H v. ... 3!ort!;-CaraIina af. . - runLisnin writi y mr WILLIAM C. DOUB, xuirot kb nun it tiu If paid strictly is advance, two dollars per an as ; two dollar and fty mu, if pid withia lis taoattuj inj thre dollar at the end of th A0VFBTISE.WSXT3 not exceeding sixteen liae will t inserted ae tin for on dollar, and - twenty-fir ww for each auhseqoeut Insertion. Thais' tit greater length win be chsrged propor tionally. Court Orders ted Jmlioial advertisements will bo chargea 23 per cent, higher than tlie above rate. A reasonable deduction will be made to thes who adverti; by the year. . Us.tk ail J b Priuttsg dou with neakutu as alwiMtela, and on accommodating term. M&! Letters to ths Editor Biuat ba post. paid GENEEAL DIEECTORY. V . " X'lTY GOVERNMENT. Wm, DaUaj lluywooj, Inleudutit of P'uliei Eastern Wrd.-Aii ridge SmithN " Dr. W. I. MoKo.r' Middle Ward. (Win Galea, J C. It. Row, ''' . lanae. Procter. Western Ward. A. Hi lioruian, ,-:r . . . " & W. Whitiug. J.' J.-Christophers, Citv Clerk, Ciiat.(TiHi?iii,i? m nJi . Oiy CwiWdW. Jaiue II. Miirray, 1 . Bryant Miller. F. M. Gulioy, Weighnuuiter. Ja. II. Murray Clerk of the ' Market. f The 5ureM Courf of North Carolina is held lnt his city isoiui-nnri uolly, on the soennd Monday I lualuoot and the oirtu ony ul iieceiuiier. Judju. Him. Frederick Null, Chief Justice, It. .M. lVarcm, Aasociuto Judge, ' W. II. Battle, Edmund R. Frewnan, Clerk; Ham. C. Jones, lleior.or; J. T. C. Wwtt, Marshall. xhewnVif -Nuti Circuit Cam! for-th4-ia- triet of Jfiurth Carolina is held eeiui-aniiuiilly in thin city, an the lit Mouday in June and the "hint Monday in November. - 3ttff. Hon. d."M. Wayne, fjf Georgia; Iloh7 Henry Putter, of 'ayettevilles District Attorney, Hubert P. Diekt Clerk, Win, 11. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wloy Jones. Y .The Htimrwr Uovri for thi County, in held on tliFfffRrSTiTiidTiy aftuFif"1o"uTttr"5Ii7niIay "tii Mareh and rcptc.mler. " , J itiii C. Monro, Clerk. Mutt."W: Kiuiauin, Attorney General andSolic- T!)0 VtfUrt ? ' J't.m ini.l f)tt.trttT .tti'.ffl, i. liel.1 on tlie third Monday iu Fehrum v, Mav, Aiij'ut and Xoveinuur Jolf. t'tlev. Clerk. CluiiriuaH ofllu t'ouult Court. William Boy Ian. " ' " ' xv ChuhIi) ShIkUw Queittin lliiKbee, Nutilfof H'.ii Ourtfj-Wiltiaui it UifjU." t"rfcr Willis ixnu, Jkjuster. U. lluUou. . . ' -i s-.. BANKS. i Jhmli of tin fU'ilt uf North Cttniina, itieorpo- rated liitil. tilmstus ospiros in i"o.. Haiiimt ?t,iHi, dridcl intw V,W) shares of which NJie Literal- Board holds 5,027 aud tlie L'niTcr itJiKKI. - ' IVuiBtli il Bank at Itale! gh. ivorje'Vi Mjrdi-cai, President. Cli ith'.t lt';ia-liict, J. II. Bryan, Jr., Teller and Notary Public. s'. V.. An kwuii, liieoouiit Clerk and Notary Public - - :- - Jordan AVomhle, Jr, Clerk. This .Bunk has brandies at Ncaliern, Tarlioro, Faye:fcvUla, Wilui'ugtim, Elixalietii City, Char louu, Milton, Murgniiton and Windsor. - blKKfTOKS. - . On the part of ttia State t 1. W. Courts, Puh lio Tre isurer, ex-oliicio, L. O'U. Branch and W. it, Po-ik. -Oa tlie part of the Stockholders i Wm. BoyUti, XTm. I'ewe, J. TtUrViii, J. B. . KouthacrAI- . fred Joiws and It. F. Moore. - Olfurisg aud Kefiewal day Tuesday. 1'iseotiut day Wednesday, 1 inmost o Bills and Bills of Hxchange discount . ed every day. -. . Business hours from 10 till 2 o'clock. ltil-ifh ftranrh of the Umth nf thr Ciipt Fear, M'llliiTiinrrJoiii'ii, I'li'-Tiicr. -E.UiliU,WWr 4 Notary PhWw,- BiKKCToas. t W, lUvwml, T. II, Kv-lhy, neta Jones, tiexrfta Little, it. J lios. u. uogjc, and U. (. I. Iliiutiiugs. Ofllriug d:ij Mouday, Discount da Tuesday, BAIL IIOAUS. ttnjriyk and Outtun Uttilrvod Vompnoj. .- L. 0 B. Braaoh, l'reaideut, t , W. Vase, Treasurer, 1 PoiJ, Assistant Treasurer.. V. B. Allen, Ie(ot A'eiit, 1HJ.T OFFICE. . William Whito.br- Post Master. - ( Mlo-s kours, on week days, troia Sun-rise W 9 TXt TKAVSlUk'I OOIDII aisivi axs bxriRTcu or xuiu it lautioa. KOUTIIEHV MAIL Br lUiLaosn,) Thniunh Mail close daily - - - - at 61 a. I i Way Mail ; " at 9 p. n Arritea daily -----at 6) p. n The Cars leave the d'r"t at ti) . ' Wrl TllFKN MAIL(lTTwo-noas IUr.) Cl.cs daily .at 6) p. tn Arrives daily at 6 p. la The ll-h'k lwitve- all 7tn-Bi - WKSTKK.N MAIL (Br Foil uoaaa LW.r .. rft4T -- r - at 7 - a. in . Arrivmi daily - ......t 11 p. J n i isy tea res .-...kt g a. m tOLl?lHIt.tr MAIIWnr Foia-iioasa IWi. Chisesilnilr, (eiorpl Sunday,) at 7 a. n Arriies da'ilr (esi-ept Monifay,) at 1 a. b i lie nit. i Uim daily ...... at 7 s. si. TAKU.HU MAIL iBrTwo-aoasa llara.) riuaea on Sunday, Tuna, and l lior at 9 p. a ArriiHTuesiUv, Thnrw. and Hat., at 7 p. HnHt IraTM.m M m. Wed. and tn., a I a. a 11 1 1 -in .:t M AIL llr Tsin anui Ui ,ytntmm luevlay aud ."AtuiJay, at i p, as Ernies ua Moiiuay ana IkarsUay, at 7 p. . 11a. k Itkm on hun. aad W sal. alauayt t sV lUtXiMlluK MAIU-tlir iloaM. Wststy,) Che every Friitaf .- 4 1J Armas every FrxUy .......a4 10 a. XEW JEWELRY 6T0UE. CU1ELES JTTnOMPSOX WOt I,I fv,pfa!a. Ufqrvs Ui sii:s f Rablrtk Iks MM, m4 ISt aMXrv S li.slr.f II. si I,, ku inttiteal M -U 1 4 sliK tt-s S a-a ' 1 J ."v- i . 4 Wa i Baaa-a, 1 aaM, ,- lis eat st.L me t .Us S'-al. S4 t-a. aa r. . H. .V'" I Mnmjn4 o"l's B-y , wkm be t--J wf tut W-niilsi tkaswUKaH ( N KVV JtVt I I. lit . ef sit tb at.-4ra . vtw, aa-Miatia. f tiM ssaswl.nl Suit' I' " ', -t W Ul t, k, uitiU IM ail.0-B U t tl. - tu Is, sUm. Bar tt r-eJWnps., tM t mt ft'4 t- B .11.-, siura mi aa vanaM4 tm it tMa Mtvsri is lit sawsaisr. Alt", a . tHfliSt is.i.iiLF. rai.Kn.i.t.K r.rN. Wail.t i s-iir ' Cavaaa. A a fml ,ara.y 4 H all I aaa, la H-. a tt i Mf S1 -. f 4 evsrf ' It,. ' , S4 ta aaall..kwarta, , I ai ym ( a I UU to tfcs tmn H ai, l, 4 ai rUfl v wa, 4 sao-l. mpa Ml 'Tl:i. r-'t, p;tt Is SM,I Is-fi.