- " . - . . ; .' ' ' . . v ... . -. ; . - ..; . ....... 3!ori!;Cara!i..a .4 i - t: i ) i i ' rrirncB nniT ar - -' WILLIAM C. DOUB, , lOITo xb ranrtiETdt. v.v ... I K R mTi If paid strictly in alrsace. Its !in per -ins tw dollar and fifty cents, if psid with. a ais assaths m4 litre titular at Ik ami at tss - 7w. , . ADVERTISEMENTS Bet exceeding' ixtoa Dm will h inserted on tint fur an dollar, and twsaty iv "lent for ch mbmit iaaertio. T greater tongti, will b charged pmpnr ttoaalt. Coart Order, aad Judicial advertiseawat Will baeharffea 25 per sent, higher than I ha almta .rates. A reasonable deduction will ba aiad to theas wb sdtertis by th year. Book and Job friiitirg don with neatness sad despatch, aad oa accoinntedatiDg term. skS" Letttrs I th Editor nut be post. paid. speech or II OK. JDIIjS KERR, f M w Unite of Representative, February 1CM, , OX THE NEBRASKA BILL. Mr. Km. I assure you, Mr. Chairman, that I hue nut risen on this occasion furtlie vain pur. pose merely of making a display, I have not nought to gratify a possum for public speaking, fur I have hid euougli of tliat in my time.' I have risen to acquit myself of a high public duty a duty which I owe to those who aunt me hre by an endeavor to vindicate their rights upon this flour, and by ninking known to them t''my'i3ntinvnrii'r! fe wssfd to anesti rwhielj; however exciting hero, had not teen broach-" i ib4 I uto here irK wjth u 3UpstinB. tp enjja fenny p)litkjnttiveti7rfanyha:ter,jwiih j any party, or with any person. I bar looked ? anon tlte storm which ha so lone raced anon our country, as, iiiita character, extremely inju riuus to our institutions. 1 had longed to sea it allayed; and, with many others, both North and South, I rejoiced when tlio joint counsels of the patriots and sj;e of 1850 had effected en ad justment of the agitating oettion, ripon which the storm arose, on a basis which, in bit iudir- meat, would satisfy the demand of nil who ac knowledged the obligatiop. of republican pripci- piBS. v "Inl as the only mcVia-hereby our .national exist ence 001114 Jje peSpefuatcu, and the general prox jwrity promoted. As a Southern man, I felt - savself siecially hound to abide that compromise.. I felt tliat we of the South were lwcultarly'ualled upon to insist uisin its sacrediiese. For one. wlialever course ntkeramight purjiuc, I riMoiijiii mat under no Circumstance could 1 be induced ver la corporate in any attempt to impair its , solemn obligations. It is said now, however, that th spirit of the compromise ts-viohtettin thriHtasurfff Nicll wc are considering. If that be so, I am against it. I aiamined that question anxiously before 1 made ; P. wj.npinkiq.J iclt Unit JiowcvetimpurtanL in. pnai''m, nowever aacrea as a liinda mental maxim of free government, yet if its as -eertion at thi-tiniB"y1ottiTOr mTfityka.r'iS VX,'T would forego its assertiou now, and would con- tent myself to yield it as ao oflentig npotj.l!io altar of pMM ami hniilrrny'-"' But Tor tho life of Bie, I am unable to tieroeive how any man. hav- in a just regard to therights of others, as well tiive u s his own, can iiiipure a "violifiou 6fg KHlTiulIiTainrHi m i nose wno at fmMieiit insist upon the pissoe of this inaisurr, as p.-opuaed by Uie IVmaiiace What was the adiuatment of lR.Of " . .lid IfofiginafcT" As I liave just staVeil.'TTg. ew out of a ocMiflict of opinion in regard to this agitating ueskn of slavery. W bat gait rise' to tliat eon tlictt It was the claim, uikhi the part of the majority in Congress, to intcrfer with the lights of the biatesin regulating and estalilii.hing tlieir wn ln-titntion. How vtt that to lie liiutllv :t!el t In only one way, ami that was by a clear, distinet, ami une.iiiv.rol arknowtoilpiienl tif the rreart tirbrciiile tit the richt of thr organiseiiwirowngotemmciitsiiitheirowii way. 7 I in th'Wl,".ii1 Dial eeiikc"al.iiio,"rtie c.'.iniiro- Kisa moiutu.-es of 1"() were a finality. W ith due rcaie't to others, it seems to me to be alf aurd to rail that settlement a Jiiwlily in any other ense. It could not be a finality in any uthor sense than In that of an actual a'-knowlisignwut mt thefundnmentiil;u'iucje n wUcli allour teni torial governments should be orpuiii.sj. It ,ra a aljustmeut of p,im ip!e, and iu that sense aivna U Mfinbiy-A-ili .VbaiH.eei.Te e gnired a such it has been prulaitnvd by U.tl th great part in of the country ; fid as such, for ae, I will adhere to it. ' Sir, lama southern man, deeply ioiWd with tuthera feeling ; and though I do not thh.k . snai i cum ue justly charged with a viola t,n I V faith -vlitrgWtht brlt. on account . oCany obbgaUon uupoaed upo..uia..l.y.tUa -at just men t ot or the Muutoiri eoutpruuiisa, yet I should Dot have felt inysrlf called upon to make any movement at all in regtrd to the slave- 3r question at this time, for I ha 1 not known ist a territorial government was needed fur No- imwka; nor do I uar whether it la or ant This U a matter of bo iinportanca to me or to my onn (tilumits. The TinJuaatiun of a great-principle la what I aim at, and what they desire. Besting dob our riirliis, and coi.n l III laf lit til -I snl(rrrittr I trf the people of the 1'i.ited Stales, trusting to , P'ri"tiioftlieNorthawliastheNith, w hate believed that what we bar always in--fiato4 p i woii, xi4- wmM; nswwr w tgter, sns. pwn own iimmiU Ia .L. tb same, Thatriirht h.theHo has bees u. n.,.. k ' aVaied ia the North. But the tire of truth in j uawlantly manifesting itself, and n w,4o our i JtratiBcatiow, th ackmmlewlgment of our own i s;mat fuadameittal priueiplo is made by norther 1 u . They eoms and tender us our own 1 w'"cil''' 'rm "f K"vernment f. the Terri- i torkss which are our common iinMierly ami we f cannsit rrfu-e ihe offer. , I 1 my wthiiu bare in the spirit of hlle Wat Boatherw pnsls is tna great for tliat, W bar T f' ri'"" "piwt In tns .North to sustain , n,,,,; 4 this great ds-lriM when scarcely soy nortb- tra atalevmsD rtrnld Le found wIhi was willing to a.-kaowledxe iu ir.ith. Wa almubl hs. a - t tn actnowledgnd U. be so by all true is-publi - .. w Mi.... j m-wiiiioofsi simply oul " i TlSht 10 do as e i.Ica sed in' rcgai d to our avvrmmeui, anu l oe niriit ol oihei - - 4 eaoW oar tlu.iaallbktejcejtsUiiteajitla rnatisa, if, at thia tiiaw, when th North and ' i ins busiib ar su fcii-li aa-resMl unm it . I 4iSOsed to Uck out tJd repudiate th frioriide ap wltieh we have alwaya insUt.il, and which we hat always argrd uK,n th I'nioo. " mV"J l- J l'h lor pear aod aietneaa.1 Tost may hat w!r.t g.raphiral KaM yoa fileasa I ait lUre ia no other mole ader heave whereby Jou ran hue peace and MHst .ft the rsnntry ejeerK that now proiaised la tin Ncbra-kt lelt . 11 I had mtoa bvL before 1 n.t. ne.1 to the inw li nl the h. a.srsl Is rrnl hh rnau e.gi. IMr. . 