torn r-- HEW FLOW ERA. - jvmnv jg&w Ta. JrThif elwtUu haaopeeed iUptaJa,andissaaM thaa w eve dreamed ef ill beauty, though not M Urge a tb LaVareV, or quite as doc,bl. hU of the aseat inaitite yeltow. TWctoth f gold 4mm hi rnsupar villi it. It ia a free gntwvr, baring: already mad wood foer reel long tbi mmm, W hav else four nvw buds bow a Motmb, presented by Y. IT. Cdy, Evq., from California, mm of which I M siagularly beauti fat, that w Ulead to sketch it and present it to oor reader engraved. It i a hind of bulbnue Tucheeia, bavin, an met Meal, aniM Ifteen inches high with a pud at th cad, from which spring ' four or 8t each car drnpa 'ea Vseue would have been proud to have jewelled herself with. ThM drop hatig pendant, attached to a long tender stem which give then la airy, graceful appearance: the main body of the flow, era ia bright ecarlet, tipped with green; the inside petals bright yellow. Verily, our friend (?! baa dime more for the jewelry of California than a whole regiment of Gold hunter. So says the Soil of the South. The V. S. mail steamer Artie Bailed from New York for Liverpool on the 20th silt with twe hundred and ten psaaengera and tUl.87S in gold I randiiljle for (.nvernnr of the Bute of Ala IngoU. Among the paaaangera are Ei.PresMent j bB, - Maj. June t reaidnd aevrral yeara Martin Van Boren. and Senator Foote, of Ver. "! KUh ,m where h'.h" h"el al pop. mont, and alaej Musara. Jame flodge. Geo. B Cuale, and E. Pegram, of Baltimore. A large amber of the paaeengera are Americana, In. tending to epend the mrnrnar in Europe, f auroBNi haa a natural right to be mar ntScent, and It ia not aorprinlng that the largest premium ever offered fur a eingle literary pro. duetion ahould be announced by one of aen. The sudject to be diaooaaed ia the Pacile Railroad ; th premium ten thousand dollars the donor Mr. II. 5ii;itch, of Franciaeo j and the detail and condition of th work mar be found in a circular which w copy in another column. THE FRUIT CROP. We have never ee a brighter prospect for fruit than the present season. Apple, pen, plum, peache. figs, grape, strawberries, and all the wild fruits are even now, bending under the weight of immense number. TAKE CARE OF THE ORCHARD. Th orchard, to be productive af good, fair fruit, require to be fed a much a doe a teld of grain- The soil of each require that the snb tanee abstracted by the erop shall be restor ed. The soil huuld be kett clean and t.pen to the meliorating influence of the aun, the dews, the rain and the air. The . bark of the tires should be kept in a healthy condition bv sera, ping, when necessary and by alkaline washing. From the Asbevill Ntvs. PUBLIC MEETING IN JACKSON. A large meeting of the Democracy iT Jack, eoo county waa held on the 22d alt. On mo. tion of Wm. Tatham, Eaq , Capt W. II. Craw ford waa called to the Chitir, and A. V. Cole, man, Esq., appointed Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were introduced by Feter King, Esq.: Whereas th prosperity of a country depends in a great d-gre on It Internal Improvements and eepeuiall when ut off a thin is from all n itural facilities for travel and transportation: And whereas one of the important obiecta of government and k-KtaUtion ia to orovidu f, he ' country th msana of travel and Commerce do ' nied it by nature, and not within the reach of ! individual enterprise, and aa party organisation ia only desirable aa it promote these Important I en da, j Therefore be it resolved by the Democratic party in the entity of Jackaoa. that they ap. prove of an ekV-irnt avstnm of Internal I,. proveoiente, which shall extend its benefits as near r aa poaaiuia equally in every part or thia Htato: and enpeeially are we in favor of the ex. tension i.f the N. C. liailroud fhun Saliaburry to the Little Tennessee River in the county of Macon, so aa tn form a aonnexion with the Ra bun 0p R.iilroa.l. and East to Beaufort, that our people may no longer be so far separated as at present, hut may become, a ther should be, one community in interest and feeling. 2. Kemlrtd frntthtr, That aa a means tn this desirable improvement it ia neensary and prop, er that the 8ule sh iul.l subscribe two.thirds uf the Capitol stock which may be required to ex. tend said read East and W est. - S. Ilelced fmHKtr. That the Democrat! n. I T in I the lead th other Stole are properly taking lut 1. "P'-me..t. a. well a. r thing that tend to benefit the country rrj suing mat mno to oenrnt tli counlry and strengthen th Union, and that th partv in th good Old North State will not be behind their bra them U the sister States that it should be one of fhe leading doctrine nf the Demo. "ti p,y u, foster the Internal Improvement. ' of oar State.' , I 4. Betolooi further. That no one who does aiot heartily support and advocate a liberal sys. tern of Internal Improvement, and, as an uu. IMrtant part thereof, the extension of th Cen. tral Railroad. Eaat and Weal, i worthv ef th empport of Ui Ueuioc ratio party ia th Stat for . any office. q 5. Iteeolmd further. That we desire to b connected with, and to form a part ef th State of North Carolina, in reality, as well aa in nam. ana mat we cannot support an aspirant to any oSoe, who would deny to as thia right, by re. (using hi aid to .aid extension, or any other improvement calculated to overcome enr local inconvenience and improve the Stat. 6. Homhed further. That the tnd. still not icy advocated ia some aectinn of this State, is no part of the DemoAMtie -,!. m k. trary their coarse U onward, and to 'je for most in .wnaterer tends to improve the State, enligbl. mu to paopie, ana perpetual on ire and re publican institutions. 