- r ' 1 : -- . . , i - i T,1 I ..I i i i i . n , : - ... : m. -. - i V-3!ort(QraIina' Itay; ItraUeBU WltKLr BT '; WILLIAM C. DOTJB, imtou axa raorxirro. - U paid strictly la edvaaer, two Milan per aa I xwe dollars aad (ft pasts. If jtaid withta aix Kataa; aad tare dollar at the tad f the ' Jr. ' :- - ' MBrKHTTSEWKXTS not untwine tlxteea Uae arill aa htterted oa liat fir aw dollar, aad twntyfiv mu fat -jack ekteqoeat Insertion, Tkoac'ef greater Irakis will h chare od pMjxir tiaealty. ' CoOt Order and Judicial advertisements will k aaarreu ii per neat, togker than U aev rate. A masoaable dedactiua will l mad to tke wk advertise by tb yef . , : Bank and lob Trintieg don with ncatnett xnd despatch, and aa accommodating terms. '.. VxT Latter to tka Editor matt he post.paid. KXICKntBOCKERIAS.., Little Ben, four year bid. is the bill; child bf faTt. T , a wpfl known Boston ship-master. The Cantaia recently arrived from India; and one evening, aojn after hu arrival, it Jiapponcdl that the Wliig of the town were celeuintmjr the aaeent vietorj nf their Jirty in Matuaohuscttf, in tk,UMiil way, with aajmun rockets io. Cupt. T went down into the ritntge " to t ietbe fun," laviii-r little Ben at the w indow with liitim-ithcr, watchinx the n ket. ,-Siion after hiaViUier'a departure, the boy bacame auddvnly very V'Hytia, and aaid: ' " Mother, I ni afrntd." ' Jffi " Afraid of wliatT" enmiired hia rontrier. ?-Whjr,'! he-replied, 'Iamafrniatho KUne wiH lllttttt " Yooaj Ainoriea ' Bit jet inducted into trowa- era. ! aaid one day rwcutly, ki hia iathet;,,!.; uwt a..pru jeuV jiueinlie&--njut -" Fjtlier. eomo and get me thia npple." but a thing done ; or all hut dune." inerw owiht wtfizii oi cuinpinmre ug young . "lather why don't you at art? I alwaya atart f hen yon tell mc: K nowtnf that you nave an especial rondnesa fat tba oriirnalitiea and ootniealities of children. I atad yo" thia little incident for your " Table." It atrui k m aa one of th moat uniiti aiiilana tiona of elovtrieal phenomena I hl ever heard. A Knle girl, the idol of friend of onra, waa ait ti4 by ta window one evwniag, during violent ' thuudornitorut,, aptiareully airiviiin to grapple aome pronoaitioii tooatroni; fin her ohildiait mind; PreMiitly, however, amilo of triumjih lit up her rearwTOK, aa an exuiaimea: - - . "Oh 1 1 kaw what maksa th lightning: it'a CiihI tijhUnj kU lamp aui Homing lk uuUcliet ' 'ffnH It ft. f ' Liirhting th utmua of TTenven to " ahine liv down through the "awful void!" . . . A tmy-waa giiing along the atreet Carrying a pitcher of milk, when preaenttv h atuinhlod, whea waaak went th niti'bi-r, and away ran the milk. Another boy, acrou the way, aa'w the ar- . ciuent. ana auoutca ; "Oli! wont you ratr'a It when you go home? -yiMir mother "II give it hj vott." -.: Z. Ao. jJi:w.jnl tteUhef trf eiMie4rihe other my mother alwaya aaya; Never cry, for apillod milk!" ' ' . A-lmly friendef mlnwa,afwveningagot entertaining ottr little one with Mime raiicr tale. a bright jollr boy of alh.ut four yctr old, with a apeuial fiinifneM for picture and- atorioa, and a re lining aenmi, aueh aaonlv children have. paaaionate glee be liatenel to the end, when he andilealy liroke torthr . J' Motlierwaa I horn'tlion?" " ?Mfc:mv dear! Jt " -"-WeUrf wiah Hwd had niwie-m uiokeivo4 might bar bean there !" " -i . " I have a little thro year oUl " girl, it awua ing a creature aa; one need wih to wo ; a great mimic ef vert Vidy, and capfe'lalty of me, Ikh in th act of ahaving. At aueh ttineV: Mt f u r all nirely lathered, abe invariably oumea up tn me ani exemima: j - , Kiaf ma! kin aar- -- '" .- " imiUiiuna 1 make Uuratteaipi, hut the little imp antcua away KUa a ooialofoua lutgh, whicb lairrr mitet the nouw ring. I he other day, jaat aflarahaHng my appsrbp, lwavitig, a Ikuij wont, the real of. mg ulna in a 'at-tle of Daturel' 1 mid to her, pointing to the wih margin ot wHmarrw w lin n arioma in T isirr; . Minnie, what are theeef" ' " She kiokeit at me for a few aeraml without aaying a ainle word, hut at lcngth,withjho greateal aoriouancaa, anaw ercl : Why, they are ' avj)ng,Jpar' ' 'T l'Rl x'cK A I. lit IJT. Tb diatatiafactlon amung .TUiaXiig.'Uah iMSuplc oa aoeoani in rrinre Ainen a aiiejej. iiiI:1hitkc with rhlUNWl'aff lira aeettra to ra- quite general . and iLwida L Tlin baabaii l of the Ujieoa ia m''.-i- ly an ornamental a.vn l.ic to tlie govarnmeat, and kaa no mora authority in conevrna of a:a e - than th fcamnej of hia wilVa dreaa. The aphere .of hia oparatiiiaa ia .entirely domeatie, and be yond the d):ipliiic,of hiauwacUildrea, in wbit b, by the way, I'rin.-e Alliert ia aa.id to preacnt a m-intd oftrentiT )verninent, he haa no aort ol rMatrat ewer any aatijeef'df Oreit Britain. From Priaea Alliert' previoua eoara e narked by delirney, gwxl aeuee,. auuad judgment and .. rigid, ilMtineni-a from eivry uei.'ie ui iutcrmed-. dling with ditieal aff iira, we bad aot auppoeed tlwM there ..waa tka alightaat gnmad for recent complaint of aa Improper aa of hia iiiBuentw - la'Ma'ard aa aba taa wiMatHia, Bat aenwd lirg th latnat aeeouuta, there aeema ta be vert gravaabam'aafawtiim wiia th IVmce In anme of tk beat iti formed KnglUh eirrh a. Th intelli geat Ldia eorrep.widrwt of th National Intel bgeaoer give hia iiiiH.n that tli rumor ia a riobM aw which attrihetra the reaignation of Iwl IS'f t" d'fritt Inttrfaranna with the iailitical atlair of the country by Prince Alliert. lis nay this " as much ia sorrow a in.anger, " aa4 quotes tb folbiwing from a writer in die lily Srwa. Other paera bav alluded to the soma auljout in strung terms: .. "The iinpreMion,thesuiM i., the nersavmn, tba) apirehesoh or belief for it takes a great variety at fisrat, that th Prince Cmtaort haa re eatiy iroapaasnd Mian tba bound of sadiliral ( Win, from which be 1 prohilutrd by the eoaati taUoa and bi duty, 1 now an general that it is imp-iasible any bmger to c.wilnw it 'to enaveras. tic Oa where you will, Inns good or Ud sncj qng4 rich ir p.tr, Ui feeling or th baa T. amitni that it is tb rourt, anj not th reaponaild Mis 1 1 "v in vrown, who ar giving th impetus aad the tna as tb jrwiga policy of Englanil, la aaw a kipie nf onrvrsalion. riopl eaam get risj of aa ;ipre!ien.i that earthing is (ning vert wrong ia this tb bicheat quarter vi the fttai anaHdeaawia Hia Prince la giving way : earn ansae vt of posaaUnty, reseitmeal seems tn very likely to UVs p.ek,B of Ik publia mihd. 