3Tllr:CatoKna Sto. I rriLiHt miT T ', . WILLIAM C. DOUB, ,. ' mm as raoraixroa. ' - If paid strictly Im flnnct, tw dollar per aa tw dollar and afty nta, if paid wilaia is sasattis ; aad tkrM dollars t th sad af th . . - - v.---:-:-: J D VSR TfSKJSXTS aot exceeding eixtoin Lae witt b inserted a lim fur m dollar, and twsntjr-tvs mbii fui ca sabssqaent Insertioa. ThiMM f greater leagtti will b charged propor tionally. CeuHftrdereMd JdicialBdvtisements will to charged 2 ' per cent, higher thaa th above rat. A ressoaahlr deduction will be made to tkoM who advertise b til year. ... ' Rank sad Job Prtutieg do with atotness aptch, and a-aeeoniraodatJng terras. Ullm te the fcditnr .al M posl.pam GENEKAL DIRECTORY. . -" CITY GOVERNMENT. " -Win. Pallas Hayweod, Intendant of Police. r - , xiHiii!aisa. , - . " EnHern B art. Kldrhlge Smith, " j - Dr. W. H. McKaa. V JfTAlr Kanl. Seaton Gate, L C. B. Root, Isaac Procter. Wittrrn Ward. A. M. Gorman, -.. . " 8. W. Whiting. " " . J. J. fhritoiihn, City Clerk, , C. B. llwt. CitT Treasun!r. CUy Guard. -Jaraw M. Crawfey, . ... j'' Jackson Oiorbyr . City Conttitbk. .lamM H. Murray, r. -'1. viiuj, i eiiuiiiapivr. Ja.-II.-MttfMjr-l'4fc-ttf til Market. ' v i rv.it '- ..! 1 7 - toniT8. " - r Tlic.?i';)m)i Cvnr( of North Carolina ia held ' in thii city aetni-itnntially, on tha iweond Mooday -is J uue, and the,3uih jliiy of lecemW, - j Judtjt-i. Hun. FreJerick Xanh, Chief Jutice, R. M. l'earaon, Aocit Judge, ; " W. IU Bottle, . " Kdmnnd B. Freeman, Clerlt; Unas. C. Jonrn, Reprter: J. T. C. Wintt, Marxhall. 'fh I'mtrd SlaU$ Circuit Cimri for Use Dii- triotof fiorth 4?Bl"iheldVMUiinjnlly tn thii city, on the let Monday in June and tlx) laet Monday in Kttvantber. v : r, Judijff -lion. J. M, Warne, of (ienrpia; Unn. Henry Potter, of Knyette.ille; litriit Attorney, Hubert P. J'ick: Clerk, Wm. II. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wtnky Jone. - The SujKruir i'vurt for thii County, i held on the lint Mouiiny after tk fourth Monday in March and Sepffnbor. - John (!. Mire, Clerk. , Matt. W. lUnmini, Attnmev General and Solic itor of the fourth Judicial JWrirt litrirt The Cimrt "f Jims ohT new Settmrx lield oa the third MooTiiiy iK. 1 abru.iry, Mnr, Aurii't nd NoTembor. Ji ff. Vtlev, t Wrk. . Chairman ofikt t'uuuy CWrf.-'-H'illiaiu Boy- lan --40iy&oirilart-Qiieiitin Euobce,. KkTiit'of' Wake Cmntu Willium II. High. f'orowr Willis Scott, lttyitterjll. Hutson. -BANKH.- ISwh of ilte Slalt of Xurth Carnlina, Ineorno rated l).lit. Charter expires in lKlW. Capital l.lMKt.fhHt, divided into lS.tKK) shares of which the Literary Board holds 5,027 and the L'nivor itv ItNNl. I'riiicipil lUnk at tlolelgh. ' liftnrge W. M.irdnea'r, Prettid Charles Ucwev, Cashier. J. II. Bryan, Jr., 1'ellernnd Ntttnry Pnblio. W. K. Anderson, Diwxiunt Clorkaua Nutary Public. Jordan Womble, Jr., Clerk. This Bank has branches at Ncwbern, Tarhom, Fayotteville, Wilmington, I!xiibetIi C'ityi Char lotte, Milton, Morganton oud Windsor. - - itiarrTiiKS. Cm the part of tlie State : P. W. Courts, Pub lie Treasurer, ex-oflicio, L. O il. Branch and W. K. Pool. . On the part of (be S'.'sAhoMers fin. Boylan, ATm. Peace. JUL llo vu. JBg,J!oulhacl Al fred Jones and B. F.-Aloore. Offering and Kcuewar day Tuesday. . discount day Wcdiiosdar. lomest'0 Bills and bills of Kxchange discount ad every day. . Business hour fmm 10 till 2 o'clock. fii'iy tlrairk of the Raul of he Cape Tear, W illiam II. Jones, Cahier. . C. Hill. Teller am) Notary Public. lttsscMss. Oo, W. llaywi.KMl. T. H. Pclliy, Peth Jones, tiettrtre Utile, Dr. Thos. 1). lbtzi;. and tT Vf. f. Iliitchih.-s. Offering 3iiy Mi.nii'y, T(tscouTiiIity TuestKyTT ' R.Ul ItOAHS. . Rtleiyk and 0'mton ItaUroad Company. t. O B. Branch, President, W. W, Vs, Treasurer, " 4 P id,. Assistant Treasurer, Ct B. Allen, IVpot Agent, POST OFFICE. -William, fflaU!,ilWiltcJC. s Ortic hours, on eek days, I rota Sun-rise to 9 r. .u. - . THl TIATILLII'I SSIilXI SBIITXI, JIID DrfASTt SX or I U4 AT IAUISM. N0nT?l1"MVHrTuiX Throazh Mail chaw daily - ... at 6i a. a Way Mail --. at 9 p. n Arrive daily at flip, n The Cars leave the drpot at 64 a. n SOfTIIKRN MAllHlirTao-aoasa ll-.) 0m .Uily at flj p. m Amw waiiT --at o n. m. M 1 1 L 1 . 1 ow iiaca irntWi - - at J ) p. m. n (.sir.it.n ai.aib ur Foca-noasa Coa,( Closes daily - - at 7 "a. n "m's oaiiy ------ St If p. m k x n oat-n leaves -( H.a. m 04I.ISBiilUJ- MAIL (Br Fota-aoass Costa,) t'toitea daily, (except Sonilsy.) ... at 7 a. at. . Ainres niiyiexvept .vimday.) at 1 a. i The Coach leaves daily at 7la.l TAIlltollO' MAHBrTao-aoasa II sea,) vHPwni.-HnqsT, i uea. sou i nur at V p. tn. Arrives 1 aesslav, Ttmrs. and S.tt, at 7 p. in ' II vkleatnsnn Mon, Wed. and Fri.. at 5 a. m PiriSIVHKr1 MAIL Br Tasii-woasa Hra.) oa ntmarnj sntl naturtlsr, at V p. Arrives oa Mtmdsyaad Thnrwbiy, at 7 p. Hack b-avesna Sun. and Weil, alemt 7 a. IWJXJIOKi MAIL (Bt H... Wwxir.) Closes every Friday tt 13 at . Amies tery Friday .at 10 a. ss TxCot.iTit, ot Mrtira. The New OtUns B-n r.Hnioenting o tins news last received fr,ta Hexko, iut very diseouraiiingly of th t.m. pects of tli at anforliinal tuutry. Th Be MVS if w assy Lnliat lU Metiaaa papan, th gnveraiaenl (trees set signally tribmt.haal ia vary rentnter with th rebels. Thus, for Isistaaea, tlx l.ht hsiwitea Cras and Valdomar, a) aeeaswit of which was received sana Lima sen t y way of Browttsill asa'awr vi.-Vrry of raita Aees's .!in lho-b thoersioa Jvea Uia Hrawnwilte patter a ttally difxravt. It I a bt'le ngular sad on,ma, that if Al tareaandtia uou as invarilly Wttv.is.1. will) trast sUtuhlcr. tlia mt.Uli. feiS It half thM mr,m wees Intt, it u evslent that w reo-i worn j (TMtly 4ufMfft4, aa. awnii an BHMte of suersawful H.nislfloa ta IK tiovsramewt. Hot M ,u eoou-srv th '""" sfrasst runtter sfvj fwrlaar. W k. apartiasml laapsw ri. IfUtttTtmoult saw daily seat frees ! ,,.lt.l tn tareaLn! aoiata, as4 th aus tlinB.B nr.Ur ,) p4.