.-r .JiDrtli-Caralma gtar. . . ' rrjausBia wilt r "WILLIAM C. DOUB, gDn INSI ioiHtTO. ...j .retail i. advance, tw dollar Mr aa- nemttw. dollar, and " "i'V" Umoattxt aed thr dollar t th. i of tb. Jl D YES TISEMKXTS not weeding ti will inserted " "m ,or " , ' . a-. r, k subteaneat Irxertioa. TKo.. ef greater length will b. eh.rred proper. 7, rti ..4 Judicial advertisement- w?uTcb.rgea25 per cent. - A reaaanitili deduction " ir- w -ig I h i a.a 1 f I FJ V0LU1IE XLVL RALEIGH, NOBTH CAROLINA, WEDTtTSDAY MOSlflXG, JAMIAI1Y 17, 1855. nmnjzE. 3 ap.tch. and T".?JlmL raid Letters to in tvus - Legislature of North Carolina. . 8KS ATI. . ' .'-" "' January Sib, 155 . Mr, Drake Introduced a, bill to amend the tmertorof the town of Nashville, which passed ita first rending. . . ' ... . The .reoial order, belt.)? th joint resolution to ffrltta f e State into ight .judicial circuit, m taken up. and with its .cyeral mcndrafnl, or dered to be 'prints " m"ie, pecl ori TWriitr'to incorporate the Howard. Gap tumpiks dmpany, passed it second readtng Alio, th bill f. the better regulation of the AUio. resoliilion in JTOS.luooia . i pir. venum mpnea of the gtnera corporation lw, and the bill, as Mr. Portch, in behalf of the eommittM on the I amonded, passed its sceond mading. jadieianr, reiHirtvd a sulwiitutafor the billf r the The special order of the day, being a bill on protection of wires and children; also, on the hilt its second readme, to divide the 8tate into nine concerning constable giving them 2 per cent Judicial circuits, on motion of Mr. Miipp the bill on eollectiont in additiua to the feci already at- was lata on tue tame i.'r tne present. I towea. On motion of Mr. Patterson the bill limiting I Mr. Normont, in Wlialf of the committee on flie tiiuo la which persons axptiuted Justice of j Agriculture, reported that anrchatige in tlietiiw l'eaee snail take tlie oath ot oAce was taken up, of selling pram, salt, nieal, 4c, as proposed tiy read the second time, delated at length and on a bill submitted to them, is inexpedient, nwtion of Mrv Bullocktindefinitelv postponed. Mr. fciierbcrJ. in behalf of the committee on fc i'it : . i . i : 'n i - i , i i . . .1 .. A Will inmrjioraiiiig inv L.non JMnK US A0W r inawce, suurauicu a rwpirv Hi M'niu ici.-. bem was read the second time. I with a revenue hill, which bill was read the first Mr. Martin moved to amend the till hr stri-1 time. It was ordered that the bill be printed. king out afU-r piU and.ailyer the wordeVr their I and the report scut to the Senate with a proposi- equivaleut." . l bonto print. - . Mr. Meliano demanded the ayes and nays on 1 Mr. Steele rcid a minority report ajnin.it ro the amendment. He thought all banks should I chartering the I)ikof the State signed liy Messr be established on the gold and silver losis. He I Steele, U. (ireen, and, 1. r. Caldwell. Mr. Itartrh movetl to print the report, Mr. Steele thought it -unnecessary and would prefer the report lnot printod. Unsaid he was not afraid of the types, howerer, he would tell it alt over, and morn too, vt lien inn lull enrno up. Mr, Dnrteli tdlkgelMjiijjtiim. Mr. Hmnphrey renewed it nod the motion to vailed. was opposed to making the notes of other Bauks the basis of Banking Capital. Mr. Jenkins moved the indefinite postpone merit of the bill and its amendments. Mr. O, Oreen obtained the floor ami defended lb" l.ilL He alluded to the wants of the eititons of Newborn for more banking capital. He hoped -rr and for recovering dcbts;agnint tliom. Beforrol to the committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed. The following bills were introduced and ap propriately referred j l'y ,Vr. tiraham, a bill to establish a lihmry nf documents fur each House of the General Af-...-I.I.-S J! .-ir.-a v.. . IT noes Vt: The bill to incorporate Washington Saving Institution in Beaufort county, passed its third ''rne'following bills were introduced and read '.. ita iaitn ' ehantiir 143. n. y, A.h a bill to incorporate the Anson v:..., The special order, bein the bill tonmend the constitution of the Stale, (freo suffrage) was taken nnon its lecond rending. u. lL,.l,tn,i nmved to auiend tho first section t,. .i.i;nfr thut no fiireiirner shall Tote for .i.. f it, Snnatc or the House of Commons, k. hsit luwn naturalized aeenrding to the Isnreof the Untied -Statesr-and hall have paid, pnblie taxes, which was adopted by ayes "io, noes 23. - ; , Mr. Biggs oiTercd the following as a substitute for the drat section . "Kvory citisen of the State who is entitled to vote for memlien of the House of Commons shall also be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate for the Histrict in which be resides" ...... Mr. Ash askedibr a.Jivi8ion jJJbe qnestiQBi Mr. Grafei1' moved to ftwenit the ameudmnnt fit Mr. Bigg", by striking out U of the anwnd m.ni ml iiuwrtinsnTTlti'e HtNl section, af ur the wortls 21 years, "Ijiiing cilisoh of tho tnited Mr. Gilmer movtd tu adjourn, which was lost, ayes 4, noes 41. . . Ther amendments tw UUdi-agp. Mr. Oilmer offered the amendment presented by him on the fir?t nailing of the bill, which was rejected. Aves 11, nues ;7. The bill tlieu passed its second reading by avci 30, nte 14, 'The bill was then made the order of tho day for W ednesday 12 o'clock. The Senate "then adjourned. the motion to indefinitely costiwne would not I rrint nrevai prevail. 4 I Mr. f.i. C.reen, from the committee on Internal itlr: Jenkins mnlied. Ila (leMreil to know 1 ltuuitockin. the Baokir tcieUfor9.:.ut;)oried. atjbartrrinithfi Histern 1' wttoMVTOE5feZCi3?L iln liMl nn ill Ineling I wliiHliit wim tmA Hit nm tmw umr f towards Kewbeni;- He thonld-vote for no new Mr. tiettle, Iroin the committee on claims re- By jfr. Speieht, a WH to provide for the pay ment of jurors iu tlie county of Orecne. t Jty Mrl Wjod, a bill to confirm a grant here tofore made to Llijnh W. l'igutt of Carteret County. 