'Norkt It pdilieil afftir only that bis Rai lligtiawa la fceeaael of me,ldi'ng ia aad eaasria. la tam nay elan, bw K said to tat h aarfariagA and the SMsdala a tba llnra lluar ls r openly aid I dl asrild li biav- Il kl-oittt tim that notice should be Ukeo uf ""I aa swrwais. ' IM ISjts,' SMrcativ, m csavi aaai gnaa w aa ions a with the army would ba befa Miuiniueiw. Hit absence la frit t tba l m liaanU aw. " H"W t KtJnt a K ia Th e.it. nf tl .Wilminaia IM) Herald w ha appear sn knew all alsHit tb mailer, thus discourse almul kias , !', " iraeyoa mint I taller than the lady y isMswaj s I a. . 1 aa her ncht hand i your. aad draw ha aently to n. 4'a ymsrnwiarm over kr rifbi slHwtder. uglly da aaw ratck, umter her I. ft arm. and pre. a hey to ywssr ka. . At tb sane tiwt she will throw kef bead bark, and yaw aavaj Mailing to In Ul to kaaa lililw (4-ward afid prr yiaw Up Isj bera, aad tb tbiag i rf-m. Uaa iinak sa.ia wer fc), kf yam war firing of pr ut.i raps, trying th al't-enrks of a aasauavvfiglne, sior asi 4a apmi rt lik a bonery hawk a mimwnt dov. lil gmily fold t'l Jaal ia ywrr irwsr wrtfnait nVranglng it man,,, f b t)'ast iaJi, aad be a sweet pns.are ap aaMaji. rewt m Imssfuusas sMsaiaaa. wiikamt emtkuf j fcaetaiaa Woald aaar a avt d. . , rl HtwismaajwstmtlaiUwisJ tnat aubealy We, by jwu ffomwa, . . fc . . i . . .. VOLTTSTE TTT.TT- D IT ttott wniiTr nivnTtari mmwm w uaawrwii .i M't. . ..!. r r - ; . . I " ' , .1 a.MMM, vwwamia, . w juyamft i iU.UJfc.a i tf , XX.ttttUA&I l, 1331. ' i HUHBEB 5. - . ' 1 " 1 ' f . i rx?r w j.i i ' '.ii1 . ,1, I i . . . . A lm'r H'otl. Tll II .ml,irn) haa tha fcJl.wiiuj artirie apua th KelVift 4 Kr.a Kail Utd. Let imr' roatict. aiFtlier altaerra (lie iiiim-Mfl. aJvautna kiih tbia rad kaa rwifcrrel tifxixjew York, ajiply thrmw'.tr. in imt to tli trutio vi roada in Uieir own State. "-. . . UTUE SEW YOKE -AXDXaiE ItAlLKOAD. The fcct abiut tha Kri liallruad wuulU I Marllinp. if we had n .t liecn no often alnrtlrd Ly tfttint'uul eatinintea and rcjiurta that tlr miwt'a. Minding rtatcninita at thin; of eourae aronderful for an other antion, hut nothing tor ua. 1 euomer the nhaikiw of the l'ai ihe Raik road aclicuie itaeif, the annual report of the jTitaht.oiily about two or three nillea, deliver a Jlnilrimd cnnn.it hut innke a rertuin impnni.,n The Erie RoaeV-a mpMiaUe one of foot hundred and torty-Sre milea 4 only the "" p. reht trunk" of a mat tainifiontiou of roada. Seven tributary lirnnctieii five hundred una thirty-four mile in all ore even now complet ed. Five otlicrai-foiir hundred and fifty niilea have been contracted for and begun ; and yet another fire four hundred and aeventeen mik' are projected, and will be commenced, tonat of them liefore th-end ofthe next rear. In a year or two. therefore, til pliraeei' Krie Hail. AJadii'iU.eiaud is Uc.puljauu4Jorjj:ten m roau incyiiiinjF iiiw tiirtv- round auuiiif ttneliuudredmilliunaiifdollara. Thia Oakitlnlinn, Let ii ace what the road -and Ha hrxnehea int tpe roan: anil rt brtnenea j Word "from thrcK'ntmlsry of I rniironci condensation. The main, road one of the three channel that let th wealth of the (ireat Lake into New York harlmr; and tht Great Lakca receive into tlieir broad laps the wealth of a region targe enough for aa Empire and rich in reaoureoa, developed and undeveloped. It roaa through a " Jier" of countiea of oliwwt un eualled priHluctivenew, tnpa four canal', and toiichea 4ghty towna whie4 are groiaiag fant inanHiie. One branch tap- the - bead of the Ohio-river ( another tap Seneca Lakef another tupa (the word ia too Mpreaaivc not toe rcpeat eil) Lake fmtarin; another taps the coal and iron region oi i-ennavivania another the lumper diatriuta watered by the Alleghany, (jeneaeeaud another the lumber Snairoehaunnlr rrrcra.'- Within- three yearn, two : linca anven hundred anil fifty milea long hav ing the same " gnage " aa the Erie Road, will extend tn tho Mwwimippi, and the Erie will tap tho Father of Watora himaelf. .Went of tlie Miaaiaaipnt there are now not a liuiiilrcd miloauf railMad ; hut tho treuiendoua men of that coun try will, (they aiiyLliefore they are live yeara older, iiavc li ve joowand niilea i oieration t ami men uie t.nc lioad will tup tor rar neat. Hy that time, the aiiceeaao ior of lien. Pierce will be m tgiunecutly lupcuiug tht. RanMlTbxISai" tranciaco;and then the Erie lioad will tan the (ireat Pacific-tap China tap the East Indies tp Jhmh, '. iu lortt""tlie Kiitm lluuiiplre, We group together a few fwts n-npe. ting the pmticrty, bipiineaa, and eimatrui'tion of (he Erie ltailruad. Weight of the iron rails, 7tl,xktona imn spikes, l,7t) tons tt m.Uw of truck, ist ludingMJ.ilea of turn-out 5 mih-a i f bridge 15 arches over -chasms 35 atubles for the en- iaUJMdJMgtilllx prgfK7u" iceigm, anil ou atation houses whole Bum tier of 4mi4-lig, owned by tho company, i-td1.') mHtx-Htmt . aruou ane i locoinotivw,. loll, niul till more ordered telegraph the entire length of tho mad with 67 officers and i5 operator total receipts of the roa.1 for the-year ending Ovt.l.Jelbl,. S4, aa increase of a millioa over thune of last yeir il trains travrrae tho whole length of the mail daily annu.il cumber ot p.tseciigera, 012,- . -- -w-. ? - . . Tit, render tlie Eric It lilraail a work which the uliHj-en ewntemda e w ttvanmiw-S-rarivf ict im, only one thing mhre ia renttired, and that is a snvund track; Tno dirci tor are persuailcil of mu iiuporuuiee oi a uouiiie tracx, lutth to th .ife!j; of the. pawiengers and tlie business of the snad. Ah ut a niuner of the second track ia complct!, and the rest will I done as rapidly w tlie finances of the eoiniHiny will permit, lii 'ca Jill?, probalilv f ..iir triu?3 will be inailcnuu-e to tra iBioit liu) in ih iiUldc ipnntity of mer ebamlue whi.:h will tlie.i seek a in u ket in Suw ynr Tim dire tors a.y. at the cmr!ii-.ion nf tl.eir .