tlottk-Carolina-lar.- , IM Bl.lMltB Ht'.KLT V. v. "WILLIAM a DOUB, - glUTO XN raOI'RIETI.. . If paid strirt'y in sdsnne, two tbillsrs per gut; tw dollar and (ir cents, tf paid witlna it mouths; and litre duilsr lit lb tad of tin ADYKS TIUKM ESTS not eie'tcding utw linn will be Inserted on time fir on dllr, nd tweety-re Nti for lack ahafnitit insertion. Tkmi af fratkr lengtii will b charred propor tionally. Court I rede at JatieUt a..t.emr-et will Im chsrgea SI per cent, higher then the b rate. Afcasoottiie uedaolioo win u . tkss wh sdtertiss by th yoar. " . Book and Job rriutieg dsn W''1 neelne despatch, nd on accommodating terms. Letter to tin Editor most be postpaid. 4' -v -4- 4 r-r t;ie mblic btiinn. ' ml....-itj rh' t... Ti ll. !,,!'.' i! t) ' i' VOLUME XLV. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1354. From the Richmond Whig. PRESIDENTIAL SiaFFLlXCl. j'Aurmo.v or run public lands. There is ub probability that a htw JistriWing th. t.roeecds of thetoiblm land could pa neratic Congress, and receive the sanction of '. Democratic Prcj-'dent ', but wethtok.tbat the old ... Slate of the i'aim should demand some cqunl rule of apprirtioning those gifts which the Fede ral Government annually bestow, upon the the ory that it ha a right to robucribe a portion of the mimic domain to enhance TKKSalu if The remainder ; although' it immediately thcrcjif .ter will be failed on to (site away Uie,w.h9lr tli " iain?1tli.v'er,'ainiluU to"f(f IT.e adratrtrtf-e "f ' EYIDKXCES OF DF.BT ABROAD. j A e.mimuiiieJnjt.11 from the Treaaiirj impart- lie Y, 8. Snate,Mn Thurr President Picm pjarto he plaviu "iewb . d,uj, ia .manWi wiuNta rwoiution ad.-pted irio, txilt ytm hate," on the Nehruka hill. While 1 hj that itad$; iu Aril htt, talliiiu f a ftate he runa with tha hare, he htdda with the hound, j mcnt of the aeresate amount wfieileral. State, He ha no idea ia the world of aliandinwi hi dearlj 11hvim1 Free Soilern. We puhliahe4 the other da? aS extract from hi domeetie organ, the Now Hampshire l'atriot, whi. h proclatme.1 to the faithful, that aupport oTthe Kekraxka bill waa no tet of Demncrncv, and that thoae who opposed it would not incur the din pleasure of the Great Mogul in- Veidiitigton. The Wanhington lai'oa takea up the abject in the1 aame key, and enmuiuniealei the aame cimiforting awurance. Tbe Free Soilera may do as they . ptoaae they the dearly beloved of the l'reident Brt their short coming on tliia vital question, will not beTeofirded againat them. Ilia EtcellenfV' could acaroely give a atninper mark of hia par tialities ,ftr ,jini ,HpriocuiUji,F.iiij.'R.'left lh "llftfffa rerul.eir loJ applauS' ilia "policy of -tlie piiwleou aMjiuUngr Kre - 8dilra to office -tmnrnvineit:'- It-m-e5tunia iii-prauoiiaAu "ill frwut fMliey. '.ThStatarfAIarl"i auii LrfliT r unceremmuouaty kckedoV and 1 1'cwYork contribute a large mm topunbate for Free Soilera installed in their placed. But now. Wit terTjrntT.Ari"rml-nelt-wienrrt, I TthicU reiiire perhopfl tn increase of taxation. l' Tfoanoner ia the new territory surveyed tlwut a - Hoard of Director eclcct tbe tuot Taluablo line i of couimnnieation, and receiie.t, landed pr!nci-J palitv in ft simple. rThe riparian proprietors overflows its limit, take all tboeo land which I are suhject to overflow, beeausa they are of no $. .'. J il : - I . ..f tt, wimainil. v mur-, hiiu tiini a ivf fi" i-. ' to build dyW to reclaim them. The remaluaer i of the lunda are then to be tbrown on to all li thnae who may elwose to.aell out in the old State 4 to settle upon gift homeitoiwl. t ,. The effect of this policy is evidently to impose t tax upon the old Statcv&ir the achiitiou of & T ' IcrriloryT' Fof tliTfC tunarure'lTHiTngiTQic' can never be reiinlwraed. They may go on load- Ingthemselveawith land dcbttaJiiiig themselves j to sustain tbo nfttimial ereilit- nndso far front J. receiving any indemnity or aAvaniJige, tbey are ( but offering a bounty to theircitiicns to emigrate to newer and cheaper land. W e suppoae tnat wtien-the- Free Swlera- renndtans ir grpfttmeitBore' which asscrta and vinilicatoa the rights aud equality of the States of which the President profesNca biiusclf to Xe in favor they are not only not displaced nor rebuked, but are tendered a free pardon in advance, and encouraged to nmke w4rurxmnAdminrtretitfn,mmMnTe;'nnd, supplied with monition out of tbe National ar mory 1 This may be esteemed candid and honeat 4eoli! scarcely pans muster in other quarters of the vrorlil where old-fashioned notions- of honestT prevail. We subjoin an ejtract from thej'uio'i which authoritatively exposes this shuffling game of the President, and at tlie same time tends to give countenance to the report, that the Editor of the nion was indebted fur his election as Printer t secret pledge, that be would take the Fi i e Sail er under, hia wing Jjit-plaittsaUing people fj and make a note ! From the Washington t'nkin. . i,.... ...... r... L.uui zr-rm maMvsmsjSm&MffmfimUt 8ga'ril rwrBiii--wn utmliuuniat-who ....-t.waWirW wUaw-i4tuKlj m4-4 e-)uW wit rii8H i-te his conviction of doty etty, county, railroad,' canal, and mniuratioa stock or other evident f debt held IB fkirop or other foraiitn eountrie on tbe 30th June, If e far a the tame can be ascertaiued, " Ic. The Sccrntarv, aav the Intelligencer, tran- mits the al.e it in detail, ia table mari.eVl fnia A t K, irluM,twcif which only are here amefttH?d. The.tejfiJer of the Trea sury states the sjtwjnte amount of Federal stock oiitrlanding uutlw-tth June, 183, to have lieen ?",,0 i.Al7, and the amount estimated to have lieen held by fureiguer at the Same time waa I Pajwr B gives the amount of Stale bond out- (taoding at the period almte named, and amount Vid hx fowif3Mra.aa tir,, the juune Mui lie aa- ceriiunej,' vi P ifttfif, 1?,1, if wtiich amount STiij&JliOJ are-4ie4d by fufwignera"- " -" Oulttamlma: Fomtmtrt. Mai tic . SIT LoOO al,e, ed tlicmseUe in fa.o of catling a Cnientioi torevM the Constitution of that r5ttfr,ti.rrdcn ojtatie (stalled) par-r, a'tao.ig'.i iu a minoiity in the 8tate, claimed all the credit of the act, and repeB(ed iheuiarttM a ttio pwuliar chamiiiunaDf " ref,wu.,, And, ia Yirginm; 0t tli democracy claim Tor themwhxM all the credit! oj ine anvantxges