:r NORTH CAROLINA BftVRWEDNED AY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1853 ' ' : ' . . ' - -I. fl ' , mill I - i ii . " , '. ai. I r 1 POETS Y. : ' J "" (from th Baltlo.or. Clipper. V .THE PB8HIECE.;,' v . .. r sv . run. 4ad W Punihmm wakMk roarf, mitUimf At Urn. faf WI Arati." . - " My beert grw mi, aa I gas'd spoa, t ' . . Th lingering rays f th. .ruing n, " As U luk behind th hlU.-r-- All ru bush a not sound Wftj hear, ; ' ' Save th. warning f lb malag hire . V , Of Ih.lonety Whlp-a'-Will. " ' .. . - . ' Ik alag wiixU Ww chill m4 eaa, , v Aid ta fr-fy lit an Uaej bap, 'T gnide bin bis way ' My twl grew cold 'twas ebillsd with fcar-y. A hidous form was drawing near . .,., JIU y nxed bis preyl . t ark blai when talking .lowly by ' Ilia ghastly mica sad bli glaring sye Aad aoisslsa was bla tread t ' Hit poibaM breath then 11 I'd tat air - s " And near was Horn sad dread Despair i And inaak ey'd Hop had tad I '. 0 every side a bit victims fell A cry butt forth 'twas a frantl y.M, Thai a'd t plana tba iky ' And bla llrid Una milk plsasar aarl'd, .Ash gesture Death Utroagkoet tba wtrld, ; And baard tka orphan' ary I , When ba raited bla laming award high, , , And gaaad around with an aagar eye-. Sank thongh llfa'a ra waa nrn I -,J. Xwta mighty role ma tbmigh tba air I - Snylng, "Of - lip wmt a Tif Maltr't mitt h Amt r HENOUIEI, -.- . : 5 t' !,fT ROBIXT OILrtLLlN, Ob, for tka tonga of othar yanre , s W ban lifa and joy wan yeangj r .. . ' Wban nought boa glndaoaa (alca wara told, Or mlnbral tlraloa wara rang I h Or at tba haul board high haalthi v- - '" Wara glraa wllk abaarfnl brow) " .f 0 aapa, nlaat in ailanea pnaa . Wa'ra nongbl bat "mam or In" naw ! thf lorad, tba kind, tba good, ba Irjta, "ln natiy a toaat wa ra giraa i . t . Tkoak who, Ibongb knit to na on aarth, ' -Tat mlaad onr honoa tobaarant .. . Wba, wban la ehildbaod'a balplaia daya . Aronnd aw roack did bow j ; ' ' A nintkar'a nnma no mora glraa lana . nr,'ri nought bt "mamorlat" now 1 V ' TouUi'i daya an dad, and la thalr (land Coma aorrow, griaf aad taart, Aad tor th flaany noraa of aonf ' . Wa anmbar henry yean ! Fond friaada ara gone, nnd aa alone, Beneath aftietio how . Time waa whn wa gare happy bealtbt jWarjinghn'naB CDTEfiTISEMEBTI. Tbo Analysis .of SoiU and Marls, fpH8 PIHTOH OP "THE FARVEH'S JOUR J S.iL," will. "er thn tat of OctoW, ba pr. " 10 prc l to mak Aaalyaia of flolla and Marls, at his t . ' j .Cheniici LAborntoryrla Rnaigh, N. C. I . ' : All apaennans sent moat b dlrotd to him, lo w , tknrof Cul K. C. Ynrboroagb, and Uiey will recalva prcai; I attention, cost or T,Tan t v Far nlngtn anerlmen, v , , Writing ont analysis, ' : Vorsingls artaciinan of nuri, Sapt. 14, 186. -j $6.00 f o.ttO . B t oo V BS 4t - -. WILLS, LEA at UHOnSLET, . '.Jramt, Ctmnilttloi i rurwattntf Sfrt nun. .- WAlAUT-sr.. ruTKnunKLn. ' "" Tk ARTICULAR nttentlon to aowlSiimenU of COT. t I TO.V. -TOBACCO. CORN, Wllk AT. KI.Ol'H ' - nid nil hlmla of soantry pruiluoe upon whteh liberal , v adraaou wiu a aiaaa, ntienrequirou, y , - - AL80, ) , I'Offcr. (or sals aeommmandlng aloek f On Urtamat hrarabl tamia, far anah or apprortd . .aretttt. . V. B. Win. W. hii.J. Wa. B. BaowsLuY, Angaatlf. . Ti the Merchant! of Virginia and Rortk Ciruliaa. JOHN W. RICE k BROTHER, . laipaticra nnd hwleanl Daalara la Staple and Fancy Dry-Conda, ATE MOVED from Kit. t BolllngbRmh iitnet, to tliei, new Mum, NO. I, row ISL S HUW, HAL STRKKT. n lew doura nbor Fawel'a Hotel, P. teraburn. Va where tber will k nlaaai-d ta aaa their ' eld friande and patron, together wltb all merebaata (luting wa airy. . Tlier are now reeeirlnc. Ibetr felt lurplr, wblrk - will b Urge, well aeleetedand eotuplete, about the lt eplenibar. Tbey mpecllully noliell a anil, feeling , nontdant that Ihey caa otler goods aa tarma wbieb annnot fall t p!eaae. , ; . . Peureburg, Va,, August . " ; '. tS 4t ,i' i IMII.AWtEne . HOflflllEADS beat Porto Bin Molamr, " JO da , . , Cob do. l bbla .' ' N. O. do. .10 10 do i " Boatoa irrnn. ' lhbdsEitrs do for family waa. er aeJ b WILLS, LkA A BUOWMLkY Aug. f. -: - . It- 3ACOM dk liARU, f 50 nooSHKADS Bides and ShaaUers Wetlern nneon. . ' j - y : 50 tiereea Jowle. good. 1t,M Iba. prime Vn. Cured Family Bacon. -' ' er V. Lar.l, ...,-,.-. . . 60 do Bella, do. 1 , . , In Slonandfurvle by ' -WILLS, LEA BB0WSLET. ; ' ' Ang. If. n v , ;, - .tpAIM'i JUHTlVBt - THE KOUTII C AROLIX A JCSTICEj .. t. .i cosTAinixo . .iv.-"; A Bnramnry HUtanMnt of tba 8tatntee and Conmoa Law or tbia State, tugetlier with Ilia Usaialoaa . . of th Supreme Court, and all th moat ape , proved forms nnd precedent relating to tli ogio dnd duty of Juntas t ' of Hi l'dace, and other pub. .'. ' lio offierrs, aooording to " . ," : saodoni praotiea, ' f V'- f Br BEHJAMiN sirjr.it. : - tioosio giHTRi, riarD mo coaatciin, ; i ' Foraal by IIENRV . Tl'RNBR, ' - - AVtA Ctnltxa llmk-Sim. Balelgh, iuguat, lfl. (0 tf ,.i:i.otiic i l Miiviv v or NORTII ' ... , C'AKOLIKA. - REPOlW-trF PUOFESSOR EMMONS a LI (Joologicnl Surrey of N'orth I 'aroliua, rorl by' .v. ,,. . , , II. P. TURNER,, j,.'., j, v . , , Korth-CaroUna Uook Stor. v.j. , Raleigh, rbrury, ISoil., 4., . . If. ItV.W A.VI) KAMllIO.tlll.i: dKVVICI.ItvT WE ara nvetring our new tuiiply of Wat.hea, Chains, Seals and hvt, .r Kuigt, Brat Pins, Finaer Kiniri. Ae. I'ALMEB A BAMf KY. , AUy H,la. - - , . i kg ' c Of) LTVER-OIL--A fri-.h supply of Bathtoa, Clors at CO., just to nann ar th IJrug Plor or . i - WILLlAMi A 11AYWO0D. 1)KKRKVE JARS. A large supply of quarts and half gallon Jars, for ante low, by .W1LLIAH8 A HtTWOOD. 