-"- "-tim XvwA'-uA in4Ki. Kiiaridia-n rk of gie.iler in 'iiil.u e tii.m ,viy ltif;r.ti ! nutrii -:e I by pr v i!c eii'er.irVe in th'n coon rv. Jjjiaj. l ie,! i,-i,qeL.,ri ;ir..-'i the m.. ft.rnii ' n: u LMtiM.ii ooii.-uit:.. u wi'it as thofj arinini: fniiu the nature of tin- eouiitrv it waa nl.lip-d to traverse an I has t,v it- final n.l Miei e aful o in plethm, fully via loatwl 111, viesrf r it? projev. Aire, lit tr butarlm h ive uu othar uullet, and iliey and tli main trjiek ojq iuin dilfereiit re gions, having KreUly diver ified produ -ts il c eesaary interchange'of whicb will always form a large souro of revenue. It lie on tlie line of the greatest thorouhlarc of trade and travel on Uie couUuiuU. ul juu -slwr largely tUmvuv. It Finances are now established on a safe and firm basis, aud its revenue may be regarded as certain to prove tb investment a very profitable one. Im cost, rcrentie and expenses, already compare favorably with those of any of the great lines of railroad in th 1 nited States, and its pros. p;;t for the future are as prani.ing aa its warmest frwad eoukl hope for. . SDVFX BATTLE. Tli author at " Tlie Voyage ta India, " a Isle English work, deacrilie a ct.iuM which be mice witnessed ia the St rail of Malacca, between a shark and a turtle: "On day, while 'ylng at anchor and whistling Sir a braes. 'Uie Stewart rushed in with tb strange announcement that a shark and a turtle were engaged in a fight alongside. iAuubtfuland amated al so unusual and unequal a ermUt, we all raahd oa deck 1 and, there, sure enough, ws sw aa immense shark and a turtl of vemu-able antiquity, if one might judge by hia shut and j pmfinion of harnaelea and oilier tmraaires with 1 "liW h h ws oVviirated.""WltIiiHii rraiwct f.ar hia age and qaaker-tike kahita, th (hark mad furious charge al pour turtle, wbe apposed lb dangerous law! of th enemy with the full front ef bis back, oa which no impression could be mad. On en aerasioa tb turtl did ant turn sharply enough nbh cost him the greater part of one unlucky flipper. Indignant at tb perve sion of such aldermanie lianquet to the yoracioua aad discriminating piUt uf a shark, our skip per intervened wiih a harpiam, hut with ek ili-jwdged aim that it fell butt-end Hwraoat, in atnaa) of aat tb point whereupon, k nur disan n .uil moat, wmld gladly av phened him aflrr It. It, however, aaswered Ih purpfam id oaring away u siwrx ir a lew momenta, winch lb turtl atad tb must of to acuttl off to tb b .ttosa, when be wsa af from tb it lack of kw ret r sous admirer. fonnr Whil fi4d tb tale may bar been told f other prearhsra . diawmraing Im bis pulpit, a llw sulject of religious .drrslnm, suddenly balk ing bwitenwar-l, rriedi "Father Abraham !" aa k"l a be eamld bawl. The maigrersttnn were electrilrd. " fit keara-uia," says tha preacher, Father Ahrahaat, are there any high nr low ebunbmea ta heai-eoT" "Sol a, "he nwlinwrd, baiking down anost the people ' f uller Abra bam sn- ther are sa. Any Atmmisns nr Aainiaaaf Son. Mrthodiata? K.4eue. F t'wr A laatkasa. eon ansa as. A r there no fl aiais thwr! K m. ' I'liitariaasf Sua. Smly Ikwr are aaai f'alianifa r LetSarar in lleav--i? Sotbiagnf th kiwi. Fall er Al hair, x. pla'a tbia mjtery are thai aat hand, in Im. en T" Afler a ptos. tli prea- ber turne. a be k nf eWtjfht w7m Th amisiestk a and wtcti'meit, I anilsraimn it tas-tatnar Alwaham aavs ben a -a a,,.y fVainsa ia II. iter n nls f th just, akt bav died la tb Lord, and maaau. i a til's" I t rrreird, al ea ia tH' It was fit many aaorti t l-ey tw w a blag tier uL,U br r-Jilrisd aa T. U. IWk-av a aansVam, k) era '""- party asmea of d .ln.'taa.w b alt h we i nU ae -.iMMbU t H d.' eaaeily under art Wa sasevea, aud ( tcr an saotba mtliia I tlit,al, but am fax k -a sef do. . t-WwrwurR- ' 'I . . bUaWirVe.,! MR. JEFFERSOX. . ' S)laking of "crwahing eut " reminda me of aa anecdote tuid of th of Monticello.' The Aory, a rel-urd to m aome venra ao, bra lady. wao at one time waa an inmate of Mr. JeflerMm'a ily, wm aa fid: Mr. Jeffereoii. aaid ttie j lailv. waa ramarkabl Cir the amiable em of hia diapoaition. evennea of temper and kindnee of keart. I never, aaid abe. aaw th venerable pa triot angry but once in my life t and be had a great horror of blaanhemy.' Sever waa he knowa to ae an oath, but oa rjicemiiin alluded to he cam Very near doing an. He directed a aervant lxiy named t'harle to get front I'ncle Jee. fh.oatler. a bora and nmceed tn fharlntraville ' note which he handed him, wait for an anew. anil return aa quick a poaaildo. A ouuple of houra etapaed ard the aage aw Charles playing on the lawn." He eajlcifcdiinv Charlca, wliere i th aflnwer to my aoKj "Ind Joe" would'nt giv Bi tb bore, aaid Charlca. lire1 Jo to come to me, aaid he. Old do eoon mail hi np pearaac. evidently in a perturbed etate of mind, for he diacovared, (or the first time in hia life. that his good master was angry. "Joe," aaid Mr. Jcffewoaf he usaally addraaaed him aa "l'lv cbxJu,L'r why did ymt ant give Cbarb a hanet .4W P'W.Vll,.W!r'l ll3'fl.fl? wholly anw'tjfachiry to hia niaatef, and theuau Wijpgentrg JenWaowVranieMulrywawtramtTwiia. ipg hia arm. if to atrike tb old-ervanf, be l.aaiiLia.a Iniid nmw, You grn.