-a a.t t War,' la Uafh SnaS 4 tallUs as as th lrg S'-. 11 ; 1 if -i , ! V0LUS1X XLV. RALEIGH, N. C. "SATCKDAY JIOnXIXGrOCT. 23, 1854. MiMTABr AcDiT. A writer lia Ui. Wil mingtoD Journal recommends the staMUbment of a State Military Academy by the next Legis lature.. He propwee that the Lejrialature make an appropriation of$8,000 a year for the support of the Profeiwora, and $1,500 for the education of the teachers of ouroommoa achoola. The plan is a follows s . The Legislature should create by law the " North Carolina Sientifio and Military Acade my," to be located in some healthy and central part of the ftate.- tmxiitiGlrsaT tour I'rafymisss, with mu Am'Slatm: a esa-itenM ttealhwed, iit r.. iiiumrJ her of studonts, to be celled oa.leis, equal to its mem here ofUlS House of Cucomoiia, who sbAJ pay for their cost of clothing, (uniform,) board and tuition, about $-50 or $75 per annum, ail Tli-re should be at first, one State Cadet allow ed from each Senatorial district, taken frcm the meritorious youuis of the dintrict, wlio are una-: ble to procure an education. iu any other way. After two years, the number of pay Cadets niicjht bejloubled mukiitg in all 330 and by inoreasing the nunilier of professor, the number ofcudels might tieflti'tlir incieasod.- There shuulJ be an encampment during vaca dud season, at whichall but UmlWIoiilieUwinuM attend, alwHit two and a half months. The (lov ernor should invite aliout 100 militia officers from the different regiments, to be present, as students Ullactics Mid uiiliUry jiMmses, fret for tuition and to waive their rank for the time being. The writer thinks that tlie institution would be enable tht6 lefiind to the Elate a lare nnniob .oX ita. Coil, all or. to- or- Uire jetirBry-payitig uto the treasury all tuition fees. We give the plan for what it is worth, without however, being able to endorse it in all its par ticulars. It is worthy of candid .consideration, and some way might be deduced by our legiIa- tors that wjuld very much improve the present pliis of instruction and inercaie the thorough ness of education, particularly iu tliose-braucW Hint arc-ainif hitiiuiitnltcoouoelai) with the-Trac . . . t i ical affairs of lile. 1 HE 1 akiso or MnasToroL. It seems that the reiortoi tlie donn-lall ot ncbartopol was prenia- -titrOi though nhe aeiount of the two bitt ies near the city was authontie. From the aocounta by lata arrivals given in another column, it will be seen that it was closuly invo-ted on all s'.des by thaallied forai.. W tl.. .v.,. ra..a.. .., believe that it would soon fall. The Grst state I , ..I.I a...ll VL. tl . i I ments of the taking of this stronghold were received as perfectly reliable, and many editms in this country congratulated thcuinelre ujwa their firelight in predicting this imjrtaut eveut; bat now thttt st tarns out eouipli hoax, liiors are some who cry out that tlicjr never did put any conlideiice iu the rum ir, that they did nut believe It from the first. It is rsimwl that Ituseisn- force are m their way to the relief of the besieged, hut it is not believed that sufficient reinforcement ean he ieTiTTo'T'lio.e" l.io'eIegeaiid Uiur'scouilit ll.s BjtliisTiiiie, "lliji attempt upon that itmtig fortrwi mnst either hare prored sneresv ful or a failure ; no on doubt the ability of the allies tn tak it, so that we may look fur lh news of its capture by th next arrival.. T'uey do not conduct affairs of this Itind in the American manner on the other side of th Atlantic. Their Sg'iling seems to partake of the nature of their diplomacy. Formalily take th place of uecisiv a -lion, and th smvllest ciroumstances often cauie tli must disastnm delays. They might pattern after the campaign of our armies in thtOlexican war. With one half of the en thusiasm and skill liter exhibited, a spirited and successful blow miirht have loni since been (truck. and th terminus of a war that j.rotnisea to be a long one, might bay beta brought nearer. What with stratagem and eounteratratagem. pl.a and counterplot, they bare protracted affair until wiulsr is approaching and both armiea will b forced tu lay up for tli season. Th plan of th campaign wa luagiulceat enough to suit tli desir of all, aud if il bad Uwb carried out witb tli spirit that was antlrip4ti. tli uew ia regard to th fall of feliiMrqrwouIiI tviTg'siiic bav b-a a aaatler of history. lTaa Fsib. ti Petersburg and Norfolk pa per giv glowing aconunt of tli AfrrtilmrJ Fairs bald thi week la tlius cities. Th Hon. A. W. Vsnahl dlivrd lh address. brC-r lit on held ia PstersWg, and th EoB. Kenneik Ilayner Ufur th tm bald la Norfolk. Th Bomber of artkl la all branch e oa ibiliiiha at Usk fairs, wa very large, aad of tl.et ar rpraflted t b of a try (a k iaJ. Aceavding to lb newspaper, they had so. peralaiudaac of au articl tt.at wa pleniiful at out Fair last week lh wer eluud of dust vrywbr. Fist. W U-arn that th elorebousa . of Wib far H. II xi-1, Z". la lh BSr part of this ounty, wa r.tirl BuBssaed by l-e a t)s BioniiDg of t!i Ciilb hist, with Ba alnxat total lua of ail lis jBlei.l. Th I'S wa diacorertd arly ia th snig, jxst about daylight, aad it apposed to l.si cxnmai-red la th root ad jviain lh iturB-tawta, Bad ! bar boB th r suit nf ac-Kient W bav BOt ecrljiisd wbctbr r tbar any laauraBt a p. 41 lb bwa and It ontrBt, But th sat WMIll nf b-as. ttjp W team tnm h Rogutey tliat Ir. 1. 1. Tlrssipkma, E-liWsr of til fsru.or'i Joarual, ba bsea appniBtad Bsalstanl ia prufsnpt r.Riia, ia th AgnruimrKl aad lie i 1 svy uf tfc S'als ikt pn.grysaicg. V Til'tiiB IB rwss a PsVir. TlrIe F. r.W, Wu, ba la- en C. F. Parle. h .' lb s rwaaUaw) d.sint Tl slat less m 1 1 I I tli tvaari anBatoutd I J it la-h cf Mr 11 t l V RALEIGH, HOTBCAROtiyA, "WEDNESDAY MQItyiXO, . rTr St asws. In theoourseofVi article de' fending the action of he Internal Imj.roTcnient Biiari; d in the apiv.intment of StatePinetoriia the I W vt gmwiBs; lutxreet whiek a infttim uO.iUlelgh IUilr-ad. the StenJurji Jj'.S v p'th '"""' ,l.l-...