'C4 1 -i r i ATI. V. , t i; ; . V, , J " rcunr.i vtCKUr ami ttut. '. ; WILL. C EOOB, . ' t D I T O R AM) F It 0 T R J E T !l n . 1 1 I . 1 ' t .1 . ! I I j 1,1 KQUTII t AHOLIM STAR. XV, -TV I'olt H! i!n tl.; hr-t urn i aavinc .:-hj 'if 4aa XJlmn ami flltv . il r,vm..nt Lo f ad six mouth ; tic J-!! tr it n- paid J. month from tl.c I'.u'O f tu!--vribU.. ai, u AUnrtiit '.' r-'t s.--' 'iii z itecn lineswiU be inserted on", tiuie for nn m-Hsr, end ic-my-BT eBt for KU-h mb e "nt in--Oo-i. Tbiao af greater length will be i-h-tr-fetl pr p .i-t'nuial.ly. Cottt Onlorn mil .l.nliohl advert soi'iente will bacha-egai i" I1""1- lilch'ir 'i""1 the a!'1" rates. A rras niaMe. ileduotmn wiil le ale to the who adveitit-e l-y tin1 ye-ir. '. Book and Joh lY.ir.irn; done, ifi ne itiif-ss and dispatch, aulii on auutmuuodutiug term.. , VJT Letter to Uie Editor must lie pttiptiidi " Frum liwitun'ii ' ThirtJ Years' View.' ATTEMPTED 'ASSASSIXATIOS OF 6 EX. tTirmtnf tlt T.i " ' JVCKSOX. . c" - - TCn Friday, the 3dih of Jahuary," flip Pret' 4 tut, with uierubers of bin cabinett attend ed the funo.-al ceremonies of tirrcu il. Davis, esq., in the hall ut the lluiiee uf Representatives, - which body Mr. Davis had boon a member . Train tlie State of South. Carolina. ,.The proces- eion had moved out with the body, and iu front -- IuA Kachcd the fost uf the broad stops of., tile 7T'ateirn !. wtiBB tfm Pridtmtvwill Ma ' -r -aimiiiniftrvi nf tht TnvMifrf Y, HP- tH Ismiing fros tlM m el ii.ogmt Pltaus-a, yav open upon the piitieo. At that instant, r awa ate(l from tlie crowd into the little open in fruui of tbe Presi.lent. levelled k r'mtol "r""" lata, at tKe aiaT2Wflf 6oarv(--fertrf ktuiupted la iit,.M WW porca-won loet ana tlie op eplolod, 'without tn-iuR the powder to ti barrel. The ejplin of tlie &( was no bad that many pernum tliougUt the jjintol hal Ared; I heard H.&t the fuot oi the tep, far from the place, and a Rroat crowd between. ' Innuut ' If the peroa dniupcd the pixbil which hud miaud fire, took nnutuer whipit be hold ready ockeil in the loft baud, eonceivled by a eloak Ierelle.1 it, and pulled the. trigger. It wa also 'apreui)iutt l.k, aiid the cap cijitu'led wiilioiit trioft the powder in tlie linrrel. The I'residcat iattantly ruahed upn hinwitlihieadiftcd sane; the man shrunk bick; Mr. Wixxibnry aimed a blow at him; Litntcuaut uelney, of -the navy, knocked hiiu tiuwn; lie win geeured by the by tBBdcra; wh driirenri -SMPa-uf iustuis fjr"tiiLi;i;iiI e.taiiunatioti. J.'ha eiajuu.iuau. tjjk 4ilt.0.l(cf;'r..A!'? .Aipjj. justice ot the )ntnci ot t iluin'jia. air. vral,i;i ly whom he wart euimnittc 1, in d'rult of bail. liisJiijtS.waij nH-ortain.l tt be" Kiotiard Lw rance, an Kijlisliiiiua by "birth and Iiuums-painter by traile at pi-.'nt tint f rmployuient, mel- 1, ainined and fjuud W I Willi LmJod; and nred, "afterward", without fait, eirrj'm" their buljjits " ', true, and driving lUum tliMiijf.f inch, b iards at thirty feet distance; n-ir duid any reason be luuad for the tyru failures at tlie d.i"r of the ro tunda. Uu his ctii.miimtiiiii, tiieprinonerxeeined to be at his ease, at if uuc iici.,ih of having i done wn.ng t'ni'usiii to cro.s-eiaminc the wit ; aeases who tttstihe I against him, or tu giv any iplanati.io nf hi -nitiu't. The jdea of an - unsound utinl str-,.i,!.' im jrrs&'iliiL'ir ' njJtin (he public opiiii'in, tli.i M:,-ii ill of the District invited two nf the ni ,t ii fiiiv HTo physicians to vis.t huu and exarniiie una inn nieiital condi tion. Tiii'yilid s.v and the, following U the report maife npnrt the rase:: - - - .. -Tht mnleriiixiiwl, h.wing l'n renestc 1 by (V Mvsliall uf tin liistnet uf Coluaal'iia ti" visit llwuard L twraHce, now eauhiioi iu the jail of tlie u ity nf sliin.tini, for an att 'ni to aseassiitalo Uie 1'nini.bmt of the United Mules, - wrta a .ew W awii-uin, as fas as praotinahle. the oreent oMidittin of his bodily benlth and tat of uiiud. ar4 botieviuj that a detail of the cisimutiuoi) will bo n ire rautavttiry than an alMtraL-t npiiiion on the fulect, we Miorufore give the following ts'ement: On entering his room, we tiitJired io a free eonversttlion with bis, in whicii lin participated, apparently, in an most artless and unreserved uiauner. . The tirsa itMarrogiu.H-y .r."Aiu.lu4 was as to bis. aye which quustnm iih.ua he stxjrtiwty Uoelinea aiiswerini;. NVetlifn iniiiirt-l into tht! enuditinn tif biw health -f Mti'M'nt mra r.a w whtot1i replied that it bad l.isi u iifomily pxid,' and that he had necr hlmwd uii lai'suiy uwatal do ranirnent; n'r ,i..i!i. a iimtun'eii,iii hi any of those rvoipt i. I' piivMcal dentncewe:ijfaio , tliat be tuioe met with Mr. an ilur'0 in the whn h u-u.ui, u'.-i'.l meiul alieimtiou. lie aaid he was t.u.-u in l.ukUiu t, and rauie to this -uunrry ,,-tt. tin,e1t i'' na.-tctn -yw.irs of -npi, "'injti it hTlTi-lirTp-re rrf-tn-r sit ur o ..ght yer.i" "in Ihit his lather was a 1'r.Heil.inl nod bis io tu, r u M thinlut, and that 6 was n i a p.-.i. -'or oi any rctn-n, nut some-1 times rea l die Hi.. le, and ooousiouslly attended church. Ilcs'irl that be Was a painter by trade, and lu I bdhntel i!,st eecup tliua to toe prs-eut tiiiir; b it, ol Ji.li-, cool l nut fiud steady in ploy in. i. L ulii-ti Li. I i auw: I in. i-li ieuuiary auarrasMiic.it a f.l. h.m .Out he had lienu gen- rally ln: .ii his Imou.. u-mg arde.it spir- its m Kle, -a.ety v, he I at w ,rs: bat, for the last three or f oir a.vi... h .d hot taken auyUott h sad Jiciar amolc L.and. iu ulhcr iepeSJV.l4 led regular, s..l.er lite. "I pun U-iii.; interrogated as to the emurn- tanoes Colin.-, l-l wiih the attempted ase tMi- aatiutt, he said that be bad been d (iterating on m lor some time p asi, anu uia us uou csiiei at th Presiueul s nue alioui a e k previous to tli attempt, an I hetiiR tmnsiin.1 tu trie frv - o - sleof s apartinsot l.y ll.s porter, 1, uiiJ him lit CXiaversation w.ih a ui-ioUt of t.' in'ri-ss whom hebelieved hi hate brea Mr. hotlu-rland, oil l'ei.a ylvaniii; th.it he ili'M I" the President that a wanted m o.