uerivej irotu inenewonmiu lion. S),r-aW, in lrian. although the dem ocracy of that r-uva o).p-wd he mllmg of a Con- leutmu and renuiiiated tbe tunstituUuu jtreawit- that eouicntion, yet no sooner w lli eonstttiitxin ad.n.ted than, liv a certain hin'u poeua, Jber beetrai iiave.ted into it ad-1 vucaues, It is unitersnl! vmjmitted bv the demoeratic party 5u When the pe .pe of Mirylnwd do lr- TUB STANDlim AKD THE WIIM1 IIKV i " LI TIOSS. '. " The H ileiih rttaodard redVems its nledire. so iti.ii-iwtlv made, and rou, m length, the resolves of the late' Whig Ctmvention tiubtiiig them federal Keliitioi " of course. At this tbreadliare deviee of the orpin we hll mt linger te evnrplnin. It 1 int what we looked for. We knew the necswiuea of that print. Iia aituatioo i very like that of the toper who was i"vwroted for hi Italiiti. of inebriety. "Hut yo Uo w t con.!e", said he to the li'pturer, "liow very dry I (get.'" Io like manner, the Standard mi tit reply, were the WJiiej to bring their -tanjitslander agaituit it tor calling thorn and thmrttieisures by niekniimais "Vea centleinen, nut vottp not wmsirter how veryJarrt run 1 ans.'v It is even o. The lwsiWTveeof the rtand- ard ate entirety iiislqiii t the task which it itnnwdon itfceSfXKiiniige from the vocabnht- rf of print the tttrce words, fnttral, Jrtlrnh . ! lions of acres, and it will be annualTy inereaiteid by ; the same policy," It i Ime that the income from the public lands ha been larger this yew than w.vs antieipated, but how can the Federal govern- went continue to aellinn Is at a minimum, under i the etpen of an extensive prganitation, in com- r petition wlthtbose'vhii ftt thrtr muds notlt i. U i ! And aolongastliese two proprtclary jater- eats shall be competitors in market, bow can there lie my-TOorexompawon bctwrepn the tet imrj - which hey offer to tbe bind buyer, than between r those famous rivals, on of whom, "stole hi ina f tcriahT wTuliiI WwiWier'slote IitHrt1rbi ready ? made T The competition will go on until the , Federal Government resigns the residuary do main to Ibo States Vitbiii which It lie, aud "tlw commercial Flutes wilThnvc Io meet be fcKJuAisl- bility, i We learn that this ubviou consequence i sf- fecting the treaty now pending with Mexico, t feaators from the old States say j what Is the aw f paying tut more territory, ben it is alinilon- '' ed to local interns t lirfore it is even paid for ! Thee are fact? whkh. ley, which are worthy the attention of all, but i fjartUwiUrty of hL' tttuetia nfaltiimrt;jrbf Federal government has bestowed npiia Mirbl, gan nearly two and a half millions acre of pub I lie land. This at oneo provide certain great T public dirtrwghfr of eODirnWee, one of" Wiem . opening a way to Canadian mvrkets. The Htate , of Illinois receives gift .wds, which amongst otlv .. a things built one railroad at a cost of tome I .eighteen million of dollars, and advances the i tlu of tlw State securities. The Plato of Ala- to-aupnoit-tha bilL. 3'liat any douiocrat or wlii should be c-crced bv his conviction, to 'withhold his approval from th measure and thereliy find himself coiperatiug in the opposition with alio- itiomsts, lias hcen one leature in the eontrovcr- which wo have much re -relied. We are aware that there ase de'-uocrat wilholding their sup port, who stood side by side with us in'1848 in adviicattiig the principle -of nori-httervention a vowed by our candidate for the preai.'cniy, and who have ever )Kn the tealoue suiiuortcrs of I lie Cnmpnmtisc of I MO. which rcragnisei and enao-1 !oiriiiaijrin:iple. e are aware that there are other democrat who objected to the compromise of lK.0 when it was passed, but who have sinro UvUbfull actuuwc4 in U, ulio sm not profwrvd to sustain the Nrl.rnnlca bill. In our judirment it w wld m asunwise as it would uri)ut to regaid and treat such opponents of tlie lueii'ure a. tliareUy bolitioiiiuog tlicmseUe. .rWb demrwrats, aa we utiderntand them, pwcoiae f prTiiei'ilc ;"T 'nonaujrllmi"'aV'''"fl,1if tber o not saiisfied thai it should be appl ed to I e Ne raKA Temtory , 1 e enm o' agree wi h ie a ill the view which oolitrul their decisioa iif tlie qoetioB j but bine of this indiU'omnce .01 opiowm aa io trie application oi a principle io which we asree , we rinnot brini nnrsetvorto denounce them as alvlitioni-1. Whilst we tan have no resiiect or eharitv fr men who hate re- puaiated.anA.ptt iuua.iur tnm4a-Miiu prouiii lor toe settlement of toe slavery question whew ThTTiw-wm fofwafd;- wirti eruiiiig hy- pochsy to tnllt htrt ttier sucrc'lnes ot jtrie nn- pnet ot lvn,' weean and uo 'etereise a wholly dilferent filling towards th bo have adliereil hmestlv and faithfulle to eterr eouipromisc w hich has bfien, a-luplc JlW hen, Jfierelurji, peak of alsdiiinnitts in cAinetion with the op position to tbe Nebraska bill, we tin not wish to 1 understood at designating all who oppose the lull a abommnista. f liamaand Missinsitipi receive immene :Xra.n,"LA tV'P9n!rW?rfJv,'!CT(,rllJ,'ly.A,drrt i ' t . .i .v,.- ., , '. , . T . . .. . .... which are intend, to bring the I.ak trade to the porta of MoH'e and NewOi-tfians.Tlsltimore ' Philadelphia andother Atlantic cities, have made out of their own means immense appropriation, . which prsslieavily Um.b their prsirity. Much Bfthrtlis-itfltilftnaltrtwrjinftkrlffa Utireffoft ; tlirowa upoa them. New is it just to give a Fed- era preference to local interest and rival line i or BtjmMeree ? If the old Ptatn and tbe r :t mercial Interest shall he placed under tbe disod- aitag of increased taiea if they sliall aire be ' subjected to the additional disadvantage of liav ing to make fur themselves artificial Improve- . meate wbW h are given ready made to tliese rivals bf the I et?