rreusuro wrrisiv r -- WILLIAM C. DOUB, . ' If Mid strtrt'y la advance, tw iiVifri LPr " lmm , , dollars and bfty , if psid witton iE artqliu ; and three dollar at the.sad of the ysssr. ., - - t i . . jrrr;rVfST? set xceedin ail tec tt III be Inserted sb tint fur ou dullar, and . tsnaty-Av ceoll fit Tch subsequent insertion. ,- fa gvle leaevu win n cnarpcu rupr tiasslly. Cuurtili-dersandJu.licialadMrtisenients 1 will knehargea 2i per cent higher thnu tlie above rats. A rsonsbl deduction .will. b nid to ths wb advertis hy tbt year. Jtonk Bad Job Friutirg done with neatness a despatch, ud o ccamaiodaling, terms. Lstters to the KJitor bum b posi.paiu. voltjme XLY. EALEIGH, NOBTH CAROLINA, : WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1854. NUMBER 22. F torn tho Kegister. . . , Tut Oaks, Behtii Co., Uy 20, " I. 0ai.h: In looking over the columns of the Fayettevill Observer, of Slaj lSth, I haye hum nfcHy turpriftl at the account given'in lhal journal iif the "Kubernatorial discussion," which tiM)k rilae between Gen. IXiekery audjir. r community since, induce us to believe there is Bragg in Fayettevilla, ou the 11th May. J a Tory great misapprehension of the resolutions Frost th Spirit f ih Ag. TIIF. WAKE COl'STT MF.F,TI0 " '- It will n ecn In another eulumn thaf "the frie;ids f' Kcfnrmatory measure , eonecring the liqaor traSe, h;3,(l puhlic meeting in tlii city no the lKth'inI., ani ptMed' i'ejokitiuns avow ing their wntinii'iita, ami the cora of .nctioa the; uliimld pursue ou tliio quest'un, at the pre sent juncture of affiirn. Several goiuVmen pre ent esprcrel themselves in oppustu:on, to the rxieition ussumej in the rerolutiuin ; and touh they did not -classify themselves with tuoee whu ! luMlcalleu Uie meeting yet desired to express their dissent to the movement-" They were heard respoctully and their arguments answered with due courtesy and consideration. The rcmurks of the sneiikers on t.his occasion, as "well as the conversation w have heard in the Mrl Mmun is ren irted by the Olwerver. to have adonted by this meetinz. Let us evaiuiuo them taaed the following language in that disensshm : liulti ... . - ii " Mr. 11. argued, that convention could not be . The Preamble simply declares that the rime had. Kven Mr. Cherry, who reported the rcso- in cur history has arrived fr taking, decisive iutinna at th Vhij Convention, would T"te union for nrwurine relief from the linuorecouree; Ja-'i.it-.Jjrj ierioti. thirt FivffvelttrcMve4 n:lver t'ri,irrf)ll(B-TAii.Tature' should pass .m wief J . 'i 1 friend," A:K; Ketryrfir,-irf-4rthe, Moorw rirnderif enactnretmt flirits removal;' K TKcS' - county, i which htriiifitnns meatus Mr, Uragg points were not attempted to be controverted,, used Mibstiintittlly the same language in relation ,,1 we presume, therefure, are nut-oliected to. to an, at Carthage, that he is rujjiencnted ns hay- 'flie first re4utio deolares " we will vote for ' jnjrdouein FayotlcviHe. Mr. kel.lj BlsojitfiirBji, candM.tta t,-MlJfa.:ttii.--wl.H ahall "wt " ""me, that Mr. Brags sitTHjlu lusp"eccli iii" Car- wta intoxicating drinks" nor will we vote for th. dial a-fci end "anil firmer auiinojctat of miaiv . any-one-wha nnuualiSeJ declare himself aik GENERAL COXFEKEXeE OF THE MET1KV PIS! . CHl'RCII SOtHl. :S-.'.- -. tub" bxk.tkw or istlora. On Fridaylas.t the General Conference pr Beetled to the eleetiOB.of Ibree Bishops. By re ference to the proceedings, - will be teen that IV. licnrga F. Fierce ef tic aL.wBfL ejected on the flrxt hal.t; Ir. Early, of irginia oil tlie fifth 1 and Mr. Kavanauh, of .Kontucky on the sereoth balltt. lr. Picri-e is justly regarded a" me of the m5t bil'lbnt pulpit Orators in the Church. He is. however, ul- well known to our readers to require a sketeh a, our Wxl - Pr. Early belongs to the o.J aclic-'l of Virginia geutlcinen. lie iBtjilVand pjrlly In peron, aud though past the prime of life, still enji.J unin terrupted heabh and much of the elastic vigo. of manhood. His full shock of snov white hair contrasts finely with iiis ruddy face, and oal black eye-lifovfsT His chief qualify is his energy. He has commanding business qualities, and will unquestionably tnuko an elScieut Suicriutiu Jent. imdieoee, hnt on sxcmtnt tsf the lateness of tha ! THE NEBRASKA BILL IMTOUTAXT FEA- liour, d"e!ined to address tli tweeting. , f . ' TFBFS A collection fur Mifsionarv purposes was thea I n'A t . v 1 ,' .,r t, ' ..ken and the meetin; .(jonrn. . W. learn LZL Zl Z x the amount raised iim mrf exceed ave nun- . ' n ... , 4 i. r . .7 droNkdlars.--,W.et-,Smweft - . I ' . mi ... .l1 . "' w w mtut and specu' tion, it may be well to repro duce them; with the role uf the Senato Uteram, as shown in the proceedings uf that body on the 2d of Matvh last. . TUE CAMPAItTX-ASD MR. BUAGG'S-fiJ- S1TI.OX PAST AXCrnESENT. Messrs: rVvkery and Braggate going en brisklv with tha fainrwtirn-and. from a IT a.(iiii werenisposca to think thClatter h f,$rndl ' ,r- W" moveu to amend by maertinC rll. I - ("fwta, 1 it nounng He rem eoatained ski tub lunula rorto. Clliotli! ITivines. The trusts of many winttn's bare aettleiwBtwi 'titsr fiead;. lull "kss Beesawu tie' lu tuU enjoyincnt ot ail lus lucutties, and ot robust health. . lie has a sound practical lotnu, aua ea- j' tHrconuiIcnci) ot tlieVhureu. oa bearing that I was in the Whig State Conven- verse to any further legislation for the mitiga- . . . .,; 1,-1 '-L ..J I .A - : ! . C .1 ,1. -lT..:- " twa WBlCft was UeIC in iwwiku m ninwr, mm ana surpiiru-si iu 01 wo mjuur iruunir. that I had reported the resolutions which the In passing such a resolution, we only aaert convention alopted, had become alarmed, and u,e prcrogaTive of "'Arnfrtrnn-tiecnicrK-ty demanded of me to know, if I wore a member of saying what principles and views a candidate tha next Legislature, would I vole to cnll a re- musl have to secure onr suffrages ; and at the trutied eonventioB to amend the oonstitutinn of same time trive effect and enemy to a " reiiuest" the State: that, in reply to the interrogatory of which politicians themselves had made, with re lay friend, I said, that 1 did uot regard the Whig gBr(l t,, treating. And certainly, no man is so platform as committing me to any jmch course, unreasonable as l. rx;.c.'t the friends of this aia'a1iultiIlBWlnlfSfuia void for any SuclTmov' uiov'eiiirnF tovoteTVir any malt who will avow aura. , V '4uqualijied opposition to any reform in this I will uaka a singlo remark, licfiro I prmeed I uiattcr". The lesolution is a fair aud reasonable - 4 notice fully this patched-up story, in relation --bvjiiii1 when viewed without prejudice, can to the UuU of a geutloiaan, who is canvas-ingthc But certainly lie objoctod to. - Mute of North Carolina for tin highest often in xhe thirtl resulution is but "a consequence tha gift of bar ncuJ: lie