! t f i i i 7T . i 1 i r- rtaMsnaa tutir it WILLIAM C DOUB, IIHTUI AD riUI'IlITjit. I B I Mil Jf paid trit'y i adransr, tsr dollar per an- I uoiiar ui inr eeat. if pi4.withta eiX Malta ; nd tbm .dollar t lb tad f lira r. ADresrtswK.vra t .Twiinf ute. s Han will bt Inserted a timo for en, dollar, aa xweatyare eeat fat sack hseriaat insertion. Than af greater lrait will "b clistf ed propor-i iwsally. CurtlrureaadJadieial't'rtMmat wilt a tharpso percent, higher thea th ahoy rtts. - A rcssopsule deluc'i will be made tas we advert! by .the year. - Bssak and Job Printirg dona with neatness and wfapaloh, aad an accommodating ters. VaJ Letters to the Editor ml b poat .paiH. ' TIIK SLAVE AND lURgLI.VO STATE. We find ini Northern paper, th following .. paragraph ! V . - s , I Illinois. The Message if (iW. Matteson. to I th .-Legislature of thi State, convened in Special Session, . is a business lika document, and '( eoataina facts whii-h will I interesting not only ' to ths eitixcus of Illinois State, t,u equally so I to the country at large. An extraordinary ' fact J is stated-by the tlovernor, which is, that returns 1 in the office of the Auaitor show the actual in- I crease in taxable pnqicrtyof the Stale in a single j year to he over till v f.iuffcr pit, The princi- i pal reason of this wonderful increase is the fovt ' ? which the UnTernor idacet before the Legrtala- .i4 Jure, vix: the atonihing increaw of railroiuls. . js Th State h over one tH.im.vid. two bun lret -w.iwaawils jf ftilwHut .,,jijiu4el....'M4. jr'MW' 1 condition, and w ithtwaw4W'ofiMu thou t ina nities inure of Wctr"roiirWaTIief fe jq w flliished, the whrlo;Bty bsiiiv mfw ajWWif4 . n tne same, or a bndred sheet, in whicn we j find the ion-going, we meet with some doleful lamentations overThinttiSeliBeTof ttreSoTithcTll IStates, eompared with those of the N'ortlj and' Northwest which decline, as a mutter of course, is referred to the Institution of slavery. If the Northern writer had only cast his eye upon this statement, he might bare detected soma other cause. Illinois is indebted for these two thou- - aaad asilei of Railroad to the bounty of -th Federal Goreminent a lionnty indulged the expense of the Southern Siatei whose feeble ness and decay are sneered at, Every foot of theie roadi has lieen made by appropriations of publie hinds. - N:it a cent has come out of the pockets of the pujplu And ntilroails-aro. , not - the only favors bestowed upon the Hireling eitates. Immense contributions have beon made - a theaa H for s,'howls aad eullegetv 4wr aay, if the same liberal meinure bad lieeo dealt .t Uitha jJaifliuldinj Sutcsf, tlieit territory had been permeated by canals and railroads. i siifciiiils a.tnlilnlid in nrnry , .tlffliirjlbtfrh.jlg:!. "tl5e ezpna oT'rTiTXi)therTr?riiTesr'Wi't6" night boast of our proserity. It.TfoulJ not be Jfing too fir v.tn s.iv,that Illinois herself, if in addition to the millions she has received from the Federtl treasury, had had the benefit of slave labor, . might h.ive been stil! more prosper ous. .''. . Unt it way be 'allege 1, th it the relative in Wiiae of the non-slavehol.ling State iat- on-nne-1 -to the Northwest,' where tfie greatest amount of Fe lxrnl Imunty has been laiiibed- Imt 'eitends to the Northeastern Slates also. This is true. Hot the cause is quite as obvious in their rase as in thai of their N irlhweitora allies. If they haro not had 4he benefit of the publie fwtdsthry raT-ha the betnflt of tlie- pt4ie " revenue. r Tliey enjoy the use of nearly tiio wWle revenn, and are ledd(H in the re.'eijit of millions I annually friHa lhe pabbc treisury fttr opean aieaascrs. The practical cfT.-.t of this system is tn pr'reto the Northeastern States almost the entire profits of the labor of the negroes of the' Smth. It would fctrai)(e indocl, if with these drains apm , we iureised in wealth as r ipi lly as th we wiucaj ill lIlt Aaiaataji vl the lel JU weeameoh A di-solation of the I'nion might be atten le 1 with n lay evils : but it w iulda! least relieve us from this system of injustice "and oppression. We should then hrrw uur wnvrgwtwrn-mist, ; a'lid the talea.we should p,y would be employe in per- le-tiit oar owa iiUjirovemsnts, and promoting own prasperit and happinets. KieZmowt ' :'" ..! 1 , - ". ' IS TUEKF. AN AI.M1,ISTU.VTI0NM , PARTY AMOXU IS! i jTUiaia becoming a , frequent and interesting f wJSTiry. If ther ba, here is it, and who c-im- pnea itf A short time !nee, the ".fU" In New York, an 3 tho who sympatbiied with them, war considered tire Administration party pur irty par V-wWrsSir-rr-In were nil turned mat of office, and they (the " ") duly installed in place. ymthy fgr Free Hrilar wa the tas of demueralie orthudoij J nasi alt bIm uVi.ied -die fxAtrf wets abot orl '. hang a traitora, 2 tint sine the Introduction of tin NrbrasVa i bill, tn I'm anaoano! th auppjit of that i , lastawre k th test of friendship (. (he Adminis- amen, and loadlr datnand Ilia bead uf th - SulU" who do not iwqurly np to th mark. Tha H-fl;" blca the jievil and thelieep Sea, arc nnwrl llfig M aiwi tt alt Wd'Prln.'i'Jotiii'appejiTs ni Clesaena, as au influential measlier of th K itch Mi Cabinet, to make their por. II protests that It U breach of fajth, afwr th great rio Unea aloM to their eotuKianea in aquietcing m Ik Battiatora Platfurm, to reqiiira tbem to carry at the spirit of that PUtform. v He tuigesl to hiscal inary con frere vari.