i: i I la -,1 k, -KORTfl CiROLLM STH.i . main Bittur r . WILLIAM . DODB, : gDITOt AND l-anrgirroa. ' . - V ,. TERMS: If paid (Met!? ia sdrsoee, two dollar per aa ess; two dollar and fifty cents, if paid witkia t taeelht ; uJ litre dollar at ta cad of the nr. ADTKMTISE3IEXT3 eel eiceeding tutesa li&t will b inserted one time for ono d-Mmr, and twaty-av ent for each tubsequent insertion. Thoee ef greater lenph will be obsrged propor tioeally. Court Order and Judicial advertiMiaents will Bbrga2i per cent, bibber than th abov -eUs. A taaseuable deduction will bo wads to .hot who advertise by the year. Uook and Job Priutisg don with neatness to despstch, end on aecomraofultng terms. ttaf Letters to tho Editor vast be post-paid. TUB DESTRUCTION OF SAX JtAN.-f MESSAGE FR051 THE PRESIDENT. : ' Th speaker laid before tlie House of Repre sentatives on MoBdar a message from tiie Presi dent in reply to Mr. Chandler' resolution calling jot tnionuauon raiauva wi mo pmtui uwiniwim of GrevtoWo. .-Among tb document it a lottar from Secretary Marcj, dated June 9, 1834, ad dressed to Mr. raliena. United States Uomniercfol Agent at Sao Juan del Norte, iuwUichtbefollow hi rswaacei occur t ' You war instructed in my former letter -to notify toe people of SanJuan to repairthe injijrj I '"fhev nave caused to tn Annex K!CHrjr Traiii,ittiHi- a tlj t. k.xy.J. m f tj mm, - . .s 1. raj111 17 T'tr! IrVl1 1 J IrlVQ rtwam tttimaB Wketl WSaS WmirW protecting tha neraona who yrerccuiltj of tlwtof- say. as ia aopeu utai ui owu win nave aujusieu that matter to tha eutire satisfaction of the Cnm . vanv. and in that way that Commander Ilollins will berellevcdfrom "the' disagreeable necessity of taking any action in regard to tbat a abject, lou plaia Jteiiui"bt has. been, done An tuaiiuals. tor. ' ' ' Mr.Bjrland.barMiniatertoCentrat America, ho represented tothia government thntwhile ro- -cantly atSan JuanTlwaiutuItodytJtoaulier- Ities ar people a mat piw i-au luuijrmry onerea ' to tha nation, at well aa to hiui invidual ly, which cannot bepermitted to pan unnoticed. It dune by erder-ef 4he aathorttiaifof -the jihit!, "they must answer for it in their aasumed political character. Nothing short of an apology will save the plnea frem the infliction that aucli an act justly merits. It ia azpectod that this apology will be promptly made, and tatUfactory assurances given to Com mander llollins'jf future gxodoonduot toward the United Statea and public functionaries who may in future tie at tbat place, it the outrage wiur committed by lawleiw individuals without the au thority or counivance of tho town, then it in clear ly the duty of those who exorcise th civil power t San Juan to inflict upon them exemplary pun ishment. The neglecttobringthenitojuiitice uaa auming, ou tlisjmrt of tho nominal luagistraies there, theresitwusJliility t'orthcactoliheioindiviilu ala. In aiavh a dUe, not to punisli, is an implied . hoped iheajtiUtosiliaa-will hppantd- to-wufy Cunmander Huliiui that they hare done what was incumbent ou tlieui in 11. e way of bring; the offendeni to fiunisiimoat." . -.7-Th f illowiim isSeootiry DobhSn' lettor Comniaudar lluilin : . ' Nsrf ItEiMiTmNr. July 10 1S54. Sir; Th Government has recently received in teUigence that the interests "Of bur coun tryineB require the presence of a national yc'sel at" S:in Juan Or Greytown, and froai onr CTwricnee in U regi'in, ami ettfttiileKt H vour prajetice an4 l'iesnlent(the Dcpirtment ha concluded to di rect that you pruned with the Cyane to that f-ort as soon as sbomn fally be ivajly for the cruisA The property of the American citiiena intereatoii iu th Aecessorr Tranit Cnmpanj, it is "aid, tias been ilnlawiuTiy dctaiuejbr persons residing in Graybiwn. Appreliension is felt that further -fwtrnfres will bs BoinratTtft.f. ftuf uiinisier "JI-. II in.i... t. i ......a ., , . ' . disrespect. Vou will, kswever, karn liom Mr. Kalx'ns, our commercial ' agi'Mt a' Greytown, non naruuularlv the eonductofthosepeopleand -1 Tiw sitw'i iiiniuontluiinta ewm-1- munictted to Mai from the btM Hepartment. Vou will cnnsiili with hint f.-eely, and ascertain th state of the facts. Now it'is very desirable that the ws.nl should be feuinht that the C. S. . :il ... . tliuiis nittr:t-nM. find that tllPV the turner and the dotcruiiiiatnm f check them. ,lt is, bowover, very much to be hoped that jou can efoct the pirrof yourvisitwitliout a retort to violence and destruction of pmiiert t end loss .w- life. The nresence nf your vecl will no - doubt-work nnrch g'ion-; III'" IJ'l;Iit 8 -firm I.I fM i J SALEGH,'l?057n ABOLINA, WEDNESDAY MQS31KQ, AUGUST 9, 1854. EALEIGH. N. C. S ATI kSITOUXiXgTL ,; REMOVAL"' v " The office of tbe Star bat been moved to Hills boro Street, one aquare west of th Capitol, to the building formerly occupied by Mr. Luring a a printing off.ee. TUB ELECTION. On last Thurrday, the good people of thia State cast their vote for Oovernor of the State, mem ber! of the Legislature and Sheriff? of the differ ent ouunties. Th contest has been long and animated. Ye bave borue our share in it, with the belief that, in supporting the Whig cause and candidates, we were doing what our duty required of ua for the interest of the Slate. So far CongressionaL . m SiSiTa. Various mornin business was trana- Tcted. - -v. - Mr. Rnsk. from the Coraniitiee-on Prt Offices and Post Roadi, reported backSt Uouse bill modifying the present rates of postage. Post poned till tomorrow. - Mr. Seward, from tbe Committee en Per iona, to whom was referred the petition of Betsey Nash, renorted a bill for her wli'Sftd-aiked for it consideration. Mr. A 'I urns moved to add as an additional tering vote given Geo, Alfred Dockery, aud we Iraro-eWfyTflu'ffiriTThe IIocs or REraEsissTivm. Mr. Orr moved nnniatoii. of theuleaT wtlTaiewnir taSfnir j " 'T,pTi,vr isTOsiiip is. un dt rr Tirgvia ittff loiioKtug i Ut result id Uus t- ouniy t --J -KM Governor,-Bragg, 45411 :TWlry'flI8ft.' Commons, Rand (locofoeo) 1402 ; W. AVhitaker, .AJ3ae4JIriweal