ii o , ,?!crt!;-Cara!'.nxiir. "WILLIAM C. DOTJB, ten jl-xb raornir . "Verm sT ' If paid itrict'y in advance, tf uo'.lare per en nuiu: dollari end 6fty tai, I"'-' within tu'ieohthi; mi three doi'.ir et the end of "' j i sr. ADrERTl l)IF.XTS -not enevding eUte'ea tut wi.l boiiirrrloa one Hint tor one titr five eentt far -h subsequent, insertion, Th of n r length will be charted propori lione'lr Court Orders and Judicial advwliseratut will be'ch(ra Si per cent. higher f.un th above men. A ro -ml doiactioa w.tl be made " tiio-e wlia elvrrtko by the year. Jlti' and Job Printing done with neatneM au despatch, sad accommodating term. IK,?- LeiUre to the Editor must be postpaid GE1IEI ALDIRCTOE Y--4-Jyne, drf .(pbvi:r,NJipr--.--. ;. Win. D'il if iy wood, Inteodant of Police. . CoSllllsSlONEBS. Emb'ru Jiafd. Kiari.lt- Smitli, .. - - -trr. V. H. Moiveo. MidJU Ward. Seaton OuicK, . ; . I " . C, B. Knot, laano Procter. V'.-y, -.Verier TJari A. M. Oormun, C . ,, - " . B. W. Wuitin. y .s , ,ff J, ,T, rhristophcr. City Clerk. ; (J. 8rKaoti City Ireaeurer. ,, t--raa'ICTff Jtoa-j-......-.;.!.-- nii.'r.vw-sataaaai City Coml(Mt$.na II. Murray, Jaa. II. Murray Wurkot the . - Market, f . Jy conns. Tho Pn?rrme C.Mrt of North Carolina is held In this tit'y nwniHmnnally, on tne oecnnJ Monday In Jimc, and the 30th day of Dwembcr. Judj-s. 11m. FrCiWick Nnh, Chief .Tuttico, I! M. reunion, Amociate Jnilc, W. II. llattle, Kilinnn'il 15 Kreemnn, Clerk; Ham. C. Jonen, IifTirter: -I. T- C. W btt. MamliaH. I'lie I'mt'd Stitfrt I'ircvit Court f.r the ln (rict of North Camlinn la held aenii-annnally in thi city, o j the lt M.unlay in June and the lat Moml.iy in XnTombrr. Ju,i .f.ll..n. J. M. Wayne, of deurftm: linn. Ile'iry pi'tter, of t nvftlc viile; litrii t Attorney, Knbert I. I'iok; CleVk.VniT-tt. Haywood, Sr.. Marshall, W oiler June. . , ,, The .SVoTier C'mirt for this County, w hold on the (lint Mcm.lay after the fourth Monday, in Jlirehnnd September.' John C. Moore, Clerk. Mntt. W, UHHu-jituwoiir (3enoral anil haluir Itor of the fourth Judicial Dtmriet. . Bfc L'4MJlLP..i.U"J l.ehl on tha tljird Moinhiy i" tehru.iry, 31 a Aun nud Vrrmher. Jelt. LU'-v. lein. Vkuuiiiun v) Uw County tonrtc-" Uliaui lio sj 'CmmtyW-'lhr Qunn'JW T.HS'W'C ; Ma -til' hI K,'kr Cimnty William II. High. 4 U lilU iicott. . Jtujinler.-IL Hutson. HANKS. J ink oC th Stub of X'flh Cirolina, ini-orpo-ratellH.'.Tl. Charter expires' in I. Capita! S- thHt slividel into liih"! shares of who h tl,e I,ite-ary Board balds o.tCi and the Luivur- itV l'HI'1. Prioeip.il Unuk at Hale'tll. tte.-tfo W'.-M,rd'H'ai, PveiJuut.- . Charles liewev, Ca-hier. ..-J.XU.wi,njJ.r ' feirrrnod Sotery rubiic. W. Aiiuer.sou,l)isuiirXIcrk auil Notary rubiic. Jordan Wonible, Jr.. Clerk. This Bank has branches at Newborn, TarWn, Fayette ri lie, Wtltrmesfon; Klirnbeth City, Char lotte, Milton, Mjranton and Winds-ti .,, OIHKiToRS. " On the rtcTTSnTS5i : w. fwrv, Vhh- liu Trotisuref, cx-flicio, U O'B. HrtUK-h and W. It. Poole. -trn-rhr-pitrtif the SbwUtoUer ; gjii.lluy-ljii.uijjt Win. 1'ca. e, J. 11. 0 n, J. 1!. i. Kouihuc, A I . JooA ano 11. E. .Moore. llflerinx and lU-iwwat day Tuesday. I Hscamnr-d-rT-" VV-edvil y. lome tie B.fis and IlilU ur Exclaue diaconut e l eierv dav. li-i-o';c-. hours from 10 till 2 o'cluck. ;.' .. . V Brut 'i of th.- li 'tnl f tie Cape Futr, William II. Jones. Cashier. K. V. Einch, Teller and .Notary PuUie. ll...i.-r.,..-.iii.,. W. HlTW ol, T. 11. Selbr, e o .1. nes, i,wrg Ll!ie,lif. Hi inr end I . H . V. Jluuaiaisi Uifering day M.iuda v, Wscount day Tuceday. 1UIL UOAD1. Val'tjh and tlailtm llnilrtad Cumjianj. I,. O B. Hraui h, President, . W . V, Trca-up'r, P . .1, Assiataut Treasurer. CM. Alien, le:rt Airent, 'c tost orricE. Wdiiam While, Ur., Post Master. Ofli.-e hours, on w eek days, Iruiu Jsiui-rise to 9 P. M. . ' IBB TSATEJLLIK'i OUIBI aiaiTit sid iitriinii oi atiu at asuii n. NOUTIIEHN' MAIL (Ur 1Uilob,) Thrmiirh Mail close daily - - - at 6 1 a. m Way Mail - " at 9 f- Arrives daily at 61 p. m The Cars leave the depot at 6i a. in WHTHEltX MAIL (Br To-noa.i Un a.) Closes daily at 6 1 p. tu. Arriiea daily s ...- at., 6 . u xu.. The II M-k leaves- .. at 7i p. ui. W La I i.UX M ML (Ur I'ota uoasa ( oiia,) Ckuwa daily ...---..--.-at 7 a. Iu Arrivee daily ........ at 11 p. ui The Ciew-h leave ..-at 6 a. m Ool.lislumtr' MAIL illr I'oi a-uoa-n Comk.) - Closes dn it. UxccpL Sululiy, ? ; at .7 .Jk. tlu Arrivee daily te.-e)'t Monday,) at 1 a.m. The Caeh lae daily ...... at 7t a. m. TAUlKHiu MAlU(UrTwu-Roai IUii.) riow-onSHindsv, l ae.iid lloir., at V p. . ArrtvsssTiHwbiT, Thnrs. and Sa at 7 p. . llaelihaveoii Mon, Wed. and Eri., at 5 a. w. PITIMIOI'.K MAIL (Br Tmn-noa.r llr,) 'r4Hi ou Tnessfar and Satnrdnr, ai 9 P. tu Arrives on M' n lay and Thursday, at 7 p. m Jl k leavei on Sun. and V 1 1, alsait 7 a. i . r Ta TastiiBT or l.n r No nue ran walk eur thorourhfarne wnhout l'in( iineres.ed with the trulbfui force of the rsii.siks id the New York Murur. wbu h ail tltere i" more real Ira red V to b eswa i tiie etrveta than ia ite Ibsaues, ta; f Ihe asial heeuttful o( the estora it had lately . ....... arJ "" ' " " vwrntsukabl. 1-a.k aWt her ft... her at fiwM in a ell, fin t.( tt tlii ; hrmrt IWIIirf tirri, Ml f ! lraNMil l7ZV.2Vl T."il,V:T iiful f,ad el,e. aa -be di..- liar sua k.t.bie Urme al aig il i.y'. M th-r.svt.tarw. eyaosnre i f asm a etes, II e je. ,f .l .l,n,s ' avf t:i,ol..: lipil V owianchuir m-eti.ia i,; ..l,a,eie o Joe In Utt snwuiala.! smiie-wo paaw la that (i V a. The tkeleae -wrl .f sirtoe le thrown inia the fvMer, as d writ sst ll.a Eerie . ( Paradiae warp at awi h a !. 'Ja. tutu. At rTn II, sono.-Mr I'Miihe. a.ii,r f IhetaHiiaviHaJosrualwhoieoaavtsil lo Mrtnphie, kaa baa Lmi IrtmA a t,ul.iM- d. ner I. his f. .1. UusaK.lr. Mr-Prawiowsasr-wtosloflaeiatitaihor,1 aad e4Ma0ay Urt i tk ail. wae epust I. f IK. aissuu t.. i.l . . t.. J...,. . 