-ioua old nian. jf ever you commit a similar olfence, I'U fmlrrrat you. ' Thic. aaid the lad v. waa not awearing. you. im. said the lad v. waa mjtawi but it sounded very mu. h dike lt-8wfrJ Tm PatXTXi. Th night grows late, the streets are hushed th new beam fleck the deoerted pavement and sleep at re we its slumlier ing poppies ever th tnhabitnntaof the city. All are at net save th printer, who is busy" at his c-.;c. ' lirearaa, lovely aa winged cherubs, hover a- bout the repciae of man and maiden : viaiuiuv aa pur a first blue and beautiful aa the niarmn an the child but to the printer all is reality, toil and weariness. lloia nimldv and WiAarfiillv. diM he wdin't the faitliful tvpea, aa if be took "no ante of times as it the duties that ar wearing ont his life 'werwmor a-divecsion thaa aabormuaaTneattes'' But amid tlteir moaotonous discharge, believe us tb primer think uf home and sweat rest, and sigh within himself fbr the tietter kit of which other are possessed. And yet there is no re pos for biin, though the night tramps on, and th jocund dawn will eoon appear. Why do his motions grow less rapid ? why mure Lis finger in so deliberate anil mechanical a war T Whence is the smile that lingers at his lip. Ilk th first sunbeam at the gates of mnni- TngTTl'teTOttr:jTOtbr an eye, blue as violets, glancing into Ins own an accent, sweet aa musics-entrancing hi rar, aa4-raeliing hi very nenrrr" h " " It is but a uiouieiit it i. only ' a roverv it did not even win him from bis occupation It only caused his band to falter, out to oease the printer awakens to toil again. Ye who receive your minris favorite,' and wander, perhaps listlessly, over it pa tree, remem Ltsr-thai XL UUM Jr.uUjBfkiil-.it li ic h , waa mil i a and untiring while you were quietly sleeping ynyr'TOrtTfrttiiiw aad comfort aie bonght with th prie (if weariness, There ia an "electric chord," which being charged with sympathy, will carry the gentle burden even to the jiiost tjislanlliearls. "W be ok its agoncy in behalf id the prin'er. p - A .new method of fighting churches Is thaa decrilied by th New York Time; as in practice mthnteilvf In the Xew Reformed Pulch Church in Sev enth avenue, lietwecn l?th and 11th streets, there are arranged in the ceiling, in the form of an e'lipse, 21 gas burners, concealed by slides du ring the dav, sn that you tee no gas fixtures. Behind each of thee is a reflector, so adjusted to thr.iw the light directly upon the heads of the audience. I)uring eve'iinff service the slides lieing drawn, a moat plendi'IIixht, rivalling that of Sol himaelf, nils a room of 00 feet wide, 7.i fret bmg and 35 fret high, so that yen can see to read with enmfbrt the print of small Psalm- bo-dt, u4.iu -with- from mmion.IJ The- c nvenieiice of this arrangement is,rno daxzlirg g oi e t r .iet pains yoi r eyea, r r tl ire is no light o . tl:e nl"it, ' on the jrallerv, or on il walls . fTf e cUiireb. Ti e nifi rt i in a I e de agreea- l let esa to l!ie ere, all being reflected fnim alsii nmt eqmilly dttTuseil, and noliody ia blo to get in your liaht." ' Brxrroi.txct. Mctr. Harrier, whrw immense estalilisbinept was recently destrovetl by fire, have kindly offered to pay tli board of the girls. o suddenly thrown out nf midoyment, until their husinrnes ia sufficiently advanced to giv them th opportunity uf resumin their labors. Such benevolence, cannot fail to nieel its reward. J i oe eoncHmaneaa oi naving oenenvieii so many in tim of pressing need, is perhaps a greater satisfaction to those gentlemen tliaa any other A xtw rtAtrax I Jm xii.ts. Some month since, says th Uicbmnnd Morning Jkfwt7 of M unlay. a yonag lady ia Cincinnati!, astaUialied ia that 'city, a printing olfie fur female. Site o- pened Moms, furnished them in the miait com- toi r4aldV: tle-d firrehbrsTT. niana.A- ia tnc omee, ana tnea select e-t from among Ui mot indigent wing girl of her native city, soma furtf ynmnj frmnlrM, to do th typ-stting, and other amcbauiunl labor of her establishment. With no thought af pecuniary gain, (il is mid.) she Invested several thousand dollar in her ladies' printing office, eobdy with a view I benefit th straggling wictin the west, wbe ware obliged to toil at tli needle for meagre wages. Tb re mit of this philanthropic enterprise Is now the them of eniterssl praise. Ell Wen I worth, the projector of the enterprise, has already had the plenwireirf seeing her IMrnrf J-unutl firmly UTaWUtiM ' one' tf the first piper In 'h West. Th forty tawing girls to w bom she gar employment, bav now comfortabw homes, and ar earuuig ait to suae d-dlae per week, at al pleasant and Honorable employment. n Aeta'd by lb snrees of her enterprise In tb West, Ell n templates eatablUhing a aimimr ufilee In Philadelphia, ami the first number af tb I'HilmlrlJiia .irrn.y Juvrauf will U cut in a lew days. The Ohio paper apeak nf Miss Wentwonh a a lady of fiartuneanal anllaenne, aal aoa aaul her ei -pris In clnmg term. Ell rUima th rympatbiea of lb publ e. Kb aake that th tenevijenl wilt at fi.rget th hi. eewiag girl, wbe U ed tatoil fhea dawa to midnight, fiar a meagre rswitsmisi. Tb print tsT Mia VV cut worth' journal i eat (MUr pr jear. . , . a a i i Misnmii Ilir Th Increase uf receipt at ft. Louis nrer but year, la this important staple, tad an about M.Xli bale, making an aggregate M,iVI. against t'J.lit (, livii. Hkentnlbia s e-bh-d the enhanced rales at which lb artb kr ruled, (a rntuddereld portion iif the rriqv bring ing aa hiyh as to r cent, ailvanr im the uf th prevbaia seam).) a money latbutce In fator f Ui piwnl year may safely b estimated at from f'jxi.msj to f MSl.iasl. Hear more willingly than tt-ek. and bwra of abacs Mtber thaa show thyrlf rearber t fiar It it tb host af aiaay mm, rather to anfidd their wa wares, tbaa parcwas nw. " tji tklT Why I It that nearly att U. pfmm rntir papers ri.nrur ju.t aaw la lU sentiment ll.M tl t liaaitaant GttralliiC aliUh it 1 at,- to b Mmfened ast free, frmtt, it 'Urn Coxf tcra Sxsr to tut iVitcs Si itu.