i - WILLIAM C. ' ; gotm xo rtort TERMS: . . ' . If f sid trict't' 1 lysace, twnllr per an ; tw dollar tad fifty cents if paid withia tisttatas; ui thrs dollars at th td of tits J. . . AWIMTtSEIHtXTHh not tseeesingtteen 1iae.wsd b inserted a tiio for nt d.tlUr. and twtaty-fir eent for sura tnbsenertt tasertien.. That of greaur lenrtii will b esarrsl pmpoe ilssslly. Ceaet Orders JtdJdiciJadrtisenientt will bt ehsrge 3 per cent." higher Ihsa the above rate. A tessonstile de.lui-tkra will be Biade to thttn wh adtcrtisa by th year. Btokaad Job Friutirg dona with ueatneaa tad despatch, and an tecoaintodaling term. US Lttttrt to tha Editor atust U post paid. ; - REMARKS OF MR. BADGER, it Senate, on TitnJUy Ou 1A, at Ike LaI Que fr BiDurs.' I wish to anawer tha qucition which waa put b my friend from Getri;i (r r ' ia the aarlier uart of the dy. he qnostion was hi: How wo ahoald nnwof, those of ua who re present the old State, Oar eonotitucritu fornit in(f qitretljr by and aaeiu? U theio nppmpria tiona of iniiiliB lad mida f.r pttroiitoi of inter nal improvement in tue new nta:e, wime uu por- tioo of tho public domain waapi)liod or t apart fcr tha bencSt of tliose which wa reprewut. I lra,iy t- tell my f.-iead the Hiitiv whith iutluen- - ' lender tt aenew-iry lan- we, ou irji:ut iuu ihi. air: the rairewntv.ira ot tae n aiate hare 1n jpmnniiyT"rriTe4 to indtiee l'ie p-r-; states to aiopt tne opmyjn nv w n u onp. etitutinnal power to mane an application ui iue ... . ,l m i e .11 .A U.t. . tliey have this ingenious system laid down 1 do "ot kniw whether you will call it argument or reasoning '.hat the' lands constitute a fund, held ky tlie General Oovcroiaeiit as an ageut or trus ee'f ir the benefit of all the States ; ihe 'proceeds of lhe lands are no longer needed t-j assist in defraying the uidiii.tiy eiiea litun.-s uf the tiov- puulio taniis tor tno iwieu ernrasnt, in -whteh tl me ,nsic are HmeriHs, because our Treasury is overflowing ; hut it is ut terly nnconstitutional, it is illejal, it is a viola tion of the duty of the trustees to apply the Utids, to themselves, ror the proceeds of t!ie linds fir the benefit of all the Sinter, for wa.we beneat, nevertheleis, and for whose beneSt only, the trus tee hold1 the lands." Kow, sir, see tho result of that proposition. It Is unconstitutional to apply the -proceeds of the public lands, or any portion of the proceols.of the public lands, lor the beneSt of all the S'.ates. ft is unejostitational tj anar.rpriate the lands ihaimelrea.for the benettof ail t!ie S.ato. Well, now, air, the moment yo. hare git tliee two propositions -assented Vr'ar-a isrepwi-mtif gen-i I -ileinen who reprat th' old States permit mo v.,..... te nFmi-raat .reHftureij ts iitir n urn tammy f s ks- nn anil narmit toe tan is to tie aw- r A.3 fr t:M lneirif the new Stalej f "Tn'st unannstitutional to give us any share, interest, " prop irtl.mroT "bcielt tj-rhg fnd - - rn - t - sT - - wri uei sneSt la C)i-m with theirther St-nesv Wed- not nl Jttu df fi-y tb. J.n 1:lurc ot the U iv ernraentjandit isunla-yful, uncmstitutiiiia!, an 1 wrong to give us th beiwiit of it in any otn. forovl l'H'' doctrine is avgr! to by a majority of ihe represe:itViv4.of tne oil Su;ej j -ua d, of course, while that d ictrine is held, the old Sis)'e vw' utterly powerleis, and caanot derive any beneiit or alrntg from the ptrolio lands. W hsar ma ill naid n'jont the expenditure of th eomm m blood a id treisjrej we tietrm n.' etlls ma le t th pslri jtie fervor of (ingress a.id of th pe pl ', bit, after a'.l, it so.llc dowu into that. i'lM lands, asin f tlie.V- wore g.-antc i - tnr-the Tie-iiHif ail4l ter,'d "r were- cjire1 f.r the beneiit of all th tl.'s, Aad yet if is nnliw'ful, uuc ntitutional, -unbcaraWc,-that the UH-'emment a(uld.Aply. Ijie u fir tne titnerit of a'.l tho SJ'.-xWs in the only way lu which they can ba a;;illcj for the-bieut of all toe St at os. ,.- 1 Jiow. sir, lan a soisible of tho bjurt'.cedTne te th ol 1 Sialci as is my f.-io:id foui tia irgi. 1 think It is s'errlns iniu-tiee: ou w. licit siuiit to ITill t.- I -Usiok it ju iil wiucn. iiuia lu b e-vre ;, !. I think it so umvire aud ui.jast Wtsriinr of the nrjnety frouv the ceneral uur- rises of hone it 1 1 all til Sia-.ei in tais l uion. think I'.ie oH S!a' hw a r.'it to ask, to do-. rasnd. ht a resswabl owtioa of tins datum t abill ha ot aprt f r their bue'it. But wittt 4 avails my think -hiii1r;iw so? - is th e, atletst In a gre ratny iiwlancet, in I reg ri to tjie old Sit. Taeir repretentaiites I da not tliink to And while, by a union a;notig 3. oursefvoi. w mijht, witi iut withdrawing for t I would not ue willing to w,in iraw ai an i (raw at ail tue as tasia' which w Kivoo the nw mcinbe.-tof isftistiftoi al any time, it seeuis I at ait. maks large and libo-ul aopropriation uf i thes lands f.r the benefit of the old Slates ' . X w, Mr. Pri'1"it, I aui re luce-l to this situ- i ation. 1 woold. if I rali. di anything fir th f- bnut"ssT til old States; 'I woull esie;ially do i it for my ewa S i't. I believe it toJ cmsiitu- T tionat. light nl prop-. It cannot but bj eou- ! ' stituti jnal, riglit a-iA proper that to trustee, if f he be a trustee, sh u!d dupos, of the fu nd f "T i the benelt of Ilia otfm' fcW. B'rt I ant ovcr- " to ltd Wtiat. ant i tr wirfAnr-t to-r-bet,4 nnd, by reason of my opposition ti the lulls which art intended to a ll auo the interests of the S'.a s in which the lands n-e sutuaicdrTihow inysett lu hart a malignant wish to check their pnraieiitvt Certainly nut. 1 htv ns such wish. I w so lu hav th lands dip-rd of fr useful and iut t nurpMr. I wish U hv our own just h-e of (ths.u ; but w cannot t! it. I would unite with th representatives of !ie old HtaMi in makuigil a tondilio pm the gr.uitstbat weilioul lusi tntr share of themt but tbey will not ami with at. Anil, t'lervf ir. ns I cannot mak any op i position which will result in any g d to tht old I Ktstes, whose interests, I think, litve lieen n f Jostlf overlooked, why should I rthibit mv-eil t ktm as naking nppssitint, at auc ngrajions i nnd h it'.s aaiust tha Civsnccuieiit of any . Mists i this l uim ? Ch S-ia'or f or M tin savs thai Hits bill, or I not Her loll hef'ireusthi m msnr I do not know i which, s R depart fftm the &rl,rlnat prlnrpt ; am ln..h ft,.. mrtli of llpni'vla, usiihi wess ' male, and gives land f it the purpose of aiding -si th nnttrdctmn or a rl i-sy. u,t lot x ' th nd, as 4 n t t-n'.iu.os tj it, i in riect T itbr a diau'uc I or uu iigu':el atkm of I lands fir internal iiii(.ri.VMu.