' " i J i ; Y cr!h Carolina fiar. .1 ' rt,'HLISHC nuir BT "WILLIAM C. DOUD, tniroa and raoraUT-ia, asked U Ihs iliscbar, rati-.n ii, s,ma. Also, fi.. ,. ,.1 ''. ir . 1 10 ii '.,. .. it sc v. i r r. !.i d. aa r 11 '.i - : . AI-. '1 e ! ,i 1.. 'aw. si:i a r: ,,rt f 1 to li.e )...nt 1 ',. m ; d from it. ft.r.Ler tvi j CTioyirr- 1 in. II ll. 1:1 to J r-te.-l 1 ...1 f. rt 1 1.. tit m id a - TERMS: tt pld Btriet y la Jnio, I wo dilltrt per an Bea; tw dollar ul tftj cents, if paid within ii stoats : wl three iru.iara al tb sod of ths 1 uri:fimsvjr.m iccding 4av o iaarrtect an tin for en dollar, mail j Tha of in-sats leat-ti. will ha (hr.Ml nrstwrs 1 tiooally. Courtilr-ierjsnil Judicial a.lveitisemeiit- God av me from my friend. H saidth gea wid bechsrireu ""i rev cent, hiebrr than the shove ' tlctnan's argument if curried out would prove. st. A reasoaauly uVlsxtiou wiU b made to ,' taoH wbo aitvenira I.; the Tear, " Uook and Jab I'riutivg don with neatnot an ' deapateh, and on accoininndutinfl terms, : Lettera to the lijitor aut be poit paid " "' - i -Jj. , Legislature of North Carolina, .. , ,' Jlii.tiou, Peeeiubar 5, 1S54. ' :,; BEX AXE. : After the Journal wa read, the Speaker an-jii-unoed Mnwro, Mitchell, Person and Wijrgina, ae the Committee on enrolled bills for the week. Mr. Viita, from the Committee on the Kerined Ptalutoo, reported Uie following bills, which passed their int reading: . ' : ' A bill eonoeming apprentice " J A bijl concerning aaylume ; Mr. Drake, from the t'ommittce on Claims, eportet tk .rtaolntipn !nurwoOhid A. llay A Co- ani reeotntaended it paaeaze. -.- liead tlie ieeona time ana fe t, "V Hfi'HolA:lroBe " " :frm'"mTbMmTanltTTOT 'eiarr, to whom was referrel that portion of the VJorernor't tg relating to requiring the Attotner General t reside in R ileigh, and to wliw'fciarftnw-tliiriirtHe mt JtoHWwr' lor 'thw ' 3rd Cireoit, reported adversely upon the same, which wa enneurred in. . r - Mr. Boyd, front tlie Committee on Proportion and ( Irievancee, reported the bill to lay off and establish a county by tbo rune of Polk, and ro enmmanded lupamage. After aome debate, the bill pawed it aenoud rending. On motion of Mr. Miutin, a mewage wo ent to the Uoua of Common pnipwiog to go into the elec ion of Solicitor for the 4ta Judicial Cir eoit forthwith. . , Mr. MoPotrell, fr.im the Committee on Cnr p irationa, repiirted lbs bill to authorwe the N'an tahala and Tuckaseice Turnpike Company to erett a toll bridge over the Tennetuiee Itiver in Macon eounty, with a recommendation that it pas The Lull iu amoinlod and -pa4 it reoond reaJing. ' . i---' AIo,thetiilTto incorporate the Mclvcr Copr and Gold Mining Compiny, and fur other pur potes, with Jwt nuicinjiucuta. . The bill was luid on the ta))lo.." Tlie HoHfe-eoneurring in tii propoeition to go forthwith into the election d Solicitor for the 4th Judicial Circuit, the b'nnte proceeded to rote a f llow: Kint M. Frrris. M"fn. 8teaVer, Aabe, Bigga, Biiwer, B yd, Clarke, Coleuian, -CidliiM, lainuinghiMHT ' I'a'ie. tiatour eiuain, fcnnell. "'ri-J''.agSlteiJlUBS ring, Hoke, J .nest .Md'owell, Mills Alithfil, M irrissev, ' Person, Sanders, e eicot, l.tvli e, Taylor, W, 11. Tli -iuas, Walker Wilder; Wig- JP", , I'oa Mi-STl):t!. Messrs, ftmgden, Cherry, Christian, lruk, Kliorn, r'reem tii, li:iiightoii, McClros. M w tin, OldaeM, J. W. Th ms, Wil ley, W.shI 13. i Mr, i'okeoHia, Irom the Commite in the Juji risry, t wio nt was furred s n.u. h of the tiovornor's meoi::eas I'riateemere ititig a foiirib ' J"d)' ufjhe 0 iiirnus C uL. it'iatruiT alveineif upNi tlie same, wincli wv eunouried in. i Mr. Hoke prosen ed s memotLil MeLidi. was refernd hi tlie Coum'.ttra n tti Judiciary. A cora:nutiicati-!i w.ts nacl Ir-m-tfte 1loo. lHtvid S. Kjil, iof irnriig the Semite that I.e stimitit, ii irt'Vqi :t tt, TVPiTj rrti?"nlttonjf Soimnrr Anr rite no tj i ri j ' f ' h 'ii nt rtiiniittti tu iim yfli'tii i f the acceptance Iiy 0 v. Jicid of ihe i liieo of rleatiM, Mr. C.ralism olfereil toe f .ll.wii.g rc lutions, whiowwe e js.s:iioe l u:i i! toni, irowat - KtoVlirk.-' ;' llie fk -.1 ent .r ot live l.oittl PtMe ! Hi Kis-ellenay, tHitd S. lie d. "the tioteriior for tbe tiineheig"of this S'.nte, liieotBi'C of (l.,e nor f Korth Cipdina h h hern ta-aie l, by the said David S. Boid. HrtoturJ further, Tli: ti e piweri of t!.eaid emce of OoiertHM, h-iving aecrdihg to the Con stitii'iunil prtntsion In such case, devolved on the II inorable Warren Winslow, (( Ss-akiTof the Seaa'e f r the 'Ime lining." t- be eerried by la, thiTsaid WarrVR" WinsFiw, is to all in tents ani po.-po tl vn,or of the Siate, and will s smt.noe an'il the nn ilifiintt.m of the U .'Jtniof thyjea Ijl.I' e t't'lr f r. Il.e crLtalaMUUeoa.- th irv--,iliil.i. TioMnl term, Cjin nea io on tUe Crst day ol Jamsare next. ii.s.Je, isWi-, That tin i.S.-f Speaker wt till Sotolte is tiierel'V Vo alcd and the euuti; do Bos pruw4 t" an Wli n wf Sfieaken - - -Lrsisof ali-oto e wa granted to Mr. Ilangh tot) from and after to-morrow until Saturday MIt. Tin Cmmittr aptsiinted to superintend the electom of S.lieM. reporteil thestts le numl-sr nf tnwea east l&A ; necrssery to a choice, 7 : M r. Uufia rei-eiied KT, Mr. Stedmaa 64, Mr. RuKn wa theref ,r elnieil. Un tuetina of Mr. Mills, tbe Sen it adj mrned. The loernal of vestenlnr wa read. Messrs Cle-'er and Ml-are pri-ent. ai-m rials on th subjee M Teois-rnee, which wr eeerall rccrred t) the r mmitte on Propoi- Uoiisaio tjrievsDces. Mr. Lancaslar, froui th s-mmitts, repeated fceorably to th bill paying tale juror ia th I'unnty of A'amanee. Mr. Lancaster noved to put th bill oa it eeotia resvliug. Mr, lbillipa moved lo lay tbe bill em tlieubl Xit grcd to. . W ben the hill cam on its eecoed reading, th CuuntM of Kaiob.li'h, II l- n, 1ml. I and AI- lisar wrt oBcrr I to t IncluOed in tlx lull a am-a..it.. Mr. I1ulliis sjs.'cd V s'r.k out the eouatle aamd, smii ut wbiuk bs4 I e n agreed tu, aad insert "th eml rs ouliea in L east. 1 Mr. A. V illiaais m xed lo Uj lbs aiuend . Bteal offetnl by Sir. Plul.i, vn tb lahle. Jty reMS-l, Mr. Williams withdrew hi atotiva ta lay on th uMl. Mr. Phillip ipl iine.. " Mr. Smith ih airhl it IM ta b-st k ataller tutenttotiary with the scleral onnniy Court, and ' wTd to aavb4 acc4'lingly. Mr. Black ssk in four of th hill as aHD4 fd. - Tha II set tbrsi agrwed so th amotidoMml of larad hf Ms. philli) with lls pararrafh sag Twstsa Vy Me, eswiih iweocpmiwls I, which Isai . k iliscrMos.B'V with th coniy courts, Mr. h. A. Vi lii.ara. I rail for lb ssssand -r- . ' Mr. Turner epcsMl tl biil. It argued ihat naai sh aild aaissiiuies V . gratansios Inlsa (. Ihe public r.sl. IU a!ld.i I tu th 4 Berent tsrofessioe. Us sr ( tbo p. (silrny of tl,s awswr. aad remsrss I that s. m ai -I t b oV tsrr4 fiusa tutuig sjsis-l It II ouulj are no suwf onaiar psear rssulimg fr-lb kassa uf Ik sli tha aa twressout siUw eiass. 