JloriJ-(tan)Iiiu tor. ' -, rCBUSUtB UlItLT BT - WILLI A M C D O UB T intui rtorxixvox,. TEIUS: If paid atrletly ! advance, two dollar par aa- ml two dollar aad Ifty-Treata, If paid within (ii stoBtbt ; and tkre dollar at the end of th A D VER TISEMESTS net exceeding sixteen lie will b inserted time for ea dollar, and twuly.v mil for -ach tgbtequent insertion. fkoM of greater length will be charged propor tioaelly. Cotu-t Order ud Judicial sdvsTtieeuient Will be ohargett 25 per eent.' higher then the above raUJ... A reoaable' dednctioa will be md t - tkes wke dvrtSs by tb year. Book tad Job I'riutirg don with neatneii an despatch, tad oa eoeommodaung terms. BriT UtUra te Ih Editor moat ba pott.paid. NEW PUBLICATIONS. - a TTRirTITE BOOKi for TPB( A Ptrtoss All inely illustrated aad Bestir , " for tali by BESII W Tl'.SEI, Booksrller, RALEIGH. H. C GrimnVi Hoaaebold BtorUa and German Popn- lar talea. t yol. Km. Wood ! Uloatratod Natural History, 400 angrar. " " Win Tytlerl raTHa-rorr1"-- W'at HaW. l-aU ia sBtetfsaaV ivIh from Jawiab Uiatore, gmng an account f tbeir Ware, aa related be JoMtpha. -Tale from EngJiab HUtorjr, brjronr, peraou, 9f Agae BtrrebUad. .. jji-- - Arbeit By Jan Winnard Ilooper. lbe CanadCruodlWdbi.Axnl Strict laad. Talea from Shaketpeare. By Obarlee and Mar. Lamb. 4 Engraving. rtar the W baler. Hi early life and Adventure ia tb Arcti Sea. . . Mark Seawerth. ATaU of the IndiaA i Ocean. By the Author of Peter the baler. ' Tbe Arabian KuighUEntertainmenti. The old and favorite rranslation, oomplne. vola. Lik. wi an edition In on volume, entining a lee tion of the moat popular ttoriea. Evening at Home. Vy Mia Aikin and Dr. fiarbauld. Mra. Hofland'e Jtoral Tale. Mr. Hullknd' Horn Tale. " Wre. Hotand'itr - Ike Travel of aolandoUy Mit JUken. larv Howitt'a etery Uook. The Daughter of Ueniua, By Mr. Holland. Trot Btorie from Modern Hiatory. Tree Storie from Ancient Uiatory. Han Anderaen'a Story Book. " Merry talee for LitUe Polk. " Han AdrtBrWBderfaiTlre.-- ; Mr. 8. C lUII' Domeati Tale. Mr Oilman' Gift Book. : - Tb liuraery Oift. Paul and Virginia. New and Beautifgl. "Kaeaelae. Same 8tyle aad price. Hmbethror tbe-Eiiln of ibcn." Same atyre " and prioe. ' Tk Roy' Own Book " Boy' Ua Book Extended.""-. Bwiae Family Roldnaoa, 1 vol. eomplete. The Parenta AaaiaUnt. By Mia Edgeworth.' Rol inaoa Crneoe. Complete 1 vol. 0 kild' Own Book. Ia beat collectioa of Pairy lalea. Cobwebi te Catch Hie. ' ftaa Iferd and Merlon. By Thome Day. Tk above i aeleclioa only from my lilt at Javeail pnbllcatlone. Haieigk, Dee. ltto. 63 tf. THE Medical Companion, or Family Phyrieian, Treating of th Dieeate ef tb L'nited gtataa. Vila their rraraan, tawaeay ear and meant el prevention eommoa eaae la Surgery, fracturaa dislocation, Jte.) tb Maaag men! and Iheraaeool Women and V Imuren. A Un,pcnaatory for prepare ing Family Medicine end a Uloeaary, eiplamina technical term Te which are added, a brief Aa alogy and Phyaiology af tk Uuataa Bwly ; show. Ing, oaratlocuil priuciplee, tb eauaeaad cure et Diteaim ! n r.eefiy on nygien; or vn tnstm aerving Health without the aid of Medicine; aa A merieaa Materia Madica, pointing nut th virtue aad do of Medicinal Plant. Also, th Nurse's Quid. By Jam Ewell, physician in Waahingtoa, formerly of Savannah. The Tenth Edition, revieed eauu-eed, aad very eoaaulerablv imnroved; em bra cing a Treatise oa llydropatby, Uomoepatby, aad th Cbremotliermal Pyatem, For 81 - H. D. TmSES. M. C Bonk Store, Raleigh, . gtHh, 1862. riHB F.nejetopedie of Chemittry, Practical a J f ' Theoretical ; embracing it Applictioa to the Art, metallurgy. Mineralogy, Oeology, Medicine, aad Pharmacy. By Jam C. Booth, M alter aad Reiner ia v' United Stale Mint. Profeeaor el Applied Chemiatry ia th Franklia laatitata, Ac; amaated by Ckamphell Moral, author ef "A Tre tree eei Taaning.V 4. Complet ta on vol em, ray al otlavo, VTH pagea. with auateroua woodeala aad ta Ulaatnoaa, Ad edition, fuU beaad For Bale by H D. TtTRJfKR. X. C Book Stere, Raleigk Nov. autk. lb&2. BELLIXQ AT COSTt : BEADY MADE CLOTHING. THg eabverlkarv aevlag dWenalaed at keenlag lmj Made Ckrtkiag, ettw the remaiailsr ef mew haeiag aad Hammer store at I aev cent atasve eoet. Jllaa, UbKk aad Brswa l'l"th Ceata, Brew a, Urmje aad Faaey Lioea eoata, Blaek Alpaca aad Hroad-ehtb de Faaey aad Plaia Liaea Paata, . Faaey t'etaeaede aad Anie Paata. Bias Hatia aad Faaey Hilk Vesta, ' Be, W hit aad Peary MaraaUlee Vast, akirta. OtUrs. Ae. As. The tkni r'oda era of .tb laleet style, well made all and by sheaa. IVANS a COUKK. ALnO, M aaa a too assortmeet af print; aa ammer auple and Faary Dry Uooda, Hate, Ileaet, t tee. Aa, a bkh will be eM eap. . KV'ASt A COOKE. Raleigh. May Ith, 1M4. The) Nor la. nrvllaa Ehecmf r. AKTAIM)0 the aiatwte aad Csmmta la ef j tkiaHtaU, togeibsrwitk the liaaf lb Bttpreme Ceart and all the eeoeery form aad Preaedrata t Intended a a aafe Guide la Ksetw. tar aad Administrates la Ueir Praetical M meat ef Ealat, tenrding to tb Law ferae. With which I aecitsanlr autmaetad la kindred aaldeete ef Bills, Leieewa, Itewer aad ether Prevlasoa foe vTidewa, IMstnbaticaaf Eetatea, Dtsssat af Land, Partitio. Uaardtaasbia, Aa. SI Ui,.JAMIS iwAla, r.s4. " " imiititiiv. Pee Sale by HF.SKT P. TVRTr.R, Xtrlk Careetae JleeA Aera. Raleigh, Aagwet, IdoJ. . , M tf. - . Scientific Work. GtntOOT af tk Olahe, by Edward Bltahaack, U. I. LL. !) at Traalta ae MeullargTi oamprielaf Mialag, ad fewaral and aariieaiar Vleiuljrgtral eura- tiaaa, tk deeanpbea af nereeei, l'he aad AatbreeiU Faraea. Bleet Maebiaea, He Bleat. Pera Hammer. Roiling M die, ate., et., by FraaV avVb iteeratea. Tb IU.k af Xataro i by Prlederlek IWkeedXer, r. p., aad Henry Medlwk. F. C. B. PHanpIn at lie v. bv Fir Caarlee LyeD. A MeaaaM af klemeaUry Osvlegy, ae la A ..Mealaaaacu af tha aaetb ad tta tabebsiaaia. Ulasiiatod by Geological Maenmeala, by ir Caaa. Lye I. Pee sale by W. U POMIROT. Oeaember U, lt-,. ,( ,v.. ' MABtlalC CARD. ""V WtJ ta my eniir 4le.bil.ty t. .Mala Oraad aaeiarer ler we Kaalera a4 ttco et tbt Plata, I deem tl adneahte te tafw tb Lcdfe .W ti Jartedietiea ibet beetbee . Ixvliley, 0, U, .ieled aad. lb tTiil Madatl ef tac Ud Unud L-dgc, will eeevc ibem h ay pertiu af IX aicl wbea eenVd. Hi 4 4tra ('"V tb prcaeal; Ie llt'ksvine, Vt. C H. JogDA.t. t M. Hay lath, v III Ml " ''. eiea, Ug. Ueh, Areec " ' ... w ia fcaciea FCLLtl A IELTIW. VOLUME XLV. ''. IS 02fE THUTO 5EEDFT7L. I DR. HAatruH Cla Eheumatic Fain Killer." IX offering the above medicine to the public, we will inform then that it ia olely a vegetable preparation: and a