-os pUusihls expedients by which tudodgn. . Bo far. hi antraaUM ba( Ped practk-ally in eiTectii. Tl " KJ(Z '- tain their p)c. Ksdllsld Mill oeaiMe ib iMBtl Bt vet th quest i,ss rxarai U tUi aa A4 ata'i(rali.Mi party aassmg as ? Who com poo JtJ WW th Kmptirrr, or tlx Washlaglen Ktijitti, nrlb CahHi nligbten f Is lb Kcbnuka bill a tsl . IVsaracy ? I fa. awcUim tonnes In tf saarks, and shall insist that th Fra Jv.il rs b kaatb-d ant. Ixst n andrrstand Ur mt nra. Ar lb Soft " lh - AJmimulnlmu frff,- or ar Ibsv wd f If they b Bsd, gi as ont .ractimj ii4onre, by lb aiil.diaaal fro IIjsjis Fts-.tir, fror . ffi-4 .Vkij. W W - ' 1 .A ,a A htw IH ta la rmio -M r.U!lar,lM 1. "".in I mu ,C 4jrn-r, write thai mnai of Caen hsi fsJUhly puUluW a """ Wa ass of tha mm of tU Msrua- 4 7nr tb Fi.rh minister al Madrid, in wnkhU (tk as Mwsaasss. bis deterashsntb to a to tla4vl ss4 aVawnd of iu ynf ? R U reparatinn lm Ik Wownd rreied , ih Mse. qui in tba tossMinf with Mr. H.Clh.Ur. t nn. mmm III awaalsMaAt wImUwuw rrs-nersrl. .w S B UalimsJ pre, ant tb yuanf nun fnW ' tomi.iuVr.; tnd hm VaifHi VQLTJME XLV, THE PI BLIC LANDS. . In tSe-fnited States Senate, on the 7th inrt., AltiU to grant alternate seettons of land for 12 miles wide, to Minnesota, aid that Territory in the construction of Railroads, was taken up and The muI to he nstnw4ed, 4 three irandTed miles long, so that the act donates 18,000 seo t!mv-or 1,152,010 acres of the public land. This land, at $1 per acre, would amount tj $1,4 W, 00. Bat much of it is worth from $3 to ? 10 per acre. It is not Wond the bouuds of reason, therefore, to calculate thaL.Minnesota Territory has at one ' fell swoop " pocketed, from tho publie fund rontrihiitetl alike by all the States, the snug sum of $o,0U0,iKX. And this is but one of a thousand applications to Congress, for donations of the public lnndx to afd the Weahrn States ta construct railroads, dijr canals, rear up colleges and other institutions of learning. "-In iew of the fact, that Congress does niitiu lly wake Urgs datioos-f tl publie lnndte MUJ. ! csiern states, we wonll nK, is there anYt receive similardonations? Congress has assuin- 'Kii that i imst mmcmid nr Hons and all our Presidents have ave acquieaeed in, -o' approved of, tliat assumpflon. So far, then as the constitutionality of smh duiiaiions is ct,- cerned, the quetion would seem to be settled. If tben it is constitutional for Congress to make and the States to rci-oiye, such donations in one Section of the I'nion, why is it not so in nil seo. tionsof the I'nion? -In this instance, Minnesota asks for upwards of a million of acres of the public Isnds to aid her in the construction of railronds.aiid Congress promptly makes the grant and it is all right." Wo hear nothing of any vio lation of the constitution or tho milled policy of the party. But if North or South Carolina were to ask for a similar grant for a similar purpose, up would rise their Representatives in Congress, and declare it uhconntitntiohiil oiid a Violation of the settled jsilicy of il;cir party, and voto tho ppiiMlgn flowi.b.Jf there Ji d particle of com nion sene or common honcstv in such a course, we have neTer been aide to discern it. These Representative refuse to aid their own Stales by donations of t'le public 1 anils because, as ther al- a':Te9e?eeesw make such graajts, and it would be violating the settled policy of their party to vote for them. WharrYtol'.iftrlg ttr-tHnrTitTrW"wnd-tfH tied policy of the party! llivo not every fm. cratic Congreis and every Dcm x-rutic President. sanctioned large donations of the public 1 ind to the Western State ? Now, if it is in accord. unce w',t)i the constitution and the tcttled tsjliey of the IVmocratic party to make such donation of lands to the Western States, we would like to i know horc ttitt!ar donation -of lands to the old Sfates would violate either? What, gentlemen. constitutes tho setllcJ policy of a party ! Is It I 0( di n iled by a hahi-nul couise of att'en? If t", may e nt claim that it is tlie settled policy, of the Democratic party to donate lands to the Western S'nten? Then, it is only donating lauds to jiie M .Mates that would VIMal thrtmrsftt. tion and the settle! policy of the parte. If thi is your position, gentlemen, speak nut and let it be known. Tell the people where, iu the consti tution, may be found the section of rlanse en ferring on fenires the right to tax one section of the I'flion for the benc6t of anotlierLorto bestow the ctiininon property of all uiwo one por. tion of the State to the exclusion of the other portion. Tell them when ami where the !rmo .rutic party settled upon the p. -Via- of lavishlr donating the pubUc jWs.tu.lUjic.w Suituu..and i?4 vice 1mSTti M SlnlV-s any part of Hieial Tiiti: yon do this, gi-ntlemeii, ymr prating alsmt Isting the constitution and lh settled policy of ftany-w-worsa tlin ni a.en., Has not North or South Carolina as much right to a share of the public lands as th territory of Minnesota? IIv they n.4 Umt e.,ual shares of tli burden if government? Why, then, should th latter have a million of sere v of land, while yon withhold fr-m the. former one acre! Th time i set distant when the old forie :ii 1- iij , . . ... ., ,. . ; , - ...... u, ..