0 By Mr, Haugliton, a memorial on th liqaor trnt! c. "' . " lly M. (Vilmer, iUl Uieorporatn the Cihrar Hill Miiiingt'ompany in tlie county of Pavidson. Al"o. a bill to incorporate Deaant Hill bpdge or Ancient York Maimns. By Mr. I ane, a bill to limit the term of Chair, uicn of ugbJi wrd of Common Schools, The special order tho bid to incorporate the Vestrn llailroad Company -was taken tip ami made the order of the day for l'riday.. at 12 oVl-urk. , Me. Tliggs reported a rmmlier of b'tlhi ffrtniihe eommittee on. Jtoviscd Statutes, which passid their first readings Bunk union he was entisfied the wants ef the I ported favorably to the resolution in favor of Ad people dnmanded it. (Mr. Love interrupted to uer Walker. inquire if the gentleman from Warren was in fa- Mr. Idincasler, from the eommittee on Private vor of rcehartoring the State Bank and the Bank Bills, reported on a number ot unimportant bills uf Cane Fer. anH resolution. r-dTnirtriy W'pllfdthtltmTnTnmrjctlle: 'Mf. Curin'tur 'fr;rl''tti! cWntBlllW mr-frr not made up his mind, neither did ho know w!ie- Improvements, rccommendeil the rejectiun.of the thcr he should vote fur the People's "Bank. At b'.ll for draii.lug the swamp lands i f I'itt, the proper time hisviews would be made known.- dn motion of Mr. Iloh n, AVsofrn, that the llo was in favor of the amendment offered by Committee on Agriculture inquire into the expe- Mr. Mnrtin if the hill whs parsed. dicniy ol diud;ng the State luto two Ocwh gical Mr. I). F. Caldwell arote and said the aru- Iiiniricts. ment used by the rcntleman from Warren coti- Mr. ilortch moved a reeom-fderation ( f the rote ccrning the stock not being taken wan the stron gest argument in favor of chartering new 1! inks. llo alluded to the custom of cloving the books be- ordering tho printing of tlie Kevenuebill in con- nectuu wlin the renin ot tlio eoinuiiine on ri nance, which motion was debated ut some length. m,y fp;m p.rtions of Xhe bill son- ", iioisb or COMMONS. After reading the Journnl of Siituidav, Th Speaker announced Mcsjr?. l'hillips. Yan cy, A. llTcaldwell, .Vycra. and Sclby a commit- tre on rnnillrri.hlL'?-.'l!LLJ'. Mr. Shiiui nrenented a m estalilishineiit of a new coun ClMsveland and Knliierlont ( cuiities Mr. llaniil pre-cnt: 1 a memorial Iroin citiiens of Hertford count? ei.ncsrning a rivor in that county, which was relemil to the committee on Grievances, i - Mr. Waugh reportl rHvnraMv with an amend Bient, to the hill incorporating the S:ilcm, Wins- ton and Jjcrmantusa.lnji41"i xiiiJ. fore oil Uic stuck is taken Jio lluiur'-t every 1 Mr. Durtch thoughtit uuneccaBai-y to printtuure memlierof the Legislature 'should speak freely than the report und the amendments, as the rev upon tha tubjeelin considenitiou of its import- cnue bill was bet'ure the memliers of the House, anee.- After dcbaie, on motion of Mr. M'intton, the .Vr. Jordan spoke tincn the bill and' the l ank- motion for reconsideration was laid on tho table. ing system in general. I Mt. Jordan introduced a bill authorizing clerks fllr. J. Jl. Macli thought all tlio lulls lor ot county courts to sell copies ol xtcvixeu auuuies Hank should lie over for tiio time ; for if the so- rcnminiiig iu their oflices. voral bills lie indefinilely postponed, the !,eg!s- The hour having arrived for the consideration lature miirht find itself in an asrkard i-OMtion.hv of snecial orders the Hank of Wilmington at 111 iMwiitg no-bant, llo desired all the bill, for In-1 u'di.-ck. ajidthe Cvuplc'iL-Uiluk . at J .2 the chuir eni Banks should stand over until the Legisln- ( decided the special orders could not be taken up wisdom uixtii the until the usual uioruing business has been traus- proposiiions to roebnrter the Capo Kuar and SttitoTacfcd. Blinks and upon the t'cuulei' Bank, which the Mr. P. F. Caldwell annealed from the decision fentleiiiun from duiifnrd has so much at heart, of the chair, and the question Was argued by le hoped tho gentleman from W arren would -Vessis Caldwell and AN illianis, of New Hanover, withdraw bis motion for itidclimteiwfirtpeooBiciit. MrCaldwell withdrew his appeal, saying ho Th hour for recess having arrived ihe St eak- disliked the course, and moved to supond tlie er arose durlnir thedebatcaud the House adiournTrules. oiiTtok unlbo snecial orders. ed till 3 1'. M. I Mr. Baxter renewed tho appeal and argued AtTKHHoox Srssrbw. the ouotion. The bill to charter tho I'nion Bank of N'ew- The question was further argued by Mcssr bcrn, pending the discussion of which the House Outlaw, Singlctai y, Bailor, mid l'hillips. took recess, was again taken up, debated at great The question arising ou tho appeal from the length by Mesi-rs. Jenkins, J. M. Loach, 0. decision of tho chair, the decision was sustained. Ul eenand others Mr. Ilitinphre" introduced a bill to incorporate which motion prevailed. pnny, v liith was referred to tho committee on xo utu vuTifuTinj uio .-ucioy jaiiroau v.uni- o j-wmiious. ArTMsnot Ststo!. House called to onW at 3. 1 M. 1 n motion of Jfr. Smith the use of Commons Hall was granted the State Agrirultural Society tor the purpoeuuf holding public meetingthere- Mr. Jenkins moved a reeonsideration of the vW wher.-b the srl,.u -Kunk rittvwnrw ferred to the eommittee -of the whole House, which motion was rejected. Tiu;irov"enieirr"repbrtc.- a"svntmfoV ih" A bill in relation to the poor ia Uit county of ivanuoipn. The bill to emancipate Jam 0. Hurtle, a slave, passed iu second reading. l'endiog the consideratioa of tbi bill. Mr. Thomas, of Jackson, (aid. Mr. fyreirri Huring the present seaatoa the Men ate have already passel w tavorot enianeipa ting two slaves upon protaf being furnished that they were sr.elitied to take ear of themselves Mr. Baxter Introduced a resolution concerning aul in their sphere of action become useful the Cherokee Bonds, which was adopted. members of society, snd also had referred meri- -Vr. i'atterson introduce,! a bill- authorising torioos serviees. In those ease th senate de- the late Sheriff of Caldwell , county to collect cided not to incumber the emancipated with a taxes in arrears. ' ' . resolution which would eertianly deprire tlie in- ny irrTT!einf; biTI WHSfSmw th .Tonn;T OTvnntair w tn ernwnpiit tTanage which tain railmnd eompsnv, which was read th Drstl would result from emancipation, that of know- lime nn a rrierrel. iu);, mm sir vxtuuuvuns; vumiyrivce nm uneiui By Mr. Sherrill, a bill to Improv a road from I members ot society, being able to lurniaa recom Newton to .ViirRintnn ' f mondations