s '3!cri!;-Ccrc!ina star. ' 7 VILLI AM C. DOUB, " " - ' IBITO ASD PnlilETO. . , , TERMS: ', r tf paid rtriet'y i adwic, tw dollar per en Iia: two dollar aad fifty cents, if paid withia ix attatas; Bad thre dolUra.al th ad of liMr rear. ADVESTISSMKSTS not xeeding ilitae Han will ba inserted oat lima for n dollar, anl twenty-Ire oent for lack subsequent insertion. Th af greater length will ba charged propor- tioaany. CenrtHrder aad Judicial actvemseiBeuiB A nuaaablr dedaotioa will ba Bade to rikau ii edvartia he I ka Mtf. " Book aad Jab Friatirg don with aaataeu a a despatch, oad a aeow.modting term. Letter ta tba Sdltor must oa posi.paiu. i-.'-. " '' ' '' i''i " ARU1VA1 OF TIIK PACK : 'r T ktii raoa irt. jT;r- at ' t hi i u in 1. t.-r- 1 sen i.vs Hn.-jrlaut, VOLUME XLV. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1854. NUMBER 25." 33. Tabular Draw Quarts, in Forsyth, and Yadkin. - . ;U. Siliciotu Petrifactions, in Stukaa and Rock Sngham, constituting an extensive rani of U ba char km 26 per teat, higher than thjborl ptrind Irsas, suing of litem measuring 9 vet in men From tha Rieamsnd Piepatca. MINERAL REGION. TvVar indebted to Capt, Dewey, who has been delving for tba last five year la-th mountains, in tha neighborhood of the head-water of th Dan and Yadkin, for tha following corrected list of Taluabl minerals, found in a region, which tha energetic and intelligent explorer declare o be unequalled by any mineral region in th United State. Every on who. rend the sub joined list, will agree with him is thot-opininn, . V.i r. i - . . i. - aaa ay mpauuaa wiuuu iu our prmwiuti wuw4 meat that p measures have ever been .taken tl nake known to the world this California in tb "twnrtw Virginia;' circumference ; and some of thus thlt ivident- 1; were mora or lea decayed previou to under going th nroces pf petrifaction, contain cluster ot yuartx Crystals, This remarkable body of fossil curiosities, ex tends from Germantown in Stoke, to Leakesville iu Rockingham, a distance of . about twenty-five nines, am luny merus me name 01 A rctnnea 'ore,." , rxiNcipA socks. l.TIranite; 2, Syenite : 3, Goeia : 4. Ilomblend Slate ; ft. Mica Slate ; 6, Clay Slate ; 7, Micace ous Schists and Shales ; 8, Primitive Sandstones ; 9, Secondary Sandstones ; 10, Calcareous Sand stones; It, Iron Stone or ak Stone ; 12, Second ary Shales, Talc and Slate ; 13, Augite of many varieties; H, lsasaart and Lima Moue; ia - IXTEUFERKNCE IX ELECTIONS. ! It should not be forgotten, that on th night of the Municipal election in Washington City, after, it had been ascertained that Mr. John T.-lVw. ere was th successful candidate for May.tr, a large crowd having caljti upon MrTuwerJJu render enngratulations, 4c, that gentlemen in tilt eourve of remark said : " In pite of the greatest influences against us, we have triumphed, and 1 lli.wk you, iny fellow citiiens, fmm the bottom of but heart, for the aid you afforded in promoting ttiat trinmph. You, my felliiw-cifiiens, are not aware of all the influences which have been etciciwd against nsn but I am. the ExtCHlit ami hu tlrpartmtnt ; nttticitkttun1- tng Vie thrtata of thr If-jisUUtpe uparfmettf of tht gocertimrut, wku h rt utetl to aid i our drftat; notwithstanding the opposition of the liordw of foreign voters, with all their bitter prejudices and religious bigotry, we have put them to the flight and nobly sustained the principles which Stou : waene-t lor forewarn uraniterr i, vtmna-r is, t.i.'..ij ;" ...,.. ... re. .i. l r...r... iu our prwouuu asiwuiw.. . -::,:- s.nB1l. -J Tn.s - P,r,vrv r 1 .' ". HWM5wst hvo aver been taken to la ' n c.,;,'.. a.' 'a,' vrr-ViiVVi J "J" -UiumrdijriiLteiiiJfle jcm( ami (raw- rld th California in '5ievttmxnr8oap1fe.BeTCflu1ar, , djz 0 f ,l. oa-Hm MuU Oe whifsv trrtt?' TTiBto irnnt-Tinn nih Uiiant:: . ' L. tx, z ... . ,r ,i"JL-UJiaiceauat Muuaiaitt.:r.- - watnr : XLa lit a verr ortffiual una remark iiTiie I . . . - wavtAr. lis im a verr nm.M nn navvinff nMviiiBii in tmnv vnarm m nm i . . . - r, T "u: k ;. .. " . Th forepun lint being' b vesulta of aa i- toplougUngth. mor.li! mountain oricrra 'ni!?.Ll ',-i'1-i?d Jirma, not in the pursuit of gain, but from a passionate tov pi mat science wnicu Dnngs .up from th bowels of the earth more precious trea sures than adorn the coral cave of the ocean. He u a man of great shrewdness, iron nerve, -and uidomitahio energy. tor av long years, lone, and unaided, either by the money or in tyro in mineralogy, must necessarily be very fur from exhibiting a full or ooniulete akcount of all tlx .valuable minerals dgstinel soon to be deve loped through out the rich and picturesiiuevUpper valley of the Don, embracing full 40,(IU0 square miles, most of which is the best hibatfco land in me worm, arm oounus ,in sites oi unnmitru Ham.oeofBnT WnedaietW ao.Wlividual i ,w. WTeJi Te,n" . .f i... i.: ir" i... ., 1a i.;. ii.i Marble researches iu various counties of Virginia and Korth Carolina, with an ardor and determina tion to which difSultie, that would have appall- ..i,i.j ., ,,t mere rnu . j .,' . : i - 6 ffurnaces, Taih-oad i- .. ,i . . ii.. ments fot . . tt seams w us uitti a cauuiei oi uie curiosuiea i. , , ., , .i ! . ir , eollected by Capt. Dewey, ought to be iu ,U, ciotns iro.-iue cn .grieuiturai, m.nera, ',-!.. .i'. . ... , u and mechanical wealth of which, inevitably VRichmond-aavioth. mo, nublio nl.ee con-1 ".,l"0.re tT,bn"":T . ''. pir .1 .;,k ,1,. t.iii. n.;ir ...;i.li.hmnt P"'? " Kichmond, via the Kichmotul t iu:. w ..i,i , , ,k rt..mri-, and Danville railroad, th stock of which, it or XTihestone, dep)site of Mineral Coal, Black Load, Ac, 4c, dens f rests of a vigorous growth oi hickory, oak, maple, walnut, hard pine, Ac., where, it would eem self-evident, there must eYe long spring 'up extensive iron lumaccs, Tairruau iron roiiing-nuiis, ektauneii-j ments lor manufacturing, steel, cutum ana..wooi- . AMERICAN EXPRESS LINES. The New York Herald has comt iled a histori cal notice of th Amoriran expres linos, imm I wnicn we extract the toilowiug. Th express companies that hat survived the extensive cunpetition WwLjeh the pronutbte na ture of the business baa yeai'l" t jeered tbem since their first origin, are Uueeof Adams it".,' the American Express Coinpt'.iy, 