NORTH CAROLINA STAIt WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1854. IEF IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. ' i TliM Tbowut Enm soil hi party, (a t1io f th twMXrU.) er oppoaed to allowing the ante of North Carolina her ibin af th publts aorjsarth proeewd tlMtvof, notwithstanding an Mded Is tb general gtrrcrrimeut a Try Urge ortioa of them, ud western htatea are eouuu sally; raping large grant. v '- . 'Albo, whiW his fxidsia th'm tat are plelg lag sita to a ttiferewl eovrn, President Pierce, ta MM'iiniiiv lond mate to western Slate, for railroads, callegea and awhoola, to the furm af --f , 1. - kill mnlin loaiA. fit Illfv the HBP , VIM " S- ' Ft " . I Stats Knoll for 'eleemosjuery' purpose.. J Doh't Foaagr, that this U the am Prwilen Pierce whom all the election North and S"th are eoodenuiior North, because of hi interfer ence there in State elections, br turning out officer them who are exercising their influence to destroy free solUsia, and who refuse to appoint them to office a requested by thie J'resideut to do South, because die people eeethat they hare, under false pretence been shamelessly cheated by designing leader into the rapport of another " Northern man with Northern principles, " ol the MarturVan Iiuren itnpe. Till You NiioHBoa, that Mr. Bragg oppoee the only mean by which free Suffrage can be obtained, and that he still advocate it by a mode and will submit to no other, by which it has signally failed after six years trial. Ask torn omiio till too, when Thomas Bragg Commenced advocating Free Suffrage at all. Also, when he became an Internal Improve- saent man, after having carried the Journal of4 the i,egisJature. to prof e . mat us at atga were T SUV AMMt recavttai : TTnEii Von rict'tr I3vft?lmeiil1iiit . . MtiJig Utiie Jiua.isho said iu .i.deutoB.UuO. be was opposed to borrowing me money to extenu the N. C. llailroad East and West. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE! WL.t ITUa. Alfaqui liwliM ia idonlifiod with tho. people of N. C by the ties of interest and sym pathy, and that oa all occasions he has proven true to the interests of the people of the whole State. , . - ' Kiuibbib, that th aristocratic sentiment of the State nasbeesbmughtstrongly tobearagauist him, in eonsequence of his failure to pronounce H his words a thesefastidioas, rettnea""yonng gentlemen would wish to hear. Lit it bi Kr.Htstttr.itED, that Gen. Dockery is in faVur of ffivinf a share of the public lands or Ui oroceed theoeof, to the State of North Caro lina, wherewith to aid her in her system of inter Hal improvement. . Koxaue auto, that Geo. Dockery is in faros of a liberal system of internal improvement in all tettivm of the State, whereby her resources nay be develoied, her border may eontuin a market, and her people Can tiud an outlet. . KxiganiB aiao, that this has been a leading arineior with lien. lbsckery to twenty years as th records Drove having been a member of the . internal imnrorement eonvention in 41.1 when 1 a railroad running from Uenufort to th West was MxviiiMwil keanorovinc it. x; , Kiatsssa, too, that tien, Dockery is a Fro. - tiorfpa wji and has-evwr ewr'"" trwrt To lv trMie'4"t'T"aTn hec" submitted to our Legislative body, and is in favor of a nlan bu tmch a mttdt t tioml eUatwd. LtT it as Ksssmimto, too, that Ui best evi dence Unit Uen. Itockerv is a friend to the people. U that be has atwayfbeeu austained by them for anr office in their sift, he never bavins: been defeated either for the Legislature or fur C'on- gress lu((6ro lllrgrti. XOTIOXOr CtBAf " The eurrespoudeiit of the Charleston Courier, writing from Havana, July 13, giveathe following piotur of th conditio ot affairs in Cuba: 'J'b undilion of this Island at the present mo ment is tnor IsunentaiiHS than ha ever been known in the memory uf it " oldest inhabitant." The free negroes are " running riot",, with tlieir newly acquired privilege. They not only seek ' s iy opM wt unity to -prnvv to'th white man-that they an phased upon a footing ' of oonaliry with biro, but, living way to their brute-bk feelin?. are cnnstaiilly.eogaged 4 asjUu-anaongst 4hm-4 weive. insi ivais utio uissrics wituoui tue wans of this eitv. tliev are furnsesl Into tiluhanr ennrra each of wiiioh bear a significant title, such aa " Th Valiaut Bombardiers," " Th Gallant Ar tillerymen," " The Urate Platoos men," ate., ta and whenever two or more of any of these gangs cliVnos to meet a single member of either of the other bwlies, they f iflliwith atlai-k and tuaitiwat-f htnt in a manner that mast b witnessed to b fully realised. Taking a walk without the Munt aeraU Ual a taw twmtiog iare. I witnessed an ocounter between fic of these negroes of one of th abort named bodies, who bal attacked one f another sng Thru of the ys were.teme4l with what apieredto be saaura, and the other two had large stoue ia their bands. With the weapoo they attacked, beat, and wounded the Ingl negro, whs bad not a weapon to defend himself. In vain did heslriv to make bis escape. On of hi enemies followed him, and managed to overtake hiin, let him run whichever way h would. At length h received a severe wound down the left cheek, which inflicted a territie " stash, and h rubbed into aa apothecary' shop, tu djor of which was immediately closed, and uia aessu uui u icu nim v ins late. CKLXNHJU.iKO' fKMALE COUEfiE. We arw pleased to leers that th r recent ss,'.. J t(. j. ,L.J cct.l i- k . ,.. . i i -Ti earns J lJ1 PI swaaasjll, sjWUIs 1 1 SI' I rV a prospity ana sseluloes i evidenc of a well merited erafidenc in th abilitv and Idelity f tbna who are engaged is t h ariuoos and rs fotntibi duty of Instructing th young indie. tVrsva esu'we' Wrwsf. CLERK WAJITtiD. ATOCXO man having xperieoo in th Irj iki, k.,.:. kC. II - ! aa a aaleomaa, will Unci a situation by apply MHitE A W1LUAM3. Ralegh. AagtiiH 1, 1K&4. W A dumcc to Make Monej. r'ssrmiu an BaAsa larurraavvl! TUB smbesriber is dooiroa of karlag aa ageal fat aok oosaty aad Iowa of th I'aioa. Capital of area s (10 oety win be reaalrod, and aaythiag Ilk aa S rtsot. sasrgstis ass eaa k from thro to toaWllnrs peedarr ladoo eoM of h Agent aow aspWyod aso roaiutag twit that com. Cry iafoeasa ttw lU a (teas mm asMeosetog. (post paid ) . A. klhliLER. Dol Ml FkilaeUlBkia Past Ota, IL Citj XIoteL n a itf BROADWAt. JIW.TORK. s?eoncs-t eo vw siswe. eta v. Tf Bold has reeeeU? U, e.J.rrUd r.ltt4 wiUa Iks aedora hapeoissniats, and I aow oe or tks reoeptttia mt p.rm.aial aad traasseat board1 sasd utloe Kcls aoevod at all koaw. llks to kw opartoseale (wMkoat astro ekoego.) as to sh prlet iet( ratma av I the Sill a aeage, Vkleh Is aetarked to tk Hotel. This Hotel Win ! srttki thea sslaaise arojk mt ah Harlem, Rdin oord Sew Have lapt. L,joran a Cny wilt 14 at as ekotr 4esitaongts Ik City M ooJL a tk BrrHta etseS a of th FwkU paseogo. OKOROI W. RA1PKU JaraMTe. , ;T,i 1 agwet t. m k . . pnn BBtA iir.RRtr, 1 rt. fstv-v. M i .rnieiet. ( a l-v 1LI,l.tji wwrv-NLtr. A IAM AXTIXK CSKlUZk t! OS eavad, fief sal b ' WILIA LEA A BUOVTM.rT. Tr"iM BACflV-A aeSaaa M M asnfsWHI Hants snd fidea, joal eorei, ly kills t a s a a, in . i th- " ' .. i-t m m fiuwm us. , tVrcU M 4e. sMpwi, WILIALXA A BRfiWLtT. CiTlAIWl. bstf WrrU f. fnnilv a. TIAT!!rR.