1 Mr Jfsts,, rai l ed ll -tmsn f Mi. Tavaer, M all U l ta lb t)iw of psin.c tegalar jtttors t,,,,i tls.se rammoi,r4 as Ulsisst ffacsass-l s-sbi is. Mr. Lsoa.w-r oVAi.ed t! bil. Mr. S111WI e-omrwl in th view of Mr. Tr- ft SV. lie Klsil.r l thai tl.e ten !K. -y II. CI SVSICHl of ; .lIK4t s tu l.,eia th asawaat ol laass id a l s as.sk evss;,lao,t was jasily atad. Hr Wis s fsr.rr4 th I It, rs.iecsliug th sf ala aires ly i rsi,i hy ll,e .i-s-J..i Mr. l. r. falJae-l I t- trfrt l. sol Ji i ot, litf tl.w. lt lo ,e4 ta l.y s..l,..v t, sf r U,og r,l Ls;Uiitr and in la lb auateaitu 1)1 J to tmmrh hssl lot 11 hall Cio4,sJ Is lis, !.. ssss4ar4 asioanhsd ts of Aokie'l. Mr. H, A. y, ,11mm .Mro-lsd tbs .nr.. f tha ksll ia aa aam.au.1 a.kii-sr. Ilr spsk 10 (a af th ftmm aad epprwaad. VOLUME XLV. Mr. Turner ronMkrlwJ that if he wan onenf tha gentleman poor constituent, b h..tijd B npnresive to ill peart me the poor would b tilled to pay th' extra expense while they, by Botbenig freeholders, would be CKclauedfnmith jury b'X. lie alluded in a jocular way, to the Fre Suffrage measure once killed by free ufl'rag Senate. ' ' ' The question arising on Mr. Caldwell' motion it refer to the committee on the Judiciary, it wa eonearred in by the House. A communication vru received from Hon. J M. Murehead, President of the North Carolina Railroad. - - . Mr. Leach, of Davidson, moved that the read- inc of the report be dispensed with. Messrs 1'iirtch, Steele and ttorrell thought the eommuntcntion should lie read. Mr. Singlctnty thought it would bo a toss of- tiine. - The question arising on Mr, Leach's motion to dispense with the reading of the commuiiica Hon, iiuiTWiTtii the SenaTe .with a proposition to print, it wa en ordered bythe ibmae. - - . lb gfi roriherHli mitollie elevtioti oT KdiciUir "for the 4th District,, which was eoneurreit tn. Mfi Lev moved o rewsblee tins Ke-dtra- mg-'wiftthe'angof-heM9tt4ThB'4o" the N. C. Kailrond. Mr. Barrinpnr hoped the rote would t reeon. sidcrel. He desired the information ci ntnined therein. IIe wished to know what amount wa asked for by that company to eimplete the road and on what gronnTs tho claim was based. Mr. Leach hoped the Tote would not be recon sidered, and moved to Iny the motinn to trconsid-' er on the tabic, to which the House agreed The report of the committee on Private Bill.- renorted favorably tn the bill emancinatini Jerry, a a'nve. The bill ennic up on its teeond rending. - A message wa received from the Senate in forming the House of the committee to stipei-in-tend the election of Solicitor, and to vote as follows: FtHtM j rtv. Mr-.SiiealteT; Amis, llar ringer. Badhnm, Blow; !rv, J. t:l. Hvninn, J. B B vonm, A. II. Caldwell, Cansler, C.itteu, Durganj Haughtrv, Uorteh, Hunn, tientry, tior rell, M. tirceii. iUaistou,. ilomphre.v Jenkins. J.inlan, Long, Lyn. Martin, McKesson, Mid Hi Itv, Mehnner Mvera, J. W. N'eal, l-ilvr-o, i'erkins. Phillip,, idiid. Settle, Shhpherd, Sliipp. Shaw, She'rritl, Mngleta-T, Smith. Slnde. Sutton, Tur ner, Wtt, ii. M. White, J. II. White, W 'hiiaker, WhitUk, ilkins, T. II. Williams, and C. W. Wili:ams. fi-J. Fiil Ms. Sriniv. Messrs. J. Busies. A v VI i T, Pliiiel. IMvftnlv'rt, Eu Purr, toirlund. Oi'lliain, 0. Green. Ilarrlsoti. I. II. Ileaden.. A. 1. Ilmiilen, Hill, lMlat.l, llmtow. Jam. A. J. J. Mj I"idn Hugh l-ach. Live,' M irch," Maun, MnmeVai, K J. Xeif, Normctit, Parks, I'aliim, Hrgan, liolen, Ru-sell, Sliarne, Simmons, Stubhs, Thoriilmrg, T lolinson, Vance, Wal-er. Watigh. . It. TV'liit ficNi, B. r. WilliamsS A.Willioms, V. William, right and 1 ancy. 5-. Tut Ma. J. S. Lo o Mr. Johnson, ; F.. Ma. IIn.u. Mr. Selhy. ' The ivucstion ar on the passive of the bill eiimMCitiaTitii Jen-v," slaved itiiixe etiiaiK'ip.itii.n. lit. the hill on ..the g'!''.'d L lh Idl'it 'iJi!"":?--.--, , ,-... ... estr-torslmiirT good eharai'ter,- . 1 ' Mr. Barrmpwr, who once was the owner of the slave, bjitig ci'.led upon, sulinntted remai k. f i- ; rorihle to the character if the slave ardthougbt he should I -e eniaiK'it.atcd, " Mr. Shepherd h the House would e-nanci-pate the slave. II thought the' God of Nature liad d me more for the buy than wa cannmn to i, 4hat his face bore lie iiuprrs of noblcjics and concluded hi remarks Iv exbihiting a I 'a. guerreoijpe of Jerry which be had taken. Mr, McKcson remarked that he well knew Jery, and in knowing him be v. as happy to in f irm the H m-e that ha wa a sis of verv nwuine: in wLich this slme ei tiJu. 'f ! biuistlf among the allitioii!s and broker "f New York, might "f itself to lie a d.ll inducement for ev ery member of this lilerul lbai to hhernte bim: and that every mrmlier In this" It who felt aa Interest in the finance of Stat should ti pirt the bill. That whilst in Now York lnt summer lie there met with North Carolina gen tlemen, among brokers shaving N. C. pacr. h had I. si much State pride to allow it and ca hed our paper with the national err nev. Mr. Smith opsed the bill on th gnmtij that there wer already too many frat aegroe in tho rwate. . Mr. Vance raove1 to rend amsessge t the Senate with Jerry'-a Daguerrrotype with a pn'pjjsittjn tu print. kiAghler. J Mr, Myer again added the li aise at leneth the iimpricy nf emam-ipating the I Mave. At the lusioa of his remarks, hatd erie f tlie iai uh'u mn uitd ter'tllltrrent psrtsot in House. Mr. Nurment obtained the fis r and at .ane length favored lb bill. It'alls fairthetiueMmn.! Mr, J..r Han arose and addressed th llowse at eoRtidwbl hsnrth. lis wa opposed. ti th nrincip'e iT emancipatsin. He thought ftrp insss were a ursc to the enuntry b rorruptmg the slsse s.pnlstiiai. At th niehision of bis speech, k.ad and repealed call were made tor 1 -4 n toeti.i. Mr. S. A. w Mliam. I mot to I ''' um. A Not yet. Mr. Williams. I will ai'h lraw my tnotioa If th delsit be albd w b. ' Mr. G ttryva obtained the 8r and tspresaed himself e.fsed In the bill, and Mid b should Vis against il. He concluded by calling for the A v and N aye. 