charges a political op-1 growing out uf an assumption in the tecoud, anil t; npon tirui'iorny in a mure prn bib win culls-rnr rro-spenMai r.'inai n: Tersatiun, which he alle-'ja w as new witn airicna The foitrth rouluiiun contemplates tha pro- pf that political opponent, with having changed curing of an vxprc swn of the viewaof ourcanr his aentiuients upoii' i question or Vital 1iiiHir- Jiijtra on the posrthiiis a-uiucd in these remit tance to his poHticat pairty. This is tha vhargn, luliiins rnii't"trai:1ily" iiiur which Mr. Braes: alleges against me, in a public caiinol vote fir any man who. in the first place. aueech, in a seotion of the State remote from that I declares liinwiilf hostile to tlie effurt now U'ing . r j i I. : f i L... . c .. I . . ... ... .... . i in wlucti 1 liv, aim in wim-ii no uui ivw in?' mails to iiiwiuuuinaiico auu aiaiiinue inc MisstDXARy Ki;Tixa on TirrasiiAT irrottT, Xlie-adjnurned Miniiinnrr meeting t-ik-place IiitetUalim?ta; according to sojournment. I he retrgioua exer- ises were conducted by l'r. Summers. Ir. H iring was introduced to the audience. ' ""iwintinceinrrirw "too. in the hcaringof scveriilgcntloiuunwhowcre Lii.igi- m tiractiee denrecated Hi -lmot every . . l ... i 1,-1 ' S .. " ' ,! man : and secondly, wo cannot vnte hit mm doubtless in the Convention last winter lu Ral- t and who hnird mo endorse, th: itrawjtst "if rmii every TewitultOTt whirl! Vailln.ti!anT-tt Whig State Convention :' And this grave charge mule amunstme. uikib the iirivateoouversation ol onaofuiy friends. If it leagneablctoMr.ltragg's taste, and his idea of Jhe civilities which rhiirac - toris imntlcmen. to make private conversations. ..at imiV thojubject of grate pditical -charges Uf pnlitical can. anuaat his opponeiiti), and to aei nim, m wnat j "Uaitiliir ' ami ' ll believe will pr.ifH t0 b-mir aburliva-fillurt tnriinngiTigTi jn forced who nvovi"s an ooriositinn to lejiihition tinon the iiior trnffic, in view of its niouiliLnlioTriio'W, aira its ultimate removal hereafter. This is the platf rin laid down-it is fair, reason. able and umlisguished. e have ao aponigies touflcr fur it it needs no further exiilanUon W intend to maintain it to the very letter : and didatri take the broad ground ot and '-1-uui his it ion ' ' a IUhW in- -the to cast our suf- m 1 his uolitii-al mles, n,4 of "rigid eonstrucUon. but uf ngunipposi. it ao easy a matter ' feat (lea. lloekery far O n-annor of tin State, then, f ,,ct fur such men as concur with us in soi all I have to say to him Is, that lie limy enjoy lot tcfninnn thismattcr. J lie persons we vote lor may receive 1.0SM or only 1KI v.itcs it matters no to us i we shall have' discharged our duly, view uf the hich resnoruuliilitv restinir oiwu us These are the views jrfol determinations of the Reform men in Wake bounty, and by the help (Jod wo intend to maintain them. And we would here mural y disclaim n :9tMlgirt 'twni ilI'cnnnif-rKgai'io-nTr man. or set ut men. l ncv are m-cmon, as on wsv, aud can respond aud act as tlmir judgment and e,,l,l,r,enrJXj.1'',:',p Lwl l-i2L ' "tTier i iT"ii7iTiiii ; but sliTiTT suiiTiTy clatui auiT eupy the position of freemen huving the right t cat"r sulfrsgns for such men as we may prefei It af should tie glad Uiutuur puKUtuu papsv. va,:,' copy these remarks, and also tlie prm-cci ingsoi our meeting, in order mat tue liojuuons uwed uia ue uun-i bum u mi. Lis heart s content, all the glory ho can earn in thai kind of nolitUal warf ire. 1-rhall not enter the list! with him. l'cihaps Mr. Bingg, finding n dotr his pol of r tioa, to all !uite interual imrovoineu, timiKs it a ery easy matter for others to follow his illua 7. Inoiii atniiterrrrrr::r.- uz Kjw, .Mr. (iab. I will pr lccej to answer the eharge wfatt-b tlie Favettmilla Observer mid Mr. tielly'l letter reiiort Mr. B.ngg aamakingagainat SWi s ,JI , Miuot v , " aligUteut racollectioa of ever having had aysnch euavwaation with any friend, in which I luive ut ter 1 any each sentiment as arsaUributed to Dto by Mr. Bragg i that, if any friend of mine, in any JL the firmer to be a little mora than a handful). Mr. Bragg nmcliow lias lieen uufurtunat Ut getting forward in public life, for notwitbstand jusVhehasauly been tkrrttuH't.t candidate he has been mV JtjiaUil, and now that lie is a Candi date f 'f tjovonior, be is destiuedoucejiinre tti lie IBni upon the .""ejf. ,.' Tho luck of tlie family runs with the. other branches. But it' is. S littln strange to us, that Mr. Bragg should V urged npon tlie people a an Internal Improvement man and as an original r ree ruilfraire man ( if he is , so urged 1. lpn si. becji one of the articlee.of the llemocralie ereed. HVrtl WllWflrwimtr W?kinof1 tffftrihal trri- pravemcnts fallsstruge!)' n ears of thosp who have been arttisfometl-tt) heating different aware from them. i . -. j-,-.-,-,-.-, "--Btrt since tbtrttak nf audacity the St.inJirS nasaareo to speax oi .vir. iimwg as a irieud to lutcruaX lmpr. ircmcnts, w iU.tuot (Vow- the Journal of the li'jose Commons. ' . In the Session uf 1842, a bill was lfre Uie IV IMFAUl iUllIMM ttkttll be Cmstrui-J to revive or pat ia fuece any (aw er regulatiorrwhich may liv existed prior to tha aot,of the 6iiMf41arch, 18211, either protecting, utaldiahing, pnihihilrBg. nr abolishing sluvery Mr. Wcller oalled tor til yaa and navs, and tha. amendment was adopted W tJo following -y Mi-ssrs, Atcliison, Ba.lger, Bell, Brnja- ibiii, imwiiieaii. It WlH hecen that. tiiirBmfmrlmmvt srss ncnsiLr tnile ta Mr. Soward and (SJeea other Northern lud-iunhwcalern-iici ' cuvtox AMxnaiirr. Mr. Clay-ton moved to amend by striking nut. Alulrad of Dr. H,,rwj It'emai lt. I feel esceediug embarrassment in attempting to address this audience, under the circumstan ces of the present vHsrasion. We have now been llcl to assemble lor religious rcrvioes in tins ouse, almost three consecutive weeks, and onr tiTrlrnrarrnnctmni mn. in view tit these laets, as also that an aur peal is turtle itiado and a collection raised bv one loiliiw me, 1 shall content mvseit with a liriei ketch of tho lieid of Missionary enterprise in which, during the-last four years, I haie been called to lalmr. in lie jaiuiccution of thii diigJT-i-iaiMO- .iritile that some statcuicnU lie made in relation tn I ':k)ifiriiin hi i i.ir.M,iu 1ilt' f Imt the mTrinsic chirrarrer of this mnstinttir- eM4tig ilcpartment-7f -eue-Mtssitmary work-may lelnlly understood and aunruciated, allow me to notice 1st, T e extent and character of our Ter ritory. The State of California is -bounded on the. rrcst frv tlie.liciliivQi'eanfriin north to siiulr; 'inruiif'"oiie" 'iTiousiu'iiT uulis. ami is. Iro'mJive to cvcu hundred miles in width, from east tu west. This great extent of country is aiugularly diver- i'li H ir,Ll illk-lin tha provision conWrkig th-tightof auftra; Tmnsfon