1 5 . KORTII CIROLIXA'.STAR: rrtuaMrn wirnr T 7 WILLIAM a DOUB, ISttOI AMD mopmtTot. ' ItEMSi ...-, If mIiI ttrirtty la advance, two dollars per Ba tes. I two dollar uj llfty nU, if paid witoijiJ tiiaoauai im um aunar. 11 m wsjsii m J' " ' " " j ' '' ' ABttKTtStltyTS sot ic4ing sixteen 1!mI Will to Inserted on. tint far ant dollar, end ty-tvt cent for each subsequent Insertioa. The fit rT.vv.-r irnru win oe caargru Hawaii. Court Orders sad Jndieial advertisements Will a tWfU i per eent. higher t)i the above rates. ' A mimbl dedactloa will M KM w thas whs dvrtias by tht yr. Book sad Job Priatlag done with aeatnes SB letreUa, and en accommodating term. fP Letter to tbe Editor mal be post-paid. FOREIGN KEWS. ARRIVAL OF TUB FRANKLI.V ! ' corro rtaa rwta advaiciio t . ' , IJentting ir rom Sjmin ! 1 1 JTiw Yoiit, July 18. 1 b temoF Frnnkliu iMrrircd, 8b ran bor off MnnUnk ye terd forenoon. . Sb brought IM rauwenger knd rfOOtonoofioerthandiie. llorpitiBidan eeroaa, but the paaMnzera all lauded aately, and teached thucity tbi morning. . , Cotton i ry 1 and aetira. . lUmt ha adOBd it:fcgpSw ivmmiJ u:i. .... Tb Auatrian hare antered MoldaTia,--JTht frftnnnireu. ... . - . iker-w a A)riHdaU revolt at - Madrid on I Wt 28th ulfc Tb insurgent under Ueneral U'Dottnell nn'o3r 4000. i'he latent-date amy that the city it barricailed, and tliat the miniitry will ha reouired to resirn and (A Queen loath LATEST BYELfiGUAril. -smo m alitor wasv ,. It was reported at Vienna that the Ciar re ply had beta received, and that he declared he would resist to tbe last man in hi army and the lat ruble In hi treasury. -. Kusaiana have not avacnated Moldavia. An Auatrino army of 24,000 ha been ordersd to driv the Rusaiaii acroaa the Soreth and a collision i prolatble. Sebaatnpol is still threatened. . The fleet lie within 30 pillos of Cronstadt. - The Huaaianssontinne retirini from Walla-' chia and the riKht balllf bf" tile ' ltiUtier "They have relinquished eight leagues ol grouna ana The Csar has levied pn thclandnd proprietor of Poland, rt(uiring each to furnish 24 armed men, Th Franklin's mails have all landed safely. "I--' .; CONGRESS. '.. " t 7 v WasHiNuTox, July 18, 1854 The House is discussing the Army bill and A Senat Ae Homestead bill. NIAGARA AIUtIYKl thm DAYS LATER. HjiurAX, July 18, P.M. The Steamer Niagara arrived this afternoon, " tifinging three day. later new. tliaa Uie Frank lin, having sailed from Liverpool on the 8A. Below you have her new political and com mercial. ; : " : . ..,.l,o MiscsxrocaL. . The Ciar return, a court eoua, but evasive reply to Austria, proteasing willingness to evacuate Ae InneipaliUes, when tli allies evacuate lurkey. le insists in Ae meantime in retaining Moldavia. Tht Austrian had beirun to enter W allachta. Mora French troop war am barking at Cher- hour. - Napier was in a Jin of battla Wore Cron-1 ttadt, and had exchanged shot. NoAing de cisive from him. 8om lighting had occurred at Sebastopol, be tween eight Russians and Are British steamer. Th latter were much damaged. The ewnmaadaa . liatria-fe guard of tin Russian, and a two day battle en sued. Tbe Russian had two thousand killed, when Aey retreated. Th Turks bad been disastrously defeated la Asia. Two Aousand killed. . SPAIN. Tbe insnrrertioo in Spain wa quite formidable. The Insurgents maintain themselves, notwith standing a battle near Madrid. " . " " - ' 'MARKETS. ' Whest had declined Aree pence. Flour six peno. Corn one shillie j. . Baltimore and Phil adelphia Kloar la quoted at 37a. Amsricaa stocks arm ana Mintol clot.il at Ki a 93. LATER AND IMPORTANT FROM TEXAS. Niw Osuass, July 17. Taxatdatet to th. ltth bay been received Wt- A Tr of Indi.BsfromMeiicoh.va crciaaed thfiuutier with a hostile intent. Great exeilssaent prevailed among At peoplt. Uea ral Bmilh had bean dsnoanced a wholly ia S seat, and petition, war circulating fur tht appointment of Gen. llarvay to At chief Coat aaaad of th fore. DISTRESSIXa ACCIHENT TWOJLADIES. ; -Kl hLL P.. " pAXVtas, Mas July 17. Tsm hlffhtv arenmnliahad and beautiful vouns ladi,siatera, aud daughter of Frederick Ilowaa, Km., of Boston, while crossing A railroad track so-day in a ligh buggy wagia, were ran over by a approaching traiu, aad buA ioataatly killtd. DISTINGUISHED MEN DIED OF CHOLERA. 1 Ntw loaa, July 17. ' Th. linn. Jndgt Merrill and N. B. Blunt, Esq ; Vistrkot Attoraey, have died of cholera bar during the last twtttty-fout hours, A. kv, SJenn.Tvsa. a. oaiuua. I. w. asayta AM. McPnEETERS & Co., , 1IILIIUI (1ICI1I, brsaaeWu. mmi CWanaavoa Mtrdmdt, ' tsimti aqriii, aoiron, va. . uniKiu. ' . . ataal. ftas. JUak at the auisaf.tV- C. t.7, tuL;,i - w 4 . H. J. llw,k 4 Casa , lalslf k L. O . Umt, PiwSmI K. It. U.K. Htm. Mn4 Snm, lf. V. C. Wkthkaad, fff't raraMr's b k aT s la. 11.11, E, Ha. la Ik. SMaaa Rait, 0IX, i. Ill , lil-e fas. Asa lari. .la. 4i-ir i - WILSON ft ALTRIED, fVCTISaJ 10 BBAiKI, WIUJIQS t CO.) Wholitlt) am), Retail Dmg-gisU, i tlntii It Otaileala, FaloU, Oil. Dyt-StafTi, k. ; Osaaaiw to awllUsaresk ttraaa, - rkTikiat no, Tunisia. V. a, wiiudb. aW4 UM. las Airaitsa. ami s.l w. rrrri n. .ror.sa.4 V" Hiiir . rirpia so, ' VkUhea, Jewelry .ini BUyefwara. It Ms, t asaiawt Bt-, SppMKs ths Mala Hawa. ' JTUOU!phia, Pa. Msy W, 1C,. 22-wly Ltlt'.I let "f t'allrws, Ola.kaais, Mart bar 1 A. u-ir Sd riarl. la ka ka. at ,. l L K R 1 T A 0 "mi. .. Arrii,in. VOLUME XLV. SELECTED POZTSY. Fmm the LoniTill Journal. v f CHOICE rOETRY. x I dreamed 'tsras but a dream y. (Ala, that luvh a bleswd draaia 1 llnsm) 1 lion wert my bride to sooth life' tearful Mreant, '-..'