1 VICTOR Jnjn.'t Family alcdieiaes. A freh aap. 1 ply Joel Ui baud, ' - ,. . . , WILLIAMS A UAYW00D. -CIlYflATE kAU.VKHM A fraah raplT fm t j hand. WILLIAMS A llAkl OOO. Au.t 17, . ' H ff MCkAEt Blrk,YanagUaan,IaaarkUnd OKf Hoa Hi.wder Tana. .. tlerera new Kire. w bMa. Cnnraa. " ----- , i to kxga Koaa. M btiia baat Met Vintgnr. ' toaa Uriad StutM. - . li dua, BiKkela, 1 , h,i. Tisnrr'a OH. - " li naaa-Ceiion and Waal Carda. Si da Braanta. tmt raani aaawwd Wrapping Paprr. low d lsraj,-Latter anil llill da. I Tawdar, 8kt aul llu Land, U lata and Fatty. Prpner. PimcnUh dinger, Mua. Katanga, Clow, Indigo, 8larrb, dc, da., making n fall vaurtnMnt, to whirb tba partianla nttentua f aonnlry nwrcbanta iaaidiaiiaaV . , WILLS, LISA UHUnaLBI. Aag. ir. .ikk.ls9auuuiuii IUTD1L 1ISDB1HCE CIIP19T. rpiIB COST OF IS8UKAKCE OK THE MVTrAL X. plea Is but n small mum, eompared with a joint et'iek ewutpany. Tbia eonipaor being located in tba VI eatern part of tba tati'ttae4aentljr uncb the larger portion of the ritka are la tb Wert, very many of which are la tba country. Th Company la entirely free from debt ; bar aaade no aeeearoieou, and hnra a rery large amount la raek nnd good boor. a, nnd Is tberclor aooBdeuuy reewi mended' to the nubile. At tlie-ieit nnnanl netting, th following oBcert were eieeted lor toe eueuing year: ' dAMa.i l-MM.N, rrcurnt. B. (I. C0FKIN, Vice Preaidrnt C. P. HKVUKM1ALI., Attorney. PETER AIM MS, Secretary aad Treaearar. IMrecUirai naRRlfSonoi'an. Jaioee Sloan. Dr. I. A. Mebnna, P. Meodenhall, Win. H. Itankin, Ker. C. F. I)eem, J met M. Uarrett, ir.l. II. I,m1tny, W. i. atctonneil, WanntaoRovoH. r. r. Li.iy. Nnwaana. W. P. Moore, ifannitasoa. II. (, Burwell. . Taaaonoroa. J. L. Bridges, Jaansrows. lr. 8. O. Coffin. WiLatseros. William A. Wright. Caot.i Fi.a foil r.or. Ur. C. Watklns. BAUaatRT. John I. Ihneer. F&rnTTKViM.n. John II. Cook. Balaton. J. J. Iligga. l,ieTo. Robert E. Troy. Lasui Caara Dr. Robert II. Brain. W. H. CI MX1NU, tlpneral Agent " PETKtt AJJAW8, geeretery. September I, 18S.H. ' 31 KORTH-C AROLI M A wIX PIOR CENT . T ATK BO MM. TnsAeuir DEpaaTHaaT. Hliiih. N. C , 1 v.. Avatngl, 1H.W. SEALED rROrOHALa WILL BE RECEIVKP in the City of New York, until 8 s'clock 1. M.7 of the 30th September ntxl, for tlis purcbas of . t s o e . o o o of Bonds issued by tbe Mtats or Nortu-Carouxa. Thesa Bonds will bear date the First or Jii.r, 1868, and will run Tuiarx Vsass tbey will bar Coupons attacked, and th Inters!, At m I'll ca.iT rBiAi,tva, will b payable on tn nrst uays of July nnd January of each year. 1 both Intcreatnnd prtncipnl will be payable at run Haik or ths Kr.n slio, in the City of !ew York, aniens th purchaser may prefer to hart them pay able, at th I renaury or north Carolina. They are Imued under th authority of th Leg islature of North-Carolina,, for th eonstraetion of tba North Cabousa Raii. IUad. and la addition to th fnith of th rltata, all the Block held by the 8tat, In th iil Itoad, and th Dividend from said rltock, are aipressly pledged for their re. demptlon. Ihey will be iaaued In turns of 1,000 or 6,000, as th parchassr may prefer. Tassa Hosiis aaa arexrasss tiAcraiKT Ex. aarraD raoa Taxatior ' Parties bidding, a ill pleate address their letters, eadorned "Proposals for North Carolina Ktat DonUa" to the ears of Messrs. Baowg t Da rob sbtt, 1H0 Front Htreet, N. Y. Ths Dttts wjli. aa Opangn In the Rank of the Republic, at 8 o'clock P. M. on tub 8Hth or Sar TRMssa hsxt, In the presence of 0. 11 laimar, Esq., President of th said Bank, J.- P. Drown and Darld Freeman, Esq's., snd others. i AuccoRaftil Bidders will be required, as soon as informed of th acceptance of their Bids, to depos it in Bank the amount of their bids with th ac crued intercuts from the trs't of Jnly Inat, to the credit of th Treasurer of th State of North-Car Blina. Th deposit majr b mad, either in ths Dark or ths HKrrauo, Naw Yoaa, or in tbe Bark or rns n,.. h.,io CAaii.iaA. or In the Hark or Carl Fx a a, Raxiiub, North C'abowra. These who prefer it aaa address their bids to me, adoraed 'proposals," 4c, as shore, at Raleigh, until Ulith Beplember. Persons wishing documents showing th (stent of th resources of th Stale, the amount of the Indebtedness, 4o , can bar tbetti by application at this office, or to Musara. Vnowa & Dseosbstt. D. W COLHTS, rinLio Taaaspasa Or ths Htats or Nesm Caromia. Bptmbr2d, 1863, 87 td. HALIFAX F1H. VCAR000F HALIFAX FISH JCSTTf HAND which we ar offering at law pricea. Th cargo eouaiats f trimmd Herrings ia bbls and half bbla; No. 1 ho - ' ' bbls; No. 1 and 2 Salmon ; No. 1- Trout j Cod Fish to pickl. -! .-.. WILLS, LEA A BR0WNLEY. , Petersburg, BepUmber 6. , 87 Iron, Steel. Nnll and Cuatlna;. y "ETON'S Swoedes, Amerloan and English Iron, a I embracing all slice, In bars, hoops and bands 6 tons English and American Biitterrd. Steel, assorted site . .- 2 do tierman, Shear and Spring Steel " " ' 8 ease Csst 8tel 1500 kegs Cumberland, Aralon and Old Dominion Kails, all aiiea, Includiiig Brads, Finishing ana not nan -,. j CO kegs Hors Shoe, No. 1,(5 n43, and assert' d sites t tons Csstinga , . . 25 boxis Collins' Axe Wagon boxea, assorted alies. ' For sal. by WILLS, LEA A BR0WSLF.V. Petersburg, Vs., August 24. no 85 HAUfilMG, ROPE AND TWINE. OH BALES BEST OliNNY BA0UINU. go pes eitra wide Dundee do. .. 1M do, heavy Oerman do. I SO eoila beat Bale Knpa. a do. Manilla do. f - I bales Hemp and Cotioa Twine. , WSI doa. Bed Oorda, anabrted aiiea. xtH) do. Cotton Lineid , WILLS, Lk A DR0WNLEY. Petertburg.Va August St.( t BE NOW opening in Col. Houlli.ni new baildlng J. on rayeusriiie-aimt, nest door abura air. B.'Ventreas' Clothing EttabllthmeRl, .t A KRKPII STOCK OF HI? MVCS, MKIHCIXES Affti CHEMICALS, at - Bt'it'iirAi. lsrTKtsrNTt, PAIJTS, OU.S AXP DVK STUFFS, V.Winilw.(llau Ami (iluss-YVare, Yarnishe auil Putty, Paint BruKlieg, " , . ' Fin Porfuawry anil Fnurj Articles, . Host TiHilii and Uair Uruabcs, . Excellent Cif;urs, Tobacco and Snuff, . , ' v . Oanlea nj Field 8ced, , i&o.. . ha.-,, ' ha- ,. All of which ara offered ho their' Iriends and the pnldia. upon a laroraoia terms as eaa be procured in thla ru.