m 1 iV O ItT II C A ROL 1IV A S T A It WE D IS 1 5J A Y 3IOII V ING A UGU ST. 9 ,185 4 . :ie fnv!i or sv jca the els' IN; 1' tm .A.V AND CpNl.KtS, tt in if tr rcr.arkable, very sur-restive, ami ve'-r 'win, that while all th newspaper x.-y "fiini'Tin sounding tl praise of ill A .-.. :.tratioa concerning the gierii tu and t -t , it. us bnmbardiug and burning of San Juan :t is ery curious, iadee!, thai till Cabinet tn st Washington, the mnitD-piec of the IVes.aevt, is as deaf open the subject a a post, ard aa dumb a" no oyster. - The fan t., there tiitthlng wrori In this , l,,,-,,., , ..r.,.,, r!i.., ... t i ' a, vn ' luiiun -it-ii.t iw own. . l-idfa-d. ll..lluia transcend bia instrnrtior..- ! Vm Marrv humlmid by Maiur Borland and faiat jcrai a t, lead to the belief that, if the Hon. Jureph L. While ? t, after ordering ! it bad sot before committed itaeif, and if therlee- tne town to L fired, hav. Marry and thwtiol ' v.j , . . ... ... Cabinet been frijrhten ed out or tlf. ir breech, bf "? M rt would bar, the noiseofUi ex pMing bombshell, the stream ' " grnii-d aidajiyr aide with tb Richmond of the onia and children, and the Huh from T.nquirer and other paper of that taut, th. burning pm,rty of Anierican. and sati., BiH nothing appeared in that print in refcrrsc emsigned tu destruction? Or haa the President b . , . . . . ' . .... discovered that, like Marcy himself, aud by-hit th y"c' 'Sn'n3 territorial Hmr,- party paper, he has bean written dawn a refit- j te' '''11- It baa been eharged, over and often, aide Do.berry t Oh !" aayi that aneiant j tliat the Prtaident would lipn the II .mentead bill Muunelof thepiiUieaaf.tT. -ob l that a.weone if U , ,w0 n of C.,ngre.a, and would write tne down an aaa!" Or; perad-! ' , . . Tenmre, tl admin.tration, Undinj; itaelf in the i-"0' rr Pf "emtwioa are tnnremed. exact ituatirB of iKigberry, ia divpoafld to ereep ! be baa actually diine an, and that too in It a inoet t of lli. diflSenlty Beiaeleaal a fit4eriiaorftrBWC Th. bill U .ipied contain, the Or, perhapa th Cabinet ara aw.nunr Uia officwl ! , ..... .. . " ... ... rl,,.trh from Capt. Hollina, or tlv. return .d" II"n"l("l') "hoMl any qualification, aa to , Major B irland from Arkausaa, perhapa, - We P""0! b" pnniao in regard to aettlement do-r't know. - j nn the. land. For all practical purjve, then, WhaleTCT the mmm or reaaona, tlia WMliiiie- j theae new territ.me. are jriren op fa aettlrtnent tm t inoH a wonderfuI! quiet tnnrhiuc tbi , , , , . , . , , . . , affair at San JuanKampant and kick,., from "J! ho eho.. to Uk. a faro w,th.,nt the traces a few week am. fora war with Spain. I nioney asd without price. Do the people c( -fcirphmd ew4 FniTire'fnriihtned.-and tiea'ing nut b Jth Urlandu and Jftnhn.te rurioao in ita m.lit- i-nri prwwa, a wouxt nturaM nnpMM'.ttei "tfW llUHlillff' out nl it defencetemr -peopla by aa American Tcaael of war, would be applauded to th. vary . akio by th. Cabinet organ, But, to our alter aaiaiennwt, th. W ahhtgoa (w ban r rbwt fioatmn over k. It ia dumb with admiration. And thia axpreaair. ailnoei"hr authority," fr our reulur may r4r upon it, tliat with tli. ' Tiermiwiun to do , Col. John W. Forney would .i. have Uaaunad forth lh miHehment-f Hrrthdi inaolenc br Cantain Ilollin to th. rerr echo. eeo if, after th burning of the plac.tb gallant Captain had hung up to th. yard arm. of hi - --ahip-orery iratire of The I'nifd State, man wo man, or child, found in the Tillage, homething ia wrong in theCabinetmachineryconcerninetbi , " pretty piece of bnaineu," or there would bar. been no end to th. hallelujah cboru of the l'al inet organ. Wht rdty , ' 0.ir rea ter'Kow'eve f ; wTtt pcrco! r 111 t Ilei llier lirancb of Congrea ia liwiKwed to wait for the explanation of th. WaahingUm Union. - The Ilouae and the Kenate have pnnd each a mao - lotion eallingfor th enrreapohdence and tV fact touching thi atupid, beaotted, and nllilrtieteriug act of the burning of the hclpleai little American huattiea aetflfmeiit of Kan Juan, and further and more emphati() proceeding may be expectwl In . the limine to-day. ttf eourae, till the fict liall ' therwiae pKar, w. can only ay of Cajtt. llol- iu that he ui4 lua anl v. I lie ml. ol rtin to lue army ami navy ta itinexiiiia It i 'lU-liey nr.lrr it yon break ownerjjT rjiWt at Uie ea-e tT tli 4iltuiuu4Au4i 4 and,- mi. Hwwai hav uken the matter in hand, w. tuggeat th. propriety of a aptciai innuiry into Ute o intitu-; tiou ility of thi act of wnr, It atr'.kn n a a ttaurtittinti itiggMilivt f imnaehmmt. Futlior-: more, it behoove, the IIo,,4 of Kepreaen.nth i to inrpiir. lyto the extent of the damage indicted i tip'in the property and bmineva of Anierican citiiena by tin niianraMa expedient of doatruc lion aamat th. village of Man Juaq, aud tu provide the no!vy illlinili'.'a!i(na, . W'g regard the idea aa perfectly alwurd, that the objeond' tbi warlike denntratiM -waan fire, (jrnat Britain to a rettletneiit of the .Mo n'tito niinarlnit, according to Ih MonMe doctriiie." No. The idea acted u.m wa that Kan Juau w an independent' .town, having cut alf frora --t!i proi ft.itUin.uf ne i ngland or -ttmnngn- t waa thu defonccleai, and might b aaaadol ailh tmuut)ityran4 banc it waa-vltoaan- tur th 0;aning of th military exploit of our pre.ent highly beliigarent a luiiuitratinn. What hall . w h.'.ve not? I'erliapa the (torming, by the , J,ouie tiiiadrm, of tha Uovernor' 1'aviliow and tiie bath houie of Coney Iilund; perhap the I imhanlinMit of Atpinwilj, or thB..CiHuljjut.oX. ttitf Taiiki'ifiTWiiii tliii town i'anama, .. V t ' grntified that both hranche of Cong-en have o promptiy eallod for information " upon hia laurle.a oulri,'. , commenced by llor land, and ei'tivummatoil by l'lerce, Marcy, Forney A Co. And if the twohouae give u an adjounu ment on the 4th of Augut, they cannot batter appropriate the interval, than in forri'tliig ml ail th acta, facta, eircumttaucM, and deig of ' Till" TTIMTllliaTIIIL', 1 I IIIIITniT Wntt II Ft OCCHW liardment and burning of th. blple-HAgiif Kin Juan. We ahatl lieur th. Cabinet organ by . u4 IJ..