-r I" lake hun tu r.uglaud, ad that be must give linn a check ou th bank, mm in I'resiueni rrmartrsi, mat no was ea - gagedl.Kiinu. hioitienUioliiiulieiiieii!lauother Imis, lor M r. Dibl.ie was iu waiting for an inter - iew. hen asked asul the pistnle which he had used, he stated that his f.ither left bitn a psir, but as it leii'u alike, sl .ot four years sine hssi. l.ant-I one lor auother, whieh e.aetlv . Bsaicne.i u.c on-, oi ,n ,i r; .no were ,nna Dial loeas, n..i. l. r-iiliy n il alter..! to per - eussion im -as. r j s r. ,. , ei-r mav rie nan w en , whl(.h ,,5, plMMlto many Insianc a de fre.uient:v iu Ins bjl.it nf kiaonii'andririntJitisci .. 3 . ..t 1 . - . pist,U at u..vr.N aiel ll.at he had never known snem to uu p,.i.g nrt on toy mnw tmwii.11, and that, at the 0,. !..,. of Uu )rds the ball always pasnn t nroai-n an 1... a pi... us i ststej "f ' " ' V"" I"'" '"' "I:? " t '!'f OtkisuMiwul. rsssraa r.h t anroe restularlr bom frssnoi., with id,i.ry raie, ur J.m .ur,. ) f,, ,ir,mier.. heard th. President aesu-sH iumptel; but that be u-l a p.ne.l m-aead nf bf kw. the Isl-rr of the e-mntry I and s ramfu.1, and list during tost , en .1, they , u,,,.,! it m.l. , nnaiey see re and l-s-wer at sll tunes . n l 111 his pu. k; and j llt,, , ofprodm-iu; U10 d..tr'. aad Ukaeast rh.aa.kcd uy ti.i-y (sued a-, .pl-.l he , i,n, iynntl aad bei.evad it. A4, ri,t,.d he kin-, m .-an... W h.a a-ael why .,,- i,, , re'ul.r cmelosk-a fnaa all tbeMb hs .,t 1. in. 1 ,p,i.d.. tii dir. be rri bl j ,f Um mltrkm , d(J b., he,.4 ,h that he ,11S tl.e President isooid t uf ilin 1 llr, bin, tn dotako Ui tile there, lie i. . ,t.,. I ll.at he was mlh, nl.n la j , , j. ht ...,.4 the caw of hat rben .h. I r i,l imtM; aud WtngaskM w j (rucr, niu.ni.-.tud the s.d eb- Wby h. d d s .t I....I .tl.m, I . .b .r lm, he , ,.,. , , h.a.wa an' Uie g-oeral bappi.ese. , sepl.H thai . did I. erfw. wr-bt U!lu..,( .t,n u wiu u t, J U.S ho fuaeril -., and ii.eee,.,,. wa.tew till . . r , , . 4ai d..u.m was, a. ,M"'"' llesU,.n.,.,.r,r-u.ai fc. d,d ! J i.rwsrds, trir I as in c a, aud never W-wrbt U" ""' :U ""''" fr,R to trsal. lial the e..i.isnoe aia.1- a dp iia-Bfc-l.l.y. aud s i i s I'r-i t. nt ---s-. l with ,,, U)m ,( .i.he feslu, if. and irresoniMy ssuiIh:,. ..it; ,,-,... ,n I l,u ii,u ,,,ur,.d I-j ;,fr,H maov wnnds to ths U.-f la a ..,. the rotor, U. s ,1 .4 .ei t il ib. PcT-nt a -am ..,. n. -..i-i..i ih. ..i..u. nt.red 11. ens' il,. bis p.s.ii.oi in 1 ... tl pa-sed ll,i a.h and l..k ..; J r.,.n, a'..ut twu yanls w t is p-.,-.'.i rrom bis ins, fs 1 n s I i : 1 ,,. , a 1 h hand, i, 11 l.o so .ni I Slana III 1 i. a-. pork't. . ' I 11,. espa il.d Lr h, pfSsl rs - sn-l t' as e -.n as i. i. la ins r.fcni i.si.o n. ..-1 1 Vi (l lm Hr.u f Olrofsped si. lis I 11, d p, ' til. SSK-'ind. le i .tr II- M. -1- I.t '., ; ,,rl f . thai b. Si oe. r 1, . ,. ! i h ,(,- I'. , 1, ui ! aad I-ii-n I- d, if I. . ti.i ..i i k , r ttiO Pr',j-nt h-.i :i . mi, l. bv. -J 1 . ; 1 sif Wiih n.e i . ..ii I. il .1 I. n r I .,.. ,, an j ii.T ' nd aary. Ho Isav. b-a koi- 1 . th l"r. .... 1.1. !.. 1 had tie do iM b t as-w I by f.. eo.-ii 1 ,-, I il ha 0 I 11 .1 . J f ! v, I ' - M. I, if b k - t ,t!', i : m( j,., 0. I r .i, ai.d I1..H , .1 k SI 1 tsve I'! 1-' ' ll tl. (U-: r I si I VOLTHIE XLV. from wbntn be extiected pmtertkm. To this :;j rctuiet, that be ucter hsd meiitiimed his luteu tinn to any one, and that no one iu particuli knew his uaif;ii; but tnat be presumed it was gtmentUv k.'toun ttwt he intended to put the rresi'lent out of the war. lie further slated. that when the President arrived at tnedonr.near which he tioi'd, finding him supported on the left bv Mr. Woodbury, and ubservln many per suns in his rear, and uig himself rather to the ripbt of tlie President, in order to avoid woun ding Mr. Woodbury and tlios in the rear, he stepped a little to his wa riht, so that should the bull pass through the body of the Presideut, it would be received by the doorframe, or stone wall. - On being asked if be felt no trepidation during the attempt, ha.rcuiied, not the slushiest. list it he tuuud that Uie second pistol bad unateu tire. Then, observing that tlie President was advancing upon him, with an uplifted cane, he feared that it cootaiucJ it sword, which inipht hare been thrust tlu-ough him before be could have been protected by the crowd. And when iuterniirated as to the motive which induced him to attempt the assassination of the. Prexident Jh js plied that ha had beea told that the Presi deist had caused his loss of wcutiation. and the aaMii$aiu to put turn on tut m way was tlie on ly reateay for evil; but to the interrogatory, who told you this f ho could not identify any one, but remark et, that hla brother-iu-law, Mr. Kedlorn, told tmw-tbfrt he wwld hove uu muss busiuass, be. I. cause he was (ipposed to the President, and he Wieved Rcdferu to b in Itiagueiritlt the J'resbl dent agdiuet him. Again, being, questioned wttetner n nau oiiea aweuueq vie ueunie m CoBgrose during tlie present semion, and whether they had intuieneed Iiiui in Making this attack on the person of the President, he replied that be had frequently attended the duwusekin. in both branches of Ootiuress, but that they had in no decree influenced bis action.' p'Cpon lieiiig asked if tii expected becimra the President or the Lmtea RUtea, u uouenu Jackmn had fallen, ha replied bo. "When asked whom be wishea to tie in r res ident, his answer was, there were many persona in the House of KeproMiitatirea. Uu being allied if there werajao, persona in tlie Senate, ludetL Who, in Tour opinion, of the ISeuate, woiiliThiake a good TiWident 1 He answerd, Mr. Clav, Mr. Webster, Mr. Ualhonn. What do you tliiiik of Cbl. Ucntou, Mr. Van Buren, ur fodgv AVIine,1br "Presidcnl f - Ho-thmtg!rt -they would do well. On being arked if be knew auy member of either lloune of Oongrese bo replied that he did not and never sAe to ne.ta-bwTtteWafld rtf riaritietlie world. ""Th elumWr- life. or they h him, On IxtiBii asked what beui etit be ex'pcclod himself from the death of the President, he answerd he could not rise unless the President fell, and that he exacted thereby to recover his liberty, and that the mechanics would all be benefited J that tlie "mechanics would have plenty of work, aud that aiouvy would ba more pleuty. On beiug asked why it would be nun nb-utr. he