1 jjcrilj-Cnrcfiiia ar. ' WILIA M C. DOUB, (oitoi abb raorwiiTon. If Mid ttrictty la advance, tw dollar per n aaas; I" dollar nd fifty wots, Ifjiaid witbia ' ix mOBlhti M! three dollr at th end f th yar. A D VSR TfSE.VFXTS not exceeding ststera line, will bt inserted on timt fur one. atollar. and twMtj-ln cent for each subsequent insertion. Taos of frHUr length will b charged propor tionally. Court Order and Judicial kdvertissmeots Will keekirfM Si pr cent, higher than tho abov. rate. A reasonable dodactioa wilt fc mad to thoM wb advertis by tb yer. " . Itookaad Job Printipg den with aeaines. and despatch, and ea accommodating terms. ggp tottori to tho Editor must be post-paid. Congressionalr 7" ' j WuisoTOjr,"3Iarch 27. . S!tAT ThVSrwJtiop motion by Mr. Hunt er proceeded to the eonsiiVcritrioh of the Itefici encj bill, and a large number of amendments 'were rosed upon. I " "' The' amendment appropriating $250,000 to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase " a new tite for a custom bouse at San Francisco, .t tn litai? achate. 'AmttMi 1110 mil, ..-pfcaa wivy. m foricd tilt fcHnorreaav MfrMawm'nWTed'rhtrt th-!mrti'ptBcC6a to" YOLUMEXLVr' raleigh. noeth Carolina; Wednesday morning, April 5, 13 n. NUMBER 14 -iIiiarvwTB tsSs a war nf th. Imp i of Cambridge, who had a habit of responding With peculiar heartiness to any congenial senfi aaent altered in public meetings, Jinl even in eharrh service, lhiring a very dry season, an a prayer for rain wa being ' eulemnly rend by tin minister, hit royal higUnem called i at, in the em phatic and reiterstfivcstyl oftTs illustrions house. " By all aseana, by all mean, by all means !'' llieo added, ia lower but alill distinct tone, " Ws ahall not hav tain, bower er, fill the wind into its heart the murderous stiletto; and that, like Jacob with the aged Patriarch, 1 had practised a cheat upon the House. But the gentlcm'tttaaicnnt not to avail my mo tives. T4 genOeinan who despises deceit meant no imputation upon me. Oh. no I But he romn to the House llh concentraid wralh and bitXep. ness against me, tvanail me for harinj stated' my reasoiyi 6irnaking the motion whitu 1 made on that occasion. 1 had proclaimed at the North that w&jrould hare tn take the' brunt of the difficulty and out cry, and 1 thought that I would satisfy my con stituent (hat au opportunity should beiven to discuss the measure. I woKamnred that a gentle man from a slaro-boldinjr State, where his constit uent are united, and who-will Uvke to their arms and pres him for hi adTociftyof tho measure,-) snoui'i cme aere ana Ui'miunno. a nienilierifrom the X.)rth, who, though friendly to the principle, desired a fair opKruuitT for discussion. Was that fnir for the bouth t Was thatafair bourse for a leaiug gentleman in this llouse to take t . Tlie gcotfeiuau camo here to stigmatise met-r trmnonetrnjtIuaiimaftettfaTOTatite inTprUs- principl of the bil'., M'as there any reason lor the (jentlrman to ssy.that I feared the bugle !t-. paesea mcenuity, or comeUunx mole than that. , The trntleman said that I allowed two davsto. pa's before I.att t?Tcs, but does hfnot reTSjfTect that he put down the hatche by the previous question,.aud com piled the delny himself. I did not intemrpt him to-day, because hi siieech wa fixed noon the ground that I had attacked Li personal mo tirc. Taking tho undermining-awnv. the wlit4e fabrjo would have fallen. oliiected to his move ment to kill the bill, but made no attack on his motives. I did not intend to charge the gentle man with playing the assassin intentionally, but 1 SUM, ami 1 cannot take it luck, that the act was to all intents, as one arm thrown around the -brother, while with the other the fatal stab war inflicted. Mr. Breckenridee then Droeeededta review the course of Mr. Cuitiug in referring the bill to the committtre of the whole, and tiie effect of that motion, in placing it at the font of the calendar, where ff niaf never be :fevhei iinfit"tbe end of the conwilevaKn 'OT Mcasra. Walker and Podge carnostly advocat. ed the consideration of the Homestead bill, a neinTof more importance than the Gadsden - treaty or any other lmsinnmt ' Mr. Owin orged tho Importance of the Pacific ilailroad bill. " ; Mr. Brodbead advocated the bill granting 180 acre of hind to the old soldier. ' Mr. Clayton said that the importance of going, tntojxecutive session eoulj not with propriety be disciltf d 1" "pen session, anil hn asked iliat the door be cluscd. He asked this under the rule which require tho door should be shut, whenever any Senator shall demand upon a motion to proceed to the consideration of any business In secret session. ' - ' The chair decided the galleries should be i:Teared. " " " ' Mr. B.vlger appealed from the decision of the i,lwit. than tlioso same gentlemen who are associated with me, and who are made the victims of the cenllemnn from Kentuck'-. - Mr. Cutting contended tli.it ha had never stated that he was friendly to the bill, but that on the -feentrary he was opposed toit.TinitlirtiirTefl that a majority ol the House was. lie was in tnvor of the principle of the bill but not iatjbill itselC Nobody believed that the reference ot the bill'to the committee of the whole wa equivalent to a ucicat oi tne measure. The appeal was debated until 3 o'clock, and the accljioTl of tUrSSTlimSiuSiSjuariS, 1iiy9T " . . '"' ' - : The doors were then eloeed and the galleries cleared. , Horsi or Kpisi!XT.vTivts. Aftor prelim- ; nrT buitinewtiiOiuyss Appropriation bill, ami concurred in the'antend- Bients reported tli ereto from the Committee , of the Whole on the state of the Union, with the . exception of that approprat'mg $100,000 for the payment of expense of