-. My beautiful, my own. ' ' Tht Voice steals o'er me now In eadenee bke the wind harp'e naddened- tune. orruiiii)r in uoiy trust iue onaai tow Ibat made thee all my own. ' .' ' ' : - - '" Mv artul miahed fnrth art frn. ' In wild delight to hare the by my aide. unr a reamed sucn ecstacy onitld mortal be, ; Th heart deep joy aud pride. Tn .b. with iW f.i, lntljand chivalrously defended by th l uion flow bliaaful was the thought Our trembling heart with richest sweet o'er Our anmiMins' haarta aritk rLheat mMjSfX" fraught, r ' - - : y Like odor-breathing flowers, ' y And oriuuiou clouds lay iu th western' Ay, Twa-i Wj weel, hl clanvdng hand, to Ltak ' And list the night-bird' ery. And when the remle wind, ' I Tliat softly murmured through tbe rustling trees', hi It airy Angers in thy bright hair twined, . 1. 1 enviea en Uie breeze. And closely to my side . - .- I drew thee, jealous least tbe stars should see The deep love of the dear and peerless bride tuou wen in a reams tq me. - Ah sweet those dreaming hmirs, - -Aa thought of shady bank at sultry noon . Where summer leave and silver dropping , aliowers - . , Warble a drowsy tune. ' Tlieir memory ne'er will part,- " Til as if angel bending here awhile Had left upon this Jd and weary heart A lie rauituica Ol inav aiiuto. - "Twos pure,' 'twas' heaTeirly -tfrlb t" " ' ' ' A shunahlne flashiuir o'er some lauirhinir stream: - Butnnw Jtis dinimed for aye in death's dark nigi My fa air, my beiiutiouadreain. Forthou art wiA Ae dead ; Thy meekly folded hand and pale .till brow Lie 'neath uie sod where clustering rose, .lied Their fragrance o'er thee now. -The violet have A breath . And on A eir folded leave 1 aeem to tract ' Thy fragile bloom su pur Aat even deaA Wat lovely on thy tao. Thnnght many, sad and deep . Within me rise and start the ouirering tear, And grief bend o'er fondamemory' shrip to weep, . For luv left drooping here. . lv. ""-Mrhcart'." mournful thimr. c I'm saddened when to all I aeem most gav, ' And oft latong to li where violet .pring - Aud dream my life away, Miar. THE BARDS. .rat'Tamai mrcBUAS Mia.'" When the sweet day in silence hath departeJ"," And twilight cemes with dewy, downcast eye.) Tht glowing spirit, of Ae mighty-hearted Jjtkt tar around me rite. flprrrhr srhnat-yuica 'UT' TO tnlesrTnewrortv' Mtiausues as Uie tounu 01 glory are ; CntU my trembling auul.o'er .wept with pleasure, Throb like a flooded star. Old Homer's ton, in might undulation.. Comet urEing,oeaelem, up A obi vioua main: I hear At river from ueceeding uatiotia J Go Vnnrtring down again. - ITear Virgil's stream in changeful eurrentt strol ling, -And Tsaso sweeping round Arough TalesUm, And Dante' deep and aolrmn river rolling, , Through grove, of midnight pin. I bear tht Imn Nnrwman'. aumbert ringing Tbrnngh frosea Norway, lik a herald' horn i And, like a lark, hear glurioua Chanoer tinging Away in England mora. , Rhufc Mt , ,, ;, f,, n save hit wild story to tht wailing ttnnga, Till At young maiden 't eyes art brimming over Lik At sweet cup tbt bring. And beer ram Scottish bill. At tool unquiet. Pouring in torrent Aeir perpetual lava. 'J - ' Athlr itnpetuou. mountain runlet gurgla in in ng riny day. - . , , The wvwld-widrVihakapar-4ht Imperial Speaaar, w nose shall or song t ertop tn angel seau; Whilt delicate, aa from a silver eenaer, Floatt lb sweet dreamt of Kal ! Niw Aest aloot ; for Arongh Iht growing present Westward a Barry, steep Parnaasu lis t Her glorion spirit, likt tht evening ersacent, 1,000 rounding up tut taw. I see th. beauty which hey light lm parte! h I 1 bear th masters of oar nativ song i Tht gentle-hearted Allloo, ooet, artist I abq las. vim anu strong i Aad ht wheat ana! lik angel harps tnmbining Anthstned A aolema " Voice of A Night I" I M fair Knphiel'i radiant spirit shlaiag, Pal, Inlellectoell Cghtl Aad Bryant, ia bit own brnad kmgdoaa mildly . , , ' . i . . , vs aiamg ny svremmsv wirowga woou H. i after I. Ids ; Aad Iron haaded Whltiisr, wbsa b wildly s a aery tatentes wvssoj t Tbsa ar A Bards, who, lik oar forest, tower, Firm ia tnir ttreagth at art Aa mouataia 1 tnnteat eould I but b a Iowa I'pat A fesit of Ihea I AsVf HOOKS I IIRDILl OW a'llCVTORIi .Bias 1 TrtatlM m Ui Uw (f IitaUn lit Idalilttriltn IV VOHTII CAROLINA. Mr Jrr Irrtlrll. rpill ml U.,1 kasasaakssiklWltssUHr, I aa II saw Ma a 4. la ttsrtk Caealiaa , ta litosn ts u,a aaiun W nktok H ttsaai, Il Ml las Basil.: tiaanass. as aw sa iey si iksvsfara, w, aa sill aa la BMs sf Aaaasiklf aa4 tka taalalae sf mmt aw Cavrla, a Ika aaKjMi af M Wla, i mmd A4mtm, m Il la lkaa(lil II wr arm seats!, saSaaly to 1,1 ml la legal fmjlmmmtmm. Bat aiM aa aiaaea, was aa sa rrewaaeur aail.S saaiaiss. 4wakalka IsS.hW., laiBtwlaat a4 raatasslM lisaas sf Bsssalsw aa4 SSailaiMralMa. a L. fOKFiinT. TkaMrh.tkM. Aerll, Mlt If f. BonneU and Kibhona 1 1 11 I HI, c, ltak, fir, Lettra A rana llraid ItBMts, A'mm. a im4 asasrtsMst al Boaa af sij Mltstn tad !" lVAl CO" Kit RALEIGH, 3ST0BTH IJorilr-CCafoIraa Star. I RALEIGH. IT. C. SATIRDAYMORXIXG, -JlhX 22, 18i. FOR GOVERNOR, Hon. Alfred Dockc'ry , Of RICHMOND COl'STX 0E OF HIS rosSTITlESTS" AGAIN. '- For the eauoial Iwuetit and comfort of the Stan dard in thif hot weatlicr, wc give another iiisUtnoe in the dt-lectable career if Uen. Bali M, Umt may "be another cause why lie should be so vuli- Standard. In Balis' letter i.f the 5th of Angtut, 1S52. to Mr. Hustcd, that much pore cntcd bcro -.u : " t'pon lloy vrlesf- wdtl i's. stio'tatwrite to )'o fhe any steps iv relation t4heharacamstlrfb rJolin B. oodhu, of Yancey, at least fur the I " Mr, Clincman ugOT8liona, Waced the whole of ease in my hand for inspection, and if any thinj criminal should be discovered on the part of Woodfin, in connection with (aid casca, merit- mg prosecution, yon will be timely notified."