-li',s.. .. the J legismtie is not th teat acecplabl to ant on j Ik at acAHtnt, f If yosi will not di-tribut tt-se Uods the J pm-e 1of tV- a n-rng sllt'ie Sia'eswhy b lU'd ' j m a-sl apply lh to asoful an I alituttg s I parpos, why not U prrss of inttraal ins- I prseonitf Surely, if it is uncouslituti al 1 1 girt th- to lb ow'itrr, it must b e .ai'ituitoB- " i ml i giva tb sorr-!ire la. T i liovern- as il rsna 1st bound to keep Ines lands. My friend fr oa I itta has iintrd what is really at 1 sst a e on fin able re1hi.inn i that ioas. Much as th d asssin, b iw-is- trgs, is Rut inet- t ptjsnHiht. mtr brtHlirtn and frssods in th no Nates will a I ith hsi absnrli" I ll.s ww,! uf it, and torn th io-meia'.ettee of anking furti.e . . grants to them, if U ttv nav jutjuit.mm e. WiU f btr mas. lUl r-s uiil ins ti r,l Ui-d iht! IktteliaraisWistic uf f.e pub'.e domain do not astk it a distingiiisti'm -!iraeirifie, wlich separates It tm hr"ler tnxn ' p'tblir Tisry; M itstru With irt !-. liis iiUic Tresisny that, f -r yHt bars eiksnsir I u l. trte-s H lv n m ire ihtt y m rat in f,,, it. To swly din" "ww" ts, toat br ntl i-nlui es ta . w ssst pwt at sre m ey im., ihs I it wuy. And I s tsfil bon w bus s notUr ail an . 19V.it B-Vl'lt SS MS I .r BU'.IHtf Hsu Uu l f" int.1 111 pa'.lie d sasia. -' !!- stsntt M'l't sssolW trtvy with k.!f' B iliW'tt of m-rrm mt public li,.s trd'l bs its w ll , 'm t of ! - - t-A m in H. lad. " It rws p ! iisj saw d net u. Mai af er ws bat s t-' '-a n i , i tTTSjsss btrs'c 11 p I ksstswl Itsas h sr- iiiatrtstilt slss s- si, I S-. I rt s-.n il wu tsf l's mm SI l r I M. ( I lie st.cils of it nib A - I I ms l. h II si i Ins t,l ,iioii. rum 4 oVitlt t.p-nll I d-t nit i ti. tit tt if shall 4 a ey j ar-' lim't snd tt d- mist i, s I tbs wtf-lsi l-itt r Its iUs stst iil a-tsiisnr fbsw) tl pe"!"' ta lii post it 1 i.l.Ttr d v w.K I r i!,iust - . 1 I'll I . .arl vO - v-7 tra t"i -.17 a i a3 I .a- f-s.i vv ww K "v- Zar- jm . - I J .T ' . 1 . f ' - . - r - v 7 a' ,y N7 ; - Nr Nr v Ny r ' y sy i VOLUME XLV. J finally, anrmora than we t?m3 that tha pres ent autn of Dinner in the Trefwuirj may ax HanteI : fir, anre roure!f, air, wa ahall take era to rcTl"nih kiih of them, and keep the e-ninry with an annilnnca of public Janda to diooe of, and of public money to apend. I have Biate theie remarka in anawer to mv friend fromie irsia, and the question which ha aurrmiji'.rt be ak: tT"pnr eonatitUtnta. I am one of th'te who hare never linen disponed te in- lerrxwo a I ictious or tll-niture 1 oppoaitien to any .menu-e of thin kind. 1 coiild not bare dfone it eoniistcntly w4th ml .own fWlin-rs, bccnuKO I have no eiupity or desire tootwfruet the adranee ment of any p;rti..n of tbjrpeeple of the eoun try ; and because I rmllf see no objection, in principle, to the applimtinn of publie lauds in th way. Not that there have not btvrn nbjea ttonabte eftje. Tljere btvo been ome such, and in overy mode oet;en lita'e.tliore will be auvh. Tho real objeotion in, that while these grauta are made to the new Statos, o ithiiijr4s eiven to the old. In my opinion it lit unroMimahle. and it i unmn. r. i a misapplication of the uublic do main. It ought to be corrected. But we of the old States have no rir!it to complain, for a largo pom on 01 us nave votunmrny eiau to tue eon poruonoljur owU projtsrty. Rev. Dr. Trxo. who, amid much annlausc, came forw ard and said he should be very glad if ho had a fair sea before hira to take up this whole subject in its.length and breadth". His friends seemed always to cstimato the value of his influ ence very much upon tho system of distillation : find although they were not friends to the still, yet tf they conld gwt the still so perfect that they could lime hut a If w Hmp to .come lortli. Ilicy Ih'tugM. that muIdxuU tbe urposooif J)r. Tyag. 1 lie never nan one cuance sinse, no uvea in tne city of Xcw York, to take hold of this business of mtetnporance, literally, by the throat, nnd he had been striving to gct'ut it for manv years. Jle had stood upjrt th.it platform as late as R oVlo.-k at night to ecfl if it wero possible to get hold of r-jrae ojipirtimity to say something, and yet he bad waited for that time in vain ; and now he was satisfied that tlicy bad got not only a good wind from the East, but a stiff brrric blowing up from the X.'irth'too, (applause.) The Wes.t-end of I.ind m isth n.-at end; th North- Cad I the great cud tf Xcw York. And yet. onie how or other, to-nijlit, our Xorth-end which th--wy-ristouroy-of tlio plaft-ouie out 4 Up't in its own face, (a;pl mev) His impression wni vum u mr.j cumu iairiy cuuTinut? me nmi- s. .n ss , emu wimmimwim i,.iiii jauuBwea nritiocra- cy TiT peV.5lrp1e v-c I to call tliciB so T he hawr- ly kne what an aristocracy to" in a land like - - - w - iuiiniii4tf.iisiins-4i York f- tJilraf.rtind imfstwe-. and is?a4i tical t'spediniicy of a pr .hibitory law, th gentlo men uf staodiu mid iiifliienee. sud nionev in this city would never l the last ui take hold of it. iln did not b'fiicverhat tliv virtu of this city was (i Come US from the lowest region f inert earthly p-iwer ntid earthly itverest, He had liv ed uine ycxrs wi.h thf citizens of New York, on ly eve -y year to respect tiiom tho more higlilv, aud swry vsac to eontl le more thoroughly Ju t ieir principles anjl spirt:: A uotUer set ot men a mr liberal set of men a bolder, a more ft't'iiful oi of men, when you persuad ibcm to tho proprieiy ol ao action, aud th course of ac tion tn maintaining -it. tie had watt seen. The Chairman and the other gentlemen with whom they had asted.' were but eamples of tho who might be bruugjvt forward by liiindreis in this c1tr."t Aitfir.