-v-,,,,,., i-miuitb, lurir suncsion to batangible aMra.tions will not be received a t justiloatbm. Then it vsii-not do to plead the ettlcd polu-y sj th.c!r jjajy, a a reaM.n fr with holding fnnn their rjnstitnents th aid an prodi gally bestowed npon ethers, Ckm G uKlr. ' In 111, Miaanurl, fhAi a territory, applied to Congress to take measure to orgsniie a a Staja, J ana tnm ne aimltted into the 1 11 ion. A move ment wss at onen m vlr in Congress by the fanat ) of that dsy, not to allow Missouri to com ts a Slau into th I'nion. uJcm negro slavery was rirbid by iu eoa ditution. Nothing wa done al that session mid so th matter went over to the next Conjres. Then It ram np again, but all eff.rti to admit Missouri as a State, with th Constitution whi.h the juNipU forming it had framed, weru defeated. Al tliat I lie Msioe wa applymt admit M ! ?iate; "and the Scuale, huu)c4 a bill fur Hi rarpu. adding to it, nowever, th one f. tba admission 4 Mi.,uri frr fn all restrie tion. Th Hons refused to ogre to the amend mantofthsrHenate. admitting Missouri; and then, after both House bad rr fused to recede, a ouav mitte uf C.grss wa appointed. Here lb friends ef Misvuri fonnd tbensselie ronrinuBed to yield Bumething iu tl fns sod oppowliun of 'that day, and it w agretsil by lU msjoriiy uf both boa sea of Cotigrea tbat Miwvnri should b admit Is las a flat, if slavery WMsscluded north ef JO'SaK. . X And so th Missouri CnmiiTomis wa screed to, tmt bewousa it wa iid't in itself, lutimly Iw cnus if it wssram a'lopted.agrealer wrong w.ml.l I. dm in dewvinf to Missuuri th rivl.l to bv s r com n of UieriaJes of the I ui.in. Uii mpnsais ha shown itself in th aasit Is that It list eTtndered, and which Bow itslf in lb sKssrbr of m of Ihe toeta- lrf C'onfcn . Th gisid is seen in lh growth and pm-pcriiy nf Miwsiri Let Congmm the S..li lh g.s-d to Nrbraskaby wrgwitiag it a a lernhuy, sad lt the pr-q.W, who will eigrts to it. it dm id f, tLnoss t.es aa th peopl f all lb Male f tk t'aion Lai lb right to 4 what shall b th lss ll.st bsU frttra their do BMssii WiHituthns - f a" mm RALEIGH, flOBTH Don Tin AeiiMsTisTioswisiTnt Xikav' Bui to Pj.s. This singular question has been aagpested bj a singular article in the Washing-, ton I'nion. . In noticing the speech of Mr. Ste phens, of tieorgia, that paper admits its ability, but insist upon- certain admission,, which it seems to us arj neither Arwxia point of fact nor proper, to haie been referred to in tl proposed connection if they w ere. Mr. Stephens, says the I'nion, "should have explicitly slated tbat it was the democratic party ot the North which had borne the brunt of the battle iu favor of the coin- promise measures," Braiflson and Dickinson :; "and had gone the furthest in vindication of ;he prineipleol popular aovereigntv." I What Hoe, ! .i . .i tt ,Jt : , j that mean TJ It aids: '(hi fact, however. l.e , must feel, even if he Mr. K. will unt manfully confront and candidly admit it ; and that is, if the whig party nihil the North, the abolitionists would make swift and bloody worknt the S.nith beasnnaUe concession! "Mr. Stephens was! not quite as frnnk in the course of his hold and Seildelech Testerdarr IndVfenreof the -rt-t. prmeii l.le-of nonular iw-ereititv: n hi shtrht I ft; we aro fr In ih. k;. , r. r we arc tree to say that hu argument in favor of ntiqs'''Mid4iaw4'4 aire." (M hat more could it be.) The. article ailds: "Mr. Stephens is, however, a warm party iimiiuajvetgitglit - toitt. thankful mthctLtut i i. ij a i ... . .. i . i . .i' hat he did sav tliau c;intio! ever what ie ftiil- 'cdtoMi." Now we ask what,, the use of these imp.it-! tionsupon the n lug party! l)..es theadmiuistra- tion bring forward the Nebraska Bill as a parti- measure? Then the c-mntrT should so iin!cr- ...... . ... stand it. Jlocs the administration desire the bill to succeed? Then why not acknowledge with out qualification the ,-ervices of all who voted for it. But if tlie administration wishes to escatn having to sign or veto such a, hill, it "natural policy would I to divide the wbigs by insult or insinuation. Thus whilst it claimed at the south the' merit of having' encoiiraged "the Fill.lt may esca) at the North the r.- ponsibility of having officially confirmed iwfliif, .Inirr&nji.. ""M s.-incteisagctu.- """"' wc cr""J I tiri. ft rvf llm An tarn a. CCtn I There is qui, littleliis,, connoCsf with Il'jjJJli'SC.lSWVj'X. H grandec ; he'weut to Mexico, gambled, lost his money, then his valuable "bauble," the diamond ,.io Tl, "l.,..o ,i. a:.. .i . :... ' -M-..s..3.,ln ofhiswncnasagentleiiianfis.m New Orleans, who hnving made lis fortune, retired from the Mrxivaii eaiiilalrwas n.l.bciTahd assa'sTmtiinTtiear 'crs Crnx by the guerrillas; lite guerrilla chief was taken, the (li.unonil pin found Uili liiin ; b was shot, and the pin sold to a gentleman doing business in Vera f'rus, and who afterwards set up the pin at a New Urlemiraffie; it was won by steamboat captain. Who sold it to our Ciu. r..i .w -j j n ,nMHH.ai, s wit iHisiranil UHirirs. IMiilCTO ...e history ofthe pin to be authentic, and thepin J.l' .'illLS'lr present owner having had it stoien twice, once by . k.ml ,.1 I--V v-j, .1 . 1.- - r' " ' " ' "' "'. "-' ' "- l..w 1... ..... .1 1 :. 1. : 1 . 1 . ... 1 n.,..!.,. 