-Tlirc i Germans wer roomitky. arraauU Saw York vu th charge of eotaaiitting aaeriei of burglariea. whea one of them made the fdhiwiag e nfe5on, by which it appear that th Oermiu boiiilat- ar diapoaed to use our awutry a a sort of But nay Bay forth reception of their criininnV: j Charles B. Bley sayaJ-I waa born yfBniaawujk, Germany, aud am 'it yarn of aa ; in tba aunt b of September, fliwr'ick llmuhwf, Angus- Meyer, Ernest Banker and mvae'.f r e mvle- tcd of burglary, c nuniiljc l in the rJtj of Brune wick and were aonteneed tu tb state priaoa tor a term of years ; after remaining there until Sep tember Inst, w wer all pardoned hy the Duke of Boinawick thryAigb tb iuflueuc uf a aooity known a the "IKrectora," upon, conditiim that w would immediately leai- the cenntry for the I'nited States, nover to return ; accordingly w wer all taken from priron y tb polii-c and con veyed u Bremen, aad there placed oa board 111 I brig Iliram, and kci.t uwlerthe mrveillii.ncflpf the nr.hr until the veatel sniled our passage waa from them ti? tVe lanilwi "ih ScwiirtlS'flic 1st of iecinl,cr last A SLi . AT YOl'SO AMERICA. . rtate"liunibcr'oftBe anhinrthn I mon nuts forth the following rettiarkablo and 8iguUicattt paisnge from which it wdtilil seem that just at this lime Senator Ikiuglus is exciting in high vuorters something of that very utipleiisaut sen sation known as jeuluusy. I'U pasaago rends thus: - "t- The appointment nf 3TfI Maroy as Secretary of State fnreidiaduked with sufficient clearness the Lfirinctplea which wnuld determine the foreign f 4iolicy of the Pierce rdmmlstraUii. "JfrTWarey waa the ft.drat and moat -conapicunus M that school of 4tatesmon w hom tht disciples or yoiHig America were wont to characterise as jWicaaiid bene he was the special mark of aablt and abuse by the IVmocratie RevieWi He tfns caii liou, and tiler fore a vera to mtardou eTeiief P' mcnt. He was conservative, and prrforred. mo derate reform to violent and radical innovation. He was honest anil wonld view with no degree of sympathy or tolnrntttin tho piratical Schemes of Young America. And it was because he was cautious, cunsen ativa, and honest, that ho was denounced by the ltiiiocmtic Bcview, and made Seerctary-nf Stare-by 4'reiilent Pierre." Well that wjll do, considering the Snilc, and Culmn. and anti-Fillmore filihusterlsm, that ush ered Pierc into pTt3"-"'r'-z-zz JI IXIE lKtl tiLASS BILL. r A correiijHiudi ut of th Enquirer of tbia morn ing, conic dow n like asledgc hammer, on Judge iKiugla -and bis Xcbraxka bill, cbaractcriiing uie wucr aaa - wex l-resiacntial mo. ,(tue-t writer goes on to say i ... . .. ! ; V. tsOiis'binxcTuilus stiverr from Xebraskaat Wog a,-tt remains a territuy y.yotl rcpciling the Missouri Coinproiuii-e. . This par of it it a bid fur.-Nocthwu support. Il re-en utt tlie CWjworaiae of iNiy, Thia w aUJ foe tlie nrigiiiaj CuninHuirs, South and North. It i, offensive u tbor who opi,l, origiiiuHy, tli Cumpromiae.mwsnta. asul it ia-a aialalain.in spirit, of the Baltimore plutfjrm, bcacue it te- l disturbing quetions, and ace'ax to ftct men to endorse wlmt they all agreed to 'nc-j.nlsee aa a (fax settlement, for tlie sake of future har mony. It is wrong in ejdrit, because the-e i ready no neoeasity, at all. forth organisation of a territorial government fiar Sobraaka." We observe that the Washing m I'nion fullv endorses Mr. Dongloa's bill, end dcnoiinc Mr. Pixon't amendment Uiorotn. It assigns as reason for it course, that inasmuch as tb Com prrrmis of 1W0 did not repeat tli Mbso t:- W strietk.a, it would be a violation of the under standing that that Compromise sh uld be a fit - al settlement to abrogate the re'trici'o I Sow But this objection, if well founded, is lnrt ss fa tal to th original bill itself as it it to the a nea !. iusoU- Tu Compromise of JKQ ..nrilaiai iliat slavery shall be "fnrteer forbidden in Xoliral';a.M Sow the bill of Mr. lkwgla does unquetiWm ably effect a partial repeal of thia re-tiirtiot by enacting that the pemde may establish tlaverv JlhejLtdMosav-wbea ibcy ciuaa ID form a. Stale Cimstitution. . Tb pnqiosiUun of the Illinois Senator it therefore just aa much t ligation ol the understanding uctwoeu Ih Sortb aud Smllv, which, implied ia the Compromise of K'iO, at Ibe proposition of Mr1. IMx m. If ym may buub th Missouri Comprotuia at all, eonaiatsutly with a faithful oliaervanee of the Can promise of lfroQ.'nn reason can he al:owti w hy you amy hul wholly rcjioal it.-The only dilTcrniU t ween Mr. IViuglas s propusitiiM and that of Mr. lNxon, ia tbit That Ihe former it a sham and s mockery, designed to flatter tba South with the meet emhlanee uf right and justice, wbiUt latter rls to bar tb sabmaaca ef both. Itirhmtm.l Midi. GattTBaiTisa aaa vox lam Srvtiv A imftmiiiKt away aim .Kane ef the Itter Wjltrrt Stat that at tl.. el,. of tif inUlt ia tb SenaU an tb 10th Instant, on th Ceolral Americaa question, Mr. Clayton distinctly indi eated tha ami by whicb that qumtbm beoaun a rr ImpnHaal and practical on al aa early day. Having vindicated tb treaty' ittelf, and thowa that It excluded Greet Britina altogether from Casaral AuscrW-, and that her n.Wmy of th Bay Isbutda waa a practical vioqttkm of th trev I b gave notice ef tiM Inti nlion, nntes the British OuswsiiHH nl reeenaldrr the iTiapateliea of Larltlarnadoa sent to the Vna1 t few day ago, to intmducti a bill placing at the diaposn! of tU President the military and naval force of the tailed Stale to enable blta toe an-el (Ireat Bri laia to fulfil the etipulatbwi nf the treaty, ami pledging th rwiewuen ff lea railed Stair f.rf lbxpensea attendieg sa.