-y- ibr dr-rei-tiiatxroTy ntmb" win! Kh nul l not bl iw up m them discour;igment and doubt. Whenever this subject was taken hMdnf.dt-wrs -alaost as wrer, -Isnrel said,-"I'ca'-cJ wiih iron un the stjtfof a spear." . Wc livft in a lime when six thousand murdering rum .hllcx ia tliia city jir&vkc the notice of a concilia tory police in vain perfect patterns of French ik! it 'nest at a time when brothels ar furnished an I e'evate I in our streets like pilaccs ; and cn'lv thcrq ha I 1 ec.i pointed out to him rc- i Brovlwy kcciiers uf prostitutes lolling In bv rouches, did ii ermine, nnd with livery ser- gt n'dinr il'oni,a-e rnoiin Broadway, and our Chesterfield police. bow down with, a graze that minijters might well learn, auf'y.hich, if I ivrvers could Imitate it, would (loubtless greitlv promote flicTr proieiTty.' XAjijilaii' rT We liie tn a lime when notwithstanding all this on tlie side nf porroption and wrung, tlie simple preach-, ing of the gspe! in the streets is a statute oCenee, and w hen a man dares tn wn lilt mouth in the highway for Ihe King nf King ts captured find dracgrj like a felon to answer at the Statio- ttou c. Tit wcTh "rjitidlenremTrft ont tnton per fret leiicj of cheering that was again and a- ! gain rcWufJ.) Mr. Tytir t weeded to ir tint be thanked bis friends tor their noble standing ' un for the principle and (lie right of open free dom of spee h in ttiis place. M ontinurd p- tdause. V - !-- tie- wnderi'S'iod llteni !- 4bo- tint has pissed when elite fs of civil authorities must seek th id of an hlrt-hons in their public proclamations, to keep tho lce of rtie land. (Great aiflause.) It it be understood that 5. si foreign ruia-tellers in th midst uf mar lanes ani alleys bore nre not to be Ibe real aristocracy of this community. fKntbnsitstic applause. We ir in a t!ui when mure lhaa E is em mag n'ft eiiiss de.-ora'es utwanl apiearing palaros like the pUt o"lli in pilsitiou where, inside, there are dark well and lim pits, in which thmsaudt of young men ar secretly snirrdeved-, aud yet th" a m that dart uien bis tnouth and sne tk agaiuM the wrong, must do it at the risk of Itii own talc'y chaps of his life I when t i promoter of- puidie order r Hltrally deri- oe s sroite-j aT, is-rsscntr.i, riuH-uieQ in ins strtcts fir the faithful fulfilment nf dntj. Il any wan her nadtrtakt to put himself in th gap Ai 'defend the can nf right, and suffers in e n'ineni-e, The only tnment -pirwrm is, - -fie knew the evil wa fS'taing, hy did h not get out of lii tray!" Hut, notwiiits-juiding all this lbrtaroM ouuragrout aauugU lu aland bv i d a li vt and the rigbtt of huntanity, and U progressive t lerslnesa tsf th tiunsaa can-. Tlier are teat who do ) Miev that l d clothes atrn when tbey -at faiihlul to hit with ana or nto.-e iui ulurrblt th in tl.r Urcriaa karo't. a.li not uaorotsi u- l evr.i at Ibe beri llutt ihcr it a e m'e.l ia which Ihs sword Bslie bglrining. at it wer 1 1 burial's spear, and will bring np at list th devil in his a-tu-il shspe, aad contrast h ins US lb aai'l tint c tr.iieb him to "nit e: sc. ,tf Ms r-riott ti trrril'Ul. II it's T.) knew cry little latin, I Kit he had mastered Ibal sen lenr and would IraasU. il 1 sicm. llit Maine I tw, m-ifot, ta Iras K frrflrttt. and il will pre- tul. It srmel lnhintarruinsttatiit oflnimii.ity-ti rerta n as llirenlrag ngol know t m tb wo I schemeof iwblieal e -4inn as ueruia as th progres id inve-tiatii in lit ieiires at rensiH a Ihs vfsUtM.anetit of A ueihq lilCjlt ilr.tr from ber " T 'P- nis s eertaiu as tb tabiisliitMn4 ul I'r .wtmit AaierU-tu biietv oierl'os ybideentitutent would U lb enaetinr'nl U that wbb li i called Ihe Main !., by a fry ml .r il.t fsf. ti. "f tb r., :1ils sod prit ilrn, end fir lb st-ri-ie-s ,rf thctr emwmuu.tt, II soit'o' .!, I'ie UniU -.gsr.f lti pt .Lv', UnB tb lies' en so'l titiit, if Iber were or at on ini,-i , lu4t couM 1 rq- . m;l bntl ti-ii f 10 I ts. smt il.r maa vat ol ilt .,u-r rrkkc, sol : I r M d Us I touul.tur. II t Iras, nl i-arr:es I km lb II "ib !-, of :, 1 1 n re if b lt elii.is. alb rr-s'ti, aid lb . ' II ' I ts Urn l.'tl it Wina ia ' toryw r-i the f -'; 'f It drttetstd aaiy.t a rt-V, b 44 tkt e wbott kt) t"-t R4XEIGH, HORTH CAEOLINA, WEDKXSDAY HOBNIXO, FEBETJABT 22, 1S51. fs suaimtm our witnesses. ' Chemistry oomea i.irwawr- nna envs; "i nave ana:vs4 tne ele ments of alcohol; tbey are poison, and Bothinc but poiaon. "Qyeioloj:y says; 1 bar tested its iutlitcnce umm tlie animal frames it whole operation is destractioirand death." rolitlral L euomy says: i n a re men to grapple wiib me devastations it has. produced, and ia sain. It hs fillwl the almshouse, the priHon.tlie lunatic asylum with inmates; it has fined the world with beggary, and every nation of the earth is looking ann its sad ravages and erring out-in anguish, "What is to be done?" lltiman gnsernment comes forward and aavs, " W have boon at tempting to bale nut t(ii deep abyss of human misery and it baffles ' all the kill If man. We have tried to limit its operation, an I every effort has actually proved hr be a premium upon its more excessive influence, and the bestowal of a monopoly upon a set of individual to be the more eHYmtivt harpies on tlie prusperlty of the residue or mauktud. And our aociul relations: IIuw should he (Dr. T.) dare to totni them? If t icre was a man among; them, on that occasion, that did not feel it in his own family, and could not look around' within the wails of his own house and conaeotiona to sec some friehtiul iL''' isniHWof its oowr.Jaiillir,at mim he 1... f scndJiubcIjve 1 WiLllnTiiseirly mornmr travel 4ljkt1iltr4W.nOTl..,Ubori-ir where far fn.in his father' eve be Ii-m to pro - JbtiUllC.lijV. Xcifi. at every pau4-"liv gujjj-fi.. vti"-.i iiivi iiirn vit uiv UjUSSUJ. 9 !OiO ls mid i,roheritv of his faiiiilv. Who gave hurWcrovernuioiits the right to hire a man to bring ilisaa, distrow,' dud dtinnaiiun on his (lr. t. s liuitTtt" l could look at the whole sulijcot of social rcia in retcronce to others, but he lelt what a youtig lady had described mot le.iulifully, but which multitude biMulcs hud felt j out as much. The Hoy. tpeiiker read a ppciu, purporting to nave been Composed bv a vtting tody, tKowairftt' cused of being a niouomauiao on the aubjeot tf mcvuoiic inpium. "Go, feel what I have felt, Oo, bear what I have borno, Sink 'in;a:h the blow a father dealt,. And theo- ld, proud word of xru. I;t struggles on from year to yrtr. TJjy soli relief tjio scalding t-ar. Go, vrecp a I have wept. O'er a loved,f:Kher'sfnllL - ' Stss every rlicrijhcd pnuniso Bwept, Youth's sweetnessflurned lo gall. Hope' faded flowers strewed all Ihe way That led me up to woman' day, " 4c. ' Asite rertd those line sent him b-the pastor oiu.a.1 ioivu, nuucnii uoioi, 111a 011 110H msipii uion bit Hiind this "dark, bovo-age of licU.1'.' diid i-lcov 011 ever.. uiix such a cup for man? A- .... .. .. , ... r. ....... f . ... , I . inui!T an 111c uews inai ucsiwuu inim nerinop s snows uium a ion s bnppy ton, does one drop thai poor down from 'Alpine heights, that fertil ize and bciiitfyy Europe's valoa. d ipi otic single d nip of alcohol come down? Could earth ever mix such a cup J He really bolioved that tliis child of sorrow had touched the actual face of its origination- "the dark (leverage of hell." Many miglk question the theory of the existence flhjgrcal giant .of evil, whilst they wore deal ing in tiic Inices oflii-sevil. 