( il tlovernmeut if tr pmceed that land which they have eontrilaited to pay fi uali be was rd or bestowed a a bounty to e duee their own people to emigrate we ak ii " w it consist tlie tqunllty of Federal Admiai. tratioa f The remedy is very plain. Let tlie system of public land sale continue to be sap ported at the Mtenoa expense, and spjilied to ithe pabfte rswdit but let the public domain wbli'h I to lie given a aa advanremrat lathe . Mtate be aptwHioasj aigi all the rtstrw ar ' eordieg to reenunriMilnliim. There art two i ream wkkh nujbt to t jeM the rri.lei.j '" th'aiui 'ifig'J stiikler t rtmatiiatieaj eon etrwli.m, and secur tlieif support fir each V'va. In the tat place the arpronriatiim of tlie prwenlt of the public land thus liestowed a pet the old Hi ale weuli Incidenlly benrCt th rduary publw d.snaia, by rpeuiag line of , eommunii-ati fnm the iuUrvw to the sea board without wbii b the hit real line winild be f eaiee, la lite seeotfl place many of the old Stat ' aikld claim under the " Ilotnotead' viueiplrt leeaaaa they are aloolntely land lose." . W besiM like to see sa k a policy a w have ia- cated adopted by the Federal (ovf-ram', ih mgh w bar no eincrtalbei that it aULU i.ui tmmii i iwwiMiiis-rwt try man rVnlben fililLi.n., t,., r. r,. wsoifntin eteitcinett assuwt tU V ili.4 I'ni o, Uat grant of lati.t, m Prin.i. home toimigraot, will tt-i m .r i,l,ilrrl, t, y w iw y, i .In UrslMOit whsMvr. fmi a, p-ili'ii iiiiarfwaiUl t'Wesnl (a t ib-msM sa r-jiisl irii nf lb gift taadsauxmgtt all toe males f il I ni.k mm ua( to tlte raita ol numl r- it twtriliui.n. I Ihillimm .lmiH, ','- -' .... ... ... I The Kaostill (Tsaia.) Juarosl hi i. T Aalhreerte (! of indltut ousSit Lai to " .sm i lll m.l .!, m m smut the U. . k Rsbwe sa KsilrwU. AU, that fonlM aisassatae f oppst bate bsw i la kest eaa'y. of North CartdinaMbat the people of that Slate desire a diange in their Constitution, and the 'Whig1 party have wiselyxdeelared that these ehang4 can lie, innut safety end, wisclv rOtietyd br a Convention of Delejites, e!etfiliy the pe. - Ele. Tne democratic party, ott thscontrary, v declared themselves ia favor ofpatchini; p4he CHisttiHtioii by legielativ eoi; iuc;i t,4iod unblusliiiigly assort ttint they have ,daced ttK'm olves on the high repubbcao ground. Wo ven- tsisa. to .tune-iliMbe4 'H .itvvMhi.. td tdaM)rii4g or reTing Hie the ; uiie laiva of' ""Mtate tm ffinnted with the lug partv, the1 dnnwriv -would have been ftinoti iliooiunciog it as a feder al Hiervnre, flntr aa STtetnpTTO taxe pjircf mr o the hands ol the people. Our lie:i;! V..r, tl, retary of the li cr i-1 tjk-nby i'.. I'..- .l.i i I .: .1 . .i i . . 4 l;riH-Hl ittl ii Lite i.i i . ft .-.i l-r 11 i ! girternmelit loto'eni i-n .... . "i ' he liuiitt t.i l-nll'-i 1 i j. T "tate. It etilit ut a u , ;l , a.t i . i . . j the wiine- ai.d to pmvr thai h i i.'.i i , , ,. . iM'hrnt to the 1 tnnei-Hid 11 d i t-i i' : o( 1 . .. t' 1 , e !wii lur;. of l . i . , h v.t'.l'P'r l;mee f. fmin ni.e ot it.i iw.rt Ni,w. j to I -cintch'-d l-v the ' li-m of plundtv l!--l it . - I gsog on. lie Mi..u.;istheeMr.wt m .)-,; !4 t ion would hate been nne-tbird greater than it i the ('umIioumi roln-K. is: her territory wtmld have been permeated with j In the Territories mid m st,i,, , raiwiwuw anq tier, nin-tops eovemt wna cnoo i aiimv ot t! e piii.Me I r ren ai lot a- n- iie-i- t hooM", and churche for the worship of Uud. unso'ld, bbciul gmnt vl . -old I e mu e t.Tr tla-e true, what we riidget, by tb iMM snan. git u hi iwi vun b t . a trumu t x 1 1 t mv . ti -1 . i i ... ........ local iu ii.eir eloitHner.- liioin h gucnii in u.err linnienie. nun uu iov ; lKirk i '. tiio! . ...... ...... - " ' ' '.' ... j-.... H..t- i-;w io,:o.i agemeoi of the Whig ha been protlu.-tive of t Iw ciinulenil mut'h giKxt. H hu given our "Common rVhnol I gouernl in tin- .tymeiu a start lvwhtc annya poor child that i will, ilm bilnresl of tie oil Swtes. In il.U v,y would otherwise hvo remain in ignoranee, 1 withont any expenditme nt'm v Ibe ierei.;i will be taught hf read the word' of life.' It has , tinn-num nl tan gn it'im il etuli.etd I also dime something for ourinfunt improvement. : public donmin. H li-m'mirr ecoc w-( ih.i,a But these blessing are a dust in the balance k- fiw4etu itu'ly i-mi 1 J m ug I, .f 7 wi ri)Ui.anil with wfmt they would have lieen, had ,Hg Jo ,1 ., Hi ,, I mil 11 1 lh tf ir( i,J j it md been for the madness of patty which bunt- '-oWM tU. inoi.-y , fee b'i Ui '1 f i io. 1 v ex ec nown nenry V lay witn the malignity 01 a permit r, to bo s..w s-ibHoj. Pt tw 11 . f tl - iu)iroi'iiiciuiui!eviUi kui ii gruiit; lari- irm t I of litiidthut had Imiglnui waste have l.'-cn bniusrln I into market ntnlfoiind a reailv cole ; the snm.nd 1 log country bus been peopled; lu r- Vidro ba boon aii;:uieiuo( l,v tlie ineieiiH d 1 tiend, and stran tried hia evstem in it very cradle to a ouauieu year aemiraey win no ne aoie to make reparation to the pciple of North Caro lina for the injury which it did tliem by it oppo sition to M r. Clvi laud bill. : v " ' The position aasutaed. by the Preeldnnt, that New Jlampahire, 1 eriiuuit, . ' Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Comiectifut, Now York, New Jersey, -Peniiy.lvffcHta Delaware, ' Miryland, Virginia, m l h Car South Carolina," Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, iveiitucKy, - .Missouri, - Illinois, Indiana, , Ohio, Miclugiin, tV woonsiii, ' Iowa, Texas, --None. Ci.445.O0O None. ' do 24,323.838 None. do do 4,000,000 None. -do 6,758,700 None. n? itnd f,,l.-rr;,,. and tl'o. n. r,r tl.n iw.ii. I the Keuerul einernitteut has a nirlit to deal with craticpaH of North i!.roilh will be shorn of tlietmbho donmin as a prudent proprietor would its most pungent wit as wclNi iu tronget with his own land : is mere specious than solid, logic. V pity and forgive, I.eKit shako its The governmenti sn fiir triinr-beiiig arr"prietT ..ti)it.Mt, 1. .ia ..... ..k. seised in its own liFmeHne as of bv. ia aothiiiir senn'ion which it dis-Miitead lur anmnieMi. c a tlusico tor the um aud bMit!lH4 all ll , wildei iu . lnnki' Hit" Hiiaimail to rqilu.. .1 . x 1 ounm, rav oui an wcti a tne new, ana waen u I twentv ti in 1 teM;-uinlultfa of fvrtujju tuirt h u 1 -e uud tl ttc iu iu. b the iiiipniveiuents ti:vo li- n thus nno.'o, sr.d nut inilfeqiicnilv, tbe ndiaceut :' Katm. bote been largclv beat-titled, W ltliont ti.e-edorei.ioi ni d vtMveiiur 1 imf roMim ul ti 1 1 1 tl t. In e t pof lions ot mo new .itneetvinisu imvc iiitiiiuf 11' a t I "1 t s-n latins If t ei'i. Til i.:ierettiitiiiid .... ' T - 1 . . . . V ........... U. . . ' J- . . . d , The arst rettilutnat uhu-h ita- mi-" it"iTjia s'rw-Mi loese lanus 10 tme mare, or as mi ell liiuircr 1 in o 1 . a int. t .0,svm- dir-wb rnrtjiai mti nnmtvahhi atturdmwrt-tu-t tOiBma4tor of h.JUKi ttkjlie ftxrltMutl tif (Jiftj Biutaiiiaui-omtot t,t ihewii l (iry i-ett'.s- thsiitti)ujatS-liittof tloXSiaitsa, mud it 1 """" u 6B,,,y y4 . trust, .Tota'.d Ireiitt) ttrs t,t. in.t- yrnid is our ltlemiiiiiitum to resist -snwrv attemnt to I pet In'trotc a foul wrong, and should b divemed 1 hate been fero us. -it itln ut uiiv tiitiruauituiiutr ton nanus 01 me otsiitie. . .. :i 11 a-- .r..a...... ....... d r -. - TtWoWrmri wh the dMnocmey ttrgc alimmtroue ,j.,rt.on oureouutry ri...n tl.o rest, m. t mu.ux w a t,o, 0 or j 1 he t no , , t ,r -, 1 ....; ' ... ,i., ,1.' 