A4v a f -wT ' rcBui4ic wsr.xt.i- r . WILLIAM C. .DOUB, XSOIT il SNB MOFaltTtlfc " " T I Mt. If paid etrirty la .trnee, twe dollars per an-saa,- twe dollars sad Sfty enU, If paid witbia ii mouths : and tW-e dollar t the end f tin AD Fim.SXV.lT3 aot exceeding sixteen liaea be inserted m time fur om dollar, ! tweaty-Bv eeuU 'of Tech subsequent Insertion. Three of greater length will b charged Bropor tionally. Court Orders sod J u.Hci! advertisements verill b charged 2'i per seat, higher than th abov rate. A raasoasele deduetiou frill be made to Ikmt vibe advertise by the year. - - Bonk wad Job IMutisg due with 4eptcb, Md o aeoommadatlng terms. - Letter to the Editor must be post-paid GENER AID IRE CT 0 RY ." V., CITY (10VERXMEXT. Wn- 'Us llk.vwood, ItitentLtut of police, cotseiONIS. rJcVBard. Kldridge f Smith, v , , . Dr. W. H. Mch.ee. - JlidJU Ward. Seaton Oales, . . . , V . C. B. llo.it, Issue Proctor. . ., Wttitr ir.A. M. Uorman, , , - a W. Whiting. . . . , i VOLUME XLV. Hort!)-C;iroIin;r Star. RLoeioiarirr SATURDAY MORMXG. OC.T. 21, lcS4. )T engender the largest portion of oar pre sent issue to th publication, of a portion of Jlr. luiyner s speech. i o regret tliat we cannot give it ll at once, hut it length prevents. The I largest crowd we ever saw collected So North Carolina, waa on the Fair Grounds on the deliv ery of tliie epeech. We ehall give tlie list of ar ticles on exhibition, as also its premium list, sa toon a we can find room fur them, and obtain T authentic copies of them OrfThursdny afternoon ere saw quite a novel J. 3. Christophers, City Clerk, aigtit, r (Rowing itnmeaiateiy teliind a bra C. B. llnot. t'ity Treaeurer. band, in a wbt(U wagon, drawn by two of the tro1 lottnlrw Cilf CvHiUilAti.- Jaa. 11. Murraj Clerk of the Market. :.. : " antes II. Murray ' pa") "U011 turtjr persons, arcssett tn every Bw4'JjB.et. , , . . J eifuj shane their Jinjsynaxwna.jmld..aj.!;i K. M. Uiiliey, w eiKiiniar. lnd poore,t h(mwt ftnd o,,, t!leT cajj scare ap in this ticinity. Some hid tin sword six or eight foot lung, and with nnure ofllie same material of about two feet in longth, 9tne had guns, and others flogs, and each one disgi.ised as best suited his taste. From their Hugs we lewtte-thwerehenirQtrixottHiivini'itilOTr COtUTS. RALEIGH, NOTRH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY M02NIXG, OCTOSER 25, .1851 7 NUMBER 4L f L'RTHEK Bt TUG AUCTIC 1 1 1 ANADIM.Ei3 liemd bifur i)tt AVW Carol "an A m.-n!tura! N-W, fry Ilax. Ksiarn Kv, at tnr l AxkhoI Ktit-of lk Sxiciy, T.'iurni.tt. thi lAirrwN srii ! !! We stated Kuterday andcr onr telegraphic head, that the Kumiuns had been completely routud on the Crimea, by the French and Eng lish. last night's mail bring us further de tails. ' . - On of our exchange sant, the accounts are of the hichet and most thriliinir importance. The allied force hav attacked and captured seuasto- irrinr and rlldenin - this Ant eihil.ite.1 i .: -.ftj l . . - ""-"" " . 1 It I a scene well I natcd for the licnWit f mmkiml. T!i eoleetive . culture and UevbanSf al IndmtH, are caUnhtcd tiaractcr of the moral tihiloripliy of the ape j to exercise til nust unynrtani tnminnm. l tier f .Minded on till nrineinto of aHciati.in that 1 bring us tomUlier, Bmke IK acfinr.intctl vrith eacU ni,n;l truth is nnt to le found la any idatrt vitem of anv in.liri lual miod; but U s "- 3fr. rmidtnt ernif fmltrmtn of tht K. C. Hall Atiriculiural Swy: 'I congratulate yow on tite favtirahle auspii-ce under which-re ara aeciublel, an4 on the nol. enmriletelT routin tha I slaughter us both aide. The allies ara atd to ham lost ten' thousand killed ana woundi, and the Russians not less than eighteen thousand killed. ' - The first grand battle took pluoe fin the .Z nit., when fort Constnntin was destroyed, and other forts with two hundred gun were taken. en resscls of the Kussian Seat wore sunk ana nanny lives lost. Otic account says that Mensohikoff, after fight ing retired to Battain bay with the remainder of his forces, declaring that h would burn the city if an attempt was mad to capture them. - The al lies, however, ejnve him six hour to surrender, i calculated to awaken emotions, of joyous priile for the present, and cheering hope for the future, in the hoaoin of every pat riotic eon of the good 0i.o XoaTH Stt. -The promise held out by our latt fair, on this same sptH-tmxtlica first esir irr an untriel Held ha been more than fulfilled. The ecde of industry, enterprise, and State pride, tlieu own, haiipened to fall, on fruitful soil ; and by 4Iligcnt cultivation, have already rijicnei into a rich and abundant iiarvext. What a spectacle is better calculated to call into active play all the noble and more generous impulses of our nature-, than a scene like this t Whilst in our owt. ocnutry, the elements of po- Theiptrmerwtrf of North Carolina is hold in this citv eeuii-nnnually, on tho second Monday i"i.--r.:r--:-if-"jrmiiti'iJB'rifiteciimtr; - judiK). Hon, KreJeriok Nash, Chief Justice, As to ourselves we knnw nothing whatever of th n, i rarm.ii, -n-, origin ot mis company, or who tuey were, but t W. H. Battle. " . . i.t. . . . .. . . .. . Edmund B. Freeman, CleA; Ham. C. Jones, we o snow uicy maae quite a aispiay m tneir MuTC tlmn anc van Um naHt..n attVo.! " Ar trictof NorU. Carolina is held f!m"nu'1? they the Know Nothings ?" hut no one wns able i.;. nn the lxt Monuav luuuo.u v.. . . - 'M n la in Noveinhcr , answer tne qneition. rmia tlie appearance j'tdgrMAhm. J. M. Warn, of Georgia: Hon. of some of the " Invinciblos' faces, ewne poor Henry Potter, of Ksvetteviile; District AtUiiwy, iieep will certainly, and very sensihly K, feel BohertP. lick: Clerk, Win. H. Haywood, br., jhe effects of the 'approaching winter, and the jasptha wwy.. , 4rltaWWAWtWf-aWw which ther weremintrtiri Thswwit?--."