4 'TERMS: , . tf paid atrietlr la advance,' two dollar per sn "" lam; two dollars ud fifty nu, if paid within it at oaths ; and thre dollar at the cod of tb JUT. . A D FE J "PAS Elf t'XTS not exceeding sixteen lion will b Inserted one lima for en dollar, anil twaty-v mil far ttek mbsequtnt insertion. .--The-' f rtc length will ho charged propor iionallj. Court Or Jen and Judicial advertisement wilt b charges 25 par cent, higher than th a bora ratae. " A reasonable deduction will b mad to thsa wh advertise by th year. r ; Daok ua Jot i Frintisr, dna Hlb neatness aa despatch, aad oa accommodating terms. , fi Latter ts la Editor mast bt post paid. . . .. .1 From tho National Intelligencer. . ' THE VETO MESSAGE. ; In the opening of tlie Into Message of the P res ilient of tlm I'nitod States, explanatory of liia view fur not eigning the bilHbr the relief of the Indigent Insane, hii judgment is stated to be that B t'efrict adherence to the terms and nun poae of the Fodcrnl ounmaot iifTers the bent, if ' Wewe tBbytaVaaVpWkWWirtjifca nHrdecliiratton 'Mnirs little shirnlorwhen The nuwer uf one ui.ni a almnt t hv inlerpoaed to V . . . .. . . -ti .1 X' . tmm tniKrcnpiiv: and aa to the aubiuot on vUu h tlna ( excrriio 01 power f.ilK none eould be more intereiitiRg to a people who poeMjm tho ordinnrr fcclinga of hu nianitr, W must therefore fcitc the freedom, thoneh with itre.it deforence, to submit fewob- !' -'Aftcr enumerating the otijeehtof th bill, the Moflw.'i.cf'reiuark' i ' It eannot bfi '(jupstimif d that if Congress hare power to mnka provisLm ' fur the infaim witlmut the limiti of "this IJi 4 trict, it has the mne power to provide for the indigent who aro not insane, ami thus to trnntj ' fer to the Federal Uorernment the poor in nil " ' the Stnteti. " 'Thin la, a mnile fd rentming, which, etcept under a severe pressure, is seldom resorciCfr " It could bitntly have lieen e'xiiocted thnt h poeitton would hav been taken in the llircgrouua ul taaargnmi nt, In the first place, it may be roji.trked tint thn DilU in tiiia repcct, is not new. Tlio principle was sanctioned by the fenerablo Monroe, who was himself a strict contructionjt of the t'oii atitutiun, as Mr. rierce professm to lie : and the same principle was saetioned by the administra tion of John Q. Ailnms. And we might" here ask, will) not Uie lea-it disparagement to the pres ent Administration, whether it is wiser, of more Etaunerienc ia the affairs of the Government, or -IWoftterjWTinrtewM tiobor named f"' '" ' What new light has opened npon our present rnlum 1 Wo do nnt 6 nOLilLiUfl Mfrsia;and we are not informed where else we should look' forSt - FcrtT two Teaee aten--fiongresa nrmri'iiirualod a" cnaimerauie num mr me rci.ei 01 uie people ot Caraecas, in Veneiuela, who had suffered by earthquake, and a short time ago a lilwrnl np propriation was made to relieve the starving poor in Irebnd. . N'iw to apply the President's nrgument : we in the first instance, acted on a . principle which w.mld require us to relieve the the eaianiltics of all nations fn.m earthquakes. In the second, wa are bound to. feed the poor of all nations. - If the veto argument U bt bo carried nut, it will lie difficult to 8nd any ground cf action for fhefieneral tlnvernment. This has not been the practice of one" strict e mstructionUts. Mr. Jef ferson signed appropriations of money to eon- Uta'as UiriHigti wbH'k it waa nuolo 1 Mseuted to Uaaoanlmnion - - That, it mrtet be ailmined.Ta a tery easy mode of altering tlie Constitution. Men. Jackson, try his proclamation aitainst Soiitli Carolina, put forth more ultra doctrines, dcrngv tory to State rights, than has ever lieen advanced by any of our Presidents. - Mr. Calhoun avowed and acted upon the principle that, beyond the t'nited States, Cmigross could d anything which they were not eap-etsly proliil.ite.1 from dtiin?. President Polk tnsde war naiiisf Mesiciwith ent the eon-cnl of Cnngre.s ; and when California and New Meaieo were conquered a government was organised and civil officers appointed to gov ern tha country. This waa dune without the aid eCongrtHM) by our good friends who can find a constitutional objection against any thing which they desire to defeat. Hut favor lie measures are " ncff unWnMHiitiotl'it. - Tha PreeioVttf cites the words, " the powers not delegated to tlie I'nilcd Suites br the t'onstiln tiott, norprohiliited by it to the Sutct resncct ively, or to the people," and asks, " Can It lie eontnnrerted that the great mass of the business of Uorernment that involved in the social rela tions: tli intemal arrangements of the body politic 1 th mental and moral culture of men; the development of local resources nf wealth the punishment of crimes in general ; the preserva tion, of order 1 and tha relief of the seedy or otherwise unQirtnnale members of society did in practice remain w'.tii th States : that none of thea oliiecta of local concern are. by the Con stitution, expressly or impliedly prohibited So th States, and that none of them are, bv anr exnrts language of the CoVtiration, transferred to the Inited Mates. What application ha this to th argument? Tlie bill rejected did hot pmpua to do anything withia th scone of the alnv remarks. It ai propriatetl of the public lands a rateable proper- 110a 10 acn rtat tor me purpoe or building lunatic asylums. There waa no iiiterl'ereuie with any internal regolotion-of the States, in anv of their local eoneems. Ther cvuld rejict tlie benefioent anpriotiin, and. if ther accented it. th proceeds were to l applied to fh object specified, under their dM-retinn. It was a aivi ston, to the extent proti'led, of th common pro proptrtf of the Stales ausng tketn in a iust nm- tioa, and to eocourage aa enterprise th moat kaman and ln' ficeiit. " ., When th President. therefore tlw-sgU it would create a dependance ul th htales on Uie Federal (lowmmont fur the almmitt ration nf charities. hs was making ,n appeal not fit fir a enntitu- nesial argument against a measure a huh, from Its aatare, euuld produ no such result. (Wins- front th almost annual annronrisiion of lb rii hi i laoda for aawale, -eat1tsiw'htwea nf gnvarniMBt. aulleges, chaols, and a tarietf uf purposes, tl President nml needs etHlear. or I place them npott a dificronl lsia, Thea. b aaya, ar " clearly distinguisftalde in principle fmra any which ran 1st assumed f. th bill here with returned, virt apnn th liitcrert and duty of th propHetnr." Now, we take issue utam Thia jo.inl with the vel",' and allege tint In