we are the sole inventor of tit Pain Kiuer, and bat practiced tha aani for a number of ear, we ean confidently aar tbat it turpaaaea all otber "Bedieine vr offered to the pub ie far tb euro af Rheumatism, Inflammatory, Chronie or Acute; aad from the cert Scatet given bj gentle mea of the kigheat etaading, it will be aeea that tb Pain Killer baa not an equal ia the world for tbe care of Rbeumatiam; and we belie tbat tbil medicine ie lutt aa certain to et re the Khemaliam aa the eua imparta light aad htat upon tbe earth. We eould lay before tbe reader a large number of certihestea; bat we deem It unnecessary: euffice It te ear, that euch a medicine baa long been deeir ed and thoaaanda bare died without the tight; and we fear that thoaaanda more are Buffering fur want or tnta eotnpooiid. . e now can upoo tueaffitcted ccywherc, and saf-te- when the Creator. ptTi" t. J!? eejera We kingdom tVt wbioh will" niake 'yoa whole. And etwithetanding th Paiu Finer bn not a equal In lbe world for tbe euro of kbuo.4Um. U iaaleo a never failing remedy fur Scald aad-Burn, and 8pnin and Uruiiet, and fjir every inflammation of th Skin, Alwaj to be ppJIeoWr jally. And in aSditiun to what baa kren said of the Pain Killer aa being eupcrior to any other medicine ev er offered to the publio for the core of every dit eaae for which it ia recommended, w obnllenge the world to produce a hetter nied'ii.'ino, und we Challenge the world to product itl equal. Vie have hesitation in laying that the worm will be proud learn that North Carolina haa, m it were, aria with healing in her winga in tlicae latter day, and invented a vegetable compound which ha been a lid will be deaired inrangkeuVlne lengtti aad: tlifousthout "The TenglB trf breadth of the land. We now aak the kind reader -i..i..1.:...i u-l examine the above without prejudice and when ever you are afflicted, do aa hundrede have done, give nt a tall and try our Vegetable Pain Killer, f wt ajwur Jaa-vaa ct iiia Uce are for th., beating of the natiooe. For aale at nilliama & Haywood- Drug Store, Raleigh, N. C. UK. w. w. IIAUrriK s co. Grove P. 0. Chatham Co., N C 45 ewelry and" Fancy-Goods CIIEaTER iflAN TTEK. X tbe ciiiieei of Raleigbaud vicinity, that they have ul received an entire new rtuct oi all tbe articive ia I tbeir line. TtianVful ft!Lll?e ifLiiMSJfK. revived, thf jTToVeTi-ry thing in tiwir powef ue" tsrve a eontinuaace of tbe aame. Tbeir present stock mnit in part of Onld Eftr-ringrs. Arwt-viDt, toff ttin. Finfr-iinri tltwva bttUontv brMMieidt, ocketa, fob and guuU chtuiu BClUg pB. WfttrfcM, kTt. ate. Berlin and Frenrb tkctaw,rurniikbi lcthr rvtieal-t of ll tpir mrh work Iwkh, StBt.)h But) l'pA4sw tvf (rtm W. 4 474, MmnwBii ot lteitbjr. fvlrvt .tntJ poarl, rrvnrgi rgr r&ew-R, pock eH-book WtjiwTihui'i 4wliemUi cutltjrv, 4rk.HE uifi Kirkt tynmbw uf iTory, buffalo, indievrulbcr wl obvU mdujk- ranber rouun ouintt, pun.-tut'kiiiKtind tilt-uBibt, rftb r't EHMcilvi ceuL-b cuiiaen ea uf all dcteriiiUotu, fsttri UX JRSui MA1CAU-R lftiUJ. Hku iu IOtL tiutllAC 1 Mild S dftj nibrwr dolt. f ill iiin, kK-kinj gluH-i from bm rU. to JI kindi of r-rtuatery knit Tilt iwu.mIw ; Chittti gVod gl AM war- nf Tritu (ifori tian( tta,, kr. twrLniUAAKY. &c. C 'Minna nd FrfUh ( andieti. tiirktvo, prrv p. fcrnoity fruil, prunoi, rmiMinn, -urrvt)iR,citr'n,uui, wmc. ntegnr, petrr, , oorJil, 1iMpb, iwmniiam ftcbaiippt, Ral-lgli. AirU IS, ' 43 1 Rich Treat for How U Uu to LaDgb. MR. PARTIXOTON S Carpr-t Ilaf f Fall. Tb patslivbrra n(lrue k l th inwtir aa on of lit ricb. aniM-iiiu ( aii aplittiiig wit aud btuaor mkich ba appeWMl tn this rtyntr;. Alto, 1-M.weH and hauahiiiai ar Lira in KvntbMkj, by Mr-. Mary J. UAm-a. 1 rol lluio, T4 eu.j alath (I. wWlirhtful, well tFrtUrn H.k. fKartraTinr W aatara Ufa la litej .ttr. Tba book artoauda ta aa aaiv baanur, villi fctWaWai mui9rm of tnderf and fia.bM rat twrad Utrmigtb it, and fn flrt to lal kefM up a baouuit intarvtM tbal rrry many author atrivr ia vats toaA-birta. mi-r aitd f unliii. two tnpt?rf, are aa j,eiartlH: tatiua af tha irwiw Htat wrapraa atmca hy aatwra, tuiitta tjrthavw. U ft u rut only Uirotifrk triaU. ltwfitatr aad tn ba- aa iioa. Mr. Middeibra, tUalathac ol Tvaiieaat aod bua- ahiw- k tha Try oal and apiirit of Hld kaiatat-k,' aVktafaai inta aa aaa. Th biik la worth rvadtag. Tbora k a b-avllhy ataa at Baaaraiity pWvWtakf ttv wktM wUi BMka it a aaiuble work ta bo pldvrad ia laa naAda ol oar flWajbtan aad tittara.M ror taia a N. C. Bookatora. lUlal4xJaMMSM. . B. aK-rUtvKTIlRB. CHIMLIM. 4. V. MATl)l JL Me McPIlllLTUiS & Co.; I MLEiUC filfCEII, Fimnriing auttl Commuriow MenkmnU, fi antwotg aurttt. MORFOLK. Ta. ntnatitii. Tbemat F. Dceereax, Italilat, N. C. O. W. Mordecat. Free. Bank el tbe Plate ef X. C. C, Lewey, Cesbier de d do W. H. Jeeee ae Mraaeb d Csee Feer, Belelgb L. Ok. Breach, Hreeideal A. A ti. H. B. Meesre, Hsid A Hoeiur, Frs'l Fanner's B'k ef Va, Ale. Hell, Kse. At sen epeece A It si J, JJefliswrc B llloecom eV , Asa Vmrk. Oetebert, Itit. ii-ir G OtlO KKWa FIIOJI TUB StiHTII Tbe eabeerl. ben have lasl retained fma the Nnrtb wber tbey baa beea fsr sevtral weekt past, la feme at a aterk tf Ctntas sellable bar tba aiisrnaehiatj ssama atut letl aseer.il rj eaa sih.h.t as ana a surk l gaeds at evet haa ecca la taa city, rne aisshfvaa stvic wa tuive eseclvtd a few eaaee et tb Mbreleg Faaey and Flafl r-tt kuerk ftteabla Faattt Frark aad tree Cel ef n gielis i Frsa-Hi CacMawee ta awkt Peek, f tcry setab rMettyW; auk aad t'etksa tlwlery.a aaeartirlei Haaa daaa ililfs, eld styK aad varseas csaer artwlM whMb y to aaamsiels, at kavoyatl te- a r. bauct ro. ii Marek Itlk, ltM. Iran Kailicr aad OrM&estal Irea Work ...... ,. . I e! Us L silW ataur-, la.. th.y t;tjr"rrd 1. td apevdentoeaU ktaat lr- Biliue ffaA ma.li aVasala Paaba t al atxtl . . . - r-, Balaeaie, Veraadaba. ('etaetenec be. Abtt.Bet' teea, Cbaire, T in!., firey Heaada, Caet Irea Lamb. Kr lead Ilege, Iran Bialra, Decta, Pbaltev, t laarde. Ifale. e.4 all kiade f cv aew sat al aad arebileetwial Irea Week. Tbey pay pcrttewlar alteattna t eceleeieg eeoe levy ktc, bavtag lbe taiiel d baadmtet aceeet teal f petterae ef aay eetahtiehateat la tble eccetry Pirssas dectrieg ta mak Beteetlea f paitara aad ka tke ect ef work, by addreeelnf tb abcnber, will neette, by ret .ral ef meil, priaied dccigae af week tad bat ef pete. All ertlcrt talratled t a in reeeiv prBpr tttn. Una, H'XiU A to. Ke 11 Karth Teatk tt., I'bliad.lphla. May I. I not. la-wtm- A l ew Meiaiarlta I 1,t L.t1Aai.IJI0 bceade esee i. ess.ti.es te bteTH K.eed lie ktrge I, r.rtlr .11 t. a, ase la aced 4 e.li autde tl at ata: a lUilrllvii Me bet ea bead cee beadrcd Uejat tent bWbt, wub aih Velvet CcJIcrti mi bcaTrW. a.4. la !ret FrMk style 1 srr.sl.trl Fresk Urcbc BMC Fr t,el.et C Jere I Belt ( rsee t'eaictM atsae Few.) ace t".tfC Free Uc abs i s.