1, nun nip i,um.iu, as nc sioou in tlie doorway of a ennceH nv.m in ibis cii But the isin is" still safe. ' JTlUt flLLllll lilts IX Lust CI4T.1 eoiarswlem-ehiw htrely tnken plai-ts-twern the Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Cripp. interim t'hargeffsir, for , he Cn, ted Statcsat Mexico. The McxiceiiMinisterealls Si?dh veTtwt thf nttm;rtf WrTWrtirtiTtrir "will euitinues, and complains that ahhonsh thi. is notorious, ....autboritie, a, Sn Francis had not taken efficient step to prevent them, notwith at willing thesuprrme giHeenmeiit bad dire-trd them to do so, Mr. Crips, in reply, stntes that th I'nited States government is doing every thing in hs power to put down these expedition, and that he himself had sent ast.ecial messenrer to the government authorities at San Francisco, informing them of the representations made tu him by the Mexican authorities, th effect of Tftnld n p i, s lbs ale lean gnrernnfent Ihebesi proof of the g1Kl faith by which theninductof the I'nited Siatctowarda IrfT neighlsir, Mrxicn, is jroid.sl. He expressed bis luil'tessioos. neverthelMa,iluit th. inlUrui, tto.sa.wbW.tlnaMe.tfcaJ ed these represetilalM'n waa without f.,on.Uii.,r, or at least greatly exaggerated. Tli Minister rejoin, pointing out tin' Veritas movements of th Bllil usters, and the outrage allege.! to bav been alrrndy conimittcd, and sy" th Mexican ftineromcnt i not aware of any effective steps Wing taken to suppress tbem, tllliougb the I'ni ted States g-svercment has.bccu xoti4aiilly.in. , forme.1 by Mex!is since May last, of llice lilegal pruceedings, ' Mis W tarn a otvtat jn usvt Krytt-rtt1. Mia Welsrter. the young woman n ho was anm tint aince prded cat of th Kentneky peni tentiary, where sh wa ennfinrd th eharg falsi ncttng alas-m, ha rereliesl notice from th Hthwsvsef Trinrbto l-cwntr, Krv, thaf she must leave that Stale immediately. Thi 1 in consc qaenerof In rweanl disaprwaranm of a number of slaves, and tha arrast of th IUt. Niirrw liar, at Mfllson, lad, on the rbsrr ef aUlnrtiiig slave. Hay. It is allegad, i partner f Mass Wlir ia tit bsnine, and lh Iwn, it ia said, resided on a farm wbkk they bad pwvnad In Triml4eounty.' Tliey hav llresuened to tear dn her bouse and f ril ty drlia ber front the Stat If ska doe not e toluniarily. Coins. or Binrow-TU fsreign imports of . SMenssI Inst tort year, to nearly fifrty-Csir miliums of dollar saa ineretuof thirty per real nvr Ihst of ths year pnn lows. Thstotsl imports of th Tailed Slates In the year V Z wer a lit- Th i;if!,U t"H "lmf-t'4'fr-n Th I t.rtsi.f Boston irmain alsat ih Ms frm yswrtoynsr. rnerlly bclag from trn to twelve milUsaa prt annum. Tli An,? Xairnal Misnla lb ssi.i'v In tha !ai in fs,i of j asaeiHlmes.t smlwr. Itint ihi!rtrt-iM',it isftha esls i .Vl, mi. erssoly giia I ,(ss), aJ Moonst county it i - -1 ,,"V, Fits ,is. , ( rri.as, 4 api.Cieiftiton. tb hip li re r.rii., )rsf Thansfay i)s lsrd b u- "l' le tb I. n ly CVrk' ... ,4 t rily af New York, to Uiiimm a nuM uf U.t I aiisd SUte. . - . x CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MOSNEffO, MARCH 1, 1354. . A REMAUKABLE STORf. One nighC while Sir Kran Kapcaa was andre- cT1tary ntlie ll.inie IVpartmeuLbefrlt mt the unarcountabks wakefiihiesa that amid he iuet He was in perfect health, had dined enrly, and had nothing whatever, en biaasind t keep him a-.vake. "Still he f.mnd sleep imiossiblp,. and from eleven till two he ncvr closed an eve. 'At length, weary if this' struggle, and tts the twi light was breaking (it wo.s summer,) he deter mined to ry what would be the effect of q walk in the park. There was nothing but the sleepy sentinels. But, in this walk, haorening to rs the Home Office several times, 'ho tiiouitlrtof letting himelf in with his key lhnn2h without any particular object. The bsk of entries of the J-T M"Tf ill lav on the table, and through li- ,,,!'n"'0ri U- . The nwwhing he saw aP I'1"1 bim A reprieve to i sent to lorkfor the comers ordered fr execution." The ei e.-uti .n had len appointed for the dy-'. ",TU"k ke had received no .wrurr 10 win me reaneve. nc setrcnci inn "minutes -La could not. find it there. In alarm, be went to tiro In hc of the Chiof Ccrk, who lived in Downing street knock ed hiiu up, (it was past three. I aked If he knew !'., .t J. V"T. -v .K """' ' fill V fill ( a. lu. a I. I.. ' . a I . . 1 4,1.1. .ii, in v tnci v o rs coui'i n.n remeiiiocr. 1 You are s-'arcelv awnlie" said Sir Kvn- . ",0 x "Tcr ;r "" lual 0t re, iectc.1 n0 j . u . . ... . . , . ioik. " 't-ooil said lr'tan.nut tieie you hi his rc j " ",n" ' " f".: Tiwtsaaith mtr'w UUuseT wo muT I I "... ! , it w w e.ulv.M It wa nw four, ami tfin CJrrk the crown uU Mien; n,, t,y 1 were just in tim. Tin: ('fork of t!ie Crmvn had country houe, mid. meaning to have a long j .i,M?.T; wf moment stepping into 1 h's g.g to , to bis VI a. Alollodc at 1 in viI( ofthc I n ler-Secrctarv ..f S -. .,,,1. I r no was sun m:ire so at Ins Imi- iiichs. Heavens! cried he. "the retirievo is loc'ied up in my desk ! It was brought. Sir Kvan sent to the post of fire for" the truest and fleotest express. The re prieve re ache I York, the .next morning, just at the moment when the iiolmppv men wore ascen ding tho cart. HrRoisn.-AVeulipthe following fn tn the rim of (Wis w, and must 1. permitted to say that in eur illclirment. nt:oi, Mr It-...-, ..r 11.. ' ii,,.,., dosene, n,cU , riehly, than W lars, the banquet, and the lioniab thst bav. JT Mr, Daggett of Holme' Hole, in the assist- '" rendered to the crew and passengers of ihe ,',''f'lt"?, ?:rki:,i,al',,th- whi,"h w",t "whore off '!;''' L.ght on the th of Deeemlier. ,Ir. i.:1g,n w ,., j,il.,rr Wi owing to the tremendous gale, which was neeomiianied by a """his enow ),irm, be was unable to prevent . . V " rotthe erew Ticnshi ed. o-c i-apiain. a oov. ana an lnsiimnii m saved. The Cantaiu's wife and child r .. Isfurd. V hen the vessel struck, thewares broke over so that the-e was no af!y in th eal.in. yr. lUitictt nlvised Capt. Strout and wife to wrao themselves up as waruilv as ther eonld. aim go np into th ngnne. ai.d told them that be would nut the bain into a "comfort" and nr ng it nn to tt.eai. hi a -h , ....I ,1.;. 