this adaiseion the eoiistituliutial argument ia aurrca- Thi apprnpr'uitina was neiginated In th Itisss of lleprsaenistitsa ia Icli 6a ihe motion f Mr. Ms), of North Candina, than whom ther wa never a mora "strict amsinietiiwiiflt ' In C -jr. grass. To rmJution diro-tiof ilw dotia- ttn waa mrnuumimtlg ted by lb Ibsta in In followtiig Wfivw: k"'4itl. That tli Coonnilic oa Cum mr res , and M an af sutures iuetrii4t-d to repnrl a loll aslhoviimx il, Pii,it of lb t oiled Nslesto aws la bs pwn'bad barrels of prut sio, and W ba th aasn wsi..i rle,l lii some pnrl ia , laraecaa, fur Ua.a nf ihe mbaUuiiU abobat Suff re.1 by 11m eirtli.,,!. Vs. - And In pursuance f u, reaol.it'um a l.iH wa r."""1 wtrtch liemmt law. aith Uwapuiuval "'f Mf. Mhi, ia the (..llowing form! ' IU tt rmtrM, f c, 1 kat lb PtMident of lU I miM Nsm Iss and h la M-retiy lu'horm d U aa In b parrbased ancfc prmi.., as he iliall advtaMe, and ti len.lcr ihe same in th Maw nf I's Ui-vsm stent id' tl I mle Sisiea ti, itwtssla, fr Hi rs.xf pf the rn,,-. aw sat enUrr by li. 1J earlhuats. , . A4 s if xrVW r"rl, Toat a rum not ei ( Iftf Ibmtsand d ! ata ! and the ran . . . sw v aptir-priated, to i i r nnt nf ai mmwya la tn 1 rwoattrv o rfi,rw. a' rr ir. wry twin ip. iat Out ad. VOLUME XLV, We contend thai tha Cnn.tih.i;,,.. u the wh.de country and in erery Stnteelike; that what Conpm may eonitirntionally do 4n one State it max do in another. Thia ! cannot neanaken by ingennity. bat ia tho argument of the Teto? It is that became the ale nfipropriatinne increase the Tlao of th rraldic l.indK, Congreo, a a propri etor, piny exercise the power. If thia be not a latitudinarian doctrine, far niftre dangorotia than ny inrolved in t .e bill, we are greatly ntU taken. . Who aro benefited br thelnerraae of th ralue of the public land, f The answer mnat be, all the I'mted Statea, which hare a common interct in tbeiiu , Kow, we contend that; on thia argu stent, the appropriation made by the bill ia eon etittKional. because more benefit would be con ferred on-tho State respectirely by carrying out the object of the bill, than br any enhancement to tlie value of tlikpublic lands br annronrintm. constitiitionalifv of thf aoVliTthe Messace. is made to Ucpcna upon tbc benefit secured to the M-Mi-i6f Abe-ii liHW4)rniitsrai' I aumes to judge nf this benefit, and nays no respect to the judgment of the proprietors. They have eK)ken through their agents in favor of the bill : tlie President is ngainst it, because they. as proprietors, are ben"fiied by a local npplic. loi.Io bv the bill. It is wMdlhat m Attftrin the nm (,f tlie peo- iilc ivc themselves no crrecrn ntKiu! the Govern tnent, as they corsKUt thnt matter Vlongs to the Kiaperor and his Triine Minister. This veto i a, more ungracious- cxerfUe of power, becnnp tho representatives ot the people ara thwarted in tlicir hopes. iy tlie execriscot tncotie inan power. great dolilicnuion : but this amounts to nothing. seeing that the President has undertaken to think and act for them. We suppose thnt, nmou: the (Mimltiit'iicy nf ilm president. Hutu -nve as alilo cnnatitutional lnwvo -Pi siilent and his Cabinet, although they cannot sneak as airlhoritntivelv now nu thia particular eubjoetr Tlwn voice, . liutro-vcr, aooncr ot later. will lie heanl and respected. . We are quite sure that there is in tho great body of our readers sufficient intelligence, and jjlso a sufficient knowledge of constitutional lawt to see the fallacy of tho veto argument in tins .rujyca4.ii.ui..tiMiL. U)iy.;.wUl- ngute lh-ctm- ciusiun... ma cuiihui-uiLoii -t vi;e -hihu jo Virginia as it in Iowa or Wisconsin j and that if the public IiiikIs inav be appropmited in those titles for tlm gi;crnl benetit, they rony he ap propnuteil in .anyjither ntateon the samegroiiiiii, Wo Wicve tTiit li'i ' nripTiratiorf of "tlio public fiiiiilV'liaa'evcr been" mait'wtirTtiert(iMitltli- wore proportionnbly as great as thoso tliat would be realiaoJ under the vetoed bill. Besides, the calls of humanity, suffering, were perhaps never itmhr in bclinlf of anv measure of Conirre-s. The iiiferferer.ee in the domestic concerns of tho State, as intimated, is in our humble judgment, an entire misconception of the Kxeculivo. There fir lc interference in this respect I Uej liill tbanltTtFeiinuWTia of the nublie lands for cai pnriioscs. If an annro.tiatinn of public lands mav tc made where the proprietors are benefited, there ran.lie no liuiit to the potislr. Whether more or Icss'bcncfiteil, would lie a question of policy in this view, and, not a question of power. S i that we may safely say that the veto argument. wluon was miciKiea ui aunere to a strict con struction of tin Constitutioiij authorize. . eou-. tniniinn the enrrUy smenii alt nf li i-italiaa. Whether w lHkattliu third aection ot tue uiHh nrticle of the constitution, whieh declares that " Congress shall havo poivex to'dispnae of and make all needful rules and regiilatiotii re- pceting the territory or other nroperty belonging o the I nitcd Nlntes, " or to tuc deed of cession from Virginia, we see that the public, lands "are considered a common fund, for the use and ben efit of all the States. " The Message certainly mistakes when it says that the public lands in regard to the appropria tion proposed, are in no respect different from tit( rimer in the Treasury. Tha poUio lands tituitiui'l br tha people of th Slates, and are subject to lie appropriated fur their benefit. They dii jMiUKW.frt .latiOt.Sera Ke .- utives have approval tn ite appinauiou ut.. iuc public lands to di ffcrcat objects which they could not bav aided by appropriations fi i ui tlie Treas- urv. I liere is no iimoaiion a to me nppnipna- tiuu nf the lands, aa there is in regard to the appropriation of money. Lands containing mine or aalt spring hav been disposed of by leas for a term of years, i'onntitrtis 01 them hav been madetn individual wbo have rendered div ine-uished services. Lafavette and many others are instances ul such an appropriation. t one-ret bav nowor to aistsam of the pub a lauds Uie same as other property of the f nitcd States. They Will sell tlM lands or grant them Irv dooaii'in, at their discussion. In short, they mar exercise tbeir discretion, in g"od faith, and for th reneral benefit of llu State. Ther ia no other limit than this. Ther is no constitutional power which Inter pose an ehjrction to th bill vetoed. It i the first vein that ever ha bc engiirnto aa appro priation of the public lands, and It Is eireeding- Iv unfortunate