8t.l.eas, to go into tb hUl.y of Una Jli.r. ta.awpM.aiw. but to do that Bow, J think would ba annaccuarily to treapas ap.a th lime and fst ene. of th csumitte. lis has placs.1 that asatlcr in its r!esret p.-.. le ,g,l, lie lias w the hUtorical fact, that if any party tf . any seetn a ia th.s eountry. ha t,m tjt,iB rspwliaisl th U airi , ,inir.a,M, ii i, ,ag , Nrth wkwh has Jon is. I hsl intended to pre 'hee fitets to the e mimiiire but I ' iailKttal.ua sua ant .. ..... ... Has aa , 1 do aea .llin , a "7 II in anf-tki t in at lit 1.1 ,4 Sank, iit toJ kasJL' 1 II I I . ' U toietuaca. ai,n I bat ' ngeae at ll, pmUmAaaa l - elearly as ihe ge, W ii,.. oH.'iVV'J.' .t ".'-'" a wj-l, fc I .J...J. as as from tie.ir.ri.. I.. ',a r. . " I ''lili'.i.a .H tb North that destroy iIkm i, i .,,.,,, ... tl-inA t:ilh: LV-'7 !' 'Ml... ,4 th. Naith. and who htt. TZtaZ 't ' "IVV " ? 1 ' ' '. " I- AmlttMnUwi. l .i It f -I lik .7 , , : u "" " wronged. I huso, Uiweaaea A ' I. , " ""'" ... ie, w,e. tf im i ,. ,,, -ImU aZ-TimsaVJ M,. Xl..T . 1 """ 1 -tbtwU tha. k ,nd Trl I tl b ' "" 1" l H . 1""- l " , I.v,..a. ),., bvl be. ,.b. I I... .7,,., .. Bttt, r, I do auH stand her. to..,y m ufr, s..el,e erJ w.lT a.4 do mZl , TT dM tl.,. q.M-ii. I, dtasoed as a tra.ttw aitd to wt.lf Jtotto ."t" - W Irlto.,.... IVraU! 'it ...r .... .air Jl t ' '' ,'','. .11 a-tl.efa .. U,U, U, m,J, .... , '2. 'Z?.". 7" U amla w as, tfoi estesatlv -rft i. .. M ,r TJ. . E C.. 7 ' ' "'''','" h .., I- I, ..,. BU...MU 'U,U ' . - i . i - ...- but. inr. iu . - . .ii . ... i J . VOLUME XLV. ! t!ieir inieliience. IeKk in thti-Tioti'mjind t win tnj confidence that they will,- sooner or wier, out.perata wun us in carrying out this grryt American principle whieh we are now iu sixting upon, and that we shall again be a bar munious, as we are, unuestionjiblv, now aereat and pnmperous people. But, sir, if any man thinks that while defend in the instUutiuns under which I ive I am a slavery propagandist he miHtakes-,mi-eharncter, The gentleman from Ohio I Mr. Cauiiibell has declared tliat he is opposed to the p.lioy of m kinj( ennqiiests for the uurpuse of troniinff slavery.' ijl the fteutlcman pardon ma for sav-- iuB, mai io uie i no rnmark seemed to have tittle application to the question in hand. ..Who on earth is the advocate of making conquests for tfce snke of propagating slavery r Why. where did the gentleman ever hear of a soutliern-man who was an advocate of 'conquest for any auoE purpose! Bir, I am opposed to conquests. I am opposed niakiJ!KIe!' "Iycs who Mut alraaiUjaNKv 1 am 'ftn adVWH rilr WM.iiWTcttii litVrn Kir that all statu to Tjatarinin their own-mtveniiiieiitViiV'' l.sliuieui U jmy svmuut or prtuciiJt-atmmfr us.lu er privileges than another. 1 am for equality uf hh i.u,voK nn Mjviiuun, any ior mat atone. ;lf a Slate iteViircs to establish a g ivcrnmciit without douiOHtie slavery, let it do so. It has Ibe republican right to do it. If we, of the South, choose to establish governments with domestic slavery, or u any wliere in the wide domain of our country sny porlti.ii UTouf j)edpIe constituting a .State choose to establish a govcru'meut with ilo mestic slavery, iuliod'snauic giVethcui aneiml right with those who do uot anurove that inuiiio. til. ii - Cainlboll, , (lniorwpting-:) If the gemlc- man will allow me, 1 Uesne 1 kuow whether ho is willing that, in the ionuation of new slave a.aes, to be lormod out of territory belonging ti -tiifi licuer:J (Kteiniueiit, there shall be a nrovi- s.ou which will bring ution this floor a retiresen- O...V... uniii upon wiuie population merely? and, akuv.whijtbcr.-lts ia wUiittg tuliow;ie-(ipfty ol northem men to I represented upon this tiis.r f Mr Kerr. I am ruthor 'Uhi licgo. and loyal a cuizeu.uf this (iovurnuient to Ife uiiprepaiml for that qucsii m. Island by the t'onstituhouof uiy Country,: aiiri tliVpriiicIpieson which it is bawd. 1 lie 1 e.ioral basis is tiie basis of reoul.lieoi.. bv the iudLTlllcn! of o'or f..rs.r!.tl..H ....! I 1 pt-Bai.lurlliir tlmn thay -iuUi rrs - nti. - CNi in this floor. . " ' - i .ii .. ... hcwl the h.ar f a Mat .pon thU ft r, witli ret- i hi bighiwt bnpe, hn irBSriiiiiipm. 1 tut if b m rl. t r err! but Jo au.nent rh ir-pecj I wai UisptMed ' liirty. h muHt U fav the rue ofUtHi, M e w'n lluweti ' 'i t if an uuiwr a nma nitrA. i rssiiis.isk tA i bim ti iit ira rmflafriti m an i ariii s nntv h. Tf Turtlior than it waV'wUu ihe i'eUoral L'oustitu-T' vuiuoocu. ic was never intiolA.l . tion w as adontcd. LJtfr.,.KwTr-Miiitl ait. giifsWntwit4h.. principles of uur father as emlKxiied i.i theCoflT iiiuiiuu u A.oi eriiina.it winch thev t,,.,.l but our riiriits under that t',,i,iii,, iriliiry.Vveriiiueat. aiiJ we aisi iTK,r" u ass no more, aud we will sutauit to no less than that. ' x We want to b ive equal rights with our nortli- -?Ci!!iU!tpi.lvuiL'lciJ''uJlul "J'.il",' '- Bri.iiient vtliie.il air" lartiierV'estiiMifheil. As a outlierii man. I insist ou this equality of rights. As a svuthei ii man, 1 noor will submit to ie a than e piality.- 1 am, as my colleagues well known, at home cims.de. ed one of the in.wt ardent of, I nion men. 1 have aliraye lcii dututed to tnis I nion. J re gard it as the giesiest blessing heaven ever vouchsafed to siriiiiiig-Tialien. I tcgard if Us the greatest security of buniaji liljfrty fjiit has ei-exislod on earth. I repaid it lis the liost ih'etli Bf dittusingThe blwno)TifTTiuhhtrTrfism throughout the world; as the bust and trurcst means id elcinting our species at home and a bristd. But Uius roiorencing it, as I do, loving it with fervent and enthusiastic affection, the .. nient I discover that it is to lie made toe cf l.y a dominant majority to oppress that section of the country in which my destiny, iiitjod's ts-uviilci.cu, has been cast, 1 trample It in the uu-t 1 ;..in "7 r- w paw wsiowii. asseitmg sn eswsHD w his tusf, -"titfrty a:itt etiuui. ity, ordeaih." I hat no idea of adlwring to tlui Tnioo Mere ly to be oppressed by the I nk. W are. bow. ew r, getting to understand each other at List uu thi question of slavery, ami 1 assure uu. that there is but one thing which I really tear with -resTssrtto itr- lnaj not ar.nld UT p..ritkins as su.-h.' 1 am notalr.iidof gentlemen, whose prop er business it is to administer the uliaits ot tins eiuiiitry, or to conduct it legislation, provided that tliey are nut swayeil by foreign and ballelul intitieni-es. Kor, af.e'r all," Mr. Clisirmau, it is n so much thepolitiiianswhoareagitatiiigand disturiang the nmntry as atMKher class. VV e are disturM by influence much more hurtful than any which are sueiely political. I rememt-r that Lonl l.vttlet.m, in describing tlie tniulil.ai. times of the great rebellion in Kugland, makes th following statement : .