1. llemlmi further. That th Democracy of owai-jn county win a represented in the next - Deniocratie Stat Conveatioa, and then and ther inai a ineorporatiag iato th platform Tb meeting wa adJressad by Col. R. 0. A Imto at teat length, after which th resolutions wer adopted unanimously. GREENSBOUO FEMALE COLIaKCE Tlw Itdlowing nnouncemnu are mad by Preeident Deem, of thia Institution: The Annual Examination nf the cUmcs in Crrene borough Female College wiO commence at 0 o'clock A ol., Taead.y, May The Mal Sermon bor the Graduating CUa will be delirre4 by the Iter. Kobnn O. uurtira, a I aesdae . eveuiug. Alay 7, lt - 'chirk. . , , , T The Literary Soeietie will hold their Pub lu CelebratMa la the Church an Wednesday afternoon, the 18th. '" '111 Concert will be (ivaa on Wednesday evening at I o'clock. Tfc Bomrd of Tmtteet , will aaaenthle at hw aeaal place of aMetioe at t wVuick, A. 1 mt Thurwlay the IVth. Tba Commtntemtnt Extrctiit will be opened in the MeuWiet Rpiaeapal Clmr.'h at 10 .'elock, A M-. Tbartiv, irtay th.-. GretMtbarwgk 'ai'. - ' , A TBCB WOMAN. Vhe editor Ike Casevill (Oa.) Ssaadard, wriUag f.-j Camming. Forsyth county, te hie paper, relate the folUwing iocidsat: "And, while we are on the aabjeet ef teboole, we will relate a novelty ia the affaire of Wee, which am at here sot long eiao. 'Mr. ft the eekmulmastor, (by the by a'very hsndsncs geattomaa.) came to tbi place froaj Maine, and " a enow ecnaoi; in in ree or fc-nr nionthe afterward Strang ' young lady arriv. ed in the stag, all aliwe, and in a few hoar af ter her arrival, vu led tu the altar by the hand, eome young sehooWter. It appear that Mr. P, and hi lady were engaged before he left home, and that b agreed for hint te eome Sooth, procure a situation, ef whieh ehe wae to be apprieed, ai.d when informed of bis-wuceess, be wa to leave Cither, mother, home friends and eome to the man of her choice and affee. tion." If that n u d.. not make ber an .Fectiou!. and devoted husband, he will deserve a moet . vera punishment. It will he gratifying to many of our readers to lrrn thai May. Allen C. Jonra, formerlir of litis vioiniiv, ja-fanirahlv suokrn of a uiaruv, anu na aerveu in nit i.rgieiature aa a reprvaenUlivr frnni tlie rounty of Greene. Though we hold a political rived di florin; in many rrsprcl front Uiat of Mr. J once, we are ready to concede u him the merit iif hav. i i . . ing, dt me courieay or nia mwinera, nerved hi integrity aa ' a Democrat w pre- i III out toeing either the furor or affection of hi op ponents;" and we shall be pleased tn aee him promoted by hi party In posts of honor in the late o hi adoption. HUlt lire. ITENS uf Nuns, PBiULrHirSTay"if Dtaih of Judge Gibtou Judge Gibson of Pennsylvania, died in this city Ntw Yosk, May 2d. StrikmoHgtk4 PrUteri. About half the printers in the book and job unices this morning truck for higher wage. Botov, Alay. 2d. All the printer employed upon the morning paper struck this morning for higher wage. With on or two exception the papers acceded to the demand of the journeymen printers and toe latter nave gone to work. Bostom, May, 2. MauachKlU Licaut La. After three days' discussion in the House of Representatives on the liquor question, a bill was introduced this afternoon Inr the suppression of tipling houses, and reviving the old license system, where pub lic opinion in the cities or counties (hall sane, tion th sale of Liquor. BoTO!f, May 2nd. t'ire.Th insane Hospital, bara ahed. Ac., attached : alao. the Rev. Mr. Parry's house. aud school house contiguous at Pepper!, Ma., were totally consumed by lire yesterdav. Thr loss is estimated at $15,000, upan which there is a partial insurance. PaoviDtsc. My 1. Rtpty to Gat. Lane's Proclamation. Cosnmis. sioaer Bartlett addreaae a communication to the Journal of this city, in reply to th procla. lion or Sot. Lane, uf New Melico. II eon lend that th valley of Meeilla bit always been in the undisputed possession of Mexico. The eauie paper give information reunited from high authority, that th King uf tbi Sand. '"" uas maue anoiuer strong appeal to th L'nited State to Interfere agaiost th de. sign of France, which clearly threaten the sub. -: .l t..ij i . 'jugation of bis dominions. Pnii.auxi.rau, May 2. Hrror ike Execution of Spring. -Th warrant for execution of Athur Spring, on th 10th of June, wa read to him thia afternoon by Sheriff Allen. He manifested not the slight est concern, professing hi readme tu die im mediately, but asseverated Lis innocence and th guilt uf hi sons. BoaroK, May 2. MetKi'itt motion againot Slavery drt. The Mlbodwt conference at Ipswich adopted r resolution, strongly against rfavery , ... . . . 8 ' " ' "'""rJ, ma against aJmitting any more slaveholders into the eburch. Also for amending the disc', pline so as to prohibit the reception of slave. eoPl ohnrch. The holders Into communion of th Methodist Kpis. conference also adopt! the Maine liquor law, and resolved to nd lvdl. egales to the World's Temperance Convection. Co a a luton. May I. Railroad Accident. The passenger train from Augusta ran off th track yesterday, by which Geo. Itattv. the engineer, wa seriously injured. TJlie frieght train on the aara road tan off to, day, and If. F. Stocker wa seriously bruissd. Ntw Yosx, May 4. Lot and Important from Cuba. The steamer Empire Cjty arrived here thie morning, from Havana, from which place ah bring date to the 20tb ult. The island ia perfectly- quiet, and without news of mom ant. Business (toady." Weather warm. Good health prevailed. The Empire City bring 130 paanenger. 