that III Administration should he ei-ooie before the country with a constitution al objection when none can enst. It is general ly ejrrecd that tbe veto power waa not given 10 be interposed etoept on constitutional ueations. DCIore UCn. llW tUU B SUniUimiSiHiii, n urmio, no law wa vetoed on a question of policy. The argument of Hie President that the lands are pledged S the redemption of the public debt, must lie a smile in the reader. S nh aaf over flowing treosurr. seeking an opportunity of pur chasing stocks of th ttcvrrnuM-nt al a premium, rhm argument at Wwafht ap V trn,rik tb4 which prercle II. rt shmild Ilk to whether tbe Sc reUrv of the Treasury arts aside Ut ntouey rthd from th puLlut loads tu b applied only n th payment of tli puUie del. Th I iov eminent w.mi.1 b glad to apply tan mil lions now in in Treasury V u iwduetnm of 00 r J - a - t I 1 a .La - ml 1 al i I maaai fJaTTIT IK m TWw,im"rT TrTOwl ImlHt "Wt Wwwf prefer generally th stuck i and. they will 4 part with H un'ea they rereit usldrbl ad vane. Vl mean nn disrwpet to Ui Cxmoitir la lb remarks her hastily aiaile. ts tell a reluct anee In say any tiling on the anlysef, but a sense of duty, not lea iiriiriowt Mien that which oper ated an ih Pmidrnt. impellnl u to say llius math, s 1 ih nt eaimpar lb BcUi ol lb Press to that of Ih K lenitive, bat Its readers ex pect it la UI it la ami II views oa tmpnrtaal aalxmsl qiieMtima. Vt hat hitherto spoke freely, a w miw do, oa other tir of qul imnortanr ! and w should hat con grain hi uxl ourselves etwld r hav eon tn baled m any de- re an aat Ih bill which a a bee vtid, af lr bating be awtphalieally aaacltuasd by Ut iprebuitiv m lb I'eople. Tni F.votia Qi or (Ian?. Tbr Is aom misapprebenMoa siisling, a In th quan liir of crai -lsine la a l.nk-lih Quarter.- Itiseiglit tishels, bat not wight 1 inebair bushels which ia oar mem-tr. The ( warier rotilnmscisht Imrwrial kuslivla. Tb Wiiel. tr tut-hel, wblrh Wa tb standard tn M, era lains 2l Op eobi nehes, whil lb Inti-wriol bubel, wl t h ha be tb standard ever siuee. eotitains SlU.lU'ietibie iacba. A 1jisIi.ii t. tl.erefiir, Mtwal MbowM bshb. 1 his is a fit w irth rwmembeetng, by any anaa ia lb graia Market. f'oatrsi- n twi M. T.. Car'ara $.-fr Tba liener! t '.Ki'erenr nf tb M. T.. Church S-mib twsl lxl at f Unwtt.il.. Can., an Ih I intt It .tfc.e ol rresiilea. Tansaas O. M n-era,fll Alslfea e nVrs waa eWeted N etetarv. and A. H. I rwin, tf tb Trnwet. was pieptcj a-Hisnl secrtiart. BALEIOH, ypRTH Congfeisional. R,.v. f tC. , w"'"o". May 8. I -ttTl.Mr. lXlUlllsa trecnu.t ,...n.r.T signed by live hundred and four clergymen of the nimnnmro atatos, remotistratiug against the paaaage of the Nebraska bilL- Inpreacaiiiig-tiiit -nwiMN m mm uccasiou w nnswvr numerous strictures by clergymen and others upon hi course with respect to the Nebraska bill. Mr. Fish presented the memorial of the Cham ber of commerce of New York, against pm ateer mg. Mr, Cass' resolution upon the snbject of reli gUKia freo.lom waa postponed till Monday next. the indigent insaoa land -kill ---- .(... ... -and aftwr ximadcUle postponed till We.lneslny! wnn moved to taker up the 1'acifto Riil- .mu uiii aner ueoate it was lost yeas 15, nayi The HomestcjMl WU. t postpoiiea till tire 17th j Inst. .After ton? debate flie molimi Wi na-rnf I - IIM -i lie nat.mes njograwi. - ,- jl-. , llotifi or iUci'ijusatiTtvaa. TJt journul " eiatii'ri3sv-lisiiig lie tfn leacV,1"' -Jlt. faiifaaniui. MM.d-iW -tbe-rnrerW-sns- peudcd aod that tlm lluuso reaolva-toelf jnto a Counuittce nf the Whole on tUf Ute of the Union; avowing his purpose, tjhDuld the motion prevail, to move to !".y aside ail preceding business on the ce'einiar, for the purpose of reaching the bill to Rtahlistrteffifbfial'grtr lind Kanxaf. ' ' MiiiTiconfiion anil excTtcaiont prevailed. -Iturine whieh, J!r. jtnii7uf iiiuiiiuL! ganting this as an imjioruiit (jueslion, moved a call of-lhe IlouA. Tho -motion was agreed to anil one hundred and nincty-eevon members an swered to their names. K venues woro olTcred f ir nlwcntees. Theoiiesti'i of the Whole on the sute of the t nion, nud de cided in the affirmative -yeas 10'J, nays M. " Mr.'Uids wai culled to preside over the com- Illilll'C. 11 -The enlendnr of bills wan then taken up, when separate questions were taken on laying Aside the seventeen bilk) whiclr preceded the Nebraska- Kanzua bill, and decided iu.tlis affirmative I A motion wrs made to )nv the last aside but it was disagreed to ayes H.'noes lHi. It was now fairly before the committee, when Mr. Kiebard-on, wilhihit desiring to discuss the iiuKstion, offered a substitute for the bill, e.v Ustt-iH -tH-same-ny that wh iifh Tegsed tttr SeTlThdlaB"Ttffairs'. auvvtth Uie -wuwpuon of- the Wnytn proviso, and a few verbal amendments nt ajfciiting tle general principle of the measure. -t, Mr. lliblrtird made a speech in favpr nf the Irill ; and 1 h Mr. liyon ojipiisod the nioasure in atrief but ri-wwenvspeeuhi ,ii",.-. Ttifj Couimittve rose. Mr. Vansaut prosentoi)' memorial nf John F. Meridith and 4'2'J other rititens of Haltim'r, re- uionstrnting against the employment by tho (icn cral (lovernnicnt of Military Superintendents over ci n cmjilovees which was refercd to the special committee already raised on that subject. The House adjourned. T-matx. 1 ue chair utid Im lore the iMiiate a statement of the rccclits and espcnditiirea of the rVet-ttffice f ippaTtment for the year lrf.'3. Messrs. Chase and Sumner presented memori als against the-Nebraska bilL- Mr. Pratt presented the memorial of the May or and City Councils of Hultimore, in favor of an nnprdprla(iiw to SMittomT lti work at FbrrCar- joll Sanf iM't report npou code ol rrauee. Aunnted. The bill fr the rulief of David Myerl was tok en up, and after-debate, passed. The Indian Appropriation bill was taken up. and the amendment appropriating half a million of dollar hi pay the f 'reek Indians lor land taken from them by the Unitad States during the war of l"li was delitted until after three o'clock. Without taking any votethe Senate n-ljourned. U01 r or rUrr"virivxs. Th than re solved itself into a. Committee of tlie Whole on the state uf die I uiou, Mr. Old in th chair, and resnmed the consideration J the Nebraska Kan la" Wit.