-.V. J'. livut-l A VOICE rilOM VIKUIXA. ?vnitl,ern polili, iond"ien iIiplnyanioit pp.fil ' ailc nnnaiiiiuily iu mrrcuJormg th. inter! of theiroaa aeoliua and owncontnumita to bene fit other arctit. and eun'tiinenoie. fiiich mag naniuiity prncurei pn.inotion, Th. betHie cii in give, it rot t) the apirnnt for hi di intcritrd larili. of hi eon.tituenta, and th. latter vvi for hi, n from aertionai feeling and prnle. A-lule politiciarn nrglaot eld aud tried friend and barter tl.e:n off t.r new one.. 1 her arc iiat laaunumiiawn-v 4 aer- thine for tluor own mniitueiiU, hut ar. aver ready to ronfer favor when " thrilt will follow fawning." thicfllie leading objiu't. of Mr. Calhmin'a arheioe f r graduating th. price, of tb public ) tn la, and ceding thtm in a body absolutely to the iiew Statw f.r the grnduate price, wa to got ri I ( f their eorrnptitii Inttueneo up, aapi rrtnt f .r tlie I Veifleney, Hakingn( lb. West ern ' le inroiinrvti q with III. publle land L ai a early a 1.1! : lie lu l7 tliia in mind, and un.leratan'lt th. woikiua ul tha human heart aad of out eratcm, mut m1. that, ia th rrideniial ea(rf, for eoi h it aiuat tier be.) tli. graat iwint bara- atler will b tn accure tlieir favor; and that thi aa beat b do bv tAvuruif thai peculiar view nod t-'ticv in reference to tlie ptitdie land, noar, one of Ian thing- ion. I f..lliw ; either all tk rate ?oiafa will enter ih to thtareaijMrxHiow.iawhteb lire ktni-glewill be Whitehall gnftirthert; and it e,i,,.,,ien' e, to give th rot. to him whs mar l id huheat. It la "T to bow thll wt.lil eiel. i h riut,l. domain, tn. noble I beriiatow r-f the de of tht t'niott. Would b -,ia'lerr'l, i-r v'her r-'unhlM aaar, la th I' -I. anl w mul thua I mi Ic at th .it, time the ni'-an nf plundr anil tmiptiia and uf el.i..if to -ur tha tawat pruSija aiul ail' -ti.. ' I'p ! vir.1 ! And ki a f rui vluU!x, JitV g-a' ,1 f.'t lhat whll th' peni,heev l taking pia , h!e the Vtrgniia a ld era nf In. Benda tu n a d tle.r dcm-ndwit h Ming Virgia; warrant f r land under grant of be- owa tri- ku-. I. anJ entu'.ed to havt Iheia aal . fled out f die hut U ,f the ('nta. a,e auUectrd Wtevnttu, It. i hi it. aa 1 ah";in refu.al If menial oS, taia at a.'nnpon, th lin-le to wtin-b they a- lr uie.er the no! crrI ligation are g.iei.a aaiy f''i. Indi-runinvrlf ad -ti i'e4,c, to k"1', anil II. e ('ewenialtt of Plea w'l i ti e' l.e,r. if -,ir atriii.- ;! f intlftiatidAn', r e tf,r i.a. l mereet, , n4 1 1 murder u in t'ie i , rt .i a. In It. Bit tl. reiiloti t I ' ( ia!'i i ha- e d a if d fed t a li itidtaf. i r . .v anl off rr n ha bl'l or ao . ,;,ii -I it (t. ..,. at,. I it i me,1'U. pvtri fl t,,i an 1 ' l'nii ili l' to u'ere te teert them ail it I:' i tr A.ti .i -f f re' i)'T and f he etvr u ,i- T I , utM i'i, , ,''airr e" Jit y t. t it t a i li te J hl.,, 1,1, ' ii -i Ar V A n' li.n in It Mian terrliery. re t.,ti to t.a, t 0 h rl t Alexia el li h elii.n t 1 li,- K to''"!l an iMr ii.nrt,n i. a ,,o tKiM f-rf 11 ii r i nJ il.ru ah r a ii I !' ., . 1 if. i v th ti I I -i I I , ''I V, I fl II M-ilH it, -l I ..1 t vrtie ttiv m! ! i , im t4 I on tr-r t. ij lite ' ' I " ' "f f' ha 1 i KISS 1,-f 1 1 Iff V. THPRSDAY MOBXIXO. AVGrST 3. 1851 , THE HOMESTEAD BILL . The 11 Standard slightly dipprTM nf th nirtitots biu presented by Mr. Hunter of Vir . . 6"" pJae4 by the Senate, but it Aa it in Xoull l1'rilii,aUliETe th1rTfffce.'g1ilTiyeTat; ii;., -Cn f p uMa L impudenc. ana arroganc w. Dare acen lately ia eonUiued ih th. Iat Standard where that aheet epeakaof th cour. of th Whig pree during tliecauv-Pisn-.Tb editor in that mendaciou aheet give, from hi own experience in the canvaa, .ef..POterpadu.tu!.Jua-owa peak, of luppresaion and mirepreeiitation and th. circulation of falsehood against Mr. iBrjaUWbo baa iupproed, wilfullyanaV liberately mppreMcd, mora than that name editor? Who baa miarepreaented and abused tn'or than that paper ha mirepreaenled and abuaed Gen. DocteryJ- If bold, daring and confident aaaertinn i arfiinunL then the Standard ,. alxmndcd in it j tut all candid reader of that bot have been diaguiled with ita whining cant, it overweening arrogance, and it barefaced tnUreproaentaf ion of- Whig candidate and U e Whig eauae. You can't xcape th. odium juatly due you, Mr. Stand ard, for your eourae, by abusing and uunropre nting the Whig preaST plSl in th. aiim-CH t,f the railroad in our tnidat and in their proper extension. You have already - , - t-t i v i 4 liiuck-i jiiurfriJTjiil ynn limild look, well to the character of tho. you put to rule over you and tn mak. tour law. Ilememher that Thomaa tt- fli'i.'. ' . ... , . . . ., ai ,,f t"n''- "' '""""" f J'"vnior, ha lcn violently oppoeed to internal niiriivemeiit ; but that (ien, iHa-kery ha, for twenty-one year, hi. whole political life, been deeply committed in faiorof atdieme for th im provement of th. State. There i nn dotibtiilmut hi peaition. - Evwyhotly Jmnrr thathei a warm TanJ -eomi.tent friend itrf ttrb work, whercref the intereata of th. people demand them. If you wiah to e your State improved, then, and her eeMlnaee..AA.AT..T,.t .la f - lt.A 1.1 . ana tliiia how your appreciation of hi devotion to tlio intereat of the Stat. . How doe It happen that th Standard ha., all at one, become o ilent abont th. K now Noth ing! A numUr or two back it wa filled with Damtrcracy," to beware of tha n big and tli Know Ji nthingrr but nnw-ft -bt aa aiient th. gravi on the latter point What i the matter! Ila it diacovered that it win trending upon dangeroua grotindT Why did it not continue to piilli-li extract from letter abroad and ocleo- iJIISi .fc!!!Ll!l?.i'!?r.!l"i!L!?tll.5 ation waa bonded tiother in favor nf ahntTrinTP im at the N'urth, and agaiuat Calholie influence at the Sonlli? Why did it not Ink. up th. role of It candidate for Senator and denounce tham i tra.tor? Did it tmell rat? Iid it find it neeetanry to adnjrt the motto of Falataff that " dia- errOon i the better part of valor ?' Th. Standard trie, to deny, what wcatntrd it our papof of laet Saturday, jn th authority of a gentlemen of th. mot undiiuhted veracity, that Mr. Ilrarg, after being lilent on tha luliject t during the prnhni part nf the eamiiaitjii cainc -. t a r - . . mil m laiuroi atveaMon when ha reached Mr. Ctiiigman' di.triot. Now thera are two thing BoticMbla almut tliat artlclai lt. Th. Standard, aywinling tn it owa ata'ement of the fa, retrat a wilful falaehnoij, Cir it admit that Mr, Bragg 1. In farorof th. right of ion, 2nd, It attempt tn (tt around whnt w Utad apon thehigheat authority, by aadertaking to tay that n one in North Carolina believe, ia th. rijlit of Stat. .