'The ndl being called the Vol was announced aa f llwt Ate 9 Nay 17 Th Committee m tha election of K.lis iior re ported as follow: wind nomlier of tote east l.'ii . wecMry lo a crmi-w 7. Mr, Ku re. eied;'j Mr. A.J. Stcdman, 4: Mr. te.rrll 1 1 Mr, Turner I s Mr. Long li knd Mr. Hill 1. Mr. Itafitn was iWUred diitv esscts-d. A mjf wa revelied fraa His r.teellrticy, Guy. I',""! s'atmg that h ussmH tbo aiTssel meat of Sseai .r, ramd hi tSsi.ls f ,r the n.re,fetTr4l sod that. to-vw.rr.tw, h wmild Jcl,n,r ep UwtlrMt Seal of the Ns'e and oAcuU lfc-iiBmi Hi th Stwks el lb reMM, 1 b li.ats ba lj.rrd, iee.6:h t'.t A ( wa rceivd ffa lb !! of C.MiseM wmai.liug il rrssoa ,4 th PiwmsswI if list North Carolina KaiU-sd Coas.ay, with ur.wifi.i to print, a bah was ssearvod 'a, Alst lbs rsist l tl t Usitssan ota,ll,d i iI lmiier 4 lb UsnalM Atuas which S" o,.. I to 1 .l,te.. Ti e.i isl order Cso.g Ik ivwdalUsa 4 fsrs-l kl Mr. Ural.am tstnia, wa take ttp, ks a Wegtlir tjisrui..a lis k pis, 1 1 !. . kirk aa ini..is'el ia Cv HIsms Cmike, l.fsissSM, ksi , tt 11. I' js si.d Ti'hhis, of Jarks,. Mr. Al -ld I r itni-ew ibi)os'i To o bc t'f lakra ufs th Irst rs,,itHi, st aas aaainoH.atv .fac4. 1 , 4-d a llof. roailattua war reacted I . Il II siiti V Is 1 Att' Mssws iVida, Cbsrry, Chr.stiaa, ('.ii.i,tjj' aw. lam. s.U-rw. (rs i.,i,-,, (, dtfun. Graves, link. M ies. Mar l.n, M ,'rissejr, I'vrwss, bsissr, Islku TatlssT! J. . J fcss W W oS-l. si. RALEIGH, KOSTH CAEOLIJTA, "WEDNESDAY M0E3STK Nats. Mewr Ahe, Hi-ga, Bower. t'laTle, ' Cdeman, Collina, Ilnike, Fainf Vcnnell, riher, lonTHle. Hemng. Jones. Mplfcrwelf, Mill, y.i.di ell, WdtieH, Sanlea. Speight, W. II. Thoma. Walker, Wilder. Wood, n. A niewage wa receivsdfrom Hi Einsllency, Giiv. Keid, (nf rniing tlie Seonte that he had ac cepted the office of Senator of the I'nited State", and would deliver over to the fpeakeruf I ha Senate the great aeulofthe State und the other insignia of hi oCice, - A nieAge wa teived from tn IIoe of Common triiiuiittiug several enscd bills. Mr. Thorn v, of Jackson, introdocil tlio fol olwingrosoluui.n. . . A'lWrwJ, that the Senate proceed to the il tionof a Speaker ire tmturr to preside during the period tte Spraknr eUci shall lie absent in'the dUchare itf the duties aud power pf Governor. Pending the consideration of tho resolution, the Souate adjourned. HOt SE OF COMMONS. After rciidinirrhe JoiiriHil, a uiossaga was-w- reiwilTiim tbe Pre' .f 41ie?EutirAriini wa ordored itim nui b lint r'tunli! with prer pro-1 position t prhrt'. " i ---- - FrtraHis ETrellenrT. the GoTemor, the rei r -ef iWJrW'Gw7nnr-Kngine; AC ! teit. 1(44; also, trom thoauiterintWHMittai Vouuuoa S bonis, butli of which were laid on tbe,4L)le for tlie present. j , Mr. Sinletiry will eieuse.1 from serving on the Committee on the Judiciary, and Mr. Sharpc, of Iredell, wit added in bis ntueav . . Mr. Shejiherd w:s oieused from Mining ou the Committee on the Revised Statute. Mr. llvujiiu presented a men rt al on the ul- ijeetof feinneraiuto, which k wived to refer to tbe Committee on tincviiiices. Mr. S. A. William nmted to lay 'uD the talde, which was lust. " "Mr. J; H. -Head offered memorials from eiti- leiisuf Chatham on the subject id leui eiu c, whU-h were referred to the Committee on tiricv- mu't's , --Mr,. Smith uffored a memorial, fiirtn the Nate Agriculiuial Suc'iety. eoncs-ming the eVMnntion of sheep by dogs, w Iiieh was referred to the Cutu- uiittee un Agricoltuie, ' Mr. Cmvuii iiieseutcl a mcmoriiiTon tliesuli- jecl cf Teiiiperaiivc, hicb he a-ked to bo referred to tne omni'tii-e on vtriemiires. Mr. S. A. William tnoied to lay n tho tubie, wltfch was losU Thewciaorial waih:. icfcrreJ. Mr. Mebane preseutedasiuilar uirinortal n bi.-h was siiuibirlv referred. Tho tmmittee on PriVAtUjiltIi54it4i4 a4 t'ay ml"" J'f ors in the county of arren. , Mr. ttwli clhlained tharrlnrtrhuiiinilti-e on .tWJa- diciarv ha t itistrueted him to rrts.rt a general bill on the' subject, which he would present in a few ' i ... r- vr. .. . . .. !.;.. ....1 ,i ... t. m ;vr OaS.) SO: ,ero, jwv iuau " mo i ,., the table. Also, favorably topojingtalcsJurorsin tlie county of Carteret, which wa laid on tbe table. I'tifavorably totneroaeetlie pay of Juror in the county ol Cumberland, which was also laid o . tlie table. i Mr. Dorich. fn.m the Committee tn tlie Judi- . rulWiii.eJ 1 rmrt conreriiing the divismn of the State into Nine Judical irouit, offering a tnbetitnie for the bill submitted to them. Mr. W aiigb, ir..i. tiiel'otuiuiUoeon Grieraneos, reported faiornble totbfl Foad cn.ligatKl."her's Gap, and reimrtcd a bill thereon. J . , i.-j .1 rv.llil lllsiMisslon was yaw np,m me pnmnny. of reading the bill in connection with the report. on the ground that it waa portion ot tlie .i-ort I The Chair decided that all bills so reported, their tecoh 1 MrrAmi appealed frotB thedectsinn juitmade, but ttlu-r some cxpiuuiiUonwiUolrew .Mr. Diiitoh reported Irom the Committee on the Judiciary a bill concerning a Penitent cry. The bill pro lidos for taking the will of tltep.: ple at tbo neat election lor u. embers of tlie tieu cral AsM-uibiy concerning the suuie. It .:tssed it., hist reading ami vas oraertHj tu tie primcl. j MavDurLcli. In'UI. jlie.iii,t,,iuinUtee reported alvilish jury trinls in the fount v Courts. Mr. S.eeie ufo to tiitjiiire what th sense of the II use c lo.erniiig the tote I lint whs alsiut lieing taken. He thought it unnecessary and UUllsilsl W Ufill tb loi plioti of U-O-lcijuil and.itu-waantnliu'stooatliat tL rue wa to ho up.n coiicu. ring in tb rep.irt, he desired to vote against it, lur I.e considered jmy tiiala in the County Coutts the tuuit umgu lii cut littmbugs in eswem-e. Mr. porlch agreed with Mr. Steele, and -muiked ll.ai Im wo instructed to report a h l.a.1 die ly a majoiily 1 1 the CvuHuitte, Mr, Pniliipt moved the lopost b Inid on tbs table, in which tbe House conen. red. Mr, 1'oru b, in behalf of the Con.mitteo ooth Judiciary. trs r'.ed in the rexiluiiou concerning imprisoouieul lor debt, liiat no fuitl.cr