-l.fls3 ,i4o, KM UW, IIUUA A BHOWSIET. OCR XLW YORK COBRESPOaDEilCsw. Niw Yoaa, July itfth, 18M. iHitSu: sAiiTdead! but th war I bar suffered from heat and boinea and eonSnemeat would astonish a Know Nothing." Yesterday and to-day hate beea durable, but fur ten dars J presume no op wanted it measured. I 1j ere hare been M many " events" since 1 wrote'you that I hardly know what to write about, only I expect you to Tote tor imeicery next luursday I and then advise all friends, particularly, if he is not elected, to beware and look out fur such men as "fichu rler." "Paul" (not St. PauD and Veuch awful bombardments as lately befell " 0 rev- town ' or - jsoriana notoriety, n as not that a battle and victory well worthy of (Jen, Pierce? It reminds me of an old friend who fell in a rage about his neighbors hogs invading bis rights, and in his fury abnuvuotliing, but his old ne'ro hal lowing, forgetting ii own (or rather his hugs ear mark) he hail sevcrr-of his own hogs killed instanterl Co at (jreytoWo. our own people now are claiming damages fcixlos of property no one else was hurt. The death of President Fillmore-V d tighter was as much regretted as it was unexpected. She was an ornameut to society, brel in trunnion schools and honored by all who knew her. The late Mr. Blunt, who was a pillar in the Whig party an honor to the bar aid a most npngut ana useiui man, also lett this world ud denlr and greatly depliired by thousands of his eountrymetf. His political adversaries for twen-tT-fiveyearsshed tears at his demise and paid him tlie highest compliments to departed worth. Mr. Clay never had a better friend the city abetter Ian Ver, nor the -Stale. a rvr' p""-'" , J'nn t Ills uiciuury MiwrisseTiJ the fltrhteir. imf tremnndottslv thTusherliTi sfira-elty ywoTday tf a" nrmrw bwt," named root, whiv scratched, bit, dtnoeked and kicked him dreadfully, and by way of a finish to his job, gonged out one of his ejyes. They laid aiido all rules and took it rouj;li aud tumble for $50. No one pities Murriscry for it was his own seeking, and he is a dirty dog. But this is a great age for Die Cholera is at a stand, and now the weather is cooler it is honed it mav stay its ravage, whirh so far have been very, trilling cunsiiliTing all things, including the corporation. jutilrontte are orrret-odoT irerejust nuw, ana every president is lKikel at as though ho might be a rascal; the result willbe that greater amounts will be invested in reitl estate, which is always safer if nut better. Thousands are rutuinatiiigl in the country, at the fnrmgs, Newport, etc., whilst the merchants are ailing their shelves for the fall trado. " Street preaching " -sues now unmolested and the " Orecks " bi'giu tu feel that Aniorn'nna intend to rule themselves, and the " Know Nothings" say they shall. rVi say I. Mr. (Jlingman and his Iriends, I should think, are " growing smull by degrees and beautifully less," in vour Stato. k Hut I must " come to" as the sailors ssv, bf wishing you a good time in the State ot 1 hurs- day next. AUlllll SlAlii, PRICES CTJREEST. NORFOLK MARKET.' Ee ported exjrsstly for ths star by A. St. KcFhostsr sV Co., Wholesal Oroceri, Forwarding and Com' million Kerehasts, Ho. 8 Xoaaek Sqaar. Norfolk, July 29rFu)rR Still comes in very slowly and is much enrpiired for. Weouote Sui'ierfiiie at ?'JJ(ui)J; Extra 10; Family fl0(lnj. Iorsi Is arriving more freely sales of white In quantities at 7.'e. rtAS Arc in demand at f Ut'ialt fur rl. E and Black, other kinds nut inucufViirwl for. Naval SroKEs Tar sells renlilv at oi( 3i I omiiion Koeiu l(ailii hue dull without sales spirits Turpentine dull, small retail sales at&Dc quotations from Soft Turueiitinedull at Mi riTsvr Pine much enouired for. nonein mar ket, WrO.hhd.t 44, K 6. hhd. .$3t5o, iart sale ncaoinz ftt. Dacox N. C. lhiground 8: Extra Hnmslll I3e.i Wwiwu rdwTtr'rmWttdtr-OintTe: noiniiig to say ot Kiuceries; tney reiua.n at nominal price. . O'-'A-io 1'lenty. Wilmington Market, July 28. Ti-ai'ixTtxg -1 w 'Jbls. irgiu and S ellw Din. were sold at J.I il pt-r tlil, and '.'tiU d. at ff i 'X ir lib! lur irnin, ai'i f J per barrel lor i"lluw lhp, r 5l'i kit- Tl ' TIN i Iti Lbls. chanced hands at ti 4'J cents per gallnii; 42 cents lias siuce, been oni'r'd anil relust-4, ltiHiN Ctf sales ttipurt rather dull. Tx 0.i small parcel was sold at f 1.8 per barrel. Truer 4 Ritftn have hexm irirtnwe1r)f' at thw fulliiw ins. price vix: iW, f ltl,iU, $1 1 and til H) er M. I'oct, prices varying aa in quililv. Hacom l'.Ot) lbs. I'. Side aud bboulders, bid at 10 to in) cents per Ih, ' - r j tibts. i-ATBtte,viiie ur, war auld at $J per bbl. PetersbureT Market. JdJt 23. Toatrrn The break tu ilsy were itjain quite small, and prto vre tltouglu rattier better than vee-trMar. U e note sales uf several riod hliJs. ai'llj to i'. By tb Africa vr notice ToLacoo was in guod demand in l,iverp.Hil. The stuck f rr luspcwtion in tlie warehouse quit lijrht, with very little arriviutf t-orrua n g note sale I oTT'ix ti note sales uf sutne :0 bales last Tveniog at 0. Th lata sew is rather unfavur- L'ti W not sale tn-rlay of at sne 4 0 bush els nt 75c, which is a decline. Wiu tT Tue Afrii 's ucsrs being unfavorable fir wheitt, our luarket ha declined fx-, per bush el. W qmd sale tifaotue 10 to 13X1 bushels elf I to M HO. and sotn inferior at 1 I'loi i New ('lour in lots si i'J. Itetail $9.50. (il tvn The demand aotitinus fairateUj fur Teruvian and t.V tut Mexican, tiAtiiK .iioulieers pjci. IN'lo ( , to i e. Hog rjuml, V-, V to lOe. Ham 11 je. H tr Vt atvot sale of large lota at $1 at retail a i, su. Piysttrrill Mariet, Jnly 2S Ccdwm mark- t, so change - pnnci ;al sal at 9 eenta. A bet ter Kpply of Corn in th nasi week, ana iriee ar wMuctbing lower salos from wagisne at 1 40 n pi dii. r lour crtrw ar lowoe tale at 1 1 1 5 tn 17 M for aurmrfln en sale fmea saw wbssU aA bvU aun tftt prw deund gone). ttirita Tarpeotin 87 o M f per gallna. lUw do. f 2 :i to 2 66 perbU. T AS'iillOKJ.K'8 TOHAff'fl. We have Jaat rweeiv a Mipennr Pitof utngtsora iliiat ing Tobaoro. for aai bv WILLS, LtA A BR0WXLKY. AaguatLsw4. - - Klifl 10 PLkAJEIII 1? K . UAL'ET A COg CXOTIlIMi R4TADLIAIIHK5T, IAT IHI Ayconaor .Sfrerf, JVltrilmrg, i 