( Moedf front th. I' nion when ), pleaar. Thi I a miteraLle ultter fug and a .outempliuU play upoa word, fir If Stat, ba tli. ritjU at alt, ah. ( il t an J Mi at very time. tef Rememhrr, Whig of Wake, lhat tn-day yo May on tribute much to tb. aaeceaa of the Whig . Yoa hav atrngglwl long and mar,inv m a bolea minority, but your Mr tio t-day xaay tell njoa th. acgrejata rraull ia Ih St-vt. W urk then, en. day, for tb. cauaa. P arly at fh poH", I, aith , a vUlant,' Im Hot tanling nna.'r and loeeifoeo trick upon Ih day of tb. tlrrthm rail you of fru rer iuj ar nitH .yim tu rrlai In jour il.trt. Many falarhunda ar 3At to Iig'ura tb Whig cauw, aid atur will 1 Marted s but bred them rant anrk br ynueeaii and for your btata, and all ill be a. II, Th cHandard b till harping apna t't clrr Ji uprti that eppearvd In mr fr asm. lima aim- ia which Ih. editor uf that wp aa ao handwmrty Ukew eC, and pi K t aur twiag rx;u ol bi g to adir git, Ac. Now we a (I ri.:f that print and the manner (a wtiirh ( t ennrturte-l ke we p!ee, and tdiall k4ak ita adtic aluwl it or eoo.u't Ita he. But aa l that Mirr, w. uh li-rtake Is tf that akrra Ika read it wa f,Jia i;U In b' k apt It la any ether tight than th nac Intra -W, th tditur of th. "lai ld1im'l be only witdird to It a a dent aifigoe, to vaah1 hiw.aewap.tb. kra ritlieait il .aUiHl. Apok g f Wheagb! It learn fnrm lb Ma ml anl thai tiov. I'ei ha a Hi6 th C.nc il of Slat la raet oa ll IT h to f '4 th tha gaforb I -. rt r. nrh earned by tli iWMfrnatiaa of l, I I a. 1 atwai nW. A -c tMstsr, r ,1 etaird lhat th I'rv. irit Is ln.r-e, t. J la II. II istl.ri,) I Whre'e ' tJi. , if thi Salt lh fh-vgi hip IsKiri Ti St iwraa ErLacuci Tbia periodical, iHa anaouacad ih 1 (Jm number, l,ai chang ed hand. Pa'ei A. Whitaker, Ko., ita former editor and proprietor, baa aoid out bia entire in tereat, b infunn a, to Jain M. Smyth, I . of Angoata, Ha., XV are further informed that it will hereafter be imied mtUy, ia quarto fur in, ander the title of the ".Southern Eclectic and lrw Gaae'tc."' 1 he new jieriodii al M will em brace article, aelected frnu tm'ift Maiaiine. and joarnali, together wih aiich aa are of a more p. polar character, botu original ar.J aole-ited. j . ,liu'jry , l-r aitn-m-nno.foaramnnneriasea . . , , , '-to detend the Kunw fining, or eren to aaaert It wi.l alao cmtarn a new. department for ih. ( with ,y Pm) pii.ty what their priU- information of all claaeea of readr.H Pu-h i ! ci le. are, tucy t,ntrire to nourl-h uudur porae toie die character oLOieillkali.auiXut'Lrei. lntectite andahu.. are aUmtly received, la tbebxnguage of th. addr- to the friel, of the ! . Lul' WpIyU.tS. watnemM . , . . .. .. - , - -' rh whiuB the iiartr pre lda tliem; yet aull Southern lectic, encloaed in the laot nuinlwr. -ul.,iv .a .Tmt,i. We eominend it to nuhlic favor b.-th lerLUae it 1 will b. an excellent Mi-ellany and a Southern one. It ia to he published tu A jg ivta (ia., and t'ia firat nnmlerwillj'?r ofcjhe '-'1 of Atignnt. Iitari roa Ai (.yr. Mr. i''joteroy baa our tfianka t'r Ui igst humher nf tht yxrellentt Magazine, It ia filia l with a varied and infer- j M,U TP'.' "f ' " """"! nuinwr ol tngraMnga. A hoot inpile-m ISonapirtc ami Tliackerav ' n,,r,.l "Tl, Wm..,,,, l ..v. port IliWtorical aud Sxial," i an attr&ctue Tin Fabiiib'! Jot sL.- The Au:mtn,iinW 1 v ' i promitly r,ul... We m pluated to luarn-that , It ilroapeut art brightening. i i . . . a I A aorriilet of -tfa Kewark- AdTertff .1.; r.ii i... . . I ruing Iroui tlorence, ear. that l'uwora' .tatue ot aliington,onlerelbythe Stat, of Louisiana, ianow ooiuulrted". and will be ahinned f ir V,. York in a tew day. He also adja. .that - th? arum is cugugcu on toe atatue ol cbster or dered by the people of Boetou. The1 groat ora- tor ia repreacntoiin the attitude of defending the Cunatuution,which-ia .firoily reyped m-mwr hand, whiletheother real, nnon the ivmbol of nion which it ecure. 1 have accu nothioir among the remain nf ancient x-ulptiire at all compiiRk' Iplfitbiabutachiovemcntnf America' geniu. There i, imuredlv, no head in the iMipulou Tantlifcu ol (,ieek and lloinin nota Lilitieii to eoiuiKire witli that f the Araerrouii Sttttcaman." Gim. 1ix:ey' HmriTai.iTT. Wahava. fre. ueutly heard incident rclawal. whicli ahow the hoapitalit) of (ieu. DiKikery.. Among the nianr of a niniilar nature, we will cii v one we hoani a fewdnya agf A Inrmer in a neighboring countr wa on hi way eolith with hi wagon, and when in the vi cinity of '(Jen. I ,ekrv' residence in Uichniond cuuiitT, wa tnken ick und 4uiijij!l -to,4rtn, m.m UCJIliM .i4UlvHni-vrari: thill"'!'" (ckery pacing, Jsioj.illhinim thi ailuati m; had I the home hitchetl lOrwi Inti'heit up and driven to hi. own vltkmw."tn1rffi'Wft for phyaiclau',' uii.1 e.ory' aiteiition given 4lWairtilt. Etit the atmnircr that ooutd have been be-toe,l t, bia own family. The wngotier in a few day u?-ft-ieutly rreiverrd to pur.ua hi jounsey. Knrnll thia attention, tlen. I), would not rone no a coot. hut alao induced triephyiii-inn to make no charge. ticn. 1) tckert h i hiiiiaelf been a wnironer: h hf '' '. "J!,1l;!yj'j."',.''i.t.!i hi fejli'w-ciikeni whe'ti oi errk "ii hydiiioa.uivl av from lionie. And i it a inatterofmirptiactl, at thoold fiirmer ia no bel'iyel iv Hi 5 tililcin of hioaiHw,i,i,ly Should it le cainie of natoiiinhnient that hen be i a candiditii, uhi iuuiwiliutuueighliora vote firr "": It nnty (itowa tliat hi InmpHnlttT nnd gi.rdiie. of heart i. apprecitited by thnau w ho know him bent. Cannot th peoplu of the whole Stnte tru.t uteh a i.mn with novrm? M'n hnn that on the i)d of Aiiguat it will l hown that a ""jurilj .re wjllirig o to do. So mote it be, ui'ct7rTl-r-atrTOf; It U atated upon the authority of an Adtniiila- tration Senator, utnied to stand high in the eonfidenc of (Jen. Tierec, that the I'reiidetit had reaolved hi veto the Cai.n Fear Uiver Hill nn tn Uhiu.aiUyortif.ihetTm fre- prrBiTb'B apiirorai. no with the lerntorml Jloiinte4.l Billon Tburwlay it waa the J' reaiilenl'a iuten that bill, stnl on Saturday ciorning he acnt It ii with nn uiicoiiiiuiiuoiial at pmviij. I bu llouittateiwl 11,11 aa pawl bv lh II mso of ItrtiresenUtive wa dffuittial in the Senate, it ia a,d, from the apprehension . or belief cn-ated by ome cf thtnoiitiitentinl frietnl. of the Mrmiilent. that he would veto it and at that very time I'rea- 1'Jclll-XlcriM.Kaa (iumg. hi .ignatuni