'MiOiii-cat instrument f evil at-uc can ttll us cithor the full purpo;oi.(' : I .1. - t. . 11 J ....... r 1 ... ee' Hs'iijgio iitiii iiic 11,11 ir bluets 01 . ea e s. rtloi hero toe iiil'orlii'it ipie tioll arises, what ar we to do with 11 T. ihosjieaker icterred in htuda tory t nil's ti his own jCuuily.ul 'mix Uivs tlie two elder bf wluiiii had ftlrcailv lent thefr voices in favor of the teniperaticc niovement. Ho allude is terms of equal congratulation and pmire to t no f;i ui 1 1 v. ff Jjic Rci Xl Jiuui. . Bcsvili, A4'( aooT aiifing for the vanity that had led him into t.ic diir'-e-Ki. n, the eloquent gentleman pruccel cd by observing fhaf if tha liquor trade we:-e an tniiiurable, a id protitaMo ailit ' "fair TTitile; then tlie.-o to iv 1 ii:etion in regard to it. .Mr. Aorth uii'.it i-e1! his silks and bis iaccs, and no Tirinir inn 11 nikcd ilber to rcsUaiu him ur givo hiu a bcenfc, nn the oon.riry the more he prospers the more will the c immunity rejoice around him. lAppIuue) If lb liquor tiaile lie riglit let it le practice 1 and abundantly. Instead of fue tlmusanil,. Jet u import all Euro o tobalpiis! f Atitilause.) Then uiis'it a 11 ooiiiratula'.e Ihe txHjf L blimiui . lw. I1CI1 he can e to iliis id IiiiiiuI iia cuuul gel lif aallr ilrnnk for u pence, said, "Il.e dear rrn'bur, I wish uiv thmat wtr a tiiil long, and I enuld Inst it in every inch nf if." (Laughter and applause.) What th-'iili the miin whojiccues an eang nous In Brmdway :wS "i ictaiiranlTii JTassiiu st. make a poor boy the degradation of his f.ulier's home. Til, man has a right. What thmigh the lad come home with words of profanity. in his mouth that a farther t eicr lauglil hiiu not ut tered in his ear. Thr man tat a Tigiir. Whr, tlionrli be sends n niiaber l.i a I ed (if sTeer less wiTTT w. Ttrr mm ha- TightT- ft is a bint traf 4 he. II it is r.ght, lie it so. Hut he would put it to lb e Inmoii wan erf onsopMstjraird run who ran reeonciie Ihe prihlem of the power nfll, government in attempting IS restrain and nnt- mint a iranic wiocu if legaores nfoiactnoe le.lces rls"!- T lie- eg s -M - of teste- ssstid preneee wis ssf- vo tlteiTntlves, If ii the evil suggststed. ar il. If it I right, lep-al. honorable, and just, carry il nut. lie e.iiisidcird it a Ci in leto mis appficatinn of this warfire lo slop at ti.eruni- Imiiis, or lli more spleojol tnaiiaratorics i.l rtciructi'in itiat lie in our lhogbfare here, and put miiliuts of wealth iutl.e ptx-ke's of those who it-e l upin me vttais 01 uiaotiiiia. il would g i ilowit lo llirn.rn. who, ashamed lo let so mo"h I sre-i in their cellars, hjl their ttore garrets wi'k this inimcti" prs fusion of the imsier if lc- stmrlipr, ltr, Tji.g then refercd lo Ihe scl eme fir advato-ing M- rale license as tiltiti,tt f ir the Manic Utr. In 11. tery ilegrre, I t af- J reuse you not only quiclen and eicll the ilili- Brnie.1, m wlnrli you ciist.nrc Il.e price of tl, li gem trf II men il al isvtl t llreii-ss lilt v-u llirii-HFr in,? irm'iaii'iii iu mrn 10 sell SII1IM III It, d intead of your Qv or six. thousand of tilv pes 1 reii.rri p.r a:e,-yi a i.sve 111 or ij, or in, rf the Tsissrtttt of men demand an btd-.il (sine so uioualit,'l. selling uude'r avasiok llh law, llrlOHloii 1 unns i.as saiii 1 h aian situ shail it. rant a really efficient antidote ta Ibl system of voluntary and daily p"is- nirc. will flrt a kirh pin ' Hi Lenelactor of his j.-.e." Nuw beiW. T. ws ready lo Isk up lo Ui gnege 1 f lin-fe-.sor ?iesr', Te q,!ei-r II e ro ve of Mtii. msf tl (J d Heaven I lei yoBi"' And t' f.i I. a rexly In ( lu Ho' n 10 1; e l-:ia e 11 stni er 14 u.al hoeor- tl ton of Mi i.e. anlsii "M tguanimous, m-l.it ilittied In, tl fi d if Ilrnven .!e lire!' le tml r itber I that man than any man be knew Ibis day on lb fa of Il.e c!ol Il.e nsi.ficeii lut'i f hi rs unity pi.i aloi ei repel. (Aptlsu-e.) Who eoti'd t!l lhlt- tl ilisl is in c.n.s fn-ta Ibl tt man. wbos ti nas raie 1 np m 1 lb anginninr 11 Is a. ra ta re, isv H it law tm iru ti.t acitM' Insiiu snenl a lb criminal. Ktes-k bis loalr t out berwsey ft eal. b bit f and do Ir ttrt, f IMi'h y and p4atis ) llow e! d d lb Id t II" srtity In stich a sin" Im I torn tell 10 Isles. ilneel laiuli.rt.T It" wa t-f t n i I on ll.it ' jit 111 il fSHlbl a trf It Meett- tel. A large wlti.testi dealer btdtti l tl o'J.er day In him, (tb Iter. Ks.tker,) "ton cannot. psi.ly rti-11 101 h a la-. " ht, ' Itesa rt. " tt ioxt st.lt t.. da whs lb l.w tt pataisd .' IHi." rei.le l II tdd fn'leotn, - I tbs.l stop seil eg al unr " "And If lb siui ltd it,. ,r '..is la seilirg if, bat will TutiUtf" vti.t,'i. kiiit'ti, - 11 a.: Una wlt ti." I Apt-I" t Al i lb iim way w.wld lb Utt-aU t.i g iWiisss art te a lu fr ta ( l.ttnniig d" ail li ri. 11 bad lt rm.d Ikst It iit'Sil I it ;annrl Issist sin b a lw. lli.l Sr t-litis I tie t'. f-1 to i In lit be 1 iw io'.o llirir asti -( t f! SiM-rsrts'J l.'.s.l U. ' T,.t.ttrb ! If I, l lkr.t ft ley tt eMt of IV it . "MS Utet in W t it tl.St W..n. i !. r laio t t.r.rt.d ll ts l,f II. In. I shoyld be aboui tb aiaarable. jrawjbfing of a play-actor, or the miemole prof :sf arunmelliw. Tlit eloquent gentleman oonclnded bj iuotui pnem of Charles Mackar. Mon of thought t be up and stirrin r, v Sight and o Sow thJVed, withdraw the curtain, ' Clear the way t Mm of action ! aid and cheer them. Aayoauay. There is fount about to stream. There is a ligljt alxiut to beam. -There i a heaven about to glow. There is a ffower about to blow. There ia a midnight darkueaa . Changing into day"; Men of thought and men of action. Clear the "way I The Ucv. gentleman rcsuined bi aeat amid oe4 applause. TEA AND COFFEE. A ernes' of articles, entitled, "The Narcotics we in dulge in," have lately appeared In Bia.-k-wood'a Magiuine. They have been distinguish- ft.'v, ',. ni thoroosii know led go-ofl T ncle aiscussed, and have- atlntotcd so - ''J-ut.iiwr.iiir, T' - va IT1?? one-. ' 17,0 'vorages wo ioaulg in, which mentions some intercstini UcW re- "rwrHreTnd-rwJTee-,Tt 'irerrtTatty' fcii'fwii: ,.;..