-Ur. pUring tU soltr. adult VMrstUlHNl at th disposal t.f Iks authorities. This dues aot sn anw-isa W m f"ea-t. Tk fart is. H kt alf Iti sjiwIwhi tn bt-.k r truth la III Mieaapapan,sad li sovtst .kiil.il rf-s.H-r raa.it slwav t winsinw lb wWeat f n ta 11. , Huf. T as it seeass tt.st (,'. wh U o Iry c d.sof rt, ad tb.t tbs in) of th Uciaa I m ad with ape ty veethrt a. VOLUME XLTr RALEIGH, N. C, Elictionh. TUe.newe from the electioni ia rennaylTsnia and Ohio looks rather tqaally fur the " nnterrified." They narj been busy ab ing that aecret erganixation, th Know Noth ing, and have called them a 1,1 sort of hard names, eonnaencing withraitora and going up.. But although th "untfrrificd" hare been called on to " mark" thoa who wer concerned ia thi movement, tliey have suffered at iu band a ter rible retribution, Ikry have been most effectually narked ia turn; they bar been routed horse, foot and dragoon. And they dfserre it too moat fully. They bare denounced lustily and without measurement of language, Auiertcancib icens for daring to combine to carry out Aroori- erred otrtgiimsl tlieiti'beeiitis 'bey-ehose te- proniulgato a faith obnuxidus only to wire-work ing politician who canajatT. t.r. tfi. spoil pi cilice, the success of party and the elevation of men fur nier partisan sun ices, than they do for the honor and the good of their country. It may be a lesson to thorn in the future to be a lit tle more cautious iu their denunciations of the free and independent citizens of the county for eliooaing to exercise the right of thinking and ac ting for tlietu selves without consulting the lead ers of mere partisan associations. A communication from l'uhlicola, in another exiUnin, breathes the true North Carolina spirit. We bare too long licen supine on the great and important question touched in that article. We hare suffered our neighbors to get the start of ns, and now that we have made a beginning to wards retrieving past errors, we are frightened at our own shadows, for fear tint we will get ourselves into d:lficuItieilrom wTiirh Vow1tMjej unablfl to extriontu oursdt s. The times reijtih-e a bolder and more d:termincd jiollcy, not a rash and reckless -on, lt - a polioy- that -will -eau. brace fn irrrffwt ilia a hole Staievand cliallcne the confidence and co-operatUof alt- sections of the State. No one doubts th.W pa,roswttTi will keep wre with our liabilities if we but act wiih a foresight and at the same tim with a oarage, tlfat will grasp at results that mn - Dttfr be achieved by our timid, wavering, do-nfltlitn Course. Jlio suggesltons ns to the particular r6ut"eaWcomtf.enTlcil by nmrcm iessmdeiil, are iT-cfcDiisidi'iatioatr-Ve cannot ear that tlixjwould lie the best, as wo Imvcnet examin ed the subject closely ; but the idea advanced is a good one 'and should lie kept in view of our legislators when they assemble this Fait. Loss or Tin AatTic. The tidings of tlie loss of this ocean steamer with nearly all her passen gers will cat ry sorrow into the Loxora of many families. It was. believed that some accident bad caustd bcl Jelay, but it was not dreamed of that she bad been thus tunk iu a few minutes in the middle of the occnp, by nn accident that could tint be foreseen or provided against. The snddenncsa of the catastrophe makes tliii form of death as appalling as any that could be im agined. In the middle nf the ocean, no storm brewing, ft danger apprehended suddenly the good ship is sunk with ber living freight, no time to prepare the mind or to summon up cour age agaiust the sudden stroke of fate. and in Faycttcville, and delegate appointed to the internal improvement convention to he held in Salisbury on the second Thursday in next mouth. The Orange County Agricultural Fair will b held in llilislsm' on Ihe IMi and 17th of this month. . Paul C. Cameron, Ksq., will deliver the address tsfui th St.sisiy, .. , , ... .. It will be area by a notice in another column that Old Jo Sweeny will be here during Fair week, to ph k the bsnjo for the edification of all who wish to hear. Asa Biggs and Ccorge Bower are reeemmend ed by a Western Democrat," through the ( Ids boron gh Republican, for I'nited Stales Senators. Ma. Clisoxix " Rsrtai.ir ass I'xoiatb m." This ha been a pmverh. W fear that we Must add to it, that '. Wu-o srs ungrate ful, in view of th following from lit last Ciolds- borv Republiesn: v B-ini t list air. i itngman hss aa eiaims npon th Iemoerscy for an rwot a pmneitioa and he onght B.a to expect it, 1 her re men in th State who have been. en-operating with th Den. ocratie party, fvr sine they firt bepia life wnntviieie4 s1 oetoodeil it prineiidas when lemocra.'y wos mM im Ike aenrnWrsr-y, with aa mucn teal as inry tio now. ihes, w Hunk. ar th Bien Iu U rrwardel. , let us reward thnaa who wr with us, and fought with aa ia th dark days as well ss ahea the sua of victory shoe apna as, and ant thoa who, whej "M their aisane most, wet battling with all their xvlghl against aa, but ahu,aba they saw that we hail overcome their adversaria, de serted Uxir owa rank and flail la aura. H want ta get htler aewaialad wilh arh ma w want t ss If their motives arm really sin. era, be for w am willikg to trust them with the airs post of bo. willna th gift of th p"pl of Uw Sist." Tba sarity U tU tUm aoaaisU la lu trulk. And w aubrnit to tha Ijnojx fiMnds isf Mr Clingmsa li st it ia "juite as severs ss aaythicg aid of Mr. Clingmsa by Whig paper. Exwiamoa ar Pramratrs. Th Nsw York Ilnrald snis. -s th ttlhtwiag Bovsl mods af showing np p't kpnckMs Terds afieraoia tl. CltUf of ToUc snsds tie I tn tt" Agriraltaral Fair, a4 aana afi.e wanh Iwa antunua piekpnrsets wees diseuv red la lh fsir exeeeisiag their Befarinw opera tions. They wer IMB taka lata en si-air, and by ardor at tli Chief put t one na shiUlioa, They wer anrh prnstdnl wjlh a arf placard, it, sad wiih I string nMn.d llxir a k, la4 led Pieii"-kts.". To roaas wr thea walk d aroood It.s hit aed -r aa wirt f psnynes, in order that Us pern U present aiitn t grstt ISe4 with th Siirhl SS III pick pu-t.u. . Tbs at.. et exhitatPWt nun 4 t.wit nMs ssphiiwi an I huatlre-ts of tta ppl fett.tws.1 sftee