-' ' Mr. lngcrsiill, after a few prefatory remarks, avowing twi opiuiuo. that -Uovrmnt Ita no right to interler with slavery either in the State or territories, proceeded to speak about the Eu ropean war. lie said it was not certain that our o n country will not be involved in tlie questions which may arise, and therefore to lie forewarned wa lo be forearmed, lie desired ther should lie a iinaniinoua declaration by Congress of our neutral rights, and a unanimous request thnt the Executic shall proclaim our position, which b took to li included in the term "free ships mak fie goods." II said tli at Eugliab history shows that England ha indicted wrongs on every Ra tioa which has stood ia her way. Her assump tive motto is, "might mala right," and will ao continue aa long as she can l ull v others Into her waya. He inquired of Mr. Perkins whether th view expressed th oihsr day by Senator Slidc-U wer those of th paopl of Louisiana. Mr. Perkins replied tn tli effect that they were : and that In new of the fact that.rranc and England have combined aith Cuba tu control lb inatituUon of jils) ao as to wflueor our own, Uie urn has come wben the nuisunc shall I aliated. He would do thia by letting it he known that th wmngt of individuals ar nation al wrongs. He would not only mak thia a sen timent, out a com lotion In tu natioaal heart. Mr, Ingeraoll Was glad to hear Uie gentleman aul trusted the views were those soiertained by ry mewilr of this bod v. II hoped th Kxec- ue and tlx people s reprrsenialitns would buld- ly fle.-iaie their rich's, and stand by them. Mr. Zollk-ofer so iko in favor of tb Nebraska Ul. .Mr. Waller mldreasrd lit CummiUea 0 tb other side t ihe qursUon, Mr. r.ngbth adtoratcd Ui paaaan of tb ItiU. .nr. Simmons tirreised tb s -'-....- f Mi. Tmitt' Srtara.-The rtssrsenf tb lion. Pio II. Rnnra, tb memtiev from this durtrci in t'liwgrsw. baa been alike ered liable fen himself and bu rotssiitaenU. II ba been atteativ to bis duties, alwaya, in our jii lriiient, fin null, and apeaks only wben lit intcrnsta nf hi Slate, or tits immedist eonstiloenla see 111 to require b. I ht a recent orraeton, be sradi in favor of a di- tntoitsm of lb Public bAlids or tl.etr tieoensds emimmgfVr N ftrt h I 'ornlm an cqmrsMesbare and eondsmning tbe principle of th Homestead Hdl that iniquin.ua scheme bow pending in Ih Sea- at. Th srsssrb is 1 lala and foreibl presen- lalKMI of facta and ars-uutetiul bearine arviq th aiaeetiiia ia band, aej will nut fail I Brudur a gm4 effect fn lea-ling tn pnidli mind to correct nnarlaainn ia refeeene lo lb Justice and espa dieary of making North I'an.lina and Hi other U tit Kiual sharers with th aw S'atea in tb lieaeflt 10 be derite'l fraa ih dirieiiioti nf ite-i iron mt oipieiiioii e ts aa In'ellei-tnal efort. lb Aa of by mwrpWii ws prop" to gir it la mmr lie rulilie linli. A speweb H highly sA aal Ut nrcs 1 and ws reaviera ia ottr neat imu.HMtlmrm' lferVr. IsWtb Arvau-r.a. Tb following fant will serve ba show lit aeestasiiy of tb sUk teat alt)- trii to Ih acettracv t4 alup' etui naH teantr, oa tea ing Halifax. aaJ such a court aa should bat earr ted bar yj mile swat nf Cap Hare, ia Newfoundland. Tb weather waa wmtrt aad foggy, aad tb aantain iing na det k -m ibgry uf u avtremg. fuaad to his horror, bin veal aptxrent'y mdiing to d irttctii an an imti-bntuKl rst. By instantly ravening tb (, tli rassnd was eated, w he aa tamiaa4ina ut all th wtpaaa wa bnard waa bad, and tb eawa of al-errati.si tmn4 as h ew 1 row tale which bad bee r ! ed ia-tr 1) lra fa Itstel of th snlnna wubont Ut ewntma's j nnw ilire, an llnis lb lltea of wiant l-'sis aid tb safe-y of ',; trvl jrard t4 ly ati t sm-tsare a; j aenl' t a -i'J "J. CASOXjyAyEDyESPAT MOESiyOt MAY 17, 1354. " FOl'R YEARS ACD r. QXE OF IS- J tllUTS. uch i. 'thW i?'Uls, ofa paragraph - ! .i.. .1 !! " i C k. "M Instant Ihniw Jtng out, in a recM wboleaaW generaliaation. tlie of co refuted fine calumniea aginstthe du.inL.ir.ti, r who nuittcd the Presiden cy with ansnllieluHior, an4 as generally ea teamed by theme of all paruea, wnoaw eateou iawuith hiig,faiy9fhirl30Wi' mc iii.ii.rw..i..ii thin ..f k. naa of monster fraods" of which the adinistraiiast M Mr. FilBuoee ha boan .aliicii La- mouths waa trum- iwrtsd f..nh in .liia Democratic Baiwm of the t nion with the hera at their head, case of Aleimdi RamsaT The charge against him ware of a puiinxu a character that it was tlinnoh n..r tit ansoiilt omnissionera, and cut u t tn the nt unpleasant job of trVPtIin.kSf 1S..1 1 T.ArvAf Minmc i", to Htvewrt. ,,' . .hT. The testimony i.iKLm,nft 'icr waa reared rat.e...'VJ' io AJ.iauirtl! e ?cnaTe. an' wuiuihcl, eouM''red, Rnl a' HkiaM'-JliTtiat laefcecatniweaft f.illowsnn- WBnnru'HWWiwuua w tne 'imm li t wrnr-iir."any ot tbc mail upon whoso character bad - Men heaped every opprobrious epithet which party ingenuity and industrt eonld invent or fiud : " That they have enrefully examinel all tb testimony taken by the commissioners dnring iienriv rrirct m oi i wii.cu kiic veil in Brasilia at StTl'aiil, in the territory of Minncaiita, and havejarrived at the conclusion that theoonduct uf Obvefnof RSth"icy ir" "hot""!!!"!! from 1 Jme. but highly coinnTutiile and meritorious. Not one of tlie charges preferred against biin has been sustained by th testimony." On the contrarv, tho wituessea of tlm oootplainaitr theur- selves, in almost erery Instance, hav .negatived Med the stipulations of the treaties, at Under stood by the partita to them, aor wa governed in his enduot hy laotivet other than rurfl as e"inuia Mm w toMMtulon Vitlrss tTivaa tiid an uRicer. " In tin Jlaliursement nf th funds ariaing undor the treaties he aotd ia aeeardanc Wth the understanding between th oommiaaionert who neeoflMed Uiein. th Indian, and th tra ders for whom proTisinn had been made. Th payment of th moneys waa made by him andrr the direction of and ia'atact aoeordaac with the views and instruction uf th Coramitsioaor of How-mnnyof " she re-Vl ealumuinKn-s tt nf Mr. Hamaoy and at Mr, t illmor Bar puDlisliea this plain, fair and ouvptete acquittal of there gentlemen of all th iiifamous charge, eagerly eeixed upon and ropwiled by them, with griater and fouler exaggeration at erery repeti fton. in their TBsneetrve tirebja-wf- tnttoence f by; the cha-ges against th integrity 01 at Ranisor were reitorated with such minute' ci cumstatialirw of detail that even tlie best friend of that gentleman, unaciraluted with tlie history 01 1118 tiElclnl course, nu.D uciorrru trout av tempting his deience ; and we owe It entirely to the over-anxiety 01 his political enemies to con vict him that a commission was ajipj'inteU to in- vesiiare'liiaomHareonilucC."