-.ZtS Pmym tc.iiililir csl unities, a rJiwss runir mixe.1 Mm-II which ti e rageoftiM civil dia seutHHisi nure rrtntic rhan ttU, wtoni uupla.a ida, iii ir aiass to all hsoliag miMBures. ' ftw mutt intemrate counsels were euuMdere.1 the vast pssua, and a regard to th law, II It ..,. el the wishe of tliess Bi ry teuluU, was diluted Irreligi.m," N iw, lr, no on ean hiok arouml him ia this eoui t y, with any degree f a,, with.t seeing that jtJi'ir,,,,,, in or out of Congress, can well au.aigh undersUud their duly to their coun try. They ran be very easily ctmiiuo d o4 the euurse win. h it ispro:r for them t purine ; but I ab ad t s much in awe of that -.loaej IM iy ikt that rty wlu. are guided by religi ous fanaticism and lury with whom imfntalt tvunwh air iKr miul pumi, and whoa. hi Id up. urn th irfrnmnt who would iuvolv us in bl.ssj aud carnage ho would bring upon us any ea- . . J - uu imsn in rvii naa mrims '' "r msu eu.lure.l rather than forvjn toe K"""' tWr'Bii.pii.Ie.1 ,n., their mia.lira.ted benevolence, their re. y tons yror. I hex to SUM that wkiU I have the utmost re.w siwbra fanatic wbea be is sia eera, yet 1 wish to ha uiiera.s a a awtbera m ut f 1 tw h4 when the majority are, n mwst til tnt onrselte. S the Coti.tnution, uto t ,.ur legal rights, or we never shall Is) aide to ui.t a u.-eraalul resistance io men an .er the inCaeoce uf faaatUism while they have a dial, Ii. aJ end to alfaia, and who, sv lar fnaa rrganliag pbghte-l futli, so far fraa adhering to contracts ir t.a- tu-ts. ienly pruriai lb priwq.leisT a i-jn,r miH. My all goverwiasnt and all authority wo. I hey M. to aiastla't with lit attainmeut ol their tuihalluwail purpuara. Fr o,, air, I dialain to le.lJ anytbing arsat su I ra.U tnnuM as ll.a M 44 sm. h .- Ut w are add that if w Sntl tl.e M..ri t .na f csstise mea-ore, II l hig party is lasdien J... . are alan I..I.I. thst if mm mu il... i.,11 J ttlll toey tu.e.1 iin.l tetl t p, . iJ.n l"nn tlutf the.r riifl.t. rlt twly bt m i,r...f a.V t " nnum . u J. f'"".i IN. Kt . (!rau.r. I lb anse-s it,..tost.e to ataak.-d-m,, U breakdi.wa Lie only barrm wuitb iheKwtLbaa RALEIGH, NOSra consent to have it said that our rights are secur ed, a it by the, strong power iff the Cimssitulion, Bot by the force of reason, aot by the impregna ble fortrcssf truth, I ait by th grata and tuvor uf the northern people. ' No, sir, whether Ndts or Hards, whether Whig or Demorerats, jr tiy whalevr term Vou iliwisuat parties, when you standjqLtothe principles ujion ! which Hirtl ore nun cut is based, I, for .me, will j rocognise you as brothers of the snms-iiiijjoiwr-j family. Hut whenever you establish that, under I the Constitution, the Srnth, is not to enjor an ! equality of privilege with the North, and while jouetwrcise in your own section of ciamtry the altrihntc d' sovereignty, and deny the suiiie to tlic'-Sinth, it is ti.ne to part cm"Miny. If we continne in such a stale of contest, it i time that we dissolve, , and that we should establish a tlov eniuicut for ourselves. .But, like the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Stephens, I have no serious apprehension as to the consequences of the pussago of this measure.. au-mt.ng roams aaiigiw wu-.tuute ,.r i J . t i ' , "I i .eterjjie Jemr w ines whlt'-h .limainls it, yoii wilt al ciaiMi.rgEtiiugvery ;!ert iorinesai;eurTiiailaiiiiiignieuiiiuiionhclstiilesr I have no ilistiirbiiig apprehensions, therefore, in regard to the futui o. 1 know its has been tin- T w.u ,ae piace. ii.e puip.t has l,r.i ,n- !,.!",.ttk;e '.". . )s'"!te the politicul elements. Ijst tl.airt ..r.l.ia - , f.Mr. SLiiltool rimiar kc J . and though crushed to earth, will rise again . uu r. .... .-v me rcjiuiiiioo oi mat weii-Kllovvn quotation ; ami 1 venture 10 hiqic, familiaras that . ... ......... i ..... .. p .. . ii i gentleman is Willi this poetical tribute to truth, that lie vvjll not fail, s.M,mVr later, to feel its influence, .specially when theNpjesiion is fairly presented in ..regard to Jlie lcgal i ikts of the two sections of (lie voiuiiryr TirusTrtntt heZwilt per-"' ccive and ailiuit that ilic people, ufter ullitvL tb bcit juilgcs.of their own goverument, and tlmi they ouht to have the riirht tu osmblish such as Hm proentHH -wluilever -war and wusastoMtey-t iriiK w;i.;ni;i..r k n iT.Ttu i - - - -' pleas. against soulhen, right, .nil southern imdUj ZZ?? , ' . ,,rW1n I" I ,,o.,.- ti,. s; ,.,i. ..I , i V i I ic . . ! ,K,rn aoutliera man; 1 have southern nrincinloa till loi is. Hie hnilh is able to defend itself but I ...j .,,. r..,.i;. vvi,...,... ,.i. .1 hn Vmnti .1. t i. -x . r .i ana siutiterii leeiius. tt liattner others may do, wT'tP 'IZLTrir halorcr trial, may ,e, in the .Signage Jf.aJ r... to. ci i. . i . . American statesman, now no more "Tliede f.-.-i i.i..-. .-.kiinooi rimiariLCJ. "is nnfiitv. ..r.i... u .i thryma) deem proper. that is tiutli; truth oil'ViiiHii TsTinTl no" Tr"es"iiss"7oiig liiiwevermi the most suc.ed character. ii . . . . . . . tuc gciiiicjiian tioiu new Jersey Mr. Fkcl-, 4 - pV'il - lmi?t aiiMauu: Ittliii'.reiisati. .atiiitKH anil t Willi K lAVj.-'Ki-trua'' of tlii 'ttofltieflf' 'titudFrlieU'rirtii tulie aithiilsrtiiiir'i-'T.'iSdV"S111 i '5rrrSi-":i 's T"'"-'riul'tJgT iv" I Cava iiuf coiiiiuein cil. .Iv uxlifl ulTtKaai.Tlglii'as ooi iMiiiiuiniiepii agiiniion. Hut liien lie told us ' rouv, 11 una ;iiisiun coiiiiroiuo-e was re s?aie i, that there wou il be itihul euiiuuii.i i . , ., - - r. , ' , ......... . i, , .i,,,oii,v -ih:. i.i.-.i Vonrnnrthrrn-TmwTtrtd-stand and ii this Nebraska lull shnuhl u.ss I.e. did put thu Kadlm ol that Country triumphantly Uirou-h know what we should Maud urn. These re of the most brillia .1 military cauiiVign Kl hissemiinciiis.auil the seiitinieiiisof his fncni). ; ; en'rleil on the paS. s of history, was defeated for 'wn, f what ho said, as t.u the 1'r.widenev. tnit so much hv Ihe eflorts of hi iw?nrwtn uniusfaiiirai." es of Hurt every iioriheru man who bnss,H.kcii j grateful wouuit-, iullictvd Uls.u him, iu hi own upon this sHleect. I hey told n-rhat tt.eywere prditical hnos-ehoM, we were most kindly and obcsac.ili.c.l and that they could not stand j graciously informed, with an air lis. of joyous the tide of p ..pular indignation delight and solemn mockery. It our adtersiu-ie. Mr. r.i.Tvr. (iiiterriipting.) Will the gen-1 that the Whig I'arty watt .Ue-MtJ ami an. tleu.an lisau Xf.rlh I ttroliua allow mo io say were ,l,r;i;Ur c,,..ii. h to deny It even the pour one word in tb.scoiiiiecionr l disclaim any in- privile;: of a decent burial! 'It was indeed to ,eti.ut...f agitation j ,( na.H4..i t that, t r a.rms-M iV.Mto.tn.ian, wbww i.wunte diSttuctly at,4 rt other day that I i.rtetoW toenongfi ts.