-.l,-w;i..:i...... x. , :.J0i North Caftdma, ,n the auhiert Wuuiii snarpiy tecture U M tloin,rtou Joanksi for Its coume towanls the prewnt leinocratie dynasty. I Tlie Journal has not endorsed fior. Kcid fuflS-1 eiently to suit the ta,te of the or2a. here. , The Standard takes occastoB, with aereat DottrUh of epithets and no little assumed dignity, to impart its tiewa upon certain qiiestioas touching the party action this winter and especially regarding the senatorial olcetion, - It iutiiuatos to the Journal that it had better take care or it will ' catch, a Tartar" for its short-coming, and winds up in the -'following magniloquent strain. Look out fur squalls. We do not deem it advisable or necessary to pursue further thinstrainf remark i butweuay remind the Juurnal tloit toir. Iwuid's admiiiitni- TBl.aii.il-. ! ulu bm'ii n a" 'l,"ti m'mtiM" Mtviieewtieu a tifc IXay guiug-jJsi-Uiiiuatl v anaatleA press, cr n niayretuse.ij itehoMsto i)n,soiyvjirartiawmtf taotstfl tiky b noeessaf v to the yiiidication of the functionary; referred to; but when it hcoomes itself aaasaii ant, tlmu j;li bv indirection, and iiiilu'iges in inMrti. nationa not unturned by i'netn, nor by anir jast-nf fStr eoBSWucliim of tlie "conduct of sueli function, ary, it .must not expect to avoid such etuilr an I coiiiineiits as tlie oecaafon Bud tlid eauat uf larutU may seem to require. - . j Li.if or ratmiiis. We oommoaee iti our present issue tlie publication of tlie list of pre- at the .Suite Fair, W shall lie able to complete the list iu our next number. Tho Executive Committee, we learn, haye been incessantly cngnged in revising and rendering itcoiiiplo.o, ever since the Fair closed. They have anxiously desired to have it correct .aud hence it has heen somewhat delayed. -Ka journal of experience and prudence, is not exactly !'i7E.ri- 1.1 g,i uu wiiu. me ruuiuiasu 01 uie Smtli whg uro tu. iiupa'.ieiit fir a fusi,m" of SUtliei-u Whiia witii Sjutliern Oeiiinf rais- It isnyaiii'i llw dnnbhr iryftOK "f ttle "natural xiL lies," and widely wails fir I her developmeuta. The Advertiser says: JJ "We cla'nu no right, uirdo wo thiuk it the piilicy or pruince of S.iuthrn Whigs, tuiuterfcui with the iimvii iiil.urs uOtiier Man ate, or dictaiel to Nortliern Whig Conventions what uourse to pursue. We do not even leel it our duty to de clare non-iutercourse with thciu for all time on account of what Ike may do or leave uudoue at their State Convenlwns, Tboy may pass suclt resolutions as ihey please at home ; but if they 'imrvnTrr rrv -7.;; viiaTrrvA- :r.;r-:-.r- Tr;::r.-;:.:.-"r-r al":-.!- u.,l.VaM'a a' Mta wvii I II , uul m Ml Clft-ja where tu tho iletrituent of the Kout.i.as S.iuthent Whigs we will nprwe them with all the ability I jtnu euorgy we can command , a4 alwHibi they succeed 111 inlerisilatinK them in the nlatform uf the National Wlni; nai tr. or snake them a nation si LyBxyysutttstt.'ta a. snoBlclyi tlinin aa wings anil to act wiUi auy party 'tf ?-'p'1 tlicir obnoxious doctrines. We are not as vet prenared. however, to ad mit that New Y irk and MaasachuseJla are tlie Vr u' """ cens iiaUie, no , iiiir lint 1 v a . . - ' .. in two states, : trnimerrt frighten from their propriety or party aUegiaue the Whig of th remaining twenty-nine. It win las time enoue-n a pronoum-e, eenteoe ol lisjH.tnti .n nnnn the MatHiiinl Whiff nartv when the Whigs of a majority of the Slates ropudiut iu uoilu aud Couservaitive recd. 1 Th Wahingtin t'toh,1ti aft fffofl 10 exj.lalii its reeent cairve ears: "We have no hesitation a repeating einphaticallr that the true demo- craaie nsiti,rnifmerf iiiiciuiproiiiTsTng anTap iiivin to the secret order of Kiiow Nothingnm. But this d.ies not imply that our party is not Jljj-JbtAg:ltalUtfjAj of ihe naLuralixatiuu lawaas lime aud eii-crie-iu. Have peiiiied out a necessary and proper. Neither does it cniumit us to the aoorovaf or da- fenee of naturalised eitixens when tliSir.ieiiiBii, ir is such as to subject them to censure. Th spirit of the ustursliiali.si law tipoet thus who enjoy its tienetits tu becom Americanised in sen timent, iu feeling, in demeanor, and in a hearty and exclusive a!leriaiire to our own government. The democracy of the Cni.-n will never beiitat o to amend ths laws as to secure these ends. Hut thev eaiioot and will not seek to sssmr thes ebiectabya rrusale of intolerance aptinst for eigner, as illiberal as it is anoonstilulional. ' Tm Foietwa Lrrr hi-mtvi PrT. W hare before us a modal of the Thompwn Lifs Pseig Iv-sl," wbidt,- at thir wed -jtmctoryj, should oommand the sllclition of all ship owners and oouiuiauders. It seem to u la be th most sim 1 and certain iife-praeryer that we bav tssen or read of. It is a seat or stisd, which In a few moments ean be mad tn f-rm a ersdl fur th support of an individual. Tlie buoyant tow- r of each seat It .tiuistl at four hundred rounds, and enabl it oocupaat tu swim ailhsr rward ar backward, witb Ui bd al.vewater; it e.Misiru-ti . is eanabl, wbea in Bpplicatioa of withstandinr exianaar to shocks and numv 1 lures. I'.s advi4.iti .n tn th OKid-tioO of tits ocr. pant, when in tli water, is sud that it would b iinpr. tttahl fur bita tn b tluruwa out. ai.d Tet WwreaaotrtijThanr hbjpositi.m at 1,01 a an, aad to asuv tbruagb U wuor with tautl- iy. This modal has bem showa to snjiy rperi ieod ship owners and ship masicra, all uf whots record tlifir as and of praia. A'em ink Cess. I.ATFH FltOM HAXTA FE. li isvii Lt A-t. t- hrll Bsail ar rived at li. I peu lrvue un lls'Jd. An eleetu ad been held ia New Me. mi rsuluit ia Ui I'eow-eraU having a assootity us tie Uous uf Bepresi ritalivea. The Jacranlla Indian ar Mill at war and finy. Mernwtwtner refuxsa to treat with Ihein. The I tabs are ut-wi atid lh new tnd.ae aent, Mr lai-s.lia, ba law seat uwt t lines; in Hi Chiefs to hvB" talk" wPh bi Exel!Siey. Th s.