1, I and to enfeeble the sacred ties which link tagetlf '' ... fhi is justice, lln is equity. into nut bit, and 1 1 nil "ft-".". v . vii.iv.M nn , IM.I I ......... . ... 1 . I .. 1 -.. -II I III ..Omi.10.. I woo Id lie changed the white basis being ub- or it varum nana." tba Mmiulartl atltnna. will "is l common sense: and no sort or aoplilstrv HID- ... ...... . - " "1. .,l.U t.i. .1.! '..1... " stituted for the mixed t but this obiectioa ba. l-F""'"'"" aurmen it am s, oy y "i " . . .B . , .. . , COXSTANTINOPI.K, TIIK StLTAX HIS TKttOPS.. AND;i,4l4 s4iiJ7t4 None. None, 15'.3rtj,524 8.537,917 12,089,382 3,075,UU9 o oot (inn 1,925,893 2,802,472 None. ' 4,497,1X10 9,589,207 2.488,839 7.271.907 3.3t3,850 802,000 17.1100,000 7.712,8.".0 15.542,549 2,389,550 100,000 88,000 937,777 72,000 None. 4,397,006 8,000,000 No- return, do ' do 40,000 Not known. 2.570,960 7,7iO,000 Not known. None, v do -HH-,Wt Not known. -C-alifotnhtt The Vashirrrjf thr BmkrT5f"swr-iirwily Watlirtt'rT1ftiltiry,"jpvei (lie uniou'nt of bond of the State of Kentucky held by- foreigner a $1,200,000. Winslnw, ianiet Co of ew York, tato, in reply to a letter of inquiry, that " it will be very difficult fir us to say where the State securities are hebk-whetber in Europe or thi country, yet nca.r it aufficiciitly ao, perhap, fur your purpises; 1st. As to the debt of Georgia, fully Bwtc-Toiifftiirof it ts held -In toitie.'' gd.'TM nessoe, over one-half held in Furope. 3d. Michi gan, m ire than two-thirds held in Kurope, chieflv t.i iiidiaud. '4th. Xortbaro1iiia,mo.ttly IiclJ in Kurojic, or at least over one-half, 5th. Alabama, more than two-thirds held abroad, tilh. Ken tucky, aliout one-half held abroad. "th. M'n,Ki- nrtppVait litTM Illinois, three-fourtbs held abroad. 9th. Ohio, two-thirds held abroad. 10th. Indiana, fully three-fourths held abroad. 1 1 th. California, most ly held in this emntry. "irfhcie"Fcturtr(1j subtnuf6jfuTTb5rKlWtrt ill this table, the total f 8tate bond held by JBaigjeri rtnbli ng Iicyoad the Jm'rtuf t he C . State will l-e about one hundred and eleven miil'ons, without counting the Territorial bonds of Florida, amounting to severaf milTtoua, u ,b arrcar of interest of Florida, A rkausaa, Texas, and Missiwippi, , beenaim.,.euv by tiie W h.g Cimveuoon ttectar. Z"'ZZZT7ZL?JZ"JZ: 'SZZZZZ'Z their population .cIiuhhI off to th. new f ll Mr Kr "i, ., ,i., :iK. p.,:,,,. ,i.ij I,, are the revenue of the countrv increased bv ildi.l ,tr 'it ihimiriuiil mniorltv thn ortni-Afi- I trnnsfoi ring the tieople who consume the imoorw MMttWjWwUi4mt a.BilUiA Uu f tluauMttn BMinth-sbali thou 1 . .mili iui. ... . ..... i ..u..f .......a . .1 1.. ...1 I. - 1. ........ I ... I ... .. .. II10U In trampling It dOWB: . .WO Pontes that W "wu ........ muin nnn tan a swuu sni utl en, WUXill Slllli 111 lirtlicurt lllult I t 111 ins themselte in fuvor of allowing the basis to renin in as it is. But the one great principle of modern democracy is opposition, and When- the tsetviiteftfm'trtiRfiarT) bockcry next August, B4"rovfl of tbe Whig potilion. a Convention will have iio waruicr n-J- vooatea (ap(iarently) than ibis self siutie Ucma uraey (sa eallod.) Xorfolk lirtant, . . - tit. I he true ihiIh v is. to l:i nr the In nils into uiarkct, aud.'bvull iegitiuiutr meana, tltstsste- of them us speedily u' ; -ii- tii-e to lle who hilio been nidueeil to icitic in the new Muses and leiriuu ies, and the iiitenwt-i of Y. guverii ment, dike dcmaiid it. Ilie -etrencest p' ud etKtiioptuil coufiiderutiottS) thc:t f.ire, unt u ttns Ctiuro. eaiinot seo tho eontniNi. The iwsolutlon assuuuia to remain here? Does he pay anymore duty t no hyputlicticeJ cate,' coiitcrapbitee no uulorscen gottmeBt npmi the cloth out of which his fOJitibaencT. upon which the Whig party vvuiild .brwamea.aien.Alats.m Ihan h wuuld if do thi or &!. UUi rialon should be uiifnrtu- !'.''' 'l'uToiitaiiil sewed heref Jiynomeaus. A-icnoTror Aairo TliiTdb.wmei anloo naU'ly eouvcrted by bad men into ao engine of H P,,""'n. "', thftfrwldont, then, and (hear. ;.,it ,Jf munii-v "u(li,-i.-iii I gumwiit or bis Nwretary of the Interior to which taken from a review of tbe life Mid dise.iver"e un't() ,i.)V w;n ,a tbe evil thereof'" in other I rufoT nmmmt to notliing.- The public lands of the illustrious Arago, may serve to illustrate words, H will lie time enough thru to determine ia g""'g.n iiU a pcklessnc,.jiover licfora V it- th. truth, that courage, however innate, dend-, !? AaT T Z T.L 7X1 " ' IT Z Jimuu. llli. "w wivo a f,irip - nuitvninrin r- - --,' , .. . f - - honest v in in nistered of course, and expresses a T I"1 Ji WiryilSfruiuuiiiiled to la'uiy-9v -mil When the constrnetioii and safety of team determinntiou to teeist every attempt of selHsh "ons nil-. immirt-u and tortyiu thmisnud iiino teller. hadMcomeolsofnationaliniportanccJ-' Atyfoand Jjjjme wtt?, ; in 'ltfffl, tnnptey44y4 narta HWrtiWr" y:-r ".-ri j tbwugtii ?aT,nS3,7IO; "Tnsteiid of that, the gross after alt, very much upon the familiarity vrr tHeuaxtouiHlliealf which this extract is taken, the rnvmaiy ot tl.n li.teruir tdls us thut ittu r the lot tinon ti i-rio of these 1'iiilroiid Iiiu-m v tvbu-lt ulit i-i .ut o. t-n tn tis of the public liiiul.) b ul been jrvmui-.l. ll.e tuier natt s.ttious i i I it ubt u luu mk't it i I that niue.evn I. u;is.inJ hie hnn lie mid thirty aeies w en s Jil I r tlui't f ui ll.ui in 1 ' 1 t -ix dt b ti , ' b 'lll t'i I 1 1 m li) thin tl ' ii n net in i it the minimum price. N-e 3!wu,t urn! ucct niai living Diicmncnts. 