holding a council with, and making rjreentsof goodsand proyisions to, ' the Blackfeet, Orosventrrs, and other tribe of "IndTaH Hf'Imiiif aTaTi:TySTriiTn or auocenT loTlic - wnrtenr hoomlary if the tenituiy nf iVTr.jltlngton,' aadbr defraying (he exense of briiiglng the 0 lefs of said tribe to Washington. The bill w passed. The House, by a ytite ofyc'.8,ji!iyJ13rrfuit two-thmls refused to discharge the CAmniittec of the Whole on the state of the Union front the further eonsiderotinn of the joint resolution manifesting the thank of Congress toward the rescuer of the San Francisco. i ' Mr, Cobb moved a euspensum of the rules, In order that Pacific Railroad bill might be made the special order of the day for the third Tues day ia May neat - Tho mr ion was -agreed to je 12f, nay 39. ... Ami a resolution tn that effet-t was then in trodnoeil and pasoeifycM l'-J, nay 40. Tb House passed a bill efttJiliUnjr,Iuiir adJitMmal land wistilfls tn Minnesota; Docs iu)f"tTieiitcutTcmnn know tliat the Houso Nebraska Bill will lie reached, and that there is preconcerted unde-standing to eomto commit iee-of the whole, Rnd -prnnnac amciidinents to the iiouse oui anuresin u 10 uie House r nat in convenience would there have been in this ? ither bill would be amended, and would have to go back to the Senate. Then by what authori- ;y dia the gentleman say 1 undertook to commit ;he bill to the tomb fiir the imrnose of creatinsa .... . .. w ttilKO impression in the puttic mind? ' ilr. Kichardson I deem it doe to myself t tiWlfiat there was no arrangement, asTiaa'lie'ei stated in the public impors aud by letter writ- ors. '""Tf. I! lit BTfifiif 3it nof saVsoT Mr. Kichnrdson 1 wUUutolo tkeiMnllouiiu, and lie knows well, that we had the.Vtiate a Will on the Hpenker' taMc, and we coubl have dis cussed the House bill in committee, and have there perfected it. Mr. l ut'.ui!" Hlierer Mr, Kichardsim In committee of the whole i'tH,t!Hit llw l ohi.. '1'lio-wmKinents f -the in could nave there discussed it. it ttiere hint Decn a I.lciKim opHwitvu to the HimsC bill we would nave had auutucr cnauee at the .Vnate ill. Mr. Cuttin It stnnds conceded, ns I observ ed. It was the intention to dim-uss the Uou-o bill i comuiittuo uf the whole on the state of the nmn, and report it after it hail been amended .Mr. Iticuarilson Hie gentleman spealLaot tli imruniiiii nl Ihn lloiua not ol 4lia iiiais4n, M r. t!ntt ne TheTXTilamitTrin will - tie" Trlvetr. j-I.muintarmtfd tlmtniurin)); Ilia oanvusa ii)r..jCn tni'ty, it tieing intimated that lunds were warn ing in order to secinniilifh t he success of the cen tlouian, my friends in Ney York made up asub K -iiition of some I, "d K, anil transmitted tiie funds to Kentucky to be employed for tho benefit or uie gentleman who is now the peer ot pre dents and HiWiftta, - 4 l-sisblerrl - Mr. Brec'ieuridge l'roudly and.dcfiant-4And he n fcrence .rfthe Senate bill placed it in a ""TV"? V. " 1 V' unu, "": TiraftliaACTe-it House.- It ia thought very doubtful when it will be reached the r rench .Spoliation bill, and the ppro jr.nttoo btrroigtitcen in number, 1 believe, pieccding it. Mr. C'juttingjgJoa'4 lott ns trifle with rmTmrtant subjeAts. In the nnmo of tiod, if vim had gjttc nto discussion on the House lull in committee would you have bad a discussion oa the rVnale ill in tho iloue T 1 here seems to lie some oth er fOwsMi-oreousiilnrutiou for the wrath of the irmil lo:nnn from KctOJU by to be '-i'". .oo lf an extr.uirdiiiuiy decree. 1 thought ho shook and nnakeil with fi-ar be cause of the outcries from Massachusetts, and wlieu he sptike of the answering bu'e from 1U linois, there may have lieen appreheunions on his niluiLthatif ho should not m disiuise i4 AVt- Nmate IhII ho ntigtrt Itenr more tif remonstrance, and louder tones of the bugle than had vet rcn. h- ed"tticne -haJ4 and -ether-department -of the ciiy, Mr. Boouck moved a siisnenin of the rules in order to Introduce a resolution to take up the bill making appropriation for the construction of six first elasa steam frigates, and the motion wa agreed to yea JM, nay 34. The resolution wa agrcfl to. Mr. Earley moved a suspension of the roles i order to mtroduee a resolution directing the ConmiUe oa the l'ost Oniee and I'ost lb ml insjuir whether greater certainty, despatch, and ejoaomy eon be oUalned In the transmission of the anil between New York and Washington Via the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore and alun. Into the ex'jiedienry of establishing, by I on gross, an additional post route by means of railroad, la a diroet line a may be between the fa first named el lies, in connection with the other two; and that aaid romraittee rort by Uil or otherwise The Huoae refused lo nrend the rule yea Bl, aaysi. Tb lluus rooolved itsrlf into a mmmittee the Whole on the state f the Union Mr. Ham the chair and s,k tip ihe civil and di- plotaatw appropriation bill. Mr. Culling asm, which was tlie signal for gen- 1W to crowd la front of m; It wa sn httnuM bef,. tho anib one were anli.fc.cto. nly ae-Ue-l. The gal'erwa were also e irwded, ead general exjiecMioa ran high Uiat there wmihl 1st aoaiethmg ri. h and exciting. What fcHnw is a enndensation of thedeli. Mr. Culling Mid that on Tu.-. Ky la.t, 'after mnmmf, nour Had espired, so l tho Hi W.t .1. - - - ' .. e . "'MTOHi'n l 11, 0 I. INI M - npeaaor laiile, a Motion was in.de hy 1, ekAiraiaa if tho eoanniittei .... i,i.