1 She report that tLs barqo Lady Suffolk bad succeeded to day previously ia landing COO slave near Matanta. A totter from Havana ataie that the Diarie ia very better on th appointment of Mr. Soul as Minister to Spaiu, aad iatitaatee that b will not b raerrd by th Court ef Madrid. ' The Emperor of Hayti ha cent a earga ef eontnbu lions to tn World' Fair, in New York. Among thm a piece of mahogany that weigh three ton. Batrifhx uf fauna Lifts Withia th last wsok. beside several minor disaster of th claw, w have recorded tb loss ef 12S lire by the wreak and burning of tb atoaaser laaVpendsnce, a the Pacific eaast ; llbyth eollisioa oa th Central and Soul here (Mich.) Railroad; aad 25 by the burning of th Ocean Ware oa Lake Ontario. T tbi must be added eeorea af persons main! er disfigured for Ufa. Xmi saw 50 deaths oa the railroad at Nor wJk. ' . - .. .- . It i aald not th Oiirernment of tb Bead. wich Island ksa appealed to ear Ooeeranseat for protection against another attempted diet. Soa aa the part of France. . Tac Caere er tbs Rarcsuc- Aeeording to aa eleial statement, it appear that w raise annually 91U.000.000 ia wheat; 1391,200,000 ia India eorn; $190,27,000 in Bar- 70,4O, OOOiaoata, $73,125,000 in IrUh potato, aad $129,000,000 in oottoa the whole crop being tl4iM.480.000 . V '-""""S" X Florida paper ataie 'that Beeecdiag to a careful ea timet recently made, there) are only 286 Indiana iu Florida, and only 80 of the men and bnye able to bear arm. .' Paorioixc. R. t.t May 4. Election of U. S, Senator ia K. Hand Phil, ip Allen, democrat, wa elected U. S. Senat without opposition. fVawA of a aw from - (ilandtre. On Taedy week last, Coroner Peter ;A. Sloutenburgh, of Queen county. New fori, died at Jericho from a die kaowi. as tka lrwl II ai,lil tl diMM. whta ,an.initrin medicine to a bore. affected with it. Uis hand waa scratched by a tooth, aud the disease communicated to his sys. FOREIGN MISSION'S. It i stated that th Cabinet continue it fre quent and prolonged sessions on foreign and other appointments. The announcement of sp. pointnianu tu France and Chili was, it seems, pre ma Ui rev Messrs. D'n and Meade have not been appuiated; th rcjuiciags of th South Sid faatoarat commenced too soon. Don't halloo until yon art out of th woods." Art of CouHterfeiUr: Th Norfolk lUrild states that twu men from Wilmington, S. C, named Joseph 'Thompson and. Joseph (alias David) Smith, wer arrested in Norfolk for pass. ug counterfeit notes en the Bank of the Stale o North Carolina. I'pwards of $10,900 in uch note were found note are said to teas. their possession. The be well executed, chielv Curiout effxtt of a Storm. The congregation, al church at Terre Haute was recently badly damaged by a violent storm- Tb aexton wss ringing the bell at the time, for aaseinbliuj- the congregation, when the cupola was bl iwn over east wardly, and falling on th roof bruk its way through to the pews below, making a aad wreck of nearly the whole buildiug. The base of tb cupola, with the bell, part of the roof. bricks, plastering lathes, timber, tic, were ly. iog in the centre of the church on Sunday morn, ing, while building. Expente of the MiU. The Pot OBo mail carriage alone for the next year, will cost the Uovernment seven millions sod fifty thousand do'lar. besides tb extras five hundred and fifty thousand dollars and on half million for "miscellaneous." Congress has granted the new Postmaster General one hundred thousand dollars for apprehended detcienciea aader the new postage law. Senator Peaces, of Maryland, ltis statsJ, haaac espted Uis invitation to deliver the address at Iks Ohio Stat Fair al Dayloa, in ISeptoiabsr nut. There are fourteen Protestant Schools ia Con stantinople, and twenty.six Protestautseraoa srs preached ia er usar that siljr every Suaday. Melifiod m frmot. The clergy at th Roman Catholic church i Fraac is thus composed, ia tb 80 sees which form ins sircumscriptioa of It; li archbishops. 05 bishops, I7i viear general, 6til csaoas, S.3S8 curss, 29,i:7 Omuerttaas at sue sursala, 0 ehaplaias for the three eeasetries of Par- I ia, and 7,190 vicars ia lbs small eommuaa . Tb crsoaaef of th protestaat worship are IM la number, 6uf of whom srs for ths reformed eharaa, and 289 for th Latheraa worship. Ia the Jewish church there srs 63 rabbis, and 61 oSiatlag min isters. Ths church ia Algeria 1 not iacludrd ia this account. Amtrieanuuif Autirotio. The Journal f Com merce states that ths packet-ship Nimrad, sooa I nil for Nsw Yerk for Australia, haa near ZOO pa ssnger engaged, and the number will be further increased. Among them is Mr, Benjamia Morti mer, eon of the Moraviaa minister, of th sa aa nam, who for 21 year preached th Oospel ii New York wiilr great acceptane and asefalaass, aad died la 1835. Mr. Itortiaer go ut with ths doubl object of business and sdacatloa. lis car ries out aaassertmantormsrehandi., books, aad periodicsls, and particularly school books. II