11. I'ltc. Lpan ftii. Aid tin-, te it heme m Tmiid. is a hmit coj. ui, m- stimce to ho emliooie.1 in Ine lii f,."6y ..,,..w.e'l!l Jtvic,...jui--ttwr "pvt'u tJ J pai-fS pe'Cuier. j I ""Jli,"V'Op""u,i iwi- .imiuimi wi tnttt. tiiw grttaa the government to make experiments on fhc-sub-1 But tfie Stnndard regnifds it a a little slngui !"cel of all tlie acre wdd amounu d to no ject, and tbey-dre. up table, editing ryrs llejt irt,.und to be re Jatuf uf MHtm at diDerenT teintienitures, j or n,,,), r, theuroceeiliniisof Wha CirenimniT !" reacheil tho Trensurv. 1 tins Tli..todc,,h a!idJs4.IJvjpiat;tu'll5Jn fwwnltrtfgv , , .', -. - . WW t;VtlttiHtH. -- -4t.ttt !1S HUINttU tttV t-Utlt Cll- ' . , . . 1 '"K or boiler to which they were constantly ex- ,ion ftum ttmiutintm directly and boldly " ' aTaet wlill-ti ciUitlid 'he eontmvertcd Hint the posed and that looriir a limited lot-ftUtT.Tvrss in favof oCTTOhern. rigtrtsf Are-Jttmthrrn ""twvatie party are -voting . way -the public more baiiirdou. than that uf shell, in a field .f rights in danger? 1. not the Standard' favorite hwd. by Milltoiit if aorea to eiire their a.een- w.l. -i-i.;i ;i;... ik it'. . i statesman in the Presidential -Chair 1 H not n'hy In the Iicw Males, end unl wo arouse laultvwtahtlr. totlitar. allieara.wto aaswtod- ..,u;;d ,a VTctory" Governor rrraand arwt their corrupt hncksre-ing them men of tried eourage grew pole and fled Xni Is nut the Mnndurd the organ td" the party? " """" n base ends, our iiibcritaui-e is gouo, from tbe scene, (he twit tavan went on eoollv The Whig thi deviant themstdvea in favor 'of and gone forever. - making their calculation and observing the nun-iutorvenlbm upon the subieit of ataiery in . 't w making thi article b long. W e , ., . all the territory now held, or hereof cr to 1h ne- hall nsm the euiuert nmt .-- nre nf tmnperhtaniMMl pNatnrev wMh Vjilera aratyw ''Tre1.-1y hfilti! rn-'iov-fli6riTlnaerv' 'vW-4h-Kan.lrd arrfrtoewirhlr -aharpirttf k. men t on tlie point of etploawn. r stand to lie "tlie . Stnnilar.l's grand cnthnlieon nd we intend to make them boll from every dir- - -,,,.,,.'. ; -z:: f,r nIHhe ills to which the South now is, or ever f? tat-hple urwhich they may" burrow between a tTii' MfciTiMi. W learn the Demo- can be, heir. Then why prate of the at:tlon of ws ud (lie first l'hnrwlay in August. Brother crais, of this countv held a meeting in tbe Court Ine Convention upon the subject of .Smthern " u'g. "onesi men u an parties m .Mirth l aro- lUwse evening w-I,...wbir4iht-'y.mivtf-iuto1- I T'" .i.r", ...; nun.iiiu5i.euj gun n. . n .... . .. . .. 1 ., . . r ,.. tt-i.: . ; . . .1 I. - 1 I U ill tiul uil unit, vain Vhimu w ik n.l tlenien. Furtunnlelv for the libe-rtie of this country, it is not the "nobility" that elect.' The commonalty have a voice also in the matter. Col. Morgan did not flirht nitv the le skilfullv at the Imitle of the (iiwpens tn account of bis HitTlrfg Ueetr wwah1oy' uitils voittbl'TIieie gentleiiwo will lie very apt to he tr the imp of til Geoeral'a whin before utanv of them get to e goverBors-itteaiwiivear' er, writing rrom contautinpl on to luth of January, say 1 Nothing ba more surprised u here than the show of eommeree, the quantity of shipping, and tlie activity of life is the heritor. Some 30,000 talqweCrtt-iny lineJTseiu with ucJi ligh, lisrp prow that only half tbe vessel appear to touch th water are constantly shooting over tbe wa- ter between the three cities, tony nothing of the great awkward ferry boat ; and hija, steamer and other salt water craft are everywhere mob di- play'mg Frnaadt, English, Dutch, Greek and Sar dinian Rag; it is an incomparable harbor, large enough for all the shipping of the wurliL Co.ivtri..iTr.D Aksi t or Kosrrra n Aunaia. A private letter f.-om I.imloti to the New York Time tate that Kossuth delayed hia visit to Con sutnlinop'c for fear of being arrested by Austiia, and adds s 1 am positively informed that the day of his pfrjsis;aflibarkniriilf,aiia tlitiwt whTth a to bar taken him, were known at Vienna bef re hand. Moreover, estdicit order ware 'gisca to Austrian iteamera to watch bis nvovenienra, and. if occasion uffered, to make a seirare similar to lea pns'rtily infonnsd, thai Koa.uth mceive.1 full intelligence of thi enntemplsfetl action of the Austrian police. Consequently, it i probable the lluagvrian leader will not go to the East, although the Turkish Government, still deluded, is most friendly towards him, until a general war shall hare broken out, and th actual dispoailioe of Austria have been thoroughly aaaked,"- We umlei-at.Mid that the meeliug rcivnunen.!- Congrr shall hate Htwer to make donations liete it, Hut a Busiest nnta bus Bo Ittore chslto ed JndKB Ellis as a suitable person fir. the ta-.v" f the puMie land, in neitinn or alternate sec- of niettecdmg io I u Ine . of liring approe a el in e a rthip ten will, ' om v.e rrn? wrri tiuus, to railmad eoaiiauiie ia llluauiav u il aueicty. uf uwkiag bia way toetameHce. ha the 1 .- . '.. . ' r II... ,1 . . kj. .. .I....11 1.L . .t .l-- 1..... .l'.- 1.1. l .. Mil lltuiea. it are re toy. tap. Argue. I " .rgumunt ui me eiaauam ana I n?w niMiig uib. anigaum oi uearen, .. . . .'.. . I its clione ia. that tbe general eovernment is Ilia 1 IViple Laik at biiu. smile at hia wind satais and Fata NiMKota t Mi-e-m si. A esse was re- proprietor uf these lauds, andthat as a jirmhul p" him on I lie other aide. It lail.e way uftbe. toask u to inninl ih. in t,r seeking tho riuuti ccntly UnatcU lsrBHJa4tth Wwrtrair Ciautav nruptiMun hjnnjLdwiatt iltcraale.ici;Uuna.tu .t'J'ld, " ; ! .naliun lit. their cyiu uWu , ... ... of Missouri, in wbieh il waa smitilit toeijiela railruad cnm)iuies, and bold the reserved parcels Merit it nothing "liras" is everything. He But why or,me the matter? A blessing i u aiolntto fr .in ilie Stite uiiuer a at 1 1 of I 47, at double ihe minimum priteofihat given away, 'bat e elbow but way t'wt' the n.d, whi'ba who iiitcoti-i fimuw! ,..iin my e. I'lgrc. We bad a favorable eliame on Friday of seeing the Sultoa (Abdul Mdjid)onlueway loand froii Mosque,, Hi departure from tbe 8rsgliOlc ( occupying the very point uf the peninsula, en wbirb stand the elly, washed on all !.) was announced by aa artillery salule, which brought out half Ih pmuletioa. . Three gilded ratqors. each rowed by 20 or 30 showily