-.: ;, "rz l-. :. , , - 1'"t'nfflT" rrT' llil'T1ISJ1Vi-IS lb Hussians resisted th attack mantutiy, Dut nents of the old worM, opposing hosts ara con wore fiiiallf annihilated. , I fn.ntino e-h othi-r re.lv fur the work of atauL'h- -TMnT-Trr(TnTwrT -TniTTr w jersiTrrpri I ur Owa. era wet loneilicr S4 fr eins and fci- took plc on the 25th. That tho were o'HW low-couutrvon'u,1or '.lie purpoaa of making our Russians engaged in the hattl 6f Alms. They nnin, offerings around the altar of Concord, were defeated by the allies and forced to retreat and of ceWiratiog the achievements of the pur- on Sevastopol. The allied force occupied ttie KUitH of peace. A culm surrey of litis living aud heights and three English steamers protected tlie moving panaronia, is well calculated to snper- paseage of the Alma during the battle. The as- induce rettectiois of a moral as well a practica- sault upon Sebastnnol followed on the 53d, and ,.rarter to stir nn aanneiation caiiui-cted with fcgijlMJfa fm"f itesliiiyv--&HrtiHre4 nati'.m if whatever, from all systems, experience has proven to be true in the past, awaiting the prepress of events for the eliK-i Ution o other truth, a time rolls on. In she application of science to the useful arts and tlie pursuits of life association has achieved far tnoro wunrtcrf til result in our own oounlrv, than in either England or France the two moat powerful and highly civiliied iStatc of Eurofiean liristcnuoin. t.ie e.ubaiVMition on tlie .itay--ower, and the., plant log of our infant culniiies. had their origin in voluntary association. Com bination of individual resource! for the. common good, erTiHited what separate and detached esor tions, without concentration, was too fechh) to otuiomplish, It waa by assrwiation and concert that the early settler were protected against the tomthawk ol the savage, by wlnctiour great nat tle of free.kitn was f mglf t and won, by which iur institutions were founded. It is in associa tion that has subdued a forest continent; tunnel staiiuhicrwa frightful. T he garrison, it i said, were offered pcrmiasion to rotriiat, but preferred to remain prisoners of ir. . The los oftlie battle of A'ma was reported at 5.(shi French and English, 200 Turks and the firs Monday after tha fourth March v'rp1eWtietv John t.. Hire, t,itra. ..lc..i: I naradc. as well as a dnv or two of Inl.urs to uencrai sow oui i , . - : irutt thcur strength and vigrr. ill have to claim at the hands of their rider owners ah extra car of corn Tor tfietr eveniue'a ai. u- liroisoio. Attornnv Itor of the fourth Judicial District. Th Cuurt of itm d Quarter 8tum is .W4 -ttiiiri-ilMl.y in Febru.iry, May, Cirm,m.niu: County Court. WflltttnrBi lan. . , OmhIv WiVor Quentin Bushes, mutrifuf Wnkt County William II. High. Coroner Willis Scott. , Jleguler.U. liutson. , ,., BANKS. ' - Tluni- nAe Fhitt of Fori fj '") rTuo o i , , 1 1 - ! - "... iXar- LotiKvrr A a pthe meeting of c ntrm- . IrwWtTPMtlfriVpTii?; 'KijdtatttL..i. Hanover Counties, it was reeolyed to petition the next Legislature to lay off a new county to lie composed of portions of tlie above named coun- tio: ' PiviiiiNO. The . iluiington and Raleigh Bail Road has declared a dividend of four per cent. payable on the loth Aovemlier. in tli history of nation.' and the progress of peoples are hut its days in the lircsof individuals. Carrvvour mindsbut two chorl-wnturies back and contrast in imagination, the'sccnethen presented on this spot, with that which now greets our nsioiMi. The solitude of nature was tlten undis- Russians. Marshal St. Arnaud and Lord turlied hr ahv sounds, hut the hum of the brceic Rnsrlan emnainnddl personally. I .mid the bonirhs of nrituevul forests : whilnt now. Three batteries were stormed. ' I tho joyous greetings aud gratulations of .thoii A desnatch was said toh ivaheen received by saiids of freouien. attests the presence ol Christian Oortschitkoft confirming tlie surrender of Men-1 civilisation. T'icii, the wild and tameless liciwt schikoff. - of the wilderness souuht their lairs or crept The Russians have been furbiddorKto export I stealthily to their nrr-v where are note standing juin-tu-Austria. - i-faftlieit slaltjl.tiiiliiuivd siieoijuirrytTf' thutl Itir I ; Tt.- c. . r .i. . ii m ci. . i i ,. . .l r-.i I nio ii'M.iiviim Htr mil Ol o:o-.iiih.k nw a n n uomesilo animals, wniwo u-t'liiliirw luunn- hroughthy a Tartar who arrived at Bucharet. I tan to human wanta, and hosadwilitT exwts t.'onsniarabl d.iulit, however, waa cast upon Ins J (he tribune of human kindness. Tvicrt, th ncooiint, hut the French government are said to I eurfao of thrth presented an unbroken mould nine in rnrii tmuruinuin ,uvii;va Hi uuiiir i i m vnii mills uitikihi ui ainis v iicrc now-, ,n- from M. lc Ruel. ried iimjcments of huslminiry attest the efforts The Tujki-h Aruhassailor al Vienna also tola-1 of herniait-ingeBiHty for penetrating deeply.-Uuv Sratmeii. ine i urkisn Amtiassaqor 'at iongon.ibosom ot thfir'H: llirn r'tnrv f""1 "" contlnns jTCTiiins auptsi:'ullilctiiils, how j iTil-Tire pniceedi'it the only oonservction element ever, are wanting, and the telegraph .despatches I uf authority, known to the government ot tlie red are somewhat conflicting. The news, however. I man note nroiidly towers within our vision an had caused the wildest excitement all over r.u- edifice, erected by freemen (or the g.ivnernmen rope. French and English funds advanced un- 0f themselve. .Vow, stand in ight, temples dcr it. . I yocal with praise to tbe groatjlisiwnsiir of those the rrench sniindmn would again jofn Adml- manifold blessings where Vav snud tne ral Napier hi the Hnltie. Omer Pasha was about to attack at Bessarabia. I .VIII.lKHt.-diihled into UMXHJ shares of wlilcli I Vi.ttiK Kt lMvntMt. It gives ns plensure 1115 i-TTiiiiiuiii uioi iiierensing sucecsi ...l i,i t i aittf 14 M H I .. I "i um I 1 nitfiim niio , Bv-ru i inns ivonu Principal Batik at lUieigfi. (leorga W. Mordccni, IVesident. the liiteraiV Uourd holds S,fti7 and the Culver- to record tl imui I of the Fuv that impu. iiini pioneer work ol the kind in toe South. Tolls for th 0 months ending Oct. 1.154, flo.lOftfl - - ci,.,Iai tlnwwr. -f'a4iir. J II llrvan Jr.. T.'lleranil XotarT Public. -sigijgrfl fiibUe. . Jordan Womh'c, Jr..' Clerk. Thi Bank has branches at Newhern, Tarhnro. '" FavettMille, Wilmington. Elirnheth City, Char lotte, .Milton, Morgan! on and Windsor. ' BIKCCTOSS. On th par of (lie Stat : D. W. Courts, Bub 4 lie Trimsurer, ex-officio, I.. O B. Branch aud ,V . R- Bo.de. i . - On the part of the Stockh"Mr i Wm. Bojlnn. Wn. reace, J. II. B'tm. J. B. 0. Roulbac, Al fre.1 Jones and B. Y. Moore. OiTi-ring and Renewal day Tuesday. " v i0ouiit rlaT-Wednesday. " Domest'e Bifls and Bills of Exchange dweonnt I every day,-"-"-' """" """ , . Biisiiids- hours fr.ra 10 till 2 o clock. Increnso 91,658 9Z The Ilirw'tors have declared a semi-annual dividend of -4 per cent., paid unusually heavy current expenses for repair, and l ft, upwards ot Fijim lo lie carried to the Unserve f und. All of this is in th dull half year. The rtweipl of tl. next wri ol course le mnteri illy larirer. We undej'dtand that tli Roail is now in good order. t.iy. Utxcrtfr, What emigratory people ours must lie! There are natires ol .vrtu l uroluia in every Mate and Territory in the I'nion, from Maine to Minnesota. By the Census of lrloll it appears that no less than IVJ.iii i native ol rvnrlli taruluia were liv ing in 'ther Stales aud Territories, They bat eAirered Iheuiselvea as follows . P,,i ;; lirtivi of Ihf Hmk itf Me l.ipt tear, I n ,M,i,, ) lxmisiana 2.0: rr. Tew miliii.slure ID Jejas F.