- Thus, it eems, according to his own statement, ha wo appointed, alike m,jfHion of Mr. Clino- man, by the Department of the Interior, to pro I , . . I tect it against fraud or to intestigate case of lorgery put, it eem, mat alter n ooiltin wasia- me, that after Woodfin wasin- dieted in th District Court in thi City, BaKs I Was one of hi. Counsel, thu. showing that he wa. pretending to Mr. Uusted that he wa acting for tbe Uoyernmeiit, whilst be wa managing the case for th accused. ' Moreover, Jhe rec.rirfib rCmt bail for forgery, rsu ignisaao wa 4k.0uU..l. Is ajiear j front the- reword that he became- Johnson, liketrise cluvrged with case, in which tho rncoguisinco Wheu h offered himself in the fir asked if he were worth -2,000 without encnm- brnnce. and kt ro that he wa worth more than Aree time Ae amount orer d aoow all kU UabUUia. Now we do not know in what his estate eonsi.ted-whether it wuui Maltese iackaases or anything else but we have been I assured tliat his acquaintances and creditors in Aa mountain and elsewhere, would be very happy to leara that be wa in possession of so Hoc, n estate, and would ba glad to diacavor in what it consisted or how it could be reaches). Now it strikes u. tliat Ao redoubtable General put not only lunuetf, bbt Aat "distinguished statesman," Thoina L. Clinguian, in quit an awkward predicament" II represent himself! j aad Clingman a taking a deep interest in ferret- in. ., t,.A. mn,lt.l n llw. P,.n.h,n and at Ae name time, he it acting a counsel fur At accused, who i. raid to be a oonnectipn .of hit. According to F-dney. letter, if any reli- . safe can be .phjesd::jii KtMsenlimlkirjiii must have known of hi. doings, and must have been aware, upon At same authority, of the ULbo,wa,tIiatiVM, Edee.y Wamei"''. V .WWfc. .VCWW-up W., pe can mem wnere.tiiey wouia be able wuir.igniy ua, j iy-jfta n,v, , .npropriating 200,000 for U.at John B. Woodfin, who was charged with I for bu ta 1 1. 7JTi W -it was, however., octed.- -,. lit two cc.rK etvcfioniie, markotabl. " S .,1" BU euently adv,a,ed Aa right, of hail for .famesTwt"w'm' djiuble and dishonest game that Edney wa. play- wolf. He U innocent and hath troyed after Ao jng - . dieep of hi nativ mountain, until h haA be lt doe. not appear whetlier Clinnian knew of onme quiet, .impl hearted and eotifi ling. Ue Ednej having AU ne estate or not, that b bath not lound wolve iu A mountains. W swore to having aseaia-BoWiftv bat- if ha -did, VJ Ibat be. be, not flcesed j4 JJt!iLWie(i bjj)i ha was actio a vers noor Dart to hi constito- enu to keep such ao interutin and important fact from them. Theat two teem to hav been inseparably connected, very hiving, and yery ounSdenUal. One had it in his power to get good ofBce for " on of hi. constituent,'' and the other eould bt used a a tool to advance At Interest of A " distinguished " in Nor A Carolina. So each worked into At hand of At other. Wt do aot know what huowledg Clingman h.d of I Edney' acta, for bat UtUe reliance is to be placed npoa tht sis laments of (iilier, but according to Edney' assertion in hit letter, be knew all about it, and wa acting aa a oo-laborer with Edney in f err ting out At forge rise, whilst Edney wa managing lobeiii theHirisl fwthe accused, They will Thi well to work togetlssr Clingman aad Edney ens' Ednty and Clingman on it bound up with th oAer a A heart of David wa wiA th heart of Jonathan. " f Tin I WiU Ui (aeomaof THE LETTERS THE LK ITERS I i Standard tell it reader what ba I of A letter of Mr. Bragg to tht Char- lottt Convention, and A letter of At editor of Aat paper to Guy. Graham t Hat Can, Dockery howa himself to good aa internal Improvement man, that A Standard fears to let th people eoatraat tbe opinions of A two candidate. 1 Why t Bn , . . dot It aot tell I A tetter, to A puhliof Why it reader that such letter were written, aad let rhass tea for Aemaelva what A eaadidaUt taid f It fear to axpnet th miser - aU subterfug Mr. Bragg adopt to avoid t - arrasing bit ml opinion ea Ai. great aad vita! question. " Why baa aot At Standard published Aat iet- ktr to Gov. Graham, which It (o loudly called for, I kot when it wa pat at As diapwal of A editor ef th paper, b shrunk from asking lit it, ar giving k to tht public f Why dose b not publish AalMttovT I it beeaaat bt wiahet to "wait an til after At election,'' to attend to Ai. and tAer mailer f Tht letter., A letter, why art they suppressed by th Standard f rVies friend ba asnl at "A catalogs of A Taaehar aad Mtodasatof New tnstilut Rrboot, IredeD eaty, N. C." Tbl flourUbing whoot, ilaatod iasMef A. aaast beahhy portion, of At fUsAa, it aadW A swperiartaao. of tbt Rev, Baa. I ur Clegg, who I assistod by abto and eoniatsnt hanrarwir. Th aambsr f pupil last ssioa were, Males, 71, Fsmalsa, 34 what asm bar, III. Ths B'tl teaatoa uiaasenesa ea A 2'iih baatoaL Tht Staadard, andey lis favorite raptiva of "Bawartof Whig Trirksf," ears. "Beware of H biKJjery and A ' Koiw SoAings ' f NwW wt woatd moat rsaj-ej-'fully aad ia the axat da terMitial manner, iaquir uf ear aaighUw if Ar U aa order sf A " KarrW Nolhinra " here, aad alaotoaUl if 11 he Wlhea II to b da-linetly ts'l.'l.lo.J that b ia mi vf Ui fava'y si,.'' , 1 --.