1. issa situ skauBaa e( lae esaaasillsa gast le ktuiM, ? , i 1 - - - - s. , , c-'SV 9 . ' - . y ta ... .... : Ilorllj-Carclhiit Starlfcof"'!1 RALEIGH. N. C. SATCKPAY MOKN1NG, NOVEMBER 11, 114 AormexT. We understand that Mr. Kiriinn of this county, wan crushed between two cars on the Central Railroad, nliove Italeiwh, on the afternoon of Xi.urtJay laat. He is nut ex pected to recover. Rev. lir. reeni", wlio f,r several yean pat,haa been 1'resi'lent of (jreenHlwro' Female College in tl)i State, ha dei'lined the l'resiilency of Cen tenary College, liiatc.l at .Tai ksort, La. Canada, Xew llrunnwick and the Cnited States fftve etninniied the Kwlprocity Treaty between jsjMyi-yiM ofthtod.'Altrei- . . i . .. tnltea roe its and moiaesea now pass into new 4eWsu A Preihctio.v. A Wa.shio'gton correspondent of the New York Express predicts, that within tho next four months, collisions will take place at Greytown between the cilicei's of the British Navy and the Tinted States Navy,1' which will bring on a war botween the two nations. We hate rule faith in nvulcra prophecies. Prr-Paymf. NT of I'o.-.Tiot:. The Wa-diint'f n .Star learns that s.fuie nine months ao the Post Office T'cpartmeut caused an examination to 1 e made into the use of postajcstnmps.Ac., from tin result of which it was concluded that tUiy-two per centum of the letters ctlt in the mails were at that time pre-paid. Very recently a secord similar investigation shows that at this time ijuito sixty per centum of the letters bo sent, are pre-paid. This increase, the Star reimuks, shows tiiat our people are just coming to under stand the advantages of pre-paying niail mailer. "ftlTtHV FOR TM XaTIONAI. CriTOI 'he editors of the Kiehmond E'eiuirer hae rtcdlvi 1 fronvMr. Crawf-fil, the American sculotor at Hour', a p rtf'.'Iu ol' ph"toera'liic works'of art" among tiseui a up of fifteen figures, ordered bv Congress f.T tho east front of the foiled States C'tt ilol extension, rii: a riiperb female figure representing tho Kepublic, with an ea'le at her b caud the ran Ti.sinr on the other side ; on her ri'M hand, fj ;ures rcpresenlins nationa defrneeJ.X Washington drarin his sword science youthful edueation, niechonlca and asrieultiira; on her Ic!'t hand, figures representing an Indian resigned to his fate, and a squaw and child sitting .jULur a tj.vc a l juls .'iuiiI aiuiujilk A.dojt AuJ game, and a bardj w; iouan felling a tree, symbolic of the ura lual pr.ireMof the settlement of our jreai ami extensive c uutry. Is Till; Ilrner tiATti Pi 111 Y IS A'i onO,Mi:Tlo Toe foilowinir exiias. t. from too li' hiu aid ii quir?r, the leti.lio denio.'ratie p'aper in Virginia. ra. Uiii-ulli e l eiieve ti nviclii is universal that the le:m criii ' o li v ol" ll.'s Siate Ins oot Wen in -eo eri ?reat overthrow eooditiull sinrc Ih it. The rimka of ihe f 1 eiieuiy are lr;ely of sources, and. w h i is lerlntidv uiioaired recroiled tnin a varieii is win se, ..or otM) streoijiii IjV a smothered s. iri of .lisatfeciiofi, Tois ia e of iuu,s has not cs capisl the observation ol W ide biors: and hence they manifest a colili'len'e and a trticulei.ee whuh contrast siranuelv w.th t'oeir habitual d'-.s- erai, IssH-of sajr amiy woo bnivard t- ite nextci-uvasa wttn mistrust and apprehension," A S'-inrti i ll-' o B. The l.H-al cdiior of the Petersburg E.x res, relates the etiience of a Norfolk lady at -the State Pair. She bad eu'ere l oue uf Ihe crowded outtiibu-si-s of Main street, in order to meet her fiieodsat the fairgrounds; mil a numbers were there anxirus to ct seats in the same vehicle, it was pretty close work : A fasbionn'lc atii'-ed ret!tlemanvcrVfVf.'M'- lookintv 1 his rst by the side of the I adv. He was ttiessed in Ihe tsst bl ti k, with a ni mi r-li-ftious h.kinif nei-k tie. A handsome latmn el-ak hung gracefully over his shoulders, while his hands (.f in st noble bulet symm.-iry, eucasisl in spotless and delicatclv eolott-l "kids"! rested trarHinllT en his lap, I he ladiea present could p d help admiring the aristocratic model of tluase banda. On drawing near the Chinese entrance tn the Pair ground, our lair hif-rnmnt f-lt something iilrrinj ber d-s near her picket. i surely swM rmthe the hand f - hee- ystsj weitfMe-r. forther were tranquil io his lap, Aaiti she felt omelhiti tln'm near her tush where her waieh was fas'iiiatnic'y I l?el. She put down her hand, and rra- j the itocm Biier of an ain known hand llot.iin,; evidently t" the peoteel penNinae Ly her tide. The Idea of a r'ir- or mi haudsd eisa s.i Wu-xlu4 th lady that sbrlekeil and f o-l nbt of '. W ith a Udd winj of his "Talma." tho arisi.icra'ie '"" epissare t, and their owner, amid the eotifu.i m, said fc""d run at.) ?et aaiie wa'ertfi re.tore the lady. He lid so, but we preiitne he went vers far to fetch ii, f .r be has not I eon yetbeanl i l eonnetion wiih a d "water. When thels.ltfiHiti l he.-se'f1h tpeatrrfeifli; tion, she tdd the cau-e and s.riived that her pul monale and pen- il ease wen ; n, and it, aiark of a i'ir ol mii ere en tier watcn rt,ain The rsvir of neatlv glove I hands were "sham mere 'iieor ducks;" while frini leo-at h the fa- rllitaiiiif'ymtisttu'trd Mdof the lalina, ibe real f.esh and' bone were warelennf ins. liously U, si an a ol tne la.r is.it vaiuai am. j ( ;i siale.1 thai a Ian n, of ln.l at y I mL-uJ.. A know le-l-e of mi. lo ,.U I- ... , (u) wfc some pws-e .,1 m a w.wk is re,,,rw I I . !MinMiir.M- i iT lilUA'f I iTatil tll, it Hit t! - 1 laV . , . j .k . l., . t Urliu." Thee. - .1.0 imU.J . . , H. . . ,. r .la i .m ar " ' -- . " ' ' . Mm! ira .adjust! to a lathe, er l eraiae tail lnlvi,l. m r .urf aoiion;'lhie will rad ly cut if a p.la, etiUiof I" I of tempered ! I ,lin. awul i.rewu ( ur re-!ucutt the tsa par. , Aeiraii fiena C rr t sb A Wir f.e lUrstte saaiaa UmI the p(.r.sti siaataer jaoae t-r. afm in is the ksit- f Havana, n Iks a Ida Asaencao e,-i..ir reerie, ae a fn ue The pearler Uw Ui a saU er. k. (-.1 !''". Ho. la, wiser. .Le hoi a law d.. a.,i d til lan.ls-t her briar 'rw-.. wlo, a a r. Lea tar. ie ' 1 1 tke aeibone n a af.sr U Cxi IkNeaia. a . SALEIGH, NOTHH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY KOSXING, 'VOLCTlOXAHt Hi;U0. t't curi iiu and attraelive object Mhibitod at the late I'nir in lticlini.mJf mi an antique punch bow!,crckeil throup!i"t its whole wi liu, but eiretuily wmented a ae tn latt-l, in former days Bim its owu botbin." A pr auachedto the ml. mated that it waHthe pnjperry of a lady, in Henrico, to whom family it luij appetiiiifl for two gener'ati'ini. I'urinj thel iiertuutioiidry war the p.ipcr utiiteji at the t.me when Coriiwailis waa Go'iceotruiiog bin fon-es upon Virginia, a party of Ur ti-h nol lera jtupped at the houic of 'the lady ill qiu-ntion. llcr huoai.d was absent, either Uni pfiva'.e bunines ur in the army, au-l shii w t-oecil to reveiio the tr oiep. who paid their re-perra to tl.e o uifntd of the cellar, and' held a hi;;h . eurou.