will establish himself at Mslboura where he hope to introduc ths New Yerk and Nsw England sys tem of eotamoa echo! THE OFFENCE OF M. KOSSUTH In regard to thia diaiinguisheil person ige, theie sie two opinion in llii eounirv just two. Of other men there are many opinion i hut we think thirs are only two rela.inrlo M. Koashth. And these npiiiions are antipodes of course ' W entertain on of their, aa ia pretty well known to our reader. M. Koesulh is in trouble. He haa perliap never been out of trouble hut he ha now fn-h ingredient mingled with hi griefs to ren der them more poignant. He haa abused the hospitality of England, andjtud.ted her law, by enaverring hi residrarv asylum in IMHloa into an aracwd aad magaiine of mu nition provided for the fwoeeeulion of a war wiin Austria, and ur other power s may be disposed todher in kr-:j Hungary in auhjeelioa. Hi Sous h been (snrrhed. the evidence nf hi ofleri-? have been dir. covered, and he is no doubt oon to answer lo th law h ha offended. The London 7 imrt of th lath ultimo re mark: 5 -If M. KoMUth come to lliis coua ry for die purpme of levying war afainat foreign aaliraia oa hi account, aud if he wa the resources he may have al hi dispoaal to prepara mean uf destruction gainat our neighhura. he vio latea the law of England well a th hm of nations. W assert aa w hav ever dune the right of thie country to protect thuw who eeek heller in the Queen' dominion from their political ene-aie. The Englnh govern, mem ha declared that it will never deviate from these maxim of our forefather; and'ko strongly wa tin dettrmintionaipreaed, that Ih government of th continent deomid from their demand on the auhjert of the refugee, without having formally preeeated to Lord Clarendon reqaeei which eould only b met oy a reiutai. atni me mora Hit country m resolved to oiaiutaia ia viola te ita right of pro lecliiia lo foreignera, Ih more it m bound to keep them within the bound of th low, and tn punish those infraction of it which ere daogerou lo other nation. It It to th lt degree disgraceful to these peron that the should hav (how themseive iiiernsibie t'i claim thia eouotry baa em ihetr gr iu Uid and respect as to sa th liberty eonced rd to them for Ilia pcrnrtrauoa if arthie afainat th peactof lliwolil.' They woulJ not heeiuie to embroil , if thry could, with any other oaiion; anI lhaonlylrsde which thay hv attempted hi earry m in flii rnmmtr citl community ia manufactnro of drstruc tiv projectile (ir foreign exportation. That ia a ahaaeful prpo and moat dtshoneat livelihood; -ft i piracy injh hewn of this nie- tro folia, and w are rmrfidrai that, whatever pumaliment Use) law may mmrloa urh mi. demeanor, public opinion will not only ratify the sentence hut inerrmo th rigor of it by general avaraioo and eon tempt."' e -The refuge!" wilt leant that thongh w do not tnterfer with their manner of life, or with the free rxprrsainu 'of their opinion. long a i hey roneet the law the fliivern nirnt ia able to check the abut of that liber ty In the maarkt above eitrtl there ia a tone of fairness ami liberality that add tn ih force of riie rebuke. v-But the ttreUration, true of thiiae to whom it ia applied, ia aim true of thousands in oar own land, that Acy irouVi not knitaltlt tmbroit tu, if thry rouiJ, with any olntr iftioH. Inratiisteil aa many of ourcitiien nave oecnme U'i the scheme of theee wnple, we can do nothing better than eupplieate such guests among us, by the mo tives prrnled for their reflection in these words of the 7'imrf to refrain froji embroiling us in eonicr with other nation. England give a aale and hoapilable refuge to the op prneeed of other cluneal but we give to them a home. Ingratitude toward England ia im politic and disgraceful ; but the abuse) nl th kindly welcome here tendered is not only baa mid disreputable, but aelf-tlreiruFlive also, M. Kossuth may ho aa eloquent pleader for hi country , but he who ha alwsvs Seen unsuccessful if ever an hrare and truthful, ia still an unsafe lesiler. Trrannv ia d and a terrible tiling on the eaft'i ( hut how hoart sickening is it in witness the downfall ol free dom n an uojsiae si tempt to overthrow it. Iieland ia oppressed, and we may not rescue her; 'but her people come to us and are thank ful for a home upon our shores, which is all they ak. and for which thy make a good re- l,lrn- Hungary we ran do the same, and imierioua demands surely should extort no more. Utah lit p. HO.. JAMES T. MOREIIAI). The declinature ol this renlleman to esn vaas for a scst in the next Congtess, it an oc casion on which we wish to bear our leaiiinony to the judicious and acceptable manner in which he discharged his duties in the national Lrglidaturr for the past two year. In Unn (re.i.a well in i ur Stale Assembly Mt. Morrttoad. ha slwss been saf and reliable mcfaibcri , In these late day, when the ilocbsnr ; ol -Progreti" ha ran wild. M M habit of --polling by ilia breech bsnd" interposing the cliec.ks of his mind and inllu ence agaiiist hasty and merely experimental legislation, lis in our estimation hern credi table to himself and a true and faithful renr aeulalion of the conservative eeniimeni nl ih. I people of hi District, II retire with the respect and best wishes of the people ol hii old district. Greenebora' Patriot. Fur th Star lb the Ctlittni of HaUigh aad it Vicinifyi Aa the corresponding Secretory uf th Stat