FOUEiaX 1 1. Ah. A rilUnll WXXXLV T WILLIAM C. DOTJB, " tnirol "tup nnriitniL wv- jifsVi -- If Bold trietly in advance, two dollars per -am; tw dolUn and 611 J cents, if paid withi is mealk od three dollar at th and of iha t 7. ADTSRTrSEVSyrS .not xceding eixteea Has will b inserted en tim fur en dollar, and twcaty-lv eota for wck subsequent insertion. The of greater length will b charged propor : tieaslly. Court Orders anil Judicialadveitisemeut ' will h ckargea 2 5 par cent, higher the tha above rata. A reasonable deduction sill ba Bade to tkaat who advertise by tha year. Book and Job Prlutisg dona with neatnes a y despatch, mad aa accommodating terms. ' tdT Latter! ta tha Editor mast ba post.psid Will HE DIDN'T PUOPl&K. ar Tta fur. . ' "Why did yon never think of marriage V malted I of my friend Lyman Bobbins, who ia torn ten year older tban myself, add s confirmed bachelor. . ''--'-..--?. "1 have thought of it," id he. Well, why didn't too marry, thenT" ! will tell you. i'ott know Frank Palmer, on'tWHit". ., ' ; ..-. "v. . ha failed but week to the tone nf iwentr thousand dollar. But hat haa that to do with " ' aerhmalTjrinrvwd to mate pri)poal but once, v rindthsiTii to Krank'tixileibefere ba iu married, yon understand." -- "Oh 1" nidi growing interested. --And why dtdn tottT !,$ shell trnevrs- J wa Toonst and romantic" at the time abe wattteautiful and accomplished. Wa were throwaNnuch together in society, and I waa juat then of art age to yield to her fascin ation a. Though I had never expressed my lor in arovda I an noose mi looke betrayed me. and - X am quit utbat-he WM-awoxBAvt my foal- v log toward! Her. Uur raminesTieing anmewnat intimate, we were nn the earn footing, and she treated me in niuoh the mam coiindeutuu man- Bar aa she would a favorite eousin." ' .;.'l)o taa think." I inquired, VUiateha.waa m lore with vou t" ' - "No," aaid h "I never thought that. I presume, however, the would like to have lured me on to a declaration; -.and then would hare noted aa fancy dictated. : One duv, when I had table a morning call and was about retiring, ah tidd ma that she was going out shopping. andughingly proposed "to mo to g-i with tier, and carry the bundles, litmus nothing of im portane to take up my time, and not being verse to lue prnpovai, parity on 'aocuuni ui jta norelly, and considerably, I rather suspect, on account of Hi asreeal'19" ehnrneter or me com- spirit, and in a few minute wo were fuu-Iy tn twrtf." r ""' " ' "I hav but little to bni."jaid Jnjjsumprtnkin, .J'jou .mty W'Bxratuljite yourclf a " Ton will have the lea to earrv." - W mad our tr viait at a dry goods estab lishment. 1 ' "Havyou any lace collare?" inquired Car oline. A Urge quantity wer displayed, but - ttey were only ftve-dolmTa-iu price, and they weretooohettp. At length one waa found at seven dollar, with which. Ijeing declared to be the liet 4a tli tre,r -tirpnnt(n- at tcrigttrnrorccd htrself a(ini, and dc ilei to hike it. "I aunt" we." aaid sli on going out, "that I don't really need it, but it- was so beautiful I aould not resist the temptetion." . A beautiful abawl at the ditor of a store next eauzbt Caroline' attention." . I mnat certainly a- in and look at their shawls," mid she. "1 aawit uM! UTOuiel liko -thWrv- "New kiadi' jd tb-eTerkr'rwri jHt Imported from Franoe, warranted ta surpan ia tneneaa of texture and durability any now ex tant, will you have oner Th price?" "Seventy-five dot! am, andrheap at that" Candiue waa startled at thii aunouncement. "That is hlirh " aaid slie. . "Not forth quality. Just feel of it, see how oft it is, and y iu will not call it expensive." "I did not think of rutting one today j how ever, 1 tliiuk 1 matt. 10U may cnargs it 10 my father." ' " v Th shawl wu fuUei, envvluped- and handed to m by the clerk. "I sopp'iMi pan will Kold," laid Caroline bwt it s such a heiutr." W rewbed, re hg. anotherdrj eol store. -thtr plaear1 oviir which, "aelliug otf at cod," proved so seductive that we at ooc-e atnyed our atepv and enteiwl, Caroline ruhed to examine tb silks 'he fiit p:imnna tinurml, which to mv npra-ticed eve seemed of aanperiornnalitv. Were. ea-t.cont.nptuoatily auu-Je. aud lbs dcaired to e th very Ixist they had in th store, Horn war shown her at two dollars and a half per yard. Alter a while, she ordered twelve y itil tn b eat of for her. This wu don, and the bundle handed to me, Th bill, ol course, sau to hr father. ; T" .-, What with th shawl and jilk, each of wbi snad bundl of ao ineuaaiderabl aiie, I waa pretty well weighed down, and began In be ap praheniiv of tli eonaeqnence in ea my enm- paaion should make many mora purehaaea Kb, however, reueved my aniu-iv by saving thai- aha. Intended pmchaing oUi - awxa. bn w only g-ing to atop at a jeweler 1 to nave lorket repaired. Aoconimsl v, w rejiaired to tli store of a fashhinabla jeweler. The locket Waa handel ever with th Bemwwry direction! But that waa 1x4 all. A ladr at the counter Waa engaged in examining very rmtly pair of ar-etari whtets ahe waa rteairooa m perenaeiwg, bat demurred at th price. At lent he laid them down reluetontly, saving; "They ar t eau tiful 1 bat I da not csurt to u a bigU a twenty- r ooiun. "Lt me e them, If yoa pleftea," a iked Caro lina. They wera handed to her. Sh was charmed 1 with them, efaiany, I imagined, oa arennntof tli - prie,irtliev hal iitilelievond that l rei-mnioend thmn, and dided tn take them. "Now, I mart absolutely go bame," md sh, "without par hing any tiling mir.N . . Jul ooca Ua kavt War word, aod I waa ralaaod from my atiendaiae. Put th tbiaghl that she bad spea'ed on huadred and thirty-nr d.t lara ia a single aaoniing' ahipiiig, and that oa bjri of aim of hn li, by bar o eoafrawiu). n stood la need, eould not help re?rriiig to m , and I decided that until 1 eoald end oar m rapid wav of nbtaining aaowey, swh a wife won' ba llgetlir w etpemiv a luxury (i t m Indulge in. II. rw far I am rihl you may jn.lj! by frank I'siin-ri (itilur. At all t ents, th I lb rcoeun i d. lu t pruia 1 Kmlltnl R'parlrr.Tb P.ev. lr. M'C Ka in later of Ikiugla ia Clydesdale, waa on d dining m a large party wker th II m iewU Ilsary Enkin an I m,m ulhee lawyers wer Pea nt. A gwat dih of eeeaaaa beipg iwesent afiaf dinner, ir. M't'., vU was eviravaganil rood af e re' l,lmi, helped btmetf much Jarr-Jv iSji any other perw-u. aa h stealth nitfaufei-!,' with a ffoiiaf .wty f manner. Ml. KMim waa strw. k with l idea that k BMad Nrbeha.natsey ia bia slat f - ition. Iu.. tn rit bin a kit f-r Ui rft gro.t,,. f , 1,1, hjhI manner u . aauag. thewil a-t lrlb.ui with, !. XI C, y being mia mint uf iheli ,i , ,t,. halaeajer," ad tlie niainany were U.-imim hi t.iier at lb lodieroHS alloaion ; when tha reterend vegetahla u oplied. "Ay, do I aimd ye el,t,,nestr f Ibat'U b Uaux I m aiig among cha bruu-a!" i . JmJy Rummm, in a-ertin j the "Hard" n m baatei f.r (toier a r if ew ste. ,'! if ihe f. ; u e :, law. aad ta jeriaeipla t( tl Nel..a I .1 aad i i ii "w aebet aw- setiiiioenfes ar a--' - pUr ' . I no it ... ' 4 that t!. V w il a 111 jbm arreered I y a g't sn-r -.iy of Its op ofU im. rn ! I,i,tli.-is Mt . anomph fo a urn, bat jWea-i." rae -w will fevvwU M) 1V 1 i i 1 P VOLUME XLV. , E AJLEIG HV,Ci- SACKlAyMOUNlNO,SElT. lti, ltt. lialEUXAL IMPUOVEMEST CONVENTION. It wi een by a notice that we puMinh in our present Usu that an internal improvement Convention will be held -in Salisbury on the 2nd ay of November, neit, to devise some general plan fur improving the State by railroads. The friends of such improvement are invited from all sections ot the State. We recognise In the names appended to the call many staunch friends of Internal improvement, and can but,e$nres our gratification that so large, so respectable and so influential a body of public spirited men from all section of the Stat, should unite in a call for such a Convention. Vi't hope the Convention will meet, and that very section of th Mate will be av,lj awl fuv 'tWr8W(ii;"anTvien':S"mBeU we trut Uiat a improvement in Xarth::Carelina now are mahyV A few years'ago Qi subject was an unpopular one, but novr it meetawith mnre favor from the peuplCT'uw 1v1m time -fir the -me ttd lntsi ligent men of the State to consult together and devis plan which will meet the demands of all sections of the State. Internal improvement in North Carolina are comparatively in their in fancyvw have but commenced a system which. if successfully completed, may develop the un told resources of the State and enable us to com pete with our neighbors in energy and in enter prise,. Tram wledTo" this cull, we eon- elude that nothing partisan is intended by the mover, but that all will meet together. North Carolinians to consult for the interest and wel fare of North Carolina. Whilst as a Whig, w are proud of the poeiti.m -our -party ha always maintained upon tins subject, we are ready and willing to co-operate with our Democratic fellow citisens in furthering any plan that limy develop th rwwuro and increase the prosperity of the State. yfjt raiei' tttenTir nope I full repfoseataUon fnira all sectiooa of the State will be present to delibif'Xte uponWw "tli roormjHSunroestioii tliat will cori before tlie next Leginliiture, and that something will be dotl in which all sections will readily concur. N-.. r' FiOt'lISB tsoi Th Senior Editor of th Fay- etteville Observer, now on visit to the North, -write in glowing style" of Th sumom and Cr- tnnes of some of the leading Northern editors. Th prosperity of th pros in tliaN jrthcrn cities Is undoubtedly due to the ability, w ith w hich it is conducted, and the public sjiirit of the bui- na awn uf th cilia atili are they vary liberal. ly patronized at the South for their ciimmercia) rvl ioTeT"'"":i:"'"' If all, tliia S.ulitetn people who take only Northern journals would only bestow aoine of their patronage upon pn?r nearer home, th publiihera and editors could furnish them a more bandxome sheet and a much mor abla and iimiructiv journal ; and whilst they might not be able to emulate the splendor of New York editor, or beewm wealthy a they ar, they might b mor ay and oonifurtalil iu life, and hare lest the feeling that they hail spent their time, energy and talent fur theedificathm of in pulilicind had icouivad, but aamall re turn for so much toil. W venture to assert that the editors in this Stale labor as hard and a constantly as tbeir more fnyord b, Mliren ia the ortli ; and wlult a fow of them have probalily mad quite handaoni fortune, th larger por tion bav been mielled to rest satisfied with bat little, llut M tli account given bj the edi- j? .L.tM pbserven t . I aecidentnlly fell into conversation at th dinner table the other day with gentl' who proved to h one of th editors and nnprt tors of nn of th leaning new I org paper. Uefor dinner was urer be had tnviied m to gi out with bit to his reaidene I j miles from tin city to spend day or a night with bim; aad accepted hi biertaiio and bad lieea borriad along by th car about half th. distant before I fuund oat his nam, seventeen yi-ars ago ne IxHight m acrea of land wher he lire t-r.Ulsi; and lost rear he w as effered for th JliiML UaiajnH 6liiilona Wa. j-4tw--l slsntial stotia luiaa at a coat of I.U,tsJ. It most beautifully situated, witlnu view of the llar-l-m and Hudson river. Long Island Hiuad, th JJigh Urulge, and th thmn; and ia near to th lludeoa Harlem rail reads. Ill establish ment of th llarlmn natd baa led to settlements a4vllaga aUoewog ita boedi r'. aed nwadiwpied th value of real estate. Hundred of people who do buinee in .w ork liv ) th liu of this rood and ixas nn and down avery day, One T th editors of tli paper in qneelio lives in New Haven, another at th tac I hav Just deaeribed, and tv or ail others ia the city or lswhr, 'my knf irmant did not ven know where, lb papr ia owned by threw person. 11m other adilors bav salnriea. It market valu aa property is about t'll.i""-), and en of lie proprnstiira, hard working man too. M dividually worth that amount. My Elibirial brethren 11 tb Soulb xoy lu.1v- from Hi focu Uiat their city eutmaporori bav 6our Uluug liu uf it. About iO year ago, this my ruaoiataao among tlim, than vouag ntered apoo mpLymat im this city at foU 1 V -. -. . TI sTo-ir Tb Waabingtoa Daily Gbili say : " U i tatJ tba Ws slx-ll.m 4 tb lltm. C. Dobbin, a tailed State 8nor front North Carolina, bu b definitely rranged, tad Uial Mr. Nalhiry, of Morula, w.ll ntecood bim as of tb Navy Dvpartmeat ' Nsw HyorxS. TW Iemneyai-y of this Coanty hat aomiaatad Ir. l'eter M. Wslkar of Waaxuagv. as UtssT aaaedidala for tin 11, Cum da i a'Igs Ptrara's pUca. Kt..i Caivtaaivv Ntsuisi t hj i'-ri.. aoaaa aait rwadahl aniebw. Tb dikr to I ladmtrtoat and peiVi rlr aad r Htadterv up s Inlereaiia, BsodUily - unaiumetrt for timir imlnrs. fijrTbosa Bragg, Ooera-r lert if ll ftiatm, wu ea t visit to tins iiy aa Tvavday and W K U-tt rl v Wat awr Cmi rt ,M waa 'f al ati-i-4v. 1l awan boil. bag lirvmg i, it Mtk wing til, a I II, a s.1h Wir f v dido I b-ra lvt li e rhmaevs a.d is W, .i,t,i,( e l l 1 ha e.t.1 fc.weaw.ll St I be rewime I so J l!. i.f-a CvuH H w -. ' tb Mia. t ii(w Ara, EAIXIGH, NORTH CAEOLINA, "V7EDNZSDAY KORIflXO, Internal Improvciueut. A GEN ER AL CONVENTION or th frienda of Ioterral Improvemant will be held nciriooror eirntnir ii j AtSAUlBllir,v TUIRSDAY Ike aad . , 4ay eAuwmteriKzr. 19k object of th Convention will b to eon- " . , - . 4 . aider id rwnmmend a gen system of Inter- nal Improvement, by IUil Itoada, for th Stat, in i v.i and friends of Internal Improvement ar invited to attend. loVi COCXTT. Chas. F. Fiher, Nath'l Boyden, Johu W. Ellis, D. A. Davis, . John I Shaver,' Win. -Murphy, criLroxo. D. " Caldwell, John A. Uilmer, vwoou. Jacob SUer, U. O. WoodBn, IRtnSLt. lonwsroK. ' iliola-ll Prcwjs, '"LiiuXDxk J-sleMSr--;. -j- -"- E". F. Lilly, BUIitV - . BtTBKI. E. J. Erwin, R. C. Pearson. BKluruMT. M. F. ArenduU. --T.B.Saltertliwaiie, SUKCOXBS. J. F. E. Hardy, cmntst.vva, "Geottl-yriiii, C.C. HendenSnT" xuxTOKur.- : -fe'4eifiTy," S. 11. Christian, 1 KOTBAPTOX. D. A. Barnes, bxr HANOVIR. P. K. Dickinson-, ATT.BcBosse " Tho..n. Wright, ONSUIW. . John ArjAreritt, H. K. Bryao, E. J . Hale, C. T. Halghj Joseph Arey, E. L. Wiuslow, John H. Cook, D. 0. M.JUo, rsTswas. W. L. Md'orkle, CI-IAVgLND. ' -ArR.tmmslirT" ,coi.rMm;s, - A.-.-Troy-,- Jons, Worth, JI. B. Elliott, A. II. Marsh, XUHHU.1D. A. Dockery,. xoHro. K. 8. Ercm.h, R. E. Troy, Edmund McQueen N. A. McLean, Patrick Murphy, "nokrr. " r. II. V. Uolding, " R. T, Paine, stisar. . ctLnriLi.. J. Cowle, S. F. Patterann, Tirt.T. W. A. Lenoir, - M. T. Waddill, PI-I'Lt. WAV MX. -IK Bcld.7 : 'S7LrLov7 " HAVIT."-: B, Bilcy, 0. W, Johnson, go itrriikHc. ' J. 8. Dancy. OXVXVII I I. 2 ' "WAXg. L, O'U. Branch, Wm. Boylan, TAIIKIV. Jo. William. Wctiabb" trtT All New-pipm in tha State, friendly tb ntariial Improvement, are repotted to publish th abov notice. .V'tine KUfivm. The latest distiatche from Maine state that tit Oovenor'a vote is very dose; u... kr. i .-. :n 1. -i .-.I i ....-n .;..- ui aiojoriiy. The fuilowiug cougi believed to be elected i First district John M. AVeod, Second John J. Perry. Third Ebeneser Knowlton. Fourth Niuiuel It. lieu sou. r tub Israel Vi ashbant. The arssll whiga. Ths Ws-hingtoo I'nioo sets them down aa whig and abrditioiiists, The bdlowmg diKpali h comes to us from Portland : Knturns have been received from 107 towns. sTRTWlti)f (tie I" .flowing yirt for (iovernor I Mornll, lb I uaHMiist, Sl.bOO lleed. Whig, d.644 I'aris, IVimsTut, 10.5-IS f rev. Liquor Iw, 1.377 The returns from th Igislarur sho the lmioa of Fwatonists,-- lananerstr and "T Know-Villiing. Th Argus sav that Terythinr from Con- gr-s dowu ha- gone by the brd. Tha pirs ascrilie th result to lb action uf tb Know- Nothing. A Fart CVnWy. Ir. Franklin R. Freeman. or tnis cMiniv, sent us oa .vimdsy last a (. tiicg. ea wiin fir legs and fares wings. Th legs and feel at fully formed, nd of tb usual aise. 1 tie wmg are small, two appearing on on (id and on on the other. How long it lived after being hatched, .ss ais not inlusmtdi Iww rut to us preserve i in sievnoi, an w sliall alcohol. keep it at our oAc for tb insietioa of sock may da air to sea It. yiHXMr ilrcorOer, W regret to leara thai Mr. Wstts Riggaa of this ousMtt,-, bad kw dwelling boo and kitrhan dastrovtd by fir last week, together with all their eiailei u, xerit a few animportanl articbm; uvh a misfortoa enuld m4 hsv bC Ilea better man, or aa Wo aid to War It. 11 Is old and inlna, aad baa under bis car om of bis cbddrsn and grand cMldraa wlmar depen dant anna bis aaaaaisted lalem f sunot. lis dmrve tb sympathy and aeeietan of bis f4- ww ctusens, ev arraoma ivsavs. AnniilUil f I'hriM,. Th trial of Christian. in Ui oi wiit euartvf Heilftwil, irnlided tor th avnrder of Cadet Blackburn, ia Lasiogtoa, kvt I ebeuarv. wa aoaoluded Mooday snsuif by a met not lluilly. i n Jury wa out only twenty-oa miauteo, Th veniiat ( savs th Virginisn. a ss reretred by th ait diencwith rvi.leoee of tb warmest eppruiay tb-a. (xnrm. mob to deep fesling a lh. israma. ir nimeeii in issbTS nw uis oca uv B juror, aeq M leaving tli (uart hnaac waa enrte4 by a bug auinocr ot stmpaituung puma to urn rupisd by hi aaxsuas motliar aad aister. DaavHsg rill thM-ISark.k arMpoadeat of tli New Tori Times, wnliug from Baratoga, k raapoasitl tor to lolko ingi . . . ' .. . -Thar has beww artsbveraey par of all groda i fmra, to th 'mushroW aad atAsh;' aad I bihed to one aieimig ao J saw lb raid it tJk istto U a genilemaa a on bntot waltsing with cn of tlet kaughueat bsswtws wka wa dVaesniaolad "Wilr l Hi other, II may have baea qail a r"l a bis ameteri bat I imA whether th f 'ng uwly wimld hav smiled so grarmoaly as im. ar rewntled hi BHiostacb to anas ao aeor her cheek. If sh bad kanwa that stvil pari of t'i evening hroskliig m. b.a king Iwda," bad aad VI fVaars A genilemsa writs In lb Main Farmer t b-fl. tost fall. nM pntato la the re.ui,. I la July lbey were mor thaa b g g ma aa my eiber. II Mr. ,i, j'r rcavewds to far-wees to plsal nn in lh fall and try th ripenment. I kt MeS amt that Mhor hsv raised, e M-.a by ptaming iw tb fall, lbey war elir lit .-belief p..(al, b,a k SaW b foe vary Isrjce, sound sod bandaom. fl.o(t nf V , r tt It ml m -"Pi esumv'l of ll,. h e "I . II beatai n-d H a 4ay eight tt bar LMi b so i V) aaiuagtoe. 111 -TITLES. . Th Buffalo Commercial AdvertWr banpllv hit off th h,v of title diapUjed by our Ka- puhhcaa people: "Never wa there sach dragging dow of Uift, tiUoaas in this oooutry. Every HtU poi- try achool, dignified with a oo! charter by the Legislature of th State and such coflege spring up like w eed in th W et boweii it t,'U1.uuully upon men who d.nt know the tatin words they represent. Cropa f U. D., l l. II ..i. , 1 r... .... LI,. D. until tii whole thing has become ridiculous, and but few worthy men accept the prufiored dialuictiiMi. Ttiia whole matter of conferring degree hoa been "run into the grouud" ao far if the expression ia a pardonalile one that it is mor a mark of distitictiun nat to be written 1. I), or LL. I), titan to have th common han dle follow the name. Ilungtown CulUgo aud Siauggleton I'niversity, out in Iowa, or near Oro in, make llcr, McPuggina, or flov. (Mr. W hanger, in Haribjcrubb, V, !.', an old Uivcm its, the membcrnf Asseuihiv. am' putcnithxouU, ly wteer ami greater with an LL. K A ui in wiii.hrbTery"obcilr ffi vo3 J ft.d g roai,-tut tiiay oHa thick aaleitvea ia Vol lT broaa Ttw miwt nbuaed term, however, is that 'uf Professor, once bouured in academic hnllg, and meaning an innruour -wcwitving a jtaML iiicui. AsiAUmMtMiuimuif days the public are informed that Prolosscr luu or rruiessiir tuai, is Teauy to give lessons in writing, phrenology, or slight e'hand trick, in necrouiany, or canls. . The whole rahbl of travelling showmen, vagrant vender of universal panaoe&s, itinerant lecturers on phrenology, spiritualism, biology, and mendicants generally, are all Profeaaors; an illumrioua crow certainly, and though profeasiug much, poor specimens of mankind, taken in th ag'regule. As for (iene rals, Cokiuels, su3 the lower military dignitaries. the militia furnishes an suck titlca, and you may bod Uenerolain men of tha moat I unmilitary occupations, snd perhap Colonel, certainly a Miyor or Captain, to mix cobbler ar make a julep at tb next restaurant, liepub licans as we are, proud of talking of our Demo cracy, titles don't oome amiss, and If we don't say, "your lordship," and "your grace," Bishop Huge being the only mart mnr Mnreeocattrd, wo show our innate love for titles lit the mui republican lonn of lie.. Uu. Key.. Dr.. General, Captain, and Squire." One of our oldest and most respected xer chants told a story (a true ot.e; which very well illustrated tha am penchant. He hrd, a. u ioniei . w linrymr after' vciir."'caiiie to this place f und bongtit 1 kirgo' bill of goods."" ON "WM "occa sion liainliigv bis ; JptJuJo ui. iuyoT. Ii Kai surprised to aee it turned over and over, and examined for a long time, evidently to I lie great dissatisfaction of the examiner. "What's th matter, isn't your bill all right sir f" "Why yea, its all right f believe, but the fact is that since I was here lat year, my company bav elccied m Captain'"' Tb-4ilH was altered -end tlie customer departed well pleased with hi bill and dcligluad toee Captain at the bead of H; Ifitiont of Iht Hon Emmire. The word Is from Uie French etturUr, (shield bearer) and originally signified nothing more. It was appli ed to armor bearer ot ivnight ana iiarons, wno wer second in rank to them. The enquire was a gcmlcmatt. aud -had 4li -right of quartering 'anus on bis shield, as oNci of wearing sword, ' Which dMwded gawtiMaaejrsiiiA ba wo net gird ed with th kniijliilv belt. Tbi was the esuuire of chivalry, ol whom we bave an amusing bur lesque in tli person ot nancho. rant a, th valor ous attendant of that famous kuight errant, Don Ouixot. Another class, feudal esquire, consisted of tlios who hud not been dubbed. The sons of I younger sons of 1 hikes and marquises, the yuung- er of viscount, earls and baron; and their eld er With the eldest sons of baronets and knight in all order are regarded in England a esquire by birth, tloiugli their precedence, which differ widely, is reflated by th ranks of tlieir reaper. ti ancestors. Ulhcersof UieVfueen s lourt and household, her army and navy down to captains inclusive, doctors of law, barristers, and physi cians ar reputed enquires. A ju'tic of th beac i oiily an esiuira during fus term of office; but sheriff of the county hold his tit! for lit. In this country it is usdealmost indiscrimi nat!y as an eiproaaion of respect. l.Yrsj l'ort BUHllaf 7ISUA. -THE SANDWICH ISLAM'S. " I A eorrasnonilenl of tb Baltimore Hun. write I from Washington aa follows i l b, policy of the sdiulni.tratloa ia relation to i.bvnd acoui.ili.. onUnue to be devebiiieil. I pi, long exf-iii I proposition bo lb annexation of the tMsdwioh 1-Latid ha hsm at last, and I at th asa tins with a Droiaot of a traAlv fur th i priviv-g of a naval depot and station and corn mercial nort in tb Dominican nortiou of Huyfi I These measure are consistent with thaoommerc. and its aorurity from foreign naval aggression. Tb political ooatuaosae Involved in th sreaanre r -unimportant bouired wtlb the manliest commercial advantage which they m tit. The means of acquisition proposed are pease- fol and hnaoraoM, ana titer eaa u ao dooM that tb Sanal and th country generally will anneur la them. A rreat enuwnerciat nation a to 1 tb greatest ia tb world mut bar th farilitie of foreign post and stations dtt iu mercontil and marina. Tbi will tend to pre vent rathe thaa to excit boatiUti with foraigo power. Atvother enrrewnnvidtsit says i Thar was a protracted meeting of tlx Cabinet srwfay, supposed to b ia referaoew to lb treaty I jum reewive.l for th anaaiati. a oftli KmJwsth lslamU, and abas tb treaty w ita Dominica fur a aaval vt. M Tb anaatUotiaa of Ftorida ewniites that the seal of llmersBisst shall 1st resswvwd from it Irosent poeitioa at lb end eflv years frca th rat swash of Ik Legislator to b bald andor it That lim i mew at head, ana lh pop I of Ui Mat ara agitating the u Inert ia public h wp.,,4, ., hand rwd mile fnaa tb L, MMh,orih,HM, and at WaK meeting. Tallaiiaaan, th piawent lorattoa of graphicaJ centra of th mam, aad at teat mva haudred and fifty miles from th eswlr of actual poreilaii... Tb Slat llooa I Mated to let ia a dilapidsttd nmdittrsv, and thi Is arged aa edditiisaal rwaanw. Tha vol era ara to suta apna th nymatina of "rwnveval tf no rein. nal at th geaeval slaclio hi fMobsr Best, (hi of rtispnhhe meetings ia Msrnai naMy kks to ward with Inlaiwt to lh tint as " fat an- P' 'mm-hing when 'Howlega' and bistrilawill seek (, , boane in tb Wast, whsrb wdl add aom 2iJ mil to the peawewt aattUsaeal " And tt i fur ller aaiicinaiad thai "lb ledisaa oar g. their phsew will k f fled by an slnwal ausnfier Us rash of inbslalants. mid instead nf the era k of tb Indiaa riff will lb busy bam of th rndastrioa kashandmea." The ar thee ring aatiripatkiae. Th whil pq ulattua of tb Not la loot) waa 4I.04U. DROITt or CuMritflT. Bmg anumerale lb following nvg tli "limps uf Cumfurl gaaerallr administered ; by frien-tsj" "Iteoding newspaper ea a railnad, snst ining a aeef.aal nf 'Fivwandvwenty lives kwt i" " tb sans road, and a ear tb sam playai, oaly ti dy tf ! "Losing a small fovtea ia aa aahnky pea- labf-n, aud all your rraala wnodariag Imh Vis eaut-l bete bea 'rmk a W ' "1'mt.iig ea a wbit aevk'koth, whhh yo faeey b wiwa you. and baiag boilrd all lb VMong aa 'arW'lv.' "Uaasio,g auas beii' leJia ia the saw-to le fa aorg, aed a XaalKSje nval ealbef eat SEPTEMBZS 20. 1854. FlO.IITlNtl SIlAlXiWSt. 1 The Ghoeta have determined to odablish an organ to prevent their opinions from beiHg mi- niiuarKiiHHi, snii uuge cuiaonas ns sailor 01 uiv SpiriiualiCircle is now inierveniug upon their behalf in sublunary aifaini. We jrcume that there will be " ghoU-ticket in the held, and pol itician isud avow their opinions ujnin tha o!! furot'S and spiritual sympathy befure they til get the endorsement of the dineuibodled. What will our iH'iuocratie friends do about thin? They are now finning the mimy and iuipAlptfil ew hOits of the Know Nothinjga, Our Deiuncraiic fiiwndt very pmporiy denounoe- iutulriu-e. Thev1iav pre.uirr-l long an t d'ictrinal article tn hw that th fiitiiers of th lUmublio wcr toterant of nil religiou epiuioue. Tliey speak of the service uf Ktuiunko and of Lafavett. and ask with indication if tlio right of aulTrag i ti lio douied to a tierm&d gentleman a hone good ar contained in a Urge iron bound box, who tmokn a king oicr-liaiim, is fulluwed by a Itenr hivuli-.l lady enrrving tli smallmt speci m U of 'l eu tunic niaimfiiJuro in. hit axuia. ohd riiiw'eviw;ty thi ra'aeVwT fWfWslitiir WOT," it trverT cruel In ttiFtfuieii ? ivci to liuimt UKon hukrsBtuUtg th imriv,-t4 tltey eon Wrn to pH.i4primoiin!W;thiKiaontiim In the menn time the I euton are furuiahcd with gift-lands, protected bv Uw and receive liberal -pwy for their rabnr, and in'nearly every reepect Our Dvtnosratic frieuds inveigb against the in justice oi proscribing a eu lor their ruiigiou opinion, lbey point to the tact that our itber- tics wer won bv the sworibj of both Protestant aud Catholic soldiers. Bbdiop Hughes baa ar gued some time since that the trial by jury the system of election, indeed, nil that we most boas of in our institutions, hod been copied from Pa pal model. He boa also mad th pointed re mark that whilst Protestant Hessians were hired to out our throats, Catlmlio Ireland aided in djl Iouoj4 iuriibotuos.Jiu uu-wi iinw wiwt defance the Omen aahes wiltjet up on that suh- joct. lulike the. Ohoat they aeem to hav n organ. Ihny seetn to have aihipteil the tactics of Bunker Hill, they do not firetill they " see the white ot tlieir enemies eves: " Like the gal lant commander of th Conntitution, they wil) not return the Democratic Uce until they are within half pistol shot. Not, having held, - or even expected to hold any office, w cannot take a very lively interest in this war on on side, but wealioulil very much like ta hear what tneuuten Salics will have, to siiv in reulvv Mum onndi- dates fjuve been nlwav denounced by our jcm- jAcmti-4trdin-rlf"miT"tii Per-" hous we shnll have nn. answer trvtn the Uuicn Sabos bue of these days." " " Vi e don t know out our Jiciniwrslic lricrulH jiutat and - ll vary hard fighting such ini palpable eurinics this disa- gruvauie wcaiuer. ,joi. juiiia. 1.. ,i . . .. - . - n .r, T,. !...'.. - AN INCIDENT OF Jl'RY TRIAL Th lastniAiilier of lliirpor's Magixinc contain an article emitted "liu-idouui of Jury irial, the perusal of which reminded us of an amusing and somewhat novel method of arriving at a. ver dict Hitofited by a J lir'y in tTilii count y on a "certain ocaiiin,Jl'hesloryjs.JoLdby. aincsliuiuliuuidol 0 irs, who was a uieinlier of the Jury, and Is as lollowsi Ihe JuOrs in th case relcrred to, a Ollcn hspKHis, found tlieiiiselvea unable to agree ojKin the amount of unmakes to be assessed. Miiuv UDucehful erl'orts bad been made to gree Uwn a verdict. All tbemeansusuallyresnrt ed to. ottaucb-uooasions wma- -tried i voiuj-- Th opinion of osch Juror was ascertained, snd the wa-irrhtir ntniimi-d' added Wgctber andib a-gr- g.ite divided liy twelve, but it lulled to produc unanimity. Their patterns as exhausted tbeir appetites wer genu tb dinner Lens wet ring ing, and yet thare wa no prosieet ofagreemeut. Iu this condition t,f affairs the happy xpcilient we arc sImhiIIo radot was suggested and immc diatoly c irricd into execution, with complete and wonderful success. A kirce circle w as drawn up on the floor of th Jury-mom with "piece uf eiuux.; tbi was next divided mto iw elta equal compartment by drawing lines from iuocmreto it aircamfcrencc. Each Juror then wrote dowa in one of tliew diiiriotis tlie auiountof damage h "went fur." This don tb Foreman with a gravity becoming the solemnity uf th occasion t.s.k bis sisnd in th cautre ih th cirvle, and having nxf in th pjlin id hjs,Jif) j!and,.Jtiruck ii violently with the foie-tinger of tli right, at tlie am inaiant whirling bia leidy raiidlv around on bis heel. Tb sumi onisiiioif in the division on wlib b the Mftil fell H newfrmrt xrnder the finger of Ui Foreman was taken as tb verdict fit lb Jury, aaaoa ';erfuor. SAD STATE OF THINGS. "On of th most pit isbls and painful sight 1 1 tli is city, saya th New York Mirror, is the thousand snd one barefooted, ragged and filthy child -en idling shout th slreuta, or, ia stormy weather, plying old broom at tb street cross ings. Itunn'uig sinoiifj th omnibuse and car r.agea, they peiform, it is trne, fair shr of what little street rlesning Is done, to tb shams of our euthurit ies U it aaid and tbir Nrnuner ation -nsi.t of lb few peimiea dropped into tlieir nalma by nedaatriali. ?Ao b'aa jiiau a thuasaad of ibsss aufuttunalaa may b counted In New 1 org oa any rainy d. They are princillv girl, most of them under ton year of ajte, but msny of them twelve, four teen and Mill older. Mixed among these giiU ar n mrh bors to olnnaie them, in all lb b ebmanma and'yulgarltv nt tbeir seg s and be Iwsva tbeir earn b-pray, ingrained by life bn Ihe street almost from infancy, and that caught from their ami aniaiiions, they prat a m lure of delatsemeid which m grit delight Isud bent ca the annihiUtl-m nf humanity. Low elans, nbsrenity and blasidien v ot lheor- aevt kind, is, tlieir rarrvnt uuiguag rum aturaing antil night, ihis visihls to any va who tra verse ear streets, anleas bis ya h (trained ea Africa, or sofas distant land of lessor baalM Wbn the eight roans, the shildren scalier to tbeir baunte-wlier f ffosM go to boms amr lllh than the streets they bav been soaalenng or sweeping, wbr drunken father snd mothers atwrlr setts the earnings of tbeir ftiklra sa and abatae, to prnbmg tl firul orgiaa of Five Point and kindred pla-ea and usaa, already rerklna ot borne less, seek ram bole, e ball of yica Mill mor disgusting, . TU Caea-ra el OJwiwbe, I'm.-. A dispatch from I oliisalxa, aaiest Kept, iz, save I The ebobra Mill rage bee with great ylra lence. I p to thie wsorning tbera were seventy Iwe deaths, and torts new eaawa toils v. A bosineas rontiuue lusrendid, Not ator i tn ba fount open. A bvrg prnpnritoa of tit eiiisans pav leii ie vorisais piaeoaia tn eoonirv aad atbara ara leavm avert kwur. Two-thirdi of tb p-'pulelion ar g-a, leaving pndattdy asst ever jam mi tiMiaais in ia pur i ana wnniiwe wa hav forty new aes to report lo-aav, so,. Ing an uafiea.-a.len ted virvilaoca. 1 be mortality Slot dielreaw r appalling. Titer is graot d'lb- evtliy in bury it-gibe deal, A pai1a.-t io,ie axiala, Many uf tlx beat citisens are laJong vkctisu. Th New King of atoav, wba asmsssd tb crow a af ar his brother's saddest eternise, dues ot appaae tn te very popular with, bia "tub lerts. They rsisisaW that be owed lh . dianle ire ntena lit rxaq'bv of Inosi stortog snsn si ght ibaturlatnee few yeaes age, and tbey eriiH-teed bis raeetil pnwImaatAfn vary aav Vwrly,by spoks atel wntteti etaaimeass. - A few srre-is wera m,nelialetv made, but il ks pro! bltibat tlx King was af ll state of fWling whi.h. t-i .e rttrol. peevaKa,!, f.e b Mlowed bis fir-1 ( r-i. '.-onstel - with B Seenad, mx-m Uie same .i . r. hi wi,w h a mKM oue eoa- Sloaiory t f.i a.t, e.o ,!l. I ,.... I t I -1 1 .K-aV-in. Si 0,ey era Sr ea b o. If I' 1 V"l Ai. U baa f SS .:.l, ml r,. .1 , ..I li as there t .-1 a be i- M i I aU a Forth Star. A MEtTINQ OF TflE CrTO.F.NS ' . Tut (A JretuaaaodWiba of fuilort al Ihe .VoWA , - CWoftoat SlaH i'oi. The undersigned takes pleasure In stating, that a public meeting of tit citisens or ruueigh was held at th City Hall oa th 12th inst., for the lurpowe of making all necessary arrangements W th accommodations of visitors to th second annual Stat Fair of th North Carolina Agricul tural Society, beginning on Tuesday, Oct. 17th next. There ra much interest expressed by all Drea mt, and from the desire manifested, there Will doubtless be ample accommodation afforded to the agriculturiata and msohaoics, and others of th State, who will by tlwir preseoca, mom, that they hav tha truelnMrcM of the country at heart ; anil every assaranc was gives that all would b pnqairly aeoommodated. Three commilte wera annointod b th meet- 1i x. oue to attend a cb uf tlst three xtrincnal Uiolul;af lb CitJ, to th arpoea-f referring rtsitora to ptaca wher they eaa be eomrorbthly . hdd-Htftt Die rooms ol the llotola atd "oaahw nubile liuunea ar oceupwd. All tboe who may uc.irt to be relieved from tb trouble of kwking ot ynt themaelve will ploaa call at Ui 1'or- brotig Jomjs, Wher comnuttec consieting oi (i.-.r, 'iwbrugh, J, K MarrtotivIlW ilUy, r. T. Poscud, and Seaton (Joins. "X" Atlh Vita ;oW.-Cpt, LawTence, 0. II. Pery, Col. K, i. Wynne, Jam, M. Tow lea, and T. II. Selby, . Af Csiua's TJrfet Masvrs I. P. Guioa. R. S, Tucker, J. II. Biggs, W. W hi taker, Jr. and C. W, D. Hutching, who will giva thm direc tioaa whereby tbey can b (uitably accommoda ted. Ta. DALLAS IIATWOOD. ' Intendant and Cbm'n. lUIoij'h, Thursday Bj?t, 14th, RIOT IN MOBILE. Th Mobil Register of th 5th instant, give the following account of a riot which took place u ma city vs uie previous uaji At aa early boar, a difScultynecarrcl be twee tlie American and Irish population, la wbk'h th former, being greatly In th minority, wer driv en from tb polls. Exasperated at th stat of affair, tb American rallied ia Urge numbers, and proceeded to the seat of war! After com skirmishing, an Irishman, who U a bar-keeper 4-oudes tli .Amphitheatre, got into a fight with ea nmerioon, snv owing urwawis uy suuiiws, ueu into house tenanred bya Spanish family, corn er of Ibiyal and Elava streets, tnder'tbe im, nression that the house was a rendnxvous of the Irish rioter, the vast crowd ponred in, demolish- in window aad banister, in search of th fu gitive, whoa was afterward ascertained, had token refug in th chimney, A hnt w as fired at the crowd by one of the inmate of th bouse nut unfortunately the content wcr received by female, also aa ininata, who endcavorad to prevent this suicidal attempt on th part nf bet cuuntryuea. Had it not been for th fleeing uf the Irish and th ipoetulatiooe at tbc Mayor, th mob, nragd aa it waa, might have proceed ed to great extremitte. - A n was. It ended in lor lea bloodslied thaa ws xpctd, consider ing th weapon and missile of every descrip tion resorted to, Ihougu ttier wa asonrn to sat- fy tb tovtt xacUug. . , Jrom iiFiaim-UiaUM lmtrUmL Wa (are en Tuesday, a brief aceouat of the massacre of lieutenant timttoa and. bu party, who went in pursuit of theSioui Indians, near Fort Iarmb. Tbi areoant ba beea aoafinawt by official ra- port, it arpeareo te M a pracoacenea iitaa oa tli part of th Indian to way lay and murder the whole parly. Tha xnasaoora was aomauttod oa Uie l(ih of August. It was also stated wbea th ex press left Laramie, that tb fortw surrounded by Indian, and there waa reaasa to far that H would ba deetroved. Th rarrisoa aambarod on commissmoed ofneer and aftv mca. It wa fur ther Mated also tbat after tbc battl th Indiana attacked tha American Fur Company' station and destroyed it, carrying off goods worth from ten to Bltecn thousand dollar. .Another acemial oeHieU sosnewhsl with the re going, relstiv to lb auposittoa or tba In dians toward th white. - Tha Indiaa tribe ware Maeebly disposed to wards tha white, aad psehnios ware eo- toruunad of dimculty with tbcat. rjoei of th tribe were ant oa (nod term with evctivrther, and preparations wre ea foot fat boslilitie betweea tba ioax. Pawnee and tamaeenss, and Mrlows trould waa anlK-ipated F. X. Aubrey, a skimmer of the Plaina, wa killed ia a low by Major Wcightmaa at Beiita F. An bray bad jam made tli trip from Mea Frawnsea to Santa Fa ta tweety-day. Ne par- ucaiar war gives. TU CkLvm Stent Orjor. called tha "Triad. ba beea so frequently menttoned af lata year in ear act rent from Celifovai aad tba tlaat. that ne doubt away of ear reader will ba glad to gnow aomMliing of I la rnaxaettr. from recent essay published ia a Pari pair, called I I'atna, ' it that th Chinas asms af tlii order i ria-be-bel, and that th meaning of H Is "lb HociMy of lb t ailed Three, or of the Triad, that ia to ", of ksarea, tartb and man." Thr I t distinctly badge to be were b y the mcmlstr. wba th dasa da aa. It la a.blo silk scarf lipped with Ikiead bust, bat a Uiey are a i wars eppu4 as tn Tartar gnvara w vsan, , as rwusaw a aaagarea pang ear. Ia aom proviaeaa, bowsvrr. tbey aia l I ' L ; I. . . L. - A - . suascisntly aamsroo te brave tba gnverwaieit aad wear tt publicly. Tha Triad, bka ail the ether sseret oitio af t'hma, anaMitato a great political oopirayy agsina the 1 artar draawtv and tbey are ao-w tba aetiy and vigoreai pyo- r gator af th lasso-rwetioa. - The amher tbre the say eus awe f the Triad. Their flaarsaat Ditasstow as the abiefe, avd Triad atembur display the mbr wbaisur ba oa ba bis acta!. Tha b taka hi eaa af toa with thre finger, bews tbr timas, require three ixrvita- tAett to b asatM, etc Taa Triad data from the awrpatioa f the briga ampvrora, aad tb Tartar govmamsat kt atora eever toward It i beea thaa tba af aa ether sssirtv. be- eooaa af the wider ramificaiiim f tha order, aad thmr vowed aad uaeovsrealed hatred f tli Ta lor race. Tby bvthirmeMtogsiaCeJifornie, aad wher aver etaa Chinese msy b (aind, Thair Matota ar writtea mtxm eroll ot liaea, which at The mast alarm af daegrn are ak tb bisttosa af desm walla. The detail 'of their ersraaiaalioa Bad working ara aekouw but tb eereatoato ef lailieieua Lava beea a- Hfiassi fliJere ef AanreJs, 7V,h, A,, rite from tb kaovvill (Teaaesa) Whig anaoam-a thai Ilia i b-b-r is raging la tbat plare, aad a toita savs six ar i jhl deaia ecew daily. Tba W h ya: "Tb pictar bare i eaa af gtomai Ihe grtat- at sai v araauua prevails, lb eiiy ks ebaa- soaed. Airhl and day tbey ar (nag la vry dire, Hist. Iha batol ar bwJ. lbs slags oaaae la With lb mailt, and ram r as to lire e-antry lanmadiately, Vs has scare. I r hsip saougk to toy eat tb dead aa.1 l ary sheui. Ail bualisewa k aearty eaaaad. ts.r pal I. si, era have UH towa, aud eo other iar rsa be g-st out. If w ar, ar bait bas is, w bereofiar toa a stira." JJ 'mreerW an (Aa lUl r'i. rls 1.3 oi tl t Almo. TsJiU-il IS slalr- I 11.1 tl,rs IS do It keiea ef I hoe saea wtoi I. ,1 w li 1 ra,., al 11. a "Alamo," taxi Boh ram. tug al It t ..,r ol (iohad. tl, f H. .o.g ,, i4 Ian I. V. 1 , n. .rn.l aven. 4 '. . a. les as a bsaofai.l. l na b oon, l.ei a rea aa d .,,aie.a I- '!- 7.1 i ser, I aoharried asn. 1,4 "1 ens tesl. , .1, I. '- boui.iy, aod 01 i 4 u o toial, . . Nrw ' i. s mail s'e im-r- r dcr, from r j Cuil I,- graphed N-i,,w ti , ,r whsrf a,t one o ,-l i-. four d.vvs hii r intc". ., j Pars ot Kuniifl. The dates froai Livenww "la ciusive. lh political in!ei,ir , imnnirUnt character. r'nm the scat of wnr we hnve n,--' the old story about marvhii, -, r.,!i:.-, oocnpalion, and exrsiiitioliary forci ' " The commercial advircs psr-m i importance. Hour l.nd dccluiel and sixptuce to two shillings. W I,. 1 I elined eiht pence. Coin in! n-l:ii hilling. Cotton had advanci-d onf --: penny on the lower grades. In the o:! I ing amcie oi in maixci no material 1 1, ,i The London m.-ney market wus ca-h-r. rtoM TttxsiiiTor wa. Tb occupation of Wollachia by the AnU',ii army bad beea fully effected. Oiner Pasha, at the head of. a divi-i, n i f 2S.0IX) men, with 30 guns, bad entered lui ha res. The expedition against Crimea was p iu!y havesailcd on theSith of Aurrtir.t. Hie et- to I pedilion eonsisU of 70,000 uien. of w hoiu -('.u ( are Turk. From th army in Asia we have no further in telligence, n At the great fire in- Varna. 4uO sHons sti-l r ri- vate house were destroyed, rovenl i f i;.er Qrevk who were coneeraed -trr fering fir? to-orvj wer dealt with in the most suinniury u.iuuier . Siimo were burnt loUcslb audoiuerb.. lh cholera wo raging violently t Bcmar- tund among tlie Freoch troops. : ns most tempting oner bad been made tn the King ef Sweden for the parpose of inducing hint to take Ita acUift. part, wnh th went-ro pow era. -. , ; The-Frencb gmbassadorhadofTered hisT:iic5ty subsidy of fourteen millionsof francs for the firet month, and seven million fur each auccecd- tog month of activ hostilities. , Th Brittish envoy had also several interviews wttn tbe rung, with thi view of inducing Ins Majesty totoke immediate offensivesteps a-rainst Kussia, - - A larg portion of th French fleet had lcfl Bo- mtrsund to make I'M itocnt aa West Ilclhing fort -, , )uTgdv1ctofroor5IlrTiI ire tutb tiU ulti mo. Privet letters received in Paris anil London state tbat a royal decree had appeared U p fin ing th to-called juntas of sahit v and eruiutucul which bgl formed in tlie provinces. l U government nronoae to ck so all th po litical olub. . . Oeneral.O'Donnct hadfecidcj tosnnnress th Queen's Guards aud tb orgiinixatiuu of the ll il berdier.. The Queen Mother had not yet cfTccted her es- apejlrij8najq, , iTi-ri. .. rrr " ffesicrll-flUf Surinu. Mr. S. N. Carvallio. the artist, pubhhe-in-.the.Kaa Pranoisco i f m extracts from his ionninlof his recent ti ln from Great Salt Ijike to Los Anni-los, throueii Capon Past, by which it appears that, on the oin ol Alav. alter neltmir ome tweutv-lhrea mile beyond th dreadful Jornada and Muddy river, h dtacovered a large spring, thirty the feet wide and forty bmg, surroundrd by ai'ucias la full bkom, containing clear ami di lii ious water, oyer fifteen feet in ili-'th, nnil so pi-t-uiitir-ty buoyant, tbatwbeu lie and bis cunip.iuion. Perely Pratt, went into bathe, they found it im possbl to sink. It wa not but perlVt'y tweet, - Tkt Fmr in CharUtl-inxn-t N.iriiiis-iV There Wr 27 deaths from yellow fever in Charleston during lh 411 hours cuUuij; at It) o'c! n k on nunduy Biirbt, Ibel miner lo-tn-i-s the i- knesa of several of It coipposiiors. in Davannah oa J huraday there w ere V.'.'tnter snt U'i from vellew ferer, and on Fri l.iy '.'it 13 from yellow fi ver. V e regret to learn that 8. T. Chapman, Esq., editor and proprietor of th Savannah Journal Acouricr, died ou atur- nJ.- Srortitv of 7Viiier. Th sumily ef rvit lit England I m fur below the di-mand thai ni l aowsiiapers ara uied oyer again, the ink bemg xtractel by a chemieal procen and the pnper gain worlsd up. Vi e fear that in few yenrs th want nf materut for Uie niiiiifn-ture w..l reduce publishers to the sonic neee.-nr in tins country. The effect! if the sesreity will u I e apparent in this country, riicca must rue. and with th rise many!ia ol alt-ceioer , a s s a : - " Cm. o o, S. ,,1. 12. Slat Biatot raire-ev. Th is mui h ev .-itc- menl hr ia enaveijuenee of ih aiiempted a' reet of a fugitiv slsva tr t'lrr-e citemi of ht. ball IB th street without the ain-tuiie of of- - icers, Aa immense crowd soon aeaiMi-d bti-I reud th fugitive from tin or p-rsseoiioll. '1 ;iS tptrnra instantly aim, -he I ths "ruw.l. and r-t. k tb fugiurss. firing l.i, and WjUii ling one of th Blob. The three wera then a-re-te-i, a ui are i-sr. e. ,S ol- being axamilied bol'ore J,i.n,e I Aa txcitad crowd is gathered aroond I Tbc Important astronomical stin-sineenwot is mad in th Amey teen Asironoriitrnl J-ert f .r Mepteml er, of 11 discovery. l r .Vr ln.-u-ii, oa tb lsllnsuint.of a new A-uto If ear I im.i, being th first dt,-overe-t hv tl e n.i r ,ii--iiirrs of this suunlrv. It is ti e t), rn t -.t now knowu of that prulaibly innumerable eoiw u,,n of plau- etl belweea ar and Jupiter. Haciaf Anew kind nf eheat hss b-en in troduced into California from Nov-m, h - h, ia aid, will ia It yield, surpass snv nther y inr y. aeiag Ire rrom rust aod sssiii, an t m- tuiing a moo lh er six weeks arlier. 'tins will, it is Ihnsight, b peculiarly stapled to th cl.msie of V allium ia, . . . TVear teik LJIamt. Vr T.rm nt ,s sen I araft ,4 a tr-aty loeen toe I nnr-l fttals aad Holland, win, h will l a .-rrl m I v the toiler, but it ha b en ol je. led to at ai irgtwe, aad wiil b at tok Tb Chines ar eml.T,iung la great aaail-e,s te Celilbraia, it appr ses 1 for ons iloasand wet e reonlly lost la tb I lost , ly th wiek if tw vel ah,. Boot, Eboc and Ciitfri. rpiiid Paaaerttof ksvtat Jasl ratan, fttm Ik N 1 pteaaar af lar.a,a( t.s ill s. aa I.. 1 a , sapftr af hovia, All C V I'd Wil.H . - ea pssssaal sales I ma, ,.l W ' V ra. -f I aaa. Hs aeatl4 slsa iwaarai Iha tai l s o.,i s as kervurf.ea, UaK.I. I- .. -a, a lees to tts Im.1 at lie alert isim l.a a Mtos la uVm ss aav asfcav r - A III TO THt T t -It. V.. da- I sf ail bteas s br.f . I.-- f a, 4 I geaaa aa Amsriesa I -. ... i. ? Isiwiatis4 IOai- U..--. to sssd Steap tar la -. II t t I ' V H M l, u.. gals ,k, S.paJ-rf , a . v 7ILC0:f . ALT I'll (St ( ( rotn 1 JI! V . ,, V : I ! Wholesale- r. I I" ' ! I' Mum if CTic?icU, Tt U, (. . I j tfaasiv t'- 'a la II . - , I - : ' . .. W. P. Will Sr.. i tosa. I- A. t ; u I f ' i f li.t , ' a

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