-ha.'tlm. Tliis will pre tent a ease that will practically I e-t Ibe sincerity of the tJtin'n, theoretical, of be Munnw oVwtrla. And h brlrra the qneatinn under di. eaesbaji alsn to a direct issue, iaxdvsnf aa a faandunment by Great I'.rluia uf bar Bay Islands 4-ny, which Mr. Cos brliewe site never will gi ap. It will tli as U ss that tlx deU'e iuat ebaaad r as mere perannal (nwirat be tween two axietnra, but thai, at pt sa fr as Mr. tlaytoa' remark are- e-euwrnnl'lt was na sssary to sar ih public iniud I t If. nranical I oe to w Ii'm h ji fr-Mn tb first, u.l'ud ed to Uiaj tbia tolr-t. ( - ,aaaa WuiBKtaa. T., Jan I.V ' raycrtvi fit A Tu irr I l-a la-t a-ht wh''i s-iBrtl nbot a iMtksM ream TajL . lUiel to ti e l allef Uaak, Las THE XXBH.VPKA ni.VtD. Th cloven fjot, w'.iit h tXugla' lull conceals, ' ,i ben.ing to 4iwlieltrdr. Tlie Wnalintt. ! I'.nlon,''5 under tli prciirof its Free Knl allies, n'vs csnc out lit fivor of the lull, accaMp. nled"by nn itilcrprctatKin, tceping Th 6rc tlie Jfissour! compft.nufe,vso as to ( exclude slaves from fhe ferritoiy,' until it applie fiji1 avlnjlssion ask Stat. ' Tlii i a very ingenious device to cheat (lie; Sout:; and the part the Little Giant has played tu. U entitle bim to everlasting thanks! He brings In a till,. profWing -grout regard for th rights of the Soiitb and stipula ting, that wha the territory becomes State, it shall determine for Itself, '-whether 'slavery shall be tolerated. Profound silence Is maintained re specting th Missouri restriction whicb, it is contended, exclude slavery from the tcrritory.in the moant'me. If there are no slaveholders when it become a .State; c.f course their will be no slav intrett and th institnt'iou will b pndiib- llll"1""' r-Z ,---.. .'--..-..'...'. oppose Mr. Dixun't amonduieut, repealing the Mi naoii ri reHlrictinn, aft as tu extend tWcuuijiro. mise practically to that territory, and give the Smith afhirclianceto settlelt. Mr. Sumner baa also tirongUt fisrwanl- nn umendinent, expressly luterdicttigalavery-J.p(il,ly in cnllicion W:lh tb I'n'wn, for if that paper's interpretation be cor rect, it I pure MnjKtaifr as Lkiuglas' naked bill writ give the whole territory to Hie free-soil- em, without any amendment. ' vSo we gN umler the Ailministrntion' of the champion uf the Sou th t -iiJtWt, H'ir- T11E.FEPE1UL APMIXISTUATIOX. The Wliig pn-M of th country, generally, x prcssed a gcucrout wiUinguos tuaocurd a fair lwifitlitllltact4.l,r terniiuatiun nut to prejudg hi admiuistration. We partook of this same'freling, and even en dured the censures of some of bur Mends for lack of severity n siunejaf bis earlier manifesta tion of policy. Forbearance may have been bo virtue ar j it eortuiitly bnotaor, with our whig notions of duty toward the honor aniT Tntercatsf of our country. The l'residcnt's potirr, aa do. aThjped-axr.farjJ: r4ttterartatrMire.attd.wHae- oountabl as to l beyond ottr comprehension of its view and ends,' or. It h thef offspring Ttf a weoknea and fully that cnlit never to disgrace hit great station. The intwMett tT the Pierce AdministrattPD. it, cnnfeascilly we believe, to con ciliate the disaffected factions of the I'nion t- w&rds the Govcrmucnt by the bcstuwul of offiviul avors. Tu other worja-coqveyius the anuit met 4rMiSCT4cWr Xirth and the Suiidi, ly apiHiintuieiitt to Ihe ti'inorablr rml rcajstasible ofiicc of that I'nion n-L -. i . . . . . . . . ... iue u-ua-iuuurcu puuiuta, wuq atood hy tu iq..h. in the dark hour of It peril, have their reward in " lh. rccollBci'iont (if Uf U Pt i" but -"Mr. "-a.niT-iainivi.n ..' H.tm tamimttilt sal . servioc ly the Pr(iiiiout ofthe I'nited Statu by j u(6c'ud ai poiiiluieuULiiI Jui.Jb aJdiiuin tu Ibis ;w(f tJcn, tlut tysivm of "reward aad punish' nitnts," so luucli depiwcotcl by Ui I'rMMdont ia hit iuaufurnl address, has Uon applied ta the low jiartitant of Ar jairty to a degree a'awiutely .disgusting to Ihe gentlemanly icebng of a kigh miuiWd American, ' 1 We uavVcxe riirinTt;on i skfall' thi lltln. plain auJ palpable tntli world, ia certain Cam not appointments t tb filibostoriag Minister to Spain wuoh pojiiician ar rtui Uditor of th C!vcLiud l'UiadiaIr t au. h aiea a G. Saur.- drs to th Consulship at Lwnlna, and ae forth. WeiiTiouId bav bo dispoaiiHm to emupTauC tueh appoint meiUaerxeept ions if they th result nf aciidont or hnooaltlon on tb part uf-appJicani; It aaaTuldaJjIy 'tbs ease, nndcr every Adtatnlatrittkm, Bui such appointment as those alluded to, seem ry no means to li x ceptiiHS. but tli rwe rule which It It utider bmd is to be nilhered to and to glr Hiaracter to J.tU ,Ailniinilfatiiatl.-.Ofatano''Wraol. . Tng CariTot. Extxtiok. Th Hall ef Rep- reaentotiv will be ea hsmdred and twirty. ya tcet bitig, ninety-two feet wide, aaai about Ihirty feet high. l ibrr side it will U umjuaded by a wide gallery, capable nf (eat ing twelve hundred persona. Arranged In a aeml-circleupoo the fljur. will be three bualred ffr fofTtTu(Twre7 VrfceTrjtr.hl.uerB Kiiluniin lo desert in the Senate rhamlier. The hall of the ftenat is to be arranged Mpin the saiu pjtnclplei aa are applie.) pj the II pil-e of re-ireaonutiv. lla anialler tie 112 by 82 feet reiulor it let difficult to construct, and leave room U r largo and more magnifiicut corridor aiid. rrt.ring ro . . IUiLasvt is nil IsiTrn Ststis. According to a stalcmrot in ihe Phila-lelpbrn fawlger, i'eaa- syliaaia baa-e gseaiar aumlsm U w4w 4a oratioa tlmn any tl.r State, and a area aumlier uf mile ,f railnaut in aiieration aad mnrse uf eeaatrwtL earept Ohio, lllinoi and Vew York. Tli total aamber uf railways ensa pleted in the t nitrl States I Sf( tke number of railways In course of cmsUuctioa U 134; lb number uf mile ia ejarmton Is 17,h, which baa been coo.truHrd at et'i f fjVt,.''J.J.1tlJ lb aumtar of m'lea In r iu of cnrtructina i 12,a. , TH tnvW it tiii let of railway now In eperatina anon Itiesurfiu-e of Ih glola Is SA.CC I, of which !rl,1M mile are in the Emtrrn Hemis phere, and 194 miles ar in th W .tarn, . AatM tat la Paint 4y If vraxa. Tb Ibrr Amcrtoaiit timra eb i wer iatamralel at lb Mora, al Havana, ait stiU ia ifWiment. Tb AsMrienn acting mmstil tl.lts tlwm frequently; but mdMng ha jet lcu, d m with regard to them by tba Captala-timsaral er Uukotber auihu lliea. Tkey are proUUy sruttlng fisr tb actbrn of our Government. A era e geutleuim, aaml Rieret, n Ito is a Natqr.ibie rltiteti nf tb f, . d aba la-ety tiailel lb II ivan oa huaineaa, ia also aaid to f i ,ri.n tbet. f kat of. fence ta not tint I. . - - - tXtr.Tb toriat of lile.i$fi h ie ardoerd s nmimifirmt llr gddet to I preaente.1 t, Caj4. log.nnaau.y ibe slo p of aat K lanns Hottti M'l t'.si !.- A Mr, J. ... lal int ' ' c'fcl.Utli al l.f L.,nx.l,a flaek, ll-answ id Tie - - a tilja 4.