1 , , - ,.--.. . ... rnnijn- to the cubin( saying they "uitht ' "" " T '''' olbeC' ."iuif tliei in " ."'. ' " ' tli-m all. from "e eneet. or which the child son died. Having . . 1 .1 . , 1 , . . . : "'"""I'isi inn osiy llow, ,vir. Ilaggelt a:;ain urged Cant. S. and bis wife to mn into tha ri. ! "B-'' m any in g them, lasheil thxm I . It. .Mr. M rout w as lory wet. and her limbs usiivitf-Tiii to fn-ee. wheir Mr. ll.iL'wtt nss. meneed Tttl'lrnir them, -rarrrnr f, if I, at, Traft,), Hlmn- h'msclf. nntd his own feet were badly that they must all pcr:s!i if thes yane;:;;,1 taking Mr. S. on bis arm. he sV ..h . . 1,1 ett4iili prangir lThdi tmil heavy tea, l' l,rf V."wd M l""' tUem. The ca itaii. lfcTUtftZ Z water, as Mr. H. rcvhe I the laiidi ith her. pull- ed off her b1.l1whicl, Mr. II. raWliatelj,- r pla-ssiwith hi. own cap, leaving bis Unt exTt II sosl Ui lh fury of the sl.,rai M si .111 during tha niL'hl : the ret wot mit lu.t n I wvr' ","r I" froaen. Mr. Ksgge t fnw hi ars, fstrt uf his head, and hi fert but is now convalescent. 1 he merchants of Boston ar a bout, w believe, to t.resent him will. token of their appreciation of hi heroic conduct ; and the sbiwtwners and mercliant of this, city " " Q".,ir.y. i. -ii.iw meir examp:e. yKXW. f)P PETF.Il THE OfSEAT. !yS,meF.ur ein jisinial has fwrssntly puhlj.hcj ,h staent of instru-lbm whiji peter the L .1 '" 1 " '''''"". Thi doen- seryes l.er than anrthinv ih.t K.. , , spirej, to elucidate the endless pendcxitiea into (Jiu-stion, """" ""'J hs'iub-.si uaa uivoivcd ine t.mmuvm " A few if the pirsrWn n f- pnutiiig. la Hans tf he save I so all in your p iwer loair.,. h Constwitinopbi and India. lUntern'Mir thai he who rub over Ihcs tries is thereal sovereign of the world. Kecnun I -c ... . . .. .. i . w,- wM.. ,.,,vy nnurcrsia. r.stati- lish d s k-yards iutbe lilacf Sea. (inwiually ot tn'n the command of U.i t, a well a of the Baltic.' In clause 10 be sav.i C.n.r..)t the slliinc of Aus(ri, M .!; herle liev in ber jm,i,s s? .luniinum over t.-mistiy, and areivt. y stir nn th jeahooy tt ihrw iincn .; her. and manage so lh il ea.-h b dissed to claim th assistance of liussia: and etecise over ea h a on m pmtr-elnm which will lead th war to future lminum tla.' Thes iwa el. nee nnisanment. In cuius 12bsavsi ' Al,, all, recall ar.m,l rim tha acbismaiil.L. . L.. ar spread over Hungary and Poland I heeoni tlimr evntr and aupn hold universal domin ion tr thm, by a aiwd of mdotal nttoi by this you will hat many Mcsua am'mgsl jour Ttt W IVstvs in tan IW t Ii an- ... wesarnnwni ot in rreneh vud Kojlish ftcets nhsdi rrtarnH to Bewu bav. ind Ibis movcawf t was assvle fl.r lb purtsM ,7 w.Mig m aiety th Twrkisn hs..s to u.Muum witn troop. a,d prmboons. 1 ai. was accomidisbrdranesssfully.aiid al tb Ut dqliw lb Turk h eonri.y hail isHnrnH lo t'(,.iMiio--'l. Whil this wa ciio us. ik. It.;.. Itort wa at Kaffir, to nsmaiaia smauncii,s hrtween th C'rimss and tls Itnmana Us ,tu. Th BriHsh ship lary hvl met wub a diiissm if tb Rnssioa itort, and had liif-nri-l r..t. mander that tt nrmw ass arta. a nrae.r than i.iny mile wt th Turkish swat. s mmm 9 wm Rrstati of m PiTlsr Professsw Hsniud F, ll. M.mm, lb WshiAiMt hssniiiH Male, bas pilil fi an iifsii. mi a ixlnit ,imiI,I m hsui m lbs Uk ml Juan, 11. Ii laapev,- aie-it in lb av.ls r. naae iiiinf iof.iiMn i.y si-nis, .y Im appliraii-m al eU.1nsss.szns ti-oi. I wi ysars frnsn th iiirsli.MI 4 lh 'M, w ,1, h I .t .U. on 1 1 yjm, Jmme lait, Imas.jJ Mtj neti kuUs apin . trsHM to ar;ssr bf.s, lh nusiiwer ( pitsnls, hd rasM, If any thct b-, uty .-i os) , .,m, J. I . r .litow ars all i a heap in the N.irthern Slates. Th.e S iftsr trfwhom the administration was originally so partial, cannot stand the Nebraska tcit; and the ' II irds,1 though ttpMrting the bill, are u nable to forge the wrongs they have suffered and as bitterly Mistrustful of the President as ever. 1 he W ashington Sentinel calls upon the President now tu turn out the '.Soft,' as a short time ago he turned out the Hard.'; If approv al of the I'ierce policy lie a test of administra tionism, and the 'Soft ' be in opposition, they ought so reasons khe Sentinel, to be treated, as B oiuon was. But if lien. I'ierce now arrays the ' Soft' against hi administration, where will he find supporters? not among the Whigs', for they have Seen no redsori to change the opinion which nude theni oppose his election not among the Hards!' fir thoir grievnnce are too deep and poignant to be unfelt and unresented, as the fol l .winjd paragraph i from the N. Y. Ilernl I will showi .... At a meeting fth Democratic Republican tJe ioral Committee, (hard hell,) at tho Stuwc ' rts'itiiBing.wliay nf:thtw;Wniiiniy t!i riolatiop by tlie present a lministration of the fkfhpv adMi iiForsme iBH. piwe Aiiir aJalistom with tlie anti-slavery agitation of 1848; Its wicked and reckless attack ujs.n the right of the Stat its ldd usurpation in nsinir its gro;it, eeiitml power in controlling the local eleo tious of th,.ovtreign State itf XovfTork,' Mas saelr.isett and Mississippi, an J tl(e unscrupulvus abuse of it patronage in removals front and ap pointments to office, wo warn our representatives in t or.rress apatnst any relianeeon the good faith nf .K- : pics contained in th hill for the government of Nebraska and Kansas. Its friendship is incon- ist-iit with Its past condiict, and will be found 0 he mote dangerous than its open hostility." criu animFiVe rxm:n statkh, la tlic ffourseW an artbd in Urnavana Wo- rio, in relation to th commerce of the is'atid with foreign countries, we Bud the following c .m orning the Pnitcd State : ".Next in urdcr wuh . Spain, and first aimrng the foreign cm n tries which continue In active .coniuicrciul rcbaion whims, apparath I'liitwl Males, not liTsTor its exports thatTir itsTnuior taiiuo. Th v lue d" the import from- the V. 9-atcs. during the last year, amounts to $6,552.