IKjai-wMsHraliM Hunter (L.) 1298; Collint (V.) 941; Harrison (W.)857; S. II. W'hliaVer, (Reform) 260; E. IimUR4Q3 EejateTOdaraaXliiEtotite., ming, (R.) 147. Sheriff, Higb (L.) 1436 ; Jonee 0V.) 1188. '. "J- Eayettcville-Wa -learntUatthe vote la thia place was, Dockery 3G8 j Bragg, 299 again for Dockory of9C, We learn aleo that Dockery gainr two hundred in Sampson. We understand that the wholo Lncofoco ticket for the Legislature in Johnson, is elected a whig loss of two. Also a small gain for Rrnpg. Ai.smxn. Mcbane (W.) olectcd. A Whig gain. From Guilford Hie reported Tote fir Governor with s ime returns to come in, is, ft Dockerv 15; fiiagg510. NewIIanoer The telegraph reports again of 323 for Dockery. Columbus Jones elected to the Commons. lkjmiswlck Jleoria ekli4 to tli Comnjou. Wliig loss. ' ' Franklin Democrats elected to the legisla ture. Bragg 13, Dockery 33S 5 gain for Dock cry. y Granville Senate, Taylor, (L.) Common. Am 1W.1;. and Bullock-and Lyon (14 Bragg 1078, Dockery 9952 gain for Brapg. Warron--Bragg, 751, IWkery 1G366 gain for Bragg. ' " Dockery is reported as having gained in Wayne and Duplin and at having lost slightly in Kash- There is a reported gain of one hundred for Dockery in Edgecombe. Moore lockery' gain 197. Letch, Whig, elected to Commons. (Gain. iiich renders the nm ional UieaAuros then suggested bv linn unuecos- ection. the bill for the relief of the -Wow j - sary at iireecirWhe iianiediau-ly sent to to Sen- S. Batcbelder. - te the foltowi!igni6eaut message: , After debate the amendnient was adopted yeas 35, iiays 14. . The bill was then passed yeas 31,"nsvs 12. The River and Harbor bill was then takcu up. Mr, Toombs addressed th Senate at length against the biti, and was ipeaking when this re- rbe Ute K,;ubbc of TcxtU.Mare? tt,li.m. " : - ' - 7 t Jn ttio act of Counress, Seutoutber, lo M. Hiis cm manes an aupropruuion nt.iUU, 000, and Mr. Orr wished to reduce the amount to?r,400,000.)''" ' ---'' ; -. The House refused to suspend the rules yeas 71, nays 94 ; not two-thirds. Jir. uawnun made an ineBectual effort to take up rhe-Hottiestead biH,-a amended -bythe Senate, a ue vsssuwuito uav tu Dm lurtner auwud- ed to secure morefully therightsof actualseuUirs, aud press it to final action, - Ou uimSofi'Ta'MrVTarlerrtte th ooniitruction of a subterranean tclocranh 1 .from the Mississippi to the Pacific, was referred to tiie LoiiuniMcft on lernlirKHt. Mr. Riddle, from the Select Committee on guano, made a rejxirt thereon, reiotumendiiig that the President of the United States eater in to negotiations with l'oru for a supply of this fertiliser on better terms than at present. Fail ing iu this, then the biir which they report is to go into effect. It provides that -guano shall lie a Imitted free of duty at $40 a ton : tho small duty of four per cont wlreu the Bjice is below fJ7; tenperceut. wheu tbe prrl) is above. The bill was referred to tliL'ommittce of the Whole on the State of the Union. Th House then weut iuto a Committee of the Scale's amendments to the Civil and Diplo ma'io Apprnpr'ation bill. Many ot tlw amendmenta were acted on. Xcbrnska und Kansas, aves uL noes aa but it was rcjocted The Committee rose. A mevssaj, was received from the President of the United States in repiytua resolution call ing for inform Uiou relative to the receut des truction of (irrytown, The documents Were re fti'tcd to tue CuxutuUteo on- r'oeweo AJTairs. and ordered to be printed. By a gluiico at them, we perceived that the Secretary of the Navy, jn his instructions to Captain llollius, exprusned the hope that the biuiniss could be effcttod with., out a rei-ourse to violence. The House agreed to meet at ten o'clock here after, and adjourned. WisitiiruTfiH. Aurust 1st. The Senate, after hearing a personal explnn i--w:t-ii- i' "t '"' n i , , . 'taie oi lue i;nion, rosumeu tuesMnsiuorat In XortTiampton-lVinocrat all elected eicopt tb(, ,ti . ,, ,',. iM J"V r"T-.-" xri . .11 i.t-,l Ttra'ifil cnaracter, the lull was read tho flnriT fins. Ubtu county-Whigsall elected. Bragg oM, , the-1 VrerrtmsTtrTeW' mum much in vour nrescnce aud t od sense. Former despatches have acquainted you with th peculiar political rrisition of the town, and of the relations of your Government to it. You will (main tlnsr nolonger than you maydoeinueceo lary, a tti a warmandiniboaithyelifuater iu wiU ad ti the Department of your movements, and after leaving Grevtown vou will touch at l'en- eaoota aou receive oruers innu s.uiniuoiorv i turn tier, if not earlier, as. jo wiU.eoiistiUiJe part of his Kjuatlron, I am respectfully, your obeJient teirant, , J. Mxy)lUJT. Commander C. N. Ilollins, V. S. Ship Cyaue, New York. Among the document b tbe eorresrxiodenr between V. D. Jolly, commander of II. B. M. choonet Bomiuda and Capt. il .Uina. The for nr. andnr date Grevtowu. JuIt 12. enters bis must solemn nruist sl.linst the eourse, which liolliu had iutimated to him he intended to par sue toward flreytowu. The inbsl.itfnrt of the eiT. as wU at th bouses and property, he says, re entirely defenceless and qiute at your mercy. I do, therefor. Bi tifv Tou that such an act will b without nreeedeul aiuouf -c.viliied nations. and I beg to call your attention to th fact Diet a iarr amount ot property oi uninn suujss-ie as , well Mothers, which it it my duty to protect. will be destroyed, but at tbe force under my ant i totally inadequate for tail protec tion against lit Cyane, 1 can only ent'-r thif my rjrotsMS. Capt. lb.Uias replies (July 12) einrasairij, hit siaerr rsrot tlial Capt. Jolly feels himself anr tter th necessity to protest against the action he ' was abnM to take ia relation lo th City of Sn Juaa del Aurte. IU pe-ipl bad seen tit to Ouna ait eutraces ou the property and pernios of citi- aaa uf tlie UuiUd hiatus aler a manner only to lie regarded aspiratical: " 1 am," betaysiuonay elusion, "directed to enforce that rrparsiiua ds- I taanded Ay my GrrnuMnt. lie assured I svm ithiie with yua in tit rescue of Knglnh sub 'ccu