aaTRaTeigh Kail Hoad Company , which tnii holding office, these words: " , Md Man eadiirtttJ by tin-Mate. . Aad tlniae who shaU bare Tdwilared oa oafh den tlie lull caiue up tor consideration "J r. tlieir intention to become audi, amf-whall have j.rairg moTci t;. amenn. uymserting ouiore tn taken nn oath lo suport the Constitution the I nited State nnd the provision of this act"7;;;0 'Bn,,,n,t So that it shall read As an agricultural country, it possesses very milch irAnlcr r..oiricj than has pclicrikHv bc,B supnosc-l. The proptrtinn of arable litnd far greater than was believed in the early settlement ol the country, while its productiveness is with out a TmrnHct; Tha orewentTttvin or mis tact ia re janted as if vital lintKirtauce toour Missionary nteresl on the i'acrlic, fromilte fact that such a state of things iBdieates-a permanent, rW eili- zenship -ana Trosicrns fonimnmty. amongst witom we may conudently iiofie w plant a sub stantial and enduring church interest. enacting claure, the follosfine preamble : Whereas, hinds hercfofore endorsed by virtue oi an act ot mo tjeneral Asscinlily. pasaed ln the I ''j-priii'-f. That the right nf snffrnio and year m , pv tlie rutihe t reasurer ot mi holding c.Hice shall be MorcUd only by eitiseni Mate, for the aVilmington aud Raleigh Rail Road of th 1' nited States " y Pntort,.. ,1. nn.n.......r l,IIUl ..H.I... .' '' . . L . i.f,,,... v..,t,w ,, 1Ile jeil THiiniayfTicing ihunnnded tiy Sir. Xow-wf k einphaticnllv, M aitt Mr. lira ia w;a eflWs'; Ihr t'urrtimit'l in the Himir u f Com niuiMlti lm t that e Hid il in nnirr CAW Ut pttrpli -mivAltte rho nu rwywaviufr riir Internal Iminwr- ptrnlt in wth Vuraliua. lis soy Mot h iliil. r(?s'l!iis IisiiiTike "ffieniliip to the Internal fmpmenients ofrlieyt'ateT : But oh I'll w as hot AXOTIIER LETTER FROM MR. ASHE. Wc find in the vYitaiintrton Herald of Friilav last, a letter from Mr. Ashe, jastifving hie attack upon Gen. Iiockery and furnishing wlittt h calls proof of the charge made by himself against Uon. lHs-kenr. Mr, Ashe's jus lilicotion of his attack w regard a a matter of no enhseqnence and omit, a we do not complain of hi inakinr rkaiyrt against Uea. IKiekery, but of hi making barge w hu h are not tntr. 11 is so-called proof of the charge, we publish a a matter of coarse we are unwilling to treat him or any one with th slightest injustice. . . :. . The charge were that Gen. Dockery Toted to lay on the table bill for the benefit of the tn trjland flibiigh and (saaton Rsilnimls. The eviilouce, Mr. Ashe says, is contained in the fol lowing; extract which be make from the Con gressional Olidm ".Mr. Penn from th Committee on th Post Office and Post Road, reported a bill for the re lict ot the .Memphis ami Charleston, or Mississip. li. n.i- t -ti.in II ri !J" w.,Hp5.' Tna-ea Hirer, the tWK Orleana. r."' ".'T M,M- .'". ;'!'. iaiilpclnMM and Ureat Weern lAJ!vuA ruui. uwis. iinmun. iiousum. ii,inttr j.inat i . . I Irtr stsmnv nt TsuhfSt,.: s-l . . XV .f ... - ' tl 1 " M""'-' iw-si'wieifSuiwsi rut. I'eUit. Trait. Si,,l,l. Sli.UII si.;.i, 1 . .. ' -.- i . I ;. ! 'StssasarHratajas urns c. : . t,'X "''.. tha. bill .rjad fr .exmi,ddtiiHBB, KUMw and cMlnwuaB-A. IVv.''i7,mJo2'f.;.A,'"lt S-.., k-'J Cbiigre, ui, SUth, Srd narx, mm tD and fjwf !C4ovie on Ji'iiilcrtid irtn. by tbe fayutcnt of six percent, on.rli t'nnoT The wui is aiapi in hs urovistons ana is a smpy ot "Of sSJJWi Jl'.iroltn the ntiior 2-1 ltV MlrTntabteifTiSj iraWiend Tv TSseit j lug th Raleighiuid (iaston Railroad lu North I tCaiydiiw, givmg xum fli aim (wivircgeM'are f vjnuvrrji'i oj iue niu upunproai now etnnraeed tn it." t'o7rs,iMi,iJ t;(,rf, ". 24. part 3, 1st Session, 32d lvng. page 2409 aiiil 472. . , Mr. Uoekrt virtcd to 1st nn tli e Inl !- Subsequently Mr. lSirker offered the following Seward, after debate, the amendment was adopted by the following vote : ' Tiva Messrs. Adams, Atchison, Badger, Bell, Benjamin, IJrodhcad, Brown, Butler, Clay, Clay ton, Dawson, lixon, Evans, FiUpatrick, Hous ton, Hunter, Johnson, Jones of Tennessee, Ma. son, Morton, Pratt, Sclautinn, and Slidell "X X iV4 Messrs. Lhasa, ltudge of . AVucoiuin, 11. .,!. of lows Iki.nrl.a t'...lnn Vi.k I.'.-., jmrtof the Deims-ratic creed ; and Mr. Rragg ;win, Haralia. Jon, of Iowa, Xorris, Petti. w,w not vaiiunaie lor umernar w, and "cir- Hcward, Shields, Smith, Stuart, Sot cumstanccs alter cases." Xow, we have no de ska iatiivja.istU4isrsWl on tlie contrary we snnulU regret exeeedinelv to think we had so dime. But the record ia before We propounded quostions through ourpa- Sumner Toucey, JiliMdiniarostiaa,siii.vklly.tiMiipMi before be commenced hi electioneering tour, and ) Seventeen Senator tsbitout aha dn'o vacahcy.' This ras in Cvmmittm of the Whole i and iCu the Ifiial vote was take in the Senate, the amend uHuii w-u. concurred in. by a-vule nf Si tu-1 '.'if; Mr. Iiswsonsitjljj afiirntauv and Mr.Uwin which he did not answer, we hare reiMMled-tWifl ,,f negiUve betng alwriL e to answer Uiem. 1 mr. un nanison substitute, adopto. i II ... 1 I'll 1 I - . - since, and given him ample till) (whivh of itself is proof of our desire nut to miss represent him) and vetthey remain unanswered. Auw, we will ask furthtr, was not Mr. Bragit inCounty-Lquu en linns in Northampton -in-lsU and '517 in Which Free Suffrage was winked at, and parWd 'OTer fir nileni-e T ' If so, why was it thus treated, when the Democratic ('nudidate for tiovornur had Biaile il hi hobby nnd riding it? And in this connexion w would like very much sLbv th House, is the bill passed by the Senate with the omission of the Cluvton amendment. - By ftie following clause it will be seen Uiftl the supervision of CniigrcfStrr rf iji allt-tbit Jtrri- toruit tutu, is uot to be allowed over the legisla tion of the new Territories y.- - .'"" ". . Mr. Doiulas moved to amend iiy strikiim out the proa isiuus giving to tlie tiovemor nf each of the prrsjiosed 1 erruone an absolate veto power ; Its mineral resources are inexhaustible. Since if Mr. lira- would rive us the dav. or even the nJ n'o provision requiring that th laws nuts T dust trar, when be became convinced in lu on- mis.; P"" ''T the Territorial Legislature shmild he euanrsatioa with me on the subject of the plat tuna which was adopted by tin Whig State t on V en tioa in Itslrich, umlorstissl me as rxprissing aaca eeatiments, In u bitally aud entirely uii-1 t Potyinvy. The New Y"tk Herald publishes taken. I a (otter from Mn. Mclind u.-!cn Pratt, one of I will atate, for the benent ot nr. uragg. with ,i,. .-,-ht wive of a distininiisheu jn-mner oi tlie tin hone that his sense of justice will inihi.sj him i-.