dreasrd oarsmen, eumprWd the royl euite. The Sultan occupied tbe middle one, silling on a gria rbdk nader a green canopy, with f.nirnf, cer fa4ag hint. On reachingbisdeatlnalion he waa received by a reg iment, vsfjtvop nith suuau. altd aflct nwajuing ia III mtsMts half aa fausir, earn ntit and mount ed a caparisoned horse la lb mid of pressing crowd of officers, parbas, enriurh, 4. lie a ravekiprd in a Volumiwsia Frrmh brawl t lolh cloak, and hi pal face, nearly enerd by a low ine l-l" k brd. wa crowned lib a red cap, from hich hung a rkh mr.U lameL Tli lmi wear plain l.nrupenaatfuna,av tbe cayt, and make ti.lcraUr pjwraitee. I ab ot"rvd Dial the French frock ctil t general. ly worn by tb lelilig men, (me aeea, Imleed, ia tbe street id" Per aad Htamboul, lite en waa of all quarter tf the gl-l i 'toeltiteJee nf Ku mixture tif lit stif Parisian eh .lib lb Jaunty Z sclera turban and Turkish ft the i trtU.t. open fsed beauties (if France and Itslv, tnienui wiib tlie marled heads and (.nli rutM of the aMsfeir iA lit fxr4it, Ui nwnts 4i vlirtl. f mraatly aa dirty the Tt iwre ny a ail rtrsi, fhoi m (kill ra are eiu4nirtl si etery lur it. ed ai trti. ed with marked kimbaeae i and so fW that aaaiise ar lb d- ,g, boe Htm U IS'ui, T MtikavT hate bvd no aaail frwn iha.H4h t larwste f ar da ae4 Intnl. deling tbe soma, ba i .a .i.lev btjr rolesttodt b unt'mr of the daaaa i-t e ( the I'si'rt4 bv Itx hti frat4. Fiast Fariv or tux Df.r Rivta leraeva. rv. It is with pleasure that we antic tb r- rival here, en Ih evening of the 28tk ull.,' Id tb eteamer Jno. IT. HanghUm, Cspt. Lsiwns, tb pioneer Slcamer of tbe Ieep Blver Improvement. Th Ilaagbt' cam dowa foul Ateratloro, owe twenty -Ste milea als.te Fayellevilto, with tare fighter ia bnr, and a cargo of S.2U0 bbU, nin. Sin is a sung littl boat of the capacity of 175 l.l.l., and will ply regularly fr the pre swt, be'.ween tin port and Aterasboee,' Tl tr eume 2,0u0 bbls. aaral Mores at tli bl Bant ed place and at rberplren,nowii'ng ililp. mewl, 1 " f-uire to Ih Ilrep hirer Improveatenl ! Il ba B."t with ol-lai les and difli ultiea, but, a w b- and believe, baa utrrctme (beta all, When shallow aee tbe production of th rib a ppnr Countie bariWaiag oarwbaneaf Wh ay Ijok fir tli first instalment uf mat? ll'rahl. a M. fiillrdt write fnea Psri. that Ih pai-w of lb King Jor;.b B aaapan are Iwiag iml.litltiHl, ana Boily .a4n. III. Ilesa ibssp wtir are ebtilie4 to raise Milt birte lb IvptlsSton of , tp.ds.el I. fi illtellert, tby tfll a sad UI for Ik handtaeaa and .-:(. h- mts of hat awf. , The sin Writer" ts," Ihal IV! Tecsi he ptiblisitsd ambsr vttuiof meimra, wbie has st with treat aris, HeaUosay. M I r Ti lt that Madame Xaed inlrod to publith her nmj,mtm and il they are a Irani a Itouaoeaw ihey aid has gnatl lea. pi ftrsee .aa oe I'si t ttsisla. Tb X. Turk Tinw sam a rt-iMjca thai uaeattal 'nemlier ' i.M-Cjr llje a. toa-t-ra. ere aw I- ii. s ! -ud .Mi st Ilia ftH an I talnmr, Mi a i ' !-. e to ike i4i!ei aa of lb ltrta -MrrtMt, ll.s lMa U eat IwltSSt. 1 I. tM la rarl atd t tttaSt tie ibh-lss) a.t. oeiid rl lrfy, if nut lt,.trfr, ly I'sn tl and 8H tk errtrs. Plmsis ' ol the party made tltrmietvcH quite ier- me posiuou ot tuo h iiiji is ttupreciiBoiei auu ; , , " ....... ....... ...-, ,. rv over tlie plain re jubli. nn simplit iiy of Geo. they deft ibe railing accusation of tbo Bundard ?"',,"uul' " "? Jbunder, youf jut and eipn. Diekerv-j. pnu,ner: The Pee flee I-'.rmcr, " hd K. fVlimi. ,r Witotowtm. ibm puldi dnatn-for which and tite Pee Dt W ag m ls.vri' fwitted the - The Standard also regards It us a little cuiiou Jmi' ''itliers louht. and bled, and fell ? Now staple of their el siqeuce as well' as the pnrvi- tliat the Com eutit should not have declared ill he dy. and m.w Is tl hour, tot another h. tit f of Tlt'elf Dolsterim mirTh. Verr-wt4h b""' uU lt.ikt construction of the C.mstimtioit. "'" P" B U be too bite. (iyrtfrn7e .liv - - - 9 Will that very astuta auii 'ctiasitleiii print be so 1 good as to Infifrm u what it nictyis by a strict e instruction of the Constitution? Il endorses I the nKwrninendatka in th Preideut' msasagc ol donating slleriiiite seitiont 'jl tlie pubiio- i Ci rViitroau corp liations iu the new .States, Jluea TDK WAT OF TIIK WOULD. We find tho Billowing truthful rtmarka in th Nat t'pamyUi igsiws. We- b'ave 'ourt reader 4mera td lmp.Hi.-t it -1 iimn one part of eissiir siswiimTr jtllMiltl. to indee wlietber Ibe wsvs of Iho world am to it find any thins about such donations in ihr I reality what the writer ha mode them on -UjBstitutiuiif : If so, in what fmrtf In what I peri u njuUa. MVlimt..i subset'Uult, iitH-ikniUM llottfv M i ubie e.-lvut- letl to bv tils l.ti-e:. ItEitev, the Deinoerndt' lVedent. as I'f.-til ot tl.o (VI'HCUI J lf till fclrlt U Ol llt;.!,. L.'t II O x - pie s land. Let u& examine it, uiio i-ec i! it tviil hold vtalor. I9.5,v0 tu-ies at M.:.;i ) -v Hi ie e- mount to f-l tl- hi lint tine 1 n in Vino ullllHl'l' t'l '! lb" flit ui h in I I acres ha I been g'nl..graiuiluus!.v, to tbe rail ltlttil ULUUpaUV. - ihuu.utt it id Utol 4...1I lift parsed out ol the hutuls nt itie meiinni-iit tut d'J,WM acres. 1 his at M,i.. per aere-.-"lbe low itt tsttinmira -vould have brion'bt- p-in.'.. Kt that noiteail of gaming t l,t.-t. ., as f.tUclv and ' iitllaeioiisly put forth by llns to! keil-lonUi -1 me. lixixl of the Piesnlept, tl.e got ci-iiment m Ti Ai ir lost ?U Tti t the i.uittui -a ill' icmeof just exactly ft4.4li beiwceu w but the llonnrahla ."ein' u t r tin I nt ti s si t tt 1 1 I hi 1 1 1 n il n . facts, mid tbo sum .incut which lie n(firtli Intl. people id tins country in a gnitu tilbeiitl itocu mrul in Tchitimttu the sub "t J'.l.o.ili nrees of land. And this is the document upon who li our ncighluir, tbe Curtibiitiin. relics for iiiforio tUott to the piNiple on tbe ttih ect ot tbe Ptililie l.iunJ.l Ijet a ileiiiisnat tiilkt and4 be 11 to ore to vi u lh,d tliO lul K'-i- a li il II'- U'. a 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1. eralo-in ; but let linn Is-iiiit lo t'.tie uud t--u have him. Soitc-ho said, U1chj.ih!is t-it tbo toi.n ho iuvmiled alcrpl A e siiy, Blessings on him Uiat Invented tiguros ! ..,... '1 lie U Ic id this extract in iitf t at In 1 u u us at the part we have t'siKM-', flew, does Jt ben.