-,(.... .i i. -i t. into such general use for one common purpose, though originatipg in different parts of tho globe, (Vtid though so totally opposite in nppeariinoe and character in their original condition. . But when it comes to bo known, through the analy sing processes of the chemist, Unit Ixitli tea and coffee, ns infused beverages contain substanti- ly the same thingK Hie ntoiiihincnt iiicrcaws. It is naturally asked how tho rude nations. among wboin those drinkt 6rst aros, dinoover cd the chemical qualities of tea and cfiffce. The answer has never yet been made, and probably never will. We must, therefore, content our selves with the fact itself. The fact is undeniable. In throe particulars tcann JroTi eatrikinglrresembleeacli otUer.friicy are nearly all void of smell anil taste in their natu ral state, and only acquire their peculiar flavor, or aroma, from a tatalile oil. produced in llioin during the processes nf dryiiigtho leaf or roasting the berry. They all contaiu a peculiar, slight ly bitter principle,, very rich in nitrogen, which is called tkrint, and whichlias the property of lusstn ing the natural wear and tearoftbe hiuii.in body. nnd-trros srrrtng-fnnd to-1Trrtnin extent: "TlTcTSli'i likew ise hold ui solution tannic arid, tho action of wUiebon tho system jsnot eonirdotelyainilcr. rswuiuiii.ouo.iuoii.w,.iuesc tnrec lUbaputeea. a.. 1 ....... ;. i .iA T. .. , r i : ..... . j - i'nwjui;.4iiii- jhoiiuh oi. jnneii is coiiiaiueu in loth tea and iTifToe : but owiiiL' to the lenves in biiQ.!cjijta'uj-ii other, this is wststej. In tea, the tsift7oieyap oratos with age. siKtbat the oldor Ihe lea is, the low . iitloxicntiiig.. TtKlbi rotalilt oil is owing 1110 paralysis which ifxiotntiy nttacici persons who bavo boen for ncveral vcms en gnged in park ing and npacking teas. llut, on the contrary, tlio Mctne'in coficc iiicroascs with tbeNjc uf tbo berry. This subsUm-oif 4kH, 411 xw, eelerntes the pulw.-mnkcsthe heart beat nuicicer. .U4s-UuinUiig.vuwiiot lit iutogination, audil, pdigrt-in i word, rn VbtUov will, tit im- pf-wnw v - w -- C-tiftee rwuildi-s tea in th bffct which 4 pro luces because it also contains Acme tannic uci'f wnd rtfiititrmt; Is diffe, howover, theyi' nra cotitbinetl In difTn'renl proportious and hence the reason why many persons pee for it as a bo yerage. The best coffee grows on th driest soils. "IVt Oie worst ciireeT if kejit (enor fiHicicru jnA," will aeqnire I he, flavor of liie tines! Mocha.' Rie lirmi ipiU art in preparing n-uTr lie in roasting, f ir hi tiiis procc . it is thai i'.s peculiar aroma is pr.iiitice'l. Jneieit siiouiu never Ij grea'er than is siiffie;eiit to impart to the terry a light brewn c!nr: f ir. if carrrid beyond this iut, a disagreeable r;" d4ry rmcll mingles with tho aroma. By li e fashionable process of drinking conce, that is without the tjrttnndi, a good deal T . I ... . I .. - . . . of nutritions inaf.e,- ia wasted. A more uuifuni, Iv strong, a well as agreeable inUision, it is ttimigfit, might-I.e nbtafnrd by mixing a little sod with it ; about forty grains nf dry, or Iwica nruitiiy uni'iiiiniiiiiilrd y Illas-ltwooil. Many of Ihe Oriental nal'oiis drink ihe gmumtt luvariablr. Not lewthan bunlre-t millioiia if Hi human rare ub .i,.fr it i. n. ! d-;'y liff- veinge. In rrance, Ooniianv, Bweden, In-to,, id a large itortu.n cf ihe t'niicd Suites. il ie-ui-el bv ithn st evervbi-idy, just as te it in Kugland, Holland, Knssia,aiid China. T and cofee liecome more indiapcnsatile as nation adiaiictvin iiilcllectual.actiyily. WhctUs this is a Cnu-e or effect, isstit t yel demons sirnli'Ie, Ibough ffi? wfncrlit niiit-lwmidttielinfil to eonsidcr il Iho firmer. Peril! the exlraor- ilinary popularity' of liiiw Iwiera-es, however. aru'U.g the 111 ulcns. arises principally from tha t.tteiisbm i.f e nmerc. and the eonseouent. cheapness id" lea and ne. F.sperieiice teaches I iprotiaf fe.T rlfni c .-.ire,"M'f d mi iTi rSiC;!,!.- '-ot 11. o w-i 01 to tissues, anoru pisuiit baptdtiess, and increase (be nun on aotivilv, en abling men. astlio wri?r in question f irfiliy re marks " 10 show mora Ujod and enirit ia lb f.l.-e of diff.cullies." With i,tu .iJTn. indeed. fT.e'i"levefni-cs do not agree. II nt In the great maw nf mankind U.et aie aluiuat itidisiensablr. ' liasiile tin mere lines. -work and nia-1 !e, so to tteak, ssyt ti . .1 . 1 .. 1 . 1 , . 1 . : . -. iiiacitwisiu, uy which ite numsn iH.tiy it liu.lt np aiirfsustained. liter ar rater Yorm of msiitr, it iwiw ).,ar. t a which I h lif cf lbhody and the cotillon d animal xistnct moat esni. bily lnd. An ituportaiil trtith. and lb on mliirti really Ilea at Hi Itottotn of what hat lttn etlle.1 "t,na-a al eraving of mehkitid fi rstistit- lanl." IVItapa, wkon truly ttnsxd i t tits) nnii ir.iani suiue-ll. 0.1111 lo t.rettil. It will M admitted every bent that distilled liotusrs, if md witwss . tiav l'i muck of this tmiioahnr quality lor Hit licsl'ti of lit Istdy and mind. Nil that Ir aud coflt-, when iitdu mtisly . ..... mmj pstsMs ats i too pro)irr quantity Hub Qisaicu in ml !dui.i. .Wkea Oca Wool waa osniuaoiliu- ia Mexiop, liUdivisltia was k,i eniislaiitly on Hi Woit socouslstTtly that ast tint tmii b (rfind bor ) p)ai-c lied to kical lu b sd-qtiar tor U tit anuy. 11 ae-Oofdj-gly f tiUALtd, ia cat id bit doily nriiers, lbat"brrajier tl. I ei-l-qnarters J ibis diti-ion ill U ia il sattluW," ll was a gtsi.4 ami Mu ral lib sUoUralton. bat its grsutdeor was ties, trove! by a waggish ld Major, abo. carefully reeling lb .ruclaiuttiiosi, rsrk4 "Uhm H tra r)ly woshWuI ; that kad Usm la Ibe artsy t.rty jesrs, and always lefot iippossl ll.sl k.ad qtisiters btloegtNl la lb saddle !" , VN.'TK.PTATt.siXAYY VAtll'st, Ti e priwipj nsvy vsnls in the I nited States, lleS'i w York Journal if (' mnierr retnstk. at all " quiet, fiarl? wte werb disrliarsed frnsn tit Cliattestuwa nstyyard ltt k, aad tery bill is gi ing on, either tl that station or al fctsrf-fb. Their appwartnr ta iss strtsttg eotitras b I'.aropna raty talMms, trtosr tb tno"l a-fscy peesails ia ,prrpraltoti fur a bum log Vrujje, iH-sins it Limssis. lh. Jsmts Uniwa, who Iftwled frolil ts ahreyt,Hs my In lbertaalsssl tit irt-s-s sivl So le k ng titwe ai'nilf 1 f th l,ii.e ,t I J 'WlaUue, 1, el rs- efillf W tsi sn-l M.-la f .1 . : ....I, H lisle h, '.t Ctli A, 1 I ., . s l.i Is 1 i i irists o1Mststlb, it,, tt lUI t'.-l. fi-.sw a., aad Je , j wsrl U iilii-i'mi. I.