tiHi Tr- rtmnat intmeatei;! um. u was anl I hut he as sured Mia Dix tliat Im would auiiclii.n In r bill for the grant of land to the suopirt of tl.o indi gent insane, but 1st) vekied it. In addition to tht foregoing intunee of vacillation ami duplicity nn tli part of t'ie rrcideiit, . might cite In ooura iu lb appointments a Mtntntrrrn frnnrre, and numeruua other inatuiicr of a aiuiilar uuiir- ter. ludtmoii i II hig. THE NEW POST KOLTE Ai'T. Til. Sol on this suhicc . naased bv ( ourrraaa a day or two ago, oouibiuc wieral iia,runt ad vautage. la the first ).la.e, it enumerate, and re-cuacta all the legal p.t-mads in on lull, iMUi4JuiugaltM 4i)erd n-1rnrr ttnnicTi ' Ilia Laa. of forty orfiftv v.ar. Neititarrantjea ibem on a principle which maker reference tn tit unlant ot thact quit, anar t a fualura not to b 1 iuaq in any previous route bill. Ag-uu, it state the point of upply by 'he ofticial name of th. P"t office thereat, "lastly, it Icgalire the uonierou. aberittion in the roiir of the t,ni. roada which th. a-1 .pling i f the mil rnda th lirtt c pal arterie. nf Hie m ill. ha. in late years forced upon th. Ptrtmater fienernl. The De partment tin start off with a dean batch nf ahoot eight thousand mntes. Uid dwn,aa stated, en s plsn eonrenlent fir reference. . fViscTTT or Rins. Th. British Oovemment hav. takes np the ubee of th. serious scarcity uf rsgi, aad tha Funigs rtaraMar baa earned a si uar lo b. rent tu all tb liaglish Consular S rd olberagrsla abroad. rriuttliig thrmtnmak inquire alietbar any suUtsnre nf a fibrous or glutinou nature, a.lapttvl for Biaking.aer, were I r alured or mid bubtained in t),e eounlria where they reside-1, st s low price. Tbsnswrs ha, si yt beea receive.!, bat tl,eyjre aasiesa- ly iaii mr. in. average, amount of vaner mail in I n. land w., in tiie tears coding l i t, TO.9Alt.t3t Hi., Sad in s'jiW-nVug a. na roa .i.. ,i,i, 1 ..- teinf an in- crva. of r-n.ild. t; IU., or I II per rent. Th. increase is the import of rsr. in reed in a bt ttm'i bnt rhr1mric ilfH, dciianj f ir iiper ia greener thaa Us U'pl of lafc-s sol lien. u ainvjuny. flen. Fdney has mad s publication in re; ly lo Mr. U trrhasJ s letter. iakn h he ilruirs cerv of th sUtrmctil of Ih. letter, and aniw Mr. M. f I.ahiis id' iiiiemperaitc at t ashington, TUiaeruaati m being wnb ml f aindaiii 4 , is ti, I. est In -lamp ih. jrhol ch.ra. ter ol t.dury a delrne. lo It M ase'l kv 11 Villi tn Ih (,,t uvl UirsMiaistuI Mr. M ireliead that he was a. Bpiihaarly tiprti is hit hl..i. ti ..!,;, .q. lou.-. ,eii,. - . -- . Aa nftc ft wiiMtratiiig a ith Licit. Maurv, fijr ih peflceti'iB nf hi wind aad eurrent Hiv. ha ben eyttbllab I by Ih. lint s, I, men,, 1, -i,,, SidC Hit lila y, lUial S, lilcedatlh )Md ol it, n bat Ism 14, vrcd a ,,h tii 'ns il i f S lKlsT rrev-irdia ilit in f n si im ml errf Pa liaweat. Mating lb th 11 mim of l'..u as ha I ! Votd jt t, il i r ll0.,et ,4 hl .Ik w,lh "gat ils,ie," Aiif. Jn'et. Ir u er Casai a. t in ..a " W are hrtd h Wars (ivIm Hut lo I'mumen-ial Arvritr.l Saaturlay) thai a ntiai iariaici, ost re avvrd in Una rit. nriali .a i'reanleoi I'll X4i lis deet.tr diatmumg Intrin n nce i.f in MH4ea t. rails ! ba tenih.r, Mr. t 'atr ft 1 !i sa. "tl (tie! r Tliuraftsyst ft. 1 nl, MiltllMtS. Th sWk SIli) fall With Sl'all.l firi bm (be Bn.'rt. family , alreadr la'rnrmg antler a tlt1 HAli a S.ui l Wat ev.-i. (.. ew dutiMo'. II lb sv-fiethy id ftiesKis ran pr ov ny riiB-aii - ui ternhle ral .a, tu, Ik trre.!-! tamilv may feel KxH t SI the ml. lie b. .ft rTi at their ilunlaai l.sa ai.i ' hare D.'tr,p liite.' . A RTAfOXA'BLE PIGCE5T10X. ' The exciting drijate wnicb" occurred in ih I'. Sturm .Setiie a Lb 17 ta, nd tb nriaa die-' euaaion in which lixi vrirf n, tcacu and powerof tJie-aiyateriuu orjrantaaii'A ervled "Know NoUa inga" were aanotrd, atteat theimpurt.-iricenirer-aailr cny lrt ta thi. aaaoeiatiwn. lie ia but a etJ!ow-"phi''t. and a auperniif ooaerrer, who faucii that thia order m b 1 aAnihiiated"by riolrnt prty appeaia, or th-rt- denian-iug thein awhi in uine'iJ. will auftW to keep detaocrat. fr-m aniting- ,th them,-and wtil rhu m4t thin tan u,onniderab!eminoritr. I nonostion- ahlr th.ia policr hat heretofore pmred raltactiwa ami torniKiable, auii-rclnig by aome uiacrutuLlo priareaa ii organiution, ia every popular coaMat in which, thua far, they have participaiad. Ail thai aeruiaaumluiely certain of lb. alleged creed ot tin Know Nothing i their Xatireiam, and thia ia a deduction drawn from their practice rattier Uian their protet'iona.. W herever titer preraitj they apneartoaetert n at, re horn nuient '"' "S,ev "' tUrenca to foreigner, and their other. 11..B ....i.e.. Thi. mu.l ,Wf,. h. c ni !..-e. u,,d. niahle. If then, H D a taliable '"' aJiuittcJ lavt that within a anigle year a puny ln rirui,g up in nnr eountrr, twl upon iimt prtiicipie ii nauoiuuiir, auu o:ieun inia onul t i . .j i ,!.. t i 'V -vin jt'itliivf . an l tnliirtid aw rant'1 iftiilntwla in tuppirt, a invanahly to lave conouered in4 into the priibahle vauiica of oiua astounding pout- ionl iienouieim-tf What avail ar idle ctaraor and the brutum J'vlmen ol wordy abuae t They-j v m, itiiiir lie airruiii, or aricii iw prtrgreeo. UMiLuW)pli-4 Ii,.;.i,ik,i. ,i,...,i.;u,a i ....:... no not impair it atrrngtu, or arrest it progreaa. iral toinTcotigate the tihiect with culm rtUocUou to acck to diacover the reaafina whv aucb a irt3' aiiould have advanced o rumdlr aa to threaten - '!" bptiijuufjilLi)thd. ajipry the toui'h.totiea of raaou and argument to me lunijauieiitul articleot it laiui. If th. nativciam nf th. Know Nothing be a narrow;- illiiiiil,-ttriaw-anrt-pitirt'lieniiirte Tneriry; let if lie dealt with aa it deserve. Let those who oppoae it atrive to jroiivt out it fallacy, to cxpoie its iinjiolicy, to exhibit it vulnerable aide. Let it lie ahuwn that Nativcism ia CHfCutiallv wrongs that theniew ol.ita udvocaeirtcrid t tlio injury of the republic, and that h-mot, right-thinking ntentdtntfid irmetrd"nnd' renounce themr Trnrif we inav be aurcd i dcatiucd ultimately to tn tiiupb, aud it it ol the very Mcin e of error that "it writhes in pain and die. amidst it worship pers," when ono. (tripped of it fascinating dis guiroot, olid held up to scorn nnd cxecnition in all it. inherent hideouancav. This strike us ns the onlv nii'lhod of meeting und grappling with Know Kothinfini this