-.J-oiiituient of Mr, I -aba. I i giv gnat t- Iff.i li. 0. " Jvlg Beiwdart is holding Cmirt frota Tao to I Mil. .. JatdfB IWkus bad arritaJ at Santa F- Ja.'tre lhi.si.t-rt and family were loot at th eeowiog of U. K sit Mil llivar l.y Slam Ma MnrvW arc! par, ! alas wt l.t-n..p Lam at nf C l I hpvu'.f. Naar Col ion WL tlwy earn 1. n 11S t!ji Ks wd, and a'srie the rt,.a r.( of lb ArtaatB Ibier, al V. t lira I, lb Kara a ere mi, U lh trlaa twuig u.m-l.t to tl. military pr-vt ll.a Arks.. -a. M iny tr.p.in were anaeautiatiiig la lh bciglt bori.'n irf Al"uia la resist Ik Janrarillas 1 Bnn f sfat. 1-aVHii imd bis awnwmsfts wr a fr.B hila t to that plat fi lh mm iprrM. 1 1 Irtal (,r Wsi-MBiaa t t U kiili'ig ol Ant rey tint reaiiittd In an acpim., lh tr.ps sr generally g.iud. rs.Bit so Iioasoaa lUuao.. A aseMirg of ll.s . -. U t ia il., a sued wa b'l4 bM k. Tbsiiini O ll.s lri-r f'-e 11 l 1 sS I... 4.1,' a an 4l l.aS of Ui ie ii,l. ll.s r..a- -h I. g l. la.a M lvt l.sr. I was ipn 1 1- a i. w h .iU k tr- ns IWa I-t Ail as at, 5 ,' 'I a,.nl!-, I y l. etpe, m ul i lI..l n.isJ.i; ll.lfii vb bet Stie v( ti- r.t.r. " ' ' i 3-i irom !) ueauiort tlalcton, Hakyul Mesmh Editor : You ean hare hut a fkin't of the Extension of the North CaiiM CYntral Bail llad, to the water of Beaufort Harbour. "'J'US r.nl that Una feelm eul EftS ,T, WgSZJX Caens. of buth nartiea. iu the Wul. . .',l ,l,. rjul, concur in opinion as to the exoe liencv and necessity of this great work. It is truly fortu nstetfor the great interest of the State, that both parties, in the late election, were eomntitfed to this important work. It may now l deemed, as it empiiiticnllj j, a , ShHfwrk, The deter mination, 1 find, ir expressed by both parties to extend the Central U;iilroad, Eswt and West, and t! place the entire line upon tlie same footing, by making the State a subscriber to two thirds of the Capital Sftwk. ' Every asdrnn;i is eivon that this will be done at the next sc:. .n of the vr-isiature, sua sue axuinaioo or tue Jioaa troin Iiuld4xrt, It irli.r in VJ!owfrc&&.J,.u .U!V.U,'I H9S& .nans y-th-Wbig entire ratstfa! parf of tii huum. sfc,,Ub. do souowand narxled and fostored as a Stale work Tbe.Juoi tl. V.hi s iiudOMMiiirm' wt.t,,iiL.ij,. or truus Bf t.0iu4B-.iiiv M:i,ft afuli its cxtrm-. an no scheme of Imecnal Imprvneinetit eottl' have been dcrised. which could have reconcile. ui'ire eJwtaljyeJlJitriHjt interests, tentjff.it aualoi aiid diseortiaiit elements than this. Ewt tif If vgialatir aid wr withheld from the tiers of CuBaties K-lna nn the X.ir-ilv .d Sooi); f great Central line of Katlroaii, the eliilnlity of lia locaiton, anu me si.orinesa of inn instance would enable those l-'ount'ee, at nil point, 19 Couetraot with their own means a ready mum. nicatiou and oounexion bv Hailroal wiih liiil trunk, tliBreby- uniting the Stato in "ona hariaa. nioua whole.'' and feodine as it war th trriat Central Kailn-ad with tlie entire nroduets of tho I whole 8ute, and building on within her limits great Commercial mart. Ttia extension of th Central Kailraad East and WcmI, is hut justice, long delayed, and mora particularly to the East. North Carolina ba not been a very- kind and fostering mother to the Eastern section of the State her smile and her favor have been very lew and "for between." The waul section of izh Kailroad, -ha received no aid whatever from th State by way of appropriations of money, or endorsement and guaranty of bund for the last Au'iuor liti vtBira,-if -wa axiaMit. tl-a api tr-uir ia- tion of f-rty thoHaand dollar for th impnnre-- mentoi me .Nuusemver.ana twenty-nve thousand dollnrs in aid of tho iihumvemaut ,.f Tur CivaSkJ We do not consider the appropriations for thT draining, Ac., uf the Swamp Land a being , . i. .. 1 Xin,-Ua -or ma uvuvuv ui iiio wuivni soeuoa ol the (State, for thos hmdslteiong to th "Literary Fund of North Carolina," and no one portion uf th otate is mora interested in them than another, they are pro Ixino pubtko. Let us sea how th a Mount stands in this pnrtirrilar, and what is tli preneut debt-vrf the Miiiu, und also-whclhcr'Wfl are justified in saviug that this luiusiic ba been dim to th Eastern section of th tet.- The present debt of th Slate; incurred by ap propriation and th Endorsement of bonds, i as f. Hows, vis t For th lUlei-h and Gaston KailroaJ, For the'Wilmlugloa and Raleigh - Kailmad, Fur the North Candinallailroad, Th Cape Fear aud Deep Hiver ' ' Xaviirtttion Cumpauv, WO.Ono a 2,0uo,ono lCn)00 The Favettevill aud , astern l'lauk .load. 120,000 The lloauoke Navigatiuit Com pany, . - - ' TheCapsFear Navigation Com pauv. The Nense Rivar Navigation S0.0O0 6.5,000 Company, - dO.OOO-f Th Ti Uv Xavigatioa Com psn v, Appropriation for Turnpike Lumps n io iu Ui West, Bonds endorsed for the Wil- 25,000 20,000 S50.000 miiigtoa A llaleigh lUilrtnd, Total, ..'jy.it!ii'-, A wd heei'lisi this, a lartre atnoDnt of Chen.ks tKda have I en lately appropriated by tli alat in aiduf Turnpike lluadBitt tli West. ton will nm readily perceiv that of these Four Millionslms Hundred and Thirty Tbonsand lMlara, the entire aertion of North Carolina. lying East of th Wilmington and Balaigh Kail road, has only received aid from the Ntat to th comparatively insigniBcant am. -out of Mity-iv Tliand Hillsra t la prnportioa to lh siteut of eoutitry, this neglected EaslerB sectioa of tli Stat pays mto th 