Agricultural Society,. ! foal It to be my duty to addr yea al this time. You are aware that on the 18ih of last Oololier. a ewiveatiiui was bald ia th city of Raleigh for the aurpna of m iwwnj, WBIUn. UV tor a deperto effort, wa accomplished. If al lowed to juilg from lbs number prsssnt on that occasion, I must com lo th sonelusion that th people f Raleigh and Wsks county felt but lit tie intaaest in th object of mm oonventiou, and thia : think I lb nnlv eoncluaion that can be arrived al in regard to" the feelings uf th peo ple of the entire Stat. At this tim ths Stat Agricultural Society of Virginia has 802 num bers, with a fund uf 1 400, with a fair prospect of iu being increased ia a short lias to $3, 400 Th Stole Agricultural Society of Nurth Caroline ha about 34 awmher with a fund of abonl $75, with I fear but little prospect of its being much enlarged for some time to eome. if wa aia o, judge of th future by th past. I not thia a aad pictur lor tn peopl of oor Stat to look opooJ -, It ought u mak them blush f.r ahaui to see that aa a paopte we are so much wanting in Stat pride. In almost every Stat north and south of as, thr ia stblisbed a State Agricultural Society ia successful opera, tion and holding annual Fair. Even th .i tie 9 ate of Florida, sending only ui member w Congress, baa aa anaaal Fair, aroelaiming to hr sistsr State that though youag shs will aot U Uft bebinik How maeh longer will our people b convent to behold North Carolina draslae alonn behind every other State ia point of Ag. ricullural advahseanrntf Th present degraded position of Agricultar in nor Stat eaanot be attributed to the natural pa evty of ear lands or a wans of means f v auriviiine those which have been exhausted by an improvident system of cunuru. out uis oniy cause mat can us assign ed for this condition of things urn waulof ensr gy on the part of oar peopl. That tb bidding of a Stat Fair, under the manaeav-i ef the State Agricultural Society, would gnatlTmeour g our peopl to increased exertioaa, doe aot eumit ui a uouut, ii ws are to judg from tb result of ach sibibilions ia other State. That Raleigh is th smajt euiu'bls loeatioa ia the State for holding a Stole Fair I equally true. m oruer suae ins larmer ana mecnaaie la va. rinus parte uf the State may have a fair oppuf tuviiv iw pprevwiinn spemmen m loeir industry. These two questions settled, tb next and a vers important one. loo, I how, and by whom sr the fund to be raised, ia order to make th me, ary preparations for th holding of tb Fair. A abort tim si no a writer in " Th lUwigh Register " suggested that lb peopl of Raleigh raise a fund of $6,000, porches th grounds, erect the builjing. and make them a present to s i society lor in noiuing o trsn-saal rain. Thie, in my opinion, i th o roper nla for rata, ing auch a fund as amy be re si fed Cue ibis aur. I e. It i tb plaa pursued by lb people of awe ciues, in etner out, waer the xhibi. tion are held. Tb amount which wonld bo required in Ik beginning would ,, think; b maeh a ti 000; the pmparadoo eouli be mad for $3 000 , at farthwl, ih mgn them wonld hav to be yearlr aa addition to tba en closure made, as th interest ia Ik matter in creased in the Stat. lowing it alone as a mat. tor of speculation, it woald La a In investment by the people of Raleich and vieinitv. for 1 waa credibly informed that lb laal annual Fair held in Baltimore brought into that eity $300,000 la one week, which amount ooald ae U) railed by say ether exbibitioa than such as the a enukea uf. Judging from what I have e eiuee tb furmasioa of our Slat Agricultural Society, I am nf opinion that if a proper spirit ia evinced in getting up a State Fair, that ther will be very large attendees upon it, and quit a hand, some show an be mad.. But if tb was cold, nesi, snO indifference ia relatieej to th mittar still continue to exist as hmo been a ai nareal heretofore, it will be graad. failure, ad result in sham and awe-tifioatina to all engaged ia it. Th State Agricultural Society are, 1 think, re solved not to hold their aanaal exbibitioa at any place where the people af that place fail to f. "p". mmpwvw w inmwa sne mas Aad here I wool I my that " hint to the issudcisnt," for triers sr o:kr eoumiaa aaxtoa that th aanual Fair sbsuld be held at their county towns And aa at ideas of the truth of thie assertion, I will etoto that I have beea told that Ih people of Warn count will read ily rate $3,000, if tb Fair should b perma antly waled at Golds bore. 1 beard ua man. Cut Joha Everett, aav h woald giv one teeth part af tb sum. if tbi wa don. , A (ailed sseeting of th Stat Agncultaral Soeieta- will be hold in lUleigh aa the 26th inet.. aad I hope to see a large number of person (r aw carton part of dta preseat, ready to aid la mak ing (h aeeesaar preparatiao for a 8toto Fair on tb Mtb of next October. Let every yoang man ia the State, who haa the ability, be prwent at that time, s bowing, by his prsasns. that h apwrnvwa-pi sno an) and 1 raaoy toad Jus aid to'vanesmsnt of that Slate that gave him tMrsh.