-. - J J I ' ! I i .2'if ... CAROLINA. "WEDNESDAY MORNIXG, JULY 28. 1&34. li t. t . is i.at it,, t... of wire tsarkera, art t atake Ivt Rtid and the dtatinguhhed iUitioan." Thomas U f linj-tnan. Senators la CofigTeaa, if tlify hare a mijorfty in th next Legialatnre. It i. talked aljout without eoncealinent. . It i admitted nnlv. as the Pemocnuio policy. Now we donot aiMrt, Un-ium r eanw4 jwote it, tliat tli eimnetting of past year betwern this " ditingui.br4 Mutmnitm " and the lfcmocrary, lias now, in ltii, tudid Ui a bond to thi effect betea tlurae pure ps'riots and tatftoen. We do not any, lmt cwMwrf pntH it, that 'Clinginan has had in hi p. krt for ewral week a contmot to thi.re.3Wl in i writing. We ilf uoi tuiv, bmni.it tet eann iw il. that tliis " ditinguilicd iAtrmuri " has forwanlwl a bill of alo of liimxclf, soul and bMly, to the Rinoigh cliiitie, anoa die txprtf 'condition that 1 uie pirues to im seeaua part ot aaia e oiarant, in I 'i'i "to-afe men of talrnl" can be anDreeiated. Thomas's rhw1)ecn too lung deferred. Tlioy have made hi heart too sick for comfort. Hehmboen for many year "a sick man " a very aii.k man." ; No Senot orial cordial could he get from the AY higs 'cause why? 'cause they did not think, him fit for it. "Vheu he asked for cordials they would give him only drastic physio to purge uim of lhe pcilou staff which overleaping nnibi- .. t. . it 1 1 i-i rn ""' niswioTOTirOTvjiisr rne- . .....ikui lour, il la iii.:kuiinuou uu:b "Tncy promiseu to cure mm wun g'i"C w """arating gas and epiced cordial o their own peculiar manufacture.. So now, the,, "sck man " ho changed hi. physician., and is . , , boujly in the hand of nwonitio Jbe IW tor. ' , We hope tlio nomocracy will not fool Thomas. rf,'r!"t ofJhB.mountium,Th Whigs aticjirry " - Mngmau and JSali. Al. JSiiney, yea, and David s" Kma t00' fully e1,,aI b" t,9or'!6 E- dfi". lt not litd9 mun 0, Wlien there " on,J fottr or ir asteroid., Georg E. Badger was tboul'ht to be one of 'ero. W hen modorn Vaco- lnc lBtoo? 4""i aome hlleen or twenty, why"" Ainga slot now a. they used to was." That bright young man, George Badger, can't .hint in Ai galaxy. Let ut Tbotna. aad. Marcus, and Bali and David ( ahem I and also Morcn and David, and Thomas aud Balis yes and" those .tatosmen tliat are statesmen," tu-wit, Gov. Rcid and Thoma Clingman, and also those othar itatesmen a r ttntesnien, Balia and Marcos we are indeed daxiled and bewildered m nuiiatio ot worthies, ourcly Geo. BOHgOr 1 BOI HU Me, liy UOW. 110 USO to be (mart enough, but he ho been weighed in the cale with Tom and Pavy, and kicked tht beam. He was found " plausible bat by no ettM .treiiglhy. It! eomittittuig odr 'roaiiiinj boy, Thomaa, tu At hand, of Ae Democracy, we greatly fear wt are oommittSng oar lamb to Ae wol' around him. In kindoes. of be.rt, la bid1'n " tru.ting young innoeent good by, would ask him, much more in sorrow than " "R'I " w " "gal lormf Ho it been duly executed t lias it beta duly .igned, coaled and delivered 1" W. beg our loat loved on to remtmher tliat Ae Democracy do not always pay what Aey promise to traitor and renegadta. Thy hav been known to deceive, We believe Aey raaly intend to make a Senator of him, according to promise , but Aey art as I "lippery, Aat our departed friend should keep bis eye skinned. They if ill bear watching, and Bali should leave hit jackasses and Mareut bit paper, and place A em selves severally on tli tonkoujt aQer As .UJ torts t uLAc'ir aaagausAptiU. to and never leave or foraakt him natil bt bat planted himself taf over Jordan on a red cash- ton ia Ae Senat. And Aea Bali. may go bark I to hi jackasses and Marcus rasom A ear of tnperintending hi heb-doruadsl tasue. Th burdenjrf A editorial article, of Ae last Standard emuis in a restatement of th falae- hoods, misstatements andmisrepreaentationiihat bay beta circulated by A lueofoeo press during At canvass against General Dockery. They hav all beea successful! ' refuted' lira and again, and Aeir repetition at Ai time only allows I that A Standard, despairing of doing anything I for At falling fortune, of it. candidate, i. ready I to adopt any mean to aeonm ptiah it. purpose. 1 The people of Ae Stat have beard all A (ale 1 eharge against Deo. Dockery, and know bow to I meet aud refute Arm. Wt would respectfully saggeat to our friend of tlit Wilmlnrtoa Herald Aat ht mada alight I mialakt in Intimating Aat our neighl of Ae Standard would puhli.h a "funny paper" after A election. Tliat would aot .ait bis Bieditati.ma and pursuit for tnmt raosth past, friend Burr abould recollect Aat A Standard ha been travelling tli eis Atiaraut forln! tliaaa flit months and that ht will aot bt likely to tetvt It after At .lectio. "If a IVmnrrat hers or thers turns IraiUir, tat bim go." hlamlunl, - nrw (ar eaa a Deaaoerat "go" befor k torn traJb f Ia4 summer, you den.,anrel a d aipr- ganiase. and trajUiri the Iloo. A.W.N snal.U and all A.SB) who eapported bim j Br they nnas all traitors, and it yair a-hiie to ; ir party friends Aat Aey .hovld let tl.em "go V Wt bavt rsrVived fr.n f.. J. Hale 4 S-n a anf? of a Mm- tih-t I'v'ed, "Hinlsoo the In'rrnal l- (rfiien,rrit .,T N-'i th Car,4tns: re-pe. tfotly a.1 dreaead lo hn Coontryman, ly A Nwth f'ari litiisa aeemd e-liti'n,"-w1 baitread tfaia At. deel tr ioleretoi tvmphh i i,4 a.i."erdy ri h ihnl it oi l U i 1 in lh tun is uf ersry fret taisu ia the Si '. fc.