- 1 13 e,ey rsMittiy, wlo suit n.l III Ibe H tusl-et frwta this . t, klT J 4 sd 1 l.''ns - ; the MECiuxre. Our uVtlr walks brine us frctueutlr face to face) with tli soaa of toil, m their way to-and froas worTt. and it has often neeured to us 'what trr-toendous influence they are beginning to ei ert, and uavw already exerted, in the world' pro gnas. Kearly two thousand year ago, the proud dentaens of Hune, scorning to engage "In meeTian- V art, threw this branch of human exertion into th band of foreigner, and before- tlie sturdy Iriowe of these lo(hie artitiocr and their kindred from the bleak Xorth th tte!y fibrlc of Au gustus foil. The (Jrcis paid a strong, though unintentional; compliment to this elass, in th person of Vulcan. The brawny ielder of the hammer, was the only f-iu'xn of Oiympns who was not a fit tuhfeet for a State penitentiary, Jupirer.Ma.-s aye, th whol aquivl of them, wer as rascally a of of reproliale as eter sip ped nectar, dinuj on stewed ambrosia, or saiia tcd themselves with lea divine or more subsUn ttalr liread and beef-steak. ': Vulcan, deformed,. WXSfKSkSSWiMWimt tho vonr 1 fiwliyjSHtbIa rtjee 4n-si'e4reiy pj-r m ffupTTT-r-wTssTrronr, rfvriTO-a-vTxoa.nm,ane armur r wa a -god of bis word, upright and tciumr- te."A iiT th'W;!i" Ihe fliiaViSnil paeadillnes if liuffni w35 riirte'nii9,fcruief'ati(nc. til? went on, forcing tliundorboltn, never tliiiil'tug utlher of suing for a divoroe, or giving the lady to old llailamanthus to be put on tho trend-mill, - I ho only time ho ever puulsbod licr, be scented a tliauiod of hiatsolf, aud went back lo his forgo, dclormined that he'd loiiO liis equanimity no Tho rcalitation of the moral of this bit of uiy tbology hat been reserved for modern timet. The avenue to wtaltb, influence'' nnd position, are not now eonfiuodlo law, medicine or divini ty. An illitonUe artist ia now ''the lyon" ia Washington ; a tailorfllls the gubernatorial chair of Tontfcsce ; and oh of tbo wealthiest nicu in tlie I' nliot is a pistobmakor, and one of tho nioet fainolTaa blacksuiith. . ' -Hold up your heads, then, ye sons of toil, and look tho world in tbo fueo,Tor y ar a power upon the earth. V llospeot yourfcolvcs and nita iU.rcspcct you ; J be industrious, ititcllignntund sober, and you can Mate with th higoest Tttien of jour nat Thonr 1 no potrirm,1ioweyr -isnpvsrtiiiiti--iHt' lie however exalted, that 'you may not attain pslUTovntclIIcluuJtmT fish aristocracy receive little attention at this day and will receive lost t and whit we reprobato as much tb onlct clamor which demagogue rain agniot ties t'wh, it wlT do tlio Wifcucd tt-4 porciliousness with which aunto . treat the poor, we feet that there 11 touiotbing biglier thaniitlo. nobler tbau wcallli, more desirable than a spot- mortiil lyrist offy)jland,"thal.r ' ' "Tlrtvraiik is bat b guiitca't stamp, " r S hr mrr the giwd f Jr V th at." AwMf tS't'iiir Ikmicrul. Thepnople uf l.'harutstnn ar at last fulfv awake to the fully of their refusol. toutiite witti V'X, luiugton in mill Ji.ig a raiirna I ticuveen those two plnci. They fitrnislt rJsMtrrjtntctnwn nf Kip van mkletsin than evor Yirtli ( Medina did. The lost of llio great mail, ti e miscarriage uf the leUeraand papers fur Cliarfcston, and the diversion of all (lit through travel to another aud shorter route' are tents which hey did not dream of during their long slmnber, and which aiUiuud iLcui. now llutt tbey dio,aaLu to 1L0 extcut of iiteir l.is. (Viinihttnlcalinit Id lli'1' i'hnrlriiTin ToH'rliff nvs that Charleston was "eonlent with ti c sup pisitioa that North Carolina wan quite to pur to build such a mad"ns th Manchester road!) liia jtuoiiT iqis'com (uliiMiiilaf)- to tliMj(it j ol Charleston as tit tlie ptniory ability f North Carolina. . llut the pluasantcst portion' of tb very verdant article in tb Courier 1 that ia which it s- corrlendtd t(dtt AVilmington ha no riglit to take any trade from South Caruliua! " Wt bav a rqflit iitavs lliit tament wrlleri Ui a clear track fur the produce uf our own Hint,' and must protest against her iiitcrfcrciu with it'1 Now ihi it the, ric'ast sofl.iiiuon of lh hlalo Highti t tCtrlli? tlijti.yff.inreni1!!) hr;cn,!lut ij is a bad rule that won't work both ways j and if iliiiiugtnn must nut t-tWo any Irak from South Carolina, what sliall b (aid of Clierasr and Cant- den, and Columbia, aad eve a Charleston itself. wniVii re'snv to niu-h nf-faeu- Ifade ftuin N-oTta Carolina! t'aytUnille ULttrtrr, Il.l t tt. Got. Mattesstn delltereil b't mess. ? to Ihe LrgMaliir of Illinois set Thursslay last. A an ev idem of ginni prtsiperiiy, lit refer to the assessment morns, which h-nw an increase in Ihe laxahltt ptiiery of ihe Mat ftir Ihe pt yar of tint-four ana roor-nfllis per rent Th publie dclil has been reduced ovet e mik I'dn dollars, and now amounts In th sum of but If I 't,7l5 W. In regard Iji linjToveinef-.l d" linrisira til rt'er try sjuqinninslmg from tl Nation! Trt-ury. he et presses kis dissent fr.im lh ilisetnn ssT llut " littmsre llulw-s" loiter . ,.,,, Senstor Ibstglas, and says H would 1 a mallet J of regret if lb prmtnasiwin In thai kdler " sltnuld bv I""' lenoenej to defeat ptenl fpetld- 'KI l l""l Ittatcrsef tlttttt. 1 lifter didairn tb eyptitraliort msde t-y lb ctlceT itTll.ts fritis shin Yiragtt of th 1 iriea shin rstsal stihre4 ex;i-liiion. Males that Ike party list diotred lb ex'idenc of an et'ensiv td tin hitherto fin- known, and watered by larg rivers not set dosjrn on any map. Tb emiipwy rr"tt,d Ibe Isiliiiuis of ftarit'ii in ightro kours, and frtsa lb Icttot ttf .-lheir report then appear Lille d-sibt of the fetsiUily tsf cimtnr-tin it prs.tr 1- d tsttMl. From lb rfti" 1 f ibe Mriiih mrsei lug rstny, II ars thai th parly rmes4 11, e atntry attlil I tier r wilkia ll e;(Hil Miles of the A'lir.t.c, tif wht.-h oesvn Ibey bal an t- eel'ent tpy, llif pbtia tliey eotsisterett s.ti,e twetttj.two iilsi tn Itntt'h. and In ao part of it tlid Ibey find lit ls slion rrealcf 0 B fifty fessl abirt lb Ittvel nf the a. I. sot tn stn it u.ts- A solum of sta'islii-t of (ail.lie wrsrslnp ulilubed in rss.n"t-tWm Il.e I li.l -U ri..us rrlo'ns of -.l. tmt son 1 e iiiier'iing fit Is. Tb rs tulittii i4 I'ltg Innd Slol I si bt W.'.'.t .it".!. Ilia loitol -r persi n tt"n Xni cl.tin b on ftumliy was t-bttrrh tet .-Uul, h.'.Vl.l il ; ia tlir 4rtf st.tis -s'siii 1, 1 i.s pt-o-iri.a r tj,t poft tom f lioland sod VI ah a hub t utt-h-r tHrupti s ia s.'rsnls at ertsmsd !o m mk'. IIiis Mt a tie soel atls.