and tiniirty under tliecirvuuistances, and tf- gret esceedingly that the lorce under your com mand is av douidy equal to that of Use Cvsoe." The doesuusuu souiprisa otbitr paper, nclwi- lnT w pfoeuvmatioa bf Inn .1, aturcaasii ibuM now nr Utelv ureteinlin2 to and sierdsinc sMthorrty in Kaa Juan dei Norte, asking fr ro ot rose and oVmaBdinxa plrilirenl luiui rtl be bavior on th part of Uiesaid sntborilirs aud peo- 1M towards to l oilrl nutte and ber pool furvctMioarie. This aain bea denied, II Hint desiroynl lbs town, the puttcular atteadiug wbich Uready know a. Couimsndr ll-'ll'ins eomniunicated a foil enmt "f tnss li..o to tl.t Nut lViarliiivnt,ikt)' Jaljr lncsm. ldin with "lrut nr the cm r kaiepunuedin rsUii.oilo theafiirsuf ibis pis Greytown. aa1 my iijijntin of ine lii. i',. reetiy to the N irih may meet with the eniiht ned proral of lb lp.rlirnt, I will bring my mmnsuKiU U a repnful!v a-km it nrutrs in C'n.snj a uri ir, r i -ns to s!nle ba the auuouiKNTOrnt of th ainral of lb bip, by lab graph." Diwkcrr 551. BraZi;' majority S.i For Governor Bragg IWkery For Senate WiusloW H.irnngton For Common Shepherd MeDuflie Coflield Banks (Whir) lluTlo'n'iilp' State of thoTJiiion, resinned the sMnsideratloji of Ty visum. It is ennsidered lost for the prenent session, titers ofieoest victims to this weakness, TcutLdf thM-' ends hav been shipwrecked in life from having chosen a pursuit unsuitable to tSeui, tmp ed thereto br false aoti m of tbe vulgarity of a trade, and tlie tuperior dignity of a ooiauierc or profession. " " ; , ,; v "' PRESIDEX r S MKSSAGE. In, response to a resolution adopted by tlie Senate on Tuesday, calling on the I'resideut to know whether auv thine busoccurrad. iu conaex- ion with our Spanish rolations, since his UMssatr oi Uie A.'itn ot aiarch Ta tin Semite ufa.e I Wf -sLXe : I towtea to respond bfijji' to the reso'.utioft of the Senate of this date; i'. fuostiug to inform the Senate (if in his opiiiim4t b"iit incoiiii ble with the puhho in!errti'U:tiie4iytoin2 has arisen siuce tlie date ut his n"-ijo the HS! 'f Itpri'Miiutives ..i.d'Cie tUa-utllutMiSmSt last, ooncoruuig our relations wi:h IlieGovsm-jiimt.paii'wlsii'hrwri-eye)!. biriy ut iett wltlr the ert-res-tlime therein 6nnm"iuel, aW.t'js.Ktfi lt!iV'fltsMsyWtyHs?w JmiwursstL. vro.-.i-.. o tT,si hiti-s ..p-"- l ir 1 ' For the Jforth Carolina Star. ?Jr. IK. cat In one of thelast irsues of the Star, I took the liberty of referring in peneral tonns to an artisleoo the subject of Proh'iut.jry.Ijiwt," wh icKes eutly appeared ia the oolnran of -the Uileigh Kgistr. I VKk wv-asi.ei then merelv to etamuin tho, face uf th lilsilleua puWieaticn", which there ws m cause to siispect L -A been adopted and set opW(h on;in)e of r. m in ImU ov.ir.rr, at an expositiw and dafcuce tff those principles. I now, howsTcr, p ropnse to review more in detail someof its argument, and assumed positiojiH. Tlie apticle referred to, eommenoesthuaXAll laws retaliating what we shall drink, or whaYwe siiall iar, are ohnoximia and odious to the enm mm setse of mankind 1" Now this assertion il boldly launched forth with a tluurisl, of trumpets as though it were aa asioin from which there it no npreal, and as a fiindaiuantal truth upon, which there is a desiwrate attempt to build n argument aifvinst all -Prohibitory Laws," and JfUHBES 3L 1 , NOT QUITE DEAD.' Soma of tlie most imaginative of the Demo eraiio writers have been lalioring fnr months past to prove, that th National Whig Party is dead. But w believe they bave not succeeded In per suading themselves of the truth uf this position, elsesurelytheywould nuttuiUand fret, and fume tliia hot weath'er In the effort to persuade other psxmle that it is a readily. If the Whig party be to terity dead, what sort of sxmraga and ehivalry does it exhibit on the part ef our onm- aentt to occunr themselv iucessautly in "slav ing tli slain !'1 It was I'utafewdsvssincethat vigilant Dem ocrat in the House ofl Representatives admitted thenuteney of the whig party, whilst he la mented the inefficiency of his own. in shaping the legislation of tha country. This ia a eotis.il- atnry admissinnin mor respect tlian on ; for if in a deoiiled minority, a tbey are at Dreamt, tliey can give ton aud effect 'to the business tbiWiiuiWkTrerded sHm hey trtit' wh-sib the ep;..aWof. rm-atan,l at.tl.ia ?!f?rjarltt.Jm Jaav ttlneV,. . . . T ... .r ir PT pnuosi-phy of: the thtug wlhw; that Whig In th meestl w to the II luseof Renresentatiret referred to 1 availed, myself f . the oeeaiv proseut th folluwing reflect'ion and tuggw iions i ' . , " In riew of the position of the island of Cuba. must over near to our commonest and other inter ests, it is rain to expect dint a series ofnnfrleiidry acts, infringing our commorical rights, and the ailoption of a pollcr.lhrritrniii tho liunaroud-sc-eurity rjf these States, can long exist with peace ful relations. In case tbe measures taken for amicable adjustment ofYmr ditficnlties with Soain should ou1irtunately fHnrTTiaTI n qso th" authority ami means which ConCTcsH may grant to insure the observance of our jWt rigtits, to obtain redress for injuries received, and to vindicate the honor of our ting', lit artti cipation of that contingency, which I earnestly hop may not arise, I suggest to Congress the propriety of adopting such provisional measuccs at the exigency may seem to demand' The two bouses of Congress may have antici Jae4 that the hope then expressed would be realited liefure the period of its adjournment, and that our relations -witb Spain .would bar assume) aatiafactory eondiiios, in as to te moro past euuses of oompLiitit, aud afford hotter security for tratifiiiUity and justice in tlie future. nui x am constrained to wit that tncn is jjotilus. - s 'ss"eu mair p.isitionia adctoasilUs ne, i;'.s: 4- ' .JUiH e-vervw-Mret,, is it reati o.e to suiuion tlii-a wettrrn" drover wuuld lie permhted to pack for nWket (in open day-light) hiirboge Uiat bod-died ofiiinsey f (roercly for ttretrarif of tireatb