-e. 'l'ie:r lat a, waa to" eoinlil ind their h-,less to brew them a boTl cf pun ii, hieh l.o did verf ivuwiiiiitirlv her pitrt -tic invpuliei rendering it a hateful task, 1'he tr,mper then f-rced 'her upon her krees, held tiie bowl to tier lips, and ordered her to drink tn the auis esj of the royal arms, Theiieroie lly iiutt-ail of oLeyiiij;, lmnk 'aui'ceta U H anluoUin : fii i the nubftanceiif wh'tttliejajiertjited ami e loiv ot t re:wv-v reiinn w douht4iie ,,,:;,. l..,,; ., . . ,,,,.,,, J.. l s' ... 1.V...1- . I. . 1,-,. ...... ,.r..l,. whole air. We trust that some olouv readers.!. ii-, t ' i t :. ' f . . o. j y'Wats-agWWawaHsiiW. ootd an actiou, ehould too be Wrs ir ua , , , c . i . netnory. and the vouiitf peoide of to-dar faiinot , i-r o " ,7 1 ' . r A i liave Ltore t.iem a nooier exauitdarot the errand UUTOttli me have lfore them a nooier examplarnf the rand aeof the Uevolu'i'ii than thi - irima wouien hae alw.iyn Iteen "itroi- lor too richt," and havedj'nc wiiai they console; ed tlicirduty under all ciri'iinistaiiccs but it is seldom that we tilid anvtloot; as (ie as this. iiipCtanlly are sui h a.-tioiis le'.v :oeI i'.ir beiween, iu utir mvn t.roS;uc i,o,'.at ,oei. uiien life seeuis to be wliippcd ol'its -l.,ry an i iter.oui, auo -lie. ae or ale. liselt u'o'.m its devot..n to tie- "in 1 i ii el.aucc." i hen we tiod ihee old hist nicji hmdiiiarks of the past, it i.oc 'iiies every one v ho eltei i-!ies respect for the e! !i-r time aiid its iioble eoaraeters, ta give them due h.iaof. 'l"oev o.-ak with clearer voices than any liiorio f'ae. and in their pretence, we-live oer the "past attain, witii all its sh cks and tumults, iu suirei ilia's and trials, its agonies and rejoieiti ;s. It. ii-e,-i before us sixain With ubsoliur t'caiitv not as a sofi oi' .iinruuilic' era. more or less uu'thical and i'almlous. a were lad to see at the late 1 inhibition, more than one memento of the lleuilulioiiary period. i't. Kxn AHJt ISITIOX Id' ' 1 11 . 1 lha..,A'uft-jikiJXit.,aM..ijJ JiiCMLt ...fcU-i. "(Hir pr.vati' a-Ivi -e efiable us trt state with eor t itnty the re-ult o' the miiiisteriiil tmd nnibassa doria'l eoi.feii nee r-i-.Mitly held at Osiend. .nr.d tUif t'ISV-t l!tlIVil Will. M ilppt.ir,a.,.H llCoaiji up i ti a loc ot p v y I, v vlioa oar uitli1 h stpain woo! 1 oo adoisted, nud licit '. tiltles 'Veni- menr iTtTrf-e-l- rei ei rate ai fsr oiifruiei and i i.li'i'tiei up ai our citixeus and coiinnrri'e, us iic'l as scuriiv fir the future. The eonf.Teiioe no-p- ir.iiy brought up lor dis mission the T'ls-uliacp .siiinn iu wirlch the JorerTt nlnt' of the roiled Siaic- is pl.o ed bv the refu-al of Spain to allot 1 anv suitable -atisfaetion for tha-JaUok.Warr'...r ariihilhur outra -,es : or, indeed, toiutinue ncri -.I. aliens uts n thesahh et. M fitters have arrivel at that crisis win-re nothing is left for the rnited State- hut either to abao-hot thh whole nuestioii or to continue" It in a loam er .1.1.A..J.-J1 .r-i,! : ..p...,.,;!. 4Utur,;eit:r j ..... . . . : shutllinf. Such bc'a: toe opii.ioil of Messrs, Poielianarr. Vason and S.ule. ive are not Mir. prised to U-arn toat liter ic-reed to recommend that the cos-eeiinirt of the Cnited State should declare, in oiled, that our sal.'tv deinarele 1 and i-nr interests required we should purchase or Uke.CiU.cl.iU. 1 lute . . . It ir nn ii -s-. mi. I that Mr, MclUe, fair Consul at Pans, v-bo arrivel heie in the Arahia, was tiie be l-er of the dep it.ihc c..liveyi;i) Uiis re. - nrmrau ndtiti-ir-nfirtiw l-nr.'rii tin-Miiii'iemr itmtr I r -i -,?: no in t'os Pie idcnt ianuediatclv to tini-c i:.e ai' v d, and r.uc steps to earrv it into c'l s.o, Tlo- iiMfer i n.i'. L'-ioj; ilclil.eruted tip-n by the raloucl at W adiiio.Moo. nnd the eouutrv wil1 I k 'i'ti deep ititrtre-i lo the re-u!t. Mes.rs. ioicbaiian, M is ai and Stmle have also evjire-'e 1 their com iction ilia' I'rance mid Eng land ale fiiiorabh) to Ihe sale M t'uba to the I nited staiev a m-irked change h.ivtnv refoitlv til'sen o'H'-e in be (nda'T of tio.e countries in t OS reso.wt. The tone ut the Eiwli-h and I reach ibeea-; lovt tlvte rs repd-Ted more frtip-irtarit bv tiie offi -ial eliaracter of the infoi uiati .n now in possession of our jvernmelit. A urn i.rtoiiii. f is iintM'ssible to read the jour nals of tl.e day the new itciii.-witimlit being at i il. k wnii the en iriiiiii lirqiiciicy, jost at thr rei'iil l me, .,1 crime- cnnecte l a r h a sluctioii. The puie rs are li-.-riitly croaile.1 with the repul--iie details of a thousand inch cases, and each new one, aceui t-i coiiti ud tor the palot of suj-e- intv, tiv pre-eotinir some moei pre-enting some uoiei particular. ' W e I jink that Una evil suoiill 1 corrected by the strong hau l of the law. If iking i mucii turil.er. .s:.ety will I a pen uf wild beasts, whe-e every hus' ai.d, la.l.cr and brother. Will of i.e. es.-ity, be vailled iqiou lo stand saiiiioel ever the tueoiUrs 1 1 h,s hou-.b.dd. 1'he eaae with a liieii il.ouct,otis are e'ir, iri iu tliis couutry u obiiou. and notion;; Lut aaliole.imie terror, will picirat ill brutes, who are engaged in such aflairs, fio,b as--,Miiptisi,to llieir paiH, We thiuk that ih.s iT.liie is coming to 1 rear.ied iii iu proper liht joiies, in two or three late instances, 1 aie re-olerc I jus'ly seine verdi.-ts: and loi ter.dttt ran a.d .U tai tm sa. jie. If we are not ru;iken, the v, iiiton is -bmly sfrowin into a p-qoilr cionivtioB. that ti.e man who per rf!lis,e.s a forcible oolra;-e of litis de-fiplici,, it (pooy o( ci.me, w Ui. h ihe death pui.isl.Hieai is not t,, much f it. i.eri not dwell uf- a the uitieet ihe dreadful r-sulis ol se.-h aKairs are plain lo rierylaaly, and nresl no e ninis-il f om w. t erimrrelies.wewmt rif have nsscr wietili,- ho dares so to violale the laws ..( ti -a, J man, sUun; up lo-!. aa Hauiau. '. hjjirmt. Wnr 1'i'r Y r Asintal 'Und li e f A. lowing extract fr m a re am address lf ,re the wiesdiafiM-a of I ui.ville, anl riinsar it if You A man mar sit In an r-l.seure a'ler efTer'i, rea l at two iiet.ee ap i'f. yet fi.T is pur- ha-er tt e! if ti e sen e i,,sn were kio wa to bae aar! r m'm at rso:.f,h:e ri es, tifofr th iia.le of a ruck In H e de-ert, raratai mtM he forme,!, an! eoyr viiles w old f.i to l.uf Ms rare. So il ia wi-.h a maimfa-lurer. Ilvsira y be evr a -1, Ins price ever ss raaia- ble but m!fo he rf.q I. I s pro,,, f m an cf nti. ice Ifeta kuowa b. the piiLl.c, be cannot evrect Let as nn Umrrr Jt. Eke J s Talk w hi.EsWaf, pit in ftB' urh.pn o aacu e -,d sp treat," hde our leora aefova r.eict.lrf.ur is teioioie the reward of a less diirtitfied ta.i more reutuneetne. indo. ju liji.es i(.v p.. it.ji .s.