-t.tMtrrirrnt N'itary PiiWss, - Dinis. tioo. W. Havwood. T. II. felhy, feth .lores. Ileorr Little, Dr. Tho. B. Hogg, and C. W. B. Hutching. - O.Toring day Monday, Discount day Tuesday. . RAIL IU IADS. . . R.d-i.jh and .Wo llaUraad Ctmpany. I,. O B. Branch. Presiilent, W. W. Tass, TfeanTT, . I'.s.l, Assistant Treasurer. C. B, Alleu, Dcoi Agoiit, , POST OFFICE. Tt-:u;. U'l.'.ie Ss . I'oftt Master. OUce hours, uu week Uiys fm Sun-rUt to I M,.iiuippi ' Veflnoiit " .Ylaseai'hiisctt llhode 1-l.uid Connecticut New York 5iew Jursey Pennsylvania I lelswar Maryland D'iuC Coin ml ii Virgiuia" 8. Carolina (leorgia Florida Alahama 76 H5 CTi US 4W It) - llMI 7..1U fi.173 37,:aa a,.vt7 SM.VJl 2I.4S7 T Arkansaii Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Michigan Indiana Illinois Missouri Iwa Wisconsin California Mililiessota Oregi,n I tall New Mexico tli. lenc of solitude, the commotion of the element" Russians I alone nroclainied his muicsty niid power. VI nai nas euccieu mis niiiov, mil ioi("r'i"' TliiiiTiW? TTie atora fTo'u of liini tccu iwcntu'tTil fought at Aliwa.which lasted fnnr hours.ln which J of this vast assemblage readily answer the the t ranch lost I iiki ; l.nghsh loss not stated, I question, 1 hi great change has been wmugh I'rince napoleon bad three norwe killed under by sirricultural enterprise ami tne nieeimin him. (len. Tliomaa was killed and Gen. Cauro- art those concomitants of civilixation ; which hurt badly wounded. I ,a the olnect of our association to honor, en The Allies in the Baltic were preparing to at-1 eoarage, and nnnnvte, . tacftKevelandtrwnsts.lt. - v haM i., m.rl .t.-J. domenstrate AlfairaiB Araine hBalwifl .mi.. human -. tJiaa-vW - ....... .... except great rejoicings over th fall of tSelateto Austria and rrussia remains as before, main taining the sum attitude towards Russia and the Allies. I.. others, ailvuntnges, wartts, porsuiia and fcolin Tliey not only serve tu eouvine', that indi vidual man is dop.md.aot on his kiiitCfor happi ness lait that aectiof, and localities.-tli'mgh divcristic.1 in pursuits aud resources, era. to a certain extent, dependent on each otherand identified in interest. A common bond onion is thus secured bond of union, stronger than one of ftatute or parchments, hoiio it is i. . i' i . ..i .::i i -r.... . lounueu m aiioiiiesKf fcoou win, nou ui .iiou , atrengthene.l by associations of common pleasure and enjuvment, aud aunually renewal anslj, ..the, graetiugs and Congratulations of joy aud gUd unm. What is lictler calculatei tu oouuhract seifuhnesa. that great bane of the human heart, and to excite feelings of a generous boncvolcnce, than tliis annual pilgrimage toourgreot festival ; when every one comes prepared to coiitrihate hi offering uf the fruit of his 1 iudustry ami experience, and to carry back, in return the accuniulatcd treasures of iiiforination an expe rience, eontrihuted by all 1 W Cat bettos'' calcu lated to do awav with individual conceit and railcoad covered Now England with wnrkslxitls j disembowel! tha.earth uf her' mineral trea-ystri!e-hitt.jrrM thrwiSTi esir oBuBriviv:-flivr(.T our eoasia and .Utuind streuns with thauing palaces and tauglit tli lightning tu xieak in a loogiiagi the ec hoes of which rovertioi-ale in i mmnoot from one extreui--iiy of the continent to the other. It ba been no lew efficient in nvinislcring to our moral than our physical pants. It has filled our libraries with tlie lore; of ,gfv--.foniiJn.I onr eolle(-t.a anil. Tniitifuiiotis of loariiing uitnted the .spirw of our churches heavenward mid sent the gospel to the heathen of every land. The secret of this mighty powerof association is, that it teaches inau Ilia dgniy aud elevation uf hi nature that hijrh mission is not to labor for himself atone that he owe something to his fellows, in his day and generation. It appeals to the prido,-the pa triotism, the bcnevolonc of each, to contribute a portion of his time, his talents, and his means to uie siivaiicemeni ami prosperity Ol nis icnow men. It irivcs combined power to individual ef fort, it unites tile experience and knowledge uf J!iaiXcJiala,Jtx.juii!ihiintniiii gissi nt tin creates an identity of interest and harmony of action. It oilers a stimulus for renewed eoter- firisB aiiil luifustfV i hy ih attrition of mind irighteiis the intellect : and iy m ii)terei8HgB of illuas and individual experience, it enlarges the field of operation, for the development of the But much as associated effort has achieved in our country, its task is just begun.- Ours lieing a government, which, oamgto its peculiar struc ture, renders the direct patronage and supervi sion of the object of improvement in science, art, and industrial enterprise a matter ot questioua blu or perhaps, 1 ought rather to say, of que tioned policy j the greater is the responsibility resting uu thecitixeu, the stronger tlie appfe 1 u his.tsHicvolence aud pridiy to cooirilfiilH lii i"rt W-rTOtvem'Sn-sMewtl' 'or whatever is usoftil and good in others : than the evidence here afforded, of how rtiinv is each. TJTOflt 1Rtie1igWaiiTis4oin; 'in"lHihpa,-;iS)nori those of tho groat whole t and of the opportunity Itere-Jiiiitloreii of appwipriatinjj to hi own use, the iiBj.roveoieuts and discuveric ot th world iirouud .lulu I n hat 1 better designed to stimulate laudable ambition to excel in iu- Jiistrial pursuits, than an exhibition of what o'.hers under no mors favorable circumstances hai'flAlufVinl. lil..iialuslry-..xarc, UliorTxuw. uiny ii nat i iwiier ucsigneu to loiiicr a tiolil and prnise-wonhy pride in the avocations of the farm or the workshop, than the tribute of iiraise and admiration, tor th products ol their tbor, by friends and fellow countrymen and the premiums awarded for th same ? These premiums and ui4oma are trophies of victory, won in tha pursuits of peace, which are not to be estimated by dollars and cotits, for money cannot buy thein 5 but title papers of usefulness and wof th, In their day and generation, which their owners should preserve, and transmit as heir-looms to their children. . .. the- hafipiest -resiillsj fro be Vrvduwii tTT tliee Hsaociations la the social revolution to im eCec.tcd by the higli piaitioit- to which Viiior ji tu lie elevated 1 by luveeting it in the publio mind, with that diguitv W whieh it i jsvsily etititled. .So Mublsirn is tlie prejudice of habit," so bard is it to efface tli association of past history, that 1 v.i-h l! t to l.o . !, fi ! . be e. j en .., or (i--iv o ii ,. - .1 i - - bi.