4. CtH VVL A R: B. T. IL XI. w-shs aokaowlodge lsa tiWoroi posroaag they has reoolvod sm iksir itiaodsi tkaietiyftod tt vieioity, sod tots thu M s y losssmlog tOeos that ws are Bow ol. vwrtag (real lndorsels in r Isrg aad tirao. Ss w of MEW AKD PAHn Arll.R ST ILK cLoinisiuoi a otj ham fai ti mk. One good ec ostoctod milk groat eoeo kr one of the ns, duoH trm too lenporura sad Manufacturer. P-spi osil; f-r owe TnoS. tkorohy eavtog ssad or-ot, war wttl geve one owsrsere ins aslvAoiAgt of lovVAsal (,A:i CassUI I That I Ike greet aMsd. tori 1 1 Is sat One desire so SKok mlaropeoaoataot s s SMsaoog, kot M otol saeta. Aay good poetkssad al IkU aMoMMkaMSH I kot msl so aosaai Ike aharswssr fit. mm shoos, tf etrod too snonee will ke esroodod. HtJullS a II IT g at .of.gMl al ihisookli,hoi.nt. waora as e'pruaur etkMia sa'l Ivoa ki stisad. tor- i4s tree! ek.oa. o II, lt. tl ICT. P. DOCB I DUC0TJE8E1 Tl T poklfco4 aad W sots, to tlmaorss kf H.v. Pwe isoK t k'tutoa Uooaaus aad IsooHsao, foe taroo wHk wfeira ta.y were reotv4 at to lio.s of ssp delivery, u-m hae aitk ths 'fei eMroest of Mo4 etooo. Uidossd tfc OOlk'O to poi ;( ik.oi. Ik oe pcotd a e eoot psnoHitoS f ey r. to r s. as a t oo. rrkpo, a-e St I mm okoooy to stl ogwio Otfi k. ou - - Ot SO SUM OO oW'I-t Iks mf Iks Aoika os Sa4 to oWle oe4ea 1 ""wi .-meoottie ska t atk. oeAf-d OS tas iac.fc.f, o,;l ho jiwmf' aMsoov-d I. ). f l'"l giot tias-o. r . v.. , ., it. t , t- - ' - Lile PblIea1iHt- ; THE VlrrtnU M.s.nJ r-tvisis wit murk, ea heir iiiiMii te wkirk lKy an applicable, a4 wkick tksy are eeatra-isjdKMrd; aeeiuie .v a so. nuiM an 4ia,hy Bariis H- D. Tas piaaur, Ihinera ysan la la Sawtk, ky a Ksrtkera ana, Adwitt U ke th fcsst htwk n -fcae f tb Snetk svsr wrviua. Trials and t'owfises f aa Awsvisaa Hhefefv Tku is ens tt tk BHMt lakiag koAs ml tk wa Tkrs skill rnakaeas, a qaiH kor, sas swiptkHi, aa4 n a tuv ml pa thus, that Ian tks nader wa tnm sag as paxe wilk a kia4 as aleanat fascinatisa. Tks iriur, wkil telling of kar trials, xpsrieaeas sail perplexities in koanksepiBg, aa giv ing yoa sesaet vf th Most aauttung eharaour, aevsr bar self-respect, aor vffeuas us panst last. There an f-w Americsa koarekeepers to whom tkeos "eoofeseioilt' will Dot seess. la stony portiosis, liks nv I site oa of their wa d"Oietia experience.- fosss ef th seeaes with ssrvsata sr ran pictarcs, aa4 ladl. erwas kevonal desertptiua, .-. The Howar ul Hrornuof the Tailed States. The Tailed States; It Power ao.4 Proxresa. hy (luillaum Tell Pu4iftin. 1st winiater of the repahlie of Frsnee to ths Taited States. First American, front from the thire Paris edition, trsjilate'l from the French hy aMniond L. lin tiarrsy, M. -11., fare-eon U. B avy, a large octato vuluuic. tor sale by H B. TURNER, . K. C. Bookstore, Rlfxiry"I, lt. ' 7o OKATIS! Jflit Ppblivhrtl"-A Sew Biwovtry ia Stilitiit! AFtvvi WORDS OS TUB NATIONAL TREAT M r'NT without Me.licine.of 8(erntatorrhea, or Lo cal Wsukiios, Xovyous Debility, Low Bpitits, Lassi tude, Weakness .of tha-J,irab.s and the Back, Indisposi tion and Incapacity forSnuar and Labor, pullness af Apprehension, Loss ol Memoi Vi Avertton to Society, W)an,.nSert,OTT'iyt-.r jxran orna. iB.voinnie.rT fciin iiapo, i tinrin in, nm Lwve of BotUiMle,"-TTnrimrv.- - rVetf- tristrsrst; trf stnei Atroetion-ot elrrT,'iipleiwttire Fwee, r Bexaal ami Other Innruuties in Mn. . ""Tfoiii ttis Trench bt "Sr. Ji7 DeXrtnev The important tact that thes alarming eomplalBi ssay easily b ninovcTt withccv mkhiciss, Is in this small tract clearly demonstrated and the entirely new nnd highly successful treatment, as adopted by th Anthor, folly exphtrned fay-vnesnrof which every -on is enabled to cure kimtrlf rKrsefv, ami at fee Unit oa- tiblt cost, avoidinaV thtrcby, alL.tli advertised nos-J? trums oi tue usy. . Meut to any address, gratis and post free, in a seal ed envelope, by remitting, (post jiaid,) two postags stamps to Dr. B. De Laney, or Box 109, Broadway Pint otEi-c, .New lork. April 2, 184- A Rich Treat for Those who Love to Lingls. 1 rR3. PARTINGTON' Crpet W of Fun. The X JL pul'Hshfri offpr this HiHik ti the &a onjf ilit rirli-ist luUfyMjmn ol" i Je-(tlttting tut Tjti ltuiaur whirh be npuartrd in this cuuutr. AIihi, luiiet ftnd pumihiue; or Lira in KpntuckT, by aMm. Mary J. lioliuei. 1 vol. 12 mo. Paper 75 cU. tuth 91. "A tluliirl'trul, well written book, portrayinir Wertern life to the letter. The bok Bbouii'U in an eaiy butnor, witU t(ucbin sentenreii uf Uii(imvHi and pathus Kat- tcrel throuph it, and from Ursl to Uft keep u a humane interest IntiL very mnnyautiiort trive tn vain to achieve. Teiueit' and 'u ..slime," two istr, are an eiemplifl eatioR of tliui ftmd that to Mime come by nature, and to ntlmrc in fmind only thrtmith trinU, temptation and tribu- latino; Air. Midtltttn, the futherof 'Toiuueft' and '8un- liiiie,' ti the very foul and tpirit of 'Old katutiudt,' ahridced into one man. The book Is worth reading. Thaf,jtiia niakw il a iuiImNU wurk tu hn ilru -mi ill UlkftlLft jour daughlen and sistera." forsale by H. B. TURNER. 3N. C. Jookntore. Ralrirh. June , 151. 6i f T .Man's Krirndllu the hour of n Wirt ton. imlii, aud siekuen, a safe and reliable vTulde, This book p"ints out, in plain langnnge, tree fr4n doctors' terms, Uift lliscases of Men, Women and Chil. drea,nd thedotest and most- rntproeed wean need n their curs, and is intended expressly for tk benefit ol lauiiiie. It also contains descriplionsof the Atxn. ical Hoots asd Hkkbs or th L'xitsd Btatks, and hoartbey are to be used In the cure of diseases. It is arranged on a new and simpls plan, hy which th prac tice of Alcdicin Is reduced to pnnsiples of common toneex, ' This Invaluable book has passed through many edi lions; it be now been revised and improved in every respect, and enlarged to nearly doable it former sise: ftnd contains nine hundred octavo pages. -it doe omhv p opes - 4ispss -wtk -phyeteiaa la seewro easaa ; bat il doesv propos to sav thoasaads annaalty, by putting th menus of care Into every man's .hands, and. -at .savins. valuable-.U4whioa i -of-4ae more importance ) by instructing -Midividusls how'to chock disease La its beginnings, before It has acquired too muen sirengui to resist ami overcome. . torsale by ULMiY U. Tl RKKU, N. C. Book atr. Raleigh, May 10, II Jl. Si tf. ROW FOR I'll EAT GOODS! M TJ EE A Y& O'NEAL f AViS taken the Mora lately occupied by W. I 1 k A. Mtith, snd ar receiring Uieir slocl of I- an. y and Htapls Dry tlnods, (Jnneries, Crockery and ti lass Hars, Its. Ileing new beginner they have to build up a trade I to do this they are de t'erm'bed (ti 1i undersold ly nons in tb t'ity. They will sell goods cbcap and do mistake; tn be convinced of this, fact eall and price their goods