-.'v a., ami li-t Lte ftwt eat Ie tcst Fee. stvle. eeey betts'ieiai a t. tjrece ead u..t.e a.-t. ta aev mhv . elv, e ery F.H as ae. ..a t . M-.a u.. a i bu.t a4 I ,,. ait taest lnt s-. Bhm, Btvetce ewt Tin.4 I ce t ,rm ler toryctac ta a. eet'.t4, Masl.totta,alayt tace Mated Uw Abl'l't a l. tac Bleec J.ee II, l.l. , Jl ft- BALEIGH, NOBTH Valnablt Property for Sal tX Beaufort I JLKNLANT to decreet ta Usrteret lrl or Bqatrv, X lb tbe Clerk and Master will exaose t Beetle aale at tea Court House la Beaafart ea BaUirday lbe ttib ef July, the following trarta of land in the county ef Carteret aad lota la .the tew ef Beeafoe. te writ A tract of laad wub a Kwsllinf Heaae, a Store House, aad ether boutrt thereon, oa the north eide ef the B traits, containing stoat til aerea, adjniaing tbe lands ef Isaiah Cbadctck aad others; alee eavtber tract oa tbe Straits containing ab't twentr-eeer, adjoiniag the leads ef tbt heirs of Richard Whtleharst ea the south, aad the beire of Jeates Uillikia ea the Nnrtb, the property of the heir al law ef Chart et Stewart deceased. Also a Irani of land near tha town of Been Tort with a-. dwalliag-a-'Bte thereon, eonta loin about thirty-three aeret adioining''lhtlandaofJametWard,J.F.cU aad others. X Alto a lot la tbe town of Beeufort No. 170: tlee a very valuable tract of land ea tbe Weal tide ef North River, containing about AtH) aeret adjoining tbe lends of Thomas Dudley, Mrs! Jtee Ward and M. B. Rob trsoa, a part of wbirh isrleared'ead ander cultivation, b lag tbe farm ea which tbe late itaae H.llce dee'd lived. Alta 4ract of land betweea Kortb Hirer aad' Newport, kaowa as the Oak Ridge eontaiaiag about zoo acreej, ' ;" " .. AWlj atrss oa Caxrol Island bting tha lirhrry . also! tereeef land adUwuaa 4b Bimey be! ttiigt. rhrfork-wf ffewpevt; -Tlleo'Se a-elnta r! Rustell'a Creek, adjoining ine landi of Wm. epringh. Also the lown Marsh in front of Brauforl. Also a parcel of tandon tbt West tidt of Worth River ptuat ed by Cetwell and eordea. Alee owe aW ef the land and Marsh adivining Loooxvilte. Alsoanareel ,f land near the Steam Jl ill facing the landt $f th t htirl at.law ef Isaae Hellra dte'd. Also one half of four unlmprored lots la tbetowp of Beaorort known and dlitlngnlsbed In the plan or said towa by tbe numbers 4 jii, 44a, ItA nd 1M eld lewa. Also a home end lot in Reaufort ea Front btreet, ad ioicihr tba residences of Janet W. Bryan and Elijah rT. Pixett, brine tbe property ef tb heir at law ef John P. Hot dee'd. Also a valuable tract of land for Farming and Tar. psntlae purposes, lituateden the ' est tide of North p.rtr oouUining about Jon acres. Also e Ktore House Boeut Bahkt the nronertv :'ot 1 the heirs of Thomas ...V . ., " ., l I. Iiinlny tna otliera. Also tour sevemns oi in lands to wit: a parcel of land on Hoaue Keund ad joining tbe lands of Daviu Plgoti and otfaert conttin ing '2To acres more or lest, .tin a parcel of land. on Naenort Itl ver containing lixl aorea. Also a tract on Shi'ctorord'i"TOiik'conUTntng ?'TTlr Kh(o g tttor' en Begne Benke eonteietriir-eVeet tu acres bfrprop trtv of the heirt at law of Levi Piiott dee'd. fsrms, six months credit, txrept for tfat eostt tbtre- In incarred, which will he required In en. I1KNJ. L. PtRBY, C. It. E. Branfort, N. C, June 17th, 1C64. tS Ids. -Mis a Te "Ih i tl f trtei fiPCMtVTflV v r fTHE next teaaion of thia popular and flinr!b- in nclioul, will commence on ine em nur- :inJjaLi.JielLftliM!ii:? .Ak?AJtinttuaJii.. aiinoiuciiig to the patron nt toe ncnoot, ana to the f raternity, tbat they have tecurcd tue scr- riooa of ilx W iu.ia I Gaxawtr. u FriiicjpJ. a gmtlenian of king xperienr In teaching, and in every way, well qualified to ditchare the duties devolving on hint. Tb Pmfewrhip are well and ably filled by Mr.-riauxua W. Baoogi and Mr. Avurrrr M. Siwyie. axraxiiM rt aaaaiox. Tuition in thelrmeat branches, 87.00- Engliab and Maibeuiatice, 10.00 Ancient Language,' 15.00 trench or Uernian, o.uu Iucitlental about 0.50 Hoard pr tnation, inUuding room, fuel washing and crvnt attendance,- $33.00 1. S. GlBMXV. W. M. Gernianton Lodge, No, 116. June, 1854. . 20 I31J. SIW FBI CI 81 p setis MURE AT & O'NEAL iiv; fancy an A V t takes tbe Klore . lately -occupied he W, A. ftith, and art receiving tbeir ttock of ind Htapl Dry (inoda, Oroceriet, I rockery sjidUlaat Mar, Ac. bring new beginner they has lo build up a trade : to do tbia tliey are de Tk.. .ill -II eh... ..it ...taker i. 11 coaviaoed ot this fact call aad price tbeir good before purchasing else here. All they ink it showing, aad if lb goods suit they guarantee to make tbe price right. Uon t purchase belor tt tmiaing tbeir ttock, if you want cheap good. Call at Ike, U, w bile trout. Fayetteville ! i. i iiasi -il- flfrf) f" "rV; Marek SC, If 64. CAtlttlAbK MAfclfcU. Baleigh Coach Factory. tf ILMAM4 A OURMAX, having enlarged Ihei UtyUoT a convention, ia which the moot eineri II cublishateal by Use aadiuea Jeekiat' eaoa, I emwd and wittttt head of both Whin and leni. ea Uaren street, ere fully prepared te easeets erdws for C Attttl AOI-M of every ejeeeviptlea. Empteyiag eatsfisarsd werksacaaad aaiatj loebcatef aaatsviaU. tk.il work will alwal be taubed ta a si) It ttemnteel It eive salisreetlea. tUnairinai dene wltk J0- Parlors t. Ilargett street, awar lbe Baptist aru,m, i ad ai Urx'i oti njtut, Bear ttm ktnotrJv tiL lUlcigb, Jaae;a, late. ' -lj. f1 IIBJUHI lHlMt''tiTICMI'lICI!K.r Psmr U kit's FrtradlU tb Bear el aBHik., vela. ad Btrkaee, a tale aad reliable geld. Tbi. bok 141 eat, la atata taagcegt, tree fn H dertera' tevtae, lbe biseaeet el Men, wsakea ead CI it aea, aad tt s la tMt aad meet imareved meeas ase ia their core, aad Is ieteaaWd etprestly foe Ike hvrett ef faatHiee. Il als eeauuae eervtetuau tj tbt is- boa they srs lo ba assd r tbe rare ef 4tseset, It la arretted ea a aew aad tiatpl plea, by wktsb lac ree be ( Mcdtetae tl redaeed la prta.ipita ef eea mea aresc. Tbll lasalaable beck buaeatcd Ibetark assay adU Heat i II bet bow bee revised aad leasireved ia every resBcet. aad ealtrged te acerly dcMtble lit femer sis. i and eaauuae aiaebaadred aelav pegse. Il '-ec act a poa t dispease wub abyslelaai In tsvcee eatst i but il dt propose te tavt Iheasaadt taeetlly. by tmuieelbe meaesef ear hiteevery avia't buds, ead af saving vclaahte II -t (chirk ht ef far inrv ttseevteeeei by laHreetiag tadiVMBeie aew rbeefc dtereee te tte begiBciaia beeave It bat aetjetred mceb etreegtb ta rettsl sac ceveoat.. Fe talt by IJi..aT 1-. Tl Hjr FA, .C. etkHlere, ILtleigk, Mtr 10, 1144. 