-ht.To some tittle wf Ttmrity trtt,ta inaKf no mteat., UAl I ailviH-ate'l" w-bat I 'Is-' suj.il U std au-l mcl ineholy rcfl.tion, -liBiftllU-lc ogljt.juidj. dtfwtf l,tnt j. lj!d-Mr ,,Ui,li,t nfiifulslrai ;, that 'at an ",,v".' niflHtMl, 1 IltMiv- UU MIIIUll.n Will rP..ll tnaii this ouiMition. I would he' much izratilied. if thi meas4ii pasr, t see the country still resting in caee and security. 1 da not desire, and I wholly disclaim the desire t fseeiiia- any ill will spring up in regard to the settlement .'f tis-uestioHT-T - - Mr. Kern. I am very glad to hear the sta'e uict.t of tlio gcjitlcniau.". All 1 havo to. aov is, tliut I wuhtithors wwiuld agree with- him in" tlw same view. W hile he does not intend to agitate. I would ask him to go one step further, and, if agitation ia ttsuaansiies, torvlutk it. . 1 desire him l say as much as be now say al home and Io stand timilv uimn that truth 'that ia always so trinmphaiit and, sooner or later, Ww tU - tri-f uinon t.s.. .When T 'ruaaTI'JM 'nrU'eipest to'esnrs'ome the' whole of th lime all .Itcd to me by the rules of the lb miss. 1 ih not feel as though' I ought to detain tlie committee longer, but there are one or two fopiet which I have not as vet Io iche l, and which I atttet briery adtert to before I sit down. I confess 1 have frit for a haig lime t'.at there wa one soacef irWs;in wbieb has grown t of this slavery question, that wilt he forever re moves! by tl.e measure for lb organ '.ration of Nebraska and Kansas. With th Kioth it is a point ot I., n..r. 1 he .South fwl that, 'whether slavery ran made profitable or not in any see. twavviMair rimnitT; wnoTtr.T ITIWsTtit privilege f earn log our slaves w ith u ourTe -tes ifa. rh-ssw. Tl.is ia with aiie.rteTTerr.-?ij--ia wftrr nf -timoW. Now, I l ike h, in ibis vs.t Territory of N'e bra.k slsv lalsir -will ue,r la wade very pro fiiahle. f slates a-e csrrie.1 there at all, I apprehend they w ill curried f. purelv do mestic pn.j..e., so thai the slsiehobling Infu fnre in th Uoveroairnt is hot likely to 1st aup- Tiii ! b aienmi ia any degree, ar that .Nebraska pi'se. Tlea wly tv.l rssrn.lt lbs fcith n enH'T this privilrgef Th ,rtb inot lislv to h-e'snrof its p.liiieal strength ! nor is It s influence in lite I'm. Iik!y, in any degree. Io 1st diminished l.t it . WJr, t'sst, hol l on to th- l,.lrat pria.a pie J Why insist that w shall he exrlu.hvl from lla enjoyment of ihe prit ileges tb northern pe .pie enjoy, hen h is appnre.it thai such perai.ti.nce ean rwell in tm t.ntctital adiiiMa,-.. to then. while i la enlvcali el ittl to inilste Uie feclinga of tl.e RaithT " S r, I apical to the taoae of Iu Ik if the North! I apical to tjir sense of bonor; I s-k a r liein g-i,ll-ina if anything is to be gained by lb eatrse they are imr-aing 1 Von am like ly to lose nothing by placing a upen an equality with J .u wives in i.a.4 to these Territ.rrtes ,'if Nrl.ta.ka and Kansaa. Fmrn their (stsitiim they wilt alwar remain at.ti-iUiery Hlafe. I ran re Bo pr'... i let in Ihe w.ld li-m hi. h th e-wr. kf ih .Vofh, in refereee to tl e aiea. ares, ran I jist fje I. , an d Vrore r ao motive f.,r such a c..,if-e, ui,, as it I to graiify thetis l ings to hl, h 1 hate already ref.-rird. 1 Is k with vert g.eat stu.flilene tolbedav, and I Ihn.k it w.H not badtiiit iave,hn w' shsll I agrrvd that the Bta's ia on ibmi and i.. . . . . .. ... upo.Hini quo an.t.er. n Leneier y.u eon- neei inr ilfurefi and' sttaris at trmiv -s?ii(s, tuiicif,"ni.e'Vea rtlf TV, ' " . - ' i. son frs uai ii at hi at- . . ' r ' " " - i I loi.le ,.e I s.l.i-o of a I ia:.e. a I ... . I n I . . I Whn h r. r Hen .. lu-ije I m. i.i i l. I... t ..i.i. L,. .I-.1....1 J- , :. I . .. ' I Mi at, a if m i, , . , f 4. ,r.a4v ..,-- j btsfa ,ly ,i, e -tt.trt- tf I . . f hia f, sr, lie a I. la a 7 ' true ainiUrts-r, CAROLPfA, WESNESDAY MOSNINOrMARCH 8, 1854. iekTun took upon this great ao totiger a. amis irilge ana r sincere ho aiav be. Iw. west, Ins amnions ar rejeh as will niatifv and demand of hint that .he ah ill sftliaM with another class uf men, If lie would live iaoar country, aud under the bright sun iiii lcr hi-h we exist, if he would enjoy the peaceCthe quiet, the comfort which aria from tliat institution which is so much denounced by aianhern men and foreigners who know noibftg of it if ),n would enjoy the blessings and advantages which it dispenses, l.lih to the white man aud to the slave, be must identify himself in feeling and ia action with us, and lie must ootnc up and present with us an undivided- front to the North and to the whole World when they cilUcavor to assail, this, our cherished tiistitntii.n. bir, many years ago.I csn.fosa 1 did not boliev that tlw time would evrr eiune when w e of th So'.iUi should lie so strongly unite.) awrcnow. 1 once felt that, under the influences existing in the country, we should always be serrated to a certain extetit. 1 desire to 'be duly grateful to Heaven that 1 hav4iea &nnnojnted in this an ticiation, and that new, with A large portion of ust u.u.uum.tisssiiH1iuMutsptsr. f - ' r " , - - . . ...s. fTiaie not nninerieaT sfrengtli, but, iliaiiTt tit..TT wo 1 "s,.i titss(.io iwaiotittitf.i4tr rVtH. trutlt upon uur side, and 4iwpfelmgof injuries raniiiiiig in our Hearts, with s burning devotiou to the land which gate us birth, andau undying real for the promotion and protection of tlwvt iu- .,- 1B,ll!ilir11P ,,mu.u..,,. . f,' . " considerations. .1 strike for our rlirtlK and. . . . .--n-;- . - . siriltltlff asooeinnn. s'aiiflin.. shoolilerlii .In.iilil. " ... n .. stinv flcl'JUyil." I DC sriiKcu OK HENRY W. MILLER, ESQ., Before the Yhig State Convention. """wTsSTiAvrK Ml. I'aRsinixT: I could not feel otherwise ptiiMi l iioiiored by llio call which has Ijocii made which has characlorixetl the rirneeeslings !?f U)li. me oiiiience ot tne i , invention, i he- nanuoi.v I h.l.v,'mtTferlCT8mriiiaiift of iii'mos Hint ai- 1 trust. . . . y r,.i..t. t.. ..... vv..;.. i. .i -i .... ' ' :o...'. '.'.'.'isr.,'. ..,,i.1.'Z.IJLUl'i.Iiy;ViJl tiiej c.ie ns iiaroingers oi victory aim arouse them i-iice nij.re to action. """Sir, u.4Tthat illiisiri.Hirrln anil "noWe pntriot, who has spent u long lilc in the service f his Country, and lias neicr known tl.O mo : iimni be ,... 1.1 ..... : . u .. i : . i... :c ... i ll II HMIIil. Ute wJiltte Uliq tm.il). I'lilliisislsl- oi nearly one million f.air hundie.1 thou ml vrters of the Country, who were true to its raurti, had been awe f.tim existence ami consigned to the laud of spirits I .Mint nrrmnlHre annihilation ! r'or how canes it. that ao many of those imllant Wtti-j., who wee thus aneeremoninusly trnns- IH.rlCil I.V the I lclttoer.ll h. I'HiHhii all.H-ast tha ii I " iiij iimnni, ior frjOlftt m m j-w.