befnr 'purchasing elsewhere. All they ask is showing, sad if the goods suit they guarantee to aiak th price right, boa't puroa before ex amining tiisir slosit, if yo want cheap goods. call at ro, z, nnit t ront. x t'ayttevil)e 8t., ----- .. Ratelgh. N.C Mreh 8P. X. It I'lvr.r' A LOOK OUT! V)h-n von es KVAKN A IV COllKE, orertbe door walk IB. No. Z Cheap iee, aoder the hky Llgnl, on door above every body, here are so many rmwding next door to Messrs. Even A Coohe, wd wish y" to Loos orv. W e hare reeotsed our eoltre surolv of Goods, consist ing of every article kept la a Irst rate Retail and Wholnsali tloase. snd feel enaAlstl it wowld prove to ke the inlmet of all wko wlsk to sav la pearehasee lo grr owr stock aa esaminatloB kefor boyiag. Harding will be al kora ia a vary few dai bnuging witk. bint whst'l ate. EVANS A CfKiKE. Ralslgh, March IT, ISM. 11 CROCK CKV. CHINA, GLASS-WARE, Ac, Ac. GOULDS & ELLIOTT, Importer,, l'Ji IkaH St., (near Mvden Lane.) kxw tosx. . ATI E ATT 'lock, a gweal aad beautiful aisnrtmsat, latest slywo, peico wkick defy sompsttuo. aad a ploasossl ploe eVsr all wkeon M Bi n anasun as paos a few miiminss la esominotioa. Reporfcoel for eoeatty Trado h Ike most aarefal ssaaaee, Tsem lilvral. -July lata, lse. LeuUM Una Qooia. BLACK Ore d Rhiae Bilks. 4 ri cured Kl'ks. Fancy Plaid am Tie, Reragoe, t'kslleya, Rcr.g de Laiaa, Muslin, A., will be told at a email advance- eoot. by HI II Kit a O'NEAL. April A, I AM. I A Wftated. VTrifWl) maa. lo tab cbacg of a Classical doksat, t waoeo sorvleee a r solary wol mm pvd. Apf4iewtUHw mo4 a aeeiowtioolsd aw i r fa g mlieaiimmsa AaUoas, aad will bsos, auk prooryl aoiw.rv A -karoos d. K , ts.i It, WUIIsmm.,?!. C. July lata, I til. SA W oLrK at HKIHAM HI IINAI'IU. A fri v f sapf '7 tbw popular Iks.ucia is just re- snvwa as for asu) by BAT WOOD A 8C0TT, Dee.'W, IV J, , gi, Boot aatl Ihcef-. T yiLr-f m)S U fffl Re, Aloe, Ummy I e pegged and sowed IktoU. A eery lorg ao sssr-tarsesM af Pkoo (or Ladio sod (leattewvoa. IVA.ts A CO. Ik I Merea. ns4. 1- Eatoa'i Form Book. VVnm ef rraetieal forta. Ksplaaateey ho- aasl r4ewe7tetkortysx taseoidod a. a moo.ol to She pewctistaf sssyor ia tk lust sses-ta taswuaa, ay mm. A.Umi, Jr. lee sal hy L. f'kllROT. sUlodrk, flee. Jl, Ui. I lALIi 'M, Moollae, loas-hoeo. Iris Lloow. la-lkevceilofa, bwojo aad Rewwa kkir J pkt Uaa-lkevceilofa, tag as.4 kt.s- Ad tk aawo (VooOo Ussgkl sW tk sns irwd as.4 kae to he) o4 us tkaar easssa, oo U ai get " U,TI., A Aa A! rnof E. , Opposit Harding s. 'HV. r'" T'- fk'aksal Ug. U.h, fteeZt 0Jl sad lihk t kotos. rt I LL!, a MLrur, I1W IIU UTIITniHITt i tVeaiTtssawwteasAI'iRisirriA smjTM'i artuor. Ml IW aaawsv, ' Laut R MO XuHsJt. - CLOOE IROt KA1IIG WORKI, Res. .11 an4 11J Maarswttrwet, Kw VrV orroaiTl Tax imtiat woaxa. IiUi Iitu uf irni-ltritt. rira books raoa aaoxnwsT. Tk snbsaribses having axteastv aa ansarpasse1 ar raageaieal for ssaaantctaruig ' as act in aw Has, an prepared w aler to tk sblvs aad tseian tknagkoat law seaairy, Wrought and Caat-Iron Balling OP IVERT DKJSCRIPTIOJf, Oratinpa, Matter. Ooen, Pertsbte Iran Bed. steads, plain and ernasMeitalt CrltM and Cr -die lor ChlMran, Ire Chains, Hettee. , V enhataaaa, Plawerak V orkatanSs, I'sabrell and Haletaasla, sac, i Also a superior quality mt IRON FARM FENCE, all of which thay will warrant to snrpass In strength, dnrabili- ty, besxity of design aad eheepeoes, th Bsaanfactaras of any othor house in their ha. Orders from (very -tlon of the raited States thankfully received aad alec a- led wiw th utnoat dispatch. t.T a Mi . lit Urand-ttret, 5, T. June 1J. 1851. as JnL Kl'HUEL'l Patent XithineMrttchtd Leather Banding, The only Patent Bands m tht Country. , . They are tajuUfroi ths heat aok ssansil leolhar.ajij , ,.i. Iu.rr,.i, .tuI .i ,.i. . I .Aiul ad.laa Tlfostlytsnst,ad'Wiih a porlevfrhag to the funics, sail warranted to be a first rate article and 4-to- please taeifwreiasevV1'Pnry'en lie wsd'irrriyi;,diin,bhy or ronnii .with Lac Leather, Kivil aud all neccsssry articles in the Una, By addressing Wa.KlMHEL,Palcntee, S3 fairy St, fi. T. Jun12, l&it - 4m 8CHIErTELIH BROTHERS Co, WHOLESALE SBUGQISTS, '- Hiew York. flow Rtmtmdto t&l3SiWM-Ji(Xttk9Blt of Berhnan. . Importing Ut badW URl lre) from their original markets, both in El'KtlPK and the KAKT 1NDIK8. and also FRKKCH AND EN0L1SH CIIKMICAL8, PKR. PUMKIty, TOOTH. NAILS AKD HAIR BRIIOHKS, HAIR GLOVES AND STRAP;, PAlUd A TUIKSTK BPONOKd.CORKR, 80AP8, Ac, Ac, they offer them on the most reasonable terms. Orders either in parson or ny man, win receive taeir mm attention. Jim 12, ltot. S3 ly FEVER "AND AO VE. P. Edwasd Hlxxxxcs's STAMPEDE MIXTTJEK, For th Fsvsr and Agna, Chagr Farar. D1SPEPSIA AM) ILL BILL10US AFFECTIONS. THE Propletor of this medicine will state, withont hesitatian or fear of ontradiction, 'that tb rrrAMrana MiXTrM has siij4;nuir.jrAW introduedVthan any other medtein la as for th knovo-dtreasol. 'hii'mcdicTh baa neither Arsenic nor Quinine ia it composition, nil th Ingredients ar af a periecliy healthy cltaraetor and highly Himulaung aad invigorating ia their tendency. Persons while asing this medicine will not be affected hy i encore to water or damp atmosphere no mors than In their nsaal hsalta. Planters tn section or eoantry where th Ago pro- vails will da wall to adopt this modieln, as th pa tient Is not obligee to lay by whll and t realm. at and they may he snared af a speedy ear. Th Pr. Prietor ould Introdue thousands of esrtiflcats from those of thchighest rerpecubtltty.hut prefer saying to the sick buy one bouls aad ya will hav th Infallible proof In yourself. Pall directions for lu an accom pany eh bottl. Crtillcats Can b sees at'th effiee, showing wher tht saedMia kns euro whoa all otkee hav fniled Imt Dispsnsi and other eomplaiau thr is sot a better mcdiuins In the market. It has also beea taken with the moot astonishing fae ces in several eases of Uheusaatlasa aad tioat fw ths complaints tak a tsniespaoanil twto a day. Oa bottl of tali ssodiciae fory oftaa aa tks desired SJeeb- srts SI pes ksllls. Vet sals by Uraulsts la all aart f tk Called States aad Canada. - AU wk.l.sals wdses mast Wsa srsmid WMBKtt A BLKECK.ER, sol froprUtors, vs Broadway, N.Votk. - Aava P. , eaead. Raleigh Havilmnd, Hsnt A Co , Bimoas, Raf at Co, ckarlestoa, ti. C-8etk Haend C. P. Rogers A Ura, Ualttatore, Md July, I. I8J4. I-ly x The People'! Book. "WkTO wis who eaa read should ho witbont a copy of X "1 taa uonstilutloa of tk united xtaiea, UorUraUua of ladepeadeee aad W aahiagtoa's farewsll Address. Just large Sro. Heavy neper, I aauees tllustrsfW witk Ins portraits ef Washing too and J. lee son a tinted paper. Pile elotk It era. Paper ovrs Wiets. ConslderiBg th style la wkirh tbiskookl got up, It Is one ef the cheapest aa. aaU aaoMftf laa-l most asei ui nooxs ovee puniisne. Llbnal term U th trads. Bookssllsrs scad ea year erders to ths Publisher. TII08. PR ERR, MMnssaaRt. New York. R. R. Rellsbls Agent waated I sell the shove Book throughout the eeaalryuj. Jaly i, IseA, 7s-u w. T, JENN1N03 A CO. BBOLXSALt male a is FINE CLOT JUNO. . T A larsUy It Ommite the Atior Jltmmt t S'gw Yoaa. w. T. JtXSIXOS. B. K. atrBAirsaoBj. !