U-gi.lii-lioa was neisnry. Mr. Slil again remarl cd roureming tit re teptiuiiof repu.u-Uc lliuuLl tit:ncr recfiivl when read unbU objeclioii acre urged. The Chair ilis . led that the question wasoa tbe acceji tanie of lb report and not tbe concurrence. Mr. Steele sanl he sbouid hat lo appeal from j the derision nt the 1'bair;' .VI r. Harringi agrrtd with Jlr. Sti lo s iws. Mr. S.ngletary Ihiaight tbe Chair wa right. Tb whole matter aa explained away niliiout any definite action. Ml. Williams, of New Hanover, from th Com. Biilteeoo K.luiallon, re;s nej nulatoraU W a bill concerning Commosi Schools. Call were made for tlx readies; of tbbill, which again lrgbt np a dlx u-si. a upon tha Biamsity nf 1, admg all bills han !i d in a ith re ports. After or.i.lorsl le time ad Isrn tse- tninIr:" loiirp." Wd7ai.bV.ugI." I e agnw wilh the Chair that bills u uttered ,hosil i go on lb (la of kails at I heir ss uad residing, let, in order In srt th snatvr at rest, I aid r spreiiuliy ap eal In at the I Lair. - 1 h I beir wa It s ananintuusly sustained. A was. age fr a th fawai was rereived cat- een.mg the N. C. Kail Ks4 whsrh waaeuaeae- real In. Mr, Wngh. fn at ilteComsairisi tirietaWHWW, rnsirted Istoralily lo llie li,bsMtlvf aw County tu I eallej AI'K',-,,, nr. 4, 11. liMium, in lit t imiitr on C4ntltali.l Its-letsH, reta,rt4 lack tha b'B with aa araesvlMMBl, w.nniig lit aspomuv ihiaaad Ices sow sf Jartisd Pewv aasi -pomiaeilej it passage. . Mr, S'l offered a re.luti.at r"ing tb Literary B.siid ta baa m !Mtil t,,g Acatleaiy fn sa lb Ulsrary Fond c'.'J oa I- ad add ist isfsi'torv secwritic l.nis al e u as ider- rH tu lb l oasnUst aa Manatai. By Mr, Sucss a rwdoii hft t, 11 g ll CsNssitie mm I inance as tKiira saw, lie pru, prslj of tl,aCuiitt C sou taw'ing uBiNa, at a tpr.d sow, lo tah Ilia lists if lsi.U pr"trtv. Th tea latU passed ad a as referred, Mr. A at is asovrd lw .lj .rn. Mr. Martta ralsad hr th Aya aad .Vara, Al Iha ru,u4 T Mr. hmgh-tary, Mr, Ami a ill. drew Li asutwa. Mr. rang Unary rwarks4 lhal a 4iensi wa tba r-u( a ia iha Smat Chain Ur. d b tvoghl wwie-bing at ghl h tea'tid so galdetlt lfs in Ita foia asvhai J aJ;rnitig ta tli i-rssd Ms. Mrlstna, I had prwiatsj that all kuw Itf what wriss w aero soul bera. Al Issusj wald st.pfs sasr eowslittssats fHasanscd so, Mr. rtif sHry. Its all iiibey prswamiive eti- denra, tt Is art aside whea hav pawn pnssf as m mnirary. Tti lloossi tbea alj sirasd If a wt r Aysa 4, hys. - - I I ATI. p..Tih I'SL Afi rtl.a J.wri.ataw rs I, Mr. Ash asktj kss to asal teetotal l- planatlon, wh-!i lin granted, he said it would 9 remembered bv Sen-or that oa vesterdar when the rote wa taken oa Mr. tirahom's rei" lattoa in regard w the ra-'aucs in the office of iioteTBor, be hyi asked far aditiebxi of the question, ami tout Uie rc -lutums might lie sca rately submitted to the Senate, Ho had done ai, that be might re.-nrd hi ot in uase of the first resolution and neumtsMhe third, which devlmcl the seat of the Speaker to be meant. Thai hav ing bia attention more especially drawn to the third resolution lie had not adverted critically to the language ased In the eeim.L at first siip rsing it to lie nothing more llooi a ilocl.imti.in that the rviwcrs of Governor were to be oiereise J by the Speaker of the Senate, and "here ing no objection tft that, he .voted in the aGrmatitt! on that resolution. But afier doing so. and ou a moment s retleetion. reenrring tn it aruseohrT, it occurred lo hiia tliat it might bear the eonstrui: thal there was, an absldute ilcvolutioa of the of ficeof tiovemor upnn.Hr; W iuslow, a proposition to vi'hivli he did not assent, and ). therefore changed his vote on thai resolution from "aj" titiio," iliut it miflil liejmtiiely wnisisteiit widi tlie negative viito wli4i- he "iniefide'r to etve-on- tttlnnaeaw haJ-understiSid ilittt remarks had bwn made to hi pre.iidic la regard to' tbe wttter and he ttiuugitt it was imt iot: to hionAMt to make i7Weai)amnB'." On iie.ii,, leave wa granted to Mr. Thotmts, of Jaclwon, tu withdraw the resolution rtremjut el by him on yesterdar. Mr. Jiaynei iutiodaeed a bill tn provide for the Iskuc of aililitioiial stock for the Seaboard and Koanok Hnilruad Company, which was read the (trsMlnm and po'sed, and referred to the Com mittee on Internal Improvement, " Beceived a message from the limine of Com monu transmitting a niessair from the tioveruor. relative to the Literary Fund, and accompanying uocuiuciits, vvuu a proposition to print. Wftctir- ro.l in. '" .'; AM, a message transmitting tik Report of the Chief Knglneer of the North C arolina" nnd Vt'ost crn iiailroad Koute, with nceompauying doca--uieiilii.-ith a-proposition torititi ,Vinetil n. .' " . . . ' Mr. Fisher, from tlie Committee on Internal Improvements. ti whom was referred the''rcsirt of the North Carolina. Kiilruad (Viupjuy, repor ted tlie following res. lutioB and recommended it . passage, vis: iVWrerf. That tbe Treasurer of the State tie hereby nutliorired and dreeti-d, forthwith, or as early as-practicaMe, t pay over to the Treasurer of the North Carolina Railroad Company, the balance of the Inst half million yet due i"f tj'c - r f,e t,."krR saul Ciiiiipany. The resolution wa real the first t'we. Passe.1. tuiitlhirTtlli's N'ln; mietiilt'il. It w. toid the second and third timet, passed, and ordered to 1 o'ITro0'L.--. - - , Mr, Feuncll iiitri)iiuiil a bill to rcchnrter the Bank of Cape Fear, which wn referre l to toe Committee un Hank", and ordered to l printed, Mr. Jone intreiluecd a bill to incorporate oompany hi construct a Ship. Canal, to unite the waters of Albemarle, Currituck and Pamlico Sounds with the Chcsapcik liny, aiJ f t other purpiiCliaUi!jiaiireicrnid to tlw iminitiesMHt Internal luirMsiVvmeuts, and ordered to. be print ed tin motion of Mr. Bower, a message was sent to tl.e House of C.anmons, proposing tn go forth with into the election of two Irustecs of the I ai- IV Mr. I'otniMe intriMluced a bill forth impnjf- ment of tiic Shin .Naviirn!i..n in New Biter. 