4 . Hot 4 Ce'l Pattmt Orotuii law. ritllg abawlbee Maaafaeteee frc tb I rey Kvatt, CiaccLs Paw, from tw inrhec t'r. 'y ineaea n at t meter, laetr wa ar "'"; grcaad I Ur, U lb mmtr m.cUii,. o4 kce.a,. bied or ktttkled, ' " ' i .4 ar.iia.aa a arreet nmi ta timber. Tbce . aaaalaetsr CaT Bvtaa, Free aad r - t aeea Ci y Ptaa, aad Diu.iv ta tl art tjaatiiy, all af hick they bet fnr eale, ar lacy may be I,U ed af the prtsrlpaj bardeae aver cheats tbewai beat tke I aned Ptaie a R. HOF, a ., T Bad Utieid Mrest. V, T. Vty1ik. mt. aa.it. etpasnebee af FJeBtatatt wba kteert tbi advee jcemeat tbeee Itmaa, Wiib tbtl Bete, aad leeward aa a paper esataialag lbe earn, will be aid la gitaliag malefial by Bcexbaaia bat limax tb s ss east ef tbetr bail fee the adeartietmiat. CTATI Of JTORTH CtUOUli-oaBaraa o tt ii v in t. iwttjr. Tt- - anL!a- a .. I rciioa Weneea. lied xUdy bits. T,fm' It ...m a. tk. - -I ik- r . . tw if tst4i shMw J tbia , M i. w,e m. tVeel tkaa awMiscis-s as sMstc ta tw sWrb tw . Bett BCMiMU tss.tir IC Uk. I ,lv ml !.., t. SI. C I Be? tbrac ssestbe pMlt.tef tt. iscsil S-4, S b'ts Is be sad S iss et tbe sect tea af tat. kma.islils (el is be add M lbe fwt Ummt at s,u.t4 mm tbe Bmvib K44-y sa B.isaia sesi, tbdi aWe at eca ae ean ta ev. Mto ef Tames bits, te tbe saw. sBtl b. f .4 -i e.rvc. - wtvaoM. wa It -eti.r. tv a.4 Vi tf say sele I mm ef k-icHy. si . Ums B-wlb H-sf ta led, A. It 1st. wa u. MoBjti. r a a (rr. A. It b J tt-eb.. kaedsa.tr aad tew.ee re, aad ar green aad ta. I , " , ' . . .. T , . ; it4 in lteif bki tstemt tt Ihtss " '7 " . ., . 7 . . . i ,k.. .w I aad bat tew slave.? II will ae and feat the CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 12. 1854. From tbe Orcentiioro P R riot. FREE SUFFRAGE THK LAND QCALII CATION. W have never entertained nnvretnect tT the propoeitioB of Free Suffrage, a it first came before the people, and an it hasainre been advocated by tb truage- portioa of tbe Democratic par:; in ttii Mate, It ha nifinmlT been claimed by prominent citiiena, of lHh partiet, that ear amended Consti tution ot ltv waa a constitution ot "checkt and balancea," in which not only the intereeta of bAat and neat, but tbe lutereu of the various classes) uf citiiena, without regard toeeciioa. were duly mpeoted and protected. Fet, in th face of tliia vaunted tyttcm of check and balance. the tpaciouf propotition for " free auffrage" ir allowing the voter for member of the common alto to rote rr Senator, without tbe qiiaJihcation of land ownerahip it propoeed at oa uolatnl tacortir ofcwutilulioiuu rtfvrrn, afrhiirnsitlernr tiun ureea and carried forward aa a tneaeur of a fejt ral jxirfy, with thought or ear in ret'erence ee.rte hmttwa meatMiie unraeing only the mtwstteav tion end the nenti a "nf nrrrttt rotmi",- hat caireil i'.m caiHlid.iie of a ifeai'fcJe'ral MrWaiutf hie wilfully blind followers for any evalnm of Oon- ttUutiijnitl " clicokt and balanci'i in their own w any rther partjctiiar State, tArftdera) ptje-i tv, wln.'h baj the uianeniatioa of national office , evwt porvi4d wiooecd upue ttaruvne ?- If the Democratic tmrty, or any of it infaen tial cliauipiuna, bat e proposed an y coincident eo' atitutiom al reltinn. for Uiepurpo6ur keeping up 1 the ratem ofebeckaand balaticee,. which ttiaoox,- feaaed would Ij destroyed by the emibliahoient ot tree tunrajre atone, we iiave yet to be uitom ed W tlie fact. It ia forthiaUtatni;, and we trtttt not a ' few Sim and unswerving Korth Crrolinian with ua, i advocate AfVee, uareslrioted Clveriliofiofl!ie Pertple, If the ptttmt ratem of ehevka and kalanxie it to be knocked down, we wint a bode clothed witli more tlian the mere legislative pow er, to-erect a better. eyaicto upon the ruin. We emttt-erhal ilia IkiiiHiirlic.pr-intiidforrerte deny u a pornlar Convpntiurr. V e reenrd it a alieer fully ( and w kaow7 "that we here hit frieudiof hulh politionl partien) forany man. talk abiiut a porpoM of pretervint; the baai of repre flntatioa aa it in, and at the tame time to advocate frea auffrace." The thiue u absurd. The baai aa iLit. and the biiais aaitwoiild be under a tvsti m nfUureitricted tuflrage, are tbtuirteo uil- fereut, in effect, that but little eonaiderotiuD ia required to thow it. And our remarka on tiie prea- eut occaaion have been called out by a brief but hu'id May handed tn ut by a friend, with wb m 'weliaV.'OiCHutnil jubjcet. Hi rumark are annexed, and we invite to tucm tlie aeriou attention of our fellow citizen. Jtf a. DliOO. CoVSTITl'TIOXAl. AlHNDtT. In tii diacaation here thie geoiieman teemed to think that all tint people wanted wasre ttiffrayt tj irgitiauve eeacuuent. in tin we conceit be was ai little acquainted with public wishewand public eentiment ia difl'erent parlaof Uib Staiea in mnnj other particuUra. Or be pretended ig- aoranue in ortlor to amid the dimeultfafrkplain i ng now long it would be belora thepeople would gt rid OfConlilutionalqtietiiiini,if aSnaldecia kin on all that are honestly and teriooaly re. iced lia.ll be tettled by the Aseeml.ly. N umber ia the State di re the Judgue, Justice of lliePenCw, ffecreiary or state, LiitMler, Ireaturer and a Lt. Govai nor to be dia led by the people. Many aerioutly dcaire to aeeeleeled by lbe people t'noi miatiuuera to represent tltaStjtte in educational. and Internal luiprovement affaire. Otber desire to have removed tbe freehold qimlitlcatiuna of uuiernora, isonaior, cc, It Might have been h peri ilexlne oacstimi to Mr. Bragg tu have aatisfied hi hearer that wt were likely anon to got clear of these exciting top ic if they bar all to be nettled by the Legisla ture, lie did not likely wirb to create relic, tiun a to Dm cm fusion and obuwritT into which thing were likely tn get in the end by Legislative tinkering at tba Constitution, and hence be aid he knewuf nothing Uwt the people wauled but free auffrage. In addition to the reflection artsmrout of the foregoing in ttvor of a Convention, by mean id which tlie popi keep tbeir own orgauie law in thwir own bantla, - and rry-wrhrch the tHmitilulii'O" vary be amended all eard nuea Unlit aettlad quietly, cheaply, certainly and taiiifaclorily l y th people theniaelvcat there are other eorwida- raliooe which thow the Importance and auperkar- I eraU should 1st employed and united and that too without otber queetioo to uiCuenc, divart or dislrt.