-"1 Another of the " monster frauds whi h this swceiiincdcnunciation of the Whig Adjvnstra- tin is no doubt intended wt mcinda waa she "Ualpbin oiaim," to ailed wtwiihataoding Uie irresisuLI evident put before lb public, official! v and oiherwis, that thia claim had been allowed as valid by tho Democrat) Ad ninistra- tioa nndbrMr. FuTV, aolwiltisfahdTng llie-proufii adduced lliaf the gtato of OenrgiaJiad-reooguus. nJ a- l.;, tsi asmwl.tas - that -tb tWttm States, m av ,1:11111 tltti u-bt stood ip-ojji(o in the plac of tieorgio, n4 wer a inuet bound to par tha intereHt aa to par th principal. But to happened that the gontleuianwhohad beeufoi many year the agent of the claimants had been srtecteil by General Tavkir as on of his Cabinet. This wa enough f ir "the reckless caluraniabira" to furnish ground for " implicating nm- of the moat distinguished Whig in country'' in the " monatrona frauds" begun and earned t!irough aoicatiH paper on th subject of Malaria In r all their forms onder a lemnoratie Administra- toau, ruad bt Dr. Satchwall, of Nw Jlao lion, and only consummated and jr tfmt ot ,1 Hi third' Anaual Meting, in WiUiing- hig Uimg to do but to conwmisMfe, T Anouicr 01 tne monster irauu c mrgeq 10 of th ommitte oa Epidemic, read aa interest Mr. Fillmur ia that juf- Jita " Uardiaer. caaa," I -Ttmetr il.s -KnitWtmn though it has been mormteatably proved that the moment the first rumor reached hi ears that suspicious at Inched to the claim h lntituted serching inquiry. cnt ommissionera to Mexico and or lerel a iMsecutionoftheidividua' accused. It is notori vus that th trial of that Individual oecupio! th tim of th Criminal Court bar more closely and lahtriously than any case that had ever ueen-bruuirht fx-fir it : that th (rat jury eould not egrt 1 that b was tried a eeimd time, with tb added testimony ol a tocoad m mission of ittauiry 1 and that, wba Ui twt jury brought In their verdict uf " guilty," th man eom mil ted suicide. These and similar thing (eonfidan-d. w agra wilb th Uovrnmnt pir moat heartily that " tb hiatorian, whea L aumaa to writ of tb but it years, will b appalled at Ihe euupli rent audacity with which tb truth has be eemfiad by aa aaaempulotM party." Ant ttUtU. BKACrti IX " THE FAR WEST." Tlie Editor of th Farettetille Carolinian, writ - ing to bis paper frnm llalrigh after Mr. Bragg' nomination, aavs: '-lla ia eitremely popular ia llie far Wsst.and I Ills claim war aealoualy advocated bj Ui mta - bers from lb mountma onanttes." If it is meant tit th abovw, that Bunoomb 1 in th " far Weal. 1 w brg teat to inform Ih Editor of tbc Carolinian, thai ao far from Mr. Bragg' being "ettetieively popular hers, veev few indeed knew, befur bis aom 1 nation, that ther wa sneb a maa in silmo. " Wbo is this Bragg f" Is th etanataiit hVqtiirt? " "But b:iere 11 is th wunt of bawsriwsj to aettmats in msriu and popalarMy of thstr eaadidau ia pro portion la tlicir oharurity. As fit bis claims being " aealoosly advocated by tb aemla from lb mttuntwa eou a Una, of course we aa know nothing a I that t w aiptbd that Ibi lilU swm nf bintary ill mak certain gmtl lessen fat th Wat, who wer .r.,n.ii.einly p.ra of ia connexion wilb Ih ninaiiaa. npra tbeir rea. It i aaaghty ia yoa, Mr. vryoa, t utu taK-s eat ot seaooi. jlst-rifs $jHalor, Iltsa-b laswataate Tb Ballimwr fttt-f taMerdat, eonttlssni th following Wssaisoroa, May 7, V P. M. Dispatches fpnm Ffnoia bata ba rnreited bt th tlotemmanl aad by h Kreo- h and English 1estW.ns. Ms. Seal a. ii"im jn. 11 , wwwmi m. i n in. u- aa a (tefrol nf Ch. and a large indemnity for liett aitr of Ut Blck Wmrwr. la tbi 1 am enrtnin b baa Iranarcaded k- lst ructions. Th Hrtoi.h lloverawieat ba dat lin1 In aas-ml I f-" 1 to Mr. rViftle daws and. ottt A tt rseslldnii One. Marry t dar, thai laltnr rafoaed to talk to bim oa lb af ur Catas. letters ar In town fVnta Mr, Cold, fi st mt- MiaUutrfrma Simia la Waahiagbsa, sxpre. atng oaep regret at in aourw imrtusu tit fir, Matl, ... ..... -. flfstatl Cori a Ti M. X. Catoa. rVffJ.-Th4 third tietwral ( onfaranfa af U, Metbti"t Etiianooal Ckarrb Cmlh. v wi needed Ita a ti bt Ih X-tbodtst Cbareh, f olumtms. Ira., n wvlsv. atst let. Bislfip ItsU vstk tb ITis r as 4 npnnad th 10. last a.aging thaCf .t II vioa. - II .n o hi .U "t nni nienBj wp a awwni want ppvw- am. irttw. Tb isrsiar nf ka la-t C vnfrrrne llien ea.b d lb list of ih Annual rwwa and Iml - IfC'atsn'y nae onferenrna i,eesii I their j ' I J1 .mebers of rtee i a t d Uni tx i at tit ayw - TUB IXFUiXCS OjT TIIEAPMINtSTRA- j TIO?fe li U nnw msT obvioo that Measr. Puree, Marry, Caahiag k C.. bar vary nearly th 10 fiuneOTr ill country and it publio eoonsaU wbk h the abilities. of the President and the char acter of his adrrsers cntitls them to have ; that is, just nwte at ail, except just so far aa tney can mtrul rsMpht by lb bop t get or for to b mo. v ' ' : In the earir part or an administration, me pow er which tha'anumnnd of the Patronage bestows la, for two maiitesvsma, considerable 1 irf, D enanewly elcotad Preahlcnt ia alwsy aqp- twwl .trnii. until ti naaJirovea nimseit M switrar t arWfV. becaos ther is Tt before th place-co Vetera a long lerm 01 oaic, aou -1.1 always worth having, ao matter how weal he . ' . . ,. A . I. . rlrn kitslnwra ik. X But when it haom to be generally wow- that an Amiirlstratioia is weak, lit tlsat its! inflw mte beeexaaa reduced to onlT that which Hi pos- aenkMA -.w-.stic. Ulfin cu tllia ca-es to be aav tmpivi tan Msource. it..;;i, uiul,riw wJa l;efii tloa lib4xm,(ui nipnaittina ulunt aa?aleailMy limselssn-; wuatha grown discreditable j and fclttce itnell ia soon a thing which nobody will takl of such an AoHiuiisirAtiiwi, except that sort wbo know that now'athair lime and that noboitfbut an Adiuiuiitration without supporters will etcrgive lttT-ijTdlfmcnrnn "a' President psTbllo standing come tn th' pans that hi patronage is tlie only means of iuflsencc Icthim, that patronage itself gets trrbepnwerlosa, j goes a begguij, and it ouly accepted by a beg garly orew who, like the rag-men of the streets, only hook up What nobody els will have J his aein now In be, by general consent, the condition at which th Pierce Adininislration mand, ita open and ita secret attempts to strength en itself mid acq n ire oither public popularity ur partv confidence, hav all been crowned with tlie iiion alwilule fathrraf and It stands, tn tha vlrw scrupulous and impotent daring and iueaiiuble destitution of both integrity and sense. .While it principles seem luch as could only come from Marey and Cushing, it method of carrving thm into oueratioa appear to b derived iroin