1'uhhc 1 reasury dnbl th ammint of lax as of any other piwtion of th that nf similar extent t Ouht sot Bosueihin to h don by th istat for thi EaatarB M-ctuin I I this tur juatic I Uiv it but on half of it fair proportion, to which ia natural justice it is enti- tiai. aud it wuuld ask noamr. Tlx tstaUsweely-l canuol ti deaf to aa aptwal lik this, upoa suub an expuaitioa. A sense of lust o. If th Importance and na- cessiiyuf this work did not even eurrgest it, would prompt every on to exclaim, "thi is an unfair and anxiual distribution of th as e ana and aid of tli Mala, and autaeuiiiig kubstanlial and elfe-m Iu its ctiaranter ouglil to b duu for tlx kastera so. ti.ra of lb Stat." Wa need aa nlar(Mueat and Ineraaa of tb capital stork uf tb AtlaaUe aad North Carolina lUilmad t ompany, tn ItncMilllKia Twoll on lred lliousana l..lars. 1 b nrewit ratulal. IJ'.Ssl. ("'.) with the increased htch price of work, hv tr.r taut provi-ioim. t not snTi.'Icnt to tutld Hie road and fumiali it lf this incraed capital lue Slat ought tolas t.ij-hl II 10 !ie-l '1 housaiid IMlars, Will she do it f Of this, if tli signs of tli time, and tl. open and avowed (ipiwntiin of public opinion U over the ute, ar al all ln. di-siivsof ib will of ths people, there can ba no doubt. Aad ia makirf this aiowaL 1 may U perwitiM In aay. Hum the Mats eaa nabs Hi aioouul of thi suliScnptjoB, as Urvs ss it assy appear, by a jud.ci. us locaiioB of tl. r-sd, and a leia.inatiua Uiersxif al th Iowa at IUauf..rt and lh.a result can b proluesd, la our bumbl judg msi.t, l y iu tormiuaUuB at Be Mbar pout on u wtn uf ikaolirt harbir, Th fvate suet Bot th l.tternrf '., is U.s owner of a Urg ad invalualil sr.ipwiy, aljvul to th l is f Beaufort aiid e.4uevted ttia lb water tbcrwif. 1 hi 1 inmen. property is Bow yalueleas but U this itupfuvcBwHil la awle, and lis road slwuld tenwinate al Beaitlort, ai.J but tv half of lh l-ud espec'atioBs m lis friends ar ri,r I, B-ei'.d rj.o I'r u.eiesrf iu vale to aa nHi nBfilmg tveHtd. AH tw HwmeB" WB'Bf froiif betaev-a tb high-waier aad th low waier Mark banleniig u.mi tli iiU-r, tu great aJ s,hw1. spiwtiug I'ae'.l to lh dei p waiora in frvot yt lit l.w , tt valuall l-.iaia'is aad MarMiesthai li wi n. 11 li s hirl. r wi.u 1 litaiBi a, 4 on!, t,. Bm.aely Vaiual.la, bat wm.II Bowiitui a fun I, mors lit 11 amply utti, ro 4 retiumera Mi Hat f.r ber su rripti i-f Liht bui.died tbi. sand .liar to the Md. 1 hta ran lj said of b w tk, to wIim b tl. "' csa, or has m to U aid uf br e.UsKua, by way uf suU-evq 11 , nr l pe I fi..n.s, of at .. And ILer U a hr p-ml i a kMf.-rt Larl.-r whiehraa pr 4-lUet resulia, 4 Ibas sairieb tl, Cut l.y gumg thi l ''. Ui lao.'i. 1 he h.aisiiaoriti i.JM.s lissary t aint sr sui ly sin ia lh, KaS of lliinrs, aad a fl-ili,, t hers 4 ,i b made to u. Beit 1 -.anra. 1 t mi anal ib 4mrs4 MlMn4tusi p,wttw tt trta ss.1 li Mrlinar.Mf f ' a .Ja. s Will li rfeiit-i la, ,i. 1mm mV f naa In e , ',t;l witB II ) u, f..-t. a IK 1 ar I -.11 IU L. ..!. lur i-anort. H.id a t-ni uf llerilora uia fl aS-IMi fti . SVaS Ot IB 'l'l-ldrtll at't I tis 14 li I "-re'V 114 f f.'.llB I f4i. aa fivylw lies tad all !' i"ii ., .( il, NOVEMBER 1. 1854. State,- not beret'fore duly entered er granted to ui.iTiuuus, anu certain it.inn Mock ami other funds, and uadw eertsm restrictioBs hva f nncr a-it forbid the entry of Jfjrs nn4 $a'mf Lan ls. U u held, and we must confess with much 'show of reason.' that sea M.it in iha Sii,-.. ..J ..1 j.rtning the Siiores llienvif, are aeither Marsh or Kwamp lands 10 the common aecepttaion of the term, or as ul by the Legislature in the grant to the Literary Fund. This too is not only appa, rent from the manner in which they are direct ed in he surveyed fur entry, but marsh and 8wamp lauds exist, and are confined to the main laiol, and are generally so eonsidered. All thee sW.als and ulaujs, therefore, ifllie Slate author me are tight in their eouatruetion of the met, still belong to the Sovereign, the Stat., It will ho found too that the State has given her officers, the Governor and Secretary of State, Bo power or authority to grant those lauds in tho Souads.and tbut all such grains or roid nothing hut B11 act of the Legislature Legwlatif grant, can give title to tho ciiisen fur th same. If ih. MaBtB iheref .re ub!-ibe to the Atlantic and . - ..& as the State with her suliscrinmia of -t...ii.i,'i iBUBiB.m-eiiBtMr-hrni andtlieeimmw VP.it; ;,t.r.!Mlili-t lX-rCTVB Btljj ..dflr '.ini;ui iios luuijcr tvt.ttiU bout promote iff -fejitiji aadtit fmt-lh goat. The rich domain toe of the State on the North IUver, which h is Leea eiirvevcd nirtl-rrlwtrrjrmproyed at tlnpulflic f sj pei.sB, will hi Ki'eatlj aud almost incalculably enhauced iu value, by making th town of Bnait f"g lilt tomiitut.i'f.i.tiud.i flad it-, trill., In ound that in adontin? this terminus, the Slate- insveadof being compellod toi esort to taxation to pay her subscription of eight hundred thousand noiiars, will not only readily realm that amount fii.m the enhauced value other lands, in the vi- .eiiitjttf Bvaulia-t, but greatly,jeplenish her treasury from th rich surplus arisiuit from th theieuC- From all that w cava learw her tho .leading menudolitioianofi.orthlCaroIiiia are well posted up ou the subject. Of one thinr I think you mav lie aiure.l, He Irrmiav of Hie Atlantic and .V.n-M Carolina llailrood will be on Ike A'usfcrn liile of AVvar A'itw. W have mush to ay of Beatifort and Shepherd' Point aad at our leisure you may hear from u again. THE ARCTIC. CALAMITY. ZVibe &itrdXirratitKi nf the ' Si7or srAo w is iwttQ aii fross Me wreck tflhe Aretlf, 1 lie lullowilic 'luirrnlive .,i..la In tl.i-llllp. jnieieef, any tliat we have hcretufuiti published" iu cuuiiocuuii wnn me Arctic calamity: 1 Froia lbs Miasrvs, of Hortrvsl.l 1 nl"B,! " J4wuot Fnuiquoi;! ara from Cauealo a villnire situated at litre Icaeuea dis tance from ht Muhi j 1 generally employ myself every year iu nsiung at m. narre. 