-. July g. IMd. VORM BOOK. Tni SOUTH C1E0L1M nil KlOIf ' essvsisia AD Use ascot asM form which eoewr ia basi: traaaactlon twa maa aad Btaa, as well as ia efbeial Matloaa j ToasTsia wits The(T-silliatUr Issrtl. Cstrollaa, m ftrtbe rallrA Rlale) THI ACT riXIRO TDI Fill OF CLIHl, tHIRirri, Ac, Csdewlassaf fmr t U ass mf (As ewsssw fTmrtk Cmrm. boa oast ssees sasywi snail is e k eosrUBBBTA asassserras Bears rABoMBA baa. Potaalek HEMRT I. TURKKR. seA C srelia sVeoi ee. Raleigb, AagU, li. Scientlflo Works. r-1 ROUsOT ef tb Ulok, by Edward tllUhck, VI v. v. uu v. A Treatise oa MeurlarrTl eemprlolag Mialag. aadi geasrai aa pontoalor Metlaiwrgtool oporo Uoaa, with a dooeeiptloa ef I keeal, I'eke aad Athrtl rrOM, Btaot Maekmew, Met BUM, Eerg II s mm era, RoUiag Mills, ete., eta., by Pred viek fWersaeu. The Boob ef Katar I try PrloeUrUk Pekoedlor, ra. u., aasi neary aiodlo, r. c. tv rriaelpio ef lldogy. bf fir rbsrk Lretl. A Maa aad af lBsatere tsooiocv. av la Am. W skaaga af tb eartk aasd M sobakitaaU, a lllaustraAo ,j Ueelogisal Meaumsal. by (il tkaa. t-yass. tmt sal b w. u rovitoT. IWasbet- II, llb-J. . g IRKDRLL oTsTlBCf TOa- i Trtttlst it ihi ut if ImitsTi ui !4alllUlrilri IR KO Rl II CA R0LI5 A, Hp JasB lrt?lll. fltniobfoMW tks work kao no so s klVH tk. low, g os II swar il. a Si lo Bona Coeosless, ta eotaatoa a Ik males of wkuah M trow la. Il mtseaeo, kkorefoee, kk kagllsb fsswmsa, a to a Uvsy s miqb plead la "SOS ll OS hs o-IS of IwaUl oed la Si itel I as) owe oww C losas, oe ske ewkfn of .. Ar. es oaaet AS I I II I Uk-uk t ssor . eooeal, a-4aif as , akeee of tke sage! pe daaai.ia. bast l"t ti, esdte aak dmoAelko lodiaSMankla, Maslaal eod rafoaiki rraes sa BAOsotoes a ASasunawataes. to (ol ky W. kPfcVEtflT, .!.:.'.. (t'k 1t. 1 1 -if. lai k bridge AlssBl t tiler. f 1 1 t Ml lbs Ac-ore t- Ike sobs of this v.lA , I 1 hi fo-aaaa ooow, oeec ae ps.po.od a. fasrsi M kr as, need, bolt kasd ti'a. Eooaoblo. Nag ike la.i aad r.arios mi sal mop mm bo i-lalsoa so kk saaoafi-wak SILLIARI A lAIS'x-n ass.jk. Jo. II, A., , SAVE TOUE M0XTY1 THE sukaerikee having Iswsura klsiaalf nt tk -CITY OP KEW YORK, after yean xportsae ia last every partaseat i kasdnoos ia Iowa aad coaatry, teadan hi sarvie to his rrtenas sad tk pablM as a "" " P"' as a GENERA L PIRCHASINO AND FORWARD- 1X0 AGENT. I lai. ... , . , ..... I Tn fact of his ksing located I tkt CsSAV JISTwoe- I oaas os-ABiaic aa oeing ellansiisiy swranoiaiea I aad eoastsally leasUuir with th general trad of tk I aitj, wits give eiaa aamustogvs int a one earn os n aa have. Aaothar advaatag that this aaod of trad ofers to tk ponkaMe ia that th Aseat will Barer kavs say add or aasalaahlo goods or erodes to sock off a en patrons; oa tae ooatmry. his eastat object a4 interest will h I soloot Boo hat tk tatost style ad krt snssass. . MERCHANTS. To this large elos of intelligent nnd terfsif big trades men, who asnally parchaos as order hat once or twins a year, he feels that h eaa h of gnat sarvuie, having served In the capacity f clerk end hltrchant ssniiy yenn of hi lif, North and etoath. Instead ot buying from oa e two merchant Ih each bnnck f Trail, aa is th general, ke Jwill avail himself of the advantnc of dealing mnsrviv with the IMPOKTKK th MAN CPACTl'hkR and itis JOBHKK at saving of from h to 1 per oent i a general or separate hill, of Ibis kaa ooavtae any tatelligcal merchsat nt any Aim. TO FAKMERS. Hsvlag hoea nlsd oa th farm aad Imbibed a taste for agricultural snd horticnltnral pursuit ftnd tlie growing of slock, Improved hy many yesrs studv, h is pnpared I buy and forward verv kind of sca.l. species of Implements, and th most approved breeds, of Horse, Cattle, Hogs, ebocp, Fowls, Ac, waated by this ela of th wortn's gnatest men, nnd will give all loiorinaliea repairs wosseoaaai The orders of Physici.ns, Lawyers, Ministers, edilors, 1 MwWasr'Tac1ierK "Mecriku ililel khd Artists will UTZr77, 7m7T.M' ' f " 1 . . I 1JV l II in aa.rot ThooaIIbo1. . 1 't .... 1 at s-1 . . ! A .a attended to with th uua st ear aad atMHyv '11IK Ulil-ILKS. Masons, Bobs af Temperance, Odd Fellows, d-c, will kavs their orders ailed with care aad prauiptaeas, being vi or Tail-ana wnoi i hisn. TO GENTLEMKN, llorieg had see toots expantnee in the etetbfng basineaa, (by reeelrlng th measure) h will get up vry kind of wearing apparel of the bust materisd snd i tk best style. Hs mil also purchase Carrie gea, Buggiea, Acfrim .Scwark and clhsr relsliraud fan tor is. ' TO THK LADIES. Availing ilmself of ths JMgment f bis "belief hslf end the tut of ait lady acquaintance fc will Iwabls to furnish any artlol belonging lo th wftrdrobe, p r lor, kitchen or garden, I those who may trust th s lectio I his judgment, wkick baa boss often tested snd proved. tlUl IKt.Ml .MS. Aslhs object of the Agent is U be wher every thin; ws.r b secured soil the buyer lo procure what lie wants t th lowest pouibl rates, a Draft on some Ranking or private House, or Current funds will always b rs uuired is AhvAxca, being ths safer snd belter mode for nil concerned i vet, wher persons give satisfactory cityrefcrneea,(orr in good standing without them,) k will msk purclisscs wherever dssirsd or when h ftsn do so to th best possible advantage. slaving one r. sided ia th city saves years, with a continued general aeunninlnnee, he is eonldentuf xtv. Ing salisfsctioa lo all whs may favor him with their order. Th original hill will always b forwarded wita ui aaaiuo oi nis aommlsstoas merrlo attached. faraiatliin insight tts-evety-wratrclf ef business will V promptly raraisnoa, TERMS. Els imtnlssiont will vary from two to (Irs per cent for buying ana forwarding i th amount n.iag sjosora ntlrety by the character and vnlue uf the article pur. ehatad. - 11 will guaninte thktatl gotuls bought by him will be delivered. Including his eommieatoaa, ns low as aay merchant procures his and at a saving Is his natrons of from I to 0 per sent from th ordinary cars i trad. KEKKRENCES. lis hsa the honor of referring to LUfuUowingamong maa v other c.ntltmen i In North Carolina Hob. Or. I. Badger R s. W. I A. (Irahami liov. J. M. Moreheed; Uov.Cbas. Manly V. r. sc, V. B.) Jaseeo N.UesMsrtvr . tSnaVoV. Woodnai Henry W. Miller) and Joba Baxter, bsq's. ad W.D. Haaklasi:. Ia South Carolina F. F. Beallle A Co., OrMavill, Bsnsin, fulllam