- . . JJI 'Mie Kenate NlH-ka bill u. thai aammitlee, taontlier band, reas.,ns that I then rsia iwlioiiltel a prt.p-Mii..n that tho bill 1st refer ral . ii.eoomaiiiee ,4 the whole on the state of w t nioa. ll Mise iKtened to the rlear and distinct Ti ii Senlh-man fr u. IIImh,,,, -agninsi any m.ti..o. it a u an argn--it which af orwards sH llw House snn bat ea I hair guard, and I sulouittrd. In torms hy no disiosjetful, the in t i.e. which innu Jcdy eondurt no UoU uera-i.. ibooglit - "u" ' 1 ' irewl tuts. IT wiihf-rlretewndne, iswwa, aid frankness. 1 said there wa a pntleasaa oH this tlour a stntircr or more seahms of the whole, and Mr. Vale oppoorj the Nebras- i ka bilL and Mr. Boeoek anoke oa tho snecial order boing the bill" authorising Kecontrue- tion of six Brst clasa steam frigates. Mr. Ljoa aid he ahmild mine to amend tb bill by inereas- ny; inn niinihor to iweive,, iie msot a powenui peech on the imiiortaneo of maintaining an effi cient naval force. Mr. Franklin addressed the eowwittee at length against the Nebraska bill. Mr. llarkwlale obinineil the floor t when the com mittee rose, and the House adjourned. W asaHKuTOX, March 23th. 1 In the Senate, after tho nrowmtaUoB of neti- tion and rcp.rts from Committees, the Senate was principally engaged ia the consideration of tne denctency mil. v "v.. in tno House, tne lommtttee en rutilic lands How came thkBftt to lie found in open mtinn with the enoiniei of the lull with the aliolitionutiand frecsoiler on this flixir ? How came he: to receive their con- ffratmatinna. And why do their nmses take him up as tlie hero of killing the Nebraska bill I He jin never rub out -from guy dain man's mind mat tne encct oi ins motion wa to kill tho lull. I believe the administration honestly in favor of ine oni, ana i win support tnem on mat point. out ii tne aiinunisiration were against it 1 would nevertheless be for it, and they should never drive iu innu uiy ponrntirr I have no more connexion with the adminis tration than any other man. I owe them notr uiH4 wbat is due to a ii engaged -hv th4 efccution ot um laws. 1 am sustained by the majority or m eonstitnenta, the peers of Presi dent and Cabinetv I .Slight BMilaiuse.t So far from driving the gentleman from the support of the bit!, ii was with the profound 4 icp-ci unu moruiiciiiioii mat s saw ins course.r His svmiiai'iics were with tho "hard." hence the pain and wounds, csneciullv of tho 8cwth, whtn they saw him tirrn n sharp eornsy auu emcr inio uinanco w nil ine very wrirst oi political alsililionists in the House, which every WfrfrWrtrli rtf tfrtrf n tif "Tne knowTwas lo tTU the lull. 1 do not. suppiwtl.liftui aill .ority .to spent fur any but liiuwelf. .-. . .The gntlow said I was the last man whom he expected would make an assault on him, lie- cause in the day of mv greate.-! need die " hanbi " riinie to my aij. This inucmlo is so deep that i im not uniiersiana H, i ask tor an cxplanU' "on. , : . The bill wa referred tn the committee tif the whole. A resolution to close debate upon the steam !n . . ' .irigaw- iuu -waa.auopxen- ttf wlii'!"rmVSrntt'ojLTniont,wfa T AcrcaiMTia or Wt.t ia thja ooontry ' KXOXVJLLE AND X ASHVIIXE RAILROAD. bn8'' ha been Vast, and sum estimate uf- Ha extent may be iorntad if we rear to the official fi jurei within oar roach ia relation to oa item of fixed oauital the larse amount of which invested in naaafaeturea, ship-buildiug, rail roads, bouses and atorea, aa all been derived from home resource. The aurabcr of booses in theJCnitedStoteby wusoaU SJliaiTjjmd free familiea, 3i)7,iVir nearly one tir each family. H the dwellingmcjreae id the pro portioa of the population thea 'tlie number of housec built irt the last si yettr . wa Ooj.OtW; at aa average of 1,000 each, tins This road, chartered by he late Legislature, it I Fwlt'tt trhwh eost $7 per barrel in New YorX, occurs tn norTRme if ao mean importance. It I ""d Franciaoo, on the COUi ult., for ?'.T . enmbineodvantae surpassed by a few if any I to" on a cargo of "OiO barrels, fni .rtich- tbe btate. A route for travel, it is some nine-1 nond, is snl to be nearly per barrel, letter ty miles nearer tlie eastern ekiea, from Nashville, FaAjraneUeo y the decline in Flour is via this city, through Virginia, than by the Nash- aufficient of itself twreduee remittance at lcat yille and Chattanooga Itailroad rVutr. It will kindred thohsand dollars pet mnnlh, to say aWltrfng Nmlnille mnia-fortyr fifty tiille aothingof the decline in butter, an.t other arti- nearer Charleston, by connection with Ihe Ilabun Batter sold in firkin, from 9 to 1 1 cents (lap road at thi city.- It passes through the F ,b- Beareely enough to pay the cost, storage heart of the State, east and west, turning a link I weight and interest. in a grett lineof railway from the Atlantic Ocean I Ixsoivmt LawisMxixi. Munyof the Maine to,,thc "great father of waters" ont he western bor paper are expressing themselves in favor of the The North Carolina Central enactment of a general insolvent law, similar to Hriara 1. ik. 1 tl..:. 1 il.l I.f- I- t 1 . , ei. 1 boon 1,921.439, worth, at an average of .dx!ltutii t-l t,. ' u.. t-.,.! f .f t.i A!l!'i,2"6,3,) iL,h ltt 'TjlTl"' " 8ute- Knoaville iu point of have been enabled to leastow upon the question. 17.100,01)0 i new banks capital at cW.OllO,. I fim. Jmrf!.,,..fc v.tiia ?i -..... 4 ; r. nL :r : WT. Thce items alone make tUQ.fiilliiKingJaai. ...- ; -li-. r -. i--.