-TtL .T Aey have made up Aeir mind to do to with the '.. 14 ?"u.? ?"uer' ' the Cutnmitte ruae, . I heat srae Uinv can. W do not know hn ll,r- . ., . V . , " . , ,u imuitsui mi . - iioniesteaxi mil. "onnnsea B vmir toreiirners. 1 i.i.i. u i.i: was ior $a,uuu. I 0 ' ' I win nave not oewime uituens, me punna tanus 1 n- . .... 1.. (hall bear it; but we do know that Thomas L. I aciiuiredhv tlie blood and treasure of American " 1 vttBiii tn eats - r3 Tm I1oc-ti to Rut. JThe friends of this in-'. i(Uitn sclirnte for puldie plutrdnr, do not seem to iaje ajrrwd Tory well upon tbe dentil ofjh. prnict, and lience there have Ven many rumors at all ml sixmt the prubabl defvat of the bill in the Swum. II iwetrr ilmirable such a result may be, we are f rce-l. from tit totes that lae ln fcilte v'ujHm several of the sm-tiohs, to enn rlude hat it wUl piss the bvnate in some shape. It i nut yft riftvriy naocrtained wheUier the pre sident fil ij;tv.it or iwrt.lntt It tl twlierfd and put for mntiy tliat he is favorable to the mcacur and will approve of it If it is passed. Jia re aniil tliat.it ia fcmiiderel an d ntinUtration uHaure 'id the equivocal gitinjrs out if his w-in would justify such a conclu sion. ' TM? !f,-j of Otis aslie-ne are thus graphically skeiehed by tae (, harleulon (t.uidurd yf, . nl tuily V1quc4 l etientintce alsi aima a direct blow at natives as well as all rTuvYtruieit iiIjIiimI tu pay foT their landa, men w ho have hiiicil tot yeara to"aSjnl,,'."'. '"' restore the civil saperiuteudency of fuiye huiuc.ii.nda a mild TtHldr'nly SltiTThsniT luetrcaeninits nnii uecaui no avail, auu mat, nau Uacy waitoil, Ihr.y. would-iutt.4aau.,aiKkel with farm without toil or trouble. What true American, what honest hearted naturalised eiti seti, can conscientiously eountenunee such a grondschemo for the envouregetnent of idler a scheme that is calculated to place the indolent upon a- perfect footing, in pecuniary point of I viow, with those who have labored fur year to aecure iiiemsetve iriini want in ineir oiu aire r i r iirtuor, it u an est lUlistieu tact that Uie groat bulk of foreignera wend their, way to the norUi-we. tern territories j being utterly imiorant of the instltnti'int of the South, and being thrown into '''.vf l'ti , buliti,,.n they are genorully led astray, and a enotuufre- quBiiily Bud them nnl reheincudy abusing th country and the eonstitution, and setting the Uw" ,h "' d""""?. Thi. U not thrir oonolusion represent tnciu to ne, anil in resu ( 01 wouu b efj:-4iaan.l'a... cititeiis. KCPREMB COl'RT. The following opinion have been delivered since our last report : By Nash, O. J. In Adam y. Barnctt, in .eiiulty, lyiTinr rerson, nlsnirssing the ..bill, with costs. Also, in Barnett v. Harnett, in equity from rerson, dismissing tlie lull. Also, in Itintna y. Powell, in equity, from Wake. Also, in Smith TrTlioniaaoii, from IhiTidsun, affirming tht judj tnent. . , . Bv Pcvasox. J Tn Iwia and Jackson v. Keeling, from Hertford, awarding a venire de novo. Alan, m Doe ex dem, Bohaiinan y. she! ton, from Stokes, affirming the judgment. By Bavviji, i. In 1 hnmpson y Bryan, from w ii' : . I . ... i . . i ,, diiui liLwreiu-e v. Pitt, fniin Tvtgcooiiihe, rovora-1 lug tlie judgment below and directing Judgment I hura (Ur dufejidajiU ..Alstvin Due ex dtau Duwd 1 y. Gilchrist, aflirmina the iudinnent ' I As for A distribution of Ae Public Lands, everfbiKly IhuT la hoi egreghmsly foidI, know ITialOiai ''nuiue t hha ho"sort id- practical valu or meaning In connection with tin present canvas in North Carolina. General Dockery know, a well as anybody, that it oniild not pans Congress, nor receive the sanction of tlie President. Gen eral Durkery knew the truth about this matter in Congress, and he know, it now, Whilt in Con tr rest Ae lsly that ha jurisdiction of aoca ".at.'ers he let Oieinaonejjiiit when h start for vjtivernor, he makes out of tfiem a iiobhy to got rotes, What are we to think of hi sincerity 1 .. . ni(Mifroa.iuraiu One rarely sees so many miss tats wants in an short a siwee in th Wiliningtnn Journal even. Tie Journal know, very well that distribution w a practical Issue in this election, heeause upon it result depends two votes in the U. 8. Sent fir or agalnstdistribiition, as the Legislature is Whig or lieofoen. 1 he Journal know yery well tliat a' bill distrilmting a portion of At land, among 00 tli States eould pass Congress, beaus niea a bill has actually passed miring tht present weUthatwhilatin Congress Gea. Doekary did .uITort ch a bill, and Aat it passed Aal.oua. And ftnaliv, the Journal knows very uy . .org. T,7.