- bows that between tbi and lb 2irh, tb young men of Raleigh aad it vieinitv will aaa every exaetiaa to raise tba - wind" whieh may U aeeemary to Wow ap tb Fjr. rouse th peoole ef ear Stato to a full sense of their unditioL Will every paper in the Stato ptoea eery? J01INF. TOMPKI.VS. Corvmpoading Secretary. From th Halifax Republican. At a meeting afm member of the bar held ia the Court House in th Towa mt Halifax on Tuesday the ICtb day uf April 1853, ike Honeo Ue John L. Bailey was sailed tu th Chair aad David A. B arose, Ksqr., appoiatod Secta ry. B. F. Moore. Esqn. introdueesl the following resolution and accompanied taeir preseatatioa with a just, cloquanl and pnropriato tribal to th memory of him whoa death tb sseeting was intended to commemorate. Whereas it bath pleased an all wis Provideaee to remove from our midst, our distinguished follow citiaeo th Hon. Jamea Iredell, oa of tb ablest members of tb bar, - 1! faired. That it becomes us on tbi melan choly accaaaion to offer a juat tribute to aissm. inent worth, and to record our deep sorrow for the aflicung event, which has separated fvvm us a pnafesaional brother who for so- many years had at all limes entitled himself to our warm af faction and v soars led raspaot. KcemUed, That enr deceased brother will b remembered a lawyer of profoaad attainmenu. aa accomplished scholar and a model of urbanity, integrity and fairnes in tb practise uf tb Law and in his professional associates. AVsoW, That ia respect for hi memory and in token of our loss we will wear the badjp ol mourning for thirty day. Knotted, Thai we deeply sympathise with bis widow and family in th sorrowful dispensation and that a copy of theee reeolation be trans-mlt-ed to Mrs. Iredell with th xpreaaiooof ear sincere condolence on th unhappy event. Rehod. Tht permission be naked of the Court to enter these resolutions and the pro. ceeding f the meeting apoa the minute of tb Court. Keooheti. That a copy of thee resolution b transmitted for publication, Cpon th introduction ef the resolution th meeting wa addrwsed by Spier Wbitoker and Thomas Bragg. Esquire ia chaste, touching aad pathetic terms upon tb lift, character aad smi aent public servicee of th dsosissd, and thereupon the molalien war uaaaimously a. dopted. JOHN L. BAILEY, Cbm. Davia A. Baaass, Sect. A HUNTER OF KENTUCKY. The correspondent of the Evanavit'a Journal write a follows about a Kentucky hunter: "Wat Fekmsn it would do you good lo aee himha followed hunting for livelihood since Ihe year 1831. iiie thai period he say h ha kdle.1 88 hear. 084 wolves, 1817 coons, 099 lox 96 1 wililgrec,K040phessants 44 ground hog. 80 wild cats, 1 4' polecat. t(K) mink: beside wuirrel. nuail anal lubes a.ll gam beyond hi power to ralculal. Tile aum he ha realised from hie fame, akin, tie. tans nut little abort ol twelve thousand dol lar.". Forclgm Saw. Ntw York, May 1, Tb ateamshlp Bailie, with later Europe in telligsae. arrivad to-day. She brings 91 pas. senger. Tbf Ana arnved ml oa the 17th al . uviiroot aiuiTi, Crttoa ha declined 1 16 to I.ISd. Sale of 17,000 bale. Flour activ at firm aad Itopror. ing rates. Cora has dvnrd t yellow scares, and bsld at 60s; wkito 31s. Wheat and Fro. visions unchanged. . Consul 100 to 100, aiaotLiamoM aaw. Edotau. The Cbaneellor of ihe Exchequer's statement propose general reduction of duties. There waa considerable divt sity of opinion oa the abject. It wa believed that it would re sult la aa overthrow ef lb Ministry. The Knmath affair Mill ramalaod. Kossuth, howsver, wa apparently guilt of blame ia the matter. Mr. 111, owner of th factory whsre the munition aft war wr fuaad by lb police, threaten to praeuto government for lb seiiore of th diaeevered article, which wsrs deposiud ia th arsenal at Woolwich. Mr. Stow met with an enlhaslasti reeep. tiua. I Faanc.--Tb remain of Napoleon First were to be removed from Ihe Invalids to St. Deani on tb 1st Msy. Brain. Th esw Spanish Miaiatry had beea foraied. MAIIIRD In tbi city, mi Wednesday evening tost, by the Rev. Dr. Maaoa, John W. Cameron, Esq.. of Washington City, tn Mis Alton F. Gales, "xsiw us in ibis ntmna H. ualee, Esq. In Craven County, no Wednesday 17th Inst, by F. P. Latham, Esq., Mr. Stephen 0. Barring ton to Mia Elisabeth J. Lineole. Oa tba 2Hth all, by lb Bar. A. O. Oagbee, Mr. Joha Thompson to Mia Eitoa Jaa slerr, all af Alnmnnee eeaniy DIED. IHed. In Orange enuaty.eathatlelalL Robrt M. Lynch, eon, of Mr. Jsme Lyah, aged aevea. toen year and toa moath. Nar UemaadiN Mia, April 1st, Kenbra D. Bandar, eldest son of R. T. and Klisa Sandera, and grandson of Oen. Daniel ltooa. Tb d. eeaaod wa bur la Johnston eouaty, X. C, and al th tim of hi aatimly death waa 20 year 1 asonth and 20 day old. rrl MARKETS. AVsi Fori. Cotton, advanced jd. Corn while, 82, Yellow 60. Wheat .$1,18, Dull. ' r Baltimore Cora, Whits, 82 6o, YeHow 67 68. ; Baeoa Shoulders 7, Sid Act. 1 Wbent, prim red 1106 110. Whit 10$ a 12. ( Floar $4.74 a $4,7. J Urd a 10 .to. . k Oatt S3 a 0. ' S'orfoltt. Cottoa a 9 Whito Oen 64 a 66. Yslluw Cura S. . . Wheat B0 a 83. . nALEIOliMARKET. Baeoa II U IIam13i Butter 15 (a) 20. Cot. toaYarals. Cora 46(60 Coffee 12(a) 120 Egg 10(312. Ftour$4, a 40. FVtor75 a0 I Feather 35 Q 40. Iron, Swede 5J (d4. Irsa Extraaiia6 7. Irea, English 4) Q 4 r mJLm An n at a. t jtA jt lVmn4WVTt WUWW amf JA) AAA. VaiOr( CwUI UV $ 00, Lard 12 Q 12. Meal 55 MoUue. gal. li (40, Nails 51 Q e. Suar Vk Tobaeeo IS a SA, Alam fi 40 2 60 Salt, Urarpoet S3 00. fstotoe, awaet 40 a 60 WILMI.VOTO.V MARKET. - Bacon. 