tliesa, 1 hi-y were ket oa sthiU'inw in that snaanef for saerl hmtr. W an'terit.. tltal tl. att bift.t ti,4 f.itil. nui itt-'.l at lb tsir aill he Imr 1.4 I wnh t fr-. and thwa beo9 of t.j-hBt ' oa hw. r stnrk -RALEIGH, NOTRII CAROLINA, WEDNESD AT KORXISG. OCTDEERS, 1854,. "Tkefieopl 6fth S.tata will remain ealsn and uneteited whilst thes eontest of pkB nd violence are being played out at th North. The result will prove hi them that the northern democrats are the only allies on whuoLjJieyoau depend." Certainly! Such allies aa Pieree, wbb farorel th Nebraska bill ftenwst iaai opinion it was "a measure of freedom. " am dee which "bo new slave !tateuld er again come into the Onion." And IWelas, wbn justified the same bill krtauM it Obliterated ait line opto which slavery might tn. Ana Was, who tolit th abohttouutta or Michi Kan how be thanked God that he lived in a free- State. These allies may be depended oa for tlw spoils, whenever they have tjie power to dis pense (hem ; but for nothing els. fagellttUU Obtcrrer, - BritMStj or SmunosT. The Steamer E. K. Collins, which left DetroitSundny night, with a large number- nf passenger from Sault for Cleveland, took fire abontmidnight noar Maiden, and was soon completely enveloped in flte Her passengers and crew were unable to save rt UMM tt fittn' - Tint Fav wnnU tin,- Kmn, 1 snred hnt for the fortunate arrival of the nmnellori Kintrey. Capt. Ijtnglcy. All his boats were mtinl nat ishle waters,, the Roanoke, the Neiise, Jilt nd, and awarly .vorv oulsaied waa tltnwghlTar and Ca i'tnt U'vees, witli their trifmtirieii. his indomitable exertions and instrumentality. After they were landed some wretch robbed one of the sufferers of $S0, The boat was nearly new, and cost 10,HH. She was owned by Copt E. B. Ward, and insured for$l3,0(KI. . There was of course great consternation among the passengers, most of -whom were asleep, and many plunged into the water. Twenty three perished by fire or drowning. Among the missing are Mr, Dibble, of Now Ynrki Samuel, Powel, Iawrence Vhalon and Thomas Cook, the Pittsburg railroad aeot, all of CleVPf fnl ; Mrs. Watrous and child; ofAshtahnla, and fif teen of the crew. The origin of the lire was un known. Among the saved are B. F. Pubois, of Philadelphia. THath or ax Koirna. We are pained to learn that NvrnNiri.J. I'u.hfr. esq., senior editor and proprietor of the Milton Spectator, died at his residence in Caswell county oh Sat urday JasJ, tkeu.Ui instaiit!n the 50lhycar of hisage.' Mr. Palmer served an arpreuticediip in this ccIS :e during which he itu lie 1 law with the lat John Scott. cn. lis atutn after hfw.aiun ika tiBiririctor-ofthe-Miltna Snectntor. and con.. 'linuftfTo piihtlidi It foF msrry y tsarir-lir'ennnee intti nun viic pracin oi nis pntiossion. ue was - c:,l.r..l . i t.- t:i: i. j tniiiiiyi nftrriiiit;e, inn iiis oiiigeocs auu mitn fulneins. la after life gavo him a success which secure for him a comfortable estatw. He was cm aliaUOttlly a usaful man in tin iirivaU walks of lifa; and th- Baptist Church, of which h was a Pea tans and consistent inenilier, ha sus tained a grrat loss by his death. He was a kind husband al father, and Issvcs a widow aud lii u chiklrtu to mourn their sad liereavement. -i fray -mt,. , JiUkburo. J!cinri A,' CoxcfuVsi jot Amssjcax JhmiUTs Alt cording to Ma. Oilhanlet, the Paris correwpon dent Af th Cdlirier des Flats I nis, a moetinz h siion to take place either in France or at Ibulen Spa, between Messrs. Soule, Buchanan, and Ma-mi.-to-ewrferapoB-th pttliev whieh the I iiited States ought to pursue towarifcthe Kumpean powers. Mr. Sonle was daily eected to arrive in Paris. Mr. tiallisrdet'a infoimntion may lie receivel witheonidorutile doubt. Such a Con- gn-ss would he nnu'ual. and would in fact coiiiptih nothing tieynnd agreeing nnon certain rettreseutations tu the Government at Wasbing- toil.; - r i : 7 . - - Ixsyfcrto or tiis Woaxiso Ct.Asr.s. I have nnsyuipothy whatover with those who would grudg our workmen and our humble people the very highest acquisitions which their taste, or their time, or their inclination would lead them to 'realise ;' fir, nekt M the snlyntionof their souls, I ran certainly say that th object of my fondest aspiration Is the moral, intellect ual, and as a. sure consequene of tiis, economic al advancement of the working clashes the one object which, of all others in the Wide run go of pol t iieal s fieeuTiihorTjVf fi e' one wKTch'lieiTeaFe'.TTo' the heart of every philanthropist and every true patriot. lift. l)r. C'kalmert. Br.s i Cxv tn t. It is stated by a eentle- man lately returned from Canada, that the bears driven from tlie woods and hack place by want ot tood, have l-een unusually numerous id the onea fields. Cmefarmer loft twenty-uitie cattle. allied ww" by-ttiewis awl atWrs-aasa-wffwd . ia hk manner, though not to tut h an 'Ilent, A erusad against tlias tuaraudora wa tuada aad about a doten were shot. Oue weighing sis at two hundred pounds was found canght in tlia slice with of the rail road at SherbriHik, and was forth way killed. Pig Cn.it.rsi. What is railed the "Pig i holera ha appeared ia th West of Ireland. ins nai wsj mtiu-nror says: -inis disease, w rer;ret to learn, is stil very virulent, and exhibits light indications of abatement, Sosu farmers attribute th attack to diseased potatoes, aller- : .1... . t- : i. , . , n. ins ttisi itiw aniraais ira irniuenuy xasea Jll after eating them. W are, bowevar disposed tn regard this theory as incorrect, and rider it loon of thos scourge which mysteriously avail both men and animals, the origia of which baa baffled th 'wisdom of th wise. Ososar, Rssm-aorT, vss Hist.hu . Bancroft isvnsot our greatest men. Laduwd with a axaH piercing and at th asms time noetic mind h etaasiNM th history of a period with the rigid scrutiny id" a judge, and than narrates th sory wm tM lefty aothaeiaiMa -uf a bed,-- n hether h h dcsnritong th aol.l anbir of t olumtsis, tha half-inspirad fortitude of tha Pa- riUns, the can less court g of the Cavaliers, or