--v w i'.'i i?'i"---OHi .-r v r; . - t A r nral irn.r . el-y P-rl id" i: L .. Ii-ovlnic.n ef 1. - to. r-r '0 1 1 ; . . . But tiiO rr-f.rj.iA'i. v,h- i: i-i 1. r' 1 , We arc led to l..p, in s:l"l f'v : t . , is this ll.at tbo j.':ir-oit 1 I I01.C-.1 t.-r : i no lonirer I a i.ar to tho l-.icbi s- f ' '1 1 v , , arid a .e.iitou'ii triven t i ti r i - : : t for tl.c cnHiva'.'. 'ii of liU inteljert, 0 1 ,i-. ; -merit of the eoniint a A, if tur(,;5 f"- i tli.lt toibt 1 ti:f r .viso rerioii'l d- n ; . r : .V- 1 hoViing ont ,to him tbc Tec:vrf;i f v.i . -pailu of vi.-e nr.! dissipation int te ! :. i these annnal festivej if atTM-iihor.-.l ao-i t cbniiical imlu.itrr.erew, rlii.;i p .n . .,:l,i:i ; i iriipcTeeptibie tiiorut iofiucio o in tlos n i i. - l,nrNtlie time Win?,, they brf.-,!; d cm nil r: artineiicKlrricrv v.ifh wiii'-'i lo-in b'is 1 - t m hi hvr$yst!V-- Our )i.ors and rewa:-e 'fit tire in. t WHt'.iy. JI imr i!i..-W sil.! our motto. Wc tir.ve no u-c tor ilr' n- ':v , - r hive. Industry and. lubir ire ilo-c, i i it'i . f onr success. If we arfl to .f. ct ny tl.ie f.-r the gwnl of our eoautry,N)r the Wfi!.ue ot our fcHuvi'-vnen, it must be Uir '.ti the rumm y vf these great sourecs of hurtiiut It is not my purpose lo iKS.ii.ot ftiii- i'v. .J i',1 n a practical eay up.ui tbs io:: i';U. of,n v ' : r method of cultivating the soil, or i'te t-y- '.r.o drcd piirsuitsthat appertaintnmr.il 1.' 1 ;.!' T f 'trrfy'".- .I4J -feetire- rnrr""e irf reviin ,..eir. lion Ummgh the eve, nitlier thao the e ir, 'li.o fever of feeling Is too i-olewse, U'C joiic of ei -'cITflfiehVTs tiioliTiili.'iit tolonile any tbiug like a w-ww-tffait'tSfr wsww'!;' ilctuilo I roatine of Birriewlenral improve ient, or farni huibainlry. Every Intisw'e, ciimn'e ami soil have their own peculiar syslims of rjetaii; and in North Carolina, we have hut too l.ucly waked up to ilia "importance of systematic irr eiilttiral improvement, to bate any stHn-ial o t l lished tlaia, frr the 'beiiefit ot ihoi-n v.!:o nn we hnvo ftf ro'y means of human yAjiueMjndthe.el .. ' T--''b4'HTi'i"fi rt"V"VnTitTi "Ii t'-f f"Vq"'t tllK LATE ELECTIONS. -Within th past few months the so called reg ular Democracy of the North have met with nnthtrrg but s enceesiwrn nf defeara in the North em Stute elections. ' In New Hampshire this defeat has been wwxAWerttV.t' in the previous f arty content of that Stat. In Connecticut their caiiiiidate for llovernor was defeated by an overwhelming vote majority. In Rhode Island by tvnty firr hundred in Vermont by elerm thmimnd in Maine by freeav-erx thauMaml and in Iowa by tfrrr Ik-mmwl. We hav now to add t'ur,i0 t.e- nan natural state is the mial state, ih law of hi being adhere to him in all the va ried relations of hia existence. It is the source of his streiorlh and nower. And it is remark able that that animal th highest in th scale of unite being, endowed with the highest intelli gence, ra. m Oud'sowa likenesa' soeond oul Ui tb angels sboolj Ik th most dependent on hi kind, for exertion, for atrength and happi ucs. I bis is tli law of hi being, lie mailer what may lie the phas of civilization under which he lives. Alan has never yet Iwen found in so degraded a eonditirrn," as - to be able to dispense with it Tli roving Indisn, th Fee-Joe oauuiUaJ, . the. Pafiuaa . of New. Uuiuua- th Unahman of South Africa, "are at subject to this decree of nature of th moat elevated type of This tendency of man to ii'oTThilueiiei), energy aiui ncaith. in the d vaiieciiicnt uf any great iiioveiuont, which rrouii- sen to elevate the charatuir of his country, or to enbnm the prosperity aud happiness id'liis fel-low-tMcn. Ours also being a government, which recogiuMjs perfect equality, Isith social and polit ical, aiuouji all classes in which pM arc eutlUed to rniinl l.enetiu under it, and stiljeet to jjjiiiaj Xiniieus"iiCsuTi)S'tiiig li iUsru" is n ciim.tty where Ki aisaiated )iterprh.e, promises so uiuefi hariuotiy and concert wtall.t where there is suck, a eh identity uf iiitcre!, w here the call nisin J every one Is so loud, to aid iii removing tlc.se oletaeios to progress and Impvuvement, which oiMtruet uie prosperuy ot all nuta ; anil tu dil fu blwings whipb wast (uoUy nai la outu niou tu all, v government Ifiatwere eetabliahed.from th very necessities of the times, or th ruins of tho Ids- man l.nipire, and out uf winch originated the Feudal system, war was the great occupntion of Christendom. Out nf the Iharch, mind was di rected to Its successful pursuit, aithor forcontuest or defence. It was the only passport to honor and power, th only road to resiiectahilitr. For several rentuiies, what are now known as "the lrrieil pwifesiim,',ors8ieil an huBilde niisiiluii 1 Jwliit III IIICBUIIBI WSiK. UftflllCIOVnSIU U1VII1I1V 72,irir 14.051 4,iiU ii 33.17 13.H5 o'J'J 1.01:7 e 2l 13 P. M. Stat of Kortli Carotina, I ' flmci or hsi'srvsar Svstb, IMth ttct. rrmE Clerks of th County Court of this Sute. A il please read a Resolution of the Oesaral Assembly of ln.Vi-ol. fouud on nag 5i, with th Uws of said session, where they will see it 4s sad their duty to send to this ofte a certified hst of the acting' Justioe of the Wcs of their res(vertive Cooue. every twe ywar thereafter. The lias is Bear when this should ba'done, W. HILL, hee'yuf State. Ralr;gh. Oct. JO. 1104. 