-,r,e ". Ls-ororo PaorasaioN ivd Pisrvrt. Tliese i.iij li " aatJlas . raiint out tlie aueeeaaire h readies ol UM treed, or o nlatCrm " &a lliav fa!l 11. Tha UlMit in.tmttrtfl l At paassK iif the Knar and Harbor bill in the House of Hi prcenlatnaa hy a vote of Jh to 70. Th I, ,foC'rt have a majorily of upward, uf 70 Ui tliat llonae jual tw tu nu. Ihey hsvs for rd th pe-ipl with tlie li Aey ar entirely iipiaed to internal improve ments by lh general government, Yt her. i. a bill passed by them that pnpiae toxieiid between two and three million ol dollars to on year on internal uuprovemeiita. Will Aey pre tend that th work, provided for iu the lull are of a National eh.ra ler, and Aeref ir right f A well militw apply to Cottcreea to appropriate a I (Xl.lMMi to open the Cats) Ksr and Ie.p Rivers. That would U quit a National a work as Aft oAer for which Ai. Ltaaifuca Uuuaa hsa appro priated large sums, ri hare, I iv irwttrno, u tli nationality of M Improving ttte llu'doa river, alaiv and lehiw Albany, New Vork," mor than 1 VI miles frura th sev, 1. ths iiifnriiw nf A Slat uf New Vork f Hut the iluadna U a r""d river enmpare l with other, that are mad Ball m- .1 by the bill. Anvtliing ptiri Iu. br tuliuual. ia Uie opini'm ol a Isieol ateuilier of t .flier Aat provide money fur hi own Beelloajaad aouiing is national uiai n i. ruf. "U, The Standard and Jiaam-vl are evidently Urwisd ahotit Ae election. They sea that Dork ery ia gnng to l ele.ttd, and ihey rquirm alma- like tela. 1 ht Mtantar4 la down a its sitm. bonea, and praya," Rally iHHarsrrata. rallv! Go to the polls, toy friends I Brother lcea,a rata tli election la cba at band. Rally far Brart. Ob! lorn out, fsr allhonfh wwar saann, lent of vie- sry. yet w may a laat after all. I Hi 1 brother issweaaraia In New 1 1, tool er, iNiplin, llnal-m and the t ape rear untry generailv, rant j,m give a aa adiliuubal ttosussasi vusao, a-a ynr selvas, and carry yi.ar nrirhburs i w ar air. .nr. but rUissis are ancsvtain, and w bat ao atrenth t apnr , I Tl JoolBal never prays, bat shake Its w'ta beast, ackiutwledtfaa Aat UhS full Vt ki( strength will be l,rrti?ht obI and aartsres smidiaiimtly tnet, tu ren'Ur can ea rertam. It will 1st ah Iwle y I"!! V that the lull atrength laf Ur H-m.-raue party alntuld I brought out I her- S ho ll. nvilig II, ItsS I) T ar bailiy are), and a oh raaaian f,,r, aa sure as the sua shall act a lh .ire ,-f Am.,.1 es-it, I. an. ) keev will I ihiverisp Hut of North Can. II SI- N .1, II raf, rvwe B'Tfoea ..eapei jrtta d ,:r,r.' by Wing h ,lea Bilh an slier. 1h r prta,er. er IB II, l ro,a I (. re II pr r any repair'i, ai u l i i r,m-. J ,y , ao- rjT uay-'f f'niie. 7 1 ; NTHflBEB 29. Congressional. IVaarnxorex, July 17. Skxavt-Th Senate to. up th repnrt of the aeleet committee tht Ividv on th salaries .if the officers of the Senate. The rp-t alsdishe per diem compensation, exeeiit in th ease of ebrks of committees, aud eatalitishe a yearly salary. '. - ;.- ' - The reriort "wti ameudol so n to Increase sinueof the salaries, and a aniended tsi pass- - fx', w The lloniestead bill wasjlien taken up, and, after a lengthy dolaite th S-uato adjourned, tthaofflwiHwing of tli ribJaelT ' , I local or RteHrtST.Tivr.s. rverl inefleera al atteniiu were mUs ri auapend the rules for the purpose of introducing ramus propositi A bill to establish the eolleetiiui district of IHinkirk, in New York, and tn constitiitu Dun kirk a port of entry, was passed. Tlie I! mso resolved itotf into a rommlttee of the Whole nn the state of tho Lniou. aud rwum. 't.tb.SioUsjikratii i The amendment pen dins wa submitted last 4laNfc3;tt;Kiaa the Mr. Yaiuuutt stated, in the course of his speech itUadwwaey trf the amsBd.neHt, that memori-1 a Is have been sent to Congress from seven thou sand of honest mechanics, invoking the removal. tront tneir t el low laborers, or Uie degradation of military rule wlule engaged in eivil employment. Ilo showed the oppression to which the work. men at the armories are aubieet, and ably arca- ed for the restoration of tho civil tuperlnient uoncv. Mr, Keitt replied to Mr. Vanwant. and insist ed the public crvic is the better lubserved un der the military rule. Mr, l'avis, of Rhnjle Island, anrtied in favor of a return to the civil auperiutendency. Mr. Skolton, believing that ea-h ide" had made out its case, move.1 an amendment To discon tinue tlie mailufaclure of arms at Harper's Ferry ami Springfield, and to authorise the Secretary ui n ar to contract ior uie nianulwlureamt sun i -.i i i. . i pij ui an sruis which may ue necessary ior tne a. .1 . :..: ,w uV . .i . wklnstmen and areturn of Ae civil mnerinten. dw(,TM thA armories. .l. conclusion on tho lubjor.t. named. istiixuTo.v, July 18. SyTi. Mr. Sumner presented the memorial of the Pennsylvania Society for Ao AboliAm of Slavery, praying the reieai of the Fugitive Slave act. In presenting it lie made tome remark, upon the character of the law. A achate ensued in which Messrs, Kusk, Ken- jaintn, Bayard and Sumner took part, after which the ulijetwa laid on Atlably jco 87, nay i-t. The Homestead bill was acain taken nn. Mr. Stuart withrew fail proposed subautut for A bill. Mr. Yeller addressed the Senate in aunmirt at atiberot policy towards actual settlers i he also defended the foreigner from the alleinttious made against them, lie was utterly opposed to fvnow ivotiiinuism. t- f. X'.L'.T - Musara. Caaa, Beniamin and Clay continued the debate on At bill. u A prie of Ae lauds, wa rejected teat 24, nayaZT. ', t Aftor aoma further proceedinizs AeSeuat ad lourned. liorsi or KrratiiNTATiTn. ,vtr, I'liiuip ask ed leave to report a bill, providing that A tstri. tory- acquired under the brte treaty with MeXten, knawnsa tha-tsadsileii trenty,-ha iiiompuraled wiA tht territory of Nw Mexioo, .ubje-t to all th law of tli last named territory, lit said that gentlemen would at one let At propriety of passing this bill. Tht territory Just acquired is now wiAoutdewy There arenooourt enrganised in that territory fur the enforcement of the law. of At United States. It i necessary, as th country is thrown open to settlement, Aat there aadootiytuieu ot of Ae people, Mr. reckham ohjooted to the auaaideratwa of Uie bill. The Hnus, during tho morning hour, on aidered th bill pmpoaing to repeal Aat part of the postage law ol liviZ, which allow a reduction of fifty per cent, on prepayment of naripage ea periodical, and aewaper. ) but came to hoods elusion nn tlie suldeut. 