-uke' - . Alr.SCOTTwilldeirntcpartlcnlaraltrntlonUpattlng op rreeri)iiout nu- rnysieiana and remittee, as alt hours of tbe day r night, and aaa bat th arnst elio lee articles will b wd. .. Augaet. .'- t ... -.- . 8J . rrlEW m ST0RE. fpiIK Hl'IlSCRtllKllH hare entered Info partnership a .. aaoer ins arm w tiAin uuu a ruu 1 1, lor the purpota of conducting Ik Drug aad Apothecary boat a eaa. 1 , ;. DrRKE HAtVrtOD. . . jHAUUiS U. BCOtT. Baleigh, July, HTM. , .. A ; p . t .ft a BUNA If AND roFFEE, Tflfl COFFKK SCOAR8, all grades. I VJJ liiUiili'gaCrnahed, Powdered and Loaf Sugars. bbda. N. Porto Hloo and Cabaa do. ll bajrn irime Klo Coffee, v - , slot do. medium . do. ; ' - a - JlK do. , Lsjruayra do. lu do. trorarnaaeat Jara and Uararalb Coffee. Jual reeeired, and for eale by WILLS, LEA A BttOWXLET. AugurtU. , . . ",,-,.n-ww;i! U Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods and Mo aioal Marcaudia. 1 r107' woitrr.tTEBJ piaso t)Z, I FOKTEH MADE AND ISOLD A hen ry stock of Pianos oti hmrd. We har junt receir cd another larva additiaa t our fonar inioicca of Piano Forte, making our ansortmeut, rery large snd eomplet. Those etTered by ws ror sale nare elicited praise from auch eoitneii4. artiata as Bocbsa and Mad liishop, Strakoscb, Cspt, m. U. Kobrsson, an 1 nu merous peraone from whom we nae roluntary testimonial. Hating told a large nnmlxr or hi struments lo th States of North i.iroUaa, Virginia, Tenneste, Georgia, South Carolina and Kentucky, w feel aatured of our ability to mnke auch a ae- lectioa aa the must fiwtidioua coaid aunur. n are receiving our Full Stock of Gooda, Hooks, Sta tionery and Fancy (1 jodt forour wholesale and retail trade, and tiiritk Teachers, Merchant and all others to tall and exami'ie prerioua to purchasing laewhtre. We pledg .our attention to nil orders extended to our care; nnd from our low prices and small profits, we ara Induced to ask Tor a trim to guarantee sstiafactlon. U.UNES ft UICIIKS, Sole Agents for Worcester's Piano Forte. Petersburg, Aag. o. 8ti lm. The North 4 arullnn Emrrulor., CUN'TAl.MN'O th Rtatutct snd Common La of this State, together with the Decisions of theu Supreme Court and alt the neccpHry I'ormiL&nil Precedentt : Intended as a safe fiitida to Eaeeu tors and Ailroinistrators in their Practical Mnuae ment of Estates, according to th Laws now in fore. With which is necetnari'ly connected the kindred subjects of Will, lguciea, Dower and other Prorinion for Willows, lliMiihaticn of ICntHtcR, Descent of Laud, Partition, Uuardiaunhip, Ac, &c. BY HtSJAMIN SWAIM, ESy. AToanr at law. Por8by IIKN'RY I). Tl 'UNF.ll, - k A'orfA Carolina litttik Slur?. Raleigh, Augaot, lh53. 3U tf. "Ill . I). II ITCIII AGS, m nri 4nnti:it of Saildln, Britllei and Uarnru of all ktmh. nti nrtir in sturf, und. for ttle ttf h!i uwn mnmi fevcturf, Lsiliei' and (jeutUiuen'i best plain ami quiilfl H.ildr; Hoatrtstll )Mtl Bti'l Wjtchinjft'M) rorored Sttdtilt n; H'-t'ii and Wait"" BetrCuach, liugxy ant) Wajron ifarntta; Jrrtwy ait't ('art Uo.; BrtdlH aad MartiuK-l'. Trunkn uml Crjt H.n; Jcach, liuKyt hnlin nmi nnun t hipn; All of wliicli he will m-ll at ax l'whr),t?H an r an he hml kMiq regular ni'tflhUubrniTit in tlie HtitU-. 1'hanMul fur print fuvirn, h tjtfx, j bin prnn)itni nml at tent ion to lunoeiip. to merit a ttmtintiiiiic f tbe -at rooaifolitrf tffore iftuwe"i iiti bun. i All ortkr thanktully reccirefl anl proiniHy attenj Hfpairinfr flme in the lifst rtrlo an-J witli 'tistmt' hJ Kant Rttie Kaytu? villa lrt, un door Nurth of.J Id. linrtliirVr. t;i(jtbni(( hintioriuiii, Ilulcit;)i( N- C.r July )8i;i. :tt I'OKM MOOk. r TUB mill ClKOLINl F0B1 BOOK; All the in out useful turmn which nrur in bninss triniroctions betwn man anl man,, us well m In ofliciftl Btutiou-i ; TOORTIIKR WITH TheConNtMulloiiorNorili Cnrollna, and oflhe Tiilird Ma ion; THE ACT FI.tlNd TUB FEES OF CLERKS, HIIKIUFjVS, At-., Calculated or thf ue of th ririzrn of XnrtA Caro. tints ant made ronformnhl to Imr, - COSH" I MID PT A MEMBER OF TUB MOUTH CABOLTXA BAH. FurialeUy IIF.NKY D TCBNKR, North Carolina Book w Raleigh, Aug,, 1853. tf. TI13T onned Belli ot Kal f" PfHii ttt hamleiiimfl HrBrelctt, Full Vmt King" ami lroNJt I'inn. mw 'yl fALAIklt a KA-.l.-'M. Maj J. IMS. 'Z'Z 1 Y l'arltin A B!nu' Knprcit, a Hun lot of filvr X3 npoont and f late May 5 1, 1S53. Ware. t'AI.MUR 4 UAM1KY. ii Powd'TS. Miivoard it Noye' SF1HUTZ and Ho.la warranted of anpitrii .or fomlilv. Fortolel'V WTLLIAMS d IIAVWOOU. June S, 183. T KA I TKA!! Younsf llyaou, Itonrial, (Junpow. dor and lllnck Tea, very llnr, al low price, iiut reeeired at the Drag Store or WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. l MI'ftTARD.Kreneh, prepared In pots; also En glish and American In black cans and holtlttt, for aala'at the ilrug Store of WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD.- For (he Hair. TYON'fl Kathairrn, Hany's Trieopherons nnd Ool J lard't llerbanliilu Kslraet for removing 'lanilrnfl antt restoring the llnir to health and vigour, r'or tats at ths lrni Store of WILLIAMS A HAY H OOD. May, !7, IH53. 13 DPKKnK'rt BAKIMl H0WI1KKS. Also, l'reu.o and Monell'a and Weslerfield'a just received and for sale by WILLIAMS a HAYWOOD. CI UM Drops, of Lemon, Strawberry, and Vanilla Ha lf' ror. Just to hand at ths Dma- Store of WILLIAMS if- HAYWOOD. iiriNDd V from 1NDOW A PICTUIIE tlLASS. A larre mphy s-l to -. Just received at the Unix Store of WILLIAMS a HAYWOOD. May at), I8J3. . ii. KKCRIVP.il Tills! IAV APPLK Uroen Klorcnce. " " Mareelline, " " French Crape, 11 W. II. a 11. H. TLTKKK, April 18th, 1S68. 