wutild tc.st the vulitlity t tl, oaruiual principle ot taut orjanitaui inuii would watilt aithor in it witir. overthrow yf"l'i',f " eigwat-crrnmpn. u r,t,,it. .iii-an- conceive ot iit)mig more preiHW- jtrwu, una nwefltl letter cHicinnten toj romotc 1 JtiiracCoii, aLCpigiijvcctiie,a4idiirdiutappJiia Ii eicincl weityron ha proluttily aicomplished more fur the prot'ress of Know Nothingiain, than any other that has been used antra is it that the unskill lul are certain to be knocked over by the recoil of the gnu that ia badly aimed and awkwardly handled. .V. t). lite. . A JrsT Nn LuitRti, MtaeLax. Mr. Bad ger baa - proieMied an ameinlttient U, llteappro j n i irint ion hill proponing to allow the I'rosnieut of the I 'nited States a private Secretary at , .Wlj a clei It st tl.OUtlj s at-wsrd nf the White Ilouae at $1,IM); a Mownger at $'.'ijt1; and an aaamtaut Messenger st and nu alditioual appmprlatiou of li0 wo afterward voted to pay for the stationery, public document and other contingent expencc of the new funcliona rie. The proposed I'liange wa. wnrmly advoen tcl Ly tTi mover, wlio cx preaaTy'srirfi'iT'Tliaric tiaik prido in being tlio author ul'tlic pMpoeition, and was afterward supporleil in tin, stand he had taken by Mr. I'carce, of Maryland, aud Mr. ( lavton of Ihtlswute. The siniidiueut waa car- .Lrid,Jl.t.4Ji,. In the cjurac of the, debate, Mr. IVareo urged the grant neceaeity of baring tome officer .barged with the care ot the public properly in that honee-.- -Thtr lmid-irtir mansimr-wits nrrt - a Trrr vaie honsu; it was a public tinkling, and was visited by people of all kinds and character, tin uiuo of tbuwi occasions tlrer, ttcio witer who wee Mno better than they should lie," sud'b. knew of hi own knowledge that mauv sriielet phad r,nin carrieil awnr; amongft other., the lnce rirrrams.wcro cut, ami a porti in oi uuein large enough for a dress was cut iff and carried awny. He had no doiijt if the celebrated "gold ,otis'- ere really g ild, tlicy woiilu long sines have e vaporated. The fact of these icing not gold, and it being well understood, had aluiie prctery- a tlisuit Mr. Mason said, I remember to bave hoard hat waa alluded to by the Senator from North ( arulina that, nl the time w hen Ueu.ral Earri- stm cam to ( Iti'ie. tliar aroae, in sum way, s niisundcrstandiiig I ila Dot nien any angry, hofltii. misunderetaniHng tiut aian. mtun- terinetation aa to when the outgoing I'n niieul huul I pi nut, and the ineaning I'raaident oou iu.d iiu ault m it, a nailennanD,-w lhat when i'rea, dent Harriaon went to th. I'rra i lent's House tn take poe.nm of tliat mansion, with th crowd which attended him, and th. friend who were with him, wb.n hi family came to make arrangement fir th. night, there actually waa not enough bedi hrthingiu the house to accomm date them. It bail been stolen or carried a ay. The rest uf the riolUs prt lmrtv there is sulocct to tht tarn, sort of iiI and drorcd.it ho. , Mr. Clayton. I am inclined to think lli.taifi. thing ba occurred on eerl other occaawua, .Mr. Mvaoq, ! 1 bav. slaltd. " Among th no, uar ms aboae which bai . takes root her aobri rxtraord.nar aliuiuisu-Uii ia that of tu plura.ily uf uth-aa kU b una pa . I'nr instaaoa t betas ar two alark iu depart ment, at s alry i t ii s yr each, who rsswiv ia siMiiion r(sdy s el.rfta of Sea, t't.Biniitle.! And what towore, tvitharnftlMnn has al-n'M th Me.'s n nf lha ('-mini i tee Is the bvt threa tnnBths! Three person who tb draw f.',i.t annually from tl . puhlir) Treasury, re brawling pnliti 'larxufcHim. They arrtyos if Forney and Paul Iv, tieu -e. and is other nape,ia except! mable, al'lioueh iierbap But more ahit't aad unworthy than th mahirNy of b.hui'b rorQiuht here h t.lnsa liu.n'i! ration. A f"t . (tihhi f Jhaiifd . numlrnaaris in. u a. s 1,110 si m aeen iu oar rar a s r. r,i,ot lie wnnssaed thia asd. of Alaaiiaor St. hn. 1 ba sirtry i to tl. s'd eiiisena, hnw m Urga s hay of Ih. raty hap-arfaH e IS if aa 1rvd aas nhmfKm, Ko maayyully red noses so amay shaking kaara aa many va nl faaa, were never before rwigrerated ,a o small a pa.'ill.intlin,"rvof sren. Aboutei.htr uf lUai s-e f a lldilooded AtrdiiiontMa; aad more then a hundn d rank r re tvaler Iroai tti N,,rh aud N nhw. m,nl Mn-ysawl M, CWlaed' iprtAle. ihs. wiihthoranileDiane'S lata, ia aalei t Ji Sees.! I'si. ft'STW a JP - n sow ,tt worttilean t, tirt.k q-wn am .l,liii,-li.llii.'l. - II t fr""!. The York llaral l MSk that th tne I'.it in in (',. a are ua tb nja uf a red Im rn4''n, and toal lb rarry th. war a Or lb. ur im ne,l lanke piltem. Indeed. thr ghvut her M.je.i.i ...rih AHMrioat mini!, ttwsis trsia juts shtw to rigs ul rude rnaiSii. Mrs th ft hare caught Li, iuleeijim. Snd. Imnim, ok and I n. lJi and mkr, aban4 taant piau al r , and brtatkat Ikarlvaa9 ties pairwaiie Wk regenerating aaddtarBtbrtll- mg tair dtB-tra svsatrv. Tna ! Ji is Si i us i s,- etiiignf tea A MServ. a ett,en w hoaa, rr. f r r was ,. .tmt yj th I el1 rn.ti, s)i p.J w&f f Ma, a i-im Jnaa del Smo. ta, h-l d at tl Irving tl waa la rw Vtk l lit f,cn,, , t. Ukr lb Mv it., n, and a !-i! ' h mesysotn ' ti f tlilo tsi j. I aa hisy b ieer4 i : j lli. imiiHg J d.t-i S re. iuli.i Ui tftiu, in l'..rf-a ,.r lo- .,niii4ti..n. a! a loaniea r! o i' ism!, ling -f ihera. para, . .a.,, p. ,.,. , earry I la 1 r.ili'ti ,n inl't fHeti -4 t ' . - ML3 HLLMOKEl Pfatb ha. beea bur of lati yean with tb oc cupant of Die Pretdemiat luaaaion, a if V' ukw that no place i too hlghto ecape but ahafu. j. l'reaiJcnt I'oik carried with hia from that bou. J the feed of the diaraae which terminated ia hi I early dio!ution. Preaidoit Taylor died and.r it naf, aad hi oo-in-lw, Col. Bliaa, lived but a few month and th. yenerable widow uf th. I'-eaiJent but a few year. More than a year ha dartuM ince l'reident Fillmore parted with fhetuthrul compaulih of but huinhh and ptca peruwi fortune, and now b. called upou to mourn over tha grave of hi only daughter. Th. light nf hi houeebold i extinguished. Th. ray, ehefwful and ever happyi p,rit that diffuaeJ it ranahine over ererr on. within ita phero and' that to th honored father wa a perpetual source of con.ulAtion and joy ha been removed from him furecer. It i not for u to intrude upon the'aacredne. of hi orrow: but it i no fitting that on. who imparted happince to o many during her lilis, nlemlil pa away from the world without one word of regret. 