-r-sof tW-krk-rtverr hsv-e- fimnd - 4hes-wwy4'lw 'uluieJ thtui, tu Jiut on the ajiubrajiabili.. lEtrk ttr this htnrt nf srrite f 1 see amTmd many from the Last and flout the West, tearing the honored wounds of many a well fought field, still flushed with health aud full uf lilc, ready anu ti-prvi cn.erngnin into ine conflict j vt ny, sir 1 hone 1 dn ant in. nula . u H.nl RTrrrmitlminns,- by asking rktuet tn r tkrtTT -mml4iirattie? hrstswr -wirl arrest 11 in is it. that thcy.Jiata.bt'Cu, al.la tu..r-ctia.J Ihe awful .Stvx and cw-npe the vigilance t.f the frightful fVrsrwws of IVims rai y f ll'.d they bring with them tl.e Ivre uf tsrnheu. by wnirh tho-e watchl'ul srniiuels were, lulled toslis-pf 1 mtiht ask, t.si, hat n';A. nfl er having U-en inrce strip l by our s lierarirs. of ihis "mortal coll," have uy ss to Isild ivats in thi hall, doliented to the nsviif tho frrtaand not the movements of the il ml t 1 la-g i ur fiii mla t siiulinire Iheai .eties tti-X;'miiewlielierlliey really liai the fie. hand niesele and bmn of human la''nga,nrbe Mil lias slisilcs of vanetreiit sniritsl Are the ttitVyWia-tSili!! -Ibii'isilDlhiiiVS, jannjt pantllF Ujt slx, orsie li.cy but ije p,.U if wlisl to any ni t.T 1H.e w(,r. nauc.luwk "toseirlharye-laills" ar.tl, m. I . . . ..... 3 . ... ot iiiiianw-v. ami will tl.ev "dura al Its 1ml- dlng't" rr -r-nV)-mnwm lleully. Sir. this proee- ,d"r.,so fc. lift ,... ""f uf tU friH,d af.er havin. been so es.l!ii..l. fi;..-.. I.l I. nd them amongst the U) liuleni IiUmu..,. im .... , I L I L I of th tssuihu. that tba u nimy de igblful rewiiiiinmia, abkli, tln.ugh ....iii.si wun souie saiinoa. ni-v, rtl . i.h . M"''"u wllnm to lb memory of joya thai are pant ! h eoalU, h frieml. tnasset again on vir . ma. w Is. iu Hi land ol spirit nwy hST lM-en wulely se,ral.s! It i, i,leul Ibst our ilesMrratie fr.en.ls do netlikeib'mway Uie Whig, hat of not tt.iym Jend. They may well ts ilai u with vJisp'icl " ri. tiw atra keea. Thai wli.s ik'l.noe. ts'iiai, vaa ass a-ari.a atr, Aud Uo-s as es i awl sv y irt us tctlt T Pa -h Ihings are well ral.wlatrd, no d'tU, to ""ththair eojiaiiimily. to make theta start from their aeats, ami ..rct l heir act usInaiM aod el ry Ved ppqiriety. It is .si mu.h like tlx g1et ..f ibe murdered U ,n,,uo tukii.g his sent as t1 al the Uitqi.H of loe gmhy and alfrilit. (sl-MiiclsHh, l satorsl'x, s.uew has. nf the a.y. twi.a appenrsisrs ,4 (riff hatnl. darmg the feast if ihe hsuglilv ll. l.lnit ,r, which wrote uat L wall ii- jT,lhlt:H i-JHh, itumJuH a' lite trstiaV ill him liii,-rlnm ! ' llut, Mr. 1'eMi.le.it, i all rimt.ns and caas dor, whtl have w witt.awed! iHumg th hast lr i.t-tttinf rsnip-ii-n. lbs a'artu was sprea. lhr,,..;-t,,s,t tl.e wh ile H-nih, it.rtt leaild lien. ,S wt l-e rles-led to Its- I'resi.lenrv. bs w ssM be m W lis Lswioful is'ssme 4 H-essrd and hia .1 m, wluUt lien. I'ierr s he'd to! j the tiss. . t.l ...,l ..t ...... .i ' . . .n. .,i u,n iniwi ,q mst.jiprnie,iijil ne r.aTi . of ill KsKb. Hot be,d ,, H.i,!Tf ' I 111 at' -.t laf.a b's, ' Adiuinis'tri. 'e n an.liif,b.fch..w..f iham.ss.k e a.ti-a f tha man ra k rea and IsnatHa to U f tasl less btnd m tree -a i- l n, av,,n ea,ritHai to lUt callaul k. Ill ' . . V a3 .....ill ii. -.., Au l .!.. r a. a.sT..M,i..i.l.ed I t a g'"a it. I 4 Xsari h t."U I an , Msll b,ssa Ibe r,,-l, M . . .. . ... .... . . - -. . .... i,",,n n tniii,, aa vaa .r rtrail uner (Mm t lsr'.'Wrn.,mi! warn Mr. J.fleraoai s-ata in... ..... t. .1 Url, ihst ,l. irt,. ( o.,, ,kK, , , ha honstt, is ha ctpaMe, la he mithful to the Constitution Wat not Judge Oroneon honest, eapnWet faitliftil to the Constitu l utf Why then was he removed frnta office f The Infer nf the becreta7 ,h Treasury give the answer, lie refused indignantly to become thetnnl of the A.t ministr.ttiim, for dividing the spoil of office with tltos who hail pnrved themselvea the worst ene mies to the Constitution and the l'nt.t. He re fused ta reeogtiix Van Buren and hi factious alhernt,'as s-ife .lepositories of the power and patrons. ;e id" tlte Ocneral Uuvernment, and tot (, Instead of being commended by Southern enns-rats, who heretof.sre have held John Van llnren to public gaie as the arch-fiend of uisriii, ne nas been ilcnunneed and his ejection from office made a matter of rejoicingl ' In his first iiuxugural address den. Jacksoa ileciarcd that one ol die worst and most danger ous of political abuses was "bringing the pat ronage of the Federal fiovernnient into conflict with the freedom of elections." When wa there ever a more glaring illustration of thi principle than during the recent election in New York Vim Administration, through Jts organ and one of its highest officials. nrMuiW avowed itself H,. rsWhdijti.uf i - mwm wwiTot- ISflllSlseU Ml WS AS' wUJtuoWsln hft-irm.W llattUiotiitLtiglita nf the fjinnth. ,tn alisnat oat people imm their brethren of the Nofth, and to weaken the bonds of our glorious Union 1 Wa this redeeming th pledges, which were made in ailvanco, for the Administration, by its friends t How dues such conduct bequme ibtiae who assail ed (ten. Soutt, iu the-uiost virulent and vindio tiva manner, liecsus. .Sewarat mul hia frl.n.l. supported him Il'hink, yoav-tliat 4f-uch4tt th banded and unjustihable interference in the o cal elections of the. Suites for partisan purpose is.toleraied in silence, that those in power will stop short of aiyencroachiuents upoiftind violation ... oiose r.g.iis i iiau such an outrage been cum you it wouhl have lieen jieniiitted to pass without the indignant rebuke of her people, be thev Wldjja or be tliey leiiiocrauf No, sir, no. 1 trust t'ie day . may be far distant may never ar rive when the despotism of party shall become so galling and powerful a to silence tliavindig "n'i'iTt'vrncc of "w jwild""!!! upon the'r righta si freemen I Bui, sir, It does not end here. When Mr. Fill. more was ..candidate for the Vioo-IWnlency, 'he renealinllr llnr4HTltiTL--K,irTalish-tKTS-r.1vttK -e:..! -f' opinimia on ihe ubjet of the power of Congress - ,!ieii"titu.tion "f.tl.fvfJjr1..wMrh ihiniH have been satisfactory to tlie whole South and when,-m- the -death -of Irnvtratrririr-old chieftain, (leu'l Tii-tj-, he '.lecame I'resident, we nil know thw yrtnitiJ--BrtiniTr'" k'rtowsuiw"1x.iaiv""Tie' stemmed the madai.d sweeping current uf Als.li tkHHsuti and with whe leismlent, fearlesaand indoiuitiible snlrit hc'shicldcd tlio constitutional right of tha Sv.HtH ; yet. Me wu.omfy oo y or rmwl to j rmr kirn ! He was denounced tlie uti as an Ahohtionist; For seutiineuta avowed in a letter many year before h w a a candidate for Ihe ica I'resideney, ha wa still held to the strictest accountability. For Aim (here wa no mom for renan -mswit nlA