-t their allenlk n. I a tb Convention of 1K.IS property in alave. and th right nf the Ateembly tn x thil eneriet f property were eipeectly provided in tit Ciwittitlitionr-The. Copaiuiioa t tid tt Aa- aeubly tn tag th tlave higher than the white man: why waa Una r It wa to take from the Aaaemhly the power of diecriminating and thereby nnjuatly taxing tlvt higher than utiier poll. Tboa ownin ; tlave itmamUdlkit mtrmm erieri in the Constitution. Why wa nit) timilar rcatraint imposed by the Convention nj the power of the Awteenbly total the lender For th plain and iimpl reaeoa that lBdowrert ake had th the aelectlon.of the penator. Ibat the i-etiale had a oeck and tetn on llie taxing power nf the Common a. Bat by plating the Kenab-re denes. deal on the tame voter that el tlx memlirra tn the biwer house, thit check or veto it rewoted. n hen free tulfrege it carried would it not also be jtint to provide thai th Aearmbly tbnuld Mop- pre in tana noi iert ie impnallnslul tateef That the tax land and tlavee should be equal tuvoniing to in vuu m tacn and that lor Ihit purio bolh should La valned f If right to giv protection to elate property against ni.equal aad unjust late it it not eoually ri,-ht to gu the utn be th ewner af iandf 1 hey bat h a tbeConetitath now Maadt, - Of the freehortler in the Htat wk aw fo Henabira, ay- ear kalfn tVn-a. Nearly all tlata nwnere own land. N.'nld tba Aaera,ly put a heavy Increased tax ea land, and light on the polls, tk tier awaee would y, this ie too maca my laaaa, nut we tat aa my tla bc- eprfesaiit, lil a.ilbadi ia vaia te the Oarteiiitf Ihmi fiar prilertiuB, And bea k te l4d, thai th Assembly ia attempting to enmat U.e Can- litnlva IB iie simple aittur M tirorkling to tet aU vote ftnr fteeiatBr, acted hi sav-b enifat,,m and harry aa bt hrl free rgrucs t. It lay rVnab.r, hi hone for mlreee Irnea tliat tjuarter will b weak, Tlet.ereflecti.cm.gl,i Ue'ra4ed; bat they bt eana;h In mll.fy ell eeti retWt ng mea II et I bey ebvald keep Ih CnaetitBtbai, faerr ear tnft fuitci i laetr sem at. Aad lb. I wbea tky determia b. ba.e tu easne altered ar eaweaaded tbey elxsuld ujru.l it tn bowed bearte and wit head ehocca by lbem K tbt mrpuaa and no Ryirtrytrs r vai Mi ttria Tstsry Th Precidesl bsvmg signsd th tea Biillea bill. Ike treaty witkMeiirw wa fully ranted na I ride j aad tscaaral Alsaeal rescued a cheek lt se.es milliettt .af tbdlar on lb Hib-treaeary af New York. This aaduabiedly the htrrwl rhk var draws la tint (wastry, and . aae eV- pwbsry, sad probably tbe ktrgeet till i. I be paed la ruia. What would Mrs. t.ruadv say" If the Tata Faatr rrgoia sere t aead tta W big la tbe aett (..'.laiauef Wisibia Ithat npsniialde.M lady dc.p be Sarle b as.si.sssi I f WnwUlat be tacsssa tba Jmmrnai sft'a, to ka.rO what wa be. te I Mut aasdesn. a 4 st I i?ear thai (set Will beea. W d'.sH I say saa pat owe sngr Bf tbe men. t t tjn'y y-ai ie.o,,l, to V Ml aad te. a ..'is'.s iresld. 1 1-. I . - 1 .1 .1 l .L , L . . I. - TIlH IJOLIiKX ABJ x But frw weeks hate expired since the Ral eigh. .Standard was berating th Whig for men ti.aiing internal itnprovraieut and. exannvni echwua in connection wilh poliHo. It waa deeiiledly wrong -en-eedinglT ugW : no patriot would th nk of auch a thing! Thehundard ieverymu-di like tha London ouachmaa who abandoned tUa rein to a bmthor whip fur shot drive. The cattle were exceeding ly dull, and friend Jehu, after trying in vain. ft tome time, to slash them into a tMt, made a aucceseful hit at a core nlaoe which he eepied uu one of them, whereupon they act off in a briek trot. The coai tinmn jirked tlie etrings trom me nana oi Ins triend in a (fieat panaiun, exclaiming - Jici, air 11 allow euch nriileg No, air 1 1 ellowa euch pritilege - i:-,i . r-i .. a 1 to no one.. That' a little spot lalwayaamve hr mjtelf when I wantt l thow or." The Standard of the 1st instant commence an article with - "WHAT MILL BE OAIXf.Dt : " The IVinocrat bat hadihceontrutuf poblie affair in the Wteie tine 18ol, and during that urn ewry nirereat baa pmeperett and been d- vahceiT-Vho. wiri"Jcn, mZZZZ: i i.nw murnai linpnn umanl tnlrra -be nccn gjing forward the plank romla, aad tit Wik uiuion and Kaivigh llaitnmd bare I wen and at- now pnyinjj hnnilomi) dividntla. The 1UI eipb and daaton Ttnd ha been Tecohttnitne,! aiid placed on a aulid baaie, and will aooa pa? a good diidcid- ; - ; Our Common School iratem haa been iinnrov- ed a State ttperintendent ha Imen apnoiuted, , ,ni. fcu. i j...i,i L... ... ., for lkt thaehildren tlmu wa ever before dintri luted, 4c." ' " Surely deinncrucy ha been instrumental in the Consummation lif ninny gyent thitigt; and it ought to have oredit fir them all. Since il took the helm in ita ..hand. iuijSil, th plutu orchard h&ve not fnihid to yield a g)ud harvest, etipevially in high and dry loealitioa, until the preaeut voar: and the late and cold Hjnitip nf 164 was, no doubt, produced by the doing iUie alwuiiualile tftunu (.vnvrafiiMi that asaouibied in . Itelviich mr tctmi tiue eurn at ine mctntrre rince. while in the rbaating-ear tato, ha left the neigh'iorbood tince the inauguration of "Iteid and Victory" though a suspicious Inokingtraok teen near the mileraet this aide nf Luoiljerton. during March Court week, created tlie- impren- tmn thai nit liruiusbip.Kaaumiunfi.uis way back. since tue nomination or Djckery. A cow in Warren County hat alto been delivered of three calve, una pnrlu, at w learned from the AVtrt aotne three month ago whereby a considerable a occasion ha been made to fli Vaswrutc ranks uTHrkl kHtti'iit rtuiuy. Tlieeagle that itattrAWili" ing Jimmy Macl'heraon't pia, in Hichmond, ha been taken ill av. trap .and knocked on the hwd wilh Jiuimy'y walking ttatt which allow that the democrat are up tu trap, a well a to txime other thing. Of a verity we think our friend Wheeler ought tn be brought home from Washington to write tbe History of Desmmracr aince the acceeaion of IVrrdtnd hie Trumpeter, in- 1H&1 It m ike a valuable apiendix to' the peevieal edi tion f hi great Work the 11 wtftry of North Carolina which w are eooetantly eipeeting to make it aptieajance. - By U meant let the Uemdotut oi Jirattie' Funl ba aent fur. What are th dec lit of empire what the exploit of Keid and vicbirv, wiihnul 0i Muaaof Hnrtov-f to record them 1 fay. JLryiu, " THE EASTERN WAR. Tliia ia the moot extraordinary' war 0' which history giv any account In all u ajtiteeta that have ever before oecurrett tietween nation. individual or wild beaut. tl greiil oliiet't pf llie oombatiinta baa invariably been In do each other mu h mischief at poasil.le. In th Kastern war, tlie objet'bi teem to ba accomplish tb leant nosailile amount of harm. Kit out capturing a few merchant roascla, and boinl'.