the wonderful Western jisimevings of La Sail aad ineennss, th story still mora on with absorbing interest, and aumetime wilh rpi arsons ir. tit aatnraj talent base an eultf rated with nvt aasidums leal ; and la the 0,airsseate of a New Fnland enllege h al Is lh pro(.aleat stadias of a Oerman l aieersity. Ids history, with iu deep and ear nil rest arch. jdi sou and pluWiphK thought, it lifalik rhar aeter painting, and jrorgetni diction, U a tr- ara tor A rwsrtcea readrs aad an bono Americas liiaratur. HI. Vmu ffsnaWxaa. Ttrfraiy I w iMr. Tba fntlowing fc-hirg ineiaent Is I Ma tea a Has it area rtedat llt laat tsasefsaissl ef Utehsir L aitsrssty ( tn asrwiher af th grattuating class Me. R. CTFsnn. of Rorhestwr, k wda If bbad. Wbea his ihaas wa aasMaaesd, lrwitmt Andmna remarked lo lit aadssnr that Mr. Fraa, at lb r I. as of his junior ymr, ia performiog soma rtiemli literi mods privat,lost turn evoaigl.t atirsdy, fr.a lb tfsru af aa eiphn. Iwt tliat feaaa uWf in eeeryv, and by aid of a aV '! be-itwf aud aitarhsj vl.sa-msle. h had baex abl la etienpU" tba studies nf lh oum wiih boaor to himself and swn.fate.a In hi t' hrs. HwrbeaW4lterwar4by fcbrthr, wbiU thee was scarry I y ssarissr;s la all lht -siltlsts T esse eww k inaul sls II. nl teet was "th lst aw., , ,,,, Mijsst f wKtch was tn aVawmsirat th asmtntttta that Uiadaes Is peetryal.t n (Uansaa, was d,. rsMcd mssisg i-ad.l,aM, aad asewsst wsaatvri I tOee wbrek Mr ! (ppttus rf ins tna rslirwl, m4 Ms etvjonred h d ewe : Tor the North Carolina Star. 1 Ma. Knrrdtt: It is th duty of everv miUic joaraal to open i's e?.lan tu the expenitnm ( fact, and lu Ire dtacafca ot at! questions et ptiMi policy. By that aen tue public mind will b obgtrtywd atod pablie -tiiniin braitght to act eoswertadt v, aot ealy in avoiding the errors of the pasts but a tarrying nut systematically and amtedly all schemes of public iniprorwnt. The mgrossinx auhject of the day is Interaal Improvesnent by Railroad. North Carolina has ao vtlter ai'xreetive, and th next Oenerul As sembly wid lies! oDMilt the prosperity of the State by aettiag afoot a purely North 'Carolina sehetue. We hsr heretofore plsvel into tl hands of t irgiata nnil !uth Carolina until our people are looking almost exclusively to those States for a market, without retieeting that we hav a lonj line of sealioard aud two excellent hiuruor of our owa at command. . . It ia nonsense to aar tl'at w lack capital Bring out our hidden wealth, ia the shape of gtdd, copper, iroa and coal from the bowels of tits earth th varied productions of agricultural and pastoral tiliaio frota t:ie s trl'sA-e . and the reWtsof manulacturfne skill and iadustrc onoetitrate them in th cheapest and utuataxpn ditious wav at the .ports of UKiiSfuttranl Vul- AKFtn0t4ltf HO like Rttwic t.astero Nortli Carolina a ItierTteneliuV of In addition to this alto has RiilroAd in alihost all direction. : . The West, as vet, has aotliiai in Uur wkf of commercial Ucilities, 1 lie Kaleigh & t tiatiotte Rail Road is drattinz iu slotv leni'th aUns. and the termiimsof the Virginia road at lifciulle will, when those roads are oomploied, and the means ol transportation to those in their imme- Uiute vicinity. . l itis loaves nearly one-hall oi th state nnjror vidoil fur. . The location mid exocutioa of roads farther west ought to lie exclusively a North Carolina project. The State has suffered tin? golden raomunt to pass, when she niidit have wielded not only tie whole of her own trade but a portion ot the proaacts oi nor neignnors. She has yet much in her p wer and Bote in the time. The policy of North Oaroliiia is to bring the wh tie stream ot trade tr nn the South-west and Nurth-wejt as far through hor owa territory as possible. '1 his may bo done by making a road from Salisbury or some point north of Hon the ItnleiL'li and Charlotte road "running thence a siinthwet course, say to Aahcville and thence to connect with the tieorsria, Alabaiuaand Mississippi roads. This will form -a ewatihorouirlifare fur the .travel rm the east side-if-ths niountaiaa, -Tbar-U-no4- railroad commiihicaiion between 'the""Sotfliertt and North-western States. It is clearly the policy nf N Yadkin to licy nf North Carolina to push a road up the the head waters ot -New liivcr ami procure th buildings SUnloi of Virginia and Kentucky along ihe valley ot ft the Big Sandy or the Kanawha Rivers. This I nmte will form nearly a iliroct coinmuincation between the city of Charleston and the Ohio I'.ivor and will so. connect the ports and people of North Caniliiiawith the North-Western States that we must partukelargi Ty of Hit i trale and' Iti s high time fortlxi ik4"0H North Stale". to woke up from her snpinencss shake off the lethargy that bos parwittcd ber neighbors to prey usin her very vitals and lay the foundation, promptly and docisivelv.of her future prosrvrrity .. ...tibejbatt eredit,she has. Jone and. sinew and she has capital too. .The roods can be built and th Mock must be good. Pelar is dnngensls and "a penny.wise and pound f.iolisb" Htlicy will destroy us. We wont to sue thousands of hills of ihe wot covered by thousands of out lie. We want lime and planter from tha mountains, to fertilixt ouriinpovi nshed 4 kit, atii Jbcy jji jliemsjikej of the world openeil to them. i I ill the Oeneral Awembly of orth Carolina UO It 7 11. lil,ll,tJl,A. SNARLEV-YOW. Vnder this singular caption, The Senior Fili- tor (we think) of the Richmond Vimy W, giVe tli1ollnwtngTory -amusing aeetmnt -of-4 logHght, in Saturday (issue of lhat icr: We witnesscil all airtsof a do'-lii:tillat Tues day. It took place in the cart which was con- dih ltna tit boor docs t exeonii.m. It u Timed and packed tosttctta degree, that most of the aiiiuiuls bad to stouu ou fueir hinu Tegs, "and in endt-aroriug to regain their true position, nev- ar failed to give offence to their nuighlsirs. A yal Italtle ensued. On very larre yellow dor mail In way luickwards and forwards, ovor tin' iiackt ol me otiiers. tn course It was parti laily marked out, and h eemel