1 h lloua went into aConimitlee of the bole on Ae state of Ae I'nina, aad resumed tht eon- si deration of th. Army Appropriation BilL 1 ht amendment pending wa to realm the "'I1 ""'"'y Armorl, '",-f'" '''. " to-jea. W, Tl,a t'om-ltt-i M and th. Ilau- !i,w ld. v Tlie Standard v A,Uuy Grahjua "a e niuiii.ulion to Ui Ueoordrr, in fetation to th charges made agaluat him by that paier, "is alike unfair, and jeauiUiml. lit uil A Stsn- dard o eunsidsrs it, bacaiis li. f nils himaelf caught in bis own trap, lie charged Gov. Gra ham with having la-trayed In. enudenee reposed ia bim in a private letter but when Gov. (irahaia aUtea that th. letter wa not addressed to him aa an Individual, but contained a proposition totbe tt big party, and tliat IU contents were nereiso- ri'y to lie communicated to various individual., and places th evidenra of Ait matter at A disposal of A Standard, the editor feels At awkwardn of his poaiiiim and thinks that th trovernnr wa " aufjir" In placing bua In il l'.l... 1.. ... Tl.. V. . .. I I . . ...1.1' ""' w nam without t(siii.g him and to withhold il Bow that it I plaed at his disfjaal. leave nana fa- uapiciua. Thi I sa an pleasant dilemma, and Wt do not wonder that Uie Standard fstU aneasy andcr H.UUU Krcmynler Th Standard wiahea to know "the fell tor nf A Argil did not wril Ueneral ' karkary'l let rerwf is ais.iK H didnnt,lt tsev'er .aw it antil ha t.td it la A Kei.ler. Genarat Do. 1 try wnrts it himself : and it is hardly sa g,s Bah euuinuuly writes. W e hav rseive4 men a letlav fr him. at I "y A bye, wha wmtt Me. Bra-;'. Inter I ae.Tptan. I It Is a very ailly afiair, ui- n tl I whole ; and the second paragraph, eape.-i.lly, I escwungiy loggv. n e pave heard a number I Intelligent ganuewan .ay they a. .4.1 a t 1 1 abal be meant by " an b"i.wt 'I ai'rt of sir ewn Itnesa to diachsrge them. " What does lis mean by At word "hnneat f and what d.,es thrra " rfytor Ti t lieg oftli Standard to heik at tht paragiwh, and gut us aa ner.is. M anted, by a rentleiaan whs la eelUdins a cabinet nf ritrtoaitia. a ba-k of th hair, nr aa avs-Baiik of lh man whn diamvarrd that Iht.y Keid was a stateaanan and Mr. Ha.lg wasn't If 'hi greater diarovere tliaa Colurainie, eannnt spaiw Iheaa token .d rametn!nwir, he would I lJ " wl " " 1, lie.., MnTMirT i.ir IIIO eisnfer a favor byanding h.. darefm slvss. 1 But. asasa Biemeulii, our friet,d of tl ewii'suly i shop aaya, be ss sal bare. N it II tnlj. I Tb fliaap p.".taj U.terB la Great RrUtiat Went lull. iqHr,.ti.,H in 11.1 Tl, fi-.t evra i,) era'! id lit r In, e l r.' pr.!,i, r 1 pr .ht sal Ja'j agvinat 1 1. ! I iba pn.-r J.-ar Th new nv..e of ..,: baa g ,n un mb Jr ut tear, antil B"W a a find thitl O a I rna.i. d l,a i. ,aar. VB ' t e.-. hln I'll sod -va. la-.Bg e;.'aMlo a e o.. H-l 1 " an 1 in a iu, it 4 mi ts si, I r te .t f- ill OUt l,M if!, i.. v. eau ln'ii-c. . . n . "I win. !, are t,,..., ,. aa to mnke SIm imru - i i.- Tlie tir-t ha r-rciicc t ; -Gov. t.raham. at the . . the Senate f, fhe di-l,i',u!. n i ; v tit it. tl:it tlie dtstrilotii.ii -.1,. i tariff should be rti-.d a'' tm In lt2 the tariff was rai-. ., ,, tion rrtl"d. North! 'nrolinn ). u ji-, , 2i,t1t dollars. This the N.m Ui.i fails to a id, what it mnt I. tie k hig, in Maaics the tnrift !.i;l i.fi I t Let il wn, that tlio l4i pot m i a elauae reniklin.r ifMi i-tr.vik,, in th .r:l....:... mt. In c9tie-.i' u, , ol which John Tyler, wh hail Uieu puif Mi rto the Iemoernt, vrt.-.ed th bill! Sn that tiie distribution ft I by virtue of an act iaovd by the Iem.-r.iti.. pur vi, Whia having endeavor. 1 to f-titiii(' the di-tri-btitiiai.. Sanmch fir the Ctandard'a lirst lii.-.r-o; The next charge hitt: I vn a stril. no'iit that tlov. Graham voted, in 1 hi tv ,,n the table resolution Ititrwiacpd by Mr. M.rlhi!';., declaring that it was inexpedient fftrthetieneral llnvermuent to amuine the d.MM f the Slates. The charge, wlueh w have no hc-itnticn in pn - nounmig laise, a, that Uuv. u. stands on .th. Tt,. that ler. pl&tfurui "of asauiiimg tlie S,,ilo dehis ,y th Gcncrai OoVernmenl?' VTiie Standard wc.l know that a motion to lay on the table is a par liamentary mode frequently resorted to. of avoid- iiig pniiitles debate. Y doubt vory inucli whether there were two men in the' Senate, at the time, who believed thai it was expedient for theGovernmeutto aswutae , t dehta oi the Si it', A motion, Jir. lay Uie ..icsoluun hi "lU ililef . -..v. tnereiore, vvuunt , cut i tt Ur.bate, iinil j.ut. ji.o. .,. . wriolo sulijeci at reati This was, without doubt, theaiqeetttf shemirtwn.and furt4wt rf wit--tliatinllueiiced Governor Graham in toting l',irit; u-:n .1.. i i . . . . ., . ,t who voted tolavthe rMolutionaoli the table eni in favor of the Government's assuming the dehis f the Statosf - The editor know this v. oul.1 he untrue, and the attempt bo make the impression . upon the public mind that Govi Graham was in favor of such assumption Iwmuuc of that vote is a nnjust a it it jeuiiticab The Standard charges that Guy, Graham, in 1834, while in tho liegislatnrei veded to atrikd out of the bill providipji; for a Cmvention, tint Uium iu thsllith . sticti.it