f... . furgitiiesst Thwiioment of tlre.isonea chslir vi .rir inangiuiy ami vituperauon ware poured oul freely 0s.n hu heal. let, v find the very men who thus assailed kirn ami who denied him even the merit of sincerity, apologising in hon eyed and sycophantic tone, for tl. priueiplfa, and conduct uf i'an. Bureu and his followers, claiming for and extending to them all Ihe lea lenoy and e.r!ilerati dins fo tinreronnd hnm bie penitents, and assigning to them tlw high est pmces in their political synagogue! ijoih faccjtf ihe opa pari, that they ure reganle.1 and si regard tha Compromise measures l.nt tit mjimr ftart truce, wa are insul tingly told that thev have furnished and are Hill furnishing work meet for repentance. Aye, sir, " The d I waa nni t the d 1 a mint would W I TUd IgidasrsVi tba aVrt airt mm a t" Tti U.e tmglng after fha spoil of uffi. that "t .xcpcuuuux ; ia, wne U- aoeptr shall have passes! from Ihe hands or those w ho are rilling In confer upon them uch favor., Ihewdenrt'um to th compromise and therights of the ISouth will becont worse than ;Vsir failhl , It) with what teal and ananimiiy th Whigs of tlie South atips.rta. th auprumia measuiss ('af IS.HI. ihy were tho crowning glory nf Mr. Fillmore' Ad.auiiatratlon sustained by It with inHeiiU firmness during th darkest hoars nf thir fata, until rbetr aoViptlon spread joy and cnBilenoe thnMighnul tb land. Nor can M hate been firgone. with what Utieraem and malignity tna Iruuu o tbos nteaauraa uf were assailcil by many of tb deutocratie leader and papers nf tint South ! No epithet wa too strong and slaiideisajt for tlieir us. "Traitor to th land of tlieir birth," and "lavs tu'auis si.aii.ts," ware f, eel j applied to tU beat and most pal. mi ic of llnw taio -iniataltied that Coiu pronn.a. It w as promatneed a a surrender uf rtv-yrsisgio me iorth a a security of aWius h tho tone of -rj.es s lh BiaastireoT Wa "t feuloaa la sai.nort Ciasiiirutttf m nt laJal m. pealed the M ssouri t.'imiwemira, and remoted lliealavery restriction fnaa all the territory North of 0 3ll'f whereby a taat ragkm. s af which eight or ten Stale, si large aa lb Urgast in the tiikn, ean I carved, haa bos rasqned ,oii.n,irsin. siasrrj i i.j irssirawa ad mission, th.,, ttMd.wtrinof "aas tiismiln." waa, i il, by thuaa vary acta at Omprorais,) -'""'"'7 """""s-s won ao asara twlattee, ppld bi ami tstal.lithest in, n,4 only rb teerk mea m aw mxks) and I rah, mat Ike aW rf vw..i.i u .... . .i . ,i . .. . ' .. .... ., aam men mini ot tU alandi r which tbey as Uv.shlv hrnped ar" lb friend .if the Coa.prtsmis oi iMilt y, ,u Ihryexhiliit the magnanimity will they dia. play eien tlkaf., to totract Ibamtlfma, "'. let ih ptesitwa which they ihmsertm as.w occupy the eiM.sirucli.ai thy asaat plae aa I hat o-wiprom a. -slhalju.ltmt.-a)d-mBti. Ufa tbw alattdcrs, ahich lhy a jttatly d. Iu air. It is Bot my purpose nor mr desire to Indole us rsrruKiiutllua. .. W . a-.l 4l.e fart thtl another eaif.. rsfIl. mt thai stiliisH, win h i. ,4 IIh moat vital l..,,.,rt, ne. in Ibe M nth. n. aiqw.ai. his g thai it Ml) has already Ihri.wii will rat aa Bn.liti.led aad aa-la-ohea f.o .1 m this sal.jH. V, hira and pewt nrrat r standing together, with . resolulc Mrp to defend uir rigid, aad ri el .11 at I a. k a, ismfr.m wbat qrsrter Hey aisy. lam f. n-taifilri .rnatind lirpraejilatiia Ja f (. Th.s is m st,rg HS.lt I t. f.-r 6m parly to mlrt f. en m an cut Into lit d. lrali., atsu.a. In my htm.MejudrH.enl, rns I I rr.ole se KM i. n..,4 .1. ...... ....T. ...in. i pre-enra. with, tit 1 1 r. aUtety. 1 atott-t, llteref s. l-y tear rs dwrlna. jnu hat b.,Kd, and by tha wh. sttppurt II. Utl.sy wl....t maerat. tta thU Lus la. 1 1 tausju.sa nojuslga but jaatie and right wiguiM isujii.lga Uhi jawtir and right ws latt lb t 'anluali.as, and ao pa 's land that gal at tort. I ou n. 'I th land thai gal at btrt. laihcts M oua o'l.et .alect. kl, rte.Uenl.af 4w sad al.tlang ii.fare to our k psaks, a . ntslier hat may 1st ih.it IiIm ai n,..aaaa and pte.l.U.1,., to whtib I would briefly aak ytmr alto.iit.aa. aHer to ass tUa m lk aasUt btods. e , l. ta-t ualr.Mt.sst. t ib, erqafiiNMi uf btuk r anrssi.ira ajatt aa baaty aa.4.toaa la Irtaaat aad Id. sat aa ll.s ru.seas.4 any r ote la the I a ant, bat r..,,a ul. us aMlast.41, wb.Ul Mhara bai I sen nrsM f.,l 1m., 4l.. f. frta .l.- ,,, H,a,m I.e. .rl nh UMltMda tl.nr awosust a.d ..... ,. , ,en,.,i , a,iH,tt. How Iwtg, 4 ,. toltstd to til,a..t M,I. Ut HXnOEIt 10. thi injustice f WhiUt w ar disrwaaing, with ermceited affeetatinn af flimstitutional learning, the varies attraction that oycy vaxad th brain of man, the lands ar passing beyond oar reach --gliding Into lb hands of grasping speculators, vuted away liy millkai to enrich powerful cor porations, who avarice haa so hounds, and whns Briareon arm are reaching forth to every section of the country, and drawing to tbt aid Its varied wealth and vast resource. Sir. thi is a subject upon wlik-h the greatest Intellects of the c.uutrj havo exhausted th aiurvee of argu ment and reason. Let us cease to rranaV h?t na m l I - As twin man, let as apeak out ia th liJ and fearleat t ine of froenwn, and demand our rights. If we or true to those who hate lrKU Issn.re o. and whose bhiod and t return re parerad.oat so-freely for the acquisition of '"V Htirtmorry tl we are just to ourselves if uajuai aaiitrueto the generations who re to nnc aiter us, and who ar to tand where w new stand, we will dash to tho wind the fetter ,4 party, and apeak on boldly for oar right. will dtamutd f Ctasrress to fulfil Uw tntsf confided to it, in rcferctiee to thia vast lirth 1 'il r ,1 i II . n.nv 1.1 I. - a nuniuraisi ner, iroia inose w no ao King etosed their ram to her rightful demands ! 1 know to all this It hiu been replied. " What h the use 1 Our voice can seeomnlih nnil.l.or " This I the reasoning :'of slaves the dwtrine of aervue aunnnasvm to any wroarand Injustice. It needs no rcfutntuin.