aofhinK lolh. II a tucth ware at least an inch long, aud they slums must horn Idy. 11 was a snapping dog, and they, it is well known, caa whip eieaiion, at laast.lba.dug irutlauBidillisurpj-jeca tmu see mow in urutvs iiieeeu nun tinea anil lortii ity merely aluvalibg their back or changing their poKio. It wa done with uch rapidity, that wouiu dissw nts moutn azninst on uoc, ana rlus it upon another, six or ei."ht feet off. W never saw anything like it, ex-e al th Arch street Theatre lo Philadelphia; where two-legged dug! to amuas tlism selves by putting oilier brutes, of th same description, cut af the pit and out of the 1 1 oust. Waw them one put mil an old sailor lorsomeotfence.or lor nonlf. uce. The old tar fought like a tiger, but it was no go. II would mak a grab at uua man, and hslors hss haadsoould liah, b was in fel idf. Ii grshlsed at on fellow Boss an I his hsnd lit up on auoiltsr fallow's Wig, leaving bis shining Im! I head ia all iu gl iry. tliir 7 icn I Snariey. vow," for so ws aaussd th big ysl.ow dog, alter on of l apt. Mar) alt's lour-hsi d heioes, was like this tar, rli victim uf a conspiracy. Ail war agaiast him. II was a regular oan.n l.h. maelite. Hi teeth were ayaiu at tery dog, and very dog' teeth wr gaitut him. No n.-ris uf pemtenc ptard in.tng lb wbnl crowd, Iti us alsbf be cut of in Ui prim of dog k I. by a indent daith, and if either of them mad a dying tpswch ws da a.4 know of tba fatt. the piiiLosoriiY or raix. Ta anderatand th phihwnphy of this ltatlfn ad often aatdin pneot-merH'n, sn nftca wit nosed sine th creation uf the world, end en essential to lh very existence of plant and ni avals, lew facta deriird fi mn olsniioa and a haig traia sf x-rnaeiits most b remcmUr d. I. Wer th almost here every where at atl tints af a aa t amlevitprralar, ws should never av rata, ar hail, ar "now. 1 h wtr at-xirttel by It ia tvennraliuu fpam lh ess i a I th earth's aViUaa woaid daacend ia an imi .-iT.tiUs tafHtr. v issae in na ansswista hi in air witn it wa ae ftilty satsraletl. t. Th alstnrtHng power of lh e'avapher, and snasaqqenily m rapaeily to relaia fcamirti. ly, hi nrisprtiMatly ginlar ha warm thaa in cold air. . . Th air near th rnrfaea of lbs earth hi wanner thaa it is ia th re (ton ,4 tha rlda. Th hi flier w rad frt.m tit aarih tht " Mr 4 we tad the aMipbra. 1 1 awe the per pet a ol snow sa vry hih atoaatain la iha hvtit tlimsle. Now, when, fertss armtinaad vapor at Ion, th sir is highly sataratrd wilh vapne, though it b iavbihl and tbs sk dua l Uw. if itstnperinr I saddaaly rsdarad hy 4I nmtli demmling frnsa saws, r rushing rVn a higtwr to a lower latitads, ar by th aurtcn f asatarslsd air rn a older tatHade, its eac ly to rstaia a. itnr is diatiaished, clouds srs formed and Ihe remit is rasav-s n n liassns a it aa.ds.assj UtvaM 1114 with wafer and enytrw. pours out ft. wstsr which it dimmish'! eapsriiy eaannt 1..4.I. Il'ts asetlsr, y4 hew simple ll,s .h,Uts-ihy af rsm I tt hat bat Ota iweiuc euald hsi d vised sarh an s l-riirsH rTir'iwat Ut ssr-wi(ihrh! A n 4 0-y NORTH CAP.OUN A RAILROAD. The lire-t.rs nf this Coantuv has establish. ed a "Tanffof Freig'.it" oa Iu North Carolina Itailnntl, fir a distaiee of ninety Bit'e,-ay Itetweea Uohlshorn' ami llillsboro'. Wa sekoit tlie rates on such items ns may be of uvmt Inter est to onragricultiiraMVicnds akaig th routs Bacin, tt..e, per lot) IU., 4tl eta j do, iu bhds, boxes or bids., per liR lbs.. S4 eta. Barrels, einrny. all d'ntiuiee. each. 15 aents i dp. per ear load, each, lit cent. Beeswax, per lttO His., 8.1 cents. Bones and bone-dust, for manure, per rn $2. Bricks, per liS, Jti. Butter, in kegs, per 100' lbs., 40 eenti. Ch.ver and gross seed, per bushel. 10 coots, '. loal, in hlids. 'or hbls., per ton, $i S.t. Coffee, per lis) lh.. cents' Ctiprier, in slieet."rii. or solid eatlni. nee 10() l(s., 4. cents' : do. in vessels or nine. do. 50 . n- - n , I cents : do ore, per ton, t. ' Conlace, rope, c, per 100 lbs., 40 cent. Corn, tier bushel, lil cents. Corn Shellers and Cutting Knives, each, SftJ. Cotton waste.and rags, per 1U0 list., 6 oents ; cotton seed, per bttshol, tl cent. Kftgs,- bined r in bldsi at wneriTrisk, "pr li Ids.. cents. Fin Mills, ea-h M i r iw,--m it?., naea; :wii; mi ttTits.aaetv, UJ cents ; tin, in liall do, acli, t ceijtsi do, freh preuiid, per 1KI Ibsi, 45, : . - flax, per IWllbs Htl ca,(U; Rot-socd,- per K...l.at ill ,t. C ' tfc-ur less than 5 Mils, pT bid., 00 cents ; do, over 5 bbfa., ilo", 50 cents ; do, iu half-bbh each, Sir centv. Furka, hay and manure, per doten, 40 aents, I owls; in coops, eommon site, per enop. oil c : tlecse and Turkeys, in coops, per doscn, t c firaiii Cradles, each, 5U cunU. . tjraih, iwt uthcrwiso enumerated, per bush., lO ee.tits. 1 tr; .. .- ' Ctrotieries. riot othcrvf anumcrnteJ, per 100 lut tltf LLUIi . ; ; tiiisno, all distances, perlOO lbs.. 6 cento. Hardware, not otherwise enumerated, per 100 ius on cents. Hay. iu bales,,per 100 lbs., 30 eeiilfc T Heading and Staves, not leas than car load, lli.lef nnd fkins. croen. nor 100 lbs. 30 etsj uo no, ury, no tio oU cents. Hogs, ulivo. in coops, tier 100 Ib" 73 cents. - Hoops and huop-polcs, not lest than cor kiad, percmv lion eaetiHgs, (heavy.) hollow, per 100 lbs., 40 cents; do easijnii, Jo do, UO tts t do bloom, bar bolt and boiler, do do, 3.i cents! do boon, ltnT, sheet nnd rniiing7d.i .Kl ct.T ! lUfc iiT7 Lard, per UN) Dm., 3j cents. ljithes, in bundles, car load, per ear. $20, Lead in bars, pig or sheet, per 100 lh., 33 leather, per 1UI lbs.. 40 cents. Lime, agricultural," per " tons?- ; Linie,-Bulbl- vi. per Lbl fill et. Single horse, mule, cow or ox each,' 7 two eoi h,0; three, catdi; ?4 73 i four, each, i& fitl. Maohiucrv, not othcrwis desirnalod. tier 1U0 atl nee lull lbs., 40 cents. tmt,TtnbeI,---W-rtsi I, . Maiv.tmu-.4afepflaLiiejt 100 lbg JLeente, i lata, per husiiel, ii cents. PlostorJ srrauiid nnd onirrmrnd. per ton.