ef C.t I krlestoB . , I. New York Wilsoa 0. Hunt Cc, Reek in. Hue yea Us., Mates, Taylor Co., i;, w. A J. T. Mi a Camnmil,ttnmUtALmMhUimtk,Kimmmltimmn k". Ho. dee'. Melius, Coarriar a hrwood. R. M. Prue C., krlgirc, Waseast esters-win shir, MsaioaTolla, Moaaoo di 1 ve, as, JAMtH Jl. EOSET, umceRa. Ad Joha Bu aad . IT R. Itltk BtroeL II March Hth, I'M. KAO'S HEAD HOTEL, OA OCEAH EE- TEEAT. TTTR BBderlgsd takes groat pteasai la aaaonB ing to kU frieads and the public geaerally, that he ha purchased th entire ittinshmitt kaowa HAU'8 HEAD UOTEUaad Intend exerting tk moot ef kuabiliilcs to give eatirs aatisfa.Uoa to all wka ssay favor kirn witk their visit. II gives Aim mack pUeswr tub ahl to state that hs baa engaged the eeevtoe of Mr. M aob who so long and socee- fnrry-presfded evsrthi Biaasgesteat Tffv'H FTrww-wl.I Maastoa House'' a saatroa ef Ih thl!ibmat. IrurlBg th aasty, great Improremeats hav bocB made foe tb ontfuet aad oavleB of vlaiter. Th Hoosl bsaadrgoa thoroagh Choirs nod Bomber ef alterattew aad addlttow mode, which will greatly eabaaee tb cu ronton af tb place end lb pU-aewr fgweet. Th llining Rooa which was satlrely toe small, ha Boca extended as lo sect sis kandred persons at a time, while tk Rail Room ead liiaiag Boom ssay he tkeowe coAo owe. fmmiag a vwot wwd os sialooa. Eight large dcmat ndadow have Beea opoBe ob rack std of the Bonding, maktng SIS' tee large ea eomfortoblo riaamfc wbirk, hetng SB posed a Ul doligktral ea-bes, will be fcaBd cent and plesant oommaBding els a ta viw of tk magaiaoeat arose seeaery preaento oa on side aad thai of the Alkematl Ctoaad oa the other. A Boat fVe has beea, where all haessies ap sssriasatag to the Hotel wni be sraaeertod Bader the efMr. Ijta, who In a goatlesaaa of pleas - g eddeeos and eoorteoos aad obliging disnositifta. The TABLE shall be regularly and aUulaoily tnm. plssd with all the d. )ns too of the soaooo. Hating pro earod ostao ef bks oaa, ta bo hauled dally la both see ana sound anaee Ike dtrotsoa of Ike rnwjmseos ktsaoelf. aiifal eupoly af pluM will always b sleaed uooa ta. mote. A apoadid RAXD OP M I H1C has beea ewgaced tut tb simib and tk Railroad as Ike see kas booa reveue ed ad tb far gtted ep la a a. I stylo e that vnulece iroa ox tana l grog to luxury of ta. surf Beta or f pssmsaasls wpoa ta Boars, oaa he speedily aad ably Waasp acted to use sauce. Hsalso ssuMmplaose Use encSoB of kesk k samoe Tk BAR ekall mm eappHed witk tko ikilnsl Ilaem at Cms. A bug anaetsaswlof CoafooHaasvise I a secy iiaota will also ke kept liastesUy ea baod. UtirtsKS aad t klllCLEB h.ot las- kic.aad Hi taaea oo koavrd. Tk eaescj win opoa th PI EST OP JILT sad trass Ike aokaewledga swJekeliv of the elm est bate. tke uses calms' sea satkiag, aad iWsiourmlaasiaa of tas rrwarteas a epas aetlkse I aiae sear sip. bos la reaakrnog -aag-s Hao4-a moeo pleaaaat ead altraelle marl tkaa fcoeora, M u koliesed tkes tke will be ompaaihwlly a keilllasM saso, oaa ska gaoeral nswuunsuisw will o gieew. TAB'S rust BOARD, Pamllbm p mo Ik al Ike rote of st. pee day. By tk fortaigkl tl " -By lb magi Jst " " Its iiagl ftseBse per moatb, I est " " - " foetalgkl. If w aa dsr. I to m A. 1. JACOB, rVesAvtsdor, J mm t, 14. "I TRCLITOM RCArinOCTIaiKI -Tk. greaV R, J eel oassB ef Ike lr. Uuaa ' ModioiBat ar, Emily pBysaeAea. Tk poor asoa mood, ia paia 4 ssckasssa. a af mm Bell Bks ttarld. Td PaWiaboe bos Ik phsooor af se Ihe waklie tkot I sr. liona'i btaeok bo beea pals. H.bed Piftoos I Mea. aad dartsut thai tiase asarly Man a MUlieaCeplesef lu Work have bums dlsv wood t I Tbn book aeiats awt ta plala Uagaage, fro f mm t("l term, tb Pleeaes ef El so, aear aselCklldrosi, and tk 11 est sod saoet I aoed la tbelr euro ; ead Is hateaded ss era so ty fa the hoaedli ef famllieo. Il erlptlM of tb Medteal Book ood Hero ssf tk I aitod Btaoo, sad hew they ar to be aoad la lb ewee ef drseoooo. II I arraaeod aa aow aad eles pte plaa, by which tb prasMia ef mediate re. fro. a to pnociptoa of rooa II a liwiu to stt.pswae with ph vol elans. SsWsrlSS1,P'aT WaCwsSsTsswenb gaWBf f Iksaoaad aad tosas sjf tboasaada aoaoollv. he aast- I log tk ef ewe lata evocr mow a bead, aad ea. t ef eavtog saaay vol o. We rtee (okiek te f he Baore SSSpoetaaaael by loaSSaaig u-tdaals bow ta Saawh sliMaea I tb hegvaai, botoe si baa ave.ui- I tsa twark gteeegta to reoast ad aeeeeama. Per Bass by N I TtlMl R. t. Rook tun Role'gb. J.'y, t'.d. tr-a. Hatt. IT' ' '1 J ba-todi-g r i fedsd Bad S ool I BSW enppiyf ReeAae'e bales elale. yooog g-ot Haw, Isgbosa, Ptroe, I Msia XTA?I tf'w M.r.b,l.,l Valuable Books. THE CarmoalWs Ksw Uolde. eoipl.t Eoek of haosfor t'arpeatry a4 Joiaory: treollng nilly (a Pncueal Iraooatry. gosats, U rains. :cti.. Roots sad Dobm. aad oalaiaing a groat varieiv of original uosiga. Also a fall acetUAcatioa af the Thoorv and PraHic. of tttair BoiW.og. Cks. Momdiael ..a drei.g. .f v,ry descrifuoaT ia,. .ill? svvos nd nlcolatioas on th strcngtk of ""w,oy rii.iKsnuos,aauiiitaf " ihe Carprnlrr's sad Joiner's AssiManl, "the (indent's inatraet' to ia rin Orders.-te. Tl Who) heing eanfally and thoronghly revised, by X. K. tlovis, nnd Containing anmerno v. improved and original deaigne for KoofsDMesidcbyrtamMl,rt)uoa,Ar'hitMt,nolhoror th Model Architect," sixteenth edition. CiiU Liberty sad self ciovrrnaent. By Francis LI, her, LL. D., I'. M. frenrk Institute. A. Act aatkor of "Political E:hirV'.'navs oa labor nnd nn party -oaCnmiaalUw" ie.A. f vols. Ilm. , The Americsa Aboriginal Portftdlo, by Jfriiu Mry ft. Eastman, wilh 17 snperh tin engnvins on leel. cy to a am artuts ot me eowntry, I vol folio, richly honnd In nltnniarine. oloth.extra gilt. The Wan America, containing a complete history of th early Indian M ors, from the landing of llpe Pit grim, th War of th Revidatina, the second tVnr with Ureal Biltiaa and the Mexican Jl ar, wilk nmreos ilntnt)ons. ' " Honiaiic of X.lornl History i oe.lM serae and wild banters, wild nnnieronsillustralii ns, I vol. See, by C. W. Wskber, avihor of 'Old llicks, th Uuids,'' kotlu th Kvs." Ac elotk. Book of Ihe world, a fauilv mlsceltnnv fee Inatrwc tloa aad amasemrnt, I vol. Ate., numerous illustrations mostly colored, cloth, gilt. ' A new and coniplnle llasetteer of th I'nlted Pistes. hdited try T. Italtloin nnd J.. TSomss, M, I)., with a new aad eupeih Map of tlie the Lniled rttatee, engrar ved on steel. Comelrte In one lsree octavo voIiiih. . Mechanics for the Millwrixbt. KnelaoCraad Machin- tetrAW kngtneer. and -ATc4nsr,-rf Tearlc Over. :ai--ar j1? t' T"''T. .. rl )t. William's Traveller'aand Tourist's lluidc throurh the I'nited ejta'es, Canada. Ac new edition. IsiA. Th LexlsUtlv Uuide. hv Joeenh Barll.u Hnrlelrh. LL. D., 1 vol. 12m. This is roasidered by our lo.turs Coagroamsn