fi ofrwUI it-be emifemlnd that a freeand indeiieudent biuchor haMb iualieua bl right to sell diseased meat to his coirniymeu or perhap sauaare of decide canine .rf-folin. pPNlLvilicx t.lAbliLjiunk-notad yev wl fc.irnj w uy (us irieuus oi auu reiortu tbat all laws regulating what we shall eat, drink or wear; are obnoxious and odious to common I XT- I'm it i , -- --- , i "! TTnnri ri t nir rnrn 11 nnr tjic. q most vnhiih e Tnr'iTiT.iilff' oTTisTjoT jfeMMW,lM.ie ' J.Ulj.tl" torr..,in 1 ft'"ui uuiMlli'prliai; in itox f th. e. nu.v W...U.. it JZIIsi J'ls?ST!R twn from Mr. Houston iu ltimnl te matters which occurred Iwfore th Itejiublio of Teis Inmate, a alila wlatii-m uf nu!"bMr1nj niTToui "mutt de- oase fif th Bla,k ) arritir,' itiMtoad ot naving been met on the pun of Spain ry prompt sati5ftrfrmrti"rTmlTitTTrrr trrTnll forth a Justification of the local authorities of Cuba, and tlihs to transfer the responsibility fuf tl.eir nets tii the Spmish government itsell Meanwhile, infrirmutinn not only (pliable in its nature, htit of an official crartcrwas ro "reivovtfoTTierfrcHthat nrepomtion was making within tbe limits of tho United States, by private individuals, under niitftoTT rrjinixation, fir a descent upon tho island ofCulia, with a view to wrest- at enlony from the doiiitnloii of Spain, International comity, the obligations of treaties, and the express provisions of law, alike required, in my judgment, that all the constitutional power of the Kiecntive shoul I bcexartedto prevent the consummation of such a violation of positive law, and of that rood filth u which niainlvth nmf- 147J 9"4 619 091 1178 HIS JOfO Ofil wasanpiiuted on tlie disacreeiiig votes of Hie two Houses on the Alexandria aud Washington Railroad Bill. An important resolution was adopted, en mo. tiou of Mr. .Mason, calling upon the President, if not Incompatible with the public iutcreit. information whether any thine I. as arisen siifle the date of Ills Mussaes'to the House of Rpro- iiend. peto.nJr.1iit i ''paViWiyftij "-"ta tiiii Voutmnai entcr)ri-.e, and to invoke tho interposition in its behalf of the proper officer of the government, 0 provocano.i wnatever cm jusiny private ca- .. l.:n.. t...A C. M..nniitnpfttinTl ii( lha Sinffll). u.i. !.. , -;r.rvr&.-Hwrltl.rit nf lipiitllitt inlw t'ettuuli1 at mOme inenis oy iuo iiousn. a owiuiii.vi t - . .. . . '. , ' , war i .Tted by the constitution in Congrcs; and tbe etperienre of our pist bistory lc.mis no room to loubt that the wieitom of ibis armuite- metit of constitutional power will continue to be verified wbenevertlH' tiutionnl interest and liouiir shall demand a result to ultimate iwaeiircs of redress. I'endini necoUitiations by lb Ex- ecutive,'and before the a:tioB of Cungress, in oontend with the same nmdicuu of consistency uu vonuur uiat inese wiioiesom law tnat resu- late our markets areeuiinllv ..1. notions and to tli common taste a to Uie common acute of mankind t i. . . - . TAttd again, have we no later prohibiting apotli- ".irawu i.iucrs i rum venuiiiff over-uoses oi laudanum an 1 other deadly poisons to persons of uspioiou character where then may be just grounds tobelieve tbeveithermedilala their own destructioL, or that" id" auothurf And would not Mi druggist who uad thus been tlie meant of sacriflcing huuian life, be Ijeld responsible to th laws of hit country a a party to the eritne I But I suppose we will be told also that these laws are "obnoxious an d odious tocommon tens." Bui( Ui take a more extended view of the siibjeerand apply the trmii of analogical reasoning still closer. It is well known that opium though m mint ,n,lii ii' mii-'-T-T--' -"TT"i " -r ...... ... v iii-i,i.-t,iv. I uri iirinvo'ss, no CI- that to all rwjntries whore 1t It excosVivcly used, itt victims abandon themselves to habits of in.l.i-lcmTrid-mnra1"rtcgK'daUu lies-ome raving ulaiiiucs. - - - Now suppuse, by way of illustration, that tii pe iple of tuo United States bad lieoomeniuch so ad lu-icd b this depraved habit tliata half million ot otu-iuhJata-wefe-anmralty drtroyed by ir I it not likely that pvioif eitiMnu in everr part of the Siiuutry would petition t-ongresa to'cua.'t law "prokililihn'' this uarootic lieiog brought into our ports f and would not Congress be apt to tf such a law I by all mean ( that it to say ) iftiie sipium eotors did not happen to hay" majority in both houses. But oould such a law be pasxod constitutionally J Noone would doubt this I presume, unless he happened lo lie out of his head from tlie eiccsnive us of opium or some ullicrmodduuingstiwHilw. 4timpKieet'ongres should refwe to pass any tuch law, would not Ih true friends of humanity and of refuria raruit sucB iuoi.iiht to ...inv.-' ISVlsW y"t J represent their wihi faithfully oil tlutpointT But perhaps it would 1 said b tome nohlieianl that the iitH-stion of reform eoiild not V eontid- -emt a ;sn.iiopniW-wt,-(".rti Wto )) that tfa-t lives of our citisent ore oi less unponamsj in.o i).m inmi..irsiT trinmtib of whiff or democratic ,r'in,.it,!es. snd if necessary to tbe success of such principle they ar ready and willing to offer ud ou tlie altor of tierty twlitics a half uul- liuu of auuli as an. aouusi sacrifice, -or peace Ba v. If abnnffft man eoea home to and finds aothimr hut a beet on tlie tml.li hi itlem -wifrTiot t-WOTldb- Fof Sheriff, Jones 1 15 1 : Stroud, ht.7. AnJocNtxToyCouiLiss. If th twohou do not rescind their joint order, Cop grese will have adjourned Wfura our present itsua reaches many of our suliscrilier. Thu hat been aa ex- itinf and in loine respects, a pp.ntles session. The ailioiuislratUin, with th prestige of popular I the one providing for the continuation of the tlie national Jeg.slature, ha eevertbeles man-1 A .inendmeiits. It rose and reported to the azed to render itself excessively odiout and ua-1 Houta. Mr. Barkadal then moved to lay th " . . I L : M 1.