-.twi staod in the d .r . i-ur marl, end rt!l to every ps..ffl,v, inn wiicii He li-ln f in,' air and the ehcainie- of iheif price. If our Uler I honor,!!.', iba rmpl'-nietit of eneh reao ta irske :i locraiice, i-i ner be di(.ioi.,rtilde,- l;iwoelr li.a haut,fu m a.,! oy a,,'.. ,r.-u of f C'rfltj.-oSl. " "IU,.owa n t the rhil! of imhjtnt iiiraatiuw." Tni lai Arnsstit or Tiet-eetarr Tte L,,l pors rci -it t' le'ler Mai'besr r. rnei iu tt.at if lr sa l'. is, a h, nail lo 'Is, rU.r. anoher La wee fiaof for the W-aaUt i f at beao ,. -e.tti.'.s state that Ihe Hav, -il-e raau, t,ltbuo iS wsrti -r I' d-.wa I f toe p..tdk ilaiasii .t wkteh aa bte aw h-i? aofesoe-i la. k a. 4 lb rherlal y tni erwWoa he wea - t.,-. '. 1 1 at to be h ql t,t Iks araar d as btk la f as avsy eonlritK.it to t resuiraitsa af h, hat.U.. Dsltrrrtd at Mamjinl tn tk& oecawod o U A a-. rii ulhtral Fair It seems to b?aniost'unfortunatf cieci!"mtanee that I should be selected to aprakon lluuilei- a lrKikin on the ladies, whbe prt.'feion it pfl'ul. nrly i, 1 6nd it hanl to expresa myself in their presence. Kvery thing U hmnbu : the w h -le State in bumbo, except anrAriculttiral S'oiety ib.it alone ii ntit. i Tlumiu ii generally tlefincd "deceit or i.wisi. tinti, " A burglar who brr-..U into vour bmie.a larger wtio eheata you of your pr.perty, or a ras cal, i nut a iuiTolti. a humbu1 is an iiupoeb r : hut iu mf :iiii;-iii t lie triie. iuee,iiii!T of humbug i is uiaiiae-i,eot tact to late.au o!U truth a.:d $tii it in aitrnctive f rtn. But up hnttibu;; is rcat without truth nt the bottom. The woolly horse wTts a r-?iity. lie was really born with a wonlly cunt. I b 'tiht him in Oincinuati fr$;i00 and pent bun on to Ciianfetioot, but for a lod; tima I doubted what l.elioulj ft feim, and liwf l that bn would die on mT han't!, Ju?t at this time, i 184'-, fot: t'reninnr Hud lit' party vero reportel to have been lost uin -ag the KuekviUnnitninai I'uo puh wyotiy llorre. "f.' 1... a..i..,J- iu.. r, ,i ,a . . . , , V, ,,. .... ictjoseup m too noroess ort le liiver .an aiu- J . .,, . . .,, i,' t oi. 1 roin'rit a oai t . no n: , r.i. . ' r.i L deme of the nature of there i t. r art.Hik in a unituiar orTalo, antelor,!! and aniet. 1 1. is s:, ry was so Jar true, in.tr i was myself the quartermaster whj captured him. and I cieirjed a quarter for the sirrht. The picture .a'side the. exhibition i'.cpi-;ed th animal as juiupiii over a lu-lfrenf reeks ; now if the ftniinal eau rea.iy locjusl, as shoan in the picture, lie must h iiejoi-se.1 over a spafe id" five mile. To haie belieii-d that he c -i:ld have eurvived such a leap, wr::ld have brsn the r?"ossC3T hmnbojr,. lin' Col. I'ttnton, wljyi utn'.erst inds n1 Iniinbnt hut his own, arrested my scheme, and prosecuted no- lor obraiuing money wide- false protein es, as ihe hor-e v.s not whtit it profci-sed to be '.but I think wr-inplv. as the people wlu saw It were aathuej; and' they gol the v,'cr:h of thoir money. Now ,tl.c fcieniiti hiinibiij; should know the prccitie moment .to- act as l did, -ir the worhl would never have been hloraed with night of Ihe woollv h '.ro. When tiie woolly horse arrived from Connecti cut, he w as put iu a stable near Lovejoy's Hotel. ne of the boarders who r ime to see him reeojt- inseii nun a an ammtti no ima twn m miiuhw r-irt. . :.':l.ll:,d.".i"tyr,!;:l.".!' l.rji-. fl'1! .V11".1 animal before, "it s'aliv an extraordinary hum bug." He took upa I'rirud from the same hotel, ami after he had seen the anim il, let him into the secret, and in succession thief v eren persons 'ii ere . ,n f iip.'ill T vininoTTirt giiiiiii pood liiimor exeept the last mttii. 1 Jiavo uut the Tauiti' to call luVAkif a real scieutilic hunil.u, 1 am only an humble inembei of the profession. My iiintiTrton to be Prince of Iluiubuita I will renin, but I hope tiie ptihtie -will tnlM -tli will for the deed; I can nssurethem that if I bad been able to ive them all the humbiiirs I have thuti);hl of, they would haie be-n ntiipW sntistied. Ihloie I went to England Tth Toniji Thumb.! had a skeleton prepare 1 from various botes. Ii jvo tu have been made ii ieet hiidl ; it was to lone been burie! a sear or an in tlhio. and then dJgJX-yC.'r1' " h1 " P""1' tH'" ... .... . . T'aT " -l'.'j;-.TJ-f-.lE.S icaiu loin ' Here were e anis oi oiu. iiiepin. i was to pay the person who proposed tn pat the -keietoii together Wus t'i have len ?--o. Eut iliidhrir Tom Tduitnh mure aucremful than I thought, 1 sent word not to proceed with the skeleton. lv uiamurer, who never tiionciit iiii'.iil,T-ufHlf"r; !ifull) ttlilji::i)iai:.-Js tvU M' etou for ui i. Seven Team tir erwar. I received from the Soul!: an account of a trcantie skeleton tiiat bad l"-eo fiaind. Ac- ,inti7inylii it w"ure7TiVceriTfii ah a or scietiiitic itiol medical men as to the ifeiimiieness The owrer a-'n" I Ki'.tssi or $l,ti a month ; I wrotu u. him il he hruUt it nu.l would lake it if 1 b.und it us represented, or would (jjr he exines if not; I found it was mr own old iin inat hhinhuc' is.nie back to me er iiu; "f couise 1 relu-cd il.iind I never heard of it atterwai ls, Pol tTtrs ii tit t Pi i.riT. The New Y rk paj-ers of Sa'urdaT wc-e filled with noti.ea of sermons pti tolit'tcal suljei-ta to 1; preaclu'd on Sunday w tliriW-Ht sa.ao.Mia of ilia eitv, in ie ,f th eb" lion to be hel l yeaterdHr. The "Cliureli loiiriial." t Epi-i opalian) rommeniiiig upon ibis estraortt nary feature of the tunes, pertiueuily enquire. "What is the reason of all tl.'u ? Has the old fashioned loispe! which we have been accus tomed to bolide was the f'.t erla"tini (be.i.el hi'eii a hevsf b exhausted and worn threadbare? Is no tcvtital.h enough uow for pretw hers em iKtooie except it ij taken trmn the tiopei ai Ciirdtu to the Haily pitiera? Is it that the minister are tired of the old topics of jrrace and salvation, ani no binrer In-line that "li tsd" .d wh.chlin-y pn-lend lo 1-e "prea-diers T the piaui we Uoa wish to make, however, l licit in Ihe ooiiutiT, where, as we hid f,iidl l.ojrtvd I'hurch an Istaie Uehirion and Politics- were thoroughly and tiirrver divided. pqnil.ir Preachers are rapidlv rising t-:i he ihe leaders ol pdiiwal parii,-; and pulpita are fount to Le as iu tiiuee of old the beet recruiting drifms Uat un roiere fur political partirai a. And corre-.'UiiHnt i Lai.e bae htkeu pi iu Politics, too, a well aa in rs.i.oii Mith f them rai.ui aud faiiiu upon ooo Ic.Qsrntie pivot in tiopull. AI toe pulpit, tirfrelore, lias grown po.ttical, Ibe stuiup has waxed laoua, and "Xebisika" filial out lustily from the ineeting' fi'inse, it ii i,ntv in aonoTuu unison with tla "Hi(her l-aw,"" rus aiudinj from the Halle : t-.mreas. Pv-s or Mitifi f-'iriT, Tiie leal is carried to "ifw t.,jrf"t1,e"!oWor'l,yis .i.iH i.s and ihiio. worked by siam ; it i then pot in a fir- tisjee j ket.i civ until hurninc niaht and day and ailundc l by Iwu set of men one for the (ire and two to pour the niched h-ad in tin straiuere. A fee aMisiuj( the, si-nilieri it fall a distance of leii.