-i, , .i.lnmrc. ad Irrs-sol to Ler-aiJXJ) '. -ssBretlnTifc'iwm,-fVW-fw uf XeSiua, IN. 11.,) in wlA ;! thalleolr fvr, a bill tn nil a ConivBii.rMfet defends l'olviiimy tiy the example of Abra mmtvilkt L'mtSMiu nftlu X'atr, provided I am ham, Isaac anddu'oiK and the holy men oiention alected a member of the next legislature ; and I tl jH ,),, Uible. The argument isu ingi'iiioos a Bos a eandidate for a sett in tbe Senate, w iib fair I ,.- ,,nra ,lniwn from the unit suuree. -and jiroaptvt of suss-oss! That.I ;andfirly andlWo.;4 lie ailuiw,wuigli t.i s4ti.fy .ilin eun.i qasnstr bu tne u.ucign i isunrin anoca hv i f in i ari, whose Tiarem contained not Ui M big state t unicntioe -. l nui i nave, at an liases, priiately and publicly, adrot-atcd it, be cause it met the approval ol my judgment. 1 tlnrafor. Mr. la alis, npisise an unqualified dtaial to the whole uf ibis miserable little atfair, the discovery of gold, official shipuien have shown a yield ol about forty millions per vnnuin. to whii-h, if wcadd Ihe uinoont exvortcd t i Kngl uid.tlrrniTiny, Knn'-e ami China. together w-ttu-Uutt bt.ju,lii, aA.tbw-Allniilic Slatffhy.Jifi- va'c crsotis, no have the stupendous sum of cigtiiy imllioiis, as tlie ftj:grettte yic!d ot tins prscion nintal. To the tiircifoing. I ald my stroiig I'.iiii iinin tint III!' ;.iil iniiti'i (if 1'iittV1 iovnia are not only ml exhausted, but will' eon .tiiiuo, witlioui- material' niintcmcnt during, nl leasj, the next half intury. Tlicr are no indi cations of failure. From the farts before stated, it will of necessity f..lw, ihat a a eHmmerciBl cvnntry, California TKiasesses extraordinaty ad vantages, tin this subject 1 will only remark that no city in the world can bonst a eouiinerc'tnl business equal to that of San Fraucisco, taking into account it recent dale. Our climate is, perhaps, without ajinrnUcl. as 'IB WHtjTta'ffeab'a pteiiiTu'es.'' ' " it ia wiposiulu that any climate can tie root l,C'.''liy. Si remarkable is this fact, that we are si ran the " That the provisions and benefits of this Act, o fiir as the same are applicable, lie -and--the same arSHierefiy extended to all Railroad Com panies in tlnHIuited States. . Provided the Road -of the company Bimjow in the course of einsTrTu now, or i;e uouimenced vitlun one year Irom tins date, vnngmtmnat Ulotf, Ztlh vol., part 1st Session, o2d Congress, pis. 24 1(1. . On the Monday following, the it ia found. ' The House then proceeded to the toanlar order ot business, being tbe motion to lay on tta.c table House bill Ao. 823, for the relief of the Memphis and Charleston or Tennessee, the Mis. sisnippi and Alabaraand Tennessee River, I tie U-osa, tho ew tirluau and Jackson, and new 0r1c;ius aiid.Upcloit.maui ched record that Kef Sitjfmf was rl-jhl. itui antiprnper and ought to be auutitutiun'tl. colon J jlnvl. A TTLOWAT THIS PT.F Hi OF "TITE "lJUTn. The Balt'morr Evening. Tim. iakins of the rcent verdict in New" York against John M. P.m- TcT; KfffTsTvT: . . The MbU-rv of Lerumnn in Xow York, of Iiis laves,hasbarillv lieen forgotten. Weliaretore- conl ajtotlier ea -c, mora d ingnjus in its fraturea and mors fatal in its consequences, A Virginia r.ditnr has been made an rvample nf, for daring lossithvt Inhlsopliilon th"B ivdcll Illustrations f Shakespeare" of whirh one Sismner of New York is proprietor, was a " humbug and iin'sxi- ion." For so expressing himself iq irginia. oha M. Daniel ha had awaidud against him les than two hondred wiies. The letter ix a cu- tbsiity, as exbililiig the aocial relations of the polvgamvst. Th lady says her husband has seven othsr wire, which ia a m.iderate number m 1ialp nf tli fuith. as Kiffdnn. the biirh trasnl Bltb a tier t io.iura that Her ting 1 nrirsn of Mornvwtwin, w Isslbv, has llnrtyix. nawwi, xicb, ujrserv, in in iiu'J" iot tioinrn- tl. r,i dren ol the eiiilit wives number iweniy- vr. Mr. Bragg must certainly be very "hard up" . The husliand sheaysisa"g-sd and virtuous Car asatcnal with which to nuiMwednn. Dix kfliy, wkcB k resorts to such little silrfu-s. a tlnse. Thar ou oilier reiiuesl wliTcli I ill make of Mr. Uragg. before 1 euncludc this Irtter ; and. aa mf pensuial relations wiib hue nave aiway Wee ftirndly atd sgrec.abie, 1 am sure it will nut faa him aulieodcd . He Mentions, la tlie same speech, lit naniaof Mr. Ihioa and a Mr. limes ia E-l-ni, who tola him he was right ia th p-xotina he bad luk a. Without aaving on word ia relation tn the views of these gcutlrmi a, I do most aiercifully Veaeeck Mr. Bragg, md to place m In the rate nry with eertain politicians in that good'y tn. , I io assar him that th bed of Proerus'e w .-uld In merry a a. 1 eoufluil ibis teller, Mr. Galea, hy srailv saving that lia. Iurkrry will. I think, get tin fall w liig strength of I hi oounty aa I a Jrm Jtmmrrmlt lsidf. 1 hop th hir press generally will be so kind a to publish this Isiler. 1 ears, truly, i ifl. 11. 1 II l.i.iil . ' Ptr or Tni rotf ?aTtwsyrr. Jamej Mowtr-imcry, the poet, breathed hit I i"t na fun stay afterassin, April i. at hi resiilenre. th Mownt. 81iAU, led H2, II presided at tin wmekly hnsed of lbs inflrmsry as late as Friday and walked Ivan viure than a Mil afterward, M-stmerv waa tm on tin 4th of Xovemlssr, 1771, at Irvine, ia Avraliir. Whea wily 12 nars old, Ik Istil afib hny' aimd was shnwa bv th prodas-lxn isl varsnM small poems. Titfm U hraUiHis cwild est him si lint from tli. fat of th poe. and he was sesil to earn bis braad aa asw)iit In a general suop le Ihirse4 f sr ether oerapati., and ene day Bat of with is. 6 . la his kct. to walk to , tn seek fun and fortune, lis met will ask disenursjsMoeuts, but erei rr.L and R Bally ss)spi.Ud It sul -W.lis kssw U- " Is of a ps-r, and a Is iHMirus.Hed f r rsruin rwl.ici"U hi-h in t n.t time, ssrn e..nid- aresl MTonssv. Ia IT'.',, be pulHirhel " I'ri-.n AmasnMiflis : la lsii it,( - tl. xii ; ia is ten Wtadrn ia Swit.crlsud i" in HiJ. " Th vss IbsImsi:" m4 ia Irl2. "Th world l-f e the to 4." By iJmm works lis olrf i.nJ il ea nf rvpufslw n h fca sib.ss enj'ivrd. This tBSsreablsi p. sse"hrd a wclUlesgrird literary assume ui a jr jr. "AaniryBI (is nuH T iv, I'ltriTlisiso. Cmtdrsl.l iiriirinMii w eii. in lln eit sf N s-w f srk lv lb pubii-tna of a rry tsmsigkl I'V lb I uiss,, ihai ih bsns Wine sW, awbiW irj frri:ltl-t W! Squslie, l-y lf. fisrr Iaw, had tolA. t pri,lrr, Bn-trr 11 isstai IsMsis of sns-ie. d lisd eM birrd a If ot lis nfli.h r"s. 1 , XT,, rl i. f . d- aa epnw to story of a r fB-h taitr, . is arlM4 l.y tl. (,. i n S'n .n iio.u. v BsVS IK4 ss ,flotiry at ll'C A.lm r,li- H fssss tts4 as s-H r,--w-i oi t'o- . . I 1 ! i J.rs i. I to-, i.i.. . U ttv slsvussnt. Al sd !. -.. t'. i M the f;.w,. ..j,' w ho h si tl t',oi i- tk Bfn tbe fieo. h el ws 111 ll Ml otppi II'". hivlnd.allthese niothcniand children area-iJcai ettiuk t bltMrf it! -!J f"Sil'T,I,.r:!J viiiaintMM-eand ansiMsiaiion i aud the midbcrs . ...i j i ,S yrilsiisr oy iwmmisi, ,, wwsr "c," eserinsesif but, patience, long -suffering and sistsrlr kindwess. Th husband, of wh,e af- fstSMi she i entitled tn lost one-eighth. I a practical teacher of muralsand religi in; apromo ler ij general education ; aid at present oecnpic" sn honorable .seal in lb l'islativ Conncil ol the Territory. She eoncludes he remarkable letter with the hope that nlightened legislation in every Stat will I so mndifted. and the customs' and conscience nf Individuals will be so altered, thai any I'tah gentleman, wiih more than ?be Christian numlr of wives, may 1 aide in anr tvart of th 1" nited Htsiei with his hsrem and enojecn. and enjoy as morh e. n- deration and honor as in e M no""- same manner as the patriarch JJ' b xrr.aH we been ret. led had he, with hi wives and ehildrsw, paid a viit to hi kindmd. We have . a i i . " I . lte:,r1 uiu.