-tif ts tbi-tt ll pe--irt his-li - ii-tnfi-4 t-r t yars au . ' Ao-l.ey b:i-T s;r,s-trs i t!.e f-..bss Ti fr- 1 J te. -i.ta B1t1s.fr I t Mtr. l iwiti. f 111, b iot"t 1 1' si lis 10 t. 'e l.dies t. e j lo e ir't oil i-t, enlli.t It- , on lib-re II w.irs Ir-ip.! i B t fct-f I- k as " f"l ' J full fol )i gr-iei!. ft d ill lsi 1 4!ts tsot tit ii I.' DUMBER 8. J tw ifct. Crime is shockingly rampant in Ja maica. Out of sixteen case jntt tried at th Assi ses, no fewer than nine wer for "those abomina ble crimes wsbich ar dangerous to human nat nrd." In charging th grand jury, th jodg expressed hi conviction that mere punishment is insufficient, as a preventative of these boinous ofTenee. and tbggestesr that th only tray in Winch they can 1 ersilieste.1, is tn rio tlWm. nf pmant among tehnnt thef are reoutnf, anrfer toiste humanizing inJtuemM. . Can Fiia' Bank. Arch'd McLean, Esq. has been (tppointedCashiernf tlie Favetteville Branch of the Cn Fenr Bank, to fill tb vacancy occa sioned Iry the deith of John W. Wright, r!sq. W. J. Anderson, Esq. sooccetit Sir. McLean as Tellert . 1 And Mr. W right Husk snceeeils to th Clerk shiii yncatod by th promotion of Mr. Anderson. I'avid A. Kay, Ksqr, has been appointed Di rector w the same llruncl.-V-oyrtc. uomrer 'Ex-rRiPE!(T FiLtiioan, we see it stated, is a- liout to Is) fnariied to An only daughter of a gal lant V. 8. jnl&ccr doce-jscst, and a lady of rai'o talents (uiieruir accomplishments- and large .fiirtune. The lady is snld to be Mis F.lua'ih t'orira'. tif jjajafa. Falls only- dsHghrer. of lb IatnrrcnrftlTi-'cr H. lrtrtr. ft tieiss ot tttr oT lSTlj kiiitsWt of -ftarsnw John' Wn Ailamu. Ax IncoanM Isci!io. Judge Uoffniao, of tMe LUilud atateji..IUutxtct1.l;i.iurt juf tulitunii. i.-oocieu uu uiifKiviiuH opinion ill rcjcc-ling toe eleliritted claim of the ' .Maniioeas, ' of alsiut i.l.) ncnis. worth manr nntluiHs. on the Stntila. Imis" river; 1 ho so had been annealed from niled States Land I umninimuii. aud will to to tbo Nirprciuo Court at asbingUin. . - t EijT" Il rs held by th Treasury denartmeiit that tht aeeounttng officers have uo antliority to go behind th ileoiiioni of llmir predeit'ssors Ui ottn e to entertain or allow a claim which ha boon rejected, exerfpt on th production nf new and material testimony whkh obviate dearly the former objections. .'.-.. ' (iKisT Srr.in. Tho American clipper shin Ited Jacket luu made the voyage from New rk to the duck at Liverpool in thirteen dnya, 0110 hour aud twenty-fiv liuiiuloil. In on day, hnrsilay the I'Jtb January, tha made 413 milos, tutu it said to It ah, greatest uittanc ever un twoirty-fourt by anything afloat, I MASsirni-stiT-rj I.Inisi.Ayrsx. Boston. feb 1 L The Houkc to-day pawd the residve in opposition' to tho Nebraska bill, by a tote of 24(1 yeas to 13 nnvs. . Kiev en democrat and tw lilgTytitea IrtnC egattv.: : --t ; Ivvxstioxs. Among the recent Invention made public ar two by Southern men for feed- g paicr 10 pruning presses, unr is uy l'. u. aslvtcn. of Charleston, the other by It. Clark, rrf Nrsr-xlib 11ns;- I4otn-'iiiTeuhm'tre- regarded iiU favor. ...-TV"" -" .' "" ." . V. Annim. The T.Cg)i!ature of Alabama hat sued a bill etnanciiiatilig .lolin Bell, the body servant of the late M 111. it. King, and autbortit- tug bim to remain in Ibe fHate. An act has also p tvseil abolishing the cbauccry system hitherto povai ling iii AltiLaina., , .: ... ." . . . TuiBiTt yo var Mikoiy or Ilixsr Clsv, The legislature of Kentucky have reccntl adopt' ed appropriat resolution in tb memory of Uuu. ncnrv t. my - . . . Ial SrotL.s.---In the Savannah City Council there is a decided majority of iooofoeit, who have rrjeetc-d propositlirr l-y a Yt Itig paper to puh- isn ineir iiroceofiinirii trraiuiiimsiv, anil ciivtea a Wjf'iV. piUK Ilil lortirm lite name service l a lalaiy tiff'.Hitl. Jlowcvitr much Ihey may have siltiatidert-d Ibe t-itv's BsonrV. Ikev sersed tlis W hig right. Working for nothing tt pir im uuuvs tt-aa- 4b trfl.wt ia...4priyo s uoiliUsr i a Jon m mir w ages. ,t Fonottv. D, W. Ikagora forred a check nn tlie llrtncb Bank of th Istat for 2,H. with lb signature of Anderson and Savage, of thia place, It wa pnveuted yesterday, and lh mf y iniinoJisti ly after arrested and refunded lh money. Ha wot committed tojitlli . e - WWstittjfna lummtmul, W tsiimutox, rtv 1 4lv Mrrfui1ft'iirr-Piirmctt ta tfteKenat, to-day, b ta dfcided toled. ThrolArowevcr,wa iiliscquently reconsidered, and the subject laid -.-flwoTgiryiiiinderii's nmnlnath tbr Corurul to letndon, was rejoctial by a large vote. Tire Clanmille on Foreign Relation bay a ta 'cling to-morrow ea th Utdsdsn Trtstty. Th friends of the NcliraAc bill, tn tint .Senate, bar another cauctit tomorrow, - - - ll.trtB Gao tn or tni Wxrr. Tit Chicago Tribune, ipcakiag of lb rapid tlevskipmeut of those elrmenlt of pfosprrily poatctstd Ly Ui great t est snys: ' . f Th" Wetit ts ii;it la tlilnfanef tl bat ho, yet passed out of lit ternf.- Ninetoen years ago, Ibert were less Ihau fiv Oiousand whit inhabitant in all the vast region uf beautiful country lying b- t.trLaV;. jw-higiu gnrj iiJ.;ifk-fin N V ivtiiie n i n'i-r U bolwtn o te an I two million! Twelve years ag i, eight to twclv day' passage botween Chintgo and N0,iastsMu ewRsidOod quick llmo in fit moslsvLioralile season. Now two days is the average j and it it to It soon r dure) lo but Utre hours nior than one day I Kit yaart ago, Cldetro had not tingle foot ol railroad eomplf-ic-1, aud only on in onlempl. lion. Now it bus ii-3 mile complied in lb limits of Ik Mat alona, and oict I.OuO in pro- s titts 11 ruction I Fitteen year ago, tb penpl of Cliicsge boughl a l.irg iart of tbsir Lrvad stuffs arid pma Uioiia fra the Stat of N'ttr York, I'enntv U yania, and fthio Now there i rxporled from Uiis city, earli j tar fsiftK") taslicl ofraia and lJ.OA) barrels a befedpkl Till rittr Pnvixi-CT 'north nf us are Mart c t.f silser change that storekeeper i its port il from lb I'uited .Slates, and lb bank nf rlrit- h Amerba lia Issued tt and (en shilling .i!l. Tlit whole tie.-unl of the revenue tv.ll led in New Ilruns ielt, during lit ytar llLjS, wt alssot f '2o,:i, isf mhWk trior ati ft) was received tl lb rt nf St. John, i A Nt Fisi As Tb lbision Cmrim nirrt-ti.