(e, t.f a -m. I. kaali a ha mailt f H'swaartib safer at aM4 (l tin.ee, anttet b Jul sWI, the ufiir. Tliiam.ia. a hsm town aa ice I - (,, , 4 .,., ARlUVAt OF THE SIAGABAj' J: ; Oni Wtra Lartirxcx F.vsoit. . "- , . r. Uuiwx, Jaa, C3, The steamer Siagara' arrtx ed 'fliTit ..tircmam, bringing Liverpuvl date of January 7 th, kavaag cxieriemed very heavy weather. Ailvkw fnua CuOHtuarliiople aad St. Ietes- tairg wore cuatradietorw, last titer were little doubt that tho Cxer bad refused the Wat pmn- ueitiuo uf Ui V aatera Powers, aad that gw era! war must ensue.- - : . i A tramudou.aaew storm, ibe heavteat) tar mo'ny jsart, bad aecarntl tbrnugbon Kngwnd, Frauc and Belgium- Great tbssU wm fearwl, , Eaii Arr.visa. The i'aria Munitrar lahit a circular from tlie Miniate 'nf Fureiga Affairs, dated Dee. SOtb, aiblressed. to ell the Fretu-b Lcgationi oa th Eastern questioai. ' The document ia mode rale, bat very firm.' It nr-' ratut tb phase ef the tm4toa, etate that Kwr. I jml. Franc, Auatria ami Kussta had slmnnly rocoguitcd the" terriieriitl mternty nf the t3tto- aTSnape twaV plnae n vywdatiwof-aU tkswe pnt.4-. visioes, ltuaam having declared that tto deaired oaly tawritoriai emnxe - Theref.uaVto pre- .l. t.l''' . a ...... s i ua uiususs tesTivwy anu ng from attacu frWTliuavy7r Kvaaiia, the Fpetudt and English fleets are ordered to enter .the 'Black Sea. -n The liirttulartenninatra by axpruaaing tin nope that Russia will awt axpuse EuMpa to am xam-1 yubiuHUI. , t y '. - -":. 5... ,i. Pari paper report thai tti Ctar bad given ordort for the Uiuatdiate croasing uf the li nbc, whkdt fiirttid the bep that he will aoeept the last note of tbt AYwteTu powra. - :.a.j..:c' The lntost advice from 6tautinoJe ex pres little hop that aegotiatioB aaa, taad1 to any satisfactory result. .. . i , ,, Th Turkish cimnoil bad declared Itself per mauonTTe tJabiaet wa UrmiooaT On a recent occasion, w lien a ' disturbance aeeurred, tim Sultan declared that ha would rather abdi cate tliao accept amiietana againet hi ews aubjects. ,. . ,s.. 1 . Th RussUin bad ocewpied tli frontiers of Austria-and Wallachia from Orglva dnww -to Ironstoilt. . They were ale permitted to mak iftK.hJtJft Au.Uiatj5t Authentic informaiW-onfirm the rcpiwt fliul Hie t'ortij bad aoceplCd Hi But of tli four powers, and Bays it will aot object, under certain conditions, to en' armistice, but insists on the evacuation bf the ririhcilitie and the mainte nance of the Turkiait aovoreiguty. It consent to a loagree in a neutral city to a revision of existing treatiea, and will consider Ibe propriety aubjectt... .'i -,.i.v'.....,J,' I i Tba deubaration of the divan ooutmnrd for .1 . J i . . , .. . . mrvc wnvs, ami, wnoo me rasul, f as jiiuvo. Ma. 1 tumult ero at ConatsBtinnphv A of 0" P1 W if U' I'lema. avuwmbbsd td dwlarttdlia eoustttutbm vU.lo4a.lly .tb i iur ,iul a riot wa ,auirelteadud. Tlie'nioat extraordinary military activity k mauiroait J alt ovst ltavi..-Tbo t'xar had jot a upi Jy of u,IHs.i,iX)0 rul.lr fno the liuavli, Tho- London Olnerctr aaytthat agent are an tba way to purcluwe ships and . aiuiuuniiion privately for Russia, in tli I'nited State, II.il'il Pasha it in tho Turkish ministry, with- foli. 4itxn- Pasha auec ccds Manjimial Pasha as Minister of Murine, Exoliid. Mmh luiligontion was felt azuinst rrim;.Allett, the public. toice proteatuij that he is a bad of Russia,' aud that Aberdeen U under hit influence. The Prime, it Is charged. betrays ail th Cabinet act rets to Russia, ;Amr tri and Germany, and the . matter wax txf euted t com tiefure Parliament! , The fitiiun lul stiitsmetit fir the qtmrler e'n 1- iaj Juuuary' Stli,' showt a irge increase i"tln revenue. "' ' , V , FrRTHER BY THE SIARARA ' " . ' - ' Stw Yo, Jan. Si, i C onstantinople date had been receired to tke Wth. Mar.li, the American Minister, bail bid tbs fsitltan farewell. ' ' , ConsUntinopla wa atmngty garrlarmed. - It wax re port ud that England bad oBcrd. al bey own etfienae, to send etpnlitions against Finland and Crimea, but Saadeutf el jer-ted on tbe gmund thai England and Franc mast act together in every thing pertaining to tbe war. Ft ix. i. It a current in political circle thai the English llisnre,.and offers to consent to tb French annexation uf Belgium and Egypt. Th Cur had also" proiutsrd to elaud-a Ilia Bourboa cauie. '"'.' iritx-Tlie aecrmd duel of Mr. Howie, which wat to have taken place with Lord Ilowden, was peslpone.1 on aemmal of (lines In th family ef lb Utter, ' fwxtwit Prxxvxx. Swcli and IVn aiark lve Issued circulars declaring tlteir new- (iratil, tome altai may. . Amnar K,i ntta or 76 flvt. William Ran lin,"tsqTniIu1er"iTfIi f.ei olnllon," died at bis residence la fioston County oa fh 9th of ) ermlatr laa.' Tl wa a ltrave man and pat riot, and participated in all 1 1 movement uf hi day calculated to establish tb Indepeadrar of hi country and free It frisw the thraMaa of Brliiak fwer. As aooa aa tbe war com near, ed lit rava-ea In tb Southern Rtsla ha yn, I.Wleere.1, and finally Joined General Gutea's army, and wa with lint at tl Utile of Eulaw Spring and f.dlewej lbs (artuaMuf tbatGwaeral to tli rtua of lb war. I'noa bis returw baaave he waa !retej SUrif of Lincoln brfiir tb County wa Crat diii.b. lit wa a mcuil-er id'tb Church fur nuire tlova half' a ceiitury, atid died in tit Olrd j nr of Lis ag. lew Ing a highly reapectej mid aumeroaia iffsitriiig bi eojoy and 'erwfual thai lilwrty aad Ilex Iti'lilul 'Mis whh h bis pruweM ftad as sisted to diiev. II Is Ih last nf old Mneota'i a,n uU'i taw ctiv servic In that meuwrabl ejaah f.'iorH arajtarrw, a 1 11 T Fist lam t taiiPoirn Tl nr.-Turing I la-t A, l'i arrived al porta la lb (ailed States fn m Ih Fm Indie I'l.l teaaada, and there eb.nt f. tb Et InJiea "J lewsels. Tlat year rtei,u lbs mrivala wer I'l,n4 tli char- psi. Tl-sea sUn nrritnd fr.aa tb Pli Ue, in.-bi l.t g t il.f.nia, 1 .T'i ve.a, aad 1 b-ary I, 171. Tbe yr praviotit tbee wie-e 111 arrlvaS und XiT etatrnaina. Tl ae 44 arrivals and Balsatsanaea fit tb p.. inc. ! Ju f it Bil' - ' V. iTXUr!