-vi. lb pa-w. e tlirougH the air EKinr the ah.4 iim'.t aiaisa wc Usm. 1 to. i iaU uuA a iarzi tub or leu u of eaier. II ere a loan ia engaged dipping Ibsiw ia,l wiik w t4.e ai4 tur.att.s; them ou au mi Lord plane, down which th -y run to a drum, heair I hi I'lani and s-ncl Ik uia- elimary, s.i as n illy li e sb si ; when liry they era ii-1 into a ret, ivoajrlruiw, w ttu u e-op hi acliun i.f maeuinerr evt ry f. ,e niioulea, f i-.l ishim-'tl.eia s f m the drum Ihry are thrown in to a lH.pier, and Irowi this tty s over a sariea iifmcl nd .laiisj alri-re lief .1,-. , lia sh at are earns.! off, and li,. mlir nth ', into tlrawers, tiere thev are ...iirts-a by a. u,n ol mart, oer or ssnva ;'lbew into the la'pre U-ars ; from w lley era lake, ar.4 but IH esveka, Weibad, and ere reaity lure. w-s--.i Nuilaii t'oarinKsf f. Hon. I'an rl Pi. Itaet. in pkiee"f to Pia'ee a.ltoiii.sltw- laa ua WteUnsadaar Ialn,a , li-lss.li. 'I wdl nut stop, t el k, to di. use the tuerite f ihe admntttlralowt tw, e-r I be Poll rl tn dn .ia luSiaitii loaiiars, , 1. ol I m rs siol I .,,.,, tr,tl Iu a lui.aitieitn p"J of ibis Siaiejike.la eat K.a s,'jsiao4 . u'taoy. uate a-tit-i.t eoaie tas-ie of .ia rtwi oo. , Isu, i teij and Lielinr a Mhr ta fail, u.-v lake retain In etc otto Ireuaasd lnhlf; knoeu n that lo be eae if 1 1. bssat t r-tainea i4 !. y B ulal i:i,k kr.uan. bau; t.tsr and i itry a I 1 a, S',..-,ln, to I ac wuts, in tanar jiis il.aa tf.ef we a le t lra.i the ? ni Ua thel'ita.' ea II au lliaad, f.f I tetitri ti.ay base takes Ibe I nsl oj r , i os t. 1 put it in the raw : o. 1-as ; 1 r o.a i tauf Ola . j anil istatl and dale l..i . ,r of tla rave, ha pial koasatf I upa. tks bi"(t b is i-ai-l si te ' laejhier ar 4 rt.saw. 1 aed N0VEH3ER 15. 1854. THE rniH'KH'S MKTAlA The deb etnentof one silver' e.tn autliftr!xel '" by congress, has in a (Treat nioasnrw ehjckl tho ' Philadelphia .sy. fjruishea the f-lh wins inter eoorm xis Urain which wriotisly threatened to j ei g iketch f.r Sturday' isu of that paper; withdraw turn litis cottntry. th? 1? ennco of f The scenes of wretchedness, misery and woe tint precious me'al. The ret'iedy. however, wmk- i Jaily encountered hy IteportersVif the Press, are injt only as a partial eur", as 0ere is sttll eon- j dike enlculated to disgust os with our fellow si decide disproportion l:wrn the Miotdy that ; rnruiv; as well as to make na imagine thia exists, and the amount required to meet the wants j world is eouipof rd an unchariiuU rvtid un of trade, a a cireubti"' uiedintn. and the re- I rhcpstiati sot of linprs. Tm often do we see a qoirements i f the various estnhli!iHem .that f pour boy, who has within him (1 iteceMnry ue it f .r rmttnfaeitiring purpofcs. Ttm larce talent to amntaei n li'ph pttion in life, r. thles. pply rf .'1. a ci iuparej with that of ilier, j ly hurled ai.k! and passed by nimolfctfi Isy lluit rttitil-sheil ti-om the tnines. dorinc the r-W 1rv I who have ano 'e meiiua of rendcrinir him assist- years, rrodn; e 1 the ehnnrw in their rrl.ilive val-1 anee, and .placing him in the hij:h road, to aCiv e, which operated a tl.i pritn iprtl eaoc of the 1 enee. ) Matgf a man w Its now occupies a proud scarcity of silver, and it is I kciy this nr. p. .e iter- j position in our midst as ait ornamenMo aoeioly; ante in the vie; i of the gold mines wail continue j mid an honor to Lis country, if iudebtcd t.i'm for some time, there will mU l!Mh'ceiioi to is ;'riral help of kinlcus at the hands of a charita Oct to etTranr.ii trvexTrertTeri-s in order-to lur- lde bc?n. On the other hand, how many are n.sh a sutrii-ioiiey ol las while caiin tu meet the naiilsof conioei. o and trade. liot there aio one or t'.vo other causes io l.e as signed bar tjio ataa-ity of silver. We have an ext nsive trade gr.inin" no i ith China ; and the tart that ( hina doc not ia.oi:uu g,U( coin as rnoirrv. iti.'cviies an oi:iV'- To i ur 8ovtIr" com t-T uo meous niSMiiticatit- Is is t'us. tntit the dcatn iifilTgii;t-fHitfa iMi itMt,i,jsffit3UitriC!riiJifiii with a I other tianorv. but id late, in coute quence of atapid ue'rease of our imereourse and iido with the vast ri'ornve. th:s dratti lois lei onemne between tlip resii-tive Dovciit airuin. ant toe stjll crea'er taciinoj ' lor traoiiif;. , iiisv i;o expected in icniit. we can ea uy 1 1 lirisiian charity in our midst. SevAral pentlo ?ive liiat the .iii.s!,ul" inercliants will Inon brout'ht a llltla rneeed. ilotv-fi,...! i,r.-l,;n prove po er.'ul aimnrbentx of the precious eur- rency. Tne me of silver jn iho An.-, In wevcr, ; eous'tilutos a more foreiiilal.ig eneuiy to the cir- j utaticn ol sil. er: J He animal consumption oy !. Ivcis'.niihs, 1 m, f r liomost.o iiui isise. e.iv i stiiuiee 'i item, which, if it were pieseiit. it in i figure,. woiild.nu deuhi ash iiisti nini.v. T i.cau liitures, we are not r.bl.