tlie incapacity uf Mr. Piere atones ao that peo ple hare come to hk on it as a "concern" mad up between a wicked heart and a shallow head -u tn wirrcn in snarns lay tn plans, ami uie 100 is seiwi tltem So siirnallv ha vervthinf fallen throtiEh, in either th ineaauro -which It has devised or tlio which it has ' adopted, that folks in Con gress hav evidently; eom to th conclusion that nothing can succeed which othe Pierce Ministry tiMrtHated t fiwort- And, in Sue, -w-mii no chance for thoir carrymg anything but by pre tending, with all their might, to b violently op posed to it. Their support of any party would lie sure to destroy it. And this tact, bad they any gumption, would suggest to them the only tactic that iniirlit vi save tliew let them join th anti-Picrca parly; and, in on week, it will be a dead aa a berrinr Ac- ViVaWVntceuT. STATE MEDICAL 80CIETV. Th Medical oomtTof the Stat held it fifth annual meeting in Uiia city during the present week. learn that Uier were thirteen e avnue represented, and acquisition often new mtmv borafcTha Bocietj boot nuiuliers upsraril of a bundrml permanent ascmliwrs, among wltmn ar ssas or m moat mem en pnTsician in in na""' : r " -v Th Annual Address was delivfod;1if Tr. Johnston H. Job, or t ha I Kill, on W eJne. day, at 12. M., in tlie San at Chamber, to a large anil Intelligent . audieuce. Hi tubjeot waa, "Th manner of man relation to solu of th many agents by which hi existence It often terminated." Ou Wmineauat afWiilooa. Pr. Charlea F.. Johnaon, of iUleigh, read a highly abl and 1 IK-. Uadlr nf lUcbmond Coaatt, a Chairman 1 1 WU;UB hav prevailed ia tb Coantie of llich- atond. Moor and Aaaon, froa 184. up 'to lb prevent Ilm. -t Oral eominunication were mad by snamber nf gentlemen,' which licitd lively dicussiotis apon thatartnn branch of th profcision. Tb following omoert were iectd lor uie pr- (Cntyaartil rrewident, lir.wam 11. inctaon, m liming ton 1 Vic President, lb-. J. Tull, New-Bern ( Dr. A. 1). MeLa, ki.laint Dr. 11. Kslly, Kowaa 1 Dr. O. Iladlt. Ricnntond 1 Cnmwpond- Ing and RavwdingSecretart, Dr.S. 8. Katchwell, New llanaswr 1 Trnasarsr, Dr. Jante H. liana. Wak;Orator, lr. Nawwaai J. Piltiaaa, Tarlmio . Dirgl lo tb Amssarta medical Asnotla- tioa : Dr. . 8. Satabwell, J. H. tbc son, r.t. Warren, C. E. Johasoa. J. K. Williamaon. W. 0. Hill. O. F. Manarm, J. 0. Tall. i. B. J ones, N. J. Pittman, W. U. Thomas, T.. Stmdwick, W. II. MeK. - Afir a very pleasant aeaalon of tw and a 1 half data, tba Soeiett adinttrned. to mart am th I third Tuaadat ia May, iK&i, ia tba towa of I Salisbury Imiulmr, 1 Tag Ftlsta tun ri Aatisr. Of what I Is all turn atndw and one hn.kaf aaid an knn. aM farmer to aa ingenioaw artUtt. Thet dtm't ,b, nr,rn grow, nor prodnc vegetable for Mr Sam does mora good wilb bia plough in on month, than tmi ran do wilb your book and paper in oa yr." " r) hat plimgb doe yar ana 0e " asked th artist ouieilv. - vt nr. n nae - pionrt, ia o avrr, He enn do nothing wilb isr other. By aslng this pl.sifh we sat half the tale and rais thre time a macb a w did wftb tlx old eirn- srn." Tb artist turned over n nf his sbcels, and showed th farmer tb drawing nf hit much praised plough, aaving with a srail, "I am th j ,'nt.nbi of mi plitigh. and my rants is ' Th astonished farmer ahevk tb artist heartily by Ih had, and invited him lo call at bia house, and mak it bt horn as long as a bksd. fnt fit for Xiw Yotx. Tb earporf I un it of tb rty of New Turk Mlrttd from lint Hal nrr to Kiiigsbridg. a distaac of thirteen and ana-third miles, and Ua width ia an mil and three quarter. Im-third of Ibis area i , , .. nrJ' , "ilt apt lb tir ground I -r " "7 built wa original! ginally ar dot- archaad of tb Iodise far twenty foo lsr. In I"'2 It was ttstlmafed to b worth "TS s. til. Tlia real aataut sales, bt n tm, for lb bast eight mimlb. amotiata to i'J.fttiv Ma, raaviaomi 'a Last. " rVentt f' enta m aal 1" rlalmd Mr. Partingtn) wba Mt w ant la Aatavaca, eat -Hi ns nver lb pew rvirrwnl. "vtby, Maa me. IM wurld comiat In, whew Ui gsis ar talunl I at vnty fit rants'" Tkfotd lady pol ed off i br pytar baa, threw down be fsttwia, ttd Wwnt into brow study en th want tf pn i I apptwriattoa ot tb Ira ralu of UK Jcii.iaiiw 1 gear, I Tb fssopm of lntrnaiity bav tntwd fiirtit 1 stttawwipsMm Of f.iti,isnt SO Ul aoov rVwV by I u-rs majority. I 1 ,a pw.pla nf Crate oanty, hav,ia lik 1 msemer. w ar Infiwmad. fw4 i fsswr tsf tb mlerniHt vinwd tn b madbs thatmwtntt, 4 - I bi f.a-a ia lb ismtt.l bt a ntlr ttU'tmi toia. Th Loeotoeo papers ar bringing wp, against Cien. Dockerr, bis vote, in th Stat Convention of 183, against taking from Ire men ot eoior the right ot uBrage, ie aa see wuu t.iibu ki .. nnti7,n. Km I'roceedints and I1- ipl batesin Conyontion, from vmg 72 pag T and from page 351 pvpng -"8. The proposi 1100 j was debated by JUAig nasion, uunss '''i and other, and was decided by the close Tot of 6t to (il a majority of only 4 Totea oat ot m tlie moat enlightened ana eminent nony mat aver assembled in North Carolina, in favor of ;le- nriving that class or peraooj ot a ngnt wm. they had enjoyed from 1770 10 1835. Tbc wbo Voted against tn mouoa werer- . ftays ?lesrs. Jtnures, virrinip", ilMw, Higat, Bunting. Birchott,Cathey, ' C- er, Chalmers, t'r, Carson, Jtamrl, iwea-- ery, leueWn, Kill dt, rereW, 'icr, tranktin, (istonnf Craven, ftufok-of Hyde, tluinn, (,'.im-, Ctray, CiiVr.C.udgcr, IUH, W"e,onM, f W, A J,.ns. of Wilkes. Jovner Kine, Kelly. Marebend.Martin. MaesrMer: Mnsi tgomery . Miwre, III . t HIT. If, ill ' i-ubfiaiia,. 1 . ... S,r.i Kktm't KxM.ot Urnngr, and Vlbern--61.:-- - - We have ilalkitcJ tli democrats, and vdcld-t an aierwx ) 10 tne names or those ot whose pdities w have no knowledge. The result is. that 2 dnmoarata tutad,jtitbtiw.Ahickry with 2d W higs, and 12 whose politic are unknown to us. Among the democrats ara torn wmr have mien uwa noiioccu ivj tne parcvwiiiioui, tov figfitest otjection agninst tfiia Vote. It la'nhly wben a v lug gives such a vote that it ia wrong. Look at th name nf Judge Daniel nf tha 80 premeCpurt of North Caroliuit, lion. John Umnch, Col. (ieorge Bower Kimbroujh Jones, Hon. As Biggs, Owen Holmes, Gen. Mnrstnllcr, Hon, Sflcs1s?nFr1ionrJonniT ton. Hot. p m. A. Morns, Arch d Mulmrmid, Hon. Jas. S.'