-ding the eont terieal port of Oleata, the magnificent allied equadmne have been aa innnxion at to many unarmed pilot boatt. Admiral Ihindae drive hi slow conches of seventy-tour ata gentl ct aver th Black Sea, letting tha Russian rruteera dash by him without ehnllenge, and Admiral Napier's big tin of battle ship frtrwa majesti cally upon the Itiiatian fortilleationt .while .the ituaatan turtiucationa trown aa grantiiy in return. There eeemt to be no tuch thing aa coming to blowa. Tbe war ia a thewtrkwl reneeeentahioB of war, at far at Kngland and Franc are ae eerned ; and if any oua geta killed, it ia by the theeraat accident. . The only war now raging, k that lietween the Rueeian andTarks. Thtal lee teem resolved that the Turk ahall have allthahoour uf anaiataiuing tliemaelrea aingle-handed, against tb mujtitu dinoul honle of Kuasi. And n th aeoount given by tha French and Englieh newapaper era correct, tho Turk aa aa aid whatever. Acctirilliig tn the. acoTunrt, the Itunneni ar Iway dtdeated by th Turka, and have not gained a tingle victory since the war began. Moreover, th Turk hat a charmed lib, dr while the bulletin uf etery battle report thou and taf Iluttane tlanghleretl, w rarely bear rtf a tingle Turk being killed. The Iti'teiaa bul let fell a pott tbeva in tlMiaett, hut they might aa well be aimed tban artny ef peetrat. Tbi i a great war undoubtedly, though it will not do tu believ all we bear. Hirkmumd M. Bttofl't Wr or Ttryn la tha enure of hitetssech ia t hit place, Mr. Bragg referred tn omtilinventary lenes ta the rUlitfle of lb Argne and OUervsr, remarking that be aaw then taking Botes of hi apseeh that be bad ao fear of being mlarepreeented by them that ibey were gentle men.and west Id not miereprteent him. Ilia enaldeaea waa, sot misplace 1. Wt gave fair acormiit of hia ipaerhee, and no one eree p re ten oVd that It waa not fair, except that Mr. Bragg ia reported try the Camlinien te have eamrdained ta ette taMttewlar emly, aad Ibat sf very hi lbs i ca pon am e, vit t that w bad reproeute'l bim a laying he wm glad to Knd that th Iltnk B"tdt here were no ftlal'lr. II pretended at RnckHsh llialkedidnotalladetntbeF. W. Knad, bat anly tn the stlieea. Vi bat ba nay data tacsiW wtVnownM. lie certainly mfte no etrorHnm In hie epeerh bera. And we w therefor strict ly tsaie.it ia mtr eewoioa of hia specs-b. But what as oar BetoaUhnaet.t is and la th la-l A'gns, th f.'ll.wlng aerwautof Mr. Bragg't remarka al Kellt'a, in Moovweoanty, eathvrrj aetl day after hie speech here t " A geartkstnaa of lb very highest rwseaetabiliy who waa peeeewi.lufurtusd that Mr. Bragg, oa "that nrvacti.n. Informed hi audietie that ibet would te threw aeroum tsf the speaking al Farettstllh., the trap , 4 tna weatbT b (ttnd la ta leWrvee, sua ia the Argna, aad the Mlntr ta tb Carolinian; tbat th Argue aad tbe Oleevee wow Id both miser press wt him. aad the oaly tree aematat af kit tpeck wuaid be found ia IbeCaeuliaiaa!' Mr i.tiranii A'Ttetcy For I'raaowt tanw Is. H t leara thai nn Therwlnv last, tur ssgrs sar wVre rims nst y-tvte sret tng ef a Vanoa ta' litan 'i M ill poe4. (a M ..r. Cuwtitv. TWy wr leaving tlie baak te vm ine r-md, when ust jampes Bp-as tha wtd tsf tb tame, reusing it ta dip water. Tb wb- le party rushed tu toe aad eel to lint ehties, wbea the host sonk, and tb fimr ImrsM-liately tank wrtb H. NoriS of thesa ensld ia. 4a wa frs ataa aamed J'ltsae Hill, Tb others were slate. tl,gig ts It. M leec'.aa, i bt Jobs iMtrafrareoli, lr.. and s to Ailen W, Junes, Mr, Joes, tbt waa nreeetit, planted In Is help, and wae Very Bear be leg drowned himself being seised and ear. led ta the hollita bj one of tb drostotig bo s. Il sat auk II' trs.ai d Ik'aliy thai b relMse-l biitwslf Iter lot rwaet ssvt It wst a Bad tiglal tu . f ar droatned bube liing ul l y a.ds. A white ssaa aaased lnk 1 loe, sod let ...tis, is I b. yt, war alca aa Ih liM. Th father, b.ieg a fA emwtee, esved bis aifie auk rvesl siiy, t f A NUMBER 21. COMMUNICATIONS. : Foe tlita North Carolina Star. . ' ' J10W "THEY TALK IT" IS NORtUAMP - . - -TON. , . The eamraiirn waa opened at Boon't X Road n this counlv, on Stturtlny the 1st instant, by ineeer. uynum. iioro ana vaivert, n nig. W had )utlrrattt latest. mieaelYea. befttrst that day , that we tnould be free front the borthea of " old rotten rail roads. " aad were rettdf to ean gratulate Mr. Hrnge; on hia repentance end een vemiun to the internal improvement policy uf th Mate. Tn our astonishment, however, we Were again edined by the aame old tune of oitpoaltion: l.u. . ..,;. t-. . . .i.. nnunced at being "in favor of a ratlfvad wltkh will not benefit the eounfy .ufiurfAmfoM one ceut tiiat we nnve run na on ine umeci, airu are, even nere, in tavor ot buiiuing a road or h it'll ia for the benefit nf tit western people, the con er)wevea wjjl tie fhat Birtsj wi!i I oomiiled altiniately tq take the uua'emti oVAenr outi, oe-vrrswtake the InMient-rtttriitd-WhtgtmnkTnpr hv-brfjtStidca"a;tl wound up "wrth acbuclle wMctVoiidrtleetf)rei wreat eyyivit. " " Nnw I would adviwiilieiiietideot ininroverriMit in tliia State, tliat ifuey.tloem it ot importance te ttrw trrt ioK rural pr touniy, they mutt gu it biiud fcr a Kuriluuiiiitoa dtWe hare neror believed thai Mr. Brapir wa an Internal improvement man notwithatanding hi lWui&U apeeub a reported by, taa orcaa-M. He ia tiie head and front of the AurMaatisfo Itf (x,ftxv part ; and tbat party h dyed in, tlie wool in their opposition to Kailroada. Mr. HrtiK' poeition aa tepretenteil by hi fi icmls hare in, that he i not committed in favor of the immttluitr chartor for the extension, 'that ho it iu favor of the greaX road, but it nut com mitted a to tba time when he it to aay the work ia to be done, ibould lie be elected Uuveriiorv- It tl dented here that the Standard represent air. Bragg a real position on the lulneet of im- pwtmieMbx.