aa -deOtdadU -th hoot -work or rh kind txtant. tvery young msu in the eoantry should tot. n cupyot tnis uooa. . . -,..,r. Husckenberger s natural History. D7I lllnstratlona witk a compute Ulotsary of th whols work, ia i vols. smo. For sals bv JIlTSlTT-BrTrrflrETtr" a. U. Bookklor. rUlelgh, March It, 1 5 4. i tf. Valuable Property for Sale at Beaufort. PURSUANT to decrees In Carteret tburt of Equity, the Clerk and Master will expose lo puhli sal at tu Court Hons in Besilfort en Batnrday th Stllh of July, th following tracts of land In ih eonnty ef tartervt na mis in th town of neentert I wilt A tract of lead witk a Dwellin House, a Rtor House, and other houses thereon, on the north side of tlie Strain, containing about tlx acres, adjoining the lands of Isaiah t'hsdwick and othvrsi also enolhs, tract on Ih Htralts containing about twenty-fire ncrec adjoining tne lanrts onno netrsnr ittchsrtt tviiitelinrst on the south, aud the heirs of James Utlliktn on lb North, Ih property af th heirs st Its jf Charles btewart, deceased. Also a tract of land near the Iowa of Beaufort with a dwelling'-house thereon, containing about thirty-three acres adolningthoUDdsofJauivsiVrd,d.F.rl aad ethers. LAjao. aJaUo-liA biwn.of. JWWt Ks IJUc eleo a -Vcxx-valuable -jAui-fctiana.oa-uioust sws-etfoeta Hirer, eoatainlng sbont aou acrrs adloiaing the Isndi of Thomas Dudley, Mrs. Jans Wsrd and V. It, Hob- srson, etiftrt af which la cleared and under clUvatlony Bolng the rami en wnicn we late Isaac llcllca dee d Kvod. Also atrset of land hot wee North River and Newport) kaowa as Has Oak Kidf, containing about SDK sores. . Also li aera oa Carrot lslaad being Ui Isk.rT. Alsost acres of load adjoining the Huuey hole Ridge, ea tli fork of Newport. AUy All at-rcs at tb head of Hussell's Creek, ailjoluing tlie taads of Km. rlprlngle. Arstrtb nws Werrh iw -front of Renafovt, " Also i I parcel of land oa th Wsst sidafof Mortlt Hirer patestt- d by Caswell and Uordea. Also ene ban of the land aad Marsh Adjoining Loaoxvill. Aba a nareol of la aear th rteam Mill h,,.g thslaaus af th bsir at law Is rletloB eMCd. . Also onknlf of four aalmproved let la lb Iowa of Rcauror! known and dutinguishsd ta the plan of caid tnwa by th Bomber ti. US, ltd end 101 old tone. AU a brass and lot ia Jieaafatt aa A sunt liuoot. ad joining th rssidincM ot Jamas W. Brisn and Elijah w. rigott, neiagtns property of tne heirs at law of Also a valnakl trut of lead for Perming and Tar- peotia parpsess, eltaatedam the West side of lioetb Hlvet eontataing akoet tu aoree, aim a store in 0 Rogue Dank, trie tieiniert y of trt nctrc ef Thoi 0. Lludeay snd ether. - Aim four ssrs&lhs f -ike land to will a pareol af lead ea Hogu kwaad 4- Jolaing th lands of lisvld Pigolt ad other eoalaia- ing 7 ll ere mors or lea, alis a psrc.l ef lead ea r. airport stiver oBtaiBig in acres. Ale a tract ea r"bcklfurd'e Bsaks containing IS acros; slice tract oa Horns Rank eoatainlng about t acres, tb Drwiv erty of the belrs at lew ef Levi Pigottdeo'd. - Terms, sis monthe credit, eseepi for the coots ther. la iBcurred, which wilt n reBire4 i ratu, 11KMJ. L. PEHRV.C. V. T. Reaufort, If. C, Jaie 17tb. UH. Is Ida. DUtwlutlon. -S- dissdvad hv ennlital esaiasnt. All persons Indebted to th late firm will eenfer a favor by calling and paying Ibeir bills, at aa ear ly aay, ia erder that llicy may pay thsir iudrbteoV All persona having elaiaae against the tat Arm sill present tbeas without dslsy. as it Is fat. portent ths businoo be elooed as sooa as possible, tttlnteat taay be mad with eithar oi tb part' - m. J. 1IIUI.M, . - JOdl! L. KlSfl. JAMES H. U1UGS. Raleigh, JuaasA, 1Ao4. R; R. The subscriber, ia illsaolringhts baalnea oonoction. la tins city, for th purpoo af fumiing one in another, labee tbia eppartuuity I esprwes but gratitude la hi meads snd eustoaiera, fur tli patrnnag s uimrsiiy esrstewea apoa bis. n I wewia aiee nog leave w reeommewa en every say worthy their ontl lenc end lupport, his laic pax la it, whs havttakea thesani business. d. d. VtUUD. New Firm. fl'IIE Htiliartilieirs havtng puriliaord ih Inter A cot id Mr, J, J. lliggs, tu Ilia Tailoring snd Ready Made Clothing business, take tli Is an.tliod at Infocmiag tint eu. timer a, sad the I'ubll ia general, that they will earry il ea la all its braacbae aa heretofore, la the Basse af Ring A Uigg; pramt. hag ts spar Be pains ta plea all (new wb favor tb.m wiia a sail. . Isoa l forget te Mil al lb Odd gtsad. If. 19, rymill ( sllHITt la. alrtu, . alAB. U. II Hll J IS. ReWgb July I, ISM. ' SI wdt rilHI Medical Campaaioa, sr Esmily I'bysieiea, I TreatiBg eftbe 1isetuc ef tb tnited stobsa. With liictr ijmpWms, saaees, cur and me a ol preveattoa t eommoa ia Surgery, a fractures dislocations!, ga.i the Alaaageatent aad Itiaeaeseef weaaos aad I'kildrea. A liispoaaatoey for proper lag Esmily Medicine aad a Ulaaeary, explaining loa-kahrei term a Te whlrk ere i.lerl, a brief Aa alogy ad I'kyololery ef the II una a a llody ; sbowi nag, ea ralsona! pvinciplro, tke auaeaad eere Liooaaes t Essay oa llrcien. er the art ef l'r saswtag Heollb wilkoot the old ef Mod lei ae: sa A merlraa Materia Mailk-a, pointing sat tb virtues 1 done ef Me.ll.iasl I'laats. Alsa, tb Kara Uuelo. Ry Jvsso Ewsll, pkrstttaB ia S aoaWtigtoa. focwMsrlyef Boeaaaob. TkeTeenh bliltasa, revised color gad. aad very aideralaly Improeod; emlira- etag a Traallos ea Kydreapetby, Hosaeepastiy, ead Ms carsssatwevai eretsm. . Per tU hy n. TfRsrn. V. C sveeak Eto, RaMgk, v. tilth, ltlAl fl'IIP. Encyclopedia ef Cheasletry . rredsisj J I Tkoocelieal embraetef It ApplwatHoa to tb Ait, Metallurgy, Alt seen logy. tleoUy, Modtaelae. assd bsmyi dp -dsssoo vti -rhiola, - "Hcow aad Rsr ia Ik raited Ptale Mint. Profeassar Applied (beltry la tb Prsnllia lailiuile. Ac eoakstod by 'bpfU Morwt, suiboe af "A Tee' It oa Twining," A, t'oeai. leto ia ea t)e. toy sd ertoee, V"B page, sub boom re no soo4u ead ether lliostn., ed odiUoa, fu.l Per Kol by n ibrtra. I. C. Rook f toe, RaMgh Koe. svak. 1"-.J. WANTED. C. H'lLLIMLK W..I f-wwinro 1 t ! A seee I e li Im.IoC ft ail eeaseaoae ta 3111.1c and at raw ing, Mis II. bee liea engar-d tn l lusj IIwm bcoacbe fa ftum time ami Wimh! 1 glsvl to bae stiela-ute aawoicb tt g.a br f-.,li e.i.p ma-lil. Mi ran f.'S lb Uaa of fa-l ' r-i t . Am It bi Mr. M. IMImsr's, sear lb drr.d td lb lisijk Bud Lost'! lUilrvskl. . Laloh. Juir-cth, 14. . - t f. - .. . ipeard IMIe iluv . fee Pi.aee J.aoaa. has, Baas I k,t. kaas, .1 1. Coioe fte, I "".I.. Tf Vsa. Seelby ai sjaoaitoea. L" -I tswea I retiy, IT HI TO TUT IT It I. II P-ADWAY 4 CO.. IS., lurcu ,,, , 1 . rTopnctoraof ihojusl y etv! mud Fi 1'.. V.. bi'-ci.t-s jfit-g the Marvelous and Mirscoloe, Tvoer i t.PV:ng the ml . Rxctneistlag Pain ia sa in-!e.f!