- -62 nd ttw es port the same sjssrwl reach fl3,n,C,M B" J, niviug a total of J18, CJft;0H4 50, the value of our annual commercial relations with this country." The .article then goes on tu speak of the groat benclit the eommere f ('ulia i bi die Vuitri fust es, and bow tnankful vc-)vmld (eel at W iug so m ar us an island so able to supply our mir'ictswilh fruit and other luxuries and neces- sane of life. And at tha same time it cannot re frain from boasting that Cuba is th best custom er of the I niled States, 'in another respart," tt aay. "haa h fnltcsl State derived thejrreafc. est advaatHgo f mm her commerce with th island near y fie entire trad between the two cimhtrles liibb"cartied W1"Anierh rVei sel, but a small fraction ha fallen to the lot of national vessels." .vissrirm .titer being long in th news - ..... , - . , . .. paper worl I, an eJitor must I very dull or very unsocial, wko does not form n bdershly intimal arqnatntanrw wrth all thi1 papers on th exchange list. Chatting with him at hi leisure every ly of tho week, he feel a if he knew pens ally each of th editors, and eonld draw a tolcr- Wy: wiUtifuT pirtraTf iif al if not bis physical features. Wa rpeullect, in our young day, having been a imqurnt trailer of the N. Y. Slur, and though wa have never fltTn yjj y,. ' yt lirl itrr that w. oiv-w mmm,. that mW sed as acenral an Idea if that genth-man, one of the most heneynlentandlimlly nature In tha world, as if we had known bim personally all our day. K-gular author, who sit down to writ books, may very well manag to conceal their personal;, ty, or apar only in a false and artlfleal guise. Hut it is next to impossible fi the editor, who wry dsy-sintking with the p.ibr,Tind ha nn t:m to wait for anything except thai which comes npierninst, to bide himself or appear other 1'ian he la. Impulsive or cautious, modest ar M-lf-ei.ineritciLi-aqragcouf, i time ser ing, wru. hearte.1 and generona or cold and abdid, kind and forgiving or cynical and malignant, thee men aremsen by other in tlieir newspapers, as plainly as they are themselves m their bsiking glis ei. Judging editors by thi etandard, h would Ii difficult fr a man to pas morning hour a a mg a wire tgreebl, well Uliaved and intxlligent set of gentlemen than th rditnr with . L'J.H'i P"TJ . !nfn"Sk,.hA,n.''J'"' of their paper, kirk. IHtptth, Cost, FitLtos. Tli llitrheock F.lementary Oe-dogy giies tb area of coal f fid of America as f dlow i "Th great Alsvlaeiiita eoal 1.1.1s, et'ending fn.m New York to Alabama, rovr nearly lKi.ifc.iU Haare mil tb Indiana field. .Vi.'sr). Add to tliese Celds Michigan, Ms.h. s -tts, ItVsl Maml, Miasouri, Iowa tad Virgin ia, and w bll hare t surfer an than twenty eve limn as larg u Masaaehnsstls; Ifu upvsst Iheareraga Uilrknest of all lb bed me ibM wtrfse to be only twrsntylie bs-t, then tn wbse aasowit of ewal in ssdsd nssasnra. in this country, would U not' far frs ii ruble wile, rsiiaaating tb yearly siMn4aHi of eil in thi aounlnr to U7.(SM.(SO Wsss, Ibis Ut mens body f fort would keep the hearths brirh, nd tb furnaces glowing more than BitlU. Jt yaara. Vu Curt utma-lsuckaactiracy basboru Mtoitwd by W asvatstoiHi' Inventtou ef a rapidly fouling mirror, tbat lb 'm.ch phy.'srisi FU J '-,'L"''',', ''' meswired 1m amount if urn iw.vii.m-J by lb rt mf bgbl Ikrough t distanreuf Ufrrtj and. as w kns btl.gbl travel, at tls raw of .Isl.maJ asiU la a second af liia it f .llisrs llist flje fwlm.m mf llmt viW ssMswrnf are, Ms, nWf-ST'S MI Mrf i f "I I JiiUion of lissss s ssfllil to out ,j"-si.is, inai aiin-wgn know H n.irt U( jrt at allrriy us I, Is to,b h. I k Well into tb)Hf I the, 'w ,,,, -Ml .1 1 .. . . - .j ..tttsj np II lit-- w,H s:s ,y lbs. 1TTJMBEE 9. taot ciscoTrn-Hi MiiUKxim: Oajtcni. Mr. ?torr, of New York, after xerimcating for Vissr with th Micniscsme, has at length saint-ceded ia obtaining ilaeuerre, tviss of micrusMiic n eonnoetiim with Mr. Frwlerick's, of Mr.tiur-! ney' rooms, he h is: secured perfect iinniies id"' aninmlclilcs magnined several thousaiid'tiinos. ' Th Ami taken was a frit, which upon paper is tliont font inches in length, and the image a perfect aa when thrown upon canvass by a mi- croaeope.. Tho next vrasof twenlv-seven um'sxi- cmc taken frem a bee, which measured on paper about two inches in length.. 7Vniiw mrHium at wood have been taken in ti aiirlilar manner, exhibiting the pore of rattan alut a quarter of nn inch in diameter, and displaying the structure r a twip invisiHTe to the naked ev. They are eugrnvings made by nature, and must I nsoful for scientihe iniesligaiinn. The priM-tws is almost uistanUiicous i the powerflil light of the micros cope fixing the image at oneo. It Is statod that Itic aggregate value ofboots and 3in combined, and far exceeding that of tny othor extousivoiy eagag'esl hi irainc.i than any other town, mkinrsrlj 5.