,h M,rp'' Ctt m aolire-pri. o nn.:hiinged. Wheat and flour alittls advanced. Corn depress. , ed Ararat v An American lady had born arrested in tleid. elhurg, charged with having rrrolutinnnrv I pamphlets in her possession. She was direct America, Marahil Uavniit. of infamous memory, died at Vienna on the 14th inat. iri,r. Tk. i,,.. f r- u i u i i; I no town of t, remuna had been placed in n ...... ... of "l"m of a sontinel bav. mg been killed. is denied that Mastini la eacanad no hwrd sn Knglisk frigate, lie ia supposed to be sr. cmlcd some where In Piedmont. SWITUSLlvn. Switxorland 1 f A.-train meaauma. and it was ! feared some enlliaiona would tike place , C",N' Advices from China state thafthc rebellion waa making rapi 1 headway. Tra wa amorally insctir but large sa'et ,,f T''" " m;do at an advance in (Ireeat nld Congous. ctiiu. ,.fl?.W.'Il'!l..vate.Jlli Ihft JusW g"-i wa, grea.er n, ever. At the V:,riou. : .n r. i, ,,n. nn ,,e i i.tb .M.irei,, hy ll-v, )r. "as. I. .iii-nccr. Mr. Tho-haa Oreggry to Misa Klittheth M., second daughter uf Chariot Una ' kins Kso. 1 In Yadkin conntV.'nn thn 22nd Mnrch. hv It C ; Puryenf lisq , Dr. F. ,1) Cash to Mist Kuclivd Ch.""'' , ' ia rnsTnnm nms r.-ns In TITIlh n. I.w U,. - - .. Mr ri.sl... tr i.il. .r . V " ' S.-STt, r"W, l'HTw-nnia V- Sarah I. IV tlliama, ..sf ltr I. . ! In Tnrboro' on Wsdnead.w .....i.. "y me li-v. j it. i.tiosire, Mr 0. W. Telf.iir. 1 .. wngliUvilla Mound, Mr. holumon . flrant. At Smithville, Capt. Robert B. Putter. In 8a!eni, Mr.. Calhariue Stroble, aged 79.1 In alishury, Mrs. Susan Craige, irilo of the late Thomas Craige. On Honda the lath uh, in her 4Rih year, Mrs. Mary 0. Taylor, wife of Mr. James II. Taylor of Dranville county, and daughtor uf tha late Mnj. John It. Eaton. Priest Carreat. MAKKF.TS. .Vew IW. ColtiHi. adtansed Jd. Corn white. 02 J. Yellow G5. Dull. Wheat Jl.18, Dull. Hulhmnrt Corn, White, 50 a 52, Yellow ii IN. Bacon Shoulders 7e.. Sides Scts. Wheat, prime red $100 a 100. White 100 a 1 10. Flour ?4 73 a I4.R7,. I.anl n a 10 cts. Oats 33 a 30. XorfoU- Cott.m 9 a !) White Com S4 a 50. Yellow Corn J8. Wheat 80 a bo. P.ALKir.lT MARKET. Bacon 1 1 a 12 llama 13. Butter 15 foVSO. Cot inn Yarn IH. Corn 45 50 Coffee 12 ft 120 F.gg. 10(4 12. Flour-!,, a 4.50. Foddor 75 a HO reamers 33 (,t w. Iron, Swedes 5J (uj 6. Iron Kxtrsslxos fi fSj 7. Ir,,,,, Knglith 41 (i 5 leather, a.de 20 Q 25, Leather, ealf 00 (j 00, Urd 1 (4 12,. Meal 55 Molasses, at. STtyir), Nails 5 6. Super 8 10. Tobacco 15 a Salt, gr. Alum $2 40 a 2 50 Halt, Livorp'wl $3 00. Potatoes, sweet 40 a 50. WILMINGTON MARKET. Boom, 12 a 12J eta., bains 12 a 14, Lard 12) Butter 23 a25 Corn per bush., 5G a57 ota. C-ifiW Kio 10 a 1 1, St Domingo 9. Uguyre 1 1 a 1 1, Ja va, 14 a 15. Float, Canal 5 a Ail. Fayettevitte 4f a 6, Lumbar, per M.llooring boardt llf a $12. wide $7. Soantling 6. Tiulssr-8bip- ping (III a I