- :. :. - . - . .. reported- adtencly to the lbus-biU makings weubt tive $ti63,OUti.TBOraT TOg.OOO.OllOwrth j grant of public land to the several Ktotes and ,,;. . - . - , .. . , ... : dcra ofemieasce. Territori! for the benefit of the indigent i-ioane. e tonnage vof. hipping ba.lt ha. jUilroaiCwhose u Mco-lla4'kAUO'm4. N-ortoei made opeocii il(vin the Nebnuika bill. "" Tbecommitfee then toss "ffiiitl' tb "lTuse aifjouTneiL TZZ " THE t'l'TL'UK OF GEORGIA"." - The following are the concluding paragraphs of the excellent article npon Cotfm emf U Culti- House built, reto'MfJj; ..Shipping ,-. , .,. ., , Railroad Bank .. . - - tn vm4wwwWJWM''4 - tneMiun. .wU I thpirit of the tjmes.jand tvtU Im conducive to 4tWJnllUWU.4 asmntSarsto. V- T llri u.: i,.. t: ' tv. : i -:--. ---- : - li5c,aio -287,100,000 54,000,000 i eompletfi the gvwtf Tina 6T railway from "iha Mia- j the best tntcret i of le '"AiiST . - Tr. l,lC7,S8o,340 n aaifilmnfonhTi; lories, insurance companies, mines, Ac., will mtvm, in the' March number of Harper' Maga" iiue They are fraught w ith instruction to the people of the Southern State: I woU the aggregate without hating made an j Georgia ha set an example of wiedom, and perceptible iucieaa in tho amount of (tuck hetdatrroad: : r " : issippitothe Atlonticteubiwra .-"It Will of course ! likewise connectNashville by a direct lineof road, with Knoxvill in tlic.beart of East Tennessee, matoad of the detour via Chattanooga and Palton. These rojfewft!i liyA'."lJ.UB?i. wlScTi, with Uie iuoidenUl advantage, which will oocnr to every mind, contribute to give the road in question anigh gradeufimportanceamong the railroad enterprixci of the State. very-Soon she willjsnes witliin KcSelf so com-1 "-'"vooE ' .. - I - The route, we lean, U altogether practicable, plotcly all the elements of empire, that hemigl t The Pid ln" f inhabitant in the Cuit-T,n,i who niT, it in are sanguine be forever separated frjm the surrounding world, c,lB,c' qiro;tne more rapid arswrption oi thnt ,j,e mewl, nocrcl VJ tutitl construction a and yet fl.airish with unexampled prosperity. P'toJ for new dwoUings, irrespective of the ro-h,e procured. Tbei oil, we aro eonfidcnt.-will Upon her bill-topl begin to smokfthe wealtb- """drng .it turo and old one, jne aefart- ue built. AosArW saoifaii. achieving furnace: the buxi of the cotton svindle ment 'epo"s th ""! " loitedhtate mineU with whispering of her clear blue hut year of 400,777 persona, who will require,! Bamsa Doctik. or CiTiNnirv-lB the streams ; the "iron bofle" is far andwido cireu- " the atipye prnrwrtiont Wi.OUO house, and the I ice t wanccllor Court, England, Sir John lating her products-; her heretofore isolated pop- persons will bring most of the necessary mean. I Stewort recently decided that an infaut, born in ' " . .... ... 1 i- .i.:.- ' :j : r....i :...n..ilv V...1. .k . . - tton is lictniiing to leel thnt a market la ere- -mlu piu cicriiou w uiistuu mw uu , uw siunmr wu an American, anu Sfor "Tiome indmtryT" anoT that Georgia FcnpIuTTflio money market bas rotaiBod.'oa tdolbcr fatber a riaturalued citisen o tlio United a late discussion before Congress, Mr. Staunton, could, if the demand was made, make her ship- wnolef a rweition of ease and plenty. ..state, Dora In r.ngland, la a subject of the Crown ot lennoasee, made tne following suggeiiuvq le nient of ungTnneJ cotton M obsolote ns"is now LJIZiiZ ffig snlpnWinToTciiK What care .. -,',1 . l 1 r u. 'ed the right of an American eitlien npon the I, Sir, doe the Uonornble gentleman know tliat WLHn w.. wnaakmav ,.w h.- new h. haJ u,w " . " trom hi duties, or t mere are three iclcntnie corp. belonging to tho -en t I J.!-. !.! i,..t 1.:. PDU or Eraoi'X. The funded tcbt ofaU the European State U, in the aggregnte, about , 300,000,000. or $ 111 f each luhabiinnrr Switx erland is the only Kuropean. country out of debt. As -a-war-is irnui incut, jdlibeai -cjmol ric are in. the market aa liorrowera, some with' and some without credit, so that tb people have the prno poct of a considerable addition to their already lennome'taTtear'"". ' : - v laroarAXT Innox r Tn Attosmiv Gcse i In not long since disposing of a question submitted to hiin by the Secretary of the Treasu ry, tre hear that the Attorney Oeneral decide that a Vessel boilt in the United States, and vol untarily fold by the ownerJo a foreigner, and tlien bought back again by the owner, cannot be registered anew as an American ship. " Militsrt Oriiritas ix Civil Sr.avn r. In such a State whether a .foreign country enriches itself by spinning her eotlontThe staple!, pro- . . j-.-rf-,, .1 ii. .i.i : i.i ..t i r W T . t i ... I 1 H .1. v ... i. rjt: -j Look at every jester and rl 1 "S1"" onuis sunjecx. I rtruijr in ojHirnpm-ai, um oniuismT, nun ohiW It, for when h even raise, bi.hand.de- t"". ''S"''" "g" -t- - - - pend npon It there's something in It.' How " '"'P '"guu.ee to a most corp. eons,., o. on. nunorc. ana twenty- graceful ite u, aud what beautiful altiti duced by the wearing labor of tUfniuacle of lucn, dofiaut uf malaria, and regardless of fever breeding beat tire easier, and onadrnply mot prolilable work ormaiiulavturingTby tlie never .'- wonder if he ever had to en down unto I Unt," "u,ject of every native born American one bonflrcd and twenty-five officers seventy ere . C j e i u: .u ..n . : f"1 iur u I al i1!!!!! '?;r' iroaMmnktLflyeafftrer and doc he know that out of ttice flrtng WgtneraHtrrti stnewir the ipiridte and ftn0f --...ll.i.l 1 .j. v i I i-...l .v.-t..TI ;.r .t. r- ana shore and fill hi. mouth full of navimr- . . " fr "l- - loom, is at her command. Georgia ha. but to : .. . HM ,lm. on . ' ,: " gmUo Kmere, it U applicable to all uc ment t grasp the sceptre, and she i. commercially free. Ulot the ortl9r aay.Oh. it is a rich privUege, .a 8"rt'ua, Itow'. Ibererore, w ho bar. Will her .isler State.. o rich In agricultural lwu ,nd , benefit f .r yon to come here and f" T '"Te( on in blue na- in every rcsnoi't. I A pplnuso on the demo- !.i ... .1. .1 umiiv iill ui Ijieiiousc.j .. I Mr. Walsh I believe 1 have a. good a tiirl to s..ik for the " lmn' "-of New York a any geii!lcinajLintJiihU-of.