5ti Hlandard eopy. ' W bat a deal of wealth has our Stat lost by th departure of so many ol her astir bora eitt f mis I I low ha her improvement been retarded ! How education obstructed ! How her property depreciated 1 . How bar polilieui Bower eunausi But her influence baa been, we know, happily felt ia other States, especially in, tieoria, Ala bama, Mississippi, and leu 1 1 1 j 1 t.. ii 1" 'i pi hitherto great Democratic slates of PennsylTMiuvi Th Pr,'etioB ,,f Lh Ohio and Indiana. In Pennsylvania the Demo-1 ".S "canty to tii ingenious and indus- cratic candidate for (lovernor is defeated by a ln'm' " vi maiftriiy which may amount to upwards of lence and oppression, first led man to seek f.r thirty iLnmrnl this result in the iVmneratie tetJ asociatu.tt the theory of the social Oon- Keyston Stat! And th candidate for Canal tract being, that what man consented tovolunta- l,n.n,is;r.ner In onrsMiiioB to ib. .....I., rially.jsa afterward etiforoe.1 tlwsigh con- ln,ner.tie nomination for that nffiea ia l.il straint.liy th depositaries of power. Happiness by a majority of from seventy toelehty thousand ! " M ecurity, h another h)a.ling ohjt..f The Cottgressional delegate of the Kevatone I wr,l t f he privaterltioni.M Jis Ml.l .. nrnnl r. (l,. nr., .!. Ilnnn.,. also auiienaiu VI ins uevcllipinrills Ol SIKiai me. and nine Whigs to about eighteen Whigs and n relation or parent and child, husband and seven lem.H-rat with a Whig majority in both wife, th girajs..urces of man Icintioral hap- .MiuhM rrf I is Ltfllal,ira. In la,MM pilims, mihiiii. wmtii niairf n biwi. ti" c.. the tlibraltar if Deiiiocracr tb mainrity associatioos and lender sentiments, haye Uisir attains the regular Denuwratie randidate wiginin th prmcipU of associatma and mutual amounts, in the agjregate. to near m hundred dependence. The xiischarg of tb duties which thmuaml, and in liemoeratie Indiana the aggre- mxa owe to h" ('"J" ' " higl jy civilised Amonc the ereat 1 mom rem en is on whichth assm-iated Ilitellct and enterprise orUieeTvrrife.1 worm is now enpnge.i j srrieuittire and Its hand maid, the nuvebainc arts, so far as their ul jects aud results are concerned, may be soil to stand at the head. To advance an honor these great e4emite of -narr'mal pTrrtiTr'is, Bttrl timnatl' linp- p.ii,, in i oojec, 01 our asoouiiion. ror tins w are assembled and in the remarks I have made In reference to the nature and objects of a-sociatel 1:1. rl, uiy loiriai-e I.as been lo sin ll.al 11 ia no mera "KdTICTT A Bl.NU I LJ.LK At aa rening party, aa amusing txperimetit was utade by on of the company. A group of ve or il geouemen ana ladie loruie.1, and a ring was product"!; and we, says tb party from wh m w t"i this naragraiih, were k id by lb owner that if one uf u would lake it and pat it est any Joint of our finger during his T hmey give tkat tti aaaaal ssaotssf mt th I ahsonc froia lbs riom, he would tell as uu his 1 rHneatwlOev ef las wiiibimsw s,'ti luad C wi'l tveksld tatUrt Twa,a TharUay, toe tth eUy-ef Nnvemher asst. , 'A IHvWead f 4 psveenl. a the Capital Utock ef tae 'pany bsf th last sis aseirttis has brsrs sKlsred, sad will bs payable oa the link Kerens ber aest, . ., j. . . th IWke for transfer nf Flock wllf be elesvxl a link MMtaat. Hy order, JAM fca. liRF.F.S, BecrrUry. OeL loth, 18'.4. - 124-d EXTENSIVE ASiRTMEXT.' 1 "kr.tr.lu.tttSilOoafOi,iiii"fllsl-irk 1 ) Ms Ms issilf b. la IMS sf tea ClM- a4v saraianis, ssou, t slrs, I'rsvau. aarf,, Ptm-kaj l.a4kri,i,ls. ,!-, II.-SWT. I'uK-llu, !. " auk al.n, 4o..-t horn iM ssfMS sail Hae-afa-Vatwr. ,fSM,l tt ssw Ira'l. W s ,.k a. h aietwAl iaat fmt ta4aewats at . aWW Sm w.a. 1 k.n u kaMtMg av s,rMa IB kw a f -I, , I Sa ht4 aa pw salsst er lae ' a "i- Ivfia-M if u. r I' a rtlwft A aail to asaaplii Oo.tS as esatalasl eae ssmsu Taaae la ia, t l. vol s4 this s vsry ear ease r IIAI 'aV. Tl rV a ( 'I, l-s s4 tjmn tvi.n,la in rK kav ttai as rV4 m.t at kseaas aha). V ..t s, n,M , wt nil iiimu eaaw at aav Utxil'S, ril, ft-saws es4 faMaim.VsA tae. taart , JmH Pus,Ia.l.,B,l I arllaa . I sinis. a 9rf SI1V arusla ; IwM loM.ps . SlHta.Ml.sM.ll. kVAS .. . , (. If I l, . ? 1 k-.i, l". . JRlnt il 'okm:D foi.tara, l .i.i- T.iaai,t', HM ftas. tals4',, Hat t -, 1-I.Mk an, CvmlUf ,M aa atstota la Oat I Baa ..-. ..y .wa a 1 '' a. Baa. IS, a4, !l,IWf r, gat mnjoriiy against them I estimated a something lik twin Otnvtnnd they are left with scarcely a represeyiativ in theCongreaaional rlelegatlon nf that State, la tart la every North ern state election that has taken place within tli rat twelve months, a clean sweep has been states pertain to his aocial as well a Ins inilitid- ual character. Th early founders of the Christian Church, availed Uterus elves of th social teBiteircy of irmV m-tn-niiing a prrrs worship, and in disseminating a rur Isitlt, It Was un th principle nf association by th mad of th regular Democracy. They hav "... of social o mmunitics, recguising return who had got it, oa what finger, and oa what joint of the finger. Our friend went out uf the mem, andxia euming back and putting through a short nuesiwoiiig io oar addition, sub tracti.m and muliiplicaticM tables, he discovered tli persou, together with the guil y finger and Hav aasae4 as lost be ,1 1 ! not derive I hia know 11 ,e from Wiirvs.v.iaet, iar from intr-. eours with spirits goal or evil, b kimlly gsi es h following rules, wliiehw ksvesiocs teairvl vtararttes, and Bar fouud correct in every in- suave, sireptrae, wbee, la a SI of abstraction, ws added Si and ID logeibaf, aud made JJ. A , ,, ,.,,,. our reeoere enav nav u vj i.a u rr uts-sn laprrtar cijuim in mnui.n. kiwui iw ib m.,mi , fl tu, thi without sew : tIT T A WT ttrnrTFTl TKATjK. I rt hu yo hateforme. yourcircleand Br taa'ad n aa t l n n I rler, yo will oally .uraelies resrvtively Nu, IIALSKY, TUPMAN t CO., i ji,ti,i. Yh finu dJhi. th. ... Jl, B. F. V.'fy.f- t'a., Wersiarrp, I'. I bee of the hobW uf Ih ring i a-Id five. Bad asub upiy me vaui oy anoiner. 1 uua, aupiswujr. tor viampla, the nog waa in th bauds of a as should get by addition, and then by naitb tiplu-al. .n ..V) 1 j Ibis, add tti BuraUr of tl finger ea w hu h th nog is, sol as your bus ww ennsists 14 two l;uis, hi tli aunibar uf Ih joint after tb imind, (Nipping Ih ring to b ( 1 Si, S, 4tb fingar aud seeuad J.ant, tin will BiaVe j), and b,a tli joint is ! M, Swil.) From tli sina time ni.le, take ssst'I; ai.d ti e Hires fi.ntfrs of tli raisiaindar will show t . b 4 ler, finger ed j"iat resprtivaiy. Tboa, take ill fraa .t fi, aud tli r-niajndnr Hi give U Su.iiJsr, 4 the Sorer, sad I the j.ont. Dr. Ives, the late Protaatant Episcopal Bihj ef North amliue, wnh his jar1!, srrii. ia .Nw York Friday of last wa Ms it I aosda. Tlx Freeiaaa a J-mrwal (K arun silo. Im, and gf-al aattevitf a.. 1 a ye 1 "lie 1 supping i'b kl brU f in-law, IT. II oa Sod has B.s tulmiais, 4 tb k.ait' 4 aials fms h oi l faia.lf fnen l,, as ''l as aiin Ik sins Bad re,jrtfol geeaM f tl S t Bile Its dignita. turn a. I otbars alio ha 00 1 tula, tt e sss ga4 fa see tons ia fmml s on, aid u tmt eyes aacolv olier k kieg tbaa wb'uelsstewk niia l--tl." been so few that they have been r.in lately "eru,lied