11 am den, the I'nited Statu Express Companv (an 'offshoot of the American), hinaley Uo., the ftstiunnJ ..Ex pres ,'oninany, lierford A Co., Well, Enrgo i Co- and Kdwartls. Sitnford A Co. The two las 'aTV1fiu1pnTlyni?tged in'tlie Ciiliforitiuti, Aus tralian and European trade, Attftough ir1uirisSmttn"lrriWTif1iny decree of ex!U'tties at the amount of buniness transacted by these fitui, we think that we shall IHSSOLUTIOXoF th DEMOCRATIC PARTY, All the signs of th time bode the speedy disso lution of. iu- great nnwiel.ly and iut(on'gruous mam that ha Vng rejoiced iu the potent nam Uenvocray InUctLil may now hi eonsidcrsd as virtually dirgani4t. The puld'ie plunder jjttheoonesive power having become exhansted, tlie beterogeneous throng that it attracted and temporarily attached to the democratic fold, ei ther sated." or disappointed, are gra lutiily diss persing and associating with the open and a vowed enemies of the Administration in w aging jiirrillawiaefare in-tfie t eiy criitre t ttnrptithv icnl household : iuvomuch that the President - A SCRAP rROM KKICKFRBOCRER, Th following is from the Knickerbocker for Jove' As thearra(or says, there mast hat been some suppressed "snicksrin" in tit "meetin'- houae where th incident oceurrad. Let me tell an anecdote of on of th settlers inthia neighborhood, whom I will call Peter O , who had resided on his farm near our vil lage for the last forty yirs,and,hy ho industry and the increased nrioe of lands, waa enllsd rich, and lived full, fat and ptenteonslv.' Us waa on of Th America mail !em-r I her wharf in New York Sua. in r n and half o'clock, bringing dair I lo May 31, making the po ,;1 and tea hour, ller political ii.-w-and will b found below. BreadstutTa nave drcliued,and Cof.on ' -'ri.Jy. Conaola clod at 911. ,v . rttoGkia or rat wab. A steamer from the fleet brings intetV ;e-,c that (iustuavaina was bombarded without r: i on th 22d ulL Another attack iu iuteoded to be mad oa th 24ih. Tba-advaoeed work of Ilango, in the B iHio had Iweu bomlnrded and di-trmed. .Na pier was about attacking the main fortiti .-ati n. Th allied fleot were still blockading hcUnu V. Th Turkish Beet was off Yarn en it way to Circassia. Silistria still heldonton th 25th, the Turk those liale.hearrv.hard workiiiif.blutT.ldont.oren- reeurting th Russians with great bravery. Th hearted mrmers, wbn Tthmght mot ot Ixiking Rusaiaus lost l,5t killed in th attack on the after his stock and farm than of visiting a house fortress of Abdul Medjid. mar trulvetchiiiurjhe worst f mine eneiuie I of worship on the snbboth day, A near neighborj j,ThUreek insurrection waj lea fbrmidaUe. arwiTiey f my own household." - - 1 wftowaliivryoppoit,Bridlhoglititarilege I reported that King Otho accept tb ultima- Divided alike uiojn the domeatio and foreign 1 lo miaaa regular church meeting, called on Peti-r I . . one uav and aaken mm to attend na Uie next 1 oKiareu nor neutrality, im w thf Aus . i I . . ... l..:. .i. i 1 1 . . ivcruiuent, it ja. nut I saiibatb to Bear t'arsen f praacn,- who, ty I mn oi w aiaauer uwman power to i villago. I w 1 ruasuw srwaiy n secureu. the way. bad hunt ana wrmehurch in th villazc SoPeter nmntised th it he would be there on the next Sunday, Punctual to the time, a Peter thought, but a littU lot he arrived at tb door, which wa eiosed, and J th minintsr bad com-; Inienced. Peter knocked at thadnor. Some on I -ataabSiaeffitaiat Vtat jpeoyt 1 me tv.MtVatte tMotfenjaV. luiuuaud 11" "' 3 Jnlerrdfencelti thrtvopiilar elections has been one of the characteristics of the present Admini- t"1'!".". jLj.'.fy?!it g"11 "f P j t j H l'" Mr, Pifn.sn.1 iiiservaiures,urfogiiiiiuuii lonurme oi inegtiT eminent to bear in theelectiooin y&shingtonCity, but'were foiled as they deserved to be.- 'It will not be long,wes.upprMe,berorethesam influences will be brought to bear in pur own Suit. WHAT BECOMES oV THE PEOPLE'S LAND,' fiy-trre-Heiit uf llirge emmry ufrttf f tlTeTiVif, publ shed by Congress with the President's laat Annual Meagebecl&uutp and iKieuniams, Part 1, l&jdl, page S3,) it appear that during I he laat fial year, there were , . Sold -- "; 1,083,4.15 a.rc. Located with military bounty lillld warraiil Located with other certificates Selected for the States, asswamn hinds 10,142.360. " Donated for railroads, 4c, 1,427 Ail - the propriety pf purchasing Capt. D.'i:ollep; uou, wiut toe view ui. mating sticti n uiiposu.oii -of thenti - It eem-tB-Trrlsj', that lfWoUtdnre" of invaluable smc-t the company and to " tb regtotl of -ermntrywhicri Cape i.ris ex plored, if the Danville Railroad Company would employ that Gentleman to prepare a full statc- mentof hMxplratioi,a-'vuofth isrinns niner ai which abound in th region penetrated and commanded by the Danville Railroad : List or Yuiasl k Ii.TiasTiio Minkrus including some of the principal ranges of Rocks known to abound in the Counties of Henry, Patrick, Carroll and Floyd, in Virginia; and . .. Ruckinp-haui, Siekes, Foteyth, Buriy and Ynd- kiu, in NjHIi Ciiruliua ; seftiou i'uf PicJiuunT ouulry embracing the northern headwater ' . of th Clreat Yadkin, and th entire kead-tri- buturie of Dan river, .- : would appear, cannot fail, in a year or two from the present date, to yield u Urge dividends as e-ow being reahaed trout railroad in the I'nited State. VEXTS IN EUROPE. . The New York Herald publishes letter from it European currcsixmdents. Uie most iniioTtot statements of which are contained in the follow ing summary t Jiuasiati diplomatists are liasilT intriguing at the smaller Gorman courts, and next month a convention ia to bo held at Vambeig, under the Presidency of Bavaria, in favor of adhesion to the principle of absolute-neutrality in the hastern -wnTr-TnBrvmj-prxrnasiarTMTWM imjOxp&E ed, secretly suppurl this party, and Saxony is also said to favor it. If thee NiaU'inenta are cir reotaudliio prubabilitia seem in favor of them Austria will find herself chained down to a state of forced inaction. Notwithstanding all Russia ha certainly ooncluded a treaty with. Khan uf Khiva. A late telegraph dispatch from P.elirrade an nounce thnt Silistria held out on the loth. Thrt'inuians had been driven back fourtimef j"Ub grutttlosa by tb Ruasiaixv - '-e-. lyum rad l,ti men to the Ifrte. "Two thousand Uraek iuurgent ar ported naf Deinarko iu Upiyva. A French division had arrived at Piraeus. - T To ltoeaiana are menacing Erserwnu, "aiTd n,,lii-v nf tl.e .t.,,.,p- .l,tul.i., in .... .h .... 