'During the illneta of her mother and her alweoc from th. White Ilouae, Mia Fillmore performed it honor. She went there aaiuiple hearted, liaahful, bluihing girl, littl .ir2cdfl the way and manner nf crowded, life, and from the fir adapted heraelf with a rare fe licity to the varied and realiy onerous dutir of her poeition. With a natural and-ntiaffected dignity of carriage, he won all heart., and h. lelt the presidential maneion without losing one charm of her native sincerity and purity, a aeif porjeaeed and accomplivhed woman of aiwiety, aud Mill the geutle. altectionate, dependent child. Tuar Iff .neig netor. tiie Amarwan -laatitnt tarmer. CluliatXaw York, upon the aubject of rapid milraad twnaliuih. from which we make th. fol- i . , , J . . -1(. : i nave, witni 'tthoilier, admired tne nniirre. miiTe in relocitv on railmada un to even oh knutlrtA mili an nmir, on ttraiqht rails, which ha. been done in England But 1 entertjiin viewa of ni roau velocity mr neyona any vet veuturcj to he expressed. The Emperor of Uuaia ha taken the first great atep toward what 1 deem the ulli- inatuin-ill r&uroad. travel Instead of cutting a narrow alley through th. country, or going around everything in the way of a straight line, he ha cut a broad way, 50K) miles from Petersburg to Moscow he ha made tt'all the way' tm hundeit'J'eet wide, so that the engineer ee everything tliat comes on the tuttl ia part of e tuluxahrr failriuiil tnna point tn point amUtiiematlcaJ line; the rails ten times stronger than any now ued ; the loconnv tire on wheels of fargreaterdianieter.say twelve or fifteen feet ; the gauge Vif a relative breadth; the signals and times perfectly settled ; the mad walled on both sides, during the transit of trains baring the gwes of the wall all closed. Then instead .of one hmtirM mtc. nn hotirt we shall more safely travel thr't knnilrrd milnnn hrttr! 1 will nnt pretend to say n,ore-one hundred miles eeriu f4Sl '.Uouh wilil' twenty a fcV years" ago, and now, on very salt) rails or some straight rona, we do travel sul'ely sixtv mile an hour in i iiii iNwiw, sail sir "inglas 'lnwdrvl-iwfre' hT'rrerm awoinfihrflictt."' Mathematical precision and time will solv this problem a pas-age from New York to -San rritneiseo in frn uMi-i. Judge Meigs ibirlares that in the legislature of Xeiv York, in 1MH, he first publicly asserted ithe reality of steam drivers of curs nn a lung iron railroad, with an nverace velocity of fifteen tiiiie. 4Ui hour and tht4a If-'u, l verwM w4oertf on the railroad lertwcen New lurk and Philadel phia, owing to curves,. Ac.,- baa not excetiled , sixteen mile an hour, an that his tirrillction was strikingly accurate. Mr, S.1I011 ll ibinson, after Judge Meigs" paper" waa" rend, rpiuarkd that Upon ruch a rail a that d.crild by Judge Meigs, he had no doubt the .speed might be at tained, but he wanted to know hw you are to stop. To this Judge Meig. replied: "Wa must begin an hundred miles this side the stations to shut off stoan,!" ('ilifiimia, with all it wealth has proved a c mtly posseKaiou to the L'nitod State,. The rite at which it consume the money at the national .ti eamry may lie iudg"d by the far that one bill .V!K4'wdi---Coigres..,.citMil.a!m,wr t, una to the amount id S,rii.l,()KI; ll.iU.in 'O I,,., ing fir suppressing ludian hosUlitics, illiii.lMML for a custom house and ttr boiise, Snff,!"' I''!., tlio survey of Hi public lands. SCMKIII for the expense, nf the State gitveruinent In M'J aud I Soil. fnf 2M,iW for s survey of the bound ary line. " ' ' A Washington correspondent any that the (loyernraent i looking with a covetous eve upon the Oregon region between forty-nino degn-es tssnl liltydimr degrees and "fortymii,utei, and saw contemplate with regret tfie policy whereby it wasabaniknicf. lie savs theerv ol the " re- aunexatiou" of Orcgou will soon ' raised, and by some means or other, it will come under our tiuvethmeut. u'hit Fi r Lowxll, M iss. Loss O.is Hi natn hp Firrr Tiiot'iaxD Dolus. Luvll, Jnhi SO. A fire broke last night in Jame lain nan "table on Dammer utreot, snd spread to the siljoiuing properly with great rapidity, snd eiHisumin the Railroad Hotel, and i: roa ,',, to Lowell atrnet, where several large wooden hiiihl- inga were tkiatroyed. together with several store. The princir! sulferiini wtru Josiah UeoseL Jubu viaymui, Jame. Lannan, It right, Meaer. Huttrick. J. S. It rotor, and A. J. Brandt. Th woodn building were occupied by Irish, and many launUea are let! liouis. 1 he los is estimateil at llWt.OJt ). A iiu). girl tie years of age perished in tha names, ainTjama Ljvot, a oremaa terribly hurt. . TIIE ALpVaRRIVEUI!! . rtvi ear lstxs ran gi son. 1. . Boru(. Jul 31 Th atesmer Alps arrived at hr wharf "to-dar, with lv davs later news than any preriously rwrwived, baring Bailed from Iivrpou on tb. j'jtn. , ' ' Sitters, Cottns unchanged. . Tha sale, oa lb. 18th a- atoanttd to Otatl hakea. Knatlstufa bad furvlM deeliad. -Cunol ekwd at Wl s Vi Bisctitmsor. Tb Atlantic arrived tmtos th. 19. Omar l'aln as. st Uiurgero with an army 4, .uia, strong. . - Tb Kuan wars st Fratenriehtt saatb. hisT'hisai. and were bag auatmnally reus- f.KiC-l. A j i,fli. battle ws daily oifs-etad lai.ran uia i nra ana aine sumuenpg vt,- Th buudr4 persons bad bean arretted SI. PtrrsVrgb, rhargM with intending aa oqtlmk. They rsrmniMrated, but trer. d. that their political opinion roqaired lbtr iav- nrtaonuicDl. . , Tb. ailia ware is fill airch (or lb thumb. a ih Btb. Th snliah wars Bsidwsf batwma h buat. la and Kuiachn k, where th. trench bad rived. Rtb l!.s l.ws sad rtrriami st Barcebma, hl J'Ctm. urf eij ajjuiiat tlifiVcntul,'rlJiS in.arru-ta w apravvitog. VLs'i,t l aeii -4 Sm!i taw lUitam. st t ra, (,.,,,, 1. and caolurv-! ih -alar. Th I'ni-iins had al-i lii nrMitd by ths Tvrk st friin,. It was ruji irel that Gas. Aareji bad ait- ted iiicid. ldt I'sob deleate-1 Ceoeral I'rwlaof sa ths sin is. Iliijirlnn t'irenlar retains Urea latnTi ilnll. beat very IrrrjnUr, snd all tjualiliM Ur"lv dWIinsd, t .em, Casal J.,,a. M i Ol.ia U. Mellaar ii0wil a. bsnng ftdanrd w t a lf , ,,,I;U Ij .t irf u. Slit nu, f li,..li u', ifur as illneswof IB amy. Mrs. Mry temlrr lsa uf Kr. inei, t rrowtter. a?e.l I ..years aud J awmtba. T Af.llnlLNE-ftTUArni.rias. ju aaved a n,r,. l.a..