replied, it would be more easily obtained from the bank. On beinraaksd what "bank, replied the Bauk of the tinted SiatCi. T On be nu askel it ne anew uie rresiueni, u sr held an v iutereourae with llicin, or kuovi how be could get money out ol the bank, he replied en, Uiat he stigtttly -anew jar- nuuiu onjy 1 j "tn being akod with rwpect to th speeches a titi'li tie tnit he:inl In -vm jresw, Mf he was particularly ph'a ed with thos of Mes srs. Calhoun. Clay, and Webster, he replied that he was, because they they were oa nis sine, tie was then asked if he was well pleased With tlie n leeches of Col. ltenton ana Judge White T e said he was, and thought Colonel lieuton tal ented r " When asked if he wa friendly to General Jackson, be renlicd. no. M hv not T He an swered, because be was a tyrant T Who told von he was a tvraut ? He answered, it was common talk with tlie neoide, and that he had read it i all the papers. He was asked if be could nsmeanv one who had told him so f He replied, no. fie was asked if be Over threatened io shoot Slr.Tiay or Webster, or Mr. Calhoun, or whether be would, shoot thorn if be had an I nioiortuiiity I lie replicil, no, nnen nsseu Lif he would slwrt Mr. an ftureii ? 11c replied I rotunda, and told him ho was in want of mousy, I and must have it. and if be did not rvt it be t Otf; VTui ltiireh) "or Uetttrat; Jacksrm mlist fait wa pise.it during- I the conversation I He replied, that tliur ere I wveral present, and when afked if be rendlect- cl oue ol them, h repneil tnat tie out nor. When a-ked if auy cue advised him t shoot General Jaekson, or say that it ought to be dune? lie replied,. J d not lite to eay. Ou being pres- sei on this point, be said no one iu particular l had tihirta him. J, fur,J)(! slated that, believing IU rresiden lV)t ,h, fcorT, r aU aiScuUB, he wat st,U fH im lif -, klll hlm lll(i U bia su p,,,,,,. por(luH frt m-,H,rse, to put him cut the (hr.mi derMrrd trmt n pew t ibis eoun ry oould punish bim for having doue i. Icanse it would be resisted by the p.wers of torope, as well as of this oouulry. Ils also naie-l that lis hs.1 been long in Cur respondent anin the powers ol fcumne, aim met ma luuiuy I had Ijeen wrongfully deprived of the crown of 1 ,nisn.t, and that lie should vet live to rrnain it I and thst he considered the President of Uie L niteil Xtates nothing w ire than his clerk. He uoo think proper to add that the young nan appears ierfootly tranquil aud unconcerned s to the final mult, end seems to auln-ipate Bu punUhiuenl fir w list he has dim. To aliote 1 rrmlaius the lesding and literally expressed tacts I of tho-whols eonssnunioa we had wilk him, 1 which continue at least twu boar. Tee o, tiune were fnvnuently repeated at dirot n-sof ttie etamiuaUun, and r resented la vari- I out forms." It Is elsarlv to be ssa from Ur medical et- tl, man ,hat this allemiited 1 ,1I1Hll,m t(ie President was ons of Ihns ease I ees-OMJ Ulin'l ai:ieu uie.D iit CTnwrai wu,TV w ;,, 4 .lMie mM, Lawreuco was in the pl- J txaUr aditioo to be acted upon by what bo heard T"int tiimeral Jasiksoo- wwkssaa out j , Tment-iee.lr-sdle-me.itaMv morbid Barytas of t.opisk-IS IN IW(IW so well ldv,i-t, tKe-,l!v l.sn.b.d. and in-h,ari.rwards, hred aob su. h I .a Iui.m, fire and prer,si..n mis-. uk fir., . h in lis turn, wlwss Uis.lsd eight f.et, tl t'ie I're.iilenl'o besrl. Csiss ta r lnn. T1m Si. I, asm llej.it liesa l.f tl,. 1 1 h I1P0MO Srt VS tlrs ku n'-t be.0 a Bifc'ot ill, in l .e last si l, His ils'j-r hs IS IrsMiS li,. bo.-l of IISSM-tltlt. It,, p-i-.i-llist f... seve.nl i,glS pt ft ten frw-jOS-Ml ttf ho 1..7 men So hss bs t II . kii.l pal tn loc o. I U. dens i f ni pi 1 In tl st e 1 v, having eit.h under fir iii.sry 1 1 r-uoi slaio s, l io is r. 1,1,1 le, I, ,! ff.l II 11 I T tl. t !.-!' IO, atl 'I i,', sn.s e I ! , ', Si. 11 1. 't -1 w ih li.s i l.s. , f V I" I" T T -r i E1LEI3H, KOETH CAROLINA, "WtDSESDAY UOHlfErO, SEPTEMBEE 6. 1854. Jlor(!j-C.arolin;i far. EALEICII, N. C. SATCRDAY MOUXlXd, SEPT. 2, 1854. . KOIITU CAUOI.1XA. With a feeling of disparagement towards other aeotions, we fuel grateful that our lota hav beea cast in the salubrious and luxuriant eliaa of the old Xorth Stat. It is true we boast not of extr magniBeent cities, onr teeming population, our avaricious racings for the glare and accumulation of princely fortune; but we can boast of health, contentment and happiness aa much as commonly taU to the lot of mortals. While the desolating hand of disease is depopu lating by hundreds other portions of our laud, oar g,K4 old Ststs U tet a atranger U the pcsti. lean that walket.h bv tioon-day and glut tli ti$sitTiytr'wi da blmtagori te field are laden with the rich rewarda of the husbandman toils, and our granaries groan 'Tritlt their prwciuaB burUietMi'Mr'Sjopulsioitrv' though sfiarse compared. with some of our, tutor States, yet as a whole is thrifty, industrious moral people -the crime, and suffering, and muery incident to the crowded marts, are un known to us, with ttieur aecurautatou evils. We feel to bless God we arc North Carol!- niant that we belong to a raoa proverbial for their. ganerou j fcospitaUty tqi. so rnpulsua hon esty. . And tlioagh th brasen trump of fame has not Bounded th virtues of her people, or the natural advantages of her soil and clime, aa of other, we feel sure we live in a land possessing all the elements for independence, greatnes and happiness with ail vantages possessed by iwarealy Mj of our n ire noted neighbor and art a free, prosperous, happy-minded people. A people ) highly favored will be held aoeoautablc by The lieneroua Donor, if Iheae advautaeoa and facilities be not improved to mg or tn her hills are the rlcb depositories in the vault of Nature, by which the heathen may be won a an inheritance to the Great Depositor, Hit drafts, if allowed fo b dishonored when called for to, do good to mankihd, will be pro tested with a fearful punishment. Bluggishnesa ia as much to bo deplored, as is a groody avari ciounneef; and white wo studiously avoid the, latter, let as fail not in developing those valuable C.Lres?ureci which- tend Jo tUo prusperity and. ad vanveuirnt of our race, and to- Uie "honor glory of God. ,. . : riRF.S AND DKOl'OHT. Our exchanges are filled with the moot dis tressing accounts of xteusiv fires, sweeping over plaint and woods, laying prostrate large eitieo, and carrying sorrow and uin la their train) and also of the prevalence of drought over a vast extent of territory, ia many places entirely destroying the crops, and In others promising a very scanty yield, lue itorm-kiug haojilso spread itt devastating ravages, cutting 08 the hope of the husbandman whose lnni. riant fields promised -to reward hit honest toil. Wo give such glean 1 gs from our exchange as will gite our readers aomo idea of the ruiu aud havrm made, . 