- 82 OOr Ploughs, laige, each 6-1 cents. . .. small, each, W cants. Pork, salt o.l, in bids., per bbl., 75. " in i do., per do., 45. " fre-h, propnid; pee jtiH Hi:-, 40. Rags aud wa-te, per ltK) lbs., LS. Rope, per llkt IU., So. Shucks, in kilos, per liX) 11, , . Stesm-Hiigincs, per PHI,, j. Straw Cutters, each, tit), Turpomii.c, crude, pier bbl., GO. TiirjM'iitiii. sprits, per bid., VH, -Tynx.T'CT l'"1 M.K.. 40. W., per lull li,s., -10. Wool TVii. iter. 1IM) 50 On articles not eiiunierated in tho Tariff, the charge has been hied at ) cent per 10U I Ik, -lRlliMI!ltANTS IX 11133. frith Urmitiauret from the Vailed Slnfrt.The New Vork Herald stales lhat the numlsr of Irish emigrants in ,-t4. was 'JlH.XU: in If-'iO, 214, httf ; -in IfAl, 5r.4.6:t7; ttr-lH-ia, iK4.W7i- r J.JV'. ;il!rk The lUrnhl thinks that this decline still continues, , ilurioc the first oua ter nf lh prent year, the total emigration from the I'nited Kinrdom to this country fell short of in ni ine similar period oi lat year ny nearly IjiKSl.souls Fran these facts lh Herald draw's uie inierenee mat tn depopulation ot Ireland has reached the point where it ia no bin cor a tteitefit to the peasantry: Ttia eountryr rsdng two minions tn us inhahitaiita, bas roeoverei from the effects of over jsipulation, and thor is .,,d f,,i r, (U... r ,n 'tfmi,n The .-niW alds. that "alul tha rniirrstion has Iteen falling off, the remiltAiices from this stile of tlie w ater have been steatlilr itirrewing svry vesr. Jlis l.-llowmg are (lis ainmiuu reunited through the hanks exclusive of sums sent Uy private channels sttrca IMS t lt. upwards of 1HI.I XtoO.OOO p4o,nmi KVI lK.l 1H.V2 1S'i3 li'jn.iMai 1.401.000 1,43;i,isj0 "Th reeatest m'ves'e was wirnensed in the tears m:,0 and IH.12, which followed pencd id g.at ,-t rr-Mt )n iretani, ana snons oi marxed ppnperity here. Hot ll,. of H',.l ouly shown an increase ..f CS.i.tsKI, ,n Wi.SSI t It how hat tt. tide nf vmev is still oa th flood. It Indeed a nofewtaf hy fart that during th past year upwards of seven millions af osJlar were en! to poor people in Ureal Britsin rhiefly ia Irrlan I bt Ibeir relaiivM, who had can oat hr-re as emirranta. Kvea Ihi larf mat pn,h ably flls more than a million short of the reality, as v hsr no record of th amount which were sent to tiresl Britain by Bicrehsnls, captains of hint; paeniturs. wad 4he- rctrsn ehanne's." The .ijln millions, lh Herald thinks, bar Veen applied, ant ah to the payment of th pa-a?e of ur emij-riltls, for th whole cost of lh Irish intutiirsli.-n did riot amount to mwh, but a larre proportion had hero used la th pun-liss an I imrr,rtmnnt af Und In Ires laaj, large nusntiiies nf which were forced Into lb market by th acti., f ttr Inrumbered p.. tales CoaH, and afforded tue or pottunitie for b.vestiaeiit. .. Cui.ivT Arrtm mt via Fah kt mi Tne Al th Tolland emn.tviCona.1 Fs last week flv Is lies nff. lh bat a rrMnpetitor f..r lb premium nffVredhv lhsriMyf.,r themoat grac. ful eiltibili.n of femal syj.ieidrisnisia. Oea. Prail, Kepraeentstiiefrnm th fleet Con grew inl district, et.l at nmpira, and a very pmt'ei renttemaa h was, th fairmenrelilnrs se.Ulilii.g Ihrntsel, ,, hsadsnmely that h svml I ntlwiak a nlstinCil.s.VTWeentheni rh VtweffiMnisey' parU all f hi st sat la l l. l e.l leli mak th awanl, b very gslianlly iirtcle, hmlf front rhi dilemma t y takinr out bis nrts-ket hn k aed psvlng eh lb amount of th ttii.esl premium offr4 ! foafoa CarsakctV. Rrssisw fisvts.it A priva's tetter fm Russia desvrilta I rl s.tits.il k-dlas a hi-l.lv .located man. well res t in lh literal ur ti( all et antnea, hut at iha ssia titas n lre't snnwr. annwaisst ntaa, ss.llw.t s.fvfk sf sttttun tea, a general 111 n.ly f. pi!. Pvk.swd.h, It t ens ., irrerevenity, an sei..,ttai.d arm. r" " Alter ia.Kantieg'h la k . f st.is -nsrl. la th Faasia army, tl, writer ttsis ). h hs gMttst-sl tss n,iss ass has is i. S-ls h'ra si1', sal th .n I bM hit C'sittia THE POW TO OP MT.lf. . We were seatol in tlie cal in of a rive- r.ise.i bont. There was o lare niinihrr jf paseic.c1-.i, who seemed desiroitrf of neguiling . tlie te-liuM of the trip by contributing son-. thing to tlie geu- r:U aimisemejit. iVinons the pa' -ler was on kins, lank j specimen, whom no on could fail to TVevcms as a Vnuke. He sat somewhat apart from the rest, notwithstsn ling, w'lilo the singnjritj of his appearance -did not f.til to draw aianyui ivas eyes towards him. At length; when all tha resource of tlteie ctnpatiy seemed exbauawd, one of l lera turnj 1 uuiiiousiy toii.o xanaee, an-i pinieiy retpiesieu him to f.ivor the company " ith a song. "A ong : cclioeit h. LiOKlllgup. . , "Vea, sir; you ting, di you not:' "1 did once." rcviiei tic: and I may odd. li saved mv Lfc." f" Saved your life;" . All were cascr to ! rr bow tlriscotiM be, and after soma little urging, the stranger contented to gratify tlism, ' - -Vou must know, said he, "that I wm one of the first ta go to Califo-iia when the report arst reac lied u at Homo at u stores ol guld, It was nsthinf then, to what it la now, pe,Tcct waste, in fact, with harUlv a mark of ehiiisaiion. erutg-UBi .thjiu-ajiilfeirfi dm liiiitiHl'i,.. .... .. "Being fond of edreuture, 1 setiaraleil finn my company, and determined (a fi -the way to the dljjijui avvsclfc ..fin nigl.t 1 found bui- iir lying upon Uia "grass, wSii my pa;k fur a pillow, ji: -I on the adgr-, t;f a largo foreet. U did not enter ii-to tny head to be aflaid till it become somewhat dv V.and 1 herd with fearful distinrt ncss the cry of a prairie-wolf. 1 listened rgnUi,.' nn l was nhii-tncd to find the cry coming n.Mi'er. I'.vidently they seonted me, "At lenglli a whole pack of tlia blood-thirsty rascals cams bounding uu till thy bam within -a hundred feet ot mc, and Uion ftlvy. itosttl itavk still, and then began draw ear r. '- " "My hair rose on end. 1 was terribly alarmed I cndeavr.TCtl to think i f sonto p-wsible way of scaring them. Having heard t1 l they wcre tur ritied try the sight of liro;l I'glited a iiuicoh. 