-iii piciseot bi K'V. hut no uiic, pi!ip. bus failed to observe that uytwuh- ! siaiciinc ht! many mtbalituU lor silver, wincio the smiths, by the alloy of the tlifierent metals, j aio lieesi enahleil to work up into. the m,t per-, i-ountencita, the ilcninod t,.rt lie pure nietai la till enormous. Hundreds ol'dollafsbeini; melted w n every day by establishments doing coni irntivelv a modirate business. A we progra? in rcfiiieniont, and acquire the luxurious habits Inch wealth induces, we of course limy look fur ijroiuiriioiiate nroirrcss in the uoof silver, o tluit, here we lmtstoverhavean cxhaintingdrniii inn our wih-er coin . If the rebt'uo vMuo of c old nnd silver is ever lu..lm rcnrXiixqiki-iuIu ar.viiavTKljria medium o! the hitler inetul, and il may l e assum ed that such a currency is essential to the high est development of commercial prosperity, it levoiues necessary to turn our aiieiititm io ioe roTu'ction oTsiTvoi-AnT thaiia! aro s a'lie reasnns that can be advanced to elnw that the production if atUer oui;hl toan-.tve eouallv a nrulitalde.. ii not more ao, than the iiroductiott uf p dd. Tho working of silver, we have f.oin liudisputatile antbi.riiy. is generally nvjrc certain iu its remun rrativo rield tnrerrulsrly and skillfully aprdied liihor, than ia gold dicing. Tho veini of silver ure generally iinease siro and riehneai at we I-atpovate deeper into the oartu, while on me con trary, with K'lld. toe desposits ar exteemfly ir regaiar, and are as likely to be found on, nr near the sairfitftaof the earth as at greater depths. W e feci otili lent in t!,o bel.cf that Una ennti- rent is richer in the dies nr Silver than it rs tn K.u J, audi a aT flic day T Bof'tBiy Jinan! wheii that fiet will he madu apparent. Califirnia it self will piohahly l e found to caihiin as much liver ai it d )C gold, tbouj;ii it may not he pi tr- liable to mine it unl'l the price of iibor which is a HrKe item in diver mininc, shall have reached ..ihUe -.. lhar. It is now at in that :ouuliy.-iiur. .dit-cauft. WaiTma or Viniox.-r-A writir. fajiaj'liila 'Iphiit hisl i r eavs, lliRt there r"iT"ffrailual' f.illiiiil off, fr m vear tu tear, in the sales of tho rk of Scoit, liulwnr and Hickens. tliorr crent masters of iicfiiioue writinjr: that the works of theso authors are exceedinIr amusing, 1ml (haC they do not supply tho ctavuif; appetite for in struction, which U felt by the ic i-lersof the pres ent day. WI::Ui hss of 11 -til n writeis io, 'n the 1 er man's otiioion suntdr this desideratum T Why, the thousand mid one Lucie 'font's Cabins, Lamplighter. I.&uin post nnd Lamp niiunVm, here with the world hue lieen fl. 'cited of rule. OiJ. M"iisi.iv liu'ii"-. tt." i ',, , i. o.fc mi N i -i t' Ilutuplirey's t.'iuck are pra luallTbfinjj rapf lan ted by the irteir,it,lo I'.ihjh loenhiu.ed aliove. If such is the facl, no ili--redit atiai lies itsel! to the rks of S,.:otl, ur Hijwer. or I'lckens; hut great discredit dors attach to tho reading public f -r tl:cir exceuding bad tnsie. It is nndoulite'lir rue, as the writer in tho l-ed'HT avers, that I cketis, Hulwrr, and '1'hncke y are not ram- ing so much just now by lloor pena is f,.r foriuerlyi but the reason i. that the novelties t h, u. , oos liln-jtine are le t so much SuuL'bt afmr I y the EtiRlish roadiue, pubiij aiuco the oiitbreaa ol the Anlieilu-siaii war, which ettts plica ample fss! for mental excitement without drawing ui.m the creatu ns ol ihe inueli-l, Ae soon as the war is over, liickclts will quickly diiabargx his debu and X bimiclf evoiii. - 'ot.,a Ciii'Hu'U, Me. poitait Ato ma SrxsToa'nir. Fi r a d-y or so pvt a rumor ha obtained eireulation. here that, Mr. It bbin had reeenllv withdrawn his r nine Irom any ronneeih-n with the office of Senator, and we ee be tl a Wsshinf'toa 'tint ,.f ye.te-ilay a c otfjma'h h if this repnrl, TI e f'flio.1 learn fx inptirjr. tiiat tl,e how rable Se retry ti.everT rcoeatly writlt-n to his fi Teftds t hotne, rtrsirln them writ tn piesent hi warn to ihe I,e;i-laiiire as a can lida'e for au election lo the Sei ate. "We have reason tn know," ei ntinnee ihe 'a- a. tht tli relation I aiwten (he President and Mr. I', are not o.ere'y arreinhie, but we t f a wnrtu and friendly and Coeobl.g ehara-ler w h ii" ti i"s 'f rs the Pre ode v hw ibn'e lsdo"i tuool l''vt le b. ubl remain in Hie ral.iaet. W e I'lieie it wiil be roneedeil by all that Mr. rMe I in has a Itn nl.tered the itepnHwtent over wbi. h be pic ,1. s r, i h iiopnrt'iabl v. ability end rtjer ry ; that his suf-live linn I, eniiaated I y a deep it,ieret In the navy, b is already presented 6r eofHoileration red Jius eaboil ti- if, inffisa a tort! in rtir ailmt navy, and make il truly "a right inn "f defence. Norh Carolina way w i il I prowl of her a m, and well may ti e Preaidr-ut be hvq r to retain the Iweeflt of hia prud -nt e-innifta. hi arlrnt fi iendthin, and Lis .untiring er,es-y. ' This .Je '. il of ".It. ! J.!n, W.kf ae tint' the V Iikj.Ju o was t tit ,v,f HJ.t when It announced a if I y autbintr. thai !le,d and Clii ii.an eer Is L ihe ll eSenstore. ir.fM.eof" IhnJt. Att lMiTAti ! I iitmT. Jtel.eaila'i had a carrha bslill, hi la'kn,r. -f lofip'e? averr th'nf near ,ita il li ahatrver be he W iu bi haiel. S ebsntisll teture'nt. ht- bet in bat, I. fr.mt el. ; pt Of, ejlTtd u-,tl l.ei;I.l'r"I d.r. TU lTe roursa ' f rioiieieato n, be uulukdy ehlil- fine tfthta of the fsrmer's, ' , . . " fiare, y earele htUr,'' etclairde! the farnttf, " see what a la-e tlint ys Lave ma le in toy fimdiur. 1" " Ye," nossklr answers-! Xehemiah, whs was waoeihiof f.f a w ijf. latt that Wa ait a" i f c ' ' fry ikhr," eitr-l Ihe eere d I iier, ! rin bis 1st ia lli alfcod-r s plot, end abat e aa ! i ;." I.l - Pwe isvs I' fly a lore I n'fwnta. i.lliii:iil s.s-.-'i, fc to It, a !! of V,faa.a l .ive and l aat.t o. of i iico-is, f-ve, Jie.a-h W ashing n til. I y ratlr- I. f.-t f sb a a(w d ' r eo, Inirftdtei; tt, ami ale fH LtloiriB, 1. lite p Cl-! s sta tv sa I f'.-ra thai pf, rkw lasltl to we id the ss a. fsta.iiaa, itt'ebl to 'n tbe-a. 1 bar we.. sssttUa-t -fa. ta-ean. eivsj etSttHre and tad a larjs nio' ef NUMBER 4a A PLCASI.V.t 1N01DKXT Cndrr this hoadtnff. the lie.tl reoortoe Af the there w ho hare been made criminals of the deep- on line, nun now ocenjiy ft iclun cell tlirouch lieifho't of. .T nil UlUVtllMOH.ess tn li.lmi o lOu first cry for nidnnce. 1 hat eur ci-v in 1 lced I with bciieiolent institutions, 'whose lotuiajtem do ) tn.tili to aiieuwe tho couihUvn of the ditreed, I werhro-tully ndnm j but what' vast amount oft il miahl be i iJoetnl. havr ntio'h n'rr ti-i-'ht 1 fcTHt'a anct f- xoaLk tuuia.i ,oo.r1 sw irotu tn icion uovan, weio h'fn'ti.'i.,ahf li ue a hltle, but jiitt alitile. tteniiua to Uu poor bov.i we daiiv see nromi.l ns Mavu which mane ua foel mat -there were yet Hearts imuueit with IriiderncM and true to the Jlajor'a Office, and stated thoy had fouud him in the street in want, and desired the Mnror' would omka oiue dispositiou of him to.e liiui " o" nis r m iur iruut wtuit ana iaiaute. "'jr wortiie t hief Magistrate vnnnMlT informed the scntleuicti ho would do nil in liia power to a'lminister tn nis wants, ami provide an asyluiii for him. Warmly thanking the Jla'-or, the Ceut,,emcn foiled tbsit they would take the lu.y wiiu ineiu ana ux uiiutip a liu.c. A halt hour or an elapsed vben C'ey returned, hringing with tiicin not tno uirty little urttnu ; J.ut, through me inciius in n ouiu ami a new suit nt clothes, a briejit eved, Plst- cheeked. Imndaome little bov. 