1 lie rather unilerratingthan overstatingtheaiiHiuntJ fundiuiu-ntt uruieipl of Eovcruuient, it-ia. Jiut of Tretglita daily conveyed to and trvnt this city mmnrkaUe that such a party has held tcgether I v ukih, oi ue ojio iiuuurv.i uius Baca yfay. sp long 1 iu the jiopulHr bouse of Congress, ITie profits cleared by them, after all cswiises vfitxi.all the appliaucoa aiobpatnmage if Oottiru- me piiui, may ue qinii v upwarusot turn lient with the inoat assidumM and untiring pejkstor-tbjuMitrf-catii prty---drilt only -a ar-nrrjoritT -cmrld lie I il.5iHi,()00 there arc few enterprises (JUat can t lirou-rht to rapport the Nebraska Rill. TbeixV aid W yield UMwe prollitttje returiis, - TJuIar.tdiii,-,lipiia , xu Y,,rk.Mit-, JIuib JUti w Tfiyitaliwliirffe ' pi4 amtiHU fH. ithw beencaf- Jtbtit be democrfltic Cimslituencv are still worn up at lb, aiinisf er' It luiid 'iurr now 4' dv' 4, fuMiiAAajLktmiM!9 -OnWuBI 4Uilnr. lnivwnVA gwat tkl(!ptlfsiKITtovry8n,all 8nAaiv'it th ratnf nbimt 81.) ndles a JtoiBtiiiuii, nra axerwhwaJn ajdalcoi'jiiutaex- h day in thefollon ing protuirtions: Adams i Co.' oulsite ennfudum and rlisinimtniina . nme. ..f ii invited him. Ma nn to seat him. ha hist new. he lO.IWO; tlie Amerieau KipresS Co.'s, lO.OuO ; fragments upon the Buffalo, some on the Balti- grasped him by'his band and with his loud voice T recently mad a compulsory enrollment pf li Coiua.StaiJlprW 30,W Armenians." ien'riHiO; Kinsley's, 1,000, and the National's, tion on and under both.' Thus goes it with mod- madesucb an nusnaloramotiouthatthacongr- Two Russian war vessels haTO been presented 1,000. The number of employees iu the service era democracy. MitletlttTillt (tin.) Iteeordcr, gation wa in on titterduring the whole sermon, to th Greek Government by Russia. pf these six companies is as follows: Adams A , - This wa h'ti first and last visit to Parsoa D's A Russian teamer sailed out of Sebastapool, Co500; AmerK'an, 3(10; Cuited States Expres ' ' church. He said they were 1 the most dry and notwithstanding tb blockade, and ruptured an Co., 3K) ; llarnden, UK) ; Kinsley, 100 ; Nation- 3lr. Bragg at this place complained that Gen. unsociable set of people he had ever seen, when English merchantman in th Black Sea, but l.o- al, 100. ..This would gitea proportion of twoutr. Doekery did not consult with him in reference they hod got on their Sunday-go-to-meeting face.' m(J discovered, ant th prix adrift and git back one and a half miles per day to etch man. to his appointments for addressing tha people, ..... i eale to SabaatnpooL ; Toeskrrrf!rnTlaeiffilfflra boa taken up Tm Eloquinciot MoTiob. fery en ha j fifteen (ton bridge across the Neva were to gamtntirm, and ttie punctaatrty Tid centyTtnf lOTTOmIH.nBV enargesen. t.wnit Hiitair-1 read ot th action, antnra, action, nr Uemaethen- 1 D DToien, ana tn remainder muuntod wiilt pancii ui niiniHertuai--opeiTiiiiinB4jy-4ta- ineans,4'v? nuuiMiuiim.. j. iiii--M wm--i pa, no m wm a rnnmy or ayntHionr ana sbb I wjwr- y- would be to dilate Uon a subject o' which almost "'on "m, mat at t annage Jir.urapg aiHirasaen none Koacius could expres by mere gesture' ; lt every one in thecomiiiiinity has daily experience. nntct Gen. Dickery they being at different lit not be supposed, however, that such fcrfeo- A, however, a u utten trie cane in thing tamil-l nwis in ia piace proposing mai mcy snouiu tinnoi art belonged to tn anoieol only, lb iar, but few take the trouble to investigate its enter into soui agreement in roferanc to their I following anecdote of Wm.C. Preston it illu appointments i wbioli noieiieo 1'. reemved Just f t.-ative of our rema ksi going to bed. in the morning, alter get- Sum years ago, among a thousand of other, r a I l t . ' . it I . - . . T . .... 1(1. ....J r l . :. ll- e I'L .1 ine lanuioru, or oar-Keener. 10 iniorrn iir. 1), j seal aa a noaL in braalhlaaa nuMttMin. MMtilns I ws sihsuu ui j buuuiuii , juBucuiao' 4 iar, out rew lase ine tniuoie to inv.sugate us "iwi pjyi jrjrj Vn : origin, or cimu-H reult,-w have thought it pp"in ' 0407 i riglit that facts so creditable to American enter- before ' prise should at least recivo from the pres the Ilnlt ' that has been said of her alleged inclination to L Iran Ore, uf every desirable species or kind, apparently boundless In quantity ; beds or veins . , '". ' ,de with th Western Powers, we are of opini. n .f".""1 '!' "f which "cepLlj MoB ,m be ,no w,fc,nlttt4 a af th hMt n Lit tv ' TWmtj-iiaanntyTnwan Z5o lrirtit lia o Ai!J,l-i,"i i-ti l: 'ac i. conuld the plar feelii.it of the coMtilry, from tTH'-S0 't ,1,,rt!ou,,V U eip-KBd b, provoking5, revolutionary u if ii does nut inasa tntu that section of irtriuio. I . . . .J . .. '. .. , -, It - r ,. , , . a? 11 1 nrnaa i but Dauxeu.tiv me excuse mat Hie inter Thu iuaailooal taoflWtiwlK,, and w .11 JC.mrnitnv AemtnA harm.miou; with . Making a total of 25,34rt,9'.'2 " 1,083,405 acres sol 1, and 24,403,4'.)7 acres ui v eu away llirt fourths id' it to thejiew Stute. l.the LocoTocos tell us, that lis- ltiviiik awnv one acre the value of on adjoining is always doutdad,- la tbat sol . Th Secretary of the Interior ears, on the same page, that 1,6)19,919 acres wore sold during the 0.1 ...a -1.1 n,ia,... ,.r .1,. . ... iu-,1 .,,,1 ,1,., the amount received therefor was c2,'i2f,n76 30. Now if the land sold bad brought double the low est price the government ever sells land at, the amount paid into the Treasury; af $2 50 per acre. would have hecn J.t,ilV,,V.ri, 111-tead ot f.,..ii,- 3o. it iw nre these stutemeuts tu be recou cila.i.f J-'uju. f in. . - .. - laouTi SvurxTiur.. Hums, the fugitive. while hereon bis return to Richmond, was rpjite . C' liiniiinictitive. He stated tbatJiV leaving llicle- mond was act-nlental and nut premenitated. lie was employed as stevedore in loading a vessel at tiockets, and al er kmx-king on work lurtlieday; lav down in the bold and ssn fell a-le-ip, having no idea that the ves.el-bad- blubbed-1 'admj but. supposing he would be employed on board nrai tliat he W'uhed to see him. bis ohieot beine- to I annamnttv smn wmrf tK.ft fwil rWi. th mm. Mr. EtKaxrrox Slnav. Tho I'tica (X, Y.Wonfer with him on ihesnbiectof hi note. After o. liM K,v- tt,. tm .r rf.lit, H Daily Observer quotes the following extract from miinir to Mr. li s room, the messenger infurinad d. kL. ..J U ..