osit," or they have been so indifferent lo the result that they have hardly made a show of futht. isow, it ia certainly sot ( a to re joice in any thing that ha tlie appearance of a triumph over the institution of the r.ath, and we hsve cortaiiily avoided an manifestati.ais ovar the lata slaatioasthat snighi be aviaconstraed into xitltalioa over party triumph at the expense is Southern interest, but while ws have heea told all ahg of the unqaeitiooahle eotuidneas uf Uis National Deinoerx'y, and uf their ability only to lake ears of the uatioa, we asay be por- milted to enquire bow II is that Uiey bay mails siu h a poor show In th recent eviiuset. Is it for want of strength, or want of will to stand by the hovith r - Witt amwa-of earr rVarthem Hmo erstic cxiiemfKiraries luforui as? AicA, Ha.y. A CUtrtJ ,V. of y.f lead boras f" II stasia Xarsaa, Bar,' " And what (la yua aaU him F" " Aner Xerxes, sr." eorrslaUve duties, linen s anu l.i.rls.iS an ong tlieir several mrmliers, that tb I hristiao I bur waa planted. Th cloister uf th monk and lbs cell of tha anchorite, la as saurh a perversion of men's religions, as the ease uf the Larinit, is of bis social nature. This principle of aesnaiatioet is th great ele ment, not amy or man s security ami im nins-; but of bis strength and power ia lbs dittu't. n of knowledge, and in sulsluiug and c nir lling lb physical world. It b the striking fc .iu in lbs raiiid and unprecedented pmrresaof lbs civil tioa of this age. Tha table uf the dying man, who presented to hie a 6inf of rods, which when kept bound togetlxr their uni ted strength nula fto break, hot which when separsir.1. each on ould easily snsp lo pox-aa, aunlajna tha true ldivbnnbv of aasie'ialed atfort. It ia asuqialed waallh and eotan.riw, fostered and asuwm raged by gosemmesit, tbat have aieva- pnd and Mlv fawtiua. I tlalued aa empire of ainre Ilia a hundred ssiliioe of s..ols in India, to her euntrol whu. k has covered lb eeean With her asnmift s enabled her evanula. Hirers ui furnish th world lu bee canal saneted her aurt'ace with a aet-work 1 railroa Is and sent her mis sionaries into keaibea latid ers.ntli errand of aeeceaad kla.l toiii.xs. Aaaofnatma has baeo .UaMy peaciat ia the a.lraucaiuaot of e wra lier lliiyal am-ialies, tlie pr.sa.rii..a ot s. icoec. by eombiniiig one csieeaai rating ibecuiitriluia,i of bee wise matt and ntnbaaibbera, have don more during the pre-eut century, than th teas' terad and laolaivl sff .ru uf irenudusls I. r Ira eeatunee plaliiig ia unfotdiag tiie areana ol aatare, eapuaiug ernr and eata'itishiug daia, aa a stasict point, front whe n genius and 1st promise to achieve discovert, iniautioa a ertowladg still aww startling, hefotw 1 ,r cnlu- ry shall aspire, liar " .m-iv V the diru.e ui aesful kauwledgw," baa d.a tssir, ia Ib last quarts iaf a eaatury, la dilTuse loialbpeoee aasimg the lasses, and to serais Uient tb Book, what it th asm I social scale, li.aa all th Mtivng uf aia let 1 era, by tb weal. I. y sr.. I th great, sue "I revival of laarniac, " It is thu. eUiiamut of so- lb en Valuad etarTssa, vki. k bae btarad 1 rasn at tl.s head ebrisiasaSB, la the lra4 seiai.ere. II " Aeaytasayinf Haieaeaa, " bae ewuinua.1 to tit A good many stories hf Tsnnesaea judge are 7 VTT. lI tol l, sod here is on s of ,h. I-I of tJm . ' ?1i . "Y' A Suirrr Jt on.-A sloan Urns .me they hsd J? 'ita.l a nuaer rasa for a t ireuit Jn.lg ia tb vs estara lii.lri.-t of Tenneaaee. lis was gnad lawyer, bet earcl ncHbirig for appearance and Was for dr as. Th hlr be knew Birthing a lioot, it being left entirely la Batty, hie wife. Ilia Betty as el-tent from home osiea wbnt Is eurtsd smunil ua the rinmil, leaving tlie Jadge t rsu k his clothes f the trill. He did so, but InsU-ed f Roiling bis tliirta. be (sisad pile of his wife's what eyou-call-eta. asod fisr a like pur- poae. A learned brotlier who roomed a lib him, was much sine. 4 a few axmiings afterwacla, at tl Uaer eppearaaee of tlie Judge 1 botbing lieing ia sigt.t nut hit bea-l, arn Bad feat, hi look uf bewilderment and his vovco reflse tioaa, Bhuh were " i Mhicr aukaf sa teste omss tit 11 f rxt of my sinrmf eWf ess.' It is prvlsiliie that be heard the reosrsi the Best ties h saw Betty, bat not brfnra, ae the bar kst dark oa tli ulstlar (te kim) that rouiid. Ural- an Mr. J .ha tSfiaulewey rs-ign-d b.s wrnt a sna,lar elaii .f tb Best llawral Assembly. The i.oara"f til bare to appoint a aw !ci,. I'm fe. g .sruutestt, f.aared, Hoa re.', eee-orsi'c, t-, l, p, wees that im ! " Ii .(.enlea as a g - tt lal ralnev. llinw 'ti which tba Iwul .!..... of I greateet ani.'U ara aol entlrd N.t.."- l..,et ana! sw, (bat 11. s ful end tlie Ir.s tesv t . wercilie target at whh-li literary humor aud baronial imminent veiiled thsir jibes and sar casms. The leech, the attorney and tlie priest, wer associated with euneeit, cunning, iietiurl- ousuoss, and the gratification of senseal spicules 111 well stored larder and well tilled cellars. Merchandise was regarded as thecalllng of the igmitite-antt si n'i''MV"'XtiriritllTO wjm w rmia, uiea purauiia rose in uignuy ana . iinrsirlance) when violence yielded to law ('when owing to a'pmgressive eiviiisation, th Having id Hie was regarded as move use to I than uesiroy ing it', when the dissemination of a purer faith itortea tli uitiut or respect for its teachers 1 rlien tbe acquisiiion of w ealth placed the in ans f luxury and enjoyment within tlie reach uf its t,essors etUI, more manual iunr. honest. unpreteu.ling InlsiT, agricultural and mecbanicsl l it r, has continued to languish In olaaniritv the bj e-wonl of the fashionable and I lie idle the Vsim of the purse proud aud pretentions. But ia this respect, a new icra is beginning to dawn upon, the world. The last quarter of a oenrttry bar oNinr nior to rtvoiufiouin pulXic si iilipiuiit on thl subject, than th ighteen cen turies preceding, eiUu the eommeneciHentuf the cliristiau ai.-a. 1 lie .l.llu.i .n i ...1. 11, .1 sinUM'iuent, in which wear now engaged. 