17 tf. HA (ITS for tli-vorlne rtote. Vanilla, Or- 1 J anfe anre, lrnon, Ilutter, Almond, Oinnamon and l'ine Apple in Store and for sale by WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. f IMIANSPAKISNT Soap In Ban. For all that is in X quality uiecllent, and in use effective as a pleasur able fuiUtappeudage, and a aSoap for Waehin-r Lare, Cainhrira, Vlannels, de., it hat no superior, r'or sale at Die Drai; Slur of WILLIAMS ? HAYWOOD. CORN STARCH. A freth supply just received at th Drug Stun of WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. S KHARS. A small lot of Choice Havana for sale by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD GLA2IKHS Diawonda and Kuivea, In store and foartala by W ILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. LKSII Uloves and Broshea. For pr oluoing healthy action of the system. For sale br WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. T YO.YrHtAT PILLS, th matt etfectual remedy J ever nted for tbe .destruction of Rata, Mice, Ac., fur aale al' WILLIAMS 1 U AY HOOD. SARAT kept ri vgulaily thruobont the season, at the Drug (Store of rH4J.LIA.IIS t II At HOOD. CIILORIXK TOOTH WASH ttanda .nriv.lled for aleantia-r the muuih aiul pretcrving the leethand laasss. for sal at ' - wil,; M, ka, .WILLIAMS IIAWOOI'S. -e IIRANM'S ULACKINOImpurtt the most brilliant .1 4 polish to Boots; euioet, llsinets, Ae., rendering the leather soft and pliant, and remarkable fur not com log off on tha pantaloon. Foe eale by , , - . . . WILLJAMS t UAYfrOOD rXTRACT OF JAMAICA OINOER-Por giving j ton and elrengllt to th ttmnaeh an4 hewvls, anil lb prevention ol auaamereomplaintA this article Beads no eommsnts. For sale by v . , . i, WILLIAMS A IIA VTT00D. PAINT MILLS. A great labor saving Machine for ariading eolers, sud en which erar painter shoaU hate; for sale at the Drag Store of M 1ILLIAMS A UAYW00D. T EPII.ATOUY. For removing suerniious hiih XJ ' tot sale by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD. CHOKOLATS AND COCO A. Of saperior quality iu ttoiaaud for anl. br v , . WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD, T HABLE HALT. Very One and white la small Wjt J. is More and for sale bv - , . . WILLIAMS I UAYWOOD. W. II. & Jl. S. TUCKER HAVE In ytwt and will talta pleuttr la .how. tog to tbeir frUud.aa tbe public gruerall, uick of . , - " NE W GOODS, which wna selectet wit)i Rret cai-3. nd for Tari iy of sty!?, richnew and demgn, nd relative cheap. ne, aceordia to ual.ty, euaaot be aurpaaad b tij similar ftublihm('fit in place. They woubl take this method of returning to the community their warmest tiiAiik for the tery libe ral Stronage ainee tlii'ir connection, nnd desire to retain nnd increase their Ir-de by punctual atten tion and correct mnnii;enient of buainesa. They would auk uttuutiun to the following ar. tide: lllack Potil't re Soir, 41 Clro de Ilbiuv, " Nap, " 14 . Zeuic (ilk) Ilitjh Itrocade Silkv, VUin l'liiid nnd Hlrip'd do., Marctline, Florenrp mid Uitetrihg8 Silks, I'lnin nnd Fisrured Tipii-, S'did r.tlftred lieiura, ia!I nhadea.) I'rinte 1 mid Sntin IM'd do., I'Ihiii nnd Paris Printed Chaly, . Chalyehaines. tarcff' do. a trTpin-Ii Mujiltna. Print .Jiickonet Muslina. llrilliantca, ilinnbauis, Print, 1 W bite, I'ot'd and Fir'd Mucins. Jickoni't and Camk do. i i'russ llar'd and Strip'ddo. SwUa and Piook do. . ' Nairiook and Mull do. ' 1 Itiidiop I.itvnff, . i j t'iiinVrlo lMmity, Berlin ( iid Muslin (for Bonnet,) Ac, &c, ke. 1 March 22d. 18 i I ICC i,OOnU French Worked Cullnnt, J j French Worked CniM. rhfiiiiipttea. I'lidfrhleerea, Woniton folbir, MukHii Blinds, ISwiria and Camli . do Flonncinjrs, E'lpinps and Inserting, nlencienr " Thr'd nnd I. isle, " Thr'd liol bin " Black and White Lace Veils. W. II, H. 8. TUCKER March '22. i- MAM'll.l.t and S1II.H and Kmbroi'lered Silk MantilliiH. 1 lilac ack Silk I. ace MuntilluH, Velvet Tiim'd, .Vila " rrints, " Fiirur'd Silk.l.:ice Mnrninaa, l'loin ahJ limliroidt-rfd I'rnpe Hlinwls. W. II. i It. 8. TLCKi:n. March 2.M. 1:1 ItltlllOVS: KIIIIION-i! I 1('H Iluuuet Neek-, fssh ami Taffetto Hib- "nt. . II 4t K. !S. Tl t'KI.H. March L".M. 1 i it)M:t: ATIIST styles for Ladies nnd Mie. w. ii. k. s. ti:i ki:r. 1:1- Msrch : M. K 1 1 and Mll.K (.I.OVl'.X. l4f ll'l. Pairs ladies' and ientlcmen's Paris f Kid lilovcs, J- lo do Alexander .Silk do. Heal Twisted Silk lilacs for Ladies and Misses W. II. & 11. S. TL'CKKIt, March 1:1 1'nraNolH and l uiltrt'llaa HLACK nml Second Mourning Silk Parotols, Pigur'd mid Solid Colored do. lllack SiW and (iinluiln 1'iulirellns. W. II. & H. 8. TICKER'. . SLircft L'L'J. 1.1 ' . ,IlUXi;TSlllid KIIIBOK. I ? III).. Itonnett, fro:a ;j eenii to tf 60. Kihbont 1 from 10 ceult t KVA.NS H COOKE. No. 'Jl', eheap pine1 March 10, m.',.1. l'.- IF YOI' WANT TO I.101K R KJHK Is, rail al fc'vant k Ccnk. 's sn.l gef one or lleel.ee Hals aad J. Miles A Sons' LKts, and shine. No. ll'J, cheap place. March ID, 1853 I 2 Marine & Pocket Chronometers, Inplexand llcpeatliifr V atrbea' (lly Aj'potMmrHt to the Atlmrrnlity.) ff UlliJi DliOJi, 1 Ciinot.KTt:n j.Hi Watiu Maui tatter, 4" Kiny Stuare, CostctH Road, London. flMIIfl certifies that ttio nr- omj'nnyinB W'atch No. X Hi I t, is wurmntfil y nif to hp uf my Miuiufitcturc, ) nml no Wnlidi with my rminc upuu it, in jrtnuiiu. un locri uouuiiitunied by a t-'crlilicute, bearing my iina-1 liiri. ; I Ruart.ntetw.the Wntr-h ltti. 14713 to keep time to tlit? cAtiMfHt tion of th? purrha'rr. W. 1IXUX. Tlu' Wu tchc. hv a bieh ref-atntlon in Kurnpp wid .Anjcrica ai iupriur time pi peer. Itnptirted tid turKcitPtiy I'ALilhH A. KAMHV. 1 Kuloih, Ni.v. 15th, lSjJ 48 metbopoli"t1T1iTtel BROADWAY, NKW V0RK. The Metropolitan will he completed, nnd opened for the reception of Company, September First. Price of Buurd Two Pollnrsper dnT., . SIMEON LELAND TO,, I'roprirtort 3S tf. EXTRACTS. P . F. P E SCUD U AflaTrsT UKCKIVEP A St l'PLY OF EX TR.("IS forihe Mndkerchief and for flafour. tut! l'int, Custurde., l'uddings, t5:o., greatly tuperior to nny heretofore oflVred in thin market.'; consisting, in part, of the following, til. Vpptr Ten. hi. Ihtttjnct, Sen- Hffttcn Hay, Honey $ttrkle, JoektCtub, Street VUivfr, Jfrhotrope, Vitronelltt Rote, Tea Rote, Mntnatia, Verhenn, Vlematis, (itranium. Ifedyotmin, Violet, J'atchoultt, 'J'rarie Flotcrt nd Farina Co logne, Extrocfn Lemon, flitter Almond, Vtaeh Cele rtj; a mo rrenli Gelatine, L'vm. Starch and Bermuda Arrow Root, Jc. Mnrrh 22. . 