-n Ol ins - rmq limw r-rnins. that the period the lady refers tot lAfTtl FROM WOftlT. The great demand "f pstr outruns the snmdy of rag", "en ad.Iing those that are imported lor th KiBanfss-lur nf this ani, le. 1 lie iks lay lU.I a mum r Iss nrenarol from tli wml ol variosis tree. I ail except frmn two si.urces in F,nf land and in in France, and lhy aut pr-sdthing a auod sru.la,is hs ot tier ba J until now. n a h'iiiii th eve nf sueee.fiillv I r blue ing sueh, V havespseiianM. of r"" writing paper not as gmd a H Isssl, f me anuis hi w.ukAii up the ai iienal are n-d nnai mey win Iss ma I of lU fibers U hi. kory or lb enttoo uoidar. f while bine and of enne-brak. The msiensj iarnltrsi isf proper length. Ibeotreat- r-t wt'h litfute weld and atlnilie washe- le--; ea l-lisea fdlera, l4e.Ud. anTlhus p reared to les Worked Bp. If Bll'lev l alrfosnfs lb "Bllimat ils-ra" apear broken, as 'B-lime Iksptos frati aeing bo eeel meebai ileal ioeioe. eeif Ihev are ssB'le ti twoler l.y ,s grssl si rerm! I of nib aHd or alk ii. th is m.ew la faahy. TI.e- pereae, are msisilv ia lb hnds of ire tins! uii'newt Ir men. Tb siUn, eesf a pr l eal s, ienlifle ma al tlt mills wisldsitawh lime, esissnse, and lb aiortiBrwtoi) isT i -r menling to Jissover fiw-ls alreaily wll know to a, ieiMss, Indeeil. the strnfFles af aoanncessifu. irier.t.rs would le sll4l bsaeie in nuo.ll.er and In Iheir meUncbo'r resnlls. If Imentriri WumI'I al.v III gssieeal flfws of tin ar-soeea is sbx ileisita iliey generally are lb awl killed.. tint fr Amfi-nn. nw.-rs there to sickly seasons or anything of kiud, X" ""tc sejaon of tlie voir is more un- lioelthy than ann,licr. J he tcinpe ature, particii; Tarlviu the c Bt cuuir.'.isirodcrate ant rcmnra- slilv uniform il.r .u -hout the year. inter- stun iact. Unit tlie eshaunlion ol etrrngio si,a waste, of vigor, to wlii. li we are sulgject during the summer season in tbe Atlantis Males, at unknown in California. e know nu iliffcreuce n tins regard. Hiiclrunin the mountain regions, thisnnimers are hot, (cxi-ept lit bight, when it isalwsvscool,) and the winters col I U Ha asaw eomeUtiae vsa lar hiindretf TiitswniTToTnT.vri?rrr ys xaaire up ny vrarr- lornMiis. Aiiiericsiis, Milish, irtsii. uennans, I'reni-h. Cbinese. t'entrii and Smth Americans, and, in fact, almost every baiioo anil or tb heavens. Itiit.intnrs irigsa ilMsiB:istusmay lie. going to show the intrinsic value of California in it'sll isinsiifetyd, th gteat iuinirtsnrw of tfitsinis sion- anr arid, is found n its relative position. e regard ( alil-irma a a great moral pro onturr, reared by Owd him-ell. on which are to 1 called into trqu.siiiou the vast rcirres of the church for the nn 11 cosr-rsioB. vv e are lu-ni broii ilit into rotiticiiily with the rsoM. Start- ibc from Sa Franrwcoand running South, yosi yiai have line Ihouaand mil of inleresltng sHintrv, chiefly IrnpH-al ia climate, now tnbahil- M lv a mived rai-e nf enervated and wasting pesi pie. This whole rtmntry will Is thrown nisa I I'lMtes ant Christianity, Al that puinl jtenfral Ameriia) we find ou of lb mo-t inleris ii g i-ountrir on tb tx'olie. All ihe-e State or lie mill Irs am iimting and receiving Amcriran aslvewlure and nlwpnisi,, Msd must sm-a I iim the of missrr colerisrwe. Ilw- f..rs iisir nest licnerl t nfcreiir hso.u, tim will ha railed on f ir men to NK amjfti, to t 'oata R e, lb th shores of Miitsinito and l uislsa Thea the Sandwirk laland are ahead Ameri anii'sl, and mual (sen larcomenwra. I him and Ja'ain are also our rei?ble,ra. and ate now ujeu in nn raJt and luteeeailng fields. And let it rot le w.iiss, that th Atlantic and Pacific Kail Ibsad n'U I' built, and tb day is notdi-laiit alien y ir m;i " aries will go from this In iirt Film' l u in i J iv , aiol ll.eni e t I tuns an Uiin lu from irbieB to tweuty dayr. It M l I .BI Ui xti'l I irlll III won ol Hie, UrbO b lb aiiid uf UuiHB. IcrC. list., stittll aid weal, until rierv puni n ,f lb carlU sliall U I'.gbted up by the Irn, of saliati- n. ebiectioiia, tothr Hncc In which it shall haveor igiua'ed.who shall enter the objections at large on tlunr JoumaI,and pnicee 1 to reconsider itA if.af tersuch recmisidcration. two-thirds uf that House shall egi ce to pass the hill, it shall bo sent, t .gctlierj witnstne ntoecii'ins, ji tne other House, bv which it shall likewin In iwntmsidered and, if approved by l-.vrMliir.ls nf that House, il shall hecoiri a liw ; but in all such rases the rote nf both House shall be determined by yeas and fimaprs to the nmnunfof eicht thousand dplLart.J n.v,i and the names of the persorts..yotitis for Tremble ye Editora of Virginia, ifym dare ex- od against tha lull shall In entered un the ae4lKHsnij,liif ls.i-rrism.-aiHl hnmlssj- Journal of each lloue rsivaivlyr Hany bill erynf New York publications. They have n it "hall not he returned by the liornmor within onlyroblsMl yoo of vour pnqierty, but now any. throe slays (Sunday excepted) afiir it shall lliot they will curb me rilit i,r stieech in i upie I nave oeeii prr.eniri m nim. un same snau oe a ia. .The. pits uf Uie-Uhlikimiuiisn, 4a.to-l gwr-1 law ia lik 4 ifkn hd signed h, ante ged by damages awarded in Xew Vurk ly ahoh 1 Aseeiulily. by B'Jouruincnt, prevent lU ra tion iunes. i . I turn, la wim n ease it sball nut be a law. Tbi, in onr opinion, is the greatest and gros. I mndmBI waa agreed to. est h'dignilv eier offered to tbe free press uf this ooontrv. It liovild In passed anaind. Th of Richmond shovhl ring it ia th ears nf the people of that Stat, and awake them to this bold attempt tn place them in a tate nf mental suhjivtion. The niawiv and principal of tb ver bs. hl'h wa I 1-m a,'. I I a I r I.e. 1 I;'- IH,T or yet emioeet di.tf l.. wld. V-.lti.til e, 1 i Al tii. ln i I nh I!v. I; 'St NsVos! Th'n I St b leaolew M I'se'B? o'ae-l. BSiJajaday. I he it-HI. i-n (4ti.HI lurs-sy I s , P lie bad lee ,., sears S , . an enne-'i n, and w'l i'e.t i tr him V in tb' -uoti a tbe ,B-iset I'ot 'b-l . If Melh-elisl t -'.,! e I, ,U , J its "- i" re i 1 - I i. ... isa iak uf Biauor sut 14. Il wnnld