from sentlemen of th hiehest stand- Br .Vr. Wbv a bill to driln th .Vatamus-I ingin their favor, why should w refuse to emsn- kect Ike. wliich was referred ta th eommittee I "Pi any slave under these conditions r v hat on Internal Improvements. ' ' -Hnjwvy-enn the peofdeof any County in the State IW .Vr.. Huso, a bill to amend the Common I suffer from having useful barbers and mechanics? School taw. ( - - j Already tlie Senate have decided in ftivor of I5y WfTH. flreen, a bid to incorporate the re-1 mancinating lr slave, barbers, without the maio ucnevoient psctsty m iewnern, y sus i nwitoum unipwn, pr i uwi.pi mo t cav UsitHa..rjf ni!r.i.Ug! WU Has rttnl tM teeooa sd 1 uaiircao-, anu tne h efi wi:i VP! onuvi to t, t.tv was la;dn!u liie t!iW. The bill to layoffa-ruad from the Witka coun ty line to the lehnessee line, fassed us thiri reading by aves '2; noes ft. - ' . The bill to incorporate the Salf-m and Clem- mcnsvill Ham lwad company passed its third rcrdin Shut nf lu'es lift; LiU was read the secona n 1 er uaurean-, anu tne w eai wi:i i n on.uv. to . ttih-d tifne'slftidTiaMetf. -"- . " rjnAvtn-r a p'HrcarpenTeV airflPinT vhrtwrrt-n- - -- JJfa&vJliiajbauo apealDtoo elleet ef -wtsinng Hiss-UK us -I si4riiiMlun.oflui.aa,-.hii,u. KLiiili was I prvwnn unoa prutx ui meruonuH scn.-mja s, iu rcrerred to the Mtamittee on education. I encircle every slaYotioldor and tamuy with tne By ,r. Oglcsl.v.'ai bill hi favor of B. P. Hall I protection of their own servant wlucu desire t -i. ...,....' . ... . ..II : i..i l:i , ;n : men was rcierrea w me nuinmmc on l iivato i w cam wieir nwoj win uo.iro. I he aieMaJ oruors, tu eVW!l bill- pct-stvt 1 4Mintv, ana su:.tuf'.tc I an to ;.i e.T-ct i-,i tha C-io!:v t -wn h 1 t-j t.- i. Is-J lllli." r.io ic: -rs m ts rr. . vl tbercf. wiii- .tAn rr '.. ul ss a !- Mt !. - Mr. tiotuiw ioyei ttiC tod- f.-a.o r-1: -1 '-rrs' of tlie Mr. 0. V. Caldwell TmaH..! he s'uU rea. bim-Krlfasa perinred man m-relie to V"t ?-r the bill j for. disguised it as it i t.e it U l.iUon f the ku and the st-.r.t uf u a c i .i- tuttoo. Xli hour f.ir recess was p-'- -r-i tm r '.ntttc in orilcr to tale th tot on t). but, . t tur. was rtmsuuied in discussion. The lim w asaia extended tennvr 'i-: . -a motion of Jkr, Myers, w liich time was c- ua4 n aiscuseHjn. On motion of Jfr, Coik, the t:nie r, -,'a extended tea 'minute, llwcussc 1 at !. le; i . Mr. Outlaw withdrew tlie motion tj in :,: i .:T poetpon. lue qnestiotl arising on tne l oi to tav :i th aforesaid CountyV il Was pfsl jie it, Uis .--. Th House than t.ok rereat. AmaMXiN Session. On motion t,f Mr. 0. Green an engrossed biil for the emancipation of Jc-hn Good was read tl. second time and passed. Mr. Blow moved to suspend the ratal and rut the bill on its third reading. Mr. hitaker demanded th aye an I navs. The motion premilcd by tot of aves, il j Bars, 17. the bill tru then read th third time. Paughtry called the aye and nay. Tin bill was" passed by a tote of ajes, tiO t nnys, 24. vMr. ti. M. White moved to take from the tal l a bill for the emancipation of A brum !- noii. a I slave, which was refused- On notion of Mr. llamnbrrr. H snhrJ. t!vo lb llal! of the Hoik of Cossmonsbe er mted to rai pocirsT xo aiori ow cyea- iti tr. 1 Mr. Lots xoatEd to jpTnte VeomsiVtUAuf tl L .. wiioie iiuose on uu (umi ot A-anaiBg. , ilr. J. U. Bynum moved t.. asljonm, en which) the ave and nay were called. The House Jrar nisedto aijourn ayes. tmv, r. law ncs-of yoster.ly, vss passed oer to take np the' bill to construct a ship canal to connoct the ters of Albemarle and Cuirituck Scumls with Che.apeakeBay. J In! bill vrasauvocatci! nv .srs. liigfjs, Cher ry, Fisher, Haughtuu, (Jiluiof, Ibiyncr and oth er?. . ... After scverul amendments, the bill passed its second reading by aves-V: noes 3: as follows : Aves .Vcesrs. Ashe,, Biggs, Mower, It iyd, Cherry. Christian, ColcuiarvCunuiiigliaiu. lavis. l-.born, r .iKiin, rouuell, r teller, rouvilie, ri-ee-man, liiliucr, (iiabam. Graves Ilauglitoiv Her ring, Hoke, joiicj. Lane, .lfoCleese, .McDowell, .If ills, ,1orrissov. tlbliicld. l'erson. llavuer. San ders, Speight, 1'aylor, Tayloe, J. V. Tiionms, W. II. Th'-imas, Walker, Wilder, Wiggina, Willey, Winslow, U'ooil. N'AVs-Mcssn. Brogden, Katun, .Yartin. . iioyg iTof 'co m m ox s. After reading the Journal, Mr. Lancnsior, in behalf of thw committee on Private bills ri'portod-fevral4--uuui-ihefuUug-. and the bill to charter tlie 1'ayettevUla and tsreeusooro" ltauroad wer postponed. "lite nut tu-ainena uio cunstitnlioB oMivfi jsil (free suffrage) coming up, on motion of Mr, JsV lMwell, it was refnrrod to a select eonimiltce of three, with instruction to perfect th phi gv of th bill. The committee consist of Jotters MePovrsil. Botd and Cunninthsm. The resolution to divide th Sta. into eight .Vr. Shenl erd liaine called to the Mudi Hal circuits, was taken up. I .i jh nioiioa in ,vir, i&auriiiuti i wm aiuciiuvu sv as to reaa a bill, o.e. TJt .Vr. A.J. ,T-ms. a bill to repeal th re --miring the enrollment of all flee white over tne .-c ot 11 years, nnrt nronuing lor viu substitution of 21 years instead thereof, which was referred to the committee on M litarv affair. By .Vr. Houston, a bill to survey the dividing line between Duplin and Sampson counties. On motion uf .Vr. IVrtoh the House resolved itself into a ctwiruittee of the whole on the bunk ing system, chair.' Jfr. Wright moved that the enmmiuc d no- Theamendment sulnied by JTr. Outlaw was which was lost Dy aye lis, noes eu. discussed at length, when tueqnastionwas callca Mr. Martin moved tin Indefinite poatponcwent, j . nRT Mr. Love withdrew the motion to ga into committee of the whole. On motion of Mr. Tomlinsnn, an engtvitt n mil nTOCfafliSf "tU&'Ttf S6ttatt r d ara "airnsor Jiwiw Ilivorira taken up, read the second time. Mr, Mordccai submitted so amendtnent to the efee fUat the proposed dam shall be so constructed a not to interior with the navigation of tlie river and th free passage of fish. Mr. Mordecai supported th amendment. Tbequeatiunarisingonjlh amendment i waa dopted, . lhebtllaa amended wa then passtd-nvoa. A uioliuu wa made, to adjourn which prevail on the amendment and it was adopted by ayes, 43 ; nays, 