-.. 1.1. a sp,cch delivered by Edward Everett in the (len. D. that Mr. Bragg was in bed and he could ecstacv, h would shout out anplaus which Ilaveu TCiiiiiiecticut) Lcgister expresses the hope tli.tt the political clergv men of New Eng land - may read- itcorofull v -. Sir, lam no soldier. My habits and educa tion are very uimiilitary ; but there is no cause in wlucD 1 would txner buckle a knapsack nn my back, and put a musket on my shoklder, than that of putting down a servile tnsurreefrin at the South. The great -relation of servitude, in some form or other, with great or loss depar ture from the theoretic equalities of men, is insep arable from our nature. Domestic slavery "is not iu my judgment, to lav sot down as an immoral r rrrTiiircmtw motion; o,TrirTth NetrTebUfieo' says ; 'Slaves, obey your masters. 1 cannot admit thnt its duties arc not presupposed and sanctioned by reliii.ti. . I . kuuMjjf uo ay by , which the form ot tins servitude can bo filed but by ridigousinstiltition." . 1 he Savaunah Ueimblican copies the above and snvs t upon the (ienerul left for hi next appointment; I thunder storm. aud not deeming a written correspondence the At length Preston launched out on of those beet mmie of making an-arrangement uf th nrumgtstof masre dtiidnatarion, bieh tho kind proposed, did not write to Mr. Bragg, who bar heard, know him to be o capable of As tb matter wa brought before the public by uttering. In magnificent aplendor hwa what Mr. B., (leu. Dia!kry etated substantial reasons Bvron ha descrilied the mountain storm of Jura. why he was not disposed to enter liito arrange-1 Its effect upon the multitude was like a whirl-1 ........ ..oi. 1, : ... p,. :,.... . 1 1 1.. .4 I - 1 A..L j rit.: 11 . - l '. 1 1 'B " .... H1WB.1VB . v.,.. Hw . w t wiiiu. our uem irtvnu uouiu oonvain nunseti no ited alxmt halfjlic State, and Mr. 11. might be longer, but bawling into onr ear, a if he would la active and no chanire in nricea. Baianrrurn Ekwr haa declined Cd f.i.s bbi Sale of Western Canal at 3Hs and Ohio at 311. Corn has declined 2. sales being made at tin. for yellow aad 4-lrorirhitBr-i-" ' appearanoea, 1 eiuausuet a regard quan tity. a. Limestoae Primitive.Tiraoular Limestone, or th finest qualities of white, gray, mottled and , -olber oulured Marble ; there being seven IJuarriet in Stoke, thro in Forsyth, and two in Yadkin ; sSesidu an extensive range of impure Limestone in th counties' el Stoke and Forsvth; a aiugl rang of th same in Patrick, and several Quar- of -coewdarr Limestone in Rockingham : of th latter being llydraulic LiniesUine, rail oilier ar ot tb moat beautilul and valu- .bl qaaliti -wf- gmimlae -4dack) vwriegnted Marbl aujartor to any other found in the Unit- td Btntea. . 4. Uad Ore, in Carroll, Floyd, Stoke and curry. ."C-pper Ore, In Patrick, Carroll, Floyd, Stoke, rorsyth, and Surry. . Gold There have been recently discovered thre Aarifarou Deposits in Patrick, oa in Car rdl, thr in Stokes, four in lorsrtli, thru in Aurryd tour in Vadkio ; each of them being believed to b traceabl to vein, that have nut th far been tufncieritty jitnetrnted to b pro nounced workable or rich enough to justitj being worked. . 7. ttanganeaa, thre bed in Patrick, on in Carrott, ou in Henry, two ia Foreyth and on in Harry. - 8. Plumlaxgo or Black Lead, oocurt repeatedly la Patrick, Suska, borry, Yadkin and Ruuking- last summer, Mr, Veadon, of South Carolina, in -otr-tttw-nritdnr-. Hew nked- By -w-Um-aUai:.l. tlui .amrMmf Jxifc li'ettlu.jtyfcrjrf.d.to JluvJuntgU; and finding the t.atch closed, called out to he re-1 mg statement in toe presence ot Mr. r.vurett aud leased tmm his contlnement. whlcn w ne. 1 the company present, Sir, r.verett nfemed It was in the night, and h was b id by the crew I pleaded w ith the reference, while few hlM'litWff. iuac.U40vess4 was nuner wwv. iiu msisiea uu 1 ibis ouwuHAr-.Ti uavu 101 iromuij xa.mmu ciiT- dieposed to carry him back again. Mr. Bragg wiuld desire to visit strong Ueinocratio eounues in order to rally his friends ; aud for the same raim Ron. IVwould wish to visit st.Om Whii counties. He stalod furUier tlutt It nasi nut been the custom of former candidate for Govarnor to tmveL.togcllier tkcy- cousulifld . tlieir conven teessej ml ly met at particular points. It w not the case in the contest when Guy. More- head waa elected 1 nor waa it ao in th two con tests when Unv. firaham waa elected. In sua- If i e liiai samuiiaitm Atitai It A va 1 il kak air ssf wail s .V. s ..1.1-..; . to -. .. -... ?".".l'r -v."- -T- w wr-wrc:gic 11 .remcrannnwt-jjraoum jvuet, t ftwin- w Csen -new -nf etjieslieiii y and tb blow it open with a tempest. "Who's that speaking t" cried be. Wa C. Preston I" cried we, a loud as our lungs would let us : i , . l .); W ho r inquired h. atitt loader thus U-l and England, lore. , ; . Wm, C, Preston, of South Carolina," re plied wa, almost splitting our throat In ' th af- tort, . -1- Well 1 W,U I returned Ira. M I aan't bear a darn word h or row ar laying, hnt Jnat Jtv umo, don Imw far mot ton? tjtlemitd. the other members of the Diet, it may succeed iu avoiding tb alternative to which th Western rowers nave ten driving it. Should the Austri an cabinet, however, be really in earnest in the view which it is said to take of the conduct of Russia, and in it determination to enforce them w may look fbr a priuimat dissolution of the Confederation, and the D' caking out of hostilities in the heart uf Germany iteelf. Iu such an event, t ic present generation will in all pmbability w.t- dcss a more ctiuipieie rvvuiuiioo iu ine uviiomic arrangeuuritt and territorial diiuibuiiuu lit the buropean continent th in took plac under tliat wishes of his friends, and not Mr. 11 wiskea. A NEW TYPK-SKTTINO MACHINE, -U, Ut-aggud4lta-Jauuidikrd. asUsiiUl diwiaj r . - CraNnw, Ma? -Wt to make raptUU.uutuf inn, but wo think they 1 Owing to tha politen of tha oditore, I bar 111 ue nmappwniaili -wieri, tineluiry appomt- "now