'l'lie little feliow'a story is short, and an detiul- ed in his unvarnished stylf, was deeply aflcctinc. Ilia iiuino ia William tVallace.. He lost hia paionu wuiie tnotiths tince by the cholera; since thou ha has been nupporttnn himself by aclling pntwrs, and his eouch has frequently Icon ou tho cold, hard patemont, and his ovrin( noth- 'j'" j j um'h ',M" ,u,d tbi'ii W ith a hnful countenance nud ft Ik'ht heart. the little fellow wan ermtigneil to the earefif the .Managers of the In ion behold and Childreu'e Home, while hia patrom went en their wav bap- TTnw.a'!hvet','ui-T7iaTTiioi l.ut we hope cnotish tn reclnnn and make bar.nr a feJIow Lcii-.g. W'hQ kuows but what our little hero, like his namesake of old, may ret have hia name resounded tlirouehniit the length and breadth of the land, and handed with honor to aioeieritjr. .- . -... , '. lioasior, if it Ikj at any lime in your power, "juat do a little" in behalf of Uitrecd humaiii- Titr Yrt.tw rtm-Tlicre were no dcatln from Yellow i'ever in Charleston, on Turwday la't. The Chat hston .V.'iiiu.'rirJ saya the I'ov'd have resoe to diaeontinue thrir ihi'ilr renorts Ith diseivse harms cnaaeil as an epidemio in tuir i : i .. ai - . i T - i t- . .. , . . .. ui'isi hi wuuiu nor, uowever. aiivise a return ol alHcnti-ea tor a tew days, or until wa have a kuUoumU fiw enithle t4iin to ih eo with per- " we tliiult tt.r. 1. lut e "b. artpre headed from Ihe few .poradm ." "w '"oK a. ihe Mnn t it mi er v 1 A :h.t Jowntrrf uf Mrmdar. in epeakint; of the yellow fever in thotoity, stivs: We have lo note . reinarkald chanu-a in the fiTZr9i xhw-trrndyrmrrrnrsjt rur ldHl:iB1ltHf.4'eH44ft' Stale hg-n ewtv-Nehraka bv an 'e heatd of hut ant d.lii oa . atiirdar, and twv't oyerwhr luiiiig uian-rity, and tiie 'eleetiun of ti e ii.lernieuts. I he weather coiiliuee cl udy and warm, who iifcnt enaisrty iireetee. . . Them wore. on deiitha from yalluw-fever -Aurwsiaon Tliiirsdsv. The Aurusta Curunttie it- tMHtinrt ttf yesterday eayei We can ewly re peat that the abatement iu the disease oontiuuee. We heard of two hew cases eatenlay nnd o death (Mtetirred. - 1 he prospect ia more and more cbeeriiijt every day l and every day the .umber of Ksipl and the tntninese are inc'reaaiiip. 'J ha waaiher, tist. wee e.sder yesterdsr limn for rer ernl ttaTsr, whleh rhetrrea'iHany with Hie lue of a fnst in a lew days, is -me m. lulled the hote that il would wuie tins tre ntiiii;. ' - Tin Amlbii am C.rtiiiB.Mr. W. P. Preston In his lale Asriculttir J adilren. tcrr juetlr ihurr ecteriird the Ainerimii (,-eoiua, as an inventive genius in all that oe to advance Biau'a material ,rocre in a;Tk ulm-e, manufutuie, and other industrial brauuliee. This is astrikiiijand ediar auteristie fact, not iuSrieullv Oaeil usiq by those who hate aeigUrd li s Amuricaa svstion, ta I undid i's dcqiib and meatiinz. In this country, lliBi is f, uml the highest and atroncest level iiiicu of lite Anglo-Ssxou ircniua, which is eiuiiie .tly iiractu al, and kiioi alwnyi at nact and ol.vi. us re-uhs. The emrr of J.uroismi journals, miy that the fulled SUtt-s ).ns tiroduied uup.'li, no writer, no aati.ts ; it is uutrue, but if it were w holly tiue, wa luijcl.t atiil point pr. udly to the pti,duvLi ait uf Ite n o. hauieal ei.ics of the country, aiiniiet as lofir ih our .opinion, any othvr whataoeier. lore and I nl ton l.ave writu n their rrntol p-ietry in the waters and ac.n'.usl U.e iky, and eirry luaa who bat made etu i and h .tlu Jo what l,uniaii (.and were oraiuped at once, is a aalioual U-nrfuitur, This is the t' tnius of the r-. nutrjr at pre. rut it is not il, iuei, or tiie arti--tj or tLe uiu.it inn, that ie I (ibeat iu l.i u .r; it is the piaatR-al far lacking llnnker. who i.uta has thought iu Woud and iron, lnilr, Iocs lli ukcis we hate, aud e ere proud cl tin in. a1 V, 7 vj'ccsi. A' ",'".?.'''".',1" ,w-r;A. ;i;.pule hea.for is, me time misled bdweon the city uf Newark, I New Jersey. I and the Morris and l-n llailroad Company, and the corjiniate anihoriiiea nrilrred a Inflow iif tiie track through the cdy tu Le taken up. Tais Was ihale Ml Saturday inornitij Inst. 1 i.ia tympany iddaired au h.iunetion fit tu the Court lo resutiu the city, aud lUin order f r re laa.a( thatswak. -Aatattdtatrly, aisast awee'eh It ou Son Ur Bi'truln the Work rf re-lay it, etati U.rttccJ; but the cititenioltstructed the .oika.ee, rung the bells, atsteiiibiej a in, b, and eientttally tJie eolii"u)' wi.rk ueo were arresud, Sulaa qoaiulr, how ever, the tiaek wasfiuirhel ..thiol "I liliotv. aud the Iran, pane l user llae usual. The lef vl que l at involved will na ,!uU lut .( tle.1 by U.e otr tt.bili.al without Luther h a ttle dcuousUattoit. A Lsv.t Oat. A frieud en I.'ttco F-'iee In ills cainiy. ii.f .rut ua that lr. A. II. ILII re eawtiy kill il au Hal in that irfihi rlcd wl.i. It Bieaiirel r..af srrc i-c a.f 4 l,ilf f.trfu r. oUitluof wintr. Our fr.tr 4 .thinks that if reuse tit etp their. tug M p.r.attdol 1. ItanU. lee lo aaake the welkin riiog wtik aw .,, rattee. II ' il. Itennkr. aaa-a- , Tnii'.l i Cit't "riMn. We can't stand (Ii Jissloor lo'.ar -snmijist koto a in Ibe elate ii.el riaihai, aud f'tit Into tuf l4 Willi his l-t .at, W can't s'-uid a waiter alweye tallinn a rte'e etttaoiK, aod Baser dt . nn it. Werea'i stand a to a a- '''r ') her hair doae an ia newspaper s ltartientet.i.. We esti'l staitd en tafsiitai1 I draiaiit rea I In n a n,ataarript M bis tiva a-l 1 ,- ' r We en't etaud a bai ydsf psi( b.s dstejt It'll h'i i'-riiWoar fsc. w!,,l li.s ua ol-.r etsn 'sly. sod retn-ras lltat the intle dr ts b nami iw tia.. .' . i so t etaV-J a dtstor irV.tvg as. ia a ft. ar j'y as i-.r ewr fa-tilT w-ereat-rsT n-vea f r tht. ARKlVAt -tfTTTtlE AMERICA! N'xw Yoan. Not. .lItm,i..i f, r cotton g 4 aaj prices stifff, . ft-JurVV e-tern Canal, 42.: Ohio, 4.k. ' wn h'te and reliow. 