8uch visitations, at a timo when breadstuff. arc commanding such xtraragaiit prie, an weU caloulaUrl to excita g msral oonsideratiim In th great corn growing Stages of Terjnessee; LK anluili y,, liUinuia,-. Ax..., 1'tmi.st jUrmuig-tg! euunto arn received. In some it Is said scarcely ono-fiairth af aa usual en p will bo realised, and ia oUieni it will be a tout failure. This will Bat only increase the price of breadstuffi, but also of pork, bacon, le, for it 1 frosn these Stales that th largest auppliea uf these article have beea derived. And should tlie foreign demand continue, price must rise to an exorbitant rato. Tbo heavy crops uf wheat, oats and other small grain harvested this summer will, wo trust. prevent Bin-1 suffering lit those anfortuhaU SftHions. Ia North Carolina, wo am thankful io learn the corn crop will bo an avaraga one, should ao accident vet ooiif tn detny It; and the high price oar" producers has been realising fur the last year er two it is not likely will ho curtailed But to tht peril and unfortunate the approach nf winter, with Its stern necessities, must bring with it fearful f .robodinga. Lot the affluent. and thos wh have plenty, manifest Uioir grati tude by lending a helping band to the suffering and destitute. " SrrREMf! COl'RT. The following genilsav.a have obtained lieewto from the Supremo C.mrt, now ia session at Mor- gautua, to praetioo Law ia this State 1 fOfUTT rortr, U It. Waddell, Chatham Bounty . Robert IL Ward, Rockingham. I. F. tiibena, arry. ' 8. C. Sryson, IIendrsoB.." W. II. Hpsawet, Hyde. " ' " J. O llaolo., Ceiaberuvnd. srrssiot mi or. . Lm t. S'.ler, Frsnklm, Macoa county. R. JI, t'anm.a, kunousali. Its, IVuoler, llmd.rsirfl. T. S. Crumpler, K irkf ird. Sarry oouety. Wo ses It slated e the Baltinvars Tter-ik- Ucaa of th 2Mb altimn, that li st. Mr. llesH-h.f wae lying dsngswmsly ill at Washingwsa City. Ws siues ara that 1,0 io rso-otsriug. Wo ar iadebtsd to Mr. Pomeroy fi.r U.0 rVp- tesnW auB.lr of llirpsw's Msgailu. Il ia capital auaili.r. Tts titarviss. The rvbinis, aa far as ra ce, tel. frosa Um liesl .Ueii.oss ia T.sas teK-st. tb aumssos sf tbs kimstAolbinff aad Mail,' law "..n. Am mt U.. Jud.'S r is-S WO SVKie lluk MhJhsis, 1-.., kirin.ny Attorary GsasraJ of tins Met., I VMS Krssilir flt- . ..f M A a If. ' t Il 1 onopsiw-l, at K i .it, of A..-.'. -is, . .ejr. ,.f t ),si ,,(,,n, , rv . . ,,f l',s I tt.r, r. 1 1 st t I ,.-,,u 1 . V ,- A a4 A lias is Put it 1 vss ei-s. lif n.,-i.. IUh" !'rf.ee, f S-sr t I' .. I. I se-w.1 l'r. J -S i sr. I I r 1 ..,'. , I b.t. 1 ... 1 , ; . I.I It,,. I , .- I ... ,- I 'f S 1R I i ; , . i US' A paragraph w rub'.ilie.l a feirr davs I gT-onthe removal of a Know-Xo'hing from lac by' the Admiuistratina lVtonv-tcr at rVaah- mgton, has stirred up th ire i t several uf our 'emotritio eotemposssries, and called lorln a strata ot indignant ertucieuv from them tnat We had hardly expected. Taey take tlie matter qaita seriously, for such a small affair as tney seek to reprusent it. Wo have been apprehoie site, for aomo time past, that this h nnw-Nothiug question was to giv themaroubte, and the same apprehension on their part may account for their sensiuveuesa at present. It is a knotty subject fur aicui to liauuie, and we trust mat incv win not forget to follow the advice we gave them ou a former occasion so keep cvo? yet awhile. 1 here la bo telling what graud revolutions this mysterious order may bruig about in parties .before many year, and Democracy may stand a need 01 all th aid the Know-Aotbrngs-caa giro it. Sundry of oar iiemocrati euteiupora- rios teem to have taken our bun, and await fur ther disclosures besora committing themselves. Times hav very aaueh cintnged vf late. Politi cians will hare rather mors difficulty ia thair endeavors tn eoneihtata both foruign and native votsw. Whikv they are tru-kliu.: to the former T-UMUI,-lgpj-"SEMI WUIWST T1W lf S S VWI1U JIS. tt erelolors they had a lair Held Ueraagogu it, tney war eertaiu to got the vole ot tnoir own party, aad were often not very aorupulous about ma tueM jcKffitsg. is iT gcituig.imnt.-it loraigtM voms w secure an ui,i out il w. imersr.iu HtwtM atsssya sieirsais.. n ayntm ilfrW'MflTl inr-Wofl BDM oftestf tlivobrets'of tfii newnartYi tbs-vwiy had a check in playing at this gftma, which they hav not hod the misfortune to encounter in former days. This will place trading politicians in a very awkward dilemma, and no doubt is quite vexatious to thcui; but the Know-Nothings are responsible for it, and fully capable, wo cues. to answer fur themselves, . But while the Kmiw-Xothiucs bar thus been pUymg havoe with pnrtiian leaders, they bato also been guilty of tlio high crime of not obey ing the be! ovale of th Administration papers thnmghout tha band, and havo treated them as empty sounds. Ia this amoug th reasons for the vaunting denunciation of those papers against uie rviiow-.otntnj.'r it jo truly amusing tu witness th doleful 'misgivings and tho daily vaticinalioni which Deuxwratic paiier put forth ttut wherever th test of strength has yet been male, this Mysterious t.rgauiaauuu has never tailed to immolate King Caucus. Ws do nut belong -tu this nimlom school, nor do w aet ourselves up as it ueleud ers, but it may ba a question for tho eonsidera tiOa "of sae eiecUiVtsr fi itiiit of tSoiitlu.rH iustifu- tions, how it ia tbat beward, Greeirr. ri tW sane oraus, ana the Aumuustrauon unite eo heartily iu proticriuing uie svnow-rsoiuings, w no-are aam ta b. opposed to all Abolition Influence, and have