111 thcCoonty id Onslow, which was referred to the Committee on Internal Iinproveuierts, and order ed to l.ejiritite.l, -"Mr; I, iiinn TiiinKST TSTTto iintliu u'tire" Triuteinofthe Llalibnrg Female Acit'y tommvey to th LiHiirburg Female College Company certain iiitt re.atu in tb Feutaio Aeadetity Groun ls,whieh wa road th tint time and pscd, and tbe rules being suspended, was To.nl ihe second and thud times, passed, and enlcied to be engrossed. Mr. 1'svtoe introduced a bill to inoorporsts th Wasbingt.in Savings'.. Institution In lb-unfurl T unly, which was inferred tu tho Commit lee 5n Corportitious, Mr. Biggs, from the tmmittr oa Kernasii S'atutee, rvstcd a bill concerning attachments, afiicb passed nshrst reading. - A mvseagg waa-JeueiyaJ, from I. Jlmisa of Comm. lis, c-tneurring in the propuiliunijf tlie Senate lo go into tlie electioa ul Iwo Trustees id the I'nivcrsitv, whereupua the Seuate ir,eedfd in voto oy miii't. Mr. Biggs, from the t'nniinlttce tm RetisSil Statutes, rci. irted the followiug bills which were seierally rend the first time and passed. A bill eoticerning Attorney Generals and Solic tor. A bill concerning Attomryt at Law. 1 A lull concerning Auctions and auctioneers, A bill cnni-erning bail, A bill concerning bastard childreai" Tlie bill concerning the abatement fcf taiiti, was n i l the third time and t assel. (. -The Speaker anauuaiwd lha Soesswt order,. 1 i: " Tt bill lo amend th euattitutioa of North Candlta." snotloa of Mr. Graham, thai bill, together with "th bill concerning a Convention to amend th vn!ivttornn"-rjrThe Hiie''' wa made The special onler of tb day for Monday sexl at elev en o'clock. Mr. 1 1. .k iff -red tb'fillow'mg preamble aad resohitioo, yie Whereas, a TacnBcy hut oeeurrcl In th uffc of timer nor of '.e ruat, end whereas great doubts bar arisen iu Uie e.,nstitulionleonstrua tioa as to th si trs aud duties of lb Sikr of tb Sens . J ,u "'"" ' ", 1 list lk sevcrm otsss. As U tkffon II. sWtvet, Tliat Ik several theur auatening ia Kalmyk, ud lbir otdamtd ojs a th points ia Ui'put, U ruawj m aris ing. AVsufcsJ. rs, Thai le the ni.inina isf the C.mrt tl Siaker ul tha rveale cannot nereis the power af 1 rt.ern.iy, and al th sans lima act a Speaker f th Scoetc, ht fff.-t will 111 eaer. of lh sissti .4 lb loond ea l,y the Stm- key of tU reuais, hai ars a th legislation of lb -, 2,. That the Sskey if l( fwnal aprsaiil iwo mrmls-rs ul tlie N nat tn lav lb ry. ersl pTopn-l'sai Invohct, 1st .r th Sup C art, and to suttm l aa'argkassnt on 1)4 if njn.wt4 by tb I . s.t . il tsw..oios wm erd, ai.d oa ia ti.ia of Mr. J .... uul na the , Oa Bullion 1 Mr, Vi il icr, ItewM,. v ,1, Conssuiiire. a Ike Jml.iivv I in-irsxiJ Wi u.. quira it.io tbr sliciHy mi n slimuny st) c.Oft ssmsl all banks, ul 1 tail is Utuissit Consi'SiiM-s la this Nat, leal has i assies! rts, bids, n.es arcmtaraiaa 4 a M-s aas.t ihsa ihtae CvlLsrs, and thai Ihcy rs,il l.y kill or V s. Mr. P'-gs, fmai tb Casmirte tm Rei Stalaics, refatt') ("Hoaiug bit ahi.h paSMj lh.ll first lit i, ,g ; A bill otK!rraii i. , ai.d pn at ss-.r a-as A b it ssaiorraiag Iwats ad atsssi. A bill airtHssniag h,s4i atas, lh efvss InM a prstsset liw dork trt atsloious desifs-ium, as read th frssj uotead relesrvd to U Cotusaiite oa Umi JaJt 1 -v. Tb nreut4 bill loaaiaod aa ast ol ,i. as. s- cf I ess I, astlitlsd act Is, issn-sta th I ayeiisMli at4 N-anitera 1's.k tv-adi ,4upms,y, was rei lh ttst bass aad rvleni4 us lb I usts anile oa lit Judo utf y. ' Tfc eiignd loll l regidal th fbling of l'Sl-r ll," Koanok Kits, was lad ti !.'! ttss and rvferrM u. ilv I .ns.iio iet), J . , tsy, 7it bill SMVsv.riiOg Agi-altar aad lts,l ?yf s,4 rtwcrttmg llw a.,si.iasal..f i.s,sq ass rd n." thud lin . paasd Met , 1. r. a. h gs-- e I. 1 ts l .'.l to Isy i f nd ! ; k a r v(i la G, DECE!dEE2 13. 1851. t'te name of "f ri'k. was rci the third time, parsed rvi To be eogre-sssl. and i-rd1 Mr. tiilmer intr.s!it.v l a resolution coniH-rning the Cape Per ai d !' p U'.vcr S avigtion Coai pany which was adopt!. Mr. (Iraham tntroiiiiccl a bill to ejtend tbe time for rejistratioa of grants', deed and thr eoneyanrss which passasl its first reading. ' Mr. Taylor, from the t'ommittce apsint,. IH-rinteud the election for t,i trustee of the t niversi'y, reported that John W. Cunningham, having received a inaioritT of the whole nuinlwr L .f viKes giten, ia duly c!cctej, aud no ihMmt per- sin iseifsieit. Tlie hill to authorise the. Xnntahala and Tuck asege' Turnpike Compairv ta establish a toll bridge over the Tennessee llivor in Mw Coun ty, and the resolution in f inn of David A. . Ry i Co., wo-e read the totrd time, passed aud, or donMl to lieeiijrrossc I. - tn motion of Mr. tV"ggius, the Senate ad journed. ' iwrsK o common.. ' : : After rewling nnd eorreeting the Journal-if -vsstsrda.vrti-.ttMaii.i, i .11 a-..in,. i.u .ssml eage-of llis eoll'eiieyf iwi-gnyernr,: togetbcrl- witii the reuort f ifio Survev nf the Wejtern Hail Boad rmite u token from th table, and noHon nuTLUe icp. rt - A loc.age wan l-w.ivod front Ilia Ktjeelleney, Lhivhl S. Held, 1 0e Uovuraor, iratistoitting tie report nt tlie Litornry Board, which, km (notion oT Jlr. J. t. JtMiuin. was tout ta tin' Nmate with a prupisition to print tbe massage and re port. - . -. .-: By eonsent of the House, rule wsiee suspended in order that the bill handed in by Mr. Mebane oa yesterday, in relation to the itiooris-mtion of tne Aiiimance uuug m .viasoti Riigtit le taken Meters. Norment and I'homlmrg pnwntcd nmoriiil praving tor a Prohibitory Loiunr Irtw, which wero reicrred to tho Uunnitttrw on trriay aiiec. .:)' Mr. Sliarpe offered a memorial from citiiens 6T tri di.ir, praylinj IW irswldiBhuiuid 'oT a new County, which was referred hi the Committee 011 Grievance. Mr. Sluw introduced trreittorial praying f .r tin act-pmhibiting hrtnlnirTrrimirxicaTingli ipiors within two miles of Ciiiiion iemilu lusii ltc, whiclt was ryfttrred tu th Cminiitee ou Grievances. . Mr. Doitch, from the Committee on tii Judi ciary presetiled tlie fullowiiig report: linfavor ably uwin lb bill Concerning the pi.wer of lecMciitiui'g Courts 111 rolutma to real estate.- 1,'mJjill p.is.e.l to ih lilu of billnn tliei ccinnl4 - rea.liiig. Ali, unlavombi to the bill provid f.iil' Jtltl t Hiis' tt i tw jilt- ' It's IBs r i- A at " vlll II V V 111 fT$ lit I f It 11, MJ1T1 IV" of Mtvkiciiburg, which bill wo laid ou the table. ' , . : ... .1 Hr. Tuiaiior, friim flieTiriiiiuTtiee on TrTvat bills, reported unfavorably to a bill proposing an increase in the pay of Juror and Witnesses in the oouuty of Onslow, which wa laid un the tilbl. ' " .1 ' ,.