--l have rtned! and stemmed the Uient of tr on In the north, wbeu those who have attempted to speak for them have fkulked from the thrcshhold of ti e place where the meeting have boon held, and 1 do not want an impcieimn of tli'i cha; e'er to go out unexplained to the world. M'hcn we caine here ing with the lM-at'alf.iirs in New York, and now my Colleague slates - at a portion of those w ho sent him here interfered in the same way in Kentucky. . ' Mr. t'titting Isthat" nil the gcaitb'tttaa iuae iiirf Mr. M'alsh That's all I'll beou hand by and by though. 1 .iiiiiUtiir.l : Mr, Ilrei keiiridLC I do not wanf Ts rati. .oft I.I i . ., f i.U'.u.a)noo-.tmrnrsTrrrT7iy miercli. llo Ui I repeat that more tlian ooc-hnlf of all the ofS- aoro omnoalne tboaa tbreft enrns aro eninlovnikw products, and which are euually interested with u,te(1'to ch defamation. Profit by It, my dear H""'" U """" ' h"kr Umt 17 thl d" in TOriou. way, In the civil wrvice of the tioy- I . ... .. . .. .M'.l J ijwu. .I.M. AM .... i .! ....... 1 .V... . .I - emment, where .none . but civUisn should b . engaged. Some of these very men, whose reg ular Army pay, a. will be seen by the Ulue Book, doe. not exceed 000 per year, out of these and other appropriation, which we mike from Tear to year, receive enoU 'h to .well thoir aeroa hi Tuioni and he barnily threw bail of Vton k the mqtpott organ of Preaident IW, yearly aikrwancea to fS,t0;-No woudorVtvil . ....... ... . . j w rim a, nn ir.a ui .MI mamm - ' - - I (I . . ... panegnndoT the aeat that Had been aeot.nea tor 1 ' 7 ",V . J " -u 1 aervic u aosirnui to mm in preference to. tnai another direction. , Tlie speaker tapped order !"""" "nwroai. " maxem. lollowlng upon the desk, anil a minute afterward, a black - uaien 10 suca ueiamnuuD. s run ov 11, ,i uoar , . , - her in the cultivation of .bi grcatatleimi, boY7'at.d yotf ttf time' vltl be perfect orotorte, Jd-J Ureal Britain, tatoiocxampUJ 4f4hey 4 oa,,ti-th. outh" i . h9r ,nd Mrry Mkfc Ami "l "foreigner.- after ILl ." 5!JiJin?ullUl!9JStftrilo lk. .-!,!,, most independent portion of our extending era- from an earnest eontomnlation of the codfish that " J'-,- " Arri-Tb. Waalilnr. plre, and thus forever hold the benefits of a gre.t hjuiga before th speaker, and brightening up as j ton l,Bl" ,h 2iii nM n article that rood. ootUn monopoly in her hand. - the rich plum cake and iu whit, frosting stole decidedly belligerent toward. Spain. A. the KOSSUTH AND QKORiiE 8ACNDF.RS. K oaiuth ha aJdroaaod a letter to tb Gorman n the United States in relation to the rejection of Mr. 41orgo 8aander by the Senate. II. lecture, the Senate for thi. act, over which the al cabinet." ia Eump r lav iuh snriu, and " consider tt as a practical retractiim and an tvhilaiit revocation of the principle con H, to eevram tvrre; nf rhe-nnw tntl fifhTf--b--b. atCUvtOU'.ueudmrt.l,o,.ldbestrh-kenout Z" Ji iVll. 1 "l ""T""' '"V EXECIT1VK PAT11ONA0E. 80m Idea of the Immense natronage of the tained Inthelnnuguorl address of the President, Heads of licpartmenu under the Federal Ooyern- h1' e'otM'n 'l functiotmry wa in aeoord- proosnt lime member, of tli House alone have ..a.. ...I . I twl Willi lh arialita .!.. a 1 -..I I al " I a t . J i an the tiosxta note." He hopes, ftowevevthat 1 matO. ana bo formed frvss tho luilowwc Male-1 . 7 , . 7.T" "' V """""" ,uu"r.v- "gut w sum obuois.- .1 -I. ,, . " , or wimu um 1 icuiria (uvernment desire the German, will "o work in the pres., as well ments,.howing lheam.nt of -Jarie. paid to each him Because of hi. known inveterate hostility as by meeting, In such way that the will of the. of tb Department in Waungton,ot including to the I niled States and their Institutions, as people may tnfnst-blf, .'anfcthntthliTmwB J WwawrPoatwtala minjlnsta, 4wi. bnrr.derrce-at Porto ttli'o; - - ..... 1 . - . . - . . 1 asonniaiu-renerai. WaK ,hat I regarded . great prim iple too "'- r. Ihon I was. arnued Myert,,. ImU m if, nd saol that it w.l I ,4 rwi -1 awoi.lo M.pt..n, or that of th ilur.i 1'a.sjj. Mm m,K. ail.. , ""king ih iwoi.. 1 am ret eonseUnis "of wi)..rtol any Ungnasro disrwiMtfi I ti t"mr .A Ik, ti.mm, .,.. .Mwiall I ka r" . of baling anrntpirj to aa r""l'" ... tl. moral b'Wtir . f ,,y gen T 4 Hr-,i fr n - -aihai .....I i. , '" a- "'u-t ii'll "I. and II.. lei. two rt .,. m g,iVa,oa f a sl..ek-..,n , (Mr. h,-kri'g. .rfhy.J.W.I .dw.l.S d.4. rsn. into the HotiMaa -oW moeoty, sd h.srt. r k.4 llK-.p. " , H.arsrr aa a Irsslin .w to 1UU to a-a I y n.,,. , It la NM k.l,. I.,.l ... l.,.,L- . ... . L , m..j Wt .u , last aud lb at kilo I 1 a-t tmm ntm around MMMirtMatismd wkh ikentlr I h!urgl that I and that Ujdv'cr's amendment meant more than was csmoMcd on its fac. aud stated tliit he did not look for an assault on his motivi from the gentleman from kentuiky. I he I'nion nesis per d tlii city had nto assailed him-s pre" I jiiductc 1, it is said, by the clerk of this Ibaise, who 1 uuiteiT w ith tho printer of this bsly in carrying out its order. How is it that a Iriend ot the mensu w is selected aa the Tirtilnv" vt an It to drive of those t'ricndn who liud given him their suportf Is it to a.nMuiut the friend who s.and with pie? .... i Mr. Urci kcirriilrc. bu bad taken a scat in th vicinity of Mr. t utting, asked, " 1n)m p;ly that remark to me ?" Mr. Cutting Not unless vou consider yiurself a portion of tlio luiou. It applies to that news- Mr. nrockenridg I wa al Ihe moment tak ing a note, and heard word. 1 ask whether the gentleman applies that remark to nil, and waut a catcoric.il ausaer. - . . Mr. Cutting 1 did not, I am the only one charge I with bring an assasin, with th inn of friendship around the measure, and with th other stabbing it to death. If 1 did simply retort. the geulleuiau forced it n me. I have been tlie Constant Iheme of a series of attack. When I see the papers of New York opposing tb mea sure Slot only O'rt oniiliienled on by the or , 4 hete, but in the onjnyiiiout here of public pa age when I see public nlticeri at home and shroud acting lxiatil to th measure, and und tUauat cberialiod iu th iwao ssoa it4lMrir Uros.4 I am induced to ask w list sort of a me is 11 re i it when it enemies are rewarded and ile friends assailed, and their motive iinpvarhedf 1 find that this has now bevom a test que, lion. I see it la made so I v a prominent .nend of ill administration hero, but in a par in N. 1 llajnt. litre, tegarded a intimately friendly a 1 .'