'i hey urewoti' a little, but iimuediataiy retraced their steps. This movement was etteai'd on bo'h sides,- l fiiuiid this would neirrno; I muat tliink of mime thing more decisive. , But what ? "1 reepMectt.l hating in my youth att.'iulel It singing school for the suae of hvo evenings, dur ing which 1 received somn imli-tiiict notn ns nf the mantier of slnciua ' 'Old Hundred.' . That rei'nncvTton ivki mc; "Withont more ado. I be.rnn. and diil as well a 1 could. By the time I bait got "through llm """'"!a H?" UWBliWStULlu Jra. n'1 "'"'"T. aiid-wdl-vuit.lclu.i JarsXHueJ-olaorvcjl thai tha. voltes' Uz!t.!ttii 1 sik nrgent1cinefiT'lil1d ttt fliiTratriT-KrrrirTirry ""tHH foro 1 linished, ereiy ituliriduul Mlf, tndiii.; a is iv fours us to hit enr.t, Kamjternl amiyt j'vld Jarlt was ttfltrkim!" 1 shout af lauhtor, both loud aad Joiuv f lowed this narrative, at th end ot which Ihe "peakcr,- who had nut stirred a tutntcl"; grarch eontinucu, auu see, gciiui-iuoii, l liars ecnticmcn. I have been frank with 1 did not wish tn tnh uuiluc advantage l-ytjin!LIrX-!!t.'rR!l'rrinnl''',n';l' invitntiuii 1 1 j without fmcwarurug jn.it of tTia uiu: .x'i"(ii"uiia!s7i1 i twr twv-BdfT ytroT Torrro.-T nBstnm !!. Jie.arinj riie, I wili endeavor ro give y ju Old Uiiiidretli wliich is tit "only song I know, and to which, tor reasona all cad y givco, 1 Kia uucviti monly attached." ... Alter tliat story, he was unan inoosly ticn CARUYIXO 1KATLY WEAIONS. The Montreal HerahL in albtdiue to the tirdr aleut practice in some parts of th I'nited States of carrying deadly weapons oonoeii!" 1 alwut the persnn, mak tli tollowingsound end excellent remark t " msnifisitril that, when cjiiliant. aJ.-nt Ibis preetioe, Uioy ailjplel with it e:tein mislo of thought, not proper to he cutoruunsd by ktw abiding men. They do not carry thes thing! Without s purpose, and to that- purpose, danger-ou-i and wicked as it is, their minds become ha bituated by the constant sight and handling of the Instruments which suggest it. It is proba ble that a man can hardly put a pittuUinto .his pocct daily, without Bating a freriicet feeling ol a duair toui ike usaot it. .Here di tern is a vain pretence : tha nmnnr and really talnsMe dofhici of a man In ociciy, is the defenr of tnt Uw.lti.ui,t ikfcuCBvtuUouULlbtiUsa kills me i but punishment taken into my owa hands.- And this paniehment.-whieli may some time hejiv.it, is often visited anjustly by a man who assume to be judge and eincMtioner in his owncsu-o. Hence we see billing offense, or supposed oflcitsea, which ar revenged Jiy shot.t Ing. But besides Ilia habitual deieriuratina if lire mural sentiment or respect for life, who b ari ses front constant familiarl y with .tlia instru ments used for destroying it, the proximity ot lethal wssp naturally huels iisrll 1 1 III y,t, ilioalion uf every exoitel passion. Tbjre is no tiia givenYir passim to subd 1 ar f. ro to assume tlie ascendant, as happens, -when th knife or the pistol must he searched out. At the moment when temper ia most ungor. rrnshle, the means of gratilying It are most son. leniently at hand. Hence we see men with un ill will to each other commit niarder in their cups, ll'iio w find that the drtnlly encoun ters frequently Ink plc U-tween bid fi lends, n ho bare bd aim ao'idental dispute Uut a subject toa trilling to involve the hie nf a decent dog. But for th handy weapon, a few hours would uftea see th two mra excellent friend oea Bsoi. iusiead of which it to nf.sn ho,e pea lhat Ihe an is a enrr.se, and th other wisundetl and in th hand of justice for a libtl. whi-h ia, no dtMslit, too oftea motkery, but which mast always h a duwrrassiag ppieal Vt th amused and di family, indsrueiMcat of Iha result, " - - Vast Ikt IUmt Jircorder. liriiCn,V.C.Ay. 11, 1 V.I. Mr. EntroB s 4 aotie la tha Keror.k.r" sn advertisement he.d,"trm;.tfianl to wbeat rvow. ra, in jihl. li Iha suhsHbar, Rlebard Craft, proposes, f. lb sunt nf en dollar, to aend to Urmers a Saialdn seeraf' In lb torm of a reeein to prevent h smul In a heat. I ppipas to yiv a re-eit" for tha Mm pnr- pose, and all I cliarpa ia, that farmers tt, at. I thaa fry it. itsa..tc Iwa eunees of !: Si r I in a saflieisnef rsf water to cover Mi bashs-l id i seel pi t.d la a ansk. If a grssier ititsuiity of seed, ia ire as y-wr aster aad Mm si im ia It) as rain. Soak la tliU .duli,,a t-.o or ii,re hours, draw ef your w.lulim and p'va v.ie sl in pnsttuw tndrin. v !tn eitpt-ar Uliely dry rail tnt la lima, whieh will aval lis n s-e-r and arersnt aay cdtesn lo lh hand of th wwr, and acts as astimnlsnl tn lh i.li si, h,., Imtncbaiely, A slrtavradulina of salt a I water is nssarly a find aa Mn . This, Mr. F-li er. Is iha reeein. It is a sure ' and a rsMii naa. Bin sum rant pit,t-jj of anf l'rnririt foe Irt er '.tl cents per pnnn I, I I WM ve tj aiarh temilslel whit .iiut i I v.n. mssneal this re-trass nf treat ng as ssv-d as an tr-ssrimeai I has .r', wed it n-rmsay year, and for s nveey I ha aej nn s( in mv wheal. Thefsrmsies e me from distancese,-! tis(-i asaf na this very arc ant to rh I 111 r lesirnsn. Publish Ihi, aad let all .nJt hr lb TrrV ae if a I'mia t saat. iitTiv f.ars Tts L.-H lij.nj'n; to Ihs T"sa .d l,;:.l.i ; V U I eT In , ot U Tjw i C nine r -. -e !l r-h-t lay. 1 hs ten , ts a t. u-s.i 1 1 it.- i.-m t'.-sd "iv-i bss thsn a a -r e- all I t tit s.-- pst, sum of t. . ' . 7h h' ltd la 'lii nn.ilis nn'-Mi sf town, si s-t ev h. , .) f ... t, i 11, VI. TS ptsvKar, c. of , ttrwn II' hr I I I, s 1 j5.nz:VAi c? lea rs::3. , nH' l ni.uTMi miif t.st r i- I " If.'Vt. ll.-Ev s-r'v ' -f ,111, -.. . ve !,..,. ,.,..:.. r.,i I' r n !'! v, nu, Il.'f. fc .,,. .... ,'. ; .... ,.B , iu r ip- t K..I-C f ,;. t oc c n.p rs and lijcl with (j, e,.gft. t -.i ; i,t rrc s- m( t a ' ti.-e I - 1 1 .! c-n.s-itcic-l r il'r. luemSrs ciij-.. 1. . t , , r sMtii b -w. rt..t u,j Ami st.i.k in ih' .111 in t'-.i K,"."n ver' sr'1 1 'I ! r-"''d i-;i "y l' 0 '.'.&tl;r.o l;r. i, ...( , rs tr-innrcrrel f. i! e i-ii . te-u-'...-! In i'oi-i -I '-- . !.r boats is u.tino'-n. 'i how: rav-d aie th crew. - rl,o sesei pf.p..;i;ua 1 sgl. She was lull of p t-scngn-e, a d t:. taie is not "nivn. iVrAer at Ait. Of the 4,11 sa!t on lo-d, nn'y ;:U w i i tote saved. Aniong t tl. '-- last - n . . were Mr. IT. K. 