13- JT. J. II I11G 8 & C O., a KB now receivintT a.ther fitpply of Clnihf, i V Latm. ami Vertingn of th lt lyW. Alto (vm more of thora fin Jl . BLACK 7)fiTZSS If ATS, made by ttyhtfimt of PliiUdflfdiia, toother with a frfh trnpplv of White Linen L'o and -Pant. White Martu'illes eU, Act., .with a goueral aitfirtu,ent of furnishing Ron. In, nuited Tor the Hinumor trade. Call at X. U, FiHjttUeUU Street. k Rn-leigh, May I(h, IH53. S2 " ' Mute of Mol lis 'nrolluuv -fcAXDOIIt'ttJtSXjI- " Superior Court of Late. Fall Term, 1853. v.. Ldla lluasy v$. Jease HusRey. " Petition for Alimony. ITnppenrlng to th nut faction of the court that the defendant Jease Husaey la a non-resident of tin State: It is ths re fore ordered that publica tion be made In the" North Carolina Star and Oreena Uoro' Patriot for ix successive weeka, notifying said non resident to appear at tha next Term of our rtiperior Court of Iaw to b beM for tha coon ty of Randolph at the Court Hauat inAsheboro', on tha fourth Monday of fitoptamber next, and plead, annwer or demur ta said Petition, or the aawia will be taken pro coufeaeo, ami hwd axparte to aim. " Wituaaa, Wm. Murdoch, Clerk ofonraatd Court at office, this 11th day of Aagnat, A. 1. iHnJ). - WM. MURDOCH, C. S, V. (Vr. avdv. 6 W.)" 81et. I)ERFUMERY.--A large and varied ainrtment of Boaps, Extracts for th Handkerchief, Po matum, HnirOifoi, Hair, Teeth, and Nail Jlmsltee Tol'et Rattles, Vowder Putts and Boxea, in sture and lor aaie by - '. . , WILLIAMS HATWOOD. Jturt lT; 183. , ' Sir-tf. i7, PERFECT LUXURY. Tht Sal b Ward m i tui(laf Chttwtrv Tohaeen, at WILLUMd A UAYWOOL'ti i PALMEH 4 RAM8AT, UEALKKS IN nrrtD asd srr.rxii watches. All kinda ol Jewelry, of the Latest ft j lea, 8ILVE11 AND FL.VTKD WABE, CITLEBT, IWfumiT-y. Fumy Goods and C'Uxit. " i . TIIK Huhacrihers are aow reoeirinr their JiyV Full iiurctme, which i one of th most ex fiiStenaive ever offered for eale in the tStal. Consisting of ; , . . ..r( . wit Mold aad Slhtar WaU-bea, " ,i , Large collection of (?o)d Chains, Pfialt and Key. . A fine liifof Diamond Binga and Pintr Fashionable Karnnpa, Brei'tronii and Hines,"5 Ttracetrtu, Cuff Fine and Arniltta,. Very lare a"rrraent of Mold. Silver and Steel Hpcctacletj, Oolit and Silver Th4Me, UrrltJ aiyl Silver Ptrn-iln nnd Pen and Lwketn, fMeel Pi'ud and Key. ita'ir,Stn'paaiid PeuKoirea, PrF. Table, lKir( and ff ijMjoiiii, l.aiiie. Fork, and Hutur Knive. and Pickle Kairee anil Fork. ('antoia, raridb;ti'k, 3nnffcr and Trovi, Ilakft. W)(iltrf,.f.; 1'rn, 'rondile, C'Tfl' and t':ir'l--'-afC'', Prt'utnt?ry and Fanpy ilrv All kin-io of WAtciied, Jowetry and Clot.ka repaired our uu uiiiiiniT. li ileigb (X tobcr, 4t I "i2. MU't.S, MKI)illM, OILS, Ac. i BV recent arrivals, tbe subscriber baa rrceiveil the largest anl most desirable i.toek of. Medlrliicn. Paints, oil. Perfumery, Hruhliea, (llasxrl are ; Varnishes, Cigars, Soam. Tobnrco and KANCY ARTICLES, vl'liichtieslins ever offered lo the public, bought on the most favorable terms ofltnportcrs and .Man ufactures, and which will I disponed of at prices and upon tcrnia to please UTJ-iiieuds and.thc pub lo. . ltd. a list ofa few nrtiolcs lately received, ?iz : ijOO gallons Lmiced Oil. JiO-r Lump Oil Summer and Winter. HUO " Tiinncrs Oil. Mh Hosin Oil. tJiKto ll.s. iJhiketf fire Proof Paint. Ii'.") Kefia Wliit.- Lend No. 1. uud Pure. 1 Cik ptK.Mi r.ntwn. 0 " Silvers miin-r;.! Paint. ri Vurnibh, A-M.rtvd Kind. 10 14 HpiriH Turpentine. 10 Piurnin Fluid. '2 , I'ure (.'iistur t.il. 500 lbs Sup Curb, Soda. Mlng'Uh.) 6 ISotes Yent Powder-. fitt.-tMK) t'ijfftrs very Superior and Medium. 1 IU.1. 1.1 ua St'rtie. 1 Hox llahhittfl t'elerated Soap Powder. '2 pruss (.'("ulcv, iisKorted. 75 oimccM ijuiiiiitc, 10 llij. Calomel. 12 dox. If a nip ton's Tinctures. 40 " tiiim Arabic. I 'i'Mbs. Crniu Tartar. ,'00 ' white ud hniwn 'ilue. Ill iloz. Averr-I'lierry Pct'ti-ral. t; N i-tur's 1!;.Im.iii "f W il 1 Cherry, ti llutlrtnd'a -ifriuan liitUr. AO " Hnrmipiirilla: HulU, Sand and Pelletiera. Ill ' Low', old drown windcor Son p. 100 Brushes: Hair, Toutli, Cloth nnd Paint. 0 Jla-tinpi' Hvrup of Niiptha. 100 " liosi'H window ploss from rxl0 to 1 8x -1 . fiiW) lbs. very superior PuUy. liO cafes Apnthectiries t.hifwnn. A very lare nortTnent of Perfumrry, Svi ine-, Cat he t ri!. Uoupies, Surgical and I'eutal I n-1 1 u nients, Kiliiug Tuekel, Patent Mcdiciuefi, Fruit nod Oiiin Urop, Wiiie, French P.ruTnly, L'oid'Ht Purler. Freh t'lixet. Spice."-, Cu'kiii Ettraets, (irlatlne, TriL-yef, Itntet", nnd Support rri, Vertni fujjeH, Powder Piifl'1, Mat,he and Thorn psotiinn Medicine-, I,nni;.s utul u.auy other urticleo too lediuua to mention. P. FRANCISCO ri:si CI) Wlo'le-vdie and KlIuiI 1 nijri st Raleigh, Nov. l , Hso'2. 47 ALU' HOOK H ! iii i;ni:i,b ox execi ions; EI0 A Treati&t on the Law of I'lmitors and A;lmiimtrulors IN N0KT1I CAROLINA, Ily Juhicm redo II. T Y. object of this work has been to exliibU the law, JL ks it now ntandtiln Nortti Curolliia, in rebmioo to tii matters of which it treatn. It emlraees, tlicrcfore, ; tbe English doctrine, far as they are recognised in our own Htata.as vt at in nets of Aeih'bly and the deeifin of our own Court, on the subieet of ll', erN'Mrt it nd Adinittittroti'im It is Lhouht it way prove useful, not only to mcmberx of the legal pnifvnioii, but nl., to others, who are so frequently eiilicd upon to mi- i Jcrtake th indiswiibh impor-ant and re?pousible j trudts of Exeeutorv and A'lmtnUtrutors. For -Sale by i w. L. pomi:koy. Raleigh, LHh April, 1S62 17 tf. O.aE TIIOI Si0 PJ4KO FOR I LSI! CpwYanU ol l,XK) IManoN Hold, A XV XEY Eli SOLD All AD OXE. k LWAY8 having bid tbe Soi. Aukxvy of the Pi ano Fortes of ST0DART and 1) U.N II AM in Vir ginia anil North Carolina, together with tlie uufmraf teiett number we buvesobl to all part of the South, en. able us to a.