excluded it frpm their association. The day has been; when the eo-upenuioa of rteward and Greeley, would havo aroused the alarm of our Souther friends most intensely. Not to Bow, however, lloth Seward and tiieeley, and the Admiulatrauim, may waga war. oa o-nost Nuthingisinaud Uieir fears are m at all rxuited. Kooeasity make atraoge bed-fsllows sometimes. fnamoa.f Hi Sri. Thire are those who are aangnino enough to anticipate Uie establishment of a Ra- Jml-lio in- Spain. - It require an exceedingly sanguine ihsiBitn.n to anticipate such a change. If it is mtvU, h will But b more perm sunt thaa the French ltepiibllo. The people are not calla ble of governiug-tiieinselres, and if they hav sense enough to asoertuiu tha fact, would soon hand ever th rein tn a master. Yet, if over there was a anuntry which had reason to detest and despise monarchy, it is Spain. Can any thing be more aunurd, degrading and irrational. than a government in which supreme power may L I. 1 J 1 1 l.r .'1- IMJ muireu in lusi nanus ui an unoeoiie, min, as in the case nt the present Oueea, is kaliced in th hands of a woman who is not only destitute vf ordinary intelligence, not only iucnpable id governing oilier, but uf guterniug herself, and whoso morals are so corrupt that her name hat boBoata a teauiinl to th sex aud Ve lb atie. With such an illustration of monarehy, one would think that whatever Uier io of intelli gence and vf public and private virtue in Europe, would at onoe rise ia arms against royaltr. - MortaxM-rt 1 CsLiroaxu roa rna Invisiov ort'tsv. A San Francisco hstter ia tho New York 1 imesf wnrhsr dat of rho tst July, sarsr whe eicaurer trsaiav takes fioia ws-tlid, W beat. ageal of Uie Junta for Uie invasion of Cuba, who has been with ua since tho 1st of A pril last, lis ba tuoeeetwd in enrolling quit a large nnmiier' of men, eourposed principally nf mo 1 from tho si,.... i 1 u: , . 1 1:-- - - .sisihvh wus nensrsoiiiip, mejumng nnt- forined oumpany of flying artille-y and uuiformed cumNUiy ,f r.lleiuen. Ikdh id tlie- enupamiM has baea under constant drill for the past eight or tea weeks, and form a splendid Bur! is for an invaumg army, many ui ins nativa l.aliloraians have lent maierial aid to tho raus, and tbo fss-l erf a maraudine esneditiun Lein. niSMnlrslsisl New O.-lcans, has been in no manner ksot secret. Major General Wool is im the alert, and an eipa- aiuon as a nouy will ever be peemttie,! t mate Uiis city. Drum are beating, and Um flying artillery in full uniform are bow esourting Cul. Wheat to the awamer. Ei.rmosj iv WtsuiiirTn, Vhinln, jug, 2K. The olecdion Iu the first ward for a mcmlwr nf the Comraoa Council, to fill tire vacancy sssaa sioiied by the death of Rev, Mr. rievra, resulted in Ilia eliiae of Rev. t h arise A. D.nis,-"UiO friend of civil and religious liberty," wlte ro ".Ired Slt Totw Luther It. ri uoo th Kaow Xrtthing candidal ret-iving 2.I.I. Great enthusiasm prevails among Ui sueef-ss-ful party; Uiey pmcev led Iu th duelling nf Mr. Davis, ho addressed thein very eloquetiUy. He lrvd that he would nivt ssy " Vt 0 bar met th enemy ; he did hot consider bis opponents a. snem . This was a contest for principlo. II. rejoiev Uiat bit friemls ba I adrooaled th Constitution of bit country. ,o disturbance, whatever, ceurre-l during tb day, aud Ui be st en party Itear ihsr detest with a r "t gracs. uTlf U staled )a se,.r Xew York papers Uiat Mr. Branson has finally consented to teed U.s noininsli ia nf his p.l.n-sJ friends for lines arnor; and also that a fusion is to take 11 la. hetw hi ttt-Jjirtrters nl n.a i,rw O.-d.-r uf hnew tbings. 1 lie n ashiug'nfi f umn is in 1 lme. to d iuH tha aeraraey vf Hi last staie menl, but qusliAe Its d oiMs l.s eipisjuing cnd.ue la the truth of Ih. eld als,;s, llisi "snisl ititves tasks strange 11 f. Hows." X ,sr, we slmuld bks the I a. on to tell us, sines Mr. Ilrenatie has beea th sii!.sa nf politi-wl 01 if ,r tanee, what band infliet. I Ihviu. and f .e what (C.m thsy a .re lafiietrlr and wh.ih.-r b wuwld ben d "served ur sufT.ee.1 ll.s sn.-l . mines if, em a srtaia fsiB SJ ofdered f y Mr. timb res, he hat take to bis ltrea tlx f.vsa ol and alaoiln.n hypnerimi of Vrk, who ars now at nr war with tb fimtJl SB 1 lis Instil. ilnoisf Will tb t'niim aabiua as? .v.s .We -ss. "ivsitii 1'il.tiitivii llt.iiijJej years ago s senses ..( piar in ints ri'v, lo. k Iris) a .ia. ms ilitf, was ibisl..lsle.. snd lh paei.es sepasied. The Isdy stem tu In lit as sssrtvit SB w- srin ,ntssaninr mse r In rank f a geaarol ia t.,e armv, sad oa bis illh lie'iiiealhe.! la bis wi b.w 0 Isr-. f ainn. Tn riil, nose tlsa msrri. iriod h.-iil a Veer sine, his Wile, nsi dieem.rii.g vatMOfrs ,,,J (.few letters, 4e., in bis j,,Mse i.m, nr,a- 10 t.ura lasHBi; l"l. k.ttHti.l.lr, SS ,lt b. Brett, did RiO. do s. la doe routs .if tiiti., tbs firs! il. .,e., as.) left 1,1 hint b hsd nn. i.-ti l,r husl,d no b-ss tbaa JL J'.'sl, s'sln ( ll.al Im a.eild ba as led Io pros bis hltnti.y ly lbs A s-iini,nll in t 1 y .. s.s. . 1 l,s fi,rmi.s'e he.r. I te. , !e m It .s eitv, was . f tn d aad t rU-ui do' ..-al..,.l, ; , s d h f.ss, ta i. ; r. s.d li.e t- - V V nf bav " first , -e I,, li t ,n. I I"t St, I 4, ,!, ). ..-, ' 1 . - 1.. I " i 1. ' V Tb Iiara Kio or Svxo The d-tli ot 1 this distinguished monarch baa been alreo-ly aiuioannrd. J I is demise appears tu havo been iiisvssuitul aa nntortunate aocnlent while trav elling from Munich to hitowy capital at IHesden. Tim oarriago in which th Kiou nl. was. by sumo-misinaaacement, everturned, aa.1 bis Ma jesty falling among tbs hores, reeeited from one ot tnem a kick, wlitcb terminated fatally almost immediately afterwarder- . v . , The dcoaaeed monarch wits a sa of Duke Maximilian, (who' was born ia I75V, and died ia 1,-WI.) Ilia Majesty was bo-a on the lith of May, 177, and wuoceeded, in Jan., i)M, by virtue of th aet of renunciatinn of his father to bis uncle. King Anthony, having beea eo-regenl from tho l.tth of tM-ptember, 1S..D, to tlie period of hit accession. The King of Satony visited liiiglandi to May, 1844, and was a guest of Her Majesty at tho poriud of ti e Kmperor uf Russia's Bnexpucted arrival in Lundoii. Tho two mou srehs met at ituckinghanl Palace and Windsor Castle, and wiy higoUier at th Ascot raoa meet ing of that year. Th King though twice marrtodV ba left "no .iasue by euhoreunwrl. Ilia first wife was th Archduchess Caroline iVrditiamlina Tbsi-cua Jo- 'ssrvl.:ff9sssWksuaffnpas 111 IKSi Hi Majesty married, soooatdlv, Mario Attn LssjpohltB, stwtghter -ef the lai iking Maximilian Joseph, uf itataria, who survives k.r Rwsl ktnliB,,,! ' .v . . 