- ,.1.1-. MH. in w ,l,.h U,S 1 1 .1. B.I mn,Ur to the mod e of this treat eontoory. " f -a r i - Reardon Cameron OaaNGE. Dockery Bragg Henalt Graham Jones fiwamont Philip (W.) Turner (W.) Lyou(L.V Xlsm4l4 sentauvea uf tlie 15th March lat, coacorniug our J i . wni. liiwly-4w.hi iiiiiiiiirii.nfitT BH-r i rciniioiis sun i-i.i, n....., "i , .- , . . . I . . . . . . .1 1 I lli nfiaruti! .na i.r tit A i.m nnj UKtim the lui dispel"" ",0 SUKgesuotia iiiomiu rouiaiiieu - - . - , , 1G7 I . . .' . ,l. ,-;., r ,.i,.i r.i.,-t.v of the other of these depositaries uf th fuuc Is I I J t . . I - . Congress to meet any exigeucy that may aneo during the recess of Congress affecting those re lations. Whilst the Senate was engaged in an Kxoru tU sesstonr-of tourer a v (Ktcy-cmTweroB, the President sent in a Message in reply to the above mentioned resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. We oaiinot, of e.une. know any tbiorf positivrly of tbe contents nf this Messaire. but rumor ears that it substan tially reiterates the sentiments of the Message of the T ith of March Ut, on the same subject aiiJ intimate the desire of th President to bave a fond placed at his disposal to moot any contin gency that may arise in our relations with Spain. The House of Representative, altar disposing of the amrnin i business, again went into Com mittee of the Whole upon the amendments of tlie Smiate to the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill. Amoirg th amendments disagree! to was irr'.nir tn lbs demon uf Dartv. Let all such rsditical hucksters aud temporig'er take heed lo lime. Inst iii their teal to secure mere party uc- dtrabeowldivrt- -t-rwnrtrrtod' -to enrbaTT!r 4 craw nn thrTr-Trsnr'Trstmal- agjrwndrremerit; tney uo nov use onuisou i uiu, wt. prineiples stand1 the "test of. btb-nts aud ytwamswiB J tbe wjiotry the majority must fell issto Whig Biuosarts, hstefer of linseuiil" hat yet beun done cannot b laid at tin door of the' V hies: hatever of rood is to result front bills fur f.,r tiffratfrtn rOads'nvers'andr bai'bora, or from any other "measure promotive of the "goneral wotiare,- must be creuited in tair nronoruons to Whig cuutittency ami Whig devotion.. . MARRIED, At the Yarhmiitrh Tfnnss In rt. .... Monday last, by trurr Kins-. ICsn.. Me. .!,,.' 0. Doharty to Mist Sarah Kleauor, both of Rich mond, a.. DIED, Suddenly. In this eiiv V.. I. t.,... n F, Taut. . In this t?ltr. n W'rlnnaU t, tr f ryrmeljof llockmhiui,. Alwi, on WsdnfyHUr, John Primmje.f.irmunT yeart morchnt of tin citv, tvnd mutt xci- mm.. A MURE AT & 0 W T! A T. nAVi tsken ll,t Mors lately occupied by ft". A A. Btilli. and ara reesivins ihMr mtnm i siicy and Htsole Dry Goods. Groosrioi. CnwtkM and disss B are, &o. lleiag new begiunert ther Tbey will sell condi cheap and no nitukci to , convinced of this fact call and price thvir goodt nefor. mtrohtstng ltewher. All they ask It a showing, snd If the goods suit they guarant t Biak tho prices rirbt. -- Ihm't purcUas bvfurs x mining their stock, If you want cheap goods CaU at he. iii. Whit Front. I'ayettovill Ft., , Rulelgh, S. C. March f, mt. ' fc )4 T'TZTf A 1001 Otrtls-Wksn. w XVX. JV. I'tMikK. over ths dcor walk la. Ko. ill n,.. piavs, nadrr ths 8ky Llrht, ojtorirshoveeyry hii. sad WhbisasM iiuoso, sua msi eoouusuvi wnuu prov la bs Ik iMsrmt of all wk wtsk ts sass hi panksses to gtv our stock a samlasuoa aenfe Myitis, II sr. us N will mm mi kosu la a vsrjr ftw dVt brinisuif a Ilk kits I'siss. a i S'.4 v .o.rr : I In L - 1 1.. .rsl ... . f i . . . 1 mm-mm . ValiuV.o EocLs, X l.ors tit I t; vs rrsursi 'i,. ... I, acd boBtss, ssa t..i. .. 4 . ., LKttins. AUa 1..U i-.h. . . sb4 I'tscti-re t.f Masr t.ii . Mill tlrriiiBr" f scry Uiwto , (f.luS g' vriSU CIS SI.-I rfttruUu. Tusl -r,b IVht Null .!ft.s!l:..r vl -slid J.iiarr. Asi.tai.i," "li.- ,v:.ai,. tti liti Dr.lers, Tl.s wb,.V l.eii j Iborustbly nuVd. I y N. K. ll.i, slot nuuvr.Hia sew, iufuvfa srd wrivu.al o.-s Hoofs. Iulp-,;ii-..,l; smurl li, Aivkitn-l.tkiSot sf "lbs Mtntfl Archilrcr," sixtw. ih rtiiii..ii. VtiU b.bsrijrsnilssif.tiuverbBirut. 1: Frsaeis Lis. bsrr. Lb. i t-. il. Fts-ncU iustiutifv At. Ac; ssisr f-Pdliticsl li'.hics'-ljtKjf oo l.lrt.rriiia pn.rlT " s Cnmmst la," e. A. S v.... Ta AuHricsa AtHVi,-;iisl Pwtfiilis, k Mrs. sflry H. I sftuso, wtih 37 surk line engr ini-s on tt.., by the ftrst srtitti of Iks eunt'v, I vet. iviio, rtvkiy bunntt fa sitrsmsriDs, elvik.f xirs gill. Tkc Wars df America, containing- s romslrt? histary of Ihs early lodisa H nrs, frum ihs Uuii.r st tb IM. griat,tk War of lbs iii-v. luticn, th- utoi.c! tl ar suk Uroat Biilisa sod tke SiclH'au li ar, silk aumtrunt iltastratiuss. Kobisocs f "Natural Hisbirv: or, wild rros snd wild himtwi.wllh atiissrutislilusirslloiit, I yoli ls., by C. W. tt'cl.ksr, auikor -I ' uld il.tks, lb Uuias " '.ihotia the Kje,- At, vlatk. ' Book ofuifWurtd, a fuiolUecMs.? f. r h itrss dw and srs.owmi-nt,! v..l. tly., Bomcrous illutrl..at asoiiUjt solored, Hoth, xHti . A aew snd eomptstt llscttecr of lbs Tnltrd Stalss.' E.liltd by X. but. I-in snd i, Thosist, M. D,.u , acw sad iu)iik Mao of Ike Uio tinilvd Aisles, tnura- .-' Vfd on stveL Cotoflctv ia on Isrce MMavu v,iIuh c Mccbssics fur tbe Millwright, Ki.smetrsnd Ma-hia mi r.Trrmcsr, ins arvlnt. i-l. l-y rcilri-li?sr. ; illssirai.ittss. dsmtwner,ni m targs tl'ss,'"" ;l tl 4iiv wr uriiriai im.r, pi, fl- 'h , aatMeemtTaVB-sttif bt Vymt f mtr'-t Witl'ssi't Trtystlrft Snd tuBrlttsttai.t-1'"". ril'.l-A .Hlfaa CMS.'l-b. Aaw.Mw sllri.A. I ... lbs Lcsulalitt Uunls, by Jos-Ilk barllsu Horl-lk, Lb. l., 1 vol. ISiso. Tins is eonsHtend kjr or juofst snd CuBgrtswicn ss dsuiasuls llobut w4 ofU -kihJsiuuil. tvry.youii( uu ihibscokairv should kss a copy of this book. Kusoheutwrircr't Natural tlistry, 7I lllustrstioet, wltk a tvsipl.l. Qlosssry of ll.s wii.lt work, iu 1 volt., ttss. -, ..-mi- -f .-r -., for sal .y.-.....--.,.-.,J., . iltXRY n.Tl HNKR, , ' . . '. - K. C. Mookswrst Rstelgb, Msrch U, tBii. , jt u. s.r" lilasolutioli. rtTtllR rirm of J, J, Bipcs t Co., U thU day L jduRtUed by mutual eousout,...