'Ti tru, th occasion is well calculated to elicit 111 most exuberant feelings, th most peasant hila rity, the most Solo tug siuusennsit. But then are nut tbe mum nriinary objects of ottr asaocia- uou. 1 nay are 11 iwers 10 l CUIICI Iiy III wsy siile ahuig our journey hut one ultimate aim is advancement id our country prosperity and fsiwer, tbe 4fe e,d happimrsa ot human kind J frate is a deep pliil.Mophy in our aims, W are Competitors iu tlie great race in which the intellect and industry ol the world ar encaged i in iiucnvoring to elimtuat a still higher lypeid civilisation from ti e impulses ndteiidoneuw,of the age, b r those who are to come after as. Theae annual Fairs and fnaiiials. In honor of and lor th purpura if proioot.ng agricultur and nievhsnual lulu. try, though of but late origin, are doatine.1 to stamp the impress of their iiiHiicn.s upon, and to mark an e. h in the bis- try 01, tne moral, s.m iuI, and political character 1 in age, uiore eepecisuy ia tin eoumry Their pecaiiar recoinnienOaUon is, that tltry wiluione tbe useful Willi tl.o agreeable. lie uoparttuaUuUJ.an hi the miud, whilst at tb sain tioi they miuislrr to our pleasure, curiosi ty ami hilarity through an iunorriit gratiReatii ui ui sensiai. Ilul their rhietrx'wiicnceoniisist riciting and sbinulating, the nobler scute meuts id our nature. They urol.icer..mbiuatioo of mental ffTrt ni'B agmrn sol.e. t tuJ by an inter, bange ol opinio and eitrrienc, tbe muks aia.labi lor Uie c u.ne.n "o., lbs ce biurd result of wlistever msy te use) 11 1 eti'lirot in individual enterprise and ingenal'y, la svery H,rti.ai uf the land. I tiey scry impart innst valuable iufonnsiion, in ref. rehre to tbe resources, pruducuous, and la'austtial pur suits of diCerfcut se-'tions and lalitiee iitfrns- very iii.lhpensable to tb pnhiuel CCoiH.iii.st, the IrgiBlulof, Slid lilMortan- -lu lie alisanc 01 sianaiical lmreius, la sh.ili ihii country Is Uiucntably dcio'letit. It is banlly nx-e.ary lo sav, thst tliey biilairdca tbe N i.i of care, iefreh th eneig es .f our nature. gne us a relish f r tb manly, yet inu.sei ainus'niebts, whiih sxperieiHS has prove to be ecrvaery . tb lu.l Uaiel"pbiei,t l re an noblet Poiillies, 'Ihev exemplify th pl.iloa I by of .hn p, Ia his fable of in ui.Uot U.w- tl.al, by (weasional rviaxati. from th laUiroae dalle of llfa,Wearrlbe Irttlef enubieittudisehsrg t pmm doiiea, wbea th h'airof latsrr eomes. 1 le ioyow graet,ea and ra.liant evtenaee c tbe tioisaiiiis wbu surr wnd toe bonuresi as ws are, wnh tl.s peeaasae of tbe lair aive and dangb- ters nf tl laad, w Iom, praMiee e.er brsiarat s tribms tu Uie mining and eunoUibg feelings i f lb heart i.ris laim tu languar far Beta U .(iinil tbsn any I eaa ua. thai ibcpsesmt te SK.ci ooJv a leaat "I reaai, bin a 14 a B S..HI," ski ia le-tter salculsted to minister lo a lau.lal.le riasity, lbs aa ineterttea of tie inipleeneols of lslsr easing bib. hiuery, by whw uisn has bsrvaaaa the eery forcaa 1 nature, nd mle ll.aes i.l-xliet a, hi will f w hat Iwtior eak-ulatad la xeiia em4M.ne of t.iW utllriial ef yy aai.l. and li seeMify ia to mind ef Uie bale !.! the famiar'e h-.ins with relta eKile'n.et,l sod er4f.a-s end pleasure. then the s. gbtof uvisa Bob. sand airbhy tinpr, amutala ia vr etalla wImab baavity of fortoa 1 eraii.ns of comuierea, and the utilitarian teu- le I -leney uf tlie age. are beginning teteacti mankind l.ial lalsir is the source of all wealth and pros perity, tbe mean of individual eomfort and lux- uiy, Uie basis ol national strcngib and greatness, When w rel'eot that the object of our ss.x'ia- tion 1 to enlarge Ui Bold of oralina for la Ivor, to secure to lals.r the rewards uf its Li.il. te stimulate it lo still greater exertions, and toena- blo it to aocinpiib th greataal mulls by eenn- oinUini iu piwers t It is vbtetit Hint the effect . 1 . 1 1 t . ... ... must ue hi uiguuy, nonnr ao'i elevate labor. It is tlie laborer, especially, that we invite and welcome to our urol kern owl. lu ourowa country, alsive all utlurra, labor must he destined aoofisat to resell its proper position. Our institutions reoognis no distineti.aas ia Industrial pursuits. Itis rd to honor, tu wealth and to power are open tu all alike. The frsmere of nor institutions were true to tlie teachings of a past liiab.ry. Not only the aiildier who fought onr revolutionary batlliM, but many of their berum bsulara ereee alsnang men, artisan, and mechanics, Wash- ingtirn was a land-eurvevor, (ireen eras I black- sniiih, Wsyn was a laboring farmer, Migan was a warvon-driver. Our rotenmient. then, ia lu ergauia structure, bae done for lal-r all it oruld. It ia fi yoluntarr association, then, lo elevate labor la the cial seals. I am pandering In no spirit of p I tiaal v lall-m w hen 1 say thst I hsve long thought .s-ie'y needed a radical ref irn.s.i .11 In regsnl to th e-tuss'e plai-ed on Liuur. II iiy abuuld tbe tataamg aiaa lefl.-l.nH fnon the saloon of fashion, th h.srpi'sbls braird nf lbs vrealtbv. the anainanloasliin of tba ereal I mean merely Aemwea be is a Ubnriiig man? Why is it that the yoang nis whe returns borne from Colleje with est e-lueaiioa seewnal by th aooeomical asving of aa industrifaas faihar. tiks it boneeth hie ihriirr la assist that father in tb routm of bt domestic eeepatira F or. the y.otitig In ly, whose "Bcrtnpli-hnicnu" have been rmid f r l.v the Balf-dtvtiiaJ of B indiileent aejesber, thinks rl a rofirinh In aid that matbar in tlie 1 tschargeof ItiediMis of a diligent bouse- fsf It is bsvauae public opinion is all wrong in Bses-iating lalsW with degradation, w by ia 1 F ll tlie first great law of hatuia. gone-ai pniK-u-j! m, which time and experience bate proven to ba Applicable tit nil soil and climates adiiptins; them to our peculiar coni'.ition, as l.eat we in n . troiu tlio rciiilis ol that l apt ite n. It ia our in and ol icct, to dt'velope int .rnia;e n tor tl loi.elit of liK.so w ho may sncrccd us. Be .iocs, I have too lately entered nn my novicinic in ibis great and noble pursuit topTenometr givetnstruc- lon to man v whom I see aroucil me, 11 :i 1 would fn'm nspire to bo an bumltls. follownr, I am here to learn rather tlmn toteacn. Ami n 1 were to nttomtit nnv thing liko practical iofono. JtiiLllJ.-XahJtvU .llHm-ti-es..rt-tva-airf-ew crn-ii v - in reach of vvTT'sU tolbc rccoroc.iacbicv. locnis and experience of tbe er-'ai t.i.'iieers of rf-.-i i, nl- titro In otticT hiiolsr TSis kwcKlfaVe a f. w tl. 1- lincs will proenrr, ffbere cslabiilicd Incts en l fettled iriiMiila tlmtluve iih.1t j.nibee!,,ct investigation, m IliO ctosvt ot mo rtu.tunt. inn crueiblooftbeeheiiiit and tbe evpcr'.ence, oiil o iTautical-'xliiuii.i1'.' "TOawtwlre4.w,kgtrsa". far . more simple ano napj.y ttiaii anya. uiyci.inioan.i. If I w-erediswcdtoattfiiipta!h.-p ay, la"i i"uliu ral learning, 1 might, it is true, arge . n y.