11 a 1x1 cm-haau 13 a It), Lard IS; Sutter 23 a 26 Cor per bush., 64 a67 eta. Ciffee RiolOall.StlWiagoOJ. Ugayra 11 It, Ja va 14 a tlw Flour, Caaal $3 aJ, Fayeruvill 4 a . Lamher, per M.looriag bsmrd $11) a 12, wide $7. Scantling $6. Tiashvv-Sbip-i pmg $10 a U. prim Mill $S a ordiiiary 96a $7. inferior $2.40 Molasee. RaLCnU 19 a 20cto. Furto Rico SOcU. Terpen ti a, per bbl. i 2601be New Tirgia Dip. 000, a 000, Yellow Dip $3,40, a $3,66, Hard $1.40 a 1.50 Tar $2,16 a &20 Spiritoprgal.4.a63eto, Salt Ur1nek$l,60t Sugar, vr lb , N. Orieaa a 7J, P.wtoRic 6 7J St,Ccoix7aLofl0 10. . rntmviui marsbt. KaeealOall. CectoalOa ln,Csraaii at,Fteartt a t,, Ur4 II a IA MsUsass It a W, .h, aask, ttjtt Alam baab. to. Weal H 0 IS. Wheat M 0 , Wkkksy . Braady 4T to. Psthrs $ a ST. T JriTKaSBUHo' MARKET. j" Cetlee, l. Flea tt a . Car U a. Prim Walts Wheal Is .1(7 1 priia led Ma tuu. Csmmsa t Mlddliag lis toe. Tebseee MaasJasturiag Us I a Ui rreetsdUgs 4,. a dsHsrst Cimmia Leaf 1 tj ueooesippiag sisai v aivf aeus . - Cluvsr Ssse, 0i a t prtoaat, NEWBERX MARKET. Baeoa I t), Hams II 9 . Csra, baahel, 4? a M, Cottu , Lard I II, Flour t Ml (a) J (O. Mo. leases M (4 It. TaraeaUas, new din, I.t tfj t.ti td ait t,u ,t! ssras I.J a tUel It to l.u. Plteh !.. sirlt gal. M fk . Tar$lrM, llTIITItllllTI. oVtttUes rput trme J. A T. LIKDLET. bevteg bss dis X solve hy melaai ssaseat, ths baslaemaflae Nsnk Careltaa Pemsleirtaal Qartea aad Narssrlss, Caa Crssk, CVathsm i;uty, la sew seadustsd sslsly ay Ike sahssrlbsv, whs lateads Is satarf tb estahlisasssat ia all lie araaekas, ef frail sad ereameaial Irssa, aad ksoss SV sis lea 1evh-e aad dillesat missiles Is the aasiass is atsru sa reeeivs pa sue pair -asg. THUaiAa WlVbhl. -' Ckas Crssk. Chatham Ce, I Msy T, tsil. te-fpi Vmlverally rNtvrth Carwlltia. v mil saasslaaSrsa f shs lassss will kerla aa Moa X day the aid May, 4 sMtlau eetil the IMIers sasmaammsas so l aereaar, tae a aa at Jsse asst. There will he a gsasrsl SMetiae as she Bess mt a M -4ejr sesssslag Vamm Ihe Vlalterial CmutUlr will he eipeetsd w etve Ihetr sersaaal atleaiaae darlag Iks whole perls ef as sasmiaasisn. Th Caanallte fcr lJ Is safollewst His Isesnaaey. tm'ii . IUM, rWI En-Oil, la. Mk ItovM L. Mwala, L. L. I. Prest mt CWIsgs. William i. Alsxsaesr, WUIiam H. battle, ' Jamea W. Brvaa, Hsary . Clarke, llaatsl W. Cearts, Jeha R.tesnU, William A. vrakam, Uaahta B. Ilaassl, rtamasl . Mill, Jamss 0. Jo ease, Vaatwalbtost -Soaee. Jr, Aaarsw J-yaev, Mauhlas I. Maaly, ' OUaa Mstoae, "' i ti. : Joke M. Ma 1tsarJ fstlsv. Walter U HomIs, Nagk WasMsll, I Jeastkaa Wank. CUARLE4 MiXLt, astatory. May I, UU. ttt. rnni two litei art societies f Ba4sib Mmm Cellegs aill a ddnas1. a vioaas. day latef Jaa. by the Hob. TtOM AS BO. CUCK, sf Ylrgiais. TUOfl. C ELUIR, O ,1 M veil HfH HOI wws IT . . 1 . -i. ft. fl oo w .mt omo. wweeeiy. fpilE KEXT ANNUAL ADDRE88 bsfse tb XB-MHtlysf ALUMNI f Raadolph Maeea Cet-b-g. will he dlivrd, a Wdaedy Im ol Jane, by Juaia Mowaaa, Esq., ef the City ef biebmead. t;HA B. STUART, Cmnapaailiag lisnlsiy mt aWetoty ef AtomaL . DOCTOK TUUsUsKI-ri ; Til riciiT IlCIlirtU: off, srttr qsi mi owm mrsicux. THE rORTtrrn Eelilsa win Oa Maadred Bagrsviais, howiag lliaaam aad M sitae. ssatnaM ef to Haawa yatem la svsvy alma sad mem. Ts wkleh Issds.d a Tiwaslas sa Iks Ulsaasaa mt 'asnlss, bstog sf m aifssm Mb panes w mar- Hot srriage, kg WILLIAM TOUKO, M. B. Let htasr he ashsmed It avissat e seev ef Ih JkacU LIP. 118 1 h'.s shlUL It may av him A-ess assort y grave. Let a venae sua av esssss enler tola lbs terret stH- (aaeseserMrrtsdHi withsat veadtag las rOCK KT AtoUULAPIt'tV Lat a eaa eeaJevtug fram a baekal ed reagk, Paia la the Hide, restless total, nsrvses sVellaira, f4 Ik nkel traia ef Uysperll Masatleas, eaa fivea aa ay meir anyeieisa, ao aaetker mameai wittoasteeassailBgUMAtoiJUUPlUaV Mseeutomar. rlsd, sr th ass sheet lea eerie, say Hasdlmat,rsd tats tral asfat keek, as u has keea th msaas as sar in tkeaaaaaa af nafsvfasis issslusss n-oas tba fore jawaeremta. ? Any aersso ssadtog TWESTTUr B CE.HTH alessd ia aUttsr, will reeeoe sas ssav ssttosossk k maW. ae (re espiss will tossat for Owe Dot lar. (sasspaia., !. WJt roi'HO. be. IM Ipswe B. IUeaVlpala. i l. j, - , ;- llyr. . - ll!dLIL,-lZ0111 - FEMALE CL1SS1CJL IASTITtTE- THE prsesatlMsUa will .torn a Tharsday tb 2nd af Jaaaaeat. The next Seastoa will ke gia ea Taesday the ttk July. Ae ih numker mt pupil bearding ia the last! tale I Hmltad. eariy ppueaihsa may be eeetom. ry to sssnrs admit! sass. ila.lSCT T. BLAKE, J'riawiuaL April snlh. 161 i-4T ' taadard. Spirit af tb Ag win eapy S wssks. ' DISuOLtTtUM, rpHR FAETNERSIIIP kerstofar xlsllag In I the nam of William, Haywaed 4 L'a, wss dissolved ea th 1st last., br mutual eonseat. ' All per tadetrhed are reejmnued IsfeMst for ms payment mew tswtr by A, WILLIAMS, , . J. HAVWOOU, J0UIB. W1LUAMR. April 12th. lnuk. -. . H-tf. - Tae..t...iy il.i-.i "-T rntgadnsm. wader the the Barn of William Hsywaod, and keep waatoutly ea ksed rg and general sapplv f Urn, Usdiclaes, Ckemieala, FiBto, Oil, (.lass wsre, Kerfumery, Paaey article. A., which thee will sell at the tow market rata, and te whisk tkey invito the attention of their Mende end the public geaerady. . JOHN B. WILLIAMS, ! F. J- MATROOH, AprH llth, 18ia. I7-st ABEWaad apleodid Jot of raialier la Oilt Fram, jat rveeiveeT. Ceme sad esstoia bma. . K. 1 H;iLU. Also afresh sapper ef Oil Paints, AnsM lirusli, Millbemrds, Btencu Urasbeo, He., . - ' V E. W-l-kTFIMMt.iA. ' Aaa Xastmeat af DalUm. Ttolina. .t,Ja a Itoliaa tftriaga, rseeivrd this -. E. m . l U .