-hi th old Male for flieir ntleiprisuigniiJ lioina-' treios cilia, ns to lie curried ott to j :.-.). Ie tbe witils of the nest I. How is the letenue id ibe general government augmented hy tritii!.lerrni too cm- lti " But ''justice to lliose who bail" bettt induced toettle in tbe new ritute and ten Untie." le- UUtuia this , alctu 111, 4U..iiii:l'l,f lltu (iil.i.c 4.- main, W ho induced litem to ie tie tint new Ktatmand Territnrie? Did thnnlil ritutosdoit? By Mo Pttwis. - 'J Ihmi,h1,v ir ,04 cm., to couiHiirali) tliem lor tliiir R.icrihce ? '1 liy went to pIcuretlii-uiMittt, anil thev linte norifoi which declare that no free neirro or mi ln. I Could Iher 'be a more bit tiidiitnii eonsiruelion 1 ibe iKiUne to ftirv bilntelf into Ilia "foremost hall coin tn that Stte under any pretext Hie Constitution roneeiied if by tbe ingenuity 't in the syftsgopucV'vrtto is not toe delicate Whatever. It was ctetteniM in rejly 'that this ofrnan? If the gierl gine mnieot isMipcs the to "hktw his own tinnijietj" who can star great statute wa uaeons.itutimiaf, and that Missouri reUtjon of a prudent piopr.etor to tbenalinual nien, and men in Miwrmit id" eotinteiiaoco, i a wa bound by bee own solemn compact and domain, then it may sell a portion of that d-miain, g'Sidfeliw, Th worM hives anil honors him, ....'.... , . .. '. . . - A .t.t-t.. i a.!. .. .. I. : . i . . agreemenT, oy wni.-n ane nad pledged iterae r I me iittntm e nuoer cuiiivsiiim. it may " nm"t hi trust ami eutidument, and never to pass any law iiniiiiintiiig any nlis-'li tiTI rmpiov moon-ra, or uny negroes io carry on the l "'" n m uuwn a uwiui ini.cil. tt is II any one of th States nf elite I'n'.mijjiii emigra-1 opeiatinns, hire eterstwrs, Ml lit-ea, grub'gnmntl, 1 l,f ""','',' Ung W Slissm-.ri, andeiiji.ting aTt ttTe prit Ilea's Mirrti Ihe swampa, tonee Ih prairie., tnty hrwa, I - .terviy peidwsc to dctpise the impu 1 of riiiattna oflika .Itaa In t'l-i. Kii. Tim amn-i I innles and horned cattle, build bam, e lid dtl-1 win) fait, he who baa Ilia mosl intiuJoti.o 1 ent Hut auaLainxl lbs muiintt ! di.i.,l iVm .!. I lies, piaut lice, cutliai and euia.ew turuin. carl i st aalmiretl. and deemed the una ml m m ings, declaring that the lg,ola.ur id thi Hfate j Km and t mil utber ways and' mean Th more brittcn-fnred heis, the betier hi vJilii' lpiMd.v4 linawuo bijjBiU'UllilJtoiiajiaJ.-titot i..l,.ss Ibi sol. HuiWitwke-gtti.l lllllsTtridJrtHrtll'?icT'l,r-,, jiVfTtnWtirB' wlti-tpr K uudertiik. m-Ntdnsl v .lor Ibis Kr.uid and pr.,1 omitaet entered into br Miwmri iu order to be I ery prudent priiprirtnrwoulJ d, rather than tbmks iiow-s-.Utys of bakit g at a m.lct, retii ailunttn! aa a S.aifiif tiu. taurUa w,lul., . 1 si II tboat land at one dollar and 1. mtv-tha I ing man. ll'lltrre i an i fb.-s of honor and uti. and therefore liiat I lie art prohibiting fee neMc I cents, or eteo ten dollar, r turn, finch are it t be'Vlviw away, be who liilkt id hmdeat. ana mniatine irom em unconstitutional and vn and mulatloe from em'-gruliug to lb State was I '' absurdltie to which the prudcat-pfoprietitr- I and prwnisvs mo-t, is pretty sure to lr away ltd, t amp argttmetti ntrtiianiy leans, unner llm Man-1 puo.. tin who pm-rs iu let lila acll-nii dard atrirt mat runt mo id the Ciitittrtina. 4 ieak, rather Utaa bn mouth ha chosen a dumb v or lltxar W. Miun-Wa present our reatier a run treat in the spetwli of Henry The Whins have alwav irons f anlaiuamai-1 .-. i bl construtHion of Ih national ounaiiiiiiioo I It bee Com lo be a melancholy truth that anv it . sillier, ocuterei tn the w hig mate I otiret,- r,vr bumobk not. ,n gernu got eminent is one " o"t-iKn utmiiisv sown lo ine pc la tim, oa Wefnewlay evening, and hastily iri 'd limit? 1 nature ito-tseiug no powe.a but ll e -e ffguein aiomilry tillage, gnos by influei , and ten -sit fr i, Baleigb Hegistcr. faniid Utedia- rvp""tv pwmed fry-the emratitotion, mf sorti " by merit.- trnly a decent regard br paid ti uf uth'ra auiiil.t a.nM.t mi it, .rnt aa ai tinted bl atiunart ietnutrntitMi from ihua the iiiialilo olnma uf die ai.nlii-.inL ioflo.-.,iil aoliriiaiK.ns of lri.-a't.. We nreiil lite sptHtpb: but Ike delis erv, tbe life, the soul She rotniuitail- Ing port, in clear ringing tone, the e .c: get fliut granied. Tli recotid reaolution. th Standard sav. is a trlia.h of Ibe old l ist dortrine of distribution a actwa, the dre-frling, , lull dark eye of II string upon whkh lU Fe.ler.ltat. meaning Ih ker, -ia tae fieo.y tollihg." aa tbe burning U btg her Jm playing aawl it to neailv worn words gubrdtot,cim.d lie ctMnmiited to patier. nt. 'I be etmsetentiott organ then derbtro it t . .... ; I it tt- t. ii. ... . . . " . .. ... Telie apiirecieted Henry W, Miller must be j opposition to a wiuaiidering .d Ibe p,blte binds, h ard. He is noble fell iw elth hoa.,i t,n I Itlrs up Its par able in faun of th Pirrc diadrin mm un si, a nt an i tr,- as ine tiaivt-rtas. "do uncercly thai toe Vt hips of the next Legislature may honor tbmselte ly i-ls. ing hint in tbe rWaale of Ibe I'nited lto! lli t, place wbr be would do honor lo North Cro i ma. it'. .fiX. NKW-yoBK -Aryrtnnn.K mtr?rr:i KAtl.KOAD. uf d tliug altemat sertiuti to lb wAillet e poral quote friends ar more than ability and fitne.. A unnji.t bian who baa m l .urftil f, "atomrt," who ha too eieteied aa tn.iniua of biiuaolf and hi fellow men to bow bia kne to a mortal, who nut sot fawn and erinee in tbe presenre of the power that Ite, bail "better bang up Hia Bddle." Tbnej.'h bis talent 1 of th b.f Mem enaiwier, tttmigl, he be a geniu. if b ba not "brass," it i of no mail to inm. W re -lot ennnot lie, aim umhic' jii it the u t ol the p, siliou uigc.1 I y the Ciiitiliiiiun il i.-t, .. The sales of the public hunt, ti lot tins eitmt -agant system of trading tin in iff fir llnii-it Votes was il (luri-,1 l,y iho t!cnio.'rit-v( bn-ti dt, npon an avenge, fir tb prete lipjf -p t,-!., Ibrc1tn(etl'i's ftit"li.frt;n-h' pi r' niumiu.'iino ilia I nitcd Stutea Treasury as thev hate done site e. From tlie StMh of 8i'.ti ntlr I 7 to the :.'Hli tf 8epteinber le.;7,iiesali.f public htinls amount ei MaiaiT-giit Miilt.niatd dollar x i , .n .1..H .. .... Kr.tiel and pr..ltil Ic st M..,u of 1 ii-n,.