-u ti imistrtaiice of thoronali dniinio,; i I : tl.M, I should only lie axu!: ting w hat i now nn csiii! limited principle in agriculture i and in ntfem t ing to prove that Avory drop of water. i)i..iw ti oi nature requiies fur thA growth of v.y.na-.ioti. is poisonous to tbe oiU mv laneuat's wool I I e du I and trrcsrane, rjnmpare.1 witti tti e g. ,-i;f in - r s smiltngfiehis, and Itrxarant fTfraest-. in l-.rland and Siitland, and sonie pa-t nt our own c .en try t where for centuries h t l -to'tiaied nm l ly fssds aud sodden wastes. I n:v,t li.nant on th importance of U"cn plowing and tbopiiji pulve.risation of the soil t yct how cenimon place would my remarks hiNComptiM'.l wiih tbe vlcs 1 uf the-aew.asll.iwil i lieiiirti"w-rin a-rrTTsa r:tt lrTtrrtprricatTiriilcip!.. 1 1-at tl.o rat.-.bale ol t ,14 (onsisu in enabling light, heat and tbc.r..n"trn. ent elrmctrt of the a'nio.bcrc the better to penetnite to the rMrisof pbmU. f-.tnh 'i-c u in ishmcnt and gniwllitbey urc ic'i. ; cosihie, I might speak f tbe lieyeSts . (' s r't its n f cr'ps and tbe importance of a no re s o -. rs.t culture ; t ut toTy.ui It r.oi.cl T -f rm to clifrinfx Ui learn from sliin.lsrd w..iL.-oi. sc 1- turo, t at every sp-eetmrn of the v.-r-1,!. . ei. - firm,' FReevcry ileparttnent ot i.rjrtt-o ei, ?e i.-c,s tip-ni Its own peculiar 4aHi and 1 o.i.jocat'y. c.nslant Bueefiefcicn of tl snie ecip, mllelM- mately evhaiist the soil of sms cuiitnnent tnent, ltiili-'Cn iiale to iu prubicibe joc. 1 mightspeak 'if ihetrnfeirtsnee-of eobi. nntc s as anelcment r.t natt.juil weaiin, nn-1 .1 01 nrnt impr n merit: but whv do II isWIien ;t i i LSSLflta lb4ljjut lMCTbJy.ul d'i iMWttU J . , i. in valu In the Colt'-M er,n only vrlictl it i. a H known tct lbntll.s ta'er e lia n . 11 . i agri.'iiltiirtil m 1 r. i rinent in rver . . , . , greater to the iu.i-.;tut.c Bttwh-i , vatton ef gra-. and when it is !; ' known, to our r. pi.-ach, that e i 1. ' i. t .r olina annually puys to ibe Nortlctn !- --. ' ' - dreils of tticiisanos ot dollars, t' r : 1 a hay alone, 1 miirlit urge the i i ; r' 1 'i- tivnihig lc land, sod of dev-.i r-or n-- to ha wirne tti T01ii.I1 impr. aero.' I : I ot -y ! - guage would be far less imrres.n tlait'e.'.. nl beauty which has often greatr.l y. nrvi- , when traveling tlimngli Ibe northern fnt . 1 this I'nion ; woere hnodsome coitsis, a 1- ntt eus board, smiling face, and hay j y fc. iw, ' - stunt the wealth, and mmter to the i .; 1 :i ' of Ih owners of but a few s. r. ev.-rv I' t . f thi hicb is in high slat of fertility, ue-..-t. si.me useful pirsase, and yielding mi il in reward for Ibrir lulair, 1 cibt n t m peceaaity of uianura, ae a aieaoa of re.. r ,.- Itnpr.il nig (lie soil ; and nn tins ponn, 1 . I slmuld hav Im misgiving and pr.j. ..!.. t r'rfinter, than im any otbrr. 1 1i wes, 110 .1 lb first tnovriiieiil tier male In Si,o-.i' :itic 1 and for tluaisand of years, t-n... to 1 Ibe only en. Tbe lurnr ni l v i I Hewing tb aee'nb ntal iiic.-p-m', manure with ilie,.cl, sui es-f J I t'' n ; .. Wllb'-Ut III ( ro.ess 1 J r .lttli. Hal t! "'lo ' ' o itnportarlc id B.SIiB'e, ss Ceie n.y l.i . growth, and a sure return in I1.1.' i n . down to as Mi.'-iibi d by ll.e utoh. .,n th parable. 1 1 lit uS th Uni !.,- bewnigbt and SarHt f..r one yar till m si do bia duty, in applying to it ibe r fertility. lb pra-elil cr.-iiu. 0 if where is the la--t bou.tre.l years, ti e a.. . the wheat er.-p has Ireu iucrca-i ! h r. su r:e el 1- to l..f24 bu.b. is peraera. m i n. c I'irivts to Ml ot bU bubei id Ms. i nt; wheie a sshI, astur illy luiaen and fi -I Iweri . sulsloe-l st.d impioved lo '. 1: of Ib air st wealthy and power' d e- . a tbe earth a iid a wits e' . a , ( a i sincinj arrumttt, in fi..r i-f ', I ; i i log arel rvaior.og totbe s.al. Co-1 r ' nure, time lanea . re can nli.-r er j i , i As to lb bct means f ptepei o f ,' . u( i. p'y.ug it ibat Is I ",. r in r i i ralory .d Ins rbevoil. t.iau tb-" r ' . . ! orab'S. 1 tntirbt dila's in i " bins whlth Isrtll tha.ry aol . etahhsbeil U U ll.s gri'il lo" -I . : a:T'eiliuml iinpf' veiM,ol ; I : ' s. Wll.-U tita llolll-al .1 were t4 b li, ' ' I ll. Bte4 a.ittiy of dertti t til auasost eauui-h to J tliey d.-, k tl.a.t p. s teats ws e-e. ria tw the d.wHraaa at the su'b.ay e.,,1, a Sn I "Jhe Tea-iresj nfrrewfii a,- Tt at tvef f lie if I fli I ibt I B' iioal ttta,ra ia ties de-si. poiet ifst, etil j lioor,.. am, i.r !; I lows, prwdaead i,r I ot i p.us e mi. .-at. on j i.e-. h, k n 'in 'r , w, o. Ot rleuieiiis m Ifis grefvt la's rk'.rv t4 I. a- 'e. 1 air rriO.jf ar-.itr,il b .a fr r b But ll is Bp ties eaofil so. I V -.,1 r U'l sas j l,c ,01,,.. I ti, s 1 i'y -if f;., of ear f- ti et thm I sirs, i. ivk J i., ,v g-. u 1, y ,h Nature herssif is great workshop whstachai.'s, renovation sod developmetit are constantly g on. Iii'i trslina tells ms that lha great Aiitb f all Ihinr " r led frota bislafsirs oa tii seventh dv. The Itcleemer of lbs oil was known ae tlierarpeiatar'aansi, ' and it i tin o c'tl by saust bib b.al ri.lics that tie wnrkd at li e aafiis tra fs until he entered on bit graM b.o ia- l,it ..ma. Tl,a araal sttoMlla ..I ilia IImiii U, wasal-.fskeri and ail Ibe wia-h-m r. eived I r"r t'.l el.ruita.fc rs ( I at tbe feet -f li.nialicl d. I not aaa'.e low a-bsre-J 1 " . m.oU,.i.a. ms uf but railing. Aud yet, euaw.ge t say, b. , aai,.ini.e. iioti uc i-r.,. mat y are ihrre wlio prufeas lbs religuw'tif Ibe t 'i't'- ' " ' f-snorend bis a.sna.., who Hunk U degrsdmg j dre,wpt sls " ' b as-s-iat. sieu around tli slier, w i'b aiiisato 1 A" l an In re- ,r t 1 1 t1 Budiburara, alulae Sary boasls Baay baa-faseed I btyre-fesy ra? s - cu'T it , I 1 1 Ibe temple Ml Which Ibey Wcrsbip, HnW I, Pie i y eesaaie to g if ilet'ri,- ' .. t 4j tba B.4.B od dailgbtere of eilmrsganrc, i f ,1. ol of a h .1 loar 1 i ; . luxury end of ease, reflert, thst af'ef all. it is Is , ra'uiural m ro U. t ',- c tlie Bi abattle, tbeartlsaa, the IsUirar, that tl.ey dvrd su'i .rfv 1.. U sir are imb lacl for the ataana uf tl.etf ;.bi t- I t rass, io eo t. r of t'. -t sad oa lies poor pittance of wa, es re,, o .-I. and ; sooa b-1 e, Ii , tlie panes of peviury and Waet endure I, I f tleaJ inl-ms , i, ll.at is ii e 1 1 to v boa .,i iiigsfiuit v and f t the sump'uoos t,sri-l- e lb. ir Si I-.,!-, tif lbs e. I 1! are in Ichl , '01 li lliey rr . , 1 1 ai et in a Uu h ; purs f r-aid ral 's .! .1 ii 1 r , 4 ll.s t . ,n i.f t',a 1 ,1,. I , vi-t rsl a it-- : 1,1, ib I., a I e k - r si. 1 is 11 d.: pi I 1 ao l s s I: P ri .1' j . S to c i r I , 1 r... 1 l I I in c SI If I,. U.u , .11 . I I. Ii a t. t . ' - 1 1. 1 1 v