t. prime Mill fl a $91, ordinary rGjn $7,, inferior f2,60 Hulassee. gal. Cnba 19aOcta,PortoRloo JOcta. Turpentiae, partU MOD Now Virgi'a Dip, OOO.aOOO, Yaliow Dip $3,80. a $3,85. Hard $2,19 a2.l5 Tar $2,13 22P Spiriu per gal. 54, 5i eU, Salt Lit'l sack $1 0; Sugar, par lb N. Orleans 6 a 7), Port Kioo 6 a 71 St. Croi T oj Loaf 101 a 10. ' rAVETTKVlbLg MARKET. Bseo Ills II. Cnsteaf a , Oooi ll . e J, Flour 4J a MS, ImH II s Is. Mslsjsss Is a IT. .!, tk, i,Jo Alam bask. . Wool Jt r tt. Wheal Q n, Whiskty at, Ltrsadg it a . F.a.k.rs li a 27. " PETEBSBl'RO MAF.KET. ' Catta i, IfUssr si a (.Cora Mt a . Prims WUta W'krsl 1 a iti frims Ksd sxisllaj.. Commits to Middling lit rTobect Maaamrmring its t a li rrottcdUgs i. s It, dstbtmt Cassssse Uaf s; Used Skipping Leaf T sit; dolls ; -Clover Sssd, 6) a 1 psrhssast, Y g 'kvtber7mas:t. ,1- 1 Basoa Q U Ilaajt 1 & Cava, UstM. 7 st, Csuoa i).Ut I a II, rttsriii(a I i.M latsa ti & 31,:. Xxnpurtmt, .. dk MAajt Wd 4if & i,Usea lav tV vgat i.-vji ntei l,at). rstritt gal. M H J). Iti $l,s. ilTEITIIEIIITI. ' ClOTlllJit,, - FOR SPBIMU AXD SUMMER. VTOtroaesiaatlE. L It A RllNtio CL4THI50 11 KTAnLlSIIMEXT. s htrra aad ciHaiirt ss awisjent f ret' AirlhisrricU. I . : Ptaa Dr an4 Fnn-k Cuati of sll eaatttltt, SapieiteFiat luwk I 'kis Pasta, " . " . " Ralia Vtaia, , ... 'J'" ',. AllO , . .. . Senaer CtaU Pislt asd Tettt at all Ike arasl it-tira-le f.hloi.M In. Wtll sat aad Bads. liarek 14 OHE TIIOI SAD riAKO FORTES!) I'pwarda af l.tNW Pttaos Sold. AS'tt XtVKIf SOLD A HAD ng. VtW.tA'S hsitsrhsd li s guts ..ncv f the sa Kites af STfifiART and M'MlAM It Vir ginia sad Korth Osrulias. togvlher with tkt srn- Irltft nnsihsr as Vsrrsnld Is nil larl af the Fattlli.rn- 1 M, rt.iln truih ,.oa,Ml.. fro. , snd elt tried es.eritse . rtai they are I I'-aarptased la Tone aad Mulsh. ' Z" ""M-" . nir l as aril ss a ntii.l row HKFVL ASP SfPKk'D TOK . IVe k-n.'.,r, hand., laic anil Tril Su-li .f i ins n K Wkav i"Tt las. aa-l tt Iff 1,-fWSsv H avst. sm last MlllfH .-an Ihi ...nll. I. . Hl.'la . U. Omv ! an; the digrr-nre in oti. e bioe occaiod only ! 1 ths oaiwurd timirh, -enshtes thaee who aUh lo bar i cliraper iuvtrotneuts, u swrnro ths a-uae sd'antaive of i aoo uiuniiu loo, a in a. i iso si truster vainc. Alvn s.imbfror tb. I'lsno Furies ns n..a sell art h?0 entirely to - or own tin tnd sWertiia, by pprohai-. era sb are so sitttsM ss to be ieseat thsasnervesi anil as il always dtvulrea mart rrsia.ibiltljr S' inus.all surh av be aa.nrril thai with all AITKN- Tlll,r..rrinN aad PROMrTXK.! lo Ihrirovders. tbe.v bsll kas a P an at w.Wy the Northers ar ee (as nsi e ori-o niton Irstcil I and aa inttraaieul trass Ibe , best otnkrr iu lbs world: (IPARtXTtEH, sal stluwed to he rctsrnrd. if not snlltd la tlnpai. Ucslarsoeordisir to tbvir dteripti--n. K. I' SAFII. Dunk sn 1 Piano Koru lsalvr. . rrtrrsbur?, a. It Ba 1 1 , fithrrt, Slippers, S.tti, kt. HENRY