- It would bind aa 'to a slavish fisiuin,-lt Nmiw- satHifta ak-t-e tins mbjeet, and she tr.'i n eard I Her voica was heard in thunder tone m May 1775. It was heard when the adopted the Federal Constitution. It ha been heard and respected ia every emer gency in which the Union haa been drawn. It wa heard a few daw siiieein ttrti--eAlotrf -twl gresa, ny two ol iter able reaprasentaUon ; and it will always be heard wbea raised in defence of rint auu justice 1 To the resolution adopted by thia Convention on Ihe subject of Constitutional Keforui, I gi, "y -tquwas. stia to peotiia ai .4ba State desire ameailmeau of th Cuustitulion, cannot' be denied. How ihall thia'b donef That instrument ha provided but two ona by- iialaiv -etrssrttitv,- -th- other br a vwrnwiiiu. ma tic legatee oi in people, toleot f"r kat expresi purpoaa. W hioh haH w artoptf Let u not, in this matter, leave the road of experience. On State Constitution wn origi nally adopted 10 1776. "bv the ln.ratMnlntlvaa v.r tit feeeetett f tW Ststte,--TTrctr(r nut chuini m 4Lt I i , ... ... ... (..Mir, ymrjmm. in itv,-'Dy delegate assembled in Convention," it wa amended. The antioa of both these bodies, composed of th wit eat and moat patriot i men of tlie State, waa an. proved by the peoi.le. Othr Stole bay almost uniformly adopted this course. Shall tre depart from it f Will It be politic and wia to give the amndmnt of Uii charter af am? wiirhts and bbertios to the Legialatara, which w all kaow ia controlled, mor or lea, by party feeling and sectional Jenlmtsiesf Can a body, aituated. ai tb aeat Legislator will acceasarily be. with o many Important btatwr to elect, with tb whole Code of tho ' State law to pasa upon, waved to and fro, by th Influence of personal and party prejudice and aspiration, be in way avt-ennditu.n to pass upon Important amendment to tb fundamental law 1 Let us Call together, Hum, the exparieaosd, wia and patriot mm of lit Stale a our father, did In 1776 a th people did in IfeOi when tliey had atinstoA, a Daniel, a Swain, a Mearea, and many irthor true and intelligent men, who, rising alien th jmUry intluucnf party or section, acted for tb interest, th honor and tb glory of th awiotV Stole! And why ihonld w !aot t willing to rest Mr turfy? Will k b less honest and patriotic than th Lririilatur I Let aa bar yoretrr these suicidal jealoaam between tb laud anatnvtttl v by eannot th Kast confide in thWest? Why should th West ba at th Koaif Ar tttey vrM heethren wf the am iR.n.iy, wmat. imereat and boBor being closely allied, must stand or fall togetherf I abhor th demagiHranism whieh wtmid alhrnat ona fntis th other, or engender aaaatoral bickerings and animoaitim betweea them. If left to their ow a ceattrtia ana nol.le imjtulem, tbey will walk hand in land together, actuated by aat other lasiiBg lluta aa earruuitiesira -and tna nstolu tusa to advaar each other' in tore la, and defend, amler all BMrftMa and in avery danger, arh other' safety and honor! The at do not ask a change of th basis of representation. The rets.lutnm yoa have lavncd ia a l.leslis aralnat any suck demand. With such a pUlw. under uch a Compromise, let a Contmttiua ut la peo ftle delegate .IstaiaJltal, wa by aiaa, aad pru dent and aalutary amendments of the Constitu tion, will salo.IV lb wiaha of th people, and sufla al et aa for tar the aanory ,f iikm aks partisan purpose, would drag th CuoaiUu. t' l) (hat grsot cbatrtai tataas ItaataWasd ts. litieat happinesa through the eontomiiuttiua of eElsenal and ssdiliral walfuw rA I will ireaia th CWriici ao tger, 1 rejo,., thai Ui U lug I'arty la not only not utt, but, friHa the iadk'alioa that aarroand aoa all aide, from lb prwaTs that ar pouring la upon a fn m every .action nf Ihe Rial, that that great party i noising from lis lethargy infusing Into us ranks renewed tilnlity rallying ante more around th banner of th C..iituli. and the L nkm, rnadtad to do or di I that rt.a4.ats aas which wa Illustrated and defend,! by Ih immsn-ul intellcrt of Clay, W.bator and l ist of others, b, ttMwgh rn from amongat aa, bar yet toft a blau of light In tb Heaven fat nut guldane. aad rendered b iutm and hia titry af taatt eoaatry illustrkats tl.ruughowt tb woridl , ... I njler Oiat light let aa walk-aad with the nrin.Hj.k) .f our party Imerilied on ear banner, and directing sar actioa t -an lmnt.na.la at laahmit to W aawilatkas aad tb I ntoa Ib tuaiiassus aaaaaaras at lsiti aa. aWrrwa '"" h foagrea. aa Ike tmhirti of SBateraa fir di.lnl.uti.ai nf tb puldie Uads ur their prsfessU, he eaehsah af fanatlea, and sweat i a of Ih Cisaalltauoa. frvm lb saaaiasnbU aaWw af lb (I'tvernssent Boa-interfemc by lit Federal llovrnmetit In Ui election and d..meti -eetsMtsf the State C,v,et.iew of oVIeyatna diraet from lb panpf to amend IbeCawliluti,-, of lb Ma'. prammmA, aatoavaeaf mm4 aarknayml Ike yrtweat U-u of rrpnm-mfalaama h l.r.1 .1 jawt avatem of intati al imptot smst.ls, I y b,,h lb te-t re-ain ea af uair Slat assy b list. I,, pad "" "a mi asary ckild, mala aad kv male, ia Ih Stale with that banner, thus isv anl-d, rarried rward by lb Irs a, all aad patrurtie reader selected by this C.tnlioa. at caaoot fail tostuossdl . . i would anpaal the la my Whig Whrea her !"- n I would tommy Whig lhr.ghawt th K ai. toataad to tb warn, to prepare agaia fo lit tsailii.. It aa bary all personal ad arli.atal dim,reees. aa forget the fatal. eept to gnard against duavatar la lb itstae. r n.ylf, sir, if I r bad any, I am ready, here, on thu OTwstna, Uf.-r pari, rl,a.. many t as aetar to utsvt .gain, to ctic all feraon al and asethanal prsl.einesa. aat Ih ahsr of th M tog pant, atot to Hrfct atotul.tor t att.ssbtor, aid by ..la, with IU kttashtoat ut iUn fewtsH M lb triumph at bt prtenplra! Lt aadoiLl., and. whra th day uf Unit ., tot at adopt thsaenaoriaJ avaia.n' thagallaat Napier, IU.ht Its. at its assay r and ns. r l.ar. I-.I.I. ate.tv, firm, resolute, srsia.ai rbsric, frma th hole si big ba. will raua) out lag si f , arid aer a lb not.; t Tk A4ieil.i.lralk a Jan. Quirky A.tama, I sol I V lb l4 s I. ba, a la en .I.I,.. .... Administration. Th spi tea .4 ttiefoaeriiniet,! I hit mm t year, vera, 1 sb at datt,.rfi,4,) toe ks, i yantsweeav ), nf rstB,y,it It -y "THE Ni f.MIN I.F., IT. I ft-i , rlv! 4, ,,ur i..a.i-hend lbs .. rfee,ral AlfrM l- kerv. of K.,m,aHl t'Wi v aa a eamUa,, f , ti . l , f 0mnr ,4 u State of North t ar-iine. W , ,4 WT !l t, w. do so with please. a'.rn.U '-, , 1 1 .71 '7"'"' hl" ""'"" prest,i,,f,eTtlI1BM.R,yi ,M.ri. t,,!w sertioit. The eoquerur lrf frU a , h h ha. drawn hi. g,al b' '., f , ,h, tt hi , " "' falter nor uB d.l.at in ti e tH(.w great etatteat. - . In early lifefiewml,ler, enj-ve,! h (r, portiinincsnfeilncatmnas the country ,(,., .round him alfided: and these Wee s,.,,y enough at that rime, II,. days and a cn-idero-ol part of hia nights to war esduhWt d. v.. d to tha labor nf th farm while at leisure m,, aients he read hi. Bible and picked r.p su. h misrcllnnemis Uiformatmn as rsute in tiswiv. At aa early age be married and took pon himl elf the earns of a fiimily. Those how ev or were V nn iBiprdiment to his progress. The tread ,f Klleiies he never lasled; and io a few years he was not only in comfortable circumstances, to faF a wtaMdly gtssls were concerned, bat It wss found to be, in reality, one of the best iafwrned men of the community ia which Le resided, i. ad.? "''Uhlior to bccon.e a cai,.li,late when delegates were to be chosen to rev ise the Stole Constituti. in lR;!5,he consented to do p., , and was returned over men of marked talent snd standing m Ihe county. He served in the Co,. vention with entire acceptability to his ciustitu ent aad after th adoption of the Cnstitot 'nn . in its smend.