4liAliit-i euoeeed.d -wl4trttbrt Vb- jj,,,,, Juhn Kepomuoen Mori Joseph, wh - I.. 1 taw's. V t . iv . a 'a . married in 1822 tha Duchess Amelio Angttstei daughter of the late King Maximilian Joseph, of Bavaria, (sister of tbo present Quean Dowa ger, of Saxony,) by whom he baa a family of night children.. y ';iH':! -;'; rA ') " '.- "' -". 1 1 1 " - "i 1 'i..': tviT A gentleman from Dinwiddie, wh wa in tliis city yesterday, informs us Uiat one of tho most ten i fie stimut, aooom panicd-by hail;- thun der and lightning, visited the upper end of that county OB Sunday afternooa last, that ha ever been experienced by oven tho oldest inhabitant. In Uie vicinity of Rocky Itun Church, whsrs a very large congregation were in attendance at religione worship, tb storm raged with unaba ted fury for m ire than an hour. The rains de scended in torrents, and hailstone fell of aa enormous siae, ntterlv annihilating th growing crop of tobacco, and literally cutting the corn to pieces. ' At the -church the earring of Mr, Jidsraed r Davis, of Dinwiddie, was standing, filled with tho female membora of his familv. The homes bsotiils alarmed, Uie driver left bis scat and took hoed of the bridle, that he might be tho better enabled to Control them.- While in title position a severe stroke of lighuiing struck th horses, killing them instantly, and burning tb boy so badly that the skin peeled outiruly off bia legs and one side of hit body; hut strange to say, be is now doing well,- That he did not share tho fate of the bursas is a matte of universal sur prise. Tho ladies ia th carriage were munh shocked, but escaped entirely uninjured, as did It ia thought the storm wa quit aa estensirt one and Uiat animmeuse quantity of corB and tobacco has been dctrojed.--ityrT''rg fUprttt. Wcf Wo ar informed by a g'ntleinan frota Lexington, that the chemical examination uf the stomach of Miss Pharr. mad by Dr. Gilliam, of 1110 1 irgnua niiiitary institute, as also by a skil ful chemist of Baltimore, has resulted ia rmh eases In th detection of strychnine. It will bo remembered that th bodv of Mis P. wa ex homed ia Covington, Ye., a short tini since asHt many mo.utu-iie imr dnaiqi, ou.suspu ion that she had beea seduoed and then poisoned by pr, Thompson of that plae. Tho diseovory uf a nnus, on in examination ot tn ixnty at that time, caused tho arre and imnrisonment of lr. ThomMon. . Th fast aiiuuutu-od abov will give ..1 11.: I . L ... . . , ouoiiioiiai svrvngin Hi vile suspicions CmOrUtlUCU agittnst nun. tnehtmr) F i-ii. , HrrAu.-rba foilowlng account of a remark able phenomenon, witnessed br Mr. Clliot, durins his lata ascension, il oopied from th Petersburg . About Cvs hundred fart from him, opposite ta me Mil, was a tremendous. wolleBne,L dark shadow of bio balloon, car and himself, while about half way .between, the dark shadow, and his baiiiNin, was aniHher brighl renectioB of Ja- ueua ami aunseu; was Btanunig out la bold relief, with every tint aud .lor tsirtrarad. and appeared to him like an oilier aerial twin eonpan riHi, which 1 Tinted hi every snotiosl or gestur. His shadow appeared 10 him enetreled in a bright yellow halo, which would in auperstitjim je vs eunsHier bo nmeo or luiur greatness. Tn Daoroar. Wo hare bo reeoll.etion, sava the t'hviunati II unite, nf a drought an extensive and lone continued. Wa believe it is true thai j-h w heel crop ba been an average onr, and thai 11 nas been well harvested. 1 111s is well, and Will havo a riod rlT.y-t 11 pm th price of other life nenvsaarie. Th onra eron will be a short on.. In soiu part of tii avmatry Ur will not b half a crop, and we have hravl that in soma sec tions nf Ohio, IliiiMris, and Mis.uri, there will b alnissl an entire failure, sk7 A story ba basa eireuiatej in LivornniJ, and ha been repeated in C r and L:m.rirk wiih many additions, liist -ilve I tuUd htaies will give Iwl acre of land to the chief rf avarv family arriving at th porta of Kew V rk and Hton." The offool of thai story, whoa sprrod through IreKnd and Germany, wdl bo vastly la sterns, vi . vmigrauoa 10 vols country. - aaT Tb I.vaoliUir t irslniaa vsrv tm-lble asks, if Contrast eua l.gi.Uie away U-e public iaiKis arsjnrviing ip llunl.rs I .ami iiii, why might not Virginia bar rceim! th 4Vliiti. bet shar af ttm surplus of th perwesnl of me panne mna sales, bow and long tine lying ia tli X vUoual Treasury! W should kk tu Bear this queotiou aiiswered. Ta CHOLitt. A tmtlenu Informs as tliat tiisopiuk-n prevaitis ia horth t'aw.lina that have lbs cholera raging badly in this rilr. We sea K.fMsv Saasve sir -reyewt Br sn rrwfJt Is f n aif airw fat sfrf rws nf rWera n reei, Mis arsrr, 1'stesslo.rg is a health Bsvw a wa Over saw It al Una reason. Bad far bealthief ll.aa asnat eiiies ia th I nhm. Oar friend, ia the eld North S'st.ael be andr no sppr.b.u.ion 'atersfmei TsisssS raorrasj I tost a. the Irish author and snil .isri.D. .1 t oa the .ih altissv,la Keg. istei, ir ta m .or, 1. or a sureiesJ .raiin. lis ba.1 k-sx m IU health f. a bovg lime. Pra- nosio w el..,iii,ng to tbo npeesmov, h wna. t" " friends ia Stm rnrk. Idd lieg Ib.m sa sTMHwriat rarawell. ia aa it sh-ild, as h Ulb reared, rvsnill ia death. Ha was ."ii years 4 ss. ,mm v rosMia SSa tvaeni ur Mi.1.11 I sine. I wl(a-sl dss4 ha alexal . nr.iy tsiass in pfnr,swi ar u e-ir plnni.es iaieiiU I -l-BB.tWl nf an sorti ai nf th H"! as aiwrsge yield will a assvi. r.ui vre. .ve.,a,s are rr. rel nea ll rmil Is u-f s-as. I Ihsl maxv tn isemssrs in IS ewvmv, J . 1 , ar rsn,s up ikmt n in .isu iwurs vf lb Ouafaae-I drmigbl. A f-.lr. 'oil .,.l . l ...,l,t ' t , ,,r, .,, to, i t at Tr e. " - I ' ' ew Y.rk, . -y . it is ri,, i I' III. S'S. t p. s. I. if I... b'Sels snd t I it n It as. 'so pat of es. .rla n. e i , I I! S pr- .f' I'OlOl of 0.1 AllTKHLY HEIHiKT OF COI.PCtRTACE UY XJ. W. CKOM l.n; God In his mercy has permitted me to labor another three mouths in bis earthly vinrvard. Through exvessire heat, in great .debility, and at times, severe ruin-ring of body, I hats passed most of that time, being supported aud cboercd by the presence and Llreuiitig of Dim who ever sees and cares for as all. 1 hare beea enabled to tisit, talk on persons! religion or prav wiih i'-ti families, uf wlrntn 37 were deetituie'of all religious l-oiks but the Hible: 11 dcstituti. uf tli. Itil.1, and H habitually negio ting the house of Uod ; aided io holding 17 religious nieetingst sold volumes, worth $i0 and gar away S43 volumes, worth it 59. About -1'St of these familie I visited a v.ar ago, and it is highly gratifying to see the" im provement that so many have mado io obtaining koowlodge, and the manifest disposition to con tinn improving, Msny ho then onlv traik a Tract Primmer" at 10 cents, and frequently it fiven, on my aocrmd visit bought fi-oin one to mr dollars' worth. In out neighborhood three moths; t and two fathers; besides several tbil dreu, haw learned to spell and rea l from this "; ,i,t.t"'um-.,.And .in .aiitiilifr pt :lj'ii sim.sseii viMi3v6n-isysa iMBVka.'vit who tlieu knew But tW jvluhaliet, and most of whom never, beard a ssmnrn or praveo-; all of those noenwew the alphabet, many of them can spelt trt on ana two syllables', and some or the fsAlit;-12 asiw- ttr ,read, and are able to answer most of the qt 'twit If the first catiso'ilsm." was aftb forcibly struck at their asking ma to many questions abont God and Heaven.. A ther is no church suitably near for this people to attend, there will in a snort nine 00 a goon house erected, in which to havo a Sabbath school and regular proaching. Several experienced persona five miloa off have consented to go and aid in this Sabbath school. now delighted these children are at this arrange ment! rive mothers and two father of these children promised to go to this school to learn to spell and read, two of whom learned most of th alphabet on my last visit. After, being kindly received by aa obscure and destitute family, I had a pleasant talk with the father, mother, aud littl thildreo, the oldest about 0, and then gav them tho first Bible they ever owne Land also the "Primmer" from whi. I, I began to road auj talk, and earn each one said, "l wish 1 ould read." learning from theia that they once could spell, I drew near them and spent sometime spelling with them, aud instruct ing them to read. Alter reading a chapter from Uieir new JtiWeaiid-praying- wtrlr th.fii, that mother with loart in hai ties said. '-l'uura ta. Uie first, religious visit ever made to our house, and that is live first prayer ever tnade in the bearing of our children, "l Dt jou to come Io are u often, for w'll I glad to se you if we ar wicked people." They had not beea to church in two years. Since my visit I hare scon Uie husband at preaching twice; and ho, his wife and oldest child, are Bow being instructed to spoil and read by aa individual uf piety and intelligence- - - I bav aided in forming two promising Sab- bath sehisd in tcrv destitute seetinns. Tn ..f th sedirditr art fdy-irnd; A.-niged 19 and 14. lb mother or these children 1 found drunk; also her child A. who was Ivinc on the floor in an eoruer, pillowed with aa awa-fiJ. 1 found 1. had a good mind and tin disposition, and seemed deeply grieved at their wn'liliun.Bot oeing nine to sueu or reau, and eidom ver bar- ing licen at church.. . I fouud auternl utliera usar bv ia neartv as destitute cnndiiinn- Al.l .. afforded them is preparing them for rUbltb scnooi, sua on in second Sabbath they ail walked together tu tha school in nic ortlor and fine spirits. How striking 1 the wmtnwt In the case of A., who two weeks previous was lying drunk, pillowed with an oeeH-ful but Bow ia senu alking steadily, with combed hair, clean face and bands, neut new clothes, to th hal.liu.th school to b-n about Jesusl A young minister of much promise roceutly said to ins alstut aa follows: , "Sir. I entertain fcelinrs of Win. gratitude fi you, regarding you a aw instrtw niriiv iu visii nanus oi.oriugiug mi into the inietry. For when there was a sore strnirels as to my taking up this cross, I went In a bore your b juts were spread out, and beard yos speak of the iHsrlshing hundred- end scarcity of islmr r, which reeled with weight ea my mind; and I bought D'Aubigne's History of the Rcfor malion,' th. readina o. whivh-deepened -my iwpreaugut.au Uiat LcLira I hdlivsl th a eel volume t aaa filled with lb spirit that fired Luther' soul, and I at um hour mv sll uiu UiO cross of Christ as His minister." At a recent meeting many have been hnncfallv converted. On was a fine young bvlr. whosavs that my visit to he father a houee, alsmt .v n months ago, afTo-ded th mssi,s of her awaken ing. S ic, soon after my visit, made known her feelings and purpose t 'five of her associates, s'l of whom eotruaiilcd with God to seek salrslloo, nd they have all Bow found pard hi and ieae. The ' Female Tract DUtributors " of I'.sl.ivh ars Irulv devoted tu their " wurk of failh and lalr of lot, in leaving a tract i .nlhlv aiih evarv family in the city, talking with, aiding, encour aging, and instructing tuck as are ia need of it. II is highly gratifying I know Uiat they are, generally, tsry kindly recoiled, and Uiat their labor are highly apirsmalad by tbo oititana, and own. I and Lleed of God. A Joung a.a of standing rei-ently aai l to me, "Tha Tract on Arb nt Mpirits, disirilmlrd by the 'Female Trait Hocielv,' ss plaeel in my h'auds, which I read, and it fully cviuviiuvmI his of my tniooiis rmirse, and I dcj-rinined In atnvndon lb use nf limmr entirsly as a beve-ago, w'lich I have dnno tin b. th present, and shall ermllnua t do an." Thir Irart Lao also been th mean of reforming a dissipated -young men in the country, to whom It was tent by a friend. A prominent man told m that bo Intended In bo a standing colinrtmir, to keep oa had and distribute that tract writ ten by Dr. kldwards, and 1 let bim bav a gd topply. A family of high standing, who ins.le fashionable as ol liquors, told