. Smith; Col. Jos. L. Gainoa,John W, Powell, Win. P. Pobaon, all men high in the confidence of (lie party, and many of (bout pro moled to high stations, after this vote. - Look to,), at the names of the Wliigs who voted with tien. lockery 1 The great and good tsasroN', the pur and enllghiened Tooaxa, Uot. Owen, Hot. Swain, (Jot. Morehead, and other well known ami unlversnllr respected. Now if th question had bean an open one if I roe men ot color bail never been admitted to th sight eanffrnger H4 rmt-ttiMtittlile Ihaf any thing like 61 member of the Contention would hi toted t fire it tsr-thernr' But th patriot and sages of the Itevolution had confer red it ; it had been exercised for aixty year many or that class were highly respected ana in telligent men, posseesed of aubstautial interest In tb aol." , It i thereior nt surprising that ttiti fttiwr ewiimmt itien In tlto Ciiiitcntlon iliould bav hesitated to take fnim a class who bad no voice to enmplain, a right so dear to them, and to long enjoyed. - t-. Judge Gaston and Judge Toonicr were among thoscwho both voted andsKkeagainstthchange. Their reasons wer substantially those Which w beard exnreascd in regard to that class nf neopl recent lamented dceeasf. Hut above all is it remarkable, that any mem lier of party which taipporled Martin Van Bo ron for President should object to Geo. DocVory ou tliia ground. By the. rote of Martin Van Bu ren provision now oiitU In th constitution of New Tork giving the right of iulfragw to frc win 0 jlpr, ,i..,WmKtt,r 1 tv 0 were la hopex tester -TlongTetterrroinnieli'"' 1 In tho JimrmnL to bearVim . yqsterdat, upon aeeing I in. n. Aslie.pulitishea good new regarding the appropriation by Congress of tha bill for th improvement 01 our Hsf ana Harbor, but wer lisappointed. Mrt Ash undertake to show that hi " Constitutional scruple or party aftilia tions," do not interpose to prevent th promo tion 01 ine internnie 01 tint low, a acponoeni nun Hirer and Ilarlair improvement, and In thia. we trust, h mat be correct. Il would. bowerar, tie more gratifying to ee th Houae of Keiieesentativ tak aom acttoa po th lull passed through the Senate by Mr. Badger. ti- - 1 t - tn . - H-- ' orss ano not wonis nrv wnat w ucsire. ti III let all thia psa, -bover. Mr. Ash allude to th bills, infrodneed at tb last Congress, pmpoaing toluspend tb tim of payment of dutie on Kail Koad Iron 1 and charge General Dockery wilb unfriendliness to these measures, n t have eopy of Mr. Ash Circular, announcing himself a candidate for r election, pulilitlutdjuat on year ago, in which, iHiakiiii: ul these identical bills, aud or tb duty on Hail Hood Iron, he use this lanruair. As our Stat will hav lo paj upwards of 200,0 NJ Ih duties oa iron for th Central Kail Koad, Ik sr&mV drlrgalion movse ra tffari lo kilt m Ik tt (' nlmln. Iml aw eaulj auf saceseif. (ten. Uiwkert taint a wamlmr of th lielega- uon, aeeording to tin atatament, mborwd xlmit thia iron free of duly, thereby eating tb mat 3j,issi. - ibi certainly doe not look like nfriendlinea. But. baa it henra Beesrt that ww should bat, as auna la m otilMt, notes front 11 Mofasi, ia opuoaiUoa to th gallant Ibtekery t H if. Jlrrmld. ort tn tax Eri.irsi or Si which U to tab pleo a Friday, th 2ilb Inst fnaimencing her at 4 P. M. Its greatest olsvuratiua will lav at 12 nilnntes alter 6 1 end at SI minute offer Ihiration 2 Nmra 21 minute. It will 1 annular, nr tout! la part of the territories of Washington and Minnesota, of tonrmiver Is land, Canada Wast, and tin State of Michigan, New fork, Vermont, New llsmp-hir, Main and M-ailiustts. Tha laUh nf the central e-1 ipsa first enters n rem th earth in Ui North J'acibe ocean Bear Uit t aruliii Islaad bt laU tilde alsiut aix and a half degree north, and L hi trit 11 il on biindrd end ninefy-sevrn degrees west ; thenn taking a northeast erlv direrlion, H WnK-b oar continents near Cap rlattonr. In Washington lerrllort 1 it Uiear istssa over Tn- etiater's Island. British Oreeon, Minnewota, Iskt Iv y tie, Lak SuimmsT, t aitada vt est, N. York, termnnt, Nw llampahir, ana .Main rr tb Allantir, wheea it leate lb anh ia htlitadi bout thirty-ail degrees, bwigitad fifty-two deal es j hating ia tbie Iwinrs, forly-oo minnto and twentv-bt ronla, th tun nf 11a continu ance thereow, run aver nn hundred and (irty It and a half degre uf bmgituda, and I liv-iX aegrae 01 lautun. fi.rsrtvon Srv. A m'miatwrof lb ' kirk in good obi Scotland, one diaravrd bis wils fallna aalern ia tbmiiltnf his boniily a the bUblatib. So pausing in th stea.lv, and pnasihl avMiotomma, fbew nf. bia oralorv, h heok (n wilb this prnaiaal addrras, abarp Mid !or, bat tery neiiliernt t "rHisaal rtttaa nined her eret and ra in a lainlllii: a did all atlinr arnsmers ia tli butt, a bUmw asleen ur awak. Susan. I diona marrr Via fur tour weajl sin' V ba' And I d nna marry v f. tnar beanlt i that th bail riKHi eaasnr Aad if y ba aw graca, I bav mad a eair bar- ial. . ataaaa'a sliirn'mr we-s r i rtually brobra tip la that y. Ifee. A. f '. Olotrtil Wssuta .tita Citr. TTie new a-- asasMl of riiy tmepertt In Wshinz'iHv..tcl ait of grnttnd. st. ks id banking fiital am'nts mf 10 ".'.-''i. This it an inereaas InMW follr nd Blini'tl 0VT Ih ISM. merit nf let 1. Tb g- tetnmenl properly I apt fV"ia laisiitm, T.i Nw aava the a men! of gronml. slot ks ted btokiog eti l .l will ariKHtbiy am mnt s fl i.'".'"ti tn r. ) t f if nr -- 1 ivl t !,', I v I 1.1 .4 -di ll Ftriirrtfrnt,u m j i,7V rKOMXAUFUE.Nl.V. f The steamers "Surcf the Wet" and "(V r-. Iw," fnra ranaina. hive n -rived at Sw Vors. brin'n pajicmfrtim C iiit rnia to tlie i i'h At-r1!. Tly bring al-otit ?'J.i 1. in specie ac t a niniilr of sticrr,-a -.i 1 ct wle-in are -,.-. Stevens, of Wa-hin;'i"n 'Jcr-,iory. den. i 1 1 cl enok, and the 11.. liiiand UiH. Mr. IVirluin'. Minister to t onlmi Am- 1 .1, prepo rviui uu. home by the eit sieanie,-. Th news from Caliloruia Is ef but liitle inir- , The mines continue to vieiu ierv lr -,-tc. causing a great rush to th digging, fh w Iz-gMature wajt delsiting the .Sclirasla lull, ti n Senatorial question remaining in ff'M ;"" At San Fmncieto the Mcir"n Cwnul has l-cn in dicted for a violation of the neutrnliiy laws. - atkins, the Sobora filibuster, has been scnu n eed tn pay a fine-of SLSW; and Kn.erv, bo toiled gpiffy to Ihe Same charge, w as sentenc ed to a similar tine. 1 n snip t nance o, . ed the third April with about tores liuo.ind rants f ir Sonora, Having rrevuniMy tursv, boada. Walker and h luuid had evarun-ed Ixiwer California, and It I presumed have g in to Texas,' Tbe lyp-of-iar Portsmouth soiled from SiJI I!o on tie 4th of April for the tiulf of Caiawia."t look after the fillilmsters. The Indiaa trouble on Pitt and Slcl-eod rivers still continued. In a recent battle fifteen Indians killed. Two shocks of an earthquake wer fclt at San Francisco on the 10th ultimo. A por tion of th United State bonded warehouse had broken down with the weight of goods dnma about PS.OJO. The branch mint at Sah Frnucie- . CO had been opened, end thedaily deposito wer f abnat J0,W. l b prero Vuun ns.i ueemcx it m if of l henesf tlieeii v ot .Nt t raa-- herebe the latter buses the tille to two iinuaaiiil wimiif hmd-withm her liiuils. Thw ICtgj. Bropiijoat imhinittiiiikAaii.awaaeil Micb..