- . . w ,- r - " etmmls Clip rr.toly FOB SAL K. IP set vXsaased et keeto Tasse.y f Bay faiH selt, arivaasly, I skB asps toyuhlie vale ) BOVSK AH it Ivt. ehussd aver tb fsatval lts:l kaj trp). ta PweHtogll iilsmsasweaa)ssntklTiiwrr. Al tos mm Uasa, I -MS U a stM Lot, aeM cn rhwaa, straassd anawdiSWly kenassg Ih t relrol Ball Rsad terwasj tosalirally seease euA Brtt adopted J kwtUllayj.1. Ithev tee F vat Be at sees, oe a PaMrv BaMar Beeuvime Jtoaoe. - Alee, several vaaaal Lets Bear the frht.-a! (oil Boot Dee it. ksidtilag u Towa Cesamreiwa. Tassm seaUia, a half saak, the tolsae to si a mealke. swr.hssers (itaj fcaad Bilk apssuted asrao sity, wiik tossvsst Bna sale. ' - - WM. F. CULLf X. AbvUI, tUX. - se-la iritis ciiii, iTiT.r . CMCtLTttlLt -IE. ' .." IS ROW BKL'EIVI.NQ HIS STiX'k OF Kl RINtJ aad Bammer Owad. aad owaM mpsctral'y In- . vito hi Iris la, aad all wiahiaaj to psnwaaw ia1e to eall aad asamias hi tok, wkicb matsists mf alasest reevy variety ef awade kept to atatiter hou. -SL Tb fooeotag em era as part sf the Week:- ' - Ptoto aad Fancy Larvae gilka, FlelB aad Faaey Deraa aad fbally lervage. i -v. Fkskl Bammw Bilk, .- " n Isaraa llalaass, - IMatsd cksBts aad t'-inekel, Amsrisea sad KaghVs. rriMs, . Beemst. Cap and Ksek KiMoere. Caelum, 81m, L C. Hdkia, Ucoa, Kdgings, , m ' nexsirvs rsa taasn ana Btsst. .; . dta aavs, uioasa as rsmne. bo. or' bat, VAie.e niaue.l Just reset red, Levsriwg's Byrap, prime artteie,' M. II. ViK'MI. " '-. :!' ;. :. U 2m TUB ATLANTIC MAtUUMrto OBkl MAXVrA'CTVMS TH K . MCWNMlt IrMBi:Ii" - UNEQUALLED la beamy. Itrsarth ad Cheap aesa. Oraamentol Cast Ivwa Tie are melted ea to rod aad ftoawoerk ef srmag btiroa, making It either light aad gvacefel Hk IMtK KA1L1XO, mt heavy aad solid like east irsa. Bah psaasl being ton msas aa ss hi pi, kavheg anarevtom for th raia er seetetsr ef tin atanpkr to sOt. there ia a rusting sf the wsek. Dealgu ewsM to any addr, poatoefre, . Prises raate from vu cento- to per Uaeat foe. Ballin for Fable sr Private gut ends. Cessetrto, V res ad aaa, Batosals,. , A , fa 1 sal by UhOUUE FOBTER, ag'l . . IM Breadw.y Sew Fork. -B. B. O. F. aad kis gsato are the aaly pars entbarisid to sail this aewty patsatod vailuig, tor tb Atlaati Blatoe, . . v . ., 17-fca : WUmmctaam Raleigh Rati Real Maaay. Wllailaetaa, April tk. last, t NOTICt IS hereby give thai a Dividend f S per cent the Capital Mtoek af Ibis Oem. Ijnny, win a pal to etosuaiasr e taeir lesvil rprssaiaMvs si mm saes, a ami aner Muatiap . Id May asst. By rdr Books for ths Transfar f f totk aili b deard from 80tk lest, to 24 May. JAMC9 . ORFrt. '- .. Ti'usr, W, 1L B. It tV April txk, 1863. k k . , , 17-lm. ' i .o i ii ii hi i n a' cnVXTT Cor II T CLEHKKIIir. WT are rseuseted to aaaeoaee THoM -" r. V WIIITAKKR, Esq , a a Candida"- ' ' rit f the Ceaaly Ceart af viak at tb . r elee March 2d, IBM. BBCK1VKUTM1B OAF -4 FFLEttraea Ftorsaess - t,'$ V MerealliB, ... d. - Freaek Crap,;- , W. IL B. (. TIVEI.R, April ISti, lki. K-f W. D & R. S. TICKER a ATE la Star aad will lake phraser ia shew, tog to tketr frtoad aad Ih pualuj gsaetmlly, a yxjr a oo ds, w whieh Was selsetsd with graal ar. aad for vsrteo ty ef otytoa, rleam and esaiga, aad relativ cheap. Basra, aseardlag to quality, eeot be surpssssd hp aa stmitor ataaliskmBt to lb pise. Tkey would tok tki mtked f rstuvtilag to Ike OMamuaity tkesr wanssst laaaks tor tb vry bb. ral patreaage alam their eeeaestisa, aad drat re to retain aad lasrmsa lit sir trad by punctual attea ttoa aad mint maeagemoBt sf baMnrs. Tkey woakl k allsatlsa to tb bl lew lag r. ttoleel i . . BbukPeal'l tvlrir,, s. UndRkin, .' . - s. es K,p ' - . ' . v ' Real teUke) Bieh Breewde Bilks, ' r , Ftoto staid aad otrtp'd V., , Marmlino, f lersnes and Lntoslrlags Bilk, . Plain and Flgurad Tuamra,, (all aUdes.1 IVialsd and Satin fl'd d., Crap Mareage's, , . ' Ftoln and Paria Printed Chair, Chaly Itolevjawsv t . r - Bare see da. ... . , -'Organdl elusllaa. " ' IMat Jaekaat Maslia. ' '"' BriiHeetea, ,i.;- . : tliaghama, t sa - w .. ?-: - : Frtoto, Whlis.Dotdsrigu'dlliuli. . Jsckooet sad Camb, a. , Creea Bar d d Btrip'd de. : " Bwha nnd Beak d. -Natoeeak aad Mall de. ' ' Biahep Uwas. ,4 :.. "v, :' -rV '; Cambria Dimliy, - 4 lierlla Card Musi I (fet Boaaeta.) is.. As.. As. . Merck ttm. 4 LACE 30DftPrsKk Waned Collar, Praask Barked Cap. - I'kealtellrS -- taaevalrsTs. -v. Waallea Cellar, t t ' Muelia Band. Balm aad Camb. Fteuaeings, do . Edgings aad Insert logs, ' Taleuaiear : ss '' Tkr'd sad Lkne,'-'.' '.- ,' .j,;.;; ' Tkr'd ttobbia .-v- A:- J ... -.. Blkaa4 Wldtotau T.ita.T": ' r: ' . vi. u. a. b. x "tivkeb: March 22. I.W MABTILLAH and KHAMUs. PLAIN a Blk aad rtabeeideo Bilk Ma-wllea. Wik Lm Meatillaa. Vslvst Tri, J. . " . Bilk rriat. - Pigur'd Bilk Lam MaMllla. Flalaaad Embroidered Crap rikaala. . . W. II. A k . TICKER. Mar fid.- .-i :.-- 14 - BiniHInaa KltlHOBKl It Boaaet .vi-k. Beak and Ts'elta RiU '. U R. S. TbYhl.ll. Marebt2d. . - - . M BOW XS.' Tut T ATE8T style for Ln4te saj Mlwoes. XJ W. II. A R. H. TUCKLR. Mi ievek !A 14 tilt aad Ml Lit UArOVLM. 60' DOS Palm Ladies' a4 Oeailemva's IV te Rid lilovea. lid d da Alsaadsr3ilk d ' Usal Twisted Bilk tHev f.,r Ladir snd Vieae. t. U. AB. bMUCRKK; March 22d. .,- -, . 10-. 'v' faraoola end Umbrellas. BLACK aad Hecend .MuuruiugMIt I'arssols, Pigur'd aad Build Colored .. - do. tUauk Bilk aad Oincham laibreJtas. - v W. . 4R.B, TVIKKR. ' March Sid. . --I i.: