KORTH CAR0L1XJL STAR, rciusuit nuLr axa tii-wiult. -' Will. C DOVB," BDITOR AJB PROPE1ETOR. x TVrnu 4e IW- H iy. Fur Ihauu per annum, in advance, or within tins first mouth ; fjur dollar! and fifty cants, if pavnicut fee delay ad ix months ; Ave dollar if But paid within aix avnltu from the time of aubtcril.iug. ' Adrrtiiroirn not exceeding sixteen line will ho inserted one time f'it uue dollar, and tvrenty- fjy cent for each aubsemumt insertion. Those af greater length will be charged proportiouably Court Ordrre. and Judicial advertisement wll charged 25 er cent, "higher than the above rate. A reasonable deiiuew win be aiie to those who advertise by the ycf. Book and Job Printing done with neatness and d'nU-h, and on aceummoiloting ternw v ' ggf Letter to the Editor must le pott-paid. A .STOBT. OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVI- '"": '.".: "c exce. '::.'";;; Some year af I went especially to ClommeU Assixes, and accidentally witnessed a triai which I never thall forget. A wretched man, anative of that country, waa charged with the marder of hit neighbor. It ftteined that ftn ancient feud .listed between them. They had met at a fair and exchanged blown; again that evening they net at a low ped-boo, and the bodily interfer ence of friends alone prevented a tight between them. The prisoner was heard to tow ven geance against his rival. The wretched victim ef tIkai,tiBaedooii.fteis taUta. . prifc ""onerTantt'VB 'KiTd "next ilaTTn" ',wa ' roauViile? 'llifaef(l .... .......... ....t-....-..,..... --. py a stone, tnat neeouiu niy ue uiisimneu y his dress. The fact were atrong against the JwiKrjtif to irouai8tantial evidence I ever met with. Aa a form of his guilt there was no -doubt the . iriRoncrwas eaneu tor ms seitincc, ntj enuwi, -to the surprise of ever? ana, the murdered man. And the murdered -man caioe forward. It seemed that another man, had teen murdered- the identification by dro was vague, for all the peasantry of i ipperary wear tne same ucscrip tion of clothes that the presumed victim had got a hint that he would be arrested under the White Boy Act had fled, and only returned with a noble Irish feeling of justice,-when Vhe found that his ancient toe was in jeopardy on his account. The case was clear; the prisoner was innocent. The Judee told the jury it was unnecessary to charge... tuem. TiiejL,tequei!te.a permission to reuroj they returneq in aDout two lioora, when foreman, wuu a lung tace, handed him the verdict of 'guilty ." Every one was astonished. "G-iod Godl" said the Judge, '"ot what is he guilty! Not of murder, surely," "No, my lord," said the foreman, "but if he did not murder that nnin, he stole my mare three joars ago." Daniel O'Vunwll. . : , . L . M AXIM.slFoit A ioi'Na MAN.: " Kerwliett3uK ITyMrtitWilt'eaJitiX'IW use fully employed, attend to the cultiviuijn of your uiiiid. Alwnyt spealt the truth.' , . :.KsBjfiusLaBHbaU ,...3lnkei'n-iiruiiiiiis. n Live up to your engagement. (' Have no very intimate friends. Keep your own secrets, if you have any. When vou speak to a person, look him iu the -'facer Good company and good conversation are the yerv sinews ui virtue. Never listen to loose or idle conversation. -Tftju-had- WtftrTitrpoitim4 tn-yattr blood than your principles. : - . - Vjur character cannot be oaseutially injured except by your own acts, - Ifauy une speaks evil of you, let your life be so virtuous tliat none will believe bim. Drink no iutoxiuathig liquors. Ever lire, misfinunc excepted, within, your -income. When you retire In Tied, think over what you have 'dsns durlrijj ttio divvr- i Never speak iilnly of religion.) Make no haate to be rich, if you would pros jer. Sinn'.l and ntcldr ji.iius give competency w ith tranquility of iniiil, - Never tilav ot anv kind of came. tiot wiihstanU it . Earn vuur moucv bo fare vuu attend it-. 2tevr ton iuileLtiiiikyuu aea away to get out again. "' - ""' ' Never borrow if you can possibly avoid it. Re jut before yua are generous. 1 Ke.p yourself uuioceut, if yuu would be bap-i py. . tau...wiin yuaj )uung, Ui spaad when you. are old. Never think that oli'i'h yon dti for religion it time or money misspent. -- H-i-l so us poraon of the TKUe every day. CmuutU Jar Uj'e. . . . THE EMI'IIK-SS UF AUSTRIA. . Mr. Uni'At t' the New York Kxprtrss, In hit agreeable "thought aloud., from Europe, thus sWribee a nieeting which he bad with the 'youthful Kmpref Austria i I had a fnll, vied look at thit little Kaitrin f all the Austrian. rh will pas for pretty, if fur no other reason than that she is an Empreea. Her figure to petite, and she ha all tli look of a achnol girl, in the beginning of tier teens, nd (M yet free from the arc of "bread ' and butter." Just a year ago, the Emperor met with her at a tittle wateriug place, in upper Austria, ranted lsvhrt' wlieie her mother, a rkmrrr Doclie, and ouusm of the Emperor, had goi ' to try tb baths, Th Davarian mother brought two daughters there, to the Imperial market. Intend uig the eldeot for the Emperor, if aha eoull get bim. The Emperor' mother (the Archducbeat) rave a ball, and invited the th Bavariana, snother and twe dauithters. The Ksnperor, instead of opeuing the ball a every body expect!!, with Ui cltleat sister, Invited th jounrer ta danca, in ttotatina of all eti- qoatla. and all. cxpeuVatiun. wbertUy A. gnu . eommotioa wa rreaied at JschiL and he toe a - peSiuted hndaaeiag nartner with ftlwufiw. which was construed into a great mark of single favor. In a few days aftewards he offered her hi hand and hi empire, sod th became what la Uertaany it eallrd "Hrhle," but, on account " her HI rem t Voulh, th Vft But asaried till few months siaee. lli-wl Erly. understand that th uoii-uillr large amount ef trbeat town this coniilrv last year, reat portion of it ha been destnyed by th Inserts, an I sum farmer ft-av beeft talking ot tatting tiieir Belts, lha reataiuiog grain aoarvtly prouiuiing to repay tha t have eonrersed with aevernl intelli ent . farmers oa lb tuljeet. and while all trs that th evil is HrioiM use, w Irara nothing iron tha that sfwtnt to u to b o much worthy uf ansi.i;..!i si ilis is ws i f aa ellerly praoticaj larwer 1.1 t mktown, ant wa feel it to l.e a ov. lt t I a d i'.v to prsHtut tbeia fur tha benefit m aar a frl wllural rwderw v Mr. T. remark! fnaa lif alssrvatlon, that ! thit indauea, lb Ium of vnrp to awing to th prenre e a ,nuu Insect ur worm . that us bp- and eatai inM the grain itself whito in asilk, a it to eallad, and brfnr and jwat a U yawng m bi ike doagb; whxs la the amssl 7r aa m vary sawessful, II adtMt, nnx " diwirtera, that all aiatrr xraiu Li tuaa at aarlv as U im week in Nei I mbar? ftnd that in Ibe asatiw 4 wheat, ft deeided prafsrenc U give. t what to called Mediter ranean wheat. IU theory ia this tstllar to.lhal th early phwting W1BKso the rr.,p earlier in lb taww-eiliBg satnrner, and put. th grain IB ! ef ftfwardues and hrlii al the euuing a tl BiMwt, to a not to U Injured t it - l Va. "'" ' " llwa hint frr at n a Le tnaextftanl t fc fanaar. aad w give thaas puMHiiy )a im (W aU to ntuftt by tana a tba aetauig 4 tarn. Hehlua V vt btvt if, pmduet ef ear fVr lata bsa Iwtler paid fur ia lb Bawksu, aad (4 ail m-r.r,iliurirts nut enly k dit ttrmM a4 w tiiry U th ewlUTatiita of Uwtr ii, ImM t at.t s.eey thd that Will pra tft t tkasriKUu. th (nut af thtif laW. VOLUME 3XV. RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY MORXIMa, SEPT. -30, I8M. t&F Affliction in the family of the Editor must be his excuse for. apparent inattention la this and several other issues of bis paper. DISCREET. The Commercial ho joine very judicious re marks called forth by our article headed 'Crusty,' in which we in the main concur. We did not attribute our fcrtner remarki to ''youthful indis cretion" a our txarraUf friend would seem to indicate, but, however, let that go, as we are willing to forgive that mistake, aince be baa to well expressed himself, aa follows To be serious : We assure the i&artaat the ony hope of the country is in the young men, especially those who ana moral rectitude or ren ntbsfhekfnnf1mP sssraiiffi.ESB..rir'iisz be kept out of the confidence of ail parties but the misfortune is, that many of this character Trbtam ptimtiows "trntler ft inflneneeor it tarty name, and thus induce public at well at private immorality. . ' - -' may speak more tuny on tins tniiject nere- er, ruoe nut ioiiow, oecanse tne moer iww- tictanrhaTe become generally corrupt, that their nlaees should be tilled by those- yuaug perstma wfi6 begin where thy old one leave off going Kttll f r.arlv Anfl tK AmiTIa without reirard to nrintMnie. UisVreet and moral youngmen are the very nersons the Reoublie wants and to far from therebeing any dan gee from . them, we should nna in tiieir untaintea nrincipiesami patriotic cmo- tlonourgreatestsecunty. W eknowofquiteyoung meii, even in this Tiiwn, who would sreditaldy fill are i in ..both political imrties. All they lacx.some of them, is the manliness to throw off the yoke of partv ; for we believe a man can never serve r t l . ..i- i i.: nis country luiiiuuuy, wuu picujti'o ounscu 1.0 party right or wron'g as many do. Wooi.ts MANBricrcREs. The editor of the Hillsboro Recorder has seen some specimens of cloth niauuliiclured at the' Alpha Woolen Mill in that,county. He say of it: The texture was good, and the cloth equal to any of Nonlieru uianufactaro of the samo lino MatWniBijn warorl:"Vli! irack'TfeWttttrt: beiwiiolsl tingo, white, &c, and the colors appeared to lie well set. A specimen, of the Kersey maimlae- tured at this mill, we think, will compare fuvor- ably with any that we have seen elsewhere ; and "we a?eaiuru"uy ft uifcuatii that it to a mtfen" belter article than can be bought at the North fur the same price. fl"e'arrgTatf to'IeTT Ifce-elrtloTTrTjf Wlr"8tte turning llielf aittontum "V wiuf'Urig -ef ra tions. Thero is ho reason - why we should not embark in them with every prospect of success. The enterprise above noticed deserves success, and we doubt not will receive, at it ought, the must liberal encouragement. Ti'l'O'iKiriin.AL Sotistv. We learn from the Slaiiffiird bTtlie 27tti; "iSaf a.OitjiHlrBc(J-m-tlng of th Journeymen Printer of tbUCity, wa held on Saturday evening last, at which a Coh- titution was adopted, and an Association formed called the " Iialri'jk Tijtugmjiltiml Society, " TUe following are the officer for the ensuing years t. . i. nobatean, rrceiucni: i. v.. u uuiev, Vic President ; Juhn T. Nicholson, Recording Secretary ; John Jfpelirmn, r4,"orresponding Sec retary, aud Aug. 0. Weddon, Treasurer. Fo Stt. The office of the Pee Dee Star to offered for le,J'y i prnprietori F. M. Paul. The oBur is on till the KUth of Uctober. it it to not told by that time the editor expert to perfect arrangement to' ruak it a more efficient and useful journal in all it deprtment. The materials are all new. Th price asked is J1600. iV' are indebted to Mr. II. 1). Turner, of tie North Carolina Hoik Store, for a copy of th Family Christian Almanac for the year 1855. This A'inanao, beside th calendar, tli usual astronomical calculation Ac., contain a quan tity of valuable reading matter, illustrated with appropriate engraving. Ruiosid. Wm. K. Blake, Profeaaor of Math- enistl.-i"au a"XaTurftflenerlB "thr Crotin Femal College, ha resigned, uid th Traatee advertis for gentleman to fill hi place. Tk NVw fori H,rald.Tht Nn York Her ald after speaking of th fact that tli lnuun and Sun of that city bad been (omnelled to rate their ii nn account of th hard titnea, add th following in regard to th pric) t paper and it own expense. f'-?jPtt- liiuiieii"el r men eon.umed withinin th last fir year. In th Uonuu.it nroduetioa ef newspaper, hooka periodicals, throughout til ChrisMndian, baa sad denly brought all jiartie eoneernd ifttb stapl arti.-ia of white naner to the lmirttnt 1 notion of filling on th deficiency In the uppli of tb raw material by on ubstitut fcr tli exhaust ed rclitncauf Jld rags. Meantim a afforvling idea to our reader of th inraad price of paper, taking oor eirealali, of U"t year as th bams, in wnno paper i"v ui Herald this year witt eest n tha Increased outlay of thirty thousand dollar over tba last. Klmmikin Jam Btn th VmUrJ a m4 Om Wcj4 ImUa. ('ommedor Ysintert.itt ha taken advutan of lb toan offend by th lNrialalor of ttriliah Guiana, and anproprialion ofertd by other India Islands, Slid has determined to establish ft lio of steamships between New York and Demeraro, twucning at R.rnu,! Ms. Thonaa. and BarttsdW, Tb Msxn ilia. ft new Meaner of l.l' ton to to h lasaivliatoly ptood apna tt tin. Tb toan and appropriation vnrea wiu uwtsi bewt MI.UVJ f Mvwa year. nff,fHM airr- to ISUukrrt mmd ttmlr .Br. Bookt, re weighing over four aewnd, aaty b l in mail, prepaid, at nt aa tBWWP(J ItflFV MtwWaw wwt 4lwaT 4stlwwiawV fw4wwW iwfcaalwaV thnw Ihuwand mil; aod at twa cent an ownen over thre thoosand miies, provided they ptM op without epTr or wrnT- or ia a eo wr or wraptnr 0e at the ends or idee, o the their entrants atay b dvtoratined willfHtt mooviog th wrapper. If not p"Tud, tb poetago o- (Ur Uire tliftaswa miles is aw era tss alt; and lUs ttMMad sail in tb ttalas, tbra ol an tstws, WaAtngbm Bar, h'r ri't tiet Nt Teat. Sept. ST. Th Ann Vel-rttta t'-irenli..a ha auaiioalod tU aur Wbi U. kst tt Stale etteer ! Mi Frtn Kmomls . iu led th big emli4l tr l...i.ra and new mm I -r th InassKw tn twk"t, 1 he Stale TtiipTaoe tWvssttin) v it) t day. ftoa. JMMtoao kftva J I aad. RALEIGH, NOTE.H CAEOLINA; WEDNESDAY MOEJJTNG, OCTOBER 4. 1854. DON'T BREAK CP THE GAMM - ' ' A tanweter who is ia drtunata as to find aa antagonist with mirStiect -plosk to continue the piay, ana capital enough, to m,x.e tt interesting, is considered by the fraternity as a rerr fortunate individual. If soother, however, sltaU interfere by putting the victim on his fuanl, or introduc ing new artie to the amusement, the putHister becomes very furious ; he consider that he has tes very lurious ; ne consider that he lias . ' ed interest In the victim, and protests wilhHv'9!it a ' ,.he J indignation a gain at "breaking up the game" Shepherd's Point, a i is yielding him inch golden returns. '" - totKir-s one elaimi a vested great in which it yielding him toch golden Our Iemocratio epponenta have possession of the Government and its ofBeet. They claim to be in a majority, and by a little harmony in the division of the apoils, all the leader uiny be pnivided with a borne and support at the puU'm charge. To do this, it it of eourse necea sarv to Draise everv demonratic man and measure. and denounce every tiling which emanates from the VV'hiu. To do our democratic friends jus tice, they have reduced this thing to a svstcm. To read the Union, Mr. Pierce is a smteaman of the-Hiuat-eiilightened ability. Ilia ruiliturv non ius resembles that of Nnpblenryahd his adihin- t rwedeeeasari Aeewdieig aa- ttie-aauMt sunhm Executive haa committed no error since his in- atiguratioB,- in- like nannfrtfwimt'.atwvJ per ofongress ate without detect 1 hey n.uy vote for or airaiust nnv peudinK measure, aud u aoes Boeaaeot tue toieranee. witn wpicn tuewg.m regard them. Ihe tnembera vote for the public printers, and tlia public printor bcutioar tliu un inuiscnmmate laudation, ruranviuiut! we see to the -contrary, this uwnopoiyNjf puolie uiunev iiugni oouunue, auu successive ooctis oi political Lpvities, set apart for the trade of iuIjiI- '.rsr!?, ad (eferaum. But under thUivstcm a Democratic Aristocracy ha been established, for which a large class ot the iieopleof tins country are uow laboring without any practicalriuhtto participate in the ailniniistrqtioa ut their own- guvcrnment. AVhiltt this very snug game j going on, there tfn .111 -riropliet,-waenot- larger- than 4be Iwntl ry-ad by it Dec iy it became darker and more toruiulnlilc, and then it burst in thunder aliout the ears of the Aristocracy, and began to rain down nn incredi ble quantity of Quien Sabes or "Know Noth ings." These mysterious uondecripts rcsKH't not the Halls 0 I'riucos ; they appear in the purlieus of the palace they defiled the sbew bread of the political temple. We think the groat mutual Tissursnco Dem cratia association, runs great risk of dissolution. Its inemtiers will find increased difficulty in per suading the people to continue a initno which lio rusulied iu aupportiug xh. DiMininrmlii; Afia- tncracy in the receipt ol uuuorsand salary, whilst WJ.teqjitoo iiiuchjio wuicn thuy Uo not approve, are loaded with the burden of Government, aud asefl'eotually exclud ed from uilicfl as if thev were so muuv tieriuiLnn. J uvor aiiom tiia ii.uoiv-Jl,oll,iiiKS hud III euaot- meutof naturalisation laws. Bait. l'at. "7-""E-'OITATtON--OrtSl,rXIlS,- 1 Plain Biwy yw't-nf tlw Bm)ilry 'flinw'imiMt!lii to heard of pressure iu llie uioner market, and "hard times" generally among the people. The scarcity of money to easily accountedfor. Every steamer that leaves our snore for Great Britain take out a cargo of specie to pay for our extrav agant importations. The money doesnotreinain in England it is stated that during the lost six months l.vtill.'JOU pound sterling wereexparted from that country to the comment and China but none of it finds its way LacK to u. In the meantime the I'nited States aroimport- ing from burope to an unprecedented extent. The supply of foreign cuods received in New York during AucuHt amounted to f 1 4, 1 '.I4,0-Ii, making a total lor the eight month of thi year ot ?(io,30,.iOi , and an increase ot nearly tilt per cent, over the supply 01 wa.. mere is uo corresponding increne uf nieans on our part to giscnarge tins enonnou dept. iu jecciput-ia Kuld trom Cslifuruia are nut likely to increase: and the abumlant crop in Eunipe leave no de- maua there lur breadtturls, even if we had urplu to siiare. A Loudon paper estimates that th ainerenct in the iirice ot wheat in r.nt previous taelveuumth, will, ou th whole i suuiplion, amount to ft boonuf 2o,0U0,t;tjUto the Eubhe on wheat alone. 1 he ootton crop of the iie-J States, moreover, will Ij-eotisideraWy less than it was last year, and we da not learn that the tobacco crop, another great article of exportation, will make up th deficiency. In view ol tliese lost then, it seems that Jl our foreign deu'M r paid, th' country must be drained ef aiiecie, and the people leu to suffer all the consequent inconvenience. Last year w exported thirty-six million of gold, and thi year th amount will probably leach to fifty millions, without iyiiig the del, nut these are th beauties of fro trade. The comparative cheapness of foreign manufacture enooursige extravagant purchase abroad, and In the effort to pay lor them we must sulfur from tb various nutations txpenencad in fcurup. otatLHlMJsptaahB jsrsn I.trrtt Pirn-The editor of th New York Herald baa been shown ft letter written by aa officer of tli Japan Squadron, upon paper nativ manufacture. Its texture is remarkably light so much to indeed that it to described as something between th Boast bank note paper ana goasamer. Ami yet, though i( is apparently uf tht very flimtieet material, it to remarkably strong and cohesive. It appear to be, and pro- rmtity w, niaiinttslared oat -erft pulp uiailevef nr. in paper is urnimemeu, and perhaps soiiainea, by a vcininc ut n Pretty Ueticn. otMwhat in tli snm manner a tli waternir sunt bask nut IMper. Tb eutinetis are of diver pattern. Ona of th designs Conn tats af hexagonal geometrical figure of about an meb in eiri-uniferene, and mapriti&g sovarai li must ihiraniuusly connected torether into sort of Chines putt!, tb key to nbh-h it to tot pus- inie 10 nnii, in other two navft Bowery and beautifully carved deigns which, with the re tainer testnr of I lie paper, gt res it the ajipear- tnca of ll.iriitoft tee. 1 bey wr all of Ui or dinary not pper sis. Tb Mrier mnst aamiraiiiy aiiaplvd to ratsmv and retain ink, ft tli writing had all th ftppaanaea uf aofierior hlliograpliv, Tnatotm to dated froea liskolt ll. Island or I asan, and th writer sots W shall ai from hers tn a few dirt for Santoda. than to finish turns bmunrs ia rektiun to onr treaty -, and al,at tb fint of July hall tail tr China, tooelnng on our way at !e Chew, (lb prettiest Island In lb world.) I l,o. nima. tormta. ran-t how. ftinrnn. nnd Amu. Abnat fMbr w ttsrt Cspt. Adam from tb Iniltd Stair with th raliftrd treaty, and then w toav China fur the t'nited State, towhin at Jta, t Stndairh Islanda, San Franeisen, I'snema, lalparftun, Cellaa, lb d Jaoatro, St. 1 anna, and tim kant. Tb grand jury of th erty rat In New York hat f. Htnd onwards of l,il bills tgaiatt sundry BTimt for Willing liijunr witbawt liesasa. 1 bey kat atoo found two kills agamat tba tntynr, on jointly with its Councilman of lb l.tgbth "MM pantmf a Ihshw to ftal a4 nitan, and lb snnd Hmly with tbo Loan, eilntan of tat 7la Wartl lor Wasiu, au improp er parava. Cwt K"eWrw-A roeent tottet fruos rnioa. tl!f mf to th enragosMwu kotwaoa tb M risUsf and th reUto, aay tbetautatssao 11 log alioat oi4owb ry oveaiag, snd k an eoosuat bat kanahM tr aatit datlijrM, when tfcT aeasa fmfli vit antnons nirtnm.l eipW- ft roaiaui lra'tHl ( Wing tlatajied ) 4u to nay. . . . LOCALITIES AB(TT BEAl'FORT. . A few miles to the East of us to' Cane Look-1 out, the light on which to plainly yisible eyory ' eveuujg. Jq front or nearly da isoath, tie Miackiefurd and B igue Banks,, on the hitteqof which it situated Fort Macon, one of the most completeof t'nclc Sam' fortifications on the At- lamw voast,. wuuont si garrison, nu 111 a eanui tion to do good aervice iu the ven of war. distance of about SC mile is a loealirv having ftStaterepu- laimind the- Eastern terminus of the Central road. Above Shepherd' point, an on Uogue 8duud, it another ckiiuant fur future greainoss, I'amtina t'lty. .orui tt est or as Is the mouth of Newport River and almost due North, at a very shurVdistance, and only sepa rated from us by Town Creek, a small stream nrarlv dry at low waterHii Gallant' l'oiut. The friends of Gallant's advocate, it a the most eligible point on the Harbor for tiiesjoeati-jn of, the Eastern Terminus of the road. FM wonlly lies lxmnjxviile which has many ailmirehvaui which is beautifully situated. The Bar ties near ly South of us and the channel runs around u 1, ijviiMt Ml u, vm biiu uiiuiiuvi rutin antuiix m- y, or Mouth of lteanfnrt the etiaunei is alrout 'A4 of a the aecp water is distant oetweorr t,tKW -atm 1,100 yards, and from Gallant' the J distance to fthe chnrmei i tvbmrt 47TarrJhrr4''T0Bi the latter point there is uot however eontinuout deep water to tli Bar, there being a bulkhead of about !Mt yards width on which there are only 1 1 feet at low water. . " ' ; Nawtlieve i.'nrtseles, jrrcaUlieugh Ibey appear ttf us, would tie of little moment iu New Vork ; and they will ft disappear here l'firrej-"the ap pliances of capital ami energy induced by the . Wat aPnd South Western Wt-marf pourtujr inro me mp 01 Duatnort me proum-v ui inn State, to nv nothing of the trade of th Mississippi Valley which wo believe will be ours iu the cohtso of time. To build wharves hun dred of viirihijn extent, will of course be attended Willi ghmrcNpcseTTnirvvtien The wTiaTvesTtieln." 4 salves will be worth.,- when completed, doubletlie ! exjiciitie of construe tioi, capital will soon be found to construct them wTierd r they may lie noces- sary. Beaufort-Halcyon. A Servant of Wwfkiwjton.. It lias long been the impression that of all of those vttw constitu ted the household of Genera Vashiiigvtm, not one was left j- but this seems Ui he an errorv Au old uegro, who retides in Fayetle couii'v, T., d who tin become somewhat remarxaule lor great age, was, it appears, ft servant of ttshiiigtoii. l'.o sold him to a eertnin Basil Brown, who afterwards sold him to C01. Gook, f nyette county. The Philadelphia Bulletin rvt5- .isssssiTSsrs;; T he, .rip4wi--alBV-- 4mrntrrd'Wtuh cutv-live years old. Ho was born In uumea, and was shipped fnu there a ft slave, .and ironght to Philadelphia, w here lis was purchased y Washinizton. I'linteiuah, which was the Af TTpiraTrooTiieTrrir-irhTTinhTdtarr ante to Simon n ashington. After living in the family of his illustrious master for a time. he nee-'inpftiiied him to the western psrt of this htnto, wticre lie had a inrjre tract 01 lanu still km)WTims"Whinorr' Ifottcmis."-Hero Sitmm was employed fur several year to assist in a null Ineh belonged to the Uenurnl, auu uwa nnally Id there by the latter when lie cloaed hi bu.i- ucs in that section of the country. Old Simon as a distinct recollection of hi former master. and invariably speak of him in term vf love and admiration. The neiru it to b taken about by aneculator fur exJwUtiwrrTHiiawltrdetract wiwewhat from the oeauiNt-Hrti of old Simon' fame. The Aewfe audlhe Canrwu. Theaobirveinent f the needle are on the increase. Berlin wool, elienillo, and worsted are begiamug to aasuui position in their relation bi art, not far below that so long occupied by th palette aud the brush. 0iie"6T IToSrgTift "fair "Biiiightcrs has proved to tlie world that there to ft latent power oca iu fbajwralle and Lhreld, and thai thit power was only to be. dtvcloied to 1 admired, Messrs. John SVillinmt A Sun, ol Now York, aa had on evhittirion fiir several davs nasi, an exquisite piece uf needle-work, executed by a lailv of .viocun, ana wbicn is to neexnihitea next muIitkulllUi;iir-SUi.te,. F.irXhJobjecj sketclied Is that ot th "Burrtudur of Mary, tjuecn of Scots to the Confederal Ljrd at ar berry Hill, iu the year ioOi,and it treated in irm-h a life-like manner as to bring all the circumstances of the uccaaiou vividly before tlie mind ve, 1 lie colors oi tlie entire piece are f the most gitrgeout and beautiful description, aud Ihe various figures have ft life and individ uality rarely, if ever befure, seen in any similar Piece of work. I b toatui ot tlie lace hav aa expression wonderfully true to i.atuit, and lb whole work reflects great eredit on tlialairartitt. who w are informed employed ftv mouths constant labor in it extent ion. Juurnv uf Comment. Too of Member ofCmma. By tb act of th ll-il Sciitemlier, ITH'.l. I lit nay of member of Congress was fixed at ii per day, and f I"' Mffy ('Wl'lll "ftlMa0 tr al j f Btll'a4aTVWww tinu until the 4th uf March, I7'.'5, after whkb it waa to b IT per day and 17 fur vry twenty in i ins' travel, i ins act was iimttsu to ine nn .warrb. 17WS. On tli lUth of lairk. WM, th euaipensation waa fixed at fii per day and CO for very twenty mile' travel. By th act uf I lit lUdi March, inil, th pay Wat changed front daily to an annual eouiensatHiej tb Pte.deiit iir trm, ol the M-uale aud tb Mpesler ol the loue acb S-l.tssj iier anniuu, ana en member I.Vtl per annnta. Th avtleage was nut chang ed. I his last created great tnUeiueiil la tht country, and oven arrayed strung p iilioa - tn Mr. ( !, wno bail u ppurted it. n any nwatbar etc 3' tented at tlie belt election in eon sequence of it pannage. It wo repraled on th AUi Feb ruary, 11 1, to tat afieet after th e 1,1 if the Ihta Miia of Cungrota, By tlx act uf lb fZd January, Islt, tli mi nu lied at I liar day and f tor evary twenty niile' Iraiett Hi Presideat pro trm, of lb henata and litipakar f tl If) to reeaiva $8 par day a,') adds. tiobat, Tbia to lit brewnl My, WuiGmrimf im th Homtk, Tba CharUatna Mercury Savs that tb iiperiment uf roaring In breeils ut theep i.r wnot la th npper part uf Suuib Carolina pnnnisr to be enavpletely saecswlul. Mr. 4. U. , the Ilia, It. V Simp!, and oilier genlUutra ia 1'u.kens have agsged tn It, aad they aerials bar eu.ihrl Um lawl Uiat she p nuorua la Mai regum rmar- kUy asll, that they ran U raised at nX,iu eut eanparad with that ef tn Waol cti regwais of lbs ISorib, 4 that tl aaal.tt of Ibe wuul 4 tb tbw of t.urtrlaa breed d.jrs not degetMraia. Mr. W ageaer ha taken aa ftctii psrt ia thi antorpri, and kat Imported a Muck of lb tamma rtatoa theep, wbiwa M hand to tbriv wall ia Cu-kens. SiMinwa of traul his raising r Irsouailli-d ia on of Ike largo mtnutaruirvrt i.t .Nw stnglabd, wbu tranci moat fat artdJc ju'!ai,ol oB thews and raW I at th aw of th market, 1 h Mareury tttaeb aa alight istpwtaae to ll inrrodaetiu f wtiot-grnauig in tba opt diaru-u, whw aaaitb to that tavrtuf th buia. A Mt waawnt Is te b iHtd la mm at th n,nt eon ads at WaMiieft. I lb mom.tt m ia una a. . i owning. utKierap gardssMr, IHiAeg U smiisi of f nday last of tlx AsMri aa i'.-mli rtsal HaMMy, at U-a a, it wa parud by a ukwhim thu fil.tsaj haA rr i bad Urn that arpos, Ydt'-m ft a 4mntti kn.i ti. fl. Tl 1 ho djaa ftw yetfnwfsmrta tlismy ew msa isy ata a, a Hoalty lataUy td 7 ante. - -CREYTOWN AFFAIR. The correspondent of the t'Mrier and F.n- Quires writes as fullows from Washington au thia tulijecl : . . - ....... -. . t Mr. Cramptoa ha madd a representation to this Government in ennnection with this affair, which will firm part ut an important correspoM doiice. '1 has givn M a Msrcy occawm fir pre paring a statement of the cac, in which be wilt ileino the position which this Govornment hat assume t, aud moans to maintain, in reference to the occurrence; It is stated that the Secretary will justify the bmiili mi.ujnt as an act ef neces- try evority, for which the t'nited State can bs held responsible only tii that Government p wiessing the right of jurisdiction over San Jo an thu cutting off all claim of indemnity proceeding from any European Government. Thto decision niay prove a matter ot grave iin-portam-e, for it is admitted that property to a very Urge amount wot di-etroyed belonging to ttlijacta of Englmid and Spain," France, Holland anil Germany. It to difficult to perceive how the faotof a uiiarrel with the belideat Muuiciiul , . . . . ' f i1."""? "f N.":ar"i!u oroul and waiiton nutckere jrf insure, hi S ernul and waatnn' mnetcry uf iusuco. it to asserted that Mr. Crainptun protests agoimt (lie destruction of the towXon the further ground that j?wWnmfnngeaJe tfmmrtnl right of Great Britain, 'fha roassertion of this pru.cipt wai give Mr. JIarey n-great advantit, wtuch it eamiut Vie doubted thai tli bjt use in the olirrasrKmdeuo. ST. DOMINGO. itie new uriean Ciearune lias some con: mention th cflorts new making to cement count jtion between this country and the lte publicof St, lhaniiigo. What to the precise puriioie of those efforts is not known, but there are viigti reports thatllie ohjoct oT th Federal ment of the haiitem part of the Island of St llonuu.o i thiit of securing n harbor for our. West India shipping. Th Picayune contend that th"re is no need of such ft port; that there are no ojuutrieswlth whom our traffic would be facilitated by inch ncutiisitiun. and that ii would afford uo advantages in cos uf war.- CuUrie'juentlv. tli t'icavuue believes that nur 1 government, iu tending an agent there, hits w.mo other object, and it can ..Jiuagtut but on. 1 Wioh it tocain afootinir in th uountrr. with I a vhxw to tuWiuently obtaining farther power in it. Suii iihinmilv ni,i,vati.,n I WhiUHfie Picayune on4jdi&itjitviaitUnWi nie tn jna.iiHgtngoi.aie.wboierrot - - tfrest - 4 tiidies "undrr the gUvernmeut of thit continent la nothing more than a question of time and manner, it eontenihtthat tlier to dinger of introducing liiciiiigruoiwielemeut into our in stitutions, should the proirress towards the an- Jeiitlon'1Sr'DirniThgii '1j Imprudently or treochepiusly hastened. St. Du-niugo, it says, it as truly a negioid ropublio as llay ti it ft negro eiupir..-Tbar art-hut a Caw whites-auiung Umio. M y!iiixs, tiieretnre,.ttiitt no political connection can bs formed liy OieCiiitod Slatct with such a cuiumuiiity, " Inttrnt ing - Fro TAi'no.A letter from Shanghai, under date of June 13, atato th it th Susquehanna would toon tail for Phila delphia. The writer ttute that th port wot in tlie utmost disorder,, and waa suffering all thy horror of tlie civil war; and ail dm "there it no telling when the present condi tion of thingi will end. ' The rcbeli still occupy .i ;. 1 l ! I .1 t uie vity, aim are nemegnu oy iu impenausis. sv early every day Bght occur outsid of tin o.ory uit ,igiii vwur ui.i-.uo ui ui lturing these engsgeinents it it difficult .11- 1 v.. . . .1.- ... : I ik i. i .p. to prevent the contending parties from ene mach ine upon Ui grounds of ill foreign reautents. All the ship of war in the harbor, a well at Asasfcnl f'T -JsaijA art -i-- !... j. on, m a .. aa "f-- f tta V V Will MniM1IIIU(.niM VI IHCn TaT preserve -the -tieutrality of th place, notwith standing this, they frequently cross th line, sua expos themselves to the shot of our men. ut tK-Iiirs our arrival, brisk tittla tkinuub took plac beta teen the Plymouth' crew aud tli Imperialists, About sixty of th firmer, supported by one hundred fmm th English vessels, B-.cces.leil In beating offlJ00 Chinamen, tafrsriirg- but trfftingdaai rn kirtcdand wmrnded,11 An Arvtt Jviirf. Lady Brown and I were, at osnal, going to th Ihn lies of Montrose at seven o'clock. The evening waa yery dark. In the vi" win yuunr er liars pant, auu wiiuio twenty j . '. . . f yams oi tne gat block ngura on norscnacK ,..,.i...i i.. i...r .1.. -i.-.r ..i .1.. i i. my side. 1 snstsjetod it at a highwayman and so I f.oind did Ily Bmwne, for sh wa .peak- Ing and ttoppe I. To divert her fear. I was just going to sty, "Is not that th apothecary going toll., duclfes.?'' when I heard vofc. ery, 'Stop !" and th figiir earn back to tha chase. I had the presence of wind befor I let down th glass to Ink nut my watch aad stuff it within my waistcoat under my ana, II (aid, "Ion r puree and watches !' I replied, "1 hav no watch," Then roar liure." I gar it to him. ii- had- nine guineas, ll was dark -that 1 cnu Id not set hit hand, but felt him tak tt. 11 then asked for Lady Hrjwne'a purse, aad aaid Ihtn't u mgntened, I will not hurt yna. I aaiit. No yon won't frighten th laly." II replied, No i I will git yon my word 1 will do ton no hurt." Lady Brown gtv him her wab-b but be snid, "I aw much oUigml to yon go1 night," ui.e.i oc ui bat, aad nei away, "Ttelr' said I.t Iv lln.wne, yim will not b tirald of being robbed another titnt for Ton tea Uier to m,thii, in It." ih! but I in,'" nid th -aad aow I tin tn wrror Ie.t h should return, for I Lav ivan hist a tinrat with unit bad aunr. that 1 um oo MomM." 11 j r-j v tl i. . i . tea, which Ilk m-l other aviation of th. kind. Iiu a M.ii.ln,, rul. Il, .11 nMr. .1,,, torn tat ur aliaent liienselve slitll be good a certain sum ante they ar aid to give a soft- cienl sieu as fur larduies or ftlaenea, Un on enrs.ioa a nimlr cant la alWr boar, aad tlx' thairmaa asked bits hit eata S being Ut. " Itoally air," ad a. " I wa not abb to gvt her iMfoft). IltMitrHtc Irouhlet perplexities of mind I cannot lay wbith will di first, my wift or daughter !" Ah said ilia ruairmtn, si.reiti biui-h r'Hnunaersiioo f..r tha father and hatband, ' I Wat twt ewersvf Ibat, lt.-niil th but, Mr, Boo- retaryi th eti-a to a ga4 oft." Jb member amaaaiuaull luoknta atat Th s -. u.. .... Ming asked hint bow km ! aad dsaaliter wr at ' - . " latleelteal beoitk" rep! " How f 1 thought tots ssud tost airtrt 'ht yea did iva kauw wt In st mm auoU di test t" did i aad wa stiil ia naaailary-Tiia. aowver, will 4sada tha atua." . A auuatry ditor tha lean to tatter aa a- "A HMmm Hoot ikn mo JkW" W.II, a hot uf that f n h traato la tat a waay old um, away ia Masst daanp airntf at ft aaatara, brs tunnbio and fraaii air aatar aoasa, M llt euwt to rub Ikamaalnw agaiaal, fi anaiis ftud bug to arawl over, Mid I b4 ta taai ader auiong th peuuaoa wtwdt t It to l bat tar to ba a swii .i liquid posiahtd tiM,ruUui( long ta tb brawling strsajn ai hi, taring oi Ilia ruagb ennn-rs, bringing awl tha trm cry, tajlia straetar uf Um gnwit of tb dttaaw ia uf th agsia ar thakvduay. It to that p awtaaj sttatag a4 tubbiag iu tie wbitung earrent tlavt aiim what tutt ml gnt ft ntaa tt asfto t4 and what aa a to guest Tb aadtot,t aid mmmo ar gi..nd 4iwa to wl aad mat, but th trm m to aetoetad f.. tb towiti fiynr, and th d.aat.a4 ia tat al !Ubl M tb navtii t.t wn. jarauER is. ONK MOVTII UTE.1 FROVt SANTA FE jaAiry't il wl CW raw i Circa swte-at atea- aVair '. fSjftSl Crftispen&ee eT lh St. XouUi ejsiT4ivan Ioift!x, e.dember -ilb. The Santa Fe mail has jort nvrived th ru mor uf Aubrey' death fully contirmeil. lie reached Santa F on the lSth of Augu-t", having traveled ill advance of his train, and stupj ed ai ihe house of. Mr. Mcrcure. Maj. Weightman, Uo was neir ut t! time walke.1 in to welcome bim back: they met, shook hands and engaged iu eonrenation, Aubrey- aked Weifthuuaa to take ft drink, which he declined: he then in quired of Woightman what hod beecrae of hit newspaper tbo "Attiijjo del Paitf -Weigbtman replied Umt it had died ft natural death, Au brey remarked that lis was glad of it, as there were articles published in it, in relation to hit lormer trip to lalilornia, wlucti were lies. Wcightman said it was not to Aubrey, with animation and striking hi list on th counter, replied, 1 say it is so. nightman then threw a glass of brandy and water 111 his face. Aubrey iiuinediatuly drew from hi le:t side ft rowher, UJ jtt .'Jbft t of.rti -U or bf'fS" i v lev A. one harnd was iireinaturcly di.4fhargi a, imu the V.Tl'Btuwi'XHiriHigli '! . ialHup -At atrfwnrr- berwe Aubrey could again di.;l rge bit pUial ... ., f ,- , -r . urew ft tuwia kmieand ruLsloa uisin nun, and itatbod hiu Tn lh ftb loineu, lie died iu luu niinutes. - Surgeon De Leon, 17. & K., was called in, but could Jo nothing. iVeiulitnian immediately sur rendered himself to tb Marshal, and wa held to bail by an axauiiiiiug tuurt iu tlie sum of twn thousand d"Ums. Much couture is attached to each party by their respective i'ricuu. It to said that no on regret it mora than Weight- man. Other new not linporfnut. The troops arrived t Fort L'nion on the d August, having lust stxy norsea una lorty inuiot. I lead quarter ate In ho at Santa Fe. Col. FauntUinry will probably be tutioued flier, with one cinpauy of Dragoon and uu uriufun- Hie Indians &te nuiuL; The officers ainTvuii-ootniiiiiifioncd officer of the Scmnid DiagoonsXre ordurud to the Stales, and will leave for Fort rsjiiveiiwortli about the middle of September, Col. H'ook iu command. Ilochus anil iHmily, 'Aire. Lieut. Davidson Mr. Lieut. N. C. Adam them, - II accompany Judge I'avenport tml .Mr, Jleservyer pt ,l "P''r" J" tu mtit. N Nu niontiou is mad of Aubrey laving vper- mruiesl tlie trip upon a wagor. It it nud -lie wts successful in finding ft good wunon niutf- .''J .1'ut' Wiiiiple - - Maw - - WMH "".v" w u u .me Colarodoj nficr which there would be no trouble. LATER FROM MEXICO, , Itrpoiicd AstatriiMtivn of General Uritta. JUiJetbAj..Ult.Simatm w haia uWs from Aoipuk-o to the -Mi of August, futuigbt later, . 'I'ueRolcllnOffioial, tlnGatetteof the Aeaputco Insurgniite, repurtatli death of UeutfiU. Ntchflla. Ri-aiu, and charges, thut lie wan asmiasiuauid by nnnta Anna s curgeou, whom he had lotlwlili him for that purpose. The Roleliu suites that Rraro, after 34 years of actnal 'service, had ruined to bis country neat, ear Chlliianslngo, and that Santo Anna, unable to persuade him to tak the command of a brigale gainst In old metis and eompaniou, Alvarado, lie delivered him to tha ear uf a medical man, on wlmin tie could rely fur tlie execution of liis block dtsigui j'ht UmAution in Ixnoer Ctdifnnin. i Bif l'lxon, Aug. 17. I rem th late Adiii'ant -0f Oeiioral Melondrot, who passed through hm yesterday, I derived tlie following particular ol lb attempted revolution tn tower t.aliloriiiat Seuor Oliuvis, resident of Santa Tomas, nuil lata subattem tifflcer 6f Hi Sexicuu army, ae onmpanied by ten or a dosen men, alteiuptLd to turprlte .MClebdret t Lis fcnguig. Melenili-u, (aoeording tohisadjutant) unaided and with ft tingle revolver, beat back his await ants, and eseape'l to the Guftdaluperanrhe, where he rallied th faint".! army that oseortcd Col Walker to th lines aud nitircUcd uism Santa TuUiss, tunirisiug Chavis, and uit tunuii bit en ttryforgotTnmiiirmi Mcteiidirs found a few soldier, deserters from the' Mexican army. These he erased to b tied up and una hundred laf.be duty administered to eaeb. - -t'linvis is in double irons at Rant Tomas, and Muletnlrei has gone to La Pan to firward a I . , . ... 1 MnAK tif hia limliBnc vT, Itm tn lli l.monrm 1 , ' . : , i" ' i that is to b. d Tbreamen lost th.ir lifta during ti revolu- '';"! " """f ''fornia one more rcc as th Supreme Governor, , .'S''.'".". ,.,,7 , , THE STEAMER CITY OF PlllLADELPiTI lUtnu, Sent. IM, MUnina Rlrnwmtr kmril from--Th new and magnificent steamer " Cily uf Philadelphia, " about lb aafuly of which w many fesrs hav been entertained ( lb having boeu out -H day, j wa tiran oi in di eatlful gal near Cap R ci. Ill Itoll JU IhlMlghL tU. paasengers numbering fit hundred, wrt all sneii and bav armed tuts at llalilai Tb "City of Manchester," out 2i day bat arrived aafe at Philadelphia. W raceitrd lost (veiling th (.Rowing addi tional naruculart ol tl.c liw, i f thi vetnel : Il.t.irix. Sept. 0 It) P. BI Th tleamer City oHtiUa.lelpbia wts running ton knot per hour, th weather very dark and raining. At W o cl k at night th Mrutk on ''"I tovrliM off, aud ran aground at T ' mrrrca ' rm. anotri t mne aortn ot i-ane nacc, 1 " fathom watar, with a hoi in her I bi,tli.m. - tl . .. I - 1 l I 1 1... I A t t earn , -m, iii i,r,'j km mimefiiaieiy tiler oat a- I mg on irou i ui live, ana tt Lectins noefsurv ra1n"' ""T " "V? T I ' ?" " ' was rtpsdly eiungaithing th Ira. TL cxeiteweol among Ilia aaaengrrt, at the water wa found to fa rapid y gsinuif as then deapita all tr..i ffurta to relieve her, y, a very great, and when th grwrnued it wa t nt hsppy relief to th OtjO auu I wins were crowding her detil.a. Tb lelerntih aoastj .' su truer tcaik off the patawngeia, aud lantol them at H. Johft'a. and llien teturar I to th lltiladelphia to rendif aa Mttanr in saving the liagysya, targri, fU. Tli ear go to valued al ftJOii.issj, and to all in th luf lend, intl' h damaged. Al ti. totem aeeuuni but litll nope "rti t- Urt siried of sating th Veiet The 1-44 iiuisraitaa ea th rnsel and ear- i 4 .., i ,,.,.. - , I " '' '" "" v - . ' Arrital of Iko trmrm ltm-bmnrtal f.tm .- .-) iota, fvjit. In tttau.-r iHwge lw, f4a Aapmttll, ha arrived, M broognt ji,-jsj,ij in iwi. I-iT adiioes ftuea 5I ilea fatly ei-ul!'- th repurtod sueei- and onward atneinent of Al tai. II Intend toatiatiliff on lb. Cite Mr,. (t I MtH that S urn Crut bat ftonn! la f.vof of Aliuret. Votft fom Xjuo. Srm O.'eoiit. Fept. II. Tba htiaat awioantt froH Hit trtiia-a uf (ien, Altara. repreMiit n a pri 'gtaaat .if tuelv. 'lb insutgant bacj rear bed audielerd Yatilla fruta Whirb they wouid prvervd U- Clitliie i. ibaca acta swea . hs Hne that fWlila Anna wrmlif ti .t bti a.iii A liet, but that bs would t'i. . s . i. a ll-c usurgtut a' rtsvbod lbs r::y. , r! "", , . . ?Ir, norr I'rrter. y.(. jf Bum ..f ,i;-h rup - lability, of r Ji-, t a r i-i-niie ti.iiitf,t.oo eeivcl a tan. i.t y , g l 1 ui ih et, at tia erefni.g .4 t! p.-. 1 1 sr. it ,r e,Uwf l -. , um i f A-t.".fjt. tbd re... 1 Iy. in pt),tnig tow (. ,jt tti.igaa.kt-'i, ! ad to ft -larl. . Vsaui i w is?. Maiy a i m t asd 'il eoa- ecitsntsri thtXraius of the title it is t! at a- la provoie u souls. A cos o -r.. w w, . , en, on :es, ti.i-j u-if ft lioxj saii-t-jis, '.Us i( r mj it, tl " V U. a Ui:', rm if j-rt.y. " jigly asked : M bl n.Vea Ce - '' - atjewa httt theaiac;. im h.rlif f"- mg uo sat. -.tA.".-' y n-o - I i, .... 1 t a tautrant, an4 then, a tlvai. uf ,i . i;.i iilumvot4nifE her ounti- t:.-e. e,:;-i......l . know, ma ; U is to let :i the uij ni .s tiunt uua eur Anottiw tittle pratt'er ) w tot. ea'-.H) ,,W er, ho had brJa 'raised' mtw ,-hat u.Ba tie tiRUiamite tb-ioTy, asked oer t,i,.''.er lui . , should hav to eat-whsn he Hes en-- -: - -;- ' '-- - "Ton will be fed on thcV.ead of life, u d..-..'-' wa the re;ily. "Will there It any boit i, ma V wa the quia re . i t t'i:Udrn are vet childieu, than'. V to iiati tu -0hio i)Vy CUttmliam When Mr &tn nrotided' in t e' r- --i, hi.iuc uf Madras, Mr f rv..;on, tt, lew. t't . -him, wa mi morning at I rerelfust eiked rf Mr Ornie of what nroteatHMi Ii hu'uet van. 1! repbe.1 that he was a aadier. 'And pray, nid Mr Orme, fcy dil l.e tsc. make you a sadkrf ' I ,'I wa always whimsifcal,' tit ! Mr Di.!i.o, 'and rather chose to try ruy fortiic;:. as yi hav duua, in the East India Conipany twrvi.-,. But, pray, sir,' e-utinued be, 'w.hl; p.o ,a wa your faihui ?' 'My father,' ana were! be, 'was ft gentleman1' 'And why,' retorted DavitUm, wi;'. ctiii t.mplicity, 'did not h breed yuu up a 1-.-mai,' . . 1 ...... "MAirtttittn; - In ti-'.s County, M the tMx in-t , V" '- f 11. T. Blake, Guar 11. Rand, t - "i o liar's - - IIOLLOAVAY'ii PiiJ. To ihe Citt cntoftke tni.'-e? I wutl humlily tnJ i-uwrety thstiH jeu ft r t'.t !n miioss pKirea -i. hU uu fctv? t.en.it 4i a . . fill. 1 tnt tiiit eppurtuuitv ol sui.s. iWw ' . .:. h) wsrtsll Aawrican rititeas, and that I entt-. i.i'if. r all that evmterus America and lbs Ajirri sen, lh in,t Uvoly n.vuijmiMm, , niuvk so that t orlgiurl'y , i 1jiiJi .1 ,mn Puis eiprotlr to tut fuatuMxl ,1, ' -, uuuililuueuia,idtiisnii,.-,l !,i ,ug, Im -.eiii tus.tai. .,1 Bryrcrf aiuiuua,ahiui4..tataije ii-f s- -frainiiesui Jw Verk. - THr.Af.U i:"!,i.n ." iV, ' J9, Cjrnsr of A141 aud Ns- ss Jn, Si - V .it. rURIFICATIQNTui' Til' T,U LIVER AM DJLIULS COMPUIN'IA Hi 1'itttsnt of ilit.Vuua suffor mu.-k ftem .Ih.m jri uf tlis l.ivorsnj hl.iinu.L, .k.v.ly any me f,. t. the iiiifua.ii ut tlsn iteMruvtu- nuiluit..ji. l,,i,. p art tu t Tbt isir sex, ptrhsp la -'. bei'm in Ui WmU, up ts. t eenala period. wea, .-.4i4.ag 10 )', nlny Ion., their twetl, ai d u. ii.l io.ji ,. ,v : All Uie hey.Uijr of lite m L sad t 't s v In A j 1- raMmlaai be. twHifclty ttetphi; tks V-h-1 f nv r .irev tnn msen mo resllliS sLl n uojiMy, sad rssemult eisnu la a ,-.,.,m,l. l n . hers su(,iinsl spriiig p..M, relKa. Ailt rer'ipat ie . piwervsuen f tht Liaisu frsmc .nil ih .IS, a if li'.., i.nrl, eitv Iik j, , ., j tw t.,1,. , U aud lit c v,U rui. Iiyril f1r i y j.st-, Uuu. nttmtTT--thnttS,tf lTulInwav's 1 .11. .r. I,' leinfy Hit bltwd s -n rilie i.v U' iuIvj 'na a. .m lw health contjUund itlioaui;i.tu.i,wliiiLii..i(.iiii 1 ,1. box. ....... . X . ' A. CASF, OF WF,AKNF:VJ.AXC 1'! 'lH, OF If YEARS STA.TnrS l, fi r . Il.lLlOM'AV'a i , "0 LtUff fr1 C:t.l ,-i J,kM . Attar-Mum, JVVtl I'j'J-, i.'a.V i Jtre,) Cth, leid. Te I'rof. Motiowsr, 3", Ce'r of Ai sin! .' i ' V K'r, II 1 Willi tb Stoat hsSttMt in. n r - ' !,t , iv lufeiui yij.ii I. basii- bscu rsaW-Hi tu bi h - - ii,-, "' ot taxing roar fills. ),r tut ls.it It , 1 ,i fnila s ii,run?rrnoul ftf iks Livnr si.' ,-i, u , 4 reiiuead Is riHti so strermly Uint 1 .ve ui, i ' ' c tnevlMt t o in -in any aii-r J i ml .'.- ! ery htuiid liial a us rooewutaih d I nut hot all f f Un fjuri.owi SHU U:.d.givi , eiji- it t.u u ., ,... I wss Ltluil rk'uomtiiooded tt-Jsks emir Pnl. astnx then f'T Ihreu mniiil.il, the rusuit is tli-i Ism w u better hesltii than i hav Lwl fj, . u i,.n ... .. and ilidiiiMl l, i' a as I errr wss lb my IjJ. ',aj ovma at ftb-tty to auk lh!t Xaa fur t,.. . tUiers. I remia, .jIi. yiiure r'-'in-i-il.,'!,. (fflirued.1 Jja:; JiUl". ric alehrjltd iVfi ai- randr.jutl ty. . , a i.'.t fvlljwiity toMjitnmh : Airni", ltlllluuff taut plsiul-i, illi. :,,, 08 file rihlll, lil.,. U.,ti,, t,iit4, tvn tlplltl'iL i f til lluw .," I' lihtv, Tlmfiy. Lry.lirV F.-ua.!- 1.1 . .nn. ."l.vaf. Of til km.ts, ll. lit, l.-a.l..l,a. I,,.!,,...!,.,.. J Uvtr Ui.taplamre, V.h., j )r. 1 o,t., aVmhila, nr hing K.il, r'uiei ai4 bruvi'l, fci-mi,l.r- riniitiilus, ., YvaersI Ats.it .fitt, IVertsS of U I 4. '.,.. . tveresmie el tt At Flsl l-aitm-i,! ,.f pr. f llntlow Curn r al Ann trit Nuaso ttreels, ,V York ( u. rospM:billt UnnrsuatiKt CsJern irt sj ', ,!,-.. i at the l-ait a attus, in ttust, tl 474 rm-... s, . . tii'ltl.'-s f.-nui aaeh. ba had w'hulem'.t -. irineiait bi k llwtises Hi las ITuUn. Iseis Is a caaiisbft sating by uuUir; tl Uri-r sites. ti, U. tli.sedi'ts ft.r K gnl lase af l.l.... - c . . try dbHirikr ar aSisad t al, 1) i. rertai by f. r. IT'. :t p, 1-; -i. WVl Hit. . . BJMQA1SS FOR THE VKOl l E IKUl-.'lf WIHTEtt GOODS. Rstr'u;!, fjej t, 2 mo ti:i Euiioa of i he ntah -a- iua tlia ; At aa Jd fi.eof 1 kanw ven m bt plaassd lo Istra Dial I btvt :tturnid I n, V -v tor tad 1'bils.itlpliit with al tCejigt taa i.t. j. sits assortment efrUa, fsuey ' p .U1L0 9 QMZ, . mbraeiul tvtry taricly ef st.' ani rraaeb, anb 4 Alewnaa Ul-ne- i-r . fall aad nintar Yred of ! ...t, aa al abiet ill tbsak yoa m iuioria )trr huiawons re t sh, at 1 dtlU to girt tht i.. '.nr I i, ...d c ' , r .it lima thsy tttr tn- ..t, Ttty uaawt : pin t of, tty Spltlulid p aid fkt," UhMk b. kt and KantrM, I'rnb trd t.o. h Msriaety tirb l'tes . 1'ui.irwrre, flg'd l-eianet. of f 4. r'-t'.t, irs-ib r, I tuIish t'nts, llurb eolertd t. .,- ., ltk and t - 'k Ta'ia.rt, ... . Cbnb. aad S'-.tt..-is, Pin Alptetsg P .lit aM f'sb- ""La w bile iii t it i ' '.'i. -ll..h Vl.u,. . t,...l....' I...... rtntkinfs ont Cloves t, ar,1 Mi l it sag lino- n, kii.i a Culltr, 4 Liarla Vs4vt It attaia,' Uintt Sd tin ?S Mupw I wk tl s. t.sitasr t4 V ataea( . ft.iin.lt sat t , , - IV - - -5r, T r-'l-ev lib rn asirt,t )iJ t LUilllM. Jl ll.M ll t U, iy, , , aaw tei s i, very sprt, -r le,.,.,. , I ! I' ' oait, m l'.ii.:;..nt, tut , 4 i. P '", " u. tiitkleg a and rsurt htU.k tad I - ana laili. ftr-ni j I ..., i-r .1.-, r.rrt n b.'lt. f.;.." ftrutWJttw. !.. i , ,-.f tA 1U A lKif.l.tKH r- n T etu: -r am i i HIM li t, SUavs, gr.a aa ' I hsa-ttr4 I ii-' i- . i - i li. S u . a ! a. J t Land trass Sow Wk ifc . n.. .g f" . fc . .... ' ti AMI I "' ' I, " -' . y g .,-ti. I'n.t-- . 1 ..i u ., I, Aw.; t UAi. j fptNf 5. I'M t. 1 1

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