41. .Vr. Outlaw moved that the eommittee nse nnd ask leave to sit again which motion wo car ried. Jfr. Shepherd reported progress and asked leave In behalf of the committee to sit again. The report wits esnmrt-d in. Thojlouse thtn adjourned. Mr. Haushton niovud tu strike out eight and insert nine, which was lost by aye 6, tioc 40, The bill pasted it second reading, after being so amended a to instruct th committee on th rcvisul to report a bill providing fur the division of the Stnte into eight judicial circuits. . On motion tlie bill as reconsidered, and Mr. Ilaitghtou moved hi amendment making it a reading. bill dnidiiig the State into eight judicial circuit Beports wore made from several committees. ana designating tne etrcuiis. i rue tin to antliom the wardens of the poor At or the adoption orvarinusaiannilmat-ta, UietHtt'as.)iiotak county to sell tlio poor lands, wa d, S K b A T I. Jauuary Hth 13i5. Mr. Wood presented a memorial. Mr, Biggs, from Die eommittee on tlie Revise!, reported a number of bill which passed their first SENATE. JanWrttTu7i8S5r 1 lutf hillst To eitend the limits of the town of Ashhuro i to incroase the nat of witnesses in I Mr. Fisher, from the committo oh Internal Oiialow : and to prevent the felling of timber in I Improvements, made a long report in favor of Aftor ri .sbi'reei.iulliinduIph.-CQUuly. I the bilUonoeruing the Cape fear ;d wep Kit-1 air. 91 bill pasted it second reading by eye j, noes If. waJ!itt!onhejsjaowJiw Bit. Urns Mr. Caiisler. from the eoinmittoo on Internal er Navigation Company. Madenhe order of the Improvements, reported faioral Ty upon a bill to I day for 13 o'clock. On Saturday, erect attain aerns .cuse river. Mr. A. 11. Caldwell, in behalf of the eommittee on eonsirutions, reported favorably upon bills in corpofiiting the Charlotte Gas Light Company; and incorporating the Kinston female Cullego. HOUSC OV COMMON'S. ' Aftor reading the Journal of yesterday. ann presented a memorial signed ny It pany passed its third rondinp. On motion of Mr. Shepherd, the bill re-ehnr- tering the Bank of tli Stato was made the order Mr. Bullock inlroditcesi a toll giving Justices of l'eaee power of correiting errors in list uf taxable, wITcU wm referred 10 thoTounblrteTon" i inance. ' Mr. A. II. Caldwell introduced a b,U incorpo rating the Gold Hill Min ng Company, which wa referred to lbs eoiumittc on Corporation. Mr. Sharp introduced a bill authorizing a Board of Commissioners to eroot a new Court House in the county of Iredell. Bead tho se cond and third times and pa-sed. On motion of Mr. Yancy, tliebilliheorpornling tli t'reneh Btoad Bail B"d was made th spe cial order of Thurd-i.t next at 12 o'clock. On motion of Mr. M vers, leave of absence was granted Mr. Dunnf r lOdavs. Mr. William", of New Hanover, introduced ere! ;ioll ur a J ..II limine second time. rule and read the sei-ond lime. Mr. Outlaw moved the, indefluite postponement On motion of Mr. Barringer, th House rosolr- of I Ik- hill. led itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Mr. Jenkins defended the bill. Shepherd being called to the ehair. Mr. Iiargan opposed it. Mr. Me bane then submitted several amend- Mr. S. A. Williams snuke to the merits of the uients, chnnzing the name of the bank from 1'eo- bi'l. pie to tlie North Carolina Bank, and in tome Mr. Outlaw explained hi motive for making other particulars. the motion. He was opposed tu establishing tht Mr. Ami called for a division of the question, principle of requiring one rule of evidence for but without taking tote, leave was given Mr. 1. one class of persons and another for another. F. Caldwell who arose and addressed tho commit- llo argued that theinereuso in the value i f landt j tee on the merit ef the bill intnsluced by him un- long the railroad route more than eounterbal-1 h liour lor ret ess when tlie cooimiiee arose, ancrd th tu sustained lor tb destruction of 1 Mr. Shepherd reported that Iheeomuiittc had their slock. I hd under Cousijcratiou tlie bill to charter the across Black It iter In New Hanover county, On motion of Mr. Ami, resolutions in favor of Wm. Gilliam end Mr. I'eUaum were taken up and' passed to tb file of bill isn their second rea slinr. - Mr. Black introduced a bill to incorporate the Davidson t oilers t olunteer Lompant, wlii. h was referred to lli CummiUce on Jilitary af fair. , Mr. Shepherd introduced a bill to incorporate the t'synttwville t'em-il High School, which wa iwfene-J 'a tlx eonwniitee en I orporation. Mr. Winston iutroducd a bill concerning evs- tm, which wa retorted to th cumwitleaeal'ri- tta bill. Mr. Winston introduced bill In fator of Messrs. V uribau &ud Giloxay, of Ut Muawitk, which wa iIrred to th comuitte un I'rital lull. Os mot'i of Mr. Gentry tl. bill concerning th stat.luhmrul of a new county to b called Alleghany w'a Uka Iroiu the table, and th asuui arising en a motion for reconsidering th tnM, til v nd nay wer demandM 11 Mr, lianiel, with th iolWwing result 1 Aye, 6 at 4il. Tb bill wa then passed t the ) of bill e ' Ibeir sconid reading. An grossed bill fmra Sesat proposing a nwnty Iu tat called I via wa ra4 th seood time. Mr. Winston moved to post pons till Friday, which motion was lost. Tb tjnnstinn ristnP on th passsff of the bill th aisd nsvs wr u-snan(le4 cy air. inn Mr. lirvant Introduced bill for the wit ot regular and tales jurors in the county uf Nash. By Mr. Garland, a resolution in favor ot 11. B. fintennrd others which bus nfened totlie coio-t mittee on claims. tin liiotion of Mr. Torti-h, the biil on tl.e table iu relation to Ihe public printing waa referred to the committee on I'uhliu printing. Mr. Simmons introduced a bill chnrtenng the nest. - . . anii'iidlnif the charier of the town of Matesvilte wns reail the second time ami passed. On mntion of Mr. Slitiris?, tlio rules were 'sus pended, the bill read the third iitne nndpass ed. A bill Cimcermtiir tl.e i ilinitiL-ton and Haletmli llailroad Company was read the the second time Trenton Hawlstillo p! -mkroad company, whicii anu passcu. - - I was leierrea to 1110 ceoimmee on curporaiiuns. 