P OR TB R, fllI7W7Utffl, BALhtatr, h C. tpUK tunsorihrrit now in receipt f his pring 1 siocx ol iioo'Jt, aciectfti in person, with great care, lu villous Niirthern rlllre. which bs believes superior tn sti.v ever tffi-red in this aiarV.t, and rsss nlfally aalttits sit eswmttmrlen by the puhlia Hi at.itk coHipriwra tTcry rhoraeter, varii isand site, from that nf s Doll to s seventv-fi.nr. I'ou vus 1-ADi.a. be has some new atv'et of ! SLUTtUS and Hb'SKUt.'i, very asautiful and taa , t.v : I' UTEM .if elegant material and si h sad W.lI.KiMJ r HOItS handsoras sad darslde. Ins ' evory pedsl luiurv and neceaaary may bs j found at hi. ettoasiTe e-tihltahmsut. " "" Mvn'ifiwrji iim-wj nut rn rarpusispa. niF t.iolt of UKtT.S. dllOKo, OA ITI.lt ft snd MATK- U'lATNfur aianntaoture, is unsurpassed: and litis therefore prepared to furnish them with any tad avu-y thing tn their line costly and tltgant, st well ss eheSB sad'aseful. . I''! ?Jp.sWi)t,,HlSJi!i5 lJl. ULiraJajruU. aad cnoire. , At lo rnicrs. ht kaa articles at all ratss from 30 ctnta to $1 for tht hsdies and the Uentleaien, at chtap or cnstlr ta they mnv require. A full siek af PUHNIMHINO MATRRl tL aa hand, for sale law tothe trad Call sad stamlns. s- Having greatly extended hit businsas and removed to the great thorough-fare of trade in our rltr. til : Favtttetitlo strast. aoeond door from rPeswrd's-ltraj; Stars, ha; hopes to ie.-etve, it kt is actertiiinfa to mertt, tht liberal patronaga of a gentriiut cnuiuiumtv. Hit uimto ia i'I.ivc, and let live" ami he Ihiics to ht tnahled to carry it oat. Ownv- II Is Msmifactoring Departmentd Call and omi)lett the best and most skilful wtranrnoVsuV perior materials, aad a determlnSflW.tOjrlvt sail iafactlon. bs hnpea will sec are far him a generous 't I...L...1 .... . . I .. ; ru11v tnii,-It nii.. ... n... . j . ,MV n,v. IIKMIT I'llRTEu, Fafetlsvills Ht. R'lletgh, April i, I V st. N. H. I with it parlieiilsrlv andsrstoad, that I frarrita very artlcie 1 sell. - ! SPEIJ1G GOODS, 11SJ. ' and fummsr Ooodt, and would respectful'y In- vitt bit friends, and sll. wishing to purebsss goods to etll and txamias his stock, which cnuaista of almost every variety nf goods kept in similar kous ts. Ths lolleuing smhracsa part of ths stack:-. I'lsiu and Fancy Dress HtlUa, Plain and Fancy Ho rags and Chally Bsrage, I'la'ul aummer Silks, Beragc Detanes, Printed Jackonsta nod Uiaghams, American and Knelisk Prints, Bonnet. Cap snd Neck Ribbons, Collars, Klosvts, L C. Ildkfs, Laces, Edgings, ri Bnsxsn r:t LiBitai si missis, silk n.TS, lbuhobn sap raxsMa, ta. BOt't BATS, V.tloCI KltSt.i Just rscejvcil, Irftarii g's sjvrup, a prime article, H II. VOl'NO. 16 im LOOKIltU !.) WAntllWl'sL'. 