-sert with truth and eonlidenee. from no long and welt tried experience, that they are Ui.i.urpaKed Iu Tone and IIiiUh, emhraeing In tbe same Piano a most MELLOW AX I) BOFT at well as a nio.-t POWER Ft' I AM) StrERli TO.SK. We keepalwsysoaJuiiul, fcUraaad varied Stock i per instrumental, U seenre the same adontajr a tine and beautilul tone, as ia a Piano of greater value. A large nuniburol the Piano Fortes we now lell are left entirely to our own fust and Mthetitm, by purchas ers who are so lituated as to ba present tlietnielres; and an it alwnys devolves mm more renpomibiiity up on us, nil sneh mnyh nniured that with all AT'i'KN TION.CALTION and PROM PTNK8H to their orders, tbey shall have a P. ano at mwi'hji the Northern pr e (aa have been often tested) and an instruueut from the boat maker in tbe world; (i U A R A N J I E D , and allowed to be rentmed, If not suited in every par tieular aecordiifff to tbeir description. " fi. P. NASH, Rook an 1 PUno Forte Dealer, Petersburi, Va. IS M.W FOR TUB PHtlTISSTAST CLKHCV, frtctls V it bout Charily. Tliroloy Wlljionl Hu mauily, and Protestantism Wilheut CHRISTl ASitTTr With nofi by iheHdifor n fS Literature qf Char" ily. Population, l'anyp.rin lMUical Ecm btg, ami Pi-olatanlitm,. f i ; ; rilHE great question tbo Hoolt diseassts is. y whntherth Church f this is what tlie primitive Church was, and whether Christians both pastor ami people are doing their dntj. Our author believes not, and, to nur mind, he has mailwout a strong eat. He thinks there is abun dant room fnr reform at the present lime, and that it is needed almost as much a in ths days of Luther, For sale by ' : . , n. 0. TtjnNKR, ' ' " . If. C. llook Store. Ralelgb, March, '858. ' -. 15 AU.MV Doclrine of Eqtilly. Svami SJkim, tcitk Anaritm A'ofu.' Srs.'CO- fWVv:." )Ma.t-;"-,-.-'',v- -'.,:.. rrillE Doetrin of Ennily ! being a Commentary I on h l Lnw as administeretl by th Court f Chineery. Ily Jeii Adams, Jr., E.. With eo pious Note nnd References to American Cases, by Jam R, Lid now and Jans M. Counts, sqrs. . For Hal, at th ' ' N. C. BOOK STORE. Kalelgh, JUkIi ISZ3. IS .,,.,,. ,,..,., ,,., . lueucnn materia niauica, poii)tiug out the virtue : lowinit pnrrnnwrsn.il aiway.nnu ssarj.y in. Di,ir, mc. in ey RnJ ,,,, of Jedicin .lttntfc A10 ,ie ,,., Fac! i.. " ... - V '.j .t l i. . v ' 1 tu. iy aittmes Hiwcil, physician m n sKhinirtun. tiurns, ! tbe outward tinwh, enables thos who wish to buy i . , . i u , ' . .. K. ! 1 -.J ' .t . . .T fotmerlv of savannah. The Tenth Lditlon. rvi-Pil i The I i I IiniC IS VOl It HEMI DVI IIOLLOWAV'8 OINTMElfT, A MOST MIKAUCLOU8 Cl KECiF DAO LEO 8 AFTER 43 VEAU S Kt'FFEHlNO. Xztratt f m Ittter Mrt Wm. Calpi o-70 ' 3 - . Sir-At the ef gt my wife (wha f now 61) eanjrht a violent eoM, wht. h ttlfd in her Ik, and ?er ainee that time they have been mora or Ifnaanrc, ' and greutly influiiK-d, Hr uyoniea were diftratinc. aad fat tuontlo tojfeiber ha nu 'Jpprivcd entirely vf r rest and uletp. Erory remedy that medical men ad ! vived, waa tried hut without eflccthi-r health auftVred aererety, and tire nte of herlerii was UrriMe. ! had , ofti'n read your advirurtttvatt-( and (wlvificd her to trr your Pill nod Ointment: and, a a lim roeonrtr, after evtry other rituttnly had pro .! ncrM, he eon- ! p- nted to tl o. (he eitutaeard six wii'kaao, and i Binmoto relate Is now in ittxi heulih. Her ksartt ; p:iinltjj,' Vfilhout pdajiM r rnr, nnd bfrlfikimoiiiid ' and unditurlu-d. Could vou hnv- witiu'."Hvd tin? iiinVr- ini;a of uy wilV during the laft forty yvara, and con tract them with ln-r prpsnt enjoynu-nt of hexlth, yvu would iodeed fetd dflijfhted in lifivinjf ,vtn the menna ' f eo greatly alluv.&uug tbu fcaiFeriwi of a fellow creature. (Signed) WILUAM tlALPlX. A Pi:U?'NT0 VE:VRSOF A(.K fTR Kl OF X-KAV ; . LKflf OF 30 YKAKSHTANMNO. - , Copy of a Let iff from Mr. W AM, fi'ttl 'er o Oat (fa'rtia of lttihttijf'tt tuir JiudiUriJiUd da- trd V,y 31, 1S1. To Pri'feiir ll'U.l.oUAV : - J Sir I rtunVrod tor ft period of thirty jreara.f rout a bod U'ti, the remit uf two or three 4itli-rent aociiTtuU at the Work, aceiiui:uiie-.l by ?e.rbn(ic fyinptum.. 1 bad n-roime to n variety of inedicnl i.dviee.rrHiout tK-rivinn any benciit, nml wm even totfl that, the log iimt in,' a!U'iitnii'd, yet, in opposition to thut opihioti, 7 your Pill and Ointment have effected a completecnre j in co yliort a time, that tew why hnd not witnessed it j would errdit tbt- favt. . ) (SiRiu-d) WILLIAM ABB?. 1 The trutli of thin utiite-meiit can be rrrilu'd by ilr. W. ' P. Ku)jiiI, Cheiuint. Kt Market eUcvt, Ilmidor.flcld. A DRKADFCL BAI RKKAST CURED IX ONE .MONTH. Frfraet c, To Pr-IVs lear Sil ui re tli.'in f a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of ' i ?t, Kent, dated JJecetnltr lUA, I860. i My wife hud suffered from had br.'aftii -i nmi.tti', and lurine Ihe whole period had ih- b.-st m in bt fi re b ;-H bv you -iictil iiitrndanee, but ail ttf no use. llav. biall mi hit tul wound rn.e my min r unrivalled im-dieine, 1 detertnined atrain to unc your I'iIU ftud Ointmt-iit, rh1 llieretore jjave tiiL-m a Initl in ln;r etiwj : and lortuiiato "it wan I did so, t'ir in k'l. than n uiontli a. perfect rum wn effected, and tin benefit that vavion.1 otht;r branvheauf uij'tiiiii ily ha. dtrivcit ficm tlioir uae, ii renlly nalonbhing. i n -w tr..ri.''y recommend them to alt my-friends. fSi-iir.n FKKIEK1( K Tl'lt.N'FH. The PiiU tbobtJ be uned eonjoii.tly'with the Oint ment in in ii of tbefoUowinf et.ie : " Ibid Li ir-, U.i'l Irtaiu, lJurn, lliiuioi)-. Hite of Mon iUito3 ulS't eund llicd, I '! liay, t.bu o-loot, t'hil-bl.iin-. ( 'i.ipj-.'ti lutjj.l.