1 lie engrossed bill concerning cattle, horse I ut .vir. n. li. tutlit-ld, a bill lucoriwraung ttnthtmg,-tnatlTm''oT,e"ntfeiitragrtriii ormii'tl' the Imntf AYitnisw: ' ; spick by Itailronds, making the company liable tin motion of Mr Steele, the bill to ehnrlerthe 'oriiait iiii'iioii 1.1 I'm a.iiii m ,... n.. i in an n 1 111 was to tci, up i.y a suspension 01 ting tl.e Mi Powell pbioLrond -was recoiitmiilril to the committee. On motiisn of Mr, D. r. Caldwell, the Himse 1 Mr. Waueh. fi. m the committee on Grievances. reported tniorably upon a bill to regulate the I public treasurer, passed its yrst reauing, msit snTtlTv Tt. ani-'ii ' 1Rit"n tiTtfiHititr mvon t sersnrnt Texdinr w as nost rusned till m imwun the t llowinir bill : To oidi antd,tic Toad In the I Mr: BigM obfamed leate to ttM personal rnniity ,.1' U..sron tn.l un s msisiirkl from eiti. I XlilanMtUll and Suid. . izeti of Madison cuiinty to keep open tho Big I It will Le recollected upon th debate upon the Ivv. - t- i tree sunrsge uni, s was repiieu wi oy me cviiiwv Un tnotion of .Vr. Gnrland. tlie bill incornera-1 front Ouili'onl (Mr. Gilmer) and other. In til soot two hundred ettlxen. nearly nil of I'asrrao. tank, against the proposed ship canal to connect the waters of Albeniarl and Currituck Sound with the Cheepik Bay, which wa referred to i the eommitteee on Internal Improvement. Mr. A. 11. Caldwell, in behalf of tb oommittee on Corporations, reported in fator of bills ineor- A number of bills from the committee on the Kovi al, w ere read the Brat time. ' i The engrossed bill to extend th time to per fect the title to laud, wa read three time and I ... i ... , .. .L. ..t W . I 1M..1.1...I. 1 . . ... .r , lit engrossed rcaoiution in relation to mi rtuii me wss vi " isuuiw., i nnti (lie 0corl time anu retocieo. read tlie Second and third times and passed. Attiitnbnr of the Bevisod Statute were read UTe seennd and third t'uie and passed. Tlio bill to provide for th payment of juror in the county of Green, wa amendi-il I f insert' ing Gates, and passed iu second and third read ings."'" " : " Also, th bill to nutlinrii theCeunty Court of Ilundcrson to tell uul convey lands owned by th euunty. Also, a bill to authorite gaUJs acrost a pulli Mad in Hitnderson county. lue bill in n'lation to prosecution Bonus, wa . pouted, speech of the Senator in th Itegiiter 1 discverest this paragrap1! i "the henator In ni st-rtiii assails imt. .vianty resolved itself Into a eiiminittee or the whole to I " frr the e.v,irrslon of his regard for the popular take ur ami consider the bill to charter the I " will, fairly and delilieretely expressed, seem- Bank of Wibninirtm. Mr. Shepherd beineenlled " ingly toouts at the idea of ' Ihe mom eff'crf " t, the chair, tho toil wns read the tecoiiU time ; " of audi expressions, and exclaims most start and Mr. Williams, of New Hanover, took the "ingly, " Ail this may do fcr the time and the floor and addressed the es.mmite at some length " occasion. J, W hether b will alway feel at upTfl Hi rthefili cT Ttiff tiTlf: l-trbtTty rrrucat out mrctr -traiiHtm wnly Tumiitke road Uu mu lion. ul. )lr. JitDme MtnAtmL Jhat from and afterrT"ns3y"nexl, this House will Uks receta from S P. Ml, till 7 V. MM and at whioh session the Jluuse will only consider the Revised Statutes, - Mr. Williams, of Greene, introdaoed a hill In corporating the town of Snow Hill, which wa rcfciied to-tb eonuniUc ou urpuratiuns. Bt Mr. Huimdirt. bill chartering the Ntw lUver, Wilmington and Topsail Sound I'lankruad Th bill to authorirc th collection of arrearage of taxes in Jnokiun. Cuuuty, pajsed jtj seouuj and third readings. The Senate concurred 'mth amendment of th lions of Common to th bill to ay off and es tablish A new County by the name of Bulk. The resolution in favor of K. D. Davis, wa read the seen 1 and third times and passed. A !,-- ImU tstabli.h a bbrart of -I-m u.nsat for each House of the General Asnib'v. Tho bill to incorprate the Green.boro and Company, which wa referred to th oouiuiiltce ,d Martin's Mm Kiln l'latik Hood Company. Mr. Mc.Millnu submitted an important amend determine. S1 In this isiragsnplt, treat iniii,lii-u it 1. . T .... Iii my speech 1 certainly unl not assail uuvernor on Corporation i, On motion of Mr. My re, llrmltri. That no bill shall b introduced from and after tlie bitb Inst, Lie over rrn day. By Mr. Williams, uf CiBcaa, a lull incurpura- ting tlie Snow Hill and Atlantic I'lankruaa t-om-poy, which wa referred to tb eomaiitte oa Corporation. pa--sed it second reading. Tlie rasiiluiion in relation to the publia treasa rer. was taken up on its second reading. The resolution was debated at length by Mc mv-tiinliaiii, -Ciiiiaor.' Bii-s, Hots, IXauUun, ., Wildor, and Thomas of Jacks., u. i.iereaoluih'ii. passed by A vet 41 N'uot J, Mr, Brogdon toted in Ihe negmive. On motion of Mr. Uiimer, th rules wert u-" pended and U.o resolution pasted in third rel in r. lit bill to whartcr tb Bank ef Cap T ar wa taken up. rsivcnu ameuaiucnt wore a-!- p- r-MrrWffflam. ul .Vcw liauover. ot.ubsed the 1 1'l'tqili!' BmHr bill. 1 madu progress therein and asked leave to sit Mr. McKesson said he. bad but on remark to I again, which wa granted. make. He remarked that every member of the I 'lb House then took recess till 3 P. M. W-al-rs Hiarrict vnled f,.t lt-a Itntrii.l, antl ttaa. I ton Bonds and now if they would give the West Amatooit Sr.sio. th western extenshsn, they might kill ha f of ..T? IV?U' 8 "d' 00 motion of Ihe stock they tostesied, and they would give Mr lK ' baldwell, th House resolved itself Uieeaat the totlano to pat for what they bad rs . . . . . "-"" l Herd being callca to th chair. .Vr. Caldwell tonlinued hi remarks upon th- bill to cbsrlsr tn 1'eoples' Bank at considers bl J length. lost. Th question arising on the .motion fur indefi nite postponement, it wa carried by a tot ofl ye 64: nays ii. lb IliHie tlien adjoomed. law, when tb f-llowinj; tut iu nuouaoJ : yes twi way, 4 ' ' " Mr. Lot moved tn auspend tb rule and pi she toll on iu third reading. Mr. Outlaw raised objections to tb hot hast. Mr. (Vrv withdrew the moiunt. Mr. JUVKeaaoB renewed the notion snd said that lb bill W'ul.l bar bo as o writs, or friend perhaps, on 1'ridsy than Bow. Ill li. lire mmed us third reauiec. Mr. Outlaw continued his remarks. II lln- de4 to tb rt-miiii sivoiunt of Mir.ulatir-n, nd elrjtcted to tb piincip' of crniiiig new rt u ties without it, s it wsa a t Ir-i.