117 CUESSVT STREET, llelow Fourth Nurth tide, I'iilll ADKl'llIA. Xyii Inform Mtrchunta and najdtnta of this yf vicinity, thst the most Complete assortment of JMATA7., yVA'f, WALL and OVAL GLASS- bX rirkftt tjtfst fur prirah wst, or all kiada or rosstrs ui, with I'UKTHAi f and PlIJTtltK FKAiK8, etc. will bs found tt our ttsalitbmaiit. Lung etrience and laige fnailitias snabls us Is Kll tlis t'tt ffotsn mi .osvw prior. Dimensiiius biting gisea we will gtvteatlmates for any site Mirrosa, dtlivered fret from hrfkvge, st ttnjr po.N. th-dtrt solicit, d. French Pitts Olsas, lor c'to es, Dvsll agt, Ac, at tuportatiob iiric.t. THOMAS J. KATT A CO. 15-IXt riUlGIT AIHRUETI'I Agrlrullural Ware llsti'e ttnd ' ',: feed ntuiet. Xe. 184 MABKET HThkbT. PKILADKLPHIA. TjHOl'IY A MEARs Jalrol.Vamsnats a, nosynt m so aisi-a, rigus ssu psi, nano td Bub Soil, Hide Hill and lioulds lloald. As., with Hit el iulniims rstsJ. liardrbart, la.h and oilier kinds of Castings for repairing Tbs Emjivror of Russi awarded ths shors l1wugbs, a Ma.siss Uuld Mtikl, sail a MX. Also, ths ORKAt MLUALsltbs Wird't Fair, watawa d d V A M Plough Ho 0. CadArsrsrs with ItsuMs P.ilut I'uluhml Slett Teeth, which caa baravsit d, that getting VoMt H ear of tha Omiaon Teetl . Alae, Cultivators sf sit kindt with Stssl Tsetk. Spain. Atraoup h e r 1 e t hnma, i Cera Mhelert imprevsd kin.it, Hay aad Straw Cutter, liaud Cora Mills, ' Troa aad Cob Cms tiers, Otdd't Iraprovtd B.r- rowt, ... &(utrssnd A Morrows, Hurts Riiket, Oritidstontt ready hang, llirt Hcrtptivv Agricultural Fiiraaeas, tlx Ysksa and stows, Forks for beading !isy, Man ll iyllaket. How Bins. . Asp's Fearers, Ox Mntttlv, MoleTrapa, Pruning lloska sad Chis- Sls, V-i 8sws sad Psissnrs, Iron Wtll Curb. ao4 Zinc Tub ng for C h t i o Pamps.'. ' ' ' Corn Planters Turotp UHlls, 4 In $ft, Urant'a. Patent Fa Mills, - fisratta Eagtasa, Wheat Dnl s, H-n-ae Pewsrssad fresh. era, Mowing aad Reaping Msckiass, . . Chstu Pumps, . , Cattle Tits, Roll Rings, f . Patent iron Baatks, ' . Grabbing Hoea, ' Transplsnting Trowtlt, ll.y and Mtnnrt Forts. Kluivelt and Ppadtt, ' Oanir sod Field Hoes, Gardta Hast la ssrts ly. - , Ckihsrsa a Teal a, barling beytiies, Baal b t , witk Pitrnt Fastings, . Potato Hooks, Also, llorticnltiirsl Tools (nf every desertptien,) Warden aad Or.ss Hn'Jt for sal at ths lowsst prise, at nheltwate and Retail. ' p.,,':'' l J!...; I4Wt t -r-HrT I" 1 it' 'i nmririB iVyiUniiiriirr aiK.(njri Y "i jf' '.. Tt MOV W ...T TO fcOOK URHnsKO, ssH at B.ant J. a t ostst asm get tat sf beebaw't lists aaa t. fi.JiJtbtUBeJr mm. au. aoai sua. ?iarva i", i.ta . j;w - ... .... ,... Kt. ALL persoaa awing tor aaitaejfpthiata tba Eaa dolph Mseoa Magasiae art reqossted Sn traaa it ibe sarsasts see, ta tba Kditnra at It M Cvlmge, Va , If payments are not nudt. very seem, lbs aceoaats will as p seed lo the baads ss sftsait for collection. . v " f. Cl.ATPttiKlK F.LIjEII, ; t ' Kterstary of udvtoris. soris. '. " - - - - " - ,.,4st XErT TMKMlat THE PRflTktfAkT CLERCYl . , rirtai Wilhoai fh-rtlj-. Ttetlsry in.oft If i.:iy, til f ntntiiiitm fllkg.t ciimnsitii, HV4 ikW rf iVrf'W " the h'frmitr f Chmr t jf J'oytti'tiiotl, PujTi'sm PJtlmtl jw-oav , pty, aJ WesnvWiass, ,r fllllr! sreat une-tion tha Book diaeaaasa Is. I wliotlier tht Chnrck cf thit ags is what Ibe primitive Chares was, sad whether Chrfatisos both pastors sad ascade.. are" doing their duty Our siithov helievsa saw, and. to nar anftd. be' has made out a strong same. He thiaaa there is abaa dant room for reform st tha presea. time, and that it ia needed almost ss much ss in the daya af Lather. , lor tale nj Tt T TTRVEI. K. C. IV. Raleigh, Marcki HAS. .--I- AD Mtj t)ctrls.i r rrjviliy. .1rl XtNlian, rM lsrica A'sftt; . rte fajet.'ltliii , flTIIK Doctrine sf Emiitr : being a f on tk Law as sdutiuistsred by the t'owrt of . liancerv. tty Joaa Avaita, Jr., r..o aittkra pioaa Notes and Itefereaoas to .4 apneas fates. h V JAM KS H U!OCaw sad Jotsa hi. VSSAtaa. Ssurv. t or sals at tka N. C,UO0K STORJL Raleigh. Marck 1853. N'OTH'K. Tba Aaamal Mssajag f As Beard ef Trustees f lit. J.dia't CUIsgt sill ht UM at sit M.tonn Halt, Is ikt Tswa af OifeeA, tat Ik. 3rd d.v I May ISM, at II felssa. a. Mi at it all ihe members abaald as ursssai, at It that (tme it tsttle na tht diuMnaiost sf ssiuVilt I sdteg auitdlags. thd ts make arrangements far lertmg eon tracts. Undertakers of tares buudlag an mviMa t h prsaesl, urraarsiun lo patag. ia kids. By truer of Iks Hoard. as. t. Lrmsjoiix. Oxford. Marsh It, teas. f APMB WARS BOTJBM. v t yraa w. rield AvCau. rniijin i i ileum, Si. II Cliff Street, enr T9BK. Are Mala Agents In tka laltcd sfdatasf . mm .. . j sfasra-at's topetim BlftH-hlng Pvasshsp. ' n Victoria liuit IWItbraied Writing Papers. Rattell , " bserur , , lleoesef Prialin . Rawlins t ins' Kuglish Tissue First quality fnouip 1 lirsjaarlus, (, , j- They art also Atsutt fat lbs praaelp ai Paptr W.nst- fatturt-rs in this unniltry, ani offr (-.t sl liy tax tht. most estenslvs and desirsMe ttik tY Psrits and Paper Mananrtuna-t Msterisls that eha t fatmd tk this ar any elbtr teaatry. - t: v - : -- v 1 Ttasv areuav the largs and eAMmadWw Warehouses, X.i. II Cliff Street. Jtn. SS Cllit Street, X. HirhrhtHw phor Sir-si. and tbs Lofts War lbs bugs Iraa rXsres, t and 9 CUffStreei. . ,,. - -; Their b n,laeu Is sirletly wholcttlt, and Writ jag Pa ptrt art tidd by tht Ctsv ontr. Their tttraardlsary fteHitlst tviitdt rates of-sr sll Uitodt. bath Vurtlgav asut il nsctie, at ths taw tat Botsibic prlctt ,. ,... t. rfegst..; ,!is,. - ..-t- . .' t ' ' Paper mtds to order, shy slit er weight. Liberal advaaeet mada ss t-mnlgnmsnts f Ptptr, . Ptptr ata ksr't stock tsd other iBcrthaedittv : , . , , , v , , The highest msrkst price paid la nth fee aU k'.asW ssf Rags. ' , .... . :'. ts-dftl.f saTORTH CAROLINA R AII. R0AD-Ts Prxia. acasv Brsaiaaaaaaam Tbs atoard ss tsi rsctiNrs having erderso tha sal af tb stock af tie liuqnsats, for the lostslments ksrvvofnes n'asuiital. unless ths sams are paid hy the latsf April nest, the stock will bs told st the time of tbs Poad ttitty per cent (Inetnding tbs f per esmt. pat m at the simtsf eabsonfiUaa; aa beta eequietd. en . - , . J. Mi MURtaHtAII. rav , , J rct tiv C, K. t, Mnccb IU, 1833 ls-jt.: ATTIaMTION MtlUaK.lt UKfiistai a Gtonfovs hrT frioxXi PA TEXT self-heatixq SMoormxo inox: A aAVINljtmd.sihMkas4byamallehsmbrt Am int iron ussii, wnn a sssall BerlteafVyT I wall Ba.llole.of Laaisssl .tn,iol i Hie Ins tkaai BWasnJ lll i.s.,, u. wilt eaansnte I iNtwutrt lor tws hsars Imam. Hsessnt tusrsaaaea Inordinary discovert ia osa of tht stoat indttBsasalits domeMie uldB.Ilt is tht haiisswi.aa' rconuuiy. Osa tent's wenh sf tbtrtosl roet Is saoaiik for tm davs 1 rowing. Tht at mad grant salvaatag tt twat abet will os na oscasiua fur a gnat real at sr d art, wlnwai in a santmtr'a day, yos can do visit imaihg ia say psrt ef Ik bouts, sway Iron a biasing Ira. Hers kt gW. rious disssvtrf bra ssUorwa a bar bis tdtherts has gout, bsalsd sa.il, and mil tt made bast lbs weight f fhs old sua, la thurt, la Ml easet a beet BinaaMbrB Itoa b awawafy, Uusttlst sad satstrs aevt t esarap srtltls.tosUag halt ISMestwoss anaVteiasWs ssf t'i via um ir'm. Muisa eau at i-t cuira tt w. At. a H. P. Tin Kfc'H, and stamiat ht youfttlvta. . RsMigb, Matvh IS, lJ- ' - II t ' ETA ft B s COOK Cft! eiisi-i, i. c.t ; ' nATT rscelred tb.lr sntira ssserlmeM af MtT OOODR, and we httt only to Say ts ear frienda aad tasimatvs lbs. w eaa a-i tlent a sl-b sweety mrpaaasd. Tkt Ladias Uf oars ts ths Bote? last sart. la l our priest sa 1 w tons, of ir Ikstltr B in the esuts tty tt.. y ennnut rotnode with t... WmU "sld. We thsll sill evsry IhiSg l taa way sf aa tteses tsssuts si a small tmvatats mm sss. ws srast tswgtu at aauyaoih Ihtsrtof pleatiagi ketVsUbimvery aaaa ral. Wt ogir atw goo-lt, thd a fttr als eees, aa Soar sslsar al K. gmitk't sM swad. "Tb vraai tmta." It sail and tee ts t-. t:1 ' r V ' ...-. . v.i i . i. t .... t esses, b, L, C A. 1 ' a. T- c If Hi tTiesk flsee; ' ' ' '" 1 Fsvgst It s fctgH tt asm ,Marvk4, Itim ,., . , It-. , $ TtlBK, .,. ( IAflUTRA, tUt aad Jasa Cfee, Vs wrm. 4 , j Crashed. . 1 1 JsVaXa A COIebsi. March, I tel. ' v Is v Viper. llsixng.-.. e 'fMl t. trndstslgassl aav Just spened a trtst ami Sar I M staeti sf WaUL PAPHIts, am ts srkaeb st OubD tad VKI.VCT. FIN'S HAT IK, tttd tba LOW. HUT PHI'TU I'NWLAtLD P"kH: Alw liEi'O RATMJtrt, BOKPERS. PIXB SCRPP.XS, III. TAIN, . to. W bkh .tbs .1 aba htweas petee. hMk WBHdM.ls sssd ratail. The bssl .aditaa saktaWg' ed ts aaag ptptr tilker ia tht siiy er tsajatry. , . , niaak Basket Btatlsasry, Vc., dkc. , W kaVt tit 1 our asual 'assortment sf WfrTISO FAPF.K8, WRAPPIVU PAi'EHIti Blank and Seta! awaaa, swstabmry v- V ' ---. L- - a...i PARBISH BOl'wtt. 8o..Wk riFIH ti, doom aliort M.rtet, , fAll.aDElJ'lIlA. 1's.kpsld par Caaatry tags. ' ' - '. '..