1 euiliarnod ou board tl.s Vesta, to return home; whau about noon on the 27th, as I chanced to be on deck, I heard the men iu charg of th watuh, and who wr in to toremu-t ol th yessel. am tout. Ill Luif, luff tliaw 4-B-hip- ban ring dVm - Bpott 1 thiuk, tii th beat of my oniuion. that not tnor than half a minute eiai.sod befiar w received the ehock,. Vui hi p su uok th . Arctut in th starboard bow, Bear th wheel ; our forecastle wa swept away by th blow. Wbea we taw tin accident, a leiteral confusion ensued. and a msn ascending trout th hole cried out thai the yeasel waa tilling with water, which croated a geiMral pauio aiuonint th paascugera and crew. To lower a boat end to precipitate ourselvs into it, to the number of aeven or eiaht wa the work of a minute, and w pr.euilKl u.war la th American vessel, which ooutiuued it coura towards land. Our intention wa to av our- selves ou board th American, vessel, for or idea wa that our own would godown immediate ly. V rowed for om tim before w could reach tb bow of th vessel, but a way seal us to biIisibiic nm. s thn ppuchd tb whoel. Biuiowiiur to aunt aucidouU whieh 1 CBunot eiplain, lb buat wa caught in it, and upaat t alone wa abl to reach a rone, and (ctua tbadockof tb-Ameeaa vessel, where a hral eottlusnm and name reigned. I noa teamen uiat Ui ysl was in danger, and I east Biy ves around me to And .nn means of safety. hcivj a ere itmsr TIlTtttonritlnrliailo TX rope ana attache. I them to uy person, but on of them being broken. 1 oon saw that it would nut be puaaibl to throw myself into th a witb tueiu Unit is wlir, finding a box near me, 1 bistenwl myself on it witb slroeg enrds, and east myself into tli mb. By gisai luck, there Happened to b clu tu tb veKsd a floating piee 01 in wreci, which 1 seiisvl bold ul. and abauduBM myself to th mercy of th wave. ia company with m oa this rait wa a yoon Amarieaa uf trow twenty to twnty-two year c ac I lllia Vimnt tiu fliaj nn tl.a Mi.nlna t the Vlih, rrum lb Meet of cold and hunger, Tb eold bad taken such a bold of him that il beciuu iuiuiasibl for him to utter asinrle word. 1 look biia in my arm and supported Tii bead ou Biy shoulder. W bea be breathed bi last wiKtr, h gar m ocb a yiolcnt lhork that h wa nar upsliuig nit into lh so. 1 ailaebtsl him to tb rait with a cord, aud I kt bin for about twenty hour at Ih i.iralioo of which, toding that b wa rsally deiul, and apprebend- ing lb visit or some large sharks, I tlnrew asy relf into III sea. After lieing at tb merry of the wares for a eon pi of days and alghta that M 10 say any two boors on U. itti tnwant ton ia li. morning, I pef.eivsd tn lh vs-t sail whicti sneine,! ui li snnruacliing n 1 then. with tl. mall plank wIik bad rvd tn as aa ar, I was elisl.htd to maka'aues signal, whiub did Dot seeai tn b tM-tHwd by tb vaL I euntinued to swim for auotlier boar, Bad I rha tnV-ams Tvvline.t that tin vsel s oiaingdirei lly toward m. Tl i gsvB'nt litil eourag, x my Mnmgth had UgnB aiaauo aa at. 1 mail a trash wifnat. Brut 1 aw Uiat lby pemir. an, f. ti. vsaawl straight towaril ms , I was tv luted en twsard, and I rav tbcm to, understand as wsll aa 1 enuld. by syras and B lew words ot Enilub, that thr wtnw tn tin leeward a grnal Buail.r uf pe-mnswitiBgtilp,aBd thaosptaia aevwdiiijly el-anted bis ttmrm aad trrd ia Ikal dirwcUuB. W j.u bud Bp Blrvoa peraosi, who bad g.4 oa Coaling piece uf wrack, a ski, I apt. I.ttr. W lle'ii tnsd nil, and prooeBiM Iu tjurl-r. It was in this way that I escaped In way which threaten! tn igulpb a (very ItissaoL I wa ia lb m ifly two fatatr, wMhoal fid ur Hrlnk of any Bort, with It l sirepiKsa f mail sailor' buwust, which my eaiiaaius la Bnatunuia gar m tsrtor I. tipuwl. Taa S.irarsv Mui,-Wi BndmtaiMl thai 11 iHrsMor Hula Candin Kulr-syl hav I.4 a awriiug on t nd.r U-i, and oaeHoV4 lealin carrjmi; tin L'. H. Ms I ai re III lt of 1.. 1 1 m xiili. N It wiH.l l aitar that all fl.wi of tin P. O. Ie-artuul bav l-f-sa ra- Jwel ly li. miiiy wbst B ur is psrnieai, 11,1 ,4 (i, atai ol Hie cbsb. w ara unl,la loam. Th inkfoti nf tl.a politic d- a,ai ii,ai aaHwaviiii g snHT. 1 las U'llM It is pe.rl.al la that t!-s iiilrmwrs with Hi F -all, wil. 1, krpl an by moans of a'a .a rl from tlm tamtinosfif tl Msnaar Hail II ai MopsviPe, to Aiifista, wh -li, w pv.i. eaa Ml .a, s iiieta is a twg ritii at IV B-ttit, Bade Uaa esttiig arraiijVR..it whi. laaia b suBawaol ma',-.a Iu ail.ail uf lii Baallay l-s,uf a.iiy amnapl..bd. 1 1. sh.p-ir will saam y affnot I lsrl-o a and rofrut pni,, ap;4 M uj tu JVnitli I an.bt IU.I lavd If o-,W. - r g a , 1 mm h j( (Horn, thr ff j-r'But(,(ru tU- NUMBER, it Four Djn Inter Ironi Em-op. ARRIVAL OF THE WJISHIXOTON! e Bomhmrlmenl Commenced. The Steamer Washinetoa. front ft ,-. .:. Southampton, with Liverpool and London dates to the 1 1th ioatant. four day later than il.a ..1. rices per steamer Africa, arrived at a lei hoar Tuesday night----- . The Waslnncton brinis i'0 naasenrm mA report the Loudon corn market a Is. dearer. consols closed at V51 a Wo J, and the money market was tijrht. ' The steamship PaciSe arrived ant at I.;,-..,! on Tuestlay nightat. " , - a,. :, ... . '. Th Lon'ihrn Time of the 9th, 10th, and litis, contain vsluminout detail or ttia haiiU ,.f Alma. -. os thg Sent of IHir.Tba r..t i all thehattle of Alma, twenty!! officer, all killed. 1 nere were seventy-th ree sergeant k i lied an d j wounaci.. They also lost in the en -am-n In Blue had ehatia 4 .1.. r ...... tiquA ap J were, t idu .JW,atoil.4ks- th .urn, niisre 11 wa hiuiui to be weaker. They ' . Eight thousand of ilis aihs I caialry bad land el in th Crimea. .