rii ma grtait pbsaaur to reennnj to ill ewll ItiS'te Bsn SB Una Beetling, in a epess-h of half BO hour nf lo.sre, if ein aslBres SillnlHed I tiave see Csliforw, nd eiardinlly every word that baa been ailaarssl by (f , Ib-riag. I hair tent, lie I in I 'a! if x-tn a f itesei a y mher as a a in tin saai of lime. Il is tin Inesa eratntrr I eves saw. Hon I has surveyed her masreiBcent I, her apiei-d.d river, kef proline mining rssrion. and i rsHatsna ts basses as her parte A lis Bos Id. 1 Ban, slnest inelil-ssj to wish I w yoang ;. I deelarc unto yoa llut I SIB aill.es B. so In t aj-f -eeia. Iher submitted tn Congress, nnd it disnpproveil shmild be nnn an void j aud to insert in ben of them the f .llowii.g t . Every Jbill.w li'cli s'uall.Live p-iawjil the Cuun. ciland llonsrnf Uepresentatiieaof the said Ter ritory, rhall, befin itheeome a law, beprescnted to tbe Coventor the TiTritorv; Ifhespirove, t"e WH.H Ut jtfl ll Ml If Uo, tie el.a'HTfnirn If.'willilii Mr, Pockory voted in the affirmative. VungrruiuHut OMh; ja4th yol., part 3d, I.80, 31 't Congjiatre 2172, ; -IFla f a-totintr ibr The Wa1ie-wr fHiaTHioiigli not for Mr. Akf, tliat he her give reference, fur his slntementm- - Wo turn to page 2409, and find Mr. Tcnn's re port and Mr. Venable's amendment as stated, and on page 2r"J we find the yea and nay re corded on the motion to lay the Bill h'.e 0 eseafiti on lw Inl J, and tusli ad of Cwieral liis-kery voting for it, as Mr. Ashe saya, ire 'aif at Ttrnriltii tiyninH il t ' . T .. Mr. Iarker-(hen offered the amcmlmrnt as stated by Mr, Abe, hut the morning hour had rxuirra and no turtiicr action waa bad on the Hill until Monday followiuii when on naze 2472. Mr. Penn'a Hill, not Ike timrnJmrntt in J'ntur if fas It. ( U. aasi till uihrr l-uiwt'is, was token up and laid on the table. So that, a w hare before lnei,Ceyi, rtockery tievrrxtint- Tote to lay upon the table either a Central or a Raleigh Mid tlnap.n Railroad Bill. And that tin station ei.t is oorrect, we ill show by. lb Bulimiraiaf tin tslolas aud lay-it's. 4As'4 reremaost I , ta any on who aiay deaira it I. H. la this moraiug' hmrnnl. we find aa art id npon the subject of Mr. Ahe' first letter wboaa- ntiastatcment aa to tln. tsoefcery s Votes we so thoroughly exioedome liniesinue. Tlie urnal doe ma attempt to eastata Mr. Asli s statement as to I lie in, but make some very un worthy insinuations ae to Messrs. Badger and .Manguui, which W shall ncttr in our next. 'lyrfrriHe Uhnmr. WAKECOINTY. Pnr-usn to prci-ms m.t'o e. a ,.r: rit-r-Mis t V. a'se i-..uory i,:-s; st 1 in Kaleiyh. on tl 1 - h sn-t.. tot . I.. emiin wUat sn-; s j,r ,, rv t.. 1. rcfuroiaiorv m,-.i-...ii.-wl,,-ii,. ,io:i-, out the Mate, reintite t. a iiou; ;,1-,,.n . of intcuimiiie in the Ui, t. 1 ,n liM ' Kcnnon, 1U waseWent Krvrmin -1 ing ; and A. M, tiortortn n: ; - o,-, ,! , , . At the request i.f the Ci.ji. .,.,, ti.t explained the '!ct of the mtetii.g 10 tinea remarks, onmluiling .T n,, ,, cmmitteeof five l apfstiotc. h, i'.r tums tor the action of tli.s uiectiog. lie r. lo tion was adnrgtit and Messrs. A. M. fi.-rman, U. T. Blake. Xeciham Prfif.iS. II. V hunker ami S, II. Young were appointed said Coiumiiti-e. Alter the Committee had retiied, Mr. J. Q. PcCnrteret entertained the meeting with some appropriate and enc mraging remarks. The Committee returned and iuhiuiitcd tlie tillowing Preamble and Resolutions, vii: WntarAS, the time hna arrived in tir S :iie history which rails for decisive action in umnjA iqaw procure rotict irons ineevils c-t iot.':uri-r-. anee in all its phase, we a portion of tlie-citiz. ns of Wake county, in public meeting aawmhlcd, do hereby declare it as our opiuinuv lliat our State legislature Mi'Biia pft aomer wise anil nrui ent euBctments, fur th removal of the a. re ciils un der which w groaoaociully, morally and polit- ,j, niiainK irycw ute peruicioua uouor uumc. Therefore, ,' " fwsmiVT'hat we-will vote for no man. irres- psx-tivirof mrtv, who- irtialKhiiusclf. treat to in- ," bir:oitingdriuks,or iirncoi-iilh4jeili.iic thmucli any other poou...arfM4i. wetisisiir-sn8raee lor any -canilidato who iinqHalittevllyNte.-Ur,. LUuwilf ,4,iJi.sstb oav mi W WUun iT vi, - . itdtlMttim'Mtl --MpprtatiiM-'tif the evils i.f tlC-" liHUui tSic. , . . ... ;., . t ..,.,, Mr"ffrit lliat we toil vote for any aian, irrcs- pOLUa.u. parly, who milL ptomptly aud openly rcluse to treat with anient spirits ; m prefnrenco tu iiy linn who shall enria.in it. . . . jifKtHmt. ihat tbe V hairtuan ami Secrctarv of fliiaCuuvuntiua he-aprsilniail toreMtA,llviui4e- rocaiu tnecaiidid.itesiortliet'i;isiatiiiciu akc ouiuitjy aa to -their .situin- ua tho IMi.ninbrAr. mcasureseiiitirai-cd in theatu've lo solutions m; I to aesnre all'sui h, that wo will vote for no nan who declare himself hoi. tile to the saiim. and opposed to legislation irnon the liquor trult c, in view of its hioditicotion now, and ultimate n-mo- val horeallor, v liwUc-d, That when tliikjncclin adjourns, it w to meet at I noiupwuabire, 11) (httiiof tuvnl- crn psvHin of Wake cuiiut-y, on tlie second S.u- uru iy in une. Aim mruiur, tnat a rnunty v,n veution be hi td of tbe friends of tliis Reform, at ltrtlcigli,jc-rtsrt4pr..icbiiig 4th of .luly j tin-l that the seven.) Districts uf the county be requ. -a eil to aipoint delegates toattend the snme. The resoluliijns were fieHy ili.s:u? si-.l, pom i f the sieakers arguing the propriety an I n.,v---.s'w-14 if the adoption of such dciernik iti . ns ol ti.., friends of the enterprise ; and others- cso..-.-...-their views of their impropriety ; and ..t t:,.-t-'rious intlurncci they bclicveii would gr-fw of them. , The resolutions, however, wore ml p i-.l l.v a Ittrire niaimitv 1 and then tlih I'-mventi.-n i.-i- Jowrwrrl:" rf ft.-aXC'K'KXXtJXIXr, ;'. A. ?1. UOttS IV, v, .'-J. -; : Tin following 1 the rote of tb Seaal apoa tlie passage of the billy Ys s. Messrs. Adams, Atchison, Badger, Bayard, Ueniantui, Umdbead, Hrowa, ilutbsr, Cass, Clav, las -on, Dilon, podg", of lows, ouglB, r.viu.s, lUpatriek, tleyer, (twin, llnn- diet are monstrous. Ibnr do ti ni.r. hanis of tor, Johns., J..e, f owa. J.mes of Teimeee, ViryriB Itfca, hi'fB.;iteisnl nf tbe fjenimnn 7 llow my rwousBiida or d. Mars aro tliey prejairej to contribute in the way of trad to Aw Vork, thus atinbling her abolition iiiPurne, mnrlf Btrtmg by Aasiera fnttrmnnfff, to mh out eitixrns and break down our pre J j tVs who prate so gli'-ly about only on kind of "in. termt," the "interests" of dry gisl and groce ri TB Xew f Gtk, renieinl thaf Ttir Tsa greater "intorwst" tb luinssia l later! uftbeRoutlu Tin gralual enrsvl ment a sm the S.ilh by these Xew Vork gormsn l rcra sill Maann, Miirpin, Norris. IVtlt, rrait. Rusk, Se- I ttlan.- ttliletds; SIHefl.