been ablatoaMth Bw eomposing machine cuts have Ustn published, aiul the people will la in actual orwatioa ia tbaomuanf tba J'asaVtJ. nut lai.alusnitW. M Mrerg wa bis m a- tnd nf Mi aaaal ease and eoaipos eliHtion, andean meet him or not, as heniaypr- ing sticks, and tba eompnaitor (tanding al hi fcr yroeUUd ba doe but sleep too bite. work, w a peraoa sitting before a maohia JliUs. Ett. being put asbore,bul If waT rTuseT, and they told hini he would soon be In Huston, where he would find plenty uf friends, plenty of employ- Extcrrio or a llsnxai rr in lliaarta. The incut, and want for nothing; so finding they following account of an ocetirroiice which took 1, 1 ..... r..., I,;,.. .... .1,,,.. I,. I.f. ,. I.,,.. i II ,,.,! I. fr,..n mind lo go Ui Ibwton, and be a gentleman. Hut her of the London Dispatch. How would such a UE PIEBALD ADMINISTRATION, on his arrival he wossadlv disappointed. There course answ er 111 any of uur couimcrcial cities? I Mr. Weller, Democratie V. 8. Senator from were plenty uf Idle negroes theie, hn 1 he could I The account srvs : I California, participating in a wiuabble that occur- get nothing to itrr.- Itwa nea-ly a month In-fore nin, just as the F.xchanze. crowded with I ln Senate Chamlstr, over th spoils of !.e g"t a jub of work, and in the mean time U rnerehants, presented iu busiest aspect, two "st I real dent ml election, let out tb follow- was half starred and ragged as a laniard. Nona druuuuera in the civic uniform cam up. rolled '"K truth which ought not to b so to tb ofhisalwlition friends cated for him until they their drums f,.r the spot of ten minute, eaus- oouotryt !'.' -'!.!?. y"' "..run"w"i n'JKTiIL"!".! m a gr.twniB.ii..n 4w4l within and willmut " Tire lime will mm wtiey wlhattliaT ta men tney were reauy choolii to neip uun. a ,, lt,airme. While Oi a waa v., n . srorkmen Id ii,le There is nn d...,U .l., ,. v. king-leveJdttaudking-maker.tliaNAjjole th In the meanwhile, th European revolution- wllh " "'' " ni i but if he Gilding elevating a blacklswrd, on whbh was yiMe uf all anrta uf nrople, W bad rreeaoilare 1st whose inaction and apparent supinenes have wa" "'"J runaway, tney were almost reauy paiull in whit letter tha name of a merchant and Abolitkinists uniting with th eound portion given rise to so many speculations, are at length u'."rn '' worship bun. " Look at these of eity who bad lately uspended payment of the Democratic party of th North. Wa had beginning to sh.iwsign of life. Aa ef.rt j, cbmies, said lie , pomung : to tle elegant ; ud alswmded with all hi aesele. When tb disunionist and fire-eater in Uw South j and all atHiut iieing made in em to get up an agitation in " "r " " " ": T,,, nam bad ien lairiy set up, a bell called lb I ny lore or circumstances, wer throwa bngtand aa nst the projected Austrian alliance, r."""-" j v.,,.....,.. , ""s. on tlw ground tliat it would b fatal to th recon- "re n "ample of tb depth uf bolitaon . ... . ,. ..... 1. ...i.., e. ,1.. ir..,..M,, 11 ... , . . . structiom 01 me extinct nationality ul.l-utjuui.4 V"l ' ,." r . 1 tun ot tti iKiuro- tuauuaity ul uisaraa, t noo-aii. rem ire tnrrtn. in another column win b lound a copy of the '"' . : ' " '""","t caned 11 "execution 01 a fraudulent DankniH, the patient will I very iiui.-lire-1ne.-d in strength I " a," Danish dollars. It will last apparently iwaoluts prepared by the eummittce appointed I 'b- AvfJh 1I-hU. .. ' Tr"' I ordained by a law which ran t traced to lite j by that purgation but lie will b a sounder a century or two without repair. Mr. Soam- to conduct the proceeding of "the great radical ..." iii'-i.n a f urteeuth ccnlury, when, the HonsoaU kague and safer man hereafter. You bav got to get I th Inventor, himself aaompusltorall his bfs. meeting which was to U held at Sheffield on the , . "j . .l. v ' 1 ww at the beighl of bis greatnsw. At that rid of thus disgreabl a-ljuix-ts these tier-1 kindly chow tb snachin to any visitor. Of iisx uiu, anu wnicn luny explain tne onjecva 01 1 .. , ,. i, 1 f it, I ,, uuweier, me oauarupt ' patent 01 wti- tins mitemcnt, KomuHi and other le.ling nicm-1 ". 'C "-r-f T , lenship and bi cert meat a a merchant were bera of tb Central Revolutionary Cm.mitiee "I""-" "'.J. wnHn.tr.aiy, says, a Bie , LurU . taiiginau a I markaof tU tMhtine4, nnnn tbi Admraistratinn bint to boM tsaailtar wttb th dataila. bwt ARRIVAL 0" THK ARABIA. tint t lATit raon lomrt. s-Nin Yo:, Jun 13. The mynl mail steamer Arabia arrived at her wharf at W o'clock, bring ing date from Liverpool to the 3d instant, mak ing her trip in a few hours over ten days. The Washington arrived off Cowes ou ihe 2.1. Th Arabia passed the Europ on Saturdiiy Sli bring 16 passengers. neewpt the Ultltnalum or 1 rnu and ha summoned 4 new nnut-try andar Princ Marnwwrdato, - From th Black Sea w have not a word of in tclligeno relative to the "Operation of the licet. Tb French qimdroa has been ordered to th.i Whit Sea. Nothing definite ba been received from tb Baltic. Sillistria (till held bravely out nln?t the Rus- . Ian ftfo. Bp tu tb 27th nit. It wa refiric l that Omar Pasha wiuld himself go to iu relief Willi m overwhelming tore;- , raouaas of TU wa.. ' Eight thousand French trooo bav landed at Piraeus and took pwwesaum. Omar Paaha, St. A maud, and Lord Parian, bald a eon noil of war at Varna, th resuluf whn-h with bey Ilk a piano, which b play oa ineaa-1 wa anknowm, but it wa aaid that tli Anrl.h- aanuy, ana very anacn oa tb tangent ia follow- rreaea army will procewd to Adriannple, and dihy a-lick 1 th krttor I already in It plae I Omr will ia th mtaaum avoid a general ao. inlh bf mohugany channel re Dared for it. I tiun. Th whol ia excessively ingenious, la faot it I Several skirmish are reported without any , n fairy work, lh m.t wonderful part is that iwuIL ' it distributas th already ased typ al tb aa Aa Aostrtaa aourier would leave Vienna oa tint that it set tb new page, and witb aa xacV tb 2d of Jun with Austria's formal demand to nes perfectly sure. No mistak eaa ever occur, tb Ciar to withdraw bi ibroe front lh Turk- Th oniposilor by this maehin doe our ( I b territory. There wre again rumors .al! at. a mucb wnrk a another Workman, but a b r thai th Caar would b dispuaed to re-upea nego- quire aa assistant la lin and par tb set typa, tiatkma, thf bring it to hrlrt Oif mmtmid uf turn as. " isui.iho. . A a sir Minister of War will b shortly ap pointed fur Great Britain, probably Lord I'al- isps ana pwr ui ws ivpw, 1 Uit aNsvss7 iypt af. 1 and pleamnt that it will roritc mploymant far wo- Tb whol is ao clean 1 BTobabtv anon h a fa en rite amnbiraiaait 1 . . 