(Hl.om)"pair annually. Then com in tuJCiiion Dnnvers, Stoncham and Grnfttm. In th latter tawn a sin gle umnnfaotiirer use 100 bushel of boo pegs overy year. Th pegs use 1 in this immense busi ues are mtly made in New Hampshire- tliey are eut by machinery, and ono firm manufactures 50 bushels tier dy. Ms-shiricrv is also now usait the leather Matikomai. Ki not CsjXTaAiiu-rrii. A Buf falo esirreepiihdent of the New V'ork Express says tliat there is no Jrnth in the rejvort tluit any " en gagement '. exists between K.x-Prnsident Fillmore and Miss Porter, of Niagara, as stated from Washlrigtw ry th Wartlngtotj Kx-Presiileiit leading a very retired life and if be is thinking anything of m.itriuiany, nobody kuows anything slsiut it. 'irxfijiufiox. TlieMissiiwiii.iM decided that th. State Ismd, issued to the I nion ! are invalid and not binding. Yeas Its', iisvs CO. Tbfa settles tlie qoosticn of ' 3irsslNsiipf rejiudlr:' lion. . Stt moS CiNAM. The Baltimore Patriot says an cxperiineot is sis to W made on th Chest peate and Ohio Canal to propel the lioats, by ateain instead of bono power. It is thought by lliose'Iiaving th matter iu cluirgc, ihuX it will sunsssil. Therv is tn Is a regular fin of atctm coal boats and a company ia now organised for hat f arpoae. Tut Piniio Laxos. rucfi sroW ttimliny aim!. The legislature of lllinoia convened in extra session t few days sincn, tntl lit messago of the fiove'rnor states facts' worthy of considera tion iu North Comlina aa well aa in Illinois, -is lli statu thai a ton;. luoiOlia tinea XUinoia had nly a Csw bundrsH) jit! uf roil road I sh has now more than iWcs AsM.inf mlhi in opmiUim, and in lew than a year will add another thou sand, now in course of construction I ' Tb Oreat Central llond, "01 mile In length, will baaompbxssl in the ewurs f hi year, tfa money H ermstmct ion, more than flO.fKiO,. 000, being derived from the public, lands. , Th tatabU property bad mereased ia value filry srenl. on last year' assessment, f 1.000,. and the K-mainder, l ,,6lin,((ltj, will Iss paid in less than ton vssrs. Tb is.pulstiou baa increas ed and lh State U enjoying unexampled prospcr- A very different trtaie of thine exists here Months and year of toil are necessary to build road liern. And; Why? BecansS w tnd rnr- sentalives to Congres whose constitutional scru ples nr mnmrtkhig rite refuse ns a ihare In tho land which are ao freely bestowed upon lllinoia, and to whirtw have t better claim. Lei di riuwiaij)iir 4)Tiliqr. ltgJMtrjttt. Sum of the Admiuistratioa edilore and letter writer are "laying the flattering unction to their souls" of tb "benefit thai will ensure" to Mr. ftmgia fur the introduction ofthe Nebraska bill and toticn. Pierce fur his adoption and auppnrt of that Bwarnre, particularly tn the aontli-tlto Whig of th aouth, they aay, must row enen In tad yield their opposition to an administration thai contends tor the principle they wish to ae sstsb- HsIhnJ, with regard tothis matter. We rauaot see any reason why theWhigs'uf th South, any mora than tb tru aauousl V. higsof th North, should supptsrl Ihauglat or t ieu. l'iaren, merely bocou they are In fsvor of the Compromis measures. and tealously mitaiue. thia and yet n e nn er beard that tlie "Kenvs-ratie" friend ef tb Cimu promusp alstlrd t Jot of Uieir opposition to him in ennseqnene if that fact. Tb Whig are not to l humbugged in this wiy. Thej will In .Id en le their fsHh trnd to their men. P.m. is a The rej-sliaef Poland ere a mourn ful 'gilt to the few traveler who get across to tl Kremlin tt Moscow. There are th erosrns of Patr th Ureal and his wife, mntainin near ly ai dismiss,)., ,n,y li,!. ,NH,( tM ,im,t IMish enmnif polisbs-l r Id, wlfli rn la the rentrei um! at hand I ereu lb l'.,Uk Ikroaeef blue retirt, starred aver with g.J'l' stare. "V. Tb rVnatoof lle.srgi did msl eiwnr with its rouriiiualc brush U lU legistnte m til pnjsU-si uf rriT'jilinf'llisM 4-(ls.o.i r.t, and inst-ad ef s,-rcsii.g to th re.iiii,,n if the li aise. ai.4.Ust Irs, It sulsmiiling lb quswlbsa of remsM al, as well as Ihe IWajJiy of the rspilil, In t tote .f Ih pi'e if (he Stnl' at ltd not gi O"r,I e!s ;;.." " '" ' ' t'lscoviir or Asc!t Cms. A nlien pot aintoiuing g.Jd and silirrsie ut gwsit si.l,.iii, disssn reua-aWt tinMsioeeby Key. t'harlos likens, i-;iing .,n f T.r rnoH. X,-Th liladelpl.i, I,U dicing out hi cllsr f tli tr).M if making It deefse. Tbare mmtm f.i ,o.U sslyd 2t of gold, aots.of lis U. ur Iciej alike. cd j-r.je.iy rf il.l, ' Jijh Inlr Jrm ,,V, At .-), tta T,' lTv;t!..r .UT Ks.e t aoiloj, ti3r fire niuur;.f t!;e iU-.o e f . Orb-ra Arutew niiK-ion.-l ut rui'ii..rs,weie n.,c.u- I is rtati I Cut he h iH dire.'t'v f .r teisborirh. .riK,.,.;1'.. :, ,., ,i,r- nt Berlai, ho i!l it.il. ssiiie :!!( f.V .'.tir that i j;.- It is sviid that iHe Siiaiau ..ven.-n,m 4 lujwaagj-Wtionif the- ll.issl.f, c,'ti,uUicat Bclxrailc, wiH refuse ft. eccj.t'lr.-o firman, frvu. the Sultan, unless Russia gTi7l,cr eoncin. Ir.msejneii e i f the jrreatibs line in Kil'-h fuml.-, the larti ltsireo was inucU afecveii: Pricoa which sliowcd a tendency to rise easH the day, cliifrsl aa f.;!laws: -Threea ClJ : ., : Advices bad beun received from St. Petcrs'buf as late aa thi 2'ith. It i sa'that the Em;- r, who is futly trn uf the post- ion, in Vkb he a placeil; w'.ll endesvor to avoid a geiienil -ecj.fV grotion, if l c can Wily preserve the honca ;.i' , righfiof bis etiip-ic. '. The hvfueuce of CoulL SciscJroito is in the asccmlaqt, . 