-,...,,. Mr, Steele moved to take from Ihe table tb bill increasing the Salaries of public officers, but tli 1 !1oiis,''reltiBed fo eoiicujrjliej;eiii. : Mr. Mcliolli fntrodui-ed a resoluit,"iiaTiisU-u t brg the Cimmrttceon the Judiciary to impure into th propriety of enacting a law etaireriiiiig Ui relations 0. twenn lauili-o'd aud tmranr.' The rrsolutiou was referred ' the Cuwimitoe ou the Ji. 1'iiia, ' ..-Mr. I 111' ihtroblct''l rgtululi the Committee u the Judiciary to inquire iulo the propriety of repealing or ainctitTfiig an act paes,d al the session of Isoll-'fil ooiueriiitig a I.S l.oi,.., I Mo,..r,,l,.i.nl llrninU UJ ti'ral' Suivfi,"wK;ciT V.asMsr"uim was rrferrcvii tlie armrotiriate Conimittee. Mr. Turner iuirisluced a resnlutinn in favor of Jasper Tlimen, nf I (range, for If ".(I, which passed it first rending and wa rcfened to the Commit tee on Claims. My, Lynn inlrodnecJ a hill of a general char acter to increase Ihe per diem of Jurors to fl .ill, and fit cents pey mile travel to and firm Courts. Laid on tbe tul le for the present. Mr. 1. F. Caldwell iiilroduerd bill to estate llidl tlie Pei.pti- Bank of U.e Male of North Canlina. Alice readins: tin bill, Mr. Mebane remarked Ihat the ( ill being a pmpaiti-ii tu In- inr. unaurcs juie auiuvlm niuica turulor. the sni to the Committee on (itiniiee Rttd print Mr, hinirietary Ihoui'ht that l bills t nnnsinir Bank telatr.d to tha Finance of tbo State, yet bedevim-d the Comaiittee 011 Banking Ihe iniper reference. Ha remarked that from bearing III bill tend from tlie Clerk' table, be wa not cer tain hut the Committee ..n Internal luipmteinunt would Ii a mor appropriate Committee. iilr. l-s-.v ri. i f liauilsoti. said if he uinlerttisul Ilia purpi.rt of the bill It wa to increaa the IMimibhi of lh Slste, and If o tli- Cumtuitte i on riiiaure waa li e oroi er Comaiiltea. Mr. D. F. Caldwell said : 5fr. Sieakor, being meuilierof ibeConimille on Batiks and Banking, it aould be erha.s in datlicalo oa mo to appror ih asutwa ad lb gentleman from Alaii.alue; ih ran 1 object l the propriety of tbe tnotb.n of tb gentleman from Put, Atreganlamv own feeling in this matter, I shonl l with pleasure he eseeedlnglv iiratirr.,1,Tf rrtt jnTij-sT t.VT.rtiVs, (i.h I m.diii to bait ll. bill referred to bah Committee yea, sir, all Uie C iinuiittcs of th Ibatso, as 1 am amiima to haven in undergo a thorough and critical etaminnti n, 1 curl for the hill, just presentrd, a ssan-bing and unsparing investiga tion In all its details by .ry mem Iter on this fluor. I' importance Jeman'ls it it merits I hope will lists lb seieresl nticim, lo lb emirs of Mr. Caldwell rerearka. b was iutriu.tod by Mr. M' Unn, ahn ( mpcI n say h iiilsiuM aL ti l, t.. -4 lit I niaiuiur 141 UaiiLinr, nether did be wish to take fsMta ihe proui-uoa of tU gcaiWaa frota Uinlfard lh. lui, . Mr, Caldwr'l arked tn leri maed fr.stn tening oa lb Cuniiaittr on Bulking, Oa motM.11 lh Mil ioliisJuswd I7 Mr. Caldwell Was nlrrred to lb Ct.asaiilliM vu Banking. Mr. Csldsell agata askad lo b tctwsi. Mr. J. It. Ilinum rtuarkedb hops I t), gvtas llaasan suigkl 1 iK I eaeasssl. 1 bat be bail gitea the so 1, 1 rst of Banking tnu.b lliouclil anl wrattd peihaps I on ol Ih brat aj..oililnis,.ts II, at c.hi la b wail. '" Un tot Mr. Caldwell was not tlease l. Mr, Phi bts ioitwlut-eil a b.il t aawstd an s i sTvfinltig lh dill is and puw.es i.f llank lbl and larap k lsssa, It l-trg a general led 1m bi'iMig lb dot, and powers vsse.as entnj tiiics m lh Sut. lit lull wa return! la lb Comss.tns.oa th Jaslirisry, A masMg iw revised fr.. ll Sswa's pn rmi.g 1 go l..ri!inli into 11 e riii. a ,d iwa sWcet ( f lh I irrsi:T ,4 Sank CanJtn Ti. -i was tsssctiaf r4 m and th fulhni bag as n .'l.s ,-r"ius,i. 1 lit Mr. llai, )biI. ai..s, li.n I by Mr, Ssaile, 'John V , tansisf Iissb 1 ly Ms. hniMsn, i. 'J'. tstket 1 by Mr. U-ah, I Ps, ..U a, J. ts. Ilvauia l.jr Mr. I.y., 1. ..ic 1 i 11 , 11 . 1 . . , I I.I i.ilb,s: 1 1 Mr J. ...I.u. W. 1 U-i.U. b M I l-.ri.Wf. liaary i. hlist aud by Mr, G Uo.. W at. T. 4 lark. Mr, J. It, Umaai in rndure-l a eesulaiku mm- nu.g the Iseok.eal swrver. TNs rsHnta.bai p,, p,.rs .Hi.ino.as i4 ,a to liHiMlre llilo lint Mt.l.er la nhwh L artel has l1 -llurti.. a. ii W ret-srl a.M ik pt..r -iv, , r oilvrais. ' ""wf ta ia. 1 in mtAuusM w-.- ".'''"' Mr. M ,aJ iMroJucMl a UU I recl.snsw lUUsak.i u s Nbis N.aik t aclo,. aht- k was vr lnd i., a pniitod aad trlervtd to lh C -nssiil. b kifcg. .'1 Psi-erw IsxrislucH a 1.11 lo I n, it I 1 lieis In Vl Jei.oti.1 ll.. p,, Ut ll.sntl.... Tl.sl.il .s,n " r. os s a. l- It. lh al. , f J.,. , .sil l.al.'i wiikm ta-tv 4s !,,, V.t sosil I, ll.M B.l .A psas-a -.,ioii.t, F." s t so. I Is. I t,a U s 1. 1 Is j, a, 'ttson f M'. a , ss nuaiBEa 4t. toUli Senate! virtirs siog to increase the "NT'ec' Comoiotre oa lku.k4.-g to cihi un th part of aoh House. Mr. C.xi'ce introduced a bill to incorporate th M.Miksvilleand Wilkh.ir.i' I'lank Road Company, which lie moved t print and refer ta the Cwii- wlttce on Internal ImprovMiienta, Mr, sneplieril impurcd II a similar l,ill had a tee iiitriHliieed in the Senate. Mr. Sharp, Lexiugt.in and ,,. 4 i-u - .. , 1 W .Mwlmro tbflf. ' 'markisl eoncernmg the amonnf ' aving f, pnblie priutin That! . i 11 ... i ,L .1 , 1 Mr, Smith remark' th Stat was paving according to tl)e Coinptrollcr' Report tlie pnlilir printing last year, iuulud'mg the printing of last aossinn. amounted to JfU.tW. I In thought it entirely unnecessary to Imv printed every bill Uiat oume before tb House, and hoped rotne plan might be ailopted by whkU the rulo of print nig bills should be act aside, Mr. t'.sik withdrew bis motion lo print, when th Uill wa referred to th Committee oa lutcrn al Iitiproveanent. ;, . Mir. Martin introduced a Bill concerning the better government nf ...tha..luwu. ..nf . Louiaburg ThMiU wmnread the fir mo and referred to the-ajiamwiHw, Private B ilk Mrr J. H. V Ulte inrrodnecd a Bill to nmend tha htatut oonoeniiiiji widow. Referred to tbe connnituie en tt:e luaijiary. ,.,.l.V-ti,.Vr--tl4wjai.iUHTeil .io, mlioirn. on wUicli the Ayes and nays wer demanded, which he afterward withdrew. Mr. Touliuson introduced a Bill to change that tsirtiou of the Common Schiad Isltr rcpiinhg Teacher to produce Certificate of qualification, far as Johnston Ciaititr is oncemed. Mr. ToniliiiSuB aaid it being a small. matter, he would aiovo a sutpensioa of Rules in order thai th Ibli Blight, lie placed on il eomid readins. Criesid-NaJ No! Nol . i ,. . ... ' Mr. Tuuiliusnn then withdrew LI motion. a,l Ii Bill was, on hitiuuliun. n fctred to tha Cum. niiiteeoa t.uitcauois. . w h ... Mr. Outlaw moved to adjourn. ' Aye and Xya sailed t Jyet 'Hi-Xdut 75.