-n of tb )urit ad BBSMIIIOB of tlss I "O.'llOtliSI. Mr. Mrksasesi said be wsild wi'lidrsw th mot low mm ib natU-ui.-a sem-1 to m.uiifcsl so uvb iaterest in ih matter. TUa. id Mr. OuiUw, I wi.hlrsw y re tnsrks. Anngned bill to e.im .-aie Jwlicee of Pmcb f. r taking ti.u of taiaLli , m read lbs . but. Oa Bti.ii.-a f Mr. Wbitskcr. tb bill was r tied to the c-au,iii vb I o.st. with a . tWsututBa uislrurimg t'-s e. sr. mil to to rrrort nrs-a tb proptwy i4 si ii j Ju-ihti IVw, Ob par eeat. on Ibe s..i-ni.l of iaial.be taisa M siMBBMas)li4i fi li,' r s-ml e. and redarin . b f. s of Mber-tfi f r s i.v litis tb stub to bia avr essst Mses4 ol sis as si pi&t,t. A toll a-M-errs.ratiti-r tl Treat ltiveff Xaita. IISATK. January Oth, Ik'J, Tr'Tnerrfriim (Tie Committee ou Internal Ii provements, reort-d the following bill with - UKii-liui ots, aim recoBisjienueu ineir pasenge. A bill tu hVcorporale the Western Itni.rued Conipany s mail Uicorderof tbeday fur Wednes day il oV!ock. A bill to incorporate th Fayettevill end Greensboro llailroad Company ; mad tb order of th day for (UnesUat li u cbs k. A bill to Incorporate tl, Dan K.ver and Yad kin Bairmad C'ltrrpany J snade tb order of tb (lit for Monday 11 o'clock. Mr. Boyd, fiom the nmmitte on rropositioot and Grievances, mad report on a number uf private bills, Iiesrts wer 1so md frr m tl.e eommitto on lb Jodii iart, aud co tduraticaaud th Litera ry fur f. " Mr. W,i o r, fnaa tb CoumiUc a I'ul.U 1 he question arising before the enmmitte on eteral amrnd-neiits offered by Mr. JtVlavn they wer adopted as folio 1 1 strike out " 1'eople's " and mak tb till read tb " Han k of North Car- f!uililii'g, to whom was referred tb resolution in relation to lb lixeniliv Mansion, reported sutotitute appropriating pj,tojQ for oonstntcting wing and repairs. Alter debate, Mr. Wilder moved that th bill be re-cuiBBiiUrd to tbeeomtnitie, with instrwe lesr.s to report a bill for lb t recti, -a of new binUlirg, which motsQB prevailed by Ays Ij N.s S. lb epecial or.br, being th bill to rmvi.lt for for b unitim talaalion ef lands, and that tax hallb raid ia tbemmcytar they at titled, war tokra Bp. OwBurioti of.Mr. firsbam tbt bill was re-erm-mitred to trs-oi Bimitiseo r'inB. with iuaUae Ui.ri t mak cert a sllerstirma therein. 1 be tour of 13 bating arrived, th apex-is! ur Jr, Uii g tl. toll to r-cbrterth Bank of Csp 'r, was Ukea p. At er euoudersM b bale, sad tevl Bittid-B-cnts, without lakiBg th tote tb btlW, Ou asotton of lr. v. lark, th .Sa4 mljostrmtd. IlnlH OF C0M05. reciaisi'lsratioa 4 lb toieeoncaming L drstraetioa of b moik by r.!i bI, Mr. Nm. h sail thai b was not la bW seat aba Us aU mm taken SMlatday. 11 fur- tl,r aud b waa a Internal sarprovrnw-M aat ta I ihirnl to auhs.il a b-w retnarks u ll sB Vow Cutiiiatiy wa t i.d th ee- -ii.d has abd s,wt- ! ,n as also, did Mr, Smith tf Halifax, n la ass a. ' , " jsisM-tit; b Uierrfore, nwrted to Ut the asassoa u A ImU iaMfpnnUBg th fiiswajhor, MaJiwi ; rweBaitBli tl 111 tsU U lb prsaant, ad S irgtaia TUnk road ( swpany was rwd lb j wbi. U prevailed. , . asasoed tm Bad, oa moti-a of Mr. I I. ,1bps, j Mr. aacy areaamtssl a m mortal, a bwk Vt was amended nab e-uf rm to th provuiuki ri f i.ed to tb eomtai't oa Gntvaae. On the next, striking out Wilmington ami in sert Kaletgh, Mr. U, Glee called fi r a division of tbquttin,wba In aumniilte voted to link out. Mr. Lot moved to insert Guldtboro, which wa tost. 1 he committee then toted ta insert IlsJeigh la th plar of Wilmington. i n toll waa lurtber amended in soma un im port an I particular on motion uf Mr. Meban. . Mr. Steel submitted an amendment by an ad ditional aerlioa pissing tb proposed Bank on an quality with sht Ibaak sn lbs Slate, baviag referow a to sraert tb notes may a redes tum ble, whicb amendment wa Brciitil. Mr. Normeat offered an ameadmefit to Insert .ljuubulolU-Wjii' b was lsocrepted. .Vr, latrgaa oi i""d tl.a bill. Oa BtolioB of Jr. Baxur th enmrtiitle aroe, Mr. Shepbard reported from th eummitl of tba whole tbat tb eommttte bad tnssls ptngraas ea th bill to cbartcr lb i'pM atank ana asked leava tositaoln, wbabwa coacurrsi in bv lb llou. lea Btotioa uf Mi. 8. A. Wiilism tb Ileus adjourned. lal.VATE. Jaa. loth lsi5. - Mr. Wiggsn prants a msmurial frowa estl tens of iiatitai, BcempBirl bt a wit tn author ise tli totiMingnla toll bride ovssj Kuan, a Hi ter at Hal. (ax, and to uaevrpont a eusw ai.y Ut that parpo. Itclerrest, l b b-llownne tvBurt wer made i By Mr. Kisbmr, Inna tb aummitte ea taterw l liiipnsteaH-nts, favorably arma tba mil to la tsar pur! tb Yadkin ilank itnad Company, at awnoesi M tn iioaa. ismcurrea in. Hy Mr, Mills, from th eommmitte oa tb lBftatie Aaytom, report d bill to complete, fnr SI Baa ea-;tos tb La passed its Irat rsavding. Mr. Wildr, from tba anmmitie on pnlJie Nildirr. reaoliiiioa st nrotirislinr fl.tasj to famfa Ut EsecatTtt Maatkia j pad iu three rswdin,". . Mr. tt vl prsscrtKl Tasr.ltffh i tnslrurtlng tba aomMt'iii ea L-lucwti W tnooir In'a tlx Lmprurty of s mendmg tb I'uaiawHt rVbnd i, as to J w tntHt to are ploy tesch. rr. ahstt . XUij ba a rcn.ti.att from th t.f am-o.i.g t t maottc cr a--!. Mr. ltjl. wi .loc-l a 1 II ibr.lir lata Bps a teBjt'.i, l p; tndsll tbrts.. l, ts. Martin moved t.v amend I.v atrikinir out "or their euuivalent," whenever it appeart in Manly at all, and least of all lor hi respect aud On motion of Mr. Daniel, tlie bill Incorporating the bill. -'-" regard to Ihe popular will. 1 referred to aud quot- tba Centra Gold and Copper 'Mining; Inmpany Mr. Hiillips favored tba amendment. '.He re- ed an extiact from the message of Got. ifanly wa taken np and passed on th tile uf bill oa marked he should, under hi present impression, to prnv that although be concurred with tlie their second reading. n ts tn strike out the words in all the bills char- Senator from Oraoro that th Initiator miiiht On motion of Mr. JcDuffia, tb bill to eaian-1 terim liank : and be desired the r-ntlemen In- submit th question of convention to th people, eipate Betty, late, was taken from th table ixl. troducing the phrase in their bauk bills to explain that they dill'ered as to th powor of lb Legial- and read th eoond tlm. Mr. MeDuDi offered , Without coming to a tot tl. Senate, a '. .urn- the matter. Ho thought the onlv afc banking tur in going farther without a two third tote, an amendment to th effect tbqt th lv thai I Cl, bat-is was the precious' nietnls. " " I certainly did not onut seemingly ' or tUir- not rcsids out of th county of Cumberland mure noi'PB OT COMVOVS. Mr. Mvers said he eould not se how a new wise at tl. expression of oentitnetit of respect than thirty day at una tim. Th amendment After reading tli Journal of vpvt. ul v BankouutdU.ataUuJicdiftbo pror,iti,.ns to for the popular will, and I ceruitily did m4 .