-ns a .t , m m la ll ntarksi wl.is'i ll ears i t enlirelv tlifTrretst friH any ever I'fore ofeted le l'i elleiit,,! tf il.e uolic. It Is simi It in its t tttstrnetii, ks isTolting ry Under, is kadrd by nntrrewlng lb Ijinel, wlii. h rsasieet lh chanilicrt, and I B'd al'all liable ta become Iw npemtive by t-yrrskm or rust, a all lltew nkipg part are f-itits'i.e-l witlln lb stik or brre-b, -f. f eaa spy f Tt!tci..n elib ibt ipkliog gt. Ti Mxtt sj Tssin. ll is rmdi.r-.tood Ibal j 11 Psn.tsr Irai-'tnltted lu fits rVnat oaf tasliirdsr. f st its adis tad coitrtit, ike Trvatr lately ee-i.lifed il!i tl e ( i..l i r met ,J( !riMf ) i liy not M.i.ii e , All, I, n-l i s, J( Is ts d Ul ' I sorts' t tool.uii'i i a.e r. i.,rot-r,'te I I tv-l, i g ST at r'sl o lie 7-'.tiite-.e g-Snl nt . AKP.IVAL OF STEAMF.B ATV.irx, Tnr Aijfj l rw Euro) t J fjfi in fit AW. ' '.:' SM,r Ilws. F.-1,. 13, p. M. Tbe tim-Y kinn, from Liverpw,!, ith datpa o the irih nlf., hw arrivc-i, tut int (to up to X. Turk tw-ttiyht. , Ei-Ttai Arriia'. Tl.e c waa still a-aiv. Ilia rci lv n luct of tiit Cir m not cijwUa li!tor the BiidJlc ol tcWuirr. lie haaappnint W t unt .tttfW to inert tha Fi our C' nttt to et pLaiil confidential) tlie lenus on which he wid treat. : Th Russian wer mabrrlg preparation t at tack Kalafat, and swtrcl skirmishes between tb bclligerantt bad occurred, but nothing of a doriaiv nature had taken f's.ce. - Th allied floets were on their way fat Varna ; tha Hussian fleet was off Aioph. It ltd rnmored, but doubted) that Pania ha4 succeeded Count NiVwlnsliVi Austria has htnly ordered 40,000 men into Hungary, v The to give (leaocse intend Capli Ingrahata) a public feccption. The Kussian J.ipau wjuadron bad arrived a Hong Kong. ' . Thar was ao news of interest from Kngiaiid or France.' British ship wer blockading tb port of Busliira In Hi Persitta Oulf. Pott Mo liamed wa at Candnliar. LATEST BY TUB AIT.ICA. Natr oat. Feb. I (th. The latest V itnoa itw nay Aaifrsnst iwwt bat been netaved - fruaaSLretorJiturg. rertualtas pmAiscJ . tp ut- rnlirrr - lh Bratiliaa atenmer Ohoda was aahor at TTolylieail. Th steamer. Petrel was burned 111 tlie Clyde, on tlic-Oih. American stock ar ac tive at improving prices. Contois fluctuated be tween OJJ to 951 Bosroy, I cbs 1 1. Fiac Losa tn.OOO.s-Tho woolen mills or It. S. Denny at ( lapvilie, Mass., wer burned to-dayv Th Ua wa fJft.OOf), ' HRTHEtt BY T!l ATHICA. .'- ' New Yokk, Feb. 15. jfnofW 7rtf Rattle JVmiAf iht Turkt oouist Kii-fortoti. Th Africa' aiai Is did sot reach this city until this morning, A dispatch from Furis, dated th Friday b fvire the Africa sailed, (tales that a gredt battl was fongbt at Kalafat on thtglith, and the Turkt were ettniplolely victorious. T)ie Turks have also retaken two Island on the forr Itanuhe. t - . I'll Turkisli Convoy reached Baton safely. It was though! hostilities in Asia would ta immediately resnmed. . The Itnndon Time anticiiiatet ntrlhing fuvor- bltrsiin-tVlori -MtitiWin, for It is believed It'"' ill fail to obtain a declaration of neutrality. The Kussian Ministers hate withdrawn from Loudon and Paris. . The lime lluiiks tlit lour Powers cannot Wait for fresh proposition! from Kti I'etersburgh. - The Pant Bourso clo.ted wettk. LATF.n FHOM 1!I0, - . B.vt.Titotr, Feb. IS. Th Dannie hainlmw arrived hero to-day. bringing Bio dale to (January, 7. Colleo wot firm, and would advance, wit lor the great scarcity of shipping, roijicrinr ar quoted at d.W" to 5. 0isd firsts CCi to 7i Clearance for th year amounted to ".02.00.) bags less that Ihe previous year. Th stock cn hand is put down at l-'iD.IHiO Ihil's. t lour nmi when tlio. naininsr lett. . - WABLIKE INTKLLIOEXCE. . The followins Item are eloanel from lb Africa's mails : ' Tt axtT tNB rssf All accounts com or in t iliiiij that Russia it making extensive prep-irulinlisi.il lh Ilmtulte, a alto in Asia, itnisr Pasha wit -Ttjrrrrimsty tp- - gngcu tn rccmiiiiig sun su-engiiiening ins post lions. Fiieiy opirtniiity yiitlnii bis rcavb. wa emliraccd for this purrtuM. Ihe Mian or rcrsia baa promised neutrality , toward Turkey. - rnotfty. Affairs in this eouiitit hsve been very niu. h agitated, Tbera wer indicutlotit of lu-nW-tlinalion, and apprcriSniuns of an outlireak. Austria far ntniTi iroulded. and apprehensive of dittinilty, " Th wholt tenor uf the news it warlike, '.'- ratbt t. Ellenslv defensive and warlike nrentrationt wer ttill going ou, Najtoleoa it understood, ayt th Coiistitotiouelle, In t determined apoa war, sales lh Ciar conies terms in dut tuns. - voiv. Till War uuest ion is Mitt absorbinc all inter ests and reesutssl by tb best Inf., run-1, as tt tretuelr nnovrtaiht - England n minuet to ttrengthen her luud and naval tTces. Tb Imisirts id breadstuff, into F.utUud wet larg. Lilt lb demand almost eiial to the supply. AltniVAL OFTIIK AMF.IUCAl Ijxttli itnFrwtTsdlAMyjy. Feb. 15. fht - A nterio arrived at her wharf toslav. Tha Auur c k-ft Lhcrpmd en tlie Itli lot., snaking tlio ran ia 11 days ft is now ytiiia that a great battle u (.ajglit al KsT.iTaVoa the I'dll. T!ie TotVs ar brlii;ved tn btv gained a brillsnl v;, t--rv, n-1-wilbslaasling tb HussUnshad &i.t - to -i in ll. field. The Turki-h rediibts are t.f great tt Uli and Very strong, anil Huuiawiil and it imj hard to ptnr lb place. KASTF.RX tCKSTli. Fresh IntitrrectioB bad ocenrrad sowng l!.t Wtllocliian peasantry. ' Austria ba rnwd ktw ui,. ,.r I lis tt- -Irtilition of foreigpeT in Hi Tutlili i crtU-a, Frri a as ays! on friradly terms i h the Tuiks. A tnantitl ttsletneiit fr. m the 1 rci rh ministry speaks fatorjli'y of tl.t noi:c.sry affairs of Fran . Tb latest front Costut ftriolT, title I'. si l, had arrive ! al Dirlin, and the C-tbi iet ha 1 l m suut atoned la asrsrt hint, ll govs nil lu Yisana. N1. Petersbiirjilt to ti e C(ih January kd bea reoeitrsl, aud I'M newt was d c.d.-liy war lik. Tl Ciar st re lt l on jtreu)e weas. ares, itnleta the reply fern Franc, aad t"g'md -! fatuttli'.s Tb Lorolon Times sat t ll.sl 11 1 rss ly ,U b eooehc I in fin and d'-td-l litss, It u mm-! tftll I c .lii!.. bis-l 6crarrsd on lit (Ha k S l, bol -n (lie !',. I '.i-.-is nJ ijjf natal f.ineuf tli Uus an I .m-eetit. firest .-it -raettl pr- t ,ilrl f tyi. , Ti- IWt Uassuta f -t Wl s-Ui.r-4 u l"lh. an I ssilrl totlar Is 1'i'orus, M ittlTt. I'otion K '--'y ttser. S,!- if the ltT.1 da,s a o ...ul In 1 1. ' 1 si s llfefUlsfT. were q. l-i aii ! in Im- i. Nt. r kst det'.iocd fr,S stli-a f li ki I J ,1 is ,1 ill , I l in ' -, Jvtv I I l 1 i . I an.! i r ' Us. ' , SlI.M .t-, I i... ttel Win b i .Is. II 1 1 I 11 n st if- .1 lis it