icovi,lin, i v 4heelec tinn of Governor bvthe people. It is well known that the west had great dilhcultn to encoiinti r lit getting th Convention uf lKo". and many' ermcsssmnewere made to obtain it. tiur. lira ham was willine to concede the c'uxti m of (i,,.cr- nor by tho people to procure what he eoiieeived be vastly more imijomnt to the wot, viz : an pialt.atinn of represeutatinn. Alier a ward struRsle, however, til which he bore his part, the eat got hi Vi-onvnttoii: rmi ot.in onterrs wrrn eured the ualitation of representation, and the election of Governor by the tteopip; liuriu,' .11 .1... A.,..B.l .... Aw.. .l....l.,l .1,. ... Graham was heartily in favor of giving the elcc- on of Governor to Ac people his ndvocacr of thai sulcuituienV Was well known 4 aH ho- tmk an inwreatiu pnblio matter. After" the failure: of the la tl in'lit.M lor callings c oiiu-ntioii, a meeting was held bf nicmhors frieu.ilv to the proH.l amenclmcnts, and a ooiiiiniitce, nf Inch Uoy. urannm was one, was unpointed to hires, the people on the .ubjeeL '1 hat ndda's. wa. published wiA William A. Graham's name penned Pi it; ami tne proposition to give tho election of Governor to the people hold a promi nent puce in tne auurcis. lhe next charge is suniny ndirulotts, tn wit : that tloy, Graham, while in tint ctmivii rlmir in lH4ti,4lid not call ou Jaiaus K. l'.dk, at his lodging in Raleigh, " until a short time of his leaving for Chanel Hill!" The wonder Is that the Governor called on the President at all, .it', er A disrespect which had been inanil.-ted to ward him a A Governor nf -Nfrrth f irelina in A matter of appointment of officers for the orth v arolina i.eiuiciit. itiit the i-haive U too .mall to be Botiecl more at lenih. Again: The Standard nr that Gv.toolninl wa oppoaeil to tho war with Mexico, mil -lioii- ttfuVtY."w'ranltitra1at!vi'itiiir'at the ''time of " that war i that be promptly responded to the re nuisition for Vohinlcers from this Slate, and thmaghoul At whole mailer acquitted himself tn a manner worthy of the office wlii. h be heel. Mahy nf the Volunteers tor thatwar from tirang WCr Wlii? and they will n it fail favorably to remember tlov .Grnhsin at the polls. Jjastlyi tb Standard takes it lor granted Hint G.rv. tirahain is oprxisod to Free Suilrage. Hut Gov. Graham has token no aueb position beoro A people. He is Willing to sae theeonstitutiou amended so aa to extend the ri-ht of voting I r members of the Senate to all nho now ha.o a vote tor tlie Common.: but at th sains time ho Aink Aat another amendment should be in ado to protect the lands from oppresaive tuxali - n. There Is now In the eonsuinLion a pro. ihimi t.i pmte.it slave property from exec-.ane tavatioii; and in this proviiion, which requires that the bit en the white and the hlaek poll shall lie equal. there I. a mutual protection; he that lias only i. noil to bt taxed, I. a. well protected as the owner of .laves, yea better, f.r the white poll is taxed only from twenty-one to forty-live, while the .lave is taxed fioi'i the se ol twelve to hl'r year. ' But If it i proper that inch protection liould b tended loslav properly, would not tlie asms prudential rason rnpiii th u I n 1 Imuld Jsu b pnitecte.1 tmni over tavuto n I I; quit a important an interest. And il lhe pro tectioa now .Horded to laud holders by the land qualification for voter, for members ol Ilo- Ss,,uo hall be removed, why should nut a prima, on l o mails to eeoure the land from an undo but I. u ef taxation, similar Pi that now extciolcl to .ia. a proper! T In amending the e',nstituii, Ti, lice ' to the landholder ii.ild ls coiimu.-h I, as well aa " lilierly " totbe Voter. l,u,,i .lhh.-rty can only bt ecured by due nv'ard lo the r.lci of all. To preeena thus pro- er balance, in our eunetitatitsa, Gov, Uraliam ia or eulliug a Con vention, that all tbt necessary amendments niav btat eneaecitisidcred; ami is deele,tlv iipp.ed to ametlament. mado piece meal, by l...oiine na.-tment. Us nack (s? tlit Standard', charge.. ,M,.,I op aa Ay ark, of false inlcreiiees ai,, mir. ,re. sent tin na, Aey art .eattercd ss cluU Is P re the wind, whso At tost of truth la .pi.hel. JIM. ii'eforiT. THK RIVbH AND HARBOR mi.. Th WaehinVtoa I'nioa etprc.es a dc-p i torsat aa to th manner In wui, h ths 1 v may met and diapos of lh Kiver and It ,,!.. Hill. Th tullowing xtrai-t may be r - ir ! I i slgvilleanli It will bt reIIeeteI that lh his inn , ; e ' aar I'reaidenl 1'iaree esprcp.lt d -Inn I i ii rianmend to th. favnrahla eon., lentti n , f ( gree "theaatiinatea of works of a 1 1 ' IB twentyeveo of lbs thirtv.nis au-. a,,, to lug to on million smaa hundr.si a-ot h,- t , OeHiaaad t'S hundred d llsr.," His I. . eisacluatve rnily aa to tti" pint ihil t'.e I v Bill O'St 1 pre -bided Iron a th ,r,oh r..o, ten of the df tails of t;,i I, til. i-om., ot'i a i appropruttiohe pro.,. l no.v le loa,- -rini i n Hi SstlKiales of the p. r i W take H ft fran'ed li ,1 t I ell enl-vl to the Tl,-. ! ..,,( t ' - r ' - I il. will ! g'tTrrM.t i frTit - Lin al .riii-' 1. - t,i miilH M i ui " r tt ft i I ' fntiri; rm, h Wul . I I . frtim ti4t I ci illlMtrh-aalal t-tlaVrtlpl")- tf t! It 4i4 M murh In hi ri 4.tl nf in real tnipruti-i --- .) AT Xtr., I si in ft- !ft1 T-l.!'T I lil-, t.if,g i.f n mu i alfrniatn. t ,! f ' i e.rtrtt 'iitii'V 1 f ' i 1 v t i pfytrnia -! i.- - l i.f't t ' - ; f f ' -ft' 1 I rl I . . I Pin A i v t - i t

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