- wa. adnvrted. Th. aye land nay. war. called by r Btu,,uBn,)u0.a lU .. f v,;, strike out "their efuivalciit" was catried. lie claim siartlingly. "All tli may du lot tb Urn Mr. 8. A. William, and tli bill waa. pamtd.by colleague, Mr. Grist, who qiuUied au l to-k l. RCLM, HIM I HIDVHBIIIItt.lUliri, W ' , . '1 '. 1 1 V I HI.V. WWHW. . .. r . . ' . J , mmnf receive gold and silver only, it would drain the Again, the speech ay, "Th Senator from I Mr. Settle moved to take from th table a erie v.i.l,.nt wbt b.ka .ml enmiasl i Iji m Tn iu. I " M i.rtlo'iir t.i-. Til 1?-r, trritinw tTtatnow. fiaT t of rssiilutina tottoducad by him onto nibjectl pend redeniiion of their outstanding note, I " the Hrsttiui tli issue is distinctly made, free! of Slavery, and mak It tb poial order of wlnctt wim bring about a monetary crisis Ut - sullrsge by legiaiattv nactmeiit or a ire iuurtusy next at miiki. utmira ui. a, .-a end of which can nut tie seen. I " and uiirettiicted nnention, culled oa the fod- and nsrt and th motion prevailed -aye Ui, Mr IM.itliirfi VMoliMt Ittnt b awitVman Irosi I s rl I..;. f ,1,A l(luu nf (Vinmumai and b- l nat 4,1. I Meckiouburir had m l refuted his nnsiikm. II " fore he reU Uirouih. be falls ucoa th Western I Mr. Leneb moved to tak np a aerie of rewnlo- mid that II all th Wank wore cltarterca mat " Address, belabor it, but amnits uist in m lour i lions imrouoceu oy nun on in mig "i puima i m mm,, .a la on tb tubisot ni lemMnuice v I, at already lxm Introduced with the liUrty of M team ago, this issue was clearly and dittiuetly Indi, nd mak it t!i speeial ordr of IhuraUay ..ri.r,ad n lb. , making their basis on th notes of other baukt, "mad. He buhls up tbi addre aaoonuuning next at 12 o clock. Mr. Ltacb demanded lbs (jp(rnir tCro would lie f mud th nrnet rotten currency " souisthing dangerous aud monstnius, and yet, aya and y and Uiamotloa wa toet bjo 44, f williama, of Kew IIanetr In bbslf of U,tter.mictedny St.te. He argued that if - ready a L la at reauing from .book, and pa- B.t Hi. tb eommiilee on l.ducation,reported a. f Hows; lber.wasr.-it enough gold and siltev in list Sute - port, h rssd. non of Un. addm. and poinU Mr. Issach then mot, to -mak Uiem !, A.Wmet .n,,, lht) ,,, i4 m to form further tlie banking basis, then tl.e Stat - out no part tber f, but 1st deem ' je, tiona- cial order of Monday, which be afterward wub- f,,', n,, f .imet,.n '. e B. aenUI no further Bonks. He said lb only safe " bla aud censurable. " In my remarks 1 bar- drew, and Us) resolutions wer token up and from tb Literary fundi!, t- systemof bai,king, in hi upinioa, wa a du ly alluded to Ui Western Addtas iidoanumiing rwaj. fbowaa laslitul. j alH oonceraii.g -u ,.o r . - . I i.. ,t .... . .. I ,1.. . 1.1 BnJ . . . - . .. t . .1 KhMunLtuA 1. ik. Ht.t. Ms TWtrli entht tn lnoeflnll vwtatnnnsnlHvl ..... . M-nm.H r'TJ'""" a-" I l-"-"" . .- - i -- -- -- - - i I He lamli under water tor com aw s. ins.i pu silver anu me paper currency, ne iivwhi t in taissr w ins utiiHsm s.rswii bj lut cswa- v, m. ,..mvh ." , " I mid an amendment to the resolution i-? Muisrrn,.t bostn t i bsnVtiu! tyttemriHiacslrwjrti.il from Trrati'rsr. that ttierewa wo danger that ayst am nays . i iuuussreiusau u uiucnruuiy l M ntitoto (i, to tot tor propos.it Irnnk wbeu lit bream tat I :h basil would 1st alter! by a outnllon. 1 1 rrlaiuly did net "belabor It, or enmatent npoa I it a "conlainliig something dangernas and Bson- I I n nneanon arising on ina mniutioBS, uie coTpi,, I called lb attention of the Senator to I aye and aays were demanuea by air. laraaadl nwljig p,lDknad. BBatia Asylam, wkiib seat. Mr. Jenkin presented a memirial from citi- I vent of Wttiteti prnvin an nrnm'tmer't cf the mar Concerning tli trntf.c in littoxicatm b ;ur with slavea sii to probitiit th ssms, w..oh I w a read and rotorrtd to the committee ou Us Judiciary. Jle-srs. Mut-t'S, llMnmI Inniel prescrti-1 isfirj tlx wants of Ui t'l'l demanded it. t!r. Meele ii.tcrrupicj to inqairoi air. rnitiipt if biiargUBtrut was tbat ther wa no equivalent to gold and enter. And Instuuceil LiUtoisx- changt Ainhle at tights . , , . , , . , . . . warn as aiucnunjcm n, win rs-iniioisi o- . z at .yt and nays. - TU Uourn refusml to mdcfiaiuly Hrrhswon InM.toto-liiH,..,; u. I p.svtporstbjth.rollowiiijtol.t-Ajea 64.BBJ. w ,., ,.,,) of ten. .. ,. .. ... .. Mr. A. H. Caldtelt, from the wsiniiiw on ,n- Tb. ".nestion arising at. tba vwlutloB, U.e Curr.ini,lor,., rri in favor of the I . , t r. th first paragraph, and b stated that it waa Im I they war n-jorted by tlx following tot:-. As Messrs. Barren rr, Baiter, Bogle. Bry- ton, J.G. Brnum, A. II. Caldwell, 1. F. CaldwiJI Chedwlek, t osik. Craven, Ihiniel, Iiargan, Daven port, l ure, t'arr. Garland, Gentry, t.iihau, Gor P-ll, 0. Green, llsrriaon, J. Illlmvlen, A. D. Ilaavlrn, Ilorton, Juhnaon, Jotira.ljineaatcr.llugh lcb, J. M. Lach, Is.ve, McKeaaon, Mann, March, JfrUn. Mordacal, H. J. N-ol. Outlaw, I'arks, I'stieraxi, l'atton, I'mkina, I'billiiss, IU lew, Kasaell, Sharp, bhlpp. Si minims. South, orractlv nriutod Iu aunaeuuene of Lmpruper Mr. I'hillit s tlwuci.t there tra ao equivalent 1 tMnctuatioa, and h bad ordered a eurrwUoa to gold and silver for a banking basis. I when tlie spsecb slmul I be published in lbs Star, Several question were nut to Mr. I'hilhp by I or that n would join m by cirvssstiug It la a Mw.S4Milaa4 D. V. labJaialb 1 muLl L uon axamiualiua uf lii fpveh, bowrtvr. Mr. Itiillip euniinaed. He desired gentle- I as published in th. Star, I find tlx only