'C . It is also.sa',1 tliat tlie Oxar was about to wriw nn, autograph teller to the Queen of. rTugd.'i,-. which he will-eodeaTor to prove he has not lv the aggtessjir. . - . i . An impct-liil lkaseeopfirm the lumihonVi; to an ii all reerves iu wdl,as 1 1 ers on fiir loil!,h ' . F.N ii.jNn. It is sai l several C'nnard steamers have lMn taken up by. tha tiovrr.meht to earry trtor toH.'ovnilfVTrtiTWJilTs.' -it fetHnmid mgrA frvs,n.S!aW-..'itii) (.then will bT taken up rroui-iliflt rcnt stations- Alut frri hovr.1irTss.IlJ wrj-j-TiurJ , fj.)n j itn rej e.ient.' lhesc ere mjtntitb d-for ,Snstria Tho reuuent is now directed to hold Itself in readiness fir fmeifc-n 'erviee, hiking all tho best men, .mid leaving all young sold. ars and fly-run at home. -.. . w, .... A Tti-nna cfirrc -jKitnlcut of tho Isnailon Times tclegmphs that Oilofflcujosifor St.- t'ctcrsLuirgli, probably on Ti clnpsdny." Thccombmel flc-'ts were at TSr-.-o-s-tViy on the -S-ehip have aoam-consvyed f urklvh stcanior lth troojsi into the Pdack Sea. Kissli "f, the l.itf. ttiiWmn cinov to. i'aris, had rrlvod at Brn.-stct Tneaday bionui.g. '.-.. , LATKIl FlioM HAVANA. X York, Feb. COth. I'ho tti-aaicr. Fulton arrivod to-day with Havana dates to the tilth. Business tit Ifav'ana was thill, ani i!i?s: 0 were but few viel In p,frt: The liculth of tiiu place was good. . ' ThosV'ulton passed -mi-t!nv l,"ithr iifl" Carry' , nw, 1" S-"M,h' T I.ATI'.ST FIIDM TIIK .SKAT VV WAll. "fhedntest neirr fiVmrrho-sicat vsf ar. t.n the lHinntie rPiroi-iit. I hner Pasha t having effc. ted most iiitp.irtniit inovouivnt. Jlolaij crotwej thij ltmibe with .W.WJ nun, and divided the right wing ofthe I'assian anoy, which is at Krajova, tho left I a Muhita; iiud- the icutre at Bucharest..- J.i.,.. . . .-"s (liner crossed in person Hi t)!t. i iiro, mid at the last accounts was only twiH'itv's iparch fu.ni Hu-' chsrest, wheni the l!iisinn f,.'r.M. ns very we '.k. It was riipsw.id Unit the'i.l.je t ofthe imiwui' i.t ' w as to .i Hack the rear of the Ku-mhii army vn its march, from Krajova ns iinst K vhimt. 'A despatch rceeivr-l by the 'lurVi-h dmlieates llmt preparations cre making, tor an attars nr the lnr!;a en 'Hw barest: - A nlitp irrh; dintst VU mm, f ec ti. annmmcre.vs strictly authentic, that an -nosivnr !sd just' been received from the Itussia-.i Cl.hii-.et toiln-hist pis position fc panes, Tk Vsmr Powves cinsiUes i entirely nnsatlsf:vt0rv, and not aditpti i tM trail. missioii to Con,it.,i,ii,,'iT.h., . : . . IMit.lVn SMI lllr, ' Kmperor Nup il,v,n, in a i!i.,-ussi.,n at the Tuil lerirs, is said tn harr TTprcs.e.l th :( , issstiv f .r rigorsms preparations for war. Military pfepara tionswereoislereil to he enolionil nilu nmldsr. IniiuciLML orders fur anus aud amuiiuutioa ' beiug exisrtited, nud the inspection ftr.mps was going on daily. The lslsr.d of Myrtil-tiewi ubl don l.t less bo, the chief depot. tiri-at act'n it r nlo pre. .tiled m the Iron. Ii n . vol d'',lVij)U(-u' Xt irs uf attuhiUL.ets arm l. froiil nil pirt of tliv coumi . . - - : . The I'm sian residents uf Paris bav bcru ;i formed that the colitis, alien oflhclr proper v v be the euiisrijuciu c of their disolriience ut ii . order Issued tvqult Fram e end tciurn to Ku-. i wuhtn a nn nitri. - - It is also assiTteil that ihe decree 1.r the n:' -ment of the piie.itiiiniiry force, inl'mlcl ,,r . Kst, arssas-lHally prs-partTl. sn-1 niir awr.it t siguatnr of Ih Fuiu'ror The pre- iso iu . It not stalcil, but tlie genvrai opinion is it wil. . least fur Ihe present, bu eonisd four On -tons of n,ltO men each. Order hao U-en given the rJt!an'.ic sqna.tr... to fvrureed to' Toiil.iu, it is up;nnJ to t-.i.c "4rllJti' Ttl jTHTf. """""-" '.!---. j . Lint riv.a Fi orx. Ti e Iljlii,-, at N. Yuri on Monday, lir,iis three days la'er nvvs f. ..,s . Kuroj e. The t'xar't f nil y.niasiTbi h1 tech je'ev u ; by the fonr P oss ers, and l.tijjlard and Frsnc were making f ii prrparatiiji for war, : Soyeral ofthe t'u.i lid slcamers have len U- hen to convey troop to Cunsfaniiin.p!?. ilrfissnd .r left Par) on tht iih Instant, and Kn;Mh and Ftcrrh Minister, h U eff ur ic-c-d to w tUi IravT fi i m St. Fcicts- burgh. rh it b is; (, l!fii-1 ?J. v.-.--vi ?,nt J.. M.d C.n Ad. Colo n ha tdinm Ml Tli Ca!isr Steamer Ftksren mailc a lr)al trip f B-.n New York on Friday. The intent)ou iu fof l-er to reiuaiu out tbice or f n.r dats, l ot ! returned !n tho ivrjiing. il l i-ir- f ,inl tl at tl evlinileri are n d e (cf, t!y ir-t;KU. Tlis Jwn-Tisl ef t'.iiiiiin,,ig rsrs thst nsrwitherandm i,l..l.f,ci !,!, ii - - ' " ' ' 1 ' ' - l . t.ll WUK n me, the j p: f.,nnaiue..f li.s ,1,), cs . uimf'orr to lWsro tt.-ir.f, tie !.. 1. fii-.'.h, C tuir uie'er a ve.y I rw f rorn e. A f'.ii.-r tital is to I mad rl ea 1.p's li l--hs, teen oseri-.ios. Th. dins l.rri iti.xt--A tctts- f. ,n J ., , Kmig. tle'rd tK is i!-r I l'h, sovsib il I: r i i- Ktsle, s jiia Ir so, c,a.. --ing ll Su-ikrhaqusv M uc l .i.l.s, '..,liin. ihoi'Ii, ss I Vaa.ta!, wete lhl In tl I - ti d r-e pie- uicfj f, r d"p;tw n riliisn!, foin-oi I ,re IVrrv wa etjss. id o,.sr from Si a., in ll e s-pilh r -sippi. .v-.v. ivi,. : s:"l Mr l!tf i s inlr -lu A ' itrs ,. I i1 Smti-ir ( i. ins M ISSISSI'Jli. IlirrU, win ! tiiHt Ws Mlis. fi be Wi ll' I .i i'.f -. . r , i ;. i v ;; i ... .f I I, i-i if., M I ' .- : ! "V l B.11I t'li'l Is, i ulini 1' , , .1 , 1 , , C it J - i Iv, f, , .' ( ; ,, , ,. . , I irs,,, i: us .1 ,r, I m v. f-ssi fnl rf i.i..k h. I . i, ,. , f..rl. Ts .! U l,' . , 4 ' ' , . . I. I'M It S.tns,. It,. tf l nl..ii '(, ', sc VSI.

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