-airK-foiTw-tfm-iiV';1 Htpter" beent -B:"'fn,Te " " to the California legislature recommcuUmg a restriction of rates. The news from Oregon and the Sandwich Islands is unimportant. (6T Tho lafe lVmocratic State Cufivcntion nf TTorth Canitina a loplcd (lie fiillowing roo!ution 1 Kesolved, That the pube bnds, being the common property of the people of ? th States, should b held ai a mksws fond, ami disnosed of for the cotwmoA btarfit of all." It is quite refreshing to witness the unction, with which the lems?rcy of the eastern State annualy adopt sue-h rosolution aa th almvs. The resolution announce what every body know -' ollv borderinir unon tl'.a ludiirous. Vwoutd riketo-knowwhattheWetlern lsnd grabber care for such resolutions ns the almve. ri 0 wsivild also like to know whe'.hnr the North arolina Tbjmocrac y rxpect such a resolution lo top them in their designs. If they do, they hod '. . I well give up tho delusion at onee,-.T!ie Dc aiooraiy of Virginia hav tried the reoluiiuti plan frequently, but it does not answer. Haiti more Cotrtuint hav also tried, it but mant of tli em who swore to it at Baltimore fortit all about il the jievt day at Washington, Now if ttirriublle liwd'S t)iig"ht to b dhced of for tlio common beuc fit, we beg to enquire why it is not don. Why doe th VV'eet get ail tbe "land and ' th money. While w have only the glorious privi lege of enunciating liurrcn principle. I'emoc raey has now a full twing in th Whit Iluute and in Congress. If the above lie letoi:nitie doetrina, why la it not carried out f The rcsolu tltm ta-dectdedly fttmiy. Whatwmrld be thnnht ""' of any one who was awakened at night by bur glar carrying of hi properly, and should tell them in n'mild manner thnt they were doing wrong, and that the rights of property were sa cred? And yet the alsive resolution is all that Ihe Korth Carolina" l'emocracy have to ay to the counties host of speculators, and Inod-grali-bet who are applying f millions and million f 6f BfJf'ii'nf Ittfit 'TorscMlcttl ptrrTpisrs,- ffiid Wro are now rcioiciae over tho new field of enternn-e just opened to Uirnt by th expcn litnre of ten iinonsot money irora ui ireasurvT Jinn, .Voif, ' ;.. : Cot, Steven, in hi Motsaae to Hie Lc turft of Wwhingtou Territwrj iin Ihe'-ih of IVIr..., rtinry, states the utinilier ol -eea as 1,'J, in ha'iitaoU 4..UIAI. sine conaiimiahly iucraid. II assorts that Uie northern route for a railroad to the Pacific is alU'ia-tlicr practical. lc, oiol has no doubt that the surveya now in pr.)grcv.-iil tublith Ui practicability of the tool hern and other routes. As our commerce doubles hi sev en years. Got. Steven is of the opinion that roads should be built slmtiltnncou-lr to Snu Francisco and lo-ct's K.mnl, tb crmit l.arUirs nn Uie Pacific ; ni.J that Ih energies nf tb pco piawitniuc1 n a Government ran eonatito tionally fun, areadequat to buildinu three nr Imu road. 'I lie- great unuurtak lni;.. kowonr, . h thinks should be cent nilicd and ih nsornmale.1 by tb people themselves, " diid etery pn ject of gutarnincjiiruaa should u ujaouuiiuiiuuiouil. taaoa Ixist. -The lUleiiii Standard xpenda column bi prove that Gen. Dorkery was az iinst (lea. Jaekaon. Kolmdt dhubU it, that w ever heard of, and Gen. Iockery would Bnt brltnte to avow it. But Ih Standard adds, that General Dockery voted, in th legislature, in lmi'1, " to lent tien. Jackson oraxl it forth clonoos tictorr if New (Irlniis "and " to omisuro and piiniah him for tb mssns usml (n achwv that vii torv." The evidence adduced by the Standard to su-uin the glaringly fats assertion, ia, that lien. Dockery totiil against resolutions iiitrtictuigour Sanarnr ia Congres Vi tote for refunding the fin lmpied npiat Gen. Jarksna in I Ml by adre Hall. 1 low this eonld b "Indent Gen. Jackson credit," and " to cen-iir and punish him. I not tery apparent. But It 1 much ' so aa another position of th Standard, thai lb nl nf North Carolina, bt toting fir Ga. son, . aneqttrnriall and fully mlursed his cbaroater and auoduot a public sits." , , ruy. to. Tlia r oat (I (See Department, b altwrtising racenl proposal fiar carrying Ihe mails, hs Issued instructions which will probably riua tb diseontinuaiH of many off res in the rotiMrv. The ennlracter pat f' tervlng special oBm c mu4 b derived eteluaitelv fmm th net proereila of that office supplied, and If Ih proceeds fnll short of tb bid or agreement, lbs rtebeietn-v will ard t I mad up by Ih Dpanral, Noon, ..f enar, will enn tract to rarrvth mails lo snd from office whktb ar ant likely to pay fn- itiofiti Ther is a singular itir.lt ef l.-e. ticaiewringgntng nn at tbrs tim. It is Hurled gainst lio,lukerv that htutd sgiin-t"-r n beaotution. brmiirlit befiawonr Irf'-i-biiii c, in 2 aad lli item ia beaded " Otn. !,!,- rry agoinat Ilea. Ja' kai.a !" . Most ia Ihe w ril has th slecto-n M Got rrnor of North tarolma. aaWto dVi with ttea. Jacksnat Ua tutu ih untcrritlci ha4 lietter get th " Spun IUp- w to ask him if k ia a caud.il, bet,, they bring him up n tli ele.li. m.i nun tf"""l. ft M. t matr- w. HI" W held cn ve-sitli'm diirin lb t ret. ent waak, with a b-i!i"g liemnerai id ilot p!n -e, wbn aanwed that lbs Dcnocrelie ('.sitesima H I not iatnd bt lbir Itesolutlot to) le l-e il . pnr- It to Ih aitraaMin if Ih It I t 1 it lb IVlegate frnm Una I' notyf Itv o t toe llnatdutKat IttrvsalT drafted ill r, ' .--.e to thi treat wora, or was it iiiini h , i., .jcie-te il f people and to b renl in riery l alny no s t nali h tba tote id" thai partK ular sectn.n. 1 n i a imnortsnl matter, and s thuold bte to l Informad a pun it, Wt. w 11 le.i as !'( ,...,t 'Mr. Cats I-oo..t, 1. O. O. F.-Tl.e f I'ow.rr f ibtinm bat ,een r e' -ad (iff(, prv flf .iP (,, 1dg- T Voitb Carol.t. a f t the eri". y , . C ', t a', J T. f a, r. , P Mrrw., f It , t W, U"ik f4 I, tn-(, ssa rm tiraaxr ' urn i . J V if 4 jr --ft i i.tih II trpr'1"'!' t.li 4 mn ,'1, !, H. f m I.- , t drt-. ; ( km 14 ' a fits h rt ft, j f,

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