curreo. en incurtH?ting tlx Irrm "or th t.n,iiiia" I iUm ia a pvriod autd attor tb word " starting- in ttieir billt In explain w bat tbky deamed tquiv I ly," which I eanaut ava will at all anrrect lb slent bi gold and silver. I injuttiea. Tba paragraph attribute torn tin mom n of Mr. Baxter, tb ccmuiilte foe. I ImsIo. in reference tu th rsmulsr will which 1 tb Speaker rosuTie.1 th. chair an.1 Mr. Miep. I neither et pressed er poasr-u.aud place words ia j Sel. Stubl., Tboniburg, turner, Vance, Wal ux tlx tssti my mwaih ey wnmauna pwttuaamam aaiiiiat u i ter. n iitins, . r . n nosms, n u n ui. Hour iud Lad nndi r eoutideratoin a till to I tered ar thought of; and as lb ,rrerto ba I ntv. Icr. J. Barnes, A. Baniea, Ead- rl.irtrr tb Bank iA Vt ilinioc-ion and bad mad ! isut bsen uai in th Sur as I aiMeted. I dm ! nam. Black, Blow, Bryant, 11 ul lurk, J. B. ttvttum, fugrca therein and aaked teste to sit sgalB. I it du to myaelt tu mak Una ipuuiaiwa in the 1 1 easier, Coflrld, t'ottn.iMglitry, DorU.lt, Klynt, b Hons concurred in tlx report. I Senate with bop tbat tlx corremnm will b I M. Greea, Hill, il .Hand, llumpbreys, JariU, tan moliouof Jlr. Outlaw. Hi mtnorllt renort 1 tnad as nublie and cncrl a tlx nrialed srxacfc I Jcrrnns, rf.wsian, long, i.yon, mi iuax, jr agaiuat chartering tlx Bank of tlx Nt. which I uf the Senator from liuilb td. I .V.llsn, Martm, Jfoarra. trt, J. W, oI, Mr. OidfiohJ Intr-lui-wl a loll lne.-rt.,raU an Aormnt. 'giei.y, liana, l.ran, no, Cdiiy, Mr, Gilnvar also mad torn nmaik by wy uf Settle, Shw, Sl.r l nl. Sbarnll, Sinsllaiy. iptnatiun. I Snxllwood. Sutton, Tomlinaon, W alls, t angli. acaden y Ib June County. I Vt hltat.r, G..M. vt bit. U bitneld, N. II. Vt bit- Mr. Wiead. a toll bar tlx Uttet arvtactiuOj of I '!, Vthuturk, C. W. Williams, l. Mill religions swmblics and tucictisw., I S. A. Wdiama, T. II. WiU.ama, M'r.ht and Itx following angnasei bit war read UJ ksncy-. 6rt llins an.1 . f rialrty rvH-TMNi i - A lull to awai.d ibs tuiut ut,craleg wid ows. A till i autboiit. tb wsr-b nt of tlx poof la I'aequotank Count," to II Ui poor as da, 1 ix bill to authort s tba (rtatm uf a Omrt Hons in I reds. I aaty aad tor wbtr purpx wa read thrt lime and "!. was ordered to be priyb-d ou yesterday, waa re considered, mid tu Ileus. ouuniruiudi Uj orler. Tlx snrcwl order le.ng a bdl to r (barter ti.s Bank vl lb StaM taa u op and tlx UII read tlx second time. Ur. Steele atawd tbat tb Hons go into t eovntnittee ef tlx b- lc. Mr. Amis thougbl K Banaressary anlra tb speaker do.irl w rtiipat ia Ui delate. Alter v. further rtwwitkt by sevoraJ mem bers, Mr. Strrl aiibdrew tb Baotw. Mr. Outlaw rrtsswsd it and lb Hosts maoltml ftself into commotes f tb wbol, Mr. Sl.t( lierd bein ealkd tu th chair. An amendment was sul mi'lcd by Mr, R'e'.. to Ib. .ftVet that bra tb Bank baa claims 7iii.t any pst a or anrpuraiti at, tlx Bote t.f tu lUnk, without refrreoca a to tbat mad paysbly, tbs II baa legal taader, wbub. amtad mcnl a a b. ted. Mr. Outlaw auhmitted a midwut to tb effi -t that lb Bank shall act tsaax or rit. 1st t i l nf s denotnlBaiiuu than lv d . liars. After bring drba'rd ! a p. Irngtb, tb in- n tut nm oa motu Mr. Myers. Mr. h l.M rI 'Tl-l lb umeailte rf lb wb' U H.-o ba-t bsl uo-i-r r. na-.iiera-om It bid to ic,btrt"r li t b J ri tl. fret si J a "J r "-it si, c-1. t- k i"-t. Mr. Vtaogb, In behair ef tlx enin.,t:eoft Oris't.nees, rsportssl a follows! In fuTMr of e InUtshiiig a new County to b railed i!--ni alio, for a Bess county to b called llerv ; a , annexing a portion ef Fl -tcorlx to "N u ; t- advcriw-ly to to bill f .r ui k ,-epinj up t 1 ,o ronds in tots State. Mr, Daran, an tssbalf oftl.eeoniio: s ivnn !': tsry ITira, reported at follows t A le- r I i tbe bills eienspting eerfain psrsons iilb' I and Guilford rsiuuties from perforn.ing mi.ii-it t duty Biol tu tavoe of exemptiof sobt.e: ser.i 4 in to lata war milh Mzxica fr na n il ury i! -j. Bmb also, for the f .rumUi n (.f a lie! -no t 1. pany ia Wuiuiu;--- n. a BM-tb-n nf .Mr. Oit'aw, th 1 .'! 1 t 1 a 1.n,b ta th t'bowan l .o ,. fa,t. t ' mm ri-c- 10 BiltlS'l to tb eommitto .n 1. iucat.- n. Mr. Steele, ia tohiJl of the comtiuLts ri C r. rmratiisaa, re;rtid in f." of tineuJ i g i charter of th town of Sabsbury, Mr. Oullsw, lnb ha!fof ti t nut ni.,,i e. I reported fstorable to tb u;'.l a.uh ,r . T 1 a town of Salisbury to tuU-r.'.-a t,i e, ma-ia aiaa. en ! bill gr i.g t,,o icwa ol v . r- llau.g a lie, lb Siaker to d ia lb aegauv. ; ,. , , r . , . .. . ,. .i.r-.. .n.la.r-je-todU- r.lut.orx. b,' ,u " T, aa.nH.. . Wr. Lot movent thst tb Iluat Into a c-.1 1 1 ,. t . . . . .m!.te..dU..l,ol,BO...-l.ectulW,g:r ,"' . .. r k 7 ' "k. 1 .1. v . Mr.l.rwo '..1... b.h.fof ib.e.w.i-.t -.. U"!N"h Vi r i ''"',dI',''rsU','t!':1!mew.,ui,..ntb.. .. k-i-cd I the t. ! order tf Vt Jne.lsf B.il,T.lucb mwt.. ttt tostj 4 w X.m, ,1 . r I. 1 b si ecial vtd.t tf lb dar Ix'ia to cnnsidct tb 1. .acini. it tn! I'ramb Broad nilrwd bill oa bt tl ..d rrasl.ng. It aa In) aap and argued I y Mr. bailer ! I a Tor ihsr. f, Tx bill aa then patuuad tin to-nws'ruw. n ,i.,i.m1 bill to I t it sew siKin'y Ij a it lb Ma,-, h a.1 lead a k - 1 b-as hi s.t af.ia, I la t i tl t lint A bid to it.aurpovai tb adaia Ii.nilat to. by ivm 40, Mills Iiavx tonut, A bill to iwx.rp'.rate tlx f bapcl Hill and Mor ris, .i s olai.k rd or len.i ik fitr. A bill to amend aa act aatiUed at-1 act to present tb. otoll urliua nf lb. isiaa. of fca) ta Uh-aat s creek aa4 Ua tribntansa. Tb following toil am rm-i tb tliird timtl U -'l'-l I'oik was rud tlx third t n.a snd P"sd t I V. f. laiiwsa m isas4 lb l,H at A lilt to lreiPcrt twn Analevnlr ta tbtt kswr". - - - - - bwn f Ashttxrn. M', Vt in. a was rivl to tl cw A bill aoecnufitr tlx rsye'."i!' and Ceatra ass eus-onaw i b-tuu lb o-..! u. r'sjik Itrxd fotrpvit. l I hjj tn. U s lm:-r,l. llal , A bill t r Us Ut isjuU in t.( Ci t tl of n. emi'i in ibi.i.:i or I. ta. n.ltslNSn, w.lVut t,.e le.-lt-' .unt J s.ali -. A bill In loco p r s .1 ! a.-l's "p Iru ' tn J '- I on nv 1 d r." s,,4 J (.- lr. V .it sms, t f tr tb tot whsrel y the of a nsa e-..tiiiv t-, tc A f er a- mi tv, ? d- hi ite'y . 1 . 1 I. t. n. Jir. ' ' s ' V- ' ! n ,1 j e .11 4 1 Me. -nf I t n m I p l- e it--