- Jtluart'Tfoirosoh" of Xew Jersey. Toucey, V'eller, and -n illiams Cj. Navs Mssras. UelL Chase, Il slje uf Wsaom. eta, f easesiden, risb, r.iaHe, llanilin Houston, Jam, Seward, Smith Muianer, Vt !, aad alkr 1..- Tea Senator alarm t and on Vacancy Mr. Cralfrry ilot llilaif an I ulber rmtnenl Baturalists In France, are beginning to turn their serioa attrullun to th arch mat ion nrrioineslU svetituslly nilivert an "'interei,M tbe piudwlsnl cation uf ahrmals whirl) bat hitherto lieen bdal whiehnow fnulb weabh id" the eonarry I , anknowa to l'.nnrt.or known only aa ..binds When will tin j.le of the South tcticnlly Uf s. ssniiM or Ml curiosity. . Wltlun lb laid carry out lb d.s-lrines of fin M. iiij hi aad Charleston Couvenli-af WLa they la tsd bsarty earn! pal their ah. I lee to lb whirl in th graal rturt I Cumanrrinl ln4Bandain t n by wail tor turn a pur a a llH lM aibsetia tn gag 1 he South! a Km, to.arvu, lL.r d- b-r- mtnatMiB 7 T.I MOIIED Kt.l'.f.l.l.Kl.V IN CI HA. Tb Wastklotrbia tvirresqswtdwtl of tha Kew Vi-rk Dsilv 7ssrav uader data f Mar aVtlh. slnla Ihat inter from llavaatn had is-t r i-ciic) In W .,ington, iinli sting that tkr l,luH f 1'uh It mi pmrnt bsae atmntnit mmnl tlftkmi nl rwJnllnm. Th SjSMiiftt yasieilstb. whose biy.Jty ha lca h.lharVi ll . lisrf sll aneeof Sieiiih ejt,hiin in Col, are, H Is aat, aspialty with II Cieole,, ciuol ,'oiig a,i, disaffeetae). I sir England and Freni inisr pusa, it i ll wl li e, will Irfi a mnsresrf.il tevil ill n In Hie 1-1 Ai d, an I li e un ii.ost oB ,f anio s'!..n will I sprrdilj piixsated Id li s I . n. TTi rrrfionnc!ii sa 11. si lbs A.li i-o-KlTMim art Ws'tiinfOsB f miT for -this rjnea lion, and ha sluasid 1 1 enrpri.l at Ha pr. srotati. n to ;s.r jrr eiil loigitss, an I etsa ua ring t'oe j.rr -ei.t ,..!., W gii l!.e rumors as mm ea, never re dacting lb aiBteauwats "f V Bsh'.ngtoei etrre svaaailasBIa cat X. V, fssp'. wlis. allBssurh tt ef ' kis-w evary thing, are null fuliil.l , Mid liald, lik other a.en, to frfeasietsl miatate. Caba, ea; I illy, hi th close 11 a st ie, of bIsbsbbI fabls. sa that It as altswaat ImraBstMr to liB iw tlis real stole of fads in that InuyrHbig lahttid. If rsnn-.a b.s.1 if truth wie fired olfat th Morn, H hiM rrda'ily turn lnn a II f Uh first a;, Host Wfe it rA half as.l esee iba fiulf Stream. Jsanii!ess, Stury of Hi BsrrveeeAde,,) is! II fiear may iey. fittrot.ly d t4 Brians frwai the b'nnders wto which b-tlerwnlers s.e.e. .i-a fail, and month they hate rvresrssl iheia for the Jardin t-a llantn. al Pari, a attsibrr of Vsks fnira I bin . aa an una! w he-h llntl as say "is mor rrr-i.is It.sn all lb gd. 4 h ew vloild. ' n Thils-I and Cliin this an'.niil serve as a aura, an asa, a euw, and a sheep; ha b-sar hnsr ly biirlnsis, draws Isrgs loads, upd.e ficsh winch lsxee!letit,snd liairw hb-h ran I wrought into w iria elotliea. To natural:, him therefore, in Kun ps won! I Is an iminena servies to man kind I and a he bears eold bravrly the Kreneh nalnraliata l ai everv ln.p that l ey willlsl le lodo sn though. I V lin war, th lii Lord lHr by maki the sllemid and faile-l. Snan I'blnea hate bcea bnsnghi uvry to attend tbe Vsks. fci'lTltrtsr ti l.. u Lis 1 Art ivis The eit iretis ef Cntiet'len rsmnte. Ark., hate re- ermly lieen tan a rt, ite. srsiH-t a de.perate gang if 1 u'lsv, in that ts-uatt, awl a lew I'sva ag an sflisy r(i-ie,t in a hull a IV. I'cnltl, aoooll-lsn t.f J, Ala la, I i f of the alieLi-l off",. dsrs wsa alvd bs. by H, P. TsHev, in IB !f lr- frnre, S .a after a Bices. leg isf isne hiioJi e.1 sit trrw tik plsce. nd pnirrisdrd to His k.sase is Alo's to leir h down, lot deals'.! Ihismgh lln entreat i i f bis rsniilr, al.o tr hii'ssmI l- leave tb riM.hfy, TlV Bel autjaeNiU, nllr Infioed lb4 ti leuse would laaMAnsted lbs neat dav if tbev did Bsd lesir. A pybli ntasinr was then liebl, an t n a liiti na adopted a.difjing Al e's to les the i.eilly I'V the I -Ith io.lanl, and tn ing nitu Bihers nolil tin I it It to leave, or tin abni lb e.lie.'.eiirM. TfcUUIBIrliimAMA. The Parlscorresnondent of the Xew York r'isw- writing under date of tin 1st lost, giiea ih fol, lowing account uf a terrifle drama, which was then in nrogresi in the vicinity of Lyons; Two worn mnred In bnrrr? a writ were or cr- whelowit by the caving in of lite earth and stones. On waa killed and lite other was tightly shut np unnarme.1, witn tin corpse, ihis was at the depth uf fifty foot. Tw day passed bvf.ir a knowiedxeul bis sitaaluift was obtained, II was thea m en that it waa imnoMibl to recw Um sarvivnt by tin removal of the earth above him. the slightest derangement would destroy the cniiilibnuia into whii h chain had throw 0 th snrstrinmmbent inns, and bury forever the lin f.iniiTbiie'vicHm. Means wei Totiiid, huwcier, to pass hint sdeb Ttqui.la as phv an ians, sninuuuiml from Lyons, would allow him total. Tlnw.uk of steliveranre then enmmeneed, and ha been rung' on, thus far in rain, frfrntrf rn W.iyt sf ftmrtfn night: Twa shsfis ha been sank, starting at a riistanre and arming nmlcr the spot where he is imprisoned. Thee were to l aie neea aninpTird flay bufore yesterday evening, a' r.CU wm tbon to In rnVcled. Straiig to aar, th prison's, lbiuh h cannot nv ve. sleep at aighl. The corpse of his felluw-lnlsirer press Ulsm biia, and uecnitsaitlofi t fir ad taocwil, and yet he does ma) enmplnin of the lu.r- rililsBeirhborhon,!. H i mind would serin some what staasun by hie protoasrd eonfineiaent, for he will only speak to one lenoa the captain of tli cm-pe of engine working at hi reh-aji. Tt rued wbtsh naase bv Ihe Been i f the calamity bae bet a elusrd to ail veiiii-lra, sut it is tetrad that lb nimbi uf tiBBiy wheels suight bring do uimsb hna th frail interlaced wruelur of rs I, above twin. Th t.Biprsss basilirmeaf the Chain Iwrlain of Ui Palas to keep her informed fr n dy to day of lh perigee sa ,f li matsu. and bae oriiei ed a trlrgraphie Uisj.slih when the d.-lner- I oaby BsM-ef, - - IiESTRft'TliiS IIF TMB Vlli:U.INil I KilMil'.. -Tht-aris. -f -ss-bhdt -lereirrshic .... have lieen pulilislicb ia spoken uf ut l.-u,;iii l.y the Whi-eling Intelligencer: "During the CireniM.n of yo-.ter.tay a V: !. storm of wind prevailed, which toward 10.011 in creased lu almost a hurricane, along tl.11 valh-y of the rivi-r, brc:ikin?ji vessels at tio-ir nioormrs ntnl cansiri; great iii'viisitvtt:,.ri. A liut H o . i .. K we walked lip Inwards the Suspension tin.!,:.-, and went np-.ll it, rntciifliug totnse a walk a.-.ro s it for pbsure, as we lone frequently d'-nc. c-.i- ; joytnglhe cssil breeso Olid the un. In luting ni-.fi. m ol Itio bridge tie iitsi-oveic-l tint one ot the guys, or small iron cables cKt.-ii-iini; li-.-ia 1,.. isiring to the waft ne:,r the l.-i-e ot itoi ca-i. mttnent, was brol.cn fis.m us l.i.inii.;. si. 1 severnl of the kt-.nrs vvrco.-h.