'foibn's, J.'m-er '.'.litis, ,.: . ' Cellm, rt.-et!i .t.-.d f-milv, re'.ativea of Bp .m , SUiph-y j Cn, SfatU liaicn an 1 I. ar!" tus ' !er of Cinetnraiis dua. Mniri". .1 "i I'et'e-i -bargi Mr.-Hewe!lk lady .addnn.-;htrr. Fn-ii '. h.f , ihtt o i'.- rniumtmt. oi t frcs.4 t.n. bwsy, i-!"-nH '- '.rr '' V. sb: ';;' it Ctnk ..nit ciou.. s, L'4, T!::t two'iVy M 'c.U-siderc-i (-casv-tr-.l,!... The liullciiu of yeui-iji ,' !"v t!. !".'!,. 'in'; partv-ti'-irs: V .: ci.di,-on iic-tirie.i ui.r;.o - u i pK'vesoie vf a i.ense fir. "i-i iimnci'.iei iit ..,!t its ncenrenee, Cs ArH.v com'i.ei ,.! ea';i- ' i ne wnier r.ip.d.j-in tlie i I, ,U. i , -fires under tlie boilers atcte soon -yr . ; . M : ard ihw-st '-gawtiRetn-ti -rt.ing.- -., , -soiacil upon the .. -rwer. int wc hii.-t,1-.- f.eil aid tei(i . i'.f-o ,,-rwnstnicfHii, .',' - iWryWlwvl anu -tht -H--a -fredf-ttHsd--i- tti"--t--; ciw thie boat, iOSt Wbtth ll t''.ep, u.j, Vep picaeu up, attti tierpii-ciigci'.i, 1,-ctttyin rti''M!.e.-, ' biia hv,l.t rorttly t this ci'y m tile ship Le'iim,. Tht y arc utr htre. nim w '-Vsr.-aittoiig them, Cupu jt .jii rs, ti.o Cliu F.i.-Hi - r of the r. tie, MrrMnirhi;..- 1 1 int.j, ;u,(g ,r. sinia, ttntl Sir. lUt. .wife and d-.4u.'. r, of tha m jiw, i .. . "r -. 'I Ii vessel wi-.h which tlie Arctic aic 'n' i - collwion, was the,pri(i-llcr Ch.". (, m Mi. -.- treat, whicn ha npwaMsit tw-r-isKtudpisx-'n-gar on l.o-ird. It h. i?iii ei It.-.it tba tu i! r:l r also wrotdrmr, and tb-thai bxsrd-pevisbea,- Af.r.ivAf. -"Hid fikopa. Ntw Yeas, Jct. H.-Hri ho i)nn a '.as arrive 1 at Halifax. ' ' .'..-. She brint th gratlfyinit hntelVigsne 'It, ! ,-. st sdditio'ial h ints From tn wreck oi tin. iu-l'n'c i Aretie have ba-m piclied op, ar 1 th-t the -tenewrs in tmin have safely rca-'hed llaios-; him'iMt flafkett VUtnt Western! lain 1, 81 t Ohio, ."4s, Cotn lU!w,35t Wl.i.s m. W heat fwhit 0s. t; ', - J'i;;ri.s of f.'rf I! ;i-,-Prtr,c Mcuchikotl hi mtiucptcujuiaaii,i)f,. A grrm itu was ep e- ted Ccnaoli el reoUtC-iV- PKX NjVTA'AXrA ANP omo twrics. --TMiivstiiWii'aTlE-t'lI tb;;i Stale show fctrgn vV.hiif gains Tii( yi-n"eii' iim piHHsioa is that Pollock, (the Know N..i;,a,jj emu ditla'e) is e'eoted Oovernor by a-.feai mrju. : A dispalvb fl'i'l 1 r-lllilt ,11 I'i'.M. ;., til. 'i , i-i tlie- Aincrii (in Tif if in" ii.'iiif Vttvt! " Hi' Cur county by o.ts-0 maii-'ty, ai.d 'vh ie t';a'...i: ore, tliat the whole '(! -.-t ,-ir.v t" ... Ciscikmaii, O.t. lu. flu- t'M.-::. l.tsn-s-bcrs of Cong; ess, Sunrcmo Jiiti::eaiid eonju.i.i slou r of j'tbiie works, look lac j ia :' .' .'S'.ate irerny-. Tli,maJiitltJa. tltiiucj !;'. Americtin tt. i-r'iit iSn-.iv' T. ! .!'.':; '''y f - tl in i;',,1 tit ko. fi.-i i, si ;i i imlet. jf ii., e.iyju( tiiityufficLxs.is aU' intlicattons are tout t..is Is a rnult 'h "'unit the Stale, KNOW NOTiiixa viovonv i:-' nhw JF.lt- - ,....SLT. NrTAr, N. J.; Oct; It). Alxirtt (' " n re polttd at the cir-.r. tt' o election Ir- linrocj si. I'oincr, vbig end i.t -i..m"- electrt'. .Maynr hy a Ir.r o .M.iji rily, 'i'.tc it anil isiow-.vjtliit'."S Utt luinallr swept cityj J ' ,i ;' , - ' " rorni CAncrt.rr.i k-ctc - - t Ciittliiii.t, H. 0., Oct.. 10. Tlii el lioi fir nieiuliera of tha Suite l.cislniort tooh pine irt ihis State to-day. The Hull. John I., l're..t-m i el-ctcil Stat Senator frtni this lii-jtrn., l-y a .' . ei'.'d majority. - The vi.te lor Senator in Char'"-tcn las e-.t yr: haa fuU ri!ti-sVlr,I.at.. w gi:jual iu tc ' : prevailt t -irrc Monln-ai vv!m is I A ; te tisve rec H I (i.e R.iew NotVc;; , i I .'it sleoted fr,mi that uistrict. . trTaiT-Brfir-tr'-T rt-rr-tir tt-" In tht hews IroStiit l,y the Norll.; n which arrived st hew Vork Sunday i.ih t, find ttie follow teg; In Si,i I ri nci-.-o tlie Krw N- 'It-:, .-i rtvri sves-vthifig lief io their. T!iy eh , icii & t' rantfiilnta f..r Mayor, S. P. Webb, i. i- e-'-or of 5ac n, 'ussa. hiisctut, tv a t..,- . ...V.l over his JiV'; t i,, i i.c i." t .t, ,i, ,, re with nari.es, the l-j ttMf Noiliiiirs sei'-cit ;i fn m th noiiticccs of to.- Vt w i,o I .m-.-l': ,. ,- Ti CT.iut ntli'tiit, aiiiri ieii Vi't-re Q.e ,t... ir - oftheh'nr.w Nothl .gs t.lilv. Titer rliHc their ciuit'id.ii'S, some if t'.'-t.i w't't r ; of more Ihuii 4,(Ko. Hit-'.'-'t m Ki. J ciin ytrfe wu 4,Mil, out of M.tvfd, tSe cuir tins i th "city t Tli news frepi the I'ciin;'ma'. ar, i etcctieti Intiicate tl.at the A i lerican tu s I bea tJiLcrariy su. re sfjl. M'tnr '"it Klr1ii ia V llm wt, if c istore, tt.-i, 11. T! erf l it tf"i aier.ii tS i ; nl the sivh i -.i: I'.'s st'ev. - !.! It, nil. laocrsis ,f tl lie k,,., u : , n -, ' pistol shrrfs were ffi.-d, and set,, ., , era wi u.i '"!, !' re t is rep .it- I, arre . flier os rtriiii.ient, It 'nrrts nno -evrral war 1 i- '.i.ists I1 Hinks 'icie tei rtayer by n'it t,- t - . -ti majoritv, and tint itlv 'the wli. of ' lit ' ., merieau" tl let is sir, tr. I. Tt.s eni.rs ciir ;i-ss U'rlrs ll r- t' -i-i.i mij.-iiie 1 ft-er-mnsii., i(.,m e ill t t.t,i.s one ktiowyioihii gv and nine drmcrtit-. TIIF. rTK 4.MHU UH-' t( tv: . : . . . Li.lUA.ttiiU Ti :, , ' hi' V.s X.-'-stf lte fpwn P .".t'.v - tl , , aleainn "la has a,, ui at (ft. Mm. .N with her I- ws y, y ma, h hau red ' a I Hi It- Ar-"ie, ' pi- '.c-l -ii st ot,,. ol lh so testes ,r..iti It - : - , j J hi rej-'irissl iee tl,s rt et 1 -vil. inp nirtv i f Ihe t o'jtimaie t- "t he' lot !' An.in, h aTiivr-l ul V , i ,i9I1. fW.a4. iw V ..y.iv. Ii- Ir lisies 'itf caret il inic-'' t 1 1 I - ' Ly-., w ii Mcs. I'- toi l e .1 - - msS i.sv left lii ut.sr in . i ,! t . wenldowa. Th llm I toils .In I' ; ' I' .- ef the ,, id i - . M s, t . s tts s ii, U lss,i. ' - . t-i , It to si-st et.toi r i ,t,. (.Intct-r, and he !e' at et. .- Im s I -t.e r rr a A r l.ivssi lh s-s It? - i I ' p 1 rtfji .e , t ptitttt at n-'!'- it. 4- V ..yn - t? ' , ; i I v stone l-4 ! t-e. ' in- . t,t, f. st.-i, . i . r, .this tisrci s, Ss ; ; !- .o. i e.sf . - s ,; l s I a j - vl I- . -.-'.

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