( Lat rlwama 1 ( l w- 1 ti 2 'ii .b. I .L ILA A RMiW.M.rr. Arit1, SELECTED FOETST. Fra the Lamivill Jearaab llOCRSOF SADNESS. . a. , very aad and Ion to-nirht . ' ' Al Vaul with broodinr faiicis teem. And bopjui4 joy, that oace war. bright, Seem but tb. whispering of dream. Pad echoe o'er yheart-t ring play : Their trembling time it chord awake. And I most breath the saddened iav, r- Or eUe thi burUiened hert will break. Soft stars float uo th. imrrtal air. Tha moon beam tread the ailent aa. That seems like music lumberiog ther A sweet unbroken mcLtd. The chanting ware are laid asleep, , All fringed with merry, twiuklinglieam,- As if th. star that gem the deep War. laughing weetly in tlieir dream.. ,JW Around the oolumns of the night' ' Th. silver winds their light arm. wreath.. And warble tone as faint and light . Aa sighs that parting lover breathe; So clear and aof tliey aweltnd dis- Along the dewy brow ot even, They aeem like angel wandering br, And murmuring tongs they heard in heaven. There float a cloud with ilver tip. Si gently by th. South wind kissed, It break .upon his fragrant lii, A shower of brightly shivered niiat Tale midnight twine her dusky bro While floating wreathe of summer sir, USrLl.l!r,V.!il.lh.cr..W Ul rviiaucc glearumg in her hair. 'tn tu: nrun "i mo Dour. - NuripipUng amuid of waters sweat. . Ivor young leaves trembling in the bower And whispering aa their edge meet Not these can. bring the sweet repose. The 'joyous lTgTii of Ttrmer JsysV ' Nor still the wild and re.-1 less throes That make me murmur sadder lays. S"o inoreTrom me ay son us are iTeard My harp strings have been jarred too long, xi r griei nail, 1,1, gen cacti joyous word Axid aadiy married the sourc of mug, Then chide not for thi mournful strain, 'Tie but the weary weight of grief, Which long upon u,y soul ha lain, AndiMghjijajajjcajn t,rinj nn relief : ,e b'oom has vanished from my life. . mru-uae 1 ge 00 yon blue sky. And long to leave this cai-cand strife And fi'el 'twill beau swi"ct to die, -For life is but a weary way A sad aud weary way at best Talk to my heart, ul, night, and say. Will tiie grar e only give me rest ? Frcm the Louisville Journal. BOYHOOD'S YEARS. BttjtM'tfyHy- iutcdliJ. Ju. JC. ,Jfjrf.'nI io. ll'iver, Tnnrjx't. I'm dreaming of the vetrs. Will, 'i;t-',K''er:Ai,arr:' '::''''' tv lieu o ...i:i.. soil ami sunny a.ioa There t ame 11 , wintry "wratiier ; For mleinorv turn, full ofter, Will, To the joyous day. of yore Thoae suunv days of peace and hope, Which, aias ! willcumc 110 muru. j I mind me if the-old oak., Will, "tn whrtsertdiartn-WTmsnd to play, And the little attic ehainlier - Where we used to kneel ami pray.- - - And then the clear, cool brook, Will, That cast its feathery spray, Whose limpid wttre wc nedtinik From summer's noontide ay. Remembrance brings the schoolroom. Whose walls I've seen decay, - Will, For it apirits nprc so gay and bright llavrt long since 'pancd away. 'Whit rank' and 'finiamne wi'inly Will, Its griuiiil are covered o'er, For the little feot that shnocd its paths, 1 Shall press the soil no more. Abt 1 Wln3l,l(T:urU mm;"V!V,- TWaT'cbei kcrcd utir young years, And often caune, 'mind uinuhisid' atriie, Some fond regretful tears; For. though 'mid seenes of mirth, Will, We've iinnti'ed of fiercer joy, -WeNe know 11 no bliss.so tinalltiyed As when we both wyro boys, Y'et 'tirere neeillcssto repine., Will, 3tH feUiUJ .! ' Ilipe wliihpers lair infancy's ear, ('fpleaure. vet in store. AM but 1 often think me, Will, Though with furture raptures blessed, Rcnicmbraiut) bright will still inolin. To love our liovliood lie.t. I.titjKiTo!, Temi, July 1, lfcVI. NEAR TO THE CROSS. Whs o'er my smil Earth dusky shadow fling, nnu ia iu weariness ign lor wing To waft it tn the mansmi, of th bleat, It find amid it grief the aweeiest rest. roar to tli cross. Whn my heart's cherished treasure on by on Pass to the darkness of the voiceless tomb, I canity trtiat to meet them once again, And Cud relief from loneliness and pais Near to th cross. When o'r my tnirit-harr. -riffs ruda wind sweeps. Evoking saddest murmurs from ttfdeeps I think nf (hi who drained Life' run of wo And find the peac. II ever will besuiw - Near to th. cross. Humble yet trusting, with andsnnted heart. I will press on till called tram lit. In part. And count it a rich bleoaing from Ood's hand That thua II. biddeth His Word to stand Near lo tli. cross. And wbea the Esrth years are pt and gnos. mpiaiHiu a oatiie n ugni.ll, victory w Yr xm Heaven will gently eotae this 1 -a down. meage " They that bav. born, ths eroaf bars wos s cruwa Xerer to fad.' " H3CT01 TOMSIU't tur rock f.T .r.srriArtr. tiOT'KiiY oxOTs Vw'x'i'iivsiciAJi TIIK fwrlletb ollis. with Oa. Ilandred tagraeiage, skewing Die aad Mallor- tatioa r lb II a wise syeleai ta every kap aad form. T wkicb im dM a Trwalia as lb 4ita sweat feaiai. Wiaf mi tk iubw lainortaar ta jMrrtt peepla, or Ih.e sea leni lalitir eimnl. He VILI.IAM )ULMiJLlX Uta falker las aaLaaved SeprMMt a ropy af th .;mi I LAI'ltM I hi bald. It (at; a.i kirn freia r.y grave. Let a rf waa tease twiaeikte Ike ee.nl hli g.(ta nf married lira wttbnal rwsl i.f Ike rcka .i:tfTl.tPl'. M a. ..,,., tw..m. kaakwla. twessk, P ia ths Side. rM alrrkt xrtova f.-vln.ae, aad tk who! Irals wf Py.(pt trwawnawa. anl glvea mm J lit,,, p,alriae. In ae!ir kiHseil wit bowl eia,wllln Ik .lri' LAI'H . INveil.e mart ,wd. r thee. ebwal I be arartt any Impeal asewt, read th trs'r atxfal Wank, as tl kaa bra lb taeef revvn Ibaaaaade ml aUurtaast ereatura tr..m U tvrr laa af dwaib. ' t0- Awy rres;f TwrxTT-nver al-d la a Inter, will veewlvw on ropy ef ibis 'k Bs.ll. w tie e-pi.a we , 11 1 ,! fur (14 IsstUr. AJ Ireea, Ip.ajl eai.l ) .... , I'll, 1 WM. Vol VI, V.. I .2 .Swwrw . i',W..a J a wary tk, S',J ttl II Ihrj SMI. AeolbTlveie.f tl t T f Tilt l.aale. llKim proaoant ''.' ' J I Jt ije. Is m ly d.tl.t lb SSall w.r.kl s'4 Tv;.--r-y I iaaa.es taaii aawe eihi,,ns-l tw lbs g..li, I ell wot tiBawiu. Iw at urn tt-i y a ti. To the American People! . HO LL OUT AY'S OINTMENT. CUistiu of th Cniim, - . r ' Va kara -.. th.. .,.. ,.v - ' I ev sua of th I niop. to th other, ta staaip ths eksr- aolr flta UiattaeU with your approbaxiaa. 