- All persons Indebted t th 1st firm will confer a favor by callint; and pajin-, their bills, at an sf ly day, la order -that they way pay their indebted! boss, AH persons bjiTiiiE clsinn aitninst tbe Iste fir ia will pre sut IbruT without delay, ss it is im portant tlis biiainest be elotcil st toon st putsibl. Kettlsment aiay ts mails tilth ciihrr of th pr.rt ntlrt. J J. ImjCif, JOHN L. KISO, J All Kb 11. Ciu'1.1. Raleigh, Jlin SO, 1RM. N. U. Tli mbscrlbsr, in ditsolvintbit bnslriMs connection, ia this city, for lbs purpose of forminr on in anotksr, takss this eppoitunlty to eipreas his rratltml to bit Mends and customers, for Ik patrotian I liberally bestowed upon hira, H would..alto boj losvo to. rseoni.nitnJ . vrjr, wsy worthy tbsir eonftilftice tnd pni i.. '., hit 1st J. J. blUGSi , - - New Finrit - - -- - 'JtllE Subscribers havitis; punliased tlie inler est uf Mr. 'J. J. liitss, in the Tailoring and have to build up a trade t tod this they are do- I .Mad Clothing business, tskrs this inrtbod tnrminrd to b .derout bf uon. la the City. -j I-furaiuig their ustonwrs, and tl loblio ia eeneral, tbat tbey will csiTy It on ia sll its branch ts bcretofort, in the name of King t l'ij prsosit tna to spsrs am pains to pleas ail tbu nbe later llirm with acsll. n'l rortret to call at th fRd ftsad, wD! 19, rysttvlt ot, JtHl.f 1.. KINO, JAS. 11. lll'iU. Rsltigh July 1, 185,. j; wst . .. SKLL1M1 AT .COST I READY-IIADE CLOTHIXO. - fXtllK asbsrrihsrs bavlne; d-t-rmto-dSs quit krs'-'sf lUlslEb, March 17, KVAJfS COOKE. . SI 117 lOTS 950-1 4tai d.133 1111 m 082 l"i(l. . nf eovemment, 1 have only to ni l that nntlnnc bat ar tine the date of Biy former message to "d pense with In 0Ki;e't.iiii tberem c intaincn touchintr th proprioty of pruvisioual tuetvure by Congress.1' r u a ri.i .v i j i.in. i.. WiJBfnoTo, Augutt 1 1S54. IXTKRESTI.VO FROM SPAIN. he MssMdeoressp. indent of the Loa-IeB Time tioot I pillar of our temple of lilsjrty, aud be tlieo I selves crushed by the mighty fall, or perk,ap risen I more Ike wide 1 priests minisierinx at ti altar of lilasrty and be themselves csiueuiuysl by Ui sarrilictal fires kindled by their own uandt. The tubioct to be resumed aud discussed will, . CA.MKJ1U "The rnstrryeeti-wi daily arpeawnsoes likely to beeome a reneral reycdutioii.in a liberal sees, (flhnnnell. eiHiviacetl that the eoulitrv will not move fiiy th mere pnepoeeof making htm I nme Minister, Is mors and more (lispoaeu to enter into th views of the "nrwresirftv.'' There is art-oris; report here that Queen Christina leaves this piece for Past on the 17th inst. This looks lika a re treat, if true. I am tbe more inclined bi tbtnk """""" v-r - ,ourntJ promlset and h ieifnrmueo baa be I J- Its .1 snaiiee. that it hat bt Wbateyer fit I r the niia.elPhi, I ' . rvrrt l.i'k'nlvl' Vfii'H Iti'stVl Vk due loth fact that it bat bad a higher retire: .- . . ,UJ, i, (. only ths fur party interests aud party tucccss, than for tli I wrt VD0 n s-hatned nf laliorins; for a I'neli I - J iL. ,,lMhti,i . jt I l.n n,,unlrsr. Fn- I hrt-xL or who HTM In irn Ui ljrii( h t Utl- U'JllUr BMw Mintssj. , J 3 I - , . . H Tl.sk ... . . ..is .i i nr f ui' B .ii"T -"arviiwi ' --. w ad in tare. a"e,rrea in eetuin. in. mrnme re j val factioDt tit the peilf , It hat aitpleas. I i ,ni w hi. fi.iluw citUens, U noi tv Leoomc mA nnarly 1L and mad favor with but fw. I sliur.lco oecenisrilv to Kscieiy. That emniaoiv j , . . . 1 I L . l. a V. . Il is nesawUs. at this tuaa, to say tkUUav weaita aum uiu an n mri-uins: iu u ... . . V. , InmtwIioB of dr-rtias is the lew est s indeed II I rres be dona. IB tue eariy ssrr. " I , ,lm, inroUm ,h, nprs.it ,4 ontheritvl Croat this place to llurgna, from wbh-h 1 in Miier aay mntiona iney naa oewvi wmi drawn. North ef llureca, eartist party hasap pearrd, als.ot fifty men (trsmr, I sadrd by a WBoat iney call Hi iwra aft ncrro. me Iron Pries. There is another cartiat band ia Navarre." ' . Vtetiwm, Htrrfyw.ValioVTli' Ottnadf , farifrta. ta, ?4nfin, I'ampalnns. Barrelee-i, Haa Se bastian, and seswraf amailcr rities. a'so th nei tic Islands. Ws't itoclare-l tot tbe insnrrents. Saratpissa Is etficrted to Joia the revolt. Uuinnrt werecurrent IbatUueeat hristiiiaaad led to Its ynnne, and that yueen I'alsrUa had h-ft Madrid ; aii thai tl.o INtkaul l ati taatsr baa Lew ilc.lsrtl lieulensnt-fk&eral uf tbe king ARU'.TL OF STEAMER NIAGARA, tot ts utTia raoa iikori. ; , ' lUuirst. July SI. Tlie roval mail steamer SiaRara arrived at ber wharf at 10 o'clock to nivliL brine. n dates from Liverres) ta the 23d iust, one ay later lliaa her rcg Jr. day of (ail Tlx steamer Atlaulio arrived out oa tli I'M at 3 n. m. ' The Niae-ar briiigs but lililtnewt relatir to lb propas of tli war. Austria's conduct eniitiuned mora duibtfnl and is revrdel with fjreal tuepicion by Knglaud and r ran, e. 'The Spanub InsurrectmB was ipreading rap idly no tcrI'.iaruft. Th W Xu cliaep bad oeourred In th condition of eastern aiTYirs, aud none was likely In occur until after further couaideratioa by tlie English and French 0wnimenu ef the reeewt cmdunt of Austria. Tha eumsuuuikut of th Luadoa. MuruU.( Chronicle make th follow mg important evoimtt- aicalum. "f b eol mists of Vieaaa and Rerlia bate eommunieateJ to th K.iiclisb and K reach r ertiments tit linpreseion prodiieed unnn tlfiu bt Ui answer tf lis Kmpernr Nicholas to lb sunimotissetii by aoaiiit w etecuaie u ptui. i nabties. . . . i i - ..ii.j ... "All Wt Aunfiaa rcs'cTs. si toil wnsvsi SclepiLSo WorkB. GF.OUK1V ef the Globe, by K lwsrd Ultcbeock, l. 1. U. D. - A Trsaf ea Metallurgy; eompriting Mloinf, and Ir. oral and particular MslUlartioal Optra- tioas, wltk a dsseriptten of t'bsreoal, f'oks and ittttTton-lriac,"-Blr Mketilb; Itor Watt; k'org llammsra, Uolliog Mills, te., (to,, by Irsd trick Ovsymaa. Tks Book of KstOT s by rrisderiek Bebe4tr, rb. U., sod Usury MeJIoek. V. t. B. Principles of Ueology, by fir Cksrles LyrTl. A ManuaH of Kkmeatury fleolngy, or the AB elent bangt of the arth aad Is iakabitsnta, a illustratod by Usslaglcat Maeaaieut, ay sir tuaa- Lylb . For al by W. L. P0MEB0T. Deeeatbsr Iff, Iftio. - 61 XEW HOOKS! URIIELL IN bltCbTtlllll - - - ma - . 