--e1r)rtoljrlf'u' Ui be hold ruepunaible-iu any way for the uttinion of the etlitor of that paper. Ouu tiugla uiruuin ttuiic i ifititiiiant, v. x During the diteuttion alBoon'i X Roads, tlie Wliig eandidate war asked, not only a regard their opinion uf the propriety of extension, but wneuier, Ltmu .jjey ueen in ui legislature at toe CuierTfiey would "Ittiv" voted" ior tit C'ontral road, it wax evident with what delight the toco received the anawef uf Nina art. Calvert and Gar ner, that tbey thought they ihould have dun no. 1 uey nail tx-en uniiomett, and were torrowfully .at tlitwn. a'hsy had mtmrrred- tbrrjtd- bntrrnrt nag, f rea Aunrage, had Muaded Ui huglsand r.ade lite cliarge. W hat wa their eoottentaiion alien they found that the poor old ereetorwat lame had been kicked in the kioofoco liable at Ital eigh but winter. Wbat wae to be done? Take the old ' " dotr and lure line " nf opfvoeitioa to Rail K a da ani bono th queation. We loo . nocaaion during ih day, to aak IV. C'ipeLmd who waa a lh-uiocratia candidate jo l84i, in tbt eounty, who la Mr. Iiragg'a inti uUa frieud and fiunily phyiician, aad who waa in tlie on veil tion which nominated bim, and ho tajt be ha a right to know hi opinion, if be would make a written eratetnent over hia own ignatura a to what Mr: B'a position wa in tbi oouiity ub Ui tulyect of. iuterual itttproveoveat iu that year, (lalo.) . II waa perfectly willing to make the autenient here, but that he thould give no eertincate beettai I Intended to waa it to tua injury vt Mr, B. in tha Watt, and that ha did n.., ii.,,. w it r.,. I ,i,t ..l r ki , .i.. ... wwt an news m wratvasBiai aamaa wa ae a at j taw m''J 1 iu h thing. Be it remembered, th Ibvtor had preytntisly stated ever and over again, Mr. bragn'i praitli waa jart what It wae that ha bald the candidates ul tba Whig party ia tbia county respuuwbl for tb conduct of the party ofth Slat, that tha party had aquandoreda large amount of tha people' moaey by inveeling it iu tha Wilmington road, and in that misera ble old rotien concern tlie italeigh 4 Gaaton rd, which he wa afraid to ride on in Ualeigh, that for uoh blunder they hould forfeit tba emifi- dene of the psupl. y" Now w wub to apieal to tha editor Of tlie Standard, if he hi an internal iinprqveiticut man in good faith, if be 1 really In favie of our great Slat rirtsiT, l"i n use l r hi ettnttstetii y," and to veU hi reader Wwa this way, wot tt ber lo tb uxt Jegielatura to aot against the in tercet of th Hnto, ia a vain effort tu defeat that road. Shall we appeal in vain t ' K Fur tba North Camlin a Star. WTIKl MEKTIXQ I.V WATAI O-C A Urge and enthusiastic meeting of tlie Whigt nf Watauga, waa beld at tba Court lions in Boua oa Thursday 2i!d Juo to nominal a Whig candidate to represent llie county ol alauga Hi llie next Iygislaiure, " R. Maat, Y being call ed to tbe chair and J, tt K. Millet' appointed Score tarv. On motion, 'srdered tliat tlie chairman appoint a enmmittee of two ftiaa each Captain' dteirict tn consult together and en treat aauitalile pro day eeatnmaliias. t he Cnatravaa apnualeal Ae f ed Milliard, Isaac llagenaan, Metbeeoa, Jo. Iltil, I.liaa bailt, htephen Williams, Cd. K. Baird. Joe. hull. Henry Hardin, II. C. IVnneL lliinaaa llorfsn. K "I. sua. Todd aad Klisha (Iresn. who turjrestc.1 the name of Cat. Junathaa Ibavtisn. He waa tlieretinon unaniutoualy da. (lareo tb nomine oi I lie a nig party. Ordered, thai tba Chairman aptoint mttte to draft femimvtnmv fray this meeting. 4J N. Flk, Uu, aad Mai. W m. W. llurtua Uiag ppointed, rvsitted the following reaulutiunt Blurb were unanimously adoptea i Hi m'irr 1, That wa aa Whig and southern men do eon rrctiilat oar attntryntMi apoa tna pas tag of tba Nebraska-Kaaaaa bill, that w atav tder il aa a aignal triqmnb over freeaoilisra and aa tha attaiatasat of aa aapsrlaul peiaeipls lo th Hnuth, yi: Ih nim-uiterveotion by t'ntigr mm lbs mlrieaa of slavery la tbe Terrttisnsa. JtnatmL that tba ml ttempt af tb I 'real dent, by meant uf lbe Veto Bower, to clutch llie whole pnbli doenaia and bring H witbia th tut let faj Bteeuttve easressaga, aearea v erect repreben.KHi at bis eountrvesea a aa at tempt to plunnrrin old tMatet of tbetr J net pm portioej tsf that Tcrvltiuy acquired by Ih auat- msB tbsM and treses r of tn anantry. frteearf. That a, here gain, aa Whig, ea-af. tna Bar at -repecied iteclsraUisn cuarsriUag th public bands tiai tbat tbey ar the cm rony ul list peopi ol uiclnitea Plates, iVaJsevf, Tbat we da wmct olemnlv peoteM against tlx policy nf Ilea. 1'ieer as nVi lrel la but 11 aaaa I aim ire. slat disvalioas est th pabltr ktadt tu tb aew Nalaa (u kailnaada, eav nala nd cmavia bt--b'ide tn lbs tirlasesi tf tl, i, hi end are In fat is? nf N'srth Candiaa ' re- eeivtpf aa .initabl mrtion etf the asms. tVaWeee), that we do avast tardilly and ail eercly declare nurse I vet In levy af a railnsvl oeenneaetng at uf Bear tUlisl cry, sad rann Vt ed Is, 1 sei aesses that V will eiert neeraelvee ta tha wnvrest ta tirsMna the TbanrTaad to her qaetitly the mean bar its ootid ruction. .'sJenf, Thai a Whir a will wiik amst Bflinrliisg tecj espjifirt lieneral IbN-kery, ten. bi. Folk. Fl , being sailed anna abl ed Ui meeting la very aide and eba,ael man- Bay forcibly llludrating I he aubdl f l""V of II, present a4 a (i f ll.t past Lmeraii Admta- lelrait'me. Il waa iKen. na molba raf Brswa Falbing, F.eq. sVea.4eeif, Thai tba thanks of Ihit meeting be yetaroed w. tlx I beirtssa aad rWretary l ib et.te and e, ient msnsstr la bu.lt they kats d s- (Ucie I the.r tlutte. Il was si" ffrmnttmmt. Thai tbe peneeedinec nf ibie mee4!ee 1 imt.iiahed ia U- .N o'h I sroiisa .vlf aad nib se W big pet-evc M the Mte. Tb Br'iog the b' srr. K, l k 'T, CSiairssto. i. R, Man, Snev,f F'.r tl.e N rh Car..!ina v -, A M'l l.i.Y t l Ii K. Ia th ancie-it i.,n 4 F..lenbm. - ' -n en the Aiheia.le Nw.-l.tharesit- a n namwl Tbtenae, h toniti.-.e . i. -. bi.o wasalSietwtwiiht-itoinnv..1'-, r.- ... even poa.es.eJ of a fev,!, ihat ..-, s.rr.i ,v et i!,. . uneiviliicl tavninta kwn r i ':r...U, ud whi.-h rtrir.W rilitout, tiit if !, i,.,. j "narv rd cent, he wtetld'ut b'rroyr oi,e to k. e . tl.e :rin t from starving.. And he stm kto it iw.i,. p tn stuck to it tliotlph h wis itievtiuns-l and qneetiotied, in order p. pi, p him a tlmei e to t .te that ba:k. Bntheawnyeliewnuld'nt thut hew'-w ' aicktniienth e.f tlut railroad linii.t.roi y. would not go for liorrowinjr or giving a i em lo keep the critter alive. Tt.nt wa irioriotte d". -,,--' trine down.tiicre-.-and Toininy Know ti it ami he 'tpreiid himself." 