-... ,. 'J"-. '.l-fft .1TB ACTS- p.r p e $ cub TAS JUHT RRCG1VRD A BCPPLT OF C8 A A it AC I h for Iht liaadktrckitfaad for a. iug Pi, Custards, Puditincs, 4e. srssiar ess bi any heretofore Tersd ia this market,- ci-naiito.g. in part, 01 ut roiiowing. ' vis. c pmmr rem. ,1 Bompu4, Xew Mom, Uiif, aaatg AosiAl, oey rttw, Atsssst Ctessr, Vetiatnpt, Ctfreae.'s Avss, Pea sVsse. Mtf-mlM, VerimultiUmmatU. itmtumm, frrdfatmea, VutUL i"scAva'v, ftss flwrv ttasf esrtaa r. ks"1. tflt'.' I', fltttmr jt'a.w.ift, f'snra I eh j" aJto FoeiW UiUiuH tsw cVrr tMtf StrwuJm ansa noor. vti i-- ffmh ii. n- if W. fl. 4. Lle irflEE. HAVE is SXsrr as4 i3 r sag ss tbar fi saw at east at stack ss SEW GOODS, vrbiet. set m Vss'tfitl trieb esssst ssana. msd vy a tsyW vS.it.. m,Mta.Me4w,t..a.ass. aasa, aseawsWtai at asaafete. i ia mWiaitaaaiB by say ssmilsar nutUM im ate aatsas. They te.M tat teas ambit) sat eweaawtsg at tatv esuantratrM xhw 1 teat, i . Tbew taesUd awk Klerk TW! t N W, s9rasmlrat, " '''' Jtaes, - - ... f- - v -fSVt, . - stick P.rarantt Siika, rmu -hii sad triid . " MatvietiBe. rasnam saw! lsNatsliiatm Kla, ! Ssad ntwsisl n Si a. Stated rwasrssl stassasssa.wl tassatam ) "Visaed aad ftstsa Hi 4 ska Crape Mavsaure'a, rtata tmd Psa-M fiasli 4 C9atvt fasvly IsttWiaa - Bat.gsa tA. ' - tsrawdi MsatineX .' t'nmi JtM Vass&sat. , , BrilhawSes,' tsinghaass, . Priats, wtuv.. IM-I ni rtsya'l Mstifiaa. -' " ' ' dsettsaet astl raastt. sis. . ;.. CVssa rv'd said smaa'4 sat i . ' wiea ad Kaaax aW. . .nk said Ae. BiidH tWwwa. ' Catkbv-e riaiT. ' .ir 4, tW Cm4 issit te Cevmrfa.) IM . ttv March 224. ... ,. ..... li. T AC'C CMfsl-fjmdk ssrksltWW li kvstsab w otwssl tfaBSL WeswCslsBrt, Mtudta Baa 4a. tvwits ami Csmb. Tbr d aad Us. TW d tMsVa " ' : at VhtckaM ssawksar Vtsott 4L 8. TCt-tr. - Htm Mamakfih . - - Minu.aa ataat MAvt aJsv ' PIAIS mm Eisaa.ilitadtam stawst Black ,fx tmta MasmBattv ttaaat Tsot'w, - fit " saaaa. - Firart tmrc betsW " : rtsisiaaad F.mkesa ties I Cssttat aaWbsm V. BL 4.a TlCtlt Hawk II. IMUSaai RtCII Basaae Sas. .asms. aT. h aasl TaAsa tsV L aV ITs-ItA. MtawhSU. - - - - 1. " -;-J twusk.ri ," '. " I' ATSsT atyaasfar lmtm awl kTessaa. j .t4Li nan. aianml!. - . .... uu (ito asat NU CtUisraait, m imXIVdn LatW astsi T riaialPllb Kid Cbnws, sVeftksV Beat Twisswd 1 tlleva tar Udsar ami HisaSa. MsttmtSd.,, ..... . tdu. raraaass aasl t sBstrstsastai. . . B TACIT asnl Heoaasl MmeasW 3 fhsssaaX , F'rwi'4 aa4 tt-t c.4 " - tta. t'.mck g dk and Garrsas I'-artrfSs .Attfcnmi'''- Msreii 5Mv .., .. , . IJ TIIE ROtD Tt IICALTn: B0LLHATk I $ L L 8 1 (TRX OF A MSo-APCSe. UTXK AX M. " tsms. Caw a a ieow . Wr.M. W. aTesma.C1 itat. 7 Vs tVwseywd, sUkf 4M Asm, laK. Ts ruaTtsam Itauassrsn ' ' - a saw aaaa Mst tasrueiss MMkaoasssa. sw'aaaa tssms. AiwhSBKHSWa I aasa sasssrsWaavastw-ooM-iea, desa-ss ate s tVt past fcatssw atat gasai slssa af ara.eod bvawasnt