1 TfTiltu the Li ( Cxnnlort ltd i.lmili1ri!t IN NORTH C A HOLINA, II y Janiea Iredtll. Tlllstsjast oftblt work kss tao Stkiklt lbs law, aa 11 sow tuads la ustk Vsrotiss, la raUMoa t tn aasstSTS of ontra 11 arssis. it sasonsrss, wtvi-, lb tingllsk davlrtaaa, as tar aa tbey art reeoraised la mmt owe CUvU, as will la Ar't of Aaaassklv tod tks drelsioo of osr ows Cslrts, oa tks sul.'set 1 B KIs, as aaolsss ond isitslsti wunw II It thnoykt It Buy prove sofol, sotsaly la avssikers of IksUgsl profsssbaa, kwt oiao t otkset, wk ara so Irsa-aliT rains apss le am. dortektihs todisMsahls, iwaaruat aad rsspeatlblt aet lata sad Aiiiisiaitalot. . ... ..... . . yf.L.r0MnrT. T- 17 If. ' ltlssk IKiMliin suit Km., y C,'.uic!rs Ptcia, r'sucy tnd 1'lstn Uu"0 I'aula, r'anry t'oltoAsdr ai d AiP's Tsn't, Bla-k Po and F.inrv S.Ik . - Is. ,H,rttrS-ks-d.i Sisist.llsssst, Khirts. t'ollsrs. As., A. Tli abovt gosl art of th s"t stslrs, well r-s.' ; eall sod bay chssp. k.VANH A COfikk. sl0,u hand a eood s,-ni.."H of Kpriae sr.d plainer Maple abd Kanry lry tioodi, UkUV boau, SLU. a.. l.lk irtlT I.Mk..U rkrsn. Rslr..-b.My Hk. i fORM Htllll. Tiit'Sfliitjr timni mi mt rosTsisiso AH th Brest Bsefil form which oecnr In kutiass Irsasactiont between miu snd aaso, a Btll at la sAicial ttationt) vootTMta wivb The Const If ut lonof.orlli rnrltn, aud trihe I'nltt d klalcat Tlli ACT rtXlSfl THE FEEa t)r CLERKS, TIItHIFF". Ac. CmlnUtrJ fur fJSc tiss Mb) nfi'.-ssn .Vsrfa rare. lis cast maiit tmnformtU tm In. coaritsn tr A aisutsorvns s..stb rsani.tst tim. fortsltby llKSKV 1 Tl HNtft, .... . ertk tdroi.-a !Kk Sivrt. Raleigh, Af., 13. 8-,-tf sB, it wat occupied with littl els than peeeb makii'es ""'Ut ba jinljbecn todustrkwtJiMli despatch of busines sine the day sf dj.irnneut Was filed. If Co ngress and th a.lmin'uitratinB 4o bet ter Hi Beit than they bv th prweat aessisa, neither will have much la boast of by way of good done f.-r th Country, or ef credit gained Ibeoutdve. every member or It beinx a pfsiuwr. iism it la thst work ia lrvs iKjnorable, The most or- 47liirrbaHTmniW?1..rnTrit ts- awswtwe-.-yC ten4sed kvmestly, as the prutea-wu of law or mediciu. rachVititca ibottld fdnrw thai av ratioti for which h h b"t sailed, and hea b dues thia be fulfills the law i.f hi riistenc t toil never otherwise. A bad lawyer is U ! truly .... . A . . 1 . All 111V i mni , wm ell ist-siswH! mi www w immr ... 1.1 1 . . . I . .. . . ful. . - .'.,. su. I'.ir.lair sut that th Ctar is dstermnrrsl rnw to-v-x1, aud that d. 00111- Wi.l prstailcl in th capital. (ien. Ce.cha aad Gutiaakt Urava bate armed in I'.iiglatid. . . j . ilaniml t.otii.ok aaa atcaiiaU tuna LUa Lauari Islaut. Ova. M lueraU baa Bed, Its I ran'. Tint lb- surgenei. if sacrestfak, aaay effof lb tkraaa ta laju I'sslra. ef lVsTtngal. the I res. a gnoro ment is said to favrr- the iasufTwrlaia, An aui- Purtugal ss understood pokao to tnssd h BV-t efliHent, Is to t. b-storabl t W Beglect U.al be euulsl tof lnla.10. pr.,!. Isul u- 7' rmp-et.1,1 the. a r meb...K and aa alo decamp uf tbe k.t Portugal w under.! avU Is a as. we meritori.sv.tbsn aa kw.e.t t tor- to base S.H. J.I an tutervM-w a.lb N,Hd r. Te 4 one's duty In th. wtlk a h-r oner. a 'I .Sapida.B rep Th details stovw Thak the seetsv t k tori!1 f the Turk at t.-r'ro were adirt-ved by the Titrkt anasaisitsl. testing th wbU bank of Ih lljiinl. to A'.iemitaa la Uieir bauds. TU main Issly of th Turkish army k laid to b m wing Urwarsbf tin tajuib uf tli Pinuli. The allies ba-l r"(.ain,..aiid .eeupie.l il.s Itusiisn batlcnes at the halma lu ai'h of Uk I'anulje, and ar etapk.vsd la rnitovu.( lb u&ka ship fr ul tbo rbaiiSH 1. . Tba Rim an Q dilla a t lahur must ana free Tai rao.l or llsaa.isy. Tl a.lminis-r ttoa Bane m Sew Turk I diskling and suuli TkdMc Bpaa the Nebraska aad i.sls ivor,ti.sii A fwniMia Mtotiine war is raru.ii 10 u ranks f ba tbe R adieMa I n itaaiae' ia V tbe Kobvwsk toll ean le assde n-i 1 .ud tespliedly dctsa the asminr H ft r-iats rt-n bhbs as mak It isis. 1 1 Tnt Hu !i-t. in r-i 'r. cbar! lb 1 tfa suh "nobiiog rtir-rn via (si Uil slavery nin-sin.'' He I'o'.f'l ia an i tifa'si bid ling ttUi!Brit, U. I on 1 nut. j 1' Aeoty Arynt. . iti "i Ml, I I P S I . ..... (i I 1. . 1 . .1 .Ik. u t.-,.. m . I His SSI US svsis IHIsnsri p wr.m n, a pa II Amntif-D asall tsisMkiatrt ktn-BSl, l', sr w wa e soirr ..... .a..- 1 .- . .. . , . , .... ... . , .. . . .. I I rii.rrsel. Hv ibis sisnM.iv r. a" 1 inst oyi'e, 1 . . . ' . I fall into Ui nvnis a me auoss au't uio Fiacbwa.kIlle4lBtl.iacity.aB th e.y ins , - . . i,iU w. It ' : ""' m-Vibw.Lw to.li' ...i,,,;,-.,f tb. Ial b .ru.e-L . rlecti-io, whilst assisting ta reir a TVovocratle (1W tha w, wpdi-ans Mni-hs-l the arl rf Iraor aud Laglaasl. Tiasgy, A .r.ssie despatch r .-lv. fr-se, A aoU The lol fell ur-mliim eroding bitka!l trarv liue. of ra.i. as applied to tlie pr.Hi ,''t,,T, f M,'"'77 , Con-tonya. ! at Pans, st es that lbs R I CL-tr k IT rL !V ef fife. wUUb a.- deriv-l fyi feudal l.a ! 1 't", '"' i Tui-i .. - ill. . .bo. k '. l. tel.w. A Issualtu I and killing him alnwait instantly,, .1 " " U..isn. isaua Alairt 1 I m It Ms. loisrtw. 1 ....... . . , 1 v....- 1 " . . rorsi. r , . , - 1, e.'ssi in at nai noon ir-!s W..M,vyT.. ArrliaV-Wash nctoB" In- - lbwwd ef ma -wU ae w U snodcrad,,; and Un-.r., J.Mioei c . ... , . . , , tlThln bH.4,.m-l..f.ho.rlH,.i,a. Arelbeyr.,..! ef.,, Adrh-e. rive.1 ., ParUfro. Ma- rid L takMa Mamt wUaltwill rsit I t i vender.? Tbey ss cMtinuingl. mats in-s-t greisw, . ( t! sit,,sists U.al lbs iwurrwu weremaaters m.i.itr nthenMwsv.,ndltoe.n'..rlmtbw1,Me. A f-r,l ''- U ... ,4tl.McUy. H,,.nS.t.,kH lb. tr..,-engag-i tare majorit. . ..... . ..t. 1 1.: .1... I ..!.!.. Ti... il.i,,k if ib.v i'tcru h.4 lb. r-.olaitoeary las- j,u,-i, ..,. u limim. It is tremghl ll lb. Bomin. oi .Hr r.- -- - - J " " , ; " " " , . ( ,.r. 4 b,4 Inlaw I ...tli-iasm U.U. U- pwpu-r "rul" era. ..1 on...! ' "r" 'a I. To..,. Tbey r.