'cause Tomniv,ut ti nt ytsy o'tninlitig himself. - ' But Tummy wnt takirfg (r Tommy's r7t"ihii Ire was free ajid liiitrninmellcd d tvr.s gi ing full vent to M own opinion. InhemeeaUnie, however, there wat a eonvtv cStkm nf politicni-'piark at Ruleijrh wi.o saw tliet desnernte fix in which th Brajg: of tneir sipmd wat placed, ot,d aympnthixing with bim, forth. Willi went ro work tt, prepor some liappy ni. trumi tlutt are e tn cure him of., the dnnceroua malady witn which btwrts infected. AndaiiH'i'g thoea prepared, tbertv WM une marked " l or BraM a eenecinl laMiefit and to recruit his health especially." Iulv mnricl and maile.1, it vra forwarded to Tommy, with Hidden' tiirnatur v endorsed "Ginlwine;" nd rnorvcllom to relate, ' the Suit dose net only relieved, the p.ttient, Imt cured Bp the old tre, eieiined ten tire amb. and he CNssn apfttn and twore that th"e i,er bad been a tore there ! But thntacrncl fCiloefa. the Whig ductura. kcj.p..crialjnc aaat; iit t!uu.d . . eoeei to that ttiey haye tot it-t ted flt.d t'-l'flmfcli . eu mitt it ie si'itm! limn eicr, atat nv tee tune he treft itiftitig'i BitnooBi!, the rnitriiad p!a-,tcr will be so turn to lint, tlior I expect the n!J mat', tcf aritl run worse thaii ever. A apavinrr! Imrsa"' " won't do to be tniMed. I'LL 1,0, ."'.'. CAl'T.JOUXDKRHf. Sine tii apiwiulmci.t td" tii'n gtmtlemnn bt - - Ooverunr Kind one oftlieSiate Direcmra, yrehnxt, beea asked whetherhewatinthe Atcenil.lv when " the Central Kail Bond bill patted, nnd.il Hi.wliat etryice he there rendeied tlie Knad, or wliat ha has done for it tinea. . v i W aro not vl v ised that he ba do any thing for the lload uce tb charter paufdi; but weato told that hewn thea a Senator from Orange, aud whea the vote on the bill cam up, dodged, and did not vote at all, 11 was known to be very .hostile to the. measure, but declined to. yote fr renaona mora personal than creditnMe tn biutseif. "- Jl'h Whig of the ttate,lo eny the lete-t, ar . eqnal in nuutlierawith the lleniucratt.Hinl pnvtn cul share of the public taxe. A very lnr(;. majority oftlioindividuul stockholders arcti liis, and wliil they alone mannreti the Jioad, gave llie Domonrata their full proportinn of the I'itectory, A'o.wwupn.Upx,..Rf& aplioiitt...... eight out uf twelve Ihrortnrs, be givet all it the Iiemocrat and moot of thee eight have little or no Interest In the tumd. Ia thit fair? ie Uiiajtt?Utliiageneroui'VerUr, thi effort tn put our fmprovement at once fully OTtferrtienuCTi the proper internal iMproventeM feeling in ti e Stale! A time changes, tbi.jraeliani:e, and n-n we may expect to ae " latnlw safe iu the iaw of wolv.' Orrrwtlioro l'ulrivt. ' ' tor the Ptar, Mi. Emma! Can yon Inform ae by whnt prire. e'tple of correct drttling the hour fur the arrival and departure nf t e train nf car going north ruv Hia Kaicti;h and ttaatrra Kitirroad tun be chn;ed -and no public notice b given id tlte IntctrtK n of those who have the eontnil of it. They dj to nd thereby i abject the wnr Traveller to tdrj disappointment of lieittg left after he tin arrived an hour or more before the Htvtal tuie t.r tiia arrival of lb train. It teeint bi ui coutitry people', Mr. F. litor. Hint It would b treating us with Uit simide jurtu-t bi giv publio notice rorafewd.-tya before thecbansa taket place that we might be in time. FA IK 1'LAT, rranUaCo..July6.1ftH. , Let it be remembered, and let the people be re minded of it whenever the ItdcTtti louiert at teuint tn dnceive them oa tbe Queation of the Mil lie liinda, that l'reaident 1'iereo haa eiynej nn bill either granting or giving bwbv the lauds to (Staiea ir Individuals, and that he it pledged lioth by kit message and lit veto ol tb insane ml 1, to " hol t th laud and manage them as a "prudent propria ftor" would hi own lunda.-..V. C. Mumlartt. Let it be retnemliered, and let tb people be re minded ol it. Whenever the ciiou.li.linii.eist ltd set attempt tn dereiy themnn the quea'iou of th public kuida, That t'aaa aad ttmiglat, the Alpha arrd tjmsgarsf the kcofice part v. art birth for th - lioatestead bill, and that th I nrna, the rreet- deal' organ, aay thel'reMdent' veto of tb In' lull lunuahee no nideiice that he will telrs tb llismettead lull. Let it b nlea rare Icrl that lb insane bill ia th only Und toil tloit bn bee presented to tin President for bis ng.iatur': nd that, Iherefore, it it noereal taatlcrol mitrrrl that haba not tlgned any land bill. It Dr Caf tsssN rmtlH vut Ae teuWif aeet nycrd ee as! till tu'resxy. iiy. Ai fot, fresldewt fierce aeeiat detennlped to curry ,nt hia opiniisn thai not another tUv htate will 'ver beddel to th I nun, lh"ii-'n the whole ol .Mrt ico tbnuld b annexed. Nebraeka h consul, ra IbHretlier safe f.tr free 8uMt. but aotne ib,nl t having been expreaerd w a Kan and tb opinio mentioned that that territory may be anats else Mats, see how the l'reaident smi.v pa In his appnintment to prevent Ihat result rietaaeaeani to appoint a Aort.eia fyoeriaor tee tb kali saa teinUiry, aad as an evci.e I r dmng so, appointr a S.ulUern f.ovetuor mer .s braska, where be hie no x!a of slutery cter lw Lngeatsblished. Vt hy make thi let timsl die. tiietnm at ail, if there er ant tis ss,.ier bhis lo ba aiiJiltdJ fit W a.b.t..tt Aealiael ia band bug ll,l tu bjest as yey as a fm- itbly taa, rataaiksj "it m admit ef a d-dl.t, tbat if a t-li. em liovtnwt bad lat ct-nnled to tlie lerva. ry of Kansas, il would ben been tlie biwih ol in duoiag autttbara usigratiit tlcre, and be'-, of tying tb giir.li.'B af slavery a lair beansg 1 artb esmvention, wbieh will frame thee .,,-tt' tutwauf this f.ils re Stale. We had li....' ' u.t tint emtra which lute beea pursued wend bate til ffert uf Btillifying th iutn.rlanl prno-i.fa of lit bill, asd that again the S.mh wosli le r. m pellsd I ba e. . nl with to il.lnr'i m. si." b ekmiwkaili;ed bar Hcbt but deoiej ti..r pmrti- tal rssngnituMt, II, la thi yiew of the .ui,,., t we bate Imbb aii.ls.sa wsaill r. Is asaur oar readers, tist it ia ia Be u,l ol ao- atadvereMia llutl Ba csnplaia if l,l,ie..r fcaanble jmlgmrnt, wths rneleied u'jo.t It I oaly a tvwrs to tcur In every t-o, ml every uiierssl id Uit rutwa a eotauioa uiic to li e Bi'kii.tiuB of uuf cuntrr." Ftvvi tty eKioii re,.ii,dent 1 a r. 1 ork p ' IS tt A r jr w-t it g f ' gatiMia mn tbat em'r'-aTrs sir t"S p'-sro ; o t. that territory fscn i,..oori ai d Arli -s ty tlestsassla, end tliat al tt t a.1.1. I. on I, s border three llesi,d i T pe e-' p't n I s. Iretvly l-ea ttukid iff If Ibrst. li.v I s rgati ited sod redred to pr'ts t ea. ho-lic claim atitii lbe land, are corse, ed a., I .. ... br nlry, nd ih writer a i l ih.itl't I Cither sbne.-smert or lbe fne-n'l. rf s ,.., - tte sd'tc temt ibeeteicmtov. N at aot as swmeeisit as ti, i, tt et b of Noftt.evusrc. Ths New York UeraM, j -r ipimt tbsl has eharsHer!.,! b I-rsotis in New -rk. ..- vi,! t it at ld e.'Se. I ! ei.li o .file. fr..re its V--. o ai- I .or'' fi 1' nf life are t r i g ?! lawnisg 'b. it sa -re ! if s o, tsia. !.HV ISrrb.r.ls Brit , ia ler ye b end n 1 .' ' lbs I ' I t t 1. k t .. b.n t . t I .' ol I kt.. . S l I