-tXAI4 ' - i r :. '., Want v rtt. dan, IV ' llocsx er T..J-, XU9 CoMta;tte-'a,.Tcrrli.w ricf bav ten iu.lfacr4 wi-u.juif tiV the ,i pcilicncyrf extendii g tt lad Ua ufUi.xiaa er I uh. ,--.. TU Cvmuu'u(at AgVHo-,' u.., b.., 1 structed to or a, lire into trie :!;, Ibhfoatlrieintnra1 Bin-, a.' ' . ' '.TSw llouau. u'a-u Vcat m tonuuiu WaxaWa '.. i -. n - ., - ... .' - SEXATK.WMr. Iww-W ft, e T.. ... rial Cotnmittee. aVcd lv "to i cp ,rt iit j i Cviinniitttc.lia.l o.ieruiind loreoiutttead 7 giawtj aa tb Southern tioundjrv- ebm-Vn , WotilJ div.V (le-.icc vail!.' xl 1. Utwrniuce also thought Si would be t e'- ter to aatttre tw Territories of the Xcoa-Ua l.r. tTh ue bill jta ostlarad t be printed. " v';rl' Vii,,&Ti iJL d.' ; 'JtX ATx.-tbc Xcliraaka Bill . made the special order of the day fiw Jlombty next. ' Tba rVencb SpollMbdi m -wnT be token up Mondny week.'. , "j" ' J A penai.m,wo granted to Ihe widow nf Urn. ' . U.WSt The Pes m tnnmltte reported an amendmenf to (he M uf 1U re.lm.ing pa- S0- .... ; -( w , . A bit! establishing fh office of L'entcnan' General wm reported. ' . . job uon. .vionjooni Oliver or Missouri ismak lg.A jpenit-'agaLiat tonnage dut. .-,1. i)EATHOF Jl llAH TOXRfk-ALLEGED xw 0t.e vXs, Jan. 0th.-Iudah Tussm d;.i uw, Wednesday bight aigfit.' Hi. fortune is es timated atl.i-kt.ftlOaii son on,, . l,!, thai the bulk of It i bdjueatliod to puUie ' Institution Jtorev t. ,, , .t; ,,,, , . ; , Farber AUiaea,' prominent merchant,' and President of the ftt.1 Andrew' Society, had leffv here, being, U U "alleged, a defaulter bub turn of jMQ.WO.T.TtTe : : ' "": tyr r T The Governor's tnesstige was delivered today;: " -and 1 it ald to te ttrongly in (aT. aoi.eiiJg Cuba. ... .!.,,.,.,!. .. .. CAUFOIUMA XEWS-CAPTAIX WALK Eft " J,. JJ r-yjCPEIrtrTIOXr "i-r .-r 'J?. f :i ,''" Vottic, January 21th. 1 ' Ta Nliern tight JuM.arriyei with Califor- ; niadale to tlicSlst ultimo. cad $H5l,10in gold. Th Oregon toft San Franctsi on the 31st with fcwttO.OIHr. , ' . ,; .?5f'"B...Wraiifuirta ic. ar eontrodiotory with regard to the filibusters. ' knnwirr that they were tiosieged from the , St 'i ftie Hl1,y;hcn tTiiv and druvc nff tba Utiicgers, .who left their arms. , Heinfurwments had not arrived Jint bad lieen tpokenotTSan Itedoon' (lie JJst and probably reacfied. Kuscuu.la j,j the 2o(h, whea an im meduvte attack wo to hay been made on San Form nr. ' ' - ' -.', ; TJte.xninerit.Bt ST.iud4i..V'lmim,j A , -..il. .1. , Auovhwr blibasterintt expedition is aUnt to ' auil, but tkereri a gtfiwlng redibf'aitiwt tliem.X x.fW,",fn s'M.mw) tlipiuh th ui,. thoutsalim Jfrsnclavi luat vcar. t T n-i '.! , . ' m oKiiuaira ewssirtt er"rted since th ft. ciweey nf Hic-oMmtry la . JCil,rV.,Vn(.. . oi.OOO passenger arrivcdduniig tbt'vcar at 3ft.nio left. 1 , .N "' . .aud .. !"!"" M ff:ilrcmu!ydMH:--T .Iciiiund (r,,M th Interior Is ftnnli; a.. tf,.f,4 . Und u. mciifc AIl atoplca natVdaa'ijiieu'hjlaMlI fliatr , bring 13.t , . .;. ,. .,- AU the I'msilc rtulrnad stirvcrlti? fxtilvi flint hat returned sjk f,iv.u-tit.'y'f" tl, tK.utl.trq ' Mtitn. yblch iSj-encrntly' irefcrrc.L ' 0re,;oo tiatot to tli U:h, out that Ihe Urfi. ' latrrelin been orpmind. and Hint IhAy will ' soon apply frr almMon"as J ; li.t,, tie Mpula-UoaT)-Ii;"c..;Ti)utcd at io.'f AU ' The total, ibipmoula nf gold t r tl. fortni -ht ' have been l,4ii.isj. - a-w-, 1 - ; MXw.tDiNT wi rioqAi'iXvi.!.A ktsvw-4 th Bristol (rnfif,,,,,l)' JoaViml,'. dated '' tliffrfitHjTown, Auvtrjlia;el4."elb,tvtea llwtan- CtCniirdinarj disvxivory of gold ba Ueiv mad firto ail mils from GeetonS. Tli g-1 1 It rflnJ BW frel from fh nirfice.' The writer says 17, Olsl mince wr UVen qut in three day U a ew liereooa, nod ana maa got mil a lump weigh ing WO pound - The writer wlds that a tumult bad charred among Uie diggers, and that tlie military bod boon ordered p toqweib rh dti- -lurbanca. - , . ,.',' ., t ..... . -. . I"1,,'" Cjunty Cinirt met on M3adi.y but and almoat instantly adj. turned, cat eteow-tt of tb eiistence of tbe small pox In that ei unty. BJa rcrs'tlfJ Lcre. that there la-a.a of 4b disease at or near Clinton, in Nuupaon mnty. If an, It may b neesa ry fiw our Tewn authori tie to re rt to the same measure of pre.wnti..n adopted fn- Wilmington, tlit is, to furUid, un der heavy .peuelticxv anybtsly tawning to this place from the aelgMxirhmal in whicb tha di-r j- prevails. FiipttrcL'le IHttmii '. . A Tixi.T ix Mxxho. A frighlful tfuir re eryilly ocrura l al Guanajuato. Mr. Mireelim Korba, a yowng man universally CMcemd, ami a of one id" tlie nvwt respmulde famil e of liua asjaaUi, was on tlie v uf marriage with a van iv la-' of kigk cbasstou", A c-main of tlm'bri.le groom becanewnammed of tb Jimnf lady 1 xp'at . 'l" took pi so, and a aoetil maaHing oceured, (rum wbteii Moreelina Kurb wot taken mortally wounded. Ife died willu'u Hire luatra, Tl.e mardjrer wa arrested, roaxtm iaar Mxxiro. Duiing lb yeuf lv'4, tbe hde ainnber. o teaarla vi-iticg M.-tliin fsls was f.17. ef w Inch i'.'t wei t An e i.-an. i nt English, fi9 Ktuiish. Tli totnl aumla-r of pas cages caste ed . mmien wae :t,M. Xl whotenum1terofwlii.il b-ft was 4'l.fil. ' ' ' I'rTsotr, Jn 21. lfTsti-ruf list. TU prngcr dip. 4 bf l'it Michigan 1'aalnJ lUilruad W aa ban. I bt-t aiglsl, lsa-t,issi. . r How. W. Amryttx, member -nf Cm est from Btaitoa, It lite gentlemau Who, t few dart ' ari.mlednaii.ai.fiIHtotli Autari.an 1 l'olnnitati.,a Jvatitaij. kei.U it to at.Kil,rkij. etdored era- ass from Tew new ta Lit-iia. m - tata, - PsolllSlriit IX IS- 1st 1 - -On tt e.i,el .T l a ' l-ea tbae M ai,iHwta Nt fai.iref a pr diil.o.ot y liM"r law. wenr presented ia Ih ituna II u nf lie'eyalea. . t . Jts WnakOe-i u Civh I b s . Ir in l.ssi.m metv tn tin, hi tie, ha. a M nil 11 a d ton Northern e. uUk r ..r. ".! Tbie -tet-t-1v tnt vied U... 4oa I v-sj. f m tlie f -J. ar. Ik Ji xairiwn l..r ', a nf lbeewu of lit I'htbtwii't. a ,vtrt Ai,te tiewn, daJ ta I'Utntd-dobia. '

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