aasst dhaaasanan. bewever, tbs .sradetant mi star asaatra Ssam sss t and SBSbilama s.liasssaa aansasjlf .at asasss latauaat sstasw mat awsstj sjtsssaaaaaa ' was tesaanril m am yatar PAiiai. ami saw laforsas sae tana SOW -s arts, asaal aaxa dse,saeWJsvistismit mt attk lbs ssu ufiasBssl aaf faartaaS tae sseaasd, ta she stm e A-.tain, A exTP.v!My;irT f et P HtttHaini ' - v SHE, 19 VaS sVlsUi' UIJiaA. (Vi a Lou aiaavstaf as taw tMmu Fas tft 1st Jtarea, llBit, day MimnrJ. Maataa. Morirss X.a 'aaaBHtsan, Mi Msna ad am. ssssjasBsa Res, Tosra, Busi Bssea aasaTists..teissa eaVneaa I - ' - - -ty .-pri.w aarst star wet ad aW aaasst. aSui aaaa asm weriad , -a. 1 1 mm , , , irai tma at kssaast Task, asm a aVas aaarasam sms ii basaaasss. A BWwJ aawantaass) soma iawas err MUlawat a 1 llinanl rss. 1 Is tta. at ta aaa asveesLMs aatsat,; ct us r a rut avis tswryT? t iu ' LHWTSJislBlir8ay t rgsWtaMI at , , Tt aaa tr amht. FrmmM-rm. TmmJUkm. JWsraWa mfmwUm mew..asltw. f. Ibj Ta Pi isVsssa IVauanrsTt '' af iBoaWasa Hlm fa arum a sawaatiS .IaIi.wsss aa 6 a mH0aw8Bv)BarWtm sWntal va8Jaf8aajBfa efii 88. lasadd assdwauraa. ' (cagwwll KfliTaa3,Bt IaasamaBsaymi niiitfTimiTni r;u. art sr?tftfti AT EtTlCACIwra IS IKf. ilAatw Agasa. A'Stbasa.l skla. ' fcuailw wuia. WaSiiunr. Israwea, I is, leas. las lane gtsta at so) kista. - r.ta, vscaft, mesatass, SM'O- Jsaastnosi. Llva santi1ijB, luAwaea. Bdeai. ks.asaa saaaa. atHaamim aa" Itsbss, Ium.i.ss aw 1,.. Beat, . ew avai Tie luialsanwi. Twaasars, t sorsa, . Vwaadsil suttss..asim a as, ts avid sat vbe sasaaaV'aaatm at i isbiam Roa tassA. ltd, Ittnatvd. tsaassr l ists sW.I resnaarUfcl tarortMs ssad skwal fbwwgVaat the ri karj-fcr. and) I vaxtao easiea; sa imsbi satis 1 tmea. t as I i.e. a. slit a auo-a. wauliuisliu T aw Mai'isl wssag towers m ba laba osSt sast 111 se.adJS. UvwTorkl mr.Avra-tle'tT. KwuVe Lswsa, Seat Tasw, . a SI tftlx jmaeagrltat, aVC.ta sb by tt. fi, IK. kWuih. TBin is a sytoudes-soOt ; B laaav; dt sBsaar , Stt.'S, , . St. B. mHatiass larebe tstfaasa ssT tatstaats. sry liaarita art adL m saasi asna. . ' . - .. lsWIjt. ... it.--. .-- tvu'r tatsvacr. . , Urrt'Satsstait SUstac st taVssww aat (1KB 11 a Aa. Sean as nwt.es .eaaont' tb. etmtn,x, .aw. . t-ast'M tai swat he. - t. lira auniii. asm diet sane nS'lts asanas. AH aes-M It, St-uts asai aaaa.fit s; asr aast im rtioar ssatsa,, tt I,aa,alBli n iiii-atta.m...;4S.s -otwaau. ' ., . . ATtdCM CD'ie. ., . Fraadsv, Erwlt f sa Agat4 WWBat. w. raeaavat txmtas sr taVe asnrs SAav af strwaUf tawtsW astmataiav aad SWsa tt " ' - -1 msttiitaiaa af I . Fasts cays. -aebjsttwtsmal ItsawaS,11 -.1 ar s Baa a Xevsa taae ss easet I aVataw i 1 1 aaasaO asm asaoautag sr.it st.. S.a st ass mad taawt af aaw. awme Baam have so tswatvei swa. Cbss I aaa t aa eV aaaa statu be malts as ...baaisl team sW swiaaaa. 1 mm mMmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMjm astsaa-Baaaab