1 i. seareel lr years siac 1 nads It ka.wa aatoag yaa. 4 alrwdj, it ka buia4 aaare (eUMtjr taaa aaj thr Uetiieia Is liVshert eria4. " .r OwAS nOLlOWAT, 51, Comer of Ana aad Ksia 8trt, Kw Trk. ASTOXISUIXa CCBE or SOKE LEGS, ".ma N1XI. -SEAK3 STAXBI.V. ton or a Isttrr r trV U r r. liuuhritl., Yujicin county, XurUk Carolina i u., uutcu ivicrwoer isr, i.o. -. ftEAD I1IH (IWI MUltDS. To Pboiwso Ifoi.iowar, . ? Shi. It Is not m.r i,h I Won aotorisa, atltksr tn iciier written nr tas mere sake of wnuag, ut w r 1 dreiil-l fUUlftiitls rliyei aHr.h iuo,ijiiw. .jx. ai. Jw.,aM..4.b,a.a. drrly tiuvrind thaWaeb iif medtirfn. ' For sins rear f lw aBitU-i itb ohe.iif. ihe.aiau ioIl t.bW.. oids aor is mat ever ku to lb lot of man ; an. sttsr fvior every uerticia I had ever krartl of, I retgMd is dsspair all hope of beiug eared :W a friend brought fa a eniiiila f lar p.H. n7 T...TT r:r1mtn hiik.ssnssi -the st.rei n Bjr lejri to hual, and I sutirrly regained health to my airruabto lurpriac and delight, aad M th asttiiiihmeut of my friend. ..... ( turned ) jmrJJLkWl AX EXTRAOKDLXARY CI BE OP A BAD HUE AST, WHEN NEARLY AT TIIE PQIS.J0.E PEATlIt Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. Duron, h'm 0r train, Xocmber 9th, 1853. To Prof. Hullo, iv, S8, Ch'mUuhI KaaaMs., K T, Uiau-Sis, hTTWitliearifeli rratitmle I hav tv ia. form yuu lhat by 111 w of yiwr ,Ointm.ol aad Fill, lbs life of my wife has beea saved. For sva 7 vara slis hail a ha.i brvaxy ailh ten running woaadtrf t -f -a I'SOi-iMiKK nature j. I was tuld that aolhlng eoaM tav her ; ah waa then induced to aae yonr Oiutmeat aad Hills, whea to the short space of three months, tkay sf-f-ited a psrfeot turn, to Uia aatiiiakBiBt of all ab kneit 11. We ol.tained rear Mediemet froia Meurv. Wr,Slit 1 Co., of t' hartrat-ltrMt, New Orleans I scad tins front " Hotel det I'rinees," Paris, aUboayli I had wriltea it at New Orlasna, tafure w finally left, at thai 1 time, uut knowing your aJdreu -at Hew York. (rHirnarl) .. R, PCRAST. The I'dU ihuuhl br turd rofoinUg triih tht Oinl- vtnl iit mtat of the oW-pig etiei ! - Ita.1 la, IVmtrtr-trd Sml lnik(e) ' , Msd bre.au, KtifT JolnU, Piles, ' Itwn. : Fisb.lns. Itheuniatitas ' " 111 "m''!u'i misas M"1t iiriTiiiinifftt Httlfi iijjjisi ..,Ma, mimnrv'-'-rftSi--- J t,'lis.p.iltianils, HwIHngiv 1 hot Nippl, ' " Fers-throat. ffcarvy, lie!, Fk'n -di'aKt, fora-faeads, , Wirdt. .Xi.Hst Ih Krlablilbnient of Prof. Mol.towxr,' St. Currier of arm and Nassau 8trels. Kw Yorkt aba hyall Ktisirtabl UmcKists ad Healers la Meditl tlimuglitint the tailed ei.tos. in Pots, at 3T) ctait, IT i'',i,p ami 1 1 Slleeulu ra, li. Tn ba had WkuhrleM, f Ik iiiciiil lira. Iluesrs bi Ih I'nion. , --jtateJltaae-s,. ewwidershle -vsrrmt-try- taktng tks lsrirer aires. M. ll. Uirrcllrma Ut th i,laas tyliU IS every disorder at Bflxed w each 1'iit. " TO the rrnuc- -1- It A I'W AY t'., tb hrreirtors, msBaffletarsn att Pruirietor of lbs justly telrbratrd K. K. R. ltsoisdla war th first tn diaeovtr a Itemed; psti( Ik .MarvehHM and Miracalout Power of stopping tk mo. Kieruciating Pains In a instant, al laying th wret Crsmtji snd ttpaslas eitfarr interaal or txteratl ia fVw-flutmtrt, arl armth trrg the winrt' tcrer psrviyias - ef Khsttwausui, NsuralKHVrand TVg-iclorrux, at oa'"" at applied. The K. H. E. lUmedies Soastit f tkrv Keraedies, ech pmsroi:.. tpiitfc ad wadil far -atrTerBaSirtitxrmitr nirspxflol wTlttirtBttjr- ora iVi'a. llKtll I. ATE Ktfk Orpmn lo a . ),. Athn. ltKSpbVK .twiny ttl Ihuan Utpttif. ItfcMIVATn r IMji frqm mil CVrimt Uummrt It Kill 11.1) Tht II'm aad ilr.i.a .a Cm at fliONS. ' r.E.STORE To Health, Strmotk. Vifr ml, . - SBsetrsd and irer tut fmru. B. H. K. Na. 1. 1 tlADWAYJ3REAtrY1tttEr; Fer sll Ari CuaipUInt, 1TTRKSAI.A1) KXIHRNA The raeaieni ii u applied eiicrnaily ar lake late tbt eyiteia, ii will stop tb most scraeistia sals aad ouirk ly raniv lis eua. 1SII KL'M ATIM. II r. Oraner, a taaa wrtl kanwa la Breeklya, til cripple l-.r , jaart, Railway's Hearty Helitf, It- levetl kna from I'aoi In gfteew aiiaet, naUed kin walk iw tail wltksi lb aid of Mick tar iek Is Ibre days, aad lan kisa wlirely la w weak. Ibimaauils or itlbet ease equally a wi4erfl a. be abov, kav Waa meed by h. H. ilelHf, I'HOI.hKA XOltBlg. Railway's Rndy Keliefwill relieve ttl tafferer It sll p,n in rtesa or Iwrrilr ntnates. It will care tb toast HvSefaU, casta, s frw boar. Mil KAI.U1A. Tb meaient K. K. Helief Is ilid. It atlsrl U mo paialaJ I'srolfwia. It will always wre, Ml at iiEAD ACHB. Il will reliev tb anaM dirtrrsauir Bala la tfUaa aiaatu. Il sill like wis. pretrel leaawed atlacka. Slit a. I tea Mlaale a la atmMfol stLL ler wiK ttosi ifc thills aad break tb fever. . R. R w. i. RADWAY'8 RENOVATING RESOLTtTT, jMSOItVt, .oierolrt, sv(0Wa. - IT l l'ltl CeraMa, Temore. lleedi( f mJ ryp,l - I enawmp tie. Kicks), "is, L Vitas Dssm, t'akr. A.Ik.. Kulea. Br. ajebil fft,,, 0IHa. bkfM, Kry.iaaiUuH r.sb Iwm lull Ubewa, Tk sbews ttiklMS euaplsiBtt t. Kssstrest pawiiively r. -reewea wi.kia Ibis RMawdy will sla ask -r F. a., wa; a IteaosaUsg tteolnal. It pMe I Oa Dollar Ber bonis. o arssil bo-l-s. saw I tb (real. ver .4J far lesa. Lack baltle Ware lb fa ttatte liatarf RSbWAT A CO,, - I! -llst, lew lerfe. ' tl. H. K- It t. R ADW AY'S hEUULATORS, SSUI'LATS TO S Baal THT SUTleM 2H fid" ff7s Sad frrr1,..t tf l&t Smtf" saanrwe w iiraua www Birr,,ifl, Til DleKABKD ASU UR9I CLT f ARTS. CesraaiBTS tsarsaBwat's aaoi'taroa sanssaf (. roetlvewewi, t.lvev feaarplaiat, ' lottlfwiatraa, llrwrt '? hiimmf Vtff, tilwdtler - . tiwika " ' POKES, a ra rasas ssariarw. fbs Rafwlsir si M,-bt.a toia tw Wl. wrR 1 weed staap. s Uod Ni.l l a I'.. at. swd a Uawltby aa PU aaaut lOarbarsa frtMW tke Rawaia la toslag, A'u,tr't fiVgnuore. .'eo.y ISrltrf, Hrwomlinf llmotrrmt, are Wd tijf Vw.7i rrevtlrs. N. . fewaie tsaSii wttk klrl.erh-lj bajnwk f r-etrvn, sad e-ry body abw mrntrn lWMelveilte4 ky lbwal wnkewl tmf jo rasas aa- tbalt par "i.U take a ( w -. silt, L Heswlalsre. Mare wwbaeriase is raaa- wrtkta Be free lb waBt f S bewl'h v aw r.twlwr oalis ef sat wagoaa, the Bte ay 1 ia taal ewwae. tte prvaaiae sil wWuke Redwwy'. h.ralaiaaa. s lil a. lot ef lbs wsaha, sad ef beer fi wwd bri 7 lH"WelU . RADWAT A TO. Awfwat t, ItaX It ly. d rwllaas rMS. va ky F. f. I'swd, Raiaigki i. & kwe., ta situ. i'oi rr. r iM'iatiuM Rt nn apm. a i 1 I pl'l of this popaUir iJu.im I Jaal wived sad Ul sa.e by . , HAT WOOD A ICOTT, I-re l , . l. l: citi snd Ebces , T HILr A - ,. m psd ki. Aksa, I t m f'tr'l awd aawad In wl. A ry ter( as oruwawt-wf ktte lor I e'l li.slieaaew AAK IVo-Kb. Mwtk, I'M. 11