-';.,,; . i,s re Cramp, and Fnia either ialrmaUT it,r, l in few minates, aad seething the most severe pareij.isa of Bbco mourns, Ksoralgia, and Tic Doloreui, u i n as applied. Ths R. R. R. Remedies eonsi-tt of ti r-s Remediee, eaea poecssi-.g quick and aor.Jcrful puo.r vcroertaiaootaidaiats and disn-ca, and wilt iimuru y RELIEVE XA enoa 5e' frn Pain. -RLULLATK arh Vrfmnrua iireltkit Action. RENOVATE 1'ki Jbmiil rest e t orri. cor KEULILU Tin H ii and Vnkin luum CiMtsf lutitm. Tt lleaUk, StmgiK on' Yifor aU.. BESTORE SWisfl end a-r out partt. .' R. T: R. K. t. ' RACWAXIS KEADa" IVELIEF, For all Acute Complaints, IVTBRSALAND KXTKRf At,. The ssemeat it 1 anoiied estrn&l!v er tukca !nta Wis nyateta, it will stop lite laost eacruilakjug pain aud uickly retaur in coom. KUKl JIATTSM. Mr. (1 ranger, a aseoa well known In Tlroo!. ml a cripple for Bine years, Rajway's Ready Relirf, He , levcii nim trom rain in ntlecu tnloutcs, enabled him. o walk two mile without the aid of stick or crutch in three days, aud cured hire entirely in one week; - TmiusAnul of other csm-s e.ta':iy ss aondcrtul as awbov, aarTieTi rOTcd tv U. U. TtcricH ' J; rrc--XJioLKR otiswKT?-.--; -Ro.twaT's Ree'?llelteti-illrre-'te all pain laMeeaer 'went iniiiaics Jit jli.utn tlt, 'ttust dcipcralc casViri a ft-w huurs, NiiritALuiA. ' -' The moment R. R. Relief is spplied. It allsja tb aioatpaiufal Ptmirmi. It will always e-ar. t 61CK HEAIt ACIIK. y-ll em Tcfle rbetirW WlWsiirix piTns 1 (flcei minute. ItwiUukwlspreventrcaewedatterkiM. , AtsliaW.--, -.- ' Ia tea minutes a tea spmnilul of R. R. Rtlief will stop tb Chill aad break the l ever, - Baotea, iiVrt'irwf-e, IhliuiUt. IT t'bRLd -Tnmors,- ConnunipUon, -' Klrkcw, IS odes, - E v I'ever Sores, ' l-lrTaipclas, Halt llitrnm. " SitlfUta,- Syphili, . Sores, -. Asthma, llniacbitis,' ; Ulcers, - RTeecHng- ef tht -' l,ung, St. Vita, Dsnce, Canker, . Rb, '. Tellers. ... Tlie sbove eljltcca eoniilinti R. R. RcCjlreat will positivsly cure. I'craoiis wishing this Remedy will pc, aak for Rsilway' Renovating Reetdvent, lis prir is On Dollar per bottl. No stnail boitlc,nor is the genuine ever sold for lest, luivh boulc l nis the he sitmi slgnatar af BA1MVY A t u., ICS "rultoa-strcet, ow-loik. R. R. R.-N J. RADWAK '8 KEUULATOnS, - RXUDLATX TIA A IIKAI.THV ACTIOS All tht (htjant ttB'f ferritin n r tht X't I'ji, .vumra. -waii. j. .1." Tlirt IlIftEASKD A51 MullX til i r ,T,T!. COMVkAlXTX THAT sUPWAT' J1IUII.A1.jI I .-.Tiatl.T ctaa. - Liver Cmoi biint- ' T llesri' ' T" Coillrensss, -Indlf siitton, ' llyspcpsia, . Dropsy, ki.incv . ltiailiWr UrcU.e ' POSES. ertg to aat-s ikai'Iatiis. , pot a to six r-rtturs. ' On Retrttlstnr at Rlifbi; on fftithd- tobert, tll enrors euad sleep, a Uood JUiirUt' Rest. nd a Hrsltttv nd Pleasant lliseharge from the Itowcls in tlicmominx. ifsWa-ay' liipllakdm, JCtHflg Miff, llemitin$ UtMttnt, art Md by J'm'tin' trrt'fltitrt. R. H. Personi troubled with .Velsncholv liiMircssioa af rtpitini and every body who feels Ibeuisclvrsill uiied tlic-wnrid wltnotit nnv iml etoe en their pnri, Ihoullt UVs ST.: dose oflL R. Kciulat-o'l. idure aahnpf.incH ta.csttsvd wilhi tu from th wsnt of a ll soldi- and segular 'lw otooeoreottv iWs from aay externa! cause, vie promise nil who talc ilmlway J Kegnlslors, a eeeelar actioa of tb ergsns, ai.'l sebctr. fal aad happy disposition. - , , . RA11WAV A 10., Aagnst , I5t-SV-lT. d Fsmitreee. - BUd b P.P. rcsfuI.-RaleMri X. B. Lusas. CUml" HinV W AIM'S aTtlBTIC El THE SOUTH CAROXirtA Jl STIC Tj COHTtlSHtfl - A Summary Rtslemrtit of ibe Ktatutet and fommm Law uf this Rtata, totretlisr with tb Uei-4iwus -ef Ui Butrrem Ceirrt, and all tbr winst sp provetl forms and precedents Tainting te ths of'c and duty of a JuMitS af the Teace, aad other pub -Z vim-atettTiUug to .. tnodnrs practice, ' i nr BEbJ.tMi.v &ir.ifjf. I e-xroxs siutiox, Bkvisro xeo CMxnira, I'ersale by JIKMIV l. Tl, A"s'A C'oeeVro ffet4-Alr. 1 sltlfb, Augttsl, JM3. En If foUwold of Htw Cifonlihlrt Uttp. f1ltE euuseribcr has for salsaaumboeof yeai'aog - Racks of tl. I'utawoli or -New Jtl-.i.l-I.Mg breed, which be sill tell st suy titne when colled for. This lock bit Tieen bred from sonic of ti.e be-t ever imparted, aid sr superior ta all oilier hrecla r..r lary carcass, heavy iieece, e.irly mutm inir i.f t ni slitutloB, and defy all entupetition with other breeds for profit, Th clipn nf tit two Murk wht'-h were Iropevted sent year, welyhtd IT flu eerb, of w.,bi I wool. A lot ef wether elauciMrred la.', Msr.-'t rsged lire SOMlh., and when trreae.1 ft.r roar. ket St-"'' I lbs. Oentirtaea are lur l-i tn ca I and see fortbemcejvesfuveomrniiiiicnte br ntil. a tires WILLIAM llDVIuil.U. UarsbaipBiit, aear I'tUnanCi'v, July J. dk. CAKHIAI.I-. MAalM.. Ealeigh Coach Factory . WIUIfd'A UOUMA.f. luting enlarg.4 li.aj wmkauklssrol be Ihe ad'lillon of Jenkma' t , ea llersl stead, an fully prefNtred re execoas erects for C ABKI AtUI.Sof every dsri ptlna. k . i,. !.....( esp.ri.ssad workmen and uator ti baal ef nisieau, tl.r work will a!) be tiiteord in a stct. 1 glaosotiassati'ia. Itcpairistg d-t with Bealnca. ati.t .l.-pst.b. Jfscr-Prpary oa llargctt atrcet, e-ar li.. F .tt Orova, rwl at it aak a old stand, iw li.. Mm.ic It.H. Rabiigb, Jan a, a.- I.. More Desirable thin crer! Ttlt rlcd at Ui K. C. a.i-lc M.e las . ood mnsl sleeant BaMarttn.nt ad o ai..) . has Most, ttual has at -e. r, I. I .11 .. I t . , AIjmi. piiBTIIE LAHII.-Tiiadar rs...- i CV oeacatala. saaiinaoool ef Poeri er a a. s- r Is hat ths baadkseolarf. ke Uae sou.1. I t .. l. . i . foe tke teeth, foe Ih., Ac. Pii 1IIK IIE.1 fl.l.UbN. The T'.si s'.. eaov ao I ood las tofmitoei ned detects! 't li;.rll Eslroct. Mt ICAT TgTRrJ-H"M.-Acccl.,.. Tl. .1 ..... ooojoas i am tew tae, ., ir, n-. ...'-... -i . K. r. M. - if e;i l:K Tbe bawd aesoctssent af f rwi to he b-.ed ia ti. Pssso. Pavao. r t. Bsa.ljS, k. II, li. Hoi ilm l i n 1 1: tuit " . i ... cc oiel kaaxl't d . . .c . , ' hm lag. ..BS'lHii. M V. -....-. .i . i I , 1 i. I1..I1 del lif.V do, l.a..i. I I ' .'. . I '- "it I. .-.; lllao M-rloe Jok-l. e i h ' ar. I I aea d Alarms "" ea. 1' .- s I I --, Pooc t coa-c I'. s.H ..-a t -. re.. HaMrrtassooo. p. ,.. .a lo o- t ot Would 4 Watt teg'V US tT1 '.. I Wko, B. I. II 11.- io-ir(. t-u i. : ' b WILLIAM T. IAI. 7." f.rNERAL .Via I NT. I! M.l.ii.if. tf rH.L Slleaad totk. o-.ll- Bi. .4 s.1 . 11 tk. sity -t Balik. nnd bsok I . hiB't. to b. tC- cla ' hta II .s asiasa w II I. ar-.- ic. Tlae m- aa ic e.'l ta...' tuy r-?. . glvca Bte,b. Jons f, 1. I. c 1. a I s I ""iir Alffitiluii t. I i,i f .1.. it i v ? I ' ' ft I. I' 1 1 -r " . - d C ' I Ai h.i- ft. -re--, t i i,ti... (.... i i .. ,,, m . . - -. ...I I.. sod . bin '

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