mo that Uiis Ira. t had eemvinced them of the gnt error in using it, . ia that wsv. The tract, "A Visit to joar Family," baa beea tb mean of a faUrar aomaiemeing family prayer. And a young man eaid, "I rmter had such views of F.i.rtiitr, my apprnaeb to it, and my ahshly si-nt liii,., as 1 mmm ,1 SWa - ' 'I- .. . oeily,'4statl-aVTlb.fsvt.ra- - " I- I'jW I i )' 'I be kind pe.,,. ,,f lt-,1, i-h arc doing nnhtv, "V''rK-Tr.v At.t. . . .. . i , t, , se far a eslle I im, In e.oilnl.olo.s; lo lbs supisui ' (t'Urisi .pli-r S n ,., i i r i f .Iporlac.. I). men eaid, "I am ghd ,.f lb. ' e,,l,y la Ike I uoo , y nt t npporianiiv le m.w my sto, k ia th Tract r-' l-lsckaao-l's 1scbi.i .s..ti. i riely. I fisel that it psvs well, sn 1 msli y.u I vie , snd W ss, kis.o.s. J. i. la rail na me every tear, fi.r I wsul to enj.v lb s I It'-1. e , will VI, m .i-l ' privilege hi' I' Inc." . A liifl t.v. J.Jm. I I' Maeaeas., M.ior i f ui..s yrsrs oi l, Ib ,n 1 1 o p r wid w, 'ss the first D'-h l'"i" "l I -hi give a H-oislem In Jolt. Its ra.nc tui.nn,. I 1 as Veuih .,t J.il r, ,. ,r s ll,e at reel. rsMtii? .,,,1 r hi at said, " Voa Lev gi.en uie a grral c si.v niie' gond ira te, re id and rarrv bom., and ,.-e ! le a d- llsr f.ff v. u in bar. -,n,s m e. ...d. I.k. 1 th.m ii g-v aaayi arortT nd nt"' ;.tavf ssr it k-i. f I l ulf.l s.A st rt,e mitrtHHj. ti. ,d b pre4 f'-r the sacs given. s .airs trnh , UM. j. w. ri.owtir.il. Cl)r1'pr f Aaa-,,..,, 7.a- .-..-tey . . Jf ll.ule and Lmrn'rUmi bat.-. A", f. Illl.SK.H, X. t Seja. I, l.t. Tsseiaifl Issssk, us . up Ij.HimtUr, Aug. 2s, . br,,l,r ,,r, i br h.'S i. a tll, lav, fit l'r,--t , i.f ..n vssl.lvwa il .n, d'lro.g er,,, i l .i of I he rsaig-r St, f . si ',, f i,.'SI, 'i V tabro-s vs.r S...UII Ji,.l. .Nuioe,,,,,. 0. ;,, r t. nets mir-M.f.ed, I oi X s ' tv.-s vs r- . t I i tr . II,. . .r. , I., Il .1 Ih - f '-I f . til .. 1 t '-t 1 . 1 1- 't . O S i is -for it i tri; At-..-t!ie I ;m ... n 1 i i t-d . fn..p li . ! sluf.e l to .l.e n j 1, we I'm I nit I f I, , bl. V i'II.-ll -,n f,'. lb. inclu ling the a h -Hnr.Hi, i;v-t,sn. M ,1 . 'J'iio destru-ti 11 . ( to C'.mp irativc'v hot llo' 1 Hauie. then eis,.,fP u,. I the west Mic. o. -tr-- i;,; nil -.' tho corner of lir. 11 ttit.-t t store, Tlie fir. was t!!I rn-..o' nt t'. to pr.", (., o'clock 1". M .) doubt it will berontiuc-l a it bin li It is impossible, iu li.e genrci excitement of the ninu-nt, to n ac.-uuiit of the ios.es, p.irtifill was ill imminent danr id" il-.-: are variously eTunstcl at fr, I lAVu ,.:. llsr Cien, Cs.vii'nti.i. o., moisri, v i ' , I . 1 , "" Messrs. "EoiTORiii Jhis p'-i. e a...i y,, ;,o,y vieited by one of th most .:irl-j tor--.ro'. ,M. tcrday ,iiiidav) attcrnn,,n. t,i,n 1 s ,. , t.i3o-i. i.am toy.ra-. ir-. ...... s- .. . . -. . . ; . li ginning was torriii.',-Uiiaiii; tvv, it , t"d .doing other doiiMiv. 1 At the Church near this place, ramiures wei-e completely overturrcd bv the wind. sover.lv in .ittrmg -severol- U.lie. ami teinla. n-. r, i, , largest trees of the forest we o iinm.t..,i so t earrtcd it rlwttinee of set.nl I i t,d yj, (J "Mtha ChttrcU lias been vcrv inii. li (bun, , 1 Iv tbo storm, and the tnliuco r p is u n -i a t i ,1 loisa. , It' sectns to linve cmln-ai-wl a cir,-n;,.r-once of several miles in extent, li-mu rep . i ts that are hourly coining iu, but I have ttut the tin... lor lurther pariiculars.o Vours, S. ' 0 NIAGARA AlilUVKDfK BEVES PAIS LATKH FROM ll'KiiPE I'M .'.". Ilat.trsx, Aug. SI. The Xirlrira has arrive wiih su-ven dart Iv. Intelligence from liurope. bavins; siiik-J "B tl Iihh. MAtiaKtS'. - CoTtot lias ilerlined nn ri-.-Ub ,th WCek-ainuuiUed lo ia,CK.'dbal Tiio of FlH. Wastcrn Caual D-a.: Ohio ! Is ; Wails and l.o 1 low corn St, - ..Cu.vsoU close! al " ' "' MISt'KLLAXKor-t. Tho Allies aero invading 1' .mr.uiol. The Crimea expedition bad n t sailed. OUier affair unaltered. fstCONB PISlMTril, SCIMIEXDEK OF BOMKU.-'l'Xn, llttelligenco received by tlie suhmari. e tc'" gmph jiit previous to the Noi-cim's aail-ng. st. led UiM llomersnnd siirie.,,!,.,J ih tom.ta.t thousand Russiaus wfrc tiikou prisnners. ';. ". ," -; In i: i. la (Lis City, cri Moinlny afifmoan 'ait, Pr.vviv T. -JlLiai, jr., aged 13 years.' To. eiU ,.f tl, young man was as sudden aiW rie h-. k ! While prtssing the street he wis sc o to f,:-, r io hit step and fall iti, tut u WW tliMOoVori-,1 th-'i?. tl, sun, p:t,U bad fleil all attempt.- to rcstro him to conscious osa prnvbij; ntierly mmtailin-r. But to t lo ii it t nil I wU ft ' ill hao c mi. su uddea, no tiBcxpecteil, so f.u.ol, ami f,,iin. biin mora ready for the summon? The lif and character of this young. man iinlce.1 f.niin-1 a model Worthy ol imitallon, Tiiou;:i in t!,e e , morn of lifit, lie had s.nne two mm i . ,1, ,; . n . I himself to tlio servl. of b'.s Cre.ao.r, and r"- that tim br lias seeiiitl tn live in lie v- v - . Oinls of h.arrn. His heart nco. l e i om overflowing wiih prni-e. to (1,1; rharvtrr and ibr ortia-nt s iv pi.nis as to call f .rth Ui rein:,; !, of all who Itnesr him, Thtofrwho ktio-.v f ir y'.;,: ; r but the l etter enaol, 1 P. n.i-c ClCrlietd qua'iiies . f hri-r as 3 has been taken us. ,y fr,., (;.,., t. h tn ulr opiii the joys of 1. any doubt that lltsNtr T. 1 i heaven 1 And tins Messed, flretion nliHie is able to a.i.l e ant grief inlli ite l up a a d , s!T.Tti,.iinicr-l.ii:c,ai: I f, i-u ! ., dispensation nf Divine l'i am to Ih. ni. but lii-y L , go and 1 with him. I h Slitij., t nl tl.c-. reins under an affocth n of i!,r 1, s t.- it i attendant had nft.o mi. o,! 1 1 his rtisl.nee snd !.-u!y. it 1, . Ilk the truly g x.1, ho ass ainay change. Then "Weep not f..r (ho,. Vt bo sink within li e r,--oe lir yet theehiiiy wiol-v v Of (or row uVr tbem li T i r- i HTATH or SoiiTll f .1 A ' Cffico of Secr- tty of F' i. .1 I - . SKA'.Kl) prnpossls f,.r torn ssry for the i-i,ihm,i t, public ofaatrs, t,.e s,o ,i,u Ibis sllics Bind I lie I- i'i o' i good eoillid f nk or ll. k.ov I , ia auitsbis Uiitcli.s lr i. after drllrs-y nni ,t u' i,c fepteinhrr 'i, ftlandsrd copy I too.. '',"' ''' "'' . ' ". 1 ' ' No "' ' ' V . ' i I I . ..ui r ! I II .Is. t ! 1 1 I J . ii st .M ' p I

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