4o. "heal W 'hiw, 12. oi. Cons,, 1;i,M of jler), Uj., ebawtnia was rest yet taken, but the toin oanlmcnt was frninf on. Kussia and Austria wu at the tumttJ" actual war. 1 .if i, Sou waa pruUiUiled fnirn enierinj France. T he Atlantic arrived out on the -.ith; the Ali a, on th2'trd. v , Th North Fur, telejrrnphed at New York, sig nal the lws of tho meanur Vankee Blade, SAD ACCIDENT OX TIIK SOt'TH SIM R UL - ' - - ' i:cmi. ' - " Fivn., Tninsniv, Not. 0,1 I o'cl.ic,, i. M. I Ae the regular mail and pas.seio.-er d a a horn Petersburg was rtmiiij; up to ii:.) en r ule for I.rnrhlatrfK the enirm -and train' wte thrown trom the track when within about :to uiilcs of Uici'a Station. - One firma war inatantlv k'ilei', All the paaenpere are slightly injure 1. The eirs are a erfect wreck," being smasiicd to ati his. Conductor V. X. Iavi is Tory laJly hurf. fir. or Mr. 1I.ih t . W'a hin-lon, NoTt S I he widow of Alexander llauuitou Uid here ti-dny, re;ei t7 years. i WJsClIlrN JiY 3. - - . - ' . ot. or, 8. liy (lie returns, as far ae heard fti.mi. fir - (weriinr.-Mfaroiir,- The Know -""""fT eanilntate. haew.iHit) votee- rievmour, R anrV nntnrT-BKcr lit tr. tl I mi- pi y 1 1 S wu t 1 1 .i , c-t. , ,n ii, Hnn- II. .llliril, l.tntl. ..,.: 1 lie eutitett u cloac betweea Sermour and I i!- jtewrjt(i1Jisw-ai!w!iiii'ious a i J irke" thehn jw Nn I ii-iin1 i 'r'i r iD New Yoik voy is Fitinv-t.-ii io.i-e eiei-ic o. Jn Illinois, v oodworttl ia elected in Wtut. worth'a lilatriet - : Prom Wiaconsin slight return) sd-ow anti-Ad ministration gains. New Jersey ruowi lieraoctati!! losfea every' where. . . - - ; LATER PiLRCTlON- NEWS. , NtaV ITuke, Thnrsitay Morning. By the re- turoa time far, Soymnur'e vote staiids.tl.H'X) ; Clark,6 1,700; Plliuan'a,(jO,liiHi; I!n The tote close lictween Ludlow and Scrogge for Lieutenant Ciovernor. 'Wood for Mayor in Kew York Iead Uarker 300. A Caw llistricU to bear from yet,- ; Mr, Hall, Whig and American, hae heen elece fed M ayiif of liru.ikl.vii, ly lMUt ninjority. The City Council ia aha largely Whig uuil Know Nothing. ' ' -' ' 'v , .'. . ' : 3S"rw Jstnacr EurTioH. Philadelphia Nor. 8. Warren county frlret J.illy deni., for Con pretie Sl diewieti hfal winjoeity, It gave l,ltjO democrat ic majority In 1; sid, . - . it imiloaim i.uuai'y.,,iUi in the Ud distract, pi v . Il'uhnp, the Wh'tK candidate lii'.l'uiajoritT. The county gave lJit'Idomwratin .majority in 18i3. Iiatnr rotarna from the Third Coulrressional i Pimict alio the election of Bishop, Whig, over, j ?aiiirT,illy, ileiuT the presoat inember, Vaihdciu. neieeieit tu t nnpiress, in the 4ili limtrict and 1'enningtoii, M hur, iu the ith, . .. - Ei..tic.n m Wists.vsi!. Milwaukle, Kor. 9. In this State, yestordnv, an election was held (or Htate otticers, liriHlature, end tliree member of (Vmirrese. The doty of electing a I'. S. Seua- tol lutlie place uf Sir. W alker will do volte on Ihe new Legislature. Thus far, but few returns have heen received, - ftpnnner, Anti-Nebraska, is elected to Conerena and thia eity eleeu four anti-Nebraska and onedctisscrat totln Assembly. Wij.wai.KU. WjilU, IK'nua-rat, re-eleeted fix Hie hi st district, Waahhurn, JJiuuocrax, iu tl.o . third ii is t rkt.. . -; lllinoie retorni eliow the eleetloa pf Wash burn, Norton, Knni, Yatcjnnd Williams, W hig( to Cuiigre,-, ul u, WiMwIwnrtb, Kuow-Nothiug, and Trunsull, anli-Nebraska. , f , . ,.,a. ,, i : MICHIOAef KLKCTIOrs;.- lit Micldcnu WalbridRe, and Howard republi cans, are elected to Cultures, The returns indi- entire anti-Nebraska ltate and eonressioual ticket. Nr7VTTORKCOVnRE.sSIONALKLKCTION3 1st Ii'tttriet Allen, ltard, It etiprioe! to I elected over Vail, whig. Maurice, deia., lathe prevent niemW, 2nd Histrict Stranahan, whip, M Ttrobably elrsteil over Tavlor, hard. Present member, Then. W. t'ummiiifs, dem. 2d litrit-t I ellon, whijr, elected ever Clinton, htiTd.-pre -ent Incumbent, llirtia W albr'n!,-. 4th Pistricl Kelly, a. ft. Is electej over Mile W alsh, hard, the present member. Jih I'isirict t iieenaiu, belweea Andreas and Wbititey, Uan mWi? 6th I'istriet John Wheeler, tri!i X-1 rn-V dem. hi elected, 7 th I M strict Thomae Charlce, jr., ' is jirobaUy elcctcdovcr Keuueily, aolt. and l ornst, Imh pf ndciit. Present member, Wbi. Walker, dem, , ' Mih liistriet Abraham R. Wakemsa, wlic, i reported elected over turtia, hard, Ee I nt. s. it, and Taller, k. u. l'ieent luciul.er, B Cuti n Vth H stiiet Clark, w bi,-, rrr. rted eln-it d ever Ilraadretli, bard. Peck.de a , present ueni ler. 1 Ith I Petri -t la title i'u trld, Kinp, 1 ' m l k. i., ia ele.tel mer strot,.,', hard, and l',n -s( rvf, Preeetit Bietnbsr, T. II. IV estbroo'i, ti-,. PJtlt Ihstrb t- Miller, whijr. jirol b:y e!em Dealt, detu., present uieml-er, !lh llisUli-i liu'st I S.-e.hir', the pr.rl tnetnber, Is rti-ele trd over I u bsi 1, and I int er, end. 1 llu IHstricl H ir.a,urt,iiid.e'.ccted.Pe, r in, dna ; riicot .to .A-Li-t. .. 17ih I'i-trigl ,-pun er, ft, pr,da!.'y f 1. Perkina, detw., present reernlar, IMth Inittriet ,i:tne J.K-ks,4i, Eard, rtJ,nr I eleutsxl over Jack m, s. It, If rton, whir, aud r rey, ludt wiii. Pieeetit member, I'eo-r 1. diiuijsrat. I ..b, UMiiclXUiUAUi V.g. iU i,r,t.t irtettilasr, ie rrt-orted re-eteen-tl oter J,tin nr n ft, llMtitinirti n, wl,i.. and M-ore, hard, Silth I'isliiel tlranieer, wl,ig,clectrd. J r.- '. 4et y.a.et,( tueml.ee. - SAlb 1'i'trii-t Morgsn, !,-, ii iVti 1 in th's iTi.tr id. SC;h ;.rit la (hie district, C'.lvrr, a-fl ai I k. w., ie etartcil, IVtli Ibslrvl William. Soft and k. n s rejf.ried rl" let over Stsl hins, k. a. t an i , , whif, aed S.bley, bard, taiirolt W I 1 -eul no u, ber. A M iriritiis! ma-v's so . , I'allllVole. Ill.o., B tl e 1 "h " l wastataJuha llutf and tl c ! tf U.e same name, li e cm o atstruoiaoat ,.- a a'i -rs i,.a :,-1 the prewca of Hie frie...l, a!-a ettt, 1 be eervi. ee rsoiti. I i f 19 I eliral aouotto. rutent " iwie y mrttint eantva k.-s th - I Thua d.-kul JtotiU Dit cl .i: . ni. :i I. Hvteevtee t in I it lae ut.i.ii , e oi,oi i tttre unite and ti. lit una bono so.,-,. : soare totr r,is a lo.ii, t noo oi.e e hung force, W le-etcr e-e loos t. . i ever wi saweof .Uiaiir,aiaiiht baa t , tosatrata, Wa tt.u ittir,.!' . s, (-.n, yon u lite relato.n t.l l.ul-to.l and o- ' In tt t. Mi i ' 0 . ,M. C. 1 V. e ., .. ; . I. ,.. a t. ttrt t o J oHtlO?. a. M It, I a( l I - ' In ll. ..' -. lama, 4 1 a, -il la to,. eM.t., 'vl. an. i I .it I