-i rt. I Hsnumty, titey y it-id ats.iis tnu toi.l'n-i.s er aiii.niu. In tbo mean tni.o't.ur' pul-nion ; neatly if hot l u te diu'olfd. Tbetuilal u' the country ! ns more than doirl H, ntnl tb demand for btn.l U line times as grim it ttat imc'y yi-srs s,:o. Tim f,u i ere wouli a ilo.i. ..; i denocriitic thenries alt-tit . -tuhitiog t! kw ,.w-, bh-i ui, - ... ihi.i-h i- t .injur:, and all that n-tt'-f ti,.i-!:i. n t i(r; tau-.f. they do h now, that li e Isn.U arrguiuj,, aiel ibst the mohey 1 etd coiuii g ii t if e tr.ij-tin , As toibe jtee. h of Mr. 'e ji iniii, to w -.ii ii the iaftl,e new fSialea, aad aiqtrmingly T. ' ' "",""' "V " lltefullowtog istragraj h from the moaiuig.; , " ' 7 m.trumental -li U not Mteved tol, withi. It intootui l" L 'Z ,7.TJZ'a ifi:'r..,hi" A bill giving the right of way to I be. a railruvde T", r lieie It w.niI4 bef r the iuiert-at .f ihrrti-w than tuiclilla exocileainuiaa uwUi i i -U a. . -.7. . KM?' ''r.-:n a- imbwanito and b I. yimr fiimd f a? I f. Tell him thai tl.e aid in the io.'.ti u.-li-.n of Mad. .le.iol ii restrict- a pr.ipiietiir, under lib cirrnmatanrca, , eisitntai to lit eonatrectinn of lbe w tut, lite njer.ili .ii i4 such gmnu far, hi-sdtane.iig tl. iittereal till.. iHatr in ehith these wvits are b-cale.1, and al Ibe sunt lime ll.e a.iUtaiMiJ in iris la of Ibe oil a tua.ea, bveiiliam-ine tl.a valo and ...,i... ,i. .b....l .teweerary, wear w elly HI Ase lor. I the I sal of lite puMie domaia, I relt-r ). to ibe aglilstrlmod of the Cap of lUaware, where! "lr. h r-eensary id lis lairriar. A through New Jerwy, ha paste,! 1.4 h brancbr of the New Jersey Leudatur by a Urge nv By. Md, Delawar and Virginia had prevUn-iy paeael law giving th eaas rigt.l through I heir territory. Tbe road will ma front a tadnt ia a facrtag ialrrveae-a, tf, at believe, alt tea mile, to Ibe IN Uttare s des lli'-it. tbronh drylnd, and lb rminlie of Aertimse and Nasikatwptosi, h hTMaaa, to Cap) t'batlr in lb tatter euwtty, and lliaatr to .Ik. Hion rant .nt est aerost ns-e .!) a t la let tow a bv I 'berks V.. taNrtr. AerlKmswe. U lo. day whoh bctairM I he foli-witig prbamf ! yaar add, aV.Ttt j Itoy 12 year, ni.1, i t Itirt wsjUft year obi w i tint Ismii tm old, 'i5 Itoy tmv-tlirr ream r . f."7'i". .-i Unfit f-tir yrara uld tbla -k-emtib) i i .ii. s4 nteier, .ill bo res result of a jl du dial cttrefiti e la.liio ,tm, ton ftpriswB as wte result ol a J-l dtaartw. in ti", end will be far from aTordg tniuta '' to a m-ktoae or todueruaaittale extenabei uf the priio'ipts. " N-w la Ibe lest pUr w bat to v, thai aa dit tlte mu-h lt-d "..14 4 'ley rt itir.s ot dj. ii.l,ui,.Ht il m,lr d-a-ttin by virtue ofebth the pewjde of Ibis pita' etar bat token water al lo. ill tfasj tl.e public .Ni.nh Cambtta reciied umt eSOas Jmmr v-Wcnf lit. Ifimrmw '""'' -' kmml.ft m-4jif erna . 4Uimi an I if it ba I tt la-en ! llu k, 11 ....... and Wiwaa lutriy f g., Kii). gv "' "f a pore. y lUoe.-rai.e a le tm. r toe doer of so. h a decif von tloii'l know who I, U is Hi grrateti man in Atnerica, baa rendered lb nt.-4 e..mutndMc esrtue to the a in waatn t me. I .mi a.eta aist y..ur caoplt mewl is entirely d .-iileiv tod , Hra, I. a tmbt mil y are .mi(sMly, and hi Vol and bss infteate re v.-urs. Tk-rttaiods uf Wall n... ,.o. It...' t I n.e4lel into s.-la ,,f ln;,wl.,e and ern-r bv a ayaiem.4 tactio similar to ilea,-, kaasiiv is a tetaililif weskMra; tetekit wi ton eei.ttog lb. h of iIni du ssj bat Won but aame and hi t-de. . Ciir.diu'nn rt t-, we bate i hit It. ,-Ben- uitiii ia from I.'..t'.-i-n .. . f. -land-grabbing Mute, snd ih it rt." who HI he rrdeaeut et e- it llm b lb system of plunder i! h! i (. other peoi.i '.;" i I-; . ti lt Mr. i is a t tots Waa one of tbe ,.ti I I,, ap'-sk. Ih lot'!-' 'I it- aler w.ta f.-ti I i He tin ii -d t i'i II tmi.toa III' Tl hfrotit I!.. .-.,., -t -' t Ri'-d i ii .f in-' !r . i- a i of the v..i-i -. i t ui rut.-... Vsm'v la a I .l mm the l-l-l. lil t 1 liPf Ui' h t- ere K . o - i str.iut?tii. 'I he',' t, i ( i. eirli sri-,ls of Id,., r, Wot w !i'-n b1 . ta iw-llin.ll-si hti w 1 1 1 .-it Ibe fin trs-i -.1 e-n-bli -i, i ( tint p i-e l t'i ti a '.. pi l! i t. V d. roil. r .. ti st- t f ii w,-fs r-i. .-'. ti.-,e itt it lillle I"? I- l-Miiif t I iin-ir I'.tl, I I" -t 1 UIH I I', 1,1 .fit Ie f ! T. 1 -...I f...., ... l . i... . ' 'a low area Amm ewe Hatwrser !'.. wra-to. p i t mht -. -- . Past and rV-wan-el,- taf Ibe i'eiUlelpbia 2ton, i b..i-1-iol a.i-r.-... .t. I I. i, '' an I II ..'li... v u H e i ,i A.... Ilitsyne ever observed hnwnMm eas 'i atn .ie the r.. li . .f .,; i t "'" I't stvc blnt aa of hia dkk.-y wl.ra " lb I abuiet .nl si,. ,. ,4- ttl , ( , pn.p!" ttetato bin a little f To tone Ih ! I w litJ tb- .b-t l , -r ..( n , - , , . drtl. ftvri Assi Pritilte ilitraa fn Jtftl- to-lo-e the toti4 ihai a fmiiiUI I b,u.i 1 to'ii miii,t,d as.-..! hsttia A'., oat a.. .d ll a ).a.lni.-n I laalt, hut ll ,. 1), .,. 1,1 l.e w il l ti it I,, .uvui, I,,,,-. 1 'Intiadil h I k W tl Ins S-t rtaa - .'.!r I ...A 4,rt lit . r-.i. iw-m;.. r fi..iM 0 I i.i'fd ' taj p. , 'h!ib brf (iein fai-d' tsustam. oy i.i.b a . Of.Mntt-d tf wba wi ae do a uottor ll dwtrttmltoa a. rf s.i --e.i,l hate r-e.i- four hoodie I aed .Mo lUotjas. 4 nine bttedi-s-l and Mu I- d-I .r io. 1. 1 aa did. If Mr. flat p. I,.-, bad tat-., ert 1 mil r4 toil tor the t itn.i t. ,( , (, m,mu bat torn Sniih 1 ,...t 1. a iuil bv mild -'V l i I . . ! .,..,,4 1,. a wntir.4 lha ..... I . ... . aa general 11. mu. in mt.-e toa.4t m il emif 1....-, od b ,- efiwl. towtettf ewe tosal px bank and I-' ' - t ti ' 1 ""hi" fstl naa Bi.-ee am ika ibe litrnr f 1 rot, j 1. ,'' , mi , lit rtl. alula w hs.e a. Hi Inm f tw f t,... If , ,. I 1 h ra lrnad Im more d ft-ull to etMneat. than , lle judge td" a 8ttprt C iH. I'reu-Uttt I'lans Is far e-til4 Ikia the rWrettnea, . h ) ibe (Wwtri. ar e.. It at tm ..-- ll.a I lrka, lha nowt ii,a.4M,t etttt.a rn-r ' fndi 1 he " W bite II -sa- we a Ubua- , lite fo-t it. ll.e Sl'-ra U.'-ial.r.l a Mao a held h'-'a toa.f o..c'ii in , ih . k roll a at 11 1 I't. that I!.. " nut " aed . -1 a -1 pt ! I'lri-H 111 and ia I- .,'.1 I'itt t . . , ..r of I. . ii a ,-. . . , ll. , .1 l-l-lt ..I I I' 11 I. ! eg

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