- - The inhabitanti of Odessa wer pledced to urh tb city ooBcr than allow It to fall into th -baud of the Btiemy,..;. ..-.,.,,j. Alter the butt I of the Alma the Russian burnt all th yillagas through which they passed -their retreats: Ih thir tliizht thev -left- fl.000- wounded behind them. The earriaire in which Mensrhikoff rod, with all th private coriwspondence, was eaptured. the loss by the burning of .Msmel akin, is mated at ta o millions of sterling. -'falhiw haavadvaneerl -4r-Art - in t?1.wil- am accouu(f tb bug quantities destroyed at Ms The Bussians have tank seven shins of th net the mouth of th harbor. . . 1 he bombardment of SebostuDol becan on tlie 5th inst. Marshall St. Arnnud is dead, bayintr died of disease ; and Geo. Caurolxt i in command of tli rrencb .Army. '; .-'". f 'ewiaacr-'Mii lut'ltijftnt'. aLisaawiot Orr. 10. -Cotton. Th tale of cotton during th thr days past amounted to 17,000 bales, including 1000 bales to speculators, and 1,000 bale for export The demand ha bee moderate from the-traits, and tor- exporf.'T""'.""""'' -'. ' " ' ' Hollingshead k Kstley's circular gives thesale ofeottonon tl 10th at 6,000 bale includinc 1,,". oaics tor xport, ana l.issj Dale to specu lators. The market closed dull, without ohang frr.in Friday' prices. Hour. Western Canal S3.; Ohio 35s. Corn. Holders are nressine in th market The demand ba been moderate, and prices hav declined Is, per quartor; allow and whit W. mixed 87. ' - ' -' -' Throt Dttyi later front korop. i ' AEWTAL t)F THE STEAMER" KIaOABAI ." i ' " I - - rjatiral, October 25. ' rTovir ba advanced duriivs tlwweek Is: o.t - Ohio Sua. Wheat advaneinr. Whit is minted 10s. 7d. Corn yellow and whit 2Us. M.s. ney narkat unchaugod. Consul dosed at 9ja t- Th bombardment of Scbaakinol bad Bed. The trenches of the allies at last accounts war witl.ia 1000 yard of th walls of SelakatopoL iijj ware inouiiiaa WHO ou gun. PrWato despateliaaytwwbrweb(wrmwl la tin) walls oa th Oth, Th allied fleet wer eompanitivaly usalsas : and th marine war joining Hi land fore. setiaatiipol wa Ouluolctaly lavestcd by tb al lies, south and Cast. Tha bombardment had oommenecd. i'riuo Msn seh lent wa keftn'mr a Held to th north uf tha city awaiting reinforcement. T in report Uiat slensehikoir bail rank six y els nf war nar tb tntraoc of th barb or Is - l'ruaaia ba agreed to act with Austria. Tb result ia Psnnsvlvania I aaetbar Ulatra. tioa of b truth w hav bora vainly endeavoring to fore uima lb Datnoemti prasa, vis 1 that tli avir th kaow-Nathing ar villined aad aliased, the tr-gr Hiey beoom. W hav aa a good deal of party ioraetiv ia Mr days, but Bet eran m wrriao oasiaugiiia ooeeicvsiiea at Umry.Clay wer iBal to tb Coal salumai viniirni vilsv peratioa and hauliana diatrilw hurled apoa lbs KBOW-Notbinga, by Ibst detoctahl organ af wis aomintairaii.10 in i-ennsyivaaian. 1 bat joomal wa a daily rcaptl of foul and flthy tirades, Nopitliet ia ths vocabulary of bestial langnag seamed by vulgar for its purpo. It rsiiartary of slang was fairly sabaustad after stripping our sopioa vernacsilar of all tilt worda, it procaeded coolly and dsliberatel to ntertaia it readers for siral day bafur tli sleutuiB witb tb most tranaparsat alaadsrs aad iaventioB rsptinf aa ontor, of whoa rolve ao aato u m Beeossarily Igaoraat irura -nioeralic hrslliren kaiaaaad aad aoisma truth to bwra, and parbap lBBtnrlyBia, Uhio, and Indiana Buy bnnma tt oa their aaderataad- lags, an lea they arsfrM kaa with judicial blind Be a. That truth ia siasrdy tbiai that "lis, lik en le Sana, always oabm koaa to rooal." Lat oar demneralia brathm eotabal kaew-NotbisgiiBV if they pleas. Let 111 disprove ils dueuia, if ihey can. Lt th tons be Curly aud a a. and iraiied to th Aasorinaa poupd. la that rase tbara will b an absolut twlaiuly that J un tie sua pgni win aniBwMiy triumph. Bad that ui flisliaeurprlripis 01 UilaBaworraaiaaU. will bo appn.vsid sr reiaew-J anno their owa inerils. litit just a biag a tb daastuaraJH proa 4nbna, aiseuneaivoa, or iwilfully BUMWprnt (a.i jra a ra as is vauaaw so asak (rooaicd aipeals to BalaraliaeJ cttisaa to htiae tua-aUiar aa nnpe Ih Kauw-NMkiag jat aa bang a it pratara lUtrw-tioa to arftiBMot aaa tulisuiuto aagry eaBaatatwsi for ealaa and eaavineing Icarie, so long will it tad il labor boot!. Us policy fallacioaa, aad tb oasiiion ewoly the opposite of what tt soak aad uivae for .V. 0. Hi. AbibwsB Woi Rtc-n is Bsscry ss Tssvi. A Pari ortBp.jadnt of lb PortUad Jour- ttIsyr ' " For the MtUiietluB nf my .wSi issss I mav ay that w where to l,a atrasHs of Lan'bia or Pan aaa b mm Urgar Bam hay of wall draw d tasss than eaa h asat oa Bmadwaj, New tnrh. A to Anteneta la-lies, as for aa a. ob BMrvaiioa go, tbair laala to draaa to aa tosK-b susr-r to U.al of tbeir EufrtaSaa iktm aa they a- alat aapovtnr ia pbyaiMl etvarasa. Tkiaiaaa OsaygasaaaisM bat phi loan. lit Irwih, Hut (sir tuBwifyaiiBnw ad not anal to Pari for fo-a-tooa, for they ar fully rapabl of mskieg theas for tt.easaalras. Fraoeh millinars ..! aa doabl nsialaia tiwir ovrirlv a bmg as Ih pra. ot eharvaiag bat ehaaiiar prn,-e eaa (4 kpt op 1 ja it asm as if !eant iviliaatioa wa Bi aatfi. -lastly sdraeecd wiih o t- a darlara. t.oB af tasdepan.tseae to 1 aisd. It way b Hi as thai aanl Mi li v f.i.fia for 4ra. o-w iat,.rlad to Writ , .!.. shall Wsnasafa toel to ssf sas e.Hrv, tfc praasut s!ry to f. sai,' fsa'.a a w.il la erniiaae4t arv ia. ,- mast wnk to as th day srviva, wl.n I! piamt rt.pac'b-a. la vaapo t I U.lh Will l-f-av s... la a Word, aaf a-ntulrr ahaal l -ri.KMlt.MJi. V" ? '' Afri -uUurtU nrHf, T n im 'il ord Strvllion, Kejeoi, H jearso.d, T. II. M.". Ilahlax, 1st piaimum, Siaiiion, 4 yean old, P. C. Cameron, Or- " an-e, 2d premium, B ly Clt, 2 year old, D.McDanicI, Na-h, lstiremtum, ' f 5 v'iv j'""" R'et,"2 vmrso'd U IL Hughes, Oraovil'.e, 1st preiLiinn, 5 Cdflfouug llegent," 1 jearoid, later J. lUvis, (irauville, . 