-. s ' Mr, Black, from tho Committee ttipcrlnf ending th . tlcctjon TrjiMtet tmv.9 Iha. fol hi if in H re port: whole number tif rote cast, 153 necessa ry lo a ehoiee, 77. Mr. Cunningham t-eecived I'd; Mr. J. . Bvnnm. 60; Mr. Ihirtch, SO; Mn Phillip, art; Mr. Cherrv, '.T; Mr.Tayloe. If ! Mr. Morrfssov, Id ; Mr. .Ronri, TO"; Mr. Kl- noti, n: .air, t lark, a; Mr. Turnc. I 1 and JHvttl; 1. ' Mr. John. vV.Cumiingliam wnj declared Elect ed. . 1 Me. Holland Introduced a Bill to lucoriioratc the Shellry Rail Road fomnanv Mr, ;-i,igidtiu- Minted to lay tha Bill uu the tahK - lii.'h ' lost. Mr. S. !. A, William moved to adjourn. ' ' , JaiU-Jy 4., Th idiair Voted 4a -tlie negative and the "JUiui refused tu adjourn. The Clerk then read the Bill incornnrntlms vt.i t...n.-i 1,:1 it 1: ii - - - I, , tow i-o.ooj s.aii tt'mo, wrui'ii was reierrea 10 tin comuuttseon Internal Improvements. I tie Keport ot the t omtitrnllcr wa rK-elved, and, on motion of Mr. Amis, It Wa ordered to be tent to th Senat with a prtnisifitm to print. A Communication wa received from tha ljier rhatit's Bank i"f Nesiirn iufuruiing the Isixuiral Assembly of jta financial eonditioii, wliichjjOn la itioo otMr. Ami, wa sent to the Senate with a pmpmitton to pHlil. ' " Mr. Sharp intrixbierd a Bill to lav nfT a new Couiiiy to ) e called ttraham. Mr. lMrtch moved aa adjournment; Mr. Si ArWiiiimtta cult tt Ttie SjefaniJ bays. eir. inni-n witiiurew nis motion. 111 Aye and Nay. Ayo 2i AVrv 70. The llous refusing to adj aim, Mr. Sharpo'i I'm ssi uras rata..-. ire. . . i".?.r!",f nr. Tt iliiama to withi! I rsur hi Bill for a momrut in vrdar tliat be might bate his Bill referred! Mr. William refused. ' Mr. Cook moved to .H urn, and oa vote ll. Spkr declared th lluus adjourned till to morrow at 10 o'clock. tiaiTa. ' nte.Kth lttl Mr. ItoVit liitrnilurcJ tli fullowinr: reaolulions wh eh wr adopted. Whereas, there i a manifest ln-eqiial!ly In Ih litevcot ia.JuaJ as si ssing-.tlia. lauja. auhln the State for tatatiun, forionnsly vbtreof, Jte it fi'isoceJ, That t!ifommittena Finance l instructed to inquira, whrlher, on or nior assessors, to be apsiiuled by the County Courts (of the anin court th lates are laid) whoM du ty il shall ba, to act with lb Justice who takes the tax list, aa a I star d of laluati' lo talua all tb lanJa of their counly, and rectify tlx saaie under ealh, and in ease nf disagreement betwav tbe assessor and Justioa, the same be ri fcrred totbtCoiiiniiti.i.f Fioamw uf tlmii euua ty, s.il.ject b, an appeal t list caiuty court. RnaltAfitrthtr, Thai th financaCowmlttr in.uil into th propriety of causing th assess- a Hint to b man vry iv yar lastcaj uj 8 rignt, a rmtr prmilesi py m, o sv smrrit 1 urtaer, 1 sat th f ommtt ss on g. pans iaiUire into tb pmpriery of se amending Ihe revenue laws a ta prm ids, ihat th lair he laid, list J and w jle-led within th same year, Mr, 1 other, from tb Ciawmilte en hit era a I Improvement. rportl tb bill to in corporal lb V I'lkui Plank Road Catsinr, with areenm meadajuin that it pass, Th bill passed il sec ond reading and llie rales being uspcnded.lt wa read the third lime, pasts I and orders d In Urn gnsiscd. Mr, Thomas, if Jack bob, Introduced a bill to repeal an act ntithd an act hi prm e!e Car an tj licullural and gnulogiial survey of tha N.vt, passed al tb Mui of I "', w LisL Md it Mr. V ildcr, front tb Commitlr i a th Jmli tiary, reis,ni d lit bill to amend aa act i.f lh actsion ot.litiO siiUib d an a4 to iuirporai the tsyeitciiii and & riharu l lsi.t U4 Cum. By, wilbscteral ameudinenU. Tl.e amendments rr adopted and tli bill passs l its aeeobd tesd lug. Mr. MelViwell, from lb Coaise'lte on f orpc rail.ia, rrpoited lb tall In iaenrporst lb Rank f Isrcn.l ai in Faietievills, wild a recomairnd atioa that it pasav, - Laid oa lh Ial4audurird lo be primed. A asnuaga wa received front t'i llous of fuinuioiis, protxtauig ta lncras lb joint com aults on lUuking lo igkt oa Ik part of each bB", which was net eoiKurred in. Also, a mas4. tiaasiaiiiiiig lbs annual stats. Biml of h Mrn hsnC Bal k of Nemlssra, and th Report of lb C..iOitpdlr itf State, wLk U wr oidrrad 1st lat priatsnL - Mr. t aisaa ia lu.-d a rssnluli.. f(lbskn of ,.usy ,j ll.s Ijtersrj lhsirdu t linloa I i lua'r Infi'iiia ia Siwi.n luuutf, wbii-h wa rsa-l anj r. I.rrsd lo lit Cotuaiill a LdueaUstB aad U Lileiary Fund. Mr. ttaiker IntroJarsd a Lilian noapcnsal tl- v u.kw 4 lb p.,r ia Me,kl. t.l.urt Cmnij, bub was t ferrrd lo ll. Commute l i..., sue so I l,i ., ,B'es. Ml. Uutid piwa-id a meiaorial from asanv tilitrn of I 1. i.e C.asitiy, with a Lill lo rmanst psi J .ba IsuuL alnrU ass rrlerrod to tb low- I ailiuatt I i,.) i.l..s and l,riBs. Jlr, t Ufit uDeiod tl. folUiaiag rs.!tiuO, "'"b a a adopted I 1 llf.Jr.it, That II. s Etssllaary, th4rnny M U) Mat; Is rcturxH n maisu assa' w thr 1 ,.. U4 aitvaiul ol anasry hss bIcswIt Ism I st 1.1,4 ta us t,,l.(usl. Minaral.-o si. ' ll-a,. b,1 rrt.slifl Isorvsy ol Is J .'." sbsi sro-fsas ka Um as .4 in aa.d Ihoo, tta bmssUmsii ,s bksly I ss .J a.n, 11 i,ii"l.u L, i II pr,.ss,is j lii,,il ,rbti. irt,ttsw was t..4 a I sc- bj liui S t. pwtssj I : Mr li-.ks, (,,, n.s t'.anssitir aa t.a Ji .1 .. i ; ft',.lttp. ts ss I - rr-l l,st ptft.. a ,f to" I "! V.-.SC tS llr. U, !(. S,,o a I.f J .,.-' -t- flf ihs I -y !- t. ; - t it I ..rcur.vl in. Ai'. lb" ia!! to .-, is t . Ii . 1 i. Amerivl ,srtoin :,i'i- f,-r 1 v-! t 1, With a. rejtiiniti iaii -ii ti,.tt ii passeJ ii ,ss uil rru iii m-. ti mrndel, w read the I. ml 'ou iirilered to I enjrro e-i. , Mr 11-dr.e, fr uit the t.'omnrttee ry, ren-iru-d lavorably to the ! 1 on l.r- J . nil ci il'-li 111-11 Nierm s ices m vertiua cases. JkHouil reading. ' Mr, Morrissetlntrisluieda r.-so'ufi, n ii j 111 the committee on public huil.iii.irs, k 11. into tlie teces-.!tv M priivitlmg lur huTinii toe l. f Tbo fdluwii l Liil.'aere read the scco.iJ to .. 