1 j - Th maehin aecapia a vary email space. not more than a larg chair, and is bsnutifulls I I L. I A. 1 J I. . u vwr , , .11, . uru WIM Ml. I ,.w , " I ' H ,n cinunswuim, WWW HIPOWB I V, HSdl IMHHW WlfU BWWI, S1 I "shaiidgluckr," or tb shanie bell, only rung on I into tb Democrat party, and brouirht tbi ad-1 now beyond all doubt. Tb nrimrWtor of lb sucb occasions, was sounded for two hour from I ministratioa into power. Tb Democratic party I iinireianitaf aia gratiaad by tb en they bow I eUiwei oftii ltrMU.. Tluspaoialty of JUgraaa,- Md.ail4, rrair-pnrging.- I bare no doubt bav that they bar mtWrwd another. Th prlo , MRaaag. A mtmf I fiat ba occurred in Denmark. LA TV AND IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. " K t 0LKs,"June 13. Th Vera frut strain 9f ba arrlvad with City of Maiiro dates of the lh. It wa rumored that Santa Anna bad re- eours a compositor eaanot set with bi maehin J"l oadadea Uaaly and returned it w,ih al onoa 1 k will lak bias a aksirt liasa. a f.w dam. I amcBMiaMni. were to be present at it ; and aa this meeting is T . ,n " . """'""". n """"" . m . ' .1 a . . I do not irpt iilat'r th rpiriiitriiliaiti of thmr ttwvla are to take viae, in different trt of En.l-d.1T""" trade. f,; neither of which could AMtf Cnwrw-A, affair 1 , ., . .. .7.1 . I they oner n any euuivalent. nut articles, savs receniiy uccurreu on 1 uras isianu. in wincnjoiia . Kative Alum, txistaiu several part of Pat- T'a"V "m """'" ' Ui eorre-rsmdent which ar th ns.ural nro.lui U Nelson. uurCoi,.nl. figure aa tb suff.r.- rtek aud Svikea. . - linn ot tb I'tdooic and of the United State are 'f tb statemenUp in regard to it are correct, it HI Bsaitnatra, ia Patrick, Hnry, Floyd, Stoke I I to I admitted free of duty, includiuii a-rain of I will demand prompt action on the partuf our r'V- - I M UIT Till UY IO 'TITS Rl-lll HI 11-1 VU 'I . . f . V . I n.f an Burry. . sssuus t vvv.so. I all kinds, flour and meal, lumber, coal and gyp-1 eruiueut. . lut circumstance nre tbua relatod by tl. rirabnck CUy, la fatnek, Btokes, Ourry 1 InaStaadant, aaisuameinc ta landouiaa ot ,am, all of which will be in fnvnr of the Colo-1 lb Aw ork urui( ilwtinrriaaa. . I it party torth iEuiatur, uv lb dinerent toun 1 nies. and pork. In-ef. lard, tallow and Indian I Mt K.Ls L . .i 12. Puraslaia Cly. in 8tok and Surry. tis, most eommooly designate aVem as "South-1 eorn, 4e, aU uf which will la in favor uf tiia 1 fcelin i said to exist amon 11J authne. 1 hiaa from th Guvernunt oa said withdrawal. II. Porters' CUy, ia Forsyth and throughout arn Kie.hU Retmblican." What does ibis nveaui? United States, with the addition uf tb fisheries iiiM is nisMiuMuw 1 J tt. Im ,. ,1 ... 1 Tli BMsnev wa sent agreeably to bi ins Iron ed! tba other eououe. Udrmocrorf fusing it charm and is it thought I and of the abadition nf our fishing bounties, and manner in whn-h he defends iha internets uf hi. turns, and wa in aowrsa of transmiaalon. On 14, Pare Whit Talc or crude French chalk, ncewarv to bat little make-waight throw uit all British caua-ht Ash to com in on tli fre Muintrvmen. waa kr,n.ht l,.,.,t.. n.,ii.. .,.. hi atml Uin to b rem o iterated aaid um. it sa Barry, taor neuig aa iimiiv rang ut uu. 1 in- is in otanoara, true 10 in instincts 01 m ne u,t. ld j fllt , .ii,.., astuli nn on uf held that that lb 1'ost (Mho I eprtiaswt ia . 11 is jtiptuatrji as jcirard our manuiacxurea 1 ibe warisiralew. i and other articles, on which duly is to l levied, in appointing men to office, who were notoriiais I h k tua a guUotaa torn pared tobiaaUaoav r reeeoiiers in ins, and wboiresuberously betray- - . - . mm sw ssnevwiaiB in an xcbauM naner 1 as t . .. . I n.r SimiT 1X11 IB VHB JI1IIJ.-AB IBTiaiSytM k Isrosr or Jid isiosi. in applKaat for a -j.i"." 1 . 0' J".' I'H"''. sacca. a remedy for tb. bil. of mad d.. by strueted tb (om miss loner uf Patent to (srward 1 ,1.. i.:..L , . . , , 1 hen it Ureal preparation were making to celehrat utta aa ru pemr. Panta Anna birtb-day on the l.ith, wt wa rumored b would proclaim bouse. f Fn- " An English journal nays that aa old ba bee Bing f fifty yawn, and wilb perfect ?,,Tbl!lU,"" ' '"07 d? I being, and .aid. fro. lb. fearful death- of 1 (b capital Noth'iBg further bad transpired regarding A- varet. Mr. Gadadea arrived at Vera Crut on the 31-'. aad wa received with unusual atientiun. II Immediately proceeded to tli capital. Iheasw .iaiih miBister bad been formally aw Tat m Patrick, also one in tarn.ll. I turr. nreparinf one ntor tu scatter secession ta. luseuiumii. or prteuy nte proi.t ciasu. around the land, and preacn a acwcraaaa against sawdalnM. ia Mokes. ' IS. Broos-eilorsd ua Ustred, Scrpanlia, r la Htoke and Forsytb. 17. Variegated and other kind of valuable totito or huanstun, ia Patrick, Carroll, Floyd, moke, foreytu, Surry and Yadkin. IU. Prlutitiv SaaiUuine suiubl psf grirol - sMnaM and wbetstioe ia Patrick, Cem.ll, Stok tb Union! Has it so sooa forgone Ui pledg I that ao other or higher rale shall be lmred which il mad when it sat it feel upon lb 11a 1- upon tbeia than ar leviel on similar articles limor Platlurni of ISMf II viUspectatiun csining from Great Britain. 1 h consent of tb been disapaiintd f Are tb institution of tli ft,kn,j e-.li4iies is yet to b i.Uained to lhe.)t,A- Nnilh uusafs ulxlerlhesJaiinislratioBjf tu Brig- fry article, but it is thimght tbi will la) secured adiert Is not "Roid and Victory" Gi,vrnor uf by lb influeno nf tb Mother Country, thonsh Norsli Carolina T and i not tb standard tb do-1 the e,,.iiis are oiiiswed to any treaty which ly eonuaiasionnd Anibnny Van Cor tear and 1 1 nquishea the fi.hrrie-. The treaty will also r- lrumpeterorneralol tit Admioistrstlon r ! I .,uir Ihs ratin.-nte n i-t ths N-nste and lhn the nmti honses In Order In mak tli and Barry. 19. Herandary SadVoes suiul.le a vwriav I not tliat hmt-triwl and consistent dcnnrat' A. jrijnt action of illu. M lUtoa grit, ia Pauwk, lUny. Stoke. 