-d form, ks ws. tkoten to repreer.t the Senatonnl District eomposnl f tl.e Cnnlies of Kiehntond and Rolaisun whi. h he did R.rfive miccessiv Semies,, we believe. Ue was then elected toj,ei.it4.gUUaa.Jl,wC Jj,,. ,, ffvS,"'r.l- irts.net ta lie r.esiileil,and throughout the wMeof bis twm biaainw,' wrtemtftrg-tn th" IttterV ' F?.?t)isi? fwwtiJBrltis, WitJl as e ahat; ttver . : witikrsl and an energy that never died. - jtvincenaoirms term of h.s poWic service : th State wn redistrkteil, and he wa thrown into the same district with Hon. Ihiniel M. Biir ringer. lie gave way to Mr. Burrinaer, and re-. turned to Us rural pursuits cngnce.1 iu which he remained until tlio Spring of Is.jI, when it was thought a crisis had nrrited in H e political affairs.d' North Carolina. The Compromise me i "?rc' Vf'l.had passed Ih Cij,re.-s t.f the I niteil Stales; the Dcmiwratk party of ibis Suite '.' took grounds against them ; Secession was pro claimed a the safetyake of the I nion : and UreeaVt. Caldwell, of Mecklenburg, the Ai..x TelainiHiof Democracy in his district, was bruught Mt M Hit Bajnlidatit- nf kh.mnitx-taa-CLa. .n,,. emergency every eye was turned to Urn. Iockery. He was every where solicited to h. eoin the W hig Candidate. He yielded to th solicitation, and strangled his opponent and th faction which surrounded him, "as easily as the infant Ileretile smothered the serpenl Python." ".lstlWS.lt'ttoetw' ...t.. . . . Hi management of his domestic concerns, plain unpretending oitlxen, a skilful planter, a kind neighbor and a good Christian The nomi nation which has been conferred upon him bo hss not antight ; and we are sure he will not de ome tf. -Let hrs rrieittls du. their, duty, aud tl.y . may rest assured Hint he will do lis. ere !o eft" fi.'to J"t'lc's man we shnuld do him in- nrecimnig an tlieir wanU and sympathising wiili them In nil their feelings, and on the first Tlmrs day n August -next, tiuy will viu.li. si their own dignity by electing him to the Chief Ma. -is- ' tracy of the Stat of North Carolina. r.imi'.e t'll Aigu. Uprm,hUrnia,"Mn Ued Rt publican French riper in New York, ha always maintained that ranee aud Kngland hat no ih.Hi-lit.and never had any, of resistiug the ggre.s,oo of lUissm. Uiuis Aapowun, in parttoular, it bas e.tai,ilv affiimed, wa neither more nor lc., than the sub missiv tout of the tsar, and would W f..r.d h. right-baudmainallcilingenciea. The luie war like newi somew hat shakes ils faith in its fo.n.er eon vtotton t but il continues in tnis m. ' aid f th Knssian despot .ih, Neroot 1 lenna. ana in laagatwlus ut lb Tuilcries," slut s.s. preliend. that they wl feiKler their brother tyrant of St. Petersburg all ib s,.h.nee they can. St II, thi nvi. tion i esn.4 restrain " U ttrpabliemn" from giving iu reader, all the rumor it eaa gather from Paria. la th even! of war, it saya, the found! of ElagaUlu of th Tuilcrics, is div,d ,a to the proper course to pursue. One set, led by Si. Amend, Miuister uf H ar, are ia fct d bm.K ad operntlims cimleuting themselves wi'l. Biv. big assistance In Turkey, and confining the wsr totb Fst. - The othsr set, nmlor rersiuy, t,a F.mnevttr'a favorite, advocate an .,,. . ...i ' they wowld raise all tho paiple of Km. p. aga nt .... IS...KS, son aweepaway ierv Ihroi.n eirei acbamsyb filled bt'lh. f;,,,, ar.,r ami l, dependants. Austria and I'russ.a are Ii st to l,a eallcl apav to fijht llos.i- tl,e. nil n,, doubt refuse, the BcVolut eui tsar to l. t h wpna thevn,cnd the Iretoh siioi,. will ,;.u ' rswesslon of Ihelr rich tbanaina oa ibe ffhine snd Ihe lo. lledmoiiT, B-lgiuM, and rhs , ,t dominions will bemiele aad Ih fat Mur.t will be penuiitc,rt take i ,1 ami at i ui .1 La m.. ' aaaj a.! A. to tha pust of Curamander-in.c,i. f f tl,. French army, great mtptiti. exists. (St. A m aad drairea it himself aad .. I,. ..I. ....... ., . eot.Trotof the 5d December, and a.md. r, I aisands of unoffending rt.j.le in Ihe sti ,,f ris. hit. lain:! are ent,.iil.rl ........ t , ral Pelissier, who dlsliiigui.hrd buns. II in II. gerla by m m, .king nut ,4 n cavern me 4 i ' H M PJ anto'.a old m .ais f r-ASnil, pretensions nnd IB. h kanfy a. I,,,.. , n"' lhat of h ftimigntinn Ural 'high fator at tl .. Palaesv be ia eoe.iiletad a fri.mi.hil !e n;,l i.. tlv fseTesayv ef It aw . - .-- ... Hal in aditit'natotliea .aniherths Prii re Napolcm rbmaparte 4heheir presnnipti. r c I Who has, already been nearly ssso. ml. .1 t., li e hoaors if tens patple lU'l.as lee,, n,,'e a general by Her re, ami It now diltputlv rmph i l in leariiing to rid. As he raim.4 set a n ,1 flaah and Iibswl h'.rw, artili. ial char;-ers .., been faltriratci, and wi'h thrya hs ,. - V , lesaim in Ih art of enuestraticn. Tl.e l,,,s i MpeeesH, that be will make anfri. iei.1 p., t r-s by Ihe time the ball nj ens, to tsk charge ui il Grand Army, Nt Osin-ss, F. Arritj.is Arv'tiitsr it tnt Tihiti , era.. -I.T ran Mumi.-A draalful a.. ..hut. ei-,.. r t t e to-aight in Ih tlrl.si.s theatre. 1 1 . ; Baa orua tied to iu aiiaosl Mcitt , to se the ieTa. V. bra th y. . f ,, , . ,. liBte,.mBin.ii.g.(wif ih gul filled with bul.ea, (si c,T ,J . .,!,,, , with a tremendous rrak la th I'arqurtie. r eibitaliag. tb itmistu ta w ii k Ibeus. aa.H.1 , ,r IImm la lo. 'J'b oiwra waa betug .e.. i ntr,l , tb time. Alrwatsly f ur itadU,.!i, , .a, 1,. and It is ripe, led many m. I ,,. n luu ! Klghl pen. US w err se, I. , , ,,i, , , , , d 1 fit al,n hate Isk. ii f.oi He wir t ami al.art f.fij other ais 1is.ii a. Is n...,. tost Wintllsl. It IS aptirel.rmlrd Ih.l further .. h veal as,eec 4 still gtsas.ra.rn.w. I l.e. i il rs wees f.lg't.flil at"1 si tll at. IH. as nl i . i. j'.t.-. k.llisl Btxl .,a !r.l urn ol 1 r VI . e Il ia tuiuetsl.l W .1 l,s d e '. a . t ll a f ssaaley ia aa a ibug tlie a l.r ,n.,n . f .1 . , lellers tu lbs Is-lla. a ill I a f ,i, l f M pe tasledsaio-t aa r.atrnrv t,, ht, I, ti, prtot.a-a mi ll.e r..avnes. SVn tha , Heir etrctt.siess ss.ti.ie. tj,r,n ft Wlia'a elr. uhiii. a w ill le !,. . a i I I ii .,t t -Hi -. . .etc f'"h suns fiitttiiatS. Th l'i. ..us I as it fi m M IbaS. rWnla Alitsa bad .a.wr-1 a de. r. a iiy .f sliipptng priilcr-a. "Tb W In;;. B ay Wa-lalhe .ad to. nn - t o 1. , ,i t , I , a,., of a t.rtoe w In. h ll.er were - bail ih. d em, -.,. j..,., , , . Bol'Uwa tict.a r s the ..'t i i s ; : ill ka Ma y ,-l,l:r .1,. . , !.. a, ., y , Itsisnttan) r- r., abrii it r. , . i , arsin.l ts e i , 44 i.ro-. ..,.,(, , fc .. UtltCtft, tt.s l,n.ea, - tl m I lltliU I. ten r t 1 H - I.l. . and r ihe I

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