4 Blank Filly, "Ann IsaWla," 2jearo!J, '' Josiali Turacr, iliililwro,' j',, .StulUont , Bay Stallion, " Orange B..y,H 7 year old, J. B. Leathers, Orange, 1-t premium, ! Gray Mallion, M Jim. Randolph," -1 years olJ.Sol. O'Bryant, Kvixl.iro,' .1 pre. 5 Hrood Marttf t'Jliet and CiJtt. Brood Mare, 5 year old, A. S. Williara Bua, Caswell, 1st premium, : Brood Mar, J. J. BobbiU. Grnnvil'.c, 2d premium, 5 liroud Maro, T. A, Yancey, IlxllOM,, i do da P. (!. Cameron, Oraniro, dp. ' do do W. A. Eaton, Granville, 1i.11. lliy Filly, 3 year old, Fenuer l'ou(g. Wake, 1st premium, 5 Bay Filly, 3 year old, J. B. Leathers, Or auge, 2d premium, i din Filly, 3 year old, Wm. E. Wyohe, Granville, . d'l.. Filly, 2 year old, C, Olives, Chatham, at premium. i illy, 2 years old, Josrpfjon. Alsmam-e. i.4Jttlvi'aBM(Mbti. Aict, lijo!i, 4 itjpj-j 1st premium, " 5 vHU-WNf . '. d ;.. Colt, 6 mouths M, W. Washington Granville, . dip. Bay Colt, 1 year old, Marcu Erwiu, Orauge, I dip. . ... Jfatft Jhlltt), 11--" On pair llorsos, 11. L. II axel, Graham, 1st premium, 10 - thr pair Gray Horsesj R. M. Town j, Gran- vill,2d premium, 5 . - ciinyle Harnett Ihwnee. Buggy Horse, 4 y can old, W. BarfutJ, Ox- ' font, 1st premium, . 5 Bueey burse, ( Bay,. 6 year old. J. L. stone, u r an v 1 Ire, Uip. dip. Buggy Horn, (Sorrel,) W. II. Hughes, Omovilia, a -- (bid lit lfiret. .. Saddle nrfti. J. Wt Lciruv Milton, 1st premium, - " Saddle llureti, 8. 0. Usyca, Granville, dip. fuel and Jennet Jack, 8 years old, Kul'us Jones, Wake, 1st premium,. 1) --Jack,. . yar 14, 4V 5IXil,- -Nash, Sd premium, . 5 Jack, 3 year old, 8. II. Cannady, Gran. vile,3d premium, Rennet 6yarsoll, S. O'Bryant, Rcxboro,' Jennet, 2 year old, Sob (J liryant, Bil boro,' 2d premium, 5 jiiiI-j. Mule, 2 year old, J. K. Mason, Nortliamn. ton, 1st premium, . $ ill ule. W month old, J. .V. lirewer, Forestville, ' dir. Durham $ and tTrvwfc. Tlurham Hull,. 5 -year old, J. Hutchins. lXaloigh, 1st premium, 10 liurliam i.ra.le, IM month! old. Vim. Bu. tt, CaswelT; lod pre.niaiu. 5 imrham tirade, 18 month old. Dr. Wm Russel, Caawell, 21 premium. di p 11 much t4w, l'UU'hes, 7 year old, Mr ,. L. Taylor, Raleigh, 1st premium. Milch Cow, " Kentucky 6 year old. W. I. lVirtih. Wayne. IM premium, . 5 Heifer, ttiradc.) 3 jsars old, i. Maanicl, Nash, 1st premium, J n.ifer. (Grade.) 13 own ths old. Wm. I'.os- ell. Caswell, dia Heifer, (Grail,) 8 monlln old. William Russcl, Caswell, premium, 5 .hieon and (.V.i '-s. Devon Cow, 9 yean old, 8. Smith. Ral eigh, 1st premium, $n n. . H. Havaa Cow, I yaat aid, I). Ma. Daniel, Nash, 2d premium, $ Heifer, 2 year old, 1). McDanieL Nash. 1st premium, 5 H.-ikr, 15 months old. Dr. Wm. IL Holt. Davidson, 2d premium, dip. Calf, 12 months old. Dr. Wm R. Holt, Davidson, 2d premium, - J Calf, li months old, VrT. R, Holt, David son, 1 si premium, S Bull, 2 year old, D. McDaaiet. Na H. 1st pretfiltatfiT -. -...'. . - 5 Bull, 2 year old, T, W. Battle, Eilge- eorahe, 2d premium, d p. Bull(levoii.) 3 yean ioM, V. MiUnniel, Xash, 2d prt'iimiiii, " j;,. Bull, (liev. m and Durham.) 3 r-nu oiL Wm, llusssll I'aswelL 1st premi.ioi, 5 Second grade Bull, 6 Bioutlis oi l, T. W. Rattle, Edgocomb, 1st premium S t)n Bull Calf, 1J month old. Dr. Wm. B. Holt, Itavidson, lat preminui, 1 ) Bull, T. W. Battio, lvlgeeoabe, Lt pre mium, 1 1 On Bull CH 1 ear old. Dr. W. R. Holt, Davidson, 2d premium, j. i t Ayrathirm, Aldarney' err. I Areshir Cow, A years old, I. MeDeo tol,. Naab, lat prssuiiim, - ! Untied Cattle. Heifor, 18 month old, T. P. Devereut, Raleigh, 1st premium, ' Cow, "M.g.- J.srs old, Mrs. E. I.. Tvlor, Raleigh, lat premium, Black and Whil Cow. 4 Tsars e!J T, P. 1-everews, kalni.h. 2d pr solium Bull, year old, W, M. Jones. Kalci.-h, 1st, premium, I Dartias Ok On Tok Working Hies, t and 6 years old. Wm. Iloiwl, ( aawell, 1st prainintn, J Ttra Ink Working ttea, 4 aud 7 year old, Mrs. E. P. Jones,, Wsk, ,, -tme Yuk Wnrtlng Ogea, t 'Jtrt oM, ' Beth Job, Wake, d ... tat CottU. 1 Pair IVvob Osen. 4 ysw-e oIL Dr. W. R. Holt, Davidai.B, lt pmniuia, MJ.i Ons. 1 DevoB and I'url.sia Cow, i r oil, V. M. Iiii. I. Nah, 1st premium, Durham Cow, Itetlis Itlin," 7 years el 1, lrs. E. L Tsylor, Kalaigh, 2d pre,,,.,,,,!, 1 Cow, "NiK,"J years old, D. M. Daniel Nub, AWn. 1 Pair Lamia, year ul 1, R. A. J.-ukins, Willisiaab-SM, 1st prraiiuiw. 1 Buck, a voar. bid, IL M-lan, f un.h.r- 1) 1 1 toad, ll prauuum, I lin k, H m.th oil, IL A. J . . Wilham.Uiro, 2.1 praiui.iia, L A f Lamb, bath Jonas, W ..'., Aauar, Chavter ft r, 1 year oil, J-it. Nil. n, Raleigh, It i-reniiuiTa, - t ha-tar Niar, I nuath't c! I, p. Mit. h-.i. Warren, 11 pramium, Nstivs B.r, '') yearaull, J. J, f'.iio.s , Wavne, 11 praaiiuia, 3 Chin Pi.-s, 1 ro. n.li's i.l 1, It. J! !, , .. Csmtiarlaiid 11 praniiom, 1-uS Ik ft.w, 6 mooib s M, T. l. ! .s., Brunswick, l praouum, Kw aud uitder year ol 1, J. RsHign, 1st piem:um, K.w and J 'i $ra over 3 years e 1, W, II. Williams, Fral kltii, lat r-1,,,1. , rlow, W. II. S i. . sin, t f ii-ii .... . tfoo, L, D. 11j el.. Vlsvna, ,r. ,. , '.'. jf. 4 Coops Brahma IV. li ai, J. C. IV 1. Raleigh, a4 prsnai.im. Trio BuC M ae '.., W. V 1, ' .'a , Ulr.h, 1,1 ,,.,,, Tin W l..i M... ,,', W. Ml. --. , Eaaa.h, 1st p-aSa.,,, Itrav Nm, luas, A. Ai'o, I ,..' 11 plane. .at. I.., Il t..s'.ai .1 '' 1 4 -. I . 1.1 sf an. ...il. I, . k ,, , -.e. ',,.! . , . : !..'.. :i I - i BIU1I.IM UttWo'vP. a.tka . a na laws of , as wall as tb s.sis li.l I . r. i i

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