1 RaosJuwwf Cbati.ua." ia lis field t - Unot Asa I asii iary-4watw in lb mnsh Ian.. , Biggs sm.ung on lb Vu-giuia border I A is But I ...... I tlx ortihraie-inakars of tlx party, rry where, j Ms. Ritrui Iwrraval. Ir iviatvrt. al work I What ator would th ataodard havt I Tb IVmneraiie candidal, for Governor seems to W respectfully niggaet that, if all tins Ppl I b wonderfully porpb-ved by th internal Im- 1 ussuMicreui swsv isstises e.n'iw, i BTietiseni awssisia, sisniys itaw inin one nay ad Kockmghaa . ' sry of pBrrxes, sorb a grind and wetatoue; in Ileary, IU kiiigham an. M. kes. ' tl. Bubratou, ia Hoyd, Mokes, Sorry and Forsytb. 1 .1 S3. Jasper of many varieties. Including tb pal, atriped, yellow, re-1. brow and otbr Sue. ; BuaM being arasy or em rusted bull eaitiul s)aarta rystaU, also butryoidal and mauuuillat d aoaereuua ia four part uf Stokes, S3. Chalcrdnny, of all tints and colore, embrac ing tba wax-lustred. the milk; or whilst ari.elisn, rose crdoeed. blue, pink, honey velU.w, said, - ( Wilb atammillaled and botryoi Jal eoactl.s, ' aja tha druay: la bib (Uon of Sv.kss and j ao af For. via. 84. A galea. Bry. warUt. yellow, irsew and x,ld J.d, with aavmg liuaa, i, ia two K atom us .-saa. t SS. Garasrt, la Carroll, Patrick, Btoka and Foreyth. r 26. itlack r.-horl or T -urmalin, la Henry, Patrkk. f'nrndl, ru t.sih ai d Surry. s Tl. Yelbew TowrmahiK, In tsdkiu. " 5. fulaotilu Cuaru with Jvrf Lasev ta ilbiksa. ZJ. II..!,, of lb kuey yellsr, tlaret and . 'Jir a..l., in Ht..l. , JO. Aateihysuu. Viarti CryUl Henry , and F-sesvUi. IL Lsm-aJ, enrrn-iled, T-'V ud piak n l. !. . imlsl, f vran. U and prisusatM sh.pssf , rwart i rysi..,, ia Ilery, Vain-k, Carrull, Iknd, ksiiu.' .wt. ka, Fnjtb, ?urry and " Ya.lt m. X A-wl sarr. m,i. , ta rtvyd, Ru,k, lwiki and lnjtb. the Biarnlrates. thrr corrrsiifindent tn that list ebarg wa wholly unsuUunliated byavi detim. Nut o nlenl wilb this, th pruseoutor gwi bim ria bersr tb Nitirem C part, by which. Without any formal trial, or even lb rn pannrllingof a jury, b. was rotidemud b.wy a further fin of LSI I.'. CI. Mr. Nslson, o.iis'i.l ring tb fiu an IniiHMition, refused to pay it. and b wa acconlingty enmmiltrd to tb com mon tail, here it ia stated to h bis intention to reuisin until th cti.isi uf his guvernmerrt prre ut nia iiiraton, I n aflssr, lis., H teems g real ti.nltiaanl un lb. isUiul 1 and aa tnit wa iea arail-awd tot.rciuly raaua 31 r, stnm. Uisbad t sr th annvmicao uf tb. pmibW. and ia a medium luf tbem to traaaa.it and r- mv inlelligeoc aad all available matter 1 hot If m aat aa insurance oftvee. The i ao snort la the retimation hydrnt.bobaa.' Tb rentady at la wash th wuaad immediately with warm viae gar aad tepid water, dry it, and than apply few drop of munatM amd, which will deswoy th. poison of I Ui saiivaisr Batreiiit.aa4 tbeaure ataaU A torribl hurricane cceurre.1 at M.i'eoua ti.s 19th, doing great dmfe. Signer Paula, th Minister of Fiuaure, fil r lig ted on aeeoont of ill health. Aleorta, Minister of War, waa .!.. ing. rUgnot Rafael nan bearer uf J. at. to Waabiagtoa. I be pentag charged of Cuntrr- than a 'T" . r.; eimt.nii.e f. ii . uninM e.t.tl tem. I wia nan Knarra' W t a s Borysx TV Nsw Tark srarw fVmnprivala tonreas that Gwf. K Morai' Abvki. If I were t..:'. 1 t bm Uvilt to vwrt hheSatd, Maf the! " 'ao(l.ur, I would entreat her never to .- Eicllen.-y ii Jun and his Excellency d-lirta, e. ia imitation of th classic stauiiif uf Wlb I liam tb Tasty, a larg and magnias-wit w ud mill erected ia lb tb'oarb of U.l'Hy of Raleigh to assist tb Standard ia gairisoning lb &.iib nd a Patent rallowa, such that plai ted by lh. Immurtal scholar of tb. Hague, pot p Ju.l 1 wy sopts.rt in a sort uf Tant of " master!- in- nl t artivtty," and denies K the amt ; and, tbgh not nf tb d.alging braed." (a b sava ) be baa proved himsall aa "artful d ilrer on Ihi ioils rlanl ul'tet. Whil ds wa in bi swa oaiutry be mid giv iniernal impi'"smsiita an orrasVmai bark-banded lirk, ar at aval yield them a shad- At MiUaukie. on tli C.b li'-l . na of tti. Judge ijf th Huprem Court of Wianiusin to- rlaied tti rogiUv Klai law UIM-uti.titotiaI. To caa aa an applicaiiiia lur a writul babra ea-ij to rioa wo. of tb. pernma rbrge,i nil. partK u-niiir la l.ss rescue ot a r.ia-itii a.4 long tine. 1 ha ,urt urdered ki r-lae. Th dered, aud is red a reward for any rl-k run ia rsmviyiug mailsU matter. If the Postmaster General, or the President and Sena la, bav ap pointed a dishonest Piastmaet, tba l ulled States ar not hound to rewiuneeat tb Ih any Indiiiduol suaiained by his having vedated lh law ; and Ibrr it nu.'baLility uuuavd oa th United States in tbi Cass., fnan li. fa.it that tli.y were tha trustees of .aid applieanl and Bent tb money by mail aa b. du UmL r'aioie Tal Tu i Wat to Rut 1 tai WoaLa .It is only by plod ling, artire balata of industry, that1 w ana p m win onr waylnrsaaxw, life. 1 ha rac may rdanns,baK it w nM w hten will repay tb aiHi. rUrwea- justly aayit "A hold nsnrt win aisoam 10 aurwist na a Jn pon kereclf to dwell anon naorriaitt as in i,l - t u( life. Dignity and delicacy sink. I cannot my ft. w tw tb.Mrma.of ariath LnrtiahflnnnmMt 1 rapidly, when aac that idea take, t.sssea.h-0 of eisa th wi most imnwtoalaiattnfaotahngtawMin Fnglnad. and to add res Urge mewiiag 1 h held thera, 1 war with Raaaia an til h right I " .'" b.inr- lh. re i n.4 a not tot af th nation ah baa oppress. shall b aeearesl. Tb Uifluene that litis nwvnl k deMinwd to hv oa th English tkoverwment may liejo-l gej of from It antlHy to peea A as Irt bi tb. ailiatMss agamwt Kuaaia. w ilk Aaeuv isr aa ally what a-Bguuta asa) 01 r lliangwry 1 Btor masrbl tssmg la .sistene thaa a womaa past lh iaiennt uf youth, aiming al b xg asarrted, tor th sat a of ning maenad, ri.s tsnuawt ator and aaoradtsaatisted and envmua and aeglssHful of areaaat daiiea. Msv ymi nevr Ills sst what I bav Met others a...- y frria tht iadubraae of Ibis on his, drriviiiij prwipt. 