-.C. rn '..ft ) .jroutractcd nnd Stiff .b.iuu, Klcplidiitm-i, Fi1u!iis,Thmt tJlaudil b.r Sw. Hint's Luiul-.io, Pile-, UheiimuUntn, Svulds, S uv N ; p t . 1 - -. if 1'ltTMnt. Skin ilijo'imen. Scurvy, S..js. M.'ud, Tiitn..n. 1 leer-. W.,um!ii, Vawn. .dd bytl:e Propn.-iur. tit I SlmmU (nmr Temple H.h ', I. ti.....i, mil V; H!I ri--pfctabU vcndeof Pa i.Mit .Mfiu'iu-, tbr'iib'ut tbe il.iti.-h Empire, and by lhfc if tin- I nitid Statvi, io kiI: and Ixixes, at ecu. K eentM, ami $1 Mi t-!tch, W lioh-nale by the princip'il llrtm h-.ue in tlie t'tiion. nnd hv Mespr. A. Ii. A Ir hAMS, New V oik: and Mr. I. HORSEY, M Mm.K-n .Lane New York, i' M. Cohen A Co., wh.. Axenti. ChnrU-ion, S. C.'j S. U. k J. A. i.VANS, Wtlu.iiM!-,n N. C. F'.r iik- by 1. F Pr.Si" I I. ItAl.LMH. Tii i'1 is wry th-i Wr-ibit.- saving iu Hiking the lrtr ;T .iic. N. II. Iirt cti-ms for the guidunee of patientu ate iiihja.-dt.. ea.i p'.lt.r b-.. U-ly. PAPEli WAHE HOU&D. C yrus t VH'UX &- Vi COMMISSION M L Ii t' U A N T S , A I t (7 ,Jj .S'nrt, m;w toith. Arc Sole Agett-ta in the I ultcd Mtate FOR .u prat s Siit.r ri'-r Plea diin P-nvdi r. Victoria Mi!h 1'b'lirntcd i ililiff Papers.. Superior " Rue.11 'ee " " Printing " ri!t A S-.ii.. Enr!i-h Tiryuo ' -Ra Fir-t . lity French I'ltramiirine. Tbe y are ;tli A;f nis fr 'he prineipul Pajier Mann, faetnrers in th' c-itry, and oifcr b.r Sale by far tbo mont xtcn.'ivc and di-irable tock of Pater and Pnpf-r Matiuracturer's Miifcrluls that can be found in thi or any tlur country. Tbey ci.y the Inrenoil eommodiou Wari'housep, No. 11 Clifl" Street, No. L'tiff Street No. Ir 1 Christo pher Street, and the Lofts over the large Iron B tores, 7 nnd . litTStreet. Their buHiu :-., is str'n tly wholesale, per?1 ,rei-d).l hy the Case only; nd Writing Ta Their extraordinary facilities enable them to offer: all t.oods both r, and Iomctstie, at the lowest pOT?ifible prices. Paper made ndvaaces mad o order, any size or weight. Lihernl on eon-iffnmentf of Paper, Paper Ma ker's stock aud other muhaadixe.-.J. The highest murket pruc paid in cash for all kinds of Rags. 14 tifSi. fllJIE Medical Companion, or Family Physician, 1 Trcntinj; of the btpensen of the United Stat, i with their symptoms, cauttes, cure and means of j prevention ; common cases in Surgwy, as fractures ; diblocntioriflito.; the Management and Diseases of ; Women nnd Children. A Dispensatory for prepare . inp Family Medicines and a Glossary, explaining : technical terms To which are added, a brief An- , alopy and Phyioloey of th Human Rody ? show ir. on rational principles, th cause and cu of Diseases : an kLv .n Uim. h. Zl . off nerving Ifealth without the aid of Medicine: an A- etilarired, and Try considerably Improved; emlira- tini a Treatise on Hydropathy. Uomoenathr. and ttta vnromothcrnmi rystem. For fale by - II. D. TCRNER. N. C. Book Store, Raleigh, Sot" 80th, 1&52. rilFTE Encyclopedia of Chemistry, Prnctical and X Theoretical ; embracing its Application to th ai-m, iieiaiiurgy, .uneraiogy, tjieolopy. Medicine, and Pharmacy. Ily Jam.C. Booth, Mdtar aad tXJnTJt S.1? Profesr of Apnl ed rhera.stry m the Frankha Institute, io aaslstad 1 by Chsmpbell Morfit, author of "A Trea- tue on Innnintt. e. Complete in one Volume, roy- al octavo, flS pS. with numerous wooileiits and other illustrfoha, 8tl edirlon, ' full bound Fob Bsleby - , 1' 4 n d. ttrser. N. C. Book Store, Balcigh No. liOtb, Itj'ii NORTH CAKOLIXA ; .llutaal Life lUxuranre Company nririrK mnrirn x r mm, Jr " . ' . -; ' .l rra. uHV. wZr,' -I. I1i. n4 .1 V uu S'.v frTed f r . , l" I' W Ur.ed totm of UM U S' f tat ds their vulue. .. .. omnia. . 'Dr. Clias. E. Johnson, President, " Vt'tt, ftititywoTg. Vie. Resident, " James V. Jordnn, Secretary, - Wr H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Bushee, Attorney, - Dr. Wm. H. McKce, Examining Phjiieian. ' " J. Hcrsman, Oeneml Agent.' ' All inases are paid within HI day. after sstiifae tory proof Is presented. Blanks and- PntnphleU. showing the plan of ope- i ration of the Company, may ba had on application ' mi rue ssnioe, or any ol m Agencies. All letter. on4niithesrshBtt1'l he sddre srd to J.IWE3 F. JOKDAN, ' April 28, 1831.,.. , ; . 19 tf. . ' , . . - - .- . If rfumrrj. TUST RECEIVED Hi. real Imported articles of Co Ba Watm. Extracts ISoap ; also Hair, Tooth and Shaving Unuliea, fur pile by , , PALMER 4 RAMSAt. , Kal.ii'h, Oct. 2JIU j3. 41 tf, TO TIJK 11 JILICI V3fc CO f the luveafirk, naaa arlaren am4 PntprieUpra of the juttly teb bratvd R. R. H. Remedtetv were the rt to discover a Remedy poanaaing the Marvt.lou and Wiraculotu Power of atopping the ttoat Excruciating Paint (a an Instant, allaying tbe wont Cramttt and PpUii either internal tvr eaLarnal 1 av fcW miuutea. and toothing the mwt aerera paroiytau of Hhtuinalt'm, V.uralia, and Tic Dolorena, aa too " 'n'l,C,L The ,l' R' " IUmedwi eoM,,tJ rf lhrf Bvaiedlef, each po-neiig qnkk and o4frfol powers orer certain coMfdalnU and ui. and will InaJaatly RKMKVR The tinman tfttttm fn,m Paitt. UFtiCLATE AtirA Ory.im torn Utaltkg AUmiu UKStU.VE Jwrv hitratrd fojumt. KFaNOVATE Tht My from alt Currnpt Humor; UK1H 1I.U The H tai and lirvh frown Cm. tuf tn. RESTORE To Jl-alth, Strength mud Ttyer alt LHtovud tNif w-ra ewf jntrtt. W. R. H.