. the l n .i l. lit. Us editor disrlannrd it a a part leal. There is tut nn sincl ground on to. b tli lHiuiucrat f tno North con ataad. aiaf that w UiO ground of hutvuiLcrvonticai If Uiss ia found in th bill 1 ahall tide for il. I Wish to e.siis lo a plain anderstanding with all seniles, to know preriirty llial the bill i. so that here after there may Le no difficulty in thi. rtir lar. Mr. Bretkenridj, I bavo I rhorn to Intor rupt th grntlrrwin. V I, lie hi remark ai (te h on my mind 1 would like to reid to ihrni. Mr.Cuttmg Willi lbs adWljd:r Out tb time rujplojvd will aw be iledwlxi fnjsa my besir. t ; ' - . . L'cia of aa nljo lnaa sgsssil 1 Id kaof it out now. Mr. Brock onridg Ibav r.stened th or!j remark of Ui gentleman, hot ho has Bs4 met a smgl posiuoa Uiat I look tb vlher day. Il l no. d a was to him twist words out of llie r k-giiiu a' etmi.sio ii. I sr k is! lb gentleman stigvaiiiing to as tb Badger prn i, and sd irnsd to II remark of Ui gentlrmsn that inlid not do jutiee tn the fexitb, wl.cn II wa acceiil- a'de to a gal maj'rity of tli H alhrra ntem berm, wi.lt twty hero that lb gentleman taiu bioa Usw 10 wl siaienan. In my pi-e b U other dnv I re Urrrd to lb iw.lm fi im li.lo and lb Wert. Mr. I 01111 r The bus's nutea? , Mr. Br. k'nridg And h osnl b wUheJ to furry llirirttgh fbs fill mil.' ut lull diT.ton tl SOT srnlr will look ' 1st rriosila ho will sr if. si I dal a4 ky so. I I thai lull discos- wa wot tomg the flop's t il Isll, and b Ibnnrh New I.nglsbd Mnibl ' II o y sb k l II." irntio, and tliat li.s Vt 4 stai.ua oa U.r blow aTruck inrolonlnrilv l, th. Sn.l. ahall h. i , ;..:. I. .. I ll.u..l. il,. onpiam-genei 14a av. iauu viuLt 1 ' ma v w bsmviui iiiivhii in oouhtry, and all dependent on tho Eiecwtivet - were siieiit , defeat bim, and smut in vain, for b added, here 1 am:- 1 a as elected by a larger majority than all Wall street could control in my district, j Applause.) Mr. 11. then proceeded witii ronsmoriinie seierny 10 uie allusion Jlr.4 1 utung bad made to lurmshiiig mouey for hi. election, remaramg thai 11 ouM ncer aasoci- at sibticully with a gs.i.'i Jian who would umke a remark ol that suit. Mr. t uttmg then took Ihe Door, repeating his charge Unit Mr. Breckenridee had n ade a most unparliamentary and perwuutl awault oa iiiir Mr. BrSA-kenr'nle again denied Ihat be had called in account bis mlentio.i and motives, and 1I1 tlengod bim to point out the occasion when he had said it was bis intention and mollis lo des- htT the lull Mr. t uning I submit It to tb committee whether the whole lone and so.pe of the gentlo man' remark wa. n.4 an attack on nty motile lor maxing ine motion, 1 uui. 1 ne larts are be, fme the o umiittee. I scorn bi imputat'ou. 1 t.md here no his superior, but bis e iusl, having lor my f ell a rrMiuition e. oully aa door, if not so lol,y, a thatol the gcnllrmau. 1 stand hsre lh irjlicsett 'slie of a ctsnstnuency of wli.m lain the tmfenainatks. As far as concern myself. when he impute object and purfswea, 1 burl back the iiuHiulioa with Um iudignauua it dc- 'rvcs. Ii I t not state my tiewi? How doeslh men bee anderloho to s,rt Ihat I irmf iwd trtenH- imp lor a kueamrs an view 14 killing It I V raiding- n to the f of Tbe ejilendnr, and trtirn I said th e mmittce of Ihe wliolXlnd umler their oontrul Iho llous IhII which IbeySaiTriet" In take up, no reiresla son mcaiwa and skulk. 1 Inlid th Niuat. bill at th tout of tb calen dar? Mr.RrerkenHdge lli-lng hn.tilv ami in ear aost ttsio I ak IIM geolkuian to withdraw that Mttitl. NnMltun. Mr. Cutting with emphasis I will withdraw nothing. V. out 1 hsv said was in answer to fhe no-1 tiolenl and pemmal atUi k ever made oa any gre unnan oa this mate Mr. bieJioaridgo W hc th gentleman y I -'.lilt Ii aay wll is false, and b know ii- 1- 4 etcite nent aiid erica uf order.) Mr. Caning I d i not answer remark stu b as .h genth'inan thought prpr to employ. Tliy Lit', n-; to ins ret,t ii rio,. j la not bat dMN rata iy l.lr by an.arrini ia su -h b anl sisrk mrnMor. The 11 tbn.ian aaid I undrrtii k In Ii usnre Bfithorn than Ibo Nnilh it.rlf. lew RiKlnpg to tb ftsulh, aur du 1 curry with llial nitiin t osuuiry. IIS ttiMI .fe.yt tofvtw Mtpftrftfy Tf.at tl Hi ma no. mat in inn lie reiericu lutliso m:t'r to kill U. I at merely to Isk it oh I of lb piwvr of any taw toonnr Uim-ussmss oa rt by snut' Hig in ,iri.'U. ipicMioa, Afer aooM fulllirr leutark Dm lfss- I JourneI. WtsRivatti, Msri.1i Wk fty. Tb Kensl lisik tip lb ik-tiency I ill sin! dm MMed it f r n boar or mor,wbea lis fuitber r.otrsi4-a was 1-t p. .ned until It wmrrew, nntl tli renal pns nsdM lotlis e. o...I eiaiion of rsKcuiti l.osii.ev Al-or irMaioie in sewiw with rbisH dxt until Ii ur clock tl rVnale ilioirns.f lli.i .s or lUra.'