-d ui ir. A' -. :. hundred ynids .blither cu ic s.ii ih.it. .0 uo-i ly one, ol the sostrntrii-rt tu wl.i ii t; c tu awuug was brokcu. Then' ecru but sli. i.t ilu.o- agea, but a we ha t never l.i-l -re seen 11, hi -,-t, siLtiltd.evia.to l.hia jxUii.l-Lv ai.J tu u- bepin to way ylolcntlv, ve Ihoiij iit it pm hnt. to retrace our stesi. M r had leeu 1 11 the tl.s.r- mg only two minutes and was on Mum street when we saw p ersoni runuln toward the river bank ! we Ml, .writ just m i.mc to see ine wh- la structure of cnl-lc and fl. siring heaving nn I lulling with tremendous force. "Au tin cables except Iwe on the ninth s -i are torn from the towers, tin the sotuh s..h- nil the fables except one small 01.0 are torn tr. m tlieir aoi-borne in the heavy nia-onry on M ini' street, ami wuh such violc- were tbr jerke t from this piece ol in:isonry thiitonc stone w.;,ti. in nteurt hlituu iiuudii.,1 o..uuoa na.-i tliluo a, distance of sonn feet. The lurse iron g-ite at this and nf th bridge was sliiveie.l to at.. ins. :n,-t the. .tol.l-lv'mse. ynTtii.tctflly .itcnvitilir.d. the t. kceer nuking a narrow e-ciq-e ith Ins hi,-. hi th Island, at the west end i f the I n .!, .-, n earn that but om cable btose fr.Hii 1- soih-.r- age. The rnlire w,hh work lies 111 tt-sss ,ti t nn-i on Ihe shores. Tire cal.h'S al-o sir-t!i B- r-.ss Ihe river, SHnk to the ts-ttora. Silnraitsi an discover, only two of the rabies eunpted iisuu- cr. and that on the nutM-lc of the p. tiers, the rest of the breakage being at thur cminvi'-u ith the aniliors, ."The 6 saiuu aa il stiurk the v.ir.T n 1,. - ken iutolurua si-uliua. and bai iu1;U su.is il river, ynbroly blockading the -h.-ittnvt , r u-. in Last evening tint portion acr.. th i lni ! i cutaway and retooled by the sieano-r '1 ; ... s fa an, au Unit the channel is nuw I.n- t r 1 n patrao uf boo-a. - " e caiinol rsiimate tot 111 -m.vcioi o. e 1 n ill Le caused tu trade and Irani sml li.i 1 . i transit by Ihe I ss nf this bridge, li is one f Ihe heavicstcalaiii dies n hii h has sier t,,;! n. n .i r city 1 but we Is Ik vb tbe enterprise aud j nl lie spirit id our ctu. na will riqaiu the l's as . n dily as any coiMitmiiity ciil.l p.oi.!y d. 'I - n- suary fi-rry IswU bae le 11 ptoioie I. aiol ilo-.r plat so will avion be upphi by tl lst Usiia which can I procore-i, lor Inriher anar. mo menta w lsk h'ie(ully to Ihe fntnie." a svl.l t,eHtaial alif,aniav I bail litateHCL-t with th power 4 darknr. tbr, I w.ld ess.se esen- . IU 1 hevsi B.I.I grsssil'sUbarnia b, aa b.d t h in th y-ber. InSBM seb Sj I Wl'lasV .m th.a aotr iwt St tl r-t.l t-1,1. 1st SS f.liser SSeasesU rl a.sv I pnq-et f- a sn b g ve vu my view la inwia t. I 1' rw', sn yrewt r rti. I a a en . 1,1!; l.-sl IT finer has i I ih.aeiei.irg lis has p. P-o b'.i 'V e,,h,fed tl. r s ,v, reea slid tt laieaia t1 l al-lo'iia. I f, .e I . I" en f Baa thea 11 r l b- ll.t tera lo otrfstn I nt, whi. Il test! e then to eot-sr ervl,i.r lesiil.g Bs sn sr i,ln. wliiefi lod. Is,r lo 1 even Bvo vsl!.1 t. .ibeB a-Sjimee.- lltsB S.Olhm fsral MB tl'Hl. Iif . 1'f-fmt. s, W.istVsTawrtsisi I 'ivti.. Thetlea, i'nanmllle B snl.te. by lb V, orhl's Temr aar C.B.teBtion. held al Sew Y"h la rVrptes be lia-t, bar rubl.alrfd a pamidilst rsmiaining tin j (las pre, -ee.li ra ,-f their rsl meetinf, and atot a reu Bt lo lb peoj.'BM U-a I nlled riasea, 1 lp Itah Prnliiees; sol f .rrifa Bs'l .lis. 1 hey rr ai assaeo.'al Is Ihe frin.ls sf 1emraM tn sr-y trl nf Inn w.e1-l a bnlsl S'lnslisneosw m el.ra sn th tee nd Tuesslay ia Jiti,Bt, Mraara. nrss, F-ar'T i"e 'srd dnl, t!e-,d P I I tare 1 hill h Bill lid K s i ti, jb, j Veh-elst l,sr, I Fi er t'.eet lt -Tl e V k Pnl Mil lb oriti ('aml'iia -aain.( baie tol l l.y Cssss sale lai irais ,d Ibeir e-, t-rf ot to the i'tnr !. Il o I ' -n-l ai t i,l II, a 1 ,. b-,-1-.b 1- s s,. a n- ai Paitialr, five avtlar r.j lu thai . I ' i-i 1.-41 ..If t T It. , l faf"? H Ut t ft i r-l ft' . QfleSTltlXii 1U UK ia.'L. I'D. Tb demirratle lepers seeiw Is hv a ryewl fuSMlnisa bar rwerbising laa. lHrkrr, an, w prssaiiHt. tliey can have at sethni etoeetrsa ff ib Whig baper tnl Mr. Hrag throrrh ea teebet lent run ran. 'e will taks tl lits-IH isf rmsnuundirg a few rttarrtes, sa)u of which have hern asked bef.e; Imlws see f ren In emf sa w 4o pi expert Batraicbt b.rwsrd answer, 1'lw drmortacy aie very fsul at mIiii, but rather U"V at am, riiu-ooi, lions. H sbsuld bkn to knesr wbe'hrr Mr, Bragg was not oiaj-u I to Ins, SuCia- ta'isf II be n-d, Uiar.abir, bareW.I a least tenet all ,pii-c! infernal imurot ajieti's f i it fhink lluii, s lb t.rts-i.1 Ime, ' a just rrgsnl for th iuteraal sf lb pcopht II (in ea, (u.,1 h anrsB and reaottri-es sl tli State will BsuHently a b s" U,e Slate luaol ia to rotoU.-to-a ut I f t'eeleal Kaili.atd and it a ealeiwioa l.asi and W e-l f la hs ia fn.rf id any ,.l,- soiaaetox ou to lln emxtnuti.'B lhasi I'rre siilT.sge f Was a in tat vf ralil big lln anwadnteaiu to the t'.r siifniiust, aa a-l (S.d by ti l.."iiii" in I slf If I, en. Ikakery ierelas Mr. Ibsj .o maeh b answer ad ibea s,ueaii.ns, thsw rtn rf Im uraas eaa spa Ibr base. f tn i t.mifitf. ., a. - - r.lfllll Fsalsv Mr. Was. II. Iweiisg. ia an.t.ar uf prirt iambs in Ntl lk. wnaenlted St bv a Beiei,ati, ta VI r4,e-ia. u in-)t bt of I 4 kr ttt laid a I,. li load jit eo.se .P.e n i B li e is.lr wis f,. N. nk lieisil Bed se l. .i i fv lii 141 il s,iBiit . ilit. art i, is j fc.,-1 lie . f a's Ml leilisf 1 1 efs, .(,-, ...,(,. t I,, -, r k, I... -a .4 be, v o-!, au 1 il-i ir o-! i'i, la, I, a. ,l-4,.,a It.e ltera--t l.t I'l.S ta I.--I ih , a ,i ( M,4 ln U I whi. U. i t i I ,. i 1 . t r w, - Il-tiir I IT ? If Ihe IViM'H'rni- ; t? nn !i r liitmtU liiipntVf tiifiil w-'u ih if p trtf -.r-n- nfHild ni'' lh Pin triit, h'w m it Uta (i v I.t t'fi ii - f f'Mwrll .irfr, ( i o I ! .tilt ii Oi" lLt?ti'' in'-' tU X rlli ( .- (ikui lU.I I li:, hik. I'iini t ! i t. 'm r- l."r, 1 h . lii ive, ift npfMB, t, uv .Nuf iU f ut. -lin I.Ril lE'tntl t; II, ftR. v h ! . ui ,.!t i -lie tisclif Kth ( rti'i hi nriH ujn.-fij mi !. r t f Aii jf f-v f . i.c-.-. I.iHirti"n li. t ! It, f fjti-al, 1 1 -at Mf. ttr.i - i I r'w ii n . n4 Ur, liiTti'; Iftkii up ; in i t t m- r , Ih yut 4 pt i i v t I h, I- r . t. ti J UtV I Vm ! il f ! U tl, ,t i - .t luinriiftl u p K-t;M rjl 1 t iii ' ri t 1 - r !i mi tr ir1 ttt liuine hy l.t r u!',n. 1 i I i In tl rK r.i U-:it tt-M It,' ! 1 -- - 1 4. Llf U iiW..itu tiiJ - j i" u t . . h iir fr m I nuixn j I.tJIMi 111 t ,- .'-it t jrevsal .t tt- f rtft ft Iff,' mt,' r 'f.iiii i i f j , .f tl ia .'., f r. r mi m it-r f rn. I I ii mm ft, tut ho 1 ' A! il..' i u i 11 J.ju, hvl g," l Pt I i".- il Jrl M tll-- V CM't ft ft'tl I. .1 1 i , i .- -, t . a p. 1. lo -I. I !o inr ran iif ev V in N a is , -o.is I ,-l 1 ir a I f 1 he l. , i- p a a. I- I I . tt I - ; I....J-M I . I IP 1. e... 1 i t4 t l f .-!,)... -1 t a e. 1 1 II, - I.

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