1 v or a RsTTt tss t aa. lwaesMtr a Rim- !. W hspa tokmiw otjtbing abHt ibia, and eaa auggett aa rffertaal rmndy. W maaa alaibob buuar. Tb phibawnhr of It ia uankti Tb venoea uf a atfpent ia a nsiwmful twdslii. which it laiaitw Bwrful Miwolaal ta tsraet. W Mm tared lh Ufa laf valwabl do- in fnt nf h Standard ofto wbem Whig and vagrant Ami Bragg men may U swang ap by tli waistbands ot tb breerbaa, as bg as b 'sf lh Standard wa astraddl uf tb Log Cal.ia at tb great Whig c.'ebraliua ia 1H sr anUl tliey abaadua their heresies and aKree to ga Bragg and th "aconca." Arp: lima Ptiru run Fia CswapUInt ar load and teen, tavt th IliiladelpfrtB Fnuirer, . o.lv in PhiUdelnhi. but in ail lh. baling At- buitM ripe. In re! olio td Mi bich price of f..t It Is almost impuKilil. for large families tool-uin li t urdmary aenuarie uf iife. I l"ur and toWanwimand sasiasswa rale, and alntosl verytbie el.e is in nn.pnrtioa. Frea notaiswa has. beta s. iiin at twenty v twla tb half Bsvadr, ana greal tiling al that. laaivs Rtiiansn F.tsiJ. W learn aa okeially tl.at the freirlil earnings U tb Ourae go aad'i.akn l:a Iroad. tor tb m.nib nf May. era si--ot t'i. tai, 1Ut paaeeBgr are.nis are prvbal.ly ' : 'more ;maieg li,'SJ ia all. becans tb ubje-t is ratber Iar ia tliat region. But a be (ppmarhai th ye, be begins toaudg and quirk aaddenf, aad finally show nutn aixnaof cbaos-inff solesi snina Ty, But il won't do. A Biaa wb will ssy In K iev ton, ewiplistlcallr, thai h. Is opposed to th sbMet u nrnpritting Bs-ssey .rf the ettensi.sa al ll I eniral kailroa.1 and and then uenv it la aa internal imnrmeswettl innnily. it n4 a very ante man al On juncture. Thai he did ear ia tVlsnbot what waa charged Bsia him. bat lerea 1. rove a oey.K.u aunt. Til UmiJ-lM wilier a newspaper parea-renb ealla tient.m lo lot f l that auet Bsaipl tu wr tiaf lot IMtet J. aitka di.tioo- to-a fe. mi that s) I wherei.y mixaliea thai m ght rare II in seUing eerK.na, ar linh1 W ur It M IHU nnralar that In lata (.m. 4 .me. j nr M, hay.ol Illa-Uo amy. ao hg ! l-r in 1 th. ll-suew d Bepewntativeaid' lb u.ll Mles, wa alwava called Janet 4. 1. bay, n 4 iwly to ti.s br.ww4.ets s Congree. but bs lb- M-asun. fbtsowariata a4 ll.etri. wiuout,w !.., a S.II ' ticeptiua Jjf. A'jml, .. .. .. , , , ,., J - .. ,.. 1 his . nmv wpsai I m . . TTT . V " " ' """'I ""? r0-red bt mh.et, lafs.ra. lik. a vwmin, mti. by giving him (ia lb hwr.f any Mb- .... .. w, ... . . BfcttahMMlunlid-lh. public graiwry 1 r lika r Ii ,aorl a wkwU h. aiaahsw ia d.sa nf j tcuei QrinriTTM Pi aur Layaa. Rr lb affiriil fUjiort of I be u-retawy iT th. Iutriir ("sen rre-Ktei.r Mnaar. nT lls-ameyita, psrt f ls,',.t-, tMrs II9, il appesrt lloit lb quantity it puhli. leitide, nndisjewed uf on th. J"1h June v-.f. waa l,:ai.0T(l.n( acres. Tb. "Id State a-eaotitU-.l to their fiual aliar .sf ibis InimetMas p...n. U it to l.a a Lu ss4ieniatn raiaa lie atiutrr tbet eannul -e their si. are. A'.iim vr ask Aasiritym or tb Hittl- aoi.isu ev svss A frwnd baa cal led aatr at lnte, aa wt tlwt uf uur re, I era, toth fW1 tost ll.lt aeese tall I to BeX at IWIa.f h, la IUJ nsvit, dueswtr- ateeiing taf tlsari.t . Sial Agriraltuial i.-'eiy, and U. hiding af lh. Sim. I wr, 11.. last meetiag vf ilu iHuie bun Baa held al I .dumb.. K. (, laf. Out. Tb wbla tMa.be. ...n by It,, toited Naiet U, Is Ml wa. T. TM noesW of .e;rje ia Us fre. h'.ewr. it put at a shark to prey nia lb totem- fry last will I half a t a asb ley at a tim.. Il waa anly when ra'harould.. ku pnvale old. (vlbtli.. ether area' drw.k U. mat tis thsd iatot khIhhi atnwvd rare and toil by nrnvdeeahi eery,.-, and lsse. liaeif w prewful waa lh. aedatire aetioa of lb me to lb puMiei .r titer e-noralht.g nf any puiana. tlw. atak a man, who hat bMn bitton nei.triwalb atwptr to lhtspa.le.lli. asanai-eavenl by a lestaaisn reptiU, drunk, and lb tirb.ry la ttfff, with any g.aMt MceMs, any eredii, any as biased. Front ibsS bmmbmI h. Is tat. and th. ali.r.-ti..a. doth demand mns h wtk nf lb. anea may b. tresuesl at aa ordinary and alirbl Panararraar C.ss. Kxt.r A 1 si.i.i la na, say IS (trnrr, as f.iiowsi " I l s r..itly visited several ef lh. if , r r ... aad lud tb. tl kigs with ll.r a'M. -r r 1 anddetennine4 todilbetrdMty ta I'-e s - w 4 wmpatgn. They are alus u the i .. . ,.( thia .lection, and 1 think wid r t up t-e. aawd.w aaajorltsss for our es- ' I s ama thai vr d.d v..f the VI t,.g t. i t :i stand firm, and e.asi !i-rt,: . . , - ,f deawserala mil a our ranks. 1 ,s .s s . 1 4 I saw and Bssrersel wuh a luir.t of -i . ' baa.1. or uf lb hands, r tsf b"ib." Milbst, wb daring aa ei ive bf n th at.ssl troahUeomt ume. wa nueMeitif in iheratliiraiion of hu nnderttand log, Ibua dewrib. hit own bal.iun "Thna. Burn ing haunt aft where Ibey tV.ul l l, al boa.. mi.lnaiiiigaraanislintii.aMtoit.d'aa tseeess- Inf fes.lsl up and etiirmg; la w utter, leftan era the sound of si.y I- II sw.k. ate lateer ur devse tl . mtummer, a. t 'l w th lh bird that test aruwana, r not mm h 1 . ' t . to rend r "I auib.., asTMUaa.lhsntot r i l u l the all. Mo m aeary ar B.am.iry bss-t its loll (rnhti then with nesrful and feeT,(s btlwrt presentee U.a l-.l i s kssaltk and bat d.a eat, to reader lt',i-,ie. rlear, and asd to a. rt.sk uttedesiM to In. wo -of. a, It.e eausa U rebgom BMlassr li 1 I t -it " Aey ataa !wbo does a-d pen by so- h a-bes -vampl aa namy to Ua pwUm wJ, twh Wuuad. .V. O. I rweeeai, Ane i. Cat SMawty Wa aadtretaal tare th. Jfaw York A'Kenwf W. thai lb at. tsf tb. Crvaial ralae nj tlx 4th uf daly ba bee tondera.1 to Us rvatuaeal M .svemeet aswiMs, and Utal In. It. as. C. rtisea. nf a. laM Miatster to r'ranra, 1 to I lanwd to d'luM an aikltaa ap Tb growing w beat eeopa tbron at eepreaef, V-d to b. BnosttS F.rerybov la lb. ..rth and v inrranaed breadth of land a twenty per csm.i and U.t nn-,. yield in lllo.i, heeto. b t l . ejthey e!.t tr. , d 1 i - fire pee nenl -! IL.a I- 1 put t f IU f !, Hit rest, a..d i hn..t ' ' r .i. c i -i . Rrnna Cwrit.rn. Th Wasliingtnn .Jar nf yaalsdav eveaia savs t Tit. iHsveremeiol has taele. de.uvu ta fmea rtinm.d.et p ,rvy. f .1 -lr etisif.nstu.g Ine esvfn.f smun.,. ae. in itial Jepaa kad rr-'ic.t lo te nesvwus nt i. I eitstd (Male, and II.. I : . ks.l n.1 ( .re.','. bd at, a has as.-l Uia n.-b - ei jal. Tas tt or ns.-l.t. tt- ,oi ,sf I . f.., .SSI ,, f f.' .1-1 "'I nf ' and IT.'ssi ' " e lor 1 . f SI -1 I ... I o j 'I- "I as .!.. till rs AlT'l ; IV 1 1 ' I I- f ! -1 1 e-1 hi t.t I 0 .. a I... 0

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