1 . ' ,. A bid coucerr,:D .Attorney Generaj a ,d ooiiciu.rs. ' . A Itiil ooneeming Asvlums. A bill ciiiicerning attachments. A bill to extend the time for the registration i f deeds, grants and oilier conveyances. A bill concerning Us-k del, is. A Ul oaiccriiieg bouts and Canal. . A bi'l caincereiii .ttotnejt at law. A bill cenconiilig an.'tioii und auctioneer, A bill conrerning bail. "A bill concerning hustard eli.il.lyen. --A bill eoni-ernini bills and Ia;!h1 ttnd pmiiiij- tury notes. '.."Taife bill cojiftertuiiif ujitilHils and pnwctliligt .' In theuature ul upptuisi no tc-aJ ilit thlitl but and passed. k Ou uiotion tb Senate adjourned. i HOIVK OK filMMl'Mi , lb journal of jestcnluy was read, and tL following commiltea un tli Geological furv.y wiui auuouncod t Messrs. J. G. Byunu, tMll ), ClisJv. ick, J ..11.1t and Smith. 1 he vacancy in the coinmittee on tli Revi.al " of Hiatutei, catisr.1 by Mr. Shepherd bt inc 01 cnse.1, wit upplic(l by U.0 OMuiutnieiil ol -Mr. PhiUipv , MeuinriaU on tb stibjcct of prohibitory li'iuor law wrre.pretenteij by Mcssts Barringer, Coli-ld, J. II. llcmlcii, Shcrritb Settle and licgiui, all cf which were referred to lb ei.iuniittce ou Uriev ancea. '.: Mr. Shepherd iiitrojucioi tnemnriol from tb Grand Division, Son of Tcmperaare, praying for the etiaorrnented' a latr giTMig totli voter in the scienil dietrictt lite ptivik ge uf saying by ballot whetlioriiiuiiutiugliiiuor shall lesold ia any uuautitics in said district. J- -Mm-heploird-saiil he-slHild iutrtsloee a 1h11 IB a IcW uuy. in aevor.litneo v .th Uies.n it ot tlis memorial just read, and moved to lay lh till ou tile table, in which tl.a House eoncurrrd. Mr. Bogle arose t itoiiire concerning a ni nioriiil on the subject of J'empcranco introilm e-l by bim in the early part of the session, on In h "Uu iiiiti'TliiiTcTei"iiri'liaJ I ecu nimie 1 r tin- c-.i.i- Jttleo.ita.,PMsiiiiiuii..nnd Uxietaucc Ii.... moved tu take, t .e lni tooriul iili I repisrt from tha bible and recommit the a hoc tu tli coniumlcfl ajsaTiu Conciirrcl in. Mr. li di n ni Hid to tuke- from the vnbls tha -uiaulution-in fuir-id' J..Uu Pavntj, con ,-ni.j a III evolutionary claim, und lu-nci turtfer li e asm tu uie coin un ticc 011 .nonunion!, '-"M'T. Johnson tliougiit the committee on claim tb proper ,1'cri ucn. v Hh Kul agreed wilh Mr. J. that It Won' 1 t, teem, but in order to eipializ tli balsirs i t c -..i-miltee. and aUi Committee on tb monuiiii uis irerwtM'.t'tlltslytnhkie moch tflato, "and t! resolution was of a strictly revolutionary char acter. It had moved lu rrtor the same lu the cow aiiltMoa monument. Mr. Jolinson nio l tugni! tti ly refurii-.g ti tlie committee on clfi'uns. 'ihe amendment v. a eonciirrcil in by a tote of nves 7 lo navs .".1. ytf. rnirr. tr fritTl.e c. tMiiitTt( 1 n Jur.ciatr; Intnsluced a s'i'.oitiite Cr the bill inrrea,ii.i ll pay of jurors t:i tlie county of New Hanoi, r. The atilmtitnte' ti nves it 'litarrrrimtrT with tl.a wwnty sWhrwtn-o'wtyti'ttTrttiB rwanon nf JOK-r (mat loiiiccod J'i.tsJ js-r dn; ) ni d a like sum I t cveTf thirty mile' linvtd in attetoiing coer s. Mr. Catislcr, fn m ti e coiiimitti. on linen 1 ImprovoiiieritN rcpnrtt"! lavornhl' upon a loll in corporatiltg Uc Cape Fir arid a -ciiiiiHe li;ui-la-r l'iantany; al.i, up- n tl.e bill iivc.iponit 1 the t haihani Rail R .n l coinpai y. 11 th lis tiassiid to the file i.f bills ou tl.cirsconti'l na lii.. Mr. Se'tle, fnan tl.C committee i n Claims. r- fortei" faiorahlv upona rcsnlutiuH in fun of W, I.. High, Sheriff of Wukc Mr. Can-lcr, from the cmti.atce on Iiiten .d Improveinctits, rsirtid favurnl.ly uj.n tl.s I. .1 in relatiou to the ini rvvcmeut of aruai! in iia - Mr. SingUtary inlrtrtlnced a resolution in r; lo.n to H.ljouniment. 1 he i oluti.-e f r o - that ih Legislator adjourn on il.r-; 1 i i ceiuU-r ijmt,, to aost again on the f rt M 1 i .f iu Noicntlier nest, hi mum 11 of Mr. h o ry it wa laid Ihe lable. Mr. ll.Hislou iutroiliici 1 a i s..'utl,,n in n is tirm to Administrators. It l.roo-.ses to (alt In 01 thrm th right of tie, ti. u Kianu ctsaiiters. Laid t,n the tahte. - .--- Ir, Itt.rttk itir.sliu id a resolution ii.stru ' i? the ciuimittee on l!,s Juiln-iary to injori- 1:. the profiriely of re-ju.ring pii'irilians lo uv the fund of ibe'.r wntds 111 .i Ua, !-, as a4..pteo, - air, isiru a .ls. Introflu. e.i if olutioo tSuurtniiiig diinrc-, wki. h wa " ! and reft rred to the es.mtitit'ee 11 ti e J 11 i . i .-v Mr. lUilcn inlnsluersl loll io..-rtorat;t r i. Frir.r't aflil Miller J'ank tn ti e loan of phy, whisli a-111. 1, rv t I primed ai.d re'.-r-rd lo the eominitti-t oa lia-.kia. Mr. UarritH'er introduced a bill is if r- ' .1 1 lh Conural a let I haraw Rail rad d ai t jid on tt liii-ls I. r the prnent, Mr. tiiliiam lnlr.luce. a bill fo ho-- n s lh Hank if RcaBot al Plymouth, whn ti . ordere.l p. !, l.ri'il. 1 an 1 nft rrrd t 1 t: e t Bilior 1 n I'.iii.L 1 , Mr. Shart s pr -e to ren.itrs tl a! Y ! tb bill iiitro,it(r.i ft I, on 1 11 1 , t, - l kca fitHO ti.e ishle sn.i r, t. n,.i to il e V . 1. . -s ea Grievance", v bo b Ma u?t 1, . - lllsS. A. TA ioi.H.us' I.U t..lnlo..l .. ... . .. day, pottd.iig tb fe. iu.g t.( ), h f' I a!j.arne.I, ast KWn n,. snl 1 . profstses It simci,4 an a- 1 r- n-'!!.!! I';. ' , fcr.tes oarry ng f re-ure-s, kn i.-s. A- Mr. J. i.l ,i tn s I l i ri'.'er V I !l t t s C'otnmine on the Ju.ii, i ? v Mr. Plow no. I t j -int. Mr Jet ko t' .. ' t ' - v 1 1 ; Mr, K.lcn ll.o-i.-bt il id: I. .-.-!mi .i"i. Mr. Plow f lis o r. . it In, I , 1,..: . . 1 1 t'.e suC .s ; a .is of s ...e ir .. ; . u i . ; mer Mr. Jl.kin Bin j t, I ib" a -twsf w Inch wa lost ly a ! i A . . , s aheanit mHion of Mr. J 1 i... 1 I reh-rre.1 tu tll CisitiriU'.ce un Ins ' Mr. Jefikllts .tr.-l'ie 1 s I o to t, . dcslructi in o( lite i k . n tlwir dstr.o-ioi rvist't t gtatc and Imlii is I It.... an tb Ju.te-uirr. Mr. Illow Introloeed I erttut -1-1 a-f !, 1. wii . f ti elrtr"l to it. I , . lr. I . . I, s I I lo IR G I I so. I I .1 . r M n-,.g I lef1 rrr 1 to li e I '.i,i.m I 0 e 0 li ,1 fr lis Mr, ll ! Irsl Hail R.4 t . th asters of liis Isislleliils, lit t,S ll.!. Mr l.rv. It ll, Se,fri-o a of s 11 i IW I - I !' , ' I 1 1. a I .i O .,!. ,, ! ..Hi ,. 'rl 1 t ,1s Bi lls a I ie bii 1 li-. I , . m, 1 . , I !o I M tf :f I --S I", 9