-,.t .-b, bs, to..n aa Tb. I.-I f,. Madrid k. t.. tbe 1 4,h. sad aenllotlie S.nai 11V luowi.v. Is sin w ' " 1 - - I . . . . . Ibink to le la hu.ln. m in town aleiird fi bait k Rlal,k.l31kAprn,lW' mWisiI. Th. resolution of Ihc rVnate for Ui meeting of tVnrr..s th. I si of Nov.aber was to b.. la Ibeir. kcMis. wor.liip fssen Intmnwcen UK!, h mmm will receive it fStii h f.esvtrit d stitvrttoni lot was drlavwl- 11, with Carer. 1 here i no prfbslility that be ena will I p."l"J. Ilike-A'alsb and Mr Vwatd. of ln-irri. bad a fj-h l.wlay In tb llwefat ece - M.k. ess He s.-j'ese.r. Bud eas sesrrrly bn.iUd 1 1 . rt t -ii rn-l-d wb-re it bftn, at I t 'b . in " Ib-S evetiieg. . I o ll.f LsHIMl (toy if Ui stv ca 4' l.O " I. AWBI4L.lt MA a, Ik CI. Htlelrjh Coach Factory. tr . -I fm I n.tiM-d tr.e mess. ,.i tn . ..K " TI'iiiliU (,arf1 b.... g.rd lb J bya,ciMl, III p.4.i', ll bet.l j .e ,h,.i,o.h l.y ' t s I t n-s 1-1. . Ss. a4 tfmi'f g'-'r fi m inssi r. stinvsa n!.ws ci-;, i n Tb.. ar she Tosksrav eaiis " , ' i f pr..tis and k f lly, eio.v wb d; iW lb. I oa p hi, vl so I I oi' cr. The wis ma. 01 IS. Sontf.rv, as .n.jissM y ideed ly alteo.i. tag le b s kiii us, wall assa-e ib aa ir,.-.ee d.o'., bs e-sMy a,n red, is k-a ksl rlsim to M5. It h )''"g n. 'if ralbi lds, ibvl a r , s miu hi .t it. ,-.(. t!i.. --. ".d o.,..ma -t s. s. . ksl mt S.S!1 is-w -H. ..-! a. a s. 1 is a la ..fSM'.'il I". I . j 4 !. li .I'M. a A dve4.k. f . j i a ll.-.-'l f.M, S IS. f?a.4isl . ' , ... i s I, k-l las l.'a lla. N ... , .'.. . f , M if, Tb. ..Mijisiie. alias ev new mai.ef. ion.-vwi ssail has la ai ael eowiissB.te.iif oavslry. Tb trunfe enrng'd agvinsl tb. berricsvlK we tiling ! ..vefal psrts U lb cap.ial ka lk BMhSlra 1. tl. J. . . .. t . I A l-s'"! kST l-fl I s;.. .""'in o-s'm nik.nn.ll t.id li.'tM'fsl l'.ir, I Win. bib lat'r waa b fcsj.4 we I lOoi prls,mr, Tb. iw.e.ils.- bad aHfl d tbe l of Qnesa CliriMM. tl sw'smamm lieras ia. Ik. wh-! of ( iisi mia bt I t .sea. and lb f aint l..wl l.s !s He r.,.!..i .f. eSs silt f.-bues e is'sis! f iat. ORTI1 CAMOLIHA nntaatl LIT) laaarmaic Vprnfimj OFFICE ULEItD, I. C. rpitlft Conpaay eeatlaae to lasore thttyI a all amiuiy mum fliuss sas nm-m. Ik. trteUM risk takea oa a tisgW life hi fjnnO BlsvM are iwered lor a term el oa to lv yn fur 1 tbair vaias. , , errvrsss. lr. rbsa. C. Johnioa, PvswMrat, ' wis. I) IUtwo1, Vine Prestdtat, Jsmos 9. Josdaa, BacrsUry. 1 .. . wat II. Jsee Trsaswrey, l'n Btyabee, Attorney, !. . II. kltkat, blssslslagrkjaitiae, J. Ilersataa, U.n.ral Ag.at. All totaes are aeid alUsUt Ini days after aaliafae- tery aveef Is presenl.4. Hunk aa -asspai. D'" i. rm i .r" rail. 1 to Casiay, may k ksd ea srHtestioa al ike (iflie. or aay ml tbe Agsaetsw. All lett.'t a kmstotaa tkeai l be ad le ted I i r. 4UltlA5, rvryj Atrll mol. Hid trtai (or ThMkiluuUt,k. i f m. nTiiT?i-y cri ru( r V... tv. 4 I rakiuh-ts mil lbs, kk le ak. Irs'l. a. .. mt IM ...kM iMMia ml filling silt Snd kal wkek k syi.Tidleoki. irv. A I.. T-W-sl Sid k.is.(te wr l.ifa bs k-l.'ky, by Mr. Matt J. liolaaM. I vl. IJ-.. .,-r t'U. k St. t d. Iifk'fnl. w.TI wrillee Wk. lai s,W-e. r I.f- loik. I.iic. Tbs k.,t si .m... uii'i k.e. Wise tMM-b'S -el-- ml to.s aed p. h . s-s Irrmm ir.mpi. it. sad frosl l. 11. Il k. ' p a I seie. Svmiail t.'r ssiv s iKseni! 1. .art. S.I...S T aw,iafV d '..M,.!.....,' I I.h as .ss.1 I. ft mm'vm mi tha rm4 Ami I, s (,'! 1! mm4ml, M.l te Mltffl sI mIwi) tl.r..' I .1 .- t, M. I.e. Ml HA4tmm. 1h l..S ..f ' I saw, a. a-,' V ka s-rv !-- s..'il mt MM I,..,.,.!,' ,,..1 H ' .. Ifc-t-k Is til. ... .. , "I m I.. S-.l! W mf IB-.S) mmtmmA't-g "I I' . i m ,l awl, a s tabta' itak Is kl e.Mit tba I ai ia mI .i a.i,i-!s tiid ..-r.- t'-r tmirn l 1! Ii f lt f . K t .,.a 1 .' ' s . lot s. - EET. P. DOUB'S EISC0UXSE3. Ti n Mkltlkad aad ?u sale, 1W. IliuMTOI ly KaV.Vatsr llowk, .a ikrtsl.an t'oinsiinia ao.t ballses. Ibefavnt wilk wkick ttifj wrs wrivad si lbs lima of tbair dabvvry, l.-'kcr .itb tks ort-ol reqasat of frl.sda aiaae, 1b1-sU lk sulk. 7 ts publok tbrra. Ik.y ar. prinltdt a Srst s.nbM mi osarlv S pagsa, la good, .lr tvp.. fries, ti I'ncla erv. g Mais, Th. wks key t a-M ataia wilt k. sll.wvd aWostbsa sf Vt ym' Mill. N. lli.ll b. t,l. rr.t I. Ik. fnnds of lbs Aolkoy a Mod ia tkrir rd-ra l ssliatsly. llrs..','tBsviog Iba iS.b, sd.lrMSsd to las slretrtb.r, will k woatl, a.l!s.ird lo. ,. )t. t. Dot n. - Biar I'S.-. Halal-k.Vasrk ?tlk. Iil. II- -v; WAUTEDi " MISS A. E. IIOLMiHTU i-b.s a few .n scholsrs to take b-f-sio.s in .Mo.ic snd draw in.. Mis II. baa been enc'i, c.l in ! it long the. branches for sotns time and would legla.lt have atiidenta cn'sirh to pits her fi.ll en.pli.v- Bient. rb c f'i tb H't Of refeience . at Mrt. M. Iljllisier's, nest tl.t d'tA f h and iosi..n It ii.r.m-1. RslHi.li. July "th. l-' l. Tl . Andr t ' the ifsb i- t I oi pott i.i n Li; iwik 1 1 Mlssd a bMMi it'll .- l,s II S J. o'ta si i.ts.-o m' Hi act y-.o ..... I, r.(.: J. ..I I . ila.k Will I ro-e., I'll M 'm- la.ll ... 1 a-.-, ...I I a . I ad ln(. !sa.-u'y yl Ills.. dal to.) di'. I 'Jl'l 1 Ik Hies M-r Ja s.i. s-e and Manera Herki, faecy sawr. I s.. sod sssry .... r aHo is t n.aary ra rr I ns i. I. ul of s.lis.. . w.Mld . !'.! to ais as S ts.l I .!. f ..-.., ksts. ' IU'. II V A ' P.-Wtkig. Afil 1. 1 4.-,f WILLIAM T. BATS. Or.Nr.IUL A'iI T. I' Al I Hill. N. c. f 111. .Il.rid 1 lb- ell s .J all rU-.n.. loll W lk ..ir mt U- ."J l s I :.. ( all k.a la as k Osti.. I.1 l..-- Ills t!r..s w.M 1 w.l. 1 U. siuav te..4 sol ..I..I-. !-ry tt'.n oca taaVs g'! k.'.k. J !J, I -. IJoro DcsiraViti vl.ua v r! "I t T c t and ... al 111, V '. M.e h rs. l a.' I-".' 'f s. s m ii-i i. w -i u. ' " " ' - i A I . . "H I II l. I " ' - . I ,cimit.f'...i I I trm U tH It. !..' ifc.'' t.., t: " I. t-it IK- I., h. I- t I ' I'.H 1 lib l. s I t.l.Ui ii Tt.s OS! Wl'.s Hi. ,....;. , ,. l ! . I,, , mi r i' .1. -iru';. - 1 I 'I..., A , I ' . I- 1 ' t ,.., , , ."l . ... . !.... I'.. . " . MV1:: - I

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