-No. 1. ItADWAY'S itEAUY RELIEF. Vor nil Ari.le. Couinlointis l.NTKKXAl. AN!) KXTEKNAl. Tbe uioiuent it it applied rxu-rnaltj or taken int the tyttt-m, it will atop the niott escrucisting pain aad Quickly remove its eotiM?. . Klltl.MATIM. . ' Br. Granger, a mason writ kaown in Brooklyn, wa a cripple for niue rrura, Htidwar'a Head Kelief, Re lievi'd him from Tain In fifteitn minutes, enabled him I to walk two toilet nilhout the nid of ttiek or ernteh la three day, and cured him entirety in one week 'Thnu0ftndf of other rases equally as wonderful aa the above, have been cured by K. K. Relief. CHOLERA MOKnUt. Kadway'fj Ready Keliefwill relivre the irafferer front all pain in litteen or twenty niinutca. it will cur t most defpeiate caeeiiiu a b w hour. ' KEUKALUIA. The mi. in oat 11. H. Utlicf ! applied, it allayi tba ,ui08t painful Paroxvtonn. It will alwaya cure. SICK HEAD ACHK. It will relieve the moit diftretaing palna u flfteta niiuutea. It will liltenii-e prevent renewed attacks. AGUE. In tea minntea a tea gpoonful of R. R. Relief will ctop the Chills and break the Ferer. R R R J?o 9 lUDWAY'S KENOVATINu" RESOLVENT, Itewlves, Henovatrn, licbuildt, IT CPU Ed Sernfula, : Tumors, Bleeding of tha hvphills, , Conmmptiun. Fores, Rickets, Asthnnt, - Kndea, - Itrorii Inns, F Tor Sores. Ulcers. LVTTtTpelas, l.ungs. Pi. YituiBaoce. Canker. Raeh, Tetters, Knit Ulieutn Tbe nhore eighteen complaints R. R. Rcsolrent will po.itivwly cure. Pertomti wihii); this Remedy will please ask for Railway's Renomting Rcsolrent. Its price It On I'idlar "-r tirttle. No ttnt.ll bottles. cor ia the genuia i ver nob) for less. Each bottle bears the fae sia.il i-natuie of UADW AY CO, 102 Fulton-street. New-York, R. R. It. No . IIADWAY'S KEOULATOUS, KKUCI.A1KS TO A 1IKALT11Y ACT 10 St All the OrtjauH and Secret ioM of the Jiodjf, RcVinn-a to Health nnd Stsenjfth, ' THE MSEASE1J AND WORN OUT PARTS. C0M1LAINTS THAT ItADWAY'S UEGI'LAIORS KNT1E1LT CL'RE. ..&! ti veneris, .Indi.zetion, DyKpt psia, Uropy, Lirer Complaint, Heart t Kidney - Ttladder . I re tba " DOSES." UNK TO THUKK ItF.lIt LATE8. rot n to six i'I'kurs. One Regulator at 'i'ht, ongoing to bed, will enstir ho: ml sle. p, a iod Nijlit'e Itcst, and a Healthy aad 1'b-iiant li'r4mrire fr-m the Ho wets in the morning. 11 intra if' llegutnti'ra. Heady Relief, Renovating Hctdrtnf, are old by JhvrftplsU ercrtfichert. N. B. IVriotiis troubled with Melancholy Depression of Spirits, nnd every bo-ly who feels theuitelresill-need by lilt-moid vrilhuiit any just cause on their parts, irhotild lake a lew duces of K. R. Regulators. More unbappiiHri" in concd nilbin us from the want of a healthy and rtuliir notion ot our organs, than froaa any fernal e:ioe. Wc promise all who take Had way's IteKobiiorK. n regular action of the organs, and aebatr ful and hiipl'V di!-piition. I RADWAT A CO., Auu-t Ho:tjV-lv. IH'- FultoB-strwl. Sold by P. F. PcMtud, KuK i-h, J. S. Lucas, Chapel Hiii. AN API'EAit TO PEOPLE OP GOOD , , , . REBiSK.. rpilE OraefenberR Company.' Standard Mcdielaelf X are the moat reliable medicines that bare ever beta bef ore the pub! ie It in superfluous to enter into a tedieaa detail of their virtues, as the Medicines are all warrant ed to cure what they are prepared for, aad hare btea thoroughly tested. Urne.eiiberjr Yep. PiUr, considered th Staaaarsj Pill uf the day for Forers in general. Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, common and sick head-ache, Prie aticent. t.raefenberg Fever and Ague Pills, a speedy and pee itlve enre for tbia distressing complaint elegantly pat m. In Vtitta lt...B. Pri ftl hr tin j Oraefenberg Health Bilters, skilfully and eleifaatly ' prepared from a number of purifying, iavlBratingSaai healing Roots, Barks, Herbs and Vines, Prie 84 seat I I,cr Paekage. 1 Dysentery. Syrrnp, a certain and immediate enre for D.nt,rJ. I-rrhie, Chdeia-morbttj, AsiaU Cholera, ! r,J ie,,,u f "o"' ii t v . - i T,l J,wfc" 7 TS"8?P"",a- w'Bs52i Bottl .qual ta Tea of tardi..? SarsaiNxrilla. Priaw j The Honntala Oiiitmrnt. invaluable lath fbl. diseases, vis. Ulnndular Swrllinrs. Am la Ih Swelled Br.sts. Felon, Hingworm, Scald licad. flmises.ae.. rnc 2b centa per Jsox. Oraerenbera- Ey. rmtloa.for IilaeaMa of th Cvw. : Ti" Lotion haa no enal, Prie. li eewts par Bula. i n ?il'l"i,' p '.?" Complain! ana raost diseases to which ebildrear ar subiesu If mother shoold be withoat it. Prie 60 cent per bottle, Libbv's File Ointment, warranted a earl! cur Prie 91 pf Bottle. : Cooiumptives Balm, Sovereign In all Broaeblal aa4 Pnlmoaary diseases. Fall Directions accompany fN)a Bottle. Prie per Bottl. . - Marshall's Uterine Cathollcon aa fafalllbl real dv for alt diseases of th Womb, and Uriaarv Oraaaa ? ,v7 . iZ v.m h ..h'S a -o. Mam, ! Book, which shonld b. in th.hand. of .T.ryparsaa waa " j bat any regard for Health. Prie tl eenta. j Persona In punhasinirth bov Mllelni, shovld Rlwavt nimin, far tha Heal of th. toaisnnawL 1 ous imitations have been rotten uphy nnprineipl.4 psr. tons, who do not put the heal to evade tha law of aoaa. lerfeitins;. All application for th above Medicine la. North Caroline, shoold he addressed ts DR. WM. H, NKWBV, iUleiirh, N. C, Pott Paid, h. Is propric tor aad general agent for the Bute of Korla Caroline. " " ' " ' ' ' ' MANUFACTl'RIJiQ ESTABLISHMENT. T0SEPH WOtTKUINO (for number .fyean J twrnan in the KalciKh Gaaton Uiliiod Blacksmith Shop,) respectfully aaaounc to U ' of Raleigh and th. nrrxmnding Couabe. : that a. i. prepared t. manufaotur. . J? Lotkt J til daehptwtuGnu mnd PuMtCirrmft Sirin;i Mill Work Brut Cmumgi. . And, in short, any thing in Machine and Slack ami tk TVorkt i He i also prepared to xecuU j, r : ' , r HKLI. HAN0INO J at the shortest notice. Also, ha band aa sir assortment of Lock of all kinda, at arloef from 10 oents to 20 dollars; Edg vols, aa aaswt. ment of . Air, ln-awing-knives, . .tenets; Haas mere. Files of various deaeripUoM . ad a aambar ft All orders fltithfrtllT executed at th lowest priae, I and new work entrusted to his core will b wsrrat d. 0rd?rt frora k distance Will be attended to hd esecttcd at th eliortest notice. Hi Establlseamt will be found at the Ralcigk Rail Road Depot. , ' ' Repnlring in hie line performed with neatness sad despatch. Also, a general assortment of (is as sad Pistol. onstaut!y on Uand. . JOSEPH WOLTEHWO. " Haleigh, March, 149. - v--- 14 tf. "? P. S. U KiuMakmmt Au Uat r "we.! Uftf Mlfilh Sirtrt, tilrigi, -K. C, Ealcigh, Sept. 1st. 1600, t ;

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