.sf yivr. Tli Speaker laid I'M lb ll - a rrp-irt front tl. rtry of ittm In'i'L. ulatiit Iu Hi rsltngowl smil .at Irdtaa latin t'l Mii sod . ; l,e h waa mitorod to I nnnie.1. An t i"n pnatu nuf S.II wa 4d (.if iWiliCmg a, , rrw.n g ti" M'n t laas. Tli II Wtnt Hito I'tMi.ri" the despou shall .be changed into a triumph of Ktat DepaHment. annual alariea Euroiienrepoblican..,- Thi k bope will b TrMMry Department, aanaal alarM don by the President again propping Mr. Intent Department, annual aalarie Saundera and the benate revoking it. actum. u DenartmenL annual s.Urie. ins utter 1 Ikossutn ail out, and shows that b. v. n-o-Hm-ni. annual aalarioa 1. a for a. ever from understanding th public I.,.. of5, H-nortmont. annual aaUri. 124.4HO wo dollar, per ton. necked on board reoael for smuincnior tne in.muuonsoi mis country. ; . export. Tbera has been paid to raitroaJa f, I bonnet waajeccn going down th gallery stair. .Boston JW. extract from the article i " Tb indication, are daily multinlvin that we are not long to enjoy uninterrupted peace with Kpain-We feared at much wLaa w Pciucla aiipointed cantain-general of Cuba, under what we btdieveil at UM tiuia to b British dicta. lion. Lord John Kusseil ho sine admitted tliat fur which they are educated, Wist Toisit Caoits. TlicbiTl whlcli the Sen ate pasased. on the S2d instmit, adds sixty two to UienumbcY of cadets ajtsiiut..d eiery four nurs and confers lip in the N'imtora of the i e is ti State, Ihe privilege of appointing them. At tlie FaviKO P Pnoxu, Cra ra, . C A Light Vessel will Im placed (lining tl c month of April aex off tlie soul hern extremity of ihe Fry ing Pan Shoals. Two light, (each produced by Tn Iii T.ADI. It b) only of lot yean, says 8 fannp and pstrabolie reAeetors) will b slw.wn , and afterward, al Madrid 1" Consulate b baa lost cbaractarutically a low. t This office Is, all tiling, consider), th. most desirable In the gift uf th. Preaident, especially for an active, patriotic Aaseriean, who wUl glad ly take all the oppnrtnnitiea It offer of giving bis eat-atrysMa iiifonawlio. on th many import an Interests centering here and ramifying to all Quirts of the world. It is worth not ten (ban fifteen thousand dol lars a year. I hope the cleverest Crllow ia Ameri ca will get hV ' " the (Kxscs RrrrRXJ. MV Kennedy.. Jan of Ui. Ccmaui Ofllce. al Washingbm, ba BiesnoriulUeJ Cigreo t r tb ao of th statist re of manafacture w hlrh have (41,000 a lVsiton paper, tliat the riliten. of thi. eily anil from this vowel, at aa elevation of alsiut 40 fii t 638,710 1 aeighWliood have gi n into lb busiues of eol- above the level of the sea, Thi vestel has two 401,130 lecting and axporting bw. It 1 now carried on masts, Is about 100 fact king, CM tons, sod th m,U0 I o extensively that 270,000 ton. bar thi. season I top of the gunwale about 10 feet from tb water 123,400 been gathered. ; The present price of ic k about 1 Una, . Tni IIoiwac Ti sxxl. The lower louie r,f tho rbuaett. legislature pasaiej to tltiid rraiJ- onaaelunnelbiil. The New York iMtti k- say. i ''Snould it go through the Scnat end 10 diretrtors ith. our b ia war throuvh moit lie wa admitted to bail. We akoald like to ao 1 100 bms cb, ao that tli Ice to pay a profit to gmBiie la an boor than any machine thai has yet Mr. George Saunders also publishea letter -tlt, paidjn WaAingtoo, tl.33l,090 frilM j th- W to Boston, flOO.000, and f.w ingthello. the New York Herald commenting npon hi. 1 ' '. tl.,,.1. itJTfd.a Milwaukle Free Pew I W of eutllng, le, ?2Ono, fc.vli.tr a profi r..j,H.-ti,.n by the Senale. which h. am-ril. to ocrat, bs. been arrested on a ebarg of aui.tin. on board ofvesscUof $210,000. eVnd thinuan- becom.a law, w. can furnM. II, tlM Influence of Linn Boyd. II. derribce the , rnH.u, f b, fut.iT, luU fUt9m ty abroad would retire two Iiundred hiM of , .bt.r.' that will augur bi. w. an example made uf vane of tho. Milwanki ri oter. ViAojx, if the 8outbern Jlemocratic wouliTcall .. lustly anon tb New Haanp- bipper most sell abroad for four dollar a ton. Lima Joli W.M.oaTawIt having Wa tt td tliat John Weatworth waa a Joarnoyman prin ter when be first went toChicago souie years alio, th Toledo Blade denio. (I. aay. that be was nothing but asawyar, yet as b wa an ambitiun eban anil -raiilr.it li dmh. hr tn It. a m.,,.1.1 1.- -I Of . .urety tb. South may a. well give Uarlf up g " "I-" "J " rrinter for the remiecuhililT of ih. Ibin. II!. pros i shir President toeaforc lhalaw, a It wa wont to do npon Mr. Filmore, ba would hearken to their cry.' Jl would alarm n. terribly to thmk tti.t Mn'r ir.1 In beh.lf of the South bad aUted. If tb aim a of Priam sleep, Troy must fall I Tb New Turk fWif assert that th Administration, through a diplomatic medium. has mad an aitompt to pruciira the ilisiuissal of j lh A meriean rorrespondent of the Ixulon fiBws, I oa aceoont uf bit stricture, oa Ihe adminlslratliM plan operated successfully, for h baa amassed a fortun of t2l0,0n0, and hat bcea five time tl co- tod to Congress.' ' " " ' ' - r" Mr, Cremrrrs sari hr 1111" tetter to tie Pierce. "Tim ban anlfunnlly txprcasej yuursslf warmly la favor of lh principle uf th bill, vil i th. principle of tlie right of tli peopl of T"rl- not entered ii,lotb.UUnc of the puUicatioaa rfn, Pi.r,. Tb. H.rJJ -..... .li. ort.ercu oy v ,Sre-, ,o o. pr.nieq. tn y" I thi. abortion a a geral tVt, NK-eptlbl of .a-toa to reaulal. tl...Mb. .Jtll.,J.'tVtt. . " " " b.ed material, were prepared by Mr. Kennedy, . v .. f Jf, ,-. XtM ,,. to " ,IUM""B oT slavery for them- .10rt ma ice, to do good sen b for Ireland, on --a l. a t JVi i : . ,1 r""'i IM r,,in' " '"J .slye- doctrln fi.mt wbi. h 1 ali.-ntr.L" 1. rj.i. m - i lieen invented, lie Is the middle-aged gentleman wtio sends, us twice a weak, 'a few line drdua le l to a water-rilly." Post Oirua MaTTK.. Postmaster Ccneral Campbell baa re-eatabludied thera.st-oflical Mur garctlsville, Kin-tbainpliruiily, Xortb Caro lina, and appointed Joseph W. Cook mstmaeter. This point 1 on of tb dets oa tb SmUsud and Koanok Railroad, waa discontinued in Ifeermbor Uat la eonsoiuenr of the rr-'-nation of lb pot ui as) sr. 1 Tb "ClTIXtt" (Jotm Mitchell, iinokci I;i !, men at home and abroad lii-lunen ei. i . l.er iot to give "aid or c.iolort" to tiieoi i. 01111, In her w.rwllh Ko-in. The rdilor lltioks il.er are five lltoutnod Iri.hmen at Hast, in lb City of New York who could bo put under arm. at and he deem, them of rain, aumeicf U. Justify tirJ , j,,. f .fwln( rrM M Jr. Uberate aniC. palpabl a falsehund at tbey did Baca they denied lb eitatenc of lh Gadsden project of a trsnry with Mexico, when wa pul. lishod th fart ' . . , their pnblieatiiM oa prival aoonsmt. Aa the maleriala ar ant to Im used by tb government. and a Mr. Kennedy ba. the dipition, rapaci ty aadeiporiene necessary toasaketbant availa ble to the country, tt k to be hoped that Con groso will at one acred to hi r-sest. and thas nal 1 bim to re present our conditio) and pro gress la ssanafai-turea and In m IishU) arts, as be ba our advene in nnpalatiiM and agriculture A Litti.1 I'aolsv TlV cword of lb warrior wa taken down to brightaat It bad not Ua kngoulofa. Th ruM wa rnbb4 idf, but tlior war srmta, that would But go tly War uf LloinLTUe pen tuvk atltaula.; of lit first brraib of if to moi. a little farther off. "Tboa art right," aaid tb sw..,- am .bad BeigliUar. . 1 IVittvirrys or Pi l.-l.avns. Il api oars from " I f.-ar tho not" replied tb imoj "I aa more an oflcial statement from lh rVrrslary iT tli In- powerful than Ihoa art, but love not thy ancioty, tertor, thai lJ4.7i4.3'rJ erastaf lbs pulilic lamts " I uterniiusls," anawstwd lb sword, hv bswn donated to Varwas Slate and Tsrrilo "Antllpnri toat,"an.rdibB"r riea, of wbW-b 4.Vi.tl'J wore for Internal Im art iby ytctoruM, if I rwor.Ul ibom aMfEts BrovemeBU nnder tb ai of I Ml 4J,9.Sr..' btfgtlujit shall aBak ba-ia taa kavesfGl fj ch'r', W'1.?. ftilref Hie k 8,f:t Uiio)." ' ' rTJ for eanslssndriisrsi ,.1s3,;llfrailroJs, PHKMiib lb ml. of m soilirely gvaat, 1 and 2A,VI,;17 l-r military mnhtmfJ 1 h yn 1 mtghtatr than th sword. , Coav.syio in AaasssssL Ub th first Mon day of Aaguat axt Um sra ke aenpbt of Arkansa I taken Bp lb propriety of calling a roBisttlioa toaasml and raaona tl Const itBtM of tb , Th link Hi-k llaartt anonlluna, a saviog tb groat atLjoet of uotnti, iIm esleoi.iiB uf lb !tit frsoclil., and lb floeliiM of lb Judge nf tb MunrraM C'onrt, Secrelsry of Stat, A editor, I Trsa-uicr, ami all otbor public fikar by tl people. doctrine fifMt which I di-sentcd," la. ThU 1 certainly not Um ductrinc of lh Sooth as w understand it, Tb South ba alwayt eon- lended tliat tber I no power in th Territorira to rervilato slavery lille they remain territories ; liol only when they beoom State. If thi is Ilea. Parrr' interpretatiiM of tb bill, be may wall say that it I tantamount to the nelasina of slattry from ovary Hut brefl or to h admitted, inelading lb whobj of Miioi, and rocsoanend ed It to lb eopfasri iJ rtii'XortB.' ' ' Ci iivtit ar tit it. tsn flirt.. Witliin . pe rbsl of finirtwt and a half taunlba, dating frne the M of January, l"i.1, there bat Leea nine humbed and fifty p..ple killwl, and eight bna- Iml and forty-nine Bnnnilrd, by aecident. oa railroads and stramlsait wilhia tb Cit.0 Stalas. Itoring thi Hm tlier W Urn a total of 22H ao- eidenta, nf which 190 happened to Milroada, and 4" to steamboats. Tb killed by rsilroads, owl of tlii BiMibor, ansa tip !d2, i4 tb. wmndrd AUt. Th number killed by alasmbsast cri-lruts La C'JI, aad tb wounded r.' V ' - KfTaiTiciyT r,ari.i--t..vcrnr Bigler. ln bis an nasi mean is to tb Lrilalatnre of Calif aia, y 1 Tb eaoraaosia mam of eight-two byssasutd, (iBr bondrol and tBnty-eva dollar Aomrdiag to tb issbbahod Ke.swt of t! firs A f bwM Sria 1 taVM, It is Mated that a load-1 Ibprtitsstt of Um city of Boataa fisr Ui ysai I axl fortyors east la has beam Mad tofslerk biro, tog B..BS ia Bostoa, s.im tiss ainro, parrhased on-ling (ieptavatsr H.'3, lb Bmlr of firs ia and to lh etTirer of lh two Hiasse., during II In Koa-ta abraal wartk 14" bomp, b h that nty during lb yoar wa 171. Tb "! awwis' l'i.a.4 l'O. Tb aoiit pn.l les wi!l atwst arris, for which they bat l .,(Jar4 l"t of properly was !?sl,', I',;, ,BJ tl aint teaabsa to aatars imI eierk atone, was ... hB- l.,iti, leaimj ata .prvfitaaf Bwl; Piiim; j tber.4" laaiad was i.ni. Idred d aisry lints A- liar, ta I ,t t Irian ground, "ine day rosy cans, w srs told, "when British, lMO will hav omtliing more forniiUU to meet the there than " Iti.h panpers." Tun I'. 8. Easy Innta Sgi-Aians-Tli Nsy tiepartment bass aalvico fnsat CiBmolrs I' rr t, datod H.mg Kong. Jan. 2.1, I Mi 4. All Tb. I, S. kMrohip Lexington, l.ieaat. Iil.iasen mi ui ling, bad arrived osit, after a pa.a , e vt awire thna six m mtb. Th Prei l.'iit of llM Pnitel S ate .rid tt P.sltum-'i'V tii'iienal bat nferred i.n 11 .ratoi King. 1 ..., oho has liswn far Oo.cy w-i's (-n-BeHcl Willi tli. departmrfit, the re t" 1. !. sHM.id rr4 A wtanl N.ate-rt 1 's a.-atil by Ui death of Maj -r II .1.1,, . A Moitvr yo Wavt A .il. .t m- ... pro.,.ilN-a ia Bow Icing a'lsti d in .' ,1 I -Il ks propnaed bi build in tireen k, grenl 1 , or eairn,.f sni gllietrd fraa a'l (" of t'.s worbl, la honor of J.me Vt ail. tl' me, '.1 ie h first appliel steam to lb wtukug of bis. Ihiiot. ...Katt gt tn'.-l r;k-' si'tbfif rl,.t r In rrforenc to lbs boo of,6rn .lim l 1! I t.i- al Stales Sen!, of lie- v